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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 150 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mm65w21gCS1qe4fcso2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6810686 No.6810686[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

But what the fuck is going on with this wig

>> No.6810688

...oh fuck delete this

>> No.6810695
File: 45 KB, 248x234, 1291885806952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You delete it, OP.
Bottom right corner.

>> No.6810897
File: 165 KB, 500x750, 1356758931939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should we just make this the new thread, since the old one is autosaging?

>> No.6810915
File: 250 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mh9lqrHyb01rcpv5qo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, why not. i'll link the old thread.

>> No.6810916

Maybe remake it and name it properly with a better top image

>> No.6810917


Old thread.

>> No.6810920


>> No.6810921
File: 515 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mh9ddrJ6kj1qi1lexo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it really doesn't matter if the top image is good. carry on.

>> No.6810924

It's hilarious how much HSG doesn't get /cgl/ or any board on 4chan. The thread's here now starting a new one is retarded.

>> No.6810931
File: 471 KB, 500x749, tumblr_mloctsb6Br1qgjnrto1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advantage to a new thread is having the word homestuck in the title for cataloging/search but whatever.

>> No.6810933

Yeah but this thread doesn't even have a title...

Would you consider this a good John? The shirt seems a bit... faded? Like, I feel like the symbol needs to be less white and more cyan / light blue.

>> No.6810937
File: 128 KB, 600x900, 1350274489987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6810944
File: 80 KB, 800x533, c3ns0r3d_by_lovinayavari-d63vj1k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6810947
File: 137 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mm78h8BZGk1rbzvibo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this gem on the homestuck cosplay tag. The Dave looks so uncomfortable. Best part is the blog that posted it is called "Bondagestuck", and apparently this is actually a thing?

>> No.6810948

Is that damaramegido?

>> No.6810949


>> No.6810952

Christ, everything here is wrong. Those glasses, nubby horns, piercings, that wig, shirt...

>> No.6810954


you wish, anon.

>> No.6810955
File: 70 KB, 960x638, tumblr_mm73oqMlPD1raqbl6o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow the tag is in top form tonight

>> No.6810956
File: 507 KB, 900x600, tumblr_mm6l1jo7tp1qhc1x7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Potterstuck set from Vantasss/Cowbuttcrunchies

>> No.6810958
File: 465 KB, 600x900, tumblr_mm6l1jo7tp1qhc1x7o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6810960

I keep waiting for these sets to get old, but they never do.

>> No.6810966
File: 191 KB, 960x1280, this was in a year book i hope it was halloween.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're kind of getting old to me.
I feel like that's all they seem to cosplay lately.

>> No.6810986
File: 478 KB, 600x900, tumblr_mk8xj8gPDS1qhc1x7o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was some cute 50stuck stuff they did recently. Pic related.

>> No.6810988


what the fuck

>> No.6810990
File: 258 KB, 1200x635, tumblr_mlon6aDoMt1r18cllo1_r4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're bostonstuck so they are probably working on new costumes for anime boston, also I saw this on cowbutt crunchie's tumblr. but I don't know who is doing who.

>> No.6810991

those are hideous looking

>> No.6810992

They did a good genderbend group recently. It was posted a few threads back

>> No.6810993


Absolutely hideous.

>> No.6810998

that may be the point, considering cowbutt called it "Balls Out Fancy IDGAF-stuck"

>> No.6811000


I find it hard to believe that anyone would want to spend shittons of time, effort, and money on something deliberately hideous. This is less 'idgaf' and more 'extremely bad taste'. They need to go back to the drawing board, because that hot mess up there >>6810990 is like the ugly love child of Mookie and Synnesai.

>> No.6811001
File: 316 KB, 1280x853, 1360546289223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But why would they waste time, money, and energy on such an ugly design

Surely there are some nicer fancy designs they could have come up with

>> No.6811017

I...I can't stop staring at this Sollux....

>> No.6811026

Why, what's wrong with them?

>> No.6811034

i think anon means they really like them and cant look away

>> No.6811047
File: 156 KB, 473x750, tumblr_mbi3g2JLd71r18cllo1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ugly in the drawing, but I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled it off? I feel like they pulled off their Ancestors designs better than the original drawing; pic related.

>> No.6811053
File: 503 KB, 602x900, 1347930285645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh what the fuck

>> No.6811066

Yes, sorry, I meant they're very attractive.

>> No.6811071

What's the source on this Handmaid?

>> No.6811076
File: 122 KB, 500x745, tumblr_mimnxybuco1r35os0o5_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it turned into this in the end. The designs look like more of a starting point.

>> No.6811078
File: 63 KB, 250x375, tumblr_ma53l882eN1qkuvm8o3_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon, I don't know. All four of my source trackers gave me jack.
I know I saved this from an old HS thread sometime last year.

>> No.6811082

so much discussion over costumes that haven't even been made yet. how about we wait and see before we waste a whole thread arguing over it?

>> No.6811086


you must be new here.

a costume does not have to be 3D for a consensus of 'that's hideous' to be reached. see: literally every uncosplayed mookie design.

>> No.6811092

i can't tell apart the two people in cowbuttcrunchies, but i am going to guess they are doing feferi and sollux, and vantasss is eridan.

>> No.6811093

That reminds me. I think MF is going to cosplay that ugly militarystuck design Mookie drew recently

>> No.6811094

See also: Most fancy shit.

>> No.6811096

I think that's Yukapants actually. Pretty positive she's dropped out of the Homestuck fandom now, which is a shame because she was one of my favorite Rose cosplayers.

>> No.6811108

oh, great.

>> No.6811142
File: 445 KB, 900x547, tumblr_mk8xj8gPDS1qhc1x7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hhhhammy has a rounder face. Pic related: she's Mituna, Gothichamlet is Kankri.

>> No.6811169

>a costume does not have to be 3D for cgl to bitch about it incessantly

Fixed that for you

>> No.6811176

Was it not fine as
>A costume does not to be 3D for a consensus of "that's hedeous" to be reached

>> No.6811183
File: 56 KB, 640x960, 1_013000000051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6811184
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>> No.6811188
File: 406 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mm75puRdxT1qe4fcso2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6811194

Wig looks more like it's suited for Jake than John.

>> No.6811193
File: 620 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mm7aai2Owr1qi8sf3o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ok here’s the texture I’ve got going so far.
>Looking for feedback of any kind.
>(Nepeta horns by the way uvu)

>> No.6811199

did you buy the base from bad dragon?

>> No.6811198

whats wrong with her eyes... they seem placed weird

>> No.6811200

that looks like a misshapen wedding cake or a volcano

>> No.6811202

right her face/wig bother me
she has bulimia cheeks though so i don't want to make fun of her too much

>> No.6811204

bulimia cheeks?

>> No.6811206

when part of their jaw swells up from the acid sinking in.

>> No.6811207

I was thinking that it looked like a mountain of volcano of some sort, good to see that I'm not alone in thinking this.

>> No.6811208

im not sure what bulimia cheeks look like but it just seemed like her right eye (her right) is trying to fly out of its socket

>> No.6811219

Not mine, just surfing the tag- I had to share the misshapen mozarella volcano.

>> No.6811220

that... was pretty clear already?

>> No.6811245

I think the Feferi design is kind of cute, if you take away the excessive jewelry that's everywhere for some reason... but the dress itself is cute. Minus the beige middly stuff, how does that blend at all

>> No.6811265
File: 97 KB, 400x600, tumblr_m30c09tWvw1qe4fcso3_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kind of like this cosplayer.

>> No.6811276

I smell a selfpost

>> No.6811278

>unpainted body
>those shoes
>girlish shirt neckline

And you like them why, exactly?

>> No.6811279

their face/horns/makeup, it looks like they were at a meetup, full makeup would be a little more socially awkward than that.
don't even know the dude man

>> No.6811282

hey, can we not be posting year old pictures of my girlfriend that look like shit? if you 'kind of like' her cosplays, at least do her justice instead of posting something from an afternoon meet up she put zero effort into a year ago.

She does not need to wake up to seeing you drag that up from the depths of my tumblr's shit posts.

>> No.6811284

>shitty horns
>girlish shirt

>> No.6811290
File: 693 KB, 720x960, 1152688_44888437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6811365

source on this sollux?

>> No.6811392

completely off topic but god i hate it when people do ravenclaw with silver/blue just cause the movies screwed the colors over

>> No.6811555

Why in the world would anyone do that at school...

>> No.6811560

more importantly how did they get away with it

even more important how didnt they get beat up for it

>> No.6811564


About 5 girls at my college do this on a weekly basis. They're fucking weird and get told to fuck off by various people that they hassle while in costume.

People really dislike what they do. The vast majority of the school wears normal clothes (polo, jeans, that sort of thing) daily and this Special Snowflake bullshit is definitely something people talk about behind their backs.

>> No.6811630
File: 67 KB, 612x612, it's a dirk shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6811633


>> No.6811642
File: 359 KB, 953x622, tumblr_mgla6cMihQ1r35os0o12_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think anon means there's no point clogging up a thread about something hasn't been made yet. The art is shit but I remember HSG bitching about Cowbuttcrunchies's Porrim progress too and how did that turn out?

Oh right.

>> No.6811667

Haa honestly I doubt you know how old this is and you would have had to go a long way back to find this.

and no anon this is not a self post I absolutely hate this cosplay of mine and it was my first when it came to homestuck. I know it's shitty but trust me when I say I've improved.

>> No.6811696
File: 137 KB, 960x720, sol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6811712

no please
no manchesterstuck please

>> No.6811718


Because blue and brown look like shit together

>> No.6811773

Yes that's yukapants.
She's selling all her homestuck stuff so I'm pretty sure she's dropped out.

>> No.6811819
File: 22 KB, 500x346, tumblr_inline_mm35b2y6DF1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the comic ever say anything about Feferi having goggles?

>> No.6811822


>> No.6811880

Reminds me of the eggs form the alien movies, my advice is you shouldn't layer it like that, make it the way nepeta a horns are in the comic and then texture it, don't do that odd spiked thick layering system it looks like daemon spawn horns.

>> No.6811892

'hedeus', yes, that's exactly what I meant.

I only come here to be entertained by the continuous screaming about costumes better than anything anyone here can construct, anyway.

Let the cowbuttcrunchies thread continue.

>> No.6811902

It should be, but there are at least two replies in this thread giving advice like it was a self post.

>> No.6811930
File: 222 KB, 1276x1275, tumblr_m5srurHdIu1qefzjvo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay calliope but there's no way I'm going to be able to sew a suit, so I'm planning on buying a white blazer and pants and dyeing them. I'm looking on taobao and I can't really find anything that's the right cut. Help? these two seem to be the closest.



Before I go any further, is there a better way I can do this?

>> No.6811944
File: 323 KB, 500x700, tumblr_m85t3rqKQR1qjnp5bo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6811951

I'd personally spare myself the risk of a dye-catastrophe by ordering a green blazer instead. If you know what you're doing, purchase the first item and go for it.

>> No.6811955

Kind of creepy looking.

>> No.6811973

jesus christ did they do that in mspaint?

hnnngh that Sollux DAMN
>dem cheekbones

>> No.6812050
File: 41 KB, 640x480, tumblr_mm8b1uS9Yw1rfa8mso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6812051
File: 86 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mm784j3rlO1rmopryo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6812054
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x853, tumblr_me6pyeuoQ21qe4fcso2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6812056
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>> No.6812059
File: 918 KB, 750x1000, tumblr_m588h4jVs41qmwbddo6_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6812072
File: 476 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mkal256mk21qmwbddo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6812077

eyeliner is your friend. horns aren't supposed to float on top of your hair. why would you fucking fingerpaint your symbol

that Aradia has a cute face. her horns look poopy tho

fucking hell just die already. I hate nothing more than stupid "sexy" pics of crappy striders. when will they stop

>> No.6812082
File: 488 KB, 500x365, tumblr_l4djekgWsx1qcrzkko1_r1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the ugliest effing Eridan wig I've ever seen.

>> No.6812094

Yeah. It's been said a few times. I'd quote, but I'm on a phone.

>> No.6812097

this wig bothers me so much for some reason i can't.....

>> No.6812105
File: 376 KB, 705x705, 2013-05-03_09.42.38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on my phone too, but here's a screenshot of the first time it was made aware that the Peixes wear goggles.

>> No.6812114

I can't stop laughing holy shit

>> No.6812136

The problem is, I can't find a blazer in the proper color. Maybe I just need to look harder? Thanks!

>> No.6812180

4 for you anon, you go anon!

>> No.6812192

aradia has a GREAT face but john desperately needs foundation

>> No.6812206

And none for shitwig!Eridan bye

>> No.6812209

why is johns face like. smudged with grey.

>> No.6812213

he's so gray I thought it was supposed to be tavros and he just forgot to take of his glasses

>> No.6812248

from the thumbnail thats exactly what i thought too i was really confused when i enlarged the image

>> No.6812256

this is fantastic

>> No.6812302


That Cronus' expression is hilarious, I'm not sure what it is about it but it just makes me crack up everytime I see it.

>> No.6812306

Source on the Aranea and Latula? They're pretty cute, I have to admit.

>> No.6812330

Oh awesome! Does anyone have any links to some good goggles for fef? I searched everywhere i could think of but nothing looks good.

>> No.6812366

Latula: Vantasss. Aranea: Snowchildhero.

>> No.6812383

she looks to old to be cosplaying roxy

>> No.6812389
File: 12 KB, 200x365, Triumphant_Purge_by_raven_90210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I can think of is this

>> No.6812402

ah yes my headcanon jake wears a shit ton of eyeliner

>> No.6812434

I can't stop laughing because that eyeliner makes her look like Gaga and Jake is like the scruffiest manliest guy in the comic

>> No.6812438

Needs to be poofier. But it's pretty cute otherwise

>> No.6812522

What the fuck, how does JJ look SO different in every cosplay she does? I never realize its her.

>> No.6812528


A generically pretty face and excellent makeup skills

>> No.6812533

I finally unfollowed solluxcaptor

every goddamn minute it was
"WOW I look so ugly?????? but whatever Im uploading this anyway but omg I look os bad my hair is all messy???? :("

"I think this cosplay looks so bad on me" *uploads 7 pictures of it in a photoset* wow guys its so bad :* should I delete these?????"

FUCK what is even with that mentality. SO many idiots on tumblr have it

>> No.6812534

Because people are not allowed to be insecure, ever.

>> No.6812536

What? I always know when it's her, but maybe that's just me. She has a distinctive face imo. Then again I'm also in Bostonstuck so I see her from time to time at meet ups.

>> No.6812539

this would be more valid if they weren't uploading 6 nearly-identical pics immediately after saying that stuff

>> No.6812543
File: 1.82 MB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mgkv52oxxq1r5wbb5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So that their tumblr fans can rush in with ass pats and assurances that they're omg perfectttt.

Half their photos are boring straight on shots anyway.

I have this problem with a lot of the BNFs actually. Something about the grey makeup maybe.

>> No.6812550
File: 364 KB, 1280x960, what is going on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what even is this con
and from the other pics ive seen there's only a tiny handful of decent cosplayers

>> No.6812552

>Seriously cannot tell if that ballgown Lalonde on the left is Roxy or Rose
>Blue fabric so Roxy maybe?
>Oh wait that's "derse purple"

>> No.6812555

80% of the cosplayers are either fat or chubby
I want to say this is in the midwest somewhere
I'm pretty sure it's Roxy
It's mostly Alpha kids minus that Dave

>> No.6812567

Personally, I always liked the dress (though it is more OTT than in canon), but didn't find the photos enjoyable. They're all so drab and boring, especially for such a strong character, which doesn't go greatly with the off-black of the dress.

>> No.6812573

The best way would be to make the jacket and trousers, If you're going to buy one, make sure it's long sleeved and the same material as the pants you're planning to get, otherwise they won't dye the same colour.

>> No.6812577


Are you going to any of the homestuck events at Anime Boston? Not one looks well run or free of nasty bnfs.

>> No.6812582
File: 75 KB, 640x640, tumblr_mm8pnjV2fq1qf2xeyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i made a new helmet for my mituna cosplay, im a lot happier with how this looks than what i had before haha
the base is from a kids helmet though so its to small for me so it looks kind of weird but i like that i can open and close the visor thing
anyway though?

>> No.6812594


>base is a kids helmet

Why the fuck

>> No.6812602

Nasty BNFs? Deets please!

The "unofficial panel" looks like a fucking joke. They were trying to keep it a secret I guess until Anime Boston found out and now they're calling it a meet and greet.

I would really build on the back if you can to make it more proportional to your head. It looks a little bizarre right now.

>> No.6812603

make something that actually fits you for once good god

>> No.6812607


It makes you look like you have a long head and a very tiny brain.

>> No.6812616

fuck is that rissa

>> No.6812619

shit is it??

>> No.6812621

Examples of her doing this? I don't see it in her cosplay tag. All her comments sound confident to me, e.g. "I thought it was cute", "i actually sorta like this photo", "I really love being helmetless Mituna aaa I love this wig", "i really really liked my outfit"

>> No.6812625

She usually deletes them after theyre posted. But she made a read more a few minutes ago on it.
IT seems to me that she just has major self image issues, honestly.

>> No.6812627

good god please make something that actually fits you. that looks like you have such an awkwardly shaped head and
>horns on helmet

>> No.6812629

i like the color and visor and the horns BUT the helmet being that small is 100% wrong. One of the hallmarks of Mituna's design and silhouette is the oversized helmet. The helmet too small looks really ridiculous.

>> No.6812630

Barstuck is being run by the same people who did Katsucon's so I'm excited.

>> No.6812632

front left roxy i think
some really stupid bullshit is going on on her blog again wow

>> No.6812634

found it at goodwill, figured i could try and see how itwent since i like the idea of the visor moving up and down

im going to try and open it up and see if i can make it bigger if not might hit up goodwill again and see if i can find another helmet

>> No.6812635

it is
she even refers to herself as cleavage showing roxy

>> No.6812638

For the love of god stop making excuses and admit bad judgment and shit prop making.

>> No.6812641

oh my god can you stop with the excuses

>> No.6812640

Do you have the ability to type with normal grammar? You sound like you came straight off tumblr.

>> No.6812655

god what a fucking cow im so disappointed that our hs/b/ anon didnt delete her blog

>> No.6812697
File: 467 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mm7rsrIYFX1qe4fcso2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm quite excited for the bar meet! I'll probably be there as a Lalonde (not sure which one yet though whoops).

>> No.6812706
File: 350 KB, 1280x850, ballroomstuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rel why the fuck would you want the source on that

>> No.6812705

looks like a deformed nipple

>> No.6812710

nobody cares.

>> No.6812780

>Nobody cares
>Must state that nobody cares

>> No.6812795

Why do you try to get him to hate his shit so much? It's annoying, and I don't even know the guy, jesus christ. It's not really 'excuses' if he takes your advice and keeps optimistic.
>inb4 snide remark about how the rules of cgl are to force people into disliking their work/self and then getting mad at them for it
>inb4 whiteknighting because i am genuinley curious why you're such a cunt

>> No.6812809

everytime we give him any sort of criticism or things to improve upon he makes an excuse that "oh ____ is why ____ was like that" or whatnot and i'm not the only one who sees this, i guess.

>> No.6812818


norge is not a he.

>> No.6812819

I'm genuinely curious why you're whiteknighting.

>> No.6812847

I know this is a random "whiteknight," but I agree with >>6812795
At least the guy/girl tried and isn't being rude when you anons criticize their work so harshly. Also I actually didn't see many excuses from that person, they even said they might get another helmet and try again.
Also, if he/she was saying "My work sucks. Weh" Wouldn't you get mad at them for that too? It's like that person can't do anything to make you happy.

>> No.6812884
File: 159 KB, 500x707, gtjohn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any thoughts on the Fanime 2013 Gamzee's Cafe Panel, now that the cast list has been updated?

(unrelaed pic)

>> No.6812885

Whiteknight harder, and also look harder, if you really can't see their excuses, utter laziness and poor craft work.

>> No.6812888

But what is with those oversized clothes, incorrect hood, random yellow belt and the design near the bottom of those pants and the design on the hood

>> No.6812896
File: 240 KB, 480x270, evillaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They tried. Post your work on here if it's so much better anon. After all, you are an expert craftsmaker and world renowned cosplayer. This should be easy for you.

>> No.6812894

Think this actually work's HSG?
Or should we prepare for floppy horns at your next convention?

>> No.6812899

Why did you have to link to a shitty cosplayer though

>> No.6812901


g...gamzee's cafe? do i even want to know?

>> No.6812902

Wow awesome!
That looks great and it can't hurt to try.

>> No.6812905

You don't have to be an "expert craftsmaker and world renowned cosplayer" to know when another's is shit and their attitude towards it is even shittier.

>> No.6812907

Because that's the post with the method and explanation of the method?

>> No.6812910

you can still see the wires wrapped around the bottom and that really bugs me.
the screw anchor method is without a doubt the best and i don't understand why people are seemingly so reluctant to utilize it.

>> No.6812912

Okay so you can't do better than them. Don't judge if you can't even make things yourself. And who cares if it's not the most amazing helmet ever? They probably had fun and that's what counts.

>> No.6812917
File: 802 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mm7t3y3qJL1qe4fcso3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit nevermind pardon me I'd like to retract my request for a source- I got really excited because I thought that it was Bro/Grandpa, and I sort of have a really giant soft spot for Grandpa Harley (and by extension, Grandpa Harley cosplayers).

It's not though upon closer inspection it seems that this image is supposed to be Bro/Dad, which... I am a fair bit less interested in.

On that note actually can I request some Grandpas?

>> No.6812919

You don't need to be good at anything to know whether or not something else is good or not. For example, you don't need to be a good chef to know if a steak tastes bad or not.

>> No.6812920

>probably had fun
>that's what counts

>> No.6812922

Curious on what people think of older cosplayers who cosplay as older characters like the Guardians. And /r/ that, I guess, so I'm also looking for some cool Grandpas.

>> No.6812923

please lurk more, dear.

>> No.6812925

So tell the chef what to do better and they'll know for next time.

>> No.6812928

Those are a pair of shitty 3D movie glasses with the lenses coloured (and you can clearly see the streaks) and the frame is... also coloured? But still, the fact that it's a pair of 3D movie glasses just discredits the whole cosplay.

>> No.6812929

Doesn't change the fact that they were a shitty enough chef to make a steak that bad to begin with.

Besides, going with that analogy, what would you even say anyway if you're not a chef yourself...

>> No.6812933

It's the same HS panel that was on Friday last year, with Crownkind/Chain and a few others making their return, but they have a new Jane and Roxy, I believe.

>> No.6812948
File: 61 KB, 618x620, woop woop!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going with that analogy, what would you even say anyway if you're not a chef yourself
Exactly, if don't make cosplay accessories don't judge his/hers.
Also, you'll definitely make a counter argument somehow and I know it's useless to try and keep defending people who make things but aren't expert at it from people who want to kick them down like some anons here so I'm leaving this argument.
See you around anon!

>> No.6812951

Why do some people use winged eyeliner for crossdressing? It looks SO BAD

>> No.6812950

Oh snap.

>> No.6812975
File: 515 KB, 500x747, tumblr_miwwc1ufel1r0dmxco1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding the request for Anime Boston drama. What events are happening? Isn't Anime Boston an anime-only con?

>> No.6813016

Wow, you're an idiot.

>> No.6813023
File: 132 KB, 400x600, tumblr_mm79r1o2vP1rhte6no1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woooah went back to sewing and came back to this, anyway i know the helmet is not really good
im not planning on doing Mituna any time soon so just trying around to see if i can gt the helmet right
also im a girl lol

>> No.6813030
File: 261 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mm7fwvk3uy1qzmpk6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Jesus.
I like MostFlogged and I can't even defend this shot.

>> No.6813047


>unofficial "panel" being run by someone who knows AB doesn't want it thrown and throws fits on facebook when it's pointed out
>saturday photoset overlaps with hetalia photoshoot in the same courtyard
>underage homestucks everywhere saturday night because they can't get into the rave
>AB staff and attendees massive hostility to homestucks

what isn't happening

>> No.6813055
File: 52 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mm8ygiCElo1qi03lfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just sharing some of my otp.

Also that blog has some neat art.

>> No.6813056
File: 277 KB, 720x960, Croc croc muthafuckah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like she would do so much better if she didn't wear..crocs..

>> No.6813063

...Norge isn't from the United States originally, you realize?

>> No.6813070

Nothing quite says "pay attention to me" like 18 inches of fabric between your tits and crotch. I thought MF wasn't even into Homestuck anymore.

>> No.6813071

More and more fucking excuses.

>> No.6813072
File: 156 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mm8yusQ6g51qm3ty3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that isnt really an excuse i have been here a while, i suck at writing tho thats for sure

>> No.6813087

oh wow, i actually really like this grimdark interpretation of roxy

>> No.6813090

No one with any sane thought in their head is saying you need to be good at writing.

>> No.6813128
File: 267 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mdruxaosG31qgp5aro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the stupidest discussion HSG has had in a long time. Who gives one single flying fuck. Start contributing and stop bickering.

>> No.6813153
File: 13 KB, 220x293, 220px-Whoopi_Goldberg_Cannes_1992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6813154

Why don't you ask Tatum and Takisiski? They seem the most addicted to it. It's just horrible.

>> No.6813230

Can we talk about this Gamzee? People seem to like her but I don't get why?? Her outfits are well made and make up is clean, but, why is it so dark and rounded?

>> No.6813242
File: 109 KB, 477x700, tumblr_mm54s4LcHl1qdgrplo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All been shoooooooooooped
and has over a thousand notes.

>> No.6813245
File: 421 KB, 1280x1180, tumblr_ml7ckpi4gY1qhjvggo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6813249


>> No.6813252

the recoloring isn't even done well.

>> No.6813258


>> No.6813323


it's not even a cosplayer that's a fashion ad

>> No.6813349

that doesn't make the quality of the shoop any less shitty.

>> No.6813396
File: 309 KB, 500x333, but why do you do this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6813397


I think the helmet's too small fwiw, but you know, sometimes people can just think other anons are being cunts without ~whiteknighting~

It's because, shockingly enough, nearly everyone on here is a cunt.

>> No.6813406

Aside from the obvious attention whoring, those wigs look terrible.

>> No.6813424
File: 259 KB, 412x594, tumblr_m9t7a59toN1qaijpho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think lovejokers is that bad, but MF is too lazy to even cut the bangs or give her wig the roxy curl. i did prefer lovejokers former wig styling, it seems more natural than the big spike their wig has now. pic related.

>> No.6813433
File: 1.04 MB, 1100x733, Whyisthisnessicary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MF also put this picture up..

>> No.6813435

*necessary Oops

>> No.6813440
File: 574 KB, 426x476, 1365519629509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw silicone cutlets

>> No.6813442

You know, I would totally buy Nep wearing crocs. But not like this.

>> No.6813481

Can she please stop slutting up Roxy? Can she please take the actual character's personality into account for a change?

>> No.6813522
File: 102 KB, 241x228, 1323239861218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you want to stir up drama for no reason

I should stop reading these threads.

>> No.6813573

they don't really seem like 3d glasses to me; 3d glasses usually come in black, and you can't really color over that.

>> No.6813577

I recognize the shape. They must have painted over it with green paint.

>> No.6813834
File: 145 KB, 720x960, 69504_513325322011817_772612306_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to make a easy, low maintenance, and nice looking robot leg for my Caliborn cosplay (picrelated)
I know the cosplay isn't good, but this is me trying to make it better.

>> No.6813845

boot cover made of something decently stable.

>> No.6814009

>dat shitty gaga bow
>visible binding/womens sarashi on a guy
>fucking idiots

love the wig but what's with the red acne paint? is that supposed to be freckles?

i can see her bra filling and yay more of that inaccurate sarashi

>> No.6814011

why the filename?

>> No.6814016

i'm guessing because they're out in public acting like idiots in crappy cosplays making us all look bad.

>> No.6814061


Agree, find some decent weight metallic stretch and make a bootcover. You can sew a darker fabric over it for the detailing/cut outs as long as it's all stretch

>> No.6814063

they went to the store to get some food at a convention, and they did not act like idiots. stop judging based on a single picture.

>> No.6814089


Blatant self post alert.

>> No.6814097

oh wow, no, I don't know them personally but I was at that con. They're kinda elitists, but they don't act like idiots

>> No.6814116

it's still a grown up sitting in the fucking shopping cart. to me that's immature and stupid as hell and gives more ammo to people already calling hs fans immature and stupid.

>> No.6814433

no, its supposed to be blood.

>> No.6814489

I sit in the cart when me and friends go shopping, one riding the cart like a scooter, and no one gives a fuck. My other cheerleaders friends constantly do cartwheels/stunts in empty aisles, too, so no sense in being an angry uptight shit at them when no one else is. If we were asked to stop, we would've, and we cause no mess or damage or noise in the store.

Its okay to relax and have fun with friends even when you're an adult in a comic book /Costume Play/, hon.

>> No.6814514

I must ask... Armsocks and going to the bathroom... How does it work really ?? Asking because I'm gonna do Dualscar this summer and I'm going to make some armsocks but I'm panicking over this thought.

>> No.6814527

That just means you and your friends are immature, though? Just because no one says it to your face, chances are, they still think you're being immature, hon.

>> No.6814544

i work at a grocery store. we've had idiots like you break the carts with their fat asses, make a mess out of shelves and displays and disturbed other customers.
it's a fucking store not an adult baby playground.

>> No.6814545


Work in what way? Just sit down to pee?

>> No.6814550

If they're a guy they need to hold their dick to aim
Maybe get some medical gloves to put on when you go to the bathroom

>> No.6814558

i'm pretty sure they mean the washing their hands afterwards if the socks are difficult/impossible to take off

>> No.6814586
File: 666 KB, 1200x602, tumblr_mma5kdNW3F1qfbqoxo4_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6814591
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>> No.6814592
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>> No.6814593
File: 627 KB, 1200x602, tumblr_mma5kdNW3F1qfbqoxo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source for anyone who wants it

>> No.6814598
File: 819 KB, 320x240, tumblr_inline_mma918PlCV1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first thing in the Homestuck cosplay tag is acne strider

>> No.6814600

Something's off about Nepeta's symbol there. It's like the tail of the symbol seems to be... incomplete.

>> No.6814602
File: 63 KB, 500x667, oh god not this again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look who posted more

>> No.6814609
File: 226 KB, 978x978, tumblr_mma64yU6ZC1r4mm38o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6814630

Yes, and that is okay
Its is okay for old people to be silently perturbed by our childishness. You'd never experience anything fun if you're too afraid of what people think.
I wouldn't sit on things I shouldn't if I weren't 99 lbs.
We never make any mess at all and no one asked us to stop or even stared at us.

>> No.6814634

Just stop, grocery stores are not meant for immature, reckless things like that, they're meant for groceries.

>> No.6814640

i don't know, something about this group really bugs me? all of their makeup looks so flat and white and they all have such bland expressions. they look boring.

>> No.6814647

Good, I wasn't the only one.

That Tavros is terrible.

>> No.6814657

fine whatever. maybe you'll grow up someday and get a job and maybe then you'll understand what respecting other people and the work they do means. thank god our store has in store security guards these days, saves me the trouble.

>> No.6814658


They're all incredibly average, so they all just look really dull in my opinion. None of them stand out as good or interesting and their expressions/poses are pretty boring, in my opinion.

>> No.6814665

I love the vriska and the equius and feferi's makeup and wig looks really good. everyone else is ok but average. bonus points for the whole group for clean paint and decent wigs

>> No.6814668

that vriskas wig and makeup make me want to cry

>> No.6814670

It all looks photoshopped to hell and back, though?

>> No.6814686

>immature & reckless
Right, a sturdy structure couldn't possibly hold 110 lbs of groceries
A 80in flat screen TV, maybe, but a girl and some food?? Absolutely ludicrous.
And wow, the poor concrete ground, couldn't possibly withstand all those flips.

I work clerical in a law office. I spend 8 hours every day at a desk being polite and respectful to the idiots yelling at me to control the bank lenders stealing their home, typing wordy contracts and precise lawsuits, the bosses ordering me around for their every whim, from coffee, to "broken" computers, to finding them stuff on Apple TV. I need to do everything they need exactly when they need it or someone's home/family or a $22m mansion is on the line.

I don't think my releasing a bit of steam sitting in a Costco cart is causing anyone a problem but the one you're causing yourself for no reason.

>> No.6814694

Who is this Sollux?

>> No.6814695

the wig needs more volume but i like the make up too. it's pretty canon, she does don a lot of blue slap

i like kanaya, but then again lirlys has the perfect maryam face imo. I think the Sollux wold have the potential to be really good and the cosplayer is very attractive but i hate his horns and glasses and the odd shoop in the eyes.

>> No.6814702


>> No.6814712

we'll just have to agree to disagree then, I still think its disrespectful and immature. Other customers always thank me when I stop people acting like idiots at our store and that tells me I'm doing what's right for our business.

>> No.6814752

Latex gloves, yo!
Put them on, do your business, throw them out. Same thing with eating.

>> No.6814758

Get over it. Sitting in a grocery cart for two minutes for a picture is fine, but this whole "I'm having fun so you can't tell me what to do! You're just too stuffy to understaaaand" idea just smacks of immaturity that you really should have already outgrown if you're old enough to have a full time job. It's the same mindset that spoiled fandom brats point to when they actually are being offensive and/or destructive (ie posing on gravestone, trashing meetup areas).

>> No.6814771

Exactly my thoughts. Average cosplays on boring cosplayers with boring expressions/poses. Tavros is the only one that stands out.

>> No.6814774

I agree that they're all pretty boring. Many of them look pretty awkward (Feferi, Gamzee especially to me) and it just looks like none of them spent much time figuring out how to pose. I like the Sollux and the Nepeta though.

>> No.6814794

buww's horns are ugly as sin though

>> No.6814827

Lol all your cosplay looks gay, you didn't even try Homefucks.

>> No.6814904


You realize that posting that only receives angry responses, which in turn fills up the thread faster, which in turn gets us to 300 faster, which in turn makes us require a new thread sooner, right? You're only bothering yourself. Sage for no contribution.

>> No.6814917

I'm really pissed about how some of them have clean, shiny horns and others half rough textured looking horns. Sollux's wig is nice though.

>> No.6814970
File: 132 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mhunhqSw6S1rozsvoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost 1000 notes
>that wig
>those badly drawn on eyebrows
>those moe uguu circle lenses for eridan

does tumblr have standards?

>> No.6814980
File: 101 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mmafkpEP3r1qzmpk6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If even Urchintier's shit gets notes, then the answer is no

>> No.6814994
File: 143 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mlu1il3nWu1s6anvzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to have answered your own question.

Related, this is on page one when you sort the homestuck-cosplay tag by recent popularity.

>> No.6815000

that's because of all the fighting about the reflection in the glasses showing her bra

>> No.6815001

....are there holes in that dress where her ass is? Jesus christ, MF.

>> No.6815041

But why would they be fighting about it

>> No.6815044

how many times has MF cosplayed roxy and never once thought to put the curl in her wig?

>> No.6815050

Why do people actually like MF's costumes again? Aside from the occasional, fleeting attempt at good craftsmanship and "hawt body?"

>> No.6815061
File: 51 KB, 640x960, 301619_10151474397349898_778223609_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6815064
File: 124 KB, 730x1095, rouge_of_void___homestuck_by_mostflogged-d5loqy0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think most of her non-HS costumes are okay. It's like she doesn't put any effort at all in her Homestuck cosplays.

>> No.6815070


>> No.6815074

>Dat shitty split front
>Dat off-center whatever the fuck gray thing
>Dem unhemmed arm tubes
>Dat void symbol peeling up on the edges

What the fuck is going on here.

>> No.6815106

Which Eridan has the best wig in your opinion? What should I strive towards?

>> No.6815207
File: 1.06 MB, 260x173, tumblr_mmacv0yWzp1rkrkrdo2_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6815209
File: 557 KB, 260x173, tumblr_mmacv0yWzp1rkrkrdo5_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6815214
File: 49 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mluh4vlb7A1rdejbvo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey cgl! You're all familiar with [S] Aradia: Metamorphose? I was interested in doing something similar: Telling a Homestuck characters story through a cosplay music video. It wouldn't be for Aradia of course and I would use a different song, but do you think it would look too much like I was copying DamaraMegido?
(Pic obviously unrelated)

>> No.6815222

Don't care.

>> No.6815224

>doesn't care
>must point out that they do not care

>> No.6815225


It took me a minute to realize what the fuck I was looking at.

>> No.6815226

I say go for it. Anyone who isn't an idiot should realize that DamaraMegido doesn't have a copyright on character evolution music videos.

What. The. Fuck.

>> No.6815252

fucking disgusting

>> No.6815272

nå lurer jeg på hvem du er

>> No.6815285


me too oh my fucking god

>> No.6815308

Lolo fuck you you faggot do I look like I care?
Stick a pinecone up your ass.

>> No.6815310

it sure sounds like you care tbh

>> No.6815341

>Say you don't care
>Keep coming into a thread to show how much you don't care

>> No.6815353


>> No.6815418

to be fair though this was before the canon gt design came out for the rouge class

although it doesn't excuse her craftmanship

>> No.6815427
File: 419 KB, 1000x985, dh61hz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always been amused at the fact that she made that cosplay just a few days before the canon rogue design came out

but I don't understand why canon gt roxy isn't on her roxy bingo when all of mookie's shitty designs are

>> No.6815442

>going to cosplay both rumminov and mookie's design

oh I'm sure both artists love that

what, no shitty militarystuck? She said she was going to cosplay that monstrosity

>> No.6815451

I'm pretty sure she is. I just went into her cosplay tag and this was the bingo picture that was in there

>> No.6815481

Her trickster Roxy is literally the only one I like.

>> No.6815485

She didn't even style the wig

>> No.6815491

I should probably have been more specific, the wig is styled, but it's a friend of hers wig. MF did not style it

>> No.6815511

I like her trickster roxy too but I think the skirt is too short and I'm curious to see what the wig would have looked like if she had actually taken a stab at styling it herself. I also like her Mom Lalonde actually

I'm not a fan of her default roxy but that's just because I don't like when people make roxy's shirt oversized and also off the shoulder because it just makes them look like they're swimming in fabric

>> No.6815514

Fuck you I only care that you are such dumb pieces of shit.
Go buy a dog dildo or whatever you dumbasses do here.

>> No.6815526

>do i look like i care?
>i care
logic error

>> No.6815527

Does anyone have tips for airbrushing? My friends did a mix of ben nye liquid makeup with final seal to delude it, and it looked pretty good, but its flaking off around the neck and joints even with adding more translucent powder and final seal.

>> No.6815587

That Feferi is pretty bad, along with the Karkat. They're all pretty mediocre though, except for the Sollux, Tavros, and maybe Eridan.

>> No.6815605

You "only care" because we like something that you don't, you douchey hipster faggot. Most of our weebs have moved onto DR, so why don't you go show them your hatred for mainstream fandoms? Or you could just stay and shit up our thread some more with your pained asshole?

>> No.6815616

whether its a fuck up on the cosplayers part or omg die cis scum trans dave headcanon awesome

>> No.6815618
File: 31 KB, 500x346, feferistaringatscreen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound 12. Gosh is it summer time already?

>> No.6815631
File: 59 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mjx61zWCSe1rkrkrdo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6815632

I'm guessing it's the former, I mean, I've seen that post quite a long time ago and only recently since it got brought up again did I realize the cosplayer's bra was showing.

Thought it was just a strange, subtle little slip up, that's all.

I'd try not to give them any attention, soon enough, they'll get bored.

>> No.6815633

Oh, Christ... took me a second.

What the fuck.

>> No.6815634

Hey! This is the Rufioh's completed costume I was looking for earlier. He looks great, anyone have sauce? I tried searching, but to no avail.

>> No.6815638

it is a fuckup but the SJsallies creaming themselves are all over it anyway

>> No.6815640
File: 250 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mjx61zbQL11rkrkrdo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totes a real dick you gaiz

>> No.6815641

Was he the Rufioh with the literal garbage bag armsocks?

Huh. Got any link to any of the angry Social Justice sallies? Like, what are they clamouring about exactly?

>> No.6815643

Are they jacking off a fucking dildo

>> No.6815647
File: 12 KB, 250x198, duttle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6815648

if im a dimwitted fuck for spotting a logic error what are you for making one

>> No.6815650
File: 70 KB, 318x750, tumblr_mk2m4g7HCV1rkrkrdo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6815653

The baggy armsocks that obviously weren't finished? Yes.

>> No.6815655

someone reposted it onto their blog and pointed out the bra. the fighting is in the comments/reblogs. i didn't save anything because it was all retarded as fuck

>> No.6815658

Invest in nicer brands like temptu. It'll take you much farther. And hey, if you are cosplaying trolls for multiple days, it lasts for a good five days in a row if you don't sit and rub it off with remover.

>> No.6815671



7/10 I halfassedly replied.

>> No.6815683

Anyone else use fabric paint to paint their arms and legs? I do and it's wonderful. It doesn't rub off, I researched it and it's totally fine for your skin, (my skin isn't sensitive) and it lasts until you scrub it off! Just wondering if I'm alone here.

>> No.6815687
File: 188 KB, 500x808, 1358272808069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop replying to him guys. Just let him get bored

>> No.6815692

You're not, I do it. I usually use something else for my hands because it peels right off, but I use it for my arms and it's great because I can paint it the night before and have less work the morning of a con.

>> No.6815694

I also remember reading a guide or tutorial that involved using a mixture of eyeshadow or eyeliner (can't remember which) and foundation.

Anyone else do this? I was considering it at some point.

I suppose the bottom line is that as long as it's sealed and it hides your original skin enough, you should be fine, right? I want to hear opinions, regardless.

Yup, this. He'll be bored at some point.

>> No.6815695

Now I am considering this. Just fabric paint and then seal it?

>> No.6815696

Our thread is saging anyway and it was fun before they just got kind of careless and boring.

Anyone have any recs on what to make a Meenah trident out of? I've got my Meenah pretty much done but I don't know how to go about the trident.

>> No.6815699

I don't even seal it, it stays on VERY well. I'll go out for a rainy photoshoot and it'll be 100% waterproof.

>> No.6815704

Don't do it, it's shiny and comes off too easily. Eyeshadow/foundation has never worked, I doubt.

>> No.6815705

I made my trident heads out of mdf, getting them attached to the handle was tricky but it sanded out pretty smoothly.

>> No.6815707

Well, I suppose that is what fabric paint's purpose is... and you're sure it's safe for the skin? How long does it take to remove?

I'm guessing this is a no to the eyeshadow and foundation method? Or a no to the fabric paint method?

For the former, I know I saw a tutorial about it somewhere, I can't find it, but I also don't know if anyone else has done it before. Just wanted some insight is all.

>> No.6815710

sauce on the rufioh if you please?

>> No.6815711

Even though you're not serious, do you know how much it sucks to be physically assaulted and attacked for liking a harmless web comic?

>> No.6815713

>so who cares
well apparently you do. apparently you care a whole lot. and u mad about it.

>> No.6815714

*prop newbie here* What is mdf?

>> No.6815717
File: 166 KB, 784x1018, militarystuck_by_kaijo-d56ogi5 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop fucking replying to him

>> No.6815718

It's completely safe for my skin, but I'd suggest testing it on yours first. My skin is pretty tough.
And no to the eyeshadow method.

>> No.6815727

what the hell is this crap. they even failed at hot gluing the sburb symbols onto the hats. how the fuck do you fail at that

>> No.6815743


medium density fiberboard. it's sort of similar to plywood, but with a much better texture/consistency. solves a lot of the lumpiness/sturdiness issues you get with model magic, etc.

>> No.6815744

Fabric paint works really well. I recommend once you paint it on to use baby powder or something just to dust on it. It doesn't seal it, it just gets rid of the stickiness that the fabric paint has on your skin. I just don't recommend the foundation and eyeshadow method, it doesn't look all too great, and people say it's "cheaper" but the cheapest good foundation is like $9 and you'll need a LOT of it.

>> No.6815747

I know that people tend to seal their makeup with baby powder regardless. And people also use hairspray?

I've never done this before and I'm planning to do a cosplay in grey soon enough so I just want to know what to do, what to avoid, alternate options, etcetera.

So fabric paint the desired areas, then apply baby powder after and I'm set and sealed?

>> No.6815748

As a third party to this conversation, when I see people like you trying to justif immature behavior to "let off steam" it seriously makes me cringe.

It's not okay in any social situation to act like an ass or an attention whore. (and I mean attention whore in a genderless fashion)

>> No.6815762

Source for the research that it is "totally fine" please? Last time I checked, covering large chunks of your skin in non-breathable material is potentially very bad for you.

>> No.6815778

I don't understand all these ~alternate~ ways to paint your skin. why can't these people just buy regular body paint that is MEANT to be used on your skin?

and I think people who keep their paint on overnight/for multiple days are really gross sorry. so if you're grey all three days of a con weekend are you telling me you just don't shower?

>> No.6815783

i don't get them either, personally. what's the appeal?

>> No.6815785

Because they'd rather save the whopping $4 per bottle instead of buying something actually made for skin contact. Sorry if you can't afford a $6 pot of ben nye you shouldn't be cosplaying a troll.

PAX can be showed in, but that's the only one I know of.

>> No.6815800

Well, the only paint I've used that actually stays other than fabric paint was temptu, a very expensive airbrush brand ($12 for one oz, but you have to mix the grey with white, which you'll have to buy 4 oz to get enough, which is $32). I've tried a lot of methods and they rub or peel off. Including PAX, which isn't nearly as ~ wonderful ~ as people make it out to be. It peels off and makes your skin look like that of an elephant's.

>> No.6815803

Quick question about Roxy's skirt:

I'm having trouble finding a pink one that I actually like and all-over white is unflattering as hell on me, so how much shit would I get for using black instead?

>> No.6815805

Quite a lot. Just go for pink.

>> No.6815806

a lot. A lot of shit will be placed on your lap. A pink skirt is passable, but a black skirt has no appeal to roxy. Rose ... eh? maybe cause she has the goth girl thing, but roxy is a big no.

>> No.6815811

You are using PAX wrong then. The only reason PAX peels off is either you used a way too high paint to prosaide radio, or you used prosaide that had turned bad. Mixed correctly, PAX works fine on arms and legs. It does not stay put well on your hands and face.

I find it really hard to believe that you had no luck getting either creme or water-based makeup to stay on your skin when so many others have obviously had success. Are you sure that you were applying with the right brush?

>> No.6815815

Point taken. Black is out. Can either of you-- or anyone else, for that matter-- recommend something that isn't one of those shitty bodycon minis I see on pretty much every Roxy?

>> No.6815819

Are you talking Ben Nye? Or a nicer brand? It tends to be "successful", yes, but it depends how long you mean to wear it. And ultimately it can rub off even if you seal it like hell. I'm sure you see plenty of pictures, even of great cosplayers, who have some rubbed off make up on their sleeves. When I paint my arms I look for something that has no risk of rub off like that, that's why I tend to use fabric paint, PAX, or temptu.

>> No.6815823

Have you tried a skater skirt?
I know a few Jane cosplayers use them.
They're cute and has a bit of flair.

>> No.6815828

They do rub off yes, which is why PAX is preferable IMO. But even ignoring PAX as a possibility, I would still rather use something that rubs off after several hours than a product that has multiple manufacturer's warnings against use on skin. Fabric paint is not makeup.

>> No.6815836

That could work. Do you have any pictures of cosplayers wearing one? I'm probably going to have to order something offline, so I'd like to see the product in the correct context before I make any purchases.

>> No.6815859

Just use a goddamn white skirt.

>> No.6815874
File: 15 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have pictures on hand, but I know I have seen some.
If you want to know how a skater skirt looks when on, take a look

>> No.6815890
File: 126 KB, 247x370, tumblr_inline_mkgqaaalGp1qz4rgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my girlfriend got this skirt for her roxy! I got a similar one in blue for my jane and we're both really happy with our skirts

>> No.6815892

oops I was going to link that skirt and I forgot it's this one


>> No.6815919

>Fuck I'm not mad you bitch.

>> No.6815925

Hahaha, this one's a real gem

>> No.6815927

>shitting all over tumblr

idk who "noone" is (maybe a friend of yours?) but somebody does care and that somebody is you. you mad. you mad, and it's hilarious. rage moar.

>> No.6815936
File: 59 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mmb1grW92G1qkbzbqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thought I'd have to say this, but... some people need to contour less.

>> No.6815950

it looks like a rabbit's shit trail on her face

>> No.6816018


popping into this thread to say go for it. i agree completely with >>6815226 here. your question is actually kind of silly to me because i'm not the first who did that kind of thing and i won't be the last. the so and so is copying so and so argument is ridiculous to me but anyway-
my friend wrote a great how to on cmvs if you want to get into it:
good luck!

>> No.6816166

reminder that nudestuck is a thing and there is a tumblr for attentionwhoring 15 year old girls to post their nudes in really bad homestuck cosplay on (and then a 30 year old lactoria)

>> No.6816178

ok what's the deal with chain?
I 'met' them briefly at a con and when i say met I mean they shoved their crotch in my face when we sat down for a group shot without saying a word to me.

>> No.6816182


I took the bait and I wasn't disappointed

>> No.6816187
File: 37 KB, 640x480, tumblr_mehk2pDzel1r7mujco7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>‘I only had a black shirt but I don’t think it matters because boobs.’

>> No.6816190

her fucking face tho

>> No.6816197

Someone please tell me how this is the HIC

>> No.6816199

My best friend posted on nudestuck and I know it's her, she linked it to her blog and doesn't try to hide it.

I have never talked about it with her. I don't know if I should, it was a year and a half ago. But damn, it's weird...

>> No.6816205

Holy shit I thought it was a bad Vriska, but no it's HIC. I'm laughing so hard, that's even worse.

Poor girl, she's fat but has small boobs. The worst.

>> No.6816214

They are an androgynous person who is sometimes a little overbearing in the sexual way that they act, despite their claim to asexuality. I personally enjoy being around them the majority of the time, but there have been incidents such as that which are rather offputting. All in all, they are an excellent dave who is able to stay in character (ie true to the comic) at panels and has good craftmanship on their cosplays.

>> No.6816225

Agh, but how is it in any way the Condesce...
I mean, I get that they want to show off their body, and you know what, that's cool, I guess, but... I didn't even think this was even Homestuck at first. Just a place to submit nudes and call it Homestuck.

I thought the idea was that you'd be in cosplay, at least.

>> No.6816229

wow I like how you say that you like them but then take a dig about how they identify?
I don't really give a shit but it's off putting when people are shoving body parts in my face without asking permission or apologizing afterwards if it was unintentional.

>> No.6816340

my apoligies if that rubbed you the wrong way, it's simply that the way they act such as int he example you gave I have seen many times, and when someone reciprocates, the "I'm asexual" card is played.

>> No.6816343
File: 286 KB, 960x637, tumblr_mmb9p0Jvl81qjnzv3o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I thought this Jake was just eh at first, now I find out they're kind of a jackass, according to this

>> No.6816355

i just went on their page and hoooly shit theyre just a load of dick bags

>> No.6816358

I went to that Jake's blog and I just cannot find the logic in anything they're saying, holy fucking shit.

>> No.6816369

He's not even that good. Wow.

>> No.6816378

ah I get what you're saying then

>> No.6816379

>OFF! cosplays take no effort
>Cosplays one of the easiest Homestuck outfits

Okay buddy.

>> No.6816384

holy shit what a complete cunt

>> No.6816390

> i want no straight couples to be able to get married for 50 years and only geys get to rule the goverment for 50 years and enslave and beat random straight people for being straight because revenge is the only way i could ever feel at peace with the wrongs that have been done to the lgbt community
No one on earth could possibly be this irrational, please tell me he got hacked or something because oh my god

>> No.6816396

I seriously can't tell if this kid is just one huge fucking troll or something. Because if you look through his blog it's all this shit-tasticly crazy.

>> No.6816400

They... actually said this? They were already bad enough from what I saw about the whole cosplay thing, and now this?

I'm starting to think their head's just not screwed on that properly.

>> No.6816452

is this like.
is this a joke.
that just seems too fucking retarded to be real.

>> No.6816457
File: 518 KB, 497x750, tumblr_mcad56HmKJ1qzh9h5o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also someone asked him how he got into cosplay and
i was transgendered for almost 3 years before i fell inlove witha gay boy and just accepted my body as a guy and pretty much said fuck it, this is my body and im gunna live in it god damn it

also he made a post bitching about genderbend cosplay but pic related - he's this male kanaya

>> No.6816459

goddamnit I greentexted wrong

>> No.6816477

>i was transgendered for almost 3 years before i fell inlove witha gay boy and just accepted my body as a guy

You're...you've got to be kidding, right? He honest to God said this?

>> No.6816482

I wish I was kidding

>> No.6816490

I will admit, the chainsaw looks kind of cool, but now that I know more about him, I'm just put off more and more by his cosplays, no matter how well crafted or decent they look.

If you're really striving for perfection, for canon, (by the way he also has disdain for crossplays, genderbents (and oh look at his Kanaya) and AUs),

then you better lose your fucking arms and be as white as snow.

>> No.6816498
File: 219 KB, 500x286, 1366245136143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah okay then, thanks! I haven't really seen anyone else in this fandom do anything like that, so I was just wondering? Things in this fandom get kind of crazy so I wanted to hear the opinions of others before I do anything. Also thanks for the how to, I'm sure it'll come in handy! :)

>> No.6816500

Oh man I really liked his Male!Kanaya and Jake. :( Now that I know more about his actual character I just want to throw up looking at his costumes. His page is really bizarre and I really hope that it's all a joke.

>> No.6816547

>transmen and woman actually make some of the BEST cosplayers iv ever fucking seen.
Is it because they ARE trans* themselves? Fucking Christ.

>> No.6816553

hahahahahaha laughs because why does that even matter wow
if they're so into the idea of people simply being GOOD or BAD
why the hell point out that non-cis cosplayers are some of the 'BEST' way to turn cosplay into a matter of gender
i'm sorry but this guy is preachy as shit for someone who gets off calling people out on sj shit jesus my eyes are rolling so hard they're fucking echoing over here

>> No.6816563

Question about the whatpumpkin shirts, I know some of them aren't the right colours like Breath is, but what about Heart?

>> No.6816565

I have the Heart hoodie and the colors are pretty true to comic, so I'd say it's a safe bet!

>> No.6816572


He doesn't even make a good Jake, in my opinion. Even before reading that, his cosplay just... looks pretty bad to me.

>> No.6816702

>i worked for every dime that went into that cosplay. adult modeling online. its kind of more invasive then youv ever worked in your life.

modelling is the hardest job ever you guys if you're not a model you're not doing hard work.

wow this guys is an absolute cunt

>> No.6816714

Jfc they don't even get the right fucking coloured vest OR shirt, they need to just... stop.

That outfit that Jake has includes a dark green vest and a grey shirt, evidenced in the Act 6 Act 4 flash, and yet, this jerk has neither. So much for canon.

>> No.6816716

>acting like someone im not is creepy and when other people try to talk to me in character i just get really uncomfortable.
And yet, they're so fucking keen on BEING the character and being accurate and canon
Why not go all the fucking way then and actually fucking ACT like the character (although unintentional they seem to be being a good job at being an oblivious jackass, but at least Jake actually realized he fucked up)
After all, if they're so dedicated to this, well, cosplay consists of cos, costume; and play, roleplay.
This person just digs themself deeper and deeper.

>> No.6816726


>> No.6816760
File: 189 KB, 216x222, 1359356185208.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this cant be real
no one is that idiotic and dickish

where the fuck does this guy even live he's going to get his head bashed in by someone at a con if he keeps saying these things

>> No.6816790

he's form texas

>> No.6816855
File: 767 KB, 499x750, tumblr_mmbnwdUaFS1qjybreo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tumblr is crusading against this guy now and I'm loving it

Apparently the blog homestuck-is-a-sin even spoke against him

>> No.6816860

>hexiium running the anime boston photoshoot


>> No.6816861
File: 30 KB, 300x384, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OFF cosplays are so easy!!!!
>lol i just put puffy paint on a shit &♥

Unwarranted self importance: HS Cosplay Edition.

>> No.6816865
File: 307 KB, 441x494, tumblr_mmbijwzqfZ1r3oelpo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know right this is awesome

>> No.6816868

Wait is that angry cupcake girl?

>> No.6816869

it is indeed

>> No.6816876

What other drama does she have? I'm guessing she's done some other stupid shit if she thinks the con needs two different saturday shoots a few hours apart.

>> No.6816879


cupcake girl? details?

>> No.6816880

What's wrong with her chin?

>> No.6816885

I've never even heard of hexiium, what's the deal?

>> No.6816898

oh fuck yes, barstuck

>> No.6816952


>> No.6816970


>anime coplay
>srs fuckin bsns

>> No.6816976

She got mad over crit of her cosplay and threw a bitchfit, this happened twice
She whines about boys constantly
Someone told her she was on cgl once and she whined and cried like nobody's business
Her cosplays are fucking awful and she says she's heteroromantic demisexual or some shit
Basically, she's everything that's wrong with the hs cosplay community

>> No.6816990

He's nasty tho

>> No.6816991

anyone got some pics

>> No.6816994

Why are there so many bad hs fans in the Boston group? There's this girl, Gemiblu, the 18+ group mod, that underage drunk Roxy, and apparently there's someone trying to plan a "secret homestuck panel" at Anime Boston? Is there something in the water there that just makes them all remarkably stupid?

>> No.6817022
File: 23 KB, 609x247, pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her ab schedule

>> No.6817025
File: 73 KB, 612x612, have you ever been so high you made out with a pastry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6817026
File: 25 KB, 513x551, vvris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the last one unless people want more. i dont want to shit up the thread too much

>> No.6817031
File: 341 KB, 646x357, law1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dirk rainbowdash
>running photoshoot

>> No.6817032


It's a known fact that boston has the worst HS community. central and south florida give it a run for its money though.

>> No.6817034
File: 873 KB, 250x188, oh cupcake-san you are the only one who understands me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this >>6811630 is the front, the back is blue wings drawn on in marker

>> No.6817035
File: 11 KB, 650x450, 06227.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this gif makes me feel dirty

>> No.6817039
File: 75 KB, 358x235, 78f72a52bd697daf0d95d4c3bdbc58eb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least the people running the shoot last year were mature and knew what they were doing. that disciple who mainly ran it was a sweetheart and her and her group were great when i talked to them.
this on the other hand? oh no.

>> No.6817046

South Florida isn't all awful.
It's Mostly just the aspies and speshul snowflakez in Miamistuck.

>> No.6817047

>the edges on the purple shit on her kimono

>> No.6817049

dat sullox wig

>> No.6817054

I'm surprised she didn't just shove that cupcake in her mouth.

>> No.6817058
File: 587 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mjxanaFp931qzh9h5o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone fully photo shop everything about the picture and call it cosplay.

>> No.6817059
File: 282 KB, 598x398, omf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This day will go down in history.

>> No.6817060
File: 460 KB, 960x1469, Notevenreallygood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone hear about the drama surrounding this douchenozzle? Apparently having tumblr kiddies lick their balls over their Jake cosplay went straight to their head.


>> No.6817062

read the thread
we were already discussing this twat

>> No.6817064

dude, go like 20 posts above you
we've been talking about dickwad

>> No.6817066


Are there any GOOD hs fans in the Boston group? Sage for fucking curiosity.

>> No.6817067

...You're a bit late to the party here, but yeah, EVERYONE has crusaded against this jackass, and it is quite a sight.

>> No.6817068

"Okay, here is where I, Nadia will step in and defend a group of people who may not be doing what is best for them in the eyes of God. One thing I can recognize is talent. Yes, sinful talent but talent all the same. Correct me if I am wrong, but this “cosplay” business from what I have seen so far looks as if it takes quite a bit of work. Also, must I ask this, does anybody in the real world really cares? Do contractors and managers say “Oh, this person’s cosplay was no good, so we can’t hire them?” Whether or not a cosplay is good should not matter. Yes, I do have strong beliefs against cosplays but for Holy reasons. However, even then I will never use such language towards people for no reason. I also do not think I am better than anyone on this earth, be it they are sinners or saints. We are all equal. Thank you for your time and God Bless. "

>> No.6817070


>> No.6817072

god bless homestuck-is-a-sin

>> No.6817074

I kind of want to blame the hiatus. We don't really have anything to do, and now we find out this major jackass is being a jackass to people and they're not even that good, yet they have an awful attitude.

Fairly certain homestuck-is-a-sin is just a joke, or dare I say, troll blog, so I'm guessing most of their angry responses are in some sort of fabricated character they've made up ala francieum and FFRO.

Regardless, it's nice to see that this jackass even repulses this character, and the people behind the blog.

It's like we all unite against one big jackass, even here. It's quite a sight.

>> No.6817083

She looks like Takisiski here

>> No.6817095
File: 267 KB, 600x900, tumblr_mliqiiszuq1qiaukxo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6817109

Look whoever here keeps sending macabrekawaii dirty asks needs to GET A LIFE! She's a better cosplayer and a better person than any of you pathetic losers will ever be so just cut it out already!

>> No.6817114

Oh boy.

Here we go.

>> No.6817115

Well, making it worse isn't going to help her.

>> No.6817120

New thread

>> No.6817365

Why's it deleted

>> No.6817370

New bread