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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 153 KB, 600x863, serious_business_by_colicade-d4yypx3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6846407 No.6846407 [Reply] [Original]

>>6839509 Continued.

New thread to bitch in. Play nice.

>> No.6846420

>bitch in
>play nice
Choose one.

>> No.6846421

Creepy tz that doesn't seem to have eyebrows in this photo.

>> No.6846422

Since, I literally just posted this in the last thread. What does everyone think about slceras being shopped that orangey-yellow? I personally like the look as long as it's done well.

>> No.6846423

homeshit sucks. go away

>> No.6846441
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>> No.6846439
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>> No.6846443
File: 553 KB, 599x900, spider_8itch___homestuck_by_mostflogged-d4b7f0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did MF cosplay Vriska? It's shitty as hell

>> No.6846445
File: 104 KB, 900x597, gamzee_cosplay_3___honk_by_ritsukax3-d58bdy9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6846446
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>> No.6846449
File: 301 KB, 512x663, do_something_ridiculous_by_the_epic_snocone-d47093j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Feferi needs different goggles.

>> No.6846451
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>> No.6846454
File: 643 KB, 720x960, rufioh_nitram_cosplay_by_heylookicandraw-d60yj91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6846455

try a new everything

>> No.6846462
File: 154 KB, 1024x640, fake_troll_asian_by_lluviasarcasm-d61xnok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, her wig's alright.

>> No.6846463

If I see any of you fuckers at Fanime prepare to be spit on.

>> No.6846467

where are her eyebrows

>> No.6846474

Yes. Aggravated battery is the way to go. You are definitely making us no longer read Horrible Homestuck™ by committing a felony.

5/10 I replied.

>> No.6846476

"I don't like these people that like a thing I don't like, so I will be unnecessarily rude to them, even if they're non-threatening and I could just go elsewhere!"


>> No.6846485

s-spit on me, senpai

>> No.6846490
File: 56 KB, 535x800, tf2stuck__don_t_you_dare_to_touch_my_mother_by_akai_ritsuka-d655grq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6846493
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>> No.6846496


What's so wrong about just doing a TF2 cosplay? Why does everything have to be homestuck'ed

>> No.6846499

because crossovers are fun. other fandoms do crossover, dont be such a little bitch.

>> No.6846500
File: 35 KB, 510x384, 1360852250624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing a crop-top when you don't have a good midriff

>> No.6846504


>> No.6846506

Wow I actually really like this.

>> No.6846509
File: 6 KB, 218x231, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But homestuck does it with fuck'n everything. It's not just the standard Sailor Moon/popular Anime. It's everything and there are already so many outfits to cosplay just within the comic itself it just seems like overkill.

>> No.6846511
File: 264 KB, 1024x1536, mspa__hunters_hunters_hunters_by_ylchen-d609g9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6846519
File: 156 KB, 1024x705, maid_o_f_space_by_feluriandelarce-d65aewq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6846514
File: 180 KB, 800x1200, lalonde_by_fluttersquid-d5yvcui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6846516

You're wrong. It's stupid.

>> No.6846517
File: 9 KB, 228x221, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Flesh colored knee.

>> No.6846521

Holy shit, thank you anon. I have seen the light! I totally don't like well-executed, cute crossovers anymore! How could I have been so blind?

>> No.6846522

So just because some fuckers decided to crossover with TF2 means some other douchebags cant crossover into some other shit? dont be so narrow minded.

oh wait this is /cgl/ my bad.

>> No.6846524

Superwholock wants to crossover every Goddamned thing into their dumb amalgamation.

Crossovers are everywhere. It just means it's another medium to judge. If it's done nicely? That's cool. If it's not done so nicely? Well, it'll need work.

>> No.6846526
File: 97 KB, 500x366, tumblr_mgzz6oeIVz1qmzikoo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can you guys every get into an argument that doesn't end with someone becoming a poor sarcastic cunt?

>> No.6846530

Come on, it's /cgl/. Be real.

>> No.6846529

was that rhetorical?

>> No.6846531

Better than devolving into a pointless, neverending argument over which person's opinion is "stupid."

>> No.6846533

>messed up symbol

>> No.6846535

Thank you.

>> No.6846534

But there are stupid opinions, though.

>> No.6846536

it'll get there, be patient.

>> No.6846537
File: 75 KB, 600x893, don__t_you_dare_by_colicade-d508q29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you cosplay HSG?

Bonus if you're actually brave enough to post a pic of yourself.

>> No.6846541

Why are you guys so goddamn anal about piercings? I just got my medusa pierced (google it or something if you don't know what that is) and I will not be able to change it to a clear piercing or take it out really for a couple months. I'll be going to a con before then, so what's the big deal, bitches? People aren't going to ruin their 80$ piercing just so you have 1 less thing to bitch about at con photos of their costumes.

>> No.6846545

Damn, you came out fast.

>> No.6846547

So far, only Dave and John in the outfits they wore before they ascended, so Dave's alpha outfit (I know, a shame, but I'm hoping to improve it on a later day with iShades and Caledscratch or Ribbitar) and for John, the outfit Vriska made for him.

Currently working on their God Tier outfits for a con upcoming in one week! If this includes non HS cosplays, I'm also planning on Marshall Lee.

>> No.6846548

the same reason people are anal about tattoos, they just aren't canon. it's something easy to pick out, especially if your costume is really good in every other way.

>> No.6846551

People should ruin their supposed $80.00 piercing because it does not really add anything to the cosplay unless the character calls for it, and a character like say Jake or Roxy who are not known to have any piercings, will be tarnished by it.

Just deal with it, take it out for a con, put it back in after, you're already cosplaying and attending cons which means you have enough money to spare.

>> No.6846554

I mean, I can see taking it out for a private shoot or maybe shooping it out. Maybe not for a whole con, though.

>> No.6846555
File: 308 KB, 533x800, tumblr_mcolcxEg9y1r4x5xjo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I heard you guys like crossovers.

>> No.6846556


I usually find that I people who don't bother to take out piercings or cover tattoos don't have that great of costumes anyway, or they would have done so already.

>> No.6846557

There you go, that works too.

>> No.6846558
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>> No.6846559
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>> No.6846560

I've done default and FLARP Terezi, Latula, and two versions of Roxy. Planning Meenah and then, aside from maybe doing a few more alternate outfits for meetups or casual shoots, I think I'm ready to step away from Homestuck for a while.

I got too used to doing easy costumes and it kind of took over my con schedules. It was a nice breather since I've had less free time to manage, but I have so many other costumes I've been putting off.

>> No.6846561


Sailor Moon is like the default crossover. I'm surprised no one did it before them actually.

>> No.6846563

I stand by my earlier assertion that the Nepeta looks like a goblin.

>> No.6846564
File: 212 KB, 717x1080, tumblr_mgt66a4M5E1qktf59o3_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6846567
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>> No.6846569
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That or Igor

>> No.6846573
File: 849 KB, 1200x1600, tumblr_mjvv08VTMj1rqocy7o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zeldastuck, apparently

>> No.6846576

That is hideous

>> No.6846577

Isn't that Nepeta thevvioletprince or whatever?

>> No.6846578
File: 376 KB, 1280x893, tumblr_mkbxa6apzG1qm130oo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like they have the downs.

Also I can't wait for this shit.

>> No.6846580
File: 115 KB, 612x612, tumblr_mlxzyhymZ91qfu6zso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


After some image searching, yes. She apparently did Roxy for promstuck.

>> No.6846581

The last 3 are the only nice-looking ones.

>> No.6846587

I'd actually really like to see that Terezi design done nicely.

>> No.6846588
File: 83 KB, 500x445, tumblr_mkbxa6apzG1qm130oo5_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6846584


If somebody did the Aradia properly it would actually be awesome.

>> No.6846589
File: 93 KB, 500x514, tumblr_mkbxa6apzG1qm130oo6_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6846603
File: 630 KB, 1280x1707, full-timecoolkid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about nicely, but it was done at Megacon.

>> No.6846605
File: 113 KB, 410x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dat ill-fitting everything
Ooh, no miss hunty.....

>> No.6846616


>mfw people do Victorian inspired costumes without wearing Victorian undergarments

>> No.6846635

pardon my french but eugh

>> No.6846646

Doing a crossover cosplay this year, it may turn out mediocre but eh, whatever helps me improve my sewing.

>> No.6846697
File: 20 KB, 648x447, showdown4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had a godtier vriska cosplay planned for colossalcon but honestly, I'm not even gonna bother finishing it

got rude stares and glares at youmacon in normal vriska, I looked good, had my paint sealed-but everywhere I went people would glare and be so angry towards me and the 2 other girls I was with. When I went to the dealers room, someone shouted "FUCKING HOMESTUCK" when we walked in

dont you guys ever get tired of that? would it be best to just...put it off until it dies down? I hate feeling unwanted and like a jackass for wearing a homestuck costume for 1 day when I have other anime costumes the next 2 days
I'm just fed up with it

>> No.6846699

Get over it, nobody's going to like you regardless of what you do.

>> No.6846700

It's your fault for wearing a costume from something that people do not like.

>> No.6846701

You must not have looked that good then.

>> No.6846711

Ignore the other assholes, jfc. Anyway, what my friends and I usually do is make eye contact with the haters and smile and wave back or something. Don't let them ruin your fun! As long as they aren't assaulting you (grabbing your horns and such), why let it get it to you? There are plenty of other awesome Homestucks to meet.

People are gonna be rude assmunchers wherever you go, so might as well give them the biggest middle finger possible by enjoying yourself.

>> No.6846715


>> No.6846717

>Enjoying yourself
Give me a break.

>> No.6846733


>> No.6846893
File: 398 KB, 1128x1482, tumblr_mmz3dq9MlE1ro93t6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6846918

SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH THESE STUPID ASS FUCKING THREADS YOU DAMN DRAMA LOVING TARDS! go back to fucking TUMBLR and stop fucking posting shit you look like a bunch of circle jerking homestuck fans. i look down at you all talking about your MS paint fantasies. you will never do anything good. enjoy your scribbles stay out of your cons you damn nuisances'.

>> No.6846932

Is spitting on someone really a felony in americlap?

>> No.6846943
File: 711 KB, 250x188, tumblr_mmzerfUkPb1raksuxo1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6846949

Only if you are stupid enough to wait around for a cry baby ass homestucker to report you. honestly 8/10 homestuckers think they know the law and cry to everyone that they are raped and assaulted but really they are annoying ass teens who sit there showing kiddie and pony porn to people. you should all be ashamed. also ask about the bucket these fuckers love spitting in buckets and drinking it like its water.

>> No.6846960

It's considered aggravated battery which you can actually go to prison for, so yeah.

>> No.6846964

again in the eyes of a homestuck fan everything is rape and aggrivated battery.

>> No.6846975

>drama loving tards
I've been brought back to middle school

>> No.6846977
File: 190 KB, 500x746, tumblr_m66idlBXGy1rohhnoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys have a preferred way for people to do Condesce wigs? I see a lot of people go for really long and wavy, but how do you think piling on curls to give it more volume look?

>> No.6846979

its true
>most of you have never graduated from school mom and dad have petitioned for everything in your lives

>> No.6846984


Well I'm neck deep in college and living in a dorm with a job so, whatev.

Pat pat good luck anon and I hope you do well with your unidentified anger issues towards people who like to have fun.

>> No.6846988
File: 637 KB, 500x741, tumblr_m81fdkGC8z1r22j8ho11_r3_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6846990

I'd like a lot of teasing around the crown to give it a huge bump, and then layers of curls on the way down.

>> No.6846995
File: 62 KB, 384x512, tumblr_m645y30LyJ1rspe2co1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6846996

having fun rubbing paint on everyone ruining real cosplays enjoy your headcannon
>tards everywhere

>> No.6847001
File: 165 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mkyiqlbNna1rxv1sio3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6847002


>> No.6847007
File: 390 KB, 422x750, tumblr_migb5pvnxc1qd9cn1o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6847022
File: 138 KB, 730x1095, 2ollux_captor_by_utsumitanaka-d4rlx9m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6847027

must be hard cosplaying 4 shittily drawn characters constantly. please tell the creator to draw new shit

>> No.6847037
File: 90 KB, 960x640, tumblr_mkk0ap5gKJ1qm3ty3o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6847039

Oh wow, I really like how she did this concept.

>> No.6847049
File: 50 KB, 500x749, tumblr_mjwu59SaXM1qf5g94o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6847265

If homestuck makes you that angry, then you may need to re-evaluate your emotional priorities.
You make yourself sound 15 coming in here howling "zOMFG UR HOMESUX SUkkkkkKkK!!" every thread. We keep it here. What exactly do you plan to accomplish wasting your time coming into the thread to ~*insult homosuck xD*~?

>> No.6847346

sometimes I wonder what the trolls would do if we abolished the general and started going out into all of their threads

>> No.6847354
File: 216 KB, 500x749, tumblr_mcs6chWjor1r4wjr7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd recommend hanging out with other groups of Homestucks if the GET OUT OF MY CONN!!!1! neckbeards and fedoras get to you. It's not like there aren't plenty of us around, despite what the trolls in this thread seem to think. Personally I've ever had anyone act rude to my face because of homestuck cosplay, so it could just be a fluke at the con you were at.

>> No.6847385

as a non homestuck cosplayer what pisses people off is the little stupid fucks who dont seal their body paint sit there doing stupid shit at cons like spitting in buckets and being general cunt rags going around being stupid cuz they think
>>im at a con dressed up
>>i can act how i want because im dressed like a troll
>>everyone will appreciate that im acting like a character

no we dont we appreciate when you guys block main walkways. Or when you guys are running around getting shitty paint EVERYWHERE. Or when you guys start con drama saying ppl are trying to kill you because lets be honest no one at a con is going to murder a kid. unless you break a prop which has happened to countless friends of mine. protip dont touch my props. i hate having to rub paint off of it. i dont care if you are sealed i dont care what fandom you are from. MLP Homestuck naruto hetalia metal gear or any of the other countless that i see at cons. if you come up to me and say hey i like the costume awesome props can i touch it and i decline nicely its because its a hassle to get that shit cleaned. its kinda the admire with your eyes not with your hands. i dont go around grabbing horns or hand props or anything like that. for me i know how hard i have to work on props of any cosplay and id prefer handling it myself. now if you are a legit cosbro and know what the fuck you are doing or are wearing gloves MAYBE ill let you touch but still the ones who dont know what the fuck they are doing and just grab and hold onto things or people tend to ruin it for the nice homestuck cosplayers

>> No.6847391

youtube comments came to life to post in a homestuck thread glorious day

>> No.6847398

Even homestuck cosplayers have this problem though. I know that I have to deal with people trying to touch my props whether they be homestuck or some other fandom. I've always had this problem years before i cosplayed from homestuck. (actually it was worse in anime fandoms, sure they didnt get paint on my shit but they would snatch it right out of my hands) Anyone who wears body paint is potentially terrifying, it just so happens homestuck has the most. But trust me I get freaked out when I see all the young adventure time cosplayers with their smeared on paint running around. At least many homestuck cosplayers who do know what they're doing carry around sealer to try to fix the bad ones. (Myself included,)

>> No.6847407

Why would Adventure Time cosplayers have paint on? It's more for the female characters (PB, Marceline, FP, LSP) I'm guessing?

>> No.6847410

yeah i forgot about AT cosplayers they are just as bad. i just feel bad having to yell when someone who was told nicely to not touch my shit still goes for it. sometimes people just need to hear BACK THE FUCK OFF. cuz id rather do that and scare them then have my prop broke or lookin like shit. props are my babies since they look protier

>> No.6847424

/r/ God Tier Alpha Kids or Beforan Trolls, please.

>> No.6847427


Yea yea, the homestucks that piss you off are not in this thread. The people who need to seal their paint and need to stop acting like tards are never going to read any of this. Preaching to the choir sister.

>> No.6847450
File: 339 KB, 750x500, tumblr_mlqm5uzjvG1qccf43o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6847459

This is really cute. Any other cute Beforan couple shots? (don't care which)

>> No.6847490

I almost just want to try it.

>> No.6847502

my absolute loathing of unsealed bodypaint is pretty well-known at this point. It's not people who cosplay Homestuck I have a problem with, it's the unsealed paint and immature activity, and that really isn't as Homestuck-specific as this thread thinks.

Yeah at last year's Otakon I got my prop snapped in half by an Alpha Dave. But a few years ago at AX I had my butterfly wings snapped in half by a glomper not even in costume, and the worst costume injuries I've ever had came from a FMA cosplayer. The only time I've ever gotten paint on my outfit that I couldn't wash off later was from a Final Fantasy cosplayer. And sure some of the crowds of Homestucks make me shake my head and wish they'd grow up a bit (and I'll admit it publicly)... but if it weren't Homestuck it'd be something else, because at that point I'm being annoyed by loud obnoxious teens being loud and obnoxious. There are plenty of underage Homestuck cosplayers in my local community who I quite like; they're kind and creative and really TRY on their outfits and now that most of them are starting to branch out into non-Homestuck, I can't wait to see what they do in the future.

Going BLAH BLAH FUCKING HOMESTUCKS is not going to help. What does help? When you see inappropriate behavior (and I mean actual inappropriate behavior, not just a person in a Homestuck outfit), go up and say in a calm authoritative tone "Hey. That isn't OK. Knock it off."

Because seriously, a lot of these kids really don't know what they're doing is wrong. I often take sealing supplies with me to seal down errant Homestucks, and all but one I've sealed had no idea that you need to seal because they just borrowed the grey paint from a friend.

It's really easy to bash the Homestucks because there are so many of them and so many of them do obnoxious things, but if you're older than them, focus on calmly pointing out what's wrong and on setting an example of good behavior. Homestuck won't last forever. Education does.

>> No.6847505

Thank you SO much

>> No.6847596
File: 13 KB, 650x450, AH_Troll_make-up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats better to use for troll makeup on the face, light grey Kryolan. Or Ben Nye Cadaver grey?

>> No.6847619

Source on the Latula? Her boots are kind of fucked up, but maybe she's got other cosplays.

>> No.6847625
File: 208 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mlkxxfGEpk1rs43iao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6847629
File: 942 KB, 880x660, tumblr_mmpgszUGJ11r79np8o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ben Nye is a better color, but Kryolan is a better texture if you're wearing it all day. It's personal preference after that.

Weird background choice, but I like this Cronus.

>> No.6847630


for real. I'd also point out that heaping abuse on all homestucks on sight makes it a lot more difficult for older and less stupid stucks to self police our community, because the kids get defensive and hypersensitive

>> No.6847634

This made me happy to see.

Question, are there any crossovers that you all actually like when it's well done?

>> No.6847636

Dang, source on the Aranea? She's pretty cute, not gonna lie.

>> No.6847639
File: 478 KB, 600x900, tumblr_mk8xj8gPDS1qhc1x7o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50stuck but I love these two.

>> No.6847643

Potterstuck is pretty consistently liked. Personally I also don't mind the really well-done fancystucks but that's just me.

>> No.6847646
File: 12 KB, 340x250, DER036_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading your post reminded me of something that I use to get make up off my costumes. Dermablend long wear make up remover. It's not 100% fool proof depending on colors, but it works. I was wearing full coverage make up over my body and I even sealed, crap rubbed off on everything... It even got on the fabric car seating, we used this and the make up came out of the fabric and most of my costume.

I know that kyolan is soap/water out but I figured it was worth mentioning as I'm not a homstuck cosplayer.

>> No.6847655

Would cosplay the shit outta Jane and Jade, fucking love this. I need to find a good commissioner....

>> No.6847728
File: 86 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my friend (who is probably lurking this thread. Hi Jen) is designing a dog-tier Jade cosplay for me. What do you guys think though? Should I commit or should I just find something else?

>> No.6847731

Do you hate her?

>> No.6847733

Find something else.

>> No.6847740

are you 12

>> No.6847748

She looks about 17 to me. Who cares though, there are so many underage people on 4chan I don't care anymore.

>> No.6847750

i'd say like 14/15

>> No.6847751

i don't understand your question.
how do you design dog tier jade.
it's already like designed?

>> No.6847752
File: 522 KB, 497x490, 1368103975246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kawaii eyes, start lifting so you can be a qt3.14

>> No.6847760

Get out of here, /fit/fag

>> No.6847761

She probably means she's making a pattern or something. Or making her the costume?

>> No.6847786

God fucking bless

>> No.6847789

aah, this has got me a bit worried. I used to despite homestucks as much as the next person but I decided to check it out about a year ago. Now, here I am, going to a convention in about three weeks as a troll.

>> No.6847794

I'm about to paint my horns, so do you guys prefer gradient horns (gradual orange->yellow) or the colors in sections like they are in the comic? I've painted horns before both ways so I can't decide.

>> No.6847796

I like the color section horns.

>> No.6847798
File: 191 KB, 412x619, cgl visits fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I want more /fit/ cosplayers!

>> No.6847799

Gradient all the way, blocky color ruins it a bit for me. It just looks dumb irl.

>> No.6847800

I like gradient personally. Nothing like a good gradient.

>> No.6847803
File: 160 KB, 1024x680, hs___alpha_trolls_by_ayuru_chan-d654gev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6847808
File: 246 KB, 1024x1298, 1309402838_god_tier_terezi__concept_by_shintaru-d3ddbir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6847901
File: 213 KB, 483x640, mituna wig test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been trying to style this wig for a Mituna cosplay and its looking really crappy, have any advice for what i should do?

>> No.6847971

So HSG, I went to a theatre supply store and I asked about Ben Nye Cream Liner as advised earlier.

I read and heard that it is better than Snazz, at least if you're in hotter areas, and since I'll be sweating all day next week, I'm going to want to stay grey and not start blotching or flaking.

I talked to one of the employees there and she gave me some insight. Basically, start with the cream based makeup, and then seal it with a powder that can be purchased there, and if necessary, a final sealing spray will help too.

I have read that people substitute the last two with baby powder and hair spray.

Unfortunately, I already purchased the Snazz and baby powder, but I really don't want to risk sweating off my makeup, and if Ben Nye and the proper sealing techniques will help, then I'll have to do that, right?

I'm just on a bit of a budget, is all.

May I please get any more insight or do I have the gist of it?

>> No.6848000
File: 20 KB, 650x450, doublefacepalm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw some retard in my local group is calling a Zillyhoo a 'Zillywoo'
>mfw that same dumbass has inverted colors for god tier John
>mfw I can't point any of this out without being considered an elitist bitch by legions of 13 year olds

>> No.6848002

I have never used snazaroo personally, but I have seen a few friends use it, and when it wears off its really gross (flaking, splotches) its hard to reapply, while with ben nye, it wont look weird if you add more layers and reseal. Plus ben nye will last all day even with just the powder, and all you have to do if areas get oily (usually around the nose) is take some powder and lightly dab it on the area. If you get ben nye cadaver grey it will also have less of an ugly blue tint, which snazaroo has. I overall just hate the appearance of snazaroo, it looks so cheap to me.

>> No.6848004

Does it have to be necessarily Cadaver Grey? They didn't have that in stock.

>> No.6848007

Just correct them, say, "It's actually called Zillyhoo." and mention the colours to them too, "And the colours of your outfit is a bit mixed up."

It wouldn't be elitist... unless you make it so.

>> No.6848008

I don't know how well it works with Snazz, but Ben Nye Liquiset is made to prevent one from sweating off water based make-up. I used it with Kryolan and my makeup didn't come off when I accidentally got my hand wet near a fountain.

>> No.6848011

I once pointed out to not use sequin fabric on an Eridan cape and everyone screamed at me because I was ruining the fun, and should let the person do what they wanted.

>> No.6848014

Just lay down the facts. If they can't take it well, that's their fault, and leave it at that.

>> No.6848015

No, ben nye in general is less blue than snazz, but cadaver grey is just better and less thick in my opinion. For their normal gray you have to mix it with white though, cause its pretty dark.

>> No.6848023

He was at a anime congi. Only places in the huge hotel property were gardens.

>> No.6848030
File: 93 KB, 500x299, tumblr_mmtxnh8rd41s6qj53o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6848041

So Ben Nye Cadaver Grey requires no mixing, just apply and seal and enjoy being grey, but any other grey is too dark and must be mixed with white?

>> No.6848042

wooooah that looks great

>> No.6848048


Not a Hamsteak, but that's fucking boss.

>> No.6848060

I like blocked color, but you might wanna go with gradient anyway. I notice that the people who tend to prefer gradient have the biggest hate boners for blocked color and the people who prefer block color are still okay with gradient.

>> No.6848128

holy shit that's hot

>> No.6848198

I stopped being excited over the horns once I saw that persons cosplays

>> No.6848201

That is a fucking sexy horn

>> No.6848204


>> No.6848210


>> No.6848326
File: 549 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mlnbexDST51s6qj53o2_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh yeah I just looked and me too. Her other cosplays are sort of tragic. Pic related.

>> No.6848340
File: 154 KB, 660x507, 1359338057272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6848359

I like the Cronus as well as the character combination.

>> No.6848361

My personal favorite horn style are the slightly hatched-edge color blocks Hussie does sometimes, with the little streaks of color as a transition...

>> No.6848384

We should honestly go to dA more often for shit cosplays. It's so horrendously beautiful.

>> No.6848415
File: 73 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Bostonstuck

>> No.6848662

Oh, I agree.

>> No.6848660 [DELETED] 

I thought it was only Striders who were guilty of this

>> No.6848663

somebody's new

>> No.6848672
File: 926 KB, 320x240, tumblr_mn10deNvFK1qh78e8o4_400[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops let's try this again.

>> No.6848682

Been there. Seen it.

>> No.6848688
File: 670 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mn08mz6Mhz1qloj4do1_500[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay cool
anyway posting good/bad from tag

>> No.6848689
File: 275 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mmzvroH8xY1roiihuo2_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6848694

>from the tag
Pick one

>> No.6848698

completely disregarding the poor material choice here
i don't care who you are or what your body type is but there is no fucking excuse for the craftsmanship that i'm looking at right now like what the fuck did they do this in an hour

>> No.6848702
File: 180 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mmzvroH8xY1roiihuo4_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it's like a challenge
Yesss check out these sleeves

>> No.6848700

is it just me or is her body just shaped

>> No.6848703

Let's check out her other cosplays. Source so we can see more?

>> No.6848708
File: 186 KB, 500x631, tumblr_mmz19gACqY1rt5puao1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's her top half, it looks like her bra isn't well-fitted.

>> No.6848710
File: 50 KB, 250x201, 3456789.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've recently been doing that style for some of the gradient commissions I get and yeah I have to agree with you. I really like that style a lot more than the others.

>> No.6848711


>> No.6848713
File: 222 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mmz19gACqY1rt5puao2_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen many (if any) good cosplays of this dress yet, I feel like she almost got it but then

>> No.6848722
File: 43 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mmymp2V4JY1r47uuno1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this wig even work

>> No.6848723
File: 48 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mmyiq4Lewf1r47uuno1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously though how

>> No.6848724
File: 86 KB, 500x694, tumblr_mmy1e9Cjcu1rxr8uqo2_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6848725
File: 29 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mmxnwvFOhs1rhjbnao1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what makes me more uncomfortable, the posing or their weird thin paper mache horns

>> No.6848727

because piercings are lame as hell

>> No.6848730

I have yet to see a canon-accurate rogue hood that's been done well.

>> No.6848733
File: 159 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mmvkirE7pz1qegi5no1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6848735
File: 2.46 MB, 3456x2592, 1328938329685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any good male cosplayers, i'm sorta sick of seeing every male character cosplay with a decent outfit as a girl

>> No.6848736
File: 64 KB, 423x750, tumblr_mmxb47LsBj1qzc770o1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I just saw this in the tag, from what I can see it looks accurate? But I was more impressed by how well-crafted it looks.

>> No.6848739

>male cosplayers

>> No.6848743

That's what I was thinking, haha

>> No.6848750

homestuck turns women into lesbians

>> No.6848746
File: 64 KB, 500x331, tumblr_mmpillYaS11s4830to1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a Nepeta without catmouth, freckles or blushuu what?

>> No.6848747
File: 465 KB, 867x650, 1347664385595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats why i'm asking if theres any good ones

>> No.6848758

Well, clearly not those two.

>> No.6848763

nah they're great

>> No.6848772

I'm guessing I'm just not picking up on the sarcasm or irony here, it's late, so pardon.

>> No.6848775

there was sarcasm?

>> No.6848785

its me
clinically depressed eri

>> No.6848791
File: 444 KB, 240x180, 1358813509008.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heya eri

>> No.6848797

We're picking on kids now? *yawn*

>> No.6848798

...Was there not? Fuck, I'm confused.

>> No.6848803
File: 49 KB, 500x491, neat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no i think thery're great
[spoiler] no i'm not being sarcastic fuck you guys, you know that shit is confusing on the internet

>> No.6848887

You use the word felony. I don't think you know what that means.

>> No.6848983

For just Homestuck, nothing at the moment. I was going to cosplay as Dave with the broken record shirt, but I don't have the shirt nor a blonde wig because I'm broke and won't have the cash for it in time for Comicon. Truth be told I only have the aviators, pants, and shoes. The shirt I could probably make and I could just style my hair like Dave's, but it wouldn't be the same IMO.
I also wanted to do a genderbent!Vriska, but again, no shirt. Also don't want to use body paint and that seems like a big part of it to people.
Btw, if anyone goes to PCC and sees a guy in an Assassin's Creed hoodie with a big dude or a Roxas cosplayer, odds are it's me.

>> No.6849020

I wish my cosplay hurdles were as simple as 'I don't have the shirt yet'.
Must be nice.

>> No.6849022

what do you guys think of doing roxy's update dress like a flapper dress?

>> No.6849029

Dude, aggravated assault is considered felony in the US. Anon is right.

>> No.6849113
File: 447 KB, 600x900, tumblr_mg04alDx1n1rt3id4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done Godtier John, stoned and sober Gamzee, default/pre-Sburb Dave and Bro Strider to events, cons or shoots so far, but I also have default/pre-Sburb John, Alpha Dave and genderbent Rose Lalonde (in the pink and black outfit she wears when she goes grimdark) finished but never worn out yet.
Also have Eridan, Kurloz and trickster and godtier Dirk in progress for cons later this year.

Actually the con I'm going to wear Eridan to is in two weeks so I should probably get off the internet and continue sewing goddamn.

(Photo unrelated because I'm too much of a wimp to post myself but still want to contribute.)

>> No.6849122

That nepeta is from a reaaally long time ago, before all the fads started happening and shes still my favorite. Damn sheeple

>> No.6849123

this video makes no sense the cosplays arent even that good why is it so popular?

>> No.6849130
File: 50 KB, 240x303, Image09302012171337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cosplay Equius, but I literally have no pictures of myself. I just do panels when no one in my area auditions for Equius and I get asked.

But there was that one time I went to the texas state fair for shiggles...

>> No.6849134

Cute, I love her wig

>> No.6849141
File: 540 KB, 600x800, jade2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cosplayed God-Tier Jade last year but I had the wrong hood color so I hope to fix that up and do a better job on the symbol for my shirt. I do want to eventually do Aranea in her normal and God Tier and Feferi but I fear I'm a bit too old for her haha.

Also I will get rid of the damn Nekomimi ears. They're pretty easy to slide off the foam so I'm hoping to make my own dog ear covers for it so I still have them able to move.

Self post but I'm going to cheat with a super dark one hur. One day I'll get an actual camera not just my phone.

aw man I saw her at Wondercon and I wish I got a picture. I really love that makeup.

Ugh that is just so beautiful and clean. I'm so jelly and I love it so much.

Really diggin' those nice rounded edges there.

>> No.6849190

they both have really attractive faces though holy shit

>> No.6849269


Around how much fabric did you wind up using on your cosplay? The dogtier one.

>> No.6849280
File: 38 KB, 307x247, tumblr_lwobk8vDRB1r6rc35o6_r1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not too much. I made it a little baggy for comfort's sake and the skirt flared out a bit.so probably 2.5 yards for the skirt and hood and about a yard for the shirt which was a jersey knit so it was extremely comfy.

I also kind of cheated with the wig. I didn't want the hair to weigh down the hood so I used one of my left over wigs that had just the two long strands in the front and hella short in the back.[It was an old Kanda Yuu wig that I trimmed and restyled.]

>> No.6849401


Thanks, that's actually really helpful! Also, your planets look amazing.

>> No.6849476

that would look awful

>> No.6849522
File: 663 KB, 1280x1818, tumblr_mn1ym1tR6Z1rwz9xxo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6849569

does anyone know gabi's new URL? i really want to stay tuned with her upcoming costumes..

>> No.6849624 [DELETED] 

Cifera. Reply to this afterwards so I can delete this post.

>> No.6849627

>delete this post

>> No.6849634
File: 1.19 MB, 1079x1920, what are you doing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not quite sure why that automatically greentexted (is that suppose to happen? i feel really dumb and nooby for not knowing)
have a "femdave" from the tag

>> No.6849677
File: 151 KB, 421x500, b29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that "femdave"

>> No.6849680
File: 353 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mn29gjsjab1qcamavo2_1280 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great horns.

>> No.6849682
File: 81 KB, 499x750, tumblr_mfs9h066rC1rrep1ro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the thumbnail, I thought it was pic related, but your pic's Handmaid's horns are actually better.

>> No.6849684

Not a bad Handmaid. Those things must be a bit hard to walk around with. Source?

>> No.6849686

It's from someone else's photoset but the cosplayer is http://kumashiro.tumblr.com/

>> No.6849699


>> No.6849725
File: 45 KB, 174x209, sdfs222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6849737

Already answered

>> No.6849746

I'm a bit confused. Cosplays look fairly nice, certainly has a lot of them, but I'm a bit confused about their gender. They've clearly got breasts, bound down for the male cosplays, but their face seems masculine to me somehow. 'Course, many girls could have faces that don't look entirely feminine, but regardless.

Doesn't help that they don't want to disclose.

>> No.6849785

/r/ing dancestor god tiers? I really love seeing them. Or really, any god tier trolls that aren't Vriska, Gamzee or Aradia.

>> No.6849826
File: 93 KB, 640x480, IMG00070-20130519-16361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a wooden Ahab's Crosshairs for the MCM Expo next week (cosplaying Cronus, and planning to cosplay Eridan one day).

Anyone have any suggestions on painting wood? I've never done it before. I've got some primer/undercoat of course. Hope I can get it all painted before Thursday.

>> No.6849849

Cronus doesnt have an Ahab's Crosshairs

>> No.6849860

They also mentioned they were planning to cosplay Eridan one day.

>> No.6849864


I needed a prop and it was the only one that made sense, the Openbound flash kind of implied it was his weapon/in his ownership so it makes sense to me, even if he's never seen with it.

>> No.6849941

Prime+sand the hell out of it first, otherwise the wood grain will show through. If you need to fill in cracks/knots/gouges etc lightweight spackle works.

Also I'd suggest sanding down the segmented parts of the underside of the stock so they're round. Looks good so far otherwise.

>> No.6850018

Looks like DC Promstuck is now in the hole and asking for donations. Is this going to be a new trend?

>> No.6850118

why does it matter

>> No.6850131

Why shouldn't it? They could just be one of those stupid special snowflakes which would right away show how terrible of a person they are, good cosplays or not.

No harm in being curious, that's all.

>> No.6850134

Why don't people actually plan their money with who is actually COMING to the event? If you can't afford what you're planning, up the price or do less.

>> No.6850140

Well they've never caused any drama and they have good cosplays, so it shouldn't matter

>> No.6850149

...They haven't?

Huh, okay. Kind of thought every cosplayer who is decent at the least would have some sort of drama behind them.

>> No.6850157

I'm sure we can come up with some good cosplayers who have had no history of drama. Where's that chart of BNFs again?

>> No.6850167

And is that cosplayer on the chart? The only person I can remember being on the chart is DM.

>> No.6850244
File: 216 KB, 900x1340, homestuckecheladder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone really needs to update this thing.

>> No.6850270

take hokaidoplanet off of mid tier, change damaramegido to cifera, add squishyblob to mid tier (?) replayce 0beyjane with hexiium (0beyjane is inactive)

>> No.6850277

Does srsrazzmatazz still cosplay homestuck or am I thinking of someone else?

>> No.6850283

Just curious, what are the issues with the shit tier people? I know of gemiblu, vaguely know of cod-tier (namely that their cosplays are bad), but what about the others?

>> No.6850294

put drunkroxy in with gemiblu at shit tier

>> No.6850300

I'm not too up on drama aside from one or two blogs but 0beyjane is an overweight, pimply "militarystuck" jane closet cosplayer. they stopped posting shortly after some anons sent her IC asks as caliborn.
I have no idea who elaroh is
I don't know too too much about heaven but she is infamous for poor construction and drama. /r/ing that one screencap listing why she's shit

>> No.6850302

Dang... never thought people would send Caliborn asks to people, as opposed to Calliope asks. Did she do something that would incur such a thing, like is she a jerk? Or is it just that their cosplays are bad?

>> No.6850303

Honestly I don't think squishyblob has enough cosplay to be mid-tier. I really like the stuff she's done but I only know of one or two complicated HS costumes unless she's done more recently.

Shooshstab should be dropped to mid tier because of drama/an elitist attitude.

>> No.6850305

squishyblob here, I don't think I belong on mid-tier (or on the chart at all really)- my output of costumes is pretty low, and I don't get photos in formal settings often.

>> No.6850308

she had a very immature attitude to people critiquing her cosplays, and the blog she ran was basically a horrifically OOC ask blog. see for yourself.

>> No.6850313

Yeesh. Fair enough, then.

>> No.6850322


I cant help it, i laughed

>> No.6850323

Exactly how great do you have to be to qualify for pretty tier? I have someone who I think might belong there, but she only really has one good HS cosplay.

>> No.6850325

i'm laughing so fucking hard holy shit

>> No.6850330

holy shit, I remember this. this is when /co/HSG invaded her tumblr.

>> No.6850331

She'd probably need to be known, plus have several cosplays under her belt.

>> No.6850338

Like above anon said, that's the basic qualification for all of the tiers: you have to be well-known and active with both cosplay and HS. The list was originally made as a response to people constantly coming into threads and asking what BNFs and low-drama cosplayers they should follow. It's stupid out of date at this point though. mostly because I think we're too lazy to update it and nobody can ever agree on what to change.

>> No.6850481

That's some amazing attention to detail.

>> No.6850488

I would agree but they're too busy pretending to smash for me to see their faces

>> No.6850494

why do you care

>> No.6850495

Aren't they a Bostonstuck, though? That completely discredits the whole cosplay, if so.

>> No.6850497


Answer is here.

No harm in being curious, that's all.

>> No.6850498

why would it matter if they're a bostonstuck or not?
are we seriously going to judge cosplays based on where people are from

>> No.6850503

I remember seeing that cosplayer in a Bostonstuck picture, which immediately makes them terrible.

>> No.6850507
File: 157 KB, 431x401, 1338048197565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6850509

i'm not sure if you're trolling or not, but there are some pretty decent cosplayers from bostonstuck, despite the fact that the majority is pretty shitty.

>> No.6850513


Try again.

>> No.6850530

try harder
3/10 i replied

>> No.6850531


>> No.6850532

Fair enough.

Is shooshstab ever openly elitist on tumblr? Or in person/behund people's backs? Just curious because I don't follow him.

>> No.6850534

I asked him on anon how he made his Jack hat and he said he got it at party city

(Im eventually going to cosplay an imp and if people have tutorials for this sort of thing please post them!)

>> No.6850552
File: 277 KB, 1094x585, dead roxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aradia (god tier, alive, dead, and Sailorstuck), Terezi, Seahorsedad, Roxy (alive, dead), Rose (starter, Winterstuck), Karkat, Aranea, Calmasis. Working on Roxy's purple dress and Rose's Velvet Squiddleknit, and planning on doing FLARP Aradia and Nannasprite for Otakon.

Pic is from last year's Dead Alphas shoot because as it turns out lying around in places pretending to be dead is a lot of fun.

Homestuck is the only fandom I've ever been a part of where someone has said something rude to my face based solely on what I was cosplaying. On the one hand, I find it upsetting that this has become a thing which seems to occur regularly- even in this very thread. On the other hand, I also find it upsetting that this fandom has dug itself into such a hole, and that a vocal minority (or.. possibly not the minority) has earned such a reputation that even those who are polite and courteous are faced with hostility from outside parties.

On the third hand, I sort of wish we could all be mature and polite about this and work out our differences, because hey wouldn't life be a whole lot nicer if we could all just get along. and on my fourth and final hand I realize that my third hand is an entirely futile plea, because people are people wherever you go, and that means that there's always pretty much going to be people arguing and being immature and petty, no matter what.

>> No.6850573
File: 88 KB, 493x750, tumblr_mn2pp8M1nX1rtjpeco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really liking the progress on that Dolorosa dress.

>> No.6850592
File: 427 KB, 544x900, IMG_7414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done Jane in her starter outfit, Kanaya in her Rainbow drinker and red dress, and Jade God Tier. I'm probably going to make her Eclectica outfit for CT con. Gonna self post myself with probably one my favorite Karkat's.

>> No.6850593

the fucking middle part
>looks in mirror
>it totally looks good

>> No.6850594

Ugh, yup, they're a Bostonstuck.

>> No.6850596

I'm a bit on the fence about it, to be honest. There's some nice shoulder tips on the mantle, and the green details all seem pretty tidy, but I'm not so sure about the shape of the collar, and the slightly wrinkled fabric. I guess I'll look forward to the finished product.

>> No.6850600

can you post your seahorsedad?

>> No.6850608

I sort of feel the same. I'm somewhat new to the fandom ( 1 year) and only this year made my first HS related cosplay of one of the kids. Im just wondering if the rude shouts and people giving death glares are only because of the trolls or is everything HS related is on people's hate list. It's sucks because I spent so much time on my outfit and I'm almost thinking of not wearing it because of the drama.

>> No.6850609

You mean Floridastuck.
I like this, but she really needs to cut the bangs on that.

>> No.6850618
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pretty shitty

>> No.6850620
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It's pretty awful for a lot of reasons but okay.

I definitely think you should wear it anyhow- if you a love a character and want to cosplay them, then definitely go for it. Don't let potential drama bring you down. However, remember that there is safety in numbers. Try not to be caught alone at the con; try to stick with one or more buddies at all times, regardless of whether or not they're cosplaying Homestuck (or even if they're cosplaying at all). People are a lot less likely to be rude to you if they can see you've got friends.

>> No.6850626

They look like they're wearing JEANS, and Brobot does not have all of these fucking edges.

>> No.6850627
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Fins behind ears, skin showing, fat chunky braids, purple bracelet, Karkat with freckles and full black lips . .

>> No.6850630

They tried too hard

>> No.6850634

this still looks really cool god damn
i like it

>> No.6850635

>really cool
Try again.

>> No.6850640

What a joke

>> No.6850642

You must be the Brobot cosplayer then, because it's hardly good at all.

>> No.6850655

oh right sorry i forgot im in cgl and have a different opinion

>> No.6850661

You should know better.

>> No.6850687

S'all good anon other anons are just jealous fatties who can't stand to see someone they hate receive positive attention.

>> No.6850698

>Implying that pointing out a bad cosplay being bad has any correlation to weight whatsoever.
>Implying that this Brobot deserves positive attention for such a shitty cosplay.

Keep it up and I'd be thinking that you ARE this Brobot cosplayer.

>> No.6850713

You must be new to cgl if you're taking the term 'jealous fatties' that literally.

You keep this up and I'm just gonna think you have a vendetta.

>> No.6850723

two arrows in front link to a post. one arrow in front greentexts the text. that's why it's called greentext. lern24chan

>> No.6850732


Can you explain why it's shitty without defaulting to IT'S NOT PERFECTLY CANON

Because if that's the reason you hate it, fair enough, but I want to know. Because from the waist up it's really nicely made.

>> No.6850745

Who do you guys think are good SFLstucks?

>> No.6850755

>well made

>> No.6850768

calling vendetta

>> No.6850779

Yeah, also calling vendetta. Objectively speaking, the construction of the plates and how they're all put together IS very well-done and much more advanced than the average cosplayer is capable of. It's not at ALL canon. You can hate it on the basis of ugly design/not canon/impracticality, but you can't say it's not well made.

>> No.6850781

It's Bostonstuck.

>> No.6850783

>acting like that doesn't solidify the fact that you've got some major vendetta
just cause bostonstuck is generally shit doesn't mean it's impossible for good cosplays to come out of there

>> No.6850787

But it's Bostonstuck. It IS impossible for good cosplays to come from there, and that's an example.

>> No.6850792

vendetta-anon, go clean out your jealous cunt somewhere else

sage because this is getting fucking ridiculous

>> No.6850793

For painted craft foam it's not eye burning but still needs a lot of work. They put so much effort into the top half and then slap on grey jeans? It's a design flaw like the cosplayer doesn't know how to replicate the same detail from the waist down. Unless this is just a progress pic I'd say this low end mediocre.

>> No.6850796

The majority of them are shitty people and the ones who aren't avoid every meetup at all costs, so it's hard to say.

>> No.6850797

vendetta confirmed

>> No.6850800

Nope, it's from an actual photoshoot. Naturally, most of the pictures were taken only from the waist up.

>> No.6850801


calling samefag

>> No.6850804

Do you mean shitty personalities or shitty cosplays? I've met some rude ones though so I can agree there

>> No.6850805

Just goes to show how lazy they are. It's just not a good cosplay, period. Call it a vendetta if you want.

>> No.6850815

A mix of both. The only decent ones I can think of off the bat are Tatum and her friends. Other than that, it seems like everyone dipped right around the time that Miamistuck starte having a billion meetups in one month.

>> No.6850823

Well maybe it was only meant to be half a cosplay for photoshoot purposes? Or maybe they started with the idea and realised they aren't skilled enough to continue with the design and just wanted to show off the part they were proud of..?

>> No.6850827
File: 68 KB, 640x960, 285639_10151377538648512_2083990644_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I really like this Rufioh

>> No.6850832

Is it because you ARE that Rufioh? Nobody likes a self poster.

>> No.6850836

Don't even try to defend them. There's nothing to be proud of if they can't even finish the whole costume, it just means they're not skilled. You don't halfass a cosplay.

>> No.6850837

calm down anon

>> No.6850840

I'm not but I like him more than most of the sfl Rufiohs I've seen?

>> No.6850845

fucking christ were not allowed to like anyone without being a selfposter now?
calm your fucking tits

>> No.6850847

Do you not see those godawful horns and wings?

>> No.6850848

Him, Tatum+co, rainbow-ashe and a few other people make a handfull of the actually tolerable cosplayers, though it's probably because they're all older/sflstuck has a lot of young kids.

I dunno. I'm just an old soul who's seen a lot of drama in the group.

>> No.6850849

This comment would be a lot better if you were actually making fun of the "I'm starting to think you ARE that Brobot" anon.

>> No.6850850

his horns aren't bad though??

>> No.6850852

The curve of the horns are completely wrong.

>> No.6850853

I never see Tatum, gtrose, or any other really tolerable cosplayers at meets.
I gave up on them myself, too many annoying kids.

>> No.6850867

It got so bad that the people running the sflstuck blog stopped going to anything other than cons. I know a few things here or there about what happened.

>> No.6850868

deets, anon, deets

>> No.6850883

Wait, What happened?

>> No.6850900

>Tatum and her friends
I've met them, they're shitty. Emily is okay but Tatum, Keli and Melissa are talentless cold cunts. They buy their cosplays (except Keli/Emily I think), get hype for nothing, and act like rude bitches irl. Sage for pointless drama.

>> No.6850906

Emily buys her cosplays too though? She literally has no talent.
What vendetta do you have anon?

>> No.6850916

Didn't she make her gt Rose tunic/hood? No vendetta even, they're just annoyingly mediocre and not even nice to top it off. I mean, Emily can be nice, but the rest of them (especially Tatum I find) are a fake nice? Somehow I also get the vibe whenever I am around them that they act like they are better than the people around them. They tend to ignore everyone and keep to themselves though, so pretty quiet and not obnoxious.

>> No.6850925

Honestly I'm gonna have to agree with this. But even Emily comes off as rude to me.
>tfw I knew them as the Wanijima cosplay family or something before they even got into HS
>tfw I used to really like them before I met them

>> No.6850931


hahahahaha does this board even hear itself

>> No.6850932

Fuck homeshit you dumb faggots
Next time I see you, I'm going to break your necks
Stay off 4chan and stay out of my anime cons

>> No.6850935

man it's just general shit today on this board

>> No.6850939

And speaking of general shit,


>> No.6850943

2/10 for the effort

>> No.6850955

Details, anons. Details.

>> No.6850983

Dave, Dirk, Male!Aradia, John... did Kankri once but don't have any pics. Same with Caliborn, but that's more of it just being shitty, ahah.

>> No.6851020
File: 68 KB, 500x667, uhm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this on my dash.

>> No.6851244

are you literally this fucking stupid

>> No.6851246

god, why is everyone here so pissy lately?

>> No.6851266

Ok, but everyone defending that brobot.


that makes it bad cosplay. It's halfassed as fuck

>> No.6851281

Didn't we JUST have a conversation last thread about how there are some BNFs and quality cosplayers in Boston despite Bostonstuck's high level of total shit?

>> No.6851315
File: 170 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_mkv4v9sHIc1qgc0rpo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grand Highblood, Signless, Pawfeet Gamzee, Pounce de Leon, Kankri and on occasion, I borrow various seadweller cosplays from my girlfriend

best picture i could find of my current highblood cosplay rn.

>> No.6851374

fucking Christ that looks disgusting

>> No.6851382

I like your horns a lot but man you really need to fix that shirt up. It looks like some sort of bondagestuck AU.

>> No.6851384

I noticed that happened. I heard there was something about people trying to do secret meetups? It sucks because all this happened a little after I got into the Homestuck so I have no idea what's going on in SFLstuck.

>> No.6851389

After all, no good cosplay should ever have jeans, ever.

At least, not robots.

>> No.6851483

well, yes. That'd be the same as calling a feferi cosplay good and she was wearing jeans. It's nonsensical and inaccurate and half assed.

the jeans on that brobot don't even match the gray of the plates. Like there was literally no effort made to find fitting pants.

>> No.6851506

It's a harness sort of thing, and we're adding bones to it as well. Do you think that would help it at all?

Because that was honestly my main concern when we made it

>> No.6851508

why is murtunacaptor in that list? /cgl hates everything he does

>> No.6851523

What do you mean secret meetups? How can a meetup even be secret?

>> No.6851565


I thought cgl loved his psiioniic

>> No.6851568

>Secret meetups
Probably just the Miamistucks trying to haphazardly slap together mall meetups so they can run around in facepaint. The last two times they met at dolphin mall, they got followed by security and asked to leave a part of the mall didn't they?

>> No.6851585

I was thinking of dumping some, but we're in autosage. create new, post here or wait for more activity?

>> No.6851587

I really don't understand this "let's run around the mall in cosplay" phenomenon. The Bostonstucks do this too.

Some people like him, some people don't. That's more or less the case with everyone on that list.

>> No.6851629

Wait a while. Everyone's probably at school/work for now.
Well, Miamistuck specifically is overrun with 14-16 year olds who all believe they're ~*SO RANDUM XD*~ for shouting HS-related memes at each other. Maybe it's just people around that age group?

>> No.6851649


Is there a single BNF everyone agrees is awesome? The only person I can think of is DM.

>> No.6851664

smells like vendetta since i've met them and they're nice gals

>> No.6851666

What's the matter with buying cosplays?

I don't know how to make a gosh darn thing, so I just buy whatever shirts or pieces I need for a cosplay, and whatever I can't find, I commission.

>> No.6851703

Not really. Even the people on the top end of the >>6850244 list get nitpicked for one cosplay or another. That said I've never heard anyone shit talk some of those BNFs' personalities or attitudes. So it depends on what your definition of awesome is.

>> No.6851728

I have no idea but that's what people were talking about a few months back. I think they were talking about meetups people were organizing but not telling the SFLstuck mods about them.
I heard about those but I don't go to them. My best friend works at that mall and they've annoyed her a couple of times.

>> No.6851742

amy other deets on what your friend told you?

>> No.6851743

God this keyboard is shit.

>> No.6851792


Considering /cgl/ has the sandier vaginas I think having BNFs with no reported personality defects is as good as its going to get

>> No.6851997

When i put on troll makeup, it covers my eyebrows and makes them look weird, ive seen tutorials where people use a tool to color on fake eyebrows, what do i use for that? also where can i get cheap fangs that work for Sollux teeth?

>> No.6852027

fake nails and denture strips are probably the cheapest I can think of.

I just used a eye brow pencil for mines. I'm sure there are fancier tools.

>> No.6852030

Eyeliner or black eye shadow work well for eyebrows.
Would you rather make them or buy them? I've found fake nails and dental adhesive (or dental melting plastic) work fine, and they don't look too shitty either.

>> No.6852129

If im making Sollux horns, how big should i make them? like 4 inches for the big ones and 3 inches for the small ones, or whats a good size?

>> No.6852144

I'd advise cutting out some paper roughly larger than you want the horns to be, and then holding it up to your head in a mirror/webcam to get a good look at it. What you really want is horns that are a good size for you, not horns that are a good size "in general". (If you're making them for someone else, though- then yeah, 3" and 4" is probably all right.)

>> No.6852190

What >>6852144 said. You also might want to make them a bit longer depending on whether or not you're going to cover them with hair from your wig (or whatever you do to make them look like they're growing out of your head)

>> No.6852214
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>> No.6852373
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dear god

>> No.6852392
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>> No.6852396

im pretty surprised there hasnt been a homestuck porn tape yet honestly

>> No.6852405

It's getting there.

>> No.6852420

that was....upsetting.

>> No.6852437

new thread

>> No.6852439
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>> No.6852761

Homestuck wise, I've done:

Aranea, Vriska, Jade (Eclectica and default), Rose, Jane, Roxy, Latula, Terezi, Feferi, Meenah.

I haven't worn half of them in public, though, and I'm done with Homestuck.

>> No.6855448
