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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6796378 No.6796378[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

facebook /Sugarnoor.fashionista

Do lolitas have Facebook pages for themselves now? What the hell's going on?

>> No.6796383

rabbit has a page its made of fail

facebook /AlexandriaWebQueenOfTheWildFrontier

>> No.6797471


Surely she's joking.

>> No.6797472

Report guys, report. It's against fb's rules!

>> No.6797507

>muslim lolita
>still exposing hands and face

gtfo slut.

>> No.6797519

that dress looks deflated as fuck....she needs a petticoat.

>> No.6797553

No, it is not.

>> No.6797617


>> No.6797621

But people have been doing lavender x black coords for ages.

>> No.6797624

Why does she always wear normal long sleeved shirts? There are so many fluffy lolita shirts out there. Also,
>tennis shoes and jeans

>> No.6797628

But she's not doing it right. It would look better if the dress was a darker purple, but it's not and she's retarded.

>> No.6797636

Gurl those aren't tennis shoes. Although I have no idea about those pants....Almost look like leggings

>> No.6797665

Ugh, why is she in England? If she wants to not assimilate into their culture and wear a hijab, then she should just go back home. Seriously England, you need to wake up and do something about this shit.

>> No.6797667

She's so modest.

>> No.6797743

I think this was from her recent trip to Norway, where she was working on a limited wardrobe as it had to be what she took with her. No, it's not her best co-ord, but I think it works.

I do know her, and I'm going to guess my defence of her is based on her personality - I don't have a bad word to say about her. I was a total beginner, and I really valued her guidance!

> yes I do sound like a fangirl white knight

>> No.6797767

Are you... serious?

>> No.6797769

post a "good" outfit of hers then.

>> No.6797773

I'm guessing she has to wear somewhat baggy pants because they're not allowed to wear anything skin tight.
Obviously this differs from person to person to person, but looks like that's one of her limitations.

Really I think she'd look loads better in those tea length classic dresses, and she could even get ones that already have long loose sleeves, solving the t-shirt problem, but she seems pretty set on AP.

>> No.6797818

Jesus christ she is disgusting to look at.

>> No.6797822

Why would you boast about being a "Tv extra"?

>> No.6797823

I see why they'd look like tennis shoes though, what with the awkward cutting-off-at-the-ankles thing she has going on with the almost-matching shoes and socks and the black legging-like pants.

>> No.6797827
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Shh, she's fine man.
Agreed that some tea-length dresses might be a help, though.

>> No.6797830


THIS! I've never understood why there are barely any muslim lolitas into classic. it just seems to be the most forgiving style for their limitations

>> No.6797938

Meh, I think she looks fine.

>> No.6797942


You two should form an ita backpat club.

>> No.6797961
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This girl is a qt

>> No.6797966

Looks like she got trapped in a clothes dryer and just escaped.

>> No.6798188

Just seems like she's creating a new branch of tudong fashion of her own. The more you hate the more e-attention she gets anyway

>> No.6798194

She gets attention for looking like a moron, not for being fashionable.

>> No.6798195

She needs to ditch the bow and the teddy bear. I don't care if it's sweet lolita, carrying a teddy bear around is pointless and weird. If it was a photo at her house or something, then I can get it, but outside it's a bit much.

>> No.6798214

Damn she looks pretty cute. I don't get why this always causes a stir here, she's doing it right. You guys just hate she gets more attention for being Muslim.

>> No.6798215

>doing it right
>mixing religion with lolita and rapping a silly towel around your head

Choose one.

>> No.6798217

she's cute but the bear makes it hard to see what she's wearing.

>> No.6798222

You're just a bigot. She looks pretty good in >>6797827, and my only issue with >>6796378 is the shoes. She makes the hijab work with sweet, but I would like to seem some classic coords from Muslims.

>> No.6798227
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>> No.6798245

I may just be clueless, but isn't lolita a little too flashy and ostentatious for Islam? I'd expect it to be shunned as being materialistic and upholding improper values or something.

>> No.6798246

>muslim tries lolita with one of those retarded looking towels around her head
>people laugh at her
>bleeding heart women rally to protect her

Every time.

>> No.6798249

Yes. Which is why it's so stupid. Mixing oil and water with a side of silly islam shit that we're supposed to take seriously for some reason.

>> No.6798262

And every fucking time she's posted, people call anyone defending her a tumblr sjw faggot or in your case, a bleeding heart. I am far from that. You're just hating on her because she gets more attention than you, it's not even the religion is it?

>> No.6798284


Different anon, but I don't think people are jealous. I mean, who the fuck would want to be a sand nigger?

>> No.6798293

This is a cute enough coord. The one in OP's pic is terrible, tho.

>> No.6798626

You do not seem to realize how retarded she looks. Marxist brainwashing, folks. Enjoy that Muslim dick up your ass.

>> No.6798628

My favorite is when they try to glue a bow to their heads. Sandnigger helicopter, HO!

>> No.6798629
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Dropped my picture.

>> No.6798636 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6798637
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>> No.6798661

Islam is such a shit religion, omg.

>> No.6798689


Why would I joke about this shit? Goodbye, English culture and people. You had a good run.

>> No.6798720

Lolita has a ton of (usually Catholic) motifs in it.

Islam is a lot harsher towards art though.

>> No.6798724 [DELETED] 

The woman who married the Boston Bomber with the hook nose was a white liberal woman.

What a whore she was. Women who marry muds need to die and their children need to be exposed to the elements.

>> No.6798770
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Really harshing on the vibe man, can't we just insult people's appearance based on the merit of their skill and not by the basis of where their ancestors chose to procreate?

>> No.6798774

> their children need to be exposed to the elements

You would subject innocent children to EROSION? MONSTER!!!

Hilarious trolling; keep it up.

>> No.6798776

>tfw Serb

Nuke Mecca bitch.

>> No.6798777

>chechen blood

libtards pls.

you don't know what chechens are like unless you're slavic.

>> No.6798778

Someone show this poor retard where /new/ is.

>> No.6798779

That's true, we call the Chechen race a "gypsy race".

Crazy how Americans have been attacking us for putting down these dogs and protecting ourselves and now they learn what they're like.

Well, you can support Muslims all you want, but they will always bite your hand in the end. It's in their nature.

>> No.6798780


You're just like that dumb bitch who married one of them, had his kid and worked to support his deadbeat ass for years. Get the fuck off of /cgl/ mudslime.

>> No.6798783
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>> No.6798790

Srebrenica cleansing, best day of my life.

>> No.6798829
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What /cgl/ taught me is that Eurofags never disappoint when it comes to racism. Keep it up guys, never stop entertaining me.

>> No.6798834

Do you like Mudslimes then?

Because I will personally bitchslap any white girl dating one.

>> No.6798835


It means infanticide. So basically just tossing it out.

That's what they should do with half black babies.

>> No.6798839

>English culture

Trust me, there'll still be plenty of opportunity to whine about the weather and call people bloody wankers with a bunch of people wearing hijabs in between it.

>> No.6798843

The whole de facto alliance between liberals and muslims is so bizarre and idiosyncratic, lol.

>"Hmm, which do I hate more. My own race or a middle ages religion.... Who should I stick up for...."

>> No.6798844

>white guy threatening to beat girls up because bawww girls dont want to date me they want to date someone who's still more respectful than me despite following a 'misogynistic religion'

>> No.6798848

Samefag as is trolling on the lolita confessions and the "would anyone cosplay her" thread?

Samefag, yes indeed.

>> No.6798850

Oh dear, /pol/ seems to have missed their board.

>> No.6798852

Nope, sorry, was linked here by /pol/. Don't care about your dress up games.

>> No.6798855

>still more respectful



>> No.6798858

Don't have to care to troll, mate.

>> No.6798859

Muslims are respectful to women? You'll have to tell every expat woman who has lived in Dubai or Qatar for an extended period that, I'm sure they'd find it hilarious.

>> No.6798862

I'm sorry dude, but Mohammed was just a simple warlord, he fooled you.

>> No.6798865

Still more respectful than a neckbeard faggot threatening to beat girls up for their partner of choice.

>> No.6798870

How is he more respectful? He beat the shit out of her too you dumb sandkip. He had two counts of DV against him.

Not even the guy you're replying to but you are either a sandkip or a seriously deluded tumblr SJ faggot.

>> No.6798871

so that's what this is. i thought this thread was a bit too racist for regular 4chan too.

i do think op's lolita coords are usually bad. the baggy shirts and pants with ugly shoes, deflated dresses and flattened head make for a pretty awkward figure.

that said, i really think it's just that girl that makes awkward coords. >>6797961 is pretty cute in my opinion, and the hijab works pretty well for her.

>> No.6798876

>individuals in a religion represent the entire group!! the united states can be summed up by the westboro baptist church!!

No, sorry, neither a Muslim or a Tumblr SJ faggot, just not a complete retard who thinks muslims are the spawn of the devil and need to be destroyed and shamed so evil.

Go back to your funeral protests, dear.

>> No.6798877

>individuals in a religion represent the entire group!!

True, there are countless developed Muslim Nations with stellar track records on women's rights.

Oh wait.

>> No.6798881

You mean just like every Asian country?

>> No.6798892 [DELETED] 

Why don't you just admit you're a sandkip?

Muslims make Qing China look feminist by contrast.

>> No.6798896

Because I'm not. Why are you still here, shouldn't you be playing the banjo or whatever they do in Hickville, Texas?

>> No.6798908

So it's ok to assume all redneck stereotypes about Americans from the South, but not sandkip ones about slimes?

There is no reason why a white girl would stick up for Islam this earnestly, you are quite obviously a sandkip and a butthurt one at that.

>> No.6798911


Whatever you want to say about Japan, it's light years ahead of the Arabian Gulf and the Maghreb for women, let alone Pakistan.

It's also much safer.

>> No.6798918
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Hey, I'm racist too. I'd be lying if I said I loved most black people, that Muslims don't rustle my jimmies, or I don't care who I date. I just don't have the passion you guys have. Keep up the good fight

>> No.6798922

You're right, I don't have any reason to stick up for the Islam in earnest, other than that there's loads of awesome people in the religion.

As for stereotypes, you're being a retard, I'm allowed to call you a redneck hillbilly baptist.

>> No.6798924


I've met shitty people in Islam too though. Loads of them in my country. I'm friends with some good people who happen to be Muslim, but they're so ignorant about their own religion that I have to educate them most of the time. The ones who are hardcore are almost just as bad. It's like Christianity - most of the time, they're talking out of their arses. Talk about learning about other people's cultures.

>> No.6798926

>other than that there's loads of awesome people in the religion.

top lel

such as?

>I'm allowed to call you a redneck hillbilly baptist.

Assuming that all racists are rednecks is just as bad as a racist assuming that all mudslimes are filthy, worthless, jobless, incorrigible, ugly, disgusting subhumans whose only apparent purpose in the world is to ruin it for the superior races that pity them enough to allow them to live. Also, ad hominem.

Not even American btw.

>> No.6798938


I'm not quite sure I understand you here, you go from talking about defending Muslims despite not being Muslim because there are so many awesome Muslims out there to berating "hillbilly baptists" in the next line.

Are you some kind of blatant-irony-troll?

Islam, for the record, is scripturally, historically, doctrinally and theologically the worst religion as it pertains to women.

I simply struggle to understand how one would willingly submit to or defend an ideology which says that her testimony is half as valuable as a man's, she is "inferior", her gender makes up the majority of Hell's citizens, she is a "tilth unto her husband", her husband can marry up to three different men and take as many sex slaves as he'd like, etc.

Or is it just edgy tumblr-esque "I'll defend it because it's associated with a non-white victim group" ideology talking?

>> No.6798941
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There's shitty people everywhere, blaming it on religion/country of origin just makes a person a first degree idiot.

Unless they're WBC's, then it's alright to set them on fire.

>> No.6798942
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>> No.6798944

The WBC is a scam, anyway. They make money by suing people for being offended by their antics and acting on it.

>> No.6798953

I don't know shit about the Muslim religion, I just know you have to be fucking moronic if you act like every Muslim is a etc subhuman.

The Christian religion is scripturally, historically, dictrinally and theologically terrible for the rights of women, too, or so I've heard from the whole 'Women shut your traps in Church', but that doesn't mean it's alright to harass Christians, either.

>> No.6798958

dude, any religion based on the old testament define women as dirty lying subhumans, that's in no way specific to muslims.

the fact that a lot of reasonable people following any of those religions choose to forget about what's written right there in the book doesn't make it any less there

>> No.6798962

Old Christian law says a woman can't speak in church because the devil will enter the church through her mouth.
And a woman who is not a virgin when married can be stoned to death.
Oh, and it totally justifies multiple wives alllll over the old testament.

>> No.6798966


The funny thing is Islam was more progressive in the middle ages than it is today.

>> No.6798969


Nothing more respectful to a woman than throwing acid in her face.

>> No.6798976

Throwing acid in people's faces isn't related to someone's religion or country of origin.

>> No.6798979

Everything changed when the Soviet Union attacked...

>> No.6799048

This. This so fucking much.

>> No.6799398

We don't put you down for it, we just think it's silly how you give us crap for being racist when you're no better yourselves.

>> No.6799415

Wow. Just wow. Are you from Europe? Is this what they teach you in school? Christianity is one of the few religions that has been able to cope with the modern world. Women in Christian nations have the largest amounts of freedom and rights in the world. Can you say the same about Islamic nations? You are only defending them because they are poor oppressed little brown people, just fucking stop talking when you know nothing about them other then WHITEY DID IT.
I'm not even Christian, but JESUS WOW.

>> No.6799423
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But it is.

>> No.6799433
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Yes, yes. You have no culture of worth, what could you possible be giving up? Good goyim, goooooood.