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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 334 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6806812 No.6806812 [Reply] [Original]

I've seen so many people trying to pass off ita coords as old school when it just looks terrible in general.
How do you differentiate old school from ita, or does it all look ita to you?

>> No.6806815

Girl on the left looks ita to me but the girl on the right could pass as old school. Those socks aren't flattering though. They make her legs look stumpy.

>> No.6806854

>cut of the dress
>visibility of ita things like ugly corset lacing
>good quality lace, good porportions i.e. no stumpy sleeves like left girl
>good colour balance
>avoid looking like a maid if wearing bxw
>well done hair and makeup, natural wig recommended but not required
>no lace monsters a la old school Meta, some btssb pieces
>everything looks like it 'belongs', the lace going down the front of left's dress looks out of place

This stuff is elementary. I wear bxw on a regular basis, and the rest of my wardrobe is old school sweet. It's quite easy to differentiate between ita and old school once you expose yourself to enough piece and co-ords.

>> No.6807336

A lot of old school lolita is legit ugly and would be considered ita now. I'm so glad ringlets went out of fashion. Those were ugly as sin.

>> No.6808413

Lolita went from emulating maid to emulating clowns. It's a fashion, an extreme one at that, and it's not immune from change. In about ten years the new lolitas will look back on what's hot now and think 'oh my god that the most hideous thing, why was that ever popular?'

>> No.6808523


>Come play with us Danny

I'm eh about this. From what I remember old school was just dripping with lace, so actually these girls might really be channeling the "old school' vibe. Doesn't mean it was attractive.

>> No.6808526

This anon said it exactly.

>> No.6808547

>that feel when I have one re-release of an old school BTSSB dress and I constantly think it's ita as fuck when I look at myself in the mirror while wearing it
>and it's navy
>and it has these front ribbons
>it's so ita but I can't help but love it

I have actually gotten to wear it more for nice dinners and parties.

>> No.6810196

I only got into lolita right after AP released Magic Whip,I was immediately drawn to OTT, now that OTT is getting less and less popular my love for lolita fades. I never liked Old School, always thought it looked frumpy on everyone.

>> No.6810216

Sounds like you are only into fads, not fashion.

>> No.6810218

I hate bxw so much
oh dear god
Nobody can pull it off

>> No.6810227

I'd say it's easier to look cute in old school styles with less contrast, so not black and white, but sax and white, pink and white, or black and Moitie blue

Also, maybe it's just me, but I really like "maxipad" headdresses (as long as they're narrow, like 2in wide or less, so it's more like a headband then a diaper)
But I can't stand the look of those gigantic headbows, to me they look really doofusy. (At least on me but I prefer sublter looking wigs, IMO the big bows require a twintail)

>> No.6810242

I'm like 90% certain that the girl on the left is wearing a milanoo dress..

>> No.6810250

are we not going to talk about the fact that they're wearing socks over black tights?


>> No.6810275

Umm Old school lolita was a fad too buddy, and it died. Lolita for me is not a fashion, it's a fad, I didn't start wearing it expecting to wear it for the rest of my life, me and most of my friends have grown out of it. I'm sorry that I can't be a true lolita till I die.

>> No.6810279
File: 52 KB, 475x661, T2ZF2TXhNXXXXXXXXX_!!20342669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor quality and clashing colors, I think the easiest colors to pull off in Old School are light ones like in pic related.

>> No.6810283

they have gross hair too.

>> No.6810284

Yeah, right, this is why brands still relase 'Old School' lolita dresses frequently.

Your newfag is showing.

>> No.6810561

"Old School" is just a coined term here in the US/international community. Same as "toned down sweet". It's all sweet, it's all lolita. The only thing is you don't see so many online images of it, though brands still produce them every season. But they don't get attention because they're not prints which seems to be on everyones mind as of late.

>> No.6810607

I still love OTT. I wish it was still "in", I feel like lolita is so much less popular now that the OTT fad has died down.

>> No.6811055


Why the heck do you care if it's 'in' or not? Just wear it if you like it. It's not like brands stopped putting out stuff that could work for OTT.

>> No.6811057
File: 60 KB, 500x363, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kokushoku Sumire rock the old school style pretty well. I think old school isn't that bad if you stick to simple silhouettes and less tacky lace everywhere.

>> No.6811083

Man, I fucking love that jsk. I've always wanted the red colorway, but now seeing a real photo of this one, I like the blue one a lot.

This is a horrible example, but does anyone remember when shiro-lolita was a thing?

>> No.6811085
File: 31 KB, 240x320, LoliGaga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck does my picture keep dropping?

>> No.6811122

I not only remember that, but I remember when Japanese girls in shiro would wear black shoes and no one got upset "because it matches [her] hair".

>> No.6811137

Don't care what anyone says, love her, love this. I wouldn't wear it, but I think it's great.

>> No.6811140

Oh, you are taking me back, anon. Next someone is going to mention mabet-gate.

>> No.6811141
File: 323 KB, 584x840, babbythestarsshinebright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when wearing black shoes with sweet lolita was totally acceptable.

Also, I'm really glad that mini top hats went out of style and that maxi pad headdresses are modified. And if people did use mini top hats, which is a rarity these days, they usually figure out how to make them work.

>> No.6811143
File: 23 KB, 290x387, pantylinerHeaddress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6811147

I like the top hat in your picture though! It's not too bad...

>> No.6811172

cute dresses, but they all look so angry

>> No.6811174

behold! faces that arent covered in layers of bb creme and photoshop, eyes without falsies and circle lenses!

>> No.6811185

It's their expressions. The right one is the only one who has the slightest hint of a smile, and it's obviously forced.

>> No.6811389


It's most likely because you're supposed to notice the dresses, not the models wearing them.

>> No.6811406

If the models are more noticeable than the dresses, they're doing something wrong...

>> No.6811412
File: 189 KB, 346x500, kerasnap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God. I've seen this photo for many years, but I just realized that the collar on the middle model is crooked.

Some things cannot be unseen.

>> No.6811419
File: 329 KB, 825x1342, Gothic_lolita_takeshita_street.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6811436

This. If you like the style then wear it regardless of how many other people wear it too.

>> No.6811462

Perfect example. I remember threads on EGL about it. Someone asking if she could wear black shoes with sweet/shiro if she has dark hair. I wonder if I could find it...

>> No.6812323

Satellite dish bonnets always remind me of that terrible bear ear bonnet AP put out. That thing was a monster!

>> No.6812328

tfw I would probably look silly with a bonnet

>> No.6812429

I hope you know that this is from the taobao indie brand Shirley Deer, right?

>> No.6818102
File: 133 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anymore good examples of well-done old school? When I got into lolita it was all white lace everywhere and I have such a soft spot for it. Unfortunately, this unspecified fine line between old school and ita is what has kept me from trying the fashion.

>> No.6818623
File: 39 KB, 250x333, 70726f647563742f633164633437393137312e6a70670032353000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rules for not being ita in "old school" are not any different than the rules for any other style. no ugly cheap lace, make sure it fits well, sufficient petti, nice hair and makeup, etc.

a brand that still releases old school items almost exclusively is chocochip cookie. seems like they have some sort of luckypack up right now as well.

>> No.6818702

Mabetgate.... Ohh man I remember reading about that when I was a noob. I think it happened a bit before I started lurking.

I'm sad that I can't seem to access lolitaburger to read all the grand old drama.

>> No.6818708

I know! Come back to me, lolita burger!

>> No.6818734

>thinking thats a good example

fucking pleb

>> No.6819094

There's a pic of me wearing that exact dress for my prom.. However I wouldn't be comfortable with the image floating around on 4chan. I do love old school but I found it's still a bit sweet and too much on me.

>> No.6819101

I remember this dress. Not only is the collar crooked, the reason is that side of the collar is larger than the other, makingthe weight drag it down.

>> No.6819104

jsut went full retard

>> No.6819194

>hence why I was asking for examples of good old school

>> No.6819202

The right girl wouldn't look bad with different leg wear and shoes.

>> No.6819364

>Also, maybe it's just me, but I really like "maxipad" headdresses (as long as they're narrow, like 2in wide or less, so it's more like a headband then a diaper)

I thought I was the only one. I mean I would never wear one since it's painfully out of fashion, but I really wish it would come back in....

>> No.6819374

Everyone looks silly in a bonnet.

>> No.6819391
File: 870 KB, 1632x1232, yep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis bitch~

>> No.6819463

lame self post is lame

>> No.6819532

Looks just a step above me to my middle school dinner dance haha

I love the thin headdresses. It's like a headband, except frillier!

>> No.6819627

The Paradise Rose old-school style headbands are cute. I wear mine with my bxw Innocent World coord, I have a jsk from them that's old as hell. Really nice lace though. I've seen the matching headdress and bow go up for sale before, but I don't feel the need to get them because the clip-on headdress is lightweight and comfortable.

>> No.6819648

Oh, I think that's really cute. Just the bag and shoes need improvement to match the outfit. I also kind of get irritated by printed ribbons.

>> No.6819657
File: 120 KB, 570x855, oldschoolheadb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped my photo
it's this but with black ribbon.

>> No.6819660
File: 100 KB, 500x375, iw oldschool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the JSK I wear with it.

>> No.6819876

I love the simple geometric lines found in old school stuff. It's a very lovely JSK!

>> No.6820035

I do too! The lace reminds me of an apron shape, definitely reminiscent of the maid themed old school stuff mentioned by >>6808413.

My friend was selling it and the same jsk in brown/cream; the material and design are just exquisite. There's a bustle in the back bordered by the same lace they used vertically on the front panel. The straps were too short to fit my bust though so I safety pinned them to be longer. I'll move the buttons someday, but they'll do for now. The bodice was originally way too high on my torso, a very traditional old-school cut. Super unflattering on my bust though.

Also I'm really short, but unlike most old school items, the skirt actually hits just under the knee instead of nearing tea-length.

>> No.6821096

Ahhhhh I wish I had money for burando! Or maybe I do. Not sure how much old school goes for, considering the reputation for being ita.

>> No.6821225

Oldschool is like dirt cheap if you're not going for the very popular ones or the rare printed ones. I got an old school jsk for around 90 and a skirt for around 40 euros, both in good to decent state.
I hope I did the reply right, I'm on my phone!

>> No.6821250

Can someone post the sauce of OP's outfits?

>> No.6821260

I like "maxi pad headdresses". I like rocking horse shoes too. I want to wear an old school style shiro coord with a headdress and rocking horse shoes, sort of like Momoko's coord in the end of Kamikaze girls. But I can only really afford off-brand and I'm worried I'd look tacky. I really like old school but I'm worried of looking ita.

At the same time, I love big, cheesy, bright, over the top prints and pastel mix wigs with big twin tails and tights and resin necklaces and a million hair accessories and over the top tea parties.

But I feel like neither old school nor OTT are in style anymore.

>> No.6821264

Her dress is so short.

>> No.6821328

Omg does no one remember this bitch?!
She caused such a shit storm back in the day.

And anon is calling self post, oh shit I feel old. I am going to go see if her website is still up.

>> No.6821336

That JSK was only $75, I bought it off a friend. Old school is pretty inexpensive.

>> No.6821333


Shit I forgot about this girl, omg thank you for the lols /cgl/, you deliver.

>> No.6821339

I wanna rock old school gothic and classic lolita.

I see too much love for sweet lolita and i'm just not into sweet at all.

>> No.6821387

Are you me? I think we're thinking twins. I have 7 main pieces i.e. dresses, 5 are sweet as all hell, cute prints with ponies or ballerinas or bears. The other two are my old school IW jsk pictured in >>6819660 and a dusty rose colored Meta sundress, both old as hell with big lace and simple dress designs.

I looove OTT sweet with its crazy accessories and colorful wigs, and it has a special place in my closet, but I will always love my old school. I want black rocking horse shoes just to wear with my IW jsk, but I can't justify a purchase just for one dress. Maybe if I got a white pair I'd be able to wear it with the rest of my wardrobe. Rocking horse shoes and old school lolita are what got me interested in lolita fashion in the first place.

Anyway, I feel your feels. I will continue to wear both styles even if they're not "trendy" anymore. :)

>> No.6821394


>> No.6821451

Her site is down, let me do some digging on getoffegl and see if the posts are still there. If not, she posted that coord and another and threw a shit fit when she got concrit for it.

>> No.6821465

This is from like, 2007, so the caps are gone now. You can kind of get an idea from the comments. I'm sorry I couldn't provide more, but that picture above is pretty wank.

There is also the part where the posted to egl wearing a kstar petti as a skirt and freaking out at anyone who said it was not a skirt.

>> No.6821489
File: 6 KB, 194x259, metasummer dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped my pic.

>> No.6821596

Haha oh, wow. And this chick is still in lolita? That's actually pretty surprising.

>> No.6821599

I don't think so. I checked out her tumblr and didn't see her in lolita. I think she got a bad reception from egl and gave up.

>> No.6821616

good. her coords were fucking awful and she didn't know how to take concrit.

>> No.6821632

Mallory Maloney here, this be my trip. Ugh ugh ugh I'm sorry for being such a terrible piece of shit back then, guiiiiise. I was going through some pretty rough parental/body image/general angsty tween issues at the time, so 'dressing up' and 'acting out' on the Intarbuttz was my way of dealing with shit ... Like pretty much every other kid. Okay, maybe slightly more annoying, but yeah.

It was about a million years ago, but nonetheless, I apologise.

I also apologise for my embarrassing friends and their racist/homophobic 'insults' in an extremely poor attempt to try and back me up. Or whatever it was they thought they were doing. Honestly, I strongly suspect they were purposely trying to make me look even worse for their own personal lulz, but that's another story.

So yeah, I apologise once again for acting like a total wee bratty child --- And nope, I haven't done lolita since whenever this all went down, haha. I lost interest after shit started to go down, and by the time I no longer gave a fuck about the whole thing, I realised that 'doing it right' was wayyyyy out of my price range ... And still is, heh. One day I'd like to try and put together a decent coord, though!

So yeah, let's all be friends okay gosh

>> No.6821638

Someone ask on her tumblr!

>> No.6821639


apology accepted, we all cool now.
I bet a plenty of seagulls were terrible itas too, just less visible to comms

>> No.6821645

Fuck yeah, thanks Anon. And yeah, posting myself to EGL was one of my more moronic ideas, aside from my coords themselves.

lol fucking hot topic dress~

Or you could ask me right here! What is it you wanted to know, exactly ...?

>> No.6821656

Oh oh oh and since this is a major fave from all the drama: Yeah, yes, the 'skirt' from my second 'coord' was actually a petticoat. I'm pretty sure, if I remember correctly, that I just didn't know what a petticoat even WAS at the time, so I denied it. I think I thought I was wearing a lacy tutu or something? IDEK.


By the time I figured out a 'petticoat' was, it was too late to admit defeat, so I just kept up the NOPE NOPE NOPE IT'S TOTES A SKIRT charade.

fucking cringeee

>> No.6821659


omg thats hilarious
its nice to be able to look back at dumb shit you did and laugh about it, having a sense of humor about it is probably one of the best things you can do

>> No.6821991

You trip here. Now I can block your posts.

You were a horrible bully to me years ago, and your fucking friends were goddamn hounds. Fuck you. You say you were a kid but you were a damn adult. I was barely a teenager.

I can't believe I actually cried over shit you said to me. But there it is. Everyone have parent and body issues. That doesn't mean they attack people all over the internet.

Anons can forgive you, but they don't remember you. I do. You act like you were just the center of the drama, but you caused drama every place you went and YOU were you bully, not your friends YOU, so stop deflecting. I remember every cruel word you typed in my direction that I immaturely took straight to heart.

Fuck you. Fuck you. I hope Billie Joe Armstrong dies.

>> No.6821997

C'mon, everybody hopes Billie Joe Armstrong dies since 21th Century Breakdown.

>> No.6822007

Damn anon. What did she do to you?

>> No.6822008

Yeah, I imagine his wife is thinking of ways to poison him since he cheated on her and wrote a whole album about it.

>> No.6822075

>>6818702 omg! please be someone out there that has a password pls pls! find this thread and give us access to all that dramu!

>> No.6822087

Is this JSK really considered old school? Looks pretty much like AP's usual unprinted stuff, like the ones that they still release.

>> No.6822089

it's only because of the dresses age.

>> No.6822100

I thought it was something recent from an indie Korean brand?

>> No.6822138
File: 499 KB, 500x269, tumblr_inline_mkv576vM5T1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically, her and her gang of cronies bullied the shit out of me because I dared say something against her in some forum, and they assumed I was one of her "enemies" when I didn't even know who she was, really. They found my email, even found me in other forums. I was told I was fat, ugly, gross, and to go kill myself. That's only the tip of the iceberg. I was 13-14(?) at the time. Her website listed her as in her 20s, unless she was lying about that, which wouldn't surprise me.

It just pisses me off that she is playing this off as "tee hee, young angsty me did some stupid things, whoops, sorry let's be friends! I had body issues at the time, feel bad for me!" In reality, she was a vicious, vicious cunt and deserved every reaming anyone ever delivered to her over the internet, because she certainly knew how to dish them out herself.

It must be really easy for her to look back on that time and laugh, but that harassment came at a point in my life when some really fucked up shit was happening with my family. Maybe if I hadn't been in such a bad place at the time I wouldn't be quite so resentful, but as it stands, fuck you, Mallory Maloney.

Sage for years old butthurt being freshly reheated.

>> No.6822149

That is a severe case of vendetta you're holding onto, anon.

>> No.6822157

I don't deny it. Maybe you would too if when you were a vulnerable teen with a mother losing a battle to cancer, some bitch and her friends were telling you to kill yourself.

>> No.6822158

Forgot my sage, damn.

>> No.6822178

Uhh isn't being told to kill yourself and being internet-stalked a decent reason for a vendetta? C'mon now.

>> No.6822264
File: 267 KB, 418x580, punk_LOLita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ Superstar, let's get some more old school shit here.

Found this treasure in Avant Gauche. I can't believe that this website still exists. Too bad that some of the images are broken.

>> No.6822271

>Avant Gauche
To think I had forgotten.

I have a shit ton of old school street snaps but I can't post them all right now.

>> No.6822270
File: 242 KB, 420x580, you_cringe_you_lose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, you'd think that this is a Milanoo piece, but it was an ita attempt to what is now considered old school sweet. I can't believe that this was published.

>> No.6822309
File: 134 KB, 421x580, loveit_hateit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6822322
File: 128 KB, 422x580, iwearUrGrammasCouchiLookincredible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6822333
File: 138 KB, 422x580, BitchbeStylin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mirin dem sleeves

>> No.6822343
File: 71 KB, 436x600, shift dresses n bloomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the urge to make an old school outfit with bloomers peaking out from under the hem.

>> No.6822369

I remember when that was a totally acceptable thing to do. Tall lolitas were encouraged to wear long bloomers! Now it's considered grossly out of fashion.

>> No.6822375

hey, if you are looking for that exact jsk it's up on tokyo alice right now in black.

what a coincidence, i just saw it. only 7,800 yen too!

>> No.6822377

I really like this design, but not the pattern/color.

>> No.6822381
File: 28 KB, 399x295, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that arm

>> No.6822449 [DELETED] 

Oh, wow, Anon ... I dropped my trip because I think it's important you read this: I'm really fucking sorry. Like, really fucking sorry, man. You sound exactly like how I felt way back then.

I'm honestly trying desperately to remember who you are, but the Internet was my entire life back then --- I did nothing else, literally, being a homeschooled loner whose parents rarely let her out of the house, I had all the time in the world --- And I've been a member of so many forums and LJ comms and social media sites and more forums and just EVERYTHING online based since then that I'm ashamed to admit I don't remember. Not exactly.

Was it AsiaJam? I think it might have been AJ ... I dunno ... GDC? Are you Maddy from GDC? Gosh. IDK. Please eMail me and let's talk about this, Anon. Maybe I can explain myself? Or at least properly apologise to you? Please, I'm kinda begging you. I feel pretty Goddamn horrible, especially since I can't properly remember. Especially since I never once thought anyone was actually affected by anything I said online in defense or otherwise. I didn't think anyone gave a fuck and thought everything I typed was laughable and pathetic, since that's how I felt about myself.

just, wow, I can't believe this. Please contact me, okay?


>> No.6822493 [DELETED] 

Maybe House Of Jigsaw? There was a LOT of bullshit I was involved in on that forum, heh ...

PS: My mum died from cancer recently, as well. Maybe we have more in common than you think ... Maybe we can bond over that? Gosh, please reply, I feel terrible for you.

>> No.6822542

You did that shit to so many people you can't even remember them all? Damn girl...damn.

>> No.6822556

>can't even remember
How many people did you tell to kill themselves? Gosh.

>> No.6822561

I'm capping ALL of this.

>> No.6822566

/cgl/ isn't only lolita. They may just recently be going into the lolita related threads.

Shut up.

>> No.6822578

>implying you weren't edgy back then, spewing death threats at every person you meet without batting an eye because HORMONES
>implying people remember every incident, unless it was hilarious

You're too naïve.

>> No.6822590

Different anon, but I have seriously never done that. Is this common?!

>> No.6822585

First off, thank you for the apology. I do mean that sincerely.

>You sound exactly like how I felt way back then.
You have no fucking clue how I felt then, don't patronize me by projecting your own shit.

>I did nothing else, literally, being a homeschooled loner whose parents rarely let her out of the house, I had all the time in the world
I can't tell if this is supposed to be an explanation for why you harassed me online or for why you harassed so many people you can't keep track.

>Please eMail me and let's talk about this, Anon.
No. I have no interest in rehashing a really painful time in my life any more than I already have, just so you can feel better.

> Especially since I never once thought anyone was actually affected by anything I said online in defense or otherwise. I didn't think anyone gave a fuck and thought everything I typed was laughable and pathetic, since that's how I felt about myself.
Fuck everything about this. Do you not realize how shitty that is?

>Maybe we can bond over that?
I have no wish to bond with you in any manner.

>Gosh, please reply, I feel terrible for you.
No, I feel terrible for you. At least I don't have to look back on my time online and live with the fact that I harassed and abused vulnerable teens. At least I didn't constantly pretend to be the victim while victimizing others. How funny, to go around thinking everyone is a jerk and then to realize the life-ruining jerk is you. Don't feel badly for me, I'll be fine.

Have a nice time trying to sleep tonight, bitch.

>> No.6822587 [DELETED] 

no sorry most people don't do stuff on here.
even tho you are on 4chan doesn't mean you can act 'lulz so edgy n trollsy'

>> No.6822593

no sorry most people don't do shitty things like that to people.
just because you go on 4chan and /cgl/ doesn't mean you get to be a bitch because you are so edgy and LULZ TROLL

>> No.6822675
File: 176 KB, 473x657, lolita 113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...ummm how about some more old school?

>> No.6822710

Weren't you the one in the Anime North thread talking about how the lolitas were bitches?

>> No.6822708
File: 283 KB, 600x600, tumblr_ml2oirTPqB1s9hxveo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Or even better, how about Misako in a lace monster?

>> No.6822713

#teambodyline txt it

>> No.6822718

Oh god this just keeps getting better and better.

I wonder if she'll ever post under that trip again.

>> No.6822721

I have a soft spot for lace monsters,I'd never wear one but I just love that particular oldschool look. Same as maxipad headdresses, I wish I could get away with them

>> No.6822888

I was thinking that that anon was lying to stir shit, but the way you responded...wow. I really hope you've learned your lesson about treating people poorly.

>> No.6822916
File: 586 KB, 160x160, 1367198634855.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have a nice time trying to sleep tonight, bitch.

>> No.6822926
File: 995 KB, 500x281, gimme-five.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6823052
File: 166 KB, 625x1439, 1291397502354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You live in the rank sweat of an enseamed bed,
Stew'd in corruption, honeying and making love ove the nasty sty!

>> No.6823142

I don't know whether to applaud your use of Hamlet because I'm so confused by the context here. Who are you insulting?

>> No.6823168
File: 37 KB, 295x450, Hate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Global rule 2. Any teens on 4chan reap what they sow by simply being here.

>> No.6823195

Umm, it's pretty clear this happened a long ass time ago and not on this board. Helpful citations, since you seem lost:

Yui says here: >It was about a million years ago, but nonetheless, I apologise.

Anon says: >You were a horrible bully to me years ago
>I dared say something against her in some forum
>I was 13-14(?) at the time. Her website listed her as in her 20s
>years old butthurt

Yui thinks the forums are: >AsiaJam?
>House Of Jigsaw

They were probably both teens when this shit went down, but it was years ago and not even on this board OR EVEN 4CHAN.

The fact that they found each other here of all places is such a perfect clusterfuck of drama. Star crossed enemies, if you will. How delicious this is. I wish it was more lolita related, I want to post secrets about it to behind_the_bows.

>> No.6823197

Shit, guuuurl. I approve of this.

>> No.6823202

i want this fucking shirt it rocks

>> No.6823204
File: 413 KB, 500x246, kCSOZgn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't AsiaJam an asian fashion site? And /cgl/ is related to asian fashion. Idk though, cause vendetta-anon claims to have been followed through different boards. Mallory's shit is too old for behind_the_bows, though, even though she was lolita related at one point.

And I agree on the star crossed enemies thing. I can only imagine vendetta-anon's face as she stumbled upon Mallory's post and recognized her old stalker. Gif related.

>> No.6823211 [DELETED] 

Mallory again. I'm glad you welcomed the apology. I'm not so glad, though, that you're clearly still very, very angry over all this. Since you mentioned 'dare saying something' against me on 'a forum', I'm beginning to think that perhaps you aren't so innocent, either ...?

See, all these Anons are jumping to conclusions, 'OH LOL WOW U MUST'VE BEEN A CYBA BULLEH', but what they don't know, and what you might not know, is that I didn't/don't lash out unless someone's hurt me first. Ever. Like, seriously, EVER. Yeah, I was always 'acting out' and posting annoying 'nyeer, nyeeeerrr!~~' shit online constantly --- and sometimes still do --- And getting in massive arguments with others over stupid bullshit, but it was never done with the intent to cause others pain, unless they pinched first.

It's your choice if you wanna hang onto this anger and resentment toward me forever, Anon. And as much as you don't want me to understand you, I do. And if you want to demonise me in your mind and let me have that much bloody power over you to this very day, well, fuck ... That's your choice.

((Continued in next post.))

>> No.6823210
File: 795 KB, 248x184, tumblr_mca6fqerFl1qzfrzw_zps89702462.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, I feel terrible for you. At least I don't have to look back on my time online and live with the fact that I harassed and abused vulnerable teens. At least I didn't constantly pretend to be the victim while victimizing others. How funny, to go around thinking everyone is a jerk and then to realize the life-ruining jerk is you. Don't feel badly for me, I'll be fine.
>Have a nice time trying to sleep tonight, bitch.


>> No.6823214 [DELETED] 

Honestly, though, all your venom is unnecessary, and really, it's only serving to make me feel less empathy toward you, as I'm now just extremely confused as to why you'd allow me to have this much influence on your entire bloody life. Now, I admit earlier in the day I felt very conflicted and really bad over what I supposedly did. ((Still wondering if you're nothing but an elaborate troll, since you refuse to give any additional deets as to WTF the full story was, but I'm pushing these thoughts aside and treating this as if it's legit just for your sake.))


After reading your reply, after realising you're insanely desperate that I feel as badly as you do, after realising you simply don't want to deal with YOUR problems that I clearly was only a very small portion of, well ... It's had to opposite effect on me. I can now only shake my head in pity and again, truly apologise, even if you don't want to accept it.

I've learnt not to let others make me feel badly about myself, and you know why? Because they can't. The only way they can make me feel bad about myself is if what they're saying strikes me as true. When what they say is obviously a lie, or obviously a cheap kick to the groin, it doesn't have much of an effect on me. You could do with copying me, truly.

Burying yourself in anger and refusing to face bad memories/personal weaknesses is going to eat you up so badly, you have no idea. I know this firsthand, because I almost let the same thing happen to me. It's Hell, and it's a Hell of your own creation.

>> No.6823219

Oh /cgl/ gods I hope she responds to you again because this is about the best drama I've read on this board in a long ass time.

>> No.6823220

Wow, I wouldn't ever post with a trip on after this if I were you.

>> No.6823222

What a huge surprise, someone isn't interested in being friendly with someone who told them to kill themselves while her mother was apparently dying.

But seriously girl, you are not making yourself look good with this. Stop replying and let it lie, people will forget about it, and anon blocked your trip. Now everyone can move on with their lives.

>> No.6823223

Goddamn you sound like a douche

>> No.6823224

Wow. Sounds like a crazy bitch to me.

>20 year old vs a 13 year old
>But I totally get her lol teehee!

>> No.6823227

So you fuck up a person's life during a vulnerable time in their life, and now you're trying to make them feel bad for being upset about it?

You're disgusting, like seriously.

>> No.6823232
File: 971 KB, 500x280, i4rtRu4PDrL6P.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6823233 [DELETED] 

Um. No.

Why wouldn't I ...? Sheesh. I'll stay off it for the rest of this thread, though, obviously, since Anon said she blocked my trip.

>> No.6823234

You may just want to stop posting (especially with a trip or mentioning your name). Like seriously, probably for the best. This isn't making you look very good.

>> No.6823239

>I'll stay off it for the rest of this thread, though, obviously, since Anon said she blocked my trip.
>This bitch better read everything I have to say!

>> No.6823244

Knew that was going to happen. So glad I capped this shit before it did. This fucking quality.

>> No.6823242

See, people like you are the reason why the world is shit.

Wasn't she a teen at the time you told her to go kill yourself? Normally, people would just ignore a teenager if they were talking shit (that's assuming she ever was). And you didn't.

You are scum.

>> No.6823246


>> No.6823247

It's okay, you didn't even have to. It will forever live on in the rebeccablacktech archives.

>> No.6823249


>> No.6823251

That hasn't been working for me lately, I thought it was down. Is it just me? Fuck. Now I'm sad.

I'm getting it all together.

>> No.6823253

is that how that site works?

>> No.6823254
File: 22 KB, 666x173, bitchforreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is why I love the archives so much.

Honey, they probably didn't want a damn thing to do with your bitch ass self.

>> No.6823259

Nevermind. Just checked. It works for me again. Good deal!

Just check here:

>> No.6823255

Just checked, it's up and running fine. Sorry, idk how I'd use /cgl/ without being able to laugh at deleted posts.

Mhm, it's an automatic archiver.

>> No.6823262
File: 495 KB, 194x172, jHcNl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thread, surprising derailment, delicious drama, flawfree finish and expected deletion.

This is why I stay, /cgl/. For beauties like this.

>> No.6823266

This...this was flawless!

Dear righteous vendetta-chan,
You are my new favorite cgl'er. Please never leave. You have made my night for seizing an opportunity that I think most girls here would love to have with at least one person from their past and managing to make it public so we could all watch the glorious show.

>> No.6823276 [DELETED] 

Link for lazy anons:

>> No.6823288 [DELETED] 

You know what, I think every word since she dropped her trip deserves to be preserved in this thread. Excuse me while I copy+paste.

Oh, wow, Anon ... I dropped my trip because I think it's important you read this: I'm really fucking sorry. Like, really fucking sorry, man. You sound exactly like how I felt way back then.

I'm honestly trying desperately to remember who you are, but the Internet was my entire life back then --- I did nothing else, literally, being a homeschooled loner whose parents rarely let her out of the house, I had all the time in the world --- And I've been a member of so many forums and LJ comms and social media sites and more forums and just EVERYTHING online based since then that I'm ashamed to admit I don't remember. Not exactly.

Was it AsiaJam? I think it might have been AJ ... I dunno ... GDC? Are you Maddy from GDC? Gosh. IDK. Please eMail me and let's talk about this, Anon. Maybe I can explain myself? Or at least properly apologise to you? Please, I'm kinda begging you. I feel pretty Goddamn horrible, especially since I can't properly remember. Especially since I never once thought anyone was actually affected by anything I said online in defense or otherwise. I didn't think anyone gave a fuck and thought everything I typed was laughable and pathetic, since that's how I felt about myself.

just, wow, I can't believe this. Please contact me, okay?


>> No.6823290 [DELETED] 

Maybe House Of Jigsaw? There was a LOT of bullshit I was involved in on that forum, heh ...

PS: My mum died from cancer recently, as well. Maybe we have more in common than you think ... Maybe we can bond over that? Gosh, please reply, I feel terrible for you.

>> No.6823294 [DELETED] 

Honestly, though, all your venom is unnecessary, and really, it's only serving to make me feel less empathy toward you, as I'm now just extremely confused as to why you'd allow me to have this much influence on your entire bloody life. Now, I admit earlier in the day I felt very conflicted and really bad over what I supposedly did. ((Still wondering if you're nothing but an elaborate troll, since you refuse to give any additional deets as to WTF the full story was, but I'm pushing these thoughts aside and treating this as if it's legit just for your sake.))


After reading your reply, after realising you're insanely desperate that I feel as badly as you do, after realising you simply don't want to deal with YOUR problems that I clearly was only a very small portion of, well ... It's had to opposite effect on me. I can now only shake my head in pity and again, truly apologise, even if you don't want to accept it.

I've learnt not to let others make me feel badly about myself, and you know why? Because they can't. The only way they can make me feel bad about myself is if what they're saying strikes me as true. When what they say is obviously a lie, or obviously a cheap kick to the groin, it doesn't have much of an effect on me. You could do with copying me, truly.

Burying yourself in anger and refusing to face bad memories/personal weaknesses is going to eat you up so badly, you have no idea. I know this firsthand, because I almost let the same thing happen to me. It's Hell, and it's a Hell of your own creation.

>end quote

>> No.6823291 [DELETED] 

Mallory again. I'm glad you welcomed the apology. I'm not so glad, though, that you're clearly still very, very angry over all this. Since you mentioned 'dare saying something' against me on 'a forum', I'm beginning to think that perhaps you aren't so innocent, either ...?

See, all these Anons are jumping to conclusions, 'OH LOL WOW U MUST'VE BEEN A CYBA BULLEH', but what they don't know, and what you might not know, is that I didn't/don't lash out unless someone's hurt me first. Ever. Like, seriously, EVER. Yeah, I was always 'acting out' and posting annoying 'nyeer, nyeeeerrr!~~' shit online constantly --- and sometimes still do --- And getting in massive arguments with others over stupid bullshit, but it was never done with the intent to cause others pain, unless they pinched first.

It's your choice if you wanna hang onto this anger and resentment toward me forever, Anon. And as much as you don't want me to understand you, I do. And if you want to demonise me in your mind and let me have that much bloody power over you to this very day, well, fuck ... That's your choice.

((Continued in next post.))

>> No.6823304

>Honestly, though, all your venom is unnecessary, and really, it's only serving to make me feel less empathy toward you,
Right because anyone in that anons shoes would have totally run to you with open arms. Get over yourself.

>> No.6823305
File: 565 KB, 1295x2744, theballadofmollythedouche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just in case people want to print it out and post it on the walls of their bedrooms

>> No.6823310
File: 2.13 MB, 400x225, 1281079876710.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/ I never knew you to be so thorough. I for one, will be saving this for future reference and laughs.

DAMN. The bitch smack down to end all bitch smack downs.

>> No.6823311

Oh god. So much unnecessary holier-than-thou bullshit.

>> No.6823314
File: 836 KB, 400x225, tumblr_m78izutz691r296dro1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You could do with copying me, truly.

>> No.6823315

And so it is declared that this tale shall be preserved and passed down through the generations of seagulls for all to enjoy and admire.

>> No.6823323
File: 17 KB, 600x450, laughing bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so glad you exist Anon, otherwise I would have missed the glorious dramu. Of course there's always the archive, but I prefer seeing it in cool Yotsuba B.

>> No.6823321

This has been a truly lovely way to spend my Tuesday night. The only thing that could make it better is if righteous vendetta anon were to return again, but perhaps she is too classy to chase after someone who turned tail and ran.

>> No.6823324


>> No.6823334

Screencap-anon here, I'm kind of new to all of this. But was the deal with this Mallory girl originally anyway that she started out apologizing for?

Also to keep this slightly on topic, I think old-school can be done without being ita as long as some modern touches are added in things like accessories and avoiding color schemes like black and red or black and white.

>> No.6823339

>I never hurt other's unless they hurt me first.
>Sent your friends after this person
> Targetted her on multiple sites.
>Did this to so many people you can't remember.

> Try to cover your ass by saying you had a hard child hood.
>Using that excuse when you're fucking 18-20....

Maybe you should try growing up a little more before saying sorry again. You can't expect some one to run into your arms after you hurt them. You can't validate telling some one to kill themselves. I don't care what you were going through. You were wrong. Say that. Stop making excuses.

>> No.6823341

Really? Looks so much like AP

>> No.6823342

Hey, what do you guys do when you see someone you consider ita? Do you call them out?

>> No.6823348

Pretty much, she tried lolita way back in the day. I looked on getoffegl and couldn't find a tag with her name, but I'm sure the posts must be there. Anyways, she posted two ita ass outfits, got concrit, and flipped her shit.

Before that, she was quite well known for forum hopping and starting shit storms. I remember loling at her loli fuck up so much that I googled her name, and it's seriously everywhere.

Btw, you are doing god's work. Bless you, anon.

>> No.6823346
File: 966 KB, 320x180, wetgh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have never seen such a perfect example of /cgl/ before.

>> No.6823352

No, "calling them out" is pretty rude and isn't going to make them want to improve. I mean, if they start insulting your co-ord while looking like a hot mess, by all means go nuts. Otherwise, gentle advice (if solicited) that points out what they're doing wrong is the best route. They might be disappointed that their co-ord isn't as good as they thought, but if they want to improve, they'll be grateful in the long run. If not, at least you can feel better about laughing at them.

>> No.6823356

Shirley Deere or something like that.

I usually introduce myself and if they are nice and receptive attempt to take them under my wing. Except if it were Mallory Maloney, bitch can be an ita forever.

>> No.6823362
File: 1.01 MB, 374x211, clapclapmuthaa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After a rough day at work, this made me smile.

Thanks, /cgl/. Stay catty. Stay classy.

>> No.6823365


I was at work and I missed this.

Fucking saved. God bless you.

>> No.6823363

I honestly haven't ever told anyone to kill themselves or done any of what is accused here. Is that really normal behaviour? Gosh!

>> No.6823370

No, I honestly don't think it is. Especially with girls that are past 18 and have entered their 20's.

But then again, I can only speak from personal experience. I've never told anyone to kill themselves or had anyone say that to me so I'm just assuming.

>> No.6823372
File: 951 KB, 500x281, 1353053863463.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying we're all cunts like you
>implying some of us don't have manners
>implying we let our hormones get the better of us
>implying you aren't a terrible human bean.

>> No.6823373

That's strangely common when you call someone out for that kind of behaviour.

>> No.6823383

You guys...look what I found.
Listen to her Linkin Park cover. I promise it is worth the download.

This is what happens when you attach your name to all your internet shit.

>> No.6823388

>Linkin Park

Damn son, she's edgy.

>> No.6823390
File: 43 KB, 796x599, 1301283796665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6823391

CGL-Home of the classy bitch

>> No.6823392
File: 156 KB, 373x327, edgy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My name's Mallory, and I like dead things.

>> No.6823393

Linkin Park played here recently at a festival. I joked that I'd know a song or two, because of how popular they were on the radio when I was in middle/high school.

My boyfriend made fun of me when I knew the lyrics word for word of 11 of the 15 songs in their set. I was so ashamed. I have never owned one of their CDs, so I have no clue how I knew so many of the songs.

>> No.6823395


>> No.6823399

fuckin followed

>> No.6823401

It's a joke, right? Like she's not serious...

>> No.6823402

>Hurt((Johnny Cash Cover))
How fucking dare she. At least when I sing like shit I don't record it and post it all over the internet.

>> No.6823403

We were all stupid as middleschoolers. For instance, I listened to Avril Lavinge and even bought one of those "American manga" books she put her name on. Something about a girl who was being possessed by Avril Lavinge and no one understood her.

>> No.6823404

All the covers are from 2008 and were apparently hosted on her website. Website is down now, but I'm done digging now. There is plenty of fail just in this thread to go around.

>> No.6823408

Of course. It's just funny because I never intentionally listened to any of their music, but they had SO MANY radio hits that it permeated that period, anyway. Same thing goes with a bunch of other bands from that period--I didn't really like them, but they were all over the radio. Evanescence is another one where the same thing happened. I thought I knew one song from them, but actually know about half of their original album, because the local radio played it so much.

>> No.6823410
File: 81 KB, 700x700, 1315237486762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that emo/scene/goth shit
>those 2spooky irl skeletons
>tattoos/gauges/edgy clothing
>reblogging photos of self harm

>> No.6823420

>I'm done digging now.
You are better than I am. I may be an immature bitch, but I had to figure out her birthday. She was born in 1987. This girl is 26.

I can't even.

>> No.6823424

just did sum googlin. it's possible butthurt-anon is this chick, if mallory was right about her being from the Asiajam forums.


i remember her from AJ right, she was a huge witch to mallory saying she'd never be able to succeed in life unless she dropped loads of cash on college and stuff and when mallory tried to defend herself and say that college wasn't for her, Michelle just kept badgering her again and again with "lol ya but you're worthless unless you have a degree good luck having an actual life" until mallory blew up.

also they're the same age.

i can find the thread if wanted? still don't know if it's her, but if it is, welp. it's my only lead, so. fellow past asiajam member ftw etc. buuuut loads of aj users migrated to /cgl/ when aj went to the dogs tho so dont give me too much cred.

this is entertaining tho. i thought drama wasn't allowed anymore hohohoho

>> No.6823427

Whhhhaat?! Really? That delusional at 26?
This whole thing is amazing. It's like the best of the old cgl and the new cgl combined. I'm so glad I procrastinated on things I need to do to stalk this thread.

>> No.6823429

Go away Mallory. Don't you have something edgy to do?

>> No.6823433

>Posting all of a girls information
>Don't know if it's her


>> No.6823431

Mallory didn't even know which of the many people it was, so I doubt that's her.

>> No.6823439

I'm not a native to /cgl/ but I do happen here when secrets are about or to look at other's unfortunate coords

This was quite satisfying to hear and may the cunt be haunted but her own worthlessness.

>> No.6823436
File: 134 KB, 500x292, 1361081597529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know if this is even the same girl, but here is all of her info!
Mallory, pls.

>> No.6823438


Dig yourself deeper, why don't you?

>> No.6823443

Just from what you described, I really don't think that's her. The way vendetta-chan talked made it seem this was the first time she'd seen/encountered Mallory in years. All that pretty much proves is that this Mallory girl has apparently stepped on a good few of toes and picked on a good few girls that were a good deal younger than herself.

Either way, probably shouldn't post all of person's stuff in the middle of drama if you have no idea if they're even involved. Just seems unnecessary.

>> No.6823459

If you don't know if it's her, why would you post all her shit?

>> No.6823460

Confirmed for Mallory.

>> No.6823471

>I hope Billie Joe Armstrong dies.
What the hell is up with that?

>> No.6823475

>>6823471 Based on how many Green Day songs she covered >>6823383, she's probably obsessed with him.

>> No.6823476


My guess? Green Day is her favorite band.

>> No.6823486
File: 82 KB, 417x580, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have many volumes of gosurori and I bought lots of fabric to make many of the dresses but never got around to it. Now that I'm older, past puberty, and significantly more hairy, the golden window of trapping opportunity has passed.

Anon posted one of the dresses I had picked out. Here is another! Would change the cuff of the sleeve, though...

>> No.6823489
File: 61 KB, 422x580, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut off the sleeves right after the puff shoulders and make a nice, ruffly underskirt...

>> No.6823494

I can't believe there are still people who dont know about the goddamned archives

>> No.6823501

>In The End


I won't lie, this song is a staple in my local comm's karaoke meets. Except we're all just screaming, but harmonising really well.

>> No.6823504

I have this volume, I should really make this dress.

>> No.6823502
File: 141 KB, 422x580, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually did make this one in light blue plaid and black floral print cotton, and frankenpatterned it with a different bodice. The skirt attaches an inch or two below my natural waist, something that was a mistake by old school standards since skirts absolutely had to start at the natural waist then, so I never really shared it even though it came out very well as my first "lolita" piece.

Too bad I used raschel lace and put corset lacing in the front; I would be marked an ita if I ever wore it out.

>> No.6823523

Post pics. Fuck, sorry.

>> No.6823520

Do it and ppstics!It's a very lovely dress. I think the bottom of the skirt should be decorated differently though.

>> No.6823536

I'm.sure getoffegl would love a post on this.

>> No.6823576

So I keep seeing people in this thread (and elsewhere) saying things like, "oh, I remember when x was acceptable, but it's so out of style now, I could never wear it!" Or "x isn't in fashion anymore, so it's considered ita."

Does this really matter? I always thought ita was more about lack of quality and co-ordination, not trends and what's "okay" to wear. Why not just wear what you want, whether it's fallen out of style or not?

(sorry for lack of content, I'll be back with some later)

>> No.6823615

Fashion is always about trends, whether it's run-of-the-mill mall store, high end designer or lolita.

>> No.6823720

I do agree with you that just because something's not in style it shouldn't be considered ita, like black amd white loli dresses can be nice if made/coordinated well.

But sometimes people don't really realise how awful something looks until much later. Like 80s hair.

>> No.6823772

I shall once I got commissions out of the way, just because you're so excited!

>> No.6823776

That's because a lot of people are perpetually new and can't coord for shit. As long as you don't look like ass, you can wear such colours.

>> No.6823822

That thing is ugly as fuck, omg.

>> No.6823871

OP here. I'm surprised this thread is still alive. Also unexpected dramu was delicious.
I have that volume too! I have so many Gosu Rori books but I never made anything because I found out I have no talent/patience for sewing.

>> No.6823965

Brave Trip Yui ran away
Bravely ran away, away
When history reared its ugly head
She bravely dropped her trip and fled
Brave, brave, brave, Brave Trip Yui


>> No.6823995


Fuck off Mallory.

>> No.6824004

>Green Day - Basket Case
Impressive. She managed to get off-tempo and out of the melody in a song with a constantly repetitive melody and a ridiculously simple rythm.

>> No.6824021

Damn, Yui's gonna have to drop or change her trip after this clusterfuck.

>> No.6824022

I was not expecting a Quest for the Holy Grail reference. This thread has officially slain me.

>> No.6824261

confirmed for michelle.

>> No.6824278
File: 431 KB, 640x360, floatingbinoculars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
You're all magnificent bastards.
Stay awesome, /cgl/.

>> No.6824289

Whatever, PT.

>> No.6824303

I still love the bloomers peeking out.
No doubt today people would be all OOMG AGEPLAY about it.

>> No.6824310
File: 29 KB, 250x333, Polkadot Pleated Sailor - JSK - Blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's an AP dress from I believe 2008 or something like that. It's adorable as hell though

>> No.6824318
File: 190 KB, 727x1049, 1271815751882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on it. Posted /cgl/ stuff on there before and it had an alright reception, but this is so much more lulzy.

>> No.6824373

It's from 2009 and I hardly see how that's considered old school.

>> No.6824438
File: 121 KB, 713x1016, Fruits Issue 40_Page_40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6824444

tell me how dumb you feel right now

>> No.6824452


What was the image she posted anyway?

>> No.6824458

Oh thanks, I'll add that to the post.

>> No.6824459

On the subject of old-school...
Remember when getoffegl was actually relevant?

>> No.6824463

Good Lord, so much 12yo-ness

>> No.6824479
File: 29 KB, 300x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>May 7th-May 8th, 2013. The day /cgl/ redeemed itself

>> No.6824477

How is any of this relevant to getoffegl at all? It didn't happen on egl, it wasn't even about lolita.

>> No.6824502

hey Mallory

>> No.6824544

Omg she is actually still posting under that trip.

>> No.6824554

Don't worry, she's staying in the Canadian threads.

>> No.6824577
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>> No.6824578

Hey again /cgl/, what up?

I really, really did not want to return to this thread again, even tried BALEETING ERRYTHANG as a means of backpedaling as fast as I could, after realising my mega angrypants heat of the moment replies were, er, not exactly the best idea.

Of course, that only made shit worse, which I really should've predicted, but alas, I'm kinda out of practice with eDrama. Yes, I used to do this shit constantly back in the day, I was definitely a shit stirrer, not gonna try to deny that. But here I am again, to try and at least put some shit in perspective, since a lot of the shit posted about me here is a few outright lies and a lot of half truths.

'Kay, firstly, that old AsiaJam Anon who suggested VendettaChan was Michelle Kroskey was onto something. ((Obvz I know AsiaJam Anon personally.)) I went back over some old shit, and I'm like 99% sure it was her.

And if I'm correct, Michelle was a fucking psycho to me on AsiaJam. She's been obsessed with me ever since I posted a thread on AJ asking for help with plans for my future. I had written that I desperately wanted out due to family problems, and how could I go about such a thing? Most all the AJ users were helpful, sharing ideas of how they made it on their own, etc.

Then fucking Michelle comes into the thread and posts something all flat and negative sounding, like, 'Shouldn't you be going to college?' Which directly struck a sensitive nerve with me, since my parents could never afford something like that, nor would I want to work for years to afford it myself when I could simply use that money to get the fuck out of my house.

((Continued in the next post.))

>> No.6824581

I want to apologize to Jezebel because I was onfusing you with Yui. I thought you were being sarcastic or something.

>> No.6824583

So I cheerfully declined her advice once. She came back with more insistence. I cheerfully and, this time, passive aggressively told her nopnopenope. She came back even stronger, this time with stats on how people who didn't go to college had higher unemployment rates, and on and on and fucking on, even though it was clearly evident I was

A: very upset
B: not going to heed her advice.

After that, shit just spiraled more and more out of control. Michelle was happy to announce that other AsiaJam members were sending PMs about me behind my back, and how she so wished me 'the best of luck' with my future in the most condescending and sarcastic way possible.

I never let my ~tr00 emotionz~~** show, but the way I raged to the Moon and back over her impossible suggestions of my attending college makes it pretty evident I wasn't exactly cool as a cucumber. I'll try and find the thread, but yeah.

((Continuuued below.))

>> No.6824594

And I juuuuuuust wanted to throw it out there that Michelle isn't as innocent and boohoo as she made out. She fought me tooth and nail and never once did she seem as weak as she's weaving the image of her past self to be. She was solid, and dare I say, a bit of a bitch herself. Also, if there was anyone 'following' Michelle to 'other forums' or telling her to 'go kill herself', it wasn't me --- Not directly. I did, however, blab my dramu to loads of others online, a couple of which were not exactly, um ... Civilized.

They took it upon themselves to send her repeated hate messages, which I wasn't cool with. I told them to knock it off several times before they actually took heed, and like I mentioned before, I think they were actually just purposely trying to dick me around for extra lulz. I've since cut off ties with these, uh, delightful fucking individuals, though. Obviously.

I was also unaware she was dealing with family issues of her own at the time, which confuses me, because we were both obviously in a bad place, so shouldn't SHE have known not to bring me down even further when I was clearly having problems?

Plus, we're the same age, although I never understood the importance of such a thing. Okay, what else have I left out? Lay it on me, /cgl/, I want the chance to explain myself without looking like a guilty little shit and running off with my tail between my legs.

>> No.6824590

Nice that you kept your trip on so that anon who blocked you can't see who you are accusing her to be.

>> No.6824599

It's okay, I'm sure someone's capping everything and she'll see eventually, heh.

>> No.6824602


Nah, bitch, gtfo. Anyone can google your name and see what a piece of shit you are.

>> No.6824605
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>> No.6824611

>her archieved website from 2007
>Birthdate: 29 July 1987
>Heritage: I've got Irish, German, English, and Scottish blood in me ... And possibly some others I don't know about! @_@
>IQ: One hundred and seventeen.
>Then Got Fired From: Dollar Joint after nearly three years ... I was unfairly dismissed. The manager, Pam Wyatt, had a personal vendetta against me --- No kidding. ((For reasons unknown. One possibility is that she was so mentally scarred from her bad childhood, she saw to it that everyone around her was as miserable as herself.))
>Eyes: Brown/green. ((Green/brown?)) They look brown most of the time, but in bright light, they look green. They also turn green when I cry. T_T Oh, and when I wear red eye makeup. ^u^
>Noticeable Scars: One on my left knee. ((See below.)) One on my left thigh because I had a birthmark removed. One on my right knee from falling on the pavement when I was little. Several on my right wrist because I shattered a glass window with my hand. A billion on my left arm and wrist as well. Another on the back of my left hand, because I had a mole removed. And last but not least, a bunch on my ankles from mosquito bites. o_O;
>Favourite Bands: Green Day [...]

why would you tell all these things online

>> No.6824608

Stop being such a waste of fucking resources.
Being a horrible person isn't cool or edgy you bitch face.

>> No.6824609


That's true, we don't know the whole situation.

>> No.6824610

I think you're using Michelle from Asiajam as a scapegoat.

Neither of your stories match, so either both stories are incorrect or someone lying.

>> No.6824614

stop samefagging

>> No.6824619

I see you dropped your trip again.

>> No.6824621

>((Obvz I know AsiaJam Anon personally.))
>because I am her.

>> No.6824625
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>I want the chance to explain myself without looking like a guilty little shit and running off with my tail between my legs.
Oh, now you can come back and not delete since you've found someone to pin it on. Yeah, doesn't seem guilty at all.

Also, those stories don't match up at all. Why would you think it's Michelle when nothing about that post matches anything you said about her?

>> No.6824634


You type like you've got your head too far up your own ass to see the keyboard.

Furthermore, all you're doing is digging yourself deeper. Anyone can search your name and see what a disgusting bitch you were, so why are you trying to pin the blame on someone else? Do you think we're stupid?

If I were you, I'd stop tripping and drop the subject. Your'e only making yourself look worse.

>> No.6824632

Yep, I used to be a MASSIVE fucking cunt, and I'm still just a regular sized cunt to this day. No sense trying to hide THAT little fact. I'm not however, this super evil psychotic advanced form of a cunt as you Anons and Michelle are making me out to be.

None of you actually know me; All you know is old drama I was involved with online years ago and that I'm not very good at karaoke. That's about it.

Oh, and my eye colour.

>> No.6824636

What proof do you have that it's Michelle?

>> No.6824639

you're not intelligent enough to be 'advanced'/
You sound like you belong on gaiaonline.
So you're a cunt, and you acknowledge it. Why don't you stop being a cunt then?

>> No.6824640

>None of you actually know me; All you know is old drama I was involved with online years ago and that I'm not very good at karaoke. That's about it.

Really? Because we can tell a WHOLE LOT from the comments you made that you deleted.

You're a cunt. You are a MASSIVE fucking cunt. Yes, to this day.

>> No.6824642


>> No.6824644

Oh? Now you know who it is, despite saying earlier that there were literally so many teenagers you told to repeatedly kill themselves and stalked around the internet that you couldn't possibly pin down who it was?

Also, your story doesn't match up with what you said in the last thread. Keep running, you dirty cunt. Keep running.

>> No.6824646

I don't even know if I should update that getoffegl post yet, waiting for further developments.

>> No.6824652

This is super easy. Someone ask Michelle if her mother died of cancer.

>> No.6824649

Like I said, I'm 99% sure I'm right, heck, maybe even just 95%. Small possibility I'm still wrong, but I don't think so. Everything matches up pretty perfectly IMO, what exactly do you suspect is 'off' ...?

>> No.6824651

>I told them to knock it off several times before they actually took heed, and like I mentioned before, I think they were actually just purposely trying to dick me around for extra lulz.

Uh-huh. That's why in the last thread you didn't bring this up and fully admitted your part in sending hate messages and telling someone to off themselves.

You don't accept responsibility for your actions. Whether they're actions then or actions now, since you're now desperately pedaling to save what little reputation you gained on /cgl/ under that trip, since you realize that people know what you look like and you've posted about going to conventions.

>> No.6824655

You wouldn't be looking for a way out if you weren't guilty.

>> No.6824656

fucking adorable

>> No.6824657

>everything matches up pretty perfectly
>age difference
>now you're claimining you called off your friends and they were the ones sending hate messages when you admitted to doing it last time

>> No.6824658

What matches up? What proof? Why won't you offer it up when it would vindicate you?

>> No.6824659

Lol, I never did nor said such a thing. Anyone can check the archives and see that you're just trying to build me up into this Queen Bee O' Bullying, but I'm really not. =/

I only said that I used to stir up a fuckload of shit constantly on various forums online. For years. CONSTANTLY. Buuuut telling people to kill themselves was never something I did, considering I was suicidal myself for awhile there.

So yeah.

>> No.6824661

she's sending out some major derp vibes

captcha: acting gayExes

>> No.6824665

no one cares that you wanted to an hero or whatever.
stop using emoticons.

>> No.6824669

>Buuuut telling people to kill themselves was never something I did, considering I was suicidal myself for awhile there.

Then why didn't you say that you never told someone to kill themselves in your response?

You're right, people can check the archives and see what you said, you fucked up cunt. And they can see you never denied what they said you did.

So yeah. Keep trying, keep reaching.

>> No.6824671
File: 15 KB, 973x460, untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The age difference is the only thing 'off' to me; I suspect Michelle was lying about it to make herself seem like more of a victim.

Oh, fuck. And I'm going through old eMails about this --- Michelle's usernam eon AJ was michitak --- And I found this one. Pic related.

Trying to find the caps of the thread she started about me that a fellow AJ user sent me, since I was never able to read it myself ... I do recall nothing she had posted was nice, though. To say the least.

>> No.6824676


>> No.6824678

That doesn't constitute as proof.

>> No.6824680

That has absolutely nothing to do with what vendetta-anon posted. That just shows you pissed off another bitch. What ties Michelle to this thread SPECIFICALLY? How do you know she made that post?

>> No.6824683

What's interesting is that even if it is Michelle (although I suspect you're just trying to find a scapegoat to make yourself seem like less of a total fuck-cunt, even though her identity has NOTHING to do with your response from the last thread) you already admitted that you did what she said (telling people to kill themselves, following them/stalking them from forum to forum, sending them hate messages, sending your friends after them) so many times that you couldn't even figure out who they were.

>> No.6824685

Okay, proof.

Well, what proof can I show other than my memory ...? Ughhh. That's the problem, heh. I have no real proof, I'll admit it, just a strong suspicion.

>> No.6824687


You have no real proof. Only a "strong suspicion." And yet you're now trying to act as if the person from the last thread was Michelle as a way to discredit what they said. Despite the fact that your fucked up, cunty, disgusting response to their comment about not wanting anything to do with you, perfectly understandable considering what they said you did, existed completely outside of your "strong suspicion" that it was Michelle which strangely enough only occurred after a mysterious random anon from a shit forum just happened to post after you deleted all of your comments and supposedly scampered away.

>> No.6824688

'Kay, where exactly did I admit to telling people to kill themselves ...? Because, guess what? I've never done such a thing.

>> No.6824692
File: 11 KB, 320x180, toradora-facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why don't you just own up to the fact that you were a bitch to so many people back then that you can't even remember who the Anon might be, and leave it at a simple fucking apology after taking responsibility. That is what a grown fucking woman does.

But no, now you're going to have "strong suspicions" and try pull some other girl into this completely making a fucking ass of yourself. Come back when you have grown up a little more, but since you are fucking TWENTY SIX YEARS OLD NOW, I highly doubt that is ever going to happen.

>> No.6824693

>I have no real proof

>> No.6824699

Ugh ugh ugh sorry. Like, I don't care if people think I'm a cunt for legit reasons, it just bugs me that they might think I'm a cunt for shit I never did.

Like telling 13 year olds to kill themselves online, for example. Yeah. Didn't do that.

>> No.6824700

You admitted it in the last thread when you didn't deny it.

>> No.6824702


I think anon was spot on when she said that you constantly play the victim while victimizing others. What a cunt you are.

>> No.6824703

Um, okay, I didn't realise not denying something made it true wow. C'mon, Anon.

>> No.6824707
File: 516 KB, 1295x2744, gV0QILq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This deserves to be reposted especially her response at the end. seriously, anyone doubting that this girl is a total fucking piece of shit, read those last comments.

You deserve every ounce of the hate you're getting tbh, unlike the people you used to attack.

>> No.6824706

Even if you didn't specifically do it, you harassed a 13-year-old to the point where one of your friends (who you admitted did shit like this) told her to kill herself.

>> No.6824709

Nah, dog, I ain't playing. People have fucked with my all my life, and no one gives a shit --- Until I deal it back out, then suddenly I'm omgzzz a psycho.

Excuse me for standing up for myself, whoa.

But now trying to think of who else this Vendetta Anon could be. Christ, I shouldn't have bothered responding to them at all, what if the whole thing was just a fucking troll? bloody hell.

>> No.6824712

You said, and I quote

>I'm honestly trying desperately to remember who you are [blah blah I was an internet loser] I'm ashamed to admit I don't remember. Not exactly.
>... I feel pretty Goddamn horrible, especially since I can't properly remember.
>I never once thought anyone was actually affected by anything I said online

Surely if you never, EVER told someone to kill themselves, that would be your first clue that this wasn't true and you would have defended yourself.

>> No.6824711


>> No.6824713

why do you not care that you are a horrible person?

>> No.6824714


Yes, obviously some girl is just making up lies about you that happened years ago and bringing it up out of fucking nowhere.

Do you even actually think about what you say?

Holy shit. I'm starting to think YOU are the troll here, just pulling shit out of your ass to come to your own defense.

>> No.6824716

Ohh, boo-hoo. You told people to kill themselves and harassed them for years, now people don't have sympathy for you. Let me wipe away your tears, you innocent little dove who is getting picked on because you dared~ to stick up for yourself.

>> No.6824717
File: 400 KB, 320x219, 00.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6824718

Stop making everything about you.
no matter how ~dark~ and, whatnot your oh so ~edgy~ life has been.

>> No.6824719


oh wow. that britneyfied offkey chorus

>> No.6824724


Are you fucking kidding me?! Standing up for yourself doesn't mean shitting people's info all over the place, especially if you're not sure if it's them!

If I had any fucking sympathy left for you, it's gone. You're disgusting.

>> No.6824721

It's obvious it's not lies because she didn't deny it in the first place. She only got super defensive once that person didn't accept her (now painfully obviously insincere, given her behavior afterward) apology by kissing her feet and wanting to get in touch with her.

>> No.6824722

you might have had a point if you weren't on cgl, didn't use a family guy gif, and saged.

>> No.6824725


Can you, and everyone like you, just stop?

I thought this was an ita thread, instead I find some drama dealing with a bunch of stupid fucks on a different forum from 5 years ago.

Why don't you just go back to that forum and fight it out there?

>> No.6824726

>thinking I'm actually going to sage with an image
>gif from first page on google

>> No.6824727

>I thought this was an ita thread
you would be wrong

>> No.6824728

>people seriously arguing about drama from years ago
This doesn't need to be on cgl, if ya'll got beef then you obviously know where to find each other. Take it somewhere else and not on the old school and ita thread.

>> No.6824731

Uh, no, I glossed over that because I considered it ludicrous. Just like how I glossed over the whole Bille Joe Armstrong thing.

>> No.6824735
File: 125 KB, 500x274, 1332603752037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay hold up.

Why does /cgl/ even care about this drama? Everyone here picks on people CONSTANTLY. How is this any different? I mean it doesn't make it right but everyone is being a huge hypocrite right now.

>> No.6824737
File: 946 KB, 320x190, 1356862872351.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just a fucking cunt. Get over yourself. You shit all over people then claim it was they who did the shitting. All in all you're a terrible, tryhard, edgy wangsty bitch with the maturity of a 14 year old who just discovered myspace and 2edgy4me pro-ED/cutting/necrophilia.

I wouldn't be so pissed if you admitted you fucked up without jabbing a fat finger at the other guy and saying "b-b-but they were mean toooo"

>> No.6824738

I bet righteous vendetta anon hasn't come back because she's worried Mallory WILL figure out who she is and fling shit like she did to Michelle.

>> No.6824739

Try harder you emotionally immature shit eater.

>> No.6824744
File: 80 KB, 600x393, harajuku-loli-07-2009-002-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree and this post (which is probably yui) >>6824652
tells me that yui is still harassing people online. why post all of that girl's info and then try to goad cgl into asking her if her mom died?

it's more of an old school thread.

>> No.6824743

Keep reaching, Mallory. You considered it ludicrous yet felt the need to apologize for it?

>> No.6824746

Okay hold up.

Why does /cgl/ even care about this drama?

>> No.6824748

Well, let's think about it. Mallory dumped all of this girl's info (protip: we know it was you in the last thread, you feces-munching waste of space) based on a suspicion with zero proof. What would she do to the girl that has caused Mallory to ruin her own reputation by revealing what a nasty cunty trashbucket she is on /cgl/, where she's posted pictures of herself and plans to attend Anime North, etc?

>> No.6824752

>why does /cgl/ care about drama
>/cgl/ care about drama
>no drama

>> No.6824753


I miss this

I miss the drama

This is great

Also lol @ the butthurt anons who came here from LJ not knowing that /cgl/ = /drama/

It's the way yui is handling it that makes it so good.

>> No.6824760


I'm asking why you guys care when you do the same type of bullying to other people.

Should have phrased it better.

>> No.6824759

finally some nice old school up in here

>> No.6824761

>Also lol @ the butthurt anons who came here from LJ not knowing that /cgl/ = /drama/
There's a difference between drama that -everyone- can get into and drama that is so obviously personal that the people might as well just bash it out on their own time.
On and btw: Still not thread relevant.

>> No.6824762

Everyone is making the bully chick seem terrible but /cgl/ do the same shit I don't even understand.

>> No.6824763

Because we don't cause hilarity when we're being called out for being cunts.

>> No.6824767

I felt the need to apologise to her entire post((s)) in generral because she was obviously pretty fucking distraught. Why are you guys all glossing over this part? Like, fuck, I could've just ignored her, but I apologised. You know why? Because I fucking meant it, and I still do.

When she threw it back in my face, though, I instantly became extremely pissed off ... But not for long, hence why I started deleting all my posts.

I should've just let things go and let her have her haughty NO I'M FINE NOW FUCK YOU HAHA BIIITCH DON'T WANT UR HELP way, but nope. Mallory does not learn from past mistakes. =/

>> No.6824769

....that's what I was trying to say, anon.

>> No.6824770


I'm not even involved in this, but replying calling her out on her obvious logical fallacies.

Someone has to defend logic, Anon!

>> No.6824779



>> No.6824781

I can smell her fish from here.

>> No.6824775

omg this is the best thread
i missed you /cgl/

>> No.6824776

I bet you smell like fish.

>> No.6824782

we have standards.

>> No.6824783


You should go back and reread exactly what you posted as an "apology" to her.

It was so passive-aggressive and WAH WAH MEMEME I WAS SUFFERING TOO! that I don't even know how you could possibly call that an actual apology.

Like I said, be a fucking grown woman, own up to what you did, and straight up apologize. Don't pull this fucking retarded passive-aggressive victim shit. It makes you look like a bitch.

>> No.6824784


>> No.6824785

dude she told you to college and that you would have more life opportunities that way.

>> No.6824786

Why the fuck would she want help from you?

>> No.6824787
File: 1.89 MB, 640x360, 1359697601282.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, this times some huge number.

I deal with brain damaged people all the time and they have more sense than Miss Bologna.

>> No.6824789

>I should've just let things go and let her have her haughty NO I'M FINE NOW FUCK YOU HAHA BIIITCH DON'T WANT UR HELP way, but nope. Mallory does not learn from past mistakes. =/

See this here? This is what tells me you didn't mean your apology. Because you don't tell someone to kill themselves and harass them (especially when you're AN ADULT and they're a teenager) and then be shocked, SHOCKED I TELL YOU, that they aren't all huggy feely with you. She threw it back in your face and gosh, it didn't feel good to be reminded of how nasty you were--and clearly still are. The fact that you responded the way you did, by saying they would benefit from "copying you" tells me, and anyone else with a rational brain, that not only are you not actually sorry for how you behaved but you STILL behave like that. You still victimize people and try to pretend like you're this poor little princess, locked in a tower, being victimized by mean ol' dragons who point out that you've been giving them shit for years.

>> No.6824788
File: 49 KB, 500x560, harajuku-fashion-clothes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol she sincerely thanked you for your apology. can you seriously not understand why someone would not want to bond with their former bully?

jesus i love old school lolita.

>> No.6824791
File: 10 KB, 300x300, pudoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6824790
File: 145 KB, 440x700, tumblr_miri38yFvz1rnabkmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When she threw it back in my face, though, I instantly became extremely pissed off

Real talk here for a sec. Yeah, it sucks when people don't accept your apologies and go on to act like shitcunts and never forgive you. But seriously that's your cue to let shit go.
An apology is nice, but the other person never has to accept it. Don't get mad, it happens.
And I take it you two aren't exactly best buds either, so it's not like either of you have anything to lose from just not liking or speaking to one another.

So my advice is just stop responding. Yeah you messed up, but if they want to continue to shitpost you even after you're done with this then they'll be the ones derailing the thread and talking about drama that nobody else involved currs about. M'kay?

>> No.6824796


>> No.6824805

>bitching about managers where anyone can see

A+ thing for new employers to find while googling her.

>> No.6824809
File: 104 KB, 240x320, lolita3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn it i'm so torn between being sad i couldn't post more about old school lolita and enjoying the drama.

>> No.6824813
File: 11 KB, 154x233, 1337475376999.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember some drama with a girl who selfposted on /b/ a lot and her /cgl/ tripfag friend, where the girl went through a really shitty phase in her life and was posting pictures of her sucking blood-soaked tampons on /b/ for attention. I felt bad for her, but it's hard to take whiteknights seriously when they literally keep saying "Oh come on, EVERYONE does that when they're a teen!"

I mean, what? You're not helping!

>> No.6824814

I guess I can't, heh. I've apologised to about half a dozen people I've been in huge fights with online in the past, and they all legit accepted my apology and we're actually pretty damn good friends now, so ... So yeah, it was hard seeing that kissing and making up wasn't going to be an option with Michelle.((?))

I dunno guys, I realise that I'm a pretty huge fucking failure/cunt/annoying bitch/lollercoaster builder, but c'mon, gimme a break. I messed up, I continue to mess up, and I'm so bloody confused now IDK what to say to at least try and salvage what little I can outta this whole thing. I'm losing sight of what my point was so yeah lots of ughs incoming ugh ugh ugh I feel pretty fucking stupid now. Obviously.

>> No.6824816
File: 36 KB, 500x500, pudoo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u saying wat u son of basterd bich
u think I give shit if u sorry?
u were big bich so I rammed my big lulla in ur mom's ass.
I will be ur dad u will be more respectful u son of basterd bich

>> No.6824818

Stop playing the victim just stop posting. Because you really don't act like you care.

>> No.6824819

Enjoy Anime Boston, bitch. :)

>> No.6824820

stop being a cunt. thats the solution.

>> No.6824821

>still no proof it was Michelle
>still claiming it was Michelle
>too retarded to realize what you did wrong
>still acting like a god damn victim

>> No.6824827

I've improved at LEAST a little bit over the years, though, even if you guys don't want to believe that. I am trying. It's just tough when, okay yes fine, you have a massive fucking victim complex. I do want to get over it, and I am working on it, but it's slow.

And then shit like this crops up and it's like I've made zero progress whatsoever, so yeah.

>> No.6824834

You HAVE made zero progress. You fucked up a 13 year old's life while her mother was dying and then you think YOU have been slighted because she doesn't want to be your fucking friend.

>> No.6824835

Shit, Anon. Pretty sure you're like 110% correct and I'm pretty sure I need to listen to you.

>> No.6824836

what you said was barely an apology. It was self-centred and just sounded like you wanted to make yourself look good.

You didn't sound sorry for what you and your friends did.

Also, so what if that was a troll? You admitted to doing those things to many *real* people on multiple sites that it doesn't matter.

>> No.6824837

>half a dozen
I thought that this never happened that much. Honestly, I can understand vendetta anon's point. She said she was 13. Why were you going around terrorizing people that young to begin with? I think it's funny that this whole time you have everything posted under your trip, so Anon won't see how little you actually put to your apology. Honestly.

>> No.6824841
File: 106 KB, 699x983, 1355829800167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread has received 1 of 4 requests needed to trigger archival.

>> No.6824847


Wrong, I'm a girl from the Netherlands achterlijke stoephoer.

>> No.6824849

Except she did accept your apology, just not your friendship.

>> No.6824852
File: 109 KB, 484x870, 491egl4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but she accepted your apology. it doesn't mean you have to best friends with her.

you don't deserve a break. no one feels sorry for you.

you could always drop your trip again and samefag, creating the illusion someone feels bad for you. but if you do that, please include an old school lolita picture.

>> No.6824855

>I'm pretty sure I need to listen to you.

Shame that you won't. People have been telling you the proper way to handle this since it started but you keep turning it around into your victimhood within three posts.

>> No.6824856

Yeah, still don't think that's the case --- her being 13 --- but fuck, let's say it is. How the fuck can I get over my bullshit and better myself? Like legit, not being sarcastic, because I thought I left this kind of drama behind. And I WANT to leave this kind of shit behind pretty goddamn badly. It's so fucking stupid and pointless and obviously hurtful to others, even if I refuse to admit/believe it.

>> No.6824861
File: 55 KB, 542x800, lolita 663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I need to do to request this?

>> No.6824862


Then stop fucking posting, jesus christ this isn't hard.


>> No.6824865
File: 547 KB, 1040x1754, tumblr_mdirfcWwBk1rkfv4po1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg you posted an old school lolita picture! threads are automatically archived on rebeccablacktech now, though. i'll go put in a request over there at chanarchive anyways.

>> No.6824866


Just go away.
I can tell by how you write that you take none of this seriously and you of all people should not be pointing fingers at anyone and calling them a psycho.

>> No.6824867

Nah, she didn't ... She 'thanked' me for it, which I don't think truly counts.

>> No.6824868


>> No.6824872

this is beautiful

>> No.6824874

Look at you life. Look at your choices.

Look at how your post, right there, contradicts itself completely.
>I want to be better
>No way that bitch was 13, lying cunt, I know it's Michelle

>> No.6824876


>> No.6824877

Oh my god get the fuck over yourself. It doesn't matter whether she really did accept it or not. You hurt her when she was vulnerable, she doesn't owe you shit.

>> No.6824878

>She 'thanked' me for it, which I don't think truly counts.
Well, I guess that's fine since you didn't truly apologize in the first place.

>> No.6824885

By stop being so stupid and self centered
Have some empathy, think about what the other person is feeling.

>> No.6824888


She's a cunt for life.

>> No.6824891
File: 236 KB, 740x1049, 82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, it doesn't truly count. Whatever, we'll always remember what truly counts.

>congrats, this thread has been requested 4 times and will now be archived

>> No.6824896

I thought it was already archived, though ...? =/ Meh.

>> No.6824899


I think you misfired.

>> No.6824907
File: 117 KB, 480x640, 1355816195880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry,it's already archived.

I know,but I feel like we also need this gem on chanarchive.

>> No.6824909


She thanked you for your apology and called you out on your self-centered, woe-is-me-I'm-really-a-victim-too bullshit.

>> No.6824910

I did, whoops. It doesn't really matter now though.

>> No.6824911

No, that's apparently why Yui hates Michelle, Michelle told her to go to college.

>> No.6824912

It's not like I actively went after someone I thought was a thirteen year old little kid who's mum was dying, though. Like, even I wouldn't do something that shitty.

I think that's why I can't let this go. I'm okay with people thinking I'm a bitch with TEEHEE SILLY drama, but not okay when they believe I'm a total monster.

>> No.6824913

Just shut up, you keep digging your own grave and making things even worse, you are not helping yourself Yiu.

>> No.6824917

why are you okay with being a bitch?

>> No.6824918
File: 54 KB, 445x640, s640x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i die young, bury me in satin
lay me down in a bed of raschel lace

>> No.6824922

>Says she has no real proof that it's Michelle
>Keep calling the girl Michelle, linking to her stuff, and trying to goad people into bothering this girl
>Trying to harass potentially another girl

Yes. I can see how you're so incredibly different. Totally meant that apology, right? Ha.

>> No.6824924

I quoted the wrong anon but yes that's why she hates Michelle

>> No.6824926

>I didn't KNOW they were 13 when I told them to kill themselves, gosh

Do you have any idea how nasty you sound?

You've repeatedly shown over and over again that you haven't changed. You're claiming she's lying with no proof, claiming she's someone whose info you dumped with no proof, claiming you never ever did these mean things even though you admitted you did them so much you couldn't even figure out who the person you were apologizing to was, you told them they needed to learn how to "copy you" because they were obviously upset at y'know being harassed by you and your so-called friends for god knows how long... I mean Jesus Christ. What is wrong with you?

>> No.6824930

Honestly, I'm not totally sure why.

>> No.6824932

Huh? I didn't even notice so no worries anon. We cool.

>> No.6824935

>It's not like I actively went after someone I thought was a thirteen year old little kid who's mum was dying, though.
It's gone way past that point though. You need to get over yourself for not being able to realize why she doesn't want a damn thing to do with you. Whether or not you were aware of her circumstances doesn't change the fact that you told her to kill herself when she was 13 and her mom was dying, which is why she wants nothing to do with you. You keep showing in this very thread why you're still a cunt.

>> No.6824946


And now you're playing the self-righteous "I have to fix this because it's the right thing to do!" card.

You are seriously so predictable. You are the very definition of a passive-aggressive bitch who constantly plays the victim card.

>> No.6824949
File: 43 KB, 300x363, kera_hdd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right. it never hurts to have it in both places.

wow, you sure are loving all this attention.

>> No.6824950

Look, for the sake of argument let's say that righteous vendetta-
chan WAS a equally bitchy back then, and lets say for the sake of argument you didn't know she was 13 or that her mom was dying. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for the hypothetical argument because, hey, most people (yourself excluded) don't go posting really personal and damnable shit about themselves online looking for sympathy.

EVEN then, you're asking this girl who you argued with online for a good portion of time, to be BFFs with you simply because you were 'oh so tragically emo and hardcore' in the past and she should totally sympathize with you for it. Guess what, everyone can point to a part of their past when they did something less than desirable. You say here that you were "standing up for yourself" but its somehow inconceivable in your mind that righteous vendetta-chan might have been doing the same and (for the sake of argument) was equally hostile (though from the way she speaks now, obviously a heap less passive aggressive than you).

Not only that, but you're throwing a random girl under the bus (as we're all assuming the tumblr url spam was you) because you THINK that's the girl, expecting all of us to go "ooh, Yui gave us some links, dear god she must be on to something" when you can present no evidence that it IS in fact her and can present no evidence that she DID behave in the way you claim. Unfortunately for you we can see how you still act NOW, and ultimately that's what really matters. You're still a passive aggressive bitch NOW. And even if the circumstances back then were as you claimed (and I allowed for the sake of argument in this post) she clearly moved on. And you can't seem to accept that. She moved on from you, she moved on from whatever you claim she was like and she doesn't want to turn around and start walking backward just to meet up with you on the road of passive aggressive self pity parties just to be BFFs because YOU feel she owes it to you.

>> No.6824953
File: 324 KB, 524x700, tumblr_mmcilpiG5h1ru1hu5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6824955


You guys are rabid, man. Even my OMGZ QUEEN BITCHNESS can't keep up. God.

>> No.6824957

oh my goodness this coord is so lovely, maybe not the shoes but aaaahhh.

so pretty.

>> No.6824963


>> No.6824968

You didn't deny your behavior in the last post, why deny it now?

Notice how you can only post self-pitying comments instead of addressing people pointing out WHY what you're doing is so fucked up.

>> No.6824969

Just stop posting. You're making it worse and only showing just how much a bitch you are.

>> No.6824973
File: 167 KB, 500x428, tumblr_lya5ndTY6I1qmh851o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are not rabid we are rorita

>> No.6824982

There are a few Anons in here who know exactly what they're talking about, and you're definitely one of them. Heh.

>> No.6824983


Excuse me, I believe it's called Gothic Rorita Cosplay.

>> No.6824989

Whoops, posted before I was finished typing. Just wanted to add that I'm not so sure it's Michelle anymore, either, even though the timeline/my memory matches. Not that it really matters, since I've no proof anyway, but yeah. Just getting that out there.

>> No.6824993

Yet you still posted her information? Classy.

>> No.6824994

That topper hat is baller.
Too bad it doesn't coordinate with any part of her outfit...

>> No.6824997

>I was SO SURE it was Michelle even though the stories didn't match and I had no proof
>well now it's maybe not her
>after I dumped her information to encourage people to harass her

Did you even read what they said? Because tl;dr they said "You're being a fucking cunt"

>> No.6825000


Bitch please.

>> No.6825001

Yyyyyessss ugh okay okay I posted her info. I was SO SURE it was Michelle after Skyping with a fellow dramu loving friend last night and talking about it that I was like 'OMG TOTALLY GONNA POST HER INFO LULZ I JUST KNOWW IT'S HER'.

And, um, yeah, even my friend advised against it, but I had already done the deed.

>> No.6825004

Long winded Anon here
don't fucking act like I'm absolving you of what you did.
Your stupid little "heh"s are dismissive as fuck and make it sound like you're laughing off an criticism while simultaneously trying to take it by addressing it. You clearly DON'T get what I was saying because everything you've posted thus far is EXACTLY the behavior I'm addressing. If you really thought I knew what I was talking about you would have taken all of the anon's advice LONG AGO and STOPPED FUCKING TRYING TO DEFEND YOUR ACTIONS AND STOPPED TALKING. I'm basically saying the same things every anon you've dismissed is saying. I just said it longer.

>> No.6825006
File: 46 KB, 600x367, niggaaintfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im most impressed by your inability to cut your losses and just gtfo

>> No.6825007

>And, um, yeah, even my friend advised against it, but I had already done the deed.

>> No.6825008

I got this reference and I appreciated it, anon. Just wanted you to know.

Funny, I was just talking in another thread the other day about seriously wanting to be buried in lolita. I've told my family and even have the dressed picked out, lol.

>> No.6825009
File: 42 KB, 308x400, Fruit lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gothic rorita cosplay does sound a lot more elegant. you must be right.

>> No.6825010

So sure that it was her, based on what? C'mon now. Where's the evidence.

>> No.6825012

>EDGY tee
>EDGY necklace
>Guitar pillow
>This picture is only days old on her tumblr
>And it's probably the best thing on her tumblr
Massive bitch or not, this woman clearly lacks taste on various points.

>> No.6825013

Yeah, no, I actually am listening. A bit late to the party, but I'm listening.

I'm getting the picture that a lot of my emo*~ problems like this are purely due to me being a massive cunt. And yes, I can see what you guys mean when you're saying I'm playing the victim ... It's true.

And while I was certain that I originally meant my apology toward Vendetta Chan, now I'm not so sure. Now I'm thinking that I really was more worried about myself than her.

>> No.6825019


So then just fucking actually apologize.

>> No.6825021
File: 32 KB, 257x276, 1278563103735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never loved /cgl/ more.

>> No.6825023

I already said, I have none. I jumped to conclusions much too quickly.

>> No.6825029


>> No.6825030
File: 11 KB, 320x350, 1305445068034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And while I was certain that I originally meant my apology toward Vendetta Chan, now I'm not so sure. Now I'm thinking that I really was more worried about myself than her.

wow, we are really making some breakthroughs
im glad this group therapy session has been so helpful for you

>> No.6825031
File: 74 KB, 402x600, b211750700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a great bunch of gothic rorita cosplayers in this thread!

>> No.6825034
File: 437 KB, 400x225, k0mlg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking fuck.

But don't worry, we all knew it was you anyways.

>> No.6825039

Just the fact the drama with Michelle went down the same time Vendetta Chan says our drama went down. About five years ago, if V Chan says my site had me listed in my 20s? That's all. it's flimsy at best.

>> No.6825044

Shit. I stumbled upon this board by pure hazard.
This is the best thing I ever did.
What's not to love with this place?
You've got the show, the drama and the blood.
Thank you for existing, /cgl/.

>> No.6825054

I feel for OP getting his/her thread derailed but this been some grade A drama. This time, I'm lucky enough to be around from start till when ever Yui decided to stop posting.

>> No.6825066

I'm sorry. To everyone involved, for causing all this shit, for acting like a total victimised brat, but most of all, to the original Anon whom I hurt in the past. Just ... I'm sorry.

And I'm going to try, actually try this time, to start being a better person. And I'm going to stop posting now, too, like I should have done already.

I'm sorry.

>> No.6825072

Too little, too late.

>> No.6825074

>And I'm going to stop posting now,
So, we going to take bets on what time she returns?

>> No.6825079

So put on your jabot
and I'll wear my wristcuffs...
A penny for your thoughts
OH NO I'd sell them for 100 yen

>> No.6825080
File: 20 KB, 267x400, baby__the_stars_shine_bright_by_softreply.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it feels weird for you to call her vendetta-chan. if anyone is a vendetta-chan, it's you posting a random person's info and desperately trying to get cgl to pity you.

for me personally, the more people that see these kickass old school lolita pictures, the better. i love this thread.

>> No.6825085

alright, now stop saying stuff, and start doing stuff.
good luck.

>> No.6825093
File: 496 KB, 500x221, hahahyeahrightmallory.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to believe you for the sake of humanity. But I fucking don't. No one changes on the flip of a dime.

>> No.6825105

>calling this person vendetta chan for not liking you after you did all this shit to her
>10 minutes later
>zomg I'm soo sorrow I'm going to be a better person really

Yeah. No one believes you.

>> No.6825115
File: 32 KB, 533x276, this chin is judging you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 would accept the apologies and belive you

>> No.6825124
File: 95 KB, 433x783, 511egl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ballad of a lolita
Go with black peace now
Gather up your yens, keep 'em in your pocket Save them for a release when you're really gonna need them, oh

>> No.6825203
File: 57 KB, 372x630, 1k1knafsdaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hrrrng I love that! I always really liked white/really pale old-school coords.

Even if this is true (which I doubt because you said the same basically at the beginning and then did the exact same thing that you did to original justified vendetta-chan to this Michelle girl), and I'm saying this not to be rude but as honest advice, you may just not want to trip any more and just remain as anonymous as possible if you're going to post on /cgl/ anymore.

Placing the bet that she returns but without a trip and keeps posting.

>> No.6825225

Well, she's been called vendetta anon in this thread before Yui.


>> No.6825230

>and I'll be wearing SHIRO

But for real anon, do you have a tumblr? I want to follow you. You can send it to my email!

>> No.6825236

>Placing the bet that she returns but without a trip and keeps posting.
Of course she will. That's what every fucked up trip does.
I'm wondering how Anime North is going to go for her. Hopefully people won't be cruel to her, but when you've been cruel to others, how much mercy can you expect?

>> No.6825245
File: 108 KB, 500x750, 1265580534980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black/white oldschool done well!

Also I'm a bit confused about this whole thing. Does this Mallory girl even participate in the lolita community anymore?

Also thread in autosage. Might just want to make a new one which will probably be much more on topic.

>> No.6825252

She did lolita and caused a huge shit storm back in the day.

Now she trips for cosplay. Maybe unrelated, but when you go around with your name on everything...well...

I'm just glad I don't have an e-trail for my shittiness as a teen. And apparently she was in her 20s? Damn.

>> No.6825563
File: 27 KB, 146x204, 00000814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about what happened way back when but you're coming off poorly through your actions here. Everything seems to be an attempt to make us all hate someone else. Stop attacking people over the computer, Yui. Stop.

>> No.6825647

it was me /cgl/. i was the drama the whole time.

>> No.6825934

No, twas I.

>> No.6825998


She kind of responded...I feel bad for her.

>> No.6826033

Jesus Christ Mallory leave the poor girl alone. Don't even pretend it was /cgl/ attacking her, none of us believed your whiny ass.

>> No.6826078

Yea, there is no way those anons are anyone but Mallory. Everyone here hates her, and Mallory even admitted to pretending to be someone else when she posted that girl's info

What a sad little cunt she is

>> No.6826141

Yui you are a bitch. And you acted like that girl was the cause of all this drama.

>> No.6826755


>> No.6827116

bumping for grand lulz

>> No.6827367

Yui stop.

>> No.6827823
File: 53 KB, 750x660, 1345161473919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck do you put"heh" after every goddamn sentence. Your such a fucking cunt trying to make light of what you did.

>> No.6827828

God I really miss some aspects of old school.

>> No.6828840

Before it dies, I just want to say, bless this thread. I still believe in you, /cgl/.

>> No.6828954

Holy shit this thread...My God.

I feel bad for "Michelle" and Vendetta-chan (since they are most likely NOT the same person). I am just in disbelief that one girl can be such a whiny cunt...Especially when they are fucking 26!

Never change /cgl/, never change.

>> No.6829846

i lol'd

>> No.6829868

May 2013
The beginning of a new /cgl/ era

>> No.6829934

Excuse you, it's Gosic Rorita Cosupray