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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6822932 No.6822932 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /cgl/! I'm having trouble finding patterns for Asuka's school uniform.
I would appreciate it if you had something that might help me.
I'm a beginner, so any other sewing tutorials or patterns are welcome.
Thank you!

>> No.6822969
File: 268 KB, 528x447, jubtk6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also what shade of blue should I use? I've been trying to get references from the anime and official figures but they all seem too bright or too dark and I don't know which one looks better...

>> No.6822992

I prefer the cooler blue

>> No.6823014

I think it depends on your skin tone.
If you are tanned, go for the cooler blue. If you are pale, go for the bright blue.

>> No.6823016

Pick the one that looks better with your skin tone.

>> No.6823018

Too fat for Asuka.

>> No.6823035

Is skin tone really that important?

>> No.6823038

Too jelly to make a nice comment

>> No.6823039

Not the anon you quoted but certain skin tones look nicer with some colors than others.

>> No.6823040

Not really, but it will look better if it's a color that compliments it. Besides, if you're unsure of which blue to pick, it might be of a small help for you to make a decision.

>> No.6823058
File: 565 KB, 1236x1721, 498232-eva_cal_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying Asuka is not supposed to be skinny as fuck

>> No.6823070

>implying that makes OP's girl any less hot

>> No.6823071

>implying that level of skinny would be able to sustain life outside of anime

>> No.6823128
File: 13 KB, 542x542, 1346642283963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well considering she's supposed to be a 14 year old girl that's barely hit puberty and still has the weight of a preteen, it doesn't really surprise me when someone that's 18 and older has a hard ass time trying to physically look like a 14 year old again. Just saying.

>> No.6823493
File: 108 KB, 600x900, 2856336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It exists, pic related. this is as close as I've ever seen it get, and the costume is perfect too.

But I do agree, it is rare.

>> No.6827360

>implying that IRL Asuka's body would be attractive

>> No.6827372

Isn't that MJ?

She's anorexic.
It exists, and it's sick people. Woah, what a shock.

>> No.6827459

Not mj.

>> No.6829182
File: 9 KB, 225x225, uncle fester.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey wanna star in my movie?

>> No.6829215
File: 141 KB, 664x1000, hiiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But animu bodies are kawaii, anon.

>> No.6829231

She's got skinny legs but her waist isn't that tiny. Usually it's the opposite.

>> No.6829271

>can't look like the character at all
>cosplay anyway

>> No.6830213


>> No.6831299
File: 180 KB, 728x426, ayanami rei neon genesis evangelion makinami mari illustrious asuka langley soryu 3749x2198 wallp_www.wallpaperfo.com_44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Lobitha but she doesn't look like Asuka at all, her face, figure and hairstyle just screams Mari to me

>> No.6831835

What's the girl's name again in op's Pic?

>> No.6831854

Kelly Sofía Santos Coy Ochoa, she's part of the Coy Ochoa noble family of Méchico.

>> No.6831861

I've always hated how she has the same bangs for every cosplay. At first I thought it was because she was just dying her natural hair, but later found out she's using wigs. Why would you cut that style for Asuka?

>> No.6831872

Don't you have to some lawns to mow, Lobi?

>> No.6831880

MechaGamezilla, I know youre reading this thread faggot..

>> No.6831886

Oops, nevermind, I posted in the wrong thread.

Sorry /cgl/, sometimes I can't help being a fatty mcfagget.

>> No.6831889

No bro, I meant to post in this thread completely out of context.

>> No.6832160

>At first I thought it was because she was just dying her natural hair, but later found out she's using wigs
but.. she's not? She dyed her hair that color, I don't think she's ever used wigs (only for that wolf-kitsune-whatever it was school girl character), you can see that it's her actual hair.

>I've always hated how she has the same bangs for every cosplay
yeah I've noticed that as well, it seems a bit weird tho, I mean you made the rest of the costume look nice and then you leave your normal bangs? it doesn't take that long to style and style your bangs if you've already been cutting your hair yourself for some time
.. unless you don't want to cut your bangs

>> No.6832302
File: 709 KB, 872x1163, tumblr_miacubvRO11qzt48xo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides the knees and refusal to remove piercings, I think this is one of the best Asukas out there

>> No.6832316

I really like this chick. Any reason she sometimes tags pictures of Kiki Kannibal as herself on Tumblr, though?

>> No.6832319

h-how? she's so underweight and gross looking.

>> No.6832326


>> No.6832324

Cause that's exactly what Asuka's body trasnferred into reality would be. Underweight and gross looking.

>> No.6832327

I can't stand how she uses make up to make her look sicker, it's disgusting

>> No.6832328

I dunno, I just think she is what Asuka would look like in real life.
Except those fucking knees. THOSE FUCKING KNEES

>> No.6832360

>but.. she's not? She dyed her hair that color, I don't think she's ever used wigs (only for that wolf-kitsune-whatever it was school girl character), you can see that it's her actual hair.

Huh, I asked back when she used to post here and she said the ones without black hair were wigs. Maybe she thought I was asking about the wolf one, then.

>> No.6832393

Not OP, but can we steer this back on course and find sewing patterns?

>> No.6832405

>uh, I asked back when she used to post here and she said the ones without black hair were wigs
but I saw photos of her out of cosplay with the red hair in OP, she mentioned that she dyed it that colour .. or am I imagining things?


>> No.6832407

Like I said, maybe she thought I was asking about a different cosplay. It's no big deal, really.

>> No.6832416

I gotta say, i'm jelly of her body

>> No.6832421

That's lulubird.

>> No.6832461

Guys. Patterns? There are multiple people interested right now, besides OP. We'd really appreciate it.

>> No.6832463

seconding this. Patterns please

>> No.6832494
File: 204 KB, 787x1023, Simpleskirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have Asuka specific patterns, but maybe some similar ones can help?

Just to get the ball rolling atleast.

>> No.6832504
File: 32 KB, 461x720, apron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also have more patterns and tutorials for other things.

>> No.6832630

i guess i'm really old, but i cant see the text well in either of those

>> No.6834328

she would make a great Mari but maybe she'd have to get a wig

>> No.6834421
File: 19 KB, 159x400, tumblr_mksuv2MDhe1qzt48xo2_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6834683

I retyped >>6832494 for you.
Here, I'll repost what I've written up to someone else's questions:

>I didn't use a pattern. The skirt is entirely constructed from rectangles and I drew the cut lines directly on the fabric.

Here's how to determine the width x length of the skirt body needed.

-Measure your waist or figure out what you want your waistband to be. Multiply the number by 3. Add seam allowances to both ends. General the fabric wouldn't be long enough to cut out in one continuous piece so divide the rectangle into halves or thirds remembering to add seam allowances where necessary.

-Figure out how long you want the skirt body to be, not including the waistband measurement. That is the width of each pleat (i.e. 24 inch waist divided by 12 pleats = 2 inches per pleat).
-Draw the skirt body rectangle(s) on the fabric (see top left image, I doubled the fabric so I only needed to draw one) and mark out on both edges where the folds go. The general pattern for pleated skirts is 1-2-1-2-1-2... so using the 2 inches per pleat example, you'd mark the starting point then go 2 inches-4inches-2inches-4inches and so on, remembering to allow for seam allowances at the ends. When I cut the rectangles out I usually make very small snips at the fold marks to make it easier to find the folds.

-You can experiment and make the folds behind the pleats smaller to conserve fabric, but in return the skirt won't flare out as much since the finished hem will be smaller. On as skirt with 24 inch waist in the above method, the hem is tripled, so 72 inch hem.

>> No.6834697
File: 67 KB, 461x720, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also redid >>6832504 for you.

>> No.6834726

You are awesome to the max, anon

>> No.6840460

Sorry for asking this in your thread, OP, but would it be that big of a deal to cosplay Asuka if you're a healthy weight and not crazy skinny? All the characters in the show are fairly skinny so it's kind of hard to look that way without appearing sickly. . .

>> No.6840474

she looks unhealthy underweight. :( Asuka isn't sickly thin, she's fit and has biggish boobs, at least in the original series. she's not stick thin, she's in shape. this girl has no muscle mass, her bones are becoming prominent, and she looks emaciated. it's sad to look at.

>> No.6840476

yo gif of that asuka with the nice fat ass

>> No.6840502

I always thought Asuka had the build of a young dancer who's just heading into puberty. She's had her growth spurts, but hasn't necessarily had the time to actually develop womanly characteristics? Rei is in the same build.

My younger sister actually has a very similar build so that's always been my impression of Asuka. Rei is the one who seems more sickly.

>> No.6840507

man, but even Rei has womanly hips because she's cloned from Yui. The whole motherly thing reflects in her body shape.

I get that puberty causes weird growth spurts and she hasn't really filled out, but even in puberty and the awkward lanky phases, Asuka at least looks like her legs have some muscle on them, you know? this girl looks unbelievably skinny to cosplay someone so fit and obsessed with piloting her eva.

sorry I sound like such an aspy. it's late.

>> No.6840515

that knee on the left is fuckin gross

>> No.6840548


You're so adorable~ Thank you!

>> No.6840549

Stop attention whoring, the only people who idolize or care about you are pro-ana idiots and you know it. The Asuka cosplay isn't the right colour and you don't even look like her.

>> No.6840552

Shut up. You're just jelly of me :3 I bet you are a huge landwhale.

>> No.6841083

yeah i came here to ask why her jumperskirt is navy

how can you fuck up the color that badly? like why? it's obviously not that dark. and the eyeliner just makes it look like a shitty goth halloween-style cosplay. not accurate at all.

>> No.6841133

Looks like it also has narrow pleats, not a few large ones. She probably just bought something that looked vaguely similar.