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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6829977 No.6829977 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /cgl/, quick question.

Most of my friends are male as I don't really get along with other females, and they're mostly into anime/manga and /co/ stuff, so they've been kinda of pushing me to cosplay for a while as they regularly attend cons.

The thing is, given that I don't really get along with other girls, or have female friends, is it really a good idea for me to start going to cons? I've heard some pretty, well, bad things about the sorts of girls who go to cons (a lot of it from other guys admittedly), so I'm just curious about whether it's a good idea to attend.

>> No.6829979

1/10 for making me respond.

Now to watch /cgl/ collectively shit themselves over an obvious troll.

>> No.6829980


>> No.6829983

> I don't really get along with other females
> What

Have you tried? Anyway, cosplay isn't something you should be 'forced' into, seeing as how it's a time and money consuming hobby.

And what do you mean, 'should you go to cons'? Do you mean 'will it be fun?' or are you implying cons are dangerous? It's not very different from any other gathering or event.

>> No.6829987

I don't understand your problem. Why are we deciding if you should go to a con or not?

>> No.6829997

I just want to hear about what they're like.

I'll admit I don't like other females coming into my group of friends.

>> No.6830004

You sound like you need to grow up.

>> No.6830008


How old are you, OP?

>> No.6830009

it's a big building filled with all types of anime fans.

what does not having female friends have to do with anime conventions?

>> No.6830013

Don't go to cons, there's enough aspie bitches already

>> No.6830012


You're one of those girls that has a chip on their shoulder about every girl regardless if you know them or not. It's annoying to everyone who knows you they're just too polite to tell you. Please grow up and get over this phase soon, you'll thank yourself.

>> No.6830016

>I'll admit I don't like other females coming into my group of friends.
Too obvious, try again.

>> No.6830015

>I'll admit I don't like other females coming into my group of friends.


>I want all the attention from all my male friends and I get jealous when they speak to other girls

>> No.6830021

pretty sure this is a troll, but there really are girls out there that throw around the "I get along better with guys cause girls are all bitches(except me!!)"

which is more likely to be the problem: the dozens of girls you don't get along with, or you?

>> No.6830024
File: 93 KB, 612x612, 50f506d8afba11e28d0622000a9e13b7_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes you need to accept all womyn because we are all sisters! you've been brainwashed by your oppressors

>> No.6830030

Yup. Aka "Everything I know about socialization comes from shitty high school shows and I've never actually spoken to another girl"

>> No.6830036
File: 13 KB, 250x272, stopped reading there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tumblr image
Strike 1
>Gravity Falls
Strike 2
>Most of my friends are male as I don't really get along with other females,
Strike 3, you're out.

>> No.6830037

There's a bit of jealousy, but it's not just that. It's the fact so many sluts ruin legitimate male-female friendships.

>> No.6830041

just lurk /cgl/ long enough and you'll see women are definitely not catty

>> No.6830045

So, all other girls aside from you are actually sluts who will ruin your sekrit "I'm the ONLY cool smart girl!!! Pay me attention, boys, but don't get too close ;)" club?
8/10, I'm responding

>> No.6830049

Never trust anyone who avoid people of the same sex.

>> No.6830052
File: 260 KB, 730x696, 1352516382136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You. I like you.

>> No.6830055

Forget it OP. Any girl on /cgl/ who mentions the reality of what bitches most girls are, a reality that anyone can see by looking at how cruel and sociopathic the threads are on here, is immediately called a troll. Even though /cgl/ themselves show why some of us prefer male company (not hateful, not solely interested in relationships,makeup, fashion and sex, not always talking about you behind your back...)

>> No.6830056

>"reality of most girls"
By this logic, men are fucking toxic monsters. Just look at /b/, /v/ and /r9k/.

>> No.6830058

/v/ are mostly nice, it's just boys being boys and arguing about boy-stuff.

>> No.6830062

Maybe it's because your statements absolutely REEK of special snowflake syndrome. So all girls bitches, including you right? You must be since you own a vagina as well. Oh but that's right, people who say 'I don't get along with girls because they're bitches' always so thoughtfully exclude themselves from these blanket statements of cunty women are.

>> No.6830065

Guy here, as a male I'd like to say I disagree with OP's premise all women are bitches, but also disagree with the rest of the shit ITT. Some women just prefer our company, a lot of the time because we're more passionate about hobbies and things in general, and we make girls feel more welcome.

Just my two cents as a male on /cgl/

>> No.6830071

men and women can never be friends

>> No.6830074

omg a boy
pls be in london

>> No.6830076

There's a difference between having alot of guy friends and avoiding women altogether like OP. It's pretty ironic how all the catfightish aspect which I hate in women appear the strongest in the types like OP.

>> No.6830077
File: 848 KB, 160x177, dylan_smile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, keep saying that. Basing the entirety of girls and female friendships based purely on what you see on /cgl/ is like basing the entirety of males and male relationships on /r9k/ and /v/.

Those who have acclimated to the real world will readily tell you that friendships are based on an individual case by case basis. You don't keep toxic friends and a good person will be a good friend irregardless of their gender.

>tfw fangirl friends and swap fanfic recs and spend hours imagining how we'll throw each other bachelorette parties by hiring strippers and make them play out our slash fantasies

>> No.6830079

I hope you're joking

>> No.6830080

Not true. If she's prepared to give it up it's ok.

But if she wants to hold out for some time, that's fine too.

Just don't imply sex with the way you talk to us and are decent to us, and then don't give us anything.


>> No.6830081

anonymity makes everyone turn into a raging jackass for the most part, not just women so I'm not sure where you're going with that line of thinking.

There is nothing wrong with preferring the company of one sex over the other. There really isn't. It's the rotten attitude that often goes with it that rustles peoples jimmies. You can't possibly know every girl, it makes you sound stupid and catty and bitchy (all those things you supposedly hate) when you say all girls are bitches and that's why you won't have anything to do with them.

>> No.6830087

Yeah, the stuff about the strippers is shitty.

Do you think your future husband wants you near male strippers?

>> No.6830086

It's so hard to maintain a strict friendship between a male and female friendship. Too many times have my male friends confessed their feelings for me. It always ends awkward, and then you end up not being friends anymore, because it's just too weird. I've learned this to be the case almost every single time

Anyone who says otherwise is oblivious to what the one party feels for the other.

>> No.6830093

Perhaps you shouldn't judge a board by outdated stereotypes, and rather see for your own self.

/v/ are like the cutest guys ever.

>> No.6830092



>Mention you don't really like feminism

Fuck other females.

>> No.6830100

See, this is what I'm talking about. You sound incredibly arrogant and snotty. Yeah, fuck other females right? They're not as self actualized and smart and nice and caring and thoughtful as YOU, you're different from all other girls ever.

This is what you sound like, that's why it's annoying.

>> No.6830102

I'm making fun of how much of a special snowflake you're acting over the fact that you (allegedly) have a penis and (allegedly) post on /cgl/ regularly.
And the fact that you seem to think you speak for all males everywhere or something.

>> No.6830108

You like me don't you?

>> No.6830110

Yeah, pretty sure if I trust myself in getting married to the guy for the rest of my life, he'll trust me with being faithful. I'll grant him the same favor. I wouldn't mind if he had female strippers at his bachelor party if that's his thing and I wouldn't keep it a secret about our plans.

And our plans actually involved more clothing options. We have to recreate costumes for the guys and have them act out romantic scenes of favorite fanfiction. Since neither of us are into PWP, it'll be more gushy than sexual. Of course, she's recently getting hooked into the Hannibal series so I'm not sure if we're going to have to recreate crime scenes to get all that will graham/hannibal lector action going.

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.6830115 [DELETED] 

did she strike a nerve

>> No.6830119

>lel u hav a crush on mii, dont hit on me u silly gurl~
You're just as bad as any female attention whore who feels she needs to highlight her vagina on /r9k/.

>> No.6830124

so cute

>> No.6830128

You're a piece of shit troll if you prefer the company of men to the company of women.

You're not allowed to be an individual, you whore. Girls must stick together to fight the CIS kyarchy patriarchy oppressors.

>> No.6830133

lol so fanny u troled me

>> No.6830143

I don't understand where you're getting that all, you just sound like you're projecting.

>> No.6830170


This is exactly the same as was posted a week or so ago.

Fuck off.

>> No.6830200

ban all males from /cgl/ please

>> No.6830225

Just kill virgin men.

Cuties like God and smoker can stay.

>> No.6830246

>implying smoker isn't the most beta virgin fuck that ever did live

>> No.6830312
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, dem_feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon, I typically get urked over this "special gurrl" mentality too but actually that's a pretty valid thing. I have a healthy balance of guy and girl friends but a guy I grew up with and was best friends with ditched me cause a 15 year old mega slut (she moved out at 16 to live and have sex with 2 college guys on multiple occasions, on top of banging my best friends friend while they were dating) he was sleeping with at 18, felt threatened by our friendship. Shit really sucked, it's 3 years later and our friendship of 20 years never recovered from the drive by slut attack. Yes I mad.

>> No.6830315

And... you blame the girl for this, not your shitty friend. Interesting.

>> No.6830341

I blame both parties involved in all honesty. The situation just showed me the priorities of a male to female relationship, bro's before ho's can't really apply with ho's before ho's. I can somewhat chalk his behavior up to teenage hormones and a virgin finally getting some, but that only goes so far you know? Anyways there will always be sluts in the world and always will be sexually deprived men, because of that factor and many others, guy to girl relationships are damn near impossible to keep genuine.

>> No.6830865

If your only friends are guys it generally means you have a terrible personality and are therefore incapable of making friends unless they are people who hope to one day bang you.

And yes, all your male friends have fantasized about sex with you at least once.




>> No.6830946

although female friends might be lesbians. better just stay inside and learn to like girly shit

>> No.6831059
File: 394 KB, 300x232, 1364937590260.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your 18 year old friend rapes a 15 year old and you blame the girl
~rape culture~
but no go ahead tell me how this "mega slut" 15 year old CHILD was totally asking for it rite???

>> No.6831069

Where was the rape in this?

>> No.6831076

>forcing your significant other to choose between you or their longtime friend
>guy's fault
pick 1

>> No.6831081
File: 266 KB, 450x253, 1341433294484.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks 15 year olds can consent!

>> No.6831080

So fucking much this

>> No.6831098


>> No.6831104

>/v/ are like the cutest guys ever

What? It's like you've never even been to /v/.

>> No.6831106
File: 124 KB, 239x304, 1342781049377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i guess if they live in a shit third world country where it's okay to rape children

>> No.6831111

japan is a shit 3rd world country? wow!

>> No.6831120

>third-world country

>> No.6831119

Until at least 50% of the households get washer and driers I will agree that they are.

>> No.6831125

unless they have a relevant cosplay or brolita interest GTFO.

>> No.6831126


I got news for you buddy - you've been having sex with kids that were one year too young.

>> No.6831133

Does a single year really change your mind that easily?
Oh wait.

>> No.6831136

pffft do you know how much mental growth happens between ages 15-16?

oh wait...that mental growth happens between ages 21-25

>> No.6831138

You heard the man, no sex until you're 25.

>> No.6831143

I think we can all agree that this is the best option.

>> No.6831147

I want a girl friend but girls scare me. What do.

>I-I just want a girl to talk to about cute things and fashion and weird vaginal happenings ;_;

>> No.6831302
File: 16 KB, 500x418, 523964_482700958424937_2082185756_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't mean to necro this thread but just wanted to toss in
>this happened in the UK where the consenting age is 16.
>The 15 year old your defending got the friend of my best friend drunk and forced herself on him.
>He was 17.

I know in amurica ya'll laugh at the idea of guys getting raped but, that friend was a virgin and a bro who would not have done that on his own terms to his friend. When she moved on to sleep with other guys me and de-virginized bro talked a lot about it and the guy to this day has major trust issues and fears of intimacy. I'd like to say "Mega Slut" was just being a naive child but from mutual friend sources all I've heard is that she's become an even shittier adult, and by her actions she clearly understood what the fuck she was doing to everyone. Next time anon, before you get into a feminazi "ALL GURLZ ARE INNOENCET, ITS THE MAAAN THAT RAPPES THEM, AND RAPE CULTURE DEFENDS THE MAAAN" bullshit you should really get your facts straight. Finally, super side note, I was legitimately raped multiple times from ages 3-6 by a TRUE sex offender and find you retarded.

3/10 Anon. 1 point for each of your posts.

>> No.6831454

Why is pixie porn illegal in the UK? Just wondering.

I didn't know that drawings had feelings.

>> No.6831464

I hate to break it to you, tumblr-friend, but they're not children anymore after they reach puberty. This is a basic fact that applies to the entire animal kingdom. There have been attempts[1][2] to ad-hoc prove that "teenagers brains are inferior", however, the unfortunate truth is that they still remain behaviorist theories and nothing more. There's no underlying biological proof that their cognitive capacity is hampered. The "serious researchers" just take the fact that the majority of teenage individuals behave a certain way and they offer their explanation for it -- it's not their fault, it's not their parents fault, it's all genetics. If this reminds you of certain movements[3][4], that are getting increasingly popular these days, you are quite correct.

Let's look at "fat acceptance", in example. "They" have also recently conducted a research that found out that overweight / obese children have a tendency to eat much more than thin / healthy children because their taste buds are inferior. They are now proposing that this is all genetics, so it's not really the fat kids' fault that their becoming fat -- they simply *need* to eat more to get the same satisfaction from eating as the thin kids too.

As you see (at least I hope that you do), there is an another explanation for this. The researches in both cases have decided that "correlation == causation"; that both abnormal behaviors are actually just genetics and the individuals who were displaying said behavior could do little to nothing about it. But what if the fat kids have worse taste buds *because* they've been overeating for years already, so they slowly wore out as time passed? What if overeating to begin with was the cause of that, and the worsening of taste is just a logically expected slippery slope of obesity? And, in the same vein, what if irresponsible teenagers are irresponsible individuals in general?


>> No.6831482

i know this kind of attitude is obnoxious, but it's not like it's impossible to legit get along better with boys either

>> No.6831486

Lolita reporting in. I just want to share a tidbit of information I gathered from a recent Anime Convention.

There are a /cgl/ meetup planned for after the convention on Saturday night. This meetup information was only on /cgl/ it wasn't just some general "4chan meetup" because the title was specifically '/cgl/ meet 2013' or whatever. I arrive to only find a sausage fest. There were literally maybe five other girls there? And about 12 guys.

This leads me to suspect that /cg/ isn't some catty board filled with bitches. There is certainly a possibility that men come on here to 'troll'. Because I can't tell you how many immature fuckwads think they are lulz besttrolleva and just do it on their spare time.

>> No.6831592

Of course not. Like
>>6830081 said IT's alright to get along better with one sex over the other. It's also okay to prefer one sex over the other. It's not okay to insult and judge an entire gender and hold yourself above every single girl in existence.

'I get along better with guys' is completely different from
'Fuck other females, they're so catty and full of drama and only ever talk about make up and boys. '

That shit is obnoxious.

>> No.6831712

Despite all the talk about /cgl/ being '99% females, cock or gtfo', the occasion polls suggest that there are actually more males on here. I guess they lurk, or something?

>> No.6831749

Am I the only one who doesn't get along with either sex?
I prefer the company of people that are interesting. But I hardly ever get close to people.

Literally, my only "close friends" right now are my significant other and his best friend.

Which is kind of awful because I don't have anyone to vent to, but kind of okay because I hate people.

>> No.6831756

I wouldn't be surprised if they lurk here. Taking this bitchfest of a board at face-value of how typical women act. Or being the troll posters who frequent this board. It's quite creepy actually. How many men admit to stalking this board just because a supposedly higher percentage of women might be here compared to other boards.

Same here anon. I have a tad more trust towards women. Unfortunately I have yet to form a lasting bond with any because for whatever reason I'm not liked much by them. I just don't trust men and dislike their antics. The only man I trust is my boyfriend because I think/hope he's different. He doesn't like men either and prefers to hang out with women and is a feminist.

>> No.6831768

Me too. I have about ~2 friends IRL, since I really don't like keeping contacts with mundane people.

>> No.6831800

Been through something like that, some filthy slut took the virginity of the only guy I ever loved.

>> No.6831807


You're a dumb bitch if you blame the poor child for this. Your "best friend" was a rapist who forced himself unto her. If you had ANY decency left in you, you would report him to FBI.

>> No.6831814

There's no reason for you to not get along with other girls, because chances are there are a bunch of other girls who are exactly like you, and you just don't know because you don't bother to talk to them.

First off, stop that 'i don't like girls' attitude because it'll damage so much in the future and start talking to everyone, you'll make a lot more friends and find out that there are girls who are cool to be around.

Secondly, a lot of Con attenders are female, and i'm sure if you're going with a group of guys(That hopefully you trust) that they'll be around to help you out if you get into any situations.

And if you go, take is as an opportunity to make some female friends.

>> No.6832589

h-hey op can i be your b-b-bf?