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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6793191 No.6793191 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have more "lolita and cosplayers in public" stories?

The last threads were great.

>> No.6793235

there always seem to be a force field around me when i'm outside in lolita. people ether come talk to me asking really awkward questions or keep their distance as if i was i a gigantic bubble.

>> No.6793248

i dont have to even be wearing Lolita to get shunned/getting weird looks. If im looking at it through tumblr or online ill still get that.

idk whats so weird about it.

or better yet, "why are you so obsessed with asians"
-is looking at a white girl in lolita-

>> No.6793252

I get the same. Especially when it comes to attention, people seem to assume that because I'm dressed abnormally, it's totally cool to stare at me blatantly, and I've seen people taking photos of me without permission, at a distance, and one woman from her car once.

I'm not whining, it's not unexpected when you wear alternative fashion, but it still feels a little dehumanising nonetheless.

>> No.6793260 [DELETED] 
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Fap thread #3

>> No.6793276

I actually went to Tokyo in April, and decided to wear lolita when I went to visit harajuku. Wasn't really sure what to expect, esp since I had a friend go a couple months before and report back to me that she hadn't seen a single lolita walking around.
I went to Meiji Shrine first in the morning, which was where I actually had the most interaction concerning my outfit - a LOT of european tourists doing double takes/staring/pointing/taking pictures without asking. A few were brave enough to come up and ask about what I was wearing/ask for a picture.
In Harajuku itself, I was pretty much not given a second glance. It was pretty hard to navigate through the streets with a huge petti though, oh god. The Closet Child staff were kinda rude and uninterested, but I had a blast in the AP store within LaForet since the shop girls were really sweet (probably because I was head to toe AP). Met a couple other foreign lolitas and a few local ones and we talked in passing about views on the fashion, which was super fun and informative.
TLDR; I wore Lolita in Tokyo, had my picture taken a bunch by other tourists, had lots of fun.

>> No.6793280

I know it isn't the same, butI went to some town recently wearing my Travis Touchdown cosplay. I got a few stares and looks but it made me feel more empowered. Some people actually walked past then walked back, I think they knew the character.

>> No.6793283

I can deal with pretty much anything in lolita besides two things;
1) Photos without permission
2) Situations in which my clothes may get damaged.

I do not mind people asking me for photos or people taking photos without asking at cons and stuff, but in public, it's totally different. I used to not give a shit, but then some girls posted photos they'd taken of me on Facebook and were saying really awful things. I don't even know what the fuck people do with those photos. On the way to a con recently, some woman took a photo of me on the train. She was clearly trying to be sneaky, but then her phone made the shutter sound and she just sat there looking really smug. If people ask me, then I will always say yes. I'll even stop and pose and smile for them. I don't know what the motivation behind not asking is.

>> No.6793303

I actually really, really love dressing up in public.

I wore my Pentakill Sona cosplay to a LAN center in my area one time. Rode the bus there, and walked a couple blocks, holding my etwahl properly and everything.

A bunch of people stared at me, a few cars honked in passing, some people shouted "SONAAAAA" or "PLAY ME THE SONG OF YOUR PEOPLE."

The LAN center has gotten used to it. I came into there in a sailor costume once.. And some weird fashion choices. The only time I really got bothered was when I was in Sona, because people were asking for pics.

It was pretty much ridiculously enjoyable.

>> No.6793312

The photo thing bothers me, too. Some lady was trying to take pictures of me and when I got up from the bench I was sitting on she yelled "DON'T MOVE." As if I were just dressed up for her amateur photography.

>> No.6793320

The people that shout out shit like 'oh look it's Dorothy' and 'where are your sheep' etc and think they are so funny and original

>> No.6793323

I feel more confident wearing lolita than 'normal' clothes because I feel like myself, I don't care if people are staring at me in lolita but out of it I feel horribly self concious.

>> No.6793325

>where are your sheep?
>every time
Bought a bonnet a few weeks ago, gotten so much worse.

>> No.6793340 [DELETED] 

>You think you're being original calling me Dorothy? FAH! I'll have you know EVERYONE calls me that!

>> No.6793494


Keep a sheet of paper or poster board or something with a bunch of tally marks drawn on it with you. When someone says something like that, take the paper out and add another tally mark.

>> No.6793502

Anytime someone calls me Dorothy, I'm really tempted to act terrified/paranoid, ask how the fuck they know my name, and threaten to call the police. But then I get over the temptation and keep walking.

Best time ever was when a guy stopped us in a restaurant and asked why we were all dressed up. Everyone in the group was laughing/talking behind me, but I just turned to him, became really sober/serious: "We just came from a funeral service actually. A dear friend of ours passed away due to complications brought on by being way, way too cute."

His face was horrified until I got to the end of the spiel. Then he just laughed and said "I wanna party with YOU girls!"

>> No.6793505

I saw a lolita and her friend crossing Yonge & Dundas square today (Torontofag here).

... It was meh.

>> No.6793515
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I wore lolita to the mall once.
It was just a black bodyline skirt, a plain black long-sleeved shirt, a black shawl with little roses embroidered on it, black stockings, black shoes, and a black purse. EVERYTHING WAS BLACK EXCEPT FOR MY WIG, which was a light brown.
Most of the reactions I got were really nice ones, people saying "Oooh, pretty!" Heck, I even met another lolita in the Sanrio store (she cute as fuck, too.) We exchanged numbers and stuff. Shit was so kawaii.
The only bad reaction I got was from some girls that were passing me by. I heard "Cheese, bitch." I guess they took a photo of me or something? That's cool, haha. Not like anyone would recognize me anyways. I'm not famous. I'm just confused about the "bitch" part. Like, why you gotta be so rude? I'm not a bitch. Do you not see me helping a little old lady walk through the mall (which I was doing, btw). Tha fuck did I do?

Pic related.

>> No.6793524

>pic related
Mfw I hear bitches whispering about my lolita.

>> No.6793530


>> No.6793537
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>MFW another time these hoes wearing uggs and sweatpants started staring and giggling at me in the restroom

>> No.6793542

You are an inspiration to us all.
If anyone ever does this to me, I'm going to do what you did.

>> No.6793555

I just point to them on my dress.
Sheep Garden, fuck yea.

>> No.6793574

So what's the point of people taking pictures of lolitas without their permission? What do they plan to do with it? Do they upload the picture and laugh about it? I have never seen anyone do that, it's such an asshole move.

>> No.6793583


This, exactly. I'm earlier anon who had people post my photo on FB to laugh at me.

I don't understand why actual adults do it, though. Like I can see scummy teenage girls doing it because they're fucking bitches, but middle aged women?

>> No.6793585

For some reason, the thing I get most often is "What country are you from?"
I'm from MURRICA, bitches. But I guess I understand because I'm a weird mixture of (mostly) Russian and Korean, so I guess I don't look white enough to be ... "normal"??

>> No.6793589

how do you think lolitas end up on "the people of wallmart" I've had some girls tell me in a snarky tone that I was "SO ending up ALL over facebook *teehee*" as well.

>> No.6793587

Are you familiar with People of WalMart? There are a few lolitas (and itas) who have been posted there. Similar sites exist elsewhere for other venues/cities/etc. So yeah. They upload the picture to laugh about it with a bunch of other people with equally dire taste in uggs and leggings as pants.

>> No.6793595


They must feel some sort of life accomplishment if they are so smug about it. That's very depressing.

>> No.6793601

Can you imagine the status update/caption that would go along with the photo? I just picture all of them having a whiny indignant tone about these FREAKS who totally deserve to be destroyed (for wearing weird clothing and going about their business quietly otherwise).

>> No.6793602
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Some people just don't grow the fuck up.

I wish I could be your bodyguard, I would immediately run up to the people who take pictures and confiscate them, then throw the phone to the ground.

>> No.6793604

It's more effective to giggle right back and start snapping photos of them in return. Extra effective if you have a HUGE fucking DSLR to do it with.

>> No.6793611

I think we should all turn around and take pictures of them and say the same things they did in a really mocking tone.

>> No.6793606


People actually visit that site? I have only seen a few pictures here and there. Those people have nothing better to do in their lives.

>> No.6793613

>walking to con dressed as Celty
>some lady was laughing with her friends trying to sneak pics of me
>stop right there and pose
>they look really confused and embarrassed
>tell them its fine to take pictures, just be polite and ask next time

lol I really want to do this

>> No.6793615


Yeah, it's pretty sad.


Yeah, it was essentially shit along those lines and tons of people laughing and generally saying awful things.


Haha, one of my friends is kind of like that. He is so protective of me in lolita.


I do this! I wish I had a giant camera to do it with, alas I just have my phone. It does have a fuckhuge Korilakkuma case, though.

>> No.6793623

Oh I do! I think that those pictures should end up in these threads honestly. with each different picture there would be a different story

>> No.6793638
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I take out a little camera and fuckin snap them right back. Legal for me to do that too.

>> No.6793684

I went through a fast food drive-thru before a con. A few of my friends and I were all dressed up already. The girls working the drive-thru were all talking when we rolled up, saying positive things like 'omg is that her real hair, that is SO CUTE.' But then later we all walked across the street for lunch away from the con and the restaurant workers were just staring and scowling. It's really weird how some people will enjoy it and others act like it's shameful.

>> No.6793699

Gurl, do it~

Actually, I'm curious to see what these fuckers look like. The ones who do it to me are usually a bunch of fat, nappy headed hoes and basic ugg wearing bitches.

>> No.6793728

How did you find out about the fb post?

>> No.6793762
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I wear Fairy Kei/Pop Kei out all the time and this is what I usually get.
Older people stare at me strangely all the time, little kids love me and say I look like a doll and a couple asked if my hair was edible, teens take pictures with me, people ask me every day if my hair is a wig or if it's dyed, I usually get a lot of compliments from nice people when I go out, people ask where I get my clothes or if I'm dressed for something special, places I'm a repeat visitor at like my hair salon and small stores are always really happy to see me, and sometimes people ask for my phone number but I'd never give that out!
I've yet to see another Fairy Kei girl or even a lolita yet, though. I guess it isn't exactly the most common thing to see in New Jersey so I might never see one. I'm just happy people are so accepting and nice to me for the most part when I go out! I really hope everyone here has as good a time as me going out and wearing what they want.
Pic just for fun

>> No.6793775

Not lolita, but still j-fashion.

>it's my birthday so i go to the museum with my bf wearing otome
>pale yellow knee length skirt with a retro car print in lavender and red, plain lavender vest-type top, minty blue cardigan, minty blue flats, minty blue aliceband, red bag and pale yellow ankle socks
>no clashing prints or screaming bright colours, simple hair and make-up, pretty casual outfit
>gets stares literally all day
>at the museum, people staring
>two teenage girls push me away from an interactive display i was playing with
>go to lunch, get stared at by both patrons and workers
>go to the pub, get stared at
>bar tender deliberately ignores me and my bf ends up having to order my drink for me
>walk back to the bus stop to go home, get stared at the whole way
>people literally stopping in the street to stare, one kid actually points me out to his parents
>wtf is going on!!!

I have no idea what was going on that day. I live in a big city that's mostly tourists, students and rich people so it's pretty laid back. I've worn otome before with only a few odd looks, but that day people were staring at me like I had grown two heads!

>> No.6793789

post pic of your outfit? We can try to figure it out.

>> No.6793797

If there's a site where people make fun of street lolitas, why not have a site where people can make fun of those who mock lolitas? Just take a picture when they try to sneak one on you. I don't imagine those kind of people look any better.

>> No.6793802

I agree with >>6793789
can we see the outfit?

>> No.6793804

I wish I could contribute to taking pictures of people taking pictures! But I think people just assume I'm a fancy goth when I go out, so it's never happened.

>> No.6793806

I went to a mall meetup dressed in toned-down gothic (I was the only one) and I got one of these:

>Dang you look evil!

So... mission accomplished, I guess?

>> No.6793811

>TFW the only gothic at a meet

I don't mind it, but I know that when people say, "Oh, look at the princesses!" it's directed at literally everyone except for me.

>> No.6793827


Friends told me about it.

>> No.6793840
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>wearing lolita (nothing ott) just a simple mint skirt with white tights and rhs and a blouse and a biscuit shaped purse. curled hair and some accessories
>live in kentucky, even deep south redneck country
>walking to a friend's house, minding my own business
>hear "trrick orrr treeeeat!!!!" in two shirll little voices
>turn around and its two ugly obese children, one boy and one girl, 8-9yrs old
>look in the yard they came from to see their parents
>both were walmart obese, sitting in lawn chairs, drinking beer, grease stains on their shirts and laughing/snorting like the pigs they were
>realize they sent their children over to try and humiliate me for whatever reason
>tell the kids "go away, you little loinrats"
i was so mad i didn't wear lolita for a while after that. luckily, those people moved and i was able to walk down the street to my friend's again. it still makes me angry that grown ass adults would use their children to make fun of others.

>> No.6793845

Oh god, I know those feels!

>> No.6793856
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This is the bag I use for everyday carrying, and for some reason, no matter how elaborate and poofy my outfit is, people seem to overlook it because they like my bag. People of all creed, colour, age, or monetary status. I could head-to-toe decked out, big hair, bustle skirt, and I only ever get friendly compliments about this backpack.

>> No.6793857
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I'm afraid I don't own a camera, but here is a picture of the skirt (it is a common skirt from a popular store so it was easy to find pics). Everything else was very plain so you might imagine it?

>> No.6793888
File: 109 KB, 720x960, on the swing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend sent me a text once that I should get a cosplay on and meet them for a photo shoot. So I threw the Hunter on and touched on some grey make up and drove out to meet them. She was in her Loki cosplay. it was casual stuff with her hair slicked back, but she looked pretty decent.

Turns out, our photo shoot location was a playground. And there were several families already there. I'm sure we were the reason half of them left early. the ones who stayed gave us plenty of space.

>> No.6793891
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Oh my god I am losing my shit over those socks.

Anyway, I don't have any really good stories. One time I went to my local grocery and b-lined to my favorite cashier, we talked about nails and hair and shit to a great extent even though she was an older middle aged woman and I am a super nerdy 20-something, she saw my outfit and told me I looked like a super gothy bo-peep. I gave her a sad look and she turned pink and wouldn't look at me for the rest of my transaction, I think she felt bad for making me feel bad, and I felt bad for reacting badly because she generally liked my weird outfits and I think she was actually trying to complement me.

Oh, and then there was the super awkward time I had to buy balloons in my Pinkie Pie cosplay. I walked into a dollar store and every single person at the check stands and in line turned to stare at me, one lady even had her mouth open, Body Snatchers style. No one said a thing or even turned back to their purchases, so I just sort of squared my shoulders, grinned as wide as I could, looked a cashier right in the eyes and asked him in my best pinkie voice for twenty plain yellow and blue balloons please! Everyone was silent, and it took the guy a full three seconds to tell me that had run out of balloons that morning. I thanked him and retreated back to my car where I hyperventilated in a bag for a while because I have some social anxiety problems and holy fuck that was crazy. I mean, sure I was dressed crazy and expected some stares, but this was the same place where I have seen actual clowns come in for balloons!

>> No.6793935

In the words of TankGirl, Brush yo teeth!

>> No.6793958

and as you're taking it out look at them and say "number fourty-three" or something.

>> No.6794343

Thanks for making another one, Anon! I love lolita in public threads.

I went to college in loli the whole week. Tuesday evening I was ready with my classes and got to go home. I was walking home, I saw a policecar suddenly stop with much haste. I started to worry something might've happened in my neighborhood. I just kept walking, I was almost at home! I saw one policeman rolling down his window and kept staring. I prepared for the worst when I had to walk by.

>Excuse me, little girl, are you a ballerina?
W-wha-- No sir!
>Then might I ask what you are?
I'mmmm.. Myself!
>That's a lovely awnser, thank you.
Thank you sir.
>Have a good evening!
Have a nice day!

I loved this situation so much!
The day was really nice, people kept calling me cute/adorable. I even overheard people from a distance saying that stuff.

>> No.6794374

>Don't want to wear lolita at new job
>Still want to make use of some of my loli basics like blouses and shoes
>Wear btssb shoes with smart outfit
>Random co-worker turns and says to me that my shoes remind her of lolita fashion
>Another day wearing a black frilly blouse and A-line skirt
>Random middle-aged customer tells me how his daughter would love my style cause she is so into lolita right now
>Roll on another day and another co-worker asks me if I'm into japanese street fashions and asks me if I read Fruits mags
>Conclude that random people around me know way more about the fashion that I thought

>> No.6794379

God, she looks so sad and lonely!

I never would dare to wear Lolita in public! Suicide!

>> No.6794384

Same! Shamefur dispray!

>> No.6794386

Where do you live??

>> No.6794399

how do you actually deal with people secretly taking pictures of you when you don't want them to? i NEVER post any photos of myself online, and I don't want to become e-famous on another spectrum of the internet for the wrong reasons.

>> No.6794408

When I see people wearing pretty outfits I sometimes take photos of them, but I don't usually ask for permission because I'm afraid that they don't speak english (there's a lot of tourists here)
I take them sneakily tho, as it's already an uncomfortable situation as it is and I use my cellphone, I don't do it out of spite, I'm just really interested in the outfit but I get too embarrassed to talk to people.
I don't post the photos online, so I eventually forget about them but I just really like taking pictures.

>> No.6794409

you can either be direct (which i never have the guts to do) or just cover your face and kind of make it obvious that you don't like your photo being taken. i'd like to think that when they review the pic or show it to someone, they will be seen as creepy. this may not be the case but thinking about it this way makes me feel better. also, that way if you cover your face you won't be identified.

>> No.6794454

I take out my cell and photograph them. Usually, they feel uncomfortable and realize I must be uncomfortable, too, and they stop, sometimes apologize. For those less socially fortunate, you need a bigger hint, like a folding fan with a giant middle finger printed on it that you can keep in your purse and pull out to conceal your face.

Also, turning to a group of others helps sometimes, if they seem like nice people. A family doing holiday shopping once turned around and glared at a sneaky photog when it was clear I had moved closer to them to get away from that man.

>> No.6794470

where do you work?
That is so awesome.

>> No.6794485

>a folding fan with a giant middle finger printed on it that you can keep in your purse and pull out to conceal your face.
Where can I get this

>> No.6794512
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I once dated a girl that wore lolita in public, walking through the shopping center she was approached by a few little girls that asked if she was a princess, plus you could hear people in the crowds talking about her. Made me feel like a celebrity.

God I hope she gets cancer.

>> No.6794533

If your afraid of what strangers think, you should just stick to being normal.

>> No.6794576

I usually wear himekaji to school and work. No wigs or anything for me, just extensions. To be honest, I've never had any awful experiences. I get loads of stares but never noticed my picture being taken or anything of that sort.

I've been working at my job for a bit over two years so the majority of customers know me and always ask where I shop and complement my outfits. It's come to the point that I work more than my co-workers sometimes since some customers always come to my register since I'm their "favorite". Little girls are the best though. They either make a b-line to me to ask if I'm a fairy or a princess or they just glare at me. Bitch, don't be jelly 'cause I be stylin'.

The best experience I've ever had was one day I got out of work early on a beautiful day so I was super happy. When I walked out I was these two teenage girls dressed in ghetto like clothing. Those are the type of people that make fun of me the most so I immediately put my head down and walked past as fast as I could so they wouldn't notice me. I heard one of them gasp really loudly and almost yell, "She looks like a princess!" She honestly changed my view on judging girls like her.

>> No.6794593
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I mean, I'd rather go up to them and say what they did was rude, but that's fucking brilliant.

>> No.6794659

>wear lolita for attention
>complain that people stare or take photos

womyn logic

>> No.6794665

Why would anyone talk smack? It's so tame compared to Lolita.
billion times cuter to, in my opinion.
And Lolita is pretty damn cute.
>tfw no Himekaji gf.
Being Texas is suffering ;_;

>> No.6794671

>fucking up spoiler tags
My word. 2010 called. They want their newfag back.
in my defense, I'm on mobile

>> No.6794677
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>> No.6794681

How do you guys react when little girls call you "a princess"? I'm curious.

>> No.6794692

I'm white but stay in the sun.
I get asked that question simply becauseI have black hair and my parentsnmed me something stupid.

>> No.6794693

Your teeth are nasty. Is that duct tape?

>> No.6794696

how would you like it if people took pictures of you without asking?

>> No.6794694

Even though I live in NYC, people tend to be close minded to different fashion styles. What annoys me the most is when people in hoodies and uggs make fun of me. Dude, you look like you just crawled out of bed. Excuse me for actually putting effort into my appearance. But like I said, I've yet to have any terrible experiences.

Happiness. Nothing but happiness.

>> No.6794698

Not him but
Yes they are
And yes it is.

>> No.6794701

One time I went shopping with my mom and I was wearing a pretty normal outfit-sweater, knee high socks, shorts and flats. The only thing weird was I was wearing a curly blonde wig, because my hair was messy and I didn't feel like styling it. I got stalked throughout the store by two younger teenage girls in sweatpants and fleece jackets, then continued to get stared at them throughout the store. Their two little brothers laughed and pointed at me, and their little sister came up and stared at me without saying a word. I didn't care, but my mom was furious and she wanted to confront them and say something along the lines of "she's wearing that wig because she has cancer" to make their mothers feel embarrassed.

>> No.6794700
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>wear lolita because you like it
>complain that people around you cant be mature fucking adults when someone wears something other than jeans + band tee
fixed it for you, now please.

>> No.6794717


It's because it's weird to wear that kind of stuff casually.

>> No.6794729
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staring, second glances, i get, it's a natural reaction.
however there's no reason to point, laugh, bully, take photos secretly and then post them online, other than you are just an asshole.
you don't have to like it but it doesn't give you the right to harass, insult, or assult.

>> No.6794735

Wait a second.

>> No.6794742


Nobody does that.

>> No.6794748
File: 1004 KB, 500x367, tumblr_mi766w2GHA1s2ugo7o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody does that
did you not read the thread, at all? fuck off.

>> No.6794761

Even better, carry around a bottle of vodka and take a swig every time you get a Bo Peep remark.

>> No.6794767

The only thing I would even remotely consider wearing in public casually to go shopping/attend church/what have you is a classic coord, I think it's generally a little more lowkey than wearing a OOT sweet coord

Like when I go to cons or meets I wouldn't mind wearing sweet

>> No.6794774
File: 30 KB, 580x435, 7u5g42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First thing I thought of when I saw your post.

>> No.6794786
File: 66 KB, 452x700, Fahr in Public.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminded me of this.

>> No.6794793

...is this a shoop?

>> No.6794798

I'm not a lolita but I care a lot about fashion and dress up most days because it helps me get out of bed in the morning. What I've never understood is how people think it's okay to act like this, like were they not raised properly by their parents? I'd never even dream of shouting or even thinking the things I've had thrown at me across the years. I've never really got the point of it I guess.I wish I had a sassy comeback for the comments but all I ever do is ignore them and go home and cry.

>> No.6794800


>> No.6794814 [DELETED] 

can i have views please ?


>> No.6794820

how tall is she? She look 6'0,

>> No.6794838

Lolita here. I always wear lolita in public and no one ever bothers me, I only get compliments like, you look so cute or I like your style. Even so, I'm very witty and if someone had something mean to say to me I'd have a quick reaction for them.

>> No.6794870

sad reality

>> No.6794873


>> No.6794877

>walking through mall for con
>in a sailor scout costume
>woman walking towards me sneers and stares at me
>too busy being judgmental, not busy enough looking where she was going and whales into giant potted mall plant
>entire group of cosplayers i was walking with laughs at her


>> No.6794937
File: 36 KB, 500x275, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that you used whale as a verb had soda coming out of my nose. Bless you. That story was very satisfying.

>> No.6794939

It's posed.

>> No.6794978
File: 63 KB, 250x314, tumblr_mkquu3RoR01qc91k6o2_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be at work
>coworker is walking around in half assed lolita to "test the acceptance waters"
>everyone laughs at her.
>She goes home early to probably cry into her ruffles and creepy pedo-hobby.
>no fucks given

>> No.6795121

That is the most awesome story I've heard in a while.

>> No.6795132

heared it happend that way!

>> No.6795138

At Dragon*con last year, we were dressed as characters from the Take on Me music video and walking back to our hotel pretty late at night. All the sudden this guy stops on the road and gets out screaming "OH SHIIIIT! OH MY GAHD Y'ALL. Y'ALL LEMME GET YO PICTURE!"
We were more than happy to oblige and this guy was just absolutely fucking delighted by us. He got back in grinning and screaming about how awesome we were and drove off.
It was just a really great way to end the night.

>> No.6795143

Aha's Take On Me?

>> No.6795148


>> No.6795173

i was wearing generic creepycute and this guy started taking pictures of me. i was in the grocery store, and he was holding a loaf of bread and pretending to look at it while obviously looking at his phone and taking a picture.

so we (me and bf) stalked him all the way out to his car and made him feel extra uncomfortable.

however a nice shy girl was staring at me in the store too and she ran up when her mom was looking at some other things and said I LOVE YOUR EARRINGS in a hushed voice and then she ran off. dawww

>> No.6795191

Lol shitjob.
Glad there's no dresscode on my end

>> No.6795315

My favourite moment is when a teenage couple/ned/chavs/scum/young parents, were laughing at me while pushing their baby in a pram, right into a wall, like full pelt, just smacked into it!
Wow, I must certainly be something if I'm worth trying to kill your baby for.....

>> No.6795346

If I ever saw another fairy-kei girl I think I would die of joy.

>> No.6795354

one time out at the mall, and this asian otaku dude I recognized from college said he liked the "kawaii uguu" style I was wearing, but then directly afterwards said so mething across the lines of "but you have a too much of an unfortunate face for it..."

I was about to speak up, but then, some well dressed gay guy ran up to us and interuppted our conversation saying he HAD to talk to me before he left the mall, said I looked absolutely "GORGEOUS" and loved my lolita style. he mentioned he was a photographer for a modeling agency and they were accepting new models, and would love to see how I'd do. he gave me his card, and walked off.

that was absolutely amazing and perfectly timed. Every time someone calls me ugly when I wear lolita, I just think back to that moment.

>> No.6795360

Cry tears of joy. Sometimes this tends to make the situation uncomfortable, but I find it difficult to respond any other way.

>> No.6795362

I don't remember what you look like so I can't say

Maybe you should just be more careful with the wigs and make up you chose?

>> No.6795366

oh, I actually started collecting those 10 cent princess crowns from dollar stores, and party stores.
when a little girl calls me a princess, I just respond:
"every girl is a princess" and reach into my bag and give them a little crown. they all seem so happy. Its my way of giving back, I suppose.
I wish I got pictures of it happening but that would just seem creepy asking for pictures of someone's kid who isn't even dressed up.

>> No.6795367

Omg this made me smile, your mom is awesome.

>> No.6795369

At a meet a little boy said "thank you to all the princesses here today" daaaaaaw.

>> No.6795372

lol now I want to find out who was out on the town today in Toronto.

>> No.6795377

I've learn that straight cut bangs tend to make my jaw look masculine. and with my height of six feet its not really helping me any.

I've gotten better now, just learned to part the bangs over to one side.

for all those other lolitas that get mistaken for men because they have longer faces I suggest doing the same.

>> No.6795380
File: 783 KB, 300x168, cuddle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit that's kawaii as fuck.

>> No.6795381

For me straight bangs make me look less masculine. I had such negative feelings about my appearance and felt much better about myself when I got bangs.

>> No.6795387

I don't think height is really an issue so long as you're slim and wearing nice things that fit (though I'm a bit biased since I'm 5'8)

Just gotta be careful with the cuts and make up if you don't have super feminine features in the face. Especially if you're not asian, 'kawaii' make up can look awful. I think a lot of Loli's need to tone it back a notch with the cake make up, it makes them look frightening or googly eyed

>> No.6795394


>> No.6795398

Oh my goodness, I'm going to start doing this so hard.

>> No.6795402

do it. even if a kid just compliments you hand out those crowns. it gives them a story to tell and plus, every time they bump into you after that they are likely to wave or something.

>> No.6795424

I think if you have sidelocks ala a hime cut it can really take the edge off your jawline, and you get to still have straight bangs. Me, I have a high, square forehead and I think swept bangs look worse because the parting draws attention to my hairline.

>> No.6795433

well, it differs by person I suppose. Its good to find what works right on you.

>> No.6795437

hime cuts are awful irl

I haven't seen anyone who looks all that good with one. They always look better with something else. It's like how the 'v' bang doesn't translate very well outside of anime

>> No.6795451

Today I wore my VW winged rhs, with a beige dress, red tights and a lace cardigan, to the dentist, and the assistant lady got all the other female workers to come in and check out my outfit and asked me where I got everything.

Also while at the mall afterwards, a guy dressed in really hipster/ghetto style clothes stared at me for a bit before his girlfriend pulled him along. I heard him say 'Wow, I really like her outfit!'

made my day.

>> No.6795458

>tfw when I'll never find a pair in pink that are a size 9.5/10

>> No.6795468

Ugh. Same. I'm a 5'8, muscular black girl, and raging at most of these stories.
Though on the other hand I do applaude the "take the high road" but...ugh. so conflicting.
Ladies stay fabulous.

>> No.6795548

They make replicas on Taobao up to size 40. I think that should fit a 9.5. And they stretch out with wear.

>> No.6795571


Is there a way I could get a pair of those without having to go through all the scary, confusing ordeal of trying to use Taobao? How much should they run for, with and without shipping?

I-I'm terrified I'll screw something up and lose a ton of money or get something ill fitting or broken...

>> No.6795573

Link? I literally have scoured and have not found any beyond a size 38

I think I found one once, but it looked sketchy

>> No.6795584

Height does matter. Wear as flat as shoes as possible and try things that make you look more feminine. Though, at 6 feet you're way too tall for Lolita anyway, and even 5'8" is really pushing it. It's the same for fatties. Short/average and petite/healthy or gtfo.

>> No.6795637

>too tall for lolita

ever hear of adjustable straps, underskirts or custom sizing, cunt?

>> No.6795684


Shut up, giantess.

>> No.6795688

Your ego is the only "giantess" here.

Get bent.

>> No.6795694


Shut up, Bart Simpson.

>> No.6795698
File: 158 KB, 1200x1800, midget-mac---photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got long legs and a thigh gap. keep dreaming, stubby.

>> No.6795703

I was at a really small boring local convention in Lolita (wonder party) and it got really boring. So some friends and I who were in cosplay (homestuckers and a cat character, forget which one) went over to a local mall. There had been a lot of con people over there during the weekend, so the people working in the shops weren't totally surprised. There was also a lawn and garden show going on, so booths everywhere. There were these Avon ladies that loved us and took pictures with us holding their products. They were so sweet.

Then people pulling out there cameras to take pictures trying to be all sly. I pulled out mine and pretended to snap back, that stopped them.

A girl in Hot Topic was like "OMG WHAT ARE YOU COSPLAYING!?" I gave her the usual spiel about it being a japanese fashion and not really a cosplay. Then she was like "OH! I TOTALLY HAVE A LOLITA DRESS! I SHOULD KNOW. HEHEHEE." Um... okie.

Most other encounters have been positive, but there's the usual stares. I went out in classic the other day and got compliments on my "vintage" outfit in the thrift store from the cashier as I bought some old lady blouses.

You should've come to my dollar store. I would've totally taken time out of my day to draw Pinkie Pie on your balloons with a sharpie, and offer you some microwave cake in a cup.

>> No.6795732

>A girl in Hot Topic was like "OMG WHAT ARE YOU COSPLAYING!?" I gave her the usual spiel about it being a japanese fashion and not really a cosplay. Then she was like "OH! I TOTALLY HAVE A LOLITA DRESS! I SHOULD KNOW. HEHEHEE." Um... okie.

I'll never understand why some Lolitas get so uppity when people show harmless enthusiasm. At least she didn't try to touch/grab your skirt or something.

>> No.6795735


Lel, you don't need to be tall to have a thigh gap. I'm 4'11" and I've got a thigh gap.

>> No.6795737

No, I didn't get uppity. I've just explained myself a zillion times to people, so I'm used to doing so in a polite and informative manner. But images of hot topic dresses danced in my head once she mentioned she had a lolita dress, and I just politely smiled and nodded at that point. "Oh okay!" But sort of left it at that.

>> No.6795742

One of the things I hate most are when dumbass weeaboos try to act knowledgeable about lolita when they don't know anything. I hate hearing the mutter away to their friends as though they're an authority on the fashion when everything they're saying is wrong or trying to educate me on the fashion I'm wearing. Ugh.

>> No.6795757

Politely engage them and share your wisdom.

>> No.6795758

Pretty sure no one gives a fuck that you can't reach the top of the fridge and that's how you set your standard on who should wear what.
Lwt's juat ban non asain people from cosplaying to perserve its glory.

>> No.6795789

Oh my god you glorious bastard. Where are pics of this?!

>> No.6795810

still got stubs.
congrats on looking awkward as fuck in longer pieces though and not being able to reach the top shelves in store, you have that, and being a total cunt to be proud of.

>> No.6795817
File: 208 KB, 640x461, Aha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hmm...I don't recall too many interesting things happenings except for when some friends and I went to the mall and we were greeted by girls dressed in Disney princess costumes (the kind you'd find in a toy section) because they thought that we were princesses. They were going to go to Disney on Ice later that night and we made their day extra special.

So far, people are just curious or have positive reactions when I wear lolita. The most common thing asked is if there's something special going on or ask why we're dressed up. I've never caught anyone trying to sneak a photo of me. I think that outside of a con, I've only been asked once (I think the guy was like, "Dude, they're dressed like anime girls!' -lel).


>> No.6795844


I'm not even the anon who was arguing with her, lol. I was just pointing out that you don't have to be tall to have a thigh gap. Don't jump to conclusions.

>> No.6795852

And everyone else was just trying to point out that you don't have to be short to be a lolita. Nia never said anything about having to be tall to have a thigh gap. She just said she was tall AND she had a thigh gap.

Think your comment over before you post.

>> No.6795857

Her tumblr says she's 5’7”.

>> No.6795855

Same! I would hardly even know what to say to her because I was just so happy seeing another one out and about.

>> No.6795858

speaking of jumping to conclusions you assumed I meant only tall girls could have thigh gaps.

no gurl, that post was about long glorious LEGS, with the thigh gap as the sugar on top.

so all in all, your whitenight was kind of pointless.

>> No.6795863
File: 2.84 MB, 250x255, 1366141879630.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On warm days i go outside in my Rey Mysterio outfit. People always are nice to me when i do so, and i get stopped for pictures a lot.
Also, sometimes people think i am the real Rey.

>> No.6795865


I'm not even fucking whiteknighting, Jesus Christ. I was simply pointing something out. I didn't even read your stupid argument.

>> No.6795868

And Nia derails yet another thread, reminding everybody why they dislike her.

>> No.6795869

I think someone said that

>Photographer was snapping a lot of pictures
>Bitches come by and laugh
>This pic

>> No.6795870

I wonder what people say to fairy kei girls in public?

>> No.6795872 [DELETED] 

>implying shorty didn't derail the thread
>implying you're not shorty

>> No.6795876

What do you mean?

>> No.6795877

I've heard this story before and I'm not sure I buy it. They look so posed. The laughter doesn't seem entirely genuine.

>> No.6795880

like, how people generally respond to alt Jfashions I suppose?
oh god, give it a rest vendetta chan.
that's the story I heard

>> No.6795882


Put your trip back on.

>> No.6795883

I had dreadlocks for 2 years, I know the pain of explaining the same thing over and over .
It becomes a script, almost ,that covers the first 50 questions that could possibly. Enter one's mind and STILL my mind would get blown by the most ludicrous inquiries.
I hate, therefor I am.

>> No.6795885

True. But >>6794786 is blurry compared to >>6793191, an obviously planned pic.

>> No.6795887

Differences in depth of field doesn't mean a photo isn't planned. The way that the girls are arranged/bending around the model means either a) they wanted in the photo or b) it was preposed. I'm more inclined to think it's preposed, since the girls wouldn't know that they were in frame without the photographer indicating that they were. Especially since the lolita is off-center.

>> No.6795888

>I didn't even read your stupid argument

Yeah, we know. We can tell.

>> No.6795889

you don't have to be Nia to know she has a freakish vendetta that searches for her trip trying to start shit.

>> No.6795891


Shut up, Nia.

>> No.6795893


And I don't have to be a vendettafag to dislike her. I'm not her vendettachan.

>> No.6795894

Oh, usually people are really nice to me. I've never gotten a secret picture taken, but people ask for pictures a lot! Little kids really love me and a lot of people ask where I get my clothes. The only people who have ever been rude to me were older people, but that's to be expected I guess! Do you dress Jfashion or lolita?

>> No.6795896 [DELETED] 

Nia, can you please just stop this defending tripdropping to defend yourself/argue with yourself to make it look like people actually give a fuck about you?

We can talk about you when the next ita thread rolls around. I'll use your picture as the OP image, just to make you happy.

>> No.6795899

>fuck you Nia i dunlike you

I admit that I have an obscenely large post rate.
can we get back on topic please, welp, off to bed.

>> No.6795900

Nia, can you please just stop this defensive tripdropping to defend yourself/argue with yourself to make it look like people actually give a fuck about you?

We can talk about you when the next ita thread rolls around. I'll use your picture as the OP image, just to make you happy.

Now, can Nia and her angry band of buttmad faggots/faithful supporters piss off and let us actually discuss something on topic?

>> No.6795902
File: 7 KB, 237x167, 1362255852039s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck off, literally nobody else cares about this but you. We were having a perfectly good greentext thread until you had to bring your petty vendetta bullshit into it. Fuck off back into your bitch hole.

>> No.6795908

I wear Otome mainly. I've been honked at a couple of times, but haven't gotten any other reactions other than "cute skirt/dress" iNatist Believe

>> No.6795909


There is no vendetta, Nia. Is it so tough to believe that more than one person (or two if you count the other anon up there.) who dislikes you?

>> No.6795910

Is for
Seeing how she apparently remade her post, now with 20% more bullshit nobody cares about!

>> No.6795912


Put your trip back on.

>> No.6795913

Try again. Don't have to be your pet hate object to think you're an obsessive cunt.

>> No.6795917

>anon makes comment
>trip responds
>thread derailed by anons
>trip fault
>anon logic

Anyway, so ladies how do you generally get up the gumption to wear lolita out? Is it the idgaf attitude or do you have to mentally prepare yourself?

>> No.6795918

Can we actually just discuss something on topic?

I don't even know who the fuck Nia is, but I'm fairly sure everybody's boner/hateboner for her is irrelevant. You're acting like children.

Either shut up or submit something that actually relates to the thread topic.

>> No.6795919

>not her vendetta

>tries to start bullshit again

dude, weren't you banned for this shit? holy bajeebus amber no one fucking cares. learn your damn lesson

>> No.6795920

Wait, wasn't that one anon the one who derailed the thread with her "TALL PEOPLE CAN'T BE LOLITAS" shit?

And then Nia came in to call her out on being a retarded cunt.

Then the anon started having a diarrhea attack everywhere.

>> No.6795924


>Claimed to be a lesbian
>Claimed to have left 4Chan forever

And yet you're still here. Jump into a pond, you syphilis-riddled piece of shit.

>> No.6795930

What restaurants do you lolitas go to?

>> No.6795927

Well that confused me horribly for a minute. This is why I shouldn't be up at 5am.

I think if you've always worn kind of weird clothes, it's no biggie. Going from totally normal high-streety clothes to lolita must be a big step, though.

>> No.6795932

So, back to the thread. You people who are responding are derailing it just as much as the hateanons.

Have any of you ever been in a situation where your clothing got legitimately damaged? Or at least risked it?

>> No.6795942
File: 8 KB, 276x183, yer a cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That "syphilis-riddled piece of shit" still manages to be less of a cunt than you are.

Jesus christ, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Who shoved sand up your vagina?

>> No.6795946

No, but I heard of an anon who had girls spill coffee on her dress. She said it wasn't hot coffee, but still coffee. It made me gasp in awe. Seriously, who the fuck does that? "Oh, you're dressed differently, I MUST RUIN YOUR DAY."

>> No.6795952

She's just making personal attacks because she's upset that I proved that
a) I'm not Nia
and therefore
b) she's delusional

Pay no heed.

Once a girl in my comm got Coke spilled on her dress at our anniversary meet. The waiter looked like he was going to die on the spot when he was told how much the dress was worth. I think she managed to get the stain out though, and she got a free meal for it, so all's well that ends well.

>> No.6795953

I used to be a timid, scared doormat, but as I grew older, I stopped caring what the redneck shits around here thought of me. So it used to be self pep talks that got me out the door (just in regular goth clothes) but now, IDGAF.

>> No.6795954

I like La Madeleine. Their restrooms are cool.
This recording of a lady teaches you french phrases while you're pooping. I don't think I could ever dislike a restaurant that does that.

>> No.6795959

Otome's adorable! And yeah you probably won't get any extreme reactions from something like Otome, the colors and such are pretty toned down compared to other fashions and usually the hair isn't an unnatural color either.
I might wear something like Otome when I'm older and more mature and can't wear Fairy Kei anymore. I don't think I'll look too good in pastel 80's clothes when I'm 27!

>> No.6795960


I had hot coffee thrown over me before. I think I might have mentioned in a thread like this before?

>> No.6795961

There's this awesome rib and wing place called "Where Pigs Fly" that I frequent.

>> No.6795963


Bump for these glorious shoes in size US women's 9

>> No.6795985
File: 197 KB, 554x558, so sugoi!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always at Ihop for biscuits and gravy!
Also, I go this one a New York style pizza place where they have awesome burgers. They literally have the best angus mushroom and swiss burgers I've ever had.

>> No.6795987

I've actually never had anything but a positive experience with lolita in public but then again....I live in a city where you see much stranger things on a regular basis.

Though I will admit when I was young (like 12 or 13) I was one of those jerks that tried to sneakily take pictures of lolita girls I saw in the mall. It wasn't to do anything mean, I had just never seen that before and though it was so pretty but was too nervous to go up and ask for pictures because I was young and stupid. I was openly gaping like an idiot.

>> No.6796023

PS: If there was a Charlotte, NC comm they were probably the one's I was obnoxiously taking pictures of and I want to apologize if there are any on cgl.

PPS: You were the ones that inspired me to get into lolita that day.

sage for nothingness.

>> No.6796033

Most of my experiences have been good or neutral, really. I don't feel like drunk frat boys really count against the score, since they're assholes to anyone, regardless of what they're wearing.

At any rate, I told the "funeral service" story up above. I've got some other funky stories.

>lunch with friends, not in lolita myself
>taking photos in scenic part of town, known for architecture and quaint back alleys
>couple nearby also taking engagement photos with a professional
>woman in couple approaches and asks girls to be in background of shots
>tells them how cute they are
>girls discuss and agree to participate, why not
>everything is going fine until ....
>that awkward moment when the couple starts making out within the semi-circle of "prop" lolitas

>> No.6796040

>at local "farm" attraction which breeds Clydesdales for a particular, famous brand of American beer
>keep seeing family of rednecks pointing/talking about the group
>near stable and carriage display, taking photos near old buildings made to look like a "Germanic village"
>redneck family comes up and asks if their kids can be in a photo with "Bo Peep", pointing to girl in group wearing a bonnet
>Little girl in family is shy and wearing a Cinderella shirt, so she agrees and poses with the little girl and her brother
>Photos with kids turns into family photos
>Redneck men suddenly posing around her like they've just shot a prize buck
>no one touches her, but lots of awkward hoverhand action

>> No.6796043

>Be regular stylish with lolita best friend
>Sitting on train late at night
>Group of drunk guys get on
>We get off at next stop, they follow us
>It's dark and empty except for us and drunk guys
>Start hitting on me, making fun of my friend
>Friend decides she's had enough of this
>Stabs one guy in the leg
>I decide to join in and kick another guy in the nuts, beat another one down to ground with giant hairbrush
>Beat these guys half to death
>Take off our shoes
>Run like hell

Thankfully, I cakefaced it up that day AND wore one of her blonde wigs. She was in OTT Sweet. They'll never catch us.

>> No.6796047

... You are literally the coolest.

>> No.6796049

>heading to shop ATM before catching train into the city for a meetup
>woman walking behind me from down the road
>looks like she might be a junky, very twitchy and thin
>turn up footpath toward shops
>she follows and speeds up
>turn again onto road to shops
>she's still following, now almost running
>turn to confront her, half expecting a mugging attempt
>she SMILES like a little kid, all out of breath
>tells me that she thinks I look FABULOUS and more people should follow my example
>turns around, walks off toward the train station
>feel guilty as fuck the rest of the day

>> No.6796050

Oh. My. God.

Well, I'm not one for commending misbehavior and violence, but...

That's pretty badass.

>> No.6796058

It would be badass if anything the drunk guys did warranted getting stabbed which could easily kill him if she did it in the wrong place.

So it was retarded.

>> No.6796061

They followed them down a fucking alley, that is seriously threatening behaviour. Men know exactly what they're doing with that sort of thing.

>> No.6796068

They were drunk?
If they went to touch you then it's validated, nothing they did otherwise was illegal

>> No.6796073

You could, y'know, just not be retarded and follow girls down dark alleys.

>> No.6796084

It was a dark freaking alley, I would've kicked some ass too if I were them.
It's good that her and her friend did something before it was too late.

>> No.6796104


Also, if they stabbed in the leg they knew what they were doing. It was supposed to frighten/hurt, not kill.

>> No.6796114


Learn to read the FAQ idiots

>> No.6796166

>women reading anything
It isn't a rape fantasy romance novel/fanfic so don't expect them to read it.

>> No.6796185

I've got to agree, that when I see someone make huge deal about "leaving 4chan!!!1!!" And ~this is my official last post~ ill never be back!

.....and they're back two weeks later

I can't ever take that person seriously again, and will always consider them a dumbass.

>> No.6796187

What is it with lolis and stabbing people? Some crazy bitch stabbed in the confession thread stabbed someone in the abdomen, and now this?

>> No.6796215


No. We finally got back on topic. You guys get out of here.


My sides at that girl who washed the blood off her wristcuffs then sold them on the comm sales in another thread, though. Stabby lolis = best lolis.

>> No.6796218

Its penis envy. Same reason they want swords.

>> No.6796222


That's enough Criminal Minds for you, dumbass-chan.

>> No.6796228

Ok so this isnt entirely related, but..

My senior year of highschool there was a group of young freshman weaboos who were the hardcore kind of classic anime fans I dont see so much in my age group anymore. Except instead of Inuyasha and Wolfs Rain and cowboy bebop amd all the good adult swim shows it was a ton of hetalia, homestuck, and soul eater fans. They were all fresh out of middleschool amd i was suprised by how many of them there were, but I didnt associate with them much. Sweet kids, but annoying as hell. But anyways, they woukd periodically dress up in really horrible soul eater and hetalia cosplays and wear them to school.

Like there was this little black boy who wore white strips of duct tape in his hair and duct taped up a jacket and did Death The Kid , and then a few girls who wore baggy thrift store clothes and curls made out of pipe cleaner in their hair as hetalia. people. It was awful.

They looked horrible and no one at the school understood what they were trying to do, so i wrote down all the information for one of the local cons that was going to take place in a few months just a town over or so and they all just stared at me blankly amd told me they werent allowed to go.

I understand being too young for cons, but i cant stand cosplayong at school...in public can be alright, Lolita is a fashion and people do photoshoots in public, but schools make no sense. You're there to learn, over dressing for school was bad enough. I wanted to strangle those kids!

>> No.6796299

Is this different from the girl in the bully thread that stabbed a bully in the EYE with an exacto after they poured soup on her burando?

>> No.6796364

Whaat! Fellow Njfag?
Voorhees, here.

>> No.6796548

I have a few funny incidences to share.
The first was when me and my comm walked up to the elevator in the mall, and some middlle aged dyke looked terrified and frustratingly speedwalked to the stairs. We were dying laughing.
But my fave was when a server at somee chinese restaraunt was also a lolita, and walked up to my table extremely excited and started talking about the fashion with me.

I wore it to school once for a presentation on feminism.
I'm never going to talk about that experience.

>> No.6796553
File: 44 KB, 500x281, 693258_1277385861754.85res_500_281[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's so sweet!

>> No.6796558

I don't see the problem with wearing lolita to school. It's a fashion. It's clothes. If you're not allowed to wear that, then what about the goth kids or the scene kids?
Cosplaying makes less sense but frankly it's highschool, that's your time to be dumb.

>> No.6796567

Am I the only one who never had children say I'm a princess?

>> No.6796591

This. You might as well say the same thing about annoying scene kids with overdone hair and vibrantly-colored clothing.

>> No.6796605

>People of all creed, colour, age, or monetary status.
Huh, I thought only Goths would like a bag like that. Crazy world.

>> No.6796620
File: 759 KB, 500x294, oh!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow seriously?
I'm in Southampton are you Fairy Kei too?

>> No.6796621

The difference is scene was a huge mainstream trend and considered "cool". Things like punk and goth have been around a long time and people are used to seeing them. Even shitty Hot Topic mall goth is more "normal" than lolita. Something like lolita is a very niche thing, and will attract a lot of negative attention at a place like a high school. It's an unfair double-standard to be sure, but that's the way it is. I'm sure there are some very outgoing socially confident girls who could pull it off, but for other people it will just make them a social outcast and attract bullying. Teenagers can be really cruel, immature, and closed-minded, and singling yourself out so dramatically in that kind of environment can really make your high school experience unpleasant.

>> No.6796652
File: 145 KB, 680x905, a34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear whatever I want.

>> No.6796671

but it's true tho

>> No.6796685

Stop height-shaming, god! Check your short-privilege!

>> No.6796700


What the heck is a thigh gap?
How do you measure a thigh gap?
How wide does it have to be?

>> No.6796707

Only short small girls can be cute, suck it giants.

>> No.6796709

Honestly, it isnt important. As long as you're in the healthy weight range, you're fine. (No fatties) Everyone has a different shape to their hips and legs, so it isn't even possible for everyobe to have one unless some skeleton-thin. I have a thighgap because of my legshape, I am not tall or underweight, even. Just lucky I guess.

>> No.6796715


>> No.6796718

something to do with how wide your hips are + your weight

>> No.6796779

It's when you have a space between your thighs while standing up straight with your feet together. You have to have wide hips and be relatively thin to get it.

>> No.6796788
File: 450 KB, 800x600, TOM2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But here's another without flash.

>> No.6796795


I have a massive thigh gap even though I'm chubby... My hips are THAT wide.

>> No.6796834
File: 23 KB, 456x297, areyouserious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went to school (college) in sweet lolita one day last year
>hanging out in student lounge, minding my own business
>ugly, fat, outspoken, self-proclaimed "asexual/pansexual," bitch comes up to me and says, "What is THIS?" gesturing to my whole body
>she says it in such a rude way I just give her a look (something akin to pic related) and then turn away and ignore her
>my boyfriend, who was standing next to me, tells her it's lolita
>she snaps back at him, "I know what lolita is!"
>then why the fuck did you ask

I've had people laugh right in my face at the mall. A couple 20-something girls screamed at me, "Halloween's over!" I replied, "Really? Because that's a pretty good bitch costume you're wearing." Her retort, "No, YOU'RE a bitch." Hahahaha.

After a meetup, a couple hispanic guys followed me and a lolita friend for like two blocks as we walked back to our cars, walking backwards in front of us talking in Spanish. No idea what they were saying. They eventually gave up and went away.

Another time, I was eating lunch at the mall and a middle-aged lady came up and asked if her daughter could take my picture. I was really flattered and said yes, of course. The girl was probably 4 or 5. She took my picture on her phone and came up smiling to show it to me. She'd used some app to make it all purikura and adorable. Every time I think of that little girl, my heart warms.

>> No.6796852
File: 72 KB, 214x119, OHSNAP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Really? Because that's a pretty good bitch costume you're wearing."


>> No.6797260

>pretty good bitch costume you're wearing

I'm not the only one that uses this. neato.

>> No.6797422


I had a similar experience

>going to a con, dressed in boystyle with my friend in OTT sweet, stop to get gas
>assohle screams, "HEY HALLOWEEN IS OVER"
>for once I'm not awkward and pathetic

Alpha. As. Fuck.

>> No.6797425

I just love dressing up when I'm overseas and talk about the people around me. This makes me an asshole but who gives a shit.

>> No.6797489

"That mask you have on is pretty fucking scary. Oh wait."

>> No.6797491

>At local Sakura Matsuri
>Little girl runs up to our big group
>Gives us each a hug
>Then shakes the paw on my bag while telling us we all looked beautiful
>All hearts melted

>> No.6797492

>halloween came early
"Yeah, I see you're prepared"

>> No.6797541

>walking home at dusk
>hear a car pulling up behind me
>car starts to inching along side me
>window rolls down
>average frat boy with multiple popped collars pokes his head out
>brace myself for oncoming onslaught of jeers


>car speeds away
>everything went better than expected.jpg

>> No.6797563

You wanna be careful about that, a lot of people are likely to understand you. I constantly hear French tourists bitching about the people around them because they think nobody here can understand but I speak French, and I'm sure a lot of other people do too. Don't wanna cause an awkward situation if someone has the balls to call you out.

>> No.6797571

>out with my friend in lolita
>I'm in gothic, she's in sweet
> all day women approach us and go nuts over my friend's shoes (mint tea parties) wanting to know where to buy them
>bitches love shoes

>> No.6797581

Kill yourself you attention whoring female.
You make all females look fucking retarded.

>> No.6797582
File: 271 KB, 800x536, 1366898408760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6797599

Dude what?

>> No.6797655
File: 58 KB, 627x352, mark it zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self-proclaimed "asexual/pansexual"

That must be exhausting.

>> No.6797677

My most recent outing in lolita was a mixed bag. For most of the day I just got strange looks, but the was home was... odd. An adorable girl on the train said I looked like a princess and wanted to talk to me all the way to my stop.
Some randoms smoking outside a store talked about me very loudly, saying I was a 'china doll' and how they wished they had a camera or something.
And then someone followed me (I managed to lose them eventually without anything bad happening).
So yes, a mixed bag

>> No.6797684

>people seem to assume that because I'm dressed abnormally, it's totally cool to stare at me blatantly
We're only human. It's only natural to double-check you are too.

>> No.6797688

Yeah, I kind of would. Specially if I'm wearing my effort on the outside.

>> No.6797697

>Some randoms smoking outside a store talked about me very loudly, saying I was a 'china doll' and how they wished they had a camera or something.
I always interpret that kind of thing as people spaghetti'ing. They want to be nice, but they don't know how to so they just say something that sounds dumb and barely flattering.
It makes sense to me, and reveals most people for what they are: socially unskilled and a bit immature.
For the most part, nothing to be concerned about.

>> No.6797716

I thought it was kind of sweet, like when you want to compliment someone but your brain gets stuck and comes out with slightly the wrong thing.

>> No.6797718

This one was pretty cute

>Wearing an all black/gold coord with black tricorn.
>Around Christmas time, lunch hour in the plaza where families are out shopping.
>Hear a father say to his little boy, "Look! Look at the pretty princess!"
>Here little boy defensively proclaim, "Dad, that's a pirate!"

That's right, little guy, you tell him!

>> No.6797720


I do that, so I'd totally understand if some people did that to me as well. I'm really fucking autistic sometimes.

>> No.6797721

I'm so jealous of not just your ownership of a tricorn, but your ability to wear one and look fabulous.

>> No.6797727


Yup, this. Some French guys were loudly complaining when I had to readjust my baggage at the airport once. I snapped back at them in French. They shut the fuck up.

Fucking French, man. Always simultaneously fucking thinking nobody understands their language and everyone should understand it.

Sage for no contribution.

>> No.6797732

Really. Big. Hair. Otherwise I look completely stupid. :P Mine was from Etsy - even if you don't find exactly what you are looking for, find a shop with good quality and see if the seller does commissions.

>> No.6797737 [DELETED] 

I live in Quebec and fuck, sometimes the English tourists are such cunts. Yes, everyone around you is talking in French, but most of us understand English too.

>> No.6797739

I live in Quebec and fuck, sometimes the American tourists are such cunts. Yes, everyone around you is talking in French, but most of us understand English too.

>> No.6797750

That reminds me of when people say "Wow, your hair is really long!" I know, dude. I grew it myself.

>> No.6797759

Adorable. Also glad that some non-sweet outfits get called princessy, too, but being called a pirate is cooler.

>> No.6797760

oh my god i remember that. not the name or anything but i remember this movie.

>> No.6797770
File: 96 KB, 321x429, deangelo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moar of the girl in OPs pic please?

>> No.6797778


Mai supernova girl

>> No.6797785

Don't see how it relates.
Cool story.

>> No.6797798
File: 734 KB, 843x552, Fahr in public 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Fahrlight.

>> No.6797804


I can just smell that guy in the middle. Ech.

>> No.6797809

oh god its a trannie ;_;

>> No.6797816

Foot-in-mouth syndrome.

>> No.6797826

Question for you all.
When you're in public and people ask you where you get your clothes from, how do you answer? Do you actually tell them the brand or website (e.g. "Oh, this dress here is from Moi meme Moitie/Innocent World/Angelic Pretty/Baby, the Stars Shine Bright/Bodyline/Taobao/etc!") or do you give a vague answer for the sake of avoiding more questions?

>> No.6797833

"Ebay", or "The internet". Plays it down a little and you can have a "Wowee the internet is a crazy place" conversation.
If it's someone I want to impress, "Japan". Because even people that think you look stupid might think Japan is a cool thing.

>> No.6797832


Does it matter? I'm more concerned that the guy in the middle looks like the fucking rat-guy from Harry Potter.

>> No.6797835
File: 199 KB, 364x274, tumblr_loalyxk1NS1qeysif.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where do you get your clothes?

pic related

>> No.6797843

yea it does matter, trannies are disgusting

>> No.6797864
File: 104 KB, 400x320, opinion_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6797867
File: 677 KB, 491x750, Fahr in public 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fahr's a girl...

>> No.6797873


Tranny or not, she's gorgeous.

>> No.6797875

oh ok good. threw me off with all the male dress up obsession she has.

>> No.6797878


>> No.6797885
File: 103 KB, 397x295, checkem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I agree.

If dubs, this is in fact the eternal truth of the world.

>> No.6797888
File: 347 KB, 670x500, Lolita to Loki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean cosplay? Her Loki is actually what made me stumble onto her.

>> No.6797889

Would you like a list of nearby burn centers you could visit?

>> No.6797890

I have this same question. My friend is usually kind of rude when people ask, and says "internet" and then immediately starts ignoring the girl who asked. But usually them seem genuinely interested, and it's no bother to me to explain what lolita is, and often I find that the girl who is asking already knows what loli is and is only asking because she wants to start up a conversation with us.

>> No.6797891


Don't feed the troll.

>> No.6797893

*they whoops

>> No.6797894
File: 638 KB, 500x742, Fahr in public 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll keep contributing with Fahrs in Public then...

>> No.6797895
File: 618 KB, 400x229, 1359512021205.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please do, I've only ever seen two of the pics of her in public.

>> No.6797898

i wasnt trolling
please do! or link to more? id love to see all of them.

>> No.6797905

>I've had people laugh right in my face at the mall. A couple 20-something girls screamed at me, "Halloween's over!" I replied, "Really? Because that's a pretty good bitch costume you're wearing." Her retort, "No, YOU'RE a bitch." Hahahaha.

That happened to my girlfriend, once. Bunch of teenage whores. I yelled back at them, "Yeah, it is over -- so why are you dressed like whores?"

>> No.6797912

holy shit she looks monstrously tall next to that girl.

>> No.6797933

I say that it's a fashion from Japan and I ordered it from a Japanese shop. That's enough for most people who clearly don't know about lolita but are just curious where the clothes come from since they've never seen them before. Trying to add brand names and stuff usually isn't necessary unless they ask.

I feel kind of weird when people ask how much my stuff cost though. I'm used to the prices now, but it's kind of awkward saying how much I spent on my clothes. Then again people carry $300 handbags like it's nothing so maybe it's not a big deal after all.

>> No.6797951

You do realize there are three girls in that picture and one of them is even taller than the lolita, right?

>> No.6797995
File: 141 KB, 467x700, Fahr with MewMew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have a couple left, but there not as 'in public' as the ones I've already posted (no interaction with the public, is what I mean.)

>> No.6798015
File: 126 KB, 467x700, Fahr in Public 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6798049
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>> No.6798058
File: 197 KB, 900x526, Fahr in Public 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't think I have anymore in my folder.

>> No.6798073

boom. high five. the late 90s and early 2000s were a strange place.

>> No.6798105

Oh, I just say Japan. But then that leads to them asking if I've gone there. A woman once asked, "Oh so you go every month or so for shopping?" I'M WEARING HIMEKAJI DO I LOOK LIKE I HAVE MONEY FOR THAT?

What I really don't like is when people say, "I've never seen anything like what you have on. It's so cute and unique." Makes me sad that girls here barely have access to cute clothes. Almost everything here is aimed to make girls look older and sexy. But that's what they dig so, whatever.

>> No.6798148

I avoid her if at all possible. When she first came to the school, she was a dual enrollment student (still in high school but attending college classes too). She seemed like a shy, nice mall goff, so I tried to talk to her a little, but she didn't really seem interested in talking to me so I was like whatever. She ended up becoming friends with all the obnoxious, immature people that hang out in the student lounge, hogging up the TVs to watch The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy or play Gundam games on their PS3s. As soon as she got a couple friends, she became this loud, super opinionated jerk. Started saying she was asexual or pansexual (depending on the day), but her hair really short, and started circle-jerking with other weeaboos on tumblr.

>> No.6798152

I used to like Fahrs until she starts self-post and attention whoring so bad here in /cgl/.

sage for not contribution on the topic.

>> No.6798193

Man I feel so hypocritical when I say the fashion is from Japan, but the clothes are from China. Fucking hobololi.

>> No.6798237

shit she attention whores on her tumblr, I unfollowed her because she kept spamming her shitty ass Loki cosplay everyday, I love Avengers and I like lolita but seeing so much of her shit on my dash rustled my jimmies, and the fact that she's just so into herself baffles me

>> No.6798512

Yeah but only tall people can be beautiful.
That's true but I highly doubt that a lot of people outside the Nordics understand Swedish. And of course, I make sure Swede/Nord is close before I open my big mouth. I'd never do it if I spoke a language like French or German. It'd be pretty awful is someone actually understood what I said.

>> No.6798575

Being asexual and pansexual are like, opposite things.

>> No.6798580

Aha, I didn't know who she was, but I just recently started to use Tumblr, and found a post she made about Photoshop.

It was a comparison of an unshooped picture of her, and a shooped one, but basically went, "Guys, I look gorgeous in this unphotoshopped image on me, right? But in the shooped one, I look EVEN BETTER. So don't feel bad about your looks, people."

I was like, gurl, naw, in both of them you look like a man.

>> No.6798711
File: 137 KB, 536x903, 149353_4088985589392_1313609814_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is fucking perfect! she is so nice! she helped me get my dream dress and told me how to use tumblr!

>> No.6798718

hahaha, as if famous people go on 4chan!

>> No.6798730
File: 523 KB, 527x726, 99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how you liar, she did NOT say that! her message was positive!

(good she uploaded it on DA too, so I can link it to you guys!)


>> No.6798961

Nice samefag

You basically just proved anon's point? She did basically say what anon said

>> No.6799235

Oh god all the faces on the staff! Bless them, she's not wearing brown, black or navy, they must be so confused.

>> No.6799344

I fucking love that guy in the middle!

>> No.6799437


"Your skin is so smooth, I wish I had some of it."

...wait, fuck.

>> No.6799440


I've been looking for a decent priced decent looking pirate hat. Where did you get yours?

>> No.6799450


If that is really two pics of the same person, I am a jelly cunt of dis bitch and her cosplay and loli abilities.

Seriously. Too much awesome right there.

>> No.6799465

She has a separate blog for Loki now, so if you follow her main account, it's more reblogs + lolita + social justiey stuff.

>> No.6799466


It sounds like she's compensating for her loser high school years by trying to be the Baddest Bitch in college.

In my experience, about 90% of people grow out of this by the time they're done with college and are embarassed about how they acted.

>> No.6802525

Bump for stories and not random no1curr girl.

>> No.6803923

Thank you!

Here again, I wore loli while I went grocery shopping with my dad, sister, niece and nephew. Had a good time, little girls telling their moms stuff like: "Mom look she's so pretty!" "What a pretty dress!"

While I was waiting (the kids were playing) there were these two girls that kept walking by. Staring, pointing/laughing and plainly just being rude. I didn't do much except for staring back. They looked kinda like the type of girls here >>6794786 and the last time they walked by they tried to take a picture. But I hid behind a group of old ladies/a car where the kids were playing in. They continued walking and used the "front camera" of their phone to take a picture over their shoulder. One of them got really nervous when I took notice of them. The other kept pushing her to take it. I was too late with taking my phone out of my bag otherwise I'd have taken a picture too. I felt really uncomfortable/stupid afterwards and wanted to go home asap.