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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 38 KB, 450x368, 2608534738_053b132d9a_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6840087 No.6840087 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone know if any Spoonflower custom fabrics are any good for making lolita prints or not? Trying my hand at sewing my own as a summer project, and attempting to find something half decent that actually ships to Canada...

Also, decent-looking spoonflower prints (not necessarily lolita, but can be if you want)?

>> No.6840106

I'm fond of this print: http://www.spoonflower.com/fabric/533877

>> No.6840108

sage for largely unrelated but I'm trying to get a job at spoonflower and am excited about the fabric opportunities that might provide me

>> No.6840109

Also, if you order, it's recommended that you get the Cotton Silk Sateen. It isn't cheap, though

>> No.6840112

I actually just ordered a print off there, had to make my own plaid for a cosplay.

Don't get the cheapest material. It's definitely.. cheap. And it's obviously not double sided, put onto a white backing. But still awesome and convenient.

>> No.6840116

>job at spoonflower
You mean making and selling prints? Possibly due to the sheer number of prints on the site, it's very rare that you'll make any significant amount of money. Hell, earning the money to just get test swatches of your own fabric takes a lot of time.

>> No.6840119

Be sure to get the sample they offer of their fabrics!

>> No.6840123

Oh not selling prints, working in their offices as a graphic designer

>> No.6840131

The cotton poplin is what you want for matte lolita wear. The other fabrics are too thin or too heavy. The cotton Sateen is also good but it has a slight sheen to it so it should be saved for things that you want to look a little fancy.
Don't ever buy anything that is mostly black from spoonflower. It's not a true black and is a dark gray. Prints that are 50% and lower black are fine though.

I love seeing handmade lolita wear so I hope you can find something you like. I'll post some of my favorites.

>> No.6840133
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>> No.6840136
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>> No.6840137
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ramen print.

>> No.6840140
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Jane Austen in soft pink

>> No.6840147
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Fluttershy print.

I'm not a pony fan but I think it would make the cutest summer dress.

>> No.6840153
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>> No.6840156
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a better look at that 80's print.

Mr. T
Jem ?
Rubix Cube
Crokett and Tubbs from Miami Vice
Flock of Seagulls
Michael Jackson - Thriller

>> No.6840175

>Flock of Seagulls

Pretty sure that's suppose to be from Space Invaders.

>> No.6840193

Flock of Seagulls is the blond guy next to the Space Invaders

>> No.6840198


>> No.6840211
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Well don't I feel silly now. Goes to show who I've never heard of.

>> No.6840220

No worries, I don't know many of their songs myself. But once you see that hair it is etched indeliably on your memory.

>> No.6840320
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Iron work

>> No.6840322
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>> No.6840324
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>> No.6840329
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>> No.6840401
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>> No.6840404
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>> No.6840407
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>> No.6840409
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>> No.6840414
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and for those of you that like those painting dresses...

I'd get it on the sateen cause it takes rich colors well.

>> No.6840423
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the frilly vagina fabric....

>> No.6840425
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kawaii kitchen

>> No.6840459

I like their prints, but the color wears off quickly.

Every piece of fabric I got from there I washed extremely carfully and according to the advice posted on their page.
It happened especially on edges or where any wrinkles were.
I won't order from there again, it's a waste of money and time when you cant use/wear your creations more than 3 times.

>> No.6840569

The way it's printed us a huge factor as to why it washes out so quickly. I can agree though, it makes it extremely hard to last and for some, hard to sell.

>> No.6840571

That guy in the first panel is creepy

>> No.6840732

What if I'm buying a piece made from Spoonflower fabric? Dry clean only?

>> No.6840815


that's what I would do to protect the print.

I'd just be nice to it like I am with important clothing. No super sweating in it to keep it relatively clean, no lending it out, and dry cleaning every 2-4 wear.

>> No.6840859

Would Scotch Guard help with the durability at all?

>> No.6840896

Handwash gently with phosphate-free detergent. Don't rub the fabric, just swish it around gently. They have a couple of silks but I've washed them in water with no harm.

The printing goes on top of the fabric, friction is what rubs it off, so avoid any kind of mechanical washing if you can.

>> No.6842428
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Can't have a spoonflower thread without Derpy-chan

>> No.6842434
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tiny dress for doll

>> No.6842439
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human size dress.

>> No.6842446

That is disgusting.

>> No.6842460


I think it's cute and it actually looks like they made it well.

>> No.6842470

is a counterfeit

>> No.6842471

I don't think it's so much an issue of the construction as it is the quality of the fabric itself. It just looks so crappy, which is a shame because I love the print.

>> No.6842486
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>>6842470 is a counterfeit

No, it would be what is known as a parody. Look it up.

Kinda looks like they forgot to iron it well.

>> No.6842576
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>> No.6842591

Would this look good for a skirt? I think it would.

>> No.6842633

What would you say is the best fabrics for making lolita dresses out of? In the help thread, someone suggested cotton sateen, but I was wondering if there's a more matte fabric I could get, since I don't really want the sheen to this particular print. I want a more casual, summery feel without the fabric looking like bedsheets.

>> No.6842640


If you're buying off spoonflower buy their $1 sample pack. I'd say poplin if you're on a budget.

>> No.6842650

Thanks for the advice! I've just ordered the sample pack. I nearly had a heartattack when the shipping came up and said it would be $20 or $30 for shipping. Turned out it was the International Rush option.

>> No.6842714

Gonna disagree.
- bow on shoulder strap ends look too small for the dress.
- Should've used a plain ribbon too, rather than making everything from the same fabric, which blends in too much.
- all four bows look uneven and kinda mooshed up. The middle of the bows should have been wider too.
- Bodice looks unfinished on the top, should at least edge with lace or smth if you're not going to use the Angelic Derpy plaque like the original
- Wrinkles in everything, looks ill-fitting rather than needing an iron actually.
- skirt doesn't look full enough
- Two lumps on either side of the skirt
- Blue lace is too bright (both on the bottom and the strap sides
- what is that blouse eww

did I miss anything?

>> No.6842717

Cotton sateen isn't shiny. I shied away from it initially as the sample they send isn't printed, so it looks funky, but once I had samples printed out and laid out on the table, most folks pick it up first, and then only look at the basic cotton/kona cotton stuff when I point it out. When you get your sample book, rip out cotton sateen and put it side by side with the cotton silk sample. Cotton silk *is* super shiny, so you can see how un-shiny cotton sateen is next to it.

The actual trouble with cotton sateen is that it's high maintenance, if you put it through the washing machine just one time the sheen is gone, you'll end up with a fabric that looks like one of their cheaper cottons. For doll clothes I'm fine with cotton sateen, but a human lolita dress is made from 3 yards of fabric, and it's not light, especially if you like lining everything. I'm not looking forward to hand-washing something that heavy, plus if you stain it, who knows how you'll be able to clean it (although this goes for all their prints, since it's only printed on the surface of the fabric).

My personal favorite is actually the silk crepe the chine, but it's stupidly expensive, and I also realise it doesn't apply to everyone -- my favorite lolita dresses are soft chiffony ones from moitie and JetJ, and this is the fabric that comes closes to that soft drape.

>> No.6842821

Ah, I see. I know the sateen isn't shiny shiny, but I still didn't want the sheen to it because the thing I wanted was to make a sailor style lolita dress for the summer, so I wanted something that isn't too heavy but obviously I don't want something cheap looking either. I don't think ciffon would look good as a sailor dress.

>> No.6842891

I think the silk is pretty good too, the only thing is if anyone is making their first sewing projects from it, I recommend against using expensive ones unless they've made it before.

>> No.6842892

Also you Can look at their website to get a general idea on how the quality of the print will be on the fabric.

>> No.6842897
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Just wanted to stress that while spoonflower has all the quirky prints, going to fabric stores regularly can help you find gems. My city has a district where all the design and fashion students go and I picked these up. The flower print was only $18 a metre

>> No.6843206

Well made? Are you serious? Are we looking at the same dress?!

>> No.6843208


>> No.6843350


Damn, that anchor fabric is cute as shit. Good find, anon.

>> No.6843391

It's common to presoak dyed fabric in a mix of cold water and vinegar to prevent color loss. Maybe try it on a swatch, then hand wash the pretreated vinegar swatch vs a nontreated swatch.


Or just google vinegar prewash fabric

>> No.6843417

i want to like this but i feel like it would look so cluttered, that either the chandeliers would be too big so there'd be too much negative space between the chains, or they'd be too small and become a mess. there needs to be some margins to let the designs breathe a little more.

wow, really? i had blouses made of cotton sateen from joann's and they always had that slight lustre to them, even after machine washing.
you want cotton twill. it has a good drape, a smooth finish, and isn't too heavy and, because cotton, it will breathe. most brand dresses and skirts are printed twill.

>> No.6843426

Thanks for the help! I'll go with the twill then. So excited to get started on this dress!

>> No.6844587

I only have a few yards :/ Im a serial fabric hoarder so I end up with way too much fabric. I usually only buy enough for 2 skirts or plain dress.

>> No.6844599
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I love living near the LA fashion district. So many shops, so many shop owners willing to haggle.

>> No.6845037


Okay, I think I may have misread anon's question. Since this was a spoonflower thread I thought she specifically asked which spoonflower fabric to get for making lolita dresses, rather than just a fabric question in general.

As for cotton sateen from the fabric store looking overly shiny, yeah, the ones stocked by my local fabric store are overly shiny too. I don't know why either, Spoonflower's cotton sateen is just less obnoxiously shiny than that, and if you want the nicest fabric for less, that's still the best option from spoonflower.

If you're shopping for fabrics at your local fabric store, then I'll just suggest you walk in and compare fabrics until you're happy with what you picked out.

>> No.6845493

Do you have any tips on how you haggle, anon? I get most of my fabric there but I am always too afraid to say no to their prices.

>> No.6845551
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So you wouldn't be willing to do a skirt commission?

>> No.6845566

Why not ask her to middleman the fabric for you? Then either sew it yourself or take it to a local tailor.

>> No.6845886

Im no good with commissions! (aka I don't really do them)
But as the other said, if you're extremely desperate for it, I can try to pick it up you.