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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 69 KB, 520x308, kim-ajoongba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6787025 No.6787025[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there many cosplayers, asides from Yaya, who have had plastic surgery?

I know plastic surgery is ubiquitous amongst Koreans.

>> No.6787036


>> No.6787082

She is Korean no More because of plastic surgery you mean?

>> No.6787093

No he's calling for the end of all Koreans you dildo.

>> No.6787095

Huge number of Korean men have plastic surgery too. I was really disappointed in how ugly they are.

>> No.6787216

Oh noes your precious oppas

>> No.6787258

my precious oppas ;_;

>> No.6787274


>> No.6788037
File: 113 KB, 385x500, 49238__choi_seung-hyun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not this oppa

>> No.6788040

Nah but he was fat before his debut and now he doesn't show any skin leading me to believe he has stretchmarks everywhere or smth. He either lost 40kg or 40 lbs... I don't remember the unit oof measurement. Poor babby.

>> No.6788064
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>> No.6788076

I want to get plastic surgery so I can be a more kawaii cosplayer

Jaw reduction/rhinoplasty in particular

>> No.6788079

I think some of the less dramatic jaw reductions are actually the product of botox injections. It isn't permanent, but the results can be nice if you have a wide jaw due to big jaw muscles. (It lasts up to a year I think?)

I dunno what the side effects are. It sounds a lot better than shaving your jaw bone though.

>> No.6788081

None of that means I wouldn't fuck him stupid.

>> No.6788084

I would, too. Do not get me wrong.

>> No.6788088


>> No.6790267

Proof that she had surgery and you're not just a jealous fatty?

>> No.6790518


>> No.6790841

I would if I could afford it. Rhinoplasty would be nice, and I wouldn't object to minor jaw reduction, to make my face look a little more angular.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think I look bad, I just don't have a great face for cosplay.

>> No.6791579

Not a cosplayer, but I had a facial reconstruction on December (yay christmas present) and I'm satisfied

>> No.6791599

Good for you ?

>> No.6791610
File: 1.03 MB, 1400x1995, 200poundsbeauty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally cries forever

>> No.6791801


A few.


I know there are a couple others I am forgetting.

>> No.6791809


what did Lindze even get done? She looks consistently the same now as she did years ago. And I don't buy that it was breast implants, given that she's had children.

>> No.6791826

I'm currently saving up to have plastic surgery so I could look more androgynous because I have serious issues with looking like a girl, a very unattractive girl

fuck it all I just want to be happy and not miserable

>> No.6791827

Nigri and her breasts

>> No.6791832


>> No.6791831

That sounds like the title of a children's boom

>> No.6792634

uniqueness > conventional beauty to those with refined taste

if it's your tits, just bind them
make sure your posture is 100% perfect, there is nothing more important than this when it comes to self image (it also affects your breathing, and both breathing and posture in turn affect your emotions on a physiological level)

Then dress/do your hair however you want, no matter how daring or weird you're going to look.

>> No.6792642

and just to add, if your self image is poor and you are unhappy you can't possibly look any worse than you do now, regardless of how you dress

when you feel like shit, you carry yourself badly and your clothes look like shit because they're hung on a shitty-looking frame

>> No.6792688
File: 63 KB, 600x450, Sunnye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ur just jelly

>> No.6792708

same here
and possibly something to fill my cheeks, make my face less horsey

>> No.6792709

>uniqueness > conventional beauty to those with refined taste
lost you already
it doesnt matter if you're "unique," if you're ugly you're still ugly.

>> No.6792827


>> No.6792847
File: 464 KB, 200x310, sunflower.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6792853

If veneers on my teeth or a few mole removals on my face count, then yes I have. I broke one of my front teeth in half in an accident and what you can see now is almost entirely a fake tooth.

I've contemplated fillers or Botox before. Nobody would even have to know.

>> No.6792994


>> No.6793316
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>> No.6793355
File: 64 KB, 610x398, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for Korean plastic surgery pictures is my current hobby. The makeovers are unbelievable, they go from being horribly ugly to kpop celebrity / kawaii idol.
If you're interested in korean plastic surgeries check out kpsurgery.tumblr.com, I love that blog

>> No.6793382
File: 53 KB, 550x395, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6793503


I laughed way too much at this.

>> No.6793511

How does teeth realignment and makeup
constitute 'plastic surgery'?

>> No.6793522

A lot of people consider braces (in most cases) a cosmetic procedure. Braces aren't always cosmetic, but they often are in the west.

>> No.6793518


dude, I can spot at least one other surgery. Guy had a nose job, def some jaw shaving. I'm pretty sure only a teeth realignment wouldn't make that drastic of change on the girl, since her whole chin got smaller.

>> No.6793533

Thanks for helping me discover a new obsession.

If I had $3-5k to just throw around willy nilly I'd probably get an otoplasty. I've always hated my big goofy ears.
All the "Real Housewives of Northern Virginia" have scared me away from any sort of plastic surgery. I'm sure one or two procedures is fine, but I think for a lot of women it's hard to stop once you start.
And then you look in the mirror and you're Joan Rivers.

>> No.6793560

Are you blind? Note the giant change in jaw size.

>> No.6793596

I had an otoplasty when I was 8. It was done because I did dancing at the time, and I'm glad I had it done. However, the surgeon kind of messed it up and I have really huge keloid scars behind my ears. As I was in a children's hospital, I met a lot of children way worse off than me, which helped me as a person.

That said and done, I wish to grow old gracefully as possible. Doesn't stop me wanting to get my butt chin fixed, and a nose job (but I have a lot of trouble breathing anyway, so two reasons).

>> No.6793625

Nah, that's just good bras and tape. It ain't like surgery would help her anyways.

>> No.6793642

This tumblr
Oh man.

Even though a lot of the women end up looking very similar, I like the Korean version moreso than the western "similar". More uguu and more youthful.

>> No.6793643
File: 52 KB, 500x438, tumblr_mkcx0ls0Bc1rddbxfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our dearest queen was wrong; she isn't a kawaii nipponese school girl, she is clearly korean.

>> No.6793648

Does anyone have pictures of before and after Korean plastic surgery on a white person? Or any other race besides Asian?
I really wonder how that would end up looking.

>> No.6793658

Google didn't help me when I tried to find anything.

>> No.6793673

I didn't get anything either. It can't be that people from other countries haven't gone to SK to get surgery, since it is fairly known for it.

But, it would make sense for it to not be in many ads, since those are obviously aimed at Koreans.

But I must know!!

>> No.6793667

if you were ugly and could get it fixed...

you wouldn't?

>> No.6793668

the oprahs ;_;

>> No.6793677

how much does mole removing cost/what's the procedure like?

>> No.6793687

Can't you get that done by a GP either by freezing/burning? Even with a scalpel, you can do it at a GP. I wouldn't imagine that it would be expensive.

>> No.6793690

Maybe you need to ask the surgeon for their Caucasian portfolio or something? It's got to be common, I've been thinking about for a while and I'm never the first to do anything.

>> No.6793689

My dad had a nose job so he could breathe properly (broke his nose 8 times in rugby, he needed it) when I was a kid. I still have a vivid image in my mind of him coming down the stairs with two black eyes, bruised and red nose, and just looking like death in general. I'm too much of a chicken to go through that if I don't have to.
Even though I'd love my nose to be straighter, nope nope nope.

>> No.6793691
File: 24 KB, 480x302, square.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't fault some of these people for getting surgery to improve their lot in life, especially in places that are *so* focused on appearance.

I'm kind of astounded how near to a perfect square her face used to be.

>> No.6793695

I've had a funny looking mole removed from my thigh at a skin cancer clinic. He froze it and then scraped it off with a scalpel. It barely bled, but I do have a small scar. I think if it's on your face you should go to a cosmetic place rather than a GP. They're probably better at reducing any scarring.

>> No.6793702

If you had plastic surgery, would you tell your boyfriend before you got married and had kids? I just remembered about that lady who was sued when her kid was born super ugly and the husband had no idea that she'd had surgery.

>> No.6793706

That's true, all that recovery is awful. I still remember being bandaged all around my head and then going to the surgeon to have the sutures removed. My dad made jokes about my ears falling off, not knowing I have anxiety issues, and I was clutching my head freaking out, crying because the winter's air was touching my ears and I thought they would drop off. My brother (18 at that time) rang my dad and told him off because he didn't know how to deal with his little sister freaking out.

I have had a few necessary surgeries since, bad side effects, several busted sutures, a fear of having my navel cut and nothing was worse than that.

Pretty sure everything is worse when you're a kid, but it sure put me off anything too crazy, and I will never get any implants. I can't even deal with getting implanon in my arm.

The upside was my dad really hates vomit and I puked all over him after my otoplasty.

>> No.6793709

Oh asia. you make our american vanity look so mild.

>> No.6793722

I can't remember having seen more than a handful of white women that are as ugly as the majority of the women in the befores for Bad Corea. I've seen some pictures of NK's women at military parades, and the way the "average" Korean woman looked was more homely than an "average" white woman.

>> No.6793724

>The upside was my dad really hates vomit and I puked all over him after my otoplasty.

Sounds like he deserved it, well done. Also, I'm agreeing with your no to implants. I sometimes watch those medical shows and one lady was slowly being poisoned by her ruptured butt implant. Urgh, no thanks.

>> No.6793727

Kpop is a real shit.
Koreans are the worst mannered people I´ve seen ever.
The BIG most of koreans aren´t of natural well looking.
Sorry for ruin your dreams K poopers, but that is the true.

>> No.6793731

omg hi 2ch

>> No.6793732
File: 261 KB, 617x658, vlcsnap-2013-04-21-11h39m15s239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her brother?

>> No.6793741 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 640x850, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't 100% before but now I am pretty damn sure she did get augmentation

>> No.6793745 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6793753

Although it was contracted out to a plastic surgeon to minimize scars, I didn't have to pay for mole removal because the moles in question were precancerous and one of them was flagged as possible melanoma so it was a combination removal and biopsy. Sorry I'm not more helpful!

>> No.6793757

Google cosmetic clinics in your area - many of them have price ranges listed in their websites.

>> No.6793760

My insurance covered mine as well because they interfered with my shaving and would painfully get caught on my shirts. Though I didn't go to a plastic surgeon, it was a biopsy by a dermatologist.

They actually didn't, but whatever

>> No.6793764

Of course I wouldl, actually I'm average, but if I had money I would become a Kawai idoru

>> No.6793944
File: 120 KB, 846x650, lindzecerecere5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lindze got a boob job. She got them WELL before she had her kid. About 2-3 years before.

How can you not tell?

>> No.6793967

I had two removed. One removed twice.
The first one was burned off then when it grew back, cut out. The second was cut out. Both left rather large scars. Which after 10 years are finally turning a fleshy color instead of bright red.

>> No.6794865

am i the only one here who wants elf ears? :D

>> No.6794889
File: 149 KB, 600x450, ebk4475155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miyu got nose job and collagen lips and teeth whitening
and maybe implants

>> No.6794892

One thing I'm noticing with these pictures is that a lot of the noses seem to be more crooked afterward. : / They'll be smaller and have a more appealing shape, but will be a little more slanted looking.

>> No.6794896
File: 25 KB, 225x350, 89085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a family reunion!

>> No.6794901
File: 183 KB, 477x521, 7175ed256d26989de7dbb52e793e1855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would it be ok to dump images of korean surgery

>> No.6794911
File: 41 KB, 414x600, 6j5h4g3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad Rain never got his eyelids done.
I remember some TV show where he said when he was first trying to break into the entertainment industry people were saying his eyes were too small and he'd have to have double-eyelids to be a star. Lol, those guys were wrong.

>> No.6794909
File: 38 KB, 450x579, 2008061800303_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6794916
File: 113 KB, 398x653, earplastic1029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're the only one who wants to look like a horse, yes

>> No.6794931

Koreans = Dogs

>> No.6794929

does anyone know if laser lipo is effective if at all?

>> No.6794941 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 832x756, 562604_10151630327382533_54325008_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure Jessica got her boobs done recently. She did disappear from a little bit.

>> No.6794945
File: 110 KB, 832x756, 562604_10151630327382533_54325008_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure Jessica got her boobs done recently. She did disappear for a little bit.

>> No.6794948

I honestly think he would look weird with double eyelids. He has a pretty masculine face, and I don't know, I think his current eyelid shape kind of enhances that and makes him sexy

>> No.6794959

Do it. I would love to have a girlfriend with elf ears

>> No.6794968 [DELETED] 

There's no difference there..

>> No.6795066

I really enjoyed this movie.
I think it's still on netflix instant watch.

I would consider any picture of plastic surgery taken by the company with a very large grain of salt. I assume they've had some mild photoshoping to the befores to make them worse, and the afters to make them better. Not necessarily a LOT of photoshoping, but enough to skew impressions of how effective the surgery was.

>> No.6795076

oh, absofuckinglutely. I'm honestly amazed that anyone old enough to legally get surgery is still dumb enough to fall for the advertising.

>> No.6795092 [DELETED] 

The picture is too grainy to tell but they really do look the same. The left pic just looks like the work of boob tape.

And if anything, she looks better in the pic on the right. IDK who taught that girl how to apply makeup but all the heavy black makes her look awful. Better-looking cleavage there too, she looks natural and overall not-trashy-white-girl.

>> No.6795104


you know.... as a youngerfag with a larger bust, I kinda feel like I've been lied to.

I got made fun of awfully for being an early bloomer and generally treated badly by other kids because of how I looked. My mom had a really overprotective phase starting when I was 14 because men her age would stare at me when she and I were walking down the street. When I started cosplaying, I tried to look for people with similar body types so I could learn to feel a little more comfortable in my own skin. All these years, and I find out that people have been kissing her ass for buying what I get mocked for having naturally? Ew.

man, /cgl/. You sure know how to disillusion somebody.

>> No.6795129

you just got unlucky. there are plenty of girls who had a large bustline since a young age and they had the personality/the right people around to take advantage of it and had enjoyable adolescences/teen years. and don't forget women with small titties get mocked too. would you get mad at them too if they bought their way into having bigger tits and people worshipped them?

>> No.6795439

I remember when I started developing early. I was like twelve and my hips started getting curvy and it was hard to find pants that would fit a small waist and big hips. Then when I was fourteen my boobs blew up to the monstrosities they are now, so I can't find tops that aren't stretchy that will fit both my chest and waist.

I didn't get teased for developing the way I did, but man was I insecure about it. Everyone around me was a stick and I tell you, I wanted nothing more than to look just like them. I had this huge complex about my body for years before I started entering adulthood and people I met were all, BIG BOOBS YES.

>> No.6795470

Looking at Korean jaw surgery versus American jaw surgery. Why do the American patients look like their jaws were either unaltered, or honed into a fine gardening spade?

Guess I'm going to Korea if I ever want that more delicate face.

>> No.6795523


No. I've wanted them for years. I think they're adorable.

>> No.6795535

America likes a defined almost androgynous but still feminine face.

Korea likes feminine faces.

I would get the Korean version done for myself, but I'd want it to be less extreme. I just want my face to be less round and wide

>> No.6795541

I don't think a lot of Americans want a petite jaw. It's not the surgeons' fault. You could still ask them about reduction. Maybe you could bring in pictures of something you want.

>> No.6795579 [DELETED] 

I wasn't totally sure until I saw this picture. On the left you can see the clear tape holding the suit down and squeezing her boobs up and together. In the new pic on the right her boobs are way more spherical and the bodysuit just rests over them.

>> No.6795640

That feel.

>> No.6795771
File: 483 KB, 300x173, ugh whatever.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but that babby face is soooo cute

why gurl

>> No.6796242 [DELETED] 

But before it was open down to the bottom, the tape needed to hold it closed. The next pic has it zipped up to just below the chest, of course there's no need for tape anymore?

>> No.6796273 [DELETED] 

If she was stuffing in the second picture she would need some kind of support between her boobs to hold them together and up. There is a clear gap between the suit and her skin now, which makes it look like the boobs are holding themselves up. Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating at all. I think she looks great.. it's just making me want to get implants.

>> No.6799540

>nose job
Correct. I had a septoplasty+rhinoplasty procedure when I was 16. No regrets.
>and collagen lips
I had juvederm injected in 2008 before AX. Fortunately it gets reabsorbed by your body after about 1-2 years. My lips are back to their natural size now, which is great because they looked stupid.
>and teeth whitening
Also had this done before AX '08. Highly recommend it. I recently got braces though, so yeah. Now my teeth are in jail.
>and maybe implants
Lol nope.jpg. I only tend to have boobs when I'm above 18% body fat. I'm currently at 14% and flat as can be. I went from a 32D down to a 34B. I don't like the way breast implants look, so I highly doubt I'll ever get them.

My unsolicited advice: if you get cosmetic surgery, do it for yourself - not to get more attention from other people. In my experience it will only make you more insecure if you change your body for reasons outside of feeling comfortable in your own skin.

>> No.6801910

I want lateral cathnoplasty, my eyes are way too innie, and facial feminisation.

>> No.6801915 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 1020x676, mah bewbs r natural XD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boobs being this full while lying on back

definitely had one

>> No.6801919 [DELETED] 

nope, you're just fooled by titty tricks

>> No.6801938

I though it looked pretty cool. Would you recommend it (price-wise) for people who WANT to have stupid lips like me :P?

>> No.6801946 [DELETED] 

>just says no with no evidence
>can't prove it


>> No.6801961 [DELETED] 


That would be a valid argument if she wasn't wearing such a form-fitting costume that it would still be pushing her tits up while lying down

>> No.6801976

>>6788040 top does it out of respect like many Asian cultures do

>> No.6801987

how is it possible that they get rid of thick skeleton bone like the chin and jaws and stuff? do they grind away bone with a saw or something wtf

>> No.6801998

Yes. It's quite affordable. If I remember correctly I paid about $400 for one vial. One was plenty for me, but it depends on what you want.

>> No.6802000


>> No.6802006

Where;d you get it done at?

>> No.6802010

Denver. I used Dr. Richard Albin (who is fantastic).

I have to go now because I have class in 20 min, but I'll check this thread later on this afternoon.

>> No.6802011

Its affordable when everyone else is paying for it. Like slutbag Laura still tryharding to be relevant in here.

Get lost trash, you hit rock bottom in your ladder climb for fame when you started begging for donations like the rest of the man pandering cosplay whores

>> No.6802025

wtf miyu whatchu doin in denver girl

>> No.6802026

Has anyone here gotten surgery done in a cheaper country (SK, Iran, maybe Mexico?)
My nose is fucking horrific and makes me look like Jafar from Aladdin but I'm still not rich enough to justify dropping that much money on it. I'm thinking I should go to Iran because my nose is similar to many Iranians' noses

>> No.6802030

>not rich enough for a nose job

How poor are you? Nose jobs are only a few thousand dollars.

Maybe you should just get a job?

>> No.6802032

Dude, chill the fuck out. Her posts are relevant to the thread, fuck off.

Inb4 Miyu white knight. Don't even know her in person, but a person's personal baggage shouldn't be brought up whenever they post. I know I'm asking too much of this board, but fuck.

>> No.6802033

i think she lived there before she moved to texas

>> No.6802034

Are you really willing to risk fucking up your face for a slightly cheaper nose job? Even if you aren't rich save up for it. You should never be cheap when it comes to your body, otherwise you may end up regretting it for the rest of your life.

>> No.6802039


Not them but I'm a college student and I don't want to get a cheap nose job. The surgeon I'm interested charges between $7-14k.

>> No.6802041

No, I've wanted them for a long time too. I just haven't taken the plunge because of money and having no real idea where to look for a surgeon who could do a good job with such a particular surgery.

>> No.6802042

>but a person's personal baggage shouldn't be brought up whenever they post
Well it's pretty damm relevant when that baggage has affected her decisions to get plastic surgery and is in a thread advising girls on what kinds of surgeries she got.
Very relevant.

And in my honest fucking opinion, if anyone here were super serious about drastically changing their bodies then they would have been consulting with professionals by now. Lurking these damn threads only makes these image issues worse, and the majority of people here almost never act upon them which is even more damaging.
/diff anon before you ask
It's ridiculous. All of it.

>> No.6802046

Everyone can see just how fat you are, seriously.

>> No.6802044

I was here for the Miyu epoch and she might've been pretty craycray but the girl never asked for donations. Bonus points to you for trolling with creativity.

>> No.6802047

>college student

Work the pole for a while. You can literally make that kind of money in a month if you've got a decent body, and if you don't have a decent body them focus on that first. Getting a nose job won't help you be attractive if you're a fatbody.

>> No.6802050


What is it with koreans and plastic surgery? This shit is getting more and more common.

>> No.6802051

I have two jobs, asshole, but I have to completely support my parents.
Most estimates I've looked at are around ~$5-6k which is far from pocket change

I hate this question. No, I am not. I am only going to go to a licensed surgeon with years of experience, a portfolio I am satisfied with, and good reviews.
Even the best surgeons in Iran are cheaper, however. If I travel I don't have to settle for a shitty surgeon.

>> No.6802054

>a real source

Maybe you should go to somewhere that isn't Seoul in Korea, one day.

>> No.6802056

Well then it seems like you already have your mind set..I would still be careful though, if things go wrong it's not like you can easily sue them

>> No.6802057

There is no need to be upset.

>> No.6802058

I'm considering going to Korea, but language barrier and time frame seem to be a problem.

>> No.6802059

>just how fat you are
>saying this in a thread with girls complaining how big their noses are, how gross their boobs look, and how manly their jaws look
Haha yeah okay, and I suppose that makes you one of these insecure biddies then.

>> No.6802061

There's no need to pretend you aren't too poor to go on holiday and that you're educated.

>> No.6802060
File: 387 KB, 500x375, jimmystats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have two jobs
>super mad

Get better jobs. Like was said earlier, if you're good looking you should be able to make a lot more money than you are if you're not afraid to have guys looking at you naked.

>> No.6802062
File: 59 KB, 300x229, 1366479077530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't support muh image issues then yer just a fattie
Said every person with an image issue ever.

>> No.6802066

I imagine any surgeon that has a lot of experience with Caucasians is going to speak rudimentary English or at least have a translator! But yeah I have no idea how the hell the recovery works, like do people have to stay in Korea or whatever?

>> No.6802068
File: 216 KB, 1198x1085, Science and shit mang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still sound upset.

>> No.6802069

You didn't deny it, so you're fat.

>implying i had a bitch about any insecurities in this thread
>all this projection

>> No.6802071

And you didn't deny your insecurities so I guess that makes you a bitter old biddy with an image complex. Stop being so elementary and get over yourself.

>> No.6802075

>implying i had a bitch about any insecurities in this thread

Seems you can't read too.

>> No.6802072

>"lol ur poor"
>"haha get a job u lazy bum"
>not reasonable excuses to call you an asshole

I'm not good looking; I did say I have a Jafar nose. There are literally no strip clubs worth working at within 60 miles anyway (DC area)

>> No.6802073

>post a few people

>> No.6802074

I've got the jawline of a Disney villain, but I don't really mind the way it looks because it's easy to work around for photo angles and I get a fair amount of compliments on my cosplays and general appearance anyways. That, and it's genetic and other family members who have the same look are all powerful business-people, so whatever.

I've considered getting it re-shaped or reduced because it's inconvenient, though - one side is crooked and sometimes gives me migraines because of the joint popping in and out of place, and the general size and shape makes it harder for me to speak clearly and chew my food properly. But there's no way I'd get it covered under health insurance and I can think of better ways to spend $4-5k, so I'm probably just gonna suck it up.

>> No.6802077

>because if you don't bitch about insecurities in a thread it means you don't have them

hurffderfff reading comprehension hyuck hyuck

>> No.6802079
File: 1.00 MB, 2048x1152, lolreans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shh. No need for tears. Pls.

>> No.6802081

Haha what a bimbo.
Also this >>6802077

>> No.6802082


No strip bars in town, I already commute an hour to university and I'd go insane if I had to spend 4 hours a day on the road.

>> No.6802085

I've read from one source that they got another doctor in their home country to take out the stitches, and that they send pictures to the original surgeon of the healing process(seems to be done only if you feel like its healing too slowly, or you're concerned that its not going to turn out the way you wanted it to) but I'm unsure as to if all doctors from another area would agree to taking stitches out.

>> No.6802083


most of them look the same outside of makeup and shoop

>> No.6802087


What your nose looks like is irrelevant. They'd be looking at your twat.

If you don't have a good body then a nose job won't matter at all. If you have a slender youthful body then you'd be able to make hundreds per evening of letting guys look at you and doing a few lap dances.

>> No.6802088

It means my insecurities are irrelevant to getting plastic surgery over. So hard to think for yourself huh?

>> No.6802090

ITT: Horrible cunts who seriously believe plastic surgery is gonna fix their insecurities and mask their awful personalities.

>> No.6802093

that pot sure is black huh, kettle?

>> No.6802095

>It means my insecurities are irrelevant to getting plastic surgery over.

Yeah that's why you're in a plastic surgery thread getting pissy over something someone said about Miyu's plastic surgery, because you have no emotional stake in validating this bullshit whatsoever.

My god, stop lying to yourself.

>> No.6802099

Psh I'm like Waterford crystal compared to you people.
Go get therapists.

>> No.6802100

I just said nowhere within 60 miles
Northern Virginia's stripclubs are all seedy and full of old fat women (so there's no good money going around)
DC doesn't allow lapdances/touching/private dances
In Maryland the only good ones are up in Baltimore which is hella dangerous and the money still isn't that good

If I ever live in Dallas/NYC or something I'd do it but right now it's not even worth the trouble and shame for such a mediocre cashflow.

>> No.6802102

>shes contributing to a plastic surgery thread because shes had plastic surgery
>call her a slut for no real reason
>vilify her for no real reason
>call you out on it


>> No.6802103


Well I'm sorry for you then, girl. I'd say you're still better off finding a better way to make money than fantasize about a trip halfway around the world to save a few thousand dollars.

>> No.6802111

>implying I called her a slut
>implying stripping for plastic surgery is respectable
>implying you aren't Miyu
Only Miyu would be this butthurt.

>> No.6802115

Are some of you seriously suggesting people strip and whore themselves to pay for plastic surgery?
So you girls are such spoiled brats that you'd seriously consider selling yourselves to get what you want than responsibly saving up and budgeting (or you know, tell yourselves no like most reasonable adults if you can't afford something)?

You're disgusting, and this is maximum slutty.

>> No.6802117

This is /cgl/. The home of the slut.

>> No.6802120

>prude complaining about proud strong women not hating their own bodies

Go slut shame somewhere else misogynist pig.

>> No.6802129

Looking at crazies like Yaya, Miyu, and Lindze, it's really not a mask so much as it is a distraction.

>> No.6802139

I have an actual job to pay for my shit and personally would never resort to stripping or whoring to earn some extra money, but I don't understand the negativity towards girls that do so. They're clearly is a market for it and they are willing adults giving another wiling adult a service they want. It's not really hurting with anyone so why is everyone mad about it? It seems like jealousy to me. Maybe someone can tell me what I'm missing?

>> No.6802146

I used the the wrong *there, sorry.

>> No.6802158

>but I don't understand the negativity towards girls that do so
Because it's the whole instant gratification culture that pisses people off. Nobody thinks anymore.
"Oh, why work at a job or get an education to get a better one when I can sell my used panties online or show my tits to a crowd of horny people for a quick buck teehee?"
You know it's not even the whoring or the stripping part, it's that young ladies should really think of themselves more than an exhibitionist piece of meat. You can be worth more than a $20 bill stuck in a stripper's buttcrack.

And the fact that someone would willingly choose a "job" that would: damage their reputation (and possibly their mentalities god forbid), not enhance their working resumes whatsoever, squander their actual talents and social skills, and all the while blunt their dignity in front of a crowd that couldn't give a shit less about their struggles or personalities...I just don't get it.
You know in some countries women and girls are actually forced into prostitution and stripping either by circumstance or social structure. People who actually make a living on this shit aren't what you see on pornos and vapid little documentaries. It sucks.

>> No.6802171

your career =/= your identity

also you've never been remotely poor in your life, have you? I posted early on in the thread about how I work two jobs to support myself and my parents, and I would jump at the chance to be a stripper. It's only 'instant gratification' and 'easy money' compared to the normal, minimum wage jobs that poor desperate people usually work- slaving away cleaning rich white people's nasty houses, mopping up the cockroach ridden high school, washing dishes in the miserably hot restaurant kitchen for ten hours at a time.

Sure, I would love to be a business or a scientist or whatever, but I never had that option. Many, if not most, people don't. Stripping is a lucrative job in which a degree paid for by daddy's salary isn't required, and that's incredibly fucking cool for a working-class person.

>> No.6802172


>> No.6802175

But not all girls are like them, many if not most girls do actually go on to get real jobs and DO NOT become strippers or whores.
The girls who usually do take up these occupation are usually women who let's be honest aren't really capable of much else or who actually enjoy the industry.

And if we didn't have willing participants in our sex industry we are going to be much more likely to get more people forced into it. It's the negative outlook on this industry that makes it so unsafe and bad for people.

>> No.6802176

you realize that very few people who work in the sex industry in the us do it willingly, right?

>> No.6802182

>your career =/= your identity
Oh my, do you really think that?
How naive.

Everything is about identity and how you represent yourself in regards to a career.
That's why you create CVs and make yourself look good on a professional resume--you want the employer to hire you because of who you are and what skills you can do, aka your identity. That's not even arguable.

>remotely poor
Oh no, not this argument. I live in a city with the highest poverty and welfare rate in the entire county. I know poverty quite well, and let me tell you stripping and whoring is looked down upon even in the poorest communities. Then again they're on welfare.
Point is: there's options other than prostitution for the poor (at least in Murrica) and it's no excuse at all. Yes, you might have to work minimum wage (like the majority of other people believe it or not) but that's life. And people would still rather bust ass at minimum wage jobs than whore for money.

>stripping is lucrative
LOL. You realize to the average, and god forbid below average stripper, it's no better than a job that you could get with a GED correct? Haha oh but no, you go ahead and be a stripper and report back to us on your new 'lucrative' lifestyle.
Good effin luck.

>> No.6802186

>you realize that very few people who work in the sex industry in the us do it willingly, right?

I don't see how that's relevant considering the girls in this thread want to do so willingly. Fair enough?

>> No.6802210

When did the argument turn from
>stripping for non-necessities like lolita and plastic surgery
>stripping for a living

Hey ladies, the fundamental difference here is that to those women, stripping is their career. And most of their money goes invested in their looks, because in this way of life you are worth as good as you look. And if it's a career then you'd best be looking good and earning a lot of cash well into your 40s at the latest, because after that the future would be uncertain for you and your looks would be kicking the bucket. You'd be getting replaced with fresh faces and there's no guarantees that you wouldn't be on drugs or have outstanding bills to pay since we all know strip clubs aren't unionized and there is no stripper 401k.
It's a tough ass life and it isn't easy or glamorous.

But let's pull away from that. This isn't about career strippers. It's about a group of college-age girls who are more than able to support themselves either by their own minimum wage jobs or by their families, who want to strip to make an extra buck for shit that isn't necessary to life. And sorry, but your life will go on regardless if you have plastic surgery or the latest burrando.
There is no reason for folks like you to be strippers other than your greed.

>> No.6802238
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Is it that hard for you to believe that being sexy and desired by others could be empowering? If you're comfortable with it, why the hell not? You make it sound so shameful for women to be proud of their bodies. Women and MEN strip for many reasons, some just like to fucking dance. Get over yourself and get laid.

>> No.6802252
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>Is it that hard for you to believe that being sexy and desired by others could be empowering?
Why is it so hard for you to believe that someone could feel empowered and proud of their bodies without having to sell them out for money because of greed and vanity?
You're confused,
People have a problem with greedy little shits, not women who embrace their bodies in healthy and respectful ways and don't use them as manipulative tools for monetary gain.

>> No.6802264

>slut shaming

Yes yes, the thread had run its course. Please go.

>> No.6802276

Ya know, they'd still strip even if there wasn't money involved, I've seen it. It's awesome. They're happy doing what they love to do, the only one degrading them is you. To me they sound much healthier and way more respectful than the ass wipe telling them they should be ashamed for being who they are.

>> No.6802285
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>crying about slut shaming when you assume anyone that doesn't agree with stripping for plastic surgery is a prude and hasn't been laid before

And this is why that movement is a horrible, misguided joke.

>> No.6802292

The problem isn't disagreeing, the problem is trying to control other people's lives.

Go judge a dog show if you need to judge something, but piss off trying to judge women who aren't afraid to use their body while they still can to get something they want.

>> No.6802297

>the problem is trying to control other people's lives.
How the fuck is my opinion and principles controlling another person's life? Oh wait, it effin doesn't.
>bawww don't judge
Yeah, I'm sure you're an angel and never judge anyone either (even though two posts ago you called me a prude and decided I hadn't been laid). Nasty virgin shaming scum, check your privilege~

>> No.6802296
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>implying that was the same anon that made fun of your apparent virginity.

>> No.6802300

>implying your shitty logic isn't an indication of your massive samefagging
>also still virgin shaming me even though I'm not
Tsk tsk. You know, if you want your precious sluts left alone then maybe you shouldn't act like such a cunt to people who don't share your sexual decisions.

>> No.6802302

>virgin shaming

You're confusing me with another anon. I've only said you should mind your own business and quit trying to pretend that your standard is the only one that's important.

>> No.6802305

>I've only said you should mind your own business~

Haha oh god, well if you're going to resort to gradeschool reasoning then this conversation is over anyway.

Feel free to go on about how I'm 'controlling your life' though. That was thoroughly amusing.

>> No.6802306

Your butthurt is showing.

>> No.6802308

>it's okay for me to slut shame, now you guys stop virgin shaming

just curious but how much do you weigh?

>> No.6802316
File: 62 KB, 303x303, 1354678806348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cries about slut shaming
>calls another person butthurt
Your daily reminder that someone that sells their body for plastic surgery is a greedy slut and should be labeled as such

>> No.6802319

>just curious but how much do you weigh?
5'3 104 <3 stay rustled sweets.

>> No.6802324
File: 10 KB, 250x265, 1347381507725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The butthurt is still strong with this one.

>> No.6802325
File: 13 KB, 298x296, 1363104614184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slut. U mad?

>> No.6802328

How much cheaper would an Iranian doctor really be?
>round-trip plane ticket
>transport rental fees
>hotel fees

I'm pretty sure there would be a certain amount of time before you could be cleared to travel home, so you'd have to hunker down in fucking Iran.

>> No.6802335

>calls pretty people sluts
>probably a jelly fugly neckbeard

>> No.6802340
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>5'3" 104

sure you are. pretty girls don't waste their time here hating other girls for being pretty. i bet more like 203 lbs

>> No.6802344

>using U mad

>> No.6802346

That is all pretty girls do. Haven't you ever watched Mean Girls? That's basically a documentary about being a girl.

>> No.6802347
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>this thread

>> No.6802349

This thread started out nice, and then shit happened

>> No.6802350
File: 332 KB, 633x468, 1365059231034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You had a good starting argument, almost sounded like you actually knew about the industry, until you fucked up and got butthurt over being called a virgin.

>> No.6802351
File: 34 KB, 480x330, kotex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks pretty girls spend their time on 4chan

and koti dont shoop ether

>> No.6802353

>pretty girls don't waste their time here hating other girls for being pretty.
>implying you need to be a pretty girl to be a stripper
>implying all pretty girls are nasty sluts

Are you even trying at this point?

>> No.6802355
File: 138 KB, 800x600, 1JmyE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims pretty girls come to 4chan to hate on other pretty girls
>gets told
>goes full retard

>> No.6802357

Oh sorry I missed the 4chan part. But hey I'm sure there are like...2?

>> No.6802359

Are you talking about the person who claimed that? Because heck yeah I agree, they got told pretty hard.

>> No.6802360 [DELETED] 
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>implying you know anything about being pretty

>> No.6802362
File: 101 KB, 201x216, 1332864592891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because I'm sure uggo insecure wannabe stripperella knows what's up about being pretty and classy
Your idea of pretty is being a greased up piggy on a pole with a bunch of washingtons hanging on your flapjacks.