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6785984 No.6785984 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for examples of lolita dresses and coordinates that have historical feel - especially medieval/rennaissance and other things that aren't the normal victorian thing.

>> No.6785986
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>> No.6786509
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>> No.6791978
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Aka, classic.

>> No.6791993
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>> No.6791999
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>> No.6792005
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>> No.6792013
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Shame Vivcore is nuts, I liked her 18th century lolita stuff

>> No.6792015
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>> No.6792018
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>> No.6792021
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>> No.6792027
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How is she crazy?

>> No.6792037
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Maybe nuts isn't the right word. Bitchy? Terrible? Egotistical?

She is a bit nuts, though... one of "Lolitas/~Quaintrelle~ people must be lovelies" in the sense that if you said one even slightly negative peep about anything she did, wrote or made... you were cut off forever.

>> No.6792042
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>> No.6792041
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>> No.6792047
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>> No.6792050
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>> No.6792059
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>tfw thread gives you hard on

>> No.6792070

It looks like the pope decided to go for a russian hat for a change....
Can someone tell me what this is supposed to be?

>> No.6792074
File: 56 KB, 325x578, Anastasia_in_court_gown_1910.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inspired by Russian court dress

>> No.6792085
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That is one small woman.

>> No.6792091

Maybe if the Lolita added beading or some type of details like the russian girl did it would look better?
Idk, maybe it's just me.

>> No.6792095
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It's a 9 year old

>> No.6792113

I'm not really into lolita, but I think I'd wear a dirndl lolita dress.

>> No.6792116
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>> No.6792564

I live in Munich and I'd so wear this dress to Oktoberfest

>> No.6792844


>> No.6792869

>>especially medieval/rennaissance and other things that aren't the normal victorian thing.

people post normal classic loli

>> No.6792874
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What, like this? You want Renfaire Lolita?

>> No.6792880
File: 62 KB, 570x760, idd-green knight-op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really fond of this dress but all the stuff I hear about IDD puts me off from buying... That and I'm pretty sure the deep cut neckline would look terrible on me.

She seems to do more medieval stuff pretty regularly though?

>> No.6792881
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>most beautiful dress ever made

>> No.6792892
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LOL I was waiting for that dress's #1 fan to show up.

Only other medieval type dress I can think of is the Ergi Viking dress that didn't end up getting produced.

>> No.6792899

I can't help it. I have a real problem.

>> No.6793168
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>> No.6793170
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>> No.6793175

What convention was Midori at?

>> No.6793241
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>> No.6793328

Bless your heart anon, I hope one day you do.

>> No.6793341

Does anyone own this?

>> No.6793399

Anime Matsuri, wasn't it?

>> No.6793441
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If you're her friend, you'll not only get your dress on time but it will actually be decently made.

If not... well.

>> No.6793448

Yeah.... It sucks because I think she has some great designs and new ideas for lolita, but if the dress is shit and it's tooth and nail to get it, there's no point.

>> No.6793490

I own it in wine.

>> No.6793495

Yeah, this is my impression of IDD as well. I commissioned a dress from her last year. It took months and months of badgering her at every step of the process for it to be finished, and in all it took about five months for the dress to arrive. Some of the details I'd asked for weren't in the finished piece, and the fit wasn't flattering (wearable, but not great).

On the positive side, she was really great about finding materials to match and complement the main fabric I'd picked out, and her input about the dress's overall design was great. The construction was very good, and she lowered the price significantly to make up for how long the process took.

>> No.6793499

Would you mind me asking about the quality and feel of the dress? I want to buy it but I'd like to know a little more before dropping half a paycheck on it.

>> No.6793532

What % discount did you get and what pricerange was it in?

>> No.6793544

It is extremely nice. It's a heavier fabric (it is polyester, but hopefully you realize that polyester has just as much variety and quality as any other type of fabric, all of JetJ's and MMM dresses are 100% polyester). Not crinkly at all. The print is crisp and the color is true to photos. It's probably one of the nicest, most well made taobao items I own. And most of my wardrobe is taobao and indie brand. Fully lined, nicely sewn on the inside.

There is also a review on egl of it for better close ups of the print for you http://egl.livejournal.com/18964756.html

Also, did they restock after the second batch of reserves? I didn't know they had any stock left right now.

>> No.6793550

Thank you! This would be my first time getting something from Taobao so I don't know anything about... well, anything. They look to have a few items in stock from clicking around the color options, though.

>> No.6793609
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>> No.6794045
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>> No.6794441

Are you serious? Don't you see how crumpled and odd the bodice looks? That tacky lace neckline? Those uneven gathers? The print being way too close to the hem line? She didn't even both to steam the wrinkles out of the damn thing.

Tl;dr you need a new dream dress and better taste

>> No.6795012
File: 33 KB, 302x300, 1256668131580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dishonor me by disparaging my dream dress, anon!

>> No.6795428

I am loving this thread. So much inspiration. Thank you anons

>> No.6796556

(sorry this took so long, anon.)
She originally said the dress would cost something like $150-$170, if I remember correctly, and she lowered the price to $100.

>> No.6797315
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This is a little strange

>> No.6797319
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>> No.6797678
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>> No.6797673
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>> No.6797680
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>> No.6799523
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I know this isn't lolita, but I fucking love this, and would like for someone to make it into a lolita.

>> No.6799529
File: 32 KB, 257x276, 1278563103735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg that mosaic.

>> No.6799535

Shit I saw that and oh man the money I'd shell out for an OP

>> No.6799579
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>> No.6802123


>> No.6802213
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There are a scant few leftover ones from the second batch that are open for people to buy. I pretty frantically emailed TBS and paid them like 5 minutes after they got back to me since there were only 2 left in my size/color/style. Here's hoping it goes smoothly.

>mfw your blog post is what made me love the dress so much, but I didn't see it until after the reservation period had closed back in Jan/Feb

>> No.6802222
File: 152 KB, 534x890, 528221_10150349919279977_539964092_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not the same dress obviously, but overall the elements from the top of yours with the skirt of this one would lolify pretty well I'd think. When I get home from school I might do a little mock-up sketch for funsies.

>> No.6802332

I don't really get how taobao/lolita brand restocking works. So it's like reservation, then there might be some left over, then they might make a few more, then that's you?

>> No.6802451


It depends on the taobao brand.

Some stores like Dear Celine only produce a certain number of each items, put them up for sale, and when those sell out that's it.

Other brands like Krad Lanerete have a reservation period where people pay a deposit and pay the rest later so they can have a general idea of how many dresses to make to meet demand. In that case they will only make a few extra with the remaining cloth and those are sold to the general public. As a general rule though, if it is made via reservation the only way to be 100% certain you will get one is to participate in the reservation.

Either way, with a lot of the really popular Taobao brands like Kidsyoyo, Dear Celine, Krad Lanrete, Surfacespell, ect. once it is out of stock they don't restock unless it was popular enough to warrant a rerelease. And that is pretty infrequent. And some brands like Surface Spell Classic don't ever do rereleases.

>> No.6802468

Not really? I remember giving her some concrit about one of her ensembles on LJ and she seemed to take it just fine.

she did react badly to the negative review made on one of her dresses but i think since then she's removed he item from her catalogue and replaced it with a different item. she's really not that unreasonable and tends to react politely to feedback about her stuff, I think she just reacted badly to that one review, but jeeze, that doesn't make her crazy.

>> No.6803341


I don't see indie stuff around on the reselling sites either, hence why I jumped on grabbing one of the MC JSKs. I've pretty much been checking their page daily since I missed the reservation period.

>> No.6803359

Lel. 8/10

>> No.6803365

I paid for it, it never came.

>> No.6803387

>>6803359 was a reply for >>6792844
and >>6803365 was for >>6793341
Damn it, Ipad.

>> No.6803394

oh my gosh i'm so sorry.
can't you report it or something?

>> No.6803416

I don't know, it was like 4 months ago? I'm glad I only purchased the Mozarabic Chant, actually. I was about to pay for two other Krad Lanrete dresses.

>> No.6803441

I think it makes her a bitch for her to flip out about a very common and simple chemise design being recreated.

"It took me YEARS!! to learn how to design my chemise a la reve!"

Years and years--to shorten the bottom and put a ruffle on it.

And she only took down that dress after several negative reviews and complaints about her lack of customer service.

I've never seen her react favorably to people who give her feedback or criticism. And I don't mean criticism like "UR A BITCH!" but criticism like "I think her tutorials need some work, she doesn't explain her steps very well and someone would be unable to follow the tutorial as it stands now" or "Her stock photos are too over-photoshopped and it makes it difficult to judge their actual quality." As seen by the awful chemise "a la reve~" fiasco.

>> No.6803593

What SS did you use...?

>> No.6807204

Same here. Did you use Taobaospree?

>> No.6807414

Heads up, y'all. Clobba has a couple Mozarabic Chant JSKs left, from what they told me it was mostly larges though. I think they ordered extras or something? At any rate, I just bought one from them a couple of days ago.

>> No.6807419

I still haven't got mine either

>> No.6807448

I just e-mailed an inquiry

>> No.6807488

Ooh, that sucks. I ordered one of the leftover stock back in March and it arrived at the shopping service within a few days. I wonder why some are late/missing?

>> No.6807506

Wow holy crap. They left this many paying customers out dresses? I hope you guys spread the word around about their shit service, that's not ok.

Did you at least get your money back?

>> No.6807551

No, my service just said they were leaving custom orders till last. I just mailed them again but they won't be back for a few days.

>> No.6807556


I will fucking cry if my MC jsk does not come. I grabbed the leftover stock though, so maybe it's assured I'll get it. Hopefully.

>> No.6807651


How long does it usually take clobbaonline to respond to enquiries?

I just emailed them an enquiry about the Krad Lanrete jsks and for the sake of my nails I need to calm down and step away from the computer.

>> No.6807711


THIS! I never see the jsks I want from Surfacespell Classic or Elpress on the sales comm or facebook.

>> No.6809450

I just received an email from Nancy at TBS saying I'd get a refund.

>> No.6809510

Got my MC yesterday. Believe the hype. The JSK is the best thing I own. Don't like the way the skirt version looks on me though so I'll see if I can part-trade for another JSK in red or blue, but I don't fancy my chances so I'll probably end up selling it.

>> No.6810163

I got a reply from Clobba today
They still have the Krad Lanrete Mozarabic Chant Blue JSK in Large

As well as the Blue and Grey Long Mozarabic chant JSKs

The larges are much to big for me though, but if anyone else wants them - some are still available