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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 90 KB, 960x641, hometruck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6832012 No.6832012 [Reply] [Original]

New Anime North thread!
Old one >>6819096

Post your progress pictures and discuss how pumped you are

>> No.6832019

>that fucking car
I hate those box looking pieces of shit

>> No.6832040

A shit car for a shit fandom.

>> No.6832074

Yer just jealous you ain't that cool.

>> No.6832144

Just have to get eyeliner. Not sure which brand to buy

>> No.6832147

just mix semen and pen ink. cut down on costs

>> No.6832151

I only have 1 of those things.

>> No.6832154

Ask here >>6831229

>> No.6832569

Ahhh thank you Voldemort, things were getting a bit sickening (and offtopic) in the other discussion.
I feel you >>6832144, I'm making some good progress, but still need to figure out a really good way of making my eyebrows green....

>> No.6832586

woah freaky repost what the hell

>> No.6832583

Ahhh thank you Voldemort, things were getting a bit sickening (and offtopic) in the other discussion.
I feel you >>6832144, I'm making some good progress, but still need to figure out a really good way of making my eyebrows green....

>> No.6832592
File: 39 KB, 307x485, 1278657957319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything is cut out, getting ready to sew
>sewing machine breaks
>grandma's sewing machine broken
>aunt's sewing machine preoccupied
I can't hand sew! I just spent an hour and a half hand sewing a fuckin neck tie. Luckily my best friends nana has one so we're gonna make a visit down there, but I feel so terrible for imposing.

>> No.6832596

hey nice photo voldie were'd you get it

>> No.6832598

Ahhh thank you Voldemort, things were getting a bit sickening (and offtopic) in the other discussion.
I feel you >>6832144, I'm making some good progress, but still need to figure out a really good way of making my eyebrows green....

>> No.6832600
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>> No.6832661
File: 77 KB, 248x627, enverdewitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I'll selfpost. Making progress on Booker Dewitt, Still have to build the props, but the hard work is done.

I've also got a couple other costumes that I need to really get to work on.

Wasn't it from Atomic Lollipop?

>> No.6833001

The hell that last one wasn't me i swear what the actual fuck

>> No.6833022

is what's her face still banned? The one you guys all hate because she is a qtpa2t? She...has a picture of her eating a gigantic chocolate bar.

>> No.6833032


>> No.6833042

Brown hair. She is skinny. Flan! Damn that took a while to remember

>> No.6833048

Nice! All you need facewise is a bit of stubble

>> No.6833049

She's not Canadian

>> No.6833052

I never said she was Canadian...I have no idea where she is from.

>> No.6833064

She's aussie, would never come to AN so I don't know where you're going with this train of thought

>> No.6833097

Well damn. I'm her /fit/asfuark notsosecret admirer/stalker, didn't know she lived way over there.

>> No.6833109

Huh, I thought she was Russian for some reason.

>> No.6833123

I thought she was from Europe or America..

>> No.6833144


has everyone forgot about the damn tripsheet

>> No.6833159

Pretty much. Ever since we got our janitor, the number of trips has gone down enough that I can keep track of them in my head.

>> No.6833166

Shaynii lost it to a /fit/fag?

Yep, going to a-kon.

>> No.6833223

Who is pikachu in there rating people? Sounds like a devout muslim r9kfag.

>> No.6833279

voldy what are you going to do if you run into your ex

>> No.6833301

Im working on a DeWitt as well.
Tell me, what did you use for the over shirt?
The offical art seems to look like some
sort of denim shirt.

>> No.6833307

yeah I couldn't find anything like that so I'm just wearing a black dress shirt over a white one, so the white collar can be seen

>> No.6833418

probably nothing considering he's not going

>> No.6833658


>> No.6833663

omg how dare you say such incosiderate thing! monster!

>> No.6833714


>muslim r9kfag

wut ?

>> No.6833758

Portland guys are the best. You should try them out sometimes.

>> No.6833824
File: 653 KB, 966x861, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my progress for Mars so far.

Left picture was the costume right out of the box, right is what I've so far to it now.

I still have a lot to do though. I have to redo the front bow completely with new fabric, and find a way to re-boxpleat the skirt and shorten the sleeves. Also the chestpiece looks somewhat wonky but I can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe it just needs to be shortened

>> No.6833865

dem skinny legs

>> No.6833891

This is going to be my first convention in nearly 10 years. Coming from upstate New York. I am only going for Eriko Nakamura and the off chance some whore wants to sleep with me. How much am I going to want to kill myself?

>> No.6833898

imo the last few years have been shit. it's only really worth going to if you're meeting up with people or using it as a hangout spot, and even then you don't need to buy a pass. it's also extremely overcrowded

the only thing making me want to go is to find people playing monster hunter

>> No.6833903

Well, if all else fails I'll just go somewhere else in the city to hang out. The hotel's already paid for and everything. Unfortunately none of my RL friends give a fuck about anime. Also I hate most anime fans.

>> No.6833945

Is DQ going? I hope you guys didn't ruin this convention for her in advance!

>> No.6833987
File: 1.85 MB, 2592x1944, 1280208869392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be wearing a black cap saying "Top lel". Don't be afraid to say hi and have a chat with me.

>> No.6833997

Holy shit, I'm really impressed with the transformation! Nice going Dill

>> No.6834027
File: 100 KB, 800x478, CantiIsTheBestModel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're talking about AN progress, I just finished cutting over 500+ Nintendo DS skins for my AA table. Now onto buttons and keychains. Then I can use all the time until next year to recover from carpel tunnel.

>> No.6834066


>> No.6834070

skirt s pretty short
what are you wearing under?

>> No.6834072 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 1080x720, Voldemort !YXLuNAGINI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baby u want sum fuc?

>> No.6834123

>Top Lel
suck a bag of dicks

>> No.6834162

Wow! How did you do that?

>> No.6834186
File: 453 KB, 241x176, 1337920907210.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been there, the pains of AA, but you can do it!

>> No.6834287

Well the original costume's skirt started too high on my waist. And the fact that there was no leotard meant that when I would raise my arms even the slightest, the whole bottom of the costume would raise as well. It would look super derpy unless my arms were completely down.

To extend the costume, I literally cut the original in half. The top part I sewed to be the "chest piece" the sailor scouts typically had. I then made my own unitard and sewed the skirt onto it. One thing that bugs me is the unitard fabric is just a bit offwhite and doesn't completly match the rest of the costume, but bahhh.

As for the rest, I remade the gloves, puffed up the sleeves and trimmed the skirt and bow (which I'll probably end up redoing)

Yeah I agree, I didn't realize how short I cut it until I put it on. If I have enough leftover fabric I may try to remake the skirt.

>> No.6834296

I'm going to bring a water balloon full of semen just to throw at you.

>> No.6834374

oh geez I just noticed even the gloves are so much nicer wow, did you just remake them totally from scratch, or do you have magical ways of making them smaller while still making them look good?
I've got reeeallly small hands and so gloves are always the bane of my existence...

>> No.6834376

no no it's more accurate at that length. I was just wondering what you're wearing under

>> No.6834439

I was considering just tailoring the original gloves, but its fabric felt pretty cheap and it was sewn weirdly at the fingers. So yeah I just remade the gloves using the same fabric I did for the leotard.

Typically gloves aren't hard to get tailored. Just wear them inside out, grab the excess fabric and draw a new line to stitch.

Otherwise if you're making a completely new pair, I just tend to trace my hand right onto the fabric and sew. Just remember to give space for seam allowance of course

and yeah, I share your small hand feels.

>> No.6834682

I feel like my douchebag Naruto costume is still missing something. Got the spikey hair, the chain, the tank top, etc.

>> No.6834698

Talk about how certain kinds of ramen is top tier and how other brands are for plebs.

Figure out a way to incorporate ramen into your costume.

>> No.6834751

That's not a bad idea, but I would rather add something to my costume or a prop.

>> No.6834809

except for the fact that you all have giant muscly legs and skinny twiglet arms and torsos.

>> No.6834878

Have you thought about drawing Naruto's whiskers on your face?

>> No.6834911

Oh yes, I will of course. Just need to get eyeliner.

>> No.6834930

I've never watched Naruto because I'm not a faggot, so I'm out of basic ideas. Good luck at the con, I hope to see a bunch of pictures of your Douchebag Naruto.

Troll as many weebs and yellow fever bitches as possible. I believe in you.

>> No.6835214
File: 127 KB, 1080x720, voldywhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why voldy why?

>> No.6835292

what the hell

>> No.6835685

Man, I soooooo knew this would happen.

That's what you get for making fun of a godly (Christian) man, Voldemort. The Dark Souls thread, remember?

Your e-friends will be next.

>> No.6835839

what are you talking about?

>> No.6835884

No progess pics unless anyone wants to see fabric scraps all over the floor. But you all know what that looks like.

This year I found and utilised a ruffler foot. Shit is so legit and time saving. Bitches don't even know about ruffler feet.

> 1 petticoat, 2 corsets, 2 bustles done.
> shit ton more to do.
> cospartner coming over this week to cast face for prosthetics.

>> No.6835891

Oh, you're the anon doing Madame Vastra, right?

I can't wait to see how it turns out

>> No.6835908

She's a sinner.

>> No.6835948

How's she a sinner?

>> No.6835976
File: 930 KB, 960x1280, IMG-20130416-00698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally finished timeskip hancock. still waiting for another wig to come in the mail, & i have to finish some little sewing details.
im so excited! aaaah

>> No.6835993

lookin good, post more pics

>> No.6835996

Yeah I'd also like to know what happened in this Dark Souls thread? How is she a sinner?

>> No.6836028

Uhhh what? My Friday cosplay for AN is Moot-tan, don't see how that's a problem. Though it was gonna be a surprise so thanks for that..

u wot m8?

>> No.6836050

I am! Wow, thanks man, I am now motivated to get some serious sewing done today.

>> No.6836051

why hellooooo there

>> No.6836071
File: 15 KB, 301x359, how-you-doing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6836088

looking good

lets see your face

>> No.6836094

"Going to be a surprise"


Then why would you post it?

>> No.6836101
File: 264 KB, 1920x1080, 1325324321011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that photo

>> No.6836147

not sure what kind of face that is

>> No.6836152

That was her Atheist ex-boyfriend that she loved so much for shallow reasons.

>> No.6836154

>Atheist ex-boyfriend

LOL what the fuck is going on

>> No.6836156

The face of someone new to this board.

>> No.6836163

Long story short: she broke up with DerpQueen's handsome brother, whom she loved for his personality, but then his amazing six-pack became 2much3handle. That's why they stopped posting a few months go (DQ especially). It was not her suddenly becoming a mature person who doesn't tripfag on /cgl/ for attention and the circle-J. She's just avoiding /cgl/ because of it.

Things like these make me wish they would all just pack their stuff and take their entire scene to Facebook where it belongs. Nothing of value will be lost.

>> No.6836172
File: 31 KB, 561x370, ExreTMYK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DerpQueens brother is actually not DerpQueens brother they have no relation

>> No.6836177


>> No.6836209

it's the face of someone going "hot damn look at dat girl" and started having a crush on said girl

>> No.6836231

why does that matter?

>> No.6836229

Are you a guy or a girl?

>> No.6836235

It doesn't. I was just wondering.

>> No.6836234

>Facebook where it belongs.
what are you talking about?

>> No.6836239

I'm a guy, I just think she's cute is all

>> No.6836246

are you going to AN?

>> No.6836248

unfortunatly not...

>> No.6836271

more progress pics

>> No.6836307

haha what's wrong with this? I think she looks cute

>> No.6836312

because jelly hambeasts

>> No.6836359

Back on topic...

Value Village today was having a 50% off clothes sale, so I went to pick up some tops to salvage for fabric. I also got a skirt pattern for a $1, and a nice looking black wig for $2.50 which I'll try to salvage too.

I'd recommend anyone to go to Value Village today if you still need cosplay materials. I think the sale ends at 9pm.

>> No.6836444

will do!

>> No.6836611
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here we go! anyone have any suggestions for how to keep a long wig from tangling?

>> No.6836626
File: 33 KB, 600x368, WaynesWorld55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6836745

use silicone spray, it helps.Use a clip to hold it when you're walking outside

>> No.6836765

thanks, anon! :)
what kind of silicone spray are we talking bout? can it be found at CDN tire?

>> No.6836794

Get Mane N Tail, you can find it at Shoppers or Walmart.

>> No.6836836
File: 5 KB, 601x695, 1309230612819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a message from the postal office that I missed a delivery. I wonder what it is, it could be my zentai suit I was planning on using for my Redead. I already have 3 costumes planned but it would be so much fun bringing it to the LoZ photoshoot. Sigh

Thanks, I've been wondering about this too. I'll look into getting some

>> No.6836890

did you shoop that?

>> No.6836893
File: 22 KB, 432x288, 1317168617334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6836904

only shooping i did was to remove my demonic redeye the original picture had. it was terrifying.
hey i thought it was funny

>> No.6837053


>> No.6837193
File: 124 KB, 1054x454, Screen shot 2013-05-13 at 7.05.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6837245

what about APOP?

>> No.6837302
File: 59 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2013-05-13 at 19.52 #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Missing whiskers. Anything else I should add to this?

>> No.6837320


Those pants look a little tight, isn't naruto more of a baggy shirt/pants guy?

Honestly a really good wig +makeup job would put it together though.

>> No.6837324

I'm going for like guido/douchebag naruto btw.

>> No.6837331

I don't think you needed to cosplay to accomplish that.

>> No.6837334

Draw an outline of New Jersey on your chest.Get a """gold""" neck chain. Stick a load of rhinestones on your headband.
Write 'Believe It' in swirly writing on your forearm.

>> No.6837346

U avin a giggle ther m8? ill bash ye fookin ead in i sware on me mum

that's not a bad idea, but it's not my costume, so I don't wanna draw anything on myself.

>> No.6837773

Schedule's up

>> No.6837790
File: 8 KB, 276x183, 1363304438148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are making a face like you are holding in a really bad fart

>> No.6837820
File: 96 KB, 673x2000, 123246_Enlarged_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silicone spray lubricant, it will be in the automotive section of canadian tire or walmart or similar stores. I have the one in the picture and it worked for me.

There are lots of tutorials out there, just spray a bit on your wig and comb it through. Makes it easier to work with, but smells pretty bad until it evaporates so use it outside and wait a day for it to fully dry. You can remove it with rubbing alcohol if you use too much and your wig appears greasy.

>> No.6837836

>9 individual pages

>> No.6837842

This, the fuck were they thinking?

>> No.6837848

so this is going to be my first AN, i thought the con was at the TCC. why are there all these hotels listed on the schedule? are you telling me i will have to walk around from hotel to hotel in awful airport country in late may? fuck

>> No.6837851

AN is too big for just one venue. But most of the events are in the TCC and Doubletree, which are across the street from each other. There's also a shuttle to the ones across the bridge.

>> No.6837864

one file: http://www.scribd.com/doc/141331281/An2013-Schedule-Onepage

>> No.6837883

>Gamer Girls Panel & Get Togethe
oh boy

>> No.6837903

Or this

>> No.6837904

It's not that bad, as >>6837851 said there is a shuttle bus that takes you across the bridge. I believe the Sheraton mostly has gaming and yaoi, unless they changed it.

>> No.6837990

>transphobia in anime and gaming
>genderqueer panel
>mfw anime north is now social justice north

>> No.6838005

You noticed that too? i'd like to thank tumblr for that.

>> No.6838022

I'm all for well thought-out discussions on this stuff even if it's not my thing but I feel like these panels are just gonna be filled with 20-something white girls who dont know shit about shit.

>> No.6838023

Time for bleeding heart liberals

>> No.6838029

I highly doubt most 'bleeding heart liberals' even know what genderqueer means. You're dealing with tumblrcore liberals.

>> No.6838035

I have a panel in the Sheraton that's not related to either of those. Maybe somewhat related to gaming but eh. And anyone know if there's sched times for that shuttle? i have back to back panels, one in the DT and then one at the Sheridan so I'm wondering if I'd save time taking the shuttle or should I just hoof it across the bridge?

>> No.6838048

>first time read Shuttle as sluttle
>second as shittle
Fuck, clearly I have sewn too much today.

>> No.6838051

Are you even trying?

>> No.6838099

>tumblr girls will go around with privilege paddles
>anyone who isnt gay/minority/trans/otherkin gets paddled and this checks their privilege

>> No.6838124

Ahhh yikes. If the shuttle bus isn't around when you're leaving, it might be better to hoof it. Depending on where it is in the double tree you might be a bit late for the second panel, so you might want to give your fellow panelists a heads up.

As far as I know the shuttle doesn't have set times, it just goes in rotation (sheraton, double tree, TCC, doubletree, sheraton). It waits a couple minutes at each stop.

>> No.6838131
File: 101 KB, 800x600, manhunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna go as a member of the "Smiley's" from Manhunt. going thrift shopping for a all black muscle tee/ black jeans (if i can;t find my old pair), gonna buy a smiley belt buckle from the local head shop, some gause/medical bandages to look like medical wounds, and the mask is just some card board and paint. i think i'll be the only one doing a Smiley so if you see me, don;t be afraid to say hi

>> No.6838176

sounds like a cool cosplay man those fuckers were scary all those years ago (manhunt release was 10 years ago ;_;) if i see you i might holla

>> No.6838179

Holy shit, I can't believe how old manhunt is

>> No.6838295

yeah, doing apop

>> No.6838315


>> No.6838318

It's cancer, and you're cancer. People like you don't belong on a cosplay board.

>> No.6838325
File: 286 KB, 626x457, Screen shot 2013-05-14 at 8.02.38 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. Is this better?

>> No.6838332

please, go away

>> No.6838338

Is the pedostache part of it?

>> No.6838354

Feeding a troll. Calm down bro.

Also included "Cosplay=/= Consent" I'm all for the awareness but this is going to be nothing but an hour of panelists bitching about how they've been sexually harassed with no actual discussion. This social movement is for the internet and tumblr, not an hour panel in a convention room.

>> No.6838366

Should we plan a /cgl/ meetup now since the schedule's out?

>> No.6838384

Yessirree, if you please. (Maybe something for the not up-to-pool-partying people?)

>> No.6838437

Friday or Saturday?

>> No.6838454

Friday's probably better because of the masquerade

>> No.6838482

The speed dating slots don't match up with the slots we signed up for. Anyone knows what's going on?

>> No.6838562

has anyone ever gone to the maid cafe? Is it bad or ok?

>> No.6838567

Maid cafes are pretty dumb from I've heard. 80% of the maids are ugly. You pay for the company and the food, so it's a bit expensive.

>> No.6838589

I figured as much

>> No.6838629

If you need to get there fast and red shuttle isn't around, there will be tons of cabs. Grab one with others who are waiting and you only pay around 50 cents each.

>> No.6838873

I'm interested to see how that turns out, I really wonder what will be covered there. Will it just be bitching, or will they be offering tips to handle situations, or will it just be a lecture at the crowd?

>> No.6838877

Sounds like a waste of time either way

>> No.6838894

Probably a lecture at the crowd. It's stupid to hold that as a panel, because anyone who needs to be reminded to keep their hands to themselves isn't going to attend.

>> No.6838921

That was kinda the problem of "Anime Con Etiquette" panels too

>> No.6838922

Yep. These kinds of things are better as small PSAs in the program book, like that note about showering.

>> No.6838923


>> No.6838925

For once, I'm ready. Cosplays aren't done yet, but I've only got about two days of work left for them. Aww yeah, going to be great to be well-rested for the con.

>> No.6838932

New tripfag?

>> No.6838945
File: 39 KB, 450x600, myface4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw last year someone told me to check my privilege
I didnt take a picture of this mediocre cosplay who was apparently a transgendered person

>> No.6838947
File: 51 KB, 478x720, sad Homura cosplayer - so much time stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've had shuttle bus schedules in past years, but all I see now on the site is that it will run "at half-hour intervals during peak convention times".

I think the shuttle usually goes Doubletree - TCC - Sheraton - Doubletree (the Moonlight Ball shuttle bus on Friday is separate and requires a Ball ticket to ride). Taking the shuttle from the Sheraton to Doubletree is fast, but it takes forever to fight its way through the crowd to and from the TCC. Walking is faster.

The schedule wasn't finalized yet, and some of the slots got moved around. The Saturday morning session didn't change.

It's been a few years since I attended, but it's "okay". It's not one of the best con cafes where the maids are the hot friends of the organizer, but none of them are huge (like the one-size-fits-all dresses).

Look up Cafe Delish on Facebook and judge for yourself.

>> No.6838950

>Look up Cafe Delish on Facebook and judge for yourself.

I'm scared

>> No.6838962
File: 152 KB, 850x687, cafe delish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh. I went to school with one of these girls

>> No.6838966

Pass. Not one qt3.14 white animu queen

>> No.6838978
File: 186 KB, 512x288, Shrug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they're cute...

>> No.6838982

There are some ok asians in there, key word you missed was white.

>> No.6838992
File: 14 KB, 185x160, i earnestly hope ye knaves dont do this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not picking chocolate maid

>> No.6839003

I have a feeling the panelists will know next to nothing about transgendered characters in anime, too. In the thread for the panel, people said they signed up because they're transgendered, and none mentioned anime they knew which actually involved it. So they won't be able to, you know, actually make it relevant to anime.

>> No.6839006

worst one of the group, worse then the fattie

>> No.6839018

Yes, but you're a desperate Beta.

>> No.6839022

Y-you showed him aha....

>> No.6839026

I counted 4 MLP:FiM panels on the schedule, but the Power Rangers panel didn't get accepted.

>> No.6839030

"I'm trans and I don't see any trans characters in bleach so it's transphobic. Ciel crossdresses in kuro though so he understands. Plus it's kawaii desuuuuuu neeeeeee"

I hope it doesn't go like that, but I have a feeling it will

>> No.6839052

LEL fuck off with ur old shit MLP is the future of these cons and if you dont like it you can kiss my qtmark you loser beta

>> No.6839067
File: 114 KB, 478x351, episode47-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going as Tomoyo anyway so might see if there's anything worth posting afterwards here.

>> No.6839076

Racist as fuck.

>> No.6839088

it's not racist if it's against whites and asians

>> No.6839089

One of these girls used to work at a real maid cafe. Guess which.

>> No.6839112

>girls dressed as servants
That alone is quite offensive because they're dresses support submission, dressing in a way that the patriarchy accepts ('femininely') and that women exist solely to do the male's bidding.
>of all the girls dressed as servants you pick the black one
The one race that suffered slavery, suffered more than any other group of people, and have to suffer prejudice from the CIS white kyarchy oppressors to this day.

And you pick her.

To be your slave and sex slave. Sick. Racist.

>> No.6839125

Probably gonna be a titan wall.

Haven't decided how big I wanna go with it yet.

Dead simple because I'm a lazy fuck.

>> No.6839143

>Dead simple because I'm a lazy fuck.
neat cant wait to see more lazy cosplays

>> No.6839154

>capitalizing cis
lel. you guys should really stop doing that, it's not a fucking acronym it's a prefix. it immediately gives your post away as non genuine. do you even read SJW tumblr shit? step your game up

>> No.6839159


That is of course, if I even get to making it.

I've been meaning to get to it for 2 weeks already.

>> No.6839184

I capitalize it for emphasis you CIS bigot.

>> No.6839247

New tripfag!

What are you going as?

>> No.6839252


>> No.6839267

how many of the attendees are homestuck and/or mlpfags? im worried about it because i dont want to be near them ever

>> No.6839294

Last year, the Homestucks pretty much stayed outside in one group. Not even sure if most of them had badges. They were easy to avoid.

Ponies are fucking everywhere, though.

>> No.6839300

I'm kinda embarassed to say I laughed out loud to this

Why do all of their faces look so shoop'd

>> No.6839394
File: 129 KB, 277x248, tumblr_mb4mv9BYFu1qhwizn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to make friends when the cool dude you're having a normal conversation with suddenly goes "Oh man, are those MLP keychains?"

>mfw every dude ever is a brony these days...

>> No.6839643

No way, definitely Saturday, come on guys

>> No.6839646

I've heard they sell out within an hour or so of the first day though, anyways

>> No.6839656

I vote Friday too

>> No.6839659

You making fun of me? ill bash ye fookin ead in i sware on me mum

>> No.6839669

If we do Friday, can we have some sort of little meetup Saturday then? Going as a group and thus only getting our badges Saturday morning; I don't want to miss out on everything!

>> No.6839671

(besides, you guys already have the 4chan panel on Friday too)

>> No.6839674

Yeah, good idea. I'm down for 2 meetups.

>> No.6839687

Let's make the Friday meetup either before or after the 4chan panel so we can all go together?

I'm working in the Nomonoichi most of Friday until 10:30

>> No.6839782

I vote after the 4chan panel.

>> No.6839868

There are anime with transgendered characters (like Paradise Kiss or Wandering Son), but who wants to bet that the panel will be all tumblr casualfag SJWs bitching and no anime which actually deals with transgendered characters will actually get talked about?

>> No.6839944

Okay, but what the fuck is lightbulbs and corn 18+ about?

>> No.6839951

Apparently it's an "Oddities in Yaoi" panel....whatever the fuck that means/covers. Are they....are they gonna talk about taking corn up the butt?

>> No.6839955

Thanks. It's confused me since the programme came out.

>> No.6839958
File: 200 KB, 453x668, 1365783499003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i have no clue on how to come into contact with any QT /mu/tants

All i ever wanted was to meet a QT 3.14 at anime north

>> No.6839962

Sex And The Single Otaku (18+)
Halton Panels

>> No.6839964

Probably. I remember lightbulbs and corn were used in two popular awful slashfics a few years ago.

>> No.6839968

...I am terrified yet intrigued...

>> No.6839969
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Or Boku no Sexual Harassment.

>> No.6839987
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Needs more dogtoys and traps amirite?

>> No.6840009

Unusual fetishes which find their way into slash fanfiction.

>> No.6840180
File: 2.20 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to be my first con!
It's been a really rough year, so none of my cosplays are handmade, unfortunately. They will be next year though!
I'm also currently putting together two costumes each for two other people, even though i'm not making them, making sure i have all the pieces for seven costumes is so time consuming.

Anyways most generic costume, but I feel cute in it! I'm going with a Luka and really want to add a weapon and fake blood. Kind of like a higurashi cross over. Also because it's just boring by itself.

I'm also going as Fionna and Gengar. Excited to meet people!

>> No.6840179

how does 2 panels constitute a massive bleeding heart tumblr-style SJ crusade. calm your tits.

>> No.6840191

not sure if troll but the black girl was hands-down the prettiest and looked like she had actual personality.

also it's not like she didn't choose to be there of her own accord.

>> No.6840195

Jesus christ that face.

>> No.6840276

I apologize, unfortunetly i'm ugly and make bad faces D:

>> No.6840282

Your smile looks extremely forced. If you can fix that it will be exponentially better.

>> No.6840299
File: 121 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, yeah it was. I couldn't actually see my face in the mirror when i took the picture. I don't usually smile with my teeth though, so i have to work on that!

>> No.6840470

you should colour your eyebrows.

>> No.6840532

Fortunately the Homestuck photoshoots (at least the Friday and Sunday ones) are pretty far from the actual con, they're located somewhere behind the DT.
But yeah, last year they all mostly stayed around the grassy area between the DT and TCC where their photoshoot was or off to the side in the DT from what I saw.

>> No.6840576
File: 62 KB, 227x221, 1349274275556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're saying they have to cross traffic to get to everyone else

>> No.6840714

In my schedule I have written down that we're having a meetup Friday at 4pm next to the pool. Are we still having that or are we just having it after the panel instead?

>> No.6840719

do you have to be staying at the hotel to ill out at the pool? i live in toronto so im not staying at no hotel

>> No.6840725

I've never stayed there, but normally you do need some kind of keycard to enter the pool area.

But I'm sure if there's other con-goers using it, they wouldn't mind opening the door for you

>> No.6840735

We are still deciding
We'll probably have a meetup Friday and one Saturday

>> No.6840739

You need to be staying at the hotel
can we not have a pool party?

>> No.6840741

someone sounds fat

>> No.6840749

We don't have to, the original plan was just to meet next to the pool.

I think it's better to just have one meetup after the 4chan panel.

Also does anyone know any good photoshoot locations around Anime North? Spill your secrets

>> No.6840759

the homestucks prefer the middle of the intersection for their photos so

>> No.6840765

everything around there is airports, highways, hotels and strip malls so no

>> No.6840791

If you all are doing the pool that early I can let you in.

>> No.6840797
File: 80 KB, 300x291, 0089-1343175891908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half of these girls looks like transsexuals

>> No.6840805

could be the new subtitle of cgl

>> No.6840807

fat white girl and a bunch of filps?

>> No.6840828

Right now, for meetups, we're looking at:

4pm right outside of the pool, Friday
1am outside the 4chan panel, Friday
4pm right outside of the pool, Saturday

Yes, no, maybe?

>> No.6840830
File: 953 KB, 380x218, 543245.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...they look fine to me? The only one that looks a little off is the bottom right because her eyes are so close together.

IG. Damn.

>> No.6840835

What do you guys do at the meetups? And on a scale of 1-10, how awkward is it to actually talk to you people knowing that any of the shit that may be said or done will likely be posted here?

>> No.6840836

Could we change the 4pm Friday one to 5pm? My photographer's last timeslot available was from 4-5pm so I'll be busy for that hour

>> No.6840841

I am warning you now

>> No.6840844

no (yes).

We talk about cosplay, and compliment on each others costumes. We are all really nice actually, and we don't post any personal info/stories on 4chan.

But then again, since I'm a tripfag you probably won't believe me.

>> No.6840846

Yeah uh you see when they post the meetups here they don't actually mean that anybody can go, it's more or less their time to circlejerk themselves and especially so because they can't do it here on cgl anymore.

>> No.6840850

And are you really gonna believe douchebag naruto here?
Take a look at what happened at last year's cgl meetup and the boardtan fiasco.

>> No.6840851

You're scaring away the anon.

Seriously, just try it once.

>> No.6840868

We don't do that. At most, we post a picture or two of the meetup

I really don't know what that vendetta-anon has against meetups, It sounds like they haven't been to one.

but what >>6840844 said is pretty accurate.
But then again, since I'm a tripfag you probably won't believe me either.

>> No.6840895

i went up to their group last year to say hello and the hispter asian kid (TODD) got up in my face and was like WHATS YOUR TRIP FAGGOT? and i was like oh i dont have a trip... then they knocked my dakimakura to the ground and told me to piss off (the british guy dressed as a girl)... i tried to walk away but then voldemort spit in my face.

just dont go unless youre a trip

>> No.6840901

I learned that my CNS is shot to hell and needs some time and treatment to heal, so I'm hoping that next year I can do it up big.
I miss AN, it's been four years since my last con.
Have fun everyone~

>> No.6840907

Did the spaghetti fall out of your pockets?

>> No.6840917

Can we make the Saturday meetup earlier? Or after 3? I have a panel at 2

>> No.6840920
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>> No.6840921

>implying i wont be sleeping off the liquor consumed on friday night/morning for most of saturday

>> No.6840923

Saturday's meetup's at 4pm

>> No.6840924

I have a panel at 11am and despite the previous night's festivities, I'll be up and ready to go. Lrn2con.
oh I meant change it to be before or after 4 because the panel's at 4. derp.

>> No.6840930
File: 19 KB, 389x388, 39304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at the lolita tea party ticket price
>mfw they changed it to $20
These bitches better be serving meals.

>> No.6840933

>sleeping most of saturday
Why would you waste your con on sleeping off hangovers?

>> No.6840936

I can see how meetups would be intimidating when there's so many tripfags involved. I felt the same way at my first meetup, but all it takes is to step outside your comfort zone and say hi.

I can't speak for everyone else, but I'll try to greet everyone I see, including unfamiliar faces.

>> No.6840954

not most of it, just the early part. mornings are shitty anyway yolo

>> No.6840972

I'm confused about the whole thing anon. People on here have been saying not to go to that but from what I've seen in pictures it looks like there's a decent amount of attendees, and not all of them are ita.

>> No.6840993
File: 10 KB, 679x427, 1307290021479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck I'm an idiot. I meant to ask previously if we could change the meetup on Saturday after 5pm cause my photoshoot's at 4.
I didn't mean the Friday meetup, the friday one is fine. My bad

>> No.6841003
File: 39 KB, 485x661, bro_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get your shit together bro

>> No.6841023

4pm right outside of the pool, Friday
1am outside the 4chan panel, Friday
6pm right outside of the pool, Saturday

How's that?

>> No.6841027

wait I'm confused.. so Friday's meet ups are
4pm outside the pool, and 1am outside the 4chan panel
and Saturday's is to be changed from 4pm to 5 or after because Dill and I are busy at 4. right?

>> No.6841029

yep sounds good.

>> No.6841042

but the 4chan panel finishes at midnight, how would it be 1am

>> No.6841046

I think they moved places, they used to be in the Terrace and now it is Orchid Café. Also they outright have to pay all the food you get, its pretty cheap for a tea party still. High tea is like 25$ if you are lucky.
Toronto's comm isnt ita. There is always going to be the awkward itas that buy the tickets and come in, but the main group and the people who arrange it arent.

>> No.6841051

Can we have one Sunday too?
I wanna get pictures with the people doing Sailor Moon

>> No.6841088

How often does the comm meet up?
And where can I get more info?
/different anon

>> No.6841158

Was all hyped to go and was going to try and slip in with a buddy for a hotel room.

Then my dad decided last week he wants a divorce.

There goes all the time, opportunity, and money for this con.

A shame, it's been four years since I last went and I really wished to go. Y'all have fun.

>> No.6841171

Im going with a friend for the sole purpose of getting streetpasses. We're not dressing up or paying for a ticket. Just gonna sit outside all saturday and rack 'em up.

So please, bring your 3DS.

>> No.6841175

how autistic and gay can you get?
oh wait im talking to a nintendo fan.. XD

>> No.6841184

>autistic and gay
>using an emoticon on 4chan

Go back to gaia, fag

>> No.6841190

would that really prevent you from coming?

cons are streetpass gold mines, it's a good tactic

>> No.6841213

Thanks for that reminder, I hadn't yet added my 3DS to my packing list.

>tfw you carefully select which game to have as most recent during cons because you want to show people your favourite one

>> No.6841240

4pm right outside of the pool, Friday
1am outside the 4chan panel, Friday
6pm right outside of the pool, Saturday
noon right outside of the pool, Sunday

Like once every 4-6 weeks. We have a facebook gorup

>> No.6841244
File: 84 KB, 160x160, bth_heart_beating_hw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm >>6840901
Let's be miserable together, okay anon?
Our hearts will beat as one.

>> No.6841245

You're part of the lolita community?

>> No.6841254

>1am outside the 4chan panel
the 4chan panel ends at 12 m8

>> No.6841260

4pm right outside of the pool, Friday
Midnight outside the 4chan panel, Friday
6pm right outside of the pool, Saturday
noon right outside of the pool, Sunday

oh I thought you meant cgl meetups

>> No.6841271

I swear to god you people better not smell at the panel.

Especially you, Todd.

>> No.6841278

>showering at a con
>implying anyone got time fo dat shit

>> No.6841327

Anyone here selling any video games?

>> No.6841338

1. Check out the Nominoichi
2. Check the dealer's room

>> No.6841351

I mean, as individuals.
Dealers are over expensive
>30$ for Donkey Kong Country

>> No.6841373

Are Canadians all rude pieces of shit or what? It's considered impolite to say someone smells. It is completely natural, the smell of sweat, and it turns women on.

>> No.6841378


>> No.6841380

Check the nominoichi. It's the flea market.

>> No.6841381

Shit's completely natural and you don't see me trying to take a dump in the middle of meetups.

>> No.6841386

And it's not like anyone here is selling there, right?

>> No.6841655

>It is completely natural, the smell of sweat, and it turns women on.

>> No.6841749

hey y'all, Smiley guy here. costume is.. i'd say... 75 percent complete. just need to wait for a hairdresser friend to bring me one of her Mannequin heads (severed head in a plastic bag, gonna hang it from my hip) a few minor pick-ups at the dollar store (gonna make a mental patient idea/ a "hello my name is SMILEY" sticker) and make some fake stage blood (corn syrup, water, and food coloring to completely soak my hands to the wrist each day before the con, maybe sprinkle some on my shirt since it's all washable). once I'm done i'll be sure to post pics here for some advice. can't wait to see you all there!

>> No.6841788
File: 771 KB, 320x240, 0987376387.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my ride leaves at 4:30 and I'd have to take an hour and 45 min ttc ride to get home if I stay for the meetup whyyy
Ah well, so it goes. If you see a very small Saria around at some point, come say hi

>> No.6841796

You are leaving at 4:30 Friday? Uh..

Well, you can stay for like 15mins if you want

>> No.6841809

Oh oops, I meant to say Saturday.
It's alright, I'm not there for very much of the weekend at all, and previous years I've always been too shy to come to the meetups anyways, it shan't be much of a difference
Anyways, I've got other friends coming with me who are coming to the con for the first time, this way I won't have to abandon them at any point, I suppose. Hope to see some of you around though!

>> No.6841816

If you seen a douche bag asian naruto, say hi

>> No.6842266

This is the first time I am going, but the guest list seems a bit, lack luster.

>> No.6842293

who the fuck goes to a con for guests smh

>> No.6842319

There is a casual monthly meet up that happens, as well as other stuff when someone decides to set things up. There is a big surge in causal meets right now though, so if you want anything more put together you probably have to suggest it. You can probably find the comms off of the egl post, there is also a fb group for it. If you go to any of the panels or events there is going to be people who are there and can direct you to links as well. Every lolita thing at AN is done but someone in the comm.

>> No.6842335
File: 501 KB, 926x1660, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really bad picture just to send to my buds for laughs but it's all I got

>> No.6842478


I went to TCAF only the Saturday, and I easily picked up about 40 streetpasses. It was crazy awesome
Remember to check often, cause you can only "hold" 10 at a time at your gates.
For fun, try changing your greeting to something con related! A lot of artists did that at TCAF.

I am. I'm not selling any games though. Any specific games you want me to scout out for you?

>> No.6842498

I'm so mad for not taking my 3DS to TCAF. So ready for all those streetpasses at AN though

>> No.6842503

what the fuck is a streetpass? some sort of hookers and blow currency?

>> No.6842594

What the fuck is with the disorganized schedule times and locations on the site? They didn't even spell Nominoichi right, is it too much to ask for a spellchecker?

>> No.6842607

So what's the deal with the "The Iron Curtain Club & Casino"? I can't find out anything about it.

>> No.6842923
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>> No.6842936

>tfw your sister goes and uses your 3DS to play her littlest petshop game or whatever right before a con, end up streetpassing so many people with THAT as your game before your realise.

>> No.6842939

New thread

>> No.6846653

Oh god i went to school with 2 of those girls. Th e bottom 3rd one has a serious mental defect. She was a bat shit insane weeb all of highschool and i'm pretty sure she still is. She was seriously annoying as fuck, and failed the literacy exam twice.
Middle row 2nd, didnt expect her to be apart of this :P