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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6829608 No.6829608 [Reply] [Original]

Why am I ONLY a cosplayer if made everything from scratch myself?

If I made anything it would look like shit/at least to me, it just wouldnt look that nice.

I prefer to have professional commission my cosplay like my favorite is God Save the Queen Fashions

Does that make me shitty?
Even if my cosplay was hand made and original?
Even if it was vastly superior to yours.
I didnt make it.
Do you disrespect me?
Im not entering a contest..

This doesnt seem fair to me

>> No.6829620

You're mostly encountering trolls

The vast majority of the cosplay community has no problem whatsoever with commissioned outfits provided you give the commissioner credit, don't claim to make it yourself, and don't enter it as your own work.

Handmade is more respected because being able to both create and model shows more skill in this hobby than just modeling, but that still doesn't mean there is anything wrong with commissioned pieces.

>> No.6829628

that's all cosplay IS besides actually putting it on. don't you get tired of people approaching you to compliment your costume and you have to say a-actually I bought it

>> No.6829648

I get where you are coming from OP. I can't sew for shit. But I can work on props to an extent and I can style my wigs.
While my husband is wig useless and hasn't ever made a decent prop, He sews pretty well.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, fell free to keep on keeping on but creating feels awesome and I highly suggest you give it a try. If you don't like it, it's cool.
I still get some things commissioned when it ends up being cheaper/ something I wouldn't trust myself or husband to do, Like PVC bodysuits and corsets

>> No.6829647

yes even if your "cosplay" was much better then another persons its ACTUALLY NOT since you didnt make it. Cosplay is about making it yourself. Your not a real cosplayer.

>> No.6829650

That's just people giving you shit ignore then and cosplay away

>> No.6829657

I thought cosplay was about dressing up as a charater

not making clothes

is it supposed to be the same as a fashion designer? making the clothes really isnt my hobby, dressing up is

besides I suck at sewing but prop making is my thing

>> No.6829668
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Unlike you I dont care about the attention I get for my sewing craft, because
sewing isnt my thing
So I dont feel the need to be known for it
Dressing up is my thing
Id rather people come up to me and say "wow you look just like them"

so no I wouldnt stutter when saying I didnt make it
Id be proud to advertise my favorite costume maker by telling them the name with a kind smile

If they suddenly disrespect me then that just makes them a shallow bitch

>> No.6829672

I understand making a costume if it's big and intricate.

but If I'm cosplaying a schoolgirl character and I already happen to own a uniform, what the fuck do you expect people to do, make exact replicas of things you already own?

>> No.6829675

Good attitude, keep on cosplaying.

>> No.6829700

so your hobby is wearing other peoples clothes

>> No.6829702

>Even if it was vastly superior to yours.

Then people are going to be praising the person who made it, not you. This is not disrespecting you. This is just respecting the creator because they're the skilled one.

>> No.6829707

fashion is a hobby too anon
people do it all the time
shopping is a huge normal hobby
ever been on /fa/

kill yourself

>> No.6829710

do you like going to the mall? No? You prefer to make all your own clothes? Hate everyone elses thats not made by you?
"fuck all those people who like shopping for clothes theyre such HACKS"

>> No.6829715

Not that anon, but I wouldn't consider just buying/wearing daily clothes to be a hobby. That's kind of a requirement to living in a society, not getting arrested, and keeping your job (if there are dress codes).

>> No.6829716
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but then to be fair that goes back to the threads we always have about looking like the character or being ugly or fat.
hell what about the cosplay suggestion thread we have? cosplay isnt just about who made the costume, its about how you work it too. at least according to /cgl/

>> No.6829720

But the full package is still the best. Someone who looks good in a costume they made, of a character they like.

>> No.6829719
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I hear ya OP
I don't play vidya but I watch a lot of let's plays and people always try to tell me it's not the same. it's like fuck u I play vicariously through them ya know

>> No.6829721
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>I wouldn't consider just buying/wearing daily clothes to be a hobby

..........you havent visited /fa/ have you..

besides just because YOU dont see it as a hobby doesnt mean others dont
why are you so self centered?

>> No.6829726

Sorry that is what I meant by the "just". When you take an interest in coordinating the clothes and do more than just "I will buy this and wear it" it's a hobby. But that doesn't come up in cosplay. The character predefines what you will wear and how you will wear it, with what hair style/colour and with what accessories.

>> No.6829727

I cant tell if youre serious

truthfully I cant afford a lot of games I want now a days with bills I have, so I end up watching lets plays all the way through, does that make me not a real fan?

>> No.6829731
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but thats assuming most people (even ugly) who make their own cosplay have it look decent...when in reality MOST are terrible or mediocre at best. No one goes up to them saying, wow nice work.

have you been on the majority of cosplay.com
have you even been to a local con?
majority are closet cosplay and shitty fabric glued together by 15 year old wannabes. Terrible wigs, terrible makeup,

and to top it off
most of these girls are terribly ugly or fat
average at best

>> No.6829732

>full package is best

>> No.6829780

I can't respect any of you ever again because your all just attention whores, like fucking actors. When people look at you at conventions they don't see a human being they see a piece of meat

>> No.6829796

It fucking reeks of tumblr users and their asinine way of typing in here.

>> No.6829818

> Why am I ONLY a cosplayer if made everything from scratch myself?

Who put that idea into your head?

I mean, of course you're not a cosplay, you're just a casual filth if you buy your costumes, but 99% of /cgl/ is like that.

>> No.6829825

I've never bought my cosplays before. It's so much more rewarding to have someone tell you your craftsmanship is impeccable rather than have them compliment your appearance. At least to me.

I can fish for compliments without spending copious amounts of money on a costume.

I also really enjoy sitting down, and working on a new costume. Finishing it is rewarding. To try it on for the first time and waltz around in it for an hour because you're so excited.

As soon as it stops being rewarding to make something, I'm stopping.

If you want to dress up, go right ahead. Both are "cosplayers", I guess. But if you don't make your own costumes, you're missing out on like... 90% of the cosplay experience.

>> No.6829864

That last sentence sums up my feelings perfectly. I can't understand buying all your stuff and being in this hobby. It's whatever, but I don't see the point of just dressing up and wearing an unstyled wig out of a bag.

>> No.6829884
File: 140 KB, 525x536, horo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are ONLY an artist if you drew the picture yourself. People see it in your gallery and go "that's amazing" or "well, you tried."

You can commission someone to draw you something perfect and professional and hang it in your gallery. More people will be impressed but that doesn't make you an artist and honestly, I don't see why you want to own a gallery that's full of the other artist's drawings.

For most artists, drawing itself feels nicer than the recognition anyway.

>> No.6829991

Nothing wrong with that, but, personally, the whole making a costume aspect is only like 30% of the experience to me. You still have to wear it. There is also the fan aspect to it. When you have a costume on, you're saying "I am a fan of x. I like x so much I want to dress up. If you like x we should talk about x." Let me just ask you this, what do you think of someone who just makes costumes then never goes out in them or shows them to people? It seem equally pointless to me.

That's also why I feel >>6829884 and >>6829719 analogies fall apart. If you tell someone you cosplay they might ask you what characters you wear or how did you make something. There's two parts there. Being a gamer is different from making games, just as being an artist is different from being an owner of a gallery. One does not imply the other.

>> No.6830000

Sweet jesus, are you the same bitch who was whining on coscom about how no one respected her as a human being because she bought her costumes?

>> No.6830057

This thread is going to be full of shit but basically as long as you don't pass it off as your own work, do whatever. In the west we have a lot more focus on crafting/sewing our own stuff, in Japan there's still great craftsmanship but it's also seen as more about looking good and like the character than how you've got the costume together/bought it.

>> No.6830103
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So people would rather just get attention for doing nothing?

If you don't make your own shit the only thing you are doing is wearing clothes, something everyone else does every day of their lives. You want a pat on the back for putting your arms and legs through holes?

Imagine if somebody went to BattleBots with a robot they bought. "I didn't make this robot, but I controlled it really well, and I made it stab that other robot pretty good." That is how stupid you sound.

If you would have said you didn't like sweing ten years ago in the cosplay community, everybody would have laughed at you and called you a faggot. Fuck the internet and easy access to costumes from China for making this shit okay.

>> No.6830792

Oh hey, I thought of that person when I saw this thread too.

>> No.6830970

OP here

>> No.6830977


yes everyone wears clothes
but not EVERYONE buys weeaboo shit and wear it

>> No.6830984
File: 35 KB, 550x453, 1359697915964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but they arent entering a contest
no ones patting themselves on their back, cosplay ISNT just about achiving something

what about just having fun

what happened to cosplay just being about fun

fun of just wearing a costume

everything is either a contest now even if I didnt enter

>> No.6831012

No one's saying it's not fun at all, but that it's more fun if you make it.

>what happened to cosplay just being about fun
>fun of just wearing a costume
>everything is either a contest now even if I didnt enter
>OP: This doesnt seem fair to me
It's perfectly fair. The ones who put more into it get more respect as cosplayers BECAUSE they put the work into it. It's still fun to wear them, but it's fucking retarded if you want the same attention as someone who looks just as good as you do, but who made their costume themselves.

>> No.6831005

do cosplay makers ever get grief for enabling people to wear commissions? if not, all y'all hypocrites need to stfu

or tell the cosplay makers to make money more honestly, both options are equally amusing

>> No.6831040

>do cosplay makers ever get grief for enabling people to wear commissions?
Yeah, right here:

>> No.6831054

how about to their faces or in general consensus? any time I see people bitching about someone who makes shit for others, it's about shoddy construction or overcharging, implying there's a wrong and right way to get money for commissions. if commissions are inherently wrong, both client and creator would hear about it constantly

or at least the creators would often receive accolades for fleecing these suckers

>> No.6831077

While personally I think you're hardly a fan of the hobby seeing as how you like only one aspect of the entire experience.

"I love hockey, but only the face-offs"

I think we should "look at the cause and not the symptom"

OP buys costumes and wears them.

OP buys a costume from a commisioner.

Commissioner makes money for their craft.

If people like OP didnt exist, commissioners would have to do other work that might not be their passion.

So, no. OP, you're not a cosplayer, you're a walking (possibly lying) billboard for a commissioner that you may or may not be crediting.

Imo I can unserstand having certain pieces made under certain circumstances. I.e. you're good at everything except metals or masks, or leather, or foam.
Having one or two pieces commissioned isn't really bad. I feel that it should be done in moderation. That way we have our hobby, commissioners have their money, and the world still turns.

To recap, I don't respect you as a cosplayer based on the degree of which you comm out your costume in this case 100%. But to say comming anything is outright disloyal to the hobby you'd have to be narrowminded.

>> No.6831079

>tfw my first convention I got the most compliments on a costume I didn't make myself and altered terribly
>tfw the costume I made from scratch I only got a few compliments on, and no one even mentioned anything about whether or not I made it

maybe it's because it was a bit smaller of a convention, but I don't think most people even care that much, unless it's something super crazy and intricate. for me though, I'll always be more impressed by someone who made their own, and a little disappointed if I find out they didn't. I don't really judge them for it though. Also I really enjoy making my own, but if I ran out of time I wouldn't be above buying a third cosplay.

>> No.6831102

I love an anime
not sewing

I want to dress up as an anime charater
not create clothing

thus Im not a fan of the anime I guess


>> No.6831108

>thus Im not a fan of cosplaying I guess
Fixed that for you.

>> No.6831123


A wise man once told me thus:

"If you don't want cum in your hair, stay out of the circlejerk."

Just wear what you want, give credit where credit is due, meet other fans and have fun.

>> No.6831127

Apples and oranges here.

You're a fan of anime by watching the anime.

You're a fan of cosplayers by emulating their work. In your case wearing a costume that required no effort .

>> No.6831148

>Does that make me shitty?
You're the one losing out on the fun but so long as you don't take credit for it whatever. The people you buy from gotta eat too
>Even if my cosplay was hand made and original?
Hah, funny you mention that.
1. Often times comms will cut corners and also buy premade pieces and then assemble/alter them. So 9/10 it isn't "hand made"
2. You're cosplaying a character... how is that "original" . I can see maybe "one of a kind" but I don't think the word original means what you think it does.
>Even if it was vastly superior to yours.
Show us some pics, we'll be the judge
>I didnt make it. Do you disrespect me?
Disrespect? Only if you take credit that isn't yours.
Respect? You're just a fan, far be it me to tell you how to do it right, but once again you're cutting yourself out of a large portion of the fun
>Im not entering a contest..
͵many cons won't let you enter a contest unless you made your own costume, you didn't have us worried on that part.

>> No.6831204

Yeah, that's not the same at all.
Watching your friends ride a roller-coaster isn't the same as actually riding the roller-coaster.

>> No.6831206

why do you write
all your posts
as if they are freeform poetry

why is your
so ass-backwards

>> No.6831249
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You're not a cosplayer and i probably won't respect you. I'm so sick of the excuse 'i dont know how to sew'
No one is born knowing how to sew. You learn. This hobby was created on a love for the characters, so you make them and show people you love the character.

If you are a true cosplayer, you'll learn how to sew. Nothing against commissioners, but at least learn how to make armor, boot covers, something!

And that girl who said
>I'm a gamer, but i only watch lets plays

Get out.

>> No.6831259

They actually are a cosplayer because they're COSPLAYING. Whether or not they made the costume doesn't matter. They are dressed up as a character so it's cosplay. Don't see why you wouldn't respect someone who paid with their hard earned cash so that someone could make a costume for them that they wanted. Who cares, cosplay is cosplay and the only people who get upset about it are ignorant elitists who think they are on some god-like level because they made a dress out of fabric.

>> No.6831285

Not every cosplayer has to be a total diy-er.

My first cosplay was a commission, second and third were half-closet, and though I've since decided to only make my own shit (ego thing), I can understand buying.

It's like saying you're not a real furry if you didn't make your own fursuit. You're still out there wearing the thing.

>> No.6831287

I dont think it's elitist to be annoyed at people who want the same respect as someone who works hard to sew a costume from scratch. I mean, i work hard to make money too! I save up coupons for JoAnns and sometimes haggle (fabric district) to save on cost. I think i have the right to be respected more than someone who simply throws their money and measurements at a commissioner.

>> No.6831300

So many replies in this thread are "you're missing out on 90% of the fun". Dafuq? What if they hate sewing and just want to have fun wearing a costume of their favorite character? What's fun for you may not be fun for others. So much elitism, it's sad.

>> No.6831301


you are getting this high and mighty over a fucking hobby that is literally just a glorified version of playing dress-up.

that is how little you've done with your life that you have to rely on an elitist special snowflake syndrome to feel good.

>> No.6831329

For me, part of the fun of cosplaying is making stuff. Styling wigs, prop making, etc...

Some people don't have the time, or simply choose not to take part in the construction process.

Some people are just more impressed by something the person made themselves, put the extra time into it. I guess an example would be the difference between two pieces of fanart. Two people drawing fanart of the same character. One artist drew a quick 10 minute sketch, the other spent a couple hours coloring and shading. They both show their pictures to people, and most are more impressed with the two hour piece. Both people showed their love, but one just put more into it. Both are still fans, they both still love the character, but one gets more attention then the other.

So yeah, maybe not the best analogy. You're still a cosplayer. Just more of a casual cosplayer.

>> No.6831345

I don't have the patience or time to make my own stuff. Instead of going down with stress over one hobby I buy my costumes instead.

Everyone saying that people who buy their stuff is missing out on almost all of the fun need to stop. Not everyone thinks it's fun to sew.
I just like to wear costumes and not "be me" for a few weekends every year. I don't lie about the credit, I don't file my photos or 'commission status' under progress and I don't have my own cosplay website where I post my bought costumes and try to act famous. I just like to dress up in costumes, that's all.

>> No.6831350

>I don't see why you want to own a gallery that's full of the other artist's drawings.
...are you trolling or have you just no idea of what a gallery actually is? you aware owning one is an actual job, right?

>> No.6831377

There is a term for people who don't make their own costumes: communists.

There's a reason why most costume stores come from China.

>> No.6831379

Yeah, consummerism coupled with unequivalent international commercial exchanges is the perfect definition of communism.
>implying China is comunist today
>implying it has ever been

3/10, stupid enough to make me respond

>> No.6831382

i'm... pretty sure that was a joke...

>> No.6831399

This is how every thread started by scrubs goes

>Gais I don't want to do any of the work, put forth any of the time or the effort that you do but you need to start treating me like I do!!

>I don't know how to do anything related to this hobby, but I pretend like I do! That's the same right??


Keep being a scrub.

>> No.6831462

Funny how all the elitists keep talking about how people who don't make their own costumes want the same "respect" as those who do. What? No. When it comes to cosplay, who gives a fuck about respect? It isn't some kind of competition. Obviously someone who spent a bunch of time and money making their own costume should take pride in their work, and it's proper to admire a person with skill, but why is earning the respect of others such an issue anyway unless you're some raging attention whore? Buyfag cosplayers aren't trying to steal your spotlight, they just don't want to be looked down on for not possessing a skill that they're not even trying to acquire. If you think that's too much to ask, news flash, you may be an elitist bitch, and no amount of skill or good looks is going to make up for your shitty personality.

>> No.6831463

Not OP, but with a somewhat related curiosity; How do you guys feel about people who alter the fuck out of bought costumes before wearing them? Are your vags as sandy about that?

>> No.6831484

Yes. Because alter the fuck == add some sharpie on it.

>> No.6831764

OP was the one who brought up "respect" in the first place. If you read the thread, it's pretty clear that by "respect" they mean "as much positive attention as someone who did a good job making their cosplay receives". So yes, it's stupid that they want to be praised as if they've put in that same effort when they haven't.

>> No.6832162

This. Since when has cosplay been about respect? Since when have we had so many "professional" cosplayers on /cgl/? I thought it was just about expressing your love for a series or character. To be honest, everyone is on the same level to me unless you're getting paid to cosplay, wearing some super detailed armor, or have made something complicated like a Voltron robot suit to walk around in.

>> No.6832166

When people who commission shit say they want respect, I think what they really want is no disrespect. I'm cool with no disrespect.

>> No.6832174

It's just women butthurt that people would rather see women with nice bodies in commissioned costumes than fat tubs of lard (read: most of /cgl/) in costumes they made.

>> No.6832177

it was a joke. Take the stick out.

>> No.6832202

You gotta remember too that back when cosplay was still smaller in the west, there weren't many good stores to get commissions in comparison to how you can buy a 30 dollar full cosplay on Taobao or some other stores. At the time, the only stores that wer esmewhat accessible were Halloween stores or early commissions who were extremely expensive. Take a look at Setsuna Kou. So much money for shiny ass fabric and cheap construction. Though she was only of a few types of commissioners who actually sold the costume that you were looking for. So, in a sense, the tradition is based on the idea that because buying was expensive and the quality was a risk depending on the commission, you would probably also save yourself money by also making it yourself and up to your standards of quality. Respect felt a bit different now, because you earned it by having others appreciate you trying very hard to make a great outfit. Hence where you have certain older famous cosplayers who were able to not only be attractive models, but can make their own items.

That is also coupled with the mentality that the hobby portion of it didn't just include walking around in a con with the finished costume, but putting the effort to make it.

Obviously now, you have plenty to stores to choose from and even things like wigs and props are so accessible and much better than having to go to drag queen stores and avoid all the Halloween fabrics, or toss my money at Setsuna.

I'm pretty open to people wearing commissioned cosplays as long as they know how to give credit out, and I don't think that either types of cosplayers are in any higher heirarchy only unless the craftsman-based cosplayer is trying to go for an award. I feel like I've bonded with the older mentality, but it doesn't stop me from respecting someone who can coordinate a complete look with a store bought item. It is a bit more like a fashion though. Respect should be more about judging a cosplayer's attitude.

>> No.6832266

wearing clothes isn't a hobby

>> No.6832413

Pretty sure you don't know what the word "hobby" means.