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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.6830412
File: 660 KB, 1357x1674, latestshittyorderv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I'm reposting my updated current order

>> No.6830423

>See the bow in your order and get really excited because I think Foxcherry might be back up

W-why would you do that? ;-;

>> No.6830424

What is the shipping like getting wigs direct from Lucaille/Grand Young wigs?

>> No.6830430


>> No.6830435

Ah sorry about that!

Thank you c:

>> No.6830442

Here's copy/pasted from Lucaille emails I've made.

One with three wigs:
Items are 1.5kg

SO DHL is 215RMB (about 7days to reach to U)

China air mail is 110RMB(need over 15days )

SO the total is (305+215)/6*1.05=91USD VIA DHL

(305+110)/6*1.05=73USD VIA China air mail

china air mail is cheaper but need over 15days
DHL is need about7 days :)

Those 7 wigs is 585 RMB
The weigh of wigs is about 2500g

The shipping fee of chnia air mail is 180 RMB.
But it over 15 days.

The shipping fee of DHL is 300 RMB

I took 6 as rate of exchange.
And paypal take commission ,so I multiply it by 1.08
And the formula is [(price of wigs + price of shipping)/6]*1.08

for china air mail
((585+180)/6)*1.08= 138 USD

for DHL
((585+300)/6)*1.08= 160 USD

Those 8 wigs is 971 CNY
(200+160+135+73+85+100+145+73 = 971)
The weigh of wigs is about 4500g

The shipping fee of chnia air mail is 310 CNY.
But it over 15 days.

The shipping fee of USPS is 340 CNY

The shipping fee of DHL is 370 CNY

>> No.6830448

>I've made
Woops I meant I've received from Lucaille after sending them emails. I only copy/pasted anything with a price on it.

>> No.6830495

I want those BJD tights. ;u;

>> No.6830504

Link to the map bag?

>> No.6830529


I'm sure they'll be disappointing lol

>> No.6830634

Holy crap those are cheap. Thank you kindly!

>> No.6830646

So are contacts safe to buy from Taobao?
I'm pretty interested in some of them and the ones I like that have reviews have pretty good reviews.

>> No.6830648

Right? And soooooo cute.

>> No.6830651

No. Don't.
Anyone can sell anything on taobao - remember that.

>> No.6830656

I'm shattered that the antique colorway seems to be sold out. And the purple one doesn't match anything I own. But they're so cute and cheap I think I'l have to throw one into my next order.

I need to be kept away from all things nautical.

>> No.6830663

Spoil yourself! I'm sure the other colourway will come back into stock eventually. But really, does it need to match anything? I don't think so.
No one is going to care if it matches, because they'll be too busy asking where you got it from

>> No.6830682

Even if the reviews are good?
What could be wrong with them?

>> No.6830686

Chinese regulations are different from, other country's about cosmetics and contacts

>> No.6830689

Taobao has banned the sale of contact lenses for a reason. Don;t

>> No.6830691

You. I like your thought process.

Now to resist the urge to order Captain Mia in every colorway.

>> No.6830695

How though? Would they be all that different than Pinkyparadise? Because I'm only thinking of getting some contacts from Taobao because some of the designs I really like.
Would could go wrong other than them being uncomfortable and me having to throw them away?

>> No.6830699

Oh is that why it brings me to Tmall?
But what can go wrong with the contacts with really good reviews?

>> No.6830706


Are you serious? You have to put them in your EYES, if they're not up to standard they could fuck you up.

>> No.6830711

A lot of contacts sold really cheap in china are expired/defective. They could seriously damage your eyes even if they feel perfectly fine. I actually had a problem with a defective contact before and I didn't notice until I had an infection which almost caused me to go blind. You just have to be really careful and chinese companies aren't always necessarily reputable.

>> No.6830712

You are buying something that you put in your eyes. If you can't think of all the things that could go wrong, you shouldn't be buying contacts.

On Tmall/Taobao there is absolutely no assurance that you're going to get what is shown, a reputable brand, or uncontaminated lenses.

Seriously, you only get one pair of eyes, just don't even risk it.

>> No.6830717

I mean I've heard people say that, but really I'm asking what exactly could go wrong and why haven't people complained about it?
And I know Pinkyparadise works fine on me and basically anyone and their contacts aren't up to American standard.
What about the contacts on Tmall is different then other contacts like Pinky?

>> No.6830724

Where in the world did you even find contacts on Taobao? I thought they were banned?

>> No.6830736

I types in colored contacts on Taobao and it just directs me to Tmall.
The blue one here
I like these two pairs so this is why I was asking
The purple cloudy ones here

>> No.6830738

What could go wrong? YOU COULD GO BLIND. God. Pinkyparadise is a reputable dealer of reputable brands and you know you wont be getting expired or contaminated lenses. Which can cause infections and other problems that will fuck you up.

Contacts in general are dangerous. I've had normal, contacts from my eye doctor scratch my corneas and that hurts like fuck, and if they get infected I have to get my ass to an eye doctor or I could loose my sight.

Again, ONE PAIR OF EYES. You fuck them up, you're shit out of luck. Do you even have a prescription for contact lenses?

>> No.6830739

oops I messed up it should say "the blue one here" after "I like these two pairs so this is why I was asking"
Sorry about that!

>> No.6830744

Thank you! There's an answer more like I was looking for. And Yes, I do. ANd I only wear Circle lenses every other week really. I know they block oxygen to your eyes and can get infected pretty easily so I tend not to wear them a lot.

>> No.6830746

I hate when someone asks a question and then argues with everyone's suggestion/answer. It's so obvious you're not looking for actual advice, just vindication.

>> No.6830753

No I accepted the advice here.
I was looking for a legit explanation. Not just "they are bad"
I was looking for why they are bad exactly and what really goes wrong.
Not just "they are bad because they are bad"

>> No.6830761

Do you know where I could get contacts like in those two pictures? I've been looking around very hard for cute cloudy ones like those!
If there are some like that but not horrible for my eyes and from a legit site I'll definitely buy them so any help would be really great If you happen to know a place.

>> No.6830768

If you have a prescription for lenses, you should have gotten the contact lens safety speech from your eye doctor telling you all the things that could go wrong. If you didn't, you need a new doctor.

I'm sorry I sounded so angry, and I hope you've rethought your plans to buy lenses on tmall.

I also just finished healing from a scratched cornea, and having to wear my glasses for the better part of a week. So the pain is pretty fresh in my mind.

>> No.6830771

Look at Vassen Cloud nine?

>> No.6830781
File: 111 KB, 750x394, I dunno what I'm doing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of head wear, socks, and shoes would go well with the ista mori nautical cat jsk?

I am getting the red one.

>> No.6830802

Yeah I was trying to learn what the -actual risks- were, I always hear "contacts from those places are bad" but if you ask people thry just say "it's bad thats why!" I just wanted to know HOW they were actually bad.
ANd It's allright! I'm just sad because I can't seem to find contacts with an actual cloud print anywhere...
Yeah. Thanks for the suggestion but they're not the same. I've searched up and down Pinkyparadise and Honeycolor, but I can never find a print like that. And as much as I try to do a Google Image search of the contacts I said I liked to see if they're anywhere else, it just lists Tmall as the only site selling them.
That's why I was wondering the risks. What if this is actually the only site selling them?

>> No.6830850

Seriously hun (and I don't mean hun in a condescending way, I mean it in an I-am-trying-to-connect-with-you-on-a-personal-level-despite-doing-it-over-the-internet way) if they are the only site selling them you're going to have to go without.
Any defect whatsoever can cause irreversible damage to your eye. Small scratches will let bacteria into your eye. Pinkyparadise carries contacts that are inspected by the KFDA which is still miles above the Chinese health regulations.
Furthermore, taobao sellers (Tmall included) are NOT bound to any of the minor rules the government has in place. They can literally sell you anything they want - and they aren't going to be responsible for any damages that their products may incur.

>> No.6830867

Okay, thank you so much for giving me off a legitimate answer!
I guess I'll keep questing for more cloudlike lenses then. I just thought nothing like those two existed and when I saw then I was so excited.

>> No.6830909

Seconding but for ivory I have no idea how to coord

>> No.6830911 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 225x224, 1316936144119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a bit of a tiff with TaoBaoNow.
My order came to ¥809 or about $140USD.
I requested a Paypal invoice. They sent me one for ¥1079 or about $170USD. Even with Paypal fees and the usual 4% Shopping Services usually charge, I don't see where the entirety of extra $30 came from. When I questioned this, something got jumbled in translation and they thought I was being pissy about the original 809 yuan price tag. Replied with clarification, still waiting on a response.
Anyone know why they're charging me so much extra for using Paypal? It's the first time I've done so with them and it seems a bit excessive...

>> No.6830916

You should post this in the coord/collage thread so that the taobao thread isnt cluttered, these already autosage fast enough as it is

>> No.6830931

But I want taobao items to add it to the order rather than just random items from anywhere.

Does your total include domestic shipping?

>> No.6830942

Yeah. The sketchy thing, which I somehow forgot to mention, was that they were seemingly trying to lead me to believe that 1079 yuan was equal to the ~$140... I thinking about dropping them and switching over to Yoybuy or something.

>> No.6830973

Let's see...
If the total is 809 rmb, that means the SS fees would be 80.9 rmb since it's 10% of the item+domestic shipping total.
Total would be 889.9 rmb.

Then let's say they have a paypal fee of 5% of that total so that would be 44.50 yuan.
New total would be 934.4.

Yeah I'd switch over anon. That's excessive.

>> No.6830987


This is an awesome bag, but does anybody here know whether this is a reputable shop?

>> No.6831003

Sorry, I should have been more clear.
809 was the total including the SS fee and the domestic shipping. They sent me both a comment linking me to their usual payment page indicating the total was $140 (or 809 yuan) and a second comment alerting me that they had sent me an invoice for 1079 yuan and not to use the first link.
There's something really fishy going on. I think I'm definitely gonna switch. Will post screencaps of the convo shortly.

>> No.6831017

That makes it even more excessively worse then anon. Even if we went by my way of that being the total, that's roughly 150 USD according to google's conversion.

Definitely switch over.

Look in the FAQ to learn how to read reviews on items/see if a shop is reputable.

>> No.6831042
File: 1.52 MB, 887x1807, tbn_exchange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TBN anon here, screencaps for anyone that's interested.
They had me at "muli-giga-billion-dollar business".

>> No.6831044
File: 58 KB, 371x275, currency_conversions_disorder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what popped up when I clicked on the info clickable next to the 1079 pricetag.

>> No.6831139
File: 485 KB, 1440x1440, Taobao3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone convince me not to buy Mozarabic Chant in red since I already have the blue one coming.

Totally jumping on the preorder for Captain Mia though.

>> No.6831145

Because why would you want to own two colorways of the same print?

...Fuck it anon just do it. It's cute as hell.

Link to blouse por favor

>> No.6831149

But it's $100 that I could be spending on DIFFERENT cute shit.

The blouse is love. I suggest looking through the entire store, they have some fabulous tops.

>> No.6831154

Put it this way then anon:
would you rather have the cute different shit or the same cute skirt in a different color?
Pretend you can only choose one (I assume you're on a budget). Then your shopping addict heart will know.

And thanks~

>> No.6831157

Because the blue one is clearly the cutest colourway, but also because you're getting the sailor kitty in blue, so CLEARLY blue is the answer and looks good on you.
Instead, you are going to hold onto that money until the captain mia skirt comes out, and by that time, there will be an even cuter skirt/jsk you'll fall in love with.

Don't disappoint me and your other mom, anon!

>> No.6831170


>> No.6831179
File: 28 KB, 320x242, 1298737241008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and I just realized how fucking dumb I am.
They sent the invoice in HKD, not RMB.
Fuck me, I can't brain ever. I don't know how I managed to miss that. I read it over so many times to figure out what I was missing.

>> No.6831191

So specify that you only want taobao items

>> No.6831197

Urgh, I suppose since I'm building up my wardrobe I should get other stuff. Like blouses.

Ok mom, I'll be good. /spoiler/although I sorta want the sailor kitty in red as well/spoiler/

Anyone have any good pirate/sailor stuff to share? I already know about the Lethe's Castle map print, and the sailor series that Surface Spell is doing (Want the OP so bad, but it would look horrible on my long torso.).

>> No.6831212

so guys, i've been looking for the last half hour and need help. whats a search term for kotatsu blankets? i've tried many but just keep getting the tables...please help if you can.

>> No.6831222

God, I swear, after this last order I'm swearing off Taobao and saving up my money for some actual brand because at the rate things are going now my whole wardrobe is going to be like a whole bunch of Magic Tea Party stuff, Mozarabic Chant, a Yolanda OP and replica shit. And not any thing brand.

I have a Taobao problem. Also so sad, they sold out of the short JSK of Mozarabic chant right as I decided I actually was willing to spend the money. I swear I'm always just a day or two late.

>> No.6831225

It is a table yo. You buy the table with the built in heater and blanket.

>> No.6831242
File: 200 KB, 415x620, T2XXLWXbtXXXXXXXXX_!!11942814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ho shit Infanta continued their fairytale prints with a Sleeping Beauty print!

>> No.6831334

wow this is lovely!~

>> No.6831336

I can't tell if it's a pale yellow or cream though. Any confirmation on this?

>> No.6831346

I want all of Infanta's fairy tale prints

I just want a fairy tale wardrobe

>> No.6831358
File: 127 KB, 400x616, infanta snow white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of Infanta, does anyone have a worn photo of this. I want to know the true color of the fabric.

>> No.6831362

None that I know of, but here's the reservation page.

Me too sis, me too. I love the old fairy tales.

>> No.6831365

A group of us should go to Disney wearing only the fairy tale prints

>> No.6831367

just stumbled upon thisBTSSB bunny hoodie replica

>> No.6831371

I wonder if we'd get in trouble if we wore the Aatp/Disney collab stuff. I mean, it's licensed merchandise!

>> No.6831465

Does anyone know the search term for the Flower and spike hairbands. The dictionary only has 花环 头饰 (flower hairbands) which is bringing up tons of cute stuff, but just not what I"m looking for.

>> No.6831479

All I've heard is that as long as you don't look like a specific character they don't care.

>> No.6831487

Link to cat shirt shooting lasers and lolita blouse?

>> No.6831489

I've always heard that if you look like your in any sort of costume you can get kicked out. They don't want unrelated people looking like they might be staff, or distracting from the actual face characters.

>> No.6831491

You know what I don't get, is why people don't get eye transplants when they go blind. My mom says her work lowered the age that they accept eyes because they just get so many. People are always dying with healthy eyes, so why are there blind people?

>> No.6831494


Do you think this shop is a reputable shop? lots of cute bags there!

>> No.6831500

I searched a few terms with "rivet" and found this

>> No.6831512
File: 218 KB, 768x1024, T2RBVPXfddXXXXXXXX_!!140970042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does somebody know where to find these fire Dr. Martens?

>> No.6831517
File: 421 KB, 500x630, T2MkjNXedXXXXXXXXX_!!89205423_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys,i found this skirt on a taobao resellers storenvy and i need it in my life,however i have a large taobao order processing and i would rather buy this from its original source,can anyone help me find it? i tried using terms like vintage cat skirt or cat print skirt via googletranslate but nothing like this came up.

>> No.6831521

I googled the the number (89205423) in the image name and found this: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=19960951265&.. The shop also sells vests and shorts with the cat print.

>> No.6831531



>> No.6831536

wow its so cheap,thank you so much! i was prepared to shell out 28 bucks plus 5 for shipping from the resale shop.

>> No.6831555
File: 636 KB, 1435x1259, tao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just placed this with taobaonow., plus some other wigs for cosplay. it was a really big order for me, with some things I've wanted for a while. it adds up fast! hopefully they can get everything I want.

>> No.6831560

Someone answered your question in the last thread. Please try reading the FAQ and finding how to tell store ratings and reviews.

>> No.6831562


Pricing? Complications? Granted, because the eye doesn't have an immune system, it's a perfect candidate because you don't face rejection, but I'd imagine that other complications such as infection and surgery related complications are still in place.

And anyways, why get surgery when you can just preserve your eyesight by not getting sketchy contacts? That's the main point. Even if you do get surgery, that's several months at least in the dark, not to mention possible pain and complications of infections.

>> No.6831571
File: 936 KB, 3000x1499, FinaltaobaorderImeanitthistimedamnit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chiffon anon here. My taobao order came today. I've got work but I will review whatever people want when I get back home. Except the KL MC in red and the jewelry, that is in another separate-damn-order-oh-God-I'm-broke.

Some of the stuff has smaller bust measurements than listed so I'm looking to sell a few of the blouses. Shoot me an email if you're interested in something.

>> No.6831575
File: 2.85 MB, 1784x3484, well mom,at least I don't buy drugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm waaaay to late but just in case some of you are still here:

44: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=9821431434
70: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=15837403121
150: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=15279743184
226: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=10183278909
268: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=21530616647
269: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=9393618891 (I'm sorry,I couldn't find similar ones)

151: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=18486651597
I bought it second hand,but you can find really similar dresses if you search for 少女心意 .
258: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16733869890&

12: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=15618758846
76: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=21973328111
102: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16176425346
103 : http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=14723993975 ; But: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=14743393072

35: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=14545485233
52: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16469653118
54: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=22471156285
130: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=15306873099
144: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=20165148559 (It was Alice and the Pirate's Rosier Fleur JSK)
149: I bought it from clobbaonline but it seems like there is a resale at the moment - http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=15855443928
240: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=8656101258

146: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=15011922978

223: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=6916867916
Maybe you can find another one under the term 蝙蝠 项链

If there are any questions,feel free to ask me.Customs killed my whole calculations,so a bunch of my items will arrive in June,along with other new items.
Man,I just want my cute taobao things...

>> No.6831578


Damn it anon, I just finished my huge chiffony order.

Sauce on 55, 59, and 60 please.

>> No.6831605

holy shit that is one massive order
can i ask how much it cost?
is it all for yourself?

>> No.6831645

How expensive or inexpensive is taobao?

how much would I get with $500

wiicann auto

>> No.6831651


Review and link to the skirts please. I love me some chiffon and lace skirts.

>> No.6831652

Here's one thing that can happen:

>> No.6831658


How about those galaxy tights 254 anon? They look class.

>> No.6831667

Awe I wish I could pull this off, it's so adorable but dark

>> No.6831674

Guys whaaaaat the fuck yoybuy.

For the Captain Mia skirt: "Hi,dear,the credit rating of this seller is very low, and he has been off line for long time.I’d better refund you and you can make new order from other shops, thanks .O(∩_∩)O"

>> No.6831683

Tell them that you know their rating is low, and that you want to wait. Or switch SSs.

Guess I'm going to avoid yoybuy too at this rate.

>> No.6831700


>> No.6831703

There's a watermark RIGHT OVER THE TIGHTS.

>> No.6831714

I really like them, but honestly I've had so many of these types of problems with them.
Refunding me after one day saying they could not contact the seller.
Refunding me for like 5 pre-orders even though I said I would a) wait and b) urged them to keep trying to contact the seller. And I missed out on 4/5 of those items.

I've tried Bhiner and I'm not going back to them. I loved TBR but it was before their slowness and silly domestic shipping fixed rate, and price for combining orders.

>> No.6831719

I use TBS. If you find an agent you like, you just email them directly with an order and they take care of you, they discount domestic shipping, and the spreadsheet is easy enough to use. It might take a little while when you order for the first time, since they seem to be the new go to SS though. I seriously love them right now though.

>> No.6831726

I already have a rather sizable order with yoybuy right now though, that's why I'm in such a pickle.
I'll check out TBS though, I haven't heard anything bad about them and I've seen practically every taobao thread for the last year/two years.

>> No.6831734

Urgh, yeah having an order started makes everything harder. You might just have to keep trying your luck with Yoybuy.

All this reminds me that I have to put together an order to go with the Ista Mori skirt today so I can send it off to TBS and hope they get to it quick so I don't miss the preorder.

>> No.6831753

dat nautical theme
link to store pls?

>> No.6831767

can I have sauce on 122, please?

>> No.6831771

Aw crap. Please tell me the coral blouse is true to measurements? I was tempted to buy a size up but that woulda been too big on my waist (curse my inbetween M/L chest size)

>> No.6831778

This is literally impossible to answer because I have no idea what you like or are looking for. Just look on the site and compile a list of stuff you want until you reach your budget.

>> No.6831789

hi, can you tell me where 37 and 80 are from please

>> No.6831810
File: 154 KB, 750x1125, 3tb_130413165408kl9n190385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember there was some anon who desperately wanted that sailor/nautical jumper that had sold out of forever21. I found this which reminded me of it. The seller has 0 feedback, but they only opened the store in 11/2012 so they might not be bad. Anyway, hope I helped someone.

>> No.6831833
File: 115 KB, 585x870, T2LrvcXapaXXXXXXXX_!!873230024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you find dresses you really want but they are sold out since along time

Why can't I find these stuff when they are available!

>> No.6831883

Do that shit yourself.

>> No.6831887
File: 2.77 MB, 1704x913, taobao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to build my first order! Holy shit, this site is going to wreck my wallet

>> No.6831890

I already tried searching, but I found nothing.

>> No.6831911 [DELETED] 

That dress is gorgeous! Sauce?

>> No.6831921

Has anyone made a spreadsheet of taobao menswear stores yet? Anyone got any recommendations? Looking for slightly quirky stuff.

>> No.6831925

link to the pastel purple star shirt please

>> No.6831928

here you go!

>> No.6831968

I think what they're trying to say is that you should just buy some black Doc Martins and make the flame decals on your own because that probably doesn't exist on Taobao.

>> No.6831971

Let me just warn you, those ear wings do not look nearly as cute in real life. I bought them myself and have yet to wear them. They're awful in person.

>> No.6831975

oh, damn. Thanks for telling me!

>> No.6831973

As in, they look dorky worn? Or the quality is worse? I coulda guessed the first...
Diff anon btw

>> No.6831979

Oh, alright. I'm really bad at DIY stuff, but maybe I'll try it. Thank you!

>> No.6831982

Both. Plus, if you wear your hair down, they're impossible to wear.

No problem. Plus, if you'd really wanted them, I could have just mailed mine to a PO box or something for you to pick up and saved you the money for the price of a stamp. I'm never going to wear the gold one I bought.

>> No.6832014

Did anyone ever figure out where to get those 6% doki doki star clips? I'm looking for them in silver and I can't find them anywhere.

>> No.6832117
File: 294 KB, 1273x821, orderdec2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first order just arrived at my house! I'm pretty happy with everything overall. Lemme know if yo want me to review something.

>> No.6832150

Link to star hairbows, and the gold stars?

>> No.6832157

What was that wishlist site the anon in the other thread mentioned?

>> No.6832173

How is that vest? I've been eyeing it since some time.

>> No.6832270
File: 1.06 MB, 1165x1700, loli_order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting on these items right now! Elpress dress has about 2 months to go, Pumpkin Cat dress is 1 month!
I went to TBS because my card stopped worked with yoybuy, but I randomly decided to check if it would go through today, and it did so I added the cherry dress to my order with them.

I still have to add some purses and cosplay items, I think I'll just add them to my TBS order though.

>> No.6832329
File: 32 KB, 207x310, T1AOiwXy0fXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_310x310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone please confirm or deny 100% that this item is up for reserve. It's basically my dream blouse. I'm confused because a few people told me it was available then my current SS agent said they can't order it and the year on the reserve date is 2011. Please help D:

>> No.6832334

Well, it certainly wasn't available until now.

>> No.6832349

Whose dick are you sucking?
Cause I wasn't able to get that elpress dress from yoybuy :c Tried twice.

>> No.6832386

Yeah, considering the stock photo comes from the actual company, Dangerous Nude. They are apparently really hard to hunt down. So GL, hopefully they are not too bad lol.

>> No.6832391
File: 40 KB, 570x750, T2p_z0XdhXXXXXXXXX_!!20342669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there was an anon earlier that was asking about these see-through dresses? Shirley Deer recently put this up! I know there are cheaper ones out there when you search amo/zipper/etc but I'm just putting this out there!

Are you the anon from a few threads ago that was trying to get it as well?
I follow yetanotherjfashionblog on tumblr and as soon as they posted it, I ordered it immediately! The only problem I had was yoybuy refunding me because I didn't tell them I knew it was a reserve, but after that it was all smooth sailing. I'm sorry you weren't able to get it!

They kept doing that to me with two of my dresses! They even said "seller has not replied to me for a long time" when it had only been two days! Maybe they do that because people have complained to them about taking too long?

It was posted on the chinese loli boards' new release thread on May 5, and I think there's anon upthread that was able to order it?

>> No.6832399

Review the shoes please? And link if they're good, hah.

>> No.6832417

The quality is very nice! The buttons are metal and the fabric was softer than I thought I would be. I got the large and have a bigger bust so one of the buttons sits a little odd. The pictures of the listing are all very accurate!
The shoes are nice and fit true to size. Surprisingly good quality for the $12 I paid for them. Sadly, they're no longer in stock and I can't find the store.

Can someone explain the page for the Captain Mia JSK? Or just tell me if I'm understanding it correctly? Ok, so the total amount paid will be 430 RMB? Does that include the 200 I'd be paying now? Also the release date is July 8th?

>> No.6832439

links to the stores for 54, 55, 58, 59? thank you so much!

>> No.6832450

i heard GLW gets their stock from taobao. does anyone know which stores their empress collection, duchess collection, and long curly lolita&gyaru collection come from?


>> No.6832471
File: 90 KB, 434x587, 72a9e5f812f8a46fcd9335f50747cc41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know if any other taobao stores sell this dear celine chiffon blouse in ivory second hand? or does anyone know if dc will restock this...?

>> No.6832493

No. No they don't.

Why would you even want GLW wigs, they're not even good quality.

>> No.6832503

Good taobao store for male Asian fashion?

>> No.6832518

I know that a lot of their wigs are basically the same as the ones from here

>> No.6832547

Aw, sorry I wasn't clear about what I meant. I meant paint it yourself. It's really simple even for someone who isn't good with DIY stuff.

>> No.6832557

I've got a short sleeve version I could sell and its not really ivory but just white. I dont think they made ivory version...

>> No.6832562

Oh no sorry, i have the one with jabot not the bow...

>> No.6832605


Couldn't read that whilst on the move, but got it now and Im home. TY. No need to be a dick about it though.

>> No.6832628

Done placing orders for a while. Just waiting for one last item and then I'm requesting shipping. Problem is, PayPal has put a lock on my account and I can't figure out why. I haven't had any unusual activity lately, I haven't mad any sales, so I'm not sure wtf is up.

I called the hotline and all I got was "please send us the information requested in the resolution centre". Filled all that out and sent them the appropriate information, so I suppose now I just have to wait?

>> No.6832627


i'm most interested in the DC blouse, but do you have pics of your blouse? i've been needing a new short sleeve blouse anyway.

>> No.6832634

Link to the 2D bag please?

>> No.6832679
File: 265 KB, 1535x1262, Whatnext.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I maybe have an opinion? I've had to split my big order up into a few smaller ones over the course of a few months in order to be able to afford everything. On the left is what I already own and the categories on the right are the pieces of my big order. I'm trying to rebuild my lolita wardrobe so any opinions on what I'd be in the most need of would be very welcome.

Which one should be my next order: A, B, C, or D?

>> No.6832681

B. I like B a lot.

>> No.6832699

Links for the planet and bunny shirts pretty please ?

>> No.6832711

Oh, and just by judging off this image- looks like you need blouses? So yeah, more blouses looks like a good idea for you.

>> No.6832708

I like A and B best.

>> No.6832715

Ah I forgot to mention, blouses and shoes are the only thing I'm not really starting over with so I'm pretty good on both of those things (just none of them are brand so couldn't find a picture of any of the things). I don't really have too many jackets or outerwear but it's really really hot where I live so I hardly wear them anyway.

>> No.6832726

order b is gorgeous! it has my vote.

>> No.6832730

Trying to choose a petti for MC, do either of these look like they'd work well?

Also in need of a giant bell petti for Captain Mia, what one do you all recommend?

>> No.6832739

Link to the galaxy seifuku?
@u@ thanks.

>> No.6832776

the goddamn thing has been linked so many times you should be able to find it on your own

>> No.6832818

also check l-email/wig-supplier. i have a black teal split wig that looks pretty much identical to what glw was selling (still sells?). And I got mine for 14 bucks free shipping. glw is a ripoff.

>> No.6832876

Because it's never happened ever that two different stores have sold the same thing before.

>> No.6832899

There is only one store well known for selling that item. Try again.

>> No.6832918

>well known
And they're sold out of a few sizes so I don't think it's that unreasonable to see if it might be another lesser known store.

>> No.6832993
File: 32 KB, 560x420, 1329181889682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



dear christ why are people SO bitter?
I remember trying to ask for links and people being assholes about it.

You know it's just easier to link it and keep quiet than waste effort and time arguing over petty things.

Here you go, >6832739.
It is from the popular store.
I couldn't find anything in the search bar either, but I'll keep looking as it is a mutual interest. I want it too aaaah

>> No.6832997

It's the only fucking store with that item

You have no idea what youre talking about

They can ;learn not to be a lazy idiot

>> No.6833005

The only *original store I meant to type

I dont know why you would want a replica when you can just wait for them to restock

>> No.6833125

seconding this.

>> No.6833170

I agree about B, since it looks like it will get you closest to a full coord.

Also, would you mind linking to the brown MM replica skirt?

>> No.6833182

Can I get some of your favourite shops for fake eye lashes? I realized recently i really need them to make my eyes pop and don't know which shops to go to.

>> No.6833207

Thanks so much!
I haven't been stalking Taobao threads for long.

>> No.6833280

are you able to review the alice in wonderland bag, the liz lisa(?) knock off bag, the shoes with bows, and the t-bar shoes?

So jelly of your order.

>> No.6833283

Yeah PayPal is a shit company. They just do whatever they like. I've been waiting for a legitimate multi-thousand-$ payment for nearing a month now. When you try to talk to them on the phone, they just say they can't tell you anything because they are investigating it. No help whatsoever.

>> No.6833464


Link to the brown bag at the top?

Also isn't that Sailor Moon artwork from deviantart?

>> No.6833529

Well, What if I wanted to buy lolita merchandises?

>> No.6833531

>i-i'm too lazy to find the link for you, find it yourself, b-baka

>> No.6833567
File: 48 KB, 471x591, spongebobpatrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh dear me

>> No.6833621

If you do B, please review that wig! I would love to see actual pics of it.

>> No.6833624

Depends on the seller but you can probably get a few dresses with $500. Check the spreadsheet for stores.

>> No.6833696

I like A best. Link to the gloves?

>> No.6833703

Whoops never mind, was too busy staring at the brown to realize the blue still had the watermark. found it on my own.

>> No.6833791

Same reason people want knock off of other shit I suppose. You're getting way too bitter and up tight about a simple link request to something that is sold out in the majority of sizes in the main store. And no one is allowed to be new ever right?

Whelp looks like B it is then!


>> No.6833858

I just got an e-mail from Yoybuy about my parcel which has been in UK customs for a few days. They told me I should contact them since I haven't received a letter to pay Parcel Force yet. This is my first Taobao order so I don't know if this is normal or not. Should I worry?

>> No.6833864

I've been told these run small so anyone know what size I should get if I normally take a US8/UK 6/ 24.5 cm? Anyone know how small they run? http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=9703149981

>> No.6833867

What exactly does the tracking say right now?

If it's 'Awaiting Customs clearance' then you have to wait - the parcel is just in customs and they haven't processed it yet, sometimes UK customs take a while.

If it's been gone to your local delivery depot and is 'Awaiting payment of charges' then you need to call Parcelforce.

>> No.6833871

Take the been out of that last sentence, urgh.

>> No.6833874

Yeah, it says 'awaiting customs clearance.' Thanks for letting me know! Hope they process it soon--I had planned to get the items by the end of this month.

>> No.6833886

what is tbs ? please respond -.- I havent understood what it is yet

>> No.6833887


>> No.6833944


Read. The. FAQ.

You should also read the board rules while you're at it.

>> No.6834007

I'm guessing it's TaoBao Spree but I don't know what that has to do with the FAQ.

>> No.6834054

please enjoy!

>> No.6834056

i have no idea about the artwork.
here's the bag! http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.10.300.IkO64d&id=16064014856

>> No.6834062

looking for more cute accessories like the hair stars etc! anyone got any cool stuff?

>> No.6834194

I've been using TaoBao Trends and I had two orders. Basically, one that I wanted to get delivered to me and one I wanted to get sent to a residence in China that I could pick up when I go there. They sent me the first package after I paid for the shipping and then I got another e-mail where they said they "accidentally" sent the other package and they asked me to pay for it.

Could I get some advice on what I should do? It's basically an extra $25 I wasn't expecting on spending. Part of me feels I should just pay it and get it out of the way and use a different SS next time but I also didn't want it to get sent in the first place, so why should I pay for it?

>> No.6834295

I would just pay it then leave a review reflecting their fuckup. But you could always ask for proof that they DID send it, and then once you know it is on its way to you, tell them to fuck themselves.

>> No.6834297

Can I get a link to that beautiful headband on the right?

>> No.6834458

Hows the brs figure? Can you share the links too?

>> No.6834783

Not anon but here ya go

>> No.6834825

there's no excuse for laziness and idiocy

>> No.6834918
File: 37 KB, 341x500, 51JC04chsDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The BRS figure was actually a source of frustration. They sent me the wrong figure but I realized that too late and my SS said the store wouldn't take returns.
>pic related, it's the one I got

I was thinking about getting this one anyway, so I'm not too beat up about it. Also, like I expected, I'm about 95% sure it's a knock-off.
Her skin is a normal skin tone rather than the white in the display pictures and the stitching-like cuts on her stomach and leg are red rather than a pale pink. Which is a little disappointing because I really like the white on black contrast from the pictures. And the cannon sits on the edge of the stand instead of the cracked indentation made for it. Basically, I spent 20$ and got what I paid for.

will post links next. 4chan keeps thinking this is spam

>> No.6834944

hooollly coowwwwwww that is a lot. What did your total come to? link to 174 please?

>> No.6834947

But it isn't laziness or idiocy. It's naivete at worst and hopefulness that it's a a different store at best neither which are all that bad and considering it isn't yet another question that can be answered by the FAQ, I fail to see why you're so worked up about it.

>> No.6834950

You have a shopping addiction and you need help, you practically live in these threads

>> No.6834960

Meh. I'll get out more when I'm out of the hospital. Wi-fi and online shopping is a great way to pass the time until then haha.

>> No.6834966

bootleg figs, fuck yeah

>> No.6835026

>fig yeah
Fixed it for you

>> No.6835150

urgh, i hate how taobaonow is prepay. i hope they can buy my galaxy fuku.

>> No.6835151

I think you'd find there are a lot of people that practically live in these threads. Most just don't have names attached to recognize

>tfw I live in these threads

>> No.6835191

What >>6835151 said.
I literally always have the taobao threads open. This summer is going to be so hard because I wont have the money to do any orders.

>> No.6835198

>I literally always have the taobao threads open
Gurl are you me? I always have it open just in case someone posts stuff they're getting so I can ask where they got the stuff I like from. Though for me summer is way better because it gives me time to work and thus get more cash.

>> No.6835217

Yeah same here, don't want to miss the next great find I guess
I remember when we discovered the Galaxy Seifuku. Good times.
I need to save up money since I have cons this summer... I'm hopefully making my last order for a few months now.

>> No.6835219


Same here, I've been thinking of using a trip or something, but eh.

I'm the opposite of most of you guys though, I've been unemployed since Christmas (thanks THQ) but I'll be starting a very busy full time job in June and I probably won't have time to check threads all summer.

I'll miss you guys.

>> No.6835227

"This thread is a bar" anon here, and I count myself among the people who are staying here forever because I have nothing to do with my life.

>> No.6835242


link to the veil thing on the left of the teal tights pls?

>> No.6835243

I'm also here all summer at least, and I'll probably be here off and on during the year. These threads are wonderful for everything except my wallet.

I just can't stop wanting to buy a lot of the lolita stuff since they're putting out such nice prints. My MC is EMS-ing its way to me, and I'm seriously considering reserving Infanta's Sleeping Beauty print and Captain Mia.

>> No.6835361
File: 30 KB, 440x322, 87ea0db30f2442a7031f3be2d043ad4bd013029b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even into sweet but for some reason I want this??

Also this!! The pattern and colorway are daytime elegant to me

I lurk the chinese loli boards every day and have no loli friends to share my want/excitement with so I come to you guys haha.

>> No.6835373
File: 317 KB, 430x645, T25WXdXXVOXXXXXXXX_!!180586929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh my god, this dress is adorable.

Bookmarking this for my next order, thanks anon!

>> No.6835379

Oh wow, I love a good qi dress! Kinda wish it came in more colors, not a huge blue person, but it's really lovely.

>> No.6835395

link to the delicious chocolates dress?

>> No.6835401

It's not up in their store yet! Actually, it looks like they deleted their post on the board as well?
I'll definitely post it here when they do put it up!

>> No.6835432

Have many anons had luck with getting Bhiner to re-check for stock on their orders?

I know Bhiner is bad with quotes, but I've been being refunded items left and right. Do they often make mistakes and if I ask them to check again they'll end up being stock? Or is it sort of a 100% there's no stock what-so-ever thing?

I've already given up a few items that I REALLY wanted because Bhiner said they're out of stock and refunded me...

>> No.6835477


Out of my order of about 20 things, I had Bhiner confirm and let me pay for two and then immediately mark them as out of stock and refund me.

I also had an item paid for with a few other things from one store, and it wasn't until they shipped me everything from the store but the first item that Bhiner updated the first item as out of stock and refunded me.

>> No.6835480

Thanks for the input! If possible, can you post pics of it for comparison?

>> No.6835916

damnit. i was getting the long purple galaxy fuku skirt in xl because all that was left was xl and xs, but the purple one is out of stock completely. how much longer until they restock, do you think? how many months did we wait this time?

>> No.6835939

Nice thread title

>> No.6835954


Can i have the links for 159/ 160/ 161/ 178 please?

>> No.6836007

Damn. There's a few items where if they end up refunding me it'd make the rest of my order not worth it, and they've already refunded one of them.

I tried asking them to re-check for stock but all I got was a message saying 'dear member, so sorry, but this item is out of stock now' so it must mean it either really *is* out of stock, or they aren't checking again.

I wish Taobao was better updated so it didn't say things are instock if they aren't.. (though maybe it is just Bhiner).

>> No.6836025
File: 339 KB, 592x656, Screen shot 2013-05-13 at 11.47.31 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone ordered this dress?
do you think the bust measurements are flat? Probably not but I'm not totally sure...

>> No.6836043

The measurements don't look flat. But it says the material is really stretchy.

>> No.6836070
File: 120 KB, 801x498, 51JC04chsDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one on the left is from Good Smile and the one on the right is from a different Taobao store but looks exactly like the one they sent me. After looking at the pictures side by side I noticed the color gradation on the cannon is a little different and so is the weathering on the base.

>> No.6836074

Plenty of us are in these threads consistently. While I do try to read everything, I sometimes forget (same goes for updating the SS spreadsheet...)

I don't even buy a lot on taobao but I still like browsing the thread and site anyway. I only make orders once in a while.

That's cute as fuck.

I've had problems with them all the time even when items are in stock (when I have tried other SS with the same items)

>> No.6836128
File: 1.25 MB, 1805x1200, sofar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now that all my Bhiner stuff has come in (the pjs in the lower left are out of stock apparently) the time has come to figure out my package declaration shit.

So aside from the fact that I'm pretty sure Bhiner is overcharging me for DHL, I'm still going with it. My package is 4kg actual, 5kg volumetric and is worth 372.73.
Bhiner gives you a nice little box to mark down the price (either by percentage or round number) and a box for further comments.

I'm thinking I'll mark my package down to just under $100 and ask them to mark it as a gift. Does that sound legit and non-custom fee incurring? What do you guys usually put for your packages?

The DHL shipping cost is $86.76 for the curious. I was originally going with UPS, but the shipping calculator said DHL would be cheaper (around $65) but I'm either using the calculator wrong or Bhiner is messing with me.

>> No.6836136

i'm getting mine this week so i can let you know , if i remember.

>> No.6836140

Not bad for a fake though, how much did you spend?

>> No.6836155

Where is it going to be shipped to country wise? That will help in what would sound more legit for custom fees and marking down

>> No.6836160


Sorry, forgot about country. I'm in the US.

>> No.6836165
File: 106 KB, 450x623, T2B2uBXmdbXXXXXXXX_!!770417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Super cute! I like R-Series' set a little better, but it's also more expensive and you've have to buy both the blouse and JSK to get the same look that OP has.

Oh how I love Chinese styled collars.

>> No.6836166

You won't get charged customs in the US.

>> No.6836174

You're fine then. Since your actual package is not worth 1k+, US folk don't get taxed.

...unless you look like a reseller buying a shit ton of the same exact item.

>> No.6836180
File: 439 KB, 300x169, tumblr_lry6pasaWB1qb0q9io1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, sweet. So I don't need to mark it down at all?

America, fuck yeah apparently. Thanks for the help guys! So excited for my first order.

>> No.6836188

I would mark it down a little anyway just to be on the safer side. Always better to be safe than sorry especially if they somehow think your package looks like a reseller one.

>> No.6836213

link to the store please~! ^^

>> No.6836634

All right.
Gave in and emailed Susan at TBS, I really want that freaking skirt.

>> No.6837104

Looks really doable... link to the store please?

>> No.6837429

How would I go about finding a cover for a single sized shiki futon?

>> No.6837467 [DELETED] 


thank you very much. I think I'll be getting the black one.

Wait, why does it say SpongeBob inside it?

>> No.6837474
File: 151 KB, 640x868, T2BDSRXnhXXXXXXXXX_!!516734467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thank you very much. I think I'll be getting the black one.

Wait, why does it say SpongeBob inside it?

>> No.6837485

Oh my god, what is this. This is the best thing I've seen all day.

>> No.6837555


All my stuff has arrived at TBR, they've uploaded the pictures, but no one has emailed me about paying for shipping...

It's been at least four days since I've noticed the pictures there. Should I wait longer or...?

>> No.6837601

I have this bag and it doesn't come lined with spongebob. It's a wallet. It makes me sad now actually, because that would have been amazing.

>> No.6837611

i have never gone from loving a purse, to loving it more, to crushing disappointment so rapidly.

and now i need that wallet.

>> No.6837861

Usually they email pretty fast...I'd wait another day or so. Did you log in the site and check if you could pay now?

>> No.6837884

If they don't mail you tomorrow, send a quick message or QQ saying you're ready to pay

>> No.6837927


got my dress in "m" today and it is really stretchy. I was worried about it cause I am easily a large or XL is some things and I was able to get it on easily.
sorry I'm not able to take measurements though

>> No.6838218

Just ordered Captain Mia and a couple of blouses.

Sorta regretting it because of the new AatP reserve. But I do need blouses.

>> No.6838257

So I just payed for my order my order with TBR about six hours ago and apparently some things I ordered already arrived to their office.


>> No.6838268
File: 145 KB, 702x1149, T219DLXitXXXXXXXXX_!!152245295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoe question:

What is a US Women size 10 on Taobao?
I keep hearing conflicting things.

Online charts say a 10 is a 42
The taobao shoe thread says it's 43
I heard elsewhere it's 45

Which one is it?

>> No.6838304

I'm ordering a pair of shoes for the first time and I'm going to get a size 43. I hear that certain pairs tend to run small so it's always best to get a size up just in case.

>> No.6838320


Obama modeled for Taobao guys. Lol

>> No.6838341

Measure. Your. Feet. Don't go by chart conversions, they're usually not 100% accurate. Trace your feet on a sheet of paper, measure the outline in CM. Multiply by 2, then subtract 10. So 24cm = size 38. 25cm = size 40. Etc.

>> No.6838348

And by measuring the outline, I mean the length.

>> No.6838351
File: 181 KB, 465x700, 1359525434576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can find something like the dangling stars that she has in her hair? I've been searching all morning and I can't find anything. Thanks!

>> No.6838361
File: 2.50 MB, 982x1790, Taobao order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so this was originally a larger order I was going to do a few weeks ago but bills always pop up so I had to cut it down a bit. I'm just waiting for Taobaoring to record it.

>> No.6838364

Chocomint. You won't find them on TaoBao, though someone was selling them on Etsy for a while.

Chess Story had some stars on ribbons, but none with dangling pieces.

>> No.6838363

*conform it

>> No.6838368

This isn't true. I've seen the clips tons of places, I've even seen the star pieces themselves separately.

>> No.6838378
File: 56 KB, 600x600, T2OGrmXf8XXXXXXXXX_!!152245295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you very much. Looks like I'm a size 44 and all 4 pairs of shoes that I want come in my size!

>> No.6838386

With the dangles? I've yet to see one that has dangling pieces on it. I've only seen clip-on stars by themselves.

>> No.6838413
File: 80 KB, 594x800, T20bLFXb4aXXXXXXXX_!!1097502855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can find them searching for 星星lolita.

>> No.6838417
File: 64 KB, 597x800, T22ovNXhdaXXXXXXXX_!!1097502855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you aren't over 160cm and even with that lenght they are already troublesome when it comes to the print.

>> No.6838536

lol oh wow
Lockshop still has the nicest print, I just wish she did them in this pink color. The grey looks so dirty.

>> No.6838607

thank you so much! that's very helpful and i'm sure it will help other people thinking of buying it even w/o measurements

>> No.6838609

Is there a proper way to add items to your order on Bhiner after it's been paid for?

I already added a couple items to my order just by sending them a message on my existing items. I did this again, but this time they just sent me back a message saying "the item you want is instock. Thanks." --- but it hasn't been added to my order and I haven't been charged for it.

If I do the regular cart/check-out process, it'd just make a new order, wouldn't it?

A lot of my items have already arrived/pictures have been taken and I'm excited as fuck, but I'm not sure what to make of their communications sometimes. Unless they typo'd and meant to tell me the item was OUT of stock.... I don' know.

>> No.6838652

Just make a new order, when you check out it will give you the option to ship it with an existing order or to have it seperately

>> No.6838737

I've got some stumpy fucking legs actually.
I'm about 161cm I think.

>> No.6838802


As >>6838652 said, just make a new order. When it comes time to pay for it they'll ask you how you want to ship it and it'll give you the option to ship with the other item.

I have 5 orders all coming to me at once now because I was impulsive waiting for stuff to come in.

>> No.6838878

About $22. I've seen the real ones go for $100+.

Oops, I said I'd post links and forgot to!
Here you go:

>> No.6838975


Thank you, Anons! I'll do this. Hopefully there isn't just delay and they won't add the item twice, or something, haha.

>> No.6839000

For those of you interested in more taobao lolita reviews, this baidu thread has a lot of them.


If you can read Chinese, great. If you can't (like me), there are still quite a few pictures to show, and google chrome can sometimes eke out a semi coherent response if you're desperate

>> No.6839027
File: 420 KB, 828x720, BAHAHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Advantages: of fried chicken US greasy Obscure! ! Fried chicken and more accessories!

>kumanoona : jealousy envy hate
>Qingxin snow : reply kumanoona to: resentment of! Resentment! Resentment! ! !

>drawback: the location of the chest feels very strange Unruly ... may be the whole vegetarian chicken is not pumping with ? really want pumping with

Solid gold.

>> No.6839034


It's like taobao reviews multiplied exponentially. Google just can't keep up.

>> No.6839047
File: 142 KB, 592x241, chew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat translation
Thank you Google Chrome, you're awesome.

>> No.6839048
File: 145 KB, 400x533, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Kneos : Reply ant thermal Full butterfly: ah, I did not malicious, but think big chest wearing this very frightening, like a chest stuffed two large grapefruit, does not reflect the beauty of the chest ...... (chest position outside the expansion of the middle I feel like hollows)"

Pic related.

>> No.6839050


To be honest, I'm really more bothered as to why she felt the need to just cut right down the middle of that beautiful OP. But that's just me.

>> No.6839079

dat op is phenomenal.

>> No.6839144

I'm sorry,but you know..it never ends.

55: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=22550092030
(they changed the picture & don't worry,I saw them restocking their wigs a few times)
59: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17191431018
(keep an eye on the search term '猴咩家',some people resell wigs of this store)
60: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=18732247644

Yes,it is.But I started ordering in december,so it somehow..became this big.
I used bhiner,TBR and pruany because they don't seem to be in agreement about the availability of items.
It was 3215.755 Dollar without shipping,paypal fees,service fees and customs(because I made a lot of mistakes with these 4 factos and thus wasted a lot of money).

It's completely okay to ask,don't let you tell otherwise.
So just in case you lost the link or something:
254: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16649513357

122: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=20525112522

37: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=5394793081
80: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=22553236531

54: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=22471156285
Store: http://shop61515811.taobao.com/
55: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=22550092030 (same as >>6831578)
Store: http://sora0517.taobao.com/
58: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16474301871
Store: http://sora0517.taobao.com/
59: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17191431018 (also same as >>6831578)
Store: http://hjjymm.taobao.com/

174: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=8319117166

159: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=23693276007
160: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=18688399667
161: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=15189907605
178: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4237269177

>> No.6839600
File: 43 KB, 570x760, il_570xN.413846868_29vj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are by TredAir.

>> No.6839613

>cut right down the middle of that beautiful OP
It has buttons all down the front. That's how it's designed.

>> No.6839999

whats a way to search for lace front wigs?

>> No.6840039
File: 29 KB, 447x339, twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jack Ma (CEO of Taobao and Alibaba) retired apparently.


>> No.6840117
File: 1.39 MB, 964x797, watdo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I ordered this dress and now they're out of that pattern. Bhiner said they have only this fabric available now, I don't know what to do. It's so hard to picture how that would look, I'm thinking it will be a bit busy. I've already had to exchange one dress I ordered because they were sold out of the colourway I wanted. Does anyone have any advice?

>> No.6840138

I really like the pink one in comparison personally.. but I'm not a loli, more into other jfashions, so maybe my opinion would be off.

>> No.6840143
File: 213 KB, 521x234, other.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, they have this one available now too.

>> No.6840421 [DELETED] 

Arrrgh why is the EMS website so slow to register my tracking number.

Hoooooly fuck that's a lot of money. That would pay most of my rent for a school year.

>> No.6840429

Arrrgh why is the EMS website so slow to register my tracking number.

Hoooooly fuck that's a lot of money. That would pay most of my rent for a school year.

>> No.6840536
File: 254 KB, 955x908, 529230_556258071083523_2001627016_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where this is from?

>> No.6840538

Thank you very much !!

>> No.6840539

No, but my bibliophile self needs it. Give me a few, I'll see what I can find.

>> No.6840542

Oh hey, the brand is printed on there. Serene Purity. Looking at the shop though, there doesn't seem to be anything like this up.

>> No.6840541

There's a brand called 'Serene Purity' on Taobao: http://serene-purity.taobao.com
But I can't find that print. It might be a sneak peek?

>> No.6840547


How can i verify if something is out of stock?
Bhiner is telling me that its out of stock but there are still some available...

>> No.6840630

Is there any way to see the last time a seller was online?

>> No.6840692

I thought I'd post here instead of making a new thread, don't want to shitpost on your board, I'm not from /cgl/ I just know you use taobao and I'm looking to use it myself soon.

I'm looking to buy some replica clothing from taobao as it's dirt cheap. I'm planning on buying 2 Supreme tee shirts, 1 pair of Supreme shorts and 1 Supreme hoodie, 2 x Givenchy tee shirts, 2 x Hood By Air tee shirts, 2 x Pyrex Vision tee shirts, 2 x Pyrex Vision shorts, 1 x Pyrex Vision hoodie and 1 x Supreme hat.

I added up all the prices in CNY + domestic postage and it came to 1219CNY, so, $200 AUD.

Now, I've read the sticky and it seems like DHL shipping is the best method of shipping replicas, but what SS would you recommend for shipping replicas? I know thats a matter of >opinion, but I was hoping maybe someone could help me out with their own personal experience in shipping replicas, and even more so, shipping replicas to Australia.

I also read that Chinese customs are being a bit strict at the moment with parcel checking, but the announcement seems to be that it's no longer an issue? Was this ever an issue for Australia or was it mostly a US thing?


>> No.6840752

Maybe email around? Ty taobaonow first

>> No.6840784

Bhiner had a warning up for a while saying something along the lines of not to use UPS for replicas/ways they could re-send your packaging to get around customs. But their re-quoting process/often inability to tell something is in stock can be such a pain I don't know if I'd recommend them.

>> No.6840827
File: 833 KB, 1000x1240, ORDER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my order today, just a day after my birthday!

And no customs, I'm really glad!

If anyone want me to review something I will do so and put if up on tumblr. The only thing I am really disappointed with is the cosplay boots. I payed 350Yuan for them, and they are SO AWFUL! The color is all wrong, they are shorter than I wanted them to be (I even gave measurements) and they have just glued on a bit of pelather on the heel which looks horrible. I will need to repaint them or something to make them work...

>> No.6840845

daruma tights and gray dress reviews please? Thanks!

>> No.6840854
File: 2.51 MB, 3264x2448, 20130515_180037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you can see how horrible the boots look. they are even more brownish IRL

>> No.6840873
File: 421 KB, 1106x854, bhiner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So quick dumb question.

I've paid for my big order to ship, and now it's sitting in stage pic related. I'm good with what I have to do now, right? I'm just waiting on them to ship it out and give me a tracking number at this point?

I feel like the "Mark Completed" button makes it pretty clear that I'm supposed to click that when I get my stuff in, but I'd rather be safe than sorry and check with you guys.

>> No.6840911

It was just a US thing and it's been over for a while. Idk about Aus shipping, sorry.

>> No.6840918

Hahaha, look at the heel, omg. Sorry for a laughing, but those really are a wreck. Glad the rest of your order turned out well!

>> No.6840941

Can you review the bob wig? Thank you~

>> No.6840948

You're solid anon. Just wait for them to update

>> No.6841055

Is there a specific shop you're buying all those from?

>> No.6841075

Did not notice that the first time, but hey boots will be boots.

Someone start a new thread.

>> No.6841185
File: 240 KB, 377x700, alkjsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

!!! I just got it!

*disclaimer* This is literally my first piece of lolita anything so I got so excited to try it on that I didn't do my hair/makeup/etc...

Anyway, I got a medium, but it's a tad big on me (especially in the bust) so I think I'll have to get it tailored or see if someone wants to trade me for a small.

Oh god it's so pretty and luxurious though. I want to wear it all the time and sleep in it.

>> No.6841640

Seems like the US replica search is still going strong, probably will stay like this forever.

>> No.6841645

Really? TBR has put an announcement up saying the replica crackdown is over

>> No.6841657


I think Bhiner put up a similar one saying to juse use specific shipping services for replicas

>> No.6841664


Sorry, meant to link >>6841645

>> No.6841705

Oh, I had those boots back in my Hottopic mallgawf days, or at least a pair just like them (I'll have to check the tag). I had to get the soles reglued once, but other that that they've remained in really great condition for a number of years. I haven't worn them in several though, they're in my closet at home.

If >>6831512 anon is a Size 5-6 US (gotta check which) could sell them to you, I don't think I would wear them again.

>> No.6841718

Is that a jacket or a blouse in the 4th row, second pic? If it's a jacket, link please? What's the fabric texture like? It looks like some kind of embroidery or a woven material.

>> No.6841923

Update on the situation: it hasn't gone anywhere. I went to the post office to verify my address and identity as requested and was told that they cannot verify my identity without a land line.

Who the fuck has a land line any more?! I don't think my parents even have one any more because of telemarketers. Jesus.

So called PayPal, they updated the form to have my mobile number instead, and I have to go back to the post office AGAIN, and hope that this time they'll fill it out in full.

>> No.6841931

And of course the thread is already in autosage. Shit.

>> No.6842117

dude, i'm sorry to hear this. keep blowing up paypal's customer service line and then, if necessary, you may have to just straight up delete your paypal account.

>> No.6842180

New thread:

>> No.6842391

link for flower crown?

>> No.6842394


Link to that beret please?

Or if anyone knows the Chinese character for beret or hats like them that would be really great, I've been trying to find them on Taobao.

>> No.6842494

is that the long version? how tall are you?

>> No.6844566

Term for studded flower headbands: