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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 8 KB, 600x350, animenext-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6829671 No.6829671 [Reply] [Original]

It's less than a month away guys.
What are your cosplay plans?
Anything you plan to do or look forward to?
Lolitas, what are your thoughts on BtsSB being here this year?

>> No.6829679

I totally did not know. Wow I'm definitely going now.

>> No.6829692

They are indeed.
There's more information about it from their blogspot, but 4chan thinks the link is spam and won't let me post it.

Link is in the email field.

>> No.6829714

Oh my god yessssssss
Thank you! I'm really excited now. Does anyone know if there's a meetup or anything planned?

>> No.6829724

Just that they're looking for models for the fashion show.

>> No.6835035

Don't die thread!
And I'm going and need to do a last minute cosplay.
I still am pretty unsure of who I'll be but I really need to think of one by today or tomorrow!

>> No.6835236

I guess not many people are going to AnimeNext.

>> No.6835449

It's a trade between animenext or animeboston this year. They're two weeks apart from each other.

>> No.6835952

Fucking hyped about this! Hoping my cosplay just gets here in time... Also, hoping I won't be too broke after going to Animazement 2 weeks before.

>> No.6836098

Are there enough seagulls going to this to warrant a meetup?

>> No.6836242

A small Saturday drinking run, yes.
Pizza and booze.

>> No.6837449

That and AnimeNEXT is on the same weekend as Colassalcon in Ohio

>> No.6837471

I'll be there. Probably just wearing lolita all weekend unless I can get my Stephanie Brown cosplay done in time.
Interested to see Baby there, I hope I can go to their panels or whatever.

Also hoping the set up is better this year. Walking outside to get to the Dealers room sucked balls.

>> No.6837486

That was hell on earth. I was wearing low heels all weekend and my feet still felt the pain, especially with having to walk all around the building. What the hell was staff thinking last year?

Let's not forget when they shut the lights off in the deales/ AA area last year when people were taking their stuff down for the day.

I in the dealers room because my friend needed to get something, it was dark enough that I couldnt find he. Cant imagine having to put stuff away in that.

>> No.6837491

I know the feeling. I had like 4in heels on on saturday and it was murder walking through the dirt. It wouldn't be so bad if that area was paved. I must have almost fell 4 times because my heels kept sinking into the ground.

>> No.6837710
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Blame new fire Marshall rules that year and staff not knowing how to deal with it. Ugh, I was in fucking Hetalia uniforms nearly full time that year and nearly died.

>> No.6837739 [DELETED] 

Excited for Baby, excited because I get to see my boyfriend. Have no cosplay because I just started working and have barely had any time for anything. I might just end up in jfashion all weekend. Don't think I'll have the strength to pull double shifts+sew during these weeks. Looking forward to the weekend though!

>> No.6837753

Deleted that last clusterfucky post. I'm excited, first con I'll really go to. Pretty last-minute, but pulling double shifts is going to be so very worth it. Getting to see my SO and Baby, now that's a weekend. Probably wont cosplay, and if I do, I'll deify myself because pulling that feat would be a miracle.

>> No.6837779
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Going this year, though I'm not entirely sure why.
It gets worse every year, I might not even buy a ticket and just hang out with people.
If I do end up cosplaying it'll just be something simple like pic related in a group.

>> No.6837792
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>thought I'd pop in a day
>I wonder how much Saturday is
>weekend is $70

>> No.6837919

I know your feelings. I've been going to AN since it's old venue at the Crown meadowlands and i miss that place so much.
The new venue is just boring and crowded with not much food options

>> No.6838347

AnimeNEXT 08 was my first con ever, so in my mind it'll always be the best con. I don't know what the venue was called, but it wasn't the current one.

I made most of my current con going friends there, had a blast walking around and seeing everything for the first time, the rave was fun as fuck...
Now it's just drunk people, crowded hallways, and people pulling fire alarms at 3am

>> No.6839029


>> No.6840120


Cosplaying The Merchant (RE4) and Okabe from SteinsGate

>> No.6842463
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Can't wait to see this.

....I'm now seriously starting to regret my rooming arrangements. Fuck everything.

>> No.6842467

Remember when the stupid fashion show delayed the rave almost 2 hours?

Yeah that sucked.

I don't see the point in paying so much for a single weekend, just going on Friday this year.

>> No.6842491

Yeah, that was fucked up, I didn't even go to the rave that year and just partied in my room with friends.

>> No.6848375

>cosplay plans
Akane Owari from SDR2, Aoi Asahina from Dangan Ronpa, and Sunday maybe Pinkie Pie, maybe Owari. Whatever I feel like that day.
I honestly don't do much at AnimeNEXT, the panels never really stuck out to me. Just hang out with my friends, go to photoshoots, and I'm hosting a Dangan Ronpa meetup Saturday, hopefully everything goes to plan.
I'm not a lolita, so no.
I do know my friend will be dragging me there though, since she's one.

>> No.6850499
File: 205 KB, 1000x386, animenext.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were you the one who posted on tumblr about the gathering? Hopefully I'll see you there!

Finally sort of got everything in order. Gonna bring Rise (P4), Iroha (IIDX), Kirigiri (Dangan Ronpa) and a Monomi kigu for funnzies (Dangan Ronpa 2)

>> No.6850512

Shieeeet, I was thinking of pulling off a Makise Kurisu. I'll make my boyfriend a Ruka, he's just too perfect for it.

>> No.6850606
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I am the one who posted the gathering.
I'm a little nervous now because the only trip user I've ever really met was Angela and I don't want to look like weenie supreme in front of you.

>> No.6850611

Haha what? There's really no reason to be nervous, I'm not anyone special. I'm sure it'll be fun and we'll get a bunch of photos!

>> No.6850614

Now you've met me too weenie supreme! lolololo

>> No.6852063

I'm not a lolita but I think it's amazing that Baby is coming. I never really got into lolita because I can't afford it and afraid of being judged by my family and peers, but Baby was the first brand I heard about which got me interested in lolita. They're the only guests I am looking forward to.

>> No.6853777
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I tried booking hotel today through paypal, but it ended up not going through for some reason. Bad thing is that my debit card is linked to my paypal, the transaction took out 160 dollars from there and I probably wont get that money til AT LEAST 10 days pass. I'm mad and sad.

>> No.6853780

*took out 360 dollars.

>> No.6853898

did you call the hotel or paypal and tell them what happened?

>> No.6853987

I called hotwire, then paypal, then had a talk with my bank. The stuff that belongs on pp is back in there, and the stuff that was taken out of my account will be refunded in 10-lord knows when days.

>> No.6854892

This will be my first anime next. Anything I need to know? Also how many people usually go?

>> No.6854979

Shit, sorry that happen to you.

Uh, looooots of people (>over 5,000 I think...?) , and there's 3 spaces that make up the convention. Panels are pretty ok (depending on who's running it) and staff is kinda annoying, but helpful. Lot to do there but usually not enough time to do it all. Also, try keeping track of time while your there, since the dealer's room and artist alley will eat up tons of time if your not careful.

>> No.6855010

If you're attending the rave, expect terrible music to play. It's not a huge convention like Comic Con, but it can get crowded in the dealer's room. Last Animenext, there was a line outside the building in order to get into the dealer's room. If this is baby's first convention, definitely bring food or don't buy food from the convention because food there is overpriced.

>> No.6855135

Oh right, and the fire marshall's new rules that year were shit. It wasn't even the fact that the dealer's room was crouded that people were outside, it was because of the 'new fire codes'. I really hope they fixed that

>> No.6855594

It's alright I guess, I've decided that if the money doesn't make it here in 15 days I'll just save up again for Otakon.

>> No.6855735

I am considering going to this. It's 3 hours away from me, and I don't want to take off Friday (I get off at 7PM). Not sure if I should leave Friday night and stay at a hotel and show up early Saturday or just head over early Saturday and leave Sunday morning. Then again, I don't even know if there will be hotel rooms.. probably not, right?

>> No.6855738

Also, how are the lines for buying tickets the day of?

>> No.6855739

One of my friends applied to model for BTSSB/AATP for their fashion show. I hope she gets it.

>> No.6856435

Tickets will probably be sold out, or crazy expensive. Idk about the line, but always assume it'll be long

>> No.6856568

Does anyone know about the wig dealer? I've never bought a wig from them. Are they good quality wigs? Are they at reasonable prices?

>> No.6856588

Eh, lines were stupid long last year for people who got there ticket's online, not sure about at the door tickets, but there gonna be around $70 I think.
Friend of mine found some decently made wigs in the dealer's room, but it depends on the dealer since some are usually $25+

>> No.6856597

I always thought that the wig dealer was the same every year... Is there actually more than one wig dealer in Animenext? I always just see that one big area with a bunch of wigs.

>> No.6856614

I think there were 2 last year. I know thefivewits go every year and there wigs are good.

>> No.6856635

Do you remember what the other dealer was?

>> No.6856636

No sorry, I only passed by them twice when I was there and forgot about there store name

>> No.6856997

PLEASE NOTE: You can only pre-register for a 3-day badge. We do not have single-day registration available via pre-registration. Single-day badges must be purchased at the convention on that given day. The prices are:
Multi-Day Registration: $70
Friday Only: $40
Saturday Only: $50
Sunday Only: $35

You're right. That's not so bad though.

Wow, what do you think the likelihood of a Saturday pass selling out by 10-11 be? I can't do the weekend thing, especially since my sister's graduation ends late Friday night. And I was part of the catastrophe at Anime North last year where pre-reg lines were 3+ hours long, so I wonder if it can be worse?

>> No.6858937

this convention has severely outgrown its space, and i just cant take it anymore

>> No.6859335

Going to try to pull off Faust for Guilty Gear or re-find the bits of my Arakune costume from last year's NYCC.

All I really want is to buy more Japanese toys like figuarts, figma, and Busou Shinkis, and to have my first anime convention

>> No.6859368
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oh imma be there. I think Ameto Friday, Mami Saturaday and Chie on Sunday! I kinda wanna wear something else but I have no idea what to bring.

>> No.6863313
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Besides Baby, are you guys looking forward to other guests? Apparently the chief animation director/character designer of Michiko to Hatchin is coming. Those are the only ones I look forward to so far.

>> No.6866131
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Finally figured out what my plans are.
Friday morning: Luca from Arcana famigilia
Night: Kingdom hearts OC
Saturday morning: Luka (vocaloid) Duke of venomania's madness
Afternoon/night: Wales (OC) from Hetalia
Sunday: Raku-chan from Nyah neko sugar girls.
>pic related
Yes, a fanime cosplay since I have nothing better to do and wanna see if anyone will know the character.

>> No.6866144

cosplaying Steins Gate this year

>> No.6866149

> Raku
I love you

>> No.6866587
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Ill be there as pic related.

>> No.6866697

Epiccosplay said they would have a booth there this year

>> No.6866707

This will be my first ANext (11years of Otakon though) Ill be going with my dance crew, I hope you guys catch a peek saturday early evening!! I may or may not cosplay depending how much I decide to pack and what i can finish..

Possibilities include JBF Luka, Shiemi (aonoex), Watashi (jinrui), or Asuna (sao)

>> No.6867053

I hope to see you there!

>> No.6867058

Nice! There better be a Jojo posing panel this year. I can't wait to see more Jojo cosplays.

>> No.6867934

Thanks! I'll check them out. Are their wigs good?

>> No.6867967

I actually have yet to order from them but Ill be stopping by the booth to check them out also. I have a couple wigs on my shopping cart just waiting..

I really hope they bring back the tea green color

>> No.6868000

my girlfriend and I are going as daft punk again this year! Last year was a blast, I can't wait until the list of panels comes out because I'm finally 18 and can go to the 18+ ones euhehehh

>> No.6868030

Were you the Daft Punk cosplayers at the rave last year? You guys made the rave more exciting.

>> No.6869107

yes we were! Thank you! I couldn't believe they let us on stage!

>> No.6870980

This pleases me greatly

>> No.6870985

Does anyone have space available in their hotel for Friday night?

>> No.6871116

ily 2 anon <3
I saw you guys! You 2 were great!