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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6804923 No.6804923 [Reply] [Original]

Frill is in a month, roll call! Who's going, what are you wearing, what are you excited for, any room parties?

>> No.6804934

I'm going but I still can't decide what to wear! Currently trying out some new hairstyles. The thing I'm looking forward to the most is the boutique. It's going to be interesting to shop in person since online shopping sucks in that aspect.

>> No.6805121

I'm going! I have some basic coordinates worked out, but girls last year at Frill went OTT (not just sweet) and I don't think my outfits will have that sort of wow factor.

What I am excited about is that I've lost 5 pounds since I started dieting for Frill, which leaves me only another 5 pounds until I reach my goal weight before the convention.

>> No.6805131

Would totally go with my new classic coord, but I'm stuck in Europe for another two months

>> No.6805167

That image is awful. Did they really sell those as posters?!

>> No.6805189

They had another one with a blond girl in classic. I think it's cool that they had different posters to represent different styles and races, though I don't really care for that art, either.

>> No.6805191

To me it's not so much the art, but there are too many colors that don't match.

>> No.6805202

Ah, I think you hit the nail on the head. The colors clash. I don't remember the other one being as bad, though.

>> No.6805210

To me its the 3 or 4 pinks going on plus the 3 different purples, and the fact that the blouse and socks are the same color as the background.

>> No.6805669
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The other.

>> No.6805687

>dress lifting up so high it would barely be covering her crotch


>> No.6806065

And who has eyes that big, wtf?

>> No.6806498

>I don't think my outfits will have that sort of wow factor.
This so much. I love the pieces I have, but my coordinates don't usually have the sort of extravagance I see girls wearing at conventions. I don't mind not being the center of attention, but being asked to step out of a shot of the rest of my friends kind of sucks.

>> No.6806502

Wow, did that really happen to you? Maybe we can help each other out. I know it's hard to judge an outfit on yourself so if you'd like a fresh eye let me know.

>> No.6806572

>>6806502 I should have mentioned it didn't happen at Frill. I just don't care to pile on accessories or wear wigs, which seems very commonplace in lolita, not specifically sweet. I guess I look too casual, even when I fix my hair nicely and coordinate carefully.

>> No.6806671

Aw, so sorry to hear that happened to you. In my community we always include everyone even if they're newbies or a little ita. I wear mostly classic or simple sweet coords so I understand about looking casual. As long as you're sane I wouldn't turn down a picture with you. It'd be nice to meet other lolitas that aren't into the OTT stuff.

>> No.6807268

You remind me of that comic on b_t_b of the classic lolita having a tantrum because the sweet lolitas got more attention. Up your game or don't complain.

>> No.6809994

Does it bother anyone else that Lime Crime products are going to be sold at Frill? Did the organizers not even google the company's name and see how awful that girl is? She's practically a scammer and her totally custom eye shadows are just whole sale micas that she doesn't even bother to mix.

>> No.6810044

Actually doe deere stopped selling her repackaged bulk micas. her new products are all factory made private label stuff. not sure on the quality though. imo sugerpill has better quality products and a better reputation than lime crim.e lime crime is basically the milano of indie makeup anyways. idk why frill couldn't find someone better.

>> No.6810072

dude, it's a fucking cartoon, how are you shitting on the artist's eyes when everyone here dresses up like anime characters

>> No.6810080

I think >>6806065 was shitting on >>6805687 for being oblivious to cartoon characteristics.

I think the illustrations are cute, although perhaps there could be a little bit more unification as far as the color pallet, mostly in the first one OP posted.

>> No.6810099

I think MMM and Doe Deere are/were friends?

>> No.6810104

Last year they had Sugarpill, I don't know what happened thod

>> No.6810124

Are they just in the dealer's room? Doesn't bother me. Bigger cons have dealers I don't wish to buy from for various reasons (as an example, that crossdressing dude who sells overpriced Bodyline and Nazi crap) and I don't see this as being much different.

Where are you even seeing a list of dealers though?

>> No.6810143

I'm excited for the pool party!

And I think I've finally settled on all my outfits...

DDC for the fashion walk, sugary carnival on Saturday, maybe pirate/goth on Saturday night, and cherry berry bunny for the tea!

>> No.6810162

How is skirt length a 'cartoon characteristic'. Eyes are one thing but skirt length is one of the most specific lolita characteristics, at least get that much right, jeez.

>> No.6810184

The use of foreshortening to create a more dramatic angle of the skirt to show a little more of the petti? The skirt length in the back is obviously knee length. Don't know what you've got your bloomers in a bunch for.

>> No.6810185

Ah, you're right, they aren't on the list on the website. They had products last year and every Frill boutique, including the ones at AWA, have sold her products. If there aren't any this year I will be very surprised.

>> No.6810189

This, and it's a stylistic choice to have the character with overly long legs that aren't necessarily anatomically correct, but it's a cartoon. Do you get pissed that Spongebob has four fingers?

>> No.6810192

Can we talk Dealer's Room? Last year, everything could fit in one relatively small room, including two dressing rooms. I know Frill is being held at a larger center now, but are they really going to spread it out into different rooms? I'm sure the boutique will have plenty of items, but the artist's alley and dealer's room seem like they are going to be pretty empty to me.

>> No.6810251

I still don't even see a list of who is in the dealer's room on their site. Am I not looking in the right place?

>> No.6810290

he's an anthropomorphic sponge who works in a fast food restaurant

>> No.6810303

That's irrelevant. If you are drawing a specific fashion/garment, regardless of whether you draw figures 7 heads tall or 10 heads tall, you need to get the proportion of the clothing right. If you want long legs, extend from the knee but keep the skirt to knee level. There are ways to solve this, anything else is excuses.

Signed, a professional illustrator.

>> No.6810365

I swear you bitches will bitch about anything just to feel superior.

Signed, /cgl/

>> No.6810377

Spongebob has Ectrodactyly, don't bring him into this, you insensitive fuck.

>> No.6810378

Wow, just fucking wow. Congratulations you just wrote the dumbest post I've ever read on /cgl/
feel proud

>> No.6810386

Did anyone sign up to be models for the designer fashion show? I wanted to but I don't think.I'd fit the size range.

>> No.6810388

>petti showing


>> No.6810397
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>professional illustrator
>not encouraging stylistic exaggeration in a cartoon, not thinking in 3D forms for which the placement of one leg above the other might be interpreted by an intermediate to give her skirt a cartoony puff in an attempt to make the image more dynamic

Sure cool

You guys are something else.

>> No.6810405

I'm modeling for Atelier Perroit.

Nah, I'm ugly they won't pick me.

>> No.6810763

When and where did they have model signups? I never saw anything on their shitty website. FUUUU wanted to apply

>> No.6810775

I sent in my application and hopefully I'll get picked. I'm too small for the indie brand dresses usually so I hope they want me to model for either IW or Pierrot...

>> No.6810777

Well then you should have been following them on FB where they update regularly.

>> No.6810781

Maybe they should fucking update their website too? For quite a while it didn't even say when and where the con was.

>> No.6810807


>> No.6810806

It was posted on their website.

>> No.6810853

Lime Crime was a sponsor last year and donated stuff for the VIP packs because I got some of her stuff in my swag bag but I didn't see anything for sale.

>> No.6810896

It's on the website you twit, since April 17th.


>> No.6810901

Why only 3 days to submit?

>> No.6810908

Maybe it had something to do with the brands? I mean it's weird it was only for the brand designers and not the indie ones too.

>> No.6811020

Yeah I have a hard time typing on my phone. Sorry, anon.

>> No.6811023

I wonder when they will inform the people who got picked. Or did they already...

>> No.6811144

Aww now I'm wondering if I didn't get chosen.

>> No.6812018

Does anyone think any dandies are going to show up to the Dandies and Darlings dance thing? Because I think it's going to be Darlings and Darlings who brought their boyfriends.

>> No.6812083

You should sign up. I'm submitting designs and my stuff tends to be in that in-between size (larger than unshirred brand but not plus size by non-Lolita standards) and I'm worried that they will only have small size models.

>> No.6812116

I'm sorry anon, I meant IW and AP...

>> No.6813135

There's actually a convention for lolitas? Fucking seriously?

>> No.6813139

There are conventions for lolitas in France and Russia each year, too (though the one in Russia is combined with JRock/Visual Kei, if I remember right). The Tea Party Club (I think?) is also trying to start one in the UK and is having their first lolita-exclusive weekend event this year in August.

>> No.6813145

So, basically, lolitas turn up at cosplay/anime/popular culture conventions and decided they needed their own exclusive conventions as well? Is it a whole weekend? I am trying to think what they would do for a whole weekend besides be snarky to each other and talk about prints.

>> No.6813158

Well, some lolitas are into anime/manga/pop culture and some aren't. Those that aren't don't usually attend conventions, from what I've seen. As for the lolita-exclusive conventions, most of the events are more social events like tea party gatherings, fashion shows, meet and greets with designers and the like. They're not exactly the massive conventions you get for other hobbies with twenty to fifty guests doing panels. They're generally not taking over the entire convention centre or anything.

>> No.6813161

Shouldn't you be whining in the AC thread?

>> No.6813170
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lol i thought this too it's totally the same guy

>> No.6813207

Clearly you don't know many lolita outside of the internet. We are snarky online. In real life we compliment everyone and take tons of photos of everything.

>> No.6813216

same here lol

>> No.6813218

>4chan is real life you guys

>> No.6814065

>In real life we compliment everyone and take tons of photos of everything.

I've heard on behind_the_bows and on /cgl/ about mean lolitas, but I have seriously never encountered one irl or even heard from another person about meeting one.

>> No.6814106

i didn't know about that. can non-lolita people come to these conventions too? or would it just be boring for them...

>> No.6814112

It's not really a full blown convention so there would be no reason for someone not into lolita to go...

>> No.6814173

oh okay, i guess i was just curious

>> No.6814301

I mean, of course you can go, but it might be a lot of money to drop on something that you might not find interesting.

>> No.6815588

Yes, that is what I meant. Not that you can't go, but "why would you want to."

>> No.6816422

How the fuck is that any better? Your nice to someone's face and then have a bitchfest online? That still makes you awful.

>> No.6817422

SURPRISE there are girls here that aren't actually bitches. I don't know if you've noticed, but they are lots of posters here who just want to help and share photos and what not.

The bitches are the ones who are most noticeable because they are the ones you are looking for.

>> No.6817634

I'll be modeling for Innocent World! Anyone else get the news?

>> No.6817672


Now I am sad.

>> No.6817772

Aw, no. When did you hear?

>> No.6817951

I haven't heard back yet but I'm still hoping...

When did you hear?

>> No.6818021

Today! Got an email! You guys didn't?

>> No.6818077

I never even got an email to confirm they'd gotten my entry.

Kinda bummed I really expected to get in,

>> No.6818130

Ah, you seem to have misunderstood. What I mean is that the internet brings the bitchy people out of the woodwork, and that they are pretty rare IRL.

>> No.6818151
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Does anyone know what times things are? I see no times listed on the event page at all... What time on Friday is the Fashion walk, for example? I'd like to book a flight, but I don't know what time to book.

>> No.6818161

Once you buy your registration, the loli telepathy begins. Just clear your mind and reach out to Frill, they will guide you.

>> No.6818169

This is bullshit. I know I have a place modeling in that show. You're lying.

>> No.6818299

I sent a message to the Pierrot Facebook a while ago, and got an apologetic reply today that they hadn't heard anything about models. So it's probably just Frill sucking at shit.

>> No.6818448

I got the feeling that the Frill staff picked the models, not the designers. Are the designers actually picking the models?

>> No.6818476

I asked them and they mentioned that I would be in the evening, to allow everyone time to get there. I'm not sure how that'd work since the pool party is also at night and people would have to change to go to that.

>> No.6818479

I feel it would be weird if the designers didn't get to pick. Megan Maude and her gang of cronies would probably only choose their hamface friends

>> No.6818484

This is unfortunately far too accurate.

>> No.6818489

If you get chosen to model, can you do any of the after dark activities?

>> No.6818578

Considering how Megan Maude has run fashion shows in the past, no.

>> No.6818647

Frill staff issuing another announcement that has nothing to do with /cgl/! incoming.

>> No.6819933

Who are you, secret frill announcement anon?

>> No.6819947

The other "activities" are literally bad steampunk bands so you're not missing much.

>> No.6819996

room parties being frilly orgies

>> No.6820196

Oh, I'm nobody, but they always seem to follow these threads and then pop up with an announcement to address whatever questions show up while insisting that they don't ever use /cgl/!

>> No.6820198

I do not want to miss out. Who's hosting?

>> No.6820208

Brittany, who manages the website and facebook page has never said she doesn't visit /cgl/.

>> No.6820278

Brittany was the person who replied to my fashion show app for MTAC so maybe she's the one running the fashion shows into the ground and not Megan Maude.

>> No.6820292

That's what all the Atlanta lolitas say.

Megan has run several fashion shows at AWA, I remember seeing one that was just an absolute disaster and then they wanted to do a Q and A at the end and I was just "fuck this shit" and left.. I really hope someone less flaky is in charge this go round.

>> No.6820295

Whoops, misread, sorry.. >>6820208

>> No.6820537

They just released a message about the fashion show:

"Good evening Affrilliates!

All models for Innocent World have been selected and contacted. Please check your e-mail to see if you've been selected!

Models for Atelier Pierrot have been selected, but we are waiting on confirmation with the designer. We appreciate your patience!

All other applicants have been moved to our modeling pool for all Indie Designers. We will be contacting models as soon as we confirm looks for them, so keep your eye out! We are still accepting model applications for Indie Designers."

So we may still be chosen for Atelier Pierrot or indie designers...

>> No.6820586

I heard that they hadn't gotten many applications for the indie brand models. Anyone sending in an application?

>> No.6820615
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>> No.6820628
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Fuck it, Dude. Let's go bowling.

>> No.6820636

So yeah, basically they only chose their friends and the brands had no input. I don't know what I was expecting.

>> No.6820643

Need deets on who they chose and I'm not even going to this con. Livejournal names or something?

>> No.6820656

Honestly, I'd rather just get drunk at the bar.

>> No.6820661

Confirmed for trying to start rumors. I got an email saying I'm modeling for Innocent World and I am not a friend of any of the Frill directors.

>> No.6820663
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I'll see you there.

>> No.6820670

What are your measurements?

>> No.6820673

Small enough to fit into Innocent World. Why?

>> No.6820676

I was just curious. I'm small enough to fit into IW as well and didn't get chosen.

>> No.6820680

Defensive much?

>> No.6820689

I didn't want to be bitchy but I don't like talking about my body. Sorry.

You might be in the running for Atelier Pierrot. They said all the IW models were chosen but the Pierrot ones haven't been finalized yet.

>> No.6820713

>I didn't want to be bitchy but I don't like talking about my body. Sorry.
But you don't mind modeling it? Not trying to give you a hard time, but that seems odd to me.

>> No.6820727

Correct. I know I have a decent body but talking about it has always seemed impolite to me and a little bit like bragging, and I don't like coming off that way. I live in one of the most overweight states in the US and just being skinny sometimes gets me negative attention. I'm basically conditioned not to bring it to attention.

>> No.6820732

You realize that girl probably just wanted to compare her measurements to yours to see if that's why she wasn't chosen, right?

>> No.6820737

According to >>6818299 the brand didn't know anything about models.
Frill staff, it's obvious you read cgl. Why you gotta fucking lie about shit?

>> No.6820755

I do realize that.

>> No.6820763

I'm pretty sure I know who you are in the Atl comm now anon. That syntax is pretty specific...

>> No.6820776

I don't think any of them lies about visiting /cgl/ and it's like 6 or 8 people now so it's also not like they all visit or all ignore it. I know some of them still post on occasion.

The Atl comm doesn't boycott /cgl/ but most members seem to advocate using it without being a fucking bitch who hides behind their anonymity.

>> No.6820777

Really? I didn't realize I was so easy to peg. Are you in ATL too?

>> No.6820774

I had a hunch, but I wasn't going to say anything. Now that you have...hmmm.

>> No.6820785

Ahaha now I'm paranoid that you think the anon I was talking about is actually me because I openly admit to popping into /cgl/ on occasion to read a thing.

>> No.6820787

Yes and if you're who I think you are you're a nice girl with an uber tiny waist.

If you're not who I think you are I'mma be creepin on some poor gal.

>> No.6820793

I don't know whether to be flattered or not because I'm not sure you're talking about me. But if so, thank you!

>> No.6820794

What about that shit storm where a girl got banned for posting on /cgl/?

>> No.6820798


>> No.6820803

Ugh, this always gets posted and blown out of whack. She didn't get banned, but she did get called out by an admin. The admin got a lot of shit, and I don't really know what happened to the girl. I haven't seen her at meets in a really long time.

>> No.6820837

Any seagulls wearing DDC to Frill? We should get a huge group photo. I know DDC ain't no thang now that it got re-released but I practically lived in those /cgl/ threads for days and I think it would be cool to have a little meet-up.

>> No.6820877

Maybe post on the FB page? You will probably have a bigger audience there, at least one that's willing to respond not anon.

>> No.6820914

What happened was pretty shitty. DearestVictoria threatened her for saying a completely innocent comment. Her exact words were "I know who you are and you will be dealt with"

>> No.6820973

If you're curious you could message them on FB. I've asked Atelier Pierrot a couple of stupid questions before about dresses and if something was in stock, and they always got back to me pretty fast.

>> No.6820978

>"I know who you are and you will be dealt with"
What the fuck. No wonder she doesn't go to meets anymore, if above anon is right.

>> No.6821003

I can't decide if I'm not pretty enough or if I'm not thin enough.

>> No.6821015


>> No.6821038

There is either one anon who is super upset about not getting picked or various anons who are kind of upset. Either way, get over it, they'll need you for AP or indie.

>> No.6821089

Didn't think I'd see a Lebowski reference here of all places. And in this context...

I approve anon. I approve. Let's have a White Russian together.

>> No.6821206

If they don't have enough models for the indie designers, who the hell is going to be watching the show?

>> No.6821329

The dandies.

>> No.6821344

So no one.

>> No.6822001
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>> No.6822152

I wonder when the Atelier Pierrot models will get their emails.

>> No.6822956

Probably after they receive any kind of contact at all about it from Frill?

>> No.6823067

Are you saying Frill hasn't contacted Atelier Pierrot about the models?

>> No.6823075

Knowing who's in charge of Frill, what do you think?

>> No.6823123

I don't know much about the staff of Frill, to be honest, other than they seem to have a bad reputation.

>> No.6823960

well it's in her favor she doesn't have to see the fat girl she didn't want to see at meets anymore

>> No.6824442

That's not what happened at all. The "fat girl" was actually creepy and her creepiness was being talked about in a thread. The girl just said she was relieved she wasn't attending a meet that she was hosting.

Shut up if you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

>> No.6825721

There are some gals who have deep personal vendettas against some of the well-known Frill staff so I can see why'd you think that.

As someone who interacts with them often, they're no better or worse than other lolitas.

>> No.6825987

>they're no better or worse than other lolitas
If they are staff, their reputation should be flawless, especially with the flop that was last year's con.

>> No.6826028

oh man i need deets on how creepy she was

>> No.6826245

She's really not that creepy. She's just kind of stand offish and "strange" in a way.
She dressed VERY poorly, and thought the only reason people didn't like her outfits was because she was overweight which was completely not the case

>> No.6826255

what does modeling even involve? I've never done something like that

>> No.6826259

You wear the dresses you are given, you may or may not be required to bring matching accessories/base outfits like blouse, bloomers, shoes, socks and so on, you go up and down a makeshift catwalk and pose at the end.

>> No.6826261

What well-known lolita has a flawless reputation? Think before you type, anon.

Would like the name of this "fat girl". I think I know who you're talking about, but I just want to check. First name is fine since I know most of the girls in the comm, but not the drama behind them.

>> No.6826273


>> No.6826325

>Not taking into consideration the name of the convention.
>Not thinking that they drew the girl like that to add dynamism to the body and also to make a reference to the con's name through the drawing.

Nigga you're retarded.

Signed, a graphic designer specialized in illustration.

>> No.6826373

What exactly does the word frill have to do with a dress being short

>> No.6826494

I'll be attending Frill. I haven't decided on my outfits yet because I'm awaiting things in the mail and my Saturday outfit really hinges on what I can safely wear to my panel/demonstration.

>> No.6826663

So that you can see the FRILLS under her dress, retard.

What panel are you doing?

>> No.6827974

It's cute that you're calling it a flop when they funded themselves for another year.

>> No.6828096

Cake and Pastry Decoration. I'm working on a tiered cake display that should be a real doozy.

>> No.6828102

How is that lolita related? Good luck with your panel, though.

>> No.6828183

I can imagine a lot of girls like to prepare desserts for meetups. I think it's interesting.

>> No.6828188

pastry chef here. why cake decorating of all things, it's too niche and requires way too much artistic talent and effort. why not something like tart topping arranging. there are a million different things you can do with that, sweet, savory, candy, fruit. it's much more versatile. heck, even cookies are more versatile.

>> No.6828316

I'm not the anon your talking to, but tickets are like twice as much as last year, Its not like they are funding themselves. I could see that if there was was so much money from last year that they can make the tickets this year super cheap

>> No.6828361

I'm guessing it's because the venue is so much better, but the ticket price does make me itch since all of the panels last year were so terrible.

Just glad it's in a hotel this year.

>> No.6828762 [DELETED] 

Interesting. Everyone seems to have overlooked the "pastry" portion of the panel title.. I'm pretty sure tarts are pastries.
I also would figure another person in this line of work would appreciate the value of this particular craft in regards to lolita and meet-ups.
You must not love your work to be so ready to ward average folks away from trying by saying it's too difficult and requires a lot of artistic talent... which a lot of it does not.
Where do you work? Walmart?

>> No.6828764 [DELETED] 

Interesting. Everyone seems to have overlooked the "pastry" portion of the panel title.. I'm pretty sure tarts are pastries.
I also would figure another person in this line of work would appreciate the value of this particular craft in regards to lolita and meet-ups.
You must not love your work to be so ready to ward average folks away from trying by saying it's too difficult and requires a lot of artistic talent... which a lot of it does not.
Where do you work? Walmart?

>> No.6828767

Girl, it is clear you are mad. If your panel is awesome, people will remember it as such, don't worry about anon. Consider where you are.

>Where do you work? Walmart?

>> No.6828768

Not sure how I quoted the wrong thing. Whoops.

>> No.6828776

I'm cool. ;)
I can also appreciate the statement that apparently my craft is too niche and difficult for participants of fashion that can be described as just the same.

>> No.6828802

Is your panel going to be just demonstration based or are participants actually going to be...participating? I'd probably go to watch, but that doesn't mean I think I'd be able to decorate anything.

>> No.6828814

It's going to have a presentation and demonstration. I'm going to have tools and pastry bags and various things laying out for folks to pass around and also to come up to the table an try out. I'm hoping to make the presentation short and informative about some not-quite-beginner techniques and tools for decorating that are quicker and don't require crazy mad skills. I'll follow with a speed-piping demonstration, which will be a blank tiered cake that I decorate. I'll probably take some requests on how, but I'll show flowers, ruffles, scallops, and various piping. Q & A.
I don't want people to think that decorating requires insane skills. I train decorators yearly, and some come in with no hand for art at all... and repetition brings them up to speed. And they find something they love to work with and go that route. It's really quite fun and I just like sharing it. <3

>> No.6828826

Way to be unnecessarily bitchy. The anon didn't even say anything rude.

>> No.6828850

I can't for the life of me figure out what to wear for the fashion walk or Sunday tea. Anyone settled on their outfits for those days?

>> No.6828855

Fine, I was a bit bitchy there.
However, it does say pastry in my title. And decorating is not less versatile than cookies... so that's where I took some offense.

>> No.6828860

>being an unnecessary bitch about an offhand remark about cake decorating
>while publicly admitting that you are running a panel at Frill

oh honey...

>> No.6828867

It's funny that you accused them of working at Walmart when all you can really "teach" to the average person during your panel are some Walmart-level basics.

>> No.6828877

Another pastry chef here. Just wondering, what sort of stuff you will be doing at your panel, because cake decorating is such a vast range of things, there wouldn't be enough time to cover everything. Are you looking at doing piping techniques? If piping techniques, which mediums will you be piping? Or are you looking at working with sugarpaste/modelling chocolate? Genuinely curious. I'm from the UK and would love to run a similar panel, but there's far too much range to decide on something like this. I run an evening class on cake decorating though, and it takes about 16 weeks.

>> No.6828989

Another pastry chef lolita here and I think this sounds cute and very doable.

I don't know why you're acting like its impossible to teach a little something in an hour. Clearly she's not going to squeeze a professional degree in there. Sounds like they'll learn enough understand he techniques to make a cute cupcake or make a clean looking cake. A lot can be done with some basic pastry bag skills.

>> No.6829004

I never said it was impossible. I don't know why you are getting so defensive. I was genuinely curious what sort of things were going to be done in the panel because its such a huge topic. I understand that it's not a full course, I'm just wondering what topics were going to be focused on. I personally wouldn't know where to start with compacting such a topic into an hour so I was just curious how it would be done.

>> No.6829031

Not that anon, but I'm the first person who posted asking why she chose that, and I don't think it's a good idea at all to be honest, you can't really learn how to decorate by watching, and if they get to practice as well, well then you've only got time for one thing. If you teach them how to use fondant, you'll have no time for piping techniques.

Cupcakes aren't cakes, and she said cake decorating, not cupcake decorating. And from the sounds of her display that she said she's working on a fancy display. I would be pissed to go into that sort of think for just a cupcake technique.

I still say she should have started with something much more versatile and simple that looks complex(like topping fruit tarts for instance.

Anyway, the panels here seem like they are going to suck yet again.

>> No.6829041

Different anon but I also disagree, cake decorating techniques can be very useful in a variety of applications. I'm so excited to be able to sit down and just practice my damn piping.

I'm not saying arranging other pastries isn't also useful but I think the idea was to play to the lowest common denominator. Buttercream and cakes are relatively inexpensive to make and use as a palatte for practice compared with pastries which, in my experience, are more complicated both to make and decorate and so are not cost/time/or skill effective for this panel.

>> No.6829048

If you think the panel organizer is going to supply piping bags, cakes, icing and supplies for everyone attending her panel that's some real wishful thinking on your end. Also, I'm fairly surprised this isn't against the rules, since most hotels don't allow people to bring in their own food or ingredients, even for these sorts of events since there is a health hazard. So, I wouldn't be surprised if this flops.

>> No.6829096

I'm sorry but what does this have to do with lolita? I understand that a few lolitas will find it interesting but it really isn't related to lolita.

>> No.6829098

Real talk, her panel only has to be average to be better than literally every panel last year.

I might go to watch, but I'd be damned if I'm going to actually try piping something in my outfit. I'm too much of a klutz, or someone else might be. Maybe the deco lolis would think it a nice addition to their coordinates, but no icing on my brand, please.

>> No.6829135

>itt Anons dissecting Frill thoroughly and making snarky remarks on EVERYTHING.
>hurrhurr it’s going to suck! Lets make plans to go get drunk or have wild room orgies
>these same bitter bitches wont even be attending the convention most likely

So, here’s a question for the women who actually PLAN on being there. I saw that the Fashion Walk event page was opened and I’m surprised by how little people have joined as ‘Going’. Since we are walking through town I suddenly don’t want to wear my heels… I guess I’ll throw together a Mori coord because I want to be comfortable.
Also, I think I’m going to make semi-casual coords for the entire weekend. I want to be able to easily slip into and out of my skirt and blouse to try on items. Apparently the IW shop will only be open on Sunday that weekend. :c
And finally… I think I’m going to bring some board games and such to play in any open areas within the con/beside the con if there are ever any points in the convention when there isn’t anything for me to do. I have yet to go to a convention that every panel appeals to me… so I might as well bring my Cards Against Humanity deck. Or maybe my Magic cards to play with anyone else?

>> No.6829146

Come on, now, anon. You have to admit that last year's con had major problems. I'm going because I love the excuse to get frilly and see all my friends, not because I plan to learn anything from the panels or because I think it will be well organized.

What I hear is anons who were disappointed with last years and want to make sure they have fun while attending this year. And this is from a woman who PLANS on being there.

>> No.6829153

I know right, how dare lolitas discuss and express perfectly valid faults in a convention that was marketed towards them on a board that is known for it's bitching. the nerve of them all

>> No.6829160

I didn't get to attend Frill last year, unfortunately. I have only just recently got into the fashion. From what I've been told by the few women who did go last year, they had fun and it was 'okay' by their convention experience.

I think it's unfair that people are complaining though. I go to numerous conventions in my state and a majority of them are jampacked with awful panels that are sloppyily thrown together. But I guess thats the difference between the crowds in Anime Conventions and Lolita conventions.

They put an effort in churning out panels. It isn't like there are fifty 'Kawaii picture' panels like the huge number of Homestuck panels which consist mainly of powerpoint presentations at the conventions I've been to. This is also a niche hobby. There are only so many things we can have panel wise before we dive into the stereotypical/notsololita related panels like cake crafting.

I've never been the sort of person to complain because I have a great sense of empathy towards people who run things because I know what it's like. It bothers me that there is so much negativity.

>> No.6829162

Side note: I always notice that people get overly critical of other people’s missteps. Don’t you notice how everyone in the limelight makes mistakes? I have yet to hear of a single person who is perfect in every single way. So don’t tell me that these people running the convention are awful. Because I’m sure there are some pretty nasty things you ladies have done in your lives. All humans are selfish and corrupt to some degree. It’s only the ones who get some sort of status who the general population take notice of to pick apart their flaws. I’m not sure if it’s jealousy or what. I mean… unless you are a man. Then everything is golden.

>> No.6829164

>like the huge number of Homestuck panels which consist mainly of powerpoint presentations at the conventions I've been to

If you didn't go to so many Homestuck panels you'd realize it's not just them, and not even just anime cons. Hell, I've been to Star Trek panels that literally consisted of the host poking through their videos folder and going "hey, this one's pretty cool."

>> No.6829166

I worded that wrong. I didn't mean to make it seem like all homestuck panels are bad. Just the ones I've been to. There sure have been other panels such as "Japanese Candies' or about anime shows that were pretty awful.

>> No.6829168

I really don't see how it's unfair to complain about this though, how are they supposed to fix anything if no one speaks up?

>> No.6829169

Another thing: I think you missed the point of my comparison. I'm saying that people shouldn't be complaining and giving Frill such a hard time about the panels because they fit within the theme and some of them are pretty creative considering what I've dealt with in the past.

>> No.6829171

It seems like those ladies can never win. It goes from anons complaining that Frill is going to be horrible and that so-and-so is a bitch and then when Frill addresses it on their facebook page anons go on to say 'Oh look, they are STALKING /cgl/! Hurrhurr!' ....as if it's a bad thing?

And then there are women who are complaining that Frill is going to be SO boring that they should just host room parties and get drunk? Why are you going to Frill if you deem yourself too cool for school? It baffles me. Maybe if these same anons tried to make interesting panels instead of making exclusive parties within our niche hobby it could spread the wealth

>> No.6829185

If you think this thread is negative, you should have seen the ones from last year, when no one had even been to Frill yet. It was just a complete rip on everything about Frill because of the people who were running it, without any sort of basis in the actual events. At least this one has valid criticisms of problems the convention had. If anything, this thread is more positive.

>> No.6829191

Most of those things are peoples opinions, Its does seem like its going to be very boring and unorganized. They didn't have any of the panels or events up until like a month ago(but were still selling tickets), which would be cool if they were a long running convention with a reputation.

The issue about them posting after seeing shit on cgl is that they refuse to admit they're here. How hard is it for them to just say "Hey I'm one of the directors and the reason this is happening is because so and so"

>interesting panels and I'd want to see
Basic anatomy of a Lolita Outfit
Buying and selling
Meet-up Etiquette , for both planning and attending
Online buying( not just taobao)
Deco workshop

>> No.6829197

I'm going to preface this by saying that I attended Frill last year, I'm attending this year, and I hope to attend every year that I'm still wearing lolita and they are still around.

That said, to say people shouldn't criticize the convention is absurd. Any other convention receives criticism where it is due, so to expect no one to say anything just because lolita conventions are few and far between is a bit ridiculous. Especially on /cgl/. I mean, consider where you are.

Are some people overly critical of a relatively new convention? Sure. That doesn't mean that the convention doesn't have a lot of kinks to iron out considering last year, though I feel confident that most of them will be solved just by the change in venue. While I enjoyed Frill last year, I did not enjoy the ridiculous wait times, the disorganization, the obvious tension between some staff members, or the subpar panels (and the many of them were just powerpoints). Am I a bitter bitch for voicing this? I would say the same about other cons.

If they are going to improve they are going to have to take criticism and learn from it, which they appear to be doing. Last year when the panels were boring, there was literally no where else to go. I don't think the girls who have expressed interest in room parties are being unreasonable. There are room parties at many conventions, why is it that if you want to have one at Frill in case your interest dies down, you are being rude?

On another note, I have no problems with the directors and staff reading these threads, other than I imagine it must breed a lot of negativity.

>"Hey I'm one of the directors and the reason this is happening is because so and so"
This is ridiculous. The staff gets raked over the coals when they aren't posting in threads. I can only imagine what would happen if they did. So reading the threads and then updating on Facebook or the website doesn't seem to me to be unreasonable.

>> No.6829264

>I can only imagine what would happen if they did.

It honestly depends on how they react. There have been numerous people who have come here and gotten good responses because they know how to take criticism and write polite--but firm--responses.

The people heading Frill? Do nooooot know how to do that. So, like you, I would say they should avoid posting here. I mean, some girl running a cake panel freaked out because someone asked her why she was doing something like cake decorating because it's hard to teach anything useful to a whole bunch of people in a short amount of time. Imagine what MMM would do on /cgl/

>> No.6829283

I’m never going to fathom how the argument that ‘/cgl/ is full of bitches’ or ‘/cgl/ is just an negative place’ is somehow an appropriate response or argument as to why I should accept what I’m reading. By that standard I suppose I shouldn’t try to talk to ignorant racists or sexists either? Just because they most likely won’t listen to me it doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to discuss it and bring to light what is wrong.

And the fact that women want to host room parties doesn't bother me. It's how they are making it seem... like 'This con is going to be utter snores-vill. Lets have an orgy (I'm sure that was supposed to be a joke)! Lets go out together and drink!' I remember in the last Frill thread other women were being that condescending as well. Basically saying that the convention was sure to be boring and they they should just host super cool parties away from the 'boring people'. I'm like... what? Why even waste money going if you think you are too good for everyone else there/ find the convention boring?

The unnecessary hostility and holier-than-thou nonsense was what got my bloomers twisted.

>> No.6829309

So I read your comment, then decided to read up the thread to see all of these condescending rude comments about how people want to have parties because frill is going to be soooooo boring and they want to get away from the booooooring people.

And all I can find is

>any room parties?

and a joke comment

>room parties being frilly orgies

So I thought, okay. Maybe all of these horrible comments are on a previous Frill thread, so I headed over to the archive to find them there. There was an excitable post asking what music people would like to play at a room party, and board games.

And all that was there that even remotely matched your description was

>If it's panels are boring and the events suck, I can just invite some girls back to my room and we can drink and party. All seagulls attending are welcome!

So basically your entire tantrum was about a single comment saying "Well, if the panels and events are boring, I'll just invite some people to my room to drink and have some fun!"

You're either working for Frill or have a panel that you're afraid will be boring so you're projecting like crazy. Or both?

>> No.6829317

true lifestylers don't drink or have sex

>> No.6829319

I am true gothic rorita cosplayer. I am asexual and only drink the finest of teas. Kawaii desu ne~~~

>> No.6829326

Ahh I get it. You're afraid you won't be one of "the girls" to be invited to a room party.

>> No.6829323

Not everyone is a Frill shill (lol). I'm guessing anon is just projecting. Look what she actually addressed from the comment she responded to compared to what the comment actually said.

>> No.6829356

That was obviously a joke, anon.

>> No.6829713

>I saw that the Fashion Walk event page was opened and I’m surprised by how little people have joined as ‘Going’.

You realize the event has been up less than two days, right?

>> No.6829769

Cake panel anon here (or not-so anonymous if you're in my local comm). I'm going to be dedicated to butter cream piping techniques here, so various flowers, shapes, and scroll work. The things I've chosen require not an excessive amount of tools.
However I am bringing along a small amount of rolled fondant and cutters and flower tools, mostly to allow folks to come up and put their hands on the fontant so they can see how easy it can be to work with.

I've zoomed in on a few specific techniques, and my speed piping demo is to showcase what can be done with them.

In the future, however, I want to do multiple panels at different levels. This one is supposed to be a bit more advanced. As in, the viewer might already be proficient at icing their cake and adding borders and such. But it's not required- the panel should still be interesting to folks who are only just thinking of trying it out.

>Another pastry chef lolita here and I think this sounds cute and very doable.

Thanks. <3 I love what I do and I love showing others. :)

>> No.6829771

>Cupcakes aren't cakes, and she said cake decorating, not cupcake decorating. And from the sounds of her display that she said she's working on a fancy display. I would be pissed to go into that sort of think for just a cupcake technique.

Cake decorating encompasses cupcake decorating. The piping techniques can be used for the cupcakes. This is one of the things that should make it more appealing to absolute beginners who might not feel quite comfortable making a big cake just yet, but are comfortable enough with cupcakes/cookies.
>Not that anon, but I'm the first person who posted asking why she chose that, and I don't think it's a good idea at all to be honest, you can't really learn how to decorate by watching, and if they get to practice as well, well then you've only got time for one thing. If you teach them how to use fondant, you'll have no time for piping techniques.

I teach people to decorate regularly, people who come in even with no experience at all. Of course folks can't learn to decorate by watching. Usually I show them how once or twice, and let them practice. They should go home and practice if they are interested. And if they want to see more, I'll be providing a list of resources that I used to learn and get started... many of which I used to teach myself.

>> No.6829775

>Also, I'm fairly surprised this isn't against the rules, since most hotels don't allow people to bring in their own food or ingredients, even for these sorts of events since there is a health hazard.
The panel items are for demonstration only, and are not to be eaten, just as in other panels where decoden and sewing supplies brought in for demonstrations should also not be eaten. So there will be no actual health hazard.

If you don't think it will be useful or you aren't interested, by all means attend some other portion of the convention during the panel, as my panel will not be the only thing happening at that time. But if you are interested, please do come.

The panel is really directed at folks who are interested in hosting their own meetups and showcasing fine decorated cakes and pastries, as opposed to popping off to the local supermarket and picking up some cupcakes or a cake that has been sitting for who knows how long and isn't as fresh (this is not a cruel or uneducated statement, as the freezer shelf life of a cake at Kroger is 30 days. Ew.).

>> No.6829838

The hotel doesn't care if it's going to be eaten or not. If you haven't CALLED THE HOTEL and confirmed that your panel will be using food and that it's okay, do so now before it's too late.

>comparing sewing supplies to food

god you're dumb

>> No.6829847

Okay, so I gotta ask. I've rarely done cakes since I've been out of school and when I do them, my fondant shrivels up so quickly. How do I keep my fondant from drying out so quickly?

>> No.6830003

No, I'm just an attendee. I have no skills I could hope to run a panel by. And I did read numerous rude comments in this thread and the last one about people wanting room parties. I fully intend to have fun at the convention and I'm in no way 'butthurt' that I wouldn't be invited to these most-likely-not-even-going-to-happen parties. I'm going to be out at the convention with my board games and Crimes against Humanity games to play with people who are interested. I feel like we should try to be a community and get to know each other. Not separate into 'exclusive' things such as the 'cool kids' or 'not cool' people.

I'm in no way a lifestyler. I just wear the clothing. But I seriously hate how rude people can be. How is it so hard to try to be nice and remain positive?

No, I wasn't aware. It now makes sense.

>> No.6830054

Well its clear that you didn't see that the "cool kids" and "lifestyler don't drink or have sex" comments were jokes.

Also please point out the rude comments

>> No.6830090

>And I did read numerous rude comments in this thread and the last one about people wanting room parties.

Except... no. I read this thread and the last one. And there aren't even two rude comments about wanting room parties, much less "numerous ones."

There's nothing rude about wanting to have a room party. It really seems like you're a socially awkward fuck who knows they won't be invited to a room party because you're standoffish or rude to people in person and that makes people not want to hang out with you.

>> No.6830120

Some how bringing to light the negativity in this thread makes me the bad person? Haha, whatever. I don't feel like having an argument about how you perceive me because it’s clear that the ones who were previously bitching are just getting defensive. The theme for Frill overall has been needlessly negative. And I really don't feel like combing through this thread or the old one to find the comments. You can see them plain as day yourself.

You all are just angry that I'm bringing up how hostile you're being and suddenly I'm the unlikeable bitch because I'm saying we should be trying to make the event a better place by being more positive and not closing ourselves off from others? It should be all inclusive. You came to convention for that reason, did you not? To make friends and talk to other people with interest in the fashion? What fun is there in closing yourself off from the majority of the group in a small party in a room..? Go outside and mingle you hermits.

>> No.6830139

>dat overreaction
...Are you sure? Looks like anons hit a sore spot.

>> No.6830157

But there IS no hostility. You can't even link to a single comment where all this supposed rudeness and elitist BS is taking place!

>And I really don't feel like combing through this thread or the old one to find the comments. You can see them plain as day yourself.

I combed through the thread. There was nothing worth having a tantrum over. There's literally--literally!--one comment about having a party with drinking if the events/panels are boring and one comment asking people what board games/music/food is good for a room party. That's it. Room parties are nothing new. They're a way for people to unwind if they feel like it, or to hang around with like-minded people when there's not an event or panel going on that they are interested in.

At least you told us what you'll be bringing, so everyone knows to avoid your crazy ass.

>> No.6830228

>If you haven't CALLED THE HOTEL and confirmed
Ah yeah. Nope. Not my job and also... It's not meant for consumption, nor will anyone be eating it that I know of. If they do, they're on their own, as nobody will have told them it was okay to do so.

Believe what you want. The cakes are not REAL. They are styrofoam. The base icing is not butter cream. It *IS* art supplies, not food, and will be treated as such.

>> No.6830237

If you bring real food meant for consumption or not into the hotel you'll get in trouble. You need to ask them personally. I've had to do it with my panels you should otherwise you'll get the con and yourself in trouble.

>> No.6830242

did you read their post at all or stop halfway through

>> No.6830243

I wonder if you''ll be saying this when people are snapping pictures of you crying outside your panel room because the hotel is telling you to get rid of it all.

>> No.6830257

Having room parties isn't exclusive or snobbish. What cons have you been to where that is the case? Consider that many of the Frill attendees are Atl locals who go to AWA and Dragon con, where room parties are not only the norm, but expected.

>> No.6830254

I get they said they're not real, but they don't literally mean the icing isn't real, she meant she's going to tell them it's an art supply, but it's not going to actually really be fake icing it's going to be cheap shit icing.

>> No.6830262

>I'm going to be doing butter cream piping techniques
>using fondant
>decorating blank cake


>> No.6830272

I think she's just going to tell the hotel staff that "the cakes aren't real" *wink* she's just trying to take responsibility from herself and if the hotel is notified then the whole con could get in trouble.

Anyway, she's just backpedaling because her idea was stupid and it's even more stupid now that we realize she's going to fuck up the con by bringing in premade food. If anything she should contact the hotel and have them make food for the panel, because that's the only way they can guarantee the safe preparation.

>> No.6830336

Okay, so either you just called me a liar, or you just don't understand that fake cake displays exist.

I'm not bringing in premade cakes. PERIOD. They're not edible. The cakes are made of FOAM. Look it up. They're called cake blanks, or dummy cakes. I just ordered a full set from Ebay.

Why the heck is it an issue of safe preparation when it's foam? Would you seriously try to eat a fake cake display even though it'll have a sign that says that's what it is?

>> No.6830342

Why is there going to be a cake decorating panel at a lolita convention anyways?

>> No.6830343

>I think she's just going to tell the hotel staff that "the cakes aren't real" *wink* she's just trying to take responsibility from herself and if the hotel is notified then the whole con could get in trouble.


>> No.6830348

hope you don't get sued when a hambeast eats a plastic cake

>> No.6830350

And what are you going to use instead of real frosting?

Also it's not about people trying to eat your food. Quit deflecting.

>> No.6830358

You realize that room parties are meant to be inclusive, right? You meet new people, invite them up to your room to party for a while, insta-friends.

>What fun is there in closing yourself off from the majority of the group in a small party in a room..?
If a panel is boring and there is nothing going on, I'd rather hang out in a room party and, gasp, mingle with people. Shocking, I know.

>> No.6830360

Girl, calm down. You should have stopped posting a while ago. Anon is just going to keep bitching. Close out the tab and worry about making your panel awesome.

>> No.6830361

Google can answer that. There are a lot of fake icings and recipes for fake cake decorating ranging from silicone to meringue based mixtures.

>> No.6830362

If they were fake from the beginning, why would you even say this?

>nor will anyone be eating it that I know of. If they do, they're on their own, as nobody will have told them it was okay to do so.

Why would anyone eat a fake cake or even why would you need to even explain that if they were always meant to be fake?

>> No.6830364

it's weird how they think everyone in Frill is just going to be gathered around in a big open area, interacting with everyone else, when they're not at panels.

>> No.6830368

>Why would anyone eat a fake cake or even why would you need to even explain that if they were always meant to be fake?

I don't know. Why don't you ask someone who eats fake cakes? Nobody ever said real cakes were being baked and brought in.

>> No.6830372

For real. Fucking hermits, never return to your room! Everyone must sit in a round circle between panels and play duck duck goose!

And aren't all the Frill hotel rooms grouped together? It seems like it would be easy to go room party hopping.

>> No.6830394

Except she said she's using Fondant, which is edible...

>> No.6830400

except she spent like 3 huge posts arguing about telling the hotel when she could have just said THE CAKES ARE NOT REAL, THEY ARE MADE OF FOAM. Why didn't she just say that from the fucking beginning instead of being really vague and fucking beating around the bush? sounded sketchy as fuck to me

>> No.6830401


Oh thanks. Maybe I'll bring polymer clay instead.
You've helped. Now we're all clear. Hooray.

>> No.6830398

the point is that you said you were planning on using real icing not fake icing.

>> No.6830404

Whatever, no one is going to go to her shitty cake deco panel anyways.

>> No.6830408

and whatever happened to the 'pastry' comment she made?
>Interesting. Everyone seems to have overlooked the "pastry" portion of the panel title.. I'm pretty sure tarts are pastries.

it's in the deleted comment in the archives. So is she bringing in fake pastries/tarts too... ?

>> No.6830411


I said "display cake" originally. Since I work in the industry, to me that equates to fake/dummy. I'm sorry you aren't familiar with it. I could have been a little more clear, but also nobody should ever assume that you can eat things in a panel when nobody said it was okay to anyhow...

>> No.6830413

sorry you got called out dude, should have never admitted you were running the panel to begin with. Congrats on your 'it's my first day here!' award.

>> No.6830416

you are aspie as fuck, why would anyone ever eat a fake fucking cake?! why would that even be something you would have to mention if it is obvious the cakes are fake?

>> No.6830422

Lol, you give people too much credit. Display cakes aren't real, yes, but the icing/fondant you said was real, and you never specified if you'd be providing something like cupcakes which one anon mentioned, or blanks.

Anyway, hotels don't care if it's intended for eating or not, people simply aren't allowed to bring homemade food items for others to have whether it's intended to be eaten or not.

>> No.6830425

sorry you've never said 'display cake'

>which will be a blank tiered cake that I decorate

that is all you said

>> No.6830432

Ah, it's okay. I do what makes me happy and I've been doing just that for a long time. If I listened to just anyone who came along and tried to put me down about it, I wouldn't be nearly as successful and happy with my work as I am.

>> No.6830437

Why is "pastry" in the title if you aren't bringing pastries but just a fake cake?

>> No.6830441

>sorry you've never said 'display cake'
CTRL + F failed you this time.

>Cake and Pastry Decoration. I'm working on a tiered cake display that should be a real doozy.

>> No.6830439

I think everyone is just confused because of this post here.
You could have easily said that you weren't bringing anything edible right then and there.

>> No.6830447


>> No.6830450

A tiered cake display is not the same as a display cake.

>> No.6830451

No wonder you're hosting a panel that's not fucking related to lolita at all then. I mean, Tea 101 would be more related than cake decorating.

>> No.6830453

yeah, she's never said 'display cake' (I did the same thing when I saw that comment and searched for it, lol)

>> No.6830477

A display is a display is a display.

>> No.6830488

Wrong, she said 'display cake' which apparently in fucking pro cake terms mean FOAM CAKE LOL NOT REAL K but 'tiered cake display' in that context literally meant just a frosted cake on display to look at the finished product (not at all in relation to WHAT the cake was made of, obviously), don't be a moron... and why did I need to explain that

>> No.6830489

If you don't like it, don't go. It honestly doesn't matter what you say about it on CGL about it. Most of the folks complaining won't be there anyhow, so there's no point in taking their words to heart. I'll get my feedback at the end of the panel.

>> No.6830496

Ain't nobody got time for your pointless analysis.

>> No.6830503

No, not really.

A cake display is different from a display cake.

A display cake definitively means that it's only for display--not eating. A cake display does definitively mean that something is fake, only that it is going to be displayed.

>> No.6830501

You mad, bro? You sure seem to be getting super defensive and upset over a bit of foam......................

>> No.6830507

Never heard of display food? Hint: if it's sitting in a window it's not real

>> No.6830509

If you even have the panel. Can't wait for the hotel to find out!

>> No.6830515

I for one could apply frosting techniques to decora

>> No.6830526

Thank you. There are several techniques that cross over. Even a lot of the same kinds tools can be used, though you should never use tools for silicone/polymer and then use them for food.

>> No.6830533

backpedal faster cake anon, you got called out, deal with it lol

>> No.6830535 [DELETED] 

Panels have already been approved by now, idiot.

>> No.6830542

Um.. Those posts belong to different anons. Kthx.

>> No.6830550

sure they do /winkwinkwinkwink

>> No.6830552

Decora isn't related to lolita either, dumbass.

The hotel doesn't approve panels the con does, but if there's real food it will get shut down.

>> No.6830560

It's not called decora for one...

If you knew anything about deco you'd know that silicone is the worst type of icing to use because it comes off too easily, you're going to run a shit panel.

>> No.6830562

troll attempt is fail

>The hotel doesn't approve panels the con does, but if there's real food it will get shut down.
Don't worry. We'll be sure the hotel understands that there's no food/eating. ^^

>> No.6830571

>If you knew anything about deco you'd know that silicone is the worst type of icing to use because it comes off too easily, you're going to run a shit panel.

Then don't go?

>> No.6830579

The only cross over I see is deco. But since there is already a deco panel, a cake decorating one just seems stupid and pointless

>> No.6830585


Then don't go?

>> No.6830586

But you said there would be food earlier in the thread. Backpedal?

>> No.6830595

Nope, not at all. Food is provided by the hotel and approved services. Demo is not meal time. Thx.

>> No.6830602

nah you responded every time, seems win to me (hint: you should just stop replying to them)
Yeah what happened to your declaration about Tarts? Remember? When you samefagged earlier then deleted it then admitted it was you? lol you're really bad at this

>> No.6830625

You said that pastries would be part of your panel, including tarts. And that you were using buttercream frosting.

>> No.6830631

ssshhh she's been called out quite a bit already, let's not scare her off

>> No.6830636

Please stop being a moron. You said many times in the thread that you planned on bringing real icing and food products. Whether they're to be eaten or used as a demo isn't going to matter it's against the rules to provide people with foodstuffs.

>> No.6830640

Someone seems like they're getting a bit annoyed at being called out so much.

>> No.6830642

I described the panel. The cakes are not reals and are only for demo and display purposes. I will have some pastry techniques/information.
There's no food.
Do not come to EAT.
There will be signs that say as much.

I don't have time for this anymore. Either you're going to be at the panel/con and provide feedback there, or you're not going to be there at all. You keep trying to pick apart what I'm saying, but the fact is it's all settled. Period. There is indeed a panel. It is approved. Everything about it has been settled, all the content, everything. The foam base displays have been ordered and the decorations are already in the making. I actually don't have to disclose information to anyone here about the ingredients in my displays or demo bags. Use your imagination. Whatever.

We'll either see you there, or we won't. /shrug
Either way, I'll still be making fabulous sweets before and after the convention, happily ever after.

>> No.6830650

>I actually don't have to disclose information to anyone here about the ingredients in my displays or demo bags.

Do you know anything about hotels at all? FFS it's not a matter of whether you want people to eat stuff or not.
You can't. Bring, Food. Period. If people have access to it.

I hope you do bring real icing and someone calls you out and gets you kicked out of the con, you're too stupid.

>> No.6830652

>It is approved. Everything about it has been settled, all the content, everything.

Really? Because you said earlier that it "wasn't your job" to see if the hotel approved it.

I'm sorry you're being called out for your inconsistent remarks and that you can't address them. Really, I am. It shows a lack of fortitude on your part.

>> No.6830655

>Either way, I'll still be making fabulous sweets before and after the convention, happily ever after.

You probably work at a grocery store.

>> No.6830657

>repeatedly implies she'll be handling real food
>mentions using real frosting and fondant
>says it doesn't matter because people aren't going to be eating it

>> No.6830664

Please go to your local bakery and chew on a display cake.

>> No.6830675

People can fucking eat icing without the fucking cake part you idiot. You can still eat the frosting.

>> No.6830676

please keep backpedaling and insisting you're not mad you got called out

>> No.6830678

It's still food, sugarplum. And you still need to call the hotel and make sure it's okay to be doing a panel with foodstuffs.

>> No.6830684

lol wut? So you go to the grocery store and gnaw the (hopefully) meringue (or whatever else) icing and decorations they put on the cakes? Did you seriously just defend eating the icing off of fake cake displays?
Ahaha! Oh, my.

>> No.6830687

Okay, thanks for the advice, sweetiepie!

>> No.6830688

Considering you're going to be letting people make things themselves, it's their discretion to eat icing out of the fucking piping bag that they are using themselves. Anyway, I'm informing frill that you're bringing real food products to your panel for people to consume, so have fun with that.

>> No.6830692

Wow, you became a bitch really fast.

And meringue? Really? Do you even know what kind of cheap practice icing they use for cakes at the store?

>> No.6830690

lol wut? you keep insisting 'it's not made for eating!' while we keep telling you 'that doesn't matter idiot, it is still considered FOOD because it's edible' Please, keep going, this is god damn hilarious

And what about those tarts? The ones you mentioned? You know, the pastry part?

>> No.6830694

do we need a gtfo on this everyone?

>> No.6830704

gtfo and secrets I would say

>> No.6830709

She did that earlier, too.

in response to >>6828188

she said

>Interesting. Everyone seems to have overlooked the "pastry" portion of the panel title.. I'm pretty sure tarts are pastries.
I also would figure another person in this line of work would appreciate the value of this particular craft in regards to lolita and meet-ups.
You must not love your work to be so ready to ward average folks away from trying by saying it's too difficult and requires a lot of artistic talent... which a lot of it does not.
Where do you work? Walmart?

>> No.6830713

Did you just admit that you're using icing, aka real food products, in your panel?

Ahaha! Oh, my.

>> No.6830714
File: 445 KB, 312x137, simon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus this is the stupidest argument I've seen on cgl in ages and that's saying something

>> No.6830716

yep, that was the post that she samefagged herself, deleted, then later came back to say it was her all along. looooling to the bank

>> No.6830719

I agree. It's really nothing but a bitchfest about nothing.

>> No.6830722

Holy shit, not that anon, but I'm that poster and I was busy for that part of the thread, so I didn't even know she replied to me.

Really though? The fact that she said" OMG I'M MAKING A FANCY 3 TIER CAKE DISPLAY!" Is what made me think she was trying to teach way too much shit at once. Who makes a 3 tier cake display with just simple piping and fondant?

>> No.6830723

We know it's you.

>> No.6830730

oh wait, you're a pro cake person too right? So did you immediately know she was using fake cakes when she said 'I'm making a tiered cake display' because apparently that sentence is the same as saying 'i'm using display cakes' in pro fancy cake talk, so I'm curious your professional opinion here.

>> No.6830758

Several anons get their panties in a twist about a panel they aren't attending. That's what I read. Disappointment in this thread.

>> No.6830762

Hey panel anon.

>> No.6830772

Anyone here actually going?

>> No.6830775

Nobody here actually cares about the panel. Just dramu, and threatening apparently.

>> No.6830782

It's not threatening to point out that you need to contact the hotel if you are doing to use food (which you are, which you've admitted) because it is probably against their regulations.

>> No.6830828

Where did I admit to bringing food. I mean, besides fondant, which I can just easily replace with polymer or not bring at all. I didn't admit to bringing real cakes or real icing on the dummy cakes, and I didn't admit to bringing buttercream, I only said that I'd be using buttercream piping techniques. That doesn't necessarily mean edible buttercream will be present. People who participate in deco use buttercream piping techniques using other materials, too.

Where did I say I'd bring food and also where does it say I would supply anything to eat?

>> No.6830847

So your just doing a deco panel

>> No.6830857

I guess people will just have to show up and find out if they want to know, otherwise they won't. :)

>> No.6830870

the part where you said you were bringing fondant and the samefag post you deleted talking about tarts. wow you are so bad at this. Just because you're now saying 'oh I won't bring fondant now!' doesn't mean you didn't say it before. wow, you're dense. And I like how you keep just ignoring every time someone brings up your failed samefag you deleted (lol archives right?)

>> No.6830879

>Everyone seems to have overlooked the "pastry" portion of the panel title.. I'm pretty sure tarts are pastries.

Are you bringing fake tarts, then?

>> No.6830897

Well, as far as the display goes, I assumed she meant fake cakes, but I wasn't sure if she was going to do a teaching or interactive demo. As far as the hotels not allowing food in, icing and fondant would count as food because they are edible, but if she was the only person allowed to handle them it would be different.

That said a lot of other anons suggested her bringing other kinds of food in for everyone to use, and I didn't think that would be too much of a good idea. Even at school when you practice piping you have to take a lot of food safety measures because some people will honestly scrape the icing off of the blanks and eat it afterwards.

>> No.6830898

I KNOW GUIES! She can just buy whipple kits for everyone. They have fake tart whipple kits right?

>> No.6830901

they have decided to ignore every post directed at their failed (and archived lol!) samefag butthurt post. don't expect a reply from them :(

>> No.6830903


>> No.6830907

I only deleted a post because I was unnecessarily rude to the girl.
Sorry, as I said, I'm not bringing fontant or tarts, but if you're craving them, the local craft stores and grocers can help.

>> No.6830913

>Even at school when you practice piping you have to take a lot of food safety measures because some people will honestly scrape the icing off of the blanks and eat it afterwards.

>because some people will honestly scrape the icing off of the blanks and eat it afterwards.

And there's your answer.

>> No.6830915

When did you ever say you're not bringing tarts? This is literally the first time you've deigned to even acknowledge that post. What about the pastry part of the panel? Have you hit a wall yet from that furious backpedaling?

>> No.6830918

If you're not bringing tarts, why is the panel also about "pastries" and why did you mention tarts in response to anon saying that you'd be better off showcasing tart topping decoration?

>> No.6830941


If every question you asked wasn't accompanied by an asinine remark or insult, it might get answered.

>> No.6830945

After the Yui drama, this leaves a lot to be desired.

>> No.6830952

It has a little about pastries. Petit fours and cannolis are my favorites, but I'm not sure if I'm going to make some *completely fake and inedible display* versions of them or not. Fake tarts would be too much, I'm afraid. I'd have to make the tarts, fill, fruit and various toppings all molded/sculpted from *completely fake and inedible* supplies. I don't think it's feasible, and it's just not as interesting a subject to me.
But I have a presentation also, so I'm covering some of the things not in the demonstration there.

>> No.6830961

But you implied earlier that you were doing pastries and, because the anon you bitched out mentioned the topic, tarts as well.

>> No.6830967

I am doing some pastry coverage... but I'm not doing any live tart topping.
A lot of pastries are really ridiculously simple, anyhow. Recipe + piping bag + chocolate dipping + rolling in sprinkles/nuts? Also tart topping? Anyone can stick fruit on a tart. I can explain that in a presentation and provide resources. I honestly don't think any of that needs to be demonstrated at a convention. It's not interesting to me, and if it's boring to me, it'll be boring to whoever I'm showing how to do it, I'm sure.

>> No.6830974

Then why did you say that pastries included tarts?

Now you're saying none of it needs to be demonstrated, when earlier you implied that you would.

Of course, it's painfully obvious at this point you're just desperately backpedaling, but I am interested in hearing how you justify the constant changes in what you're doing and whether or not your panel was approved, though you admitted earlier you didn't get the hotel's permission.

>> No.6830983
File: 17 KB, 300x300, exps8663_TH2686C67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't think that any of this shit needs to be demonstrated at a convention. Fruit tarts are much more simple to make and healthier plus they can be lavishly decorated with fancy designs based simply upon placement of fruit. Especially since you can use the same idea for simple shells and creme fraiche, which obviously no one would use at a lolita meetup.

But you're right, I'm sure no one cares about this kind of thing since it's boring.

>> No.6830985

>Also tart topping? Anyone can stick fruit on a tart

And anyone can stick a tip on an icing bag and make it look like something. It takes skill to do it well. Sounds like you're the one who works at walmart.

>> No.6831000

You were the one who pulled 'Wat, do u wurk at WALMAARRRTT' out of your ass before. Please, rofl

>> No.6831002

I didn't mean to offend there, if I did. It's a bit boring to *me* mainly because I'm not interested in it at all.
I didn't say it's boring to everyone. I just prefer something else.

You're grossly unqualified to comment on my skill level.

>> No.6831010

I made rude comment or two. Not making excuses.
Every single thing that you've submit is rude and asinine.
Big diff.

>> No.6831011

>You're grossly unqualified to comment on my skill level.

How do you know? And for that matter how does anyone know your 'skill level' you've been a lot of talk this whole time but do you have any proof?

>> No.6831020

I don't have to prove myself to you. If you come to the panel, you'll know. If you actually knew me, you would know, and then you'd maybe be qualified. But right now you're just insulting and making unfounded comments about my capabilities.

>> No.6831024

>You're grossly unqualified to comment on my skill level.

You do realize that you basically said "lol anyone can stick fruit on a tart, omgz this is all so easy~" and now you're getting butthurt because they turned your words around and applied them to you, right?

>> No.6831025

Sorry bro, but I've only replied to you a couple of times, plenty of other people are hounding you, not just me, lol

you should reeeeeally just leave at this point

>> No.6831026

>But right now you're just insulting and making unfounded comments about my capabilities.
>Where do you work? Walmart?

They learned it from watching you, okay?! They learned it from watching you!!

>> No.6831031

You don't have to be such a bitch, just because you only enjoy cakes doesn't mean tart topping is OMG SO EASY!

>> No.6831032

Haha. Fair enough.

>> No.6831043

Really when I said that, I was kinda referring to the much smaller ones anyhow. I wasn't even thinking about the large ones. They require more skill and time. Using a torch for tarts and to brulee and such requires skill (and care). I was thinking of basic stuff, so I could have been clearer. Anyhow, tart topping wouldn't be safe in a con environment- sliced fruits can be mad dangerous.

>> No.6831050

your legs must be pretty toned

from all that backpedaling

>> No.6831053
File: 358 KB, 1024x681, catering_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get what you're saying. Tiny tarts are so boring and no one would be interested in them for a lolita event.

>> No.6831055

And of course god forbid you teach something simple and quick that provides a lovely outcome.

>> No.6831067

Sorry you feel that way. Tarts aren't and never were the focus. That is all.

>> No.6831078

Lol, you're really a fucking bitch.
>I meant small tarts...

you just keep backpedaling into infinity and then revealing your true colors.

>> No.6831084

lol @ you.
You're so mad! It's pretty awesome.

>> No.6831093

I'm not even the same anon bro, but I find it funny that you keep replying to everyone ITT.

>> No.6831094

>calling other people mad
>literally backpedaled for hours when people can see your posts here and in the archive


have fun getting shut down btw

>> No.6831165

so this is where triflin bitches come to wage war anonymously because they're too ashamed and scared to do it in person. bring it on. they won't though because the real bad bitches will shut them cgl tramps down

>> No.6831168


yaaaawn (hey you're anon too, how funny!)

>> No.6831230


>> No.6831476

I'm still confused why anyone in this thread feels like they've "caught" cakeanon saying anything that will "ruin frill."

Y'all bitches are seriously butthurtin' about tarts versus cakes. I don't know why people understand this with other cons and not Frill but if you don't think a panel is interesting...just don't go.

You don't need to spend freaking hours moaning about real food and the hotel losing it's shit. Seriously, where did that even come from?

But also cake anon you opened a can of worms when you identified yourself on /cgl/, you gotta not do that.

>> No.6831609

Does anybody know if there will be anything going on while the panels are going? I know there are some events but I wanted to know if they were happening at the same time or if they are running all day. Like are they showing Kamikaze Girls all day?

Also does anybody know the times for anything I can't seem to find it on the site

>> No.6831618

>I didn't read the thread!/Am cake-chan trying to backpedal more.

>> No.6831644

They don't seem to have a schedule yet, for whatever reason.

>> No.6831694

But no one is saying that.

>> No.6835966

Bump for no drama and actual plans?

>> No.6836326

Most cons don't have a list of panels or a schedule up until like 2 weeks before con if that. They've had stuff up from like the 6 week out point. I don't get why they should be different and held to this standard that other cons aren't.

>> No.6836413

Holy shit, gone all weekend come back to this BS.

You are all idiots. I settled it for you. Called the hotel from the # they have on their website ( http://www.courtyarddecatur.com/ (404) 371-0204) and they transferred me from guest services to sales. I said I wanted to rent a space and was planning to do some demonstrations including cake decorating and other food related classes. Said none of the food would be served or eaten but used in the demo. They put me on hold because the guy had to go ask a supervisor and when he came back he said it was perfectly fine.

So you can all calm your fucking tits.

>> No.6836426

P.S. The # is right fucking there and if I can call and ask so can anybody else. Feel free to verify, took me all of 2:24 according to the call timer on my phone.

>> No.6836463

Yeah, except pretty much nobody in this shit pit is actually going. Move along.