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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 422 KB, 1280x277, lolitanurse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6827126 No.6827126 [Reply] [Original]

New indie nurse lolita print

>> No.6827128

It's so tacky, so much so that I actually sort of want it in blue x red

>> No.6827136

Does anyone have a link? I remember seeing pictures of it but I wanna know the price. Also does this come from Australia like all the other lolita indies brands that seem to pop up.

>> No.6827137

>mfw no white
Are these people stupid?
How can you make a nurse print and not have a white colorway

>> No.6827139

this is horrible.

>> No.6827140

I kind of like it... very junko mizuno

>> No.6827142

i... oh god
oh god i like them all

kill me

>> No.6827145

I had wanted it in sweet but now... the red/blue is tempting me.

>> No.6827146

>same print on each dress
>decides to 'name' them after styles

>in bluexred
no i don' t think so

>not punk

...just no

this isn't good, and nothing about it other than the 'graphics' say nurse at all.

>> No.6827150

you shut your fucking whore mouth about junko mizuno!

this isn't even close to that, she uses a much darker palette

this shit reminds me of that shit tokidoki brand with it's brightass colors and vaguely kawaii uguu everything has a face xD shit.

>> No.6827152

classic, goth, sweet?

all of these are just creepy cute or whatever. no goth or classic lolita is going to be caught dead in this.

>> No.6827154
File: 102 KB, 640x960, tumblr_mijgf379hL1qj9cg5o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6827159

just stop...

>> No.6827165

I like the idea and the composition of print is far better than usual edgyloli indie designer stuff. But the colors and cartoony quality of artwork just seem incredibly costumey to me. Too saturated, too much contrast, not enough detailing.

It'd look great on a loli drawing, but it's untranslatable to real life.

>> No.6827166

Is this really new? I saw it on tumblr months ago.

I really liked it but then I saw >>6827154's pic. That fabric looks terrible.

>> No.6827177

>dem non-matching kandi rave bracelets.

>> No.6827180

Seems I was right, even the tamest colorway still screams "not real clothing".

And the construction is definitely not helping.

>> No.6827185

neither are those random kawaii-uguu buttons...this looks like a weeb take on lolita tbh

>> No.6827186

I feel like this could look so much better if worn on a person that actually knows what the fuck they're doing.
>dat lumpy petti
>dem out of place raver bracelets
>dat mismatched wig that doesn't even make sense
Even that blouse looks wrong. You've got a solid white apron and you're trying to coordinate that with an off-white (ivory?) blouse? And on top of that it's extra frilly while the dress itself lacks frill and is extremely simple in design compared?
Nothing is working here.

>> No.6827187

I have no idea why the designer decided to go with so many color ways, the kawaii design is extremely ugly.

But anyways this is her website http://www.douloux.com/

>> No.6827199

>their shop
>plain bows
>boring skirts
>shitty shiny spoonflower quality fabric
>dat chess chocolate replica bow with randum bunnies
this isn't lolita, its weeb.

>> No.6827204

the print isn't so bad but the majority of the color ways look like shit. the 'kawali' color way is the worst, but classic, the tacky green and black, and 'sweet' colors are just.... ugh.

the creepy and gothic colorways aren't as badly color coordinated, and look like they could work in a coord if it was done by someone who really knows how to match colors, which the artist obviously doesn't know themselves.

>> No.6827205

I knew it will be ita before opening OP pic by just reading the posts. Because cgl has an ita-tastic taste in prints.

>> No.6827206

Quite frankly I don't see how it's that much different than some of the shit AP cranks out.

>> No.6827207

70$ for a simple gathered skirt with no ruffle or lace. yeah no. even miscy's plainjane skirt looked good because of the interesting flared shape.

>> No.6827213

the gathers don't seem very good either.

>> No.6827215

other than the fact that there is literally no detailing on this print whatsoever

>> No.6827227
File: 32 KB, 250x333, wondercuntie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because wonder cookie was really that much more detailed and impressive, eh?

>> No.6827247

I know it's ita as fuck, but I want it.

>> No.6827251

Have you even SEEN WC in real life?
It's beautiful. Get out.

>> No.6827252

I mean things like shading and texture and depth.

>> No.6827254

also, thanks for pointing out which print this shit is ripping off.

>> No.6827262

dream print

>> No.6827332
File: 257 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mhpojoKeQ81qj9cg5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww cmon guys, it doesn't look that bad

>> No.6827353

I actually like it in a ridiculous costumey kind of way. It's just not lolita at all beyond the sillhouette.

>> No.6827361

They're both tacky as shit.

>> No.6827370

Graphic designer here. I'm agreeing with all of the comments about the colors clashing. I think this photo even looks pretty tacky as far as illustration, pacing and general aesthetic. To me it seems as if they just threw whatever 'cute' and 'creepy' stuff together with no cohesive theme

>> No.6827374

Just the print itself, the outlines are too thick, it's just not refined. So it looks clunky and costumey and out of proportion.

>> No.6827399
File: 59 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.453823333_qyfp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god everything is so horrible.
This shitty dream sky imitation is the worst.

>> No.6827403

why the fuck are there eyeballs on it?

>> No.6827405

She's letting people vote on it, and she's going to re-produce the top 3 colors.

I feel like I shouldn't like it, but for some reason I kinda want a skirt. I feel like the apron is far too much. And it would be easier to co-ord a skirt of it.

>> No.6827408

cause it's uguuuu~ :L

>> No.6827452

I love to see how much people love to see how much people butcher "nurse" motifs. I wanna take anyone wearing this shit or those skanky nurse costumes and have then change the dressings on a 94 yer old man with incontinence and 3 unstageable pressure ulcers.

>> No.6827456 [DELETED] 

To be honest, I quite like it!
What indie designer is this from please? I'd like to see more.

>> No.6827462

...did you even read the thread? no one likes your shitty print.

>> No.6827512

I've had clinicals as a nursing student. It's no use being offended by people who fetish nurses because the fantasy is so far removed from the reality that it's laughable.

Frustrations would be more appropriate for the fat fucks who are in complete denial about the state of their health as long as they're ambulatory. I rather had geriatric patients than morbidly obese patients because the 80 y/o grandmother will have less medication and more ambulatory than the pts half her age and four times her mass.

>> No.6827537

/my blog/

>> No.6827606

I'm not really that offended I just want them to see half of the shit real nurses half to do. I picked pressure ulcers because that was the most disgusting thing I came across in my clinicals that I didn't know existed before.

And I know the feel. I have an obese sister that scoffs at my Hungry Girl recipes, diet soda and no carb days saying she prefers "real" food.

And most of my local cosplay friends are faaaaaaaaaaaaat, but I never feel comfortable giving advice because I don't want to be that know-it-all skinny bitch. But then they say shit at the grocery store like "OMG this lemonade says fat-free!"

>> No.6828005

Look dear, you need to get off your high horse. You don't see maids,police men, or whatever complaining. They just wanna dress like a cartoon damnit, let it be.

>> No.6828020

>You don't see maids,police men, or whatever complaining

How can you be so sure?

>> No.6828033

Who cares people will oversexualize everything. Go to /d/ or something.

>> No.6828050

I think we can all agree to disagree that this bullshit doesn't even look like a fetish nurse outfit. Also fuck those hurr-durr nurse anons, nurses are a fetish because they're in a position where they are taking care of someone else, which gives the other person a position of power over them.

Anyway, this shit looks ita as fuck and I agree with whoever said it looks like tokidoki. You can't just throw weeb shit onto a rori style AP ripoff(button idea included clearly) and then call it lolita. It's shitty weeb ita style.

>> No.6828052

If you wanna start a survey be my guest.Make sure to leave the results when you're done.

>> No.6828107

Tokidoki is exactly what this reminded me of upon first glance. I don't find it attractive on purses and I don't find it attractive masquerading as lolita clothing. Because it's not.

>> No.6828122

please kill me that i lived to see this shit

>> No.6828140

I could have sworn I saw a maid in a "how to pay for lolita/cosplay" thread talking about how she liked maid inspired items, but thought they were too ridiculous or ita or something to wear.

But yeah, anecdotes.

>> No.6828143

I feel like this would make a nice costume for a con or halloween. I can't see this being won as an everyday loli piece though.

>> No.6828197

"Kawaii nurse" is fucking atrocious. How do you even come up with that color combination? This entire shop is a shipwreck.

>> No.6828201

by being a weeb and taking inspiration from dokidoki

>> No.6828207
File: 89 KB, 389x371, nurse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, I kind of like it.
It could be worked.
But honestly, they have no idea what they are doing.
I don't think they know what classic lolita is, they are more meaning it like colors that you would classically think a nurse print would be of? I don't know english is failing me right now.

If the colors did not suck so bad I would be all over this though.

>> No.6828209

Also through that fucking apron out the window what the hell.
If it was 50$ I would be all over it.

>> No.6828217


Don't give me that shit. I deal with enough of that at work. Besides I said I wasn't that offended. Stop trying to make drama where it doesn't exist.

>> No.6828224

I guess the idea is cute? I don't like that they ripped off WC, I mean come on, the damn model has the buttons on both sides and the same number and idea as on WC, when it is clearly not like that on the concept art. I also think that this is an uninspired idea, and looking at their store, they're just trying to do what people want and what's popular. Any designer could crap out a print like this that fits with what's popular in a day or so. I mean everyone's said, the colors are off, the lack of cohesion it's just too generic. And why does the ugliest color combo have the bows while the others have the apron?

>> No.6828227
File: 1.22 MB, 1623x2129, kago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all so fucking busy. They might be halfway decent if like half of the details were removed and the colors were toned down.

>> No.6828230

Says the person derailing the thread over unrelated bullshit.
Just hide the thread, Sweetie. It'll be better for your health

>> No.6828242

You are also derailing the thread, can we get back to bashing this trash.

Why the tits is the contrast so high?

>> No.6828245

I kind of like gothic and sweet nurse, OP

>> No.6828270
File: 77 KB, 392x371, nurse2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took some liberties with the photoshop.
It could have been cute.
could have been.

>> No.6828335


hnnng cute coords make me want this

I see this as something Meta could've come up with.

>> No.6828342

>I see this as something Meta could've come up with.

Bitch please. Meta wouldn't have used ~~~creepycutedesu~ themed over-saturated bullshit. Meta is good because they make shit and just don't give a fuck. Meta is bro. These indie designers are stale bandwagon jumpers, which is why they have a bunch of poorly made lackluster designs made with shit knockoff fabric of popular prints and are coming out with this shit that is exactly the same as what all the other indie brands are doing.

>> No.6828349

No, Dou Loux is american.

>> No.6828359
File: 83 KB, 636x900, IcmdE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meta has done two nurse series and they are both fantastic and not some tacky print flung everywhere.

Puh-lease girlfriend. Meta would never have come out with shit like this.

>> No.6828366


Why the fuck do people do this, seriously? This shit is more offensive than slurs to me, and I'm not even white. It's really the worst way to talk down to people and moreover puts a negative, condescending spin on terms that are supposed to be representative of a positive nurturing relationship, making them difficult to accept even in the correct context.

inb4 some dipshit replies to this with terms of endearment thinking they're clever uguu or some fodder.

>> No.6828369
File: 68 KB, 894x335, 2a66rtj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three, actually. Pic related, it's my dream skirt. I have it in bluexwhite but my want for this thing burns like the fire of a thousand suns.

>> No.6828370

I don't think it's classical as in the style, but classical as in the default of the print. Like you would call plain-"flavored" yogo "classical yogo"?

I'm not sure how common this way of naming is in english though

>> No.6828372

Damn, is that from the first line? Or is it so old that I don't even remember the first nurse series line? And I thought I had lurked forever.

I bow to you.

>> No.6828378

For something to be a 'classic' it would have to be considered basic or run of the mill like you're describing. The fact that all of the other colorways are named after lolita styles sort of makes me feel as if the name is supposed to reflect the style as well.

Plus, that's not really classic anything to anyone.

>> No.6828384

What about Franken?

>> No.6828401

gothic and sweet and classic are all lolita, franken is obviously just some bullshit they came up with because of the color scheme and kawaii is a fug weeb mess. But tell me, what "classic" flavor does red white and blue represent as far as lolita goes?

>> No.6828425
File: 52 KB, 232x313, meta_op_pankuma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not some tacky print flung everywhere
>not remembering Rose Leopard or Punkma Camoflage

I love Meta, but there's no denying they come out with some wacked out shit from time to time.

>> No.6828427

You Mad?

>> No.6828438

yuck is looks like a halloween whore costume

>> No.6828442

I remember both. I like them both, too. I prefer that to when they try to copy AP and do terrible border prints.

March of the Ducks, I'm looking at you.

>> No.6828446

I am a different anon than the one you were talking with earlier. I was just wondering when franken became a substyle.

I could kind of see franken (theme, not dress) under guro. That would be pretty cool.

>> No.6828448

just cause it's brand i wouldn't buy it and it does look tacky

>> No.6828459

I didn't say you had to buy it because it was brand? Or even that you had to buy it?

And if you think that looks tacky and the OP does not...I don't even know what to say to you.

>> No.6828464

Sorry, I assumed you were. I see that though, franken/zombie guro would be awesome. If it were me the franken thing would be gone. creepy changed to bittersweet and franken changed to creepy. not sure about classic though...it just needs to go.

>> No.6828495


Hungry Girl is not health food, neither is diet soda. Try eating some vegetables.

>> No.6828516

For real, and you'd think a nurse would know better.

>> No.6828551

What's this print called anyway?

>> No.6828569

I really have no idea. I call it Strawberry Specimen because it sounds cool.

>> No.6828576

whats so special about this? are there smaller details i cant see? it seems like your run of the mill black skirt, just with tiny images on a small apron.

>> No.6828582

It's old, rare Meta.

>> No.6828590

I have a thing for medical motifs, and my second-favorite motif in lolita is fruit. This takes those two things and puts them together in one fantastic package. Sorry the image is so small. The left image is a strawberry in a specimen jar and the right image is a cherry with a syringe sticking out of it.

>> No.6828621

Dude, anyone who's researched healthy foods and lifestyles for more than a day would know this...

>> No.6828624

Gorgeous! I havent seen this skirt in years.

>> No.6828642

It is old school perfection. This skirt is one of the reasons I will champion Meta til the day I die.

>> No.6828653
File: 399 KB, 474x683, tumblr_inline_mmjz2lRadB1qhlcmf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread needs more fuel

>> No.6828655
File: 27 KB, 400x300, HG_Lisa-Lillien-preparing-tacos_s4x3_lead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what you mean. Hungry girl is just a lady with an insane smile who makes traditional recipes lighter. I have no idea about diet soda though. Honestly it seems any beverage hurts you somehow these days if you base anything on studies or whatever.

>> No.6828659

Diet soda is just as bad for you as regular soda. And I don't mean in a "gives you cancer" way. Don't let the calorie count confuse you. You'll lose more weight if you just drop sodas completely.

>> No.6828660

This makes me want to vomit, but I can see a lot of girls in my comm liking and wearing it. They'll probably sell very well.

>> No.6828667

well it's probably worse because of the chemicals. But I guess people think no sugar and no calories = healthy

>> No.6828756


>if you base anything on studies or whatever.

My sides. Or you could just look at the sugar content on nutrition facts label. Just drink water, it's cheaper and not bad for you.

Hungry Girl makes shitty food out of processed garbage instead of encouraging people to change their diets to include things that are actually good for you and eat in moderation. And she's sponsored by FiberOne so she coats everything in their cereal.

>8 oz. raw boneless skinless lean chicken breast, cut into 10 nugget-shaped pieces
>1/4 cup Fiber One Original bran cereal, ground to a breadcrumb-like consistency in a blender or food processor
>1 oz. (about 14 crisps) Pringles Light Fat Free Potato Crisps, Barbecue (or another fat-free BBQ-flavored potato chip)
>3 tbsp. Frank's RedHot Original Cayenne Pepper Sauce

Mm, so healthy! Lower calorie does not mean better for you.

>> No.6828769

What I mean is it seems these days every beverage is bad for you. "A new report today shoes that drinking _______ may lead to an increased risk of _________." It seems that the only thing left is skim milk and water. And then there's all the shit surrounding what's in our water. Can't wait for you bitches to tell me what's wrong with skim milk too.

>> No.6828772
File: 990 KB, 500x238, tumblr_mlvm7oSBpX1sn1s0bo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this little tantrum is over being told diet soda is bad for you?

News flash: diet soda is bad for you. There are plenty of alternatives. Everything in moderation is key, but you seem to just want to fuss over it, so drink your diet soda and wonder why you haven't lost any weight.

>> No.6828774

Everything is bad for you. Everything! Just stop eating that food junk and take lots of vitamins and protein supplements instead!

>> No.6828775
File: 21 KB, 546x391, 1322608433566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6828777

Is that Spoonflower fabric?

Because if it is...ew.

>> No.6828780



It's really not that hard.

>> No.6828782

...I just got lost in this gif. HIS EYESSSSSSS.

>> No.6828797

What chemical is it in diet soda that messes with weight loss? I never understood it. I know it sometimes causes a subcutaneous layer of water, so I guess it has something to do with water retention? And I know aspartame turns into formaldehyde in your system as well. I noticed a lot of great changes when I switched to just drinking water. I mean, you even just enjoy the taste of water after a while and that's all you want.

>> No.6828984


why does it have bunnies and skulls on it?

... wouldn't a skull be the last thing you'd want to put on a nurse print?

>> No.6829002

Way to make Lolita look even more like a costume..

>> No.6829003

Aspartame. It's in almost everything that's "diet"

>> No.6829057

Yes, how does it prevent or inhibit weight loss? I know it is in the soda like I already said but the only thing I know about it is that your body changes it into formaldehyde (granted your body has this reaction on several other types of chemicals). I am just curious on facts and what not. I figured the other anon knew and wouldn't just list a chemical without an explanation. I will probably just have to look it up myself since no one seems to have a concrete answer.

>> No.6829059

There's been some suggestion that it makes you feel hungrier/increases your appetite, but there's no conclusive studies on this (and not that much studies done on that anyway).

>> No.6829062

Well aspartame and other fake sugars do a lot more than just turn into formaldehyde. Aspartame aids the sucralose in the diet soda in becoming an un-processable sugar which then causes your insulin levels to whack out and sort of conditions your body to store more actually sugars over time, which in turn ends up resulting in increased weight gain.

>> No.6829067

Ahh kind of like high fructose corn syrup and how it confuses your body because of it's chemical makeup. Interesting. In glad I switched to water heh

>> No.6829072

Well not all diet soda has sucralose, just an FYI (diet coke does not)

>> No.6829082

That coord looks like shit
That print needs to be scaled down
That fabric needs to be better

>> No.6829084

though it does contain acesulfame-K which does the same type of thing that sucralose does, though unlike sucralose it can cause hypoglycemia more easily than hyperglycemia.

>> No.6829086
File: 36 KB, 280x289, 76d31508_c851d40e_Derail_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6829089

You know why I hate this? The over-saturated colors and way too large print remind me of bodyline's fug balloon print.

>> No.6829091

I wasn't really sure how to pinpoint it, but I think you're right, and I think that's why it looks cheap.

>> No.6829173
File: 31 KB, 500x500, 1362182861541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha is that a tiny little purple fetus I see?
I want this dress now. Purple abortions are kawaii.

>> No.6829186

I quite like the design, but not as an actual dress. it just looks like a tacky costume.

>> No.6829195

I want it.
I'll buy it as a skirt if it's full enough- but more as alternative clothing than Lolita. It reminds me of Pure Trance.

>> No.6829666

>purple fetus
oh fuck it is isn't it?! what else is it supposed to be?

>> No.6829698
File: 1.74 MB, 252x168, STOP POSTING.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminded you of Tokidoki?
You don't even know what the fuck Tokidoki is.

>> No.6829701

Do you..?

>> No.6829703

That was the first thing I noticed. There's even little scissors about to puncture the amniotic sac. So edgy!

Part of me is hoping that some unassuming pro-life creepy-cute bandwagoner buys it, then only notices the fetus the first time they wear it out. The wank would be beautiful.

>> No.6829706
File: 314 KB, 600x600, tokidoki16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why shouldn't it?

>> No.6829711

I kind of really badly want this in both blue and black.
It's tacky, but I will rock it so hard.spo

>> No.6829718

Tokidoki has no kawaii bows, everything's edgier and looks street not kawaii, the dress looks weeb while Tokidoki has nothing to do with nurses or pretty dresses, Tokidoki doesn't put a lot of upwards stripes in their designs, there's no cute character or unicorn to be seen anywhere on that dress, and the colors of the dress definitely aren't something Tokidoki would put out either. If Tokidoki put out something like that dress, I'd be extremely confused.

>> No.6829739
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x800, tokidoki_1605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right...it's totally not some weeb kawaii bullshit.

>> No.6829741

This dress will forever in my mind be called Abortion-loli.

It fits, because it looks like an abortion anyways. And the fetus.

>> No.6829742


>> No.6829749

Do people really hate Tokidoki here? I thought it had absolutely nothing to do with lolita and /cgl/ wouldn't care about it.

>> No.6829779

Can't wait to see the tumblr weeb coords on this.

>> No.6830149

Came here to mention this but you beat me to it, Hitler-chan.

>> No.6830186

It doesn't, but it's still weeb scene xD so randum overpriced italian shit clothes.

>> No.6830206

I would wear it if it was cheaper but as some costume or maid cafe outfit.