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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 99 KB, 400x600, 7c69f4283808bb10ca63bb8ebbed6a55df0a608f-700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6839509 No.6839509 [Reply] [Original]

continued here.

What cons are you guys preparing for?

>> No.6839516

How was NYC Promstuck?

>> No.6839521
File: 87 KB, 413x413, tuna.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im Going as Mituna, and i still need to work on my suit. As for the helmet, I have yet to acquire a cheap motorcycle helmet to use for the base. So if worse comes to worse, i guess ill just go without the helmet and just fluff my wig like his hair. But I doubt that will happen cuz Otakon isnt until august 10th or sometime like that.

>> No.6839527

Full of drama, like always.
There was an upset with who won Queen apparently, but nothing nearly as hilarious as when lindzar didn't win King the first year.

>> No.6839529

what happened with lindzar?

>> No.6839541
File: 329 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mmt5bsOc221qmroqyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6839544

can't wait for someone to try to get grey paint all in the waterpark areas and get kicked out

>> No.6839548

how come the HS fandom has countless ftms but no mtfs?

>> No.6839553

i actually know 2
i think it's just more safe in general for ftms to come out
and easier?

>> No.6839555

Otakon, making some adjustments to my WV costume and roping my girlfriend into a shits-and-giggles crossoverstuck. I think I've done all the Homestuck cosplays I'd like to do now (save redeeming my shitty noob Kanaya cosplay), so might as well go out on a fun note.

>> No.6839559

Anime Boston, I'm bringing old outfits for the con but making myself a prop for my Friday outfit right now.

>> No.6839573
File: 793 KB, 1200x1600, tumblr_mjtxwdJ4aP1qa92ioo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more girl to boy ratio i guess?

>> No.6839576

AB and Otakon, I'll be working on my props for AB this weekend, hopefully!

>> No.6839594

looks ok but can't give a solid judgement through the shitty quality and filters

>> No.6839598
File: 63 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lyfqwg9AfU1qzz1zu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SuperCon! working on Roxy's laser gun and scarf.

>> No.6839602

>>6839509 (OP)
Mechacon, I have plenty of time to prepare, but I sort of want to get it all done now, I really shouldn't keep putting things off.

>> No.6839606
File: 369 KB, 960x1280, 2013-04-29 18.55.18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6839608

What's a good wig for John Egbert? I have a large diameter head.

>> No.6839618

Anime Evolution. It was decent last year, hoping for a drama-free time this year.

>> No.6839620

Got details? I didn't hear about any drama with snowchildhero winning.

>> No.6839623

Jesus Christ, that pillow.
I need one of them in my life.

>> No.6839639

Oh hey, I'm going to Colossal too.
Has that happened before? I went last year but I don't recall anything too bad.

>> No.6839644

Going to a-kon with a few friends

>> No.6839651


>> No.6839653

Acen's in 3 days and I'm still preparing :')

>> No.6839670

going to a-kon and thinking about a-fest cosplays already. depending on money and days off and stuff I'd like to go to another con or 2 between those but everything is up in the air

>> No.6839685

The fandom is mostly cis girls and the new fad for cis girls is to be ftm. There are very few mtf girls because theyre not jumping on a fad; actual transexuality is rare.

>> No.6839731

Connecticon, hopefully. There's a chance my ride wont be able to make it. I'm going to be GT rose and derse cal.

>> No.6839736

me too. maybe I'll get an "ironic" one

>> No.6839740
File: 27 KB, 500x346, fcuk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why havent you guys cosplayed this yet

>> No.6839756

Try an arda's derek in natural black

>> No.6839802
File: 36 KB, 614x398, 838c888f2240c5b5af085fa1095b4ccc-614x398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new fad
>as if pretending to be ftm hasn't been popular for years

>> No.6839813

Who are your headcanons, hsg?

>> No.6839880

Well it really started up in 2009.

wearing red is the troll equivalent of being goth, troll breasts are there for protection, and John+Jade are asian

>> No.6839890

They asked who, not what. I'm guessing they mean, [name] is my headcanon [character].

But, given the quality of the cosplayers we've seen, I don't expect to see much responses to that anon.

>> No.6839914
File: 259 KB, 500x747, tumblr_mfxis4PvES1qfu6zso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone help explain to me why part of HSG suddenly seems to think that there are no quality Homestuck cosplays/cosplayers out there? I get that we've become a hard bunch to please as of late, but come on guys. That's sort of a ridiculous claim.

>> No.6839953
File: 89 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mlzavwgUpR1qgfew9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AB - Aranea (wip pic related) and maaaybe Roxy's knit dress (if I can get it done).

Otakon - FLARP!Aradia and Nannasprite

I went, but sort of immediately regretted it as soon as I got there. Nothing bad on behalf of the event itself (good location, affordable ticket price, well organized), I just forgot that I sort of hate dances (or rather, I remembered, but had hoped that somehow it being a Homestuck dance would negate that). I ended up spending most of my time there in the coat check.

>> No.6839954

somewhat getting ready for Sac Anime, I'm gonna run the meet up since winters was a little messy when others did it. I've got my God tier Roxy close to being done, also working on her portal gun since I like props. My friend is doing God tier Dirk.

>> No.6839977

It's not sudden. There are just no good Homestuck cosplayers out there.

>> No.6839995

sure is milhouse in here

>> No.6840005

Supercon. Though I'm only doing Kanaya for Saturday; it's really the last HS cosplay I want to do.

>> No.6840014
File: 134 KB, 800x566, shoosh_pap_by_colicade-d55c3ey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Honestly, I think the problem is that there are so many people cosplaying homestuck it all sort of blends together after awhile. At least it does for me. And since there are a lot of basic outfits and pieces that everyone makes (horns, t-shirts, ect) it becomes easy to pinpoint mistakes or favor a single technique for producing the same outfits, props, and make up application over and over and over.

>> No.6840060

And I say again that's a stupid claim when you have consistently excellent cosplayers like Yaexrae, Ceriene, Vintage-Aerith and a dozen others. HSG is just no longer capable of recognizing what good cosplay actually is.

>> No.6840065

I'm with this guy. For whatever reason HSG has totally tanked into bitter sandyvag lately.

>> No.6840081
File: 102 KB, 500x725, tumblr_mjtv07poI81rgyv7lo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I forgot about this Gamzee by the way. Bless German cosplayers.

>> No.6840085

Pretty damn good everything in this pic. Sauce?

>> No.6840099
File: 448 KB, 500x697, tumblr_mml8fjC7cy1rgyv7lo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6840148

Requesting Jades with squiddles, please.

>> No.6840161

You seem to be confusing headcanon cosplayers with quality.

>> No.6840169

Agreed with everything here. /R/ing your favorite quality pics. Any character, any cosplayer. I don't care if it's BNFs who everyone has already seen - anything to keep another thread from diving into sandyvag territory.

>> No.6840187

why the fuck do you ask for this all the time dude it's starting to creep me out

>> No.6840201

also going to AE. christ thats like a month and a half away id better get working on shit

>> No.6840317
File: 63 KB, 250x173, tumblr_mlfjtkzW151rjmbmdo3_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obvious troll

>> No.6840737
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>> No.6840748
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>> No.6840931
File: 161 KB, 1024x694, jake_english_by_cat_doodle-d63rjzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real life's been kicking my ass, so it looks like Otakon's my next one.

>> No.6841238

Prepping for Anime North here!

>> No.6841325

Requesting Megidos? Or Eridans?

>> No.6841374

why does Tennessee have so many bad cosplayers

>> No.6841377
File: 85 KB, 960x720, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic dropped

>> No.6841470

No matter how bad they are, they will never be Miamistucks.

>> No.6841475
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>> No.6841478
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>> No.6841485
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>> No.6841491
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>> No.6841524

She's cute but I keep laughing at the doggy behind her with this quizzical look.

>> No.6841540
File: 762 KB, 400x300, tumblr_mmtqcss50x1r1k8ako1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6841606

What type of boots are good to use for Mituna? Like actual boots or rubber galoshes or what?

>> No.6841615

Damn. I'm intrigued. Source?

>> No.6841661

I need troll makeup and i saw this for sale, http://www.frendsbeautysupplyonline.com/kryolanaquacolor08025oz.aspx
it was used in a makeup tutorial vid, but I also am thinking of just using ben nye paint instead, but before i make a final decision, what do u guys recommend?

>> No.6841669

Alright, I finally found a store that sold Ben Nye.

The only question is... what do I... get exactly? They had Ben Nye for a whole billion things like foundation, creme, for the lips, eyeshadow, a whole bunch of stuff...

>> No.6841684



That clear it up, anon?

>> No.6841688

So I'm going to have to buy a lot of things... it isn't as easy as having the makeup, methods of sealing, and a brush?

>> No.6841701

i would just recommend using the cadaver gray cream liner from ben nye, its much less expensive than buying all that, but if you really wanna go all out, i would fallow the tutorial.

>> No.6841713

So the Ben Nye to apply to myself is titled Cadaver Grey cream liner. That, brushes or sponges, and a way to seal it, is the minimum, right?

I'm sort of on a budget and a deadline, is all. When I really want to go all out I'll get the rest of that stuff.

>> No.6841716

I've found sponges work better than brushes. Brushes smear and streak too much for me.

>> No.6841720

Essentially, yeah. Buy the Final Seal and powder, though, you can't have one and not the other.

>> No.6841722

Sounds right, yeah. I've heard baby powder works pretty well for sealing if you're unable to get some sealing spray/sealing powder. Make sure you have some on you in case you need touch ups, too.

>> No.6841723


Alright, all sounds good. Thank you guys for the advice!

>> No.6841750
File: 656 KB, 1280x1707, um.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would've been fine without those damn freckles

>> No.6841758

now I want some bad cosplay.
/r/ing bad cosplays.

>> No.6841759

NYC seems to have it really together though. unlike bostonstuck who are once again doing their promstuck outside like it's just a normal meetup.

>> No.6841761

Just scroll up.

>> No.6841777
File: 471 KB, 500x749, tumblr_mloctsb6Br1qgjnrto1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The idea that enough people in Bostonstuck would actually pay money for an indoor promspace

It's hard enough getting these kids to buy $5 worth of food at the foodcourt they're camping out at for six hours.

>> No.6841783
File: 93 KB, 612x612, tumblr_mmv4n6Iy0i1qcqd8io1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have another selfie from string horns aradia

>> No.6841805

I can't stop laughing at her tights' crotch.

>> No.6841831
File: 210 KB, 963x824, BILD3075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay homestuck some more but I don't know which character to choose. Do I look like anyone in particular hsg?

>> No.6841834

goodness, you have an absolutely gorgeous face. You strike me as a kanaya, latula, or aranea, personally!

>> No.6841832

It may be outside, but it looks like it will be rather fun. The girl running it seems to know what she's doing, including knowing that noone in Bostonstuck would be willing to pay. She's been running the event page on facebook really well despite typical Bostonstuck childish behavior.

>> No.6841836

honestly? your face is pretty enough that you'd be able to pull off almost any character if you do your makeup right. how tall are you/how much do you weigh?

>> No.6841839

Thank you! With enough contouring do you think I could crossplay?

I'm 5'3" and my measurements are 31 24 33.

>> No.6841843
File: 951 KB, 240x180, tumblr_inline_mmuoz8cDwN1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a Maryam, definitely. Or a Lalonde, depending on if you'd rather stay human.

>> No.6841848

definitely! you seem to have a really versatile face from what i can tell from your picture, and if you contour and do your makeup, bind/etc for a male character correctly, I feel like it's really likely that you could pull it off. i'd recommend sollux if you do crossplay, you seem to have the angular face that seems to suit him.

>> No.6841849

I'd say Aradia, for some reason she came to mind when I saw your face.

But gosh, what a pretty face it is.

>> No.6841854

Seconded - you'd make a great Maryam.

>> No.6841855


You're all going easy on her because you think she's pretty

>> No.6841858

...what else are we supposed to do? she asked for suggestions, we gave her suggestions.

>> No.6841859
File: 385 KB, 800x533, f3fcda8216d33dde53fa0982535a1853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually HSG is pretty tolerant of "who should I cosplay" posts. It's "how's my progress" ones that get shredded.

Though I'm sure being pretty helps.

>> No.6841863

Why are the progress ones intolerable? Does the attitude matter? Like, let's say someone posts progress pics, open to critique and improvement. Is that still bad?

>> No.6841876

Sorry I mean in terms of harsh or honest replies. People won't hold back with progress posts, and will usually give a list of criticisms that can boarder on nitpicking. To contrast, there isn't a lot of replies you can give a "who should I cosplay as?" post other than "cosplay as so and so." Both are fine as long as you're open to critique.

>> No.6841889

Hmm... true enough. Do the criticisms ever say anything good though, after the critique, as long as the person is open to it? Like, "Okay, this needs work, so and so could be better, but aside from that you're fine, and I liked this or that"

>> No.6841890

It varies depending on how pissy HSG is being and how much of a hot mess the progress is. I normally find them helpful though.

>> No.6841913

I've used Kryolan, it's good stuff if you have the right color. Anyone who gets that stuff needs to get the topcoat sealer too.

>> No.6842053
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>> No.6842057

I still like this, surprisingly. That Latula is just so gosh darned cute.

>> No.6842061
File: 765 KB, 600x900, 1348472065715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumping a random assortment of pictures from my cosplay folder.

>> No.6842062
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>> No.6842064
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>> No.6842063
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>> No.6842066
File: 108 KB, 576x768, 1347318989891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6842069
File: 97 KB, 695x1150, 1348447132361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6842072
File: 54 KB, 640x480, 3da6ktql.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6842074
File: 246 KB, 1280x853, 1348469963080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6842075
File: 76 KB, 667x1000, iron_lass_cosplay_by_lissyfishy-d61xna7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6842077

There's that one Etsy store where people get their glasses from, the name is Akino-something, can't remember the exact name.

Now, since many people seem to go to that store, mainly for Dirk, but other glasses like for Meenah, both Serkets, both Pyropes, Equius, and even Dave and John are available there too.

They're pretty pricey, though. But is the price worth it? I'm actually asking for their Dave glasses. Do they look better than just plain old aviator sunglasses, or should one just stick with aviator sunglasses?

I'd link it if I could, but the name escapes me at the moment.

>> No.6842082
File: 301 KB, 730x1296, equius_cosplay__take_two_by_todayforyou-d4xmhi3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6842084
File: 508 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mesrmqF3J31qjnfuho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6842085

Is it... wrong that I'm jealous? A couple cosplay of my favourite ship, presumably kissing on New Years?

>> No.6842086
File: 420 KB, 306x306, tumblr_mg8pljvL8d1qkw4kao1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get the ishades if you can. I don't see many daves with those.

>> No.6842088

Ay little mama let me whisper in your ear.

But that Kanaya's pretty nice, though.

>> No.6842092
File: 565 KB, 1280x1912, tumblr_mcoctiTmRO1qfn6g3o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6842093
File: 421 KB, 1492x1448, 777AEABEB81EFD75C9413A2A08786D42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope. If my bf read homestuck we'd totally cosplay as dave and jade too, possibly femsollux and manferi as well

>> No.6842096

Ah, yeah! The iShades. They do have that in the store, as well as Dave's regular glasses.

I'm thinking of getting them sometime to really enhance and add to his alpha outfit, as well as getting a Caledscratch sword somehow. I've made the timetables before, but one kinda... broke. So I'm thinking of just going for the sword and iShades.

Question is, are the glasses quality enough.

>> No.6842097
File: 355 KB, 1280x960, 28234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6842098
File: 617 KB, 600x900, tumblr_mihiq2E4fk1qf6qkjo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6842101
File: 275 KB, 1000x1500, best_meowrails_efurr_by_hoshakujirenge-d61ipfq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6842109
File: 206 KB, 900x759, 1349640223649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6842103
File: 295 KB, 1024x1365, 10_11_2012_supanova__homestuck_gamzee_by_missmurder1243-d5kz3b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6842104
File: 83 KB, 720x960, 13364354592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't ordered from there, so I can't say for sure, sorry!
I don't want to force you into anything, but have you considered making the scarlet ribbitar? I haven't seen too many daves with one.

>> No.6842106


>> No.6842112
File: 880 KB, 600x945, 1362437728330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6842116
File: 141 KB, 1024x768, F2pCrW5h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6842118
File: 376 KB, 500x750, yeah_________by_gentlemanlyspam-d5yxwo5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6842120
File: 265 KB, 480x720, tumblr_mifiem16tz1rosvn4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6842121

It's alright. Hopefully someone else has and could give me insight. Anyways, that's also true, the only swords you really see are either the Royal Deringer or Caledscratch, maybe the SORD. I'll go for whatever's easier. Both are pretty undeniably cool swords, though.

>> No.6842125
File: 446 KB, 800x531, tumblr_lqb39waYoH1qa3lhio2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6842139
File: 570 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_m4pfozLbof1r8f40bo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6842135
File: 574 KB, 1280x1715, german sausage jokes are the wurst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if necessary you could cut out a vaguely sword-shaped piece of cardboard and slather it in paint and sparkles to make a SORD..
whatever you decide to make, good luck!

>> No.6842140

Haha, 'course the SORD would be the easiest. Regardless, thank you.

>> No.6842142
File: 382 KB, 1657x1802, weapon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if you guys have seen this yet but it's a pretty helpful reference if you're looking for an outfit or character to cosplay

majhost com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=231161

>> No.6842153

a lot of jade weapons are boring.

>> No.6842159

But what about that one plasma cannon thing ripped straight from a video game

>> No.6842169

>brain trident
oh my god i forgot about that. I have no intention of cosplaying feferi but I really want to make that

>> No.6842240

isn't that only with her iron man costume? even then compare to john and dave. she didn't get a lot of cool weapon.

>> No.6842292
File: 550 KB, 250x188, tumblr_mmv7u7NYOl1ro94e2o3_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6842295

why did i click that

>> No.6842300

my feelings exactly

>> No.6842322


I have a pair of sollux and terezi glasses from there. it's probably a little overpriced, at least for dave glasses where you could find cheaper aviators, but I have no complaints about the quality

>> No.6842328

So it's pricey, but the quality's good at least?

>> No.6842357


yeah. and again for aviators it might not be worth it but compared to cheap 3d glasses or those dumb vampire red glasses it was worth it to have nice canon accurate glasses.

>> No.6842362

Hmm, okay.

It's just, I've been considering buying the iShades from that store, mostly also because I wouldn't know how to apply it onto regular aviator sunglasses... just put on stickers of the Apple logo?

>> No.6842663

Requesting some good Snowman cosplayers please?

>> No.6842677
File: 592 KB, 471x710, tumblr_mmuvv1gCeI1qmroqyo2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6842886
File: 604 KB, 1280x1912, tumblr_mifycur3Ti1qe5tnao4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid I don't have any of carapace version, but I did like these interpretation.

>> No.6842888
File: 353 KB, 1280x857, tumblr_mifycur3Ti1qe5tnao2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6843045
File: 381 KB, 1280x1450, tumblr_mmuezsbO0b1rkbrjko3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these Aradia but her tiny horns...

>> No.6843048
File: 154 KB, 847x679, tumblr_mmv7uilZox1qaury6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6843050


>> No.6843052
File: 169 KB, 500x622, tumblr_inline_mmtmfcwfOZ1qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6843166
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anyone else going to clovercon this sunday?

>> No.6843421
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>> No.6843605
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>> No.6843607
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>> No.6843609
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>> No.6843612
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>> No.6843614
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>> No.6843618
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>> No.6843620
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>> No.6843623
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>> No.6843632

after that weapon list was posting I was just wondering if anyone had made this chainsaw of Kanaya's. I'm surprised, this actually looks pretty decent.

>> No.6843713
File: 107 KB, 1024x678, kanaya_by_vanderwinkle-d5htjuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, pic related
>tfw started on one but feel too unmotivated to finish it

>> No.6843738

I missed promstuck because of stupid shit. Ugh. I heard it was good which makes me more jelly but also happy that it went well.
Well for 2013, Next I have colossalcon, then conneticon, otakon, sakioucon, and maybe dragon-con. Then AWA, and NYCC.
Colossalcon I'm not doing any homestuck, wish I did plan on it because with hiatus will probably make the meets a bit more quality control. But, I just had to get into off like right before it exploded in popularity and made Zacharie. Though mine isn't a shitty paper mask one so I should stick out from the sea of zachs I'm expecting. To think I was making fun of the jack frost pocalypse just a few months ago.
For Conneticon, I'm bringing bee varient mituna, and cod tier gamzee homestuck wise. Might also bring god tier dirk, or one of Jane's outfits.
For Otakon, I'm pretty undecided other than 100% bringing The Sufferer. I really want to wear Horuss, but.. that..heat. Sakioucon I'm completely undecided. I'll be head of a group of like 30 people so I need to be somewhat manageable if drama arises and I have to go into mama mode. Dragoncon Im pretty undecided on because it's my first time, and I don't think they're 100% homestuck friendly. I was thinking maybe bringing horuss, or cod tier gamzee if so. AWA, I have no idea. NYCC I am doing Horuss, or The Sufferer. Only bringing one hamsteak cosplay though. My big plans are Nightcrawler.

>> No.6843763
File: 132 KB, 500x667, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, that's a lot of cons. I wish I had enough time to make a bunch of cosplays but my major is going to decimate me

>> No.6843789


Dragoncon is fine, anon. Most the attendees don't know what HS is but unlike anime cons there's no butthurt "gtfo" shit going on. If your costume is nice enough people will take pics regardless. The D*Con meetup skews older, too, since most the 14 yr old ATLstucks are too broke to afford it. If you end up coming, come to Barstuck, it's a good time.

>> No.6843863

Dragoncon is actually more friendly than anime cons IMO. Most of the attendees have no idea what it is, and beyond that they don't care what other people wear because everyone dresses in the weirdest, most obscure shit. If you can attend, I'd really recommend it - it's the best con I've ever been to, and Barstuck is a blast.

I'm kind of curious as to where you're from now though - that's a huge list in a lot of different states.

>> No.6843889

Yeah, it's a general geek/nerd con (just look up all the awesome "tracks") with a slightly older crowd, so no 14-year-olds to whine "gtfo my animes". I never found out when the photoshoot was supposed to be last year, but there was a small contingent in the parade, complete with banner.

>> No.6843934

D*Con is really great towards Homestuck cosplayers, and theyre are usually older homestucks too. But I will say that it's still an issue, considering previous Dragon*Con there was a problem with a few 12 year olds trying to make out with older cosplayers during spin the bottle on Saturday night. Other than that though it's really great to go as a Homestuck character, the only group attendees have issues with are usually the MLP fans.

>> No.6843939

MLP fans, huh... let me guess, they've run into mostly the neckbearded, fedora toting jerks that ruin the whole fandom?

>> No.6843947

Yeah. On sunday they had chased a large Homestuck group on the tenth floor having a photoshoot out of their area so that the MLP fans would have a place to be loud and obnoxious. It was pretty awful.

>> No.6843951

Wow spin the bottle? That must've been after I left to change for barstuck. Can't say I'm sad that I missed it.

>> No.6843956

Yeah. It was titled "Spin the Bottle with Hugs or Kisses if both parties are of age and comfortable". There was an 11 year old Sollux cosplayer in the lap of a 17 year old Sollux, attempting to make out with them. The 17 year old was told the age of the younger one, but all they had to say was "I really love them, I can wait for them" needless to say it was creepy af.

>> No.6844019

so NYC is having a 50s stuck dance now. wonder how that'll go.

>> No.6844026

Probably pretty good since it sounds like they only need 50 people. The problem with NYC promstuck is they didn't have the minimum number until way too late.

>> No.6844038

Not surprising. MLP fans are usually very elitist and put themselves above Homestucks. I myself am an MLP fan and a Homestuck, so it's pretty annoying being grouped together with either weeb-party in either fandom.

>> No.6844073
File: 1.39 MB, 1000x1503, meenah1small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selfposting for crit. Based on what you guys say I'll see what I can touch-up for AnimeNext. Planning on making new fins though, sweet jesus. Those were heavy as hell

>> No.6844081
File: 1.54 MB, 1000x1503, meenah-aranea3small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the only full body shot I got :L

>> No.6844088

will kids really be interested in old time music though? promstuck was more pop.

>> No.6844113

>implying they'll actually play 50s music
>...electroswing would be kind of rad

>> No.6844114

Get better matching lipstick, add some more spikiness to the wig, and holy shit please get/make new fins. Those are too big. You might want to remake your trident too, it looks a bit lumpy at the ends.

>> No.6844115

your horns are also a bit too rounded at the top.

>> No.6844119

Agreeing with remake the fins for a different reason: they're kind of rough and ragged looking. I can even see some magenta on the bottom of your left fin.

>> No.6844125

Ah, and paint your nails next time! Not sure if she canonically does blood color or leaves them yellow offhand.

>> No.6844128

Shoes look a little too purple, may want to repaint them.

>> No.6844139


List so far:

>new lipstick
>remake fins
>new/modify horns

And my trident was basically destroyed over the course of the con so I threw it out after. I wasn't happy with how it came out anyways since finishing it was really rushed, so I'm planning on making a new on anyways ahaha (you can actually see where it was broken in the 2nd pic too)

Does anybody know where I could get a better matching lipstick, one that's more pink than red?

>> No.6844144


Adding to >>6844139


And for the shoes, I used the same paint mix that I used on the shirt, glasses, and bracelet spikes so it might just be the lighting? Idk but I'll compare them and see what I can do

>> No.6844148

Could just be the material, if they're too glossy make them matte or vice versa

>> No.6844152

Basically any drug store will have a huge variety. Just bring a fin in and find one that matches.

>> No.6844153

Thanks everyone, this has made me a lot less nervous and a lot more excited. Though I'm not drinking age yet, otherwise I'd be pretty psyched for barstuck. The older attendance really was a major draw for me.

I left out the two furfaggot cons I'm going to also. I usually average a con a month. Except December, I take a break then. I'll be in the same boat soon major wise, I'll be studying engineering, and chinese. Honestly sometimes I think of changing my major just to have more time on my hands. But, I also know it will pay off one day to not take half measures. Defiantly going to have to cut down on the amount of costumes I sew.

I live in Pennsylvania. It's actually pretty genuinely terrible. Fucking stupid tourist population went up since those ass bad TLC faux amish shows started airing. I carpool, and budget hardcore to do all the travelling I do. Next year I'm most excited about Anime North, and I'm pretty bummed I couldn't get up there this year.

>> No.6844157

i'm excited as fuck. Though I hate the 50s motif.

>> No.6844160

you're a genuinely pretty good looking meenah! I'd defiantly want pictures with you if I see you at a con!

>> No.6844169

I think the chains are too much. I'd ditch those. With the chains and the glasses and the fins your face just looks way too busy.

>> No.6844173

i like the chains, a lot.

>> No.6844177

Duly noted. I was going for the ~punk~ look but I guess it didn't work... D'you think it'd be alright if I just put a couple loops (2-3) on each fin? I still really like them.

Gosh thanks! I'm going to bring Meenah to AnimeNext and possibly Otakon, if you're going to those?

>> No.6844183

going to ota!
I dropped AnimeNEXT this year, the management was so bad last year that I'm taking a break at least until next year. Anext has a really good homestuck shoot, so I'm pretty sure you'll love it if you've never been!

>> No.6844184


I've only been carded at dragoncon once. Just act on the up and up

>> No.6844187

Yeah, if you want to keep the chains incorporated, definitely do that. It's just that the way they are now it almost seems like overkill; at least it does to me, anyway. If you shortened the one on the left to a length more like the one on the right, I think it would look a lot better. As is, when I look at the longer one, all I can see is someone reaching out and just yanking on it, and for a sea troll that'd be an impracticality that would hurt like a bitch.

>> No.6844196

why are you goin then

>> No.6844197

I feel you

>> No.6844202

i like homestuck and dancing

>> No.6844203

Second time going, actually. Didn't go to the shoots because of some ex-girlfriend drama so I have no idea how they are, but might check them out this time around. Dunno yet.

Yeah, I get that. Would probably catch on seaweed and crap like that too. I think I'll do 3 loops on one side, then 2 loops and a short chain on the other. Sounds good?

>> No.6844249

Sounds good to me! Good luck on your cosplay!

>> No.6844252
File: 847 KB, 731x1565, My Images - MorphThing.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, this thread is pretty deserted. Want anything morphed, HSG?

>> No.6844266

Thanks!! And thanks for the not vicious crit ahahah

>> No.6844274

Holy shit morph Ryan North and Andrew Hussie.

>> No.6844280
File: 405 KB, 753x486, hussnorth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6844313


>> No.6844319

whatevachild and crying davesprite

>> No.6844325

the middle and right ones on the bottom row
>ready for the nightmare fuel

>> No.6844328 [DELETED] 


>> No.6844329

whatevachild and spooky porrim please i need this

>> No.6844330
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>> No.6844334
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>> No.6844338
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>> No.6844375

Slenderjohn and whatevachild.

>> No.6844389
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>> No.6844409 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6844422
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I didn't mean to post that

>> No.6844437

You can delete posts.

>> No.6844441

tell me who made this so i can go and shove a glass rod up their nose

>> No.6844442

this is fucking awful

>> No.6844445


>> No.6844455
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>> No.6844545
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>> No.6844549
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>> No.6844553
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>> No.6844559
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Oh no.

>> No.6844616

Is that...supposed to be trickster bro? With a bat?

>> No.6844625
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he looks like Timmy Turner
could they have picked a worse colour

>> No.6844627

what's under their shirt?

>> No.6844633

r/ing good Sollux cosplay for inspiration? Also, which side of his glasses is red and which side is blue? I've been looking through the canon and it switches multiple times and I am kinda flipping out here.

>> No.6844641

With the green hair, it reminds me of the episode where Cosmo and Wanda disguised themselves as Timmy to fool his parents.

>> No.6844658

Not gonna lie, I think this is a pretty good Trickster!Dirk.

>> No.6844659

...And right as I say that I zoom in and notice the piercings. Okay, aside from that, I think this is pretty good.

>> No.6844699

>inb4 "zomfg waaaah why do piercings matter 2u!! ur being a rude jeeeeerk!!!!!!!!!!! DX"

>> No.6844711

Now, it's not like they're completely obstructive. I just didn't notice at first.

>> No.6844745

There are people out there who will be pissed off that you even noticed that they exist.

>> No.6844793

Right side is red.

>> No.6844979

wig has a good shape but the texture looks...kinda grody? Im just being picky

>> No.6845009

heading to acen tomorrow first con ever.

>> No.6845085

What is the general consensus on spikey vs. curly Meenah wigs? I am currently unsure on which to go for

>> No.6845095

I'm planning on cosplaying a human version of sn0wmwan (with coat and cigarette holder), and I have my wig, hat, coat, etc.
I just need some help on two things.

1. Shoes. What kind of shoes should I be looking for? I've been looking for pointy shoes (that look like the end is an elongated < ) as those resemble her feet, but I can't find any plain ones locally that fit. What other shoes would suit her? I'm guessing black heels.

2. Makeup. Green lipstick, or black? Grey/black/white facepaint, or none? Smoky eyes?

I'm kind of basing what I'm doing off the 20s, as I remember something about the felt/midnight crew being based off that era (the wig I bought is as close to 20s style as I could find and I'm going to give her one of those curls like in Gatsby).

Thank you for any help!

>> No.6845112

the spikes look kind of stiff and that piercing looks trashy as hell
still looks better than 99% of the trickster dirk wigs i've seen, though

>> No.6845113


>> No.6845142

this bitch is all over my dash and everyone's fawning over the gifs and I hate everything about this and the contacts and wig need to burn

>> No.6845150

is that a fake dick in their pants?

>> No.6845206

You know what? I've stopped guessing with this fandom.

>> No.6845211

I attended a cosplay panel a couple years ago where the panelist had some good suggestions on crossplay. Is, uh, stuffing a sock in your pants really necessary? Like does going without really ruin the effect as much as standing like a girl?

>> No.6845218

I've read that stuffing can help you get that sense of, uh, space, I guess for lack of a better word, that guys have. You're more conscious of the sock's position, so you stand and sit and walk in ways that won't squish it. At least, that's the way I've taken it. I'm sure some kids try to make it seem like LOL I HAVE A PENIS, which is really stupid.
I've tried stuffing once (not for a con), and I can say that over the course of the day, I did change my normal ways of sitting and walking to be a bit more masculine. I don't think it's something really necessary, but if you want to go the extra mile, just try it at home, so you can have time to get used to moving in a completely different way.
(For me, it actually stuck. I'm much more likely to use a male's body language, now, if only because it's a lot more comfortable than the typical closed-off body language most women are expected to have.)

>> No.6845226

I guess so. I tried it once, but I felt so self conscious about it I went to the bathroom and took it out almost right away. I do tend to not be conscious enough of my legs in photos sometimes, though...

>> No.6845350
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>> No.6845354

Sage for Taki

>> No.6845373
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>> No.6845383

Bad all around. Bad wig, obnoxious piercings, ugly face..

>> No.6845400


>>6845218 has some good points. It's mostly helpful with informing your body language because it reminds you to act like you have junk to protect. If you overstuff you're going to end up with a perpetual boner anyway, so probably go gentle with that

>> No.6845432

this all makes perfect sense. I only have a problem with the cosplayers in tight girls' skinnies who stick an actual dildo in there sideways so that absolutely everyone can see every vein in the fake dick. Like, do they even know how a real penis works? ask any guy to do that and they'll last a minute.

>> No.6845436

nah scratch that, a minute standing up perfectly still. I tried sitting down and I swear to god the zipper tried to castrate me

>> No.6845446

Ew those fins.
I never noticed Takis skin was so bad, must be those instagram filters.

>> No.6845472

ugh..sloppy latex job but lazy eye gamzee is awkwardly cute.

>> No.6845491

Mine was just a small sock roll, probably lost in how baggy my pants were anyway, but I still felt pretty shy about it. Guess I'm just cis scum, better pack in my Tumblr.

>> No.6845653
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>> No.6845661
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>> No.6845667
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outfits are alright, but they both look so sad

>> No.6845668
File: 64 KB, 402x405, 239100127s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I should probably stop, I'm so bored"

>> No.6845670

Over the pastel goth shit

>> No.6845674
File: 124 KB, 603x611, 2740100d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6845691

/r/ing Eridans, Aradias, and/or Ancestors

>> No.6845696

Isn't this the "real dirk strider" girl? What's her name?

>> No.6845720

You mean it's not actually Dirk?
pft hasani aka sugoi horse

her monkey face and fat cheeks are a dead giveaway,

>> No.6845724
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Pic related

Yo, so I'm going to do Dualscar for Otakon before I take a long break from HS cosplay, part because I want to do something that's more elaborate and complicated for once from this series, another because I'm so fucking tired of seeing DS cosplays with armor that doesn't make any fucking sense, atheistically and functionally. (Box-y armor with plates hanging by chains with gaps in between to expose the stomach? What the fuck are you thinking?)

Only thing is, I'm hung up on the kind of fabric to use for the cape. In the pic is a satin scrap from a previous cosplay I've done. It's the right color and I feel satin matches the ~regal~ status of DS, but I'm iffy on using it because I know how some people regard satin as gaudy and cheap. Any alternative suggestions?

>> No.6845725

It's usually costume satin most people see as cheep. If its a regular satin you should be fine. From your photo it has a fairly nice matte look to it, I think you'll be okay.

>> No.6845731

It all depends on the costume and the type of satin. Costume satin is extremely shiny and just shitty looking, but if it's a high quality satin or a Chermuse it'd be jut fine. Some costumes would look good with a little shine.

>> No.6845736

but why are her eyebrows so far apart?

>> No.6845744

But why are her lips so big

>> No.6845745

Are you the same person who requests Eridans and Aradias in every thread?

>> No.6845761


Thanks guys

>> No.6845818

They only requested them once, in the last thread.

>> No.6845838
File: 32 KB, 500x281, why would you do that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently they went on omegle like this too
why the fuck would anyone think this was a good idea.

>> No.6845861
File: 63 KB, 500x667, tumblr_ml9z8dbHsD1ryl3bco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a tub of lard

>> No.6845906

Her eyelashes look like they're about to take flight.
Is it really so hard to trim eyelashes so they're not twice the length of your eye? You'd think it was common sense.

>> No.6845909

Advice on Fef goggles please?

I think the glasses look shitty but actual goggles aren't nearly big enough and throw off the proportions. Is it possible to find pink-edged goggles huge enough to let me wear eye makeup and fake lashes underneath?

>> No.6845910

Probably not. Why do you need big fake eyelashes though, anon? If you do need to for some reason though, I'd suggest just putting the goggles on your forehead or neck for the con.

>> No.6845913
File: 580 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mmv7ftQG5a1rknq2jo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6845941

That cosplay is so horrible, why would you use it as the starting image

>> No.6845957


It's hard to trim them in a way that doesn't make them look oddly lopped. It's better to just buy shorter lashes in the first place.

>> No.6845959


Ok, but to be fair, let's not act like Dualscar's canon armor design is at all sensible from an aesthetic or a functional standpoint. Those interpretations were pretty valid, I'll be shocked to see if you come up with something that doesn't deviate wildly but still retains functionality.

>> No.6845965

Because the group's Eridan is actually more girly in the face (she looks like a typical Sollux cosplayer), so we need more contrast.

>> No.6845970
File: 164 KB, 499x750, tumblr_mmyo4y09YL1rue60lo1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing cosplayers do this pisses me off more than it should.

What thing do hs cosplayers do that upset you?

>> No.6845981

unsealed body paint.

Nothing, not even lolita striders or this sort of attention whoring or bad genderbends or bike horns, pisses me off as much as unsealed makeup.

Runner up goes to kankris with whistles who blow them at full volume indoors.

>> No.6846134

It's not ENTIRELY terrible, could use some work, but it's not that bad.

>> No.6846139

Lolita striders. Especially in brand. I just can't get behind it, it looks so stupid and tacky.

>> No.6846137
File: 579 KB, 667x1000, equius_zahhak_take_two_by_njyyrikki-d63dr0d[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6846151

Are you joking? It IS that bad, and I'm not even that anon.

>> No.6846157

The glasses look okay, the shirt's symbol needs work, John's usually depicted with beige shorts rather than just beige pants, if going by his very first outfit, the wig needs styling and the green slime ghost on the hammer looks a bit wonky. A different pose would have been better too.

It's not terribly Godawful or anything. Just a lot of room for improvement, that's all.

>> No.6846166

Honestly for a kid cosplay, getting those few details wrong or not even trying to style a wig makes it bad. It's so simple, how do.

>> No.6846192

I compiled a list just for this reason, anon.
Roxys who do cateyes, Aradias with those dumb ass drag queen-esque red eyelashes, Bodycon skirts on Roxy, Rose or Jane cosplayers and skinny jeans at all in HS cosplay.

Basically, I'm an asshole.

>> No.6846196

Do skinny jeans not work for the regular outfits for some of the trolls, as well as some outfits for the kids?

>> No.6846259

Fuck, I think this is someone I know irl. I'm really hoping I'm mistaken.

>> No.6846261

I don't get the hate for cateyes, I've seen someone hate on a Jade for doing a cateye, too. You mean a winged eyeliner, right? I honestly think it helps most people look more...well, attractive. It lifts and defines the eye imo. Sure, not IC, but no matter what cosplay you're doing, you're going to be wearing makeup. It's Roxys with INTENSE eyeshadow that get me, whereas winged eyeliner is just a technique to help manipulate eye shape.

Also, why the hate on bodycon skirts? I think they look the most attractive on skinny Roxys and Roses. If you've got any examples of other nice skirts on the Lalondes, I'd love to see them.

I'm weirdly frustrated with this fandom's tendency to just buy a pretty long wavy wig for whatever female character they happen to be cosplaying (Jade, Vriska, Porrim, fem!Dave, etc).

>> No.6846314
File: 813 KB, 800x1200, no_more_pounce__by_njyyrikki-d63hbb2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These guys are terribly adorable.

>> No.6846315

I hate that there has to be a -stuck for literally everything. This wouldn't be so much of a problem if the designs for a lot of those alternate universe things weren't so ugly looking. Combine that with a handful of people wanting to make the darn things, and you have a recipe for a headache.

>> No.6846329


>> No.6846351

Adorable I guess. Still things they can fix up. Style the Nep wig, give Equius a widows peak and cut his wig, fix Equius's horns, and tone down the yellow sclera photo shop.

>> No.6846352
File: 1.50 MB, 320x179, tumblr_mmnvzfEH2H1qgrsvko2_r2_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6846367
File: 72 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mmyxcyoUBo1qgct92o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually don't like how all of the bangs and front part of the wig sweep together all in one. Ya know, besides the grey shirt and "accessories".

>> No.6846410

>>6846407 New thread.

>> No.6846415

Also, Nep's color is the wrong green.
I, however, like the look of shopped scleras. Why don't you?/What's the general consensus on that?

>> No.6846416

I like shopped scleras but this is too much. Learn to tone it down.

>> No.6846426

You know, I always wonder what all your cosplays look like. To see if any of you actually follow your own advice/own standards. This could also be said of all of /cgl/ though.

>> No.6846658

i'm looking for big goggles for my own feferi right now and it's incredibly hard. to be honest, i'd just like to get goggles and not wear them over my eyes but I don't know.

>> No.6851259

Guys.. I think I managed to screw up when getting my base tights for armsocks from welovecolors. I didn't get the nylon/lycra ones, I got the nylon/cotton ones, and the look blue-gray sort-of (ordered light gray to match with Snazaroo).
What should I do??
Asking you guys before I ask my ex about it, since her armsock tights are in my package as well, and it's the same kind...