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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 133 KB, 440x259, 1358976368990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6847507 No.6847507 [Reply] [Original]

Secrets are up!

>> No.6847545
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>> No.6847550 [DELETED] 

Again, Lor's haters are at it. I don't care who loves or hates her, why does it have to be such a big topic?

>> No.6847553

Best secret this week

>> No.6847551
File: 667 KB, 604x548, r5uXg9I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking spat out my drink

>> No.6847558
File: 118 KB, 402x640, d63fgtq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to see this coorded as well, augh.

>> No.6847567

I think the print is just too tacky. It looks like quilting cotton from Jo-anns.

>> No.6847593

speaking of tea, i spat mine out laughing at this

>> No.6847602
File: 177 KB, 426x640, z7OVdNB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't look fat to me

>> No.6847858

She's not.

>> No.6847875

I felt like the secrets were especially vicious this week...

>> No.6847883
File: 106 KB, 546x501, CWKKU4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I saw this secret, at first I thought the posted photoshopped the catface on to point out how much the two look like each other - then I went to Pinkly's website, and that's the actual top.

Fucking seriously, Robin? Does she really want the same reputation as Oo Jia? She's too small-scale to do stuff like this, imo. Indie brands have no business making replicas, it's too bad for their image.

>> No.6847888

It's because last week it was so calm

>> No.6847889

What is all this hate for classic lolita? Are all the sweet lolitas getting mad about the age play accusations?

>> No.6847893

It's about time.

>> No.6847914
File: 39 KB, 600x600, 2edgy4me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First thing that came to mind was, if someone doesn't find you right away it'll ruin your "ultimate work of art" as you'll be all bloated, rotting and crawling with maggots.

Real beautiful.

>> No.6847924

yeah, nothing says 'elegant art' like bloomers full of feces and cloudy eyes. maybe a diaper and really intense lenses would fix that, though...

>> No.6847926

Decaying in lolita. Gross

>> No.6847933

I'm a gothic lolita and totally okay with this.

>> No.6847942
File: 330 KB, 500x500, idontunderstandyourgrammar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So.. you.. envy the fact that she looks better than you even though she's fat? idgi.

>> No.6847943
File: 258 KB, 600x927, 06032013_a_rose_for_emily_by_maureencreates-d5x6i53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she wants to kill herself so bad, she's probably into gore anyways.
I think I'd like to be buried in lolita.

>> No.6847949

discuss what, a blog? the fuck does this hve to do with cosplaying and EGL?

>> No.6847953

13 and 25 wreak of speshull snowflake complex. Oh my god, nobody hates themselves as much as I do. Probably fat ex- mall goths.

>> No.6847962

Has no one else realized that her stuff it always based on other ppl designs? Just look at her rainbow Pettis. She uses already popular designs, all the Tim

>> No.6847966

newfag detected.

>> No.6847993

Question. Are you genuinely stupid or just trolling? I can't tell.

>> No.6848012

what's with all these Polish lolitas putting swirly unreadable text on all their secrets?

is it actually the same person?

>> No.6848021

those fucking cat secrets about comm sales mods at the end, oh my god. so good.

>> No.6848043
File: 1.15 MB, 888x563, 22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any othe lolis from mexico who want to discuss this so-called "contest"

>> No.6848045

I find this immensely amusing as this was my secret. It's not a vendetta or anything, knew nothing about the dude behind the account until he decided to act like a rude cunt.

If you want to read the thread and the original comments check the comments post.

>> No.6848059

Mexifag here. It seems that México is the home of a lot of itas... Do you ever seen Expo TNT pictures?

>> No.6848064 [DELETED] 

Sorry no, I live pretty far away from the capital. I had so much second-hand embarrassment when Daniela uploaded the album of the contestants. I wonder how she really feels about it

>> No.6848068

Nice to meet another mexican lolita; also, sorry no, i live pretty far from the capital. Felt so much second-hand embarrassment when Daniela uploaded the pictures of the contestants. Most of them were a train wreck I wonder how she reacted

>> No.6848072

Who's Daniela? I had never hear of her before the contest, google didn't help much

>> No.6848080

Daniela is the Kawaii Embassador from Mexico. She's the one behind everything

>> No.6848081

I didn't knew about the contest until now, but I'm near the con where Misako its going to be. The community organizing the lolita runway there are the biggest itas, I feel sorry that Misako it's going to get the worst impression.

>> No.6848085

The thing that makes me so upset about Lolita in Mexico, is that it seems like the most of them don't care about their appearance. No makeup, greasy hair or tangled wig, no coords, non lolita clothes (corsets with tutus, cleavage, high heels and net stocking), fatty-chans that looks like big kawaii tents,etc. This kind are inmature as fuck and you can see them put themselfs japanesse nicknames, and been assbergs wherever they go.

>> No.6848089
File: 671 KB, 640x960, makeup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Daniela was also behind the fashion show. Oh dear God this is going to be a disaster... we can already regard lolita fashion in mexico as the worst example of lolita fashion

>pic very related

>> No.6848094

Pictures from this girl?

>> No.6848096

This one is Daniela? I don't want to be in this country anymore...

>> No.6848109
File: 76 KB, 720x533, 941113_241060222701424_743000074_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Daniela, she is decent-looking her coords are ok overall.
I like her, I think she has good intentions. She even got Btssb to attend her con in Tijuana

>> No.6848118

She looks nice... Then, why happened with the contest's entries? There wasn't a pre-selection or something like that?

>> No.6848119

I've had very little experience with lolita in mexico. I live in an isolated place with no community. But DAMN.
I remember attending a local con wearing Dream Sky, no replicas for me thanks, and got asked if my dress was from bodyline

>> No.6848125

I don't think so, entries wee pretty scarce. if there had been a pre-selection then im afraid only 2 or 3 girls would've participated

>> No.6848130

This itas worship that brand. I know there are nice things you can find there, but they always choose the most horrible lacemonsters ever

>> No.6848138

>dem pores
Fuck, it's like looking into a darkened mirror.

>> No.6848143

A try-hard Maxican lolita. Kiss Misako's ass so hard she got that 'Kawaii Ambassador' appointment.

>> No.6848146

It's such a relief to know there are other girls that also think the entries were horrid, anon-chans we must meet and plot how to save the lolita fashion in our country

>> No.6848148
File: 2.03 MB, 1275x960, poorfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more hare fuel

>> No.6848150


>> No.6848161
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x1768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish something like pic-Related happens...

>> No.6848164

More than poorfags, those ladies are tastelessfags

>> No.6848172
File: 755 KB, 673x500, 1367600743630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. when I heard about the contest I was very interested, but because I live pretty close to Monterrey I thought it would be unfair.
After looking at the participants album I could've win wihtout trying

>> No.6848174


Forever this. Money can't buy class.


I'm more bothered by the girl on the right. Forget the arm hair. Who the fuck thinks it's a good idea to take lolita photos in some dark alley with kittens?

>> No.6848176

THIS. In the community nearest me EVERYONE is dressed in bodyline. It wouldn't be that bad if the chose decent pieces and did a decent coord, but they have no fucking clue apparently. Man, is not even that hard.
I joined their fb group looking for a community but I just stayed for the lulz. I prefer to be a lone lolita than going to their ita tea parties.

>> No.6848179

I'm taking a wild guess but I don't think that's an alley... i think it's her house

what community is it anon?

>> No.6848180

How did she got to be Mexico's kawaii ambassador?

>> No.6848185

I think the same... Is her "obra negra" house D: ... But what anoys me the most, is that I can't see her clothes because dark and fat lady angle

>> No.6848189
File: 99 KB, 467x700, tumblr_lwooxs9VG81qzf5w5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beats me. I think its because she's the organizer of Tijuana's Comcom. She also sortof took over the Tijuana community, which is one of the nicest ones in the country.
Personally, I think Nadia woudlv'e been a prettier embassador, but not as active as Daniela

>> No.6848232
File: 380 KB, 911x406, itas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case anyone was curious, this are the itas organizing the runway and tea party with Misako. They are so excited preparing their bodyline.

>> No.6848238

I find this hard to believe. daniela is one of the two girls taking applications for the fashion show. 2 weeks before Animex she and the other girl will pick the girls for the fashion show

>> No.6848239
File: 66 KB, 960x720, 970519_637114309636625_730795465_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more from the "contest"

>> No.6848240

Oh lord... There's even a Kitty-chan ita, and a shiny wig ita

>> No.6848243

And this what have to do with Lolita anyway? I see two overweight people getting married with bad taste clothes

>> No.6848257

This actually made me burst out laughing, thank you anon.

>> No.6848260

Well, I didn't knew Daniela was really involved. From what I read on their fb group it didn't seem like so. The organizer is always prompting the girls from the comm to have their coords ready and stuff like that. They also seem to be keeping the organization only to themselves, like they always do with local cons.

>> No.6848262

You just explained it yourself.

>> No.6848264
File: 103 KB, 623x960, 942215_637115742969815_373783602_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it has as much to do with lolita fashion as this one, such a goth rori

>> No.6848267
File: 72 KB, 624x615, ohgodwhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6848278


If what you're saying is true then holy flying shit, the fashion show will probably bomb.
I've participated in "harajuku" fashion shows full of itas but this is misako we're talking about.
I know many lolitas don't think its important but if they're going to make a fashion show with misako and 90% of the girls will look like the examples above then lolita fashion in this country will be regarded as the most cringe-worthy

>> No.6848281

That's the worst reason for a vendetta I've ever heard.

>> No.6848285


The girl is really nice, too. Fuck this vendetta chan. She has at least 4 anti-chubby-done-well secrets up there.

>> No.6848294

I'm betting these are self posts. They are EXACTLY what she says about herself all the time. Fatty lookin for attention.

>> No.6848308

There are a ton of copies of that Candy Stripper top on Taobao already, she probably bought a bunch of those and then glued on the stars and ribbon

>> No.6848316

>>crying selfpost
I don't think anyone likes being featured on btb.

>> No.6848319

Do you know her?

>> No.6848324

That is really terrible.

>> No.6848329

every day on tumblr, that big girl says she gets flooded with anonymous fat hate

>> No.6848336

I get alot of anon hate too but I think it's one girl from my comm who doesn't like me just trolling.

>> No.6848355


A lot of them look pretty young, though, around high school age. Is it because of a disproportional number of younger girls looking for inexpensive stuff?

>> No.6848396

Can you hold off until 2014? A bunch of girls in several CA comms have made a Vega's meet-up and I guess they plan on twinning those very dresses. I'm not sure if they still plan on doing this, haven't looked at the page in a while.
>quilting cotton from Jo-anns.
My thoughts exactly.

>> No.6848509
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>> No.6848537

I'm guessing you're from one of the comms in monterrey right? They say drama there is good

>> No.6848554

Can someone fill me in on all the hate on Lor?
I was pretty confused and Im not in that comm

>> No.6848557


I hope you're not talking about that stupid meet Aerial TheLittleMermaid is making

>> No.6848565

she got too popular. gotta take her down a peg. plus she has a boyfran who buys her brand

>> No.6848584

but is she really that malicious? Im not defending her in any way, but its not like her closet is that giant. Look at peachie's... (though I believe hers is mostly bodyline but definitely worth more than hers)
Also, Lor totally has a horse face

>> No.6848587

Honestly I think it's one person with a vendetta who's not in LA and has never met her.
I don't like her videos either (can't even watch stuff like that due to secondhand embarrassment), but she's really nice and friendly in person at least in my experience.
If you're going to pick on LA comm people, there are far worthier targets like faerydragonet, but then I guess that wouldn't be as much fun since nobody likes her anyway.

>> No.6848604

This! all of this! because I work with dead bodies! and the fucking smell, don't forget the smell.

>> No.6848613

Fuck i am so glad my comm is small and all well dressed! (8 of us) D:

>> No.6848618

lol if you think your comm is well dressed and it's that small, it's probably not.

>> No.6848620

No wonder her and Inu whats her name get along so well.

>> No.6848622

summerfag spotted
also, pics or it didn't happen

>> No.6848636
File: 125 KB, 612x612, 315583_10200456434366748_1793946630_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find her and faunkegin pretty in a weird way

>> No.6848646

oh god that meet. I got invited but am totally ignoring that. What a spectacle it will be... I wouldn't wear even shitty BL in vegas. Too fucking hot for one... that dress is ugly as fuck, for two... and if these girls think it's a good idea to be special snowflakes in a place with a lot of drunk, high people who are tripping out... I don't see it ending well.

>> No.6848649

Holy shit what the FUCK happened to her face?

>> No.6848652

Faerydragonet is sort of out of the lolita scene at the moment and say "because of her illness she will be wearing fairy kei to the next meetups." . She doesn't go to eveything like she used to, although she still rsvps to EVERYTHING regardless of whether she goes or not (I think it's just to see that "X went to [event]" notification on her page). What I'm finding unbearable about her lately is that she just tries to one-up people on EVERYTHING. Example? That Aerial chick mentioned she had a fever and was feeling bad. faerydragonet sweeps in with "HEY YEAH THAT SUCKS BUT DID YOU KNOW I CAN GET 108 F FEVERS AND STILL FUNCTION NORMALLY? MY DOCTOR SAYS I AM THE ONLY PERSON HE KNOWS OF THAT THIS HAPPENS TO." Man, I've never seen anyone so desperate to be speshul snowflake in everything. Fuck.

>> No.6848653
File: 121 KB, 720x960, neighhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are blind.

>> No.6848655

hideous face + GIANT WIG + super small dress + shitty shoes = a whole fucking mess of DO NOT WANT

>> No.6848658

Ashley is an actual horse. At the stroke of midnight, she becomes a prancing stallion in the moonlight, free to run as she pleases. At the first ray of dawn, she morphs back into her horrible, human being form, retaining only a small part of her true self to be reflected in her face.

>> No.6848659
File: 59 KB, 480x640, inu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhhh sweet jesus no.

>> No.6848661

She makes Lor's face look round in comparison, holy shit

>> No.6848664

Isn't she rich? I would get my chin shaved down if I looked like that. You could break walnuts open with that shit.

>> No.6848665

It almost looks like the photo is stretched out.

actual horse is best secret.

>> No.6848666

Her face looks like she was looking out the window with it up as a child and was there for so long that it morphed her face

>> No.6848667

haha, if this is true, i want her and the girl running "be my full moon" to meet. it will be a show-off show... off.

>> No.6848684

I honestly feel bad for these girls, because judging by the one on the right, they're indeed poor.


Just to add salt to the wound.

>> No.6848692

Maybe you shouldn't be buying brand if you live in a mexican shack.

>> No.6848693

lolita fashion is a luxury, nobody is forcing these girls to spend money on things they don't need. These girls should be smart with their money and invest it in better ends

>> No.6848704

can't afford lolita, don't be one
I think this should be common sense but I'll leave it here just in case.
Plus, most mexitas think they can have a perfectly fine hand-made dress with as little as $50

>> No.6848705


I suppose. Maybe this is why Lolitas aren't really a thing over here.

>> No.6848712

I know the chances of keeping the itas, fatty-chans and bodyline-chans at bay will be a near impossible mission. But I'd still like to let these girls know they should try harder so I sent an honest comment to mylolitastyle's ask

>> No.6848716

Just wondering, anyone here from New Zealand or Australia? Are there comms around? I'm interested in joining, but I'm also very strict about my spending and would only start properly getting into it once I've got the right income.

>> No.6848737

Yes both countries have active comms. Where are you from exactly?

>> No.6848765

itas =/= fatty / bodyline always. Nice try, though.

>> No.6848776
File: 31 KB, 468x639, tumblr_ljnh0bPvym1qcs9iso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust me anon, that was what I was thinking but amazingly it is! I used to be in a bigger comm and we had our fair share of weebs and I don't even know what the fucks! then I had to move.

I was pleasantly surprised the first time I went to one of their meets as I was expecting most of the girls to be barely passable or maybe cgl worthy horror stories. Alas whilst one or two of them may be a bit weeby they seem to have done there research and know how to dress themselves, and the others from what they have told me have been into the fashion for quite sometime. Some are even from bigger comm's like mine.

I consider myself VERY fucking lucky!

>> No.6848780

Where are you from, out of curiosity?

>> No.6848794
File: 676 KB, 600x600, 1356594177756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, fuck self posting on cgl. say what you will and be done with it.

>> No.6848805

Europe, I'd rather not get any more specific than that as some of them may lurk here. I don't want them to think that I think badly of them at all because they are all lovely girls. :)

>> No.6848833
File: 182 KB, 800x1222, 4259106336_e1324c5f46_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I die, bury me in the Baby store

>> No.6848842

I can't wait to see photos and footage of this! just for the lol's

>> No.6848846

oh my lord. :/ she looks like she was a premature baby or something.

>> No.6848851

Her co-ord is really pretty though.

>> No.6848853

That wig also makes her head look a lot bigger than it probably is.

>> No.6848855

Lay you down on a bed of Meta?

>> No.6848978

I'm in NZ, South Island. Sorry for being unspecific, but would prefer not to say who I am - More than a few tards from NZ lurking here.

>> No.6849041

^ this ahahahah lol!

>> No.6849046

Why ask about Australia then? Pretty sure there's a lot of NZ lolis, surely someone can hook you up.

>> No.6849065

There's active comms in Chch, Welly and Auckland afaik. Chch is a bit splintered cos there's too many cray people there, Welly is alt-fashion friendly for the most part so there's a few people who don't bother with comms and just wear lolita, Auckland is active but mainly newer lolitas.

>> No.6849073

I think a lot of it is reactance, or at least it is with me. Her videos grated on me to begin with, so the fact that they're everywhere on my dash and everyone else seems to love them just ups the ante on my aggravation. I have nothing against her as a person, but it's gotten to the point where just seeing her face is a ticket to annoyance.

>> No.6849188

Lor actually looks really pretty and cute next to the horse queen

>> No.6849216

I feel so bad for her. Props to her confidence, if I had that face I would never take pictures of myself.

>> No.6849222


Dear God, Epona has an unfortunate face but dat slender frame.

>> No.6849238

Lor is actually very cute in person. She photographs as longer face and more derpy than she looks IRL.
She has also never been anything other than sweet to me. I can't say I know her very well but I have never heard of her being a bitch.
I think someone just hates the popular girls.
In reality the negative secrets only make girls like Lor get more white knights and supporters so if someone was trying to manufacture hate against her it will backfire. Same thing goes for the blonde from SD. Hate secrets boost their popularity- not the opposite.

>> No.6849259

Yeah, king of funny how the haters just end up getting them more support.

All of the SoCal ones this week were pretty lame, like they were fishing for insults. The group pic is hilarious--really, old and boring are the best you can come up with? Though I will reluctantly admit that "actual horse" is kind of funny...

>> No.6849271

It's really rather sad. She was always thin, but over the past year or so has turned into a skeleton and looks like a poster for the dangers of eating disorders.

>> No.6849278

>spiderman meme
your newfag hurts

>> No.6849281

Go be fat somewhere else

>> No.6849371

how do commas work?

>> No.6849446

So-cal Vandetta-chan has been detected.

>> No.6849550

She wasn't thin. She was between normal and chubby. Her weight seem to fluctuate. Then she lost weight after a lot of working out and she got thin. Now she is getting too thin.

>> No.6849832

Confirmed for secret maker

>> No.6849834

Totally agreed, Nadia would have being a cute ambassador... But not an active one, she doesnt really have done something for the community in general, she only host events for her near friends.

>> No.6849840
File: 25 KB, 350x266, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God why... Im starting to feel second hand shame....

>> No.6849854

This she makes a hot VK guy too

>> No.6849865

It looks like there's only 2 petticoats between the lot of them!

>> No.6849880

Really, anon, really? >>6847186

>> No.6849893

is it because shes skinny and has brand that you dont like her

>> No.6849894

Well because she is supossed to be in Lolita clothes, she entered the Misako contest "wearing Lolita"

>> No.6849932

That is the one I'm talking about and its not like I'm telling anon-chan to sign up and go I'm just saying that anon will get a chance to see 6+ people twinning that ugly dress in different colorways.
I thought about going when it first came up because I figured it'd be like the FD meet that happen a couple of weeks ago. Vegas has some really cheap fabric/craft shops that have mostly good stuff but then I read about them wanting to go to the alt clubs and acting like those drunk/high people in Lolita and realized how horrible it will actually be...

>> No.6849938

>"be my full moon"

>> No.6849956
File: 122 KB, 450x675, Guro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly a Guro lolita's dream, yes?

>> No.6849962

>blonde from SD
Speaking of her, a new girl in one of the comms was asking about petticoats and the blonde sent a link saying how she got hers for $33 (what vivcore calls the lace petti). Does anyone have that link? I can't seem to find it anywhere!

>> No.6849978


you and i both know she has an unfortunate face

it's just a fact of life

no one is jelly of that

>> No.6850125

amber allen. look up "be my full moon" on dA or etsy, and despair.

>> No.6850273
File: 273 KB, 374x674, 1361850080008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should never have asked...

>> No.6850319
File: 101 KB, 570x760, il_570xN.375835469_43a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear god, somebody actually bought this.

>> No.6850375

oh, Faerydragonet, she's just a ray of sunshine that one is. All her status updates are about how terrible she feels and how zomg my ptsd, arthiritis, fever, back ache, knee ache, headache, feline aids etc etc she just needs to get out of j-fashion and be the old woman she is. You don't suit any of it anymore! NONE. I'm tired of her trying to convince us shes a 'cool mom' for wearing whatever she wants, her daughter must be SO embarassed

>> No.6850390

Whatever happened with that whole taobao GO mess with faerydragonet?

Does she still owe people money? Did she ever end up getting everyone's stuff?

>> No.6850412

Eh, guro is more about the blood and implied 'pain'.

Not really death... unless I've missed something.

>> No.6850475

She's harping on someone else's Taobao GO right now, and it's so super fucking annoying because it doesn't look like she's actually ordering anything.

>> No.6850500

what the fuck is her name
I can't think of it for the life of meee

>> No.6850525
File: 224 KB, 640x960, 0UcpxBS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6850557

this bitch tries too hard
and why the fuck does she post in the NYC comm all the time?!

>> No.6850595
File: 38 KB, 613x345, patient_FAQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the secret about dermatillomania (#14).
I also have issues with it, as well as tricholitlomania.

How many other lolis suffer with it?

>> No.6850622

she keeps spamming the MI community too. no one on the wrong side of the fucking country is going to go, nor do they care, about your CA and vegas meetups, idiot.

>> No.6850666

Reporting in. I have both conditions as well, my legs are scarred and I once had two pretty prominent bald spots on my head from excessive pulling. I've been able to keep my pulling at bay long enough for the spots to fill in, but it's only a matter of time before I start again...I went almost 5 years between instances of pulling until I was balding. Haven't ever stopped damaging my legs though, but it helps if I keep solar nails on because they're thicker and I have a harder time digging into my skin with them.
Thank god for wigs and stockings, hahaha.

>> No.6850669


She spams both the AZ and the CA groups too, this girl is a plague

>> No.6850681

I feel you.

I've been trying to keep from my hair, it's thickened up for the most part, but my hairs starting to not grow on the left side of my scalp anymore. It's my main pull spot, but I've been keeping away from it. I'm hoping it thickens up over the summer, really puts a damper on me growing my hair out.

Due to staying away from my hair, I'm digging into my shoulders/back of my arms, though. They're covered in scabs/red marks.

Long sleeves and wigs, perfect for lolita.

>> No.6850680

Girl, I'm in several groups such as Arizona Buy/sell/trade, Arizona Yard sale, Otaku network etc and she spams all of them with her parents' shitty ghetto club and shit ALL THE TIME. I left all three groups because she was shitting up the place.

>> No.6850683

She got to the CO community too...I'm an admin of the group, and I'm trying to figure out if it'd be too ~unwelcoming~ to delete her post.

>> No.6850685


What's the fucking point of her being in all these out of state comms when she lives in AZ?
I can dig the CA comm, but why is she in all these other states biznass?

>> No.6850693
File: 30 KB, 510x364, aerial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ, the ride never ends

>> No.6850694
File: 113 KB, 614x720, 228996_10150249207868531_8167203_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because look at all my amazing art desuuuuuu

>> No.6850699
File: 512 KB, 395x596, 1308972490509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6850700

I dug from my shoulders and back too, anywhere that was easy to reach while I could be distracted doing something else but still had a free hand (like browsing the internet or drawing). Not only have I pulled hair, but I've also been digging at my scalp too and it's probably the most damaged area on my body.
Some people tap their toes or bite their nails when they're nervous or worried about something. I dig out my hair and skin.

I'm sorry you know what this feels like too, anon. It really really sucks.

>> No.6850709

It's... a battle.

I had it worse when i was a young teen, it managed to get out to my fellow classmates (you can guess where it went from there).

Now a days I don't even realize I'm doing it until I look down and a pile's building. Or I realize I've been sitting on the bathroom counter for an hours picking at the tiniest of blackheads/ingrown hairs.

The last hard bout I had with it was at the beginning of last year, had a bald spot the size of my palm, but I'm doing much, MUCH better this year.

It's relieving and stressful at the same time.
Over time I know I can conquer it. I've gotten this far. I can keep getting better, you can too, anon!

>> No.6850711

>>all that gross beaner arm and facial hair

>> No.6850712

Today is the first day that I've even noticed her spam. Started to notice her post as the most recent in every comm page on fb. I had no idea that she was spamming all of America too! God, it's like lolita telemarketing.

>> No.6850714

>every comm page on fb
I'm talking about city comms in my state.

>> No.6850719
File: 53 KB, 464x483, killspics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Mexico keep shitting up Lolita? I seriously wish the US would go to war with them. We hate everything about them, and they're a perfect target.

>> No.6850722

What the fuck...

Like, seriously, what is that shit?
Omg is that Honeycake? WTF HAVE THEY DONE WITH IT

>> No.6850724

I don't have what you have, but I don't understand how you need hours to pick ingrown hair? I'm not trying to be rude or snarky but I just can't imagine anyone having that much ingrown hair from just pulling and digging. I know if I spot any on myself I will pull it out until I don't have a single one left but it takes 5 mins most.

>> No.6850727
File: 12 KB, 275x300, slowpoke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6850730
File: 760 KB, 1280x1024, Nana 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sink me in my lace dresses at dawn

Send me away with the words of a Nana Kitade song

>> No.6850735
File: 41 KB, 493x267, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dog, you didn't know about this? It's a Mexicoon band.
They cut AP up into little pieces and called it "cupcake fashion".

>> No.6850738
File: 101 KB, 640x480, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more nightmare fuel.

>> No.6850741

the pink one is really cute, can someone link the original?

>> No.6850752

that's memorial cake, pretty sure.
Those dumb bitches.

>> No.6850754

There's a bunch of them on the back of my arms and the top parts of my legs, I mostly pick and black heads, but I get distracted. They're not hard to pick out, but they cause little red bumps (before picking) and they look awful.

>> No.6850762

...I hate these women.

I hate these women so much. Do lolis in Mexico get stopped and made fun of for "copying" them? If so, god I hate these women.

>> No.6850767

you know what i hate?
'murrican lolitas.... Srsly, lose some weight

>> No.6850771


Looks like Decoration Dream to me.

>> No.6850773

I hate them too, I haven't been up to date with the music scene in our country but I believe this group already died fortunately.
I still remember the first day I saw these sluts and their "cupcake fashion" been wanting to cap those bitches ever since

>> No.6850776 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 895x639, 1362208838001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But mexicans are always so fat. The only reason study's show Americans are fatter is because the black people in our country raise the rates so high.

>> No.6850778

dealing with dermatillomania for the past 6 months, Im sure its stress related, whenever I had anything due or was under any school-related stress I'd pick my shoulders like no tomorrow. I'd get a sence of relief every time I'd do it but now the're are lots of markings all over my shoulders, back and chest area

Ever since summer began I've stopped picking so much, anyone quitting successfuly

>> No.6850777

Thanks, I'm really loving the blue one and it probably would have angered me if that's the one she destroyed.
I totally get why then. I hate my arm hair but I refuse to touch it so it won't get worst. I plan on lasering it off when I get the money. I'm not sure what to do about blackhead either...sometimes I just want to switch noses because I know if I pick at it, it will turn red and I will look like a clown with a cold.
Is their music any good or are they butchering music and our ears?

>> No.6850780
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>> No.6850782

Their music is typical tween shit. If you google the name in >>6850719 you should find it.

>> No.6850788

>their lyrics make no fucking sense
>they can't dance
>average singers
>underaverage pop music

>> No.6850802

oh god it's so stupid

somebody PLEASE cap these bitches.

>> No.6850803
File: 38 KB, 403x403, 482493_655775964447931_2107469172_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'murricans, so they finally find out

>> No.6850807

>>6850767 >hates 'murrican lolitas
If you ignore the two high risk Euro diseases then its all 'murrican's. Assuming you're american then you're guilty by association.
but then again anon could have meant
>I hate black lolita's, they're all such lazy fatty-chans!

>> No.6850810
File: 171 KB, 500x667, tumblr_lqtimpQbuU1qk9zvlo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is too demotivating, can we post some decent-looking mexifag lolitas?
I'll start with mumu, she was one of my biggest inspirations.

>> No.6850817

I think the industry hates lolitas...

>> No.6850830

What are you trying to say? I honestly don't understand. I broke it down, but I still don't get it.

>> No.6850831

'murricans, if you murricans are not black, then why your president is?
check fucking mate

>> No.6850842

There's a difference between being black and being a complete nigger.

>> No.6850846

They are 12% of the population. Also, Obama is half white.

>> No.6850844

do people like rosie?

>> No.6850854

I felt like she scalped me when I was a beginner. Bought an AP print that wasn't that popular for $400
However, I still think she was a pretty loli.

>> No.6850865

The beaner seamstresses are my favorite. There are so many of them, and they are so bad.

>> No.6850872


>> No.6850877

the diagram from >>6850780 showed that it was mostly minorities first being black on the list and was even titled 'blackies' to point to blame directly towards black people (despite their being 5 races there). I'm saying accept the fact that anon was talking about all American races, not just blacks.
you're an idiot
maybe >>6850842 and >>6850846 should break it down for you?
I think thats mostly because his black blood is supposedly African royalty and they were never slaves like the ones in America and the white blood is distant relatives to several past presidents/political people including the Bush's and Kerry. If it wasn't for that I'm pretty sure their would be a white female president over any African American with slave ancestry.
Shit how did this get so off topic?
Lets move on from this?

>> No.6850929

fannyrosie, assumedly?

>> No.6850987

Yes, the person was talking about white Americans as well. I was just pointing out that the reason our obesity rates seem so high is because the majority of American minority's are morbidly obese. The Natives and blacks have the worst of it.

>> No.6850991

that was a troll man, they were obviously being sarcastic.

>> No.6851032

I thought she meant RosieOs

>> No.6851103

You think that's bad, she keeps spamming the Scottish comm page with it too.

>> No.6851141

Selfpost. No one knows who the fuck mumu is. Also, congrats, you are named after a fat lady's dress.

>> No.6851152

Yeah I just saw that. Tempted to post "NO1CURR" on it!
What happened to Porcelains "members must live in Scotland or be planning on moving here" policy?

>> No.6851157


how does she have time to post in all of these communities?

>> No.6851186

this shit is old

>> No.6851198

I don't think being pre-mature has much to do with your facial structure

I was 3 months premature and have a nice facial structure/often get complimented for it

I've also met quite a few other people who were born premature and I would never have known short of them telling me

I mean, you can suffer a lot of disabilities etc but I honestly have never heard of physical deformity to the face being a symptom of being born pre-mature

> :/
get your shit together

>> No.6851201

Oh man, this is so depressing. I know this girl IRL and she is really sweet. Kind of awkward, but sweet. It's lame that she keeps spamming like this. I wonder what that club shit is about. I haven't gone to any of the meets she's organized because I feel that if she spams so much she must not take much time to plan every single fucking meet.

>> No.6851213
File: 76 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mbigpzJKFs1qk9zvlo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not that anon, but I like some of this girl's coords.

>> No.6851219
File: 146 KB, 500x667, tumblr_ls9wd2NhFA1qk9zvlo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not fabulous-amazing-ohmygod, but I think that it's still a good one.

>> No.6851221
File: 162 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mlb9dynNrM1r6rai4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BrizBlossom's also from Mexico.

>> No.6851222
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>> No.6851223
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>> No.6851225
File: 70 KB, 400x600, tumblr_makha1qh8Q1qk9zvlo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then there's Nadia.


>> No.6851234

Get the fuck out, this isn't a spick lolita thread. Go derail a less significant thread.

>> No.6851242
File: 330 KB, 640x552, wonderfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think wonderfinch is responsible for all the stupid in the sales com.

>> No.6851251

I fucking hate wonderfinch. Useless shitty mod and sales community.


>> No.6851305

>implying faerydragonet and lolita fashion should have every crossed paths to begin with

>> No.6851312

She looks like the half sister from The Lying Game. Lauren, I think?

>> No.6851341

InuAshley? I just remember her as a cosplayer who always had her father cosplaying with her. She did a skit with her father dressed up as Sasuke and she was Itachi and sang "If You Were Gay" from Avenue Q at AniMagic one time.

>> No.6851356


Does she have Marfan syndrome or something?
She looks like fucking Achnaton lol.

>> No.6851378

She has a face shaped like a foot. It's very unfortunate.

>> No.6851406
File: 801 KB, 260x243, 1360845210850.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are really cute

>> No.6851537

yep. the exact post.
ha! that's it exactly!

>> No.6851540


>> No.6851542

Man, I get she's an overexcited newbie wanting to make a ton of loli friends, but she needs to take a step back and really think if girls from Scotland are going to fly out to hang out with her at Disneyland. Maybe she should start with meetups with her local group(s) (Cali has a few spread out, right?) and ease into it instead.

>> No.6851569


Oh man, I saw that. I was like "uh..." but I didn't want to say anything in case people thought I was being a cunt unnecessarily.

>> No.6851602

She keeps spamming the UK comm too. Today she posted a list of a whole bunch of groups she admins that are barely even to do with Lolita, and specifically US based.

>> No.6851669

This was the best reply to it:
"You know that when you die you shit yourself, right? So when they find you, you'll just have a load of shit in your bloomers and it will probably just get all over your dress and leak out the bottom. Not really romantic at all."

>> No.6851684
File: 102 KB, 636x351, onlinemeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some vintage btb

>> No.6851727

Yeah some of the girls replied saying it sounded fun but there's no way they could ever afford it. Think they were being polite tbh

>> No.6851879

>8:00PM USA Time
What?!! When did Hawaii's 8:00 p.m. and NYC's 8:00 p.m become the same?! This was doomed to fail from the start.

>> No.6851884

Would taking an enema solve the pooping after death problem?
(not the secret writer, seen this plot somewhere in manga and always wondered if it worked)

>> No.6851950
File: 484 KB, 312x176, LHonA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a few people have said the same to her in the past about the Vegas meet, and she was like WELL IT'S FOR NEW YEARS, LOTS OF TIME TO SAVE UP!!

>> No.6852008

I wish i still had the screen shot but my old computer died. I used to have a screen cap she posted in the longhair community on live journal (the post may still be there) where she talked about her abusive husband/ex-husband and how she lost all her hair and I think he attacked her and threw acid or hot oil on her or something. I felt bad but it was all so melodramatic.

>> No.6852046

Not quite true, there are a few of us oldies around auckland but prior to the comm forming we were more like welly: We just wore lolita.

>> No.6852060

Another dermatillomania sufferer reporting in. Gah i just wish i could stop picking!

>> No.6852068

another anon
Its not so much that you pick at whats there... you just kinda pick at everything? Like it starts with an ingrown and you think "Oh ill just get rid of that" and then you kinda just keep picking. It also happens when you aren't thinking, i pick my fingers really badly and ill often wake up in the night with my fingers picked and bleeding.

>> No.6852073

holla, i have both
i dont pick at my hair/scalp or anything, mostly my arms/fingers/face. i've been doing it for like 10 years.

>> No.6852097

this is surreal, I pick my fingers until they bleed and I had chemo as a kid so I wear a wig

>> No.6852111

your hair never grew back? That's kind of strange

>> No.6852237

Don't eat anything for a few days, then enema maybe? You would want to clean yourself out really well.

>> No.6852345

Lol, that would ruin so many dramatic tearjerker movie scenes.

>> No.6852427

>should start with meetups with her local group.

after all her useless spam, no one wants to meet her or go to her meet-ups. it's unfortunate for how she's really nice in person, but girl find something to do with your time!

>> No.6852521 [DELETED] 

Mexicans are honestly the most retarded, hypocritical people alive. They literally break into our country, refuse to integrate, then bitch about racism. Fucking really? You want to be a proud spick? THEN GO BACK TO MEXICO, YOU RETARD. FUCK.

>> No.6852523

but everything used to be mexico

>> No.6852532

Until they were conquered. We could have taken more, they should be happy we didn't genocide them like we should have.

>> No.6852564

What does that have to do with anything? Only the ugly and poor go to your country.

>> No.6852577 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 360x240, mex_bloggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if anyone on egl has been beheaded

>> No.6852609

Except they're all like that. They don't take care of their own people and expect us to clean up after them.

>> No.6852616

Unless you are native american, you do the same.

>> No.6852623


Posts like this make me wonder whether /pol/ really does have members who obsessively read every board, looking for anything that offends their conspiracy mindset.

>> No.6852785

Other countries have so many problems with poor Americans migrating all over the place for a life away from poverty. Okay.

>> No.6852853

I pick at my scalp and pull out my hair. It was due to constantly being nervous. I started working out and it got better.

>> No.6853071

Mild trich case here. So far, I've only ripped out clumps during finals week at my university. But since middle school I've been chronically mesmerized by my split ends. I can spend hours doing nothing but finding them and splitting them.

>> No.6854624

todas son una bola de indias ardidas... igual las americanas, una bola de weras oxigenadas valemierda.... diganselo a la cara a las putas digan que la comunidad mexicana esta de la puta mierda. y todo esto es un numerito lleno de hipocresia.

>> No.6854637

I have both as well. I've been hiding in my house lately because I got so stressed out with some exams and I picked my face and hair really badly and now I'm hideous. I really do feel like I shouldn't wear lolita because it's so pretty and I'm so ugly.

>> No.6854794

swiper! no swiping!

>> No.6854921


dermatillomania reporting in.

My issue is I pick at my breasts, even with needles, x-acto knives, my fingernails, anything. I feel a compulsion to pick at scars and scabs so they never really heal and I've got keloid scars on my chest and nipples.

It's... horrifying. I'm glad I can cover it up but I've never been able to get myself the psychiatric help I need. My SO is aware of it and doesn't judge me or my breasts, which actually relieves a lot of the stress.

I'm trying to segue my way into tweezing, actually, and yanking out the hairs on my legs instead as my behavior. Moderate success?

>> No.6854931

is there a cure? I want to show off muh nailart but...

>> No.6854953

I've had it pretty bad since middle school, wow, that's more than 10 years now. I've started to realize that I do it when I'm stressed or bored. Honestly I'm lucky my face isn't more fucked up considered I pick anytime I'm in front of a mirror. Living with my SO has made it marginally better, now I feel strange for hanging out in the bathroom for hours. Plucking or tweezing hasn't helped me much, I start with my stray eyebrow hairs and before I know it I'm pulling out every bit of stubble on my legs. I've started to devote bathroom time to a strict routine so I don't have time to dismantle myself.

>> No.6855034
File: 120 KB, 500x505, tumblr_lu42xqrMz41r47604o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, story of my life.
I've never gotten into pulling my hairs out, however ALL of my life I have picked at scabs or loose skin, popped pimples and sometime around middle school is when I started picking at my cuticles and picking at my lips. It's awful. It looks hideous, hurts, and it's probably one of the most embarrassing things when I'm in public talking to people/meeting people/Talking to co-workers. I pick until I literally can't stand the pain anymore, sometimes my lips will get infected and I experience some of the worst pain. Sometimes are worse than others, and I find I only pick at my lips when they're dry and cracking, so when I manage to keep up on chap-sticking them my lips look completely fine, which is literally astounding that they are not all scared up and crazy looking when I think about the damage that I have done to them all this time.
In Recent years I started picking around the first increase of my fingers, where it's a little dry I can pick off the dead skin forever until it finally gets to the part that's attached to living skin. I try and stop when it gets that far and when it starts hurting and bleeding, but most times it's really not that simple, because there's still some loose skin hanging or sticking out and I literally can not tolerate the knowledge or feeling, so I have to finish picking until all my skin is flat and doesn't stick out like that.

My boyfriend and family hates it, and most of all, I hate it. I know this must sound insane and like a simple fix to someone who doesn't have it and doesn't understand the compulsions, but it's so hard to stop myself. Especially with my lips, since they're on my face and constantly rubbing together I can't ignore that horrible feeling and have to rip it off to feel better.
As I've read others with this condition say, I also get that sense of self satisfaction when I pick and peel. I feel so relieved and some other sick descriptions that I can't quite place right now.

>> No.6855051

I'm really glad that someone out there also picks at their boobs. I mean I'm not glad that we're doing it but I end up making scabs and just pick at them though nothing beyond just my fingers. I do it when I'm bored and alone and it just lets me do something with my hands. I want to stop it so I can open myself up to more things I want to cosplay but I've always ended up finding some area with scabs to pick at. I didn't realize there was a term for this behavior but I guess I've got it. The plus side is that I hate all 3DPD so I'm in no rush to show my breasts off otherwise.

>> No.6855069


I have a similar problem, with me, it's pulling out hairs and then digging out ingrown ones with needles. When not that, I am pinching myself and making myself bleed... I can't show off my stomach because of this, my legs are scarred and so are my breasts. It's embarrassing, but the worst is my stomach. I didn't realize picking at yourself (putting it lightly) was such a common problem... Plucking might help with some of you girls, but it could lead to a whole new set of problems.

>> No.6855077

I have pretty severe trichotillomania. I keep my head shaved down nowadays to prevent myself from pulling. It's worked out pretty well for me, and it saves me a lot of pain and suffering.

>> No.6855084


>> No.6855092

It all started with my face, first the problem zits, then 40 minutes have gone by and my face is red and blotchy and covered in cuts from my nails. Then 10 minutes to stare in the mirror and self-loathe another 20 to mutilate my shoulders back and chest and then hours pulling out hair. Then I smear on gobs of expensive cosmetics. Sound familiar anyone?

>> No.6855096
File: 202 KB, 500x301, tumblr_mlpm9wFimC1r7h5iyo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. These pictures are driving me crazy.

>> No.6855100

I used to be really bad at picking my skin, really bad. I started taking birth control pills and I don't have any bad skin issues like I did before. I used to have really noticable acne, and I'd pick pretty bad. I still do it from time to time, but I mostly have blackheads now. I pick a little bit, but since there's nothing of note to pick, I don't do it for long and I don't damage my skin like I did when I was a teenager.

I used to pull out my hairs a bit, but I stopped that. It never became an addiction. My step sister pulled her hair out so much she was balding and needs to wear wigs. She'd come to visit and take my cosplay wigs to cover her bald spots and then smoke in them. I was so royally pissed.

>> No.6855102
File: 1.09 MB, 1980x1730, sugar_lips_by_screenname911-d4gsk1j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Specifically for the lips- You should start using a sugar scrub. If you exfoliate them more often they won't peel like that.

>> No.6855118

I'm picking my lip as we speak, although iv'e picked my lip since I was little becaus eI love the pain. I love the blistering burning feeling, when it gets wet with saliva, just all the pain associated with peeling chapped lips, so good~ Also when you scratch yourself red then put it under hot water....HNNNGGGGG

>> No.6855131

You sound like me
For my lips now I carry around at least 2 tubes/sticks of lip cream and reapply at least a couple times an hour. Keeps most of the dry skin at bay.
Can't stop picking at my cuticles though, even with tons of cuticle oil I still get hangnails and it drives me fucking crazy until I can pick them or cut them with nail clippers

>> No.6855151

All dem tiny hairs lining the bottom lip.

>> No.6855152

I have major derma and relatively minor trichatillomania. Thank god lolita hides most of it.

>> No.6855158

How bout them blackheads in the corner? I'm itchy just thinking about it.

>> No.6855167


It might be worth it to get some anti-anxiety or OCD meds if you're worried. I'm the x-acto knife cutter, and when I got medicated for OCD for my *other* nutty behaviors it really helped the picking.

Unfortunately there were other side effects, and one of my obsessions is a worry that my medications are harmful/tampered with/ineffective, so I'm currently unmedicated, but I was better, fora while.

>> No.6855200

I just want to push them out of there and watch that long, thick trail of gunk come swirling out.