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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.6794623
File: 494 KB, 1296x976, IMAG1297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got my Buychina order in.
I'm very happy with the amount of packaging supplied for my items, sent in a bubblewrap lined packet, the items themselves all in little plastic packets and wrapped individually in bubblewrap and then all wrapped together in a larger sheet of bubblewrap.
It would appear my plan to dodge customs did work, as I suspected they would not inspect a single small packet.
The items themselves are in immaculate condition and the quality of the replica's is fantastic.

I had a few people saying I was going to get scammed, calling me a moron and stuff. Well, maybe Buychina are scammy, but I've personally had a really good experience and will absolutely be placing more orders in the future.

Other Taobao SS are better for larger orders, but if you're like me and only want a few bits and pieces like hats and jewelry then Buychina is cheaper.

>> No.6794632
File: 669 KB, 1095x1477, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my order. The R Series shoes and MC really jacked up the price of the order but I hope it's worth it! I got the heavier items and non-lewd items sent to my family in China so when I visit, I can pick them up.

>> No.6794747


your still gonna get scammed you idiot, lel

>> No.6794829


Sauce on that gorgeous little headband up right?

>> No.6794895

If you want VW stuff, you should try buying secondhand... I was so desperate to sell my Authentic VW orb necklace for extra cash and it just wouldn't sell for months. I priced it way under $200 too. It finally sold for $70 or something. Sage for no taobao contribution. Just a tip though, but I know it's hard to sift through fakes.

>> No.6794906


Is that... string pantyhose?

>> No.6794915

link to the skirt and the blouse?

>> No.6794924

$70 is still way more than you'd pay for a bunch of replica pieces. No thanks.

>> No.6794953
File: 748 KB, 2075x1499, taobao order15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chiffonfag here. My order should ship out Monday! So excited!

I keep wanting to make my order bigger but I must...resist...must ship...

>> No.6794955

Please review the coral blouse in the middle?

>> No.6794961


Will do. The review will probably be in a taobao thread a week or two from now depending on customs.

>> No.6794971

I'm seeing these items on eBay and was wondering if tinyeye/reverse image search works on Taobao. I know I can get them cheaper from

>> No.6794975


Oh no, please don't sauce any of this. My order is full and crazy and chiffon-y enough already.

Especially don't sauce that skirt in the upper right, or the cream one down and to the left of it, nor that floaty tunic-y shirt just the the left of that either. Definitely not.

>> No.6794983

She will sauce them, and you will like it anon

>> No.6795013


Sorry anon, I'm a lace loving sadist. You will feel the chiffon love.

skirt on the upper right: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w17805091199.3.jejQav&id=17277582522

Sheer top: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w27555001.61.V7uU1P&id=14557906915&

other expensive skirt that I payed way too much and I don't care: http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=13828142280&spm=a1z10.3.w17636026335.35.lqNaNK

>> No.6795020

Sauce on the flower things?

>> No.6795021
File: 1.92 MB, 500x720, 43263462345.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you for the sauce, but most of it appears to be out of stock hahahahah
>checks out the rest of the stores


>> No.6795063

Link to both gloves and the dark green heels?
Your order is lovely, by the way.

>> No.6795089

why don't you start your own buychina thread and get the fuck out of the taobao thread?

>> No.6795094


thank you! I've got to run to class but ill give sauce on everything when I get back.

>> No.6795114
File: 2.91 MB, 1784x3484, well mom,at least I don't buy drugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost everything is on my way and I'm so excited! The items with the green point already arrived.
I will do a looong and detailed review when everything is here. But till then,does anyone want a link or a short review of the arrived items?

>> No.6795124


hngggg!! Be still my shopoholic heart!!!! review everything!!!!!

Could I please have the sauce on 179 and 210?

>> No.6795145

dear glob almighty

links to 81, 86, 121, and 175?

>> No.6795153

jesus christ the shipping alones gotta be like 500+ USD...

>> No.6795159

Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.6795162
File: 21 KB, 400x298, xqefEH[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6795185

>click /cgl/
>see this


>> No.6795194 [DELETED] 

Could you direct me to where you found 178?

>> No.6795195

I got that redmaria hat too! And if you don't make a huge freaking review I'll be sad because there's a lot of stuff you have I want.

Also, has KL restocked Mozarabic Chant or is it just me? Because I'll have to jump on that in a week or so when I have access to money again.

>> No.6795199
File: 3 KB, 116x181, roro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Links for 47, 58, 115, 176, and 186?

>> No.6795208
File: 872 KB, 500x250, big-pile-of-shit2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..And here I'm fretting that my next TB order would be too huge and that I'd have to split it in two.

Sauce for items #80-85?

>> No.6795210


Oh shit, and there's only two left in my size and color.

For once in your goddamn life Bhiner, move quickly!

>> No.6795211
File: 34 KB, 640x352, 1262930645459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6795214

Where did you get 148?

>> No.6795229

Oh no! I hope you get it. Try TBS if you're worried? They were super quick for me last time I ordered.

>> No.6795232

Are you gonna review everything or anything that people ask in the thread?

If only certain things, I'd love review (and links) for the t-strapped shoes and all the gloves.

haha that filename
Where are you gonna do your long detailed review at so I can stalk/bookmark it?
I'm interested in 33, 87, and 178.

>> No.6795237


Yeah, I put in a listing for Bhiner, but I emailed TBSpree as well just in case. Lets hope one of them gets back to me quickly enough.

And I'm glad I kept the spare cash

>> No.6795239

Link to 22, 74, and 174?

>> No.6795241


Jesus christ and to think I had an aneurysm over a $500 order

>> No.6795268


I'll review everything when my order comes in. In the meanwhile the lace gloves are at this shop:

And the t-strap shoes: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w1082222345.15.B0Zmk0&id=12503005673&

>> No.6795272
File: 94 KB, 300x300, T1g8KhXgBeXXXroMQ5_055741.jpg_310x310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The flower hairclips are from this shop. They are all really lovely!

>> No.6795277



>> No.6795279

>buying metal stencils to fry you eggs with
Enjoy you lead ridden metal from China.

>> No.6795280 [DELETED] 

(Just slow clap it out.)
Link to 79?

>> No.6795286 [DELETED] 

>I'm not crying I swear
Link to 79?

>> No.6795291


Idc if Sydney kills me for sending her a million e-mails about this if it gets me that jsk.

>> No.6795305

>I'm not crying I swear
Link to 49?

>> No.6795321

I debated a long time on whether to get this or not since it's a little expensive for TaoBao and it's the only thing I'd want in the shop, with a flat shipping rate of ¥15, but I decided to get it!

To which are you referring? I got garter+stockings, and then I got tights with the butt showing which comes without the thong. (Fake thigh highs too but I doubt you mean those.)

I'm guessing you mean the skirt to the right of the blouse.
HMHM blouse: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4108210828&spm=2014.12001318.0.0
KL MC skirt: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16687150395&spm=2014.12001318.0.0

Oh my God. Can I ask the cost for items, service charge, and shipping?

>> No.6795333

Sauce on the Lacey pantyhose thing pretty please?

>> No.6795341


>> No.6795345

The garter-stocking thing I mean..

>> No.6795404

You don't sound like you're old enough to actually wear that, anon.

>> No.6795425

ooh ooh, can you link 157 please?

>> No.6795429

Here you go: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=19603148581&spm=2014.12001318.0.0
You can get just the garter or both garter and stockings. I got black as well as white.

>> No.6795431

You guys are scaring me that the skirt won't be in stock in a week. Damnit.

>> No.6795432

can i get links for

thank you!

>> No.6795434
File: 94 KB, 970x350, kano bana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6795462

No one cares about buychina, this is a taobao thread. Also, this >>6795089

>> No.6795547

I'm buying two cosplays from taobao, from the stores CosSky and Cosyoyo.

I've never bought costumes before, I usually throw my own together, so any tips? One is for a male cosplay and one for female, anything different I should do with the measurements for each, besides binding first for my chest measurement for the male costume? I'm also thinking of going 1-2 cm over in my measurements, since I'm paranoid that if they're too small, there's nothing I can do to fix it.

I'm nervous to try this, but excited!

>> No.6795556

Sauce on elephant bathmat please!

>> No.6795610

I've been trying to find this belt on ebay, I know I've seen it before but for some reason it's disappeared from my watch lists... I've been searching for like an hour with nothing so maybe it's on taobao

The belt is one of those wide elastic belts, but it has strips of fake leather across the front, held together with metal rings, it comes in gray black and brown I believe, does anyone know what I'm talking about/how I might find it?

>> No.6795788

Please do review/link 247 when it gets to you.
I think I want your job.

>> No.6795795

Gonna ask for 33, 65, 82, 86, 201 and 215 (if someone hasn't already askd...) Could you review 96/150 when you get it, please?

>> No.6795801

I only use tumblr for taobao and I noticed while browsing some of the tags that yoybuy reps are replying everywhere. From glancing at them, it looks like they're attempting to hire more people who speak English to be customer service reps and to spread the word.

Sage since not really important but just an observation.

>> No.6795802

Links to 115, 123, 124?

>> No.6795948

Can I have the source for 66?
Or even just the search terms, honestly.

>> No.6796113


Put in a TBS order and it's already been paid and filled by Ms. Zang. Here's hoping

>> No.6796321

They've got lots of cute things like huge toys and other household items!

>> No.6796345

could you review the r-series shoes? I want to know if they are worth the price.

sauce on 77, 87, 115, 118 pls

>> No.6796360


Well considering I started this Taobao thread, I'm going to give you a big, fat no.

>> No.6796370
File: 812 KB, 1184x2714, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem. I'll post in a TB thread probably after I wear them for about a week to see how they hold up. I wanted them in red and brown as well but the price definitely was an issue.

The image I posted is actually a combination of orders and the SS already received the shoes. I guess the thing that caught my attention in the pictures was the tread.

It looks like they also gave me some kind of freebie. Maybe a beret? The SS didn't answer my question about it... I'm also not sure if it's from R Series but it seems most likely.

>> No.6796374
File: 298 KB, 600x1200, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was looking through the SS photos, it occurred to me you might be interested in looking at these

>> No.6796376


The lesson here guys, is to never trust TBR to go completely through on time.

>> No.6796395
File: 327 KB, 997x913, 1361246888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You bet I will! And the first thing I will do after that,is posting the blog-link here.
My job isn't that great,I just saved a lot money when I was younger. Also,pruany made a photo of the redmaria hat and it looked gorgeous!

I'm so sorry but I couldn't help myself.

Okay,now the links:

Here you go, >>6795124 !
179: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=20112548953
210: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=15233133411

81: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17003237250
86: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=13505653684
121: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=9879620533
175: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17866847018

>> No.6796399

Link to 77, 95, 132, 133, 147, 148 please?

>> No.6796405

We had to put away our dog today after thirteen years, so noe I'm checking out pretty stuff to distract my thoughts...

Link your favorite shops please

>> No.6796410

Could you share the link for the Kyubey scarf (191) please?

>> No.6796428
File: 538 KB, 1578x1052, 1361155391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

47: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=15792513583
58: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16474301871
115: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=18261440618
176: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16178769167
It's sold out,but dear celine restocked it a few times in the past.Also they are offering another petticoat right now: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=19373179642
186: http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=22564868461

80: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=22553236531
81: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17003237250
82,83,84: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=23568132029 - but now: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17969450737
85: http://ershou.taobao.com/item.htm?id=23131408234 - You should look for "魔法书包" from time to time.Sometimes these bags are sold second hand.

148: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17138241777&
Magic Potion sold one piece without reservation after I thought it's completely sold out..I had a lot of luck.

But here are some second hand links:

33: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17551117673
87: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=13813549609 - the search term is "钢琴琴键 钱包"
178: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4237269177

>> No.6796432


And got it! Unfortunately, the red one is long gone, but I got gray and that's pretty good as well.

Best birthday present to myself ever.

>> No.6796454
File: 8 KB, 197x256, aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starts taobao thread
>starts shitposting about buychina

>> No.6796456


can I have the links for
thank you so much ;_;

and your haul is amazing if I may add

>> No.6796478
File: 724 KB, 1564x1578, 1359527763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

22: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17568816650 - I bought it second hand,but here's another one: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=13733094290
74: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=3558408251
174: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=8319117166

58: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16474301871
42: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16964797978
154: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17019765255 - I just need to say this: this dress is SO NICE to wear! It's kind of...smooth from the inside and it just feels really REALLY great!
152: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17262094591
187: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16563798619

49: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=21496016343

157: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=22843196150

128: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16141925536 - if you search for the name,the same box(in different shops) shows up.
159: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=23693276007
166: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16313930028 - But: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16943110488
170: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=21932388755
172: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16606358536 - But: http://ershou.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17556114423
179: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=20112548953

247: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16683934811

33: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17551117673
65: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=13319297180
82: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=23568132029 - but now: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17969450737
86: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=13505653684
201: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=12643760693
215: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=18031448099

>> No.6796479

>thinking starting a taobao thread gives you any right to anything, ever

>> No.6796481

Link to the white skirts, blouses, and shoes?

>> No.6796489

Oh wait, nvm. Saw you posted the skirts..

>> No.6796522

Your order is magnificent. I would love to have the links to cute tights from #255 to #261 as well as wig #49. Hope you'll get everything soon

>> No.6796523
File: 55 KB, 310x310, T1J50cXCxiXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_310x310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For the anons who wanted the lacy mori skirt that was out of stock I found the same one at a different shop in stock

If my wallet must suffer so shall yours!

>> No.6796526

>128 yuan

I'm must be so new, because this seems ridiculously cheap

>> No.6796529


Welcome to Taobao.

Where items are so cheap you end up spending over $700 on a 8 kg order.

>> No.6796530
File: 529 KB, 1732x1048, 1362042911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

115: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=18261440618
123: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=3685163664
124: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16872824213

66: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4082654861
The search term is "丸子头 假发"

77: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=13529409150
87: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=13813549609 - the search term is "钢琴琴键 钱包"
115: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=18261440618
118: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=22131876891&

77: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=13529409150
95: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=23379720300
132: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=18595452251
133: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=18280087118
147: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17882337609&
148: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17138241777& - Please look at >>6796428

191: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=20805492389 - I'm sorry,but you should keep an eye on it anyway. I saw this shop restocking other items,so I assume they will do the same with this scarf.

Thank you and you're welcome!
49: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=21496016343
55: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=22550092030 (they changed the picture)
57: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17136813845
79: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16323687060 - If you search for the term "森林 女包",I'm sure you'll find a similar or even the same bag.
166: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16313930028 - But: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16943110488
178: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4237269177
191: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=20805492389 - You should keep an eye on it too,like >>6796410
196: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=18166807385
185: http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=18888447270
255: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16175563908
171: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=7842335066
174: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=8319117166

>> No.6796532

That's before you take into account shipping and ss fees.

But depending on what you buy and where you live, the price difference between shopping here or at the mall is substantial enough to cover it.

>> No.6796533

Thanks! will really keep an eye on that QB scarf (luckily im still saving up haha)

>> No.6796552

I feel like Taobao has damaged my brain because now when i see 128 yaun, i think it's expensive! I'm soooo used to buying things around the 50 - 70 yuan mark that something has to be really special for me to spend more.

>tfw £13 is suddenly expensive

>> No.6796554
File: 31 KB, 310x310, sunhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect summer accessory

>> No.6796561

Why did I find it so cute that you typo'd yuan as yaun? I mean, "yaun", it sounds like such a cute word.

Sage for stupid comment

>> No.6796576

Saw the picture, the redmaria hat really does look lovely! Also, you providing all these links is wonderful for everything but my wallet.

>> No.6796597


Every fucking time I shop, the price I pay for my regular clothes becomes lower and lower, and then I can never go back from that.

>tfw spring sales are abundant on taobao

Though I can't say much, I just splurged on three lolita items in a row. Wow that hurt my wallet.

>> No.6796614

Well, uh, that blouse doesn't look as nice as I thought it would be.
I was so close to buying it too, but decided on a DC blouse instead.
Can you review it when you get it?

>> No.6796624

>tfw I'm not finding spring sales

>> No.6796630


Ah, thank you for this. This store also seems to have a lot of skirts pictured in one of the other stores that I couldn't find.

My wallet does not thank you, on the other hand.

>> No.6796633


I live in Phoenix, this should probably be a mandatory coord item at meet-ups so no one gets heatstroke

>> No.6796653
File: 936 KB, 3000x1499, FinaltaobaorderImeanitthistimedamnit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your welcome annon. If it makes you feel any better my wallet is screaming torture as well.

I jumped on that Krad Lanrete red jsk and then, because I'll have to wait for it to arrive, added 8 billion more accessories to my order.

I'm never getting this damn thing shipped out.

>> No.6796667
File: 486 KB, 250x120, 3264645745.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I ordered the same KL dress last night too. There were two left in my size, but regardless, we'll be chiffon-y MC twins!

I've added 3 more things to my order in addition, goddamn

>> No.6796679


Yeah, these threads are like crack to me. Except crack is probably cheaper...

Chiffon-loving-taobao-addict-lolitas of the world unite!

>> No.6796683

I notice a lot of the stuff in this store (and some of the others) are labeled with something like "Japanese Department of Forestry". Is that a popular mori brand or something? Or is that just the way they say mori?

>> No.6796702
File: 11 KB, 161x124, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get a link to these shoes?

>> No.6796722
File: 38 KB, 380x657, Smokey-the-mori-bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I couldn't help myself.

>> No.6796723
File: 970 KB, 852x1484, advice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little advice, if someone would be so kind.

So I saw dress/tunic related (top row) in the store >>6795013 linked and noticed they were having a deal where you can buy one of those dress/tunics along with one of the skirts from the second or third rows and get a really good deal.

I'm thinking I'll get the pale yellow colorway, along with it's pictured underskirt, but since I don't know too much about mori, do you guys think one of the 2nd or 3rd row skirts would match well with the dress/tunic?

It seems like it would be too...busy to me, but I might be totally off on how mori works.

Links to everything:
Dress/tunic, top row: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w7308589-18247589500.5.dRDrCJ&id=22705440795
Skirt, second row: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=
Skirt, third row: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=
Skirt pictured under yellow colorway in top row: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w17-822930294.13.QaXWsA&id=17277558662&

>> No.6796728


Link to 44, 70, 150, 226, 268 and 269, please?

>> No.6796729


I would be way more vigilant if Smoky the Mori Bear was telling me to prevent forest fires

Needs some kawaii-as-fuck eyes though

>> No.6796732


Whoops, sorry about that. Here you go!


>> No.6796738


Forgot to mention, I like the green/teal-ish colorway just as well, so I'm game for either.

>> No.6796750
File: 37 KB, 380x557, Smokey-the-mori-bear2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Agreed and Done.

>> No.6796769


Only You Can Prevent Itas

Oh yeah, and forest fires. That too.

>> No.6796768


While they all seem mori-ish, I like the pale yellow one with the pictured underskirt.

It's not that the other skirts are too busy, just the long length seems almost plain and potentially unflattering. I like the layers and asymmetrical hem of the pictured underskirt.

It seems like it would be more figure flattering, showing your slim ankles and reducing some of the bulk that goes along with mori.

>> No.6796775

Anything you say, Smokey-kun. ;_;

>> No.6796777


I see your point, I do like the silhouette of the yellow colorway better than the blue/green with the blunt layers now that I look at it.

Thank you for the help!

>> No.6796781

Better yet, Only You Can Prevent Mori Fires

(mori means forest, right?)

>> No.6796797
File: 43 KB, 380x557, Smokey-the-mori-bear3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like it!

>> No.6796809
File: 190 KB, 640x360, 1281294986505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would love for this to be our new Taobao thread pic, or lolita general

>> No.6796817

Wouldn't it make more sense in a mori thread..?

>> No.6796824

Babygirl I have never heard of someone turning tricks for taobao. I think you're on the right track.

>> No.6796851


According to some of the Behind the Bows confessions there seem to be a few people who strip to afford brando, so not impossible I guess?

Speaking of which I need more money for Taobao...

>> No.6796863

They look promising. Are they made of real leather and wood sole? I'm not sure if google translate got it right.. I'll keep an eye on his thread, I'm really interested in knowing how sturdy and comfortable they are after some usage.

thank's! time to spend my monies now

>> No.6796924

Oh goodness! Bless your heart!

Link to 48, 54, 77, 78 and 82 please?

>> No.6796952
File: 28 KB, 402x402, My strange addiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm just imagining this now.

>> No.6796968
File: 42 KB, 500x356, IFWT_My_Strange_Addiction22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All this taobao chiffon shopping has clearly fried my brain.

>> No.6796989

Thanks so much eh! And for items 81 & 82-84, those are the full correct prices, right? I keep seeing something about a deposit but I guess that was pre-sale stuff.

>> No.6797010


All hail your glory!

151 and 258 please kind fellow taobaoholic!

>> No.6797011

HAHA love you guys

>> No.6797025


the see through chiffon skirt in black please? and the black flowy dress

>> No.6797038

Do you guys think a slightly overweight girl (and I am losing weight btw) can wear mori?

The skirts in this post. Not even really to wear mori-style, but just for casual summer wear.

>> No.6797044

Well, how do you look? You can be overweight and appear to just be a tad chubby

>> No.6797055


Both are a little pricy in taobao terms. I spent forever debating whether to get them.

See through black chiffon dress: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w17996727761.1.h9iupi&id=19483619350

See through black chiffon skirt: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.10.59.ygLgl1&id=18394936043

>> No.6797066


It depends on where you are carrying your weight. If you are slightly overweight and carrying it in your legs, go for it. If the weight is in your upper body, the baggy silhouette is going to make you look even larger. If you are an hourglass, try mori layers with thick waist synching belts to avoid looking like a blob.

As a general rule though, no. Shapeless silhouettes like mori are almost never flattering on overweight people as they tend to add bulk and make you look even larger.

>> No.6797093
File: 476 KB, 625x380, sort of body type.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I just went through google images and tried to find similar-ish body types.
Basically, I'm an hourglass that got fat (original was 34-23-34) so I have medium boobs, big hips and a little bit of waist definition.
I'm thinking wearing the mori skirtts with fitted tops?

>> No.6797109

I would consider doing some kind of hybrid, keep the bottom and elements mori, but add a blazer or some kind of fitted jacket

Flowy tops will make you look frumpy

>> No.6797122



Flowy skirts: go for it. They will look fabulous.

Flowy tops with a big bust: avoid. You want something fitted up top to accentuate you're small waist and ample bust.

>> No.6797131

Thanks guys! Flowy tops definitely do make me look frumpy/like a bag lady.
I'm going to go for it with the mori skirts.

>> No.6797155

Sage for double posting.
But uh, is it likely my hips will even fit into the skirts? (http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm= in particular)
It only says waist (50-84) and skirt length (80cm).
Sorry for so many questions

>> No.6797161

Are you new to buying clothes in general or what? Hip size doesnt matter for a skirt like that

>> No.6797169

I'm new to being fat, actually.
Haven't you ever seen a skirt be all clingy to the hips/butt and look weird? I'm wondering if this is likely to be a problem with these kinds of skirts.

>> No.6797174

If your hips are around or under the max waist of the skirt, you shouldn't have a problem? Which if your waist is around or under the bust/hips you mentioned, you should be ok I think (like if your waist is around or under 85 cm).

>> No.6797176


Hmm, I'm skinny and I have that problem (child bearing hips ftw!) Idk if this is sound advice but I always wear a slip under my thinner skirts. It helps with the clinginess and will make the skirt drape better in general.

>> No.6797177

No, you'd have to be really fat for that to happen. You're kind of big now, but not so big that you look like a dough monster. Personally I'd nip it in the butt before I got bigger if you aren't already. Don't want that shit to spiral out of control and suddenly you're 300lbs

>> No.6797185

Thank you guys so much for the advice without the usual /cgl/ knee-jerk reaction of, "Just lose weight."

Trust me, I'm trying! I was put on a medication that ballooned me up, but I've discontinued it and started eating even healthier - I've stopped gaining and really slowing creeping back down.
I never even thought of that but I'll look into buying a few before summer actually starts. Sounds like it might wick away any sweat too which is always a good thing.
I'm a little confused but I think I get the gist of what you're saying - that it shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.6797203


Ah, ouch about the medication. I know it's really hard to keep the weight down on certain meds. Is it prednisolone? Best of luck with your weight loss.

>> No.6797282

Nah, it was remeron. Afterwards I looked for studies about why the gain was so drastic and some people gain like 5% or 7% of their body weight in a few months. One journal reported a 16kg weight gain in only five months. Fucking crazy, apparently the body starts turning everything into fat stores as if a famine was coming.

>> No.6797394

Lookin to buy those VW wing shoes, but I'm worried about them being seized by customs. Does anyone know what I can do aside from asking my SS to remove any tags?

>> No.6797400

I am too, but fuck if I can find them in a size 9.5/10

>> No.6797402


I thought customs was only seizing fake designer bags? Has something changed?

>> No.6797403


Dunno anything else than that, place at bottom of box, and pray to the customs gods.

I'll be praying for you too anon, perhaps we can get a vigil going?

>> No.6797414

Those seem to be one of the most commonly seized items, actually. I would ask your SS to pack them at the bottom/middle of the box.

>> No.6797421

Link to hot water bottle and shower curtain? Thanks!

>> No.6797547

Link to 12, 76, 102 and 103 please?

>> No.6797583

Thank you so much!

Customs is taking anything that could be a replica, even if it isn't. Look through the archives if you're interested.

Hot water bottle: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=7756483240&spm=2014.12001318.0.0
Shower curtain: http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=17155764468&&spm=2014.12001318.0.0<wbr>

>> No.6797601


Hey, >>6794623 here.

I was worried about customs seizing my shit but it seems like they don't often search small packages and only go for the large boxes which are likely to be hiding tonnes of stuff.

Your best bet of getting them through? Order them on their own, just the shoes with nothing else. The smaller the package the less conspicuous.

>> No.6797679
File: 1.29 MB, 1262x705, Full order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting ready to make my first order, what do you guys think? I spent a long time working on finding cheaper versions of a lot of the items I wanted, which really lowered the price, but I'm still gonna be paying a bit more than I'd like because I'm buying from so many stores... like 17 different stores. I did get a bunch of items with free shipping deals though. I'm planning on contacting my SS tomorrow!

>> No.6797682
File: 1.54 MB, 1204x974, 1-_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sauce on this dress?

>> No.6797710


Found a similar one here.


>> No.6797780

I have a rule where if I can buy something on ebay for cheap I wont include it in my order, especially since buying from different shops = more flat rate shipping charges that get piled on

Those elastic rose belts are like $2/$3 on ebay, for example, and that wig headband

>> No.6797810

Saw those elastic braid things at Ardene's yesterday for 2$.

>Ardene = cheaper Canadian version of Claire's.

>> No.6797819

link to the green and blue tanktops?

>> No.6797840

That might be worth looking into, I'll have to hit up my local claire's soon and see if they have them! Thanks!

>> No.6797838


>> No.6797854

A loong time ago someone linked stores with really cute comforters, blankets, and sheets. Does anyone have it? Polite sage for no contribution.

>> No.6797857

regarding the recent customs crackdown on packages to the US....i REALLY want that damn muchacha ahcahcum cat face purse set but i know the TB ones are replicas and i'm super nervous about it being seized. do i just cave in and get it from ebay ($30 with free shipping) or take a chance and order one by itself so the package is small and less likely to be opened?

>> No.6797861

I don't think you'll have to worry about it, something like the muchacha bags isn't well-known enough to be a confiscated brand.

>> No.6797934

So I bought something, and now ems.com.cn says my package left the processing center and was sent to San Francisco some time around 6 AM (US time) on 4/24. On the other hand, USPS's latest update was on 4/23, saying that origin Post is preparing shipment. There have been no updates since then. Is this a normal thing?

>> No.6797976

USPS is slow as crap to update their tracking

>> No.6798257
File: 179 KB, 400x536, bagineed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I must have missed the trend for this bag but does anyone know where I can find it, or which search terms to try?

>> No.6798459

Sauce on the vintage-ish purse and headband and both chiffon cardigans please?

>> No.6798634

Noob here.
I really like this dress http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17882337609&
It's my first time visiting Taobao and holy crack, the price is really about 3USD + free shipping?
How can be dress this cheap?

>> No.6798640

What the fuck are you talking about? It's like $45, not $3.

>> No.6798641

256.00¥=25 600¥?
Sorry i just don't get it :c

>> No.6798644


Uh, taobao uses yuan, not yen.

>> No.6798645

Silly me..

>> No.6798647

Sorry if I sounded mean, I just nearly shit myself when I read $3 and saw the dress when I opened the link.

>> No.6798650

The FAQ sheets in the original post help a lot. You don't have to read them in their entirety, but skimming is a good idea.

>> No.6798710


All of them are 179 yuan, I couldn't find any cheaper listings. You can try searching 翅膀/天使/amo in the bags category though, maybe there are some more.

>> No.6798728

Ah, sorry, apparently only mysis (first link) sells it in pink, the other ones are black with cross applique.

>> No.6798749


Not sure if you are referring to the messenger bag or the Liz Lisa purse so here are both:


Chiffon cardigans:

>> No.6798754

Anyone have any recommendations for shops that sell cute sunglasses?

>> No.6798788

do you happen to know any stores similar to this one?

or does anyone know any?
they don't have merch relating to a series I want

the type that produce original designs based off a series?

>> No.6798789

Thanks, I really appreciate it! I'll share if I find it cheaper.

>> No.6798791

(Although, the first link is only black too. I'll look for it in pink!)

>> No.6798802

Any recommendations for shops that sell large shoes (US 10, UK 8) for classic lolita/otome/mori?

>> No.6798872
File: 27 KB, 310x310, T180dqXqlfXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_310x310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you decide whether what you're buying is worth it or if you could possibly get it cheaper in real life?
I mean there are some things that are obvious that I can't find in my country. But some things, like pic related, I'll probably find in real life but not sure if it would be cheaper. For instance, in my pic, it's about $10.

>> No.6798883

does anyone else ever feel really relieved when something is out of stock? I think I'm retarded but sometimes I need things to be out of stock to stop me fretting over whether I should buy them or not.

>> No.6798884

Just think of it like real life maybe? Would you buy that if you saw it in a shop for 10 (plus shipping cost)? Or do you mean could you actually get that particular skirt for cheaper here?

>> No.6798887

Has anyone figured out how to search for "high collar" on a blouse? doll collar, as found in dictionary, gets you lots of nice peterpan collars but they're kind of on-and-off high collar/low collar. Does anyone know how to specify? "high collar" gets me turtle necks unfortunately,

>> No.6798889

I mean, yeah, do you ever wonder if you could find the exact same thing for cheaper at your local mall?

>> No.6798898

most of the stuff I'm interested would be massively expensive from my country because how much asian clothing stores tend to charge over here. I think it's best to get things you really like and chuck in a few nice extras even if they may not be all that much cheaper to get from taobao. Maybe? I'm not sure. The shipping wouldn't be that bad on a light little skirt.

>> No.6798929
File: 119 KB, 279x310, T1zsVwXsJcXXXXXXXX_!!2-item_pic.png_310x310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I lost my post. Oh well this is worth it. I pretty much pissed myself thinking this was a shit-stain smear fashion statement but it turns out it is a shadow.

>> No.6798936

I use 立领衬衣 stand up collar blouse
then go to the women's section

>> No.6798947
File: 175 KB, 1650x2250, GetTheLeadOut2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was thinking the same thing. Don't cook with anything from china. It's not worth the risk.

>> No.6798957

Yeah...same here. Plus you can buy silicone ones from Japan or the US for like uuh $5 for a set of 3.

>> No.6798964


>> No.6798967

Why do people buy clothes like this from China? This is all stuff you can get in Forever21, H&M, JC Penneys, Target, any shop that sells cheap women's clothes, etc.

>> No.6798985

Thanks anon, I've decided to go ahead and get it! The rest of my order is all stuff I would only be able to get in asian stores that have a 200% markup or not be able to find at all.

I'm the girl upthread asking about stuff like this. When I checked out the websites of stores like the ones you listed, they all wanted almost double (or more) for similar skirts that are half as cute.

>> No.6799025

I live in a country where f21 shit is at least 15 euros for even the shittiest graphic tee. I ain't paying 19 euros for a cheapass thin blouse when I can get it for at least five euros cheaper including shipping on taobao.

>> No.6799057

they aren't as cute

>> No.6799101
File: 97 KB, 495x442, 1317481693842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This reminds me of my mum. She has a kiniption(sp?) fit if anything food related item I own has a "Made in China" stamp on it.

She lectures me right in front of my boyfriend that I'm trying to kill the both of us with deadly deadly lead.

I know quite a few cooking tools from China are dangerous, but calm your tits mum

>> No.6799115


I'm nobody's mother but I throw a fit when people buy food from China and think it's okay, especially people who are dear/important to me. It's like smoking, you're paying money to kill yourself gradually.

>> No.6799119

>paying in euros
Eurofag, you sure it's worth it after the customs fees?

>> No.6799132


Ah, so that's how it's spelled

I do understand the danger of stuff from China and I look for utensils/cookware/plates made elsewhere, but I literally own one mug that's made in China and she always tries to sneakily throw it away when she comes to visit.

It's getting harder and harder to find eating related items not made in China though, someday it'll all be...

>> No.6799146


My stuff usually doesn't get hit by customs. It's not as bad as let's say Denmark or Scandinavia where they seem to have terrible customs. It's one of those things where an inefficient bureaucracy actually works in my favor for once.

>inb4 it actually does

>> No.6799160

See, there's a difference between "made in china" items sold in the USA, and items straight from china. A huge, huge difference.

>> No.6799179


Oh, durrrr

Well ignore me then

>> No.6799190
File: 677 KB, 852x1164, advice2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, it's >>6796723 again, asking for more advice.

As nice as the yellow version is, it looks pretty washed out on the model. And since I'm about the same body type, skin color, and hair color/style as the model I think I'd rather go with the blue/green one. Problem is the store doesn't have very many nice asymmetrical skirts to go under that one.

I've found two that seem like they might work OK, but does anyone have any advice as to which one?

Left bottom skirt: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w17-822930294.54.NfduYo&id=19442971302&

Right bottom skirt: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w17-822930294.44.C13ub1&id=19595431859&

>> No.6799196

Yesterday my mom went slightly batshit because I bought those toothpick thingies and they were "made in china" but imported from the US to Canada.

>> No.6799209

I don't know if it matters to you, but the reviews say the left skirt is not summer material.

>> No.6799211

I'm scandinavian and my stuff is still cheaper from taobao even after customs. This country is expensive as fuck.

>> No.6799243
File: 223 KB, 1499x1500, velvet_victorian_calf_boot_black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a shoe like this, but not velvet and just up to the ankle. I've tried some terms from the dictionary but no luck!

>> No.6799284

This is so true. (Svensk här!)
I can get "normal clothes" or clothes I really like from Taobao for the same price.

>> No.6799337

Hej sverigekamrat :D

My order just went on like 4200 sek with shipping but for 26 items thats still cheaper than what I would pay for it all in Sweden. (I had dresses that would cost betweeb 300-800 sek in stores in my order)

>> No.6799354

Does anyone know if antaina will make replicas?
I want to get a pair of the victorian maiden short boots but I'm size 12 US

>> No.6799357

So what's the deal with using EMS Singapore? That's what taobaoring is doing now for shipments to the US. Are they just not checking packages going through Singapore, or are they more relaxed with checking packages going through Singapore? I'm wondering how much better that is really going to be, and if I should maybe wait a bit to place an order.

>> No.6799360

Woho, hejsan!

My order was just over 2000 SEK with shipping for about 30 items, mostly smaller stuff and clothes, and two pair of shoes. Yes, it's so much cheaper..

>> No.6799368

An anon already has gone through it if I remember correctly it should be in the announcement page of the spreadsheet.

>> No.6799373

Eurofag here who has never bought from Taobao before, but I'm preparing a huge order. What should I expect from Customs? I live in Ireland, if that helps.

>> No.6799400


If you mean the FAQ spreadsheet, there is just a story from someone getting their package searched by US customs, nothing about Chinese customs.

>> No.6799404

I have no idea if you can get into it now but there's the Clobbao GO for the SS ones?

>> No.6799409


Oh hey, I'm >>6799146. My largest package was 6kg, and I've sent over three packages already. None of them were seized. I also haven't heard of anything from customs, even when I specifically asked in a previous thread (the reply was that they also sent over large packages and they never got seized by Irish customs either). I think you're good.

>> No.6799481

so I'm thinking about buying a really cheap bag, but all the recent transactions shown are from the last 5 days. Seller has 94 positive feedbacks with no negatives.. should I bite? (This will be my first TaoBao order, so I'm still really new to this)

>> No.6799514


The metal thing seems really obvious, but would that apply to plastics, too? Like the plastic tea strainers and bento boxes?

>> No.6799517

I am planning to make my first small order from Taobao but need it here within 2 weeks. Is this possible? I'm only ordering from 2 stores. Does anyone have a shopping service they'd recommend for an order like this?

>> No.6799531

They do, just show them a picture of what you want and they will quote you

If it's cheap, just do it, not a big deal

Probably taobaospree, they seem to be the fastest right now. However two weeks is /really/ pushing it. Say you place the order now, TBS sees it on Monday, places the order, the items arrive in say... 4 days, best case scenario, TBS ships it Monday because of the weekend... and if you use EMS it should take about a week to arrive, and that's if your package isn't held in customs (one time I had an EMS package held in customs for 2 weeks)

>> No.6799539

Holy CRAP where2cop?
Do you have the link to those ones you posted?

>> No.6799546


Just so you know, I know Taobaospree and a few other shopping services are off from April 28-May 1nd for labor day.

>> No.6799551
File: 495 KB, 220x263, tumblr_mao0q2cb7o1ruuuzv.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


THIS! I need these shoes in my life IMMEDIATELY!

>> No.6799562


>> No.6799565

Thanks! I might just risk it and place my order.

Hm.. is there any other place you'd recommend other than Taobaospree? If they're on vacation until the 1st it might be too late by the time I get my order.

>> No.6799567

It's a national holiday so I think more SS are on vacation.

>> No.6799569

*most, not more

>> No.6799588

I'm from England and have never had an issue with customs - I've made 4 orders so far. I was scared at first about customs fees etc but it's all been fine

>> No.6799612

Irish anon here too. Shipped SAL and haven't had issues yet, but I've experienced customs fees on SAL packages from Japan containing CDs, but don't know if that's related or not. Keep in mind if there is an issue, you pay customs fee AND VAT.

>> No.6799643

I just grabbed them off of google images, but this is where they're from http://store.costumesofnashua.com/velvet-carnival-calf-boots.html

>> No.6799670

FTR the brand and model is Bordello Whimsey 115. That's actually a really cheap price for them though, thanks for the link.

>> No.6799681 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 542x307, NO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I waited too long to pull the trigger and the two items I wanted a lot went out of stock

It only needed to stay in stock for 2 more days!

>> No.6799686
File: 34 KB, 542x307, NO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I waited too long to pull the trigger and the two items I wanted a lot went out of stock

It only needed to stay in stock for 2 more days!

>> No.6799694

FoxCherry hats seem to go oos really fast, I feel your pain.

>> No.6799703
File: 83 KB, 265x251, 1323056689421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned the hard way. I wanted that hat on the left so bad! It was perfect!

>> No.6799869
File: 14 KB, 300x354, 342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some search terms for 1920's styled hats/dresses?

>> No.6799882

You mean a cloche hat and a flapper dress?

>> No.6799903

Englishfag. Nearly all my packages get hit with fees, even a few that were marked down enough to avoid customs since they took the shipping into account. Don't know how Ireland does EMS but here it goes through Parcelfarce, who take every opportunity to dick people over.

>> No.6799907

sure, yep!

>> No.6799919

Yeah, cloche hat. I'm not sure what the Chinese terms might be for the styles, but keywords like flapper, maybe art deco might work as well since it was big in that same time period.

>> No.6799958

While we're all chattering about customs fees...

I'm getting my first order in pretty soon and was planning on using EMS or UPS to get my package shipped to the US. Are there customs usually? I don't have much experience getting stuff from other countries.

The package should be about 4-5kg if I've estimated right.

>> No.6799961
File: 265 KB, 477x491, Screen Shot 2013-04-28 at 7.37.48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any mini crowns on taobao? I've tried searching "small crown" but I'm having trouble, the term is wayyy too general and I'm not sure how to narrow it down. Help? Pic related, similar to what I want.

>> No.6799990

Courier services sometimes do (like UPS, DHL, Fedex) but EMS/USPS won't

>> No.6800019

I saw that but it's closed and they only have smaller sized one for sale


>> No.6800036

tfw all size six

>> No.6800040

see: >>6799670
google and be free, friend

>> No.6800073


Irishfag again. EMS goes through AnPost here - they seem pretty lax with their customs fees. I don't know about SAL.

>> No.6800253


So when you say sometimes, is there a specific factor (or factors) that triggers a customs fee?

Like package size, declared value, weight, items inside, destination, etc...?

>> No.6800282

Try 英伦复古帽子 It's British retro hat translated. I saw a few that look similar to that time period.

You may also want to check out IOUHAT

>> No.6800295
File: 633 KB, 725x433, foxcherrycrown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Found two crowns at foxcherry.



>> No.6800302


I've had two orders by DHL to the US, the first $800 and the second $500. I've never been hit with fees, and I had everything fully declared with shipping insurance.

>> No.6800307

To be honest I'm not sure. I myself have never been hit by customs, I've only ever seen people saying they did and it always seems to be with couriers- especially DHL.

I've seen people who ordered only around $100 from Bodyline get hit with customs from DHL; and I've also heard pf people doing couple hundred+ orders from taobao who use Fedex and don't. I'm not sure what the factors are exactly.

>> No.6800442

Thanks anon!

>> No.6800444

I tried 皇冠lolita first. Got a fair bit of nonsense but I found these



These ones are from Foxcherry, You may want to check out the shop and see if there's more.




You can also try 皇冠COS as I saw a few listings that could be used for other purposes

>> No.6800492
File: 421 KB, 504x756, T2FsyzXdtXXXXXXXXX_!!24083100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not in stock currently but also cute:

>> No.6800718

Any Chinese speakers in this thread? I'm trying to figure out what exactly the sizing for this skirt is?


>> No.6800844

Thanks anon

>> No.6801005

Whether or not you get hit by customs in the EU/UK has NOTHING to do with how the package is shipped. It's to do with the customs declaration form. If you state the value of the contents as being over £14 you will be charged a percentage fee depending on the type of goods, usually at least 10% but it's higher for things like electronics. Third party companies also occasionally essentially hold your package as a hostage and charge you handling fees etc. If the package is marked as a gift or with a value less than £14 you wont be charged anything. Can people please stop implying it has anything to do with the shipping method or size or weight of the package, it doesn't. All packages from outside the EU are subject to customs/tax charges because they're from outside the EU and all of them are checked (The declaration form is read) when they enter the country.

If you don't want to get customs charges in the EU you need to ask your SS to mark the package as a gift or with a value less than £14, (In the UK, I don't know about the rest of the EU you'll have to check) that's literally all there is to it. Most of them do this automatically though so that's why barely anyone has been charged.

>> No.6801034

Thanks anon! Those are quite nice, but not what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a more gold looking one.

>> No.6801044

omg, where did you find this

left to right: length of waistband, skirt length, waist circumference (range of the waist considering elastic shirring)

>> No.6801058
File: 64 KB, 286x286, skirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this beauty. Love it.

>> No.6801062

NOOO I was about to buy the same hat! /fml

>> No.6801066

sauce? it's gorgeous

>> No.6801069

Dark Box on taobao

>> No.6801070

ugh, fricken quick reply not loading post numbers.
this: >>6801069
is in reply to this: >>6801066

>> No.6801094

google translate is showing me some crazy thing, what i the actual price of the liz lisa purse?
numbers 35, 52, 54, 130, 144, 149, 240 please

>> No.6801114

You are brilliant! And I lurk on a Chinese Lolita forum's store update thread


>> No.6801126

thanks! So many cute things, my wallet is crying right now.

>> No.6801373

if you're still here, could I have the link to the two offwhite lace-y skirts, the offwhite lace and pearl choker, and the flower/metal bracelet? thank you <333

>> No.6801390

I am going to CRY I wasn't supposed to have any lolita clothing in this order and I have too many skirts for someone my budget
I don't think I'll be able to resist it

>> No.6801394

Would you be able to tell me how I'd search up 'plunge neckline' dress? I would radiate love

>> No.6801480
File: 60 KB, 391x599, 23283_DT201071514195836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just saw this shirt for 29 yuan. pretty significant since i recognize it from when yesstyle scalped me for it about 2 or 3 years ago.

anyone know this feel

>> No.6801500


>> No.6801541

Too cute.

>> No.6801548

FUCKING YES. Or how many things I've wanted from romwe for $100 and now found on taobao for like $6. So lucky I'm poor or else I would have been royally ripped off. lol.

>> No.6801565
File: 114 KB, 640x480, 42268-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw got the hat on the right and didn't even know

>> No.6801663

Has anyone ordered from Jojocos shop on taobao before?
> http://shop73381309.taobao.com/?spm=2013.1.w15484617-956956684.1.nQs0wo

I assume its decent from the diamond rating but I want to know before dropping 100$ on it.

>> No.6801679
File: 109 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got my Noiz cosplay from them. It was really accurate to the pictures IMO. Not bad for the price either.

>> No.6801692

That looks nice. How was the fit?

I'm hoping to order their Yosen sweatpants/jacket and the Psycho-pass inspector coat.

>> No.6801719


10 is only the price for the deposit. The real price is 139 yuan.

>> No.6801727


Don't worry anon, I'm always here. These threads are my drug of choice.

two offwhite lace-y skirts: http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.10.356.ygLgl1&id=22075688707

lace and pearl choker: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w18237110618.7.WvSHsF&id=23899768797

flower/metal bracelet:

>> No.6801728

They made it pretty accurate to my measurements. I had another incident with a different seller who fooled around with my inseam so I was a bit worried. But it's a good fit. Nice and comfy.

>> No.6801792


I am so glad I am not the only loli lurking on baidu.

>> No.6802013
File: 19 KB, 330x248, 1324245612860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

L-lucky bitch.

>tfw I jelly.

>> No.6802028

Is it just that one thread? Can you give me a run down on how to look around here?

>> No.6802157

Awesome. Thank you. I'm so adding them to my next order.

>> No.6802162

That's one thread. This is the main board I believe:

I only reconize a few words so I translate webpages on Chrome. You get gibberish but you can more or less get the jist of things. I'm only really on there to discover shit no one over here has seen before so I usually stick to the update thread. There's also a general update thread, I would call it, for domestic (Chinese) lolita shops and brand. Shoes, socks recommendations, daily outfits, etc.

Just translate and dive in.

>> No.6802183
File: 1.71 MB, 1276x956, tbr forst order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TBR Finally got the last of my order in and now all I have to do is pay! (No idea why it took 2 weeks for them to receive the Galaxy Seikfuku...)

Litttle worried about the winged backpack and getting all the straps to lay straight, but I guess we'll see when I get it.

>> No.6802189

Another Irishanon here, I've ordered from Taobao and other overseas sites loads of times and I've never even once been hit by customs. I actually only know one person who's ever been gotten customs fees here. We seem to get off a lot more lightly than the rest of Europe. Probably because we're all lazy shites, I dunno.

>> No.6802192

>ever been gotten
Just ever gotten*, sorry

>> No.6802227

The bag looks good! Is there any differences between the winged bags being sold in different shops on taobao? I've been planning on getting it as well.

>> No.6802230

I'm not sure. I bought it from here:

And so far it looks pretty good in the pictures. I can always give a review once I receive it if you'd like.

>> No.6802247

Thanks! And yeah I'd love it if you'd give a review when you get it.

>> No.6802251


>> No.6802356

Sorry to bring this back up, but I have the same question. I've been dying to get that Liz Lisa bag. So is this listing a deposit? I've seen stuff like that on taobao but I've never done it before and I don't know how it works.

Any advice would be much appreciated!

>> No.6802423


Yes. 10 is only the price for the deposit. The total price is 139 yuan.

You pay your shopping service 139 yuan. They contact the store and pay the 10 yuan deposit first and the rest of the amount whenever it is due to the seller. The bag will take about a month or so to make, at least according to my SS.

>> No.6802432
File: 263 KB, 1366x768, kkkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bhiner sent me photos of this ones I bought a bunch
What is marked with purple are things for me.

>> No.6802853
File: 97 KB, 750x660, T2XsLxXl8XXXXXXXXX_!!1098581985[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What colour should I get these in? I think the mint version is the cutest but the majority of my wardrobe is pretty dark so I'd have nothing to wear them with.


>> No.6803130

I'm so glad I'm not the only one buying stickers. Oh wait you're buying coffee spoons, a shirt and some relax bears. Well, I'm an ass.

>> No.6803319


Link to the floral dress on the top right?

>> No.6803320

We are in autosage but I'm too lazy to make a new thread.

>> No.6803342


Link to 146, please?

>> No.6803477

Hey do taobaoers here use the taobao cart system or copy the things they want into notepad or something? I just realised the cart only let's you add 50 items.

>> No.6803487

What are you talking about?

>> No.6803575

Sorry, I'm hungover. I'm used to ordering online so I was using the taobao cart to test if things were in stock or not and make a list. I just realised that it's limited to 50 items and it suddenly hit me that I don't know how people keep track of what they want to order. Do you guys keep a document full of the URLS or what?

>> No.6803582

New thread >>6803578

>> No.6807026


Can I have the link to 223 bat necklace?