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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6804897 No.6804897 [Reply] [Original]

The old thread turned into a circlejerk. Lets get back on topic. Lets talk about the convention

>cosplay plans
>new venue
>looking forward to
>not looking forward to
>general con talk
>cosplay contest

They say the schedule won't be out for a few weeks

>> No.6804910

A circle jerk? Honestly it just seems like it became a stoning of all the tripfags.

>> No.6805016

I was one of the anon's concerned with the cosplay contest (I mistakenly send my original email to a non-cosplay related A-kon email, and they were quite quick to tell me the correct one, but as of Tuesday, have not heard from the cosplay staff).

Still working on my cosplay, and now I'm debating (given that I fear the worst for the main contest and my participation) on attempting to obtain one of the 10 on-site masquerade spots OR just doing the Hall contest.

Any thoughts? Anyone with experience with the hall contest? It is billed as more of the craftsmanship competition. I'm also a bit concerned with where to, if I compete, place myself. I've won a very small con cosplay contest at the journeyman level, but competed as a novice and was bumped up by the judges (they had too many novices and I guess deemed me to be a better novice?) On my own, I've only sewn 3 cosplays (but have been cosplaying longer, just with pre-bought), and the one I'm working on right now is the only one with 100% no assistance or guidance at all (previously my mom could help me read a pattern or explain a technique). So despite having won at journeyman level, would it be acceptable to compete as a novice, or is my previous experience with cosplay (not sewing the outfit, just general cosplay experience) enough to put me in journeyman?

I want to be fair and honest, but don't want to move up unless I'm ready. How are the categories at A-kon? Do people usually compete in them fairly?

>> No.6805020

You could email con staff and ask, but unfortunately I think you're going to have to compete at Journeyman level from now on.

>> No.6805030


That sucks, since the con I won at literally announced they had just hit 1000 attendees. I'm talking small, backwater con in the deep south. Though, I can see that side and was leaning towards competing in journeyman even if not for the one win, but because I've been cosplaying for a decent amount of time even if I wasn't sewing the costumes.

I would email them, but they don't seem to really check and respond all too quickly. I mean, it's not too much to ask a response within 48 hours, right?

>> No.6805070

I thought akon was vehemently against a tiered system. It doesn't say anything about it in the rules so I'm assuming they don't have one in place. You will compete against everyone at all levels.

>> No.6806353

Has anyone here been to the Anatole before? Is it as nice as the pictures make it look?

>> No.6806424

I've been, granted it was 4 or 5 years ago.
It's a beautiful hotel, and it's huge. My favorite part though is the giant courtyard. It's going to be a smorgasbord for cosplayers and photographers. The one thing that you should be really worried about is parking. The lot at the anatole is small, it's going to fill up friday afternoon and you better hope you don't have to go anywhere because you will not find parking when you get back.

Honestly my first thought when I went (I was at a conference) was "holy shit this would be a great hotel for a-kon" and my second was "holy shit, that's a terrible idea they will destroy everything"

>> No.6806710

anyone that signed up for AA want to talk about it? It sounds like it was a royal clusterfuck. I want to hear stories

>> No.6806723
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I'll stop by the meetup but if things get bad, i'm out of there. Contrary to popular belief, I don't like to cause drama.
>looking forward to
I'll be doing Ani-Idol again. It's the only thing I look forward to besides meeting up with friendly seagulls and seeing my Dallas friends as well.
>not looking forward to
The Vicfags coming out to play for the second year in a row.

>> No.6806739

You do realize it's just gonna be a bunch of people talkin and making plans and enjoying the fact that there are other people from 4chan there right? Drama isn't gonna happen. It's texas for fuck sake. Even the giant furfag from 2 years ago wasn't an issue. Even alpha vs beta last year wasn't too intense.

>> No.6806752

>Even alpha vs beta last year wasn't too intense.
They're not the same person?

>> No.6806778

All of my friends got in except for me, though I'm not too bummed out about it because I don't even want to go through the effort at this point. It's weird because one of my friends refreshed almost a minute before the page was supposed to go live, filled it out and got in. I refreshed the page about 30 seconds before it was supposed to go live and the rest of my friends definitely filled out the form after I did and they still got in but I didn't. Most of us forgot to put in our artist websites because it wasn't marked as a required field (even though they said it was gonna be juried?) but a couple of us emailed the head separately after we had submitted the form and got replies back saying that info was confirmed. I was not one of them, but eh.

I just don't understand the inconsistency in results because as far as I know, everyone did the same thing.

An enormous "fuck you, fuck everything you fucking fucks" to AA staff though because fucking getting back to people four weeks before the con is fucking retarded as shit. I seriously cannot comprehend how fucking difficult it could possibly be to reply to people in a timely manner. How the fuck do you reply to like 30 people, then take fucking 3 weeks to contact the rest? They updated the list twice then disappeared off the face of the earth until people finally started throwing a shitfest on the forums. Christ.

>> No.6806784

No, Beta is the sweet lovable Asian. Alpha is the one obsessed with the bo-flex.

>> No.6806974


As another anon said, there is no tier system.

For hall you will be judges by a panel of people who have degrees in costume and fashion. They know when you're bullshitting when it comes to construction. They will ask you questions. They are happy to listen to whatever you have to say. If you have a portfolio, please feel free to bring it.

Hall is less time consuming if you're short on time. Also, if you hate the stage and freak out, then hall is a good alternative.

The 10 onsite spots will likely go fast. In the past staff has been very strict on when you can form a line. This doesn't usually stop people though...they just kinda congregate around the area anyway.

Things are going to be even more crazy as there is a waiting list for walk-ons as is. That's a first as far as I know.


I'm not about to defend anyone from the AA system. The issue is it's all on the shoulders of a single person. Even other staffs have lieutenants in place to help. Why they don't? No idea. When it comes to bigger areas, they need at least two people to deal with questions and paperwork and all that.

One of the biggest issues I think I have noticed is most of the staff heads are in the age bracket where they all have careers and kids and all that mess. Most other cons around Texas have people running it who are a bit younger. Say 20s and 30s. A-Kon has people in their 40s and 50s.
You're dealing with a huge age difference when it comes to where they are in life. So yeah, unfortunately, jobs and family can get in the way of convention things.

It sucks and it's not an excuse. I'm not defending them. It's just how A-Kon is. It's the oldest convention in the US. It is what it is.

>> No.6807303


Thanks. I'm leaning towards Hall contest but that would mean wearing my cosplay on Friday instead of Saturday like I planned (and then potentially having it available Saturday if I were to win, which isn't something I'm going to think about yet).


I have considered calling up the hotel to ask about parking cost and availability. A friend suggested I canvass the area around the hotel to see if there is any free parking nearby. I'd take the train if it weren't such an odd trek along really busy streets and worrying about making the last train. The last train for me on the orange line OUT of Market Center is 11:47 pm, and I'd just really worry about missing it.

>> No.6807351

I'll save you some time, there isn't any free parking around. The only things surrounding the anatole are other hotels and some warehouse type businesses. I'd still be interested if someone called and asked what their plan is. I am wondering is Akon undersold how many commuters they have.

On a slightly related note though, Norcostco is within walking distance so if anyone forgets their makeup, full access to krylon and ben nye right there.

>> No.6807407


Yeah, I mean, I'm commuting because it's ridiculous for me to stay at a hotel when I live 20 minutes away. And I can't just ask my someone to drive me and drop me off. Because A-kon gets between 15-20k people, right, and even if HALF of that commutes by car, even if say, 4 people to a car, you're looking at a few thousand cars that need space to park.

Their website shows parking is $19 + tax/day self parking, so if you split that 3-4 ways, even over the 3 days that's $20 or less per person to park. You DO get in/out privileges but with how scarce parking will be, I'm not sure I'd leave. I plan to brown bag my meals anyway.

>> No.6807411


I just called. I asked the attendant about parking and whether they have overflow (yes). I was trying to see if I could get a direct number on how big the lots are, and all I told her was I was attending A-kon, I failed to mention I was a commuter and not a hotel guest.

This is straight out of one of the attendant's mouth, "We have 5 huge lots, you don't have to worry about parking."

I'm still worried. So perhaps if more people call and inquire, we will get more/different answers or indeed they are confident they can adequately park all of A-kon. I'm presuming there are lots I do not see on my drive in downtown, so perhaps they CAN adequately accommodate us. I still plan to carpool to save money. And I guess if people are still worried you could always try to bug A-kon staff about your parking concerns.

>> No.6807432

I was afraid that might be the issue but yeah if you fucking know what the demand for this is and you already have important priorities like, I dunno, life in general, why the fuck would you take on something this demanding and stressful alone? It seems like on the forums there are several people who are either working with the head or helping them staff so whhhyyyyy put it all on one person?

Ugh. So freaking dumb.

>> No.6807473

I remember when I went here for Quakecon parking was terrible and it was nearly impossible to find a parking space.

>> No.6807490


Yeah, I don't believe the attendant (or maybe she was presuming I'm a hotel guest) so perhaps if more people call and ask about non-guest "I'm going to be here and want to park" parking, we may get more info? Or maybe if more people just call and express parking concern it will somehow be addressed. I don't want to bug the hotel too much, but I'm just not confident A-kon itself will address the parking issue.

>> No.6807517


Yeah, people wander around outside the room before the sign up every year. Last year and the year before they had like 30-45 at the con walk-on signups because a lot of skits apparantly dropped out last minute or didn't send their soundtracks in for pre-approval. This year's the first year they had to do a waiting list for walk-ons, since so many people pre-reg'ed for it. In my email from the staff head, she said if anyone drops out, the people on the waiting list will be moved up in order of the date & time stamp on their email. Also apparantly every skit spot got signed up for this year, my friend ended up on the skit waiting list. So this year there will only be the 10 at con signups that they hold back as a courtesy for people who don't have internet or whatever. (always thought that was weird, who doesn't have internet now?)

tldr: apparantly people went apeshit and zerg rushed the signups this year so it woulda paid off for me and my friend to do it early when it opened instead of waiting until the last day. Eh my own fault for dicking around instead of paying attention. Definately entering hall on friday instead if I don't get in.

>> No.6807536


Yeah, what I don't get is that I signed up two days after the cosplay contest sign ups went live and I KNOW there were still spots open (well, okay, so I heard on 4chan). Could it have filled up that early? I literally sent in my stuff 2 days after it went live and have not heard back at all, even to say I'm on some waiting list. I've got an email in to con staff that I sent Friday, but here it is Wednesday with not so much as a peep out of them.

Hall contest looks more and more attractive every day, but I'm still pissed about the regular contest.

>> No.6807601


That happened to me one year, I just printed out copies of the email from my sent folder and brought them to the convention and went to see the staff head in the cosplay room on Friday. She got me taken care of right away, since I had the date and time stamp showing on the sent email. Sometimes email just screws up and doesn't go through, or things get in the spam filter.

I'd email them again at akoncosplaystaff@gmail.com to ask about it, I usually hear back on questions there within a few days from either the staff head or one of the two people she has as seconds. Any time I email the main Akon email, it takes forever, since I think they forward that stuff to whoever it should go to. Sometimes I've never gotten a reply.

>> No.6807627

I'm staying in a hotel and I'm local. Found one half a mile away (walkable) with free parking. With the 4 people in my room im only paying 20 dollars more than I would have to park at the Anatole and I'll be able to come and go because I doubt parking will be stupid at my hotel.

>> No.6807668
File: 1.55 MB, 1314x572, anatole lots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the parking lots for anyone curious. Also this place is a good resource for nearby places and general tidbits http://www.cospod.org/index.xhtml

>> No.6807734


That's not bad at all. Though I would still get there early to get a spot.

>> No.6807774


I emailed the cosplay staff, ugh. I'll wait until tomorrow morning and then email again, since I don't want to appear pushy. I'm totally willing to prove to them that I'm not lying or anything, I have proof I sent my stuff in well ahead of the deadline. I'm just hoping it's an error.


Looks sizable, but I'm wondering if the ? one is overflow. I'd hope so. Looks attached. I do plan to get there early regardless, even if I'm chilling in my car.

>> No.6807839


Cosplay staff here: what was the entry you sent in? Trying to track down the missing email and have combed through the akoncosplaystaff gmail account six times now (including the spam folder). Was it a skit or a walk-on, and what character(s) were you portraying? I'd ask what the email address was you used, but that'd be a bad idea to post to 4chan...

Worst case scenario, do what the earlier anon suggested and print out the email you initially sent showing the date/timestamp and we will get you set up (well, as a walk-on since skits are full)

>> No.6807854

I've attended an event at this hotel that was probably smaller than the number of people that will turn out for akon and the parking was atrocious. We had to circle the lots 3-4 times some nights after dinner.

>> No.6807859

hey bro, you probably shouldn't be announcing you are staff here. Generally when staff shows up around here people on 4chan claim you of being a white night and all people not on 4chan that find out you post here will say akon staff is not trustworthy/jackaases.

They said they sent you another email, you should not be handling work over this board and you certainly shouldn't be asking them for loads of information.

Just another confirmation right here I made the right decision not to enter.

>> No.6807890


I was a walk-on as Holo the Wise Wolf. My entry was sent Friday 3/22. I appreciate the response here, but I'm really curious why you're responding to me on 4chan and not in the email I sent you 4/27. I full on admit I originally emailed the wrong email and was directed by staff to the A-kon cosplay email (which is the 4/27 attempt at correspondence about not having received anything despite my entry), but it's been since Saturday, and at the very least, 2 business days since I emailed.

I'm not trying to be rude, but if staff has time to go on 4chan, don't you have time to respond to emails? It's clear you've been looking at your email, surely you saw one asking about this same question. It's obvious by now you have connected to dots as to who I am since you have access to your email, so I'd ask that you conduct this via email and in a professional manner.

However, I will be screen capping this thread (though I don't consider 4chan to hold much weight in terms of legitimacy) in the event I do indeed try and get in at the con via proof that I have purported staff advocating this is the best course of action in a worst case scenario. But can't I just screen cap and show you via email? I'm of the opinion that there should be no "worst case scenario" that occurs at the con since y'all have 4 weeks to sort this out.

I appreciate you getting back to me, but let's take this off 4chan and handle it more privately.

>> No.6807912


I'm just a regular staffer, have a lot of down time at my job (call center), just wanted to help if I could. (Spend half my work day surfing forums.) I was saying screen cap the email, not this thread but the thread would help too. As far as I know, the cosplay head doesn't read 4chan.

>> No.6807923


So are you cosplay staff or not? In the above comment you said "cosplay staff here." Then does only the cosplay head read the email and handle who gets in or not? I'm very confused. I still appreciate the help, but this is honestly being handled very poorly and doesn't improve the already tarnished reputation the contest has.

Again, if you have checked the Akoncosplaystaff email, surely you have noticed the question I put in on 4/27 regarding the issue of my registration for the contest. If that email never made it, I am happy to email again, and I have also told you what type my registration was and my character. But unless my email never made it, or there was more than one entry stating they were cosplaying Holo, I fail to see where there is the error in communication and why we're doing this over 4chan.

>> No.6807943


I have double checked my email and never received an error notice for either of my two emails (the registration and question) so at least from my end, the emails never bounced back.

>> No.6807979

>post to Facebook for answers from the con, get no response
>email the con, get no response
>vent on 4chan, staff crawls out of the woodwork

And people wonder why the cosplay community thinks akon is a joke?

>> No.6807981

Everyone knows that Akon is for the large number of people.

>> No.6808094

Because Akon doesn't give a shit about the people most of the time. Fuck, they obviously hate the people that attend, thy still have a goddamn rave.

>> No.6808457


You know if A-Kon hadn't gotten rid of the forums this year, you guys could of discussed this there and taken it to PM or something and it would not of had to blow up here. That Facebook forum crap they are using this year is completely useless and far as I can tell no one is actually using it.

Yeah I mad. I used those forums to ask questions all the time, it's been hell to find info this year.

>> No.6808473


I don't know. I'm staff and I have posted on here and even mentioned I'm staff. No one seemed to care or say I was being unprofessional. Though when I post it's usually to give helpful info or clear up crazy made-up things that don't exist.

I can understand the issue of someone coming to 4chan, but without the damn forums it's causing a big issue for a lot of the departments. I mean obviously 4chan isn't ideal by any means, but at least they wanted to try to help you? I think some staff are just getting desperate to try to get info out and not have so many communication problems. I know this has been an issue for panelists/events, cosplay, and really any general questions people might have.

You can't see it in this picture but there is a lot on the right (it's cut off) that is free. It's a behind the hotel across the street. I'm not sure if it will remain free at A-Kon, but any other day it's free.

>> No.6808588
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There are in fact several hotels across the street right of the Anatole, and a couple off to the left on the map... in fact the Anatole is generally surrounded on most sides by hotels and parking.

>> No.6808595

>posting on 4chan
>not unprofessional

the fact that you need someone to tell you that posting here as a staff member is unprofessional proves that you are just that.

>> No.6808687

>there is a lot on the right (it's cut off) that is free. It's a behind the hotel across the street. I'm not sure if it will remain free at A-Kon, but any other day it's free.
Thank you based staff member.

>> No.6808722

Anon with the cosplay contest problem reporting in. After emailing the cosplay email again, the problem has been effectively taken care of. The issue was that neither email had EVER reached the staff (despite me never having received an undeliverable error message, double checking the address, etc) for whatever reason.

So in light of that being solved, the cosplay staff were able to fix the problem and grandfather me into the contest, so to say. I received a swift response on my second email putting out the general "why did I not hear from you about the contest?" inquiry (less than an hour) and a comparatively still swift response (2ish hours after my first email) letting me know I was in the contest.

While I am still unhappy this had to play out on 4chan, and am sorry you seagulls had to witness it. Though it is perhaps fortuitous that a staff member saw my posts today, though I had planned on emailing tomorrow so it's kinda meh at this point. Lesson learned: don't be afraid to email, and email more than once.

So yes, I'm still a bit miffed it took me complaining on 4chan for someone to notice, it is by some unexplainable freak of cyberspace that my email never made it, so it is hardly A-kon's fault and I feel I was treated politely and feel that they are extremely generous in actually accommodating me instead of letting this be a casualty of internet registrations. I will reserve all further judgements about the contest until I compete and have had the experience in the main contest.

Best of luck to those who attempt the Hall contest or try and obtain the 10 on-site spots! Good luck on your cosplays and the competition!

>> No.6808763


That's ok anon. You don't me. I don't know you. It's all good.

No one had to tell me anything. I'm not a douche. I like to help with info if I can. I know very well without forums and everything some info just doesn't get out to you guys.

4chan isn't the most professional board, but neither is Facebook and that's pretty much all A-Kon has right now. A lot of people lurk on these boards and hey, info IS info. I figure it's better than being left in the dark all the time.


The one I was mentioning is specifically owned by the Anatole. It's easy to miss, but there is a small sign. It's between the Hilton Garden Inn and the $6 Fashion Outlet. It's a long street that's all parking owned by the Anatole.

However, as I stated, I'm not sure if they will try to charge for it by the time A-Kon rolls around. I would also bet it will be full by Thursday night/Friday morning.

>> No.6808775
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>new a-kon thread
>obligatory posting

But naw, trying to see if any locals need last minute cosplay done for extra cash. Saw lots last year around this time all over Craigs and shit, but I wasn't comfortable sewing for the masses quite yet. I got a lot more experience under my belt now, so maybe I can earn some extra money.

Also gotta figure out my costumes still. (Narrowed it down to 2, but deciding how to execute them since they are genderswaps/OC shit.)

I'm excited. Yay for getting a free badge for guest panelist. Woo woo!

>> No.6808791


So then does A-kon or the Hilton have a plan to deal with commuter traffic. I was the anon who called them and the hotel seems perfectly confident there will be enough parking, but I failed to mention I was a commuter, not a guest. Are they aware of the potentially large number of cars they will need to accommodate? I am more than willing to pay for parking, I just want to make sure there are enough spots, that is my main concern. Availability.

>> No.6808799

I'm still not sure who to go with as well, its comforting to see others are just as indecisive. Just curious but do have any pictures of your work?

>> No.6808850
File: 736 KB, 3280x4928, todd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I do have one set up for all my client work that I've done in the past year and a half. Some stuff that don't fit the look of my brand(Like the 50's housewife aprons I used to sell) aren't in there, but I've definitely done a lot more than what's there. My most recent paid photoshoot is not in there, so nothing newer than last winter is posted until the photos from a Trendvision shoot last month are released under contract in May. I'm not Yaya or GSTQ tier, but I'm learning!

FB dot com SLASH RogueOfficial

>> No.6808855


Unfortunately I don't have that info. I'll see if I can get someone higher up to ask other staff members who might be in the know. I don't even think the PR people who are in charge of social networking sites have any idea.

You might try posting on the Facebook page as I know the one of the PR guys may be able to get the info a little bit faster than me since they usually have direct access to higher-ups.

All I DO know is no one gets free parking, even staff. Because of this, not knowing the parking situation is a bit stressful for us too. I will see what I can find out.

>> No.6808864


That really sucks staff can't get free parking. Thanks for the info, I will switch tactics to Facebook. I know it's not just me who's worried about parking, I think it's been a theme in threads as far back as February. I think if parking can be addressed early enough and goes moderately smoothly, the transition to the new hotel and anticipated clusterfuck will be less of an issue. Since, from what I've seen in the threads on here, the lack of adequate transportation methods directly to the hotel (as compared to the previous location, given that it's 1 mile to the nearest train stop at the Anatole) are a main turn-off for attendees.

>> No.6808882

Are you being serious right now?

First of all, facebook is far more professional if only for the fact that you have a name attached to who is saying what. How can anyone trust that you are on staff posting as an anon? What if I started posting saying I was on cosplay staff and that they need to just go fuck themselves for not sending the email to right place? People need information right? Who cares if it's trustworthy, I just want to help.

>> No.6808909


I totally see your point. If it's any consolation I don't post info unless I am 100% sure about it. I mean people can take it or leave it.

I can't control what other people post. However, if they post info that is incorrect I can try to debunk it with the best of my ability.

So yeah...take it or leave it. I mean most of you are adults who can make your own judgement calls on posts.

>> No.6809180

Cosplay staff here: I'm a huge faggot

>> No.6809288
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I guess I should give a sort of half-assed schedule in case anyone wants to harass me.

>Entering the advanced division of Ani-idol since I placed second at AFest and am now required to
>entering VA-Idol again (placed 3rd at AFest)
>hosting my Kuroshitsuji panel friday at 6:00, I actually have cis males in the group for Ciel, Sebastian, Ronald, and William so we'll see how that goes.
>Going to be cosplaying my first ever female cosplay as Briefers Rock in a genderbent PSG group. woop.
>Will probably skank about as Slutcliff for a bit.
>Will probably cosplay Dr Stein at some point for the Soul eater photoshoot.

Good luck on your journey. If you find me I'll give you candy.

>> No.6809297
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You heard it here, ya'll.

>> No.6809300


Oh you...

>> No.6809334

Is there a goddamn rave this year? Fucking please tell me they got smart and got rid of the fucking rave.

>> No.6809373


Two nights of ravin' fun just for you.

As stupid as they might be, they are popular at the moment. That's why every con has them.

>> No.6809635
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>Entering the advanced division of Ani-idol since I placed second at AFest and am now required to
>entering VA-Idol again (placed 3rd at AFest)
You're my rival now.

>> No.6809801

Wellp, I think that might solidify me working there to yank a badge.

>> No.6809966

so how many homestucks are we dealing with this year

>> No.6809984


Over 2000

>> No.6809987


Like every year: all of them. I am so sick of Homestuck cosplay. Especially when they don't seal their body paint and brush up against you in the crowd.

>> No.6810025
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It's not worth the effort anymore. I just...

I've lost control of my life.

>> No.6810050

A-Kon schedule is out.


>> No.6810062


>> No.6810074

This doesn't make you sound intelligent, you know.

>> No.6810082

Let me ask, did you think that the initial point of the post was to sound intelligent?

>> No.6810086


Already printed and highlighting!

>> No.6810167

You have to actually place in order to have a rival, dumbass.

>> No.6810170
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I really hate that they call it that. It's a fucking dance with some shitty CDJ playing generic EDM all night, and sometimes not even that. It's far, FAR, from anything that's an actual rave.

>> No.6810182
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This nigga. Fuck, why can't they just get a real DJ just for once? Fuck they could even have a DJ contest or some shit.

>> No.6810223

true, J-Core a shit genre, not even EDM.
any edm made by japs are the garbages.

>> No.6810224

>excel file

God dammit why don't cons export to PDF ever

>> No.6810264


Just chill, they're getting out other file formats soon. We've still got plenty of time before the con.

>> No.6810640
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Okay then. I'll be sure to place for a fourth time at A-Kon, just for you.

>> No.6810893

So our ride is a dumbass and wants to wait till we get there Thursday night to find a hotel. I have no fucking idea why, but there's going to be four of us splitting the bill and we have no idea what the hell is going to happen. I have an idea that basically every hotel in a freaking one mile radius is going to be fucking full or some shit, and we won't know how much we need to pay until we get there, which throws all of us under a fucking bus.

Whatever. Cosplay plans:
-Dumb fuck of a friend will be Simon (Ice King) from Adventure Time. I'm finishing up his wig and beard right now.
-Roomie will be Kaneda from Akira.
-I will me Samwise from LOTR and young Remus Lupin from Harry Potter. I will have potatoes.

Also, haven't been to A Kon since 2007. I'm equal parts excited and terrified. I want to ask random cosplayers for photoshoots like I did at San Japan last year, but I'm worried it's going to be too crowded for that or something.

>> No.6810962

I mean like, I was just looking and all the overflow hotels and hotels right around the area seem to be booked. I think you may be boned/stuck at like Shady Pines Inn 40 mins away.

>> No.6810965


Shit tell the guy you won't finish his shit unless y'all reserve a room in advance. Y'all are going to be super boned otherwise.

>> No.6810971


I think you might be confused bro. Actually you're flat out lying but please continue to say stupid shit.

>> No.6810977

How does sharing rooms work? Is it usually restricted to adults only? Because this will be my first anime convention, and I'm super psyched about. Just trying to figure out if I can get a friend of mine to come with me and how I'll get there, or if I'll just be staying there all three days, or what.

Any advice for a first-timer like myself? I'd appreciate if you could answer as many questions asked above as possible.

>> No.6810994

I'm confused, your friend wants to just drive down thursday and try to book a room walking in? LOL that isn't going to work. Most of the hotels in that area are full. You can try calling the Holiday Inn across the street. They're running a special rate for Akon. No idea if they are booked though.

An adult has to book and check into the room, are you underage b& or something?

>> No.6810999 [DELETED] 

Yes, I am.

I'm not expecting to book it myself, just paying for my share or over. Like, if I'm the fourth in a $200 night room, I'd be willing to pay at least $150.

>> No.6811008

what do you guys think are gonna be the big fandoms this year?? aside from the obvious homestucks and bioshock infinite swarm

>> No.6811018

Dude, it doesn't even sound like you are for sure going. Sounds like you are just hyped up for something that hasn't even been confirmed at all yet.

>> No.6811024

What's to say I'm not? I have enough for both a three day pass for a friend of mine and myself, including enough for a room for three days.

He's just shaky because he doesn't know what it's going to be like, and honestly, I don't, either.

Maybe I should have elaborated more, but it's not like we don't know if we're going or not.

>> No.6811077

Figured. We're trying to talk him into looking around now so we can figure this out, but it looks like it's already too packed.

He doesn't care. He has all this money stashed away, he thinks he can cover all of us if we can't afford the place we end up at. He literally cannot care any less than he does right now.

Yeah, that's his plan. Drive around Dallas in the general area of the con until we find a place that doesn't look too busy. Thanks for the heads up, I'm fairly sure they're already all booked, but I'll give it a look.

>> No.6811156


Does your mommy know you're planning to leave for the weekend? I don't think she woud appreciate you spending your allowance like that.

>> No.6811161

your friend is a dip shit, 2 weeks ago I could barley find anything within walking distance of the anatol and there are like 8 other hotels over there. you guys are going to have to drive in, there just won't be a hotel with vacancy close. If you manage to find a room you should just book one in advance.

>> No.6811166
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>$200/night for a room last minute

>> No.6811187

So let's discuss some of these gems on the schedule

>Why so Supernatural?

>FUSE mixer and anime drag show

>A Frank and Open Discussion about Ourselves and Our Crazy Fetishes

>Cosplay Beyond the "Play" 18+

>Plus Size Cosplay and Fashion

>> No.6811257

These are worse than last year. Jesus fuck. It's just going to be ugly fat chicks. ugh.

>> No.6811275

How would you even know unless you love stalking me that much? Just fuck off, we dont need another thread derail.

>> No.6811323

If you're so worried about the thread then why bother even posting? you're constantly shitting the place up and you think it makes you look like some kind of edgy master troll, but everyone sees you for the lazy shithole you really are so you're really only fooling yourself.

>> No.6811367
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>If you're so worried about the thread then why bother even posting?
Because unlike you, i'm contributing to the discussion.
>you're constantly shitting the place up
By staying on-topic?
>and you think it makes you look like some kind of edgy master troll
You're confusing me with Smoker.
>but everyone sees you for the lazy shithole you really are so you're really only fooling yourself.
Thanks for confirming that you're a fucking idiot and making this the last response you're getting out of me. The only one shitting up the place is you with your shitposting made up of uninspired vendetta. Good job, moron.

>> No.6811371

Oops. Forgot my trip.

>> No.6811407


Look, I'm not one of the various people who like to fuck with you on this board. However, I AM calling you out on placing at A-Kon. You're lying about it plain and simple.

>> No.6811413

>However, I AM calling you out on placing at A-Kon
Okay, I read my post over and I apologize for that. When I said I would place for the 4th time, I meant for the 4th time in Ani-Idol overall. I've never placed at A-Kon before. And before someone comes in and calls back peddling, I'm being truthful.

>> No.6811422
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Oh you guys.

>> No.6811426
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>> No.6811449


You use a trip and you're pretty well known on the boards when it comes to Texas cons. If you're going to spew bullshit about certain subjects, people are going to call you out on it.

You have a huge ego that you seriously need to take care of bro.

>> No.6811688



Is there a reason why you assume that minors don't have jobs?

>> No.6811708

We're just going to be getting a ride, so were not going to have to worry about getting either a hotel or parking. Now you don't have to worry about making cute posts like that.

>>6811688 was intended for >>6811156.

>> No.6811747

This image loses all credibility when used by an actual tripfag.

also, mandatory, you're still a fatso.

>> No.6811802


Look out along 35/183 as you go towards Love Field/Irving if things more towards downtown are too booked or expensive. You may have to drive 10-15 minutes and then park, but if you stay somewhere cheaper, it won't be so bad.

But y'all need something in advance a) to make sure you don't pay top dollar for needing something asap and b) making sure THERE is availability. I've never gone to a city without having a hotel booked, but there are times I've traveled and it is hard to find a hotel. Thankfully I don't think there is too much else happening in Dallas that weekend, the times I've had trouble traveling is when everything is scheduled all at once.

>> No.6811807

you were just asking about booking a hotel room…
I'm at least glad your mommy is supportive of you and giving you a ride though. That's super nice of her.

>> No.6811825


Well, rumblings on this board have Dangan Ronpa pegged as the next target of the migratory fan. Though I personally think that will be more of an impact at A-fest since the anime will be in full swing by then. But I'd still anticipate a somewhat noticeable smattering of DR cosplayers.


I'm going to be polite, but direct. If you are indeed underage, get off this board (and website). If you're just naive, well, that's a different matter and it's advantageous to not feed the trolls.

I'm going to presume you're new to cons in general, though anime cons are nowadays not too dissimilar from your average sci-fi/fantasy/comic con (A-kon in particular). Sharing rooms all depends on how many you're sharing with. Hotels usually allow 4-5 people in a room, but only 5 IF they have roll away beds/cots that you can add, usually for a fee, to legitimately accommodate a 5th person. In some hotels, you CANNOT add a 5th person without being in violation of the rules, though generally at cons, the rules of "how many to a room" are flagrantly broken. Check with whatever hotel you are staying at. I'm not sure how you and your friend have decided to split the bill, but a lot of hotels can and will split the actual bill if you ask them, but I'd ask them at check in so they know ahead of time.

>> No.6811827

I didn't say anything about my mom, but I'm glad she's supportive, yes.

Though there's not much to support since she's not paying a cent or having to give me a ride.

As for the hotel, I don't need one because of the ride.

>> No.6811832 [DELETED] 



Echoing this, if you are underage, you will need someone with a credit card of whatever the age set by the hotel is to book the room. Some hotels let you book at 18, others are 21 or higher. However, the credit card will be on the account so if you're having an adult use their card but not be with you... that's not going to fly with the hotel. You pay with the card you book the room with, and whoever books the room stays there (you can't do any kind of bait and switch here is what I'm saying). Now as far as who can stay, anyone can stay but you need to let the hotel know how many are in your room (up to 4-5, honestly, I don't think you should lie and risk things, plus, more than 5 people is just ridiculous). You may need to mark how many "adults" (18+) you have vs how many minors/children (under 18), but as far as under-18 people staying, that's fine with the hotel. It'd be more of a concern, I'd imagine, for whoever their guardians are.

The only time I have actually shared a hotel, it was Anime Boston at the Marriott and we had 5 girls to a room. We were very lucky and my gf at the time's roommate in college was the one who had booked the room on her card and her dad was paying, and graciously allowed us to stay without paying towards the room. However, she DID tell staff when she booked there would be 5 girls and paid the cot fee to add the 5th girl. All of us were 18+ but one girl who was 15, and it was never a problem with her staying with us from the hotel administration side of things (all other problems we had arose from having to watch a 15 year old with a wild streak at a con that big).

I hope this helps. Were you looking for hotel specific, con advice or general con advice?

>> No.6811834

For the "cute post", I was referring to his quoting without actually offering any help.

I've not really interested in leaving either /cgl/ or 4chan, thanks.

I'm not considering a room anymore.

>> No.6811837


I wouldn't need anyone else's card, but thanks for the advice. I won't be using a room this time around.

>> No.6811839


You're welcome. Sorry just deleted it since I saw it was no longer needed.

>> No.6811846 [DELETED] 

I'm just glad that you offered honest advice, instead of moaning about me being under aged.

What time should I want to leave on all three days, and what time should I be there on Saturday/Sunday if I want to get the most out of it?

>> No.6811857


>If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately.

>> No.6811865


Well, if you are underage you really do need to get off this board. I'm not trying to be rude, but it's just the rules. But it's also up to you if you want to break them and deal with whatever consequences there may/may not be.

Well, it depends on where you live/are coming from. I live in Irving and it's about a 20-30 minute drive depending on traffic and whether there has been an accident on 183/35 E. Your travel time to the Anatole will depend on how far out you are and traffic. There will be less traffic on the weekend in theory, but it's Dallas, so expect traffic anyway.

I also have to build in personal time, before the drive time, to get up and get ready for cosplay. I'm not sure if you're cosplaying or not, but I usually set aside a 2 hour block to eat a good breakfast, make/pack my food for the day, costume + makeup, etc.

The con starts at 11:00 am on Friday, 10:00 am on Saturday, and 10:45 am on Sunday, however, you need only get there as early as you want to be there. The schedule is out, so I'd suggest printing it out and highlighting what you want to do. I use a tiered system of "mandatory" (things I cannot miss, like for me, anything related to the cosplay contest), "want to see" (panels I'm interested in) and "if I have time, this sounds fun" (stuff that sounds interesting, but can get cut if time is needed for food, rest, etc).

So it really all depends on what you want to do and HOW MUCH you want to do. I get there when things start anyway, because I want time for the dealer's room and artist alley and it's sometimes fun to just sit or roam the con. So also consider that even if you aren't seeing a panel, there is stuff to do you may want to show up for. If you want the most bang for your buck, get there when it opens and stay as late as you are able. A lot of things turn 18+ after 10:00 or so, and they do check IDs. You can still hang around the con of course, but things like the dealer's room and AA have times where they shut down.

>> No.6811868


Also consider that finding parking will take time. I don't expect to drive up to the Anatole and park and waltz right in. It may be advantageous to get there earlier than things actually start to get a space. You probably can't go in and do things at the con (well, you can walk around the hotel lobby and con areas, but nothing will be OPEN as of then) but there's always mingling about and such.

One of the things I miss about traveling for cons is going to eat breakfast and seeing con goers in various stages of prep. It was always exciting and interesting to see people, but I enjoy people watching anyway.

>> No.6811877

I have a few ideas, but they're very small and easy to make, so it wouldn't require more than a day or two of preparation.

Thanks for the schedule of when they start/end, I'm looking to be there as long as I can all three days. I'm not really worried about being bored because of a lack of events that I would want to participate in.

Not parking, just sharing rides with a friend of mine who's going. I wouldn't want to have to worry about that. Neither of us have a problem with walking, if we can't find a place nearby to be dropped off.

>> No.6811895


What exactly are those ideas? As a cosplayer, I'm just gonna say that successful cosplay takes more than a day or two unless you're crazy and can just crank out stuff like that. Not sure what your exact plans are, but closet costumes and "using your real hair" do not make an even half-way decent cosplay. I'm not trying to shit on whatever your effort are, as I do not know, but hearing you say your cosplay plans won't take more than a day or two doesn't sound like it's going to turn out well. Sounds like it'll turn into more fodder for this board, which unfortunately, you being underage would inflame even more.

Cosplay is about having fun, and I'm not here to tell you what to do. I can only offer advice that might save you from potential embarrassment and harassment because you have a shitty, thrown-together-the-day-before cosplay.

But seriously, as much as you maybe don't want to get off this board or site, being underage and actually posting is a stupid move. A-kon has forums, as shitty as they are, on Facebook, and they also have a Meetup.com site, and there is probably also a thread somewhere on cosplay.com for this con. I'd suggest that if you want further advice, you use one of those sites.

>> No.6811915

Yeah, I won't be posting anymore.

Sorry for the unanswered questions, but thanks for the help.

>> No.6811923


You're welcome. Feel free to ask them on the other sites I mentioned, people are definitely willing to give you advice there and you won't be in violation of any rules (unless you're too young for Facebook).

>> No.6812143

But I'm just so handsome and charming for how fat I am.

>> No.6812173

>you're pretty well known on the boards when it comes to Texas cons
I seriously hope you're not talking about the made up stories.
>If you're going to spew bullshit about certain subjects, people are going to call you out on it.
I just corrected myself and owned up to it. How is that spewing bullshit?
>You have a huge ego that you seriously need to take care of bro.
You obviously haven't met enough cosplayers on here if you think i'm one with a huge ego.

>> No.6812193

stefan pls don shet on muy towels
>huge ego
Yeah youre pleb level in comparison.

>> No.6812215
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>made up

Yeah, okay. Not like there's been a shit load of witnesses every time or anything.

>> No.6812223

>it's just going to be ugly fat chicks
>implying you are not an ugly fat chick

Fuck off and die, smoker, you're a hideous nerd with bitchtits.

>> No.6812228
File: 11 KB, 266x266, pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon pls.

I'm classy as fuck.

>> No.6812244

No you're not. You're like the creepy kid with the fedora who thinks he's like the cast off of Mad Men, but in reality, you're just a neckbeard.

>> No.6812247
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>> No.6812251
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We Madmen now.

>> No.6812537

>counting trolls and Smoker as legit witnesses

>> No.6812544

>capitalizing the s in smoker
Shigity digity

Oh Stefan you so kowai~

>> No.6812561
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Oh stop it Forrest, you're making me blush.

>> No.6812666
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Speaking of high autism levels, have you guys looked at the official A-Kon FB group? Holy shitfuck.

>> No.6812693

yeah it'll be cool to see some Dingo Rumpus cosplayers around. Another I'm really looking forward to are any OFF characters, or at least the handful of Zacharies i've seen posted

>> No.6812753

God fucking damnit. I liked dangan ronpa... i dont want its fanbase to be another MLP or hamsteak

>> No.6812761

I don't get why everyone is so adamant about under 18 leaving. I've been posting long before I turned 18 and nothing happened... it's like porn sites, man. it says 18+ but does anyone actually listen to that? and are they ever punished in any way?

>> No.6812775

The problem is them admitting to it.

>> No.6812805

same. why god why. quick, someone throw another new fandom into the homestuck pit

>> No.6812822

Do you know how stupid that sounds? Homestuck was just another "new fandom" once too. I hate Homestuck, Dangan Ronpa, Hetalia, etc. all the same, but I feel bad for the people who do like those things and are normal, because they get hated on so much for it. I do blame Hetalia though tbh, just because of how retarded the show is, of courae the fans will turn out retarded too. Even though I hate HS and DR, I can admit they are well put together and interesting storiea ans characters. The fandoms just turned me off from them. Same with OFF, actually.

>> No.6812831


When it comes to animeidol you're like cosplayers when they don't win contests who bitch and moan that there was cheating and all of a sudden the show was shit since you didn't win.

You love to talk shit. You have a history of it.

>> No.6812876

That was ONCE. And it was because of a misunderstanding which I apologized to the winner and the MEK group for.
>dangan ronpa
So is this supposed to be another Persona? That's what the description tells me.

>> No.6812897

I've seen it described on multiple occasions as a mix of Phoenix Wright and Battle Royal.

>> No.6812898


>> No.6813704


>> No.6814589


Please understand that there were people who were in those fandoms before the "migratory fan" base came in and turned it into shit. Hetalia as an anime is not that great, but some of us are fans of the actual comic, not the anime.

Not everyone who watches the Hetalia anime and happens to enjoy it is retarded.

All we're seeing is the migratory fanbase moving on, and DR is indeed the next target. They'll move on (probably quicker than normal). I'd say within a year or year and a half DR will be a distant memory to these people. But I also think they won't so singularly be targeting fandoms. I think we're seeing a real fracturing of their movements in totality to the point where they are causing this "con cancer" in multiple fandoms all at once. And I do really think they're starting to move on quicker. The fact that DR has been targeted before the anime even premiers is as sure a sign as any that they are becoming quicker and more adept at their bandwagoning skills. In some cases they may actually be driving the bandwagon instead of being an unwanted stow-away.

>> No.6814601


If y'all like DR, stick it out. I've been in fandoms where the migratory fan makes a big influx (and I did thankfully see the exodus, at least from Hetalia) so it's just one of these things where you can either wait it out and NOT let the idiotic tweens affect your love of the series, or you CAN let it affect you and you'll sit and stew in a pile of butthurt.

Been there, done that. The best advice I can offer as someone who has survived these fandom wars (and who has also let these stupid fans ruin my enjoyment of a fandom), just don't let yourself hate the series. Hate the fans, but not the series. Sure, it may get to a point where being a DR fan is unpopular amongst the majority of seagulls, but if you like the series, don't be ashamed of that.

It's unfortunate the fandom got targeted, but give it a year an there will be something else. I don't think we'll see TOO much at A-kon (second tier popular if best), it's A-fest where I think DR will have more of the "explosion" con cancer factor... if it does at all. I think we'll know once it gets closer to the anime.

>> No.6814924

>I watch and read about a show that's literally about incorrect stereotypes of historical countries being LOL XD SO RANDUM BRAZIL IS SO HANDSOME IN HIS SS UNIFORM LUK AT MUY FLAG GUIS XDD
This is what you sound like in my head.

>> No.6815818

If they did a show like this but with stereotypes of American cities, I'd watch the shit out of that. Detroit would be my favorite character.

>> No.6816162

The problem with that idea, besides how awful an idea it really is, is what city would they all live in if they are the cities?

>> No.6816200
File: 35 KB, 135x146, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I probably actually know you.
Did you place at AFest?

>> No.6816235

They'd live on the moon.

>> No.6816434


In 2010, I did. 3rd place. Other cons I placed at would be SJ and Ikkicon.

>> No.6816536


MEK doesn't run it at Ikkicon. Different host.

Wait, don't you run the one at Ikkicon?

>> No.6816544
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Ah, I placed 2nd last year so I suppose I've missed you.

>> No.6816556
File: 70 KB, 500x375, 27b2kmts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sage for a double post, but if anyone's in the mood for some low quality lulz or wants to see me acting foolish feel free to drop by the DeLaSalle room on friday at 6:00pm for my Kuroshitsuji panel. I've got a fairly full cast.

>> No.6816835

I don't know, maybe they'd all be in a prison or something....

>> No.6816911


And you sound like a generalizing prick who's never actually read the manga and likes to make fun of people who happen to like a show you dislike. Not all of us are idiotic fans who boil Hetalia down to pairings and one-dimensional views on a country. Though perhaps rare, some of us, shockingly, may actual enjoy the humorous geo-politics.

I fail to see how my comment essentially saying "don't paint us all with the same brush" and rejecting your label of "retarded" turns me into the type of mindless fangirl who's only in it for the hot boys (because I'll give you a clue, I don't even like boys). Being a Hetalia fan or cosplayer doesn't connote stupidity, though a fine example of stupidity may very well be your reductivist attitude when it comes to fandoms you don't like.

>> No.6817224

I've never ran Ikkicon's Ani-Idol. And I know it's a different group, I was just listing it since I won it 2 years ago.
Are you trying out again this year?

>> No.6817227

Way late to the party but when and where the hell is the meetup going to be?

I don't really think I'm gonna have any new cosplays, considering I am broke as fuck but thats fine.
I'm looking forward to just wandering around and making my own fun like I do every year and seeing you crazy people. Thats about it...

>> No.6817255

is it bad that I find it hilarious that the second you show up, slendy is nowhere to be found

o-or is his inability to ever find you just some running joke that I'm too dense to understand

>> No.6817489

>though perhaps rare
>Being a Hetalia fan or cosplayer doesn't connote stupidity

You sound like every other person of every other fandom that is just terrible. Your perverse level of pseudo intellectualism about a show or comic made for children is just mind mindbogglingly apparent. The amount of cognitive friction I'm getting from your pathetic attempt at painting me as the bad guy and attempting to prove your strange almost fetish-like comic isn't god awful is god awful. Please take your lesbian obsessions and false sense of historical and political superiority elsewhere. Faggot.

>> No.6817565

>mah nigga

look for the female batter with the add-ons. I'll probably be wandering around by myself or with one or two random people since the one other OFF fan I know has their own plans.

>> No.6817599

Haha oh man. We have the worst timing in the world I swear.

Its more the fact that I tend to forget about meetups and crap. Terrible memory and I can't keep track of time to save my life.

>> No.6817743

he's damn near impossible to get a hold of anyway

that and the meetups are never really planned; it's alwyas just "oh hey look we're all kind of in the same place at roughly the same time let's go do some random shit"

>> No.6817825


I'm not trying to argue the merits of Hetalia on whether it's good or bad, because I'm fully willing to admit it is not something that I would put in any list of "good" anime or manga. My statement that I enjoy the comic for the geo-politicss is not a statement about the value of Hetalia as judged by what people may consider "good." However, I don't feel that I only need to watch or like things that are "good."

If you don't like Hetalia, that's fine. But I don't get where you feel the need to attack it and demean its fans who, for various reasons, like this show. When I attack your arguments (like when you accuse me of being some rabid fujoshi who only cares about the countries so long as they're attractive) and prove them to be, in the case of my identity as a Hetalia fan, FALSE, you feel the need to AGAIN generalize and debase me as a person because God forbid, I like Hetalia and am not afraid to admit it.

Again, my issue is not with you disliking the series as you are entitled to that opinion just as I am entitled to my own. I just don't get where your vitriolic abhorrence of anyone who likes that series comes from beyond you having just this overly-generalized negative view based on some of the stupider fans who gave the series it's unfortunate infamy. It's clear you have a very surface-level understanding of Hetalia and its fans, but I'm not pressing you to actually interact with it if it's not your thing. There are certainly series/fandoms I dislike, but I don't go around attacking people because they happen to like something I personally do not like.

>> No.6817918
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If someone has an opinion, why not voice it? What I see in you is someone who knows they like something awful and will not admit to changing the way they go about things even though they know that it's bad, going so far as to counter attack my arguments when I point this out. Your argument divulges into what the core of a person is, you find it hurtful or some variation of the emotion when I attack you for your pathetic tastes and you wonder why I do this for enjoyment? to help someone move on? to project? The real answer doesn't truly matter. The part of this that is really a bothersome issue is the fact that you are priding yourself on a passive aggressive "if you don't have anything good to say dont say anything at all" mentality. If everyone were to have this pathetic beta mentality where no one would question others tastes, opinions, beliefs, or actions we would still be in the fucking dark ages. Beta faggot.

>> No.6818228

Any new word about a lolita meetup??

>> No.6818270

Of course of course. Advanced division, hopefully there are enough entrants for it to make.

>> No.6818282

And you wonder why people didn't want want to go to the a-kon meet up. You're a gigantic dick. But you do have a point about questioning beliefs and opinions.

>> No.6818291

>someone who knows they like something awful and will not admit to changing the way they go about things

I'm not even the anon you're talking to, but I like Hetalia. Some people might think it's awful, but I don't. It's not meant to be taken as a history lesson, it's meant to be comedy.

You don't like it, good for you, but it doesn't make you any 'smarter'.

>> No.6818326

I thought we were meeting up somewhere at 7:00 on Friday?

>> No.6818342

There's a big picnic on Sunday I think and the maid cafe is trying to do something but most of the Lolitas are a bit iffy about the maid cafe meet.

I don't think they want to be "entertained" by a bunch of bad singers and dancers.

>> No.6818355

I have not heard about a picnic! I'm leaving Sunday tho... Also the maid cafe bit sounds horrible.

>> No.6818388

Yeah the Lolita groups didn't arrange the maid cafe thing...the maids did.

Most are being polite about it but yeah... no one REALLY wants to go to it.

>> No.6818473

I love the misconception that being truthful is being a dick.

>> No.6818547


You're conflating opinions and facts. Your opinion is that Hetalia sucks. It is a judgement based decision you have made. Hetalia being "awful" and "pathetic" is not a fact you can prove, and is really a matter of taste.

Opinions =/= "being truthful."

>> No.6818560
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>Opinions =/= "being truthful."

My whole world has been

>> No.6818577

>replying serious to smoker

This is where you fucked up.

>> No.6818584
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They never learn.

>> No.6818835

I'm leaving Sunday also. And no offense to the maid cafe but...just no.

>> No.6818905


Looks like the Indoor Lolita Picnic will be Sunday starting at 3pm.

Kinda sucks for those coming from out of town as I figure most people leave around 1pm give or take.

And yes, the maid cafe is just awkward on so many levels. You'll probably see a lot of itas or people new to the fashion there, but from what I have come to understand the lolita crowd really doesn't want much to do with it.

They aren't interested in paying to see terrible dancing and even worse singing, not to mention the "fun" encounters with maids.

>> No.6819024

so what kind of cosplays are we expecting otherwise? tumblr stuff like sherlock, homestuck, etc? i'm curious how the cosplays in texas differ from the east or west coasts.

>> No.6819055


Well, A-kon is an anime convention with heavy programming and guests in the non-anime sector. So I think you'll see the general anime cosplays (new and noticeable ones this year may be Sword Art Online, Dangan Ronpa, and a few people may try out Free!/Swimming Anime) as well as the usual Hetalia and Black Butler. You will definitely still see MLP, Adventure Time, Dr. Who, Sherlock, Homestuck, Avengers, etc as far as the big name "tumblr fandoms." I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of Jack Frost cosplayers running around.

Then of course the usual steampunk and general sci-fi in addition to all the regular anime cosplay.

>> No.6819066

interesting. actually a lot of swimming anime wouldn't surprise me since it'll be hot out and the whole thing exploded after it was confirmed for a series... thanks!

>> No.6819071

>the heat
>not vidya

God it's just too easy sometimes.

>> No.6819140


You're welcome. I don't think we'll see it en masse, more like one or two groups like Sakuracon, or something. I've seen people asking around about the swim suits, so I know people in fandom at large are attempting this. And with the anime there may be school uniform versions (which are easier for females to do and halfway decently pass with). I just hope it's on the awesome side like the guys at Sakuracon instead of the shitty side like the terrible crossplay shoot that came out right after the cm.

Though I do think in the case of swimming anime, it's more of an attention based cosplay since it's so fresh. Nothing wrong with that, it just definitely seems like a "I'll get pictures taken" kinda deal when it's cosplayed so instantly after it previews. I would still welcome a decent male version at A-kon, though.

>> No.6819233

Might do OFF cosplay since my friend has asked me but I'm looking forward to getting drunk with friends.

I'll be on one of TeamFourStar's panels but I dunno if it'll be their 18+ one or their regular one. If 18+ then we'll all be drunk at that panel for sure!

So what's everyone looking for at this A-Kon? I just wanna meet with friends I don't see often and hopefully make a few.

>> No.6819513

And this is why I've had a slight grudge against A-Kon for catering to every single one of those fandoms. I cant wait till A-Kon goes back to being an actual anime con (which will be never). I know some people have no reason to be against it, but if I wanted to see 60 percent tumblr fandoms and 40 percent anime fandoms, I would go to comic-con or all-con.

>> No.6819546


True, but unfortunately I think that the trend in conventions and fandom at large is to move towards an integrated "fandom community" which no longer is bound by rigid definitions and individual labels. The youth who are attending conventions today do not feel to belong to any one particular community (e.g. anime or sci fi) but tend to hold membership, so to say, in multiple communities and actually cross-pollinate within them. The debates we as members of anime fandom continue to have about "is it okay to wear non-anime cosplay to an anime con?" are dancing around this issue we all FEEL in fandom, but unfortunately are unwilling to really address head on.

Which is essentially that anime cons as we know it are fundamentally changing and will probably never be the same as they were. Now no need to sound the alarm, I think we're still a few years off from total integration, but I think we're beginning to see the first real confrontations. Several conventions have outright said that non-anime cosplay (particularly Homestuck) will not be allowed in cosplay competitions, and are also denying that particular fandom panel time. We're staring to see the first real clash in terms of non-anime fandoms standing up and asking for paneling and essentially recognition of their fandom as legitimately BELONGING at that con. Up until now these fandoms have existed, but they are wanting a more official presence, and conventions and traditional anime fans are reacting very negatively.

And perhaps, rightly so. I'm sure a lot of us are of the opinion that we want anime cons to be about anime and such. However, I think we can look back just a few years to the anime boom and see where perhaps sci-fi and comic cons felt an encroachment of anime into their communities. Certainly we've had fans who are both otaku and sci-fi fans, but it's my understanding and experience that people kept things separate. You keep the comics at the comic con, and the anime at the anime con.

>> No.6819560



But this thought has never even OCCURRED to the newer fans populating conventions. Partly because of the "party mentality" that has always been present (the people just there for the rave, essentially) but more importantly, I think it's because of the shift in demographics and con culture.

Which is a self-fulfilling prophecy, really. People don't show or want to go because it's overrun by tween cosplaying "con cancer" fandoms, but then we sit and wonder WHY there are so many of them when sometimes we fail to show or actively support the traditional elements we wish would remain at cons.

But this does boil down to the fact that there is a fundamental change in anime conventions occurring, and I think it will still happen whether we like it or not. We are adverse to change, but change is, for better or worse, upon us. Again, I don't think this is going to happen even within a year or two, and there are various ways it COULD occur. I think either we may see new cons spring up that are more of "all cons" or general internet fandom, or anime cons (like sci fi and comic cons have opened to anime tracks) will open to other non-anime tracks. Either way, cons will become more generalized, but I'm up in the air as to whether new cons will blaze the trail or anime cons will actually change and adapt first.

>> No.6819572
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Expect to see at least five Zacharie cosplays from OFF. But they won't be canon creepy, they'll be tumblr-bishie-fied.

>> No.6819586

Who are you again?

>> No.6819616
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>> No.6819623


I hear what you're saying, though I would like to put my take on some things that you said.
>We're staring to see the first real clash in terms of non-anime fandoms standing up and asking for paneling and essentially recognition of their fandom as legitimately BELONGING at that con.
Why should they? It's an ANIME con, not a sci-fi con. If they wanted to have panels and have their fandom recognzied, like I said before, go to all-con or comic-con. There's a reason why anime cons were made, because when there was nothing but mostly sci-fi conventions in the US, anime was downed upon, which is why anime cons came about (just like you pointed out in the next paragraph, whoops). I don't see any reason why non-anime fandoms should be recognized at anime conventions besides them just being there to enjoy the con.
>But this thought has never even OCCURRED to the newer fans populating conventions. Partly because of the "party mentality" that has always been present (the people just there for the rave, essentially)
Oh GOD, I hate those fuckers. I've roomed with people who were there just for the rave. You obviously know that they're pleb tier when it comes to raves because I don't even live in Dallas or San Antonio and I can tell you there are way better raves going on than at an anime convention. And that's not even my point - if you're not there for anime, why are you there at all?

>> No.6819647

>People don't show or want to go because it's overrun by tween cosplaying "con cancer" fandoms, but then we sit and wonder WHY there are so many of them when sometimes we fail to show or actively support the traditional elements we wish would remain at cons.
I don't necessarily blame this on older or current anime congoers, but blame it on the term "trend" instead. When I went to A-Kon 3 years ago, Ouran and Black Butler were full power that year and I wondered why because I had watched the anime for both a few weeks later and then it dawned on me - it's because males and females are two completely different points of view when it comes to cons. Females are the cosplayers, Males are the fans. Whatever caters to females is what you're going to find at cons, and males won't do anything to effect it because as long as there are panels and merch for sale in the dealers room of their favorite anime (HOTD, Soul Eater, Haruhi, etc.), they won't do a damn thing about it. For me, this is why it's too much to ask for more variety in cosplay today, because unless the cosplayer draws interest to the anime, they won't cosplay it, no matter how much you like it or want it to be cosplayed.

Sorry, went off topic in the last paragraph.

>> No.6819680


I disagree about the gender divide you're inferring, though I do agree that a large sector of the cosplay demographic is female and that specifically, a large sector of the large "con cancer" fandoms are female. But this isn't a gender issue.

I full admit that my sentiments lie with anime cons staying about anime. That's what I want, but that is honestly what isn't going to happen long term. Right now, we're holding off the trend for the most part. A-kon itself has never really seemed to, in the last few years, attempt to maintain it's purity as an anime con. I completely understand where you're coming from, I honestly wish that anime cons would stay more anime/manga/Japanese pop culture and less "general internet." I don't believe we should be allowing these non-Japanese pop culture fandoms to have representation in panels and cosplay contests. Certainly they are welcome to attend, but cons saying "no" to their inclusion FORMALLY is, in my mind, the right thing to do.

But I think it's a mix in terms of what cons are doing. Some are outright saying no (a friend just told me Anime Boston denied Homestuck cosplayers entrance to their masquerade), but some are also allowing these panels. There is no general consensus in the anime con world, which isn't helping the traditionalist cause. I don't believe non-anime fandoms should get panels at an anime con, just as I don't think sci fi and comic cons should have to open their doors to anime panels. I'm one of these people who wouldn't even think of cosplaying anime at a sci fi con, just because I'd cosplay SCI-FI things at that type of con!

>> No.6819706



However, I don't think we will be able to withstand the change. Those of us resistant to change are not in the majority at cons. When you go to a con and see it's filled with people under 18 (the primary demographic in question here), well, if those are who are the majority and are buying passes, sooner or later it will start to make a difference in terms of panels and such. If indeed more of these non-anime fans continue to be more vocal and say they want active inclusion (instead of just attending), I can see more and more cons actually allowing these types of things. It's a pony panel here or there, the addition of "non-anime" as a cosplay category, etc but things are changing and already have changed in a very, very noticeable way.

>> No.6819707


Continued again.

The fact that we discuss these things really betrays our fear in all of this. We fear this change. We fear these fandoms, and I think that much is evident from some of the voices on this board. "Fear leads anger, anger leads to hate" essentially. We fear them and are angry they are taking our cons and usurping our culture for their own uses. But this is just a new generation of fans. I'm not an old fan of anime from before the boom, so I don't know, but I would hazard a guess that similar mass influxes of new fans jarred their perception of fandom and changed their traditions and rituals related to anime cons at the time. We've just been fortunate to have an anime con culture for over a decade, and we are a culture reticent to change (again, current events in the anime community are painfully obvious examples of anime fandom's inability to deal with change, just ask any KyoAni fan about Free! and you'll see what I mean).

I think we were to at all reasonably be able to combat the encroach of Tumblr-driven non-anime fandoms we would first have to direct our attention inward and at least put a cease-fire on all the infighting. In all of this we act as if our community as it is now is worth preserving, and given how anime fans will tear down one another over mere opinions, I think the kind of unity needed to say, "We want our cons to stay anime cons" isn't anywhere in sight. No need to have a big otaku group hug, but if we can't even agree to disagree, how are we ever going to take a stand against this new crop of fans?

>> No.6819738


Going back to your gender argument, when you divide the community into cosplayers/fans down the female/male divide, you seem to be saying females cannot be considered "fans" and also seem to say that women go to cons to cosplay, while men go for panels and merch. I'm not sure if you meant to simplify things that much, since when it's considered like that, it's a little too much of a generalization. I think people go to cons for a variety of reasons that aren't influenced by gender. Cosplay, panels, and merch are probably the top three reasons--in no particular order--people attend conventions (guests being included in "panels"). Girls certain cosplay different series, may attend different panels, or buy different merch, but I don't think "women cosplay, men go to panels" is an accurate description of anime cons. Men simply go to different panels than women, and I don't even think you can argue too specifically which types of panels. For example, one might presume at A-kon that girls are interested and attend voice actor panels because the Vic panel has a large female audience. While the fact that Vic's panels attract a large female audience is true, you cannot in turn infer that women, in general, like voice actor panels.

I guess what I'm saying is you're overly simplifying things. Yes, females are a huge con demographic, and probably are the slight majority, but in terms of what cons cater towards.. you have to look at WHAT type of panels, WHO the guests are, WHAT is being sold, and all of that is determined by con staff, merchants, and in turn, then by the consumer. What would be interesting and accurate to look at is who is on con staff and how that affects what is being programmed at a con.

People will show to a con seemingly regardless of who the guests are or what the panels are. I think A-kon is a prime example of a con no one seems to like or WANT to attend based on those factors, yet still garners enough attendees to make it a top 5 con.

>> No.6819745

>It's a pony panel here or there, the addition of "non-anime" as a cosplay category, etc but things are changing and already have changed in a very, very noticeable way.
Actually, Ponies are about to become MUCH more huge thanks to a certain japanese redub of MLP. Bronies are now going to have an excuse to cosplay MLP because it's now "anime related" which doesn't bother me because i'm a casual MLP fan but some of those costumes....oh boy...
>We've just been fortunate to have an anime con culture for over a decade,
I don't think this is the case anymore. San Japan, the best example I can ever give in conversations like this, has been 90% anime, 10% everything else since it's debut year and I love it every year. If SJ can do it, why not the longest lasting anime con in America?
>No need to have a big otaku group hug, but if we can't even agree to disagree, how are we ever going to take a stand against this new crop of fans?
We can agree to disagree. It's the autistic people who think their fandom is the best damn thing out there that need to be taken care of.

>> No.6819752
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No matter how much I hate ponies and homestuck, your want for segrigation betseen nipon and grorious internet pisses me off. I want to be able to cosplay vidya gaems. It's texas, I don't want to have to drive to multiple cons to get multiple fixes, thats the beauty of akon, it's the largest gathering in texas and it's not in houston. I want to see the jap kids and their pompadours as much as I want to talk and dress up like heuy lewis and the news or dota 2. Other cons in texas are more pureblood sure, but akon has been around for a long time and it's slow blight filled deterioration has created a perfect meld of elements for me to enjoy.

>> No.6819763

First year at acen, and hopefully debuting my first cosplay. I'm a little nervous to go since my friend peer pressured me to join in (he's part of Hardcore Synergy organizers). I'll be going all weekend and probably working at the Toyslogic booth.

I'm also nervous since my wig will be barely making it in time for the con, and I'll be dressed as aoi-tan from Akibaranger. I just don't want people to mistaken me as some bullshit closet schoolgirl.

>> No.6819765

>you seem to be saying females cannot be considered "fans"
Believe me, I tried to find a way better word but that's all I could come up with. I didn't mean to generalize males and females, I was just pointing out what I've seen in the past 3 years i've been to cons (which is about to hit 11 cons with A-Kon this year). Males mostly go to attend the dealers room, cosplay their small share of vidya and marvel characters and attend industry panels. Females take care of everything else, especially the cosplay. I won't say ALL women go to voice actor panels, but about 80% of them do, and it's VA's like Vic and Todd that drive them to their panels. Though again, this leads back to shows like FMA and Hetalia, where the majority of the fanbase is female (in America, at least).

Though the biggest thing I will ever complain about is the way a portion of females fan who enter a fanbase. UtaPri is the biggest example this year. I gave this a try, it's pretty good, and I want to discuss the story and the music with other fans. But what pops up on my facebook? "OH LOOK AT HOW HAWT THEY ARE, LOOK AT THE FANSERVICE GAIZ" and I just walk away. This is exactly what happened with Hetalia too. I got into the craze and hell, I wanted to even cosplay America (best character btw). What did I find? "LOOK AT THE YAOI BRO". I admit, there are still some sensible fans out there. IMO, It's just really hard to find them.

>> No.6819777

Unless those big metal things, yeah, you a school girl.

>> No.6819783


I never said anything about video games and despite me admitting I would like my anime cons more "pure" I don't actually realistically see that as the course of cons in the future. I can admit it's something I want, but that won't happen and I am okay with that. I am slow to change, but I do not fear it and it no longer makes me angry. This is largely in part because I have come to realize I do not hate MLP, Homestuck, or any other fandoms based on the source material. I merely dislike the idiotic parts of fandom that gave those series a bad name. But my dislike of these people doesn't extend so far as to berate them for their opinions and actions, I just don't hang out with those types of people.

I think A-kon is actually in the perfect spot to be one of these first few cons to really embrace the change because they haven't been strictly anime in years. Though I find your dislike of my so called "want for segrigation" (the typo was yours, not mine) interesting, to say the least, given how much you "hate" so called "con cancer" fandoms. And by hate I mean you cannot stomach the idea that some people like them. What I said pissed you off, but I had an opinion and I voiced it.

>> No.6819787

>responding seriously to smoker
Stop it.

>> No.6819792

Oh my god, you are a prime example of fandom sludge when it comes to shit like K-ON and Azumanga Daioh and your dumb obsessive behavior turns people off just the same as the UtaPri and Hetalia fandoms have done for you. Can you just shut up and let people enjoy something the way they fucking want to enjoy it? EVERY fandom (no matter how big or small) has a bacterial residue and to complain about that is like complaining about your pet taking a shit. Yeah it's gross and yeah you have to deal with it, but it's never going to not be there so complaining about it just makes you look like a pissy little bitch.
The potential to be a shitty fan is not gender-exclusive, god fucking damn dude.

Also never cosplay, unless you cosplay as a NEET from Eden of the East (but you'd have to lose a ton of weight first). Cosplaying as America from Hetalia would, again, put you in that sludge demographic that would make people wretch.

>> No.6819803


Well, MLP getting a Japanese dub doesn't make it "anime related." That would mean anything with a Japanese redub would be considered "anime related" and that's certainly not true. Not disputing that these people will THINK they have an excuse or more of a legitimate reason for inclusion, but their argument falls flat.

As for the "agree to disagree" issue, I wasn't implying individuals who think their fandom is best, more of that we turn on each other and attack people for what fandoms they like. Anime is far from mainstream and it's boom days are gone. Anime fans are stigmatized by the rest of fan culture to an extent, but this in fighting doesn't help our image.

It's like a horseshoe. On one side, you have the extreme fans who say "my fandom is best!" and on the other side, you have people who say you are "someone who knows they like something awful and will not admit to changing the way they go about things." Both sides really hate each other, but aren't as far apart as they'd like to think because they have an inability to deal with something outside the very narrow box they have molded for themselves. One side lives only with one fandom, and the other side lives WITHOUT that fandom. Their world is determined by these parameters and anything outside of that makes them freak out like an OCD person prevented from completing their compulsion.

Each side is equally polarizing, it's just that unfortunately, each side comprises the most vocal parts of our community.

>> No.6819814

We were having a good conversation, then you came along. But you know what, i'll bite.
>you are a prime example of fandom sludge when it comes to shit like K-ON and Azumanga Daioh and your dumb obsessive behavior turns people off just the same as the UtaPri and Hetalia fandoms have done for you
Well, unlike most trolls, you have your info right. Yeah, I used to be this way, but it's been forever since. Besides, i'm one of the only vocal fans of AzuDai left, it seems.
>Can you just shut up and let people enjoy something the way they fucking want to enjoy it?
>Yeah it's gross and yeah you have to deal with it, but it's never going to not be there so complaining about it just makes you look like a pissy little bitch.
That explains why /cgl/ is made up of pissy little bitches, isn't it?
>The potential to be a shitty fan is not gender-exclusive, god fucking damn dude.
Oh god. Let me just say this - fandoms at conventions are 5x more vocal than /a/ could ever be.
>Cosplaying as America from Hetalia would, again, put you in that sludge demographic that would make people wretch.
I said I wanted to. It's too late to get into that trend now.

>> No.6819818


Because we sensible fans don't act like chickens with our heads cut off when a sexy male character appears. It's all about hiding power levels.

But I still think you're generalizing (or maybe I'm just the anomaly amongst female con goers, but I don't believe I'm some rare species, I have met other females like myself). If anything, it's more of an age divide. I cosplay and attend conventions for the panels. I enjoy industry panels as well as voice actor panels. I certainly don't go for the dealer's room (why spend money to spend money? Unless it's rare and sold out online, I'll do my big shopping elsewhere). I go primarily for the community and communal experience conventions offer.

I'd do a bit more legitimate research before you start pulling out numbers like "80%" because at this point, we're both just speculating based on our experiences which, given your assumptions about gender and cons, will be fundamentally different.

>> No.6819841
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First off its a convention where you aren't supposed to hide your power level. Secondly, power level isn't determined by level of reaction to a cosplay. But youre a MATURE and WOMANLY so I guess you already knew that, going to so many panels and all.

>> No.6819848

>I certainly don't go for the dealer's room (why spend money to spend money? Unless it's rare and sold out online, I'll do my big shopping elsewhere)
You'd be surprised how many people at cons don't think of the analogy before making purchases. It helps out the small market anime shops, sure, but fans aren't made of money.
>I don't believe I'm some rare species, I have met other females like myself)
I said there are rational fans out there, it's just hard to find them. I'm still holding my breath that some are here on /cgl/ since I see some anime discussion threads on here from time to time, but to have them at cons? Forget it.
>I'd do a bit more legitimate research before you start pulling out numbers like "80%" because at this point, we're both just speculating based on our experiences
That's where i'm getting my numbers from, hue.

>> No.6819850


I have no idea what you look like, so I can't make a judgement about how good of an America you would be, but when you say "it's too late to get into that trend now" you are reinforcing the negative aspects of the fandoms like Hetalia that turned you off.

We're all complaining about this type of migratory fan who jumps from series to series and is reminiscent of the mindless, rabid yaoi fangirl but unfortunately you seem to have a similar mentality when it comes to the trendiness of a series.

If you love something, cosplay it. If you're doing it because it's trendy, you're in it for the wrong reasons. Not saying you SHOULD cosplay America, I'm making a comment on your mentality behind one of your reasons to NOT have done it.

>> No.6819885
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moshi moshi, america-desuuu~

>> No.6819887

Usually, if it's an anime I really like, I become a fan and stay a fan. Hetalia was sort of like a trial run so to speak so I never really considered myself a fan of the show (i've never read the comic either so there's that too). So honestly, i've never jumped from show to show unless we're talking seasonal anime discussions, in which case, yeah that's going to happen. I'm going to do my first legit cosplay at A-Kon and it's from a 2008 anime so goes to show i'm not a bandwagon fan.

>> No.6819898


Would probably make a better Cuba...

>> No.6819908

>We were having a good conversation, then you came along. But you know what, i'll bite.
You waving your dick around and talking about how women are ruining your fandoms is not the definition of a good conversation.
>Well, unlike most trolls, you have your info right. Yeah, I used to be this way, but it's been forever since. Besides, i'm one of the only vocal fans of AzuDai left, it seems.
You're still just as dumb and obsessive, you're just quieter about it now because you realize it's fucking dumb. How's the wedding planning going with Yui, anyway? Has she turned into a bridezilla yet?
>That explains why /cgl/ is made up of pissy little bitches, isn't it?
Yes! That definition was not exclusive to you, but you're definitely the frontrunner for Pissy Little Bitch mascot 2013.
>Oh god. Let me just say this - fandoms at conventions are 5x more vocal than /a/ could ever be.
Because you're in the same fucking room with these people?? It's amazing how much more you see of people's power levels when you leave your mother's house!
>I said I wanted to. It's too late to get into that trend now.
It's good that you admitting to being a trend-hopper. You know another phrase for that is MIGRATORY FAN...and weren't you just bitching about that shit like two seconds ago? Jfc, dude.

>> No.6819922
File: 10 KB, 275x206, 386239_2923277887636_1820266809_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and another thing about your "cosplay".

Are you seriously bitching about people cosplaying non-anime at A-Kon? I realize this photo is from Ikkicon and not A-Kon but you still wore this thing to at least one A-Kon, maybe two.

>> No.6819972

Aaaaand thread derailed again.

>> No.6819988

I'll give him some credit, at least Matt and Trey from SP have worked with japanese industry people before.

>> No.6819994

so degrees of separation suddenly make western things anime enough for an anime convention


>> No.6819999

I fucked a Japanese dude once, is my art anime now?

>> No.6820003

>dem quads

>> No.6820016

I wore it once to A-Kon 2012 but that was when I realized how bad the non-anime part of A-Kon has gotten. And don't worry V-chan, I still wear it to other cons.

>> No.6820019

have you even washed that nasty thing
or do you still pride yourself on not showering for entire cons

>> No.6820024

I wash it everytime I come back from a con. Don't kid yourself.

>> No.6820033

>implying you have never bragged about not showering for an entire con
Kid yourself, do not.

>> No.6820036

>implying i've ever done that
I bet you're the one who made up the shitting on towels too.

>> No.6820043

>implying you haven't
>implying there weren't about half a dozen witnesses to confirm that story


>> No.6820048

>still counting troll anons as witnesses

Why don't you pull up a facebook post about it then since you're so good at stalking my facebook?

>> No.6820051

I like how you brought it up first.

>> No.6820061
File: 2.13 MB, 1936x2592, IMG_1686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we anime now

>> No.6820084



>> No.6820105
File: 1.14 MB, 2000x3008, 1338781933286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

;-; why did beta have to move, he made such a hyuj impact on my life.

>> No.6820109
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>> No.6820113
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>> No.6820120
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>> No.6820128
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>> No.6820139
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>> No.6820152
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>> No.6820178
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wts happened while I was gone.

>> No.6820191

who are you?

>> No.6820195
File: 40 KB, 500x400, 7776543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you know...

>> No.6820206

nigger if I cant learn your real name, how do I remember your shitty ass trip thats used only for akon threads? Just remind me who you are.

>> No.6820227
File: 7 KB, 199x149, 24362346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use it in other threads too.
Name's Ashe.

>> No.6820234


>> No.6820238

It must be tough dealing with and getting grouped in with like 200 new, shitty trips a month, eh?

>> No.6820244
File: 81 KB, 467x351, nobody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. I'm a nobody.

>> No.6820249
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Sometimes. Only sometimes.

>> No.6820252
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>> No.6820256
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>> No.6820275

No, most of what you said is just ad hom and sweeping generalizations that obviously do not apply to the person you're replying to.

>lol guise i was just pretending to be retarded xD

>> No.6820372

It took you that long to respond with that level of dull? I'd rather watch jebus and slutcliff shit on towels together than give the same amount of effort you didn't put into that post.

>> No.6820390


Not related to any of the previous posters, but damn sir, are you this much of an attention seeker in person?

Somehow I'm just getting that vibe from you.

>> No.6820392
File: 28 KB, 640x480, 221775_189914274388344_188232864556485_505821_3141005_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work alone, betch.

>> No.6820525

Dick a lick

>> No.6820552
File: 2.09 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_1697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no feathers to strut, I do not know what you're talking about. I'm just trying to keep the A-kon thread alive and interesting without too much talk of fandoms or legitimate convention going pandering.
hyuj, I heard alpha would go dickless for Michael Chiklis

>> No.6820631

I'm not the same person you were talking to......

>> No.6821011

>I was only pretending to be him, gaiz

>> No.6821352

So to get back on topic...

Is anyone going to any of the panels? I was wondering which were hit or miss.

>> No.6821516
File: 109 KB, 378x502, yxhvekln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to my panel.

sage for shameless plugging.

>> No.6821874 [DELETED] 


Nice to know you preferred thought my posts weren't dull, at least compared to that anon. But I'm not >>6820275 My tone stays fairly consistent in this thread.


>I'm just trying to keep the A-kon thread alive and interesting without too much talk of fandoms or legitimate convention going pandering.

I think you can see why the thread got derailed.

>> No.6821880


I'm double and triple booked for what I want to see, but I'm most interested to see the industry panels, some of the Hetalia ones, "FMA Through the Eyes of Maes Hughes," and Anime Jeopardy. Plus the cosplay stuff for the contest and such.


I am intrigued by your panel. Is it one of these skit-based cosplay ones, or does it discuss Black Butler in more of a fan theory type of way? Nothing wrong with whichever, I'm just interested.

I like your image, and forgive me, I'm just being too much of a font nerd, but I thought you might find this interesting or helpful: the Black Butler fonts are Plain Black (for the English DVD release) and then Toge (for the Japanese manga and releases). I've also used Fancy Text since I like it better than Toge.

>> No.6821903

I wanted to go to the good smile company panel, but its at fucking 11am on friday.

other than that I might duck in and out of various cosplay panels, mostly because I don't recognize any of the names running them and I'm curious who these people are.

>> No.6821912

I'm definitely hitting up the Good Smile panel, and some cosplay ones, too.

>> No.6822212

I was thinking of doing the Ani-Idol contest, but I'm still on the fence.

How is it run? Is it fair? Anyone else doing it?

>> No.6822267

Has anyone seen the cosplay panel descriptions yet?

>Discrimination in Display
>displaying is for everyone that wants to do it, so why should you have to take crap from those who have an unrealistic view of cosplaying? This panel will teach you how to combat said elitists and rise above those who have no sense of the real meaning of cosplay

aka: tumblr cosplay

>> No.6822273

god dammit...cosplay

>> No.6822380


Well, it could be the tumblr mentality of not making fun of people who are fat, ugly, etc, but it could also be trying to combat the attention whore side of things. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and hope that they're meaning "cosplay should be fun" instead of people who do it for attention or take it so seriously they look down on others who do it just for fun.

>> No.6822406

>the do it for fun crowd
>on tumblr

Maybe you aren't familiar with this type of cosplayer. They are the ones that get angry when someone says they like entering contests "because cosplay is just for fun" and you shouldn't like competing. These are the people that get angry if you choose to make a costume because you like the design but not necessarily the character "because cosplay is just for fun" and how could you have fun dressed as someone you don't love? They will also bite your head off if you do not support "body positivity," "trans" people in the wrong bathroom, gay kids making out because equality, and OMG feminism.

>> No.6822438

Oh boy, it's gonna take me a while to read this and the last thread. Ah, I'm too lazy to.

Still gonna try to make it out there, if not for Saturday, then definitely just Friday to go to the meet. I miss all of my lovelies. <3

>> No.6822444

4 people per room in my volunteer rooms
I wonder how this will go !

>> No.6822560


Well, I was hoping it's more of an anti-snobbish competitive and attention whores, but I guess it's more SJW cosplayers. I am familiar with them, I was just hoping it was more of a grassroots community movement to drive out fake cosplayers who just want to get into modeling or acting and aren't doing it for love of the series/character/craft/artform. I'm all for some equality, but tumblr reblogs and saying you're support trans bathroom rights really doesn't actually do much social justice. This is why I hate tumblr. They're passive activists, but have enough energy to get riled up when someone doesn't support their unique (and probably fake) gender identity and/or orientation, almost like it's cool.

>> No.6822562

The thread is people bitching about the con, about me, and about everything.

Then I post pictures of beta.

Thats about it.

>> No.6822565


I mean, these are the people who gave us "alphabet soup." I'll never get this tumblr mentality that everyone needs to carve out their own label for everything. Not that these types of cosplayers or queer individuals are always migratory fans, but I think it's similar in a way that they are given (or come into) a community with rich source material (like the LGBT community already having labels and categories and sub-communities for people to be a part of, just like you come into say, a fandom with a lot of characters and a big universe) and feel the need to change it around. They have a million possibilities already, but they feel the need to create more (alphabet soup labeling, gender bent, AU characters, etc).

It's like, was it not good enough before? I'll never understand this micro labeling and need to not fit into a larger, overarching definition or universe. Doesn't mean you're pinned in a box, it just means the box is big enough for a lot of people to live and interact comfortably.

Polite sage for off-topic.

>> No.6822586

People like being different but still relate to a demographic.

>> No.6822605

From experience, its run really well. I do wish sometimes that they allowed the audition round to be infront of a crowd but I understand why its only infront of the judges.

>> No.6822712

I don't get it either, especially since they contradict themselves. They claim to hate labels and that labels are bad but then their profile reads :

I'm Matrix Marie Cutsherself
I'm a genderqueer trans man androgen body positive feminist asexual neronormative vegan. I love supernatural, homestuck, yaoi and iron man. Biggots are unwelcome. My triggers are triggers and spiders, please tag accordingly.

>> No.6823422

Angsty bump

>> No.6823456

So when and where are we meeting up?

>> No.6823474


Also, are they going to enforce badge checks heavily this year? I've been able to walk in and around the general con area badgeless without any trouble, but they might be changing that this year.
sorry if it's already been asked

>> No.6823510

It's honestly just going to be one of those silly in-character Q&As. But there will possibly be some discussion time towards the end depending on the type of crowd.

>> No.6823524


I'll see. Do y'all run a good show or is it lame? I've been to some really terrible character Q & A panels over the years (usually when it's scripted and people can't deliver jokes). Still piques my interest, though.


There are two meets planned. The original meet organized by the trip fags, and then there is a second seagull meet being organized by those who didn't want to partake of the events going on at the tripfag meet.

>> No.6823580
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And then you don't disclose any details. I like the cut of your jib m8.

Anyway, traditional akon meet up is going to be Friday near the eatery that is next to the escalators at around 8-9pm. I'm not sure of my, or plenty of other atendes, plans. So with that in mind we plan late. Friday is always the least busy day, and that night is normally not planned for. As far as the time is concerned I have a final that day and may be leaving late in the afternoon, and as the person that always seems to take initiative for a meet I set the time and plan accordingly. The location, because of the new hotel, is somewhat of a mystery. Due to the under the escalator tradition, the meet up will be at the closest reinactment of previous meets simply because it would not feel right at any other location. The OP should have both included this and have been myself, so when this thread autosages I expect the anon to be kind enough to include this information along side any other implied list of conversational topics, as may original posts do.

As for the anon meet up I can not speak for those partaking, last I recall they are planning on meeting through Facebook or forums, alongside posting here. Any further information would be wonderful for those taking part.

>> No.6823804
File: 98 KB, 822x546, DBZ PP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the artist's alley and dealer's hall like? Biggest I've been to would probably be AnimeFest, but I have heard legends of AKon's vendors...

>> No.6824027

That would be so stupid if they did because you could easily just say, "I'm taking a look around the hotel".

>> No.6824028
File: 26 KB, 440x247, Grell1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I held auditions, and while I had to default cast a few people due to lack of auditions I can definitely vouch for our Ciel, Sebastian, Ronald, William, Alois, and with some bias, myself as Grell.

It's mostly improv, answering questions. I find scripted Q&As to be forced humour. We had a smaller panel at San Japan this past year (around six cast members) and it was fairly successful, room was completely full.

I mean, you always get those over excited fangirls that ask shippy questions or ask for hugs, but overall the questions were somewhat relevant. (I think my favourite was when someone asked me about the Death Notes and I somehow managed to tie in the two different universes in my explanation.)

>> No.6824038

Well that's all fine and good if they run into you once, but you can't really feed them that excuse a second or a third time.

>> No.6824147
File: 275 KB, 600x388, Seagull meet small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for posting about the original/tripfag meet. As I had no info on that I did not post.

The secondary/anon meet is up on the Facebook forums. For those who won't look there, it's set for Friday at 9:30pm, location TBA. I don't know the Anatole very well, so any anons who are planning on attending that meet are welcome to suggest locations. Anyone is welcome to attend this second meet, but it was planned by myself and other anons who were not interested in what was happening/the atmosphere of the original one. So if the tripfag meet is your style, that's perfectly fine. If our meet looks like something you'd like to attend, we would love to have you. Anons are welcome to attend both meets, if they like, since it looks like our times don't conflict.

I'm not sure if the anon I talked with in the last thread is still lurking around, but I know I was initially hesitant to plan it, but once the schedule went up I figured I might as well put out a time so people can plan accordingly.

Anyway, Friday at 9:30pm, location TBA (please send suggestions, either on here or on the forum post), and I'll be there with this sign. I hope both meets can have a good turn out.

>> No.6824148

I'm going to assume they won't be checking around the artist alley and open spaces because they've never bothered. The only way a con can really shut out people is if they've booked all the meeting space in that one area and there are no rooms or anything a general hotel guest would need to access. If you just want to show up and wander around without trying to get into panels or the dealers room I would think you'll be ok. Of course since this is a new venue no one really knows what they plan to do.

Definitely the largest AA and Dealers room you will see in the state. While the dealers room is big though, it's kind of lack luster. A lot of fantasy and steampunk shit (like dragon statues and googles) and several t-shirt vendors. They have gotten better more recently though, I know the past two years they've had an artbook guy and several figure guys.

I don't know how artist alley will look since they did the "juried" system. It sounds like it was totally bullshit from the artist I've talked to.

>> No.6824155


Thanks for the info. I don't mean to question whether it will be good or not and come across as rude, I'd just sat through some really bad character panels.

Your Death Note theory sounds interesting, and I'd like to go and at least hear/discuss some of the current theories in Black Butler fandom. It's the only manga I really follow month-to-month and am into all the fan theories. Though as of late the series has been one blah arch after another. They're fun for the first few chapters, but then the novelty of the murder mystery/Sherlock Holmes, the Titanic, or the school wears off.

Again, thanks for the info, it definitely looks interesting!

>> No.6824168

I really want to rip you a new one for your miss use of script fonts, and how the idea of two meets happening at the same time and is extraordinarily dumb, mr Che. Maybe your meet up should meet near the escalators! I hear that spot is great.
But I guess that would propel the theory of non acceptance/strange asshole aura bullshit.

>> No.6824175

Oh, no not at all, I'd be asking the same questions too. It's also one of the few mangas I read monthly.

>> No.6824219


Post your design work, then I'll consider your opinion.

>traditional akon meet up is going to be Friday near the eatery that is next to the escalators at around 8-9pm

The second meet is at 9:30. If y'all meet at 8:00, I don't see how our meets are at the same time. If y'all meet at 9:00, well, that's slightly converging, but still not the same time. We will not be meeting near the escalators. As I stated before, this is a meet organized by myself and other anons because we were no longer interested in the original meet up for various reasons. It is simply listed as an alternative for anons who were turned off by the behavior in the last thread and this one, of those planning the original meet. And that's not to say all tripfags partook of the previous shenanigans in the last thread.

You've got your meet, we have ours.

>> No.6824241

Gosh, I'm not so sure about the time anymore. Later may be better for my schedule. And you know what escalators are dumb we can find another place. So for now TBA.

>> No.6824291
File: 478 KB, 450x256, window dog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I really don't even understand why there are two meets. Aren't we all just seagulls here?!?!!?!?

>> No.6824301


There is a second meet because several anons were left with a bad impression of the individuals hosting the first meet and no longer wanted to attend that one, but still wanted a seagull meet. At one point, the sentiment was that the first meet was the tripfag meet, and that actual anons wanted their own meet (because of the way things went in the last thread). I know for myself--and I speak only for myself on this--I lost interest in the original meet because I got the strong impression that not everyone was welcome. And I'm not looking for a tumblr hug fest, but I at least did not expect nor did I want to go to a meet up where I'm not welcome.

I think initially it was just anons saying they didn't want to go to the meet, then I can't remember if another anon suggested a separate meet or it was presumed there would be a second meet by some of the trips. By the end of the last thread, myself and another anon had decided that one of us would plan the second meet. I took the initiative and went ahead and planned it just so people could work around it or we can make changes as needed.

From my perspective, everyone is welcome to attend both meets if they so choose. For me, I wasn't interested in the original meet anymore, and there were other voices who echoed my thoughts, so we are meeting up separately.

>> No.6824316

I've been in all the threads, I just saw dicks that knew each other being dicks. Fair answer though! I just thought it'd be cool to have one huge meetup. I'll prolly just hit you anons up esp if it really will be trips only in the other one womp. You seem cooler than smoker anyway

>> No.6824329


Thank you, I definitely hope to see you at the meet, whoever you are! I posted the meet on the Facebook forum and I'm always in the A-kon threads here, so expect updates both here and there once we set a location. Rest assured, the second meet isn't a Tumblrfest, it's still seagulls. And any trips who are similarly turned off by the original meet are still welcome at the second one. Its original intent was to be for anons, but it's open to anyone. Who knows what we'll do, but hopefully the fandom/anime community discussions are as lively in person as they are on the thread!

And I'm not opposed to one big meet up, if we wanted to attempt to reconcile and join the forces once more since I think the issues with the first meet boiled down to just a few vocal individuals. I'm open to the idea, but admittedly skeptical. First impressions are hard to erase and I haven't been given any convincing evidence that the behavior in the previous thread was all just "jokes" in the first place. And I could be wrong, I have yet to meet anyone in person, and my current biases are just based on what I've seen online.

>> No.6824824

Probably won't make it to the Friday meet if it's around 9 or 10 since I'll be pre-gaming for an 18+ panel.

Though I'll be able to make the Saturday meet.

>> No.6825439
File: 61 KB, 720x540, 1235621041154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the tradition of Akon meets being 30-50 people, not including those that lurk without wanting to be seen, I'm going to just let you handle the meet up. The only reason I ever plan it is because no one else ever takes the initiative. The only benefit from me leading a meet up or doing any of the planning is that I get to move it around my schedule. I never enjoy managing 50 people at once or being responsible for their enjoyment of the event only to hear about complaints later that they didn't do anything and that "everyone" stood around awkwardly. I dislike when anons post that they refuse to attend the meet ups or stand by themselves without talking to others. With many of the previous years oldfriends not attending and this influx of vocal newfriends berating those of the past I simply want to pass on the torch, newblood. Have fun meeting the wide cast that is /cgl/ at akon. It'll be a lot of "fun." It is not my problem anymore. The entire idea of having two feuding meets is mind boggling to me and goes against every other convention meet Ive seen or been part of. I know it may seem not like a big issue, but your passive aggressive posts of lofty carelessness are getting to a point of concern to which I have no time or effort to deal with. I'll drop by, but at this point akon is so unplanned for me that I am very glad this isnt my problem anymore.

>> No.6825444


Also, all of us that you think are in cahoots have each others phone numbers or contact information, If we really wanted a trip meet up we could do it in secret and go pregame in one of their rooms and have a little faggot party all to our own, but that is not the point. The possibilities of that would be endless, the point of a meet up, though I thought was implied but I seem to have been wrong or unable to get the point across, is to meet other new people. The options and fluidity of communication are vast and capable in my hand. I have come to realize what is not defeat, but relief. Good luck anon, and may the blight be with you new friend. It just gets worse, in a better way, every year.

>> No.6825748

Hey I was the other dude thinking about the seperate a-kon meet up but...shit. The idea of having 2 separate meet ups its kind of retarded and I guess ill just go to the original meet up and see how things go. If everyone hates me then I'll leave and come to yours, if you're still doing it. This shit is getting so stretched out and I'm just like...shit.. it's a fucking con, man. I'm probably gonna roll with my other friends or meet people on my own (preferably asian girls that I can find similar interests with, teehee). But I'll stop by the original meet if I can make it in time....sorry to fug up the original separate meet up, since I was the one wishing for one in the previous threads, but I probably won't go to that.

>> No.6825792

>I'm probably gonna roll with my other friends or meet people on my own (preferably asian girls that I can find similar interests with, teehee).
Mind if I be your wingman?

>> No.6825991
File: 48 KB, 530x439, san audrey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I haven't heard much about the AKon meet, I wonder what's been decided?
>I'll just check the thread...

Fuck everything. I was going to bring brownies or something to the original meet, but you guys...I swear...was it that big of a deal that some thought they needed a separate trip free meeting?

>> No.6826076


Well, given that smoker is no longer planning the original meet, we are back down to one meet, unless another anon/tripfag with the other meet still wants the original one.

As it stands, I think we're just down to the one meet, which I think is totally possible and acceptable.

If it is the opinion of the anons and voices on this thread to have one meet, let's go with one meet. It should be big enough to incorporate a lot of diverse groups of people. I am still okay planning the meet/letting the second meet become THE meet-up. We can meet by the elevators if that's okay, but the Friday at 9:30 time still stands.

Again, I'm perfectly okay with having one big meet. I admit that having two meets creates unnecessary division when we really should all come together to be awkward seagulls. However, I will stress that if you are going to attend the meet and intend to be an asshole to people just because they happen to like MLP, Homestuck, Hetalia, etc, this isn't the place for you. It's going to be awkward, we may indeed all stand around not doing much. But put aside your biases for an hour and we'll do whatever it is we do at these meets.

Also, if you'd like to help out, I'd appreciate the help anon. So unless people tell me otherwise that we do want two meets, we are down to one official meet.

>> No.6826106


I never intended the meet to be a feud, but simply an alternative that was fabricated based on what myself and other anons on the board wanted at the time. As it stands, I was and still am okay with the idea of one meet if we can put aside our differences for an hour and not shit on people's interests. And if you want to attend the meet, by all means, show, as it IS a seagull meet and if we're going to have one big meet, then all seagulls are welcome (anons, tripfags, lurkers).

As for the rest of your comment, well, that's your prerogative if you no longer want to deal with my posts. I completely agree that the point of a meet up should be to meet new people. If indeed that was your point, it did fail to come across, but that's a non-issue at this point.

I am willing to plan this year's meet, and still welcome the voices and people who have attended meets in the past. I'm not at all attempting to control things. I'm simply going to be there at 9:30 with the sign and we'll proceed from there. This is really a meet organized and "run" by us all.

>> No.6826115

This is what I was saying!! Having two seems cray cray. I guess I'll go to whatever one still stands by the time the con rolls around. Damn I just wanted to meet some new people, anon or not

>> No.6826149

I like how the ONLY fucking person in this thread who makes sense is Smoker.
Honestly, Is everyone who is going to A-Kon an autist?

Fucking step up /cgl/

>tfw im going to win Ani Idol

>> No.6826151

I'm going to smoker's meet whether anyone actually shows up or not. Who gives a damn if he's a tripifag, he was actually putting forth the effort to organize something for us and got as far as deciding a day, time, and place that actually had some thought put into it. That's more than you can say for anyone else, and the best part is the fact that the original meetup wasn't made with the intention of excluding people. Seriously, you were trying to plan a meetup for internet strangers and you're trying to avoid people you find unsavory? Good fucking luck, you can't cherry-pick people when you're planning a meetup in such a public forum. And besides, not all tripfags are shitheads and not all anons are nice, normal, down-to-earth people you'd wanna chat with. Not to mention, if you get to the meetup and you notice somebody you really want to avoid it's not going to be fucking difficult, how many flailing weeaboos have you ignored in all of your con-going days? Jesus Christ, guys.

>> No.6826171

What even is going on in this thread. Who the hell got so upset by smoker/trips that they wanted a separate meet? Seagulls... you never fail to surprise me.

I'll show up to whatever meet whenever I can I suppose.

>> No.6826244

To recap, it's one meet. Since we've merged back into one meet, if someone would like to suggest a time, date, and location, please do so. All the original information was for the second meet and I felt it should just be discarded and we'll start from scratch.

>> No.6826248

This thread is currently in auto sage.

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