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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 67 KB, 600x800, mizore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6847770 No.6847770 [Reply] [Original]

Reuse thread!
Post pics of any wigs or contacts or anything you have that you think you could use for another cosplay and give advice to other people on what they could use theirs for.
To start off the thread, what could I cosplay with this wig?

>> No.6847774

Tsukasa from Lucky Star and Crona from Soul Eater maybe?

>> No.6847790

Oh wow how did I not think of Tsukasa? That's a great idea thanks!

>> No.6847792
File: 108 KB, 640x480, wighelp!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this wig for everyday wear but it doesn't suit me at all.
Does anyone know a cosplay I could do with it?

>> No.6847795

If you don't think it suits you, why not just sell it and buy one that does? It looks fine, but why cosplay in a wig you think is unflattering?

>> No.6847797

I thought maybe I could do something with it because I just bought it and I wasn't sure anyone would actually want to buy it from me.
Plus I can cosplay basically any short haired character with black hair in this because it's heat resistant and I can straighten the hair it as much as I want.
How would I go about selling it?

>> No.6847801


I know its being over done right now, but you'd make a good Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite with that wig

>> No.6847806

Thanks for the suggestion! Isn't Elizabeth's hair brown though?

>> No.6847804

Sorry, but you sound (and look) like some hipster bitch who's on /cgl/ for the first time.

>> No.6847809
File: 31 KB, 853x480, whatf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd you get that idea? And I've been posting around on here for the past couple months.

>> No.6847811

Its the kind of dark brown where it starts to get hard to tell it apart from black. It isn't 100% accurate, but you wouldn't get bricked for doing it.

>> No.6847812 [DELETED] 

Okay! Her outfit is pretty cool, I'll definitely consider it.

>> No.6847832 [DELETED] 

You do realize the scene looking wig she's wearing isn't her real hair right?

>> No.6847837

Okay! Her outfit is pretty cool, I'll definitely consider it.

>> No.6847854

both these girls are really cute :3

>> No.6847860

are you a trap?

>> No.6847886 [DELETED] 

Aww, thanks so much! I wish that wig wasn't scene looking on me though.
I'm not sure if you're serious because of the sage, but no I'm not a trap.

>> No.6847887

Aww, thanks so much! I wish that wig wasn't so scene looking on me though.
I'm not sure if you're serious because of the sage, but no I'm not a trap.

>> No.6847890

i was serious. it was off-topic and creeper talk so i sage'd it.

didn't mean it as an insult either - if you're fishy, you're feminine.

>> No.6847891
File: 49 KB, 375x500, 2012-NEW-WOMAN-S-RED-LONG-STRAIGHT-WIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closest picture I could find, but what could I use for a wig like this one?

>> No.6847896

Oh okay! A lot of people ask me that here on 4chan and I just wonder weather they're trolling or not.

>> No.6847900

Fiora from league of Legends. You also have a great face for her.

>> No.6847902

you have an ever so masculine jawline, to me. nothing that detracts from your attractiveness just enough to leave the question in my mind.

>> No.6847903 [DELETED] 

>ever so
every so slightly

>> No.6847905

>ever so
ever so slightly

>> No.6847906
File: 18 KB, 425x240, burgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6847909

I honestly do NOT understand people like you. There are girls with more prominant faces. Not every girl has a round oh so cutie face shape. Some people on the internet also ask me if I'm a trap, and I just think that's absurdly rude.

>> No.6847908

You could Chidori from Persona 3 with that wig, her hair's basically that and her outfit's pretty nice.
Wow she looks awesome! That'd be a fun cosplay. How would I add the red highlight though? I don't feel like a red extension would stay in the right place.

>> No.6847912

Yeah it is slightly masculine so I can see that. Thanks for at least explaining! Usually people just ask if I'm a trap and when I say no they keep arguing with other anons about it.

>> No.6847917

i wouldn't say it was masculine, that diminishes its feminine beauty. it merely shares a minute subset of traits with masculinity.

it was not an insult just a blunt question. i understand that lots of people have lots of different shapes. it was just that something about her face happened to trigger some part of my subconscious that evaluates gender. i can only assume this is the same part of the brain that can detect homosexuality merely by looking at the eyes.


>> No.6848003
File: 311 KB, 470x431, Anri_Sonohara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's so many characters with bobbed cuts like that... off the top of my head- Anri from Durarara, Mei from Another, Mikasa from Shingeki no Kyojin,, Misaki from NHK, Kanako or God from Mariaholic, quite a number of characters from Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei... tons more if you're willing to cut it.

>> No.6848027
File: 156 KB, 473x324, 1363990405953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6848032

brony detected

>> No.6848034

you know you could all just go to animecharactersdatabase.com and save yourselves a lot of trouble

>> No.6848035

Someone who wasn't around when derpy-chan prints were prominent detected.

>> No.6848040

that is fluttershy so must be brony garbage

>> No.6848044

Nigga you did not just make fun of /cgl/s Derpy-chan.

>> No.6848065

I don't see how it's masculine, she has a small face but how is it masculine?

>> No.6848070

Wow that's a lot of characters! I never realized there were so many with short black hair.
Thanks for the list!

>> No.6848071

i don't know, it was just my gut reaction. it was also wrong so don't read into it.

>> No.6848075

japan is mostly people with short black hair, for the record.

>> No.6848258

You know, that's actually a good idea.
I'm a fan of Persona and its what it was originally for, but I never got it done..

>> No.6848325

stormy do you have an email or preferred chat client you share or something?

>> No.6848510

Yeah, I have a Skype! Why?

>> No.6848539

i wanted to talk and ask you some questions, as creepy as that sounds. i would have done it via tumblr but you don't accept asks.

>> No.6848553 [DELETED] 

Oh I can open up asks on my Tumblr! I just never though anyone would want to ask me anything.

>> No.6848555

Oh I can open up asks on my Tumblr! I just never thought anyone would want to ask me anything.

>> No.6848562

was in response to >>6848539

>> No.6848564

Whenever I end up with a wig I don't like because it wasn't quite what I was expecting I usually turn around and sell it on cosplay.com, or ebay. I try cosplay.com first because eBay takes a cut (paypal does too) so if you can cut them out that's best. Then again if you paid a lot for the wig originally it is unlikely you'll get back what you put in. I have had a really hard time selling nice wigs for a very decent price. People expect you to practically give stuff away, it sucks. But, the nice flip side is I've picked up some lovely wigs in the cosplay.com marketplace for next to nothing, so you win some & lose some I guess.

>> No.6848568

Oh there's also a sales thread on here typically. And I forgot to say it before but I think Xion from Kingdom Hearts has hair that would work for that wig. I disagree with anon's Elizabeth suggestion. The wig isn't quite the right style, and the color is too harsh. It will kind of be obvious you were just looking to make a wig work at that point.

>> No.6848570

It's a really nice wig and is pretty feathery feeling, it just has random frizz on the bangs where the wig cap starts but noone can see it.
I paid $25 for it and it's a pretty nice wig, it just washes me out and makes me look a bit scene.
And thanks for the selling advice! I'll keep all that in mind in case I want to sell this wig or any other wig.

>> No.6848574

Oh wow my wig looks just like that character's hair!
And yeah I put on my wig and tried styling it a bit like Elizabeth's hair, and I think I wouldn't be able to do it. My wig's layer's are too short and the bangs aren't quite long enough.

>> No.6848599

Oh whoops I responded privately to your question and then it went ahead and deleted itself. Can you send another so I can add you on Skype?

>> No.6848607


>> No.6848891

Would you happen to still have to the link to where you bought this? It's just what I've been looking for!

>> No.6849303
File: 258 KB, 600x600, Wig stylin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I washed out my old Kamina wig and restyled it for Marlon

>> No.6849310

You're super cute, just saying.

>> No.6849329

Your either lying or you've never said anything worthy of note 'cause I haven't noticed you till now. Either way, you're still an attention whoring newfag

>> No.6849350

Pfffff thanks :P

>> No.6849364

First thing I thought of was Crona from Soul Eater.

>> No.6849377
File: 57 KB, 800x799, wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a wig pretty much like this one that a friend gave to me. Anything that comes to mind?

>> No.6849381

First thought was the Vocaloid Luka, maybe?

>> No.6849392


>> No.6849421

Fluttershy, Simca, Lala Deviluke, Euphemia, Sailor Ceres

>> No.6849433

Almost all of these are bad suggestions. This isn't true pink it's too dark.

>> No.6849445
File: 55 KB, 900x675, fluttershy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shed.mov Fluttershy

>> No.6849451

Oh I don't know, it was from some random website... I'm sorry!
Who cares.

>> No.6849930


>> No.6850001
File: 74 KB, 584x399, CI_56275_1326293720.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound mad.

I think it's too light for Yuno and it may work for Luka... but holy fuck Simca. There's not enough decent Air Gear cosplay. Also Maria from Arakawa Under the Bridge, Super Sonico, Nono from Diebuster, Olivia from Fire Emblem, Akari from Aria if you're willing to cut a lot of the length off in the back... it really just boils down to how much you want to style it and if you're willing to dye it.

>> No.6850004
File: 93 KB, 600x900, ba007-mixgold-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this wig for a cosplay and it ended up not being the color I needed, and I dont wanna sell it. So what else can I use it for other then Sailor Venus ? I like covered females cosplays.

>> No.6850038
File: 21 KB, 420x300, Mariya_Shidou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's literally an ass ton of blonde characters you could use this for, even if it's a different color than pictured.
May be able to get away with using it for Maria from Mariaholic if it's lighter than pictured, Kyouko from Yuru Yuri, a large amount of touhou characters, Karina's casual look from Tiger and Bunny, Kirino from Oreimo if it's darker than pictured, Kaere from Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei... to be honest, I think that would be a pretty good wig for Edward from fma.

>> No.6850070

yes can i see your tumblr please?

>> No.6850102

Oh okay sure! I'm http://stormyxcloud.tumblr.com/

>> No.6850179
File: 128 KB, 690x458, wiggu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this wig for Natsume from Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun but the cosplay group fell through

>> No.6850201

that wig is pretty much perfect for Ebisu from Dorohedoro if you put a centre part in it

>> No.6850414

Oh, that's no problem! On the off chance that you do decide to sell, I've included my e-mail.

>> No.6850443

red contacts are so useful to have i end up needing them for a lot of things

>> No.6850470
File: 34 KB, 264x400, Cady_Powder_Blue_065-1_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I bought an arda Cady in pumpkin to do a happy peppy gary, but the group bail. So, now I'm stuck with this wig. any idea? I haven't done anything to the lace front either.

>> No.6850471

Okay! I copied your email and I might sell it, I'm going to think about it. How much would you pay?
I love my red contacts, they're cool and there's so much to use them for!
My favorite is with my Hell Girl cosplay.

>> No.6850482 [DELETED] 

Assuming you're in the US, $20 shipped? I wouldn't be able to pay 'til the latter half of this week, but since you're still undecided on whether or not you want to sell, that's probably fine.

>> No.6850487

Assuming you're in the US, $20 shipped?

I wouldn't be able to pay 'til the latter half of this week, but since you're still undecided on whether or not you want to sell, that's probably fine.

>> No.6850511

Okay I think I'll sell it! You'd put it to better use than me and you said it's what you were looking for.
I've never sold something like this to someone before though, would it be cool if I sold it to you over Ebay just to make things easier for me?

>> No.6850536

Yeah, that'd be great! How about I send an ask on Tumblr when I have the money? It'd be Saturday, at the latest.

>> No.6850553

Okay sounds good! I guess I'll hear from you then.
Thanks for doing business with me!

>> No.6850569

Not at all, thank you so much!

>> No.6852720

Holy shit, i know this girl.

>> No.6853346
File: 120 KB, 310x192, Days22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First I would like to say that wig looks ADORABLE on you.
Second, it would look good from Xion from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. The retards of this fandom have mostly moved on to Homestuck, so no worries there.

>> No.6853793
File: 77 KB, 332x220, sk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas on what I can do with or how to reuse these two seifukus?

>> No.6853946

Not sure about cosplay but I've seen some people layer the collars and ties of seifukus over jumpers and cardigans. It looks super cute, imo

>> No.6854075

Mii (Popotan), Remilia Scarlet (Touhou), Ana (Hikari no Valusia)
Yuffie (Final Fantasy), Hokuto Sumeragi (Tokyo Babylon), Kriem (Tiger & Bunny)
Sonoko (Library Train), Karin (Naruto), Ame Warashi (xxxHolic)
Darry Adai (TTGL), Nana Aster Deviluke (To Love-Ru), Pi (.hack//Roots)
Mireille Bouquet (Noir), Susie Evans (Valkyrie Chronicles), Daisy (Pokemon)
Tanya (Black Cat), Saki Morimi (Eden of the East), Mamiya (Fist of the North Star)
Male or female suggestions?
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Fruits Basket, Lucky Star

>> No.6854144
File: 563 KB, 863x1493, Janet_Van_Dyne_(Earth-20051)Giant-GirlGiveThemAShow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giant Girl/ Janet van Dyne from Marvel Adventures: Avengers.

>> No.6855759 [DELETED] 


>> No.6855860
File: 27 KB, 1000x1000, Taller-White-Boots-Thigh-High-Womens-Designer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas for characters that I can use with this pair of boots? I usually see white boots on characters but not with heels that high, so any suggestions are welcomed!

>> No.6855902
File: 125 KB, 556x889, Sailormoonea35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sailor Moon (photo), Emma Frost (X-Men), White Rock Shoote

>> No.6855920
File: 450 KB, 500x638, tumblr_mn501t4NDg1r1geyyo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cosplaying as Mikasa Ackerman in November and would be interested in buying your wig if you send me more pictures so I can see how thick or thin it is...

I've never bought things without paypal or eBay though, but if you're in, I'm game.

>> No.6855934
File: 70 KB, 433x640, Yell_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yell from Akikan! maybe?

>> No.6855938
File: 77 KB, 400x600, mikasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that wig's slightly too short for Mikasa. If I were you, I'd get an Arda or Fantasy Sheep wig. They tend to be extremely thick.

>> No.6855949

I swear there was someone from one of the more recent Gundams with boots like that

>> No.6855967

Right, yeah, Stellar Loussier's uniform with the skirt and jacket. I think the boots are split in the front a bit, though.

>> No.6855972

thanks for the help!

>> No.6856000 [DELETED] 

Thanks for your offer but I've already made a deal with >>6850536
I'm sorry! If things end up not working out, I'll be sure to send another response to you okay?

>> No.6856813


>> No.6860521

Don't die, thread!

>> No.6863377

seconding Chidori plus her outfit is pretty cool

>> No.6863383
File: 35 KB, 341x196, ultff32sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'd make a good Ultimate universe Wasp
pic related

>> No.6863428
File: 2.22 MB, 512x384, 1333676471050.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't gotten a message from you yet and it's late Saturday... I'll wait tomorrow, too but if I still don't at least get a message that you're here or still want the wig I'll have to sell it to someone else. Please respond!

>> No.6863435

Wow she does look like me! Too bad I don't read Marvel comics and wouldn't know what I was cosplaying..

>> No.6863911

Oh, sorry, I sent you an ask earlier today! I meant to send one yesterday, but I was at a place with a shoddy connection.

>> No.6864354
File: 62 KB, 346x344, thumbs upchan! copy - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got your old message today somehow, and I got your new one too! I don't know what happened, I sent you a reply.
Also bump.

>> No.6868300

Replied as well!

>> No.6868320
File: 29 KB, 177x275, Picture0010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short blonde wig with very few long strands in the back. Planning to cosplay Alois Trancy and maybe Rin Kagamine. Any other ideas?

>> No.6868336

Maybe a Mikuru Asahina from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya? It'd be the perfect color for it.

>> No.6868341

I'm >>6850470 and either would be fine. I just rather not have to sell it on the off chance I can reused it.

>> No.6868348
File: 93 KB, 640x520, shizuka_marikawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shizuka Marikawa from Highschool of the Dead?

>> No.6868951 [DELETED] 

Oh I didn't get it again. I'll just put up a listing for you and send a link!