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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6812197 No.6812197 [Reply] [Original]

How hard is it to make a kimono?

My boyfriend wants me to dress up as this character for an upcoming con. I have experience with making plain shirts and skirts but have never tried making something like a kimono. Is it doable for a newbie or am I better off just buying one?

>> No.6812207

It's very easy, in the end it's just a bunch of rectangles. Here's a pattern:

>> No.6812208

If you can cut and sew straight lines, you can make a kimono. It's basically just a bunch of rectangles. The difficult part is putting one on correctly. I'm sure others here have tutorials or resources for both.

>> No.6812234

I love how your boyfriend wants to dress you up as the character who's basically a sex slave.

>> No.6813043

Kimonos are ridiculously easy to make, don't even buy one of those shitty Simplicity or McCalls patterns for one because they overcomplicate it. Only thing though is I'm unfamiliar with that character and it appears she's wearing a lower garment but I can't tell what it is. If its hakama pants she's wearing it might make things somewhat more complicated, but there's a lot of online tutorials on those since they're quite common given the amount of popular samurai characters.

>> No.6813074

I hope you like hyper weapons.

>> No.6813486


Are you me OP? I literally just bought fabric for Sengoku Rance Sill, and was wondering how to also go about this(my skill level sounds about the same as yours).

>> No.6813498


That one illustration is ok, but for a beginner I feel like the images aren't explicit enough.

Try this one OP if you need a better feel for how the pattern should work. Kimonos aren't as hard as they seem.


>> No.6813624

Kimono is basically rectangles. You can easily find tutorials with a simple google search

>> No.6813889

well aren't you the strong womyn

>> No.6813911

>not doing Sil's special kimono with the surprise-string

>> No.6814015

Kimonos are VERY easy to make - they're actually a good first-time project for costume making. There are several tutorials available online, but here's a list of some.


>> No.6817012

maybe OP and her boyfriend are into that kind of thing. Check your priblibge.

>> No.6817029

What that character wears looks like it's based more off what a Miko would wear. Not a kimono/Yukata.
In very simple terms the skirt is called a hakama and the shirt is called a haori. Good luck!

>> No.6817038

>bf said i should dress up like this character for him.

She says like she's completely clueless, neckbeard

>> No.6817048


So you're assuming she's a fake geek girl? Check your privilege.

>> No.6817051


Rance was written by a woman.

>> No.6817055

So? All women want to be dominated by men. Even those that are into 'femdom' (which is just a fetish make believe for pathetic fucks anyhow) want a strong Alpha to have their way with them from time to time.

Not even being misogynistic, I'm a girl myself.

>> No.6817076

>All women
I'm a lesbian and i definitely dont think you should generalize, anon. Troll better

>> No.6817078

Nope, just saying she doesnt even know who the character is.
no one mentioned fake geek girl. shut the fuck up

>> No.6817087

>I'm not a normal woman so you're trolling
Obviously I was talking about the context of guys & girls... and there's two kinds of lesbians: special snowflake not actually lesbian couples, and the butch+girly girl lesbian couple (where the butch girl is actually a non-cis female that wanted to be a man, at least on an unconscious level).

>> No.6817097

You sound like an idiot, fuck off.

>> No.6817102

>if you don't act a certain way or like things you're told to like, you either actually want to be another gender in some way or you're faking to please fetishists!
Please just stop. Humans are humans, nothing is just "boy stuff" and "girl stuff".
It's sort of depressing that people can't properly grasp things if they don't make petty,easily contradicted categories for them.

>> No.6817103

>All women
>Talking about the context of guys & girls

Back to your cave now, young one.

>> No.6817133

You're one of those autistic guys, I can tell. And it is highly ironic that you call me young, because any older, experienced woman will tell you just how it is == what I said. Experience > "what my teacher told me in college".

But it is. I don't understand why the young girls are so mad about it. It's like you're being mad for the sake of being mad. Y'all keep telling me how I am oppressed because I can't join the army... as if I ever wanted to do that, lol. I am certain that all of you are either below 30, or if you're older than that you're ugly and jealous of attractive women like me reaping the benefits of my "oppression". And now you're gonna say that I'm not a girl, because every female should follow your stupid politics, cuz you said that I shouldn't generalize, LOL.

Y'all just kids.

>> No.6817191

>just saying she doesnt even know who the character is

That's an assumption on your part. She may have been considering that many people on /cgl/ would not recognize the character, so there was no real need to refer to her with anything other than an image.

You are assuming she is a fake geek girl.

Check your privilege.

>> No.6817203

I think it's highly unlikely she would cosplay as a character she doesn't know the name of.
Like you'd have to know who the character is to cosplay them so?????????????????????????

But I mean you could be right, only OP can tell us.

apparently is a grown adult

>> No.6817207

oh, summer is such a wonderful time of the year

>> No.6817215

>apparently is a grown adult
I'm not the one who's crying like a little girl ITT.

>> No.6817927

You're a really good girlfriend if you wanna cosplay such character for him.

Unless you're ugly, of course.

>> No.6817975

Not OP, but I have a question in relation to kimonos. What sort of fabric would be most appropriate for sewing a kimono? I know that shiny Chinese fabric is a no-no, but is there any websites you can buy the fabric from?

>> No.6818583

Its silk if you want to be traditional, or cotton/polyblend if you want it to be more everyday/yukata style. The designs are usually painted or embroidered on the silk, and printed or woven on the cotton or poly. Try checking used kimono sellers online for an idea of what it looks like.

>> No.6818594

Rayon is a good material to use if you can find it.

>> No.6818812
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>Exceptions exist therefore we should pretend that the overwhelming majority is wrong in order to avoid offending anyone.

>> No.6818812,1 [INTERNAL] 


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