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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 225 KB, 496x640, YAYA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6820052 No.6820052[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I hear Yaya Han is going to be at acen and a few people are kinda peeved by this. In general I just hear shitty things about her. Whats the story?

>> No.6820067

People are mad that despite her mediocre looks she's quite famous because of her big boobs. So jealousy really.

>> No.6820074

...she goes every year and she's not a guest. Who gives a flying shit?

>> No.6820078
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What about the detailed cosplays? I consider Nigri famous for her boobs, considering her cosplays are so simple..

>> No.6820075

I guess I could see that. Im pretty indifferent to her no one has given me a legitimate reason to dislike her. I just know i hear a few con goers going " I'll pass that table"

>> No.6820079

it just feels like people are PISSED that shes going to be there

>> No.6820082

IMO nigri has a pretty cliche look, blue eyes blonde hair.

>> No.6820090

Yaya was the one who got me into cosplay. I saw her Hinoto costume in person the first year she debuted it (yeah I know, she didn't make it turns out) and I was blown away.

However, I will say that the constant 'don't look at my boobs' posts she makes, then when she goes on to make the april fools 'yayas boobs page' is a bit irritating. She makes costumes around her boobs and then tells people to not look at them? Will never understand that.

>> No.6820107

Mentioned this before, but will do again:

I don't like yaya because she says "I'M NOT A TOY I AM HUMAN" yet she emphasizes her tits and her fanbase is majority men who drool at said titties.

My friend also went up to her one year and asked where she bought craft foam in bulk, for coplay reasons and Yaya retaliated with "Can't tell you, you're trying to steal my wing designs, it's copyrighted go away lol"

I think those wings are hideous and overpriced, and who in their right mind copyrights generic bullshit like wings and cat ears.

>> No.6820110

I have heard she can be pretty rude to people, though every encounter I have had with her she seemed pretty nice... Her cosplays do blow me away too, it inspires me to not be so lazy.

>> No.6820124

Well... she won a lawsuit over her copyrighted cat ears, so that probably tells you why people copyright shit like that. Because yes, generic stupid designs do get stolen and if you have nothing to say it's yours, then you're shit out of luck.

Granted, if she actually said that to your friend that's fucking unprofessional and just rude.

>> No.6820131
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I heard she "copyrighted" the plastic cat ears one year, and went around to every booth that was selling them and told them to stop selling the ears or to shut down the booth. I just heard this from fellow con-goers though..

>> No.6820134

She didn't copyright cat ears in general. She copyrighted her own design of cat ears. The person she took to court about it had bought one of hers and was recasting it and selling it.

>> No.6820135

I don't think anyone thinks she copyrighted 'cat ears' just her personal design.

>> No.6820137

Ah alright, thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.6820162
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The times I've been around her, not counting her table, she seemed nice. She made her husband or bf (no clue what relation the guy was to her) buy us a drink at AWA.

People who say, oh she is so nice, are usually people who visited her table. When you are a possible customer, of course she is going to be nice. Why would you buy something from someone being a bitch or rude.

She is very contradicting sometimes of what she says. I mean, lets face it, if it wasn't for her boobs, at least 50% of her print/calender sales would disappear.

Also, picture of Yaya without make up that she posted.

>> No.6820169

>She is very contradicting sometimes of what she says. I mean, lets face it, if it wasn't for her boobs, at least 50% of her print/calender sales would disappear.

When did every cosplayer start selling prints?

And yeah its ONLY horny men who buy them.

>> No.6820176

Dat chun li make up...

>> No.6820177

Bwahaha. She won a lawsuit over designs she stole from Coscom? Fantastic.

>> No.6820180

She looks cute without make up. I wish she'd do more a fresh face look than piling on the eyeshadow and liner. i love natural girls (makeupless) faces best

>> No.6820190

I agree, she looks great without the caked on makeup.

>> No.6820193

i dont know, but Yaya and Pikmin Link cash in on those sells. I dont even get it

>> No.6820217

People are pissed about that..?

Why not be pissed at EVERYTHING ELSE that's wrong with ACen. Lines. Registration. Bullshit Rave kiddy take over. Pulled Fire alarms. Ambulances cycling the hotel. Everything being behind schedule. The whole con generally being run like it's a con in its first year.

But, no.. Yaya showing up? That's certainly a thing to focus your rage on.. You fuckwits.

>> No.6820243

Well they settled out of court I believe.

>> No.6820260

Cuz niggas don't know how to ignore things they don't like. This day and age, it is much, much easier to complain and moan about something or someone you don't like than to just ignore it or the person.

I'm not a big fan of Yaya and I don't really like her. You know what I'm gonna do about it? Ignore her and don't bring it her up because bitching about her won't stop her from coming to ACEN.

>> No.6820369

Don't forget losers breaking the elevators every single year. :/

>> No.6820435

She looks decent even without makeup.

>> No.6820477

i really dont find the appeal of giant plastic tits, is something wrong with me?

>> No.6820492

She should have gotten a nose job instead of a boob job

>> No.6820513

Her confusing stance on how her costumes aren't just about titty characters.
she's talented and pretty, that's awesome. I don't hate her personally, I just find some of the things she does annoying.

>> No.6820568

This. She has a lot of skill, but I'm not a huge fan of some of creative choices. Mostly makeup. She uses the same raccoon eyed whore routine for everyone including characters like Danerys or Hinoto

>> No.6820579

Not at all. you're pretty normal. the only guys and (lesbians) who like fake boobs are the ones brainwashed by media. those shits aint cute and they dont feel good either.

>> No.6820593
File: 14 KB, 240x320, 2000akon4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it wrong that I preferred the original no-giant-plastic-tits Yaya? She was way cuter back in 2000.

>> No.6820598

We're suppose to be programmed in the whole 'Big tits equal lots of milk production, blah blah blah...." but when it's obviously fake, they lose their appeal. Nothing wrong with wanting to have big tits, or even obviously fake looking tits, just don't expect everybody to like them.

That gets me too. She obviously enjoys flaunting her tits, and then gets annoyed when it's the most obvious thing people notice? It'd be one thing if she didn't flaunt them, and people still paid more attention to them, but when she's got them out on display, obviously using them as part of how she's making money, and then takes offense when it's the primary things people notice? I mean, if you got it, flaunt it. But don't get mad about it.

>> No.6820601
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Still no giant tits, 2001.

>> No.6820605
File: 11 KB, 300x400, 2001akon9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also 2001, with pretty natural makeup. She used to be adorable.

>> No.6820616

but it wasn't paying the bills.

>> No.6820624

don't forget IRT being pieces of shit and not helping anything

i've seen con security give people more shit over a broom as a prop than assholes harassing people in the dealer's room

>> No.6820647

aw das cute

>> No.6820696
File: 11 KB, 279x181, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I like:
Nice costumes most of the time
Made a business out of a hobby (they say make money off of doing what you like and you will never work a day in your life)

What I don't like:
Married random dude for green card. Left dude right after. Treated him like a handbag every time I saw them.
Tits. She didn't need them. Should have at least gone for something natural that did something for the rest of her figure.
Tits. Do not get a huge honking rack by choice, show it off, and then complain people treat you like a piece of meat. YOU are treating YOURSELF like a piece of meat.
High and Mighty: You make costumes, yay. But don't let the little fame you have go to your head. A small subset of a subset of people know who you are.

Not her fault:
Cons that invite her as a guest. This goes for ANY cosplay guest...no. Just no, I can see good cosplayers in the hall. I am not paying to come to your con to see omagawd cosplayer. It's cheap and lame. You can have workshops where you learn something from people, but inviting costumers because of efame will never not be a lame cop out for a real guest.

>> No.6820743
File: 26 KB, 300x400, 2001akon11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She was already being asked to do panels and judge cosplay contests in 2002, so she'd already gotten some fame. And she was already selling her art and cosplay accessories in the artist's alley back then too. So, maybe just not paying the bills as much as xboxhueg plastic titties can.

(I know there's a rumor she was a stripper when she lived in Las Vegas for a while, and that's why she got the giant boobs. Not sure if it's true or not. Supposedly Tristen Citrine also has worked as a stripper as well. Kinda sad.)

Have another titless Yaya...

>> No.6820791

IIRC boyfriend. She wouldn't leave her first husband for awhile because of her green card

>> No.6820842

>Married random dude for green card. Left dude right after.
Thats.. not even possible. They keep up with you and youre only allowed to keep your greencard if you have a legit reason for divorce like abuse. Saying you just dont want to be married anymore revokes your greencard.

>> No.6820843

Whole-heartedly agreed. She was just better as a person/more interesting before the attention went to her head.

>> No.6820868

I'd disagree with "making a business out a hobby" as being a good or admirable thing. It's a big part of why she's so petty and self-obsessed now. Anybody getting receipts of her bad behaviour and she freaks the fuck out because she knows it'll effect revenue. She's also really not professional enough to even be that good of a businessman - very inconsistent about communicating with people who buy things from her. It's lost her a considerable amount of international sales.

She can't pretend to be 25 forever no matter how much surgery, makeup and photoshop she relies on, and sooner or later she's going to have to make money in a way that doesn't involve pandering for attention. At this point I think she's just scared because she knows she won't be relevant forever and hasn't thought far enough head to really plan how she's going to work and make money when she's older.

>> No.6820909

I'm just mad because she hasn't cosplayed Rita Repulsa yet

>> No.6820950


She made those to sell through Coscom way back in the day.

>> No.6820958


Well Danerys is a whore so...

>> No.6820980
File: 31 KB, 300x400, 2001akon14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I now want to see this happen.

Posting more tiny-boobed Yaya for my own amusement.

>> No.6821006

oh shit.

I didn't even know I wanted this until now.

>> No.6821045

Can't day I hate her. Her costume work is pretty outstanding. Not sure if she makes them all or not but they look nice. Her face is lacking though. Wrinkles in person and bags under her eyes show her age. And in the header picture her nose is wonky. Oh, her make up is usually pretty nice. Her Jessica Rabbit make up was atrocious.

>> No.6821046

Wow... like. What?

She looks alright without makeup actually. I wonder what she would look like if she toned back and just went in between "Make up bazooka" and "Au Naturale"

>> No.6821054
File: 100 KB, 508x515, strippermiyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend of hers told me that she got the tits mostly for herself. She never liked having small boobs and decided to go all-out. Stripping was never part of it. Tristen Citrine, on the other hand, was a stripper. So was Miyu.

>> No.6821083

I like how she recently tripfagged under the name Lauren and denied that she was ever a stripper and was in fact just gogo dancer.

>> No.6821092
File: 6 KB, 251x251, 5a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> massive out of proportion porno tits
> did it for herself

whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.6821169

i would get massive porno titties for me, they would be so fun to play with and i can 100% guarantee my already high confidence would skyrocket.

>> No.6821272

>fun to play with

Fake tits are not fun to play with, they are super firm/solid. They aren't very squishy, which is like, one of the best things about boobies.

>> No.6821284

I'm of the opinion that she'd look better with a -little- more boob, but I think she went way overboard.

>> No.6821295

I personally have no issues with her beyond "here's my tits! Oh but don't look at them" and her consistence in unprofessional transactions (like over charging for shipping). I've met her a handful of times, and talked with her for a while out of costume on Sunday of Katsucon this year. A photographer buddy in our room introduced us to her. She was super sweet and seemed pretty excited to meet new people. She seemed to vaguely remember meeting me once before in like '08 or something but she meets literally thousands of people, so I'm pretty psyched she remembered even a little bit. But it was still pretty cool. She was overall very pleasant and honestly felt like I was talking to someone totally different out of costume than in. In her costume she's a lot more... excitable? I guess is this word I could use? But out of costume she was very much more downplayed, and almost quiet. I think it's because it was Sunday of the con though; everybody was tired as hell.