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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6846626 No.6846626 [Reply] [Original]

Post here if you need help deciding who to cosplay as!

If you want replies, it would be best to reply to OTHER poster's submissions.

Grab that template and LETS GET STARTED FOLKS

>> No.6846630
File: 343 KB, 382x579, 1366744531218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will be bumping this thread every few minutes, i know you need time to complete the template.


>> No.6846632
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>> No.6846649
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>> No.6846744
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So im going to PAX soon, want to dress up as a video game character.

Id rather not cut my hair.

Any recommendations are welcome.

>> No.6847181
File: 999 KB, 3208x1464, cos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, let's give it a shot, since the con is soon anyway!

I can see you doing vamp. Jecht is a possibility but you would really have to bulk up.

>> No.6847209

Too much of a fatty for those.

>> No.6847212

Looks more like he needs to eat a sandwich to me. Literally a skeleton.

>> No.6847216

Looks like he has a stomach pouch

>> No.6847276
File: 2.05 MB, 4146x1870, costemp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suggestions are welcome!

Vamp. For Jecht you might need some more muscle first.

Looking at the first photo of you and your comments. Wednesday Addams.

>> No.6847628

I think you should pursue BB Hood, shed be way more fun to get the uzi together and make a wig (unless you wanna bleach and cut your hair). You could also be the first girl to actually cosplay Tron Bonne right (just a possibility). Youd make a great Tifa. Schoolgirl with a gun could be a Battle Royale throwback too. Because of your height and the fact that you already have a schoolgirl outfit, I'd say any of the others you listed are in your reach.

Zoro would be great! The costume looks easy, and its a recognizable character. Wakka could work because you look like a darker asian blend, easy costume too. Maybe grow that hair out a bit and be Yu Yu Hakisho Yusuki (hes kinda a dork though). Ryu Street Fighter for EASY MODE outfit.

Did you forget to submit a picture? We can help recommend something for you too!

>> No.6847673

I know what I want to Cosplay

>> No.6847691
File: 116 KB, 1001x719, cgl suggest-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kanta Mizuno - desert punk
>Chocho/Shirasagi maniwa - katanagatari
ignore the homestucks, changed my mind on those. suggestions appreciated!

b.b. hood would be legit (or Tokyo akazukin, if you dare).
I'd also suggest Ayase Yue because short and twintails.

It's gotta be Vamp outta the three.
maybe Simon from castlevania, MGS3 snake to be obvious, or Tomba if you don't mind dyeing your hair pink...

>> No.6847694

Does anyone else miss the times when these threads were 90% kawaii girls and the rest the occasional neckbeard / guy?

Now it's just 90% sausage and 10% some average girl I've never seen on /cgl/ before.

What happened to us...

>> No.6847776

its the natural circle; the boys come for the girls, the girls leave since all the boys are awkward nerds. eventually the boys leave and the girls'll return

>> No.6847866

Vamp 100%. The lean body mass is easier for you to pull off as well, though jecht is a close second

>> No.6847874

Youe top middle picture your eyes definetly would make a good alice from madness returns, but Wednesday seems like a good choice.

>> No.6847876

barack obama. seriously

>> No.6847880

Fuck you got to it before me! Your second pick I seriously thought it was, have all your friends go as CIA guards, see if you turn heads. But on a serious note desert punk cant go wrong, intricate enough to make a good time of crafting if youd like, and simple enough so that its hard to fail your first time cosplay.

>> No.6848627

Deng Ai from Dynasty Warriors. Or Jecht. Whatevs.
Fuu from Samurai Champloo
Gendry from Game of Thrones. (dose abs)
Duane the Rock Johnson

>> No.6848654
File: 2.67 MB, 4146x1870, asdasdasdasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girlfriend is going as Cirno and a female villager from Animal Crossing

For Chen I'm going to go full brohou with the aviator glasses, leather gloves, disgusting neckbeard, tube socks, chucks, but have my outfit be fine otherwise.

>> No.6848669

>>6848654 I forgot to help!


You'd be a great Vamp. Like, I'd to see it be done.


Stocking seems like it would be really good!


I know something for each of you but I can't remember what they are. I got to go look

>> No.6848680 [DELETED] 
File: 2.92 MB, 4146x1870, this again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jecht, is perf for you, but if you shaved you could pull of Gaston as well.
Oh wow, you're gorgeous. I'd love to see you as a Wednesday Addams or BB hood. Actually take that back, BB Hood is the one for you.
Gendry from GOT
Kanta Mizuno

>> No.6848721
File: 239 KB, 1109x500, cospuraye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am so horrible at this forgive me

mayb if you sit in a basement for 90 years and get a good blonde wig, you can be Walter Sullivan
u r so qt.
Tsukimi Kurashita from kuragehime, DEF Nue from touhou
maybe takasugi from gintama? I'm so bad @ boy recommendations, srryyyy
that white haired dude from wolf's rain.
if you slimmed up just a bit and got a good wig, you'd have a gr8 face for Sougo from gintama
kiki <3 !!!
i h8 to be like ~vocaloid lel~ but you'd be such a good Gumi.

>> No.6848726
File: 16 KB, 300x300, iuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Franken-fran. I believe only natural blonds (as in, no wigs), can pull her off well, and all you really need is a lab coat, some ear muffs shaped like bolts, and draw on some stitches. Your face is definetly kind enough for it.

>> No.6848728

oh oh! i want to add, you'd be a great Alessa from silent hill 1 <3 <3

>> No.6848788
File: 1.71 MB, 4146x1870, 134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've decided to get into cosplay with a friend, but have no idea what to go as. I'm decent with fashion and have access to some movie warddrobe stuff, I'm a bit lost on ideas though. Bartz and Ciel are pretty far-off impractical dreams, I know. I doubt I'll have anything together in time for Anime North, so I might throw something easy together like Matt.

Jecht, hands down. I think you'd look perfect.

B.B. Hood would be a lot of fun, just make sure not to get too bright of a red, I find it tends to look cheap. A slightly darker crimson would look much nicer and still suit the character well.

You look a lot like a character from a fighting game or something, I just can't recall who. I'd go for a character like that that shows off some muscle though.

You'd look great as Saki. I don't see good Raven cosplays very much so that would be cool too. I think Tiny Tina wouldn't look that good in real life, it's an awkward design that's probably best left on paper - although I've been wrong.. a lot, before.

Gavrill is a badass idea.

>> No.6848809

>Losing more weight

You look good as is, gurl.

>> No.6848893
File: 2.85 MB, 4096x1827, suggestions3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vamp. Definitely Vamp.

Desert Punk

I wold actually suggest Captain America before Tony Stark. You just have a more Chris Evans-ey look

>> No.6849257
File: 1.97 MB, 4146x1870, cosplay idea list 2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you do the scars right jecht could look awesome
you'd make a cute flame princess
captain america
could add eleventh to the list of doctors while you're at it

>> No.6849345
File: 1.71 MB, 2065x941, template again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going with vamp on this one since that's probably the best fit out of the three you have up there

you'd be amazing as stocking, anon! I'd have suggested blair from soul eater but she's on the more revealing side and you mentioned a preference for cute characters. maybe taokaka from blazblue as well?

mugen from samurai champloo
it's perfect, fairly simple, and I would love you 5eva

the world needs more desert punk cosplay, go forth and conquer anon

I've yet to see a nook cosplay, so that'd be a pretty good idea

oh wow you could pull off any ghibli heroine really really well
maybe san from princess mononoke, or chihiro from spirited away for something on the easier side?

if you want to cosplay from franken fran, I think fran herself would suit you better on account of height
for some reason your face reminds me of fujiwara no mokuo from touhou

I could see you as sho minamoto from the world ends with you, if you're ok with vidya cosplay

my suggestion from the last thread still stands, anon, you must make linguini a reality
alternately, scarecrow would be pretty badass

you'd make a pretty awesome cerebella, although I've no idea how that arm-hat thing would translate into real life

sorry if I linked the wrong post anywhere or skipped over anyone!

>> No.6849929
File: 390 KB, 1990x901, Cosplay Advice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoro or Kidd.
Miles Morales.
Bad Girl from No More Heroes.
Hal Jordan.
Get a good wig for it and Clara could be an option.

>> No.6849960

Do Cerebella

>> No.6850295
File: 15 KB, 450x338, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone in this thread just throw out some ideas for characters that fit these criteria?

- Male
- Tall
- Slender
- Long hair
- Glasses

I'll post a template later. For now I'm just trying to think of characters that I could cosplay with minimal changes to my actual appearance.

Curious to see if such even exist. I can't think of any myself at the moment. They're always either short-haired with glasses or long-haired without glasses, and I'd rather bathe in acid than stick contacts in my eyes.

>> No.6850356

either Jin from Samurai Champloo or Walter from Hellsing would work if you have black hair

also, post suggestions for others if you want some for yourself, anon.
that's kinda the standard protocol in these threads.

>> No.6850418

This. You'd make a perfect Obama.

>> No.6850457

Miwako or Mayoi
Always like a good Zoro but maybe someone from a fighting game
4th(ing) Obama.
Chen. Aw yis
Bad Girl from No more Heroes or Rikku from FFX(-2) Your choice.
Gerome from Fire Emblem Awakening. Mmm Gerome..

Not sure...
Oh fuck yeah Disgaea cosplay
Ms. Fortune from Skullgirls
Steve Smith. But only if you get one or two more people to do the show with you

>> No.6850515
File: 783 KB, 1990x887, maycostemp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't watched all of Creamy Mami but that dress and the Valentine's Day one was my favorite

>> No.6850584
File: 211 KB, 2217x1000, mine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blonde, actually. Can't think up a single character that fits the bill. Probably have to give up and go for a non-glasses character. Always dreamt of being Kuja from Final Fantasy IX, but that's just not realistic.

And let me get on that.

Jimmy Olsen

Tao Jun from Shaman King

Kid from Chrono Cross

Alma from Final Fantasy Tactics

Can't help but think Sword Art Online: bunch of short girl characters with dark hair, but can't really put a finger on any one in particular

>> No.6850598

>Jimmy Olsen
OOOH. I never even considered that; thank you!
Also, I'd suggest Skwisgaar Swigelf from Metalocalypse if you're familiar with the character and can do the voice.

>> No.6850602
File: 450 KB, 1368x617, hopeless case.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wannabe comic artist just found out there actually is a comic convention in town, and it's next week by sheer coincidence.

I got three ideas but one would take way too long to make before next weekend (Groot) and the other two, even though they're loose, might still be messed up because I've got a muffintop hank hill body. Maybe I should just focus on losing weight first and cosplay next year...

Or, well, maybe four days is enough time to build the groot suit without a rocket arm if I do nothing else after work...

>> No.6850613

If you want to keep the beard, go with the AIM scientist. Doing a mask like Vic's could be problematic. Take your time with Groot.

>> No.6850673
File: 8 KB, 177x284, andy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look exactly like andy bogard from FF and KOF

>> No.6850689

hrm, never read or watched shaman king but I quite like that character design
well, there's also luke valentine from hellsing who would fit the bill more closely, seeing as he's blonde
although he's less recognizable unless you have a jan with you

I agree with this anon though, skwisgaar would be badass

>> No.6851100
File: 444 KB, 1215x717, Azulannie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Annie from League of Legends. Especially the Panda Annie variant.

>> No.6851552
File: 60 KB, 640x480, zechs1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shar/zechs from gundam wing might be nice with the mask. Kael'thas is still a great option though.

>> No.6851719
File: 7 KB, 320x240, ngbbs46ba902b057ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect Roger Smith from The Big O

>> No.6851865

You would look great as Rapunzel!

>> No.6852584

she's too tall for rapunzel, by at least 6 inches

>> No.6852705

It's never happening.

>> No.6852710
File: 1.37 MB, 2643x1193, what should I cosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so I'm really not good at suggestions especially since most of the stuff I watch is old but I shall try!

I like the idea of Vamp!

You should try doing pretty much any of the Rozen Maiden dolls but since you said you like dark characters maybe Suigintou? Miwako would also be cute!

I'm going to echo everyone else and say do someone from a fighting game I'm not familiar with any specific characters though.

I'm actually going to second the white haired guy from Wolf's Rain- Tsume.

I like Nook! I think it would be a fun cosplay

I'm seconding someone else's suggestion of Rikku I also really like that art for Luka! Hmm Lucy from Fairy Tail maybe?

I really like Bartz for you or Tony Stark- it would be awesome if you could also do the suit! What about Klein from Sword Art Online?

I think I suggested for you last time but Jagen would be awesome!

I would probably suggest Mechromancer or Kunoichi. Also what about Inami from Working!!

I'm still pulling for Ichigo from Kamikaze Girls!

It would be amazing if you could do Beastboy from Teen Titans!

What about Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service?

I'm going to have to second Zechs as a suggestion it would be awesome!

>> No.6852730 [DELETED] 

Juvia could work, and Levy would be cool to. By the way, are you from Rochester? I feel like I saw you at Tora-Con.

>> No.6852739

Juvia, or maybe even Levy. By the way, are you from Rochester? I feel like I saw you at Tora-Con.

>> No.6852768
File: 1.75 MB, 1990x901, Suggestion_Form.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't done one of these threads in a while, and I need to get some ideas for my next convention.

It may not work, but maybe if you curl your hair the right way you could pull off Usopp from One Piece? As for video game characters, you could probably do Sol from Guilty Gear.

I agree with others. I would like to see you give B.B. Hood a try.

Zoro would be good, but if you want to try something else, maybe Natsu from Fairy Tail.

I would have to 5th the Obama suggestion. That would be hella fun.

Tom Nook please. That would be hype.

Vocaloid-wise, I could see you as Gumi. (Technically not a Vocaloid but you get it). But you have a good face for Homura Akemi from Puella Magi Madoka Magica.

Joker from the Mass Effect series. Or Captain America if you prefer /co/splay.

If it weren't at the risk of being unrecognizable, I would suggest Scott Pilgrim. Besides that, I would go with one of The Doctors.

Please do Cerebella there are nowhere near enough Skullgirls cosplayers and you could be super cute!

Kanti would definitely be fun! But it looks like you've got the bod to do Celty from Durarara! as well.

You definitely have a Robin or Beast Boy look to you. Go with one of them for sure!

It's not super long hair, but you could do Jin Kisaragi while he's in the academy?

I think Creamy Mami would suit you well. Maybe you could do one of the characters from the Nichijou cast if you'd like.

You have Legolas as a suggestion, but I could see you as Thranduil.

Groot would be hype as hell! I don't think I've ever actually seen a GOTG cosplayer!

>> No.6852783

Oh gosh sorry I missed you! Have you considered Holo from Spice and Wolf? I think that would be pretty cute. If not that, maybe Eri from School Rumble.

>> No.6852812

All of my yes. If you do that please post about it.

>> No.6852870
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TLDR on the comments: BL/yaoi = yay, I have no ideas so that section isnt there.

>> No.6852896
File: 673 KB, 4146x1870, 1368852314509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have everything to do a half-way decent BB for this week's con. But I'm open to other suggestions because I'm curious as to what I can pull off.

>> No.6852927
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Is this serious?

>> No.6852931
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>> No.6852948 [DELETED] 

Literally kill yourselves.

>> No.6852986
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Liquid ocelot would be epic dude

>> No.6853022

Why what's wrong with it?

>> No.6853146
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if you want something easy do an Org member from Kingdom heart.

Squiggly :3

>> No.6853162
File: 1.38 MB, 4146x1870, HELP Mhiii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So glad this thread was made
apologies on my senseless other threads
i am a new fag please be gentle.
Also i dont know too much about cosplay as i am a compltete beginner so i dont htink i have authority to make suggestions for others.

>> No.6853169
File: 2.02 MB, 4146x2277, template2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still got 3 months to Dragon Con, plenty of time to throw together one more costume so I'll have one for each day, halp guys! I've got Yazoo from Advent Children and Yu from Persona 4 so far.

Rude, FFVII fo'sho

You'd make an awesome Alice (Alice in wonderland)

Could do either Katherine McBride/Catherine pretty well (Catherine the game)

Hawkeye/Stark are both awesome options

Oh man you'd make a perfect Yuki (Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya), or maybe Chie (Persona 4)

Liquid/Legolas, might as well not put that hair to waste

>> No.6853180

sorry i didnt put this in my above post. but i tried!!!
PLZ DO PRINCE OF PERSIA i believe in >>6852768
yuna ff10
Definately asuna ... the sword would complete it though. maybe try something youve never done before?
hannes shingeki no kyojin
legolas!!!! would suit you
if not
mephisto pheles from ao no exorcist

>> No.6853322
File: 1.17 MB, 1774x1018, cosplay ideas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven`t done an actual cos-play before I`d would love recommendations.

>> No.6853674

Sorry I've only been to midwest conventions! Thanks!

Holo would be cute but I'm not a fan of Spice and wolf. Eri from School rumble would be fun though thanks!

I will be doing Asuna! While I'll make her outfit (armor and all) I will probably commission the sword from a friend who does awesome prop work because you don't want to see my prop work...it's bad. Thanks!

Prince of Persia! Or possibly Tiger from Tiger and Bunny?

Sanzo from sayuki?

Maybe consider doing Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle?

>> No.6855032 [DELETED] 
File: 1.80 MB, 4146x1870, cosplaysuggestions copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have lost 25lbs within the past couple months and so I apologize for not having too many updated pics. I'm going to do Zelda for NYCC, but I have no idea what else I should do and I have all summer!
(also will take time to do suggestions tomorrow)

>> No.6855081

Mononoke Would be fitting and actually pretty easy. Fabric stores have fake fur if you strapped for cash and the mask you have is well done. Also its iconic enough to be well known at a con.

>> No.6855090

good god you weigh 62 lbs? Hope your useing a different weight system.
Other then that, you hit the cosplay lottery. Coming from a very straight male here, your a sexy asian man and can do ANYTHING and it will look good.
A good Howl is always rewarding to pull off. You could also do zach from Crisis core, since your hair seems to be manageable to style it right.

>> No.6855115

well he's not 180 feet tall, so logically we can assume is is 62 kg.

>> No.6855316
File: 2.20 MB, 2448x3264, san 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started the cloak, any advice on how to trim it to not make it loose ridiculous would be great, i took this a few weeks ago, it looks a little better now but it was rough. (it's made of a shag bathmat from wal-mart, I just removed the under-siding... also I bought a second one for the hood/ if I messed this one up to badly)

>> No.6855455

honestly thats coming out great. With animal skins, you can pretty much see the shape of the animal (front and back legs, tail, and possibly head.) If you go into too much detail you may end up ruining it (trust me on those, simple always comes out looking more authentic on natural pieces like this), so just the basic shape, maybe add some fake claws on the paws if she had them (havent watched it in some time.)
But your on a good path. Nice mask, and wolf pelt are pretty much set. Mononoke is one of the lucky cosplays: easy to put together and usually looks great with minimal effort and low skill ceiling.

>> No.6855955

I've seen a couple. DnA era Groot with Rocket is my dream cosplay but I'm doing my damndest getting this AIM suit ready for conicpalooza.

>> No.6856225 [DELETED] 
File: 468 KB, 4146x1870, CosplayTemp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need suggestions, having a horrible time thinking of anything new...


It may be a little overdone but you'd make a good Ezio Auditore

Haha Butterball would be great.

Vamp would be good. Also Vaas from Far Cry 3.

Viserys from Game of Thrones!

>> No.6856434

Sorry I can't get to a picture right now, but any ideas of what I can do with a masculine face and flat chest but hips that could never pass for male?

>> No.6856612 [DELETED] 

Okay, so hang on, you have a flat chest, masculine face but amazing hips?

How are your shoulders? Narrow? Broad? And how tall are you?

If you have broad shoulders Samus (In armor) and Sheik would be great choices, and would really still be good choices with narrow shoulders. Samus in particular had a really masculine face in Metroid Prime 1. If you just don't like your face just get some outfit with a mask, for something more revealing go for a mortal kombat girl, or for something less revealing go for someone like Hazmat from Avengers Academy.

I've personally always wanted to see a wide-hipped flat-chested girl cosplay some manner of lizardfolk barbarian (no breasts you see) if you're comfortable with the fantasy genre and really want to challenge yourself, that'd be pretty freaking amazing if done right. Alternatively if you're into something more monstrous and do have broad shoulders, Shark Girl from Wolverine and the X-men would definitely work with a little bit of padding. Either way I'd have a massive erection seeing those come to life.

>> No.6856615

Okay, so hang on, you have a flat chest, masculine face but amazing hips?

How are your shoulders? Narrow? Broad? And how tall are you?

If you have broad shoulders Samus (In armor) and Sheik would be great choices, and would really still be good choices with narrow shoulders. Samus in particular had a really masculine face in Metroid Prime 1. If you just don't like your face just get some outfit with a mask, for something more revealing go for a mortal kombat girl, or for something less revealing go for someone like Hazmat from Avengers Academy.

I've personally always wanted to see a wide-hipped flat-chested girl cosplay some manner of lizardfolk barbarian or kobold depending on height (no breasts you see, and reptiles/dinosaurs tend to have really big hips). If you're comfortable with the fantasy genre and really want to challenge yourself, that'd be pretty freaking amazing if done right. Alternatively if you're into something more monstrous and do have broad shoulders/are tall, Shark Girl from Wolverine and the X-men would definitely work with a little bit of padding.

>> No.6856655

My chest isn't actually that flat, I'm just able to bind really well. Plus my shoulders are fairly broad, so I can look masculine down to my waist, then it's a freaking hourglass from there, so I decided crossplay probably isn't for me. And I'm only 5'7" anyway.

I feel like I should have thought of Sheik ages ago; definitely a possibilty. I'd been toying with the idea of Tetra for a while as well.

>> No.6856672
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Open to recommendations.

>> No.6857394

you gotta get her mannerisms down tho

>> No.6857491

As winter ends, spring arrives. The lusty males begin to venture out of /b/, hoping for luck elsewhere. As spring's time comes to an end, we arrive upon the eve of summer, where hobby boards flood with the, at times, well-intentioned dribble of summerfags and retarded sacks of shit who act like they know anything but are colossally mistaken at just about anything they say or do. I bet you 80%, if not more, of the people who post in this thread will never even pick up a needle.

>> No.6857563
File: 1.12 MB, 2270x903, My Cosplay Ideas - with face v_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(mole is switched on the first two because webcam mirrors the image)

You should probably build some actual muscle if you want to pull any of those characters off. Following the pattern of what kind of characters you suggested for yourself, have you considered the Prince from Prince of Persia?

Haruko from FLCL

If you bulked up like crazy, you could probably do the Apprentice from that Star Wars game

Blond chick from Zetsubou Sensei

Please don't do Ciel. Your face and body are more cutout for /co/ suggestions. Any of your favorite superheros would probably do yourself more justice.

Scarecrow would be lovely.
Also, Once-Ler for a quick easy one.

Haruko for you, too

I think I've suggested doing bishounen to you before

Very much recommend working on your body for any of those. At 5'5", you're definitely at a disadvantageous weight, currently.

You'll look substantially better a different skin-tone, trust me. It hides a lot of imperfections.

Chieko from Princess Jellyfish

Ugh, yaoi shit goes hand in hand with the cat guy from Shugo Chara

Ledo from Suisen no Gargantia

Unlike most of these other people, you could probably pull off characters from MGS.

Aigis from Persona 3
You could do a myriad of gijinka characters, too

>> No.6857581
File: 1.03 MB, 2270x903, My Cosplay Ideas - with face v_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accidentally saved it transparent, so just reposting the image.

>> No.6857618


>> No.6857619

I'd rather not touch that cesspool.

>> No.6857621

>>>/soc/ then

I've noticed you've been self-posting your pics for about two years now but you never cosplay. Definitely either a runt-of-the-litter from the attention whore pack or a tricker.

>> No.6857627
File: 238 KB, 1280x652, 1366513973144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could do a great Jayne from Firefly. Otherwise maybe Ezio from Brotherhood
Maybe Griffith from Berserk.
Mononoke would really be great. Seems like I'm running low on ideas today, maybe I'll come back later.
Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite. If you're not into games, you could try Casca from Berserk, though I am not sure how the skin color would work out.
You seem to only do Anime cos, but still I think you could do a great Jenny from Doctor Who (there are two Jennys, I mean the one with the dark hair)

>> No.6857633

I do actually go on /soc/ occasionally. Not for rate me threads (not that there's anything wrong with them), but for more interesting stuff like "Guess stuff about each other from a picture" or "make up superpowers for each other."

And you're absolutely right, I've never posted any cosplay on here. I've made a couple before, but I was never even close to satisfied with them. My Mukuro was abysmal, and due to time constraints, I went and bought a jacket for Izaya instead of making it myself. I, being the ever attentive person, forgot my wig when I attended Katsucon this year. Think I want pictures of myself up where I don't even have a wig on?

I assure you I'm well aware of how I look constantly only posting pictures of myself on here, and I dislike it as much as you seem to, but I'd dislike even more to post picture of an incredibly shitty cosplay I made.

>> No.6857834

>>6848788 here, I was thinking of doing an older Ciel post-demon badass. Any superheroes I can think of are 6'0 or taller and I think I was look silly as, say, captain america.. unless I was a foot taller and double my weight. I think Iron Man armor would be an interesting project, though.

you could do a couple of the FMA homunculi; envy, wrath, and lust

Doc would be the most recognizable, but if you want to do something unique and challenging, go with giantdad. Make sure to power up your bass cannon and Well What Is It? to assert your dominance.

>> No.6858012

It would be amazing if you did Giantdad. I would laugh so hard. Be sue to Well What Is It everyone everywhere.

>> No.6858132

Consider Alan Wake

>> No.6859032
File: 2.13 MB, 2978x1343, 1368852314509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6859187
File: 630 KB, 1200x550, cosstuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just trying to figure out a cute costume for an August con. I plan on starting soon, so it can be a more complicated costume.

Just cosplay Jesus from Saint Young Men, haha.
Miwako is a perfect idea. You could also be a really cute Madoka.
Marshall Law from Tekken. You're pretty cute.
Marlon from Pokemon B/W2
Chrom from Fire Emblem Awakening
Milia Rage from Guilty Gear
Piers from Resident Evil 6
Janaff, Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn
Nami from One Piece?
Mami from Madoka?
Trickster II, DC Comics
Shampoo, Ranma 1/2
Locke, Final Fantasy VI
Your face is perfect for Norma from Tales of Legendia
I think Maya is a really good idea!
Akihiko Sanada from Persona 3
You have a wonderful face. Eliwood from Fire Emblem?
Elizabeth would be perfect for your face shape, but I suggest commissioning it. It's quite the difficult outfit for a beginner to undertake.
Reimi from Star Ocean 4
You were born to be Alto from Macross Frontier.

>> No.6859303
File: 894 KB, 2073x935, 1368852314509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really need ideas.

Rin Okumura, envy from FMA, Yuko ichihara from xxxholic even.
Elizabeth from Bioshock~
1 or 2

>> No.6859318

Kevin smith/Silent bob

>> No.6859406
File: 266 KB, 1680x761, CosSug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to decide on a 3rd and maybe 4th cosplay to do for a local con before I leave the country in a couple weeks. Any suggestions appreciated!

Julia from Tekken
Medusa from Soul Eater
Uncle Iroh from Avatar
Hero from Maoyu
I'm going to second Alto from Macross Frontier
Yukko would be cute and you would also make a great Korra from Avatar: LoK

>> No.6859732
File: 238 KB, 519x821, AIM scientist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and I forget my image

It's hard to see but there is a metal grate in front of my eyes.

>> No.6859729

Finished just in time for comicpalooza

>> No.6859747


If you ever do Stocking again, at least pad. It's part of her character.

That being said, Tamako from Tamako Market.

>> No.6859811
File: 961 KB, 4146x1870, cosplaysuggestions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a long time since I've done one of these... Looking for more /co/splay suggestions this time, but anime/video game suggestions work too!

Hmmmm, I would definitely say Jecht, but I agree with other posters saying bulking up would be your best best. Aside from that, I think you'd do him really well!

Re-l Mayer from Ergo Proxy! Wednesday is a great choice for you as well.

Honestly, you have a whole lot of choices. I think Wakka would be hilariously awesome, though, but it is a bit elaborate... Zoro looks good, too!

I think you'd make a good Ezio from Assassin's Creed? I dunno, you'd look really badass in my opinion.

Haha, Tom Nook would be absolutely amazing.

You. Are. So. Cute! If you like /co/splay, you could definitely rock a cute supergirl. If not, maybe try See-U? It's kind of similar to your Luka idea!

Someone already said this, but Hal Jordan would be amazing for you. Seriously.

PLEASE be Jaqen because that would be so amazing.

Holly Summers!

You probably get this a lot, but I think Nana would suit you. If not, Ichigo.

Beast Boy would be so. Freaking. Amazing.

Honestly, you're really cute, so you could pull off almost anything. <3 I was thinking Madoka, personally!

Did someone already say Andy Bogard? Because you need to be Andy Bogard. I decree it. It is law. Start... bodybuilding? Haha.

You're so cute! I think it's the picture with the ears, but I can see you pulling off pretty much any Tokyo Mew Mew character of your liking!

Ah, Maya would be very good for you!

Hmmm... this weekend? That's hard to pull together. Snake is a good one for you. If you want something funnier.... Rock Lee...??

Butterball would be PERFECT.

>> No.6859814

>>6859811 here, continuing suggestions!

If you did Prince of Persia, you would be drownin' in the pussy. No lie.

Shin from Amnesia looks perfect for you. Scary accurate. If you wanted to commission, you could pull off a great Noctis from FFXIII: Versus as well!

This isn't really specific or very good advice at all, but you'd make a really pretty elf... Haha, sorry I can't be much help other than that.


No, but seriously, you're adorable. And holy shit, I totally forgot about that book. Nostalgia, man. You can pull off pretty much anyone you'd like. You'd make a cute Yui from K-On, or a good Korra!

You're really beautiful! *o* I'd love to see an Ulquiorrra.

Your doctor is awesome!

Faith from Mirror's Edge!

Do Lif, because we need more RO cosplay out there! I want to be an Alice someday...

Mel from Suikoden III? Honestly, you remind me a lot of Kipi!

>> No.6859866

You are everything wrong with the teenage parts of this culture, you know.

Drop all the 'interesting' extras. Fashion is about knowing how to moderate. You look like you just got blasted completely through Oz by a goddamn cannon... and it leaves me kinda hoping a house falls on you.

>> No.6859880

>>6857581 here. Oh wow, so many people came in. Thank you for the suggestions. I'm thinking, purely for the sake of easing myself into sewing more I'm gonna go with Envy first, then possibly Ulquiorra next, and possibly Alto after that. Thank you again! Let me repay you.

Your eyes are perfect for Sasorina or maybe even Dark Pretty Cure from Heartcatch Precure. They're rather serpentine (in a cool way).

Yuko seems like a really fun, elaborate costume. I'll have to keep her in mind for when I can realistically accomplish that.
As for suggestions for you, you specified fantasy/fighting, but is that restricted to anime or games? I'm thinking along the lines of someone like Brienne of Tarth.
Your WIP seems to coming alone well, by the way!

Gah, I was going to suggest Taiga, but I see you already have done her. Um, how about Uiharu or even Kuroko from the Raildex universe?

For some reason, I'm getting this vibe that you could pull off yandere characters well. Kotonoha from School Days, the ever-obvious Yuno, or, to deviate, maybe some Touhou characters. You could go for Flandre, but there are so many other characters that don't get enough love. If you want something cuter, maybe Marisa. Also, maybe that brown haired girl from SAO?

>> No.6859897
File: 2.21 MB, 176x322, Bringing sexy back.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go with the Black Canary for sure. You look like a younger Black Canary already.

Plus, I might be a creeper but it looks like you could rock the fishnet and I want to see pictures of that.

>> No.6859989

Go for Stephanie Brown.

>> No.6860230

This! and post pictures!
Her Spoiler persona is my favorite superhero for sure.

>> No.6860251
File: 116 KB, 720x720, لي بالأسود والأبيض.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can as me cosplay if have enough #swag

>> No.6860252
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, No you piece of shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even joke like that.

>> No.6860260
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x866, 1368852314509 (Large).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to suggest Taiga before I saw your second picture. I've been really into Shingeki no Kyojin lately, I think you'd make a great Christa.
Kureha from Sora no Woto
You'd be perfect as Sinbad from Magi.

>> No.6860266
File: 106 KB, 462x898, you mad is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why so offensive? I am internet personality

>> No.6860271

he's just jelly of your 10/10 looks

>> No.6860275


>> No.6860280

I can't tell if this is a joke or if it's a samefag.
Or does /cgl/ just support shitposting?

>> No.6860285

it's always a little bit of both

>> No.6860388
File: 1.67 MB, 1990x901, NEW AND IMPROVED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right Seagulls, lemme have it!

>> No.6860394

>>6860388 here.
Sasha from attack on titan! I'm very addicted to the manga right now.
I Could see you as a very cute Kirino from Oreimo
Mio from Nichijou!
I could see you as Chii from Chobits
Kirk from Star Trek
Gakupo Vocaloid

>> No.6860440

Suggest first..

>> No.6860476
File: 23 KB, 268x256, 1368968961488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual fuck.
/fit/ here, I've been monitoring this thread checking the faces of /cgl/ and holy shit.
How come every single chick is hot as fuck, how is that even possible.
What have you been people been eating.

>> No.6860479

Only the few good looking girls post in these threads.

>> No.6860480


She did, don't worry. It's this post though >>6860394

>> No.6860506
File: 2.34 MB, 4146x1870, 1368852314509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha I see Sasha is a popular choice on /cgl/.

You'd make a cute Lumpy Space Princess!

Queen Emeraldas from Captain Harlock!

>> No.6860540

(Not reviewing other suggestions, so I apologize for any repeats)

Trevor Belmont (Castlevania), Schuenzeit (Magna Carta 2), Bang Shishigami (Blazblue)
Eri Sawachika (School Rumble), Ai Kagano (Magical Girl Ai), Tsukiyohime (Himawari)
Rufio (Hook), Xanxus (Katekyo Hitman Reborn), Shotaro Kaneda (Akira)
Coyote Starrk (Bleach), Tobirama Senju (Naruto), Taizou Hasegawa (Gintama)

>> No.6860575
File: 2.00 MB, 2318x1046, 1367304106440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with Jecht and suggest adding Ronove from Umineko!

You'd be a bloody fabulous Alice from Alice Madness Returns!

Seconding Zoro! I'd also suggest Kanji from Persona 4.


You could always do Tobias and Erica from Catherine! That's something I've yet to see

Rather silly, but I think you'd be a really nice Terra from Teen Titans.

I can easily see you pulling off a Roger Smith from Big O!

Forever and always devoted to seeing you get Scarecrow done!

Yukari from Persona 3!

I believe I said it in the last thread, but you still remind me of Elizabeth from Bioshock.

I have never seen a well done Irie. Please dear god yes.

Cornet from Rhapsody A Musical Adventure!

Oh sweet baby jesus Ikutsuki from Persona 3.

AIM scientist indeed!

I see a rather lovely Azusa from The iDOLM@STER

Hnnngh Trinity please~

If you really want to do Big Boss, go for it and have fun! I think you'd pull it off well.

My heart literally skipped a bit. I would be so giddy to see a Volstagg oh gosh

Dingo! Definitely!

Alto from Macross Frontier! Or Basara from Macross 7!

Ohh, Orland from Catherine!

Pretty typical, but Kagome from Inuyasha!

Ranka Lee from Macross Frontier! Or Miku from Fatal Frame!

I swear I fangirl over you everytime I see your post just because of the things you could cosplay. Still going to go with Yuri Lowell though.

I actually see you more as Simon rather than Jayne! See if you can find a Kaylee!

I see you having fun with any version of Stocking from Panty and Stocking!


>> No.6860601

Any advice on a recognizable Simon cosplay? I think he just looks very generic.

For you, I am again relatively uninspired (I can only remember characters from manga I am reading right now), but you could definitely pull off that crusader chick from Berserk.

>> No.6860605

Get a bald guy and go full Tenacious D!

>> No.6860627

For Simon, the best thing to do would to be either get a River or Kaylee cosplayer to go with you. Get some fake glasses and some journals and print our some old doctors records.

>> No.6860638

>>6859303 Here with more suggestions!

You look great as stocking from what I can see!
As for suggestions you have a very cute sort of anime face so you can get away with almost any of the cuter girls in anime.
Shiemi from blue exorcist
Feng yang ming from 1/2 prince.
Karin from chibi vampire.

3! you look really close to that picture.
Sophie from Howls moving castle!
Victoria from hellsing
1 or 5!

>> No.6860663
File: 65 KB, 769x1024, 1356862774174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fellow alien here also trying to make sense of this

>> No.6860872

Thank you everyone! The suggestions were awesome.

Hm, you think so? I actually would love to cosplay a yandere character - I think it would be pretty hilarious and fun. And I get the brown haired girl from SAO a lot! She's so cute. I need to watch SAO first though to really make a judgement. It's on my list. Thank you very much! I appreciate it!

I don't like her Young Justice outfit as much, but I don't have curves? Maybe I'll do a year or two of squats to get dem thighs. But thank you! That's not creepy at all, it's flattering. :'D Haha.

Ah, that was a choice too because she's one of my favorite characters. I'd definitely have to save up for a commission or up my sewing skills for it to happen, though. Thank you!

Haha, thanks! I always get Taiga in these threads so I decided why not. I wish that my wig came in time for the con, though! Thank you for the suggestion, I'll look into that!

Really? Thank you! I actually might do that. I was a little burned out on school uniforms for a while, but Kirino is kind of my spirit animal, so... Haha.

Thank you! She's a definite possibility.

>> No.6860873

I mostly eat candy and drink pepsi

If you could do a nice dress, i really like the idea of Sheryl Nome

I love your hair, it looks really thick and I think it would hold together and look perfect for scout's mom if you choose not to use a wig. Tommy Vercetti would be pretty fun too.

Kitty or Rogue from X-men would be perfect for you but i like the black canary idea too

>> No.6861062

Oh thank you for the compliment about my hair, I'm very self conscious about it so I appreciate it bro. And I shall put Scout Mama and Tommy On my definite list.

>> No.6861065

>How come every single chick is hot as fuck

Beta virgin detected.

Back to /fit9k/ m8.

>> No.6861075
File: 701 KB, 1496x680, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taiga from ToraDora maybe? Long hair looks really cute on you!
Sasha would be great! Diana from Rule Of Rose?
Mabel and Mami for sure! Maybe Flame Princess from Adventure Time?
You're adorable! Arrietty from The Secret World of Arrietty or Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle?
Kirino from Oriemo, or Homura from Madoka? [Sorry for not having any /co/splay suggestions!]
Chii from Chobits, definitely Kuroneko!

>> No.6861097

r u sure ur old enough to post on here m8?

>> No.6861154

>>6860260 here
Sasha is already confirmed (I'm doing a group with my friends) but I'm glad you think I suit her!
I don't know that series, but I'll look into it. Thanks! It might just be your hair, but I think you'd be good as Rika from Haganai.
Thanks for the suggestions! I loved Howl's Moving Castle. I still need to get around to watching Arrietty though.
As for you, Kyouko from Madoka!

>> No.6861586

Rikichi (Samurai 7), Manabu Yuuki (Galaxy Railways), Pazu (Laputa: Castle in the Sky)
Zelda (LoZ), Mireille Bouquet (Noir), Sara (Angel Sanctuary)
Wolverine (XMen), Shinjirou (Persona 3), Arpegius (Interstella 5555)
Phantom Thief Kid (Case Closed), Jacuzzi (Baccano), Leonardo da Vinci (Assassin's Creed)
Anna (Shaman King), Yuuya (Samurai Deeper Kyo), Lavie (Last Exile)
Rogue/Phoenix (XMen), Da ji (Warriors Orochi), Estellise (Tales of Vesperia)

>> No.6866260

Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite!

>> No.6866360

Omg Franken Fran. Yes. DOOO IT.

>> No.6866436
File: 2.36 MB, 3000x1353, Shitty Collage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just made this within a few minutes, so I know it's shit. Cosplay ideas are Maka from Soul Eater, Haruhi from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Fem!Dave Strider from Homestuck, Marceline from Adventure Time, Vriska Serket from Homestuck, Human!Twilight Sparkle from MLP:FIM, and Pandora from Guitar Hero. Thoughts? (And don't mind the Matryoshka make-up.)

>> No.6866452 [DELETED] 
File: 1.65 MB, 4146x1870, cgl stuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will need some help sourcing materials for the costume, I don't want to use foam/plastic if at all possible.

>> No.6866464
File: 50 KB, 319x564, integra_hellsing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legolas? Yes. And would be a perfect crossplay for Integra Hellsing.

>> No.6866487

Also a huge sucker for yandere characters.

>> No.6866603

Kenji Harima from School Rumble.
Ty Lee or Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Kotetsu Kaburagi from Tiger & Bunny.
Nami from One Piece.
Marceline from Adventure Time.
Haruhi Fujioka from Ouran Highschool Host Club.
Leon Kennedy from Resident Evil or Light Yagami from Death Note.
Rose Lalonde from Homestuck.
Rei Miyamoto from Highschool of the Dead.
Aradia Megido from Homestuck.
Meenah Peixes or Feferi Peixes from Homestuck.
Hinata Hyuga from Naruto.

>> No.6866651


>> No.6866656
File: 2.05 MB, 4146x3266, fdrgyuhjio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6866668

Tamaki Suoh from Ouran Highschool Host Club?

>> No.6866676

Or maybe Shizuo Heiwajima from Durarara!!

>> No.6866723

le bump

>> No.6867002
File: 1.24 MB, 4146x1870, ideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6866436 I think the one in the top corner would really suit you; I think you'd also do a cute Suki from Avatar
>>6866656 The Gintama guy, I think, looks a little too manly for you; but I think you could get away with most younger guys! (lucky!) maybe Hiccup from How to train your dragon?
>>6861075 Sakura from Tsubasa
>>6860575 Ringo from Air Gear
>>6860506 Toph from Avatar
>>6849345 Elizabeth from new Bioshock

(Sorry my ideas are quite generic, I've not watched/played anything new in ages :c)

>> No.6867553

le bump

>> No.6867562

Seriously, stop with that le shit. Even if it's ironic, it's fucking retarded.

>> No.6867590

le no
ha ha fine
ill just bump with cosplay pics then

>> No.6867593

You don't have to bump retard. It's a slow board, one post will keep the thread near the top for at least an hour.

>> No.6867632

could also point out it's predominantly american and it's not really the peak time, yet

>> No.6867643
File: 2.69 MB, 4146x1870, cosplay template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying this out. Will be giving some suggestions starting next post.

>> No.6867653

Cherry from Studio Killers. It's a band, but I think you'd pull her off really well.

>> No.6867656



I can't wait to see Yellow's Design!

>> No.6867680


Jill from RE? Or somebody from the RE cast? Claire? Plenty of couple cosplays there!


You look fabulous in pink hair. You should do Luka.

>> No.6867791

all of your characters are too thin for you, sorry

>> No.6867793

Yes! I'd planned on having Weiss done for the Yellow panel at A-kon but sadly that didn't go so well.

>> No.6867802
File: 852 KB, 4146x1870, yeaheyeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me out, /cgl/.

>> No.6867805

give suggestions first

>> No.6867825

I would love to!

I think you could pull off a great Mamimi from FLCL.

Dolly from Devil Survivor.

I think you would be better off doing Yui rather than Mugi.

If you're thinking more Guilty Gear cosplay, I would go for Bridget instead of Jam.

Tom Nook is a great idea; definitely go for that one. Chen might be humorous, but Nook is the wiser choice.

Please do Sasha; I know its a popular choice but it works.

>> No.6867828

All I can think of is Byakuya Togami from Dangan Ronpa.
Also >>6866464 >>6866603 >>6866668 >>6866676 >>6867653 have all been from this anon (me). >>6866436
So don't give me shit for not suggesting anything.

>> No.6867844
File: 240 KB, 764x2344, Chiaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Byakuya Togami
Now are we talking about Togami from 1 or Togami from 2? Because the outfits are a little different.

AND if I could make a suggestion to you, I think you would be great cosplaying as Chiaki Hayasaka from Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. Pic related.
But of your suggestions, Maka and Vriska are, in my opinion, your best choices.

>> No.6867855

Thank you very much for the feedback. It's much appreciated. And the Togami from the first one.

>> No.6867880


I know! I'm stockpiling them right now. Still losing the weight. Hitting the gym up4 times a week.

Should look way nicer when Sakuracon rolls around.

>> No.6867889

Any sort of wacky game sidekicks?

I'm shit at costumes but good with props.

I was thinking Mumbo Jumbo from Banjo&Kazooie, all i got to do is make a mask, stick and dry leaf underwear.

>> No.6867896
File: 340 KB, 1990x1199, new cosplay suggest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ffff- it's been forever since I've posted one of these.
I'm going to AX and would like to cosplay but my original plans fell through so I have from now until the Saturday of AX to get something done. If all goes well, the week before the con I will have off from work so I can do a lot of work on it then. Decent at arts and crafts, would prefer modifying clothing since I have no idea how to use my sewing machine yet.
Shaun Hastings from Assassin's Creed?
If you want Madoka, Mami could be fitting for you.
You would make a beautiful Pluto!
I think Maka would fit you nicely.
Mugi or Kiki

>> No.6867913

ohoh, also, if there is a male from the same series who is relatively slim and tall, could you let me know who they are? My boyfriend is looking for someone to cosplay, too, and is about as clueless as I am as to what to do.

>> No.6867946

Strider and Marceline!
Your bone structure is perfect for Asuka. Jade from Homestuck?
Miwako from ParaKiss, you look amazing with pink hair!
All I can think of is Brad from Rocky Horror with those glasses and that haircut.

>> No.6867954


Oh, on a side note, a friend of mine really wants to do a Fire Emblem: Awakening cosplay but I have no idea who I would be suited for.
Should have mentioned that.

>> No.6867958
File: 295 KB, 618x526, 1369260998_b-MCO-sploosh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6867976

You're fat and your photos are annoying.

>> No.6867984

Oh fuck christ no Mami would not be fitting for her. Sick of damn hambeasts doing god damn Mami.

>> No.6867987

flame princess perhaps from adventure time, it always suits pretty and chubbier girls.
Thanks, I'm trying to tone up for asuka's plug suit.I would do jade if it was a variation of her original, doing plain jade is too small of a challenge for me.
Thanks I'm actually putting the finishing touches on dark pit for anime next but I don't think it's going to be ready in time.
I don't like bridget though.
Thanks for your suggestion. I'll think about it.

>> No.6867990
File: 1.33 MB, 4144x1896, cos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FINALLY summer so I can finally actually sew again instead of just talking about it! I've actually already started on Ichigo's pjs so that's probably gonna be a given.

Presea from MKR! I can also see you pulling off some villains well. Maybe Ann from the Sailor Moon R?

You seem to like charas with white hair, maybe Aura from .hack//sign??

>> No.6868002

Maybe Noodle from Gorrilaz?

>> No.6868004
File: 399 KB, 1990x898, 1368852314509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suggestions in the next post!

>> No.6868008


Right out of the gate I am going to tell you that Gunner from Etrian Odyssey 2 is a fantastic idea.

>> No.6868011

Father Yoshio Kanzaki from the skullman would suit you well, You could also do his alternate costume which is the skullman.

>> No.6868012

Any teacher or secretary type character would be perfect.

>> No.6868022

I know it's sort of common, but I think you'd make a great Sailor Jupiter. You have a strong face but still feminine. Maybe you could do one of her alternate outfits or something.

>> No.6868026

>That swimsuit

>> No.6868027

Misao definitely







Scouts Mom

>> No.6868034

ahh yess, I really should just bite the bullet and make her.

Haha the glasses will do that.

Really? I take that as a compliment. The only sad and funny part is I'm stupid short. I'd be this tiny Jupiter.

>> No.6868042

Hahah aww! yeah I didn't even take your height into account!! Well Usagi's supposed to be like 4'11" so you'd still have a few inches on her! :P

>> No.6868046

they're not suggestions, they're agreements

>> No.6868080

Out of what they had posted I thought that was the best for them. Sometimes people might suggest other things if they think of them...but I'm offered a suggestion out of what they had posted.

>> No.6868149

got any more suggestions guys?

>> No.6868208
File: 1.71 MB, 4146x1870, brrrrrrrrrrrrrt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luca i'll cry you'd make a perrfect luca, wow!!

i know no suggestions but shiiiiiiit, youd be such a good Asuka

>> No.6868241

Homura! I love chubby Homuras! Not Shiro though.

>> No.6868246

Don't do Mami. Blonde hair does not look good on dark people. I'd suggest Homura if you're set on a meguca.

>> No.6868248

I think you'd make a really cute Kamina, tbh! I want to see more TTGL male cosplays.

>> No.6868294

You'd make a great Aoi Asahina.
And a really good Amethyst from Steven Universe.

>> No.6868298


Good thing I'm losing weight. I worked hard to get where I'm at, still workibg hard to go farther.

And I'd love to do Mami. It'd probably fit my face better than Homura!

>> No.6868340
File: 2.34 MB, 4146x1870, cosplay thingy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help, not a clue what I'm doing.
also my little brother wants to cosplay at the next con we go to as well >.<

>> No.6868351

>If you want replies, it would be best to reply to OTHER poster's submissions.
Give some replies to other people first.

>> No.6868355

omg >o< ! !

you are like teh cutest girl ev4r ! ! :D xD

tell me plz, how many guys have cummed between those tight buttcheeks and onto that kawaiiii tongue of urs ? :)

>> No.6868366

Let's keep this a cosplay thread, mmkay?

>> No.6868371

Yo, it's important. If you have enough cum inside you, you can cosplay as a whore-- oh wait, you prolly already are one.

>> No.6868382
File: 96 KB, 360x429, me being robin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u want some fuk bby

>> No.6868381
File: 48 KB, 165x115, Nigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6868389

Sure, with a hottie like you, why not? :)

>> No.6868401

oh gosh >.< I'm sorry. and I'm terrible at envisioning people as anything other than just a person D; probably why I cant even think of any ideas for myself :(
...please tell me you are kidding.
I'd rather not cosplay a whore :|

>> No.6868407

He's saying "You want to fornicate with me, baby?".

>> No.6868408


Dear god you're a disaster. Save yourself the humiliation and just go somewhere else, like tumblr.

>> No.6868423

But the majority of /cgl/ is from tumblr. Let her be, she will fit right in with the newfag crowd.

>> No.6868451
File: 19 KB, 210x240, char_10184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Renge Houshakuji from Ouran Highschool Host club. Your little brother could take his pick of the cast members of the show if you'd like to coordinate cosplays. Just an idea.

>> No.6868463
File: 1.36 MB, 4276x2843, cosplay suggestions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added more cons to my schedule so I'm looking for a few more cosplays! Either new suggestions or encouragement over one of the already listed ideas would be great!
You're really really cute, you'd make a great hairclip-chan from Chuunibyou
That Luka outfit would be fun and comfy!
Alvida (her skinny version) from One Piece
No suggestion but I'd love to see more of your Ranka
You should give Ren's bodysuit a try
Soi Fon from Bleach
Someone from So Ra No Wo To
I think Asuka would look best

>> No.6868525
File: 13 KB, 200x283, Zakuro Fujiwara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would definitely recommend Zakuro Fujiwara from Tokyo Mew Mew for you.

>> No.6868566
File: 20 KB, 225x350, 73823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's perfect.

>> No.6868602

Not the anon you were replying to, but I disagree. I see Homu more than Mami, but do whichever you'd enjoy more, of course!

>> No.6868694


Woah, really? I just loved Homu, but because of my nose and chubby cheeks ( had them since birth!) I thought I'd look slightly less srs than what she calls for.

This makes me excited! When I lose more weight, I'll probably hit her up!

>> No.6868742

Your eyes just feel sharper than Mami's motherly, soft eyes. Works for Homu's srs mode.

>> No.6869063
File: 210 KB, 476x750, tumblr_mn0n0oxmVH1qlijqyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to start bumping with cosplay pics. Hope that's alright.

>> No.6869140
File: 103 KB, 894x894, vanellope_von_schweet_cosplay_by_tenori_tiger-d64jgnm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6869149
File: 2.94 MB, 4146x1870, Cosupray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will post suggestions when we hang out tomorrow!

Any suggestions are welcome! We want to do a cosplay from the same game/show, but it doesn't matter too much.

>> No.6869159

An easy one, but Haruhi and Mikuru.

>> No.6869169

Mabel Pines and Wendy Corduroy from Gravity Falls.
Can we get some more suggestions from posts uptop? Not just new ones?

>> No.6869254

Margret and eileen, regular show.

>> No.6869340
File: 1.01 MB, 2000x902, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6869373

It's not anime or video games, but throw on a Mooby's uniform and go as Dante from Clerks II.

>> No.6869399

Lain, from Serial Experiments Lain. From your pictures, your hair looks pretty close.

>> No.6869422

You're insanely adorable. Yui form K-ON and Osaka.
Nepeta, Tiana from Frog Princess?
You're literally perfect. Chitanda Eru from Hyouka?
Harley Quinn [For Mika], Amy Pond for either of you, Daphne [from Scooby Doo, sorry for being generic, etc] for CC

>> No.6869434

Annie from League of Legends
Wendy/Alice - Disney
Madoka - Puella Magi
Stocking - P&S

>> No.6869445

Sin - Spirited Away (I know you had some other miyazaki but I most well see you as her)
Teemo - League of Legends
Aqua - Kingdom Hearts
Jubilee or Kitty Pryde - X-Men

Good luck :)

>> No.6869453

Jon from JonTronShow/GameGrumps on Youtube.

>> No.6869455

You'd make a great Esther from Trinity Blood!

>> No.6869473

Wiccan - Young Avengers
Talon or Ezreal - League of Legends

>> No.6869488

Dokuro (Bludgeoning Angle Dokuro-chan), Minori (Toradora), Hina-Ichigo (Rozen Maiden)
Rokuta (The Twelve Kingdoms), Rojuro (Bleach), Marquis Albert (Gosick)
Largo Potter (Valkyrie Chronicles), Moshe Chomsky (Common Grounds), Bear Hugger (Punch Out)
Sailor Saturn (Sailor Moon), Mikono (Aquarion Evol), Charlotte (Vampire Hunter D)
Neneko (Yumeria), Aoi (Jewelpet), Yuu (Black Rock Shooter)

>> No.6869487

You'd be a great vayne from LoL

>> No.6869500

Silent Bob (not that you're fat, but you kind of have a Kevin Smith face in the second pic)

>> No.6869505

>Yaoi games that would be recognizable
DRAMAtical Murder, Absolute Obedience, Lamento: Beyond the Void, Silver Chaos, Togainu no Chi

>> No.6869520

Seconding >>6869399
You would make a great Lain.

>> No.6869570
File: 65 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mm1qp93DLD1rdootjo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6869600
File: 100 KB, 720x960, deadpool_cosplay_finish_3_by_shizuke1984-d5odu39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6869609

I agree, he is perfect.

>> No.6869619
File: 231 KB, 446x750, FpRJz3b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dancer Inigo with armor and sword.

Good or awful idea? btw I'm a boy

>> No.6869623

Oh god, you're right.

>> No.6869642

Chizuru and/or Nozomu (Kanokon), Teeda (Shining Force Feather), Momiji (Touhou)
Rise (Persona 3), Sailor Jupiter (Sailor Moon), Hungary (Hetalia)
Fox (Wanted comic book), Angel Salvadore (XMen), Bumblebee (Teen Titans)
Washu (Tenchi Muyo), Oichi (Sengoku Basara), Noelle (Trinity Blood)
Meiko (Vocaloid), Sumire (Pop n Music), Chelsea (Magna Carta)

>> No.6869837
File: 2.66 MB, 4146x1870, cosplaysuggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do have some cosplays planned, but I'm looking more for blind suggestions to do next instead of agreement on what I already have planned.

You remind me of someone and I just can't place it, which is helpless in this thread. Though, definitely seeing the resemblance to Seth Rogen.

If you're looking to cosplay together and work with the tall girl + short girl dynamic, Uranus and Neptune from Sailor Moon is the first thing I though of. On a sidenote, CC would be good as a Felicia Day character.

I think really all of the options you listed would be good. I like your Homura a lot, too.

I think you'll look good as Aoi

I think you'd suit all of your suggestions, but Sonia especially.

Definitely Nanako, but I think you'd also make a good Mei from Another. It's a simple school uniform costume, too.

With as tall as you are, yesss do Hammer.

I can't think of anything specific, but his body type would be fitting to a lot of taller anime and rpg style game characters.

Agree with a previous suggestion of Flame Princess!

Definitely Caroline!

Your ideas in general I think suit you really well.

>> No.6869854
File: 65 KB, 500x675, tumblr_lkx02aAymP1qi57bto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demon Sebastian Michaelis from Black Butler. It's up to your interpretation. That's all that comes to mind.

>> No.6869888

I can see you as zuko from Avatar the last airbender.

>> No.6869898

I can definitely see you doing Jin-le from the breaker new waves.

>> No.6870238
File: 83 KB, 500x713, tumblr_mmff21CBep1s7ngsjo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6870379


>> No.6870751

Lumpy Space Princess (Adventure Time), Kurumi (Hachi Koi), Sugar (Sugar: A Little Snow Fairy)
Dr. Naomi (No More Heroes), Harvest Goddess (Harvest Moon), Claire (Magna Carta)
Yo (Deadman Wonderland), Domino (XMen), Sailor Uranus (Sailor Moon)
Momohime (Muramasa), Spiderwoman (Spiderman), Haru (Katekyo Hitman Reborn)
Gumi (Vocaloid), Lady (Devil May Cry), Chie (Persona)
Suzuha Amane (Steins Gate), Kanade Amou (Senhime Zessho Symphogear), Ringo (Air Gear)
Sumomo (Chobits), Hieda (Touhou), Beatrix (Final Fantasy IX)
Rio (Burn Up W), Doris (Vampire Hunter D), Cure Lemonade (Yes! Pretty Cure)
Kinon (TTGL), Agent Missy - Elite Beat Diva (Elite Beat Agents), Cana (Fairy Tail)
Mockingbird, Lujei (GrimGrimoire), Miu (DearS)
Francesca (Strike Witches), Loly (Bleach), Lily (The Girl Who Leapt Through Space)
Vivaldi (Heart no Kuni no Alice), Rebecca (Fire Emblem), Miyu (Megaman)
Caterina Sforza (Trinity Blood), Aigis (Persona 3), Mami (Madoka Magica)
Yumi (Chobits), Holo (Spice and Wolf), Aurica (Ar Tonelico)
Jolyne (Jojo's Bizarre Circus), Sabato (Bludgeoning Angle Dokuro-chan), Pixie (XMen)

>> No.6870950
File: 1.11 MB, 2073x935, plzhalp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm not completely new to cosplaying but was just looking for more ideas of characters to do, anything and everything.

As can be seen, I am pretty tiny, and also pretty round. This rules out a lot that tend to look stupid on short people (like a lot of caped characters or longcoats), or fitter characters that show a fair amount of skin. Before the inevitable jumping, I -am- losing weight, I just can't guarantee losing a whole lot of it before my next con, so with these awkward factors in mind, any ideas would be welcome.

Previous cosplays include Kotetsu from Tiger and Bunny and Taskmaster from Marvel Comics.

>> No.6870987

>>6870950 contributing

Qiao sisters from Dynasty Warriors? New outfits each game gives a lot of choice and leeway too.

Horo from Spice and Wolf? Assuming you mean a male partner that means you can add a Lawrence.

Eddie Riggs from Brutal Legend, if your hair is straighten-able that could work.

Not familiar with SAO, but you look like a great fit for that character!

Claire from Baccano? I think you'd pull off that dress style great.

>> No.6871328

THE BOULDER from Avatar The Last Airbender
Edward Scissorhands

>> No.6871386
File: 36 KB, 210x240, nothanku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are you kidding me

>> No.6871844
File: 552 KB, 555x949, loki__frozen_inside_by_fahrchan-d5f0jqb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6871918
File: 1.19 MB, 1990x960, Ideas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pulling this out from the last one, as I compounding ideas...


Mary Jane and a Spiderwoman?
Or maybe Mary Jane and Kitty Pride.

Any character Jack Black has done ever.
Or Jack Osbourne.

Akira from Katawa Shoujo

>> No.6871929

Dude. Kuwabara.

>> No.6871935

I should say, I am looking for new ideas. Those are already decided on.

>> No.6871947
File: 33 KB, 225x350, Lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marco Ikusaba from Future Diary. (Lol.)

>> No.6871953

I have no idea where to even start on who I could possibly go as. Damn, I even need help with that =(

>> No.6871957

Then fill in the template, and start making suggestions for others.

>> No.6871961


>> No.6871972

Ha ha! I totes could be.

>> No.6871980
File: 41 KB, 480x640, Fun Curls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny thing is, I've actually got a Panty cosplay, too.

>> No.6871987

What's the next con you'll be attendin'?

>> No.6871999

Show us dem panties bby gurl

>> No.6871995

Sadly, I don't have too many cons on the agenda. But I regularly attend Sakura-Con and Rad-Con. Cons that are in the Washington area, for the most part. Always looking to expand my options, though. And you?

>> No.6872011

>if I was stationed in Lewis
Naw, I'm two states south of you. I don't have the moneys to travel that far.

>> No.6872016
File: 246 KB, 1985x909, hit me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw summer again
Aww yiss.

That guy who always says bazinga from BBT.

You're pretty qt, you should cosplay some qt character. Like the 2nd one.

You, on the other hand, are not very qt. You look like my 40 year old aunt. You should not cosplay.

Pretty sure I had you in my waifu list / e-harem. You should cosplay AKB00048.

Dan man, you totally look like Dan.

>> No.6872017
File: 1.82 MB, 1777x2855, Excretion Without Honor and Humanity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newer cosplay of mine, so I don't have that many pictures of it, sadly. You should recognize what scene this is from, though.

>> No.6872020

kind of chubby to cosplay those

>> No.6872026

Is that even Luka? How?

>> No.6872033
File: 11 KB, 186x139, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6872035

Aw, man. That's too bad.

>> No.6872036
File: 1.15 MB, 4146x1870, sss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6872043

Um... Is that good or bad? Lol. Also, sorry to everyone else for the spam.

>> No.6872051

Why not Mami?

>> No.6872049

Why would you post a picture of yourself taking a dump?

>> No.6872060
File: 8 KB, 300x200, 78365-panty-and-stocking-with-garterbelt-excretion-without-honor-or-humanity-episode-screencap-1x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. It's from the show.

>> No.6872070

Could do that. Is the gun a necessity?

>> No.6872078

I can see you as Kotonoha Katsura from School Days.

>> No.6872081

Nope, plenty of Mamis don't have the gun.

>> No.6872085

u gon giv him sum fuk

>> No.6872087

but she's not making a promiscuous pose in this

>> No.6872093

Eh, maybe when I have more money I'll branch out. For now, Cali is a good scene.

This being me, are there any Jojo's chars I could do? I'm going to be putting on some more mass anyway, but I've always wanted to do a Jojo's and my mind is blanking.

>> No.6872097

Panty is the definition of promiscuous, brah.

>> No.6872121

You should cosplay my dream male -- oh wait, you already look like him.

>> No.6872165
File: 1.95 MB, 4146x1870, 121231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I need help thinking of bald people. I don't want to resort to wearing a wig if I don't have to.

>> No.6872172

Cosplay that Czech terrorist, older or younger, don't matter.

>> No.6872176

Also, I hate to break it to you, but you will never make it to sexy male cosplay looking like a cue ball.

>> No.6872178

I'll go younger, I could probably find a boat to use as a prop.

>> No.6872185

David Campbell from Ninja Warrior.

>> No.6872187

Agent 47 from Hitman.

>> No.6872215
File: 1.71 MB, 4146x1870, template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realized after needing pictures of my body, that I don't have any clothed. I should remedy this in the future =/

Perhaps I can get some help anyway.

>> No.6872219

I am so confused.

>> No.6872230

Mr Clean is a sexy mofo.
I am vaguely reminded of this unholy cross between Gordon Freeman and Travis Touchdown

>> No.6872237

You're not the only one!
Get it?! Because I'm trans. MtF
Left side is how I look as a guy. Middle and right side is how I look with makeup and hair done(on the right side)

>> No.6872239

What kind of character do you want to do, any show or game you're really into right now?

>> No.6872242

I think you'd make a really good Hanazono Shizuma from Strawberry Panic! But I'm not really sure if she'd be your type of character based on sexual orientation. It really just depends on what you're into.

>> No.6872246

I really have no preference. I'm into tons of shows, but in terms of games, I am rather hooked on LoL. It's just limiting given my... everything.

>> No.6872250

you doing hormones right? so you look like the pic on the right?

>> No.6872258
File: 1.56 MB, 4146x1870, cosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Kyary pamyu pamyu from Pon Pon Pon M/V
2. Haruko - FLCL
3. Noel Vermillion- Blazblue
Already have the kyary pamyu pamyu outfit ordered, also got the hot pink doc martins, still trying to find the correct lace socks. Still deciding on whether or not to try to make her microphone pole from the M/V. (My crafting skills are still apprentice level. I tried to fix a seam on a shirt and sewed it to my hand yesterday)

I want to cosplay as grills.
My cosplayable interests include animu, League of Legends, other vidya, kpop and jpop. Also, once I'm in better shape, would it be in bad form to cosplay as "Thin Privilege" and just wear short shorts and a name tag that says 'thin privilege'?

>> No.6872261

Yep, on hormones. I still haven't fully switched over, so I'm really only "part time" female. I still go to work male, and look more like the picture on the left when I'm at work. The picture on the right is the most recent one of me when I had makeup on and hair done, though.
I loved her! She's somewhat similar in the sorta reserved nature, but the sexual preference doesn't matter much to me. The boyfriend would probably just want in =x

>> No.6872263

Do a Jesus Christ cosplay.
Bonus points if you do a crucified Jesus Christ cosplay.

>> No.6872274

Well I'm glad I suggested one that you already liked! Also, you are a super duper cutie pie. ;w;

>> No.6872279

With that gorgeous hair (seriously) I was thinking the female protagonist from pokemon black/white. But I don't even wanna hide that under a hat.

>> No.6872282

I'm pretty agreeable. And I have a thing for secretive characters, considering I know the burden of carrying around a secret for about two decades. And thank you! <3

>> No.6872285

One thing with loose twin tails.

>> No.6872286

I'm >>6852710 and it's awesome that you suggest sailor Saturn because I just cosplayed her last weekend! I've never seen Aquarion Evol but it looks good and I need more anime to watch I'll definitely consider it!

Wow I'm extreamly flattered that you think I could pull off Ren's body suit but unfortunately due to tummy chubbs I would have to lose a little more weight before I was comfortable cosplaying something that skin tight (working on it!). As for a suggestion I really like the idea of Bulma! Old school rocks. Also Pepper from Sugar a Little Snow Fairy would be really cute!

>> No.6872295

You've obviously never watch P&S

>> No.6872332

Yeah! That's like the tamest thing she does =(

>> No.6872420


>> No.6872498


>> No.6872858
File: 878 KB, 2073x935, 1368852314509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iron man
Holly summers
i think you look likeLitchi (Blaze Blue)
i like you in the pink hair you could cosplay as Miwako (paradise kiss)
noo not asuka,you look like rei >.<
wow umm Irvine FFVIII

>> No.6872876

This is me,>>6871918


>> No.6872915

why? DX

>> No.6873134
File: 797 KB, 4124x1880, 13222123421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you can help /cgl/ I'm a little dry on ideas

I'm thinking...Lili from Tekken?

Leon Kennedy?

>> No.6873140

I was thinking Kokonoe more than Litchi
Someone indoors
The brightness is making you squint. =p

>> No.6873149

Maybe Lili or Alisa from Tekken? That's really all that's coming to mind.

Your first picture makes me think of Wesker from Resident Evil. Other than that, how about Axton from Borderlands 2?

>> No.6873157

More bodyfat? Geez. Go as someone shirtless and bring a towel. You know what for.


Are you looking to show it off, or are covered costumes good too?

>> No.6873460

After seeing some BlazBlue posts, I was thinking Relius.
It would be a shame to cover that up, as was pointed out

>> No.6873743

I don't mind showing off at all, but if I find a good match I could deal with a covered costume. I always thought of things like the Borderlands Psycho but if I could find a character I actually physically resemble (Facially, not just in a muscular sense) then I'd like to try for that.

I honestly hadn't thought of those two. Thanks! Axton would just require a lot of detail and old military garbs I figure. If I went as RE5 wesker though, god I have no idea how I'd make that unique looking trenchcoat

>> No.6874484 [DELETED] 
File: 793 KB, 4146x1870, 1368852314509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at a loss.

>> No.6874932

I should probably not be doing this while drunk, but I had a random thought of a crossplay Zorin Blitz.
but that would be silly, and doesn't fit your request.

>> No.6875070
File: 565 KB, 4146x2003, cosupray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd make such an awesome Bolin.
Are you only looking for crossplay? If you are, Sango might be good because your eyes are really nice and the mask could help hide any stubble/jawline. If not, I think you'd make an awesome Hei.
If you're thinking about Aang, do the adult version, since Aang is tiny.
The one older sister from Durarara! The one that wears the green(?) sweater.
I think you could pull off any Meguca really well.
Yuuko please.
I think you'd make a better Armin, or maybe Haru from Tsuritama?

>> No.6875115

Fran from Final Fantasy XII.

>> No.6875139


>> No.6875688

Thread is dead ; _ :

>> No.6875695

Yup. ;n; Sad day.

>> No.6875926

>>6857581 here. I hereby dub doing suggestions for everyone after leaving a thread and coming back Zombie mode. Here we go.

I hope you've got the proper trousers for that Doctor cosplay now, boi. But for your suggestion, you should totally do some sort of twisted, grown up Christopher Robin. You could make/get a bunch of bloody, fucked up stuffed animals to look like Winnie and the rest of the gang. Basically American McGee-ify Winnie the Pooh. That would be loads of fun to see.

Less iconic, but you remind me of Claudio from Coheed & Cambria. But for a real suggestion, how about Byakuya Togami.

I'll give another suggestion, 'cause why not. Celestia Ludenberg, maybe? That'd be a fun wig to work with.

I think you could do just about any female role from just about any Studio Ghibli film. For a super easy one, maybe Kiki.

I couldn't come up with something new, so I'm just going to vote on #3 and #8.

I'm having trouble with you, too. I guess for something simple, you have a somewhat similar face to Romona Flowers.

Oh man, thank you so much for your contribution. Also, I think you should include at least one face picture without your glasses.
As for your suggestion, though I'm sure you've heard it before, maybe Hanekawa from Bakemonogatari. Or, if you have a group of friends, you could do Mai Minakami from Nichijou. Also Sabrina from Pokemon.

Mizune, teenager form

Marisa - 2hu

While I commend you for reading One Punch-man, you should really give suggestions.

You have a good face for Mami or Asuka. Not everyone does. And since you want something complex, maybe Inori from Guilty Crown. You'd also make a good Poison Ivy. Cure Sunshine from Heartcatch Precure, Haruko from FLCL, Kneesocks from PSG, or Nia from Gurren Lagann. You just have a good face for stuff, I guess.


>> No.6875949

continued from >>6875926

Good luck with your weight loss!

Suggestion first, man.

Drills McWahaha would be doable for under a hundred bucks. Go for that; she's easy enough.

Hanekawa or maybe Rue from Princess Tutu

I seriously want to see that Mami. I think it'd end up looking amazing.

I second >>6868451, but seriously, give suggestions.

You're such a perfect Hanekawa. Hnnghs all over the place. How about Hone Onna or even Ai from Hell Girl?

You were born to be a Seth Rogen impersonator.

Asami or Tahno from Legend of Korra. I think you'd do amazingly as either.

Eddie Riggs from Brütal Legend

I'll finish up when I wake up.