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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 25 KB, 240x200, tumblr_kxajjdgy0P1qzzh99o1_400_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6800520 No.6800520 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the worst thing you ever did to afford precious burando?

>> No.6800536

I stole $70 from my boyfriend's paypal for a bodyline dress once.

>> No.6800568 [DELETED] 

I killed my mom.

>> No.6800586

I work for streamate.

>> No.6800589

I punched a lolita in the face and knocked her out and stole her brand.

>> No.6800598

I've never done anything really bad. Only thing I've done that I'm ashamed of is borrowing money from my girlfriend (With permission.) for customs fees because the money I'd saved to pay them was randomly taken out of my account.

>> No.6800608


>> No.6800627

I joined the mafia

>> No.6800655

I herped til I derped.

>> No.6800665

I sold drugs

>> No.6800670
File: 363 KB, 622x648, 1358120431247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never needed to afford precious Burando, as I AM the precious Burando

>> No.6800673

I had unprotected sex with multiple older men who paid well for it.

Nah just kidding, we used condoms.

>> No.6800734

sold my panties on craigslist, made 400 dollars.

>> No.6800747

i dont into lolita
just passing by

>> No.6800750

I really want to sell my used panties for money but I don't know where to sell them. We don't have Craigslist in my country. Anyone wanna help a girl out

>> No.6800755

you can sell used socks too, if panties is too much for you.

>> No.6800771

I would totally sell used panties, not even just for lolita. I have bills I need to pay.

>> No.6800772

Same here... But I do have craigslist.. Any tips in general for selling used panties?

>> No.6800807

Ebay has a somewhat hidden adult section where you can in fact sell used panties, bras, socks, porn, sex toys, etc.

>> No.6800811

wrote someone else's essays for them

>> No.6800850

Hahah, I was just thinking of this photoset earlier today when I saw some panhandlers with signs.
I sometimes wonder though how lolita panhandlers would do. People might think it's some kind of street performance and throw money at them.
But more likely they'd just snap lots of photos while laughing.

>> No.6800855

>buy a pair of panties at walmart
>rub some barbecue sauce in the crotch
>take photos of them crumpled on your bathroom floor
>list on Ebay

>> No.6800864

Link? I'm interested

>> No.6800869
File: 412 KB, 300x243, w0N5Wlw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when they posted that photoshoot and it was a fucking drama bomb. Apparently those girls were mocking the plight of the homeless.

>> No.6800885


People in this fashion will literally throw a hissyfit over anything.

>> No.6800893

Won't let me link but basically just click on 'Shop by Category' next to the Ebay logo, then "all categories", then under Everything Else (the very bottom) it will say Adult Only. You can only access if you have an Ebay account, and it will ask you to confirm age.

>> No.6800901


>> No.6800902

BTW be prepared for some weird shit in here, there's people selling secondhand custom ordered Realdolls and shit.

>> No.6800905

Fucking rad, bless you, anon.

>> No.6800964

I was a camwhore on MFW from midsummer 2012 until recently this past March

>> No.6800995

How was that?

>> No.6801004

Did some things I'm not super proud of but, eh.
They have pretty decent "security measures" and it's been a few months since I quit with a whopping total of 1 message on facebook (from an IRL friend) about it who wouldn't have known unless I told her.
I had my wishlists fulfilled weekly and made some decent cash from it.
Now I understand why strippers do their thing.

>> No.6801011

What sites did you use?

>> No.6801017

The message I reffered to was on facebook.
The camwhoring was on mfc. I don't know if 4chan bans you for mentioning it still.

>> No.6801020

... I got a job?

>> No.6801047


>> No.6801104

i shot a man in reno just to watch him die

>> No.6801122
File: 498 KB, 499x299, oh god i remember this thing..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me your darkest secrets, girls. I really want to make some extra scratch... not for burando, just to pay my bills.

I have a job, but I'm barely getting by. My boss keeps cutting my hours, and I keep looking for new jobs but I can't seem to get another one.

I can't acquire a sugar daddy or anything. I'm taken, and I don't intend to cheat on my boyfriend... however, say what you will, I'd be into selling panties, socks, camming without showing my face, or getting completely naked, whatever. But I can't afford to pay listing fees and membership fees or any other red tape.

I've sold just about everything I can and I just don't know what else to do...

gif unrelated.

>> No.6801129

Worst thing: cleaning hospital job
now I'm at McDonalds hyuh

>> No.6801134

If your money situation is that bad, stop buying lolita.

>> No.6801140

For those sending "soiled" panties how do you get passed customs?
I received a letter ripped up and taped because my pen pal sent me a clipping of some lavender. Human bodily material?....
> Tl;dr - What do you do to package it?

>> No.6801146

I knew a handful of army wives/gfs that have sent their party thongs to their husbands as gag gifts in those big manila envelopes. So, that might be fine?

>> No.6801151

> not actually reading the post

>> No.6801166

not the anon youre replying to but
>not for burando, just to pay my bills.

and >>6801122
ive never sold my used panties, so i cant give you proper advice or anything, but you can look up "guide to selling used panties" or something like that. just google with keywords when looking for sites that let you list and sell adult/used garments for free. honestly though, you get more hits with sites that have listing fees

>> No.6801170

Well, you seem pretty desperate to me. This thread is about paying for brand....not just your regular bills. Can't afford your bills? Stop buying lolita

>> No.6801174

Girl, she's asking for money tips. Who cares what it's for when we're discussing it anyway. Sit down.

>> No.6801181

>asking for money tips to pay bills
>spends $$$$ on brand

That's a little pathetic. There is a thing called priorities and if you're struggling to even pay your fucking bills then maybe you need to think about what's actually important in life.

>> No.6801185

>>6801166 here

did anon say that she ever spent money on burando, or that she was ever a lolita?

>> No.6801189

Then why is she in this thread?

>> No.6801193

>not for burando, just to pay my bills.

>> No.6801194

>Whats the worst thing you ever did to afford precious burando?

>> No.6801202

i dont even lolita and i still came to this thread.

basically, anon never said she was lolita, and she was just asking for tips. we both dont know if shes a lolita or not, but its obvious that she needs some cash.

>> No.6801203

Plants aren't supposed to be sent between countries due to the possibility of seeds not being native and fucking up the ecosystem where you live. It's why you're also not supposed to bring various fruits when you travel internationally.

>> No.6801213

Hey why does it have to be pathetic? Some areas jobs are hard to come by (living example right here). Not enough hours provided, and then you're on the unemployment roll for months. Best you can do is move to the cheapest mosy ghetto parts of town but then?
This person didn't need to come to this thread because they were a lolita, people where already talking about successful alternative methods of income so WHY NOT ask for their advice? Lolita or not!

>> No.6801214

>not for burando, just to pay my bills.

You are autistic

>> No.6801218

Do you know what the thread is about? Can you read English? It's about paying for burando....not bills.

>> No.6801220

And its tabboo to derail a lil?

>> No.6801226

It is a little pathetic though. Hmmm where can i get good money advice? I know..../cgl/
Not that i even wear Lolita, but those girls must be doing something right to spend hundreds on a dress...yeah selling dirty panites...that's a great idea!

Pretty pathetic

>> No.6801227

Are you ignoring >>6801202 and >>6801213 replies?

>> No.6801234

How soiled are used panties supposed to be? I'd feel pretty gross sending undies with spooge in them, but I guess there's no other way of knowing they're "used". I just... wouldn't want my name on that package or anything. Eugh.

>> No.6801238

well, you could use the buyers name & address as the sender & the recipient

>> No.6801242

Jesus christ are you annoying.
I hope you step on a lego block.

>> No.6801244

>not for burando, just to pay my bills.
>not for burando, just to pay my bills.
>not for burando, just to pay my bills.

You are 100% autistic

>> No.6801247

You know this is why men don't respect you girls right?

>> No.6801250


please tell us who is buying all of these services?


oh right.

>> No.6801281

Personally (as a man) I respect the women selling them a lot more than the people buying them.
Buying them is creepy, selling them is smart.

>> No.6801286

holy shit, i didn't even know this was a thing.

>> No.6801302


Do you think men who fuck prostitutes respect the prostitutes?

>> No.6801353

Oh my god
I almost wrote a rebuttal but you are obvious troll, pls quietly gtfo.

>> No.6801358

OH enough with this tried and proven wrong argument.
Men disrepect women because they're prostitutes
Women disrespect men because they're the cause of wars/violence/whatever

each gender has something to blame and hate can we move on for fucks sake

>> No.6801380

Get that vulva perfume.

>> No.6801485

Speaking as a father, you girls really make me worry for the future of my own daughter.

>> No.6801491

Your fault for not having a son.

>> No.6801510

To you girls wanting to sell used panties:


They helped me a lot.

>> No.6801515

thank you so much

>> No.6801517

Don't let her cosplay, it's a shitty hobby full of incredibly messed up girls.

>> No.6801521

Fuck that. Don't let her leave the house or use the internet, either. Shitty world full of shitty people. Can't let her be tainted by the horrors or whores of this planet.

And fuck that, too. Actually. Just move to mars with her.

>> No.6801520

That was an interesting read to say the least.

>> No.6801527

will this work in australia too?

>> No.6801535

He can realistically keep her away from bad influences like cosplay, rave scenes, other sexualized interests and hobbies etc.

>> No.6801545

The fact that so many girls are willing to sell their used panties and/or compromise their pride just to buy overpriced bits of fabric and such has shone a new light on how I view lolitas. I mean, I get that you're into it, that's fine, but goddamn. That's bordering on a mental condition. That's shit that drug addicts do.

>> No.6801553 [DELETED] 

Aaaand here come the feminists.

>> No.6801555


Nothing they said has anything whatsoever to do with feminism, the only thing it refers to is having some self respect and principles.

>> No.6801556

I want to sell my panties to not only help me buy clothes but you know also help with bills and help putting my sibling through school. I hardly actually buy lolita much anymore since I'm also paying for schooling. Dont judge before you know someones story first

>> No.6801560 [DELETED] 

How exactly does a pair of panties coincide with self-respect or principles? That only applies if you have some sort of ethos against sexual expression. ie feminism.

>> No.6801569

Fact: You could easily make assloads of money by selling your lolita clothes. Moreso, in fact, than your used underwear. Especially if it's some of the better brands. I've seen that shit go for like $600 easy. If you really wanted to "pay bills" and "put your sibling through school" you could do it so much easier by not spending lavish amounts of money on luxury items of clothing and instead turning them into profit. I reject your argument.

>> No.6801570


Well, feminism is hardly the only ethos that views selling off your pants to people with a used panties fetish as undesirable.

>> No.6801579

Actually, >>6801555 is right. I never said anything even remotely about feminism. In fact, I would have the same confusion and disdain for men doing the same thing. By you assuming as much, you simply are showing you are sexist for thinking that I've got a gender-bias just because I am male. I am, in fact, completely gender-equal and believe that no sex is better or worse at any one thing, save for obvious genetic things such as making babies or growing facial hair or whatever.

>> No.6801584

I'm a feminist myself and I see nothing wrong with that. In fact, as far as what I personally know and my friends who also sympathize with the cause or fight for it, feminism would have nothing against selling your used panties because doing it has nothing to do with self-respect - the movement against slut shaming should make this much clear: having sex and doing sexual stuff does not mean one doesn't respect themselves. And principles are debatable.

It's especially funny how "principles" means pretty much just "believing in a set of moral things" but nowadays it's used as "having the same set of moral beliefs as everyone else".

>> No.6801594

You can't make much from it though...

>> No.6801599

Different anon, but only stuff like Puppet Circus or Iron Gate goes for $600... Most people don't have those dresses - personally I only have a few skirts and blouses and one JSK. Most of my funding goes to cosplay. I've been thinking of selling panties, but right now I don't really need to - I can afford cosplaying and splurge on Lolita sometimes without compromising my budget for food and medical bills and stuff. But maybe it'll be different in the future.

My pride or morals has nothing to do with my underwear. If someone wants to buy them for a lot of money just because I've used them, then hell yes I'll do it. Why is that a problem? Where is it? Don't get me wrong, I'd just like to understand.

>> No.6801605

This, most feminists are very supportive of promiscuity and very "easy" themselves.

>> No.6801621

I was just going with a general price there. I know that most dresses and such go for a large amount of money though. Several hundreds of dollars, we'll say. Certainly more than the small amount you'd make selling your underwear.
Actually, they have everything to do with it. If you had more pride or different (I say different, because "higher" is a relative term) morals you wouldn't be willing to sell your panties on the internet. And before you say anything, I am not saying you've got no pride. I'm just saying a particularly proud person would never be willing to do something like that. Much like a particularly proud person wouldn't be willing to work at say McDonalds, even if they really needed the money.

>> No.6801661

Seconded. It's an opportunity for them to make easy money. I'd take it if I had the chance.

>> No.6801665

Ah, I think I understand what you mean! I guess people view pride in different ways - and that's how some people may feel completely okay with selling dirty underwear, and others don't. I pride myself on being a nice and honest person, helping people when I can, and accepting others and their choices as long as they're not deliberately to hurt others, basically. So I suppose my views are different from yours.
(Thank you for actually explaining - more than often people just get angry.)

>> No.6801672

>the amount of samefag in this thread
Go home /r9k/, we established long ago that only a very small minority of girls do things like sell their panties. How would they earn any money if everyone was doing it?

>> No.6801681

I wouldn't quite compare working at McDonalds and selling your underwear to strangers.

But anyway, let's look at this from an efficiency standpoint. If you own, for instance, 3 brand dresses that are worth something, and they total up to $800 you spent on them. If they're not rare, you may lose money selling them. If they are rarely, you might make back maybe an extra two to four hundred dollars, while also losing something you really liked/had sentimental value.

However, panties (cheap ones) cost about 8-12 bucks for 3 pairs. You could probably sell each pair for, say 30 bucks on average? That's 90 bucks per pack, with a loss of an 8 dollar investment (82 bucks, now), listing them costs maybe another 5-8 bucks (which you'd have to do elsewhere with lolita, anyway), leaving us at around 75 dollars. That's a great turn in for how much money you're putting in, as opposed to selling your dresses.

>> No.6801687 [DELETED] 

Not to afford burando, but to help get myself off the streets when I was younger I sold drugs.

I still can't believe I wasn't killed.

>> No.6801707

How young were you?

>> No.6801715

>supportive of promiscuity

Though you're somewhat right, I have to say that about this particular part... not really.

They just dislike how undeserved bad a reputation it gets. Most arguments used to keep female sexuality as a taboo are very old and don't relate to our current reality at all, and the belief that a -woman- who is more sexually free has poor character, is a bad and untrustworthy person all come from these age-old arguments who don't hold ground anymore.

Supporting someone's right to do something (that does not harm others) without being a social outcast or being judged as a bad person for that =/ supporting the something itself.

>> No.6801730

God bless the internet.

>> No.6801733

Borrowed thirteen hundred from mi madre for just two dresses

>> No.6801738

They're just pissed they're not women so they can't make the same amount doing it. Almost guy I know says they would totally do it if it were as profitable for men.

Honestly, I judge the people who think it's such a shameful thing way more than the girls who do it and I would never do it myself.

>> No.6801741

You obviously haven't been into Lolita very long. PC and IG are over a grand and plenty of prints sell for over 600 easy. I can think of over ten just off the top of my head.

Hell I once sold a Masquerade Theater SKIRT for 400 once and that's only AatP third most popular print. AatP isn't close to as popular as Moitie and AP either.

>> No.6801745

I find the fact her father posts on 4chan far more concerning as far as her well being goes.

>> No.6801747

Sadly a lot of what you're saying isn't true. Tons of liberal feminists support things like prostitution and other sex worker jobs because they think it's empowering or something.

>> No.6801749

I saw this in a thread a few weeks ago:

"A previous thread had a girl recommending eBanned. Her precise suggestions were:

>Include worn photos
She also said that it's best to post ones with your face hidden/cropped from the shot. They don't give a shit about your face and it can actually ruin their illusion of "pure young maiden" since most girls over 18 don't look it in the face.

>Don't be afraid to say that "this is (your) first time"
Apparently, some of the fetishists ONLY collect first-timers' used undies. Again, that whole purity thing.

>Offer to take special requests from the winning bidder.
This can mean anything from special, exclusive photos to masturbating/urinating/whatever in the panties. You can set limits on this, of course, in your listing, but that limits your market.

>Don't be afraid to chat the creepers up
They will message you in advance and try to establish a connection so that the panties they buy are "personal" to them.

>Get a PO box at least two zip codes away from your residence. Never mail from your nearest post office.
It's inconvenient in terms of mailing, but it makes things safer if you're worried about these guys tracing back to you."

>> No.6801750

The kid's probably under 8 years old, if not under 4.

>> No.6801752

Then he should be playing with her instead of being on 4chan

>> No.6801754

Give her lots of money and it won't be an issue.

>> No.6801759

What a piss-poor reply. Just fuck off if you have nothing even slightly worth contributing.

>> No.6801760

You are an idiot.

For fucks sake, all your doing is selling your used drawers for shit tons of money. It's not like they even have to know what you look like, it's not like they're touching you. You can't seriously look me in the eye and say if a guy didn't offer you a hundred for your five dollar used underwear, you wouldn't at least consider it for a second. If not, whatever, but don't act like women only do it because they lack self-respect.

If some idiot wants to pay that much for my underwear, he can have them. It has no negative affect as long as I remain anonymous. How does this mean I lack self-respect? Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.6801761

>It has no negative affect as long as I remain anonymous
Until you have to ship them from your name and address and then get a stalker.

>> No.6801762

It's not piss poor at all. Your kid should take priority over the internet. Non-shitty parenting 101.

>> No.6801763

>implying I wouldn't use a PO box several towns away using a fake name
>implying most girls who do it don't do this

>> No.6801765

Yes, how dare this man use his free time as he wishes. Awful, awful parenting. I don't know what time it is where you're at, but I'm going to assume it's nighttime for him. The kid could even be taking a nap. You have absolutely no basis to know what the context of this guy being on here is.

>> No.6801766

Your butthurt is very impressive.

>> No.6801767

I'm butthurt because you lack any depth of thought? Sure thing. I'm so, so upset. I have deeply, emotionally invested myself in this argument.

>> No.6801769

I wasn't even being serious, dumbass. I don't give a fuck if he's on 4chan and has a kid. Way to let your newfag show.

>> No.6801774

We still using this as a viable insult without a basis to attribute it to? Yeah.

>> No.6802091
File: 5 KB, 200x139, 1360014266001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gidding me?

>> No.6802126

This thread is so stupid. And those of you who feel proud about selling your dirty panties to dirty men are fucking degraded whores.

>> No.6802132

>tfw you read this post and instantly know it's another dude, because no woman is actually capable of comprehending why selling worn clothing so that you can buy more gaudy consumerist crap is dishonorable

I feels you brah.

>> No.6802147

I threatened a girl into giving me money. I've since apologized to her and am slowly paying back her money.

>> No.6802148

Feminism doesn't preach "ethos against sexual expression" (not even sure if that phrase makes sense), quite the opposite. Feminism only rejects "slut shaming" and the (typically commercial) objectification of women. There's nothing un-feminist or feminist about selling your panties online.

>> No.6802149

And yet life goes on.

>> No.6802152

Feminism actually has a pretty big dialogue on the exploitation of sexual capital and how it enervates the possessor by freeing them from the obligation to perform labour (i.e. self-cultivation).

There is a reason why women go to postgrad to find a husband and men go to postgrad to find a career. Hint: It's the same reason women sell their panties, escort, and strip, and the same reason they'll never breach 1% of STEM grads.

>> No.6802154

Still 100 times better than selling unwashed BO-ridden dress to an unsuspecting girl claiming it to be new and fresh, as happens constantly.

>> No.6802200

The worst thing I've done so far is spend money unwisely and borrow money from the boyfriend saying that I needed help with student loan payments that month.

I'm unemployed at the moment, but I start a job that pays tons of dosh in June so I'll be able to pay my credit card off. Pity it only lasts about 3 months, but it's easy as fuck and an easy job to get on top of that.

In the meantime I'm trying to sell some of my shit on eBay (not panties) but I have no experience with it. Thankfully I've got some rare games and a good number of complete manga sets in mint condition because I take super good care of my shit. Hopefully people are in a buying mood.

I don't buy ~brando~ though, just indie stuff. I've never actually seen a dress above $150 that I've liked; I don't know if it's because the high price makes me dislike the item, or because I don't really like sweet/bright stuff.

>> No.6802212

I asked my dad for money back that I have him to buy me a car so I could buy DDC.
brand > reliable transportation
My money spending priorities are so skewed I'm considering getting help. To be fair though they don't want to get me a car now because I've been diagnosed with an inner ear problem that causes vertigo.

>> No.6802234
File: 63 KB, 150x150, 1355342337982.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DDC reservations go up
>no money of my own but this is my chance~
>notice they will be delivered late September/early October
>notice that's when my birthday is
>parents are always prude when it comes to buying expensive clothes
>"But srsly u gies, it'll be here on my birthday and it's all I wantttt..."
>mfw this works
>mfw my birthday saved me

Oh and this other time I buggered an ex into buying me Vivienne Westwood anglomania platforms for a Christmas present. Fuck he never let that go, but he shouldn't have bought it for me if he didn't want to.
Worst part is they're this weird gray colorway and I rarely wear them because they're hard to coordinate.

>> No.6802241

>working on my Electrical Engineering degree

...that feel

>> No.6802256

>nice and honest person

>> No.6802263

You don't sound very grateful.

>> No.6802269

....how do you figure that out of curiosity? If you're referring to the ex thing, I don't appreciate men who buy me stuff and use it as leverage to indebt me to them. I'd rather them tell me no like an adult.

>> No.6802270

Clearly you don't understand how selling underwear works. 99% of the guys want you to send a photo of you close to nude or nude with only the underwear on. So you're selling photos of yourself not the underwear. The underwear it just something they can jack off in while looking at your picture.

>> No.6802287

They're just being smart. There's a market of people who are willing to pay a decent amount of money for used underwear, so why not tap into it?

You're not compromising your pride, but you do sound jealous that there is money to be made this way.

>> No.6802336

There's a market for selling PCP to kids.

This is what we call the reductio ad absurdum:
>There's a market for it. ... So why not tap into it?
>If there's a market for something, it is blameless to exploit it.

>> No.6802363

Used panties aren't destructive to creeps, though. They're not hurting anyone except for their dignity, which is completely up to them.

Personally I think selling used panties is kind of gross (doesn't that count as a biohazard if you don't wash them first?) and I'd never do it myself but you can't really compare it to selling drugs to children.

>> No.6802414

I honestly see no difference between used panty selling and say, someone buying an outfit a celebrity wore, like its not the item, its the person who wore it that makes it valuable. Either way its gross if you really think about it, both have sweat and bodily fluids and probably have a smell. And that also makes it way more valuable to certain people (moreso with panties of course but there are some crazy fangirls who want sweaty stinky rock star's shirts) In either case, its certainly not automatically making the seller desperate. If anything its the buyer who is more depraved because they're the one who actually wants it.

>> No.6802441


PCP is harmful to kids, panties aren't harmful to people who buy them.

Troll harder.

>> No.6802493

>tfw 3 euros short of first official brand dress

How much do they pay for plasma

>> No.6802504

Check your local laws and hospitals first. Some areas, its illegal to be compensated for medical donations.

>> No.6802517

This so much. My boyfriend does this all the fucking time.

>> No.6802553

I would leave him based solely on that. That's the mark of someone who doesn't have true regard for others.

>> No.6802587


There are lots of guys into feet. Start camming as a foot fetish girl. I've seen ads on Craigslist for guys wanting used girl's socks or pantyhose too. Oh, and topless house cleaning.

>> No.6802624

>I sucked some dicks for $$$.

Man, I'm afraid to read this thread if there's someone who went lower than that. I thought we had some standards, lolitas...

>> No.6802663

ITT men

>> No.6802665

>COSPLAY and lolita
there wasn't a loli background check before entering the thread. calm yourself.

>> No.6802677

How do you threaten someone into giving you money? Blackmail? Or physical violence?
Either way, that shit's funny

>> No.6802709 [DELETED] 

Someone recently IMed me and propositioned me, money for a cam show. I was talking to him about it and he said he's paid up to $400 to a girl who had her dog eat her out for him.
The idea isn't totally gross to me. I'm seriously considering messaging him back and asking if the offer is still on the table.

>> No.6802712

Ask for double.

>> No.6802725


>> No.6802744

I'd rather sell my underwear than work at McDonalds.

>> No.6802748

So are you saying none of your friends ever found out you were camwhoring? I have a shitton of questions, do you mind answering? I'm very interested on camwhoring since I don't mind showing my body but couldn't stand being touched by strangers. So, the questions are:
>how much much money you used to make, monthly?
>how many hours you used to work, daily?
>do you have to be prepared to do weird things?
and, also
>do you any tips for beginners?

>> No.6802755

My ex used to do this. He also used to borrow money off of me, and then buy me presents that I didn't want/need and refuse to pay me back because he bought me stuff. I was like "well, this Bleach manga is lovely and all, but I need that money to get to college."

>> No.6803790
