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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6831648 No.6831648 [Reply] [Original]



Also general con etiquette thread.

>> No.6831655

I highly doubt hotels would ban homestuck cosplayers, let alone even know what homestuck is enough to discern the difference.

>> No.6831660

I'm guessing they'll just kick out anyone with grey paint, but still, that's a really hard rule to enforce.

Maybe they're hoping Homefucks are too stupid to think this out and therefore will be scared to cosplay that at a con?

>> No.6831662

Maybe they should just ban bodypaint.

I hosted a party once in which someone decided to leave white furniture smeared with her bodypaint. She apologized, but how the fuck do you not know not to sit on white furniture when you're covered head to toe in grease paint? How do you let that happen?

>> No.6831664

Eurofag there. Are Homestucks that annoying during cons? We don't have that many of them here (too long and english for teens to understand it) so our cons are somehow safe from all the greyness.

>> No.6831666

I room with homestucks and they always bring cleaner and drop cloths so they don't get grey everywhere, it's really an issue of personal awareness (dont touch things/people when greyed up, seal it, etc) and learning not to be a douchebag (clean up after yourself when you do make a mess)

banning homestuck cosplay isn't the answer because there are people who are responsible about it, it would be better to just ban troublemakers

>> No.6831684

I think the mass numbers of homestuck cosplayers is what makes them kinda easy to dislike. They make huge ass groups and sit or stand in areas they should not be sitting/standing in blocking traffic.

I'm sure there's idiots among every group of con goers.
And trashing the hotel has become so common place I'm surprised half these cons aren't forced to move after x number of years of destruction.

>> No.6831686

Yeah it is pretty ridiculously popular with certain crowds in the US.

I know some amazing and great homestuck cosplayers as well but even they are hating the fandom and how the fandom gives them such a bad name being associated with it.

I know of some hotels in the southeast considering just that.

>> No.6831691

The post says that the hotel would request that the con bans Homestucks, not that the hotel would do it themselves. The con heads would probably know what Homestuck is.

>> No.6831698

oh yeah they are definitely in the same boat regarding fandom association and they've even started cutting back on their homestuck cosplays at cons lately because of that negative attention and the rumors of violent threats that happen and what not.

>> No.6831699

I'm more concerned about the general rules than the homestuck shit.
Who the fuck has sex in the lobby or runs naked.

>> No.6831701

Not a lot of things require body paint. All I can think of is Homestuck, Adventure Time, and some ambitious Pokemon cosplays. Kind of a double-edged sword; less bodypaint means less trouble, but also less experience with it in general. The trouble isn't the makeup or the fandom, it's the people who don't behave or do things properly.

>> No.6831711

Some cosplayers seem to forget all kind of common sense when they are cosplaying.
I ran a bookstore booth at a con once, and shittons of cosplayers stopped, took some books or action figures as props when they posed, posed with con staff or booth staff, and all that without asking permission.
Because cons are places where looking odd is not a problem, some think that it is also fine to act completly odd, and thus end up being pure nuisances.

>> No.6831713

Some characters from comics also require bodypaint

>> No.6831715

no more than anything else. most of the fandoms with a reputation for being annoying are easily identifiable for people outside a fandom. grey kids with horns, kids in metal-plated headbands, kids with flags. so it's harder to remember which fluffy-skirted magical girl was running around screeching with a yaoi paddle, but if it was someone barefoot in a white longsleeved shirt and messy black hair, people are going to know it was some death note brat.

>> No.6831718

Good point, my brain was in anime con mode instead of comic con mode. That's a contributing factor too. The younger a fandom is, the more likely they are to be piss stupid.

>> No.6831779
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Arms socks, leggings--morph-suits are a lot more reasonable to slapping body paint all over your skin.

>> No.6831855

I think they should just make rules like if using body paint don't touch anything or something.

>> No.6831918

They're always really shiny and look like shit when used to replace 'skin colour'

>> No.6831972

Using it as a general term. Even if it's "just face paint," you get people who touch their face and get it everywhere.

>> No.6832011

If you use tights, it's not shiny. I bet you were someone who washed off their paint in the hot tub.

>> No.6832016

everyone should just use pax so this shit doesnt happen

>> No.6832084

What happened to 5?

>> No.6832119

I think it can all be summed up as, "Don't be a dumbass."
Solves every problem with conventions.

>> No.6832125

Hilariously most masquerades have rules regarding body paint that it can't rub off in casual contact. Maybe it's time to start enforcing that con-wide.

>> No.6832164

it's obvious this person has nothing to do with a hotel, they just have a grudge against Homestuck fans. You can't really blame them though.

>> No.6832183

where are you from?
I've seen a couple of homestucks here but I really doubt that they've actually read it, I think that by the time they'll translate it hopefully the hype will have gone down so there won't be many who will cosplay it anymore.

>> No.6832194

France. French teens are ridiculously bad with english so that saves us from some stuff...
And the fact is that at all the cons where I have ben, I have never sen a Homestuck cosplay.

>> No.6832197

I use Ben nye for WoW costumes, but i did hear good things about Pax.

>> No.6832200

Then they'd just have to either deal with it or cosplay something else. Besides, most cosplays that require bodypaint aren't even anime-con fare (with the possible exception of Pokémon gijinkas). I feel like it's fairer to ban bodypaint than to let idiots soil things to the point where venues stop allowing cons.

>> No.6832228


I use PAX for my hamsteak and it's fucking fabulous. I recommend it to everyone (not on your face though, it wrinkles)

>> No.6832234

Most of my cosplays where I need a different skintone, I can get away with just face/neck painting. So I gotta stick with Kryolan and Ben Nye.

>> No.6832243


yeah if it's just your face and neck go with the classics. if you ever need bare arms or shoulders, though, PAX is well worth doing.

>> No.6832265

That all sounds reasonable. What's to discuss? I would go as far as supporting the ban for body paints. People are assholes at cons, rather than cherry pick ban, it's way more effective to ban all of them.

>> No.6832273

that's kind of fucking bullshit. I like cosplaying WoW and i dont want HS ruining my fun.

>> No.6832274

>punch the fuck out of some stupid homeshit for harassing me
>either be an hero or go to jail

>> No.6832271

I'll try pax for my body then. Ben nye always for my face.

>> No.6832335

story or it didn't happen

>> No.6832375

such is the life of sharing something with a few jackasses who ruin it for everyone

>> No.6832389

Russia. Our kids rarely reads homestuck, but our cons filled with this gray bastards.

PS. Homestuck cosplayers is really kicks random people from stairs at your cons?

>> No.6832401
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>g. Sex in the lobby. while in cosplay.

>> No.6832409

Honestly the photog one shocks me more. Is this what people were talking about in the creepy photog thread, about them being possessive and treating their models like girlfriends?

>> No.6832438

Is there some sort of way to prove that your paint is sealed and won't get anywhere? I know nothing of bodypaint, but doing a similar check like they do with weapons would fix this, right? Or is even sealed bodypaint in danger of becoming a mess? I know the bath tub issue is unavoidable, but the only thing I can think of for that would be to toss on an extra charge if you really fucked up the room with paint or something, they do it if you break stuff so I don't see why not.

>> No.6832442

a check would be the simplest followed by wristband.

heh. you're getting peacebonded for paint. you're officially on the level of "guns are scary"

>> No.6832452

I've heard of homestck meets requiring people to brush painted body parts on a towel to prove it's sealed or they aren't allowed along with the meet.

>> No.6832490

What is it about Homestuck that seems to attract autists, 13 year old otherkins and the mentally retarded in ways almost unheard of before?

>> No.6832517


Because it isn't really about anything and the characters are all very basic archetypes without much personality. Like video game characters, they have lists of personality traits but aren't really developed as fully realized characters. Thus, people can project whatever crazy bullshit that's in their head onto the work.

Pretty much everyone who has tried to get me to read Homestuck has raved about the incredibly deep meaningful storylines and characters and plot, yet whenever I read it, I found it incredibly boring and bland. (But unlike most of my friends, I read and enjoy actual literature and don't spend 24/7 reading nothing but fanfic and manga...)

tl;dr: Homestuck is a tabula rasa that nerdlingers can project their inner world onto, so it becomes precious to them due to their headcanon.

>> No.6832601

You descrived it perfeclty.

>> No.6832629

>Running through a wedding reception shouting "HETALIA"

thunderous jimmie rustling

>> No.6832638

This, SEAL IT OR GTFO should be a rule

>> No.6832642
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I've heard the same things about Homestuck, about it being 2deep4u and all that, but now that I think about it...
All I ever see is people gushing over one detail extensively (ex. something to do with an arm, A killed B) or slapstick character-interaction.

You make a grand point, Anon.

>> No.6832648

This made me laugh.

It is surprising though how much people completely forget themselves at cons. I understand it's a place to let your inner weirdo out, but there should still be some level of self-restraint.

>> No.6832654

This. It's like Sonic, only worse because loltumblr. Not that tumblr isn't fine on its own, but it's got its more-than-fair share of stupid shit wrapped up in a hugbox.

Slightly tangent, but I'm annoyed there's a HSG on not only /co/, but /cgl/ and [there at least used to be one on] /soc/. I mean, what is there to even discuss? The /co/ thread itself looks like just a fucking circle jerk with "twwo kawwaii 4u" art attached.

>> No.6832663

Well, Homestuck sometimes makes a clever use of clichés and the like, has some value as a parody (especially in the beginning), but the fandom makes a huge fuss about the sentimenal stuff, the characters... Both are probably the weakest points of the serie.

>> No.6832848


/cgl/'s HSG started because we were infecting all the other threads with our cancer and seagulls were pissed about it. now it's all contained and everybody's still pissed. we could come back into help/progress/con specific threads if the general is such a problem.


canonically bisexual single-personality trait male characters and omg-so-randum humor, along with a plot nonsensical enough that it's socially acceptable to admit to not understanding it / not reading it.

>> No.6832864
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Every time I think of a Homestucker removing their body paint I think of the coal mine scene from Zoolander. So many cotton balls...

>> No.6832956

quit being stupid shits
well shit it's not that hard.

>> No.6832969

nonsensical if you're an idiot maybe.


or at least was until i got fed up with it and dropped

>> No.6832980
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Yeah, really.

I was about to ask why Hetalia fans are as batshit as Homestucks, but I think it's like what >>6832517 said. I'm a Hetafag myself, and some characters do have some interesting depth, but the lack of general plot causes fans to gloss over it, as well as history, anyway.
Twilight was like this as well, with the whole bland-Bella thing...

So teenagers shouldn't be allowed to use their imagination when it comes to developing characters. Surprise, surprise...

>> No.6833011

Pretty much nailed it

>> No.6833025

i had never heard the phrase headcanon before but it is great.

i agree with most of this thread, teenagers love generic shit to imprint their own deviances onto. that's why 2hu is so popular...

>> No.6833036

headcanon is sadly the reasons i hate 99% of the Supernatural fans. All of these bitches who got into SN at season 5 or 6 and are like "KYAAA, DEAN AND CASTIEL ARE SO KAWAII. "
I want to murder them.

>> No.6833053

I'm totally fine with this. A few homestuck cosplays chased me at a con this summer. I don't get it. I was standing near some stairs, waiting for my friends to wake up. I see a few walking towards me, so I walk to the side, thinking I was in their way. I go back to standing around, working on my phone. And I feel someone standing right behind me. I turn slightly, and they're looking right at me. So, I move out of their way, thinking that's what they wanted. They follow me. I start walking towards the door, and I can see them walking behind me. I get out of the hotel, and they're still following me, so I start running. It ended with me hiding in a bush for a while, waiting till I couldn't hear them (one guy had a horn, and kept honking it. Why?). Didn't see them for the rest of the con, so I dunno what happened.

>> No.6833060

oh god that is terrifying

>> No.6833076

Why didn't you threaten to call the cops? Fuck calling security. Cops.

>> No.6833080

The ghost of the homestucks are comming.

>> No.6833082

I've used Ben Nye on my arms, and even though it stayed sealed all day (because I'm not a fucking idiot, and carried extra powder/seal just in case), I noticed that my friends who used PAX generally looked nicer and didn't have to be paranoid that it might maybe rub off.

So yeah, since my next planned cosplay requires paint for my torso I'm highly considering switching to PAX.

>> No.6833086

why do so many HS cosplayers have no common fucking sense? that's terrifying

>> No.6833147

I work at an indoor soccer field, we have people having sex in the hallway at least once a week. So I'm not surprised that congoers do it in the hotel lobbies

>> No.6833218

My best friend and I go to cons and cosplay often. She works at a hotel, front desk, and she tells me all the time that she gets this from all walks of people. Sports have the rowdiest. Theres random public sex. Rooms trashed. 6 year olds running around knocking on doors at 2 am. Parents trying to smuggle kegs. But the worst are true weeaboos. I'm not talking anime enthusiasts. I'm talking screeching half japanese sentences and 'glomping' bullshit. The kind that scream kawaii and lick you because "neko!", to complete fucking strangers. I put alot of work into my armors and my anime list is very exclusive, but seeing this shit makes us both sick and embarrassed. I accept that other people enjoy it differently, but this pseudo-culture high school goth phase proud rejects that these teens seem to be stuck in is bad for everyone.
Realize its a hobby.
Be courtious.
Be respectful to security (they dont want to be there most of the time. Its like someone dumping you into a football stadium and saying "make sure no one drinks alcohol".). Clean your fucking rooms. Dosnt have to be spotless but pissing into the lampshade is the line.
Above all: Realize people arnt always interested in your hobby. Give people on the subway/bus/etc the same peace youd like if you were alone and surrounded by strangely dressed people.

>> No.6833248

I told you people, anything short of airbrushed body paint WILL FUCKING RUB OFF.


>> No.6833259


PAX doesn't. it took me three days to get it off my back, after wearing a costume that rubbed at it for nine hours.

>> No.6833265

I highly suggest against it as an option due to how many people end up with an allergic reaction.

Also, its called makeup remover. It removes makeup. Look it up.

>> No.6833291

Con attendees just don't know how to act in public places period. The fad is Homestuck now, the grey paint is just an unfortunate addition to the maddness. Like with Hetalia it was people doing Nazi salutes and shit.

This is perfect. I've read most of the comic and this is the problem, the characters are very formulaic. Hussie devotes so much time to explaining what is happening in the plot of the comic, rather than developing the characters he has created.

>> No.6833296

Makeup remover doesn't take off PAX.

>> No.6833297

Just reading about it for the first time and wow, fixative mixed with acryllic paint? That sounds like a bad reaction just waiting to happen. I have pretty bad reactions to everything but aqua color though.

>> No.6833309

I remember the drama of Hetalia cosplayers at war memorials. Magical times.

>> No.6833312

uhhhh... YEAH. It will. You need a makeup remover that will strip the adhesive, like clown-clean. If it will remove spirit gum, it will remove PAX.

Think of anything you've had a bad reaction to. Multiply it by 5. Now clean it off with slighly watered down nail polish remover. Its as bad as it sounds.

>> No.6833314

that's so beyond rude. wow

>> No.6833316
File: 13 KB, 227x360, REMOVEITALL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is Ben Nye Removeit-all. It will remove ANYTHING.

Don't try telling me what you can and cannot do with theatrical makeup. This is what I do for a living.

>> No.6833319

My brain just shut off for a minute, because I must have misread that post... There is NO way anyone could have so little tact.

>> No.6833328

>told: X
>not told:

Welcome back you skeezy fuck. How have you been?

>> No.6833336

I wish I was joking.

>> No.6833337

Seriously, right?

Btw, thanks for the ben nye remover it all tip. Definitely picking that up on my next trip to rickys nyc

>> No.6833342

Drunk and punchy. I just did that thread in /b/ where you post your area code and meet up to scrap all fightclub style. Nice guy but he folded like a bad hand of cards. Unsatisfying.

You're welcome. Just remember, only a fool wouldn't order from clownsupplies.com!

>> No.6833345

If I give a homestuck cosplayer in full paint xtc will they try to hug everyone?

>> No.6833346


>> No.6834709


I meet the organizer behind the big Hetalia Nazi salute picture not long ago actually.

But yea, if Hetalia fags, Naruto fags, or whatever big giant fandom weren't banned for the crazy shit they did, Homesuck will not be banned. It's just hype that tumblr users create because they need to have a bone to chew on. On the plus side of this though maybe it will get more kids to seal their paint if they are bitched at enough.

>> No.6834761

Hetalia and Naruto fans didn't really do much within the convention center, though (aside from the usual glomps and squeals that comes in every weaboo package).
Homestucks seem to find reasons to go after random con-goers and be about twice as much as of a nuisance, not to mention all the paint.
Other fandoms may have survived, but Homestucks are really pushing the limits.

>> No.6834913

why do they go after random people? just because they're named john or something?

>> No.6834931

This happens a lot actually, someone gets really attached to a model and then the model looks to be having fun with another photographer... tensions run high and adults act like idiots.

>> No.6834969

So in other words, they're like furries but with less mess and less lobby sex.

>> No.6834988

I've seen that happen, yes. Also random blonde guys with sunglasses.
I was mostly referencing the post about the staircase, though.

The mess levels are about equal.

>> No.6835057

I haven't been to a con in a while, but the past three I've been to, if a Homestuck dictates me, "sho kawaii deshuuuu" enough, they run up to me, ask me my star sign and they just start this thing like, "omg I knew you were SO Nepeta because Nepeta is so kawaii too and wow can I hug you my bodypaint is sealed I promise lolol" and when I tell them they can't hug me they either look like a kicked puppy or act like a complete bitch. I have only met one good HS, and she's an okay friend of mine, but I still wouldn't let her touch me, because of her body paint.
But honestly, I wouldn't mind Homestucks being banned. Not at all.

>> No.6835203

I have a few good friends that are Homestucks, but I'm just tired of seeing it.
I'm tired of seeing masses of any fandom, though. I want diversity at my cons, dammit.

>> No.6835209

I don't get this. I cosplay with body paint all the time and I never rub off on anything. Seal that shit.

And anyone who wears paint on their hands is an idiot. It's pretty much guarantees that they don't wash their hands after taking a shit.

>> No.6835210

I have one friend who likes Homestuck. She's so damn pretty, and actually looks GOOD in Homestuck cosplay.
I don't think I've ever seen her in gray body paint though.
She's the only not annoying Homestuck fan I know.

>> No.6835263


LOOOOOOOL I got into SN pretty late, like season 4, but I noticed recently that a lot of fans do that. Shit's hilarious.

>> No.6835275

I wouldn't use a con bathroom, but honestly hand makeup can be touched up and resealed as often and easily as face makeup.

>> No.6835304

wait what?? yes the characters are often based on archetypes, but they are actually really well developed characters if you actually /read/ homestuck and pay attention. I'd say the problem is more that a lot of the fans dont have the attention span for that/care more about ships and just project shitty generalizations and headcanons onto all of the characters.

>> No.6835316

Even I know there's a difference between how much the main characters are characterized and, say, catgirl troll.

OTOH, there's nothing inherently wrong with being drawn to archetypes or shallow characters; I'm drawn to side characters because the types I enjoy tend not to be protagonist material. Just don't be a moron about it, say by insisting every single character is omg so deep you guys.

>> No.6835318

>I'm drawn to side characters because the types I enjoy tend not to be protagonist material
If I had a nickel for every rugged old story-telling merc in a Bioware game that my girlfriend laments being unromanceable, I would have at least two nickels.

>> No.6835332

okay, I don't really mean every single character is but the post I replied to was claiming that they are /all/ basic without much personality which is not true.

>> No.6835604


Soap and water after taking a dump will leave you with more than just touch up. I wouldn't trust it.

>> No.6835617

wait, so they get gray paint all over their butt?

>> No.6835811


Insane Homestuck fan detected.

Sorry, I've read YEARS of that shit comic at the insistence of friends, and it is as described. Besides, everyone with any taste knows that Problem Sleuth was Hussie's best work.

>> No.6835842

No, they use toilet paper, moron.

>> No.6835871

They meant to say that soap and water will wash off pretty much everything from your elbow down. That's considered more than a touch-up.

>> No.6835878

>Because cons are places where looking odd is not a problem, some think that it is also fine to act completly odd, and thus end up being pure nuisances.
The "more strange = more unique = more better" logical fallacy. The fallacy that drives people to dial it up to 11 and do something stupid like talk about fucking their dog and honestly expect other people to react positively to that because it's ~so~ unique.

>> No.6835886

>i had never heard the phrase headcanon before but it is great.
I like to imagine a headcanon is the device fanficcers use to shoot all the worthless shit in their brains straight out onto the internet.

>> No.6835890

Switzerland here.
Be careful, our English is just as bad and the homestucks are spreading like wild fire.
You've been warned

>> No.6835909

I see. So far any cosplay where I've had to paint my hands has had long sleeves, so to me hand washing is nbd: gotta slop some more makeup on my hands, meh.

>> No.6835917

to the elbows? the fuck you doin in that stall?

>> No.6839060

Homestucks are horrible in the south. I'm surprised they haven't caused any fires yet, since they're the biggest fire hazard I've ever seen besides just nuisances.

Had the misfortune to room with them at MTAC. They were mostly 18 or older, but made a huge mess, borrowed and used up most of my hair spray and stuff, and thought it was perfectly acceptable to show my boyfriend their vaginas/everything. We both couldn't get out of there fast enough.

Friends of mine have had cosplays ruined from them because they'll hug you with their shitty makeup and wipe it off on you, both accidental and on purpose. 99% of the time they're horrible. I've met maybe 3 Homestuck fans EVER that I can tolerate, and that's because they're older.

I can give more examples too. The south is a mecca of homestuck BS.

>> No.6839078

Shit. Let us pray that the next Japan Expo/Comic Con isn't invaded by stupid Homestucks then...
And why are there so many Homestucks and so few Problem Sleuths?

>> No.6839085

I just want to hear about the fire hazard part, is Tennessee the epicenter of pyromaniac Homestucks? I will be severely disappointed if it's just some fire marshall bs about large groups, give me something good.

>> No.6839094

There's usually a couple Problem Sleuth types hanging around the Homestuck periphery at big enough cons. I'd like to do one in the next couple years.

>> No.6839103
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>thought it was perfectly acceptable to show my boyfriend their vaginas/everything
The fuck.
Elaborate on everything.

>> No.6839104

i was there for the otakon 2010 fire drill
amuse me
problem sleuth cosplayers are few but sane

>> No.6839129

THIS. Oh my gosh. The south's conventions are 50% Homestuck right now. Even the younger crowd (that's not Homestuck) can't figure out what's going on. If I go to an anime/gaming convention or a comic convention, I do NOT want some shitty microsoft paint comic taking over the whole thing.

>> No.6839148

Forget where it was posted, but one of the biggest photoshoots ever for Homestuck was at Momocon 13 in Georgia. I think there was over 1000 grey fuckers on the roof. Had there been a fire they would have all been screwed. They were also clogging the 4 working elevators going up and down 30 floors at a con of 13k people. I personally saw three of them ignore this lady yelling at the back of the elevator to let her and her baby off and I had to physically tell them to fucking move and pull one aside so she could get off. WITH HER BABY. THAT THEY WERE PUSHED UP AGAINST. It was really rude.

BF and I are both modest (as in we don't show much skin, but we do elaborate stuff) and these girls all decided it was ok to walk around the hotel room naked. I woke up and one was completely nude wandering around. He almost puked on me. We ended up leaving cosplay pieces in the hotel room and never got them back because we didn't want to look at them again and be reminded of their chubby vaginas.

>> No.6839156
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I don't blame you at all, sweetheart.

>> No.6839177

Wasn't there a super elitist (shitty) fem-guy that did Homestuck and claimed he was better than all the others?

Isn't that like winning the special olympics? Yeah, you got a shiny medal, but you're still retarded as fuck.

>> No.6839203

Momocon '13 was a downright clusterfuck
>still angry about the dealers room/artist alley/autograph lines in the basement
I don't know anything about a roof photoshoot, but there was one on the Hilton steps. Unfortunately, the biggest steps (where they have the Marvel/DC shoots during Dragon*con) were closed. There's still three sets of short stairs, but there were two other groups doing step shoots at the same time. Obviously, nobody was smart enough to give up their stairs to the Homestucks, which meant dozens of Homestucks clogging the steps closest to the doors to get back inside.

>> No.6839207

>comic convention
they have to go somewhere and the animes have called not it

>> No.6839214

JFC I'm sorry about that.I like Homestuck but I agree it's a bit ridiculous. I wish Hussie would allow someone to run a HomeCon or some shit because even as somebody who likes MSPA and Anime, I know that pretty much nobody wants to see that shit at a con.

>> No.6839223

The "cosplay elitist" thing? Shit that was hysterical. I'm pretty sure he's a troll. And of course all of the sensitive Tumblr kids kept feeding the flame, making it even more hilarious.

>> No.6839227

Homestucks don't do comic conventions, they go to anime conventions with their peers. I could count the Homestucks I've seen at comic conventions on two hands.

>> No.6839233

Does Hussie have anything to do with it? There's lots of MLP cons springing up, I just figured most of Homestuck's audience was too young to actually put together their own con
>would attend with three days of Problem Sleuth cosplay

>> No.6839238

There are Homestuck gatherings and cons in the south. I've heard TN has a lot of them. Metro-Atlanta has a huge variety of fandoms, but all of them seem to think anime cons are free-for-alls like Dragoncon. Dr. Who and Homestuck all invade Momocon, AWA, etc. I think it's just as disrespectful as if I were to dress up as Link or Goku and go to a Who-con or Homestuck meetup.

>> No.6839253

Meetups are not the same things as cons. So is Dragoncon the only non-anime con in the area? Seems pretty shitty of you to insist everyone else put up with one con a year when anime has at least two. Bet you get mad at video game cosplayers too.

>> No.6839263

fuck that

>> No.6839266

im sorry, you must not know who i am.

im joey. the cosplay elitest. and i dont have time for talk of cosplay that isnt canon.

i cosplay hard. i cosplay with passion. and i cosplay correctly.

this is a passion. this is a talent. and this is something i do not have shit-heads suggest for me to “hey dude do this” casually with no reasoning behind it.

>> No.6839271

Atlanta has been listed as one of the nerdiest cities in the US for a reason. There are cons for every fandom minimum once a year, with more in surrounding states, and some twice a year. A lot of things cross over, and that's fine. All of the anime conventions I know of are generally categorized as anime/gaming cons. Those are the ones I attend, to see anime/gaming related content, not Homestuck. The comic stuff isn't even that bad as a crossover because at least they're respectful, and many comics have corresponding video games like Injustice, etc etc.

My point is that Homestuck is pretty out of place at Anime/Gaming cons.

>> No.6839272

Dragon Con registration is $60-130 dollars this year. I'd poorfag it too.

>> No.6839274

homestuck is going to have a video game. thoughts?

>> No.6839279

Hope the makers all suffer horrific accidents that renders them incapable.
Probably shoot myself.

>> No.6839280

I'm new to the Atlanta area, the only fandom specific cons I've found out about so far are 221Bcon (which annoyed me at every con they advertised at for never mentioning the con location anywhere that wasn't their website, as far as I could tell) and Timegate. Can you point me at ways to find out about any others?

>> No.6839288

Think there's a database somewhere. I stumbled across it on Google one time researching another convention. I think there's a national convention database that lists attendance and stuff like that, but I can't remember what it was. There are probably multiple resource sites like that somewhere.

>> No.6839289

what roof? when was this? i saw a pool photoshoot, but there were like thirty people there, tops

>> No.6839290

The Hilton's at Momocon 2013. I think their Facebook page posted a few pictures from it.

>> No.6839296

If it's the usual Hilton spot people use during Dragoncon, that's not a roof, it's this kind of concrete area out back.

>> No.6839301

why were the big stairs closed? still nothing compared to fucking otakon, i know for a fact a homestuck shoot there lasted nearly three hours. they're all crammed indoors too because you can't have a three hour photoshoot outdoors in baltimore in summer.

>> No.6839309
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I stand corrected, sorry. This looks like the stairs for the Hilton. I thought someone said roof at some point, my bad.

Also pretty much how most of Momocon looked like until evening when all the little kids (Homestuck) went home.

>> No.6839307

I would be alright if all Homestucks were banned. I almost miss the bad L cosplayers at this point.

>> No.6839308

Otakon Homestucks sequester themselves in a corner of the fifth floor, so they're mostly out of everyone's way.

>> No.6839312

>distinct path around group
meh. still say otakon is worse.

>> No.6839318

Hilton step shoots take place on the actual stairs, so when the shoot was going on the crowd must have shrank dramatically.

>> No.6839321

I saw the fire drill a few years ago. Otakon is always like that.

>> No.6839331

Realisticlly the con would ban would ban cosplays involving full body and face paint

>> No.6839338

I feel like the most realistic thing the con can do is charge the people out the ass for leaving a huge mess. Or tack on an extra deposit that they'll only get back if they don't leave excessive makeup/damage. I know a lot of hotels charge extra deposits that you get back within a few weeks, but they should consider upping it until this problem fixes itself.

I use body paint, but I try SUPER hard to clean it up. I've also seen the sheer destruction Homestucks leave in their wake, and it's appalling.

>> No.6839341
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What's that? Anime fans are socially retarded dickholes?

>> No.6839357
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>implying Homestucks are anime

>> No.6839370

Way to read the OP.

>> No.6839384

It's fine to complain about HS Trolls but what about all the people cosplaying the human characters and not smearing grey paint everywhere? It gets a bit annoying when the whole fandom is put down because of the trolls.

And if it isn't the troll complaints it's how HS doesn't belong at anime cons period. I beg to differ but then again I've also read it and saw the anime influenced artwork and gaming references but yeah totally doesn't belong. Adventure Time and MLP is MUCH more Japanese and really represent what anime conventions are suppose to be these days.

>> No.6839387

Way to read the thread.

>> No.6839389

Hotels do charge for damages, but the only way to nail the actual person is if they mess up their room.

>> No.6839392
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>Adventure Time and MLP is MUCH more Japanese

None of that shit belongs in anime conventions, man.

>> No.6839397

>first paragraph: valid point
>second paragraph: full retard

>> No.6839398


>> No.6839402

Homestuck art isn't all game sprites and shit, but what are you smoking that any of it looks anime?

>> No.6839404

kill them. kill them all.

>> No.6839405

Damn this thread for making me remember MLP is being dubbed in Japanese now.

>> No.6839407

because nobody recognizes anything but the trolls, therefore trolls represent homestuck. suck it up and whip them into shape.

>> No.6839429

You also gotta worry about the tubs and sinks in the rooms.

Alright cool your shit is sealed, can you really trust people to keep the tubs clean when they wash it off or not jump in the hot tub? All it takes is one plunge and BAM paint all over the thing

>> No.6839452


Noun -The use of irony to mock or convey contempt.

>> No.6839486

gaming references =/= "shits all game sprites"

>> No.6839508
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>> No.6839536

>wearing Homestuck troll paint in the pool
This. I went to the hotel pool to just relax and saw some girl up to her shoulders in it, completely pale skinned but with a grey face. What the hell is wrong with people?

>> No.6839560

I was asking about your anime claims while acknowledging that yes, I realize Homestuck has more artstyles in canon than most people notice. Nothing to do with the gaming references.

>> No.6839610
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Ohhh, I see now...
But still, none of that shit belongs at cons no matter how many references you throw it. It's not anime = doesn't belong at an anime con.

Also you're terrible at sarcasm. Should've at least used a reaction image.

>> No.6839615

I guess people who've never owned a pool before do that kind of thing.
Same with the tubs getting covered in paint. I imagine only people who've never cleaned up their own messes would make a dumbshit mistake like that.

>> No.6839626

It's great that you think that. I'll enjoy watching you piss yourself out of anger while normal people have fun wearing whatever the fuck they want.

>> No.6839688

Oh I deal with it as is. It just annoys the fucking hell out of me.

Also, man, Homefucks are not normal. Watch your adjectives.

>> No.6839807

Fuck homosuck.

>> No.6839844
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Reading this thread makes me nervous. I like Homestuck and have been reading it for years. I don't really care about headcanons or shipping, I just think that it's fun and the characters are endearing. I also really like the way that it experiments with different mediums to tell a story (games, text, animation, music). Although I'm well aware of people that are super into shipping and headcanons etc thanks to tumblr, I've NEVER met someone who has been this awful at a convention before? There's the really socially awkward and/or bad cosplay type, but, I feel like that's something that is present with fans from every series. Have I just been very lucky or are you guys exaggerating things?

>> No.6839859

>I don't really care about headcanons or shipping
>I just think that it's fun
>I also really like the way that it experiments with different mediums to tell a story
Congratulations, you are reading it right.
Seriously, the whole "character devlopment" is just out of place in Homestuck and really weights the whole damn thing (especially since the Alpha kids) while it was more enjoyable when it was mostly plot-driven.
The best parts of Homestuck are the constant worldbuilding, medium experimentation and use of tropes. Just like in Problem Sleuth. Only that Homestuck is lost in a storm of characters and everybody is hyped about it, sadly.
tl;dr : if you don't care about all the characters, relationship crap, shipping and just want to see more flash,games, text that flies all across the window, then you are reading Homestuck right.

>> No.6839873

Homestuck fucking sucks and the cosplayers are irredeemable. It's the new Hetalia, but worse. because of body paint getting on fucking everyone.

>> No.6839920

There's plenty of sane Homestucks, but they're no fun to complain about.

>> No.6839935
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Well there's always that bucket video...
Getting paint everywhere, screeching dumb things, running about, forming packs and clogging hallways/staircases, getting high-and-mighty over simple cosplays, and so on.
I don't doubt there's a good portion of fans like you, partially because I've met a lot of fans like you. But Homestuck has a massive fanbase, meaning the number of dumbasses is higher, overshadowing the sane fans.
As long as you act respectable and aware, I'm sure most people won't bother you.

>> No.6839941

>sex in the lobby
This happens?

>> No.6840003

And to think, just two years ago at Momoson 2011, there were relatively few Homestuck cosplayers.

I was Dave Strider and pretty much only saw like 10 Homestuck cosplayers and Problem Sleuth one as well.

>> No.6840021

I worked in a haunted house for a month. My designated room had a bed in it, sheets and all. It was a lovely bed that fit the haunted mansion theme, and I would occasionally rest upon it when customers weren't coming through. However, some people thought it would be funny to stop and spoon on the bed with erotic noises while I was attempting to scare them. They were drunk and wouldn't leave, so I had to escort them out. People are shitheads sometimes.

>> No.6840025
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I can top that, let me post every single person who attended the Otakon 2010 shoot.

>> No.6840026
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>> No.6840030

>Problem Sleuth holding a key
And that's it. To be fair, I believe the fire drill had been an hour or two earlier.

>> No.6840031
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And I dropped my photo.

>> No.6840094


hussie explicitly said no cons.

>> No.6840142

Yeah, agreed. I used to think the characters were amazing and incredibly well developed but I snapped out of it when Vriska still remained a selfish bitch even after she died.

I still read it for fun but I hate being affiliated with the fandom and I'm slowly getting rid of my homestuck cosplays. The disgusting weebs all suck the fun out of it for me.

I just find it really funny how when I tell people I'm getting out of hs cosplay, they assume it's because of the bodypaint. Haha, I sealed my shit and it's not difficult to apply or remove. People just assume because it's a different kind of makeup and not really done a lot for other cosplays, it's really hard to use. But no, it's because people are just dumb as shit.

>> No.6840149

>Problem Sleuth
>Not Humanimals
baby pls

>> No.6840155

don't read homestuck but some people are just selfish bitches...? but let me guess she's your precious woobie waifu

>> No.6841106

Can someone tell me what the appeal is of homestuck

>> No.6841134

Bright colours, lul randum XDDDDD humour, several gay/bi characters (so I've heard, anyway), and the plot can easily be passed off as 2deep4u to give the reader a sense of entitlement.

>> No.6841136

>hussie explicitly said no cons.
Even though that fag is the writer that's not something he can enforce or even ask for.

>> No.6841159

He can actually. He's already sent C&D orders to big time Homestuck comission artist as well as had cons cancel Homestuck panels

>> No.6841163

Other than the fan art you there is no legal grounds for that at all. Absolutely none and chances are the con simply did that because they were scared.

>> No.6841164

But why? Is there any particular reason for him to be that anal?

>> No.6841166
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That's the only thing I love about that man.

>> No.6841178 [DELETED] 

Dragon*con had like two Homestuck panels last year. Is he just so shitty at enforcing these rules that major cons can slip through his fingers, is it a new thing, does it depend on the subject matter, or is it bullshit?

>> No.6841179

why the fuck would he want to cancel panels?

>> No.6841188

Because he's a complete autist moron.

>> No.6841191

AWA had two Homestuck panels last year. That shit was discussed quite openly on Tumblr, where I'm told he has eyes and ears. Is he so shitty at enforcing this rule that whole cons can slip through his fingers, is it a new policy, does it depend on the content of the panel, or is it just bullshit?

>> No.6841193

In sum, why were we not spared?

>> No.6841195

It's just him trying to prevent people from making money off of his OC DO NOT STEAL! or whatever. It's actually basically illegal for him to prevent panels because it goes against that copyrights bullshit that people always try to pull on youtube that allows people to use works for education/criticism. basically he's full of shit.

>> No.6841196
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I'm not complaining.

>> No.6841216

I'm not either, I just think it's funny as all hell. Mainly because the disparity in which cons do and don't have panels shows which cons have no idea what laws are.

Anyway, I think we should all be good con-goers and let him know all the cons hosting homestuck related panels/events so he can shut them down. It's the right thing to do!

>> No.6841217

>implying homestuck panels make money for anyone but hussie
>implying any of this is any more than hearsay
citation needed, not on copyright law but on hussie cancelling panels

>> No.6841219

The one at AX last year was fake, it was revenge against one of the panelists and they made it seem like it was sent from him

>> No.6842551

Hussie's going to PCC, don't tell me homestucks don't do comic cons. half the fucking west coast of homosucks are probably going to be there

>> No.6842586

What really ruined Homestuck cosplay were those first few makeup tutorials that touted the use of cream-based makeup. The cosplay that took off afterward kept referencing these same makeup tutorials and cream based makeup just doesn't seal that well, even under powder.

Had the initial tutorials suggested using aquacolor with liquiset medium and secondary spray sealant this would be less of a shock.

>> No.6842597

I'm lucky enough to have never gone to a con occupied by Homestuck cosplayers. I generally go to small cons. The horror stories I'm reading lead me to believe that Homestuck cosplayers are the juggalos of cosplay. I hope to god they're not that bad.

>> No.6842602

99% are. Sometimes you get the ones who are't psychotic, but it's hard to find them, much less interact with them without freaking out if they're actually psychotic.

>> No.6842627
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Hamsteaks are not as bad as these horror stories make you believe,
I mean from my own experience at Conji,a rather shitty small con,
I met some homestucks and they were all alright except for the fact that most were 14-16 years old (so immaturity was present)and there was a shit-ton of closet cosplays.But their behavior was decent.

All in all most are so socially awkward they probably won interact with somebody outside of their own group especially if you're a non-homestuck.

>> No.6842634


>> No.6842827

Fuuuu, MTAC. I was in a super crowded elevator in the main con hotel coming down from floor 35. We were super packed in in order to let as many people ride down as possible. We get stopped at the SECOND FLOOR, the doors open and there's three obese homestuckers there. We have almost no room for a small person, there's just no way. And they are all streaky grey. We tell them we obviously don't have room. They slam their hands on the doors to keep the. Open and shove the biggest girl against everyone claiming "you have to let her on, she's handicapped"
Suffle around, trying to make room since they are shoving her against everyone to get her in. Doors finally closed, girl giggles and claims "yeah, I'm usually in a wheelchair, I have no idea why I decided to walk around in high heels today, lol!"

I'm sorry, what? Rekindled me hate for homestuckers.

>> No.6842845

general con etiquette? How about, just because you decide to pretend the con you are at doesn't have any rules, doesn't mean the rules don't apply to you. Especially if a staff member tells you you are breaking "x" rule and need to stop. That means stop. It also means when staff comes up and requests your badge because their kicking you out for breaking the same rule 5+ times, you don't get to have a hiss fit because you are stupid.

Also, if you email a con 3 times to ask if you can bring your metal sword and are repeatedly told 'no' you don't get to be super pissed off about 'how unfair' they are that they took your metal sword away from you until you could put it away in the hotel room you're staying in, but don't have a key for.

>> No.6842912
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this shit amen brother. i go to wondercon this year with friends. convinced a group of 8 ppl to try and go to a con for the first time. EVeryone of them decides to cosplay most of the women cosplay my little pony. one did a group cosplay with us the dudes just went. as we are leaving the con. this nasty ass vampire homestuck came up to my friend and started showing her MLP porn. and then followed us around until i told her to fuck off what is it with fucking homestucks being fucking aweful ppl in general. and what pisses me off is literally 30 minutes before i was talking to a really cool homestuck cosplayer about video games and when teh vampire went nuts he followed suit. proving homestucks are retards in numbers. this fuels all my hate

pic related what i was cosplaying as that day

>> No.6843039

MTAC was AWFUL. Roomed with Homestucks there. There were so many I couldn't believe it. They were ALWAYS clogging the elevators. I tried so hard to be super nice to them, but when they're loud in the halls at 2 am, my patience runs thin.

Even when they aren't in cosplay they still talk about Homestuck EVERYTHING. I tried to make small talk about ANYTHING else convention related (anime, video games, manga, etc etc) and they had no clue.

I don't understand why they're at a place like MTAC when they aren't interested in anything but Homefuck.

>> No.6848382


>> No.6848395

>vampire homestuck
I'm actually somewhat worried that was a Marshall Lee.

>> No.6848400

You're good people, anon. I love to recommend aquacolor when people ask for makeup advice, but usually get drowned out by a deluge of 15-year-olds who think Ben Nye is the be all end all of cosplay.

They'd probably sweat it all off anyway.

>> No.6848405

does aquacolor work with liquiset? i tried once and the combination never seemed to dry completely.

>> No.6848455

Naw it was a woman in like a leather corset and no paint. But horns and her mouth looked like it had poop smeared on it.

>> No.6848481

Oh, thought it was a guy in the story. Ok then.

>> No.6848560

We use aquacolor in our theater makeup dept all the time. You seal that shit with hairspray. Even for shows where you are changing costumes and under the hot hot lights.

>> No.6848572

yeah, sealed it but had access to liquiset and wanted to see if would help even more. it did not seem to.