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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6780197 No.6780197 [Reply] [Original]

Britfag Thread Mark VII

Nearly one month to London MCM. Hows everyones costumes coming along? Will you be ready in time? Are you prepared for the pegging?

>> No.6780198

Getting a bit nervous about my Nana stuff not getting here in time, ahhh. Equius will definitely be done though.

>> No.6780216

Turns out my Red Hood costume is going to break the bank and the helmet is proving to be a bitch to make. I'll give this one a miss and to to the next one in... October right?

That and I've realized I dont have the body type at all. Gotta start working out.

>> No.6780236

Yet to start any cosplays. Might try making a Sakamoto (Nichijou) or Kyubey Kigurumi in the last minute. Never made one before so it's bound to look dumb as sin. Anyone got a template?

>> No.6780289
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That feel when you're not going to MCM but Japan instead.

Have fun with your Chinese bootleg merch though I'll be going to October like a masochist.

>> No.6780304

>Have fun with your Chinese bootleg merch
You'd think by now MCM's large enough to focus on quality and not have to take cash from dodgy fuckers like Tokyo Toys and let them screw over their attendees by selling their ropey knockoff shit.

>> No.6780307

>like a masochist.


Thats when all the pegging and molestation of men occurs doesn't it?

Why me God?

>> No.6780310

You'll be fine, I'll have left the country by then.

Unless anyone wants to take up my strapon and with it my legacy.

>> No.6780358

But then they'd only have like 3 dealers because official shit makes no money.

But hey, at least TokyoToys "ropey knockoff shit" is good quality. I've seen official merch that is poorer quality than the Chinese knock off stuff.

At the end of the day MCM is a business and they want to make money. No matter what they have to say about it, they really couldn't care less if their dealers are selling official stuff or not.

>> No.6780362
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I just need to get my passport renewed and then I am pretty much all ready to go.
>Going to MCM all the way from Scandinavia
This is going to be a weekend of regrets and money losses mixed with heavy drinking and socialising.

Cosplaying Tsumugi from K-On! and Ayumi from Corpse Party. I have one month to become kawaii, since the costumes themselves are all ready.

If by template you mean this, then here you go.

>> No.6780382

You meeting up with people you met before at MCM or with friends?

The authorities are closing in? I understand,

>> No.6780383


OK serious question. Where does this pegging thing come from?

>> No.6780386

I think I'll be bringing Black Widow...any other comic fags there? Would make my life to see a Bucky.

>> No.6780390

Sharing an apartment with one good friend and meeting up with others for drinks and a good ol' pegging.
Will be my first time in London though, so I can always switch into tourist-mode if the Expo-part of this trip is 2cool4me.
I'm sure it'll be a fun weekend no matter what. Since I started this convention season with Gemucon, anything else from now on will be neat.
Gonna be pretty okay to meet more seagulls as well.

>> No.6780392

Nothing much really. It's just the sort of thing where a guy cosplays as a female character for fun, goes to a party (this particular meet to be precise), drinks a spike drink and passes out. The next day he wakes up with a sore bleeding arsehole because he was pegged and no lubricant (other than his blood) was used at all during the pegging he got while he was unconscious.

>> No.6780404

I bet this doesnt actually happen. Its probably a in joke.

>> No.6780407
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>> No.6780409

For a greater majority is yes, for the fewest of few for the minority is no.

>> No.6780412

If the guy looks feminine enough, yes.

>> No.6780411

so girls actually want to fuck a guys arse hole?

>> No.6780413
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>> No.6780417

that makes less sense

>> No.6780425

They're after me mang, gotta go into hiding

Someone in the last thread was talking about raping girls at cons so I offered him a similar fate.

>> No.6780445

Not necessarily true, I want to fuck a masculine guy's ass with a strapon. And I'm a really shy, petite and submissive girl outside of the bedroom.

>> No.6780482

Well I guess everyone has their tastes and that my post was merely one take of things.

I think you should find a few guys laying around passed out so you might want to bring your strap on and be sure to bring lube for their sake.

No worries you should be able to get away with it and I doubt a guy would report to police that a girl arse-raped them with a strap-on.

>> No.6780491

yeah i doubt someone would report that to the police, but i would rape her back

from the sounds of it, it would be pretty easy

>> No.6780496

Shall I bring mine just in case you forget yours? Would hate for you to miss out!

>> No.6780541
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That's the cutest opening pic I've seen

>another Sakamoto

>> No.6780554

What are your plans? Also making a Kigurumi?

>> No.6780558

Sakamoto gijinka, just for fun and to lounge around in.

>> No.6780600

Pictures? I want to judge you.

>> No.6780608

I will be fine, but thanks for the offer.

>> No.6780609
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>i would rape her back
If you're incapable of preventing yourself from being raped, you're probably not capable enough to force yourself on someone else.

>> No.6780617
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Rape jokes? Really guys?

>> No.6780651

>getting your drink spiked

dumb bish

>> No.6780653

Its ok, we're raping men here. So no one gives a shit.

>> No.6780689
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>> No.6780715

It's not even done yet, sorry

>> No.6780750

>can't handle the banter
Maybe you should go back to Tumblr or Leddit. They're more understanding of the sensitivity about these things.
Not before I give you some forcey fun time, though.

>> No.6780769

You're like a 14-year-old on Gaia.

Cut that shit out.

>> No.6780776
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>being this upset
You sure you don't wanna check out those rage comics?

>> No.6780781

Rape jokes can be funny. Mentioning rape a lot is not a joke.

>> No.6780786

Fuck that word. Its meaning has devolved into "I can't make proper jokes so I'll just throw insults at my buddies"

>> No.6780823

Banter is used to fill the terrible silence left when no one has anything interesting to say.

>> No.6780969

The "good quality shit" we have at MCM is just the surplus stuff from the shop and his garage. He marks it up to a ridiculous price on the day so if you want to buy anything from the shop wait until the last day at the end when he starts offering discounts on everything. If you're after swords, clothes or gundams just mosie around near the end and it's all usually 50% off.

That being said, avoid the shop like the plague otherwise, he's an utter cunt and you can get everything cheaper from eBay, his suppliers are from Indonesia and China.

>> No.6780986

What are you doing.

>> No.6780993

About halfway though one of my cosplays, waiting on my prop to arrive

>> No.6781017


What ARE they doing, Anon? Please tell.

>> No.6781055

Marks it up? The stuff at expo is always the same price, if not, cheaper than the stuff in their store.

The only thing that'll reach 50% off at the end of the day is their display wallscrolls since they can't repackage and resell them. Nothing else will go on mega discount since it's not like they're trying to get rid of it like the other dealers are since they can just take it back to the shop to sell.

Sounds like you have some sort of weird-ass grudge against him. I go in the shop all the time, he's one of the nicest guys I've ever met.

>> No.6781069

Check out the facebook group NemaCon Official Forum

Crisis control mode

The fuck up of an organiser is blaming cheque books (these exist still???) and lolpersonaldrama for why six months after being called out on not paying charity money from the auction (which they dipped into after last years years Nema3 failed to get more than a disappointing 600ish *which btw, is nothing, the local community here is huge. Sunnycon, whatever CGLs opinion on it, is even further north and still got 900 only a few months before*)

Nothing has been announced for their "oh fuck we can't run an event, lets make it a one day event with no guests, only local nobodies BUT WE'RE NOT FAILING" 'reboot', only the weebiest locals are still defending it and from the looks of it with all the personaldramabullshit the manager has gone through if this event manages to draw in more than a tiny figure I'd be suprised.


>> No.6781075

Also, they're allegedly "backed" by some new shadowy organisation who does not wish to be named.

(and now any of my /cgl/ browsing friends know it's me posting since I've did this joke earlier, anon used anon-b-gon)

>> No.6781090

Oh, and now one of the comittee is calling someone a troll account simply because they have a picture which isn't them, and seem to be an account made a month or so back. Which is pretty ridiculous because at least half my friends have a general facebook/Anime friends facebook.

Kids, this shit is a lesson in Hownot2Con harder than Anime League could ever give.

>> No.6781098

The owner seems nice to customers? Oh lordie lord what sorcery is this? One of his brother's is actually a nice guy whilst the other's also an arse but he blows them both out of the water.

I've been working at the cons and the shops for nigh on 5 years now whenever he needs help and he's anything but nice. Personally I've never had a problem with him, but I've seen how he treats his employees and it makes EA look like they let their employees go home early with home baked cupcakes.The stuff he gets for the con is mostly pre-ordered specifically for the expo and is from a different supplier in China as it's lower quality and cheaper. We'll occasionally wheel in one of the shop carts but that's just when he has something that isn't selling well. I know there's making a profit, but he's raking it in purely because he marks the prices up so high.

The way he treats some of the kids who work there is also rather harsh. For instance one of the girls is worse than useless, but since she's fucking him he's made her in charge and god does she lord it of the others. He fired two guys who'd been working there for 3 years purely because she bitched about them and has docked the pay of some of the kids at expo purely on her word, most of the time they did bugger all wrong.

>> No.6782486

>Also, they're allegedly "backed" by some new shadowy organisation who does not wish to be named.
Maybe Anime League? They were somewhat involved in setting up the original event iirc until the council told Nema to cut ties with them for some reason.

>> No.6782490

> I've seen official merch that is poorer quality than the Chinese knock off stuff

no you haven't but keep telling yourself that poorfag

>> No.6782494

That's what I thought when I read that. But then again, wouldn't Chairman Taowers want his name plastered all over everything he was even slightly connected to?

>> No.6782503

Mind you, the official merch and Chinese knock-offs are probably made in factories that are right next door to each other.
>captcha has "England" in a Britfag thread

>> No.6782506

If he was a poorfag he wouldn't be buying knockoff stuff from TT. Their prices are ridiculous when you consider that you can get the same shit for a couple of quid direct from China.

>> No.6782539

They've been clamoring for a base in the NE for so long, tried Sunnycon (who told them to suck a bag of dicks) and back when Nema started tried to claim they were behind it (despite no one even knowing who they were)

Anime league are known for shitty, cheap events that are there to make a quick buck. What's quicker in theory than a con that's going to charge a pretty big amount for a con with no guests. Fuck, even Anime Attacks is better than this shit, and that's ran by fucking teenagers with more business and customer sense then this idiot.

>> No.6782579
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Speaking of AL: youtube.com/watch?v=FbHzz2JfJuo

>> No.6782600

Nemacon CRISIS MODE update:

Now denying they ever admitting using charity funds, people dig up the old post, nemacon delete them, EVERYTHING IS FINE. STAY INDOORS. DO NOT READ BETWEEN THE LINES. EVERYTHING IS FINE.

>> No.6782607

Even without the sound turned on the failure inherent in that video is just too much.

When everything is fine. NOTHING IS FINE.

>> No.6782608


>> No.6782614

There's a lot of shift looking fucker there.

>> No.6782651
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tfw you want to make friends to discuss anime with but AL are the only club near you

>> No.6782657

Well, that was awkward to watch....

>> No.6782737

I'm guessing you used to work for them and you're still butthurt over being fired for being a beyond useless employee. They don't fire people for no reason and neither do they hang onto to shit people for no reason regardless of whether they are dating them or not.

The stuff they sell at expo is the exact same high quality stuff they sell in store. And treating his employees rather harsh? That's called work, that's what they're employed to do. Lazy staff who'd rather chat to their friends and pose for pictures aren't going to be as highly praised as those who work hard.

No-one has worked for them in-store and at expo for 5 years so you're clearly talking shit.

>> No.6782743

>The stuff they sell at expo is the exact same high quality stuff they sell in store
So in other words, it's all shit.

Hideki, go home.

>> No.6782780

Sorry but you're wrong mate. Sam is down right useless and is a cunt to the other girls, soon as he's out of earshot she's lording them all over them. "No don't stand like that" "Oh don't wear that" "Oh don't stand there" "Oh you should listen to me, I know everything". Even when it comes to setting shop up she'd much rather stand around being a bitch than actually helping out, at least the little thing his brother's fucking doesn't act like a cunt. Just sits quietly in the corner.

The people's he's got rid of were a lot more useful and Sam and he fired a guy who's been there for 3 years purely because he complained about Sam doing fuck all. He also got rid of Josh who's a massive help when it comes to unloading and packing purely because he told Sam to fuck off.

Disagree all you want, but I'm merely advising people to avoid TT like the plague. You can find better quality stuff elsewhere and for a lot cheaper, hell you can order it direct from the supplier for a fraction of the price even with the mailing cost. Feel free to pop round at MCM though.

>> No.6782813

Not the anon you responded to. But some friends and I frequently go in to TT if we're ever in the Piccadilly area. We go in, but we never buy anything. Everything in there from my experience is overpriced and can be found cheaper online. I've also noticed that they get a lot of business from tourists.

Can't speak on the quality of work experience, but if there are shady dealings, they do a good job of not letting it show when you're there. Just my two cents.

>> No.6782861

It's called training. Most of the expo staff have never had a proper job or even worked a day in their lives and don't know how they should be acting or what they should be doing. She's been put in charge of all of the staff so she has to watch them and make sure they are doing what they should be doing. You can't exactly do that when you're running about setting everything up.

Josh may well have been a big help unloading since he was a strong lad but at the end of the day he got fired for a reason and not because he told Sam to fuck off (because that didn't even happen).

Better quality stuff? They sell the exact same stuff as the other dealers. There aren't exactly many companies out there making official stuff. You can't buy direct from the supplier/manufacturer since they only sell wholesale, but yes, I won't deny that you can get it elsewhere for cheaper.

>> No.6782884

>We sell fake merch, so what? Everyone else is doing it.
Quality response.

Also, why are you outsourcing staff for expo? Surly you want to make a good impression on your customers by using your best staff.

You're lucky this is 4chan and there's a possibility that you're not who you say you are.

>> No.6782886

>You can't buy direct from the supplier/manufacturer since they only sell wholesale, but yes, I won't deny that you can get it elsewhere for cheaper.
As far as I can see that's only the case with official stuff. There's plenty of chinese/asian based "wholesale" suppliers out there who'll happily take your money whoever you are.

>> No.6782938

What do you mean? They are good staff otherwise they wouldn't be using them. They can only employ so many permanent staff.

I figured Pompey was talking about the official stuff since he said "better quality".

>> No.6782942

>Also, why are you outsourcing staff for expo? Surly you want to make a good impression on your customers by using your best staff.
Probably because inexperienced weebs with no knowledge of how jobs work are happy to work cash in hand because selling anime tat is a desu-kawaii job baka!

>> No.6782954

>Good staff
>never had a proper job or even worked a day in their lives and don't know how they should be acting or what they should be doing
Contradicting yourself a little bit there bro.

>> No.6783035

Like I said, they can only employ so many permanent (good) staff which is about like 10 or so people which clearly isn't enough for 2 blocks. Eventually people go to uni, get full time jobs or move away so they can't do expo anymore. Expo usually falls around exam time so they need to spend the weekends studying rather than working. So they're gonna need new people.

In a way. Cosplaying to work to sell anime goods would be most of these kids' dream jobs. Just like those gamers that are all "working in a games store is my dream job".

They're going to want to hire someone that's enthusiastic about the job and at least knows a bit about anime, which is what those kids are.

>> No.6783062

Training my arse, all they have to do is stand in their designated spot and approach people that are browsing each stand. He explains it all beforehand and it's not that difficult. Granted my examples of her cuntishness weren't great, but I've learnt to just phase her out. She'll say anything merely to appear as if she's in charge and because it goes straight to her head. Even when the doors haven't opened or we're having a break when packing/unpacking she likes to walk around and dribble her vaginal discharge all over the place.

I'm good mates with Josh and Hideki's reason for firing him was "I know you're busy with uni so didn't want you to be here all the time". He's done nothing wrong apart from telling Sam to fuck off a few times at the expo. He didn't even have the balls to tell him that he's so pussy whipped by a teenager that he has to get rid of people who are good. I've forgotten the name of the guy as it was a year or so ago but he got fired after he'd been working the shop and expo for 3 years purely because he wanted to discuss Sam's role with Hideki.

I'll agree that there aren't many shops selling better quality bar the dedicated ones like SE, but you can find everything for cheaper all over the place. Hell he even marks up the Pocky, you can pop round the corner into Chinatown and find it a lot cheaper.

>> No.6783070

Oh when you're in the shop he's nothing but smiles and I thought he was a nice guy at first. Then when he moved the shop downstairs and I was helping him over night he showed his true colours. Bitching and moaning about his employees and customers and going on and on about how much he's reeling in. Even at the con when he's paying the kids and sending them off, he'll bitch about them and then hire them back unless Same gets her diseased cunt involved.

They only employ about 4-5 full time staff for the shop, the rest are just kids that pop in a few times of friends of the staff that he calls in for expo. I popped into the shop a few years back a few times and then jsut asked him one day if he needed help for expo and he was like "Sure". When he found out I was local to the Troc he asked me to help out when he needed someone there. It's not great cash and most of the time you're just sitting there with bugger all to do, but it's cash at the end of the day.

It's £500 for 5 days work, your expenses mount up to about £40 for travel and there's usually a fair amount of tail around.

>> No.6783093

Sounds like a lovely bloke. I'll make sure I give him as much money as I possibly can when I'm at expo!

>> No.6783240

Someone sent Middlesbrough Council Tower's ED article. They didn't want anything they're backing to have anything to do with someone who might be a pedo so they screamed EJECT EJECT EJECT.

>> No.6783264

We really need somebody who has been a dealer at expo, but on another stand, who may or may not have witnessed what goes on at TokyoToys before the doors open.
Mind you, I think they'be been at a smaller con I've sold my self-published comics at. If they're at the next one I'll keep my eyes open and make an unbiased judgement.

>Actually caring about getting the unbiased truth from impartial witnesses

>> No.6783325

5 days? Where did the other 2 come from?

Also £500 ain't bad for 5 days working on a stall.

>> No.6783339


I thought it was just a funding thing where the council were financially supporting the event and didn't want AL involved because they were contributing fuck all but taking all the credit.

>> No.6783352

Is that the Manchester one? If so he only takes his girlfriend, brother, cousin and his friend with him never takes the people he hires.

Load the van at his house on Wednesday, drive down on Thursday and set up. Friday through to Sunday for set-up and con and then load it back on Sunday. I head off home on Sunday so never helped him unpack it.

>> No.6783479

You don't understand, Nemacon doesn't get ANY help from the council. That's why they can't afford guests.

Stupid anon-chan.

>> No.6783484

There's really no point in going to Nemacon this year. The only guest they have is also going to Onecon, there's no info on what events are going on other than a fucking Beyblade tournament (is that even a popular thing any more?) and 1 dealer according to their FB and just a load of artists.

And that's not even factoring in the massive amount of faggotry going on on their FB group. There's so many problems they shouldn't even be running.

>> No.6783503
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I'd only heard about their split form AL secodn hand - I thought they had funding previously or at least had some council involvement.

I am the baka. Gomenasai anon-sensei!

>> No.6783513

Going to Expo for the first time this May and after seeing all the TT stuff was wondering if people could recommend Expo dealers who aren't selling knock off shit.

>> No.6783514

They probably do, but they constantly deny it BECAUSE IF WE DID WE'D HAVE 10 MILLION GUESTS BUT WE DON'T SO LEAVE US ALONE.

>> No.6783526

You're gonna have fun trying to find an official dealer, there's not many because legit dealers are out priced by tat-merchants and it basically means they can't exist.

>> No.6783549

Don't know if any of these are attending expo but Animez, Animuk, Estatic, Neon Martian, Eye on Asia and Kamika-Z are legit dealers.

Official merch dealers tend to go more to the smaller cons where the organisers won't allow knocks to be sold.

>> No.6783604
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As far as I've found, Pocky's the same damn price around the corner too.

Well Josh clearly hasn't told you the whole story, he knows damn well why he got fired. And he's never told Sam to fuck off, not once.

Working for 3 years? You mean the asian guy? He left of his own accord. Nothing to do with Sam.

Well, think what you want but they're really not the super epic assholes you're making them out to be. You've clearly been burned by them in the past and I'm sorry to hear that or maybe you're just believing what Josh is telling you as I'm sure he still holds a grudge against Hideki for firing him.

Most of them just sell figures to be honest. TT actually have the widest range of official stuff as far as I've seen.

>> No.6783617

>TT actually have the widest range of official stuff as far as I've seen
Just a shame about it being mixed in with all the bootlegs so uninformed consumers can't differentiate.

>> No.6783634

Why did he get fired? And is Josh the really fat guy

>> No.6784655

Sad that I missed signing up for Aya and now its all full. Anyone in a similar situation?

>> No.6784659

I hope you're on the waiting list because 259 members are still pending.

Finally booked a room with an ensuite this year.

>> No.6784660

Still not sure if I want to run an event at Aya. To anyone else who's run a panel, is it a lot of hassle and would you ever do it again?

>> No.6784664

I've not ran one at Aya, but I held a panel at the last con I attended.

It depends on what kind of panel you're going to run tbf, I ran a homestuck panel and though there was a few preplanned skits (not all of which we used) it being an in character q&a meant it was pretty low work.

For something a bit more informative, you do have to put the research hours in, consider it along the lines of a pretty tough college/sixth form presentation.

Also remember the people typically coming to your panel are doing so because they have an interest/knowledge of the subject area, while covering the basics the best panels often go into more depth and interest than just the surface WHAT IS ______.

Also, expect either no one to show up or be way too full, I've never been to a panel that hasn't been one of those two.

>> No.6784665

I'm still not 100% sure on what I'd do it on (I have a fair few Ideas, I just can't pick one) or what format I'd have it in. I'd really like to have a co-host but the people who I'm close to don't really want to run panels or anything like that and even if I did, none of them are really interested in the same stuff as me.

>> No.6784753
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I was considering going to Japanorama next weekend since I'd get in free having been to the Space Centre already this year, but not sure if I can handle the autism of an AL meetup sperging around the place.

Aren't AL supposed to be pretty aggressive when they "exhibit" at cons trying to flog tickets to Alcon/LAC? I remember hearing they've been in trouble at a few cons for harrassing people to sign up.

>> No.6784856

Costume is coming along pretty well, but weight loss is faster than my costume making process, so I'll need to take it up once it's done, argh. Also freaking out about wig/hair. I have very very thick hair and I need either a green wig or to spray my hair green. Don't suppose anyone could help?

>> No.6784862

Wig cap. Don't spray your hair green, it will clump together.

>> No.6784868

Thank you, much appreciated!

>> No.6784882

Yes, I am but signed up pretty late so not sure I'll get through. Will probably plan costumes anyway. If don't go to Aya they can be ready for something else.

>> No.6784885
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>but weight loss is faster than my costume making process
Luck you.

>> No.6784952

Or you could just go anyway for the funtimes. Sure, you wont get the full experience but whatever man. I know a couple of poorfags who have a room but no badge, and they're still gonna go.
I intend to actually attend some of the panels and stuff this time, but for the last few years I've only bought a badge so I could have a guaranteed access to the bar. No badge =/= No con and no fun.

Most people will support a friend in need of help with setting up an event so just ask around for people. I'd love to do a panel myself but since I live on the other side of the north sea and have a crazy accent, it's not gonna happen for me. Would love to co-host with someone, but again, don't live in the country. But there you go, make it happen.

>> No.6784970

I love how he plays his name off as Hideki - I used to hang out/ help in the shop over the summer many years ago and one of his employees told me his real name is Ping

>> No.6785003

They do it so that they weeaboos think they're Japanese and then think all of the stuff is legit from Japan. His brothers call Min and the other one's Patrick for some reason.

>> No.6785036


Yikes, are you new? Never EVER consider spraying your hair to color it quickly. It always looks like absolute ass. Get a wig or don't bother, seriously.

>> No.6785082

It's not terrible on really short hair where a wig wouldn't be possible, but anything longer than shortest of short manly hairs is ass.

>> No.6785091

They exhibited at a con I was at, they were right behind me in fact. I didn't notice very much aggression, and they certainly didn't come around pestering all the other sellers to go to their cons too. But then again there was only two of them sat behind a table. A larger / louder group might get more in yer face, but that's what con security is for, anyway.
Besides, if all else fails you could just IRL troll them about how Robotech is amazing, and PCCR series 2.

>> No.6786116



So when people come up to him asking him stuff they're basically sending him ping requests?

Maybe if you keep asking him stuff TokyoToys will shut down

>> No.6787019

Yeah, I debated doing that. Never actually loserconned it before so wasn't sure it. I do have quite a few friends who are going so I might go just for social times.

>> No.6787104
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>tfw going to alcon for friend's sake

>> No.6787151
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Just remember it could be worse, it could be London Anime Con. Alcon's crap, but not on that level.

>> No.6787164

both of them can be solved with horrific amounts of alcohol and taking a shot for every shitty cosplay, weeaboo and 'luli'msorandom' you see

>> No.6787171

Death by alcohol poisoning is a pretty extreme method of dealing with a con.

>> No.6787182

if you do it often enough, you can bring up your tolerance you you don't die.
come close, but not actually die

>> No.6787637

I assume this is why 90% of LAC attendees seem to just sit in the bar all day.

>> No.6787952
File: 78 KB, 600x490, Meet here, avoid weebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's a little early but details for /cgl/ meet at London MCM May!

6pm at the statue on Saturday. Chances are there will be a lot of weebs around so be sure to look for the group with a sign with /cgl/ or seagulls on it. We'll probably start jumping from bar to bar at around 6:30 then move onto room parties after that. Remember, cool kids only.

>> No.6787957
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>Remember, cool kids only
Only the coolest kids.

>> No.6787967

I'm starting to hope that he does show up so I can record him doing some cringe worthy shit.

>> No.6788019
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Just leaving this here.

>> No.6788038
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>> No.6788042

alright, we gotta find another place to meet instead

>> No.6788043

Why is paedo-features hijacking our meetup? Should we meet somewhere else? SHOULD WE HAVE A PASSWORD

>> No.6788045

Actually, isn't paedo-features banned from MCM anyway?

>> No.6788046

Holy shit, don't believe everything you read/see. It's a shoop, check the al forums.

>> No.6788049


>> No.6788056

I didn't make it but 10/10 for the guy that did. Almost lost my sides. Guessing it was the same guy who said Liam might turn up.

>> No.6788061



>> No.6788193

Yep. He wormed his way into getting admin status on the MCM Facebook (no doubt by directly contacting some young, new, naive mod after they'd been in the job for 5 minutes). Then spammed everybody with a message titled "Buy your Expo tickets now!", which made people who had pre-ordered shit themselves... until they opened it and found the "Expo" in question was ALCon.
BUT, apparently he was already banned from the physical MCM for something else he did years and years ago. Never found any details on that, thiough.

>> No.6788200

I hope you're not actually coming, you're an annoying vapid feminist cunt.

>> No.6788218

Is the password PEGGING?

Yup. He got kicked out from the 2009 expo for some reason and as of 2010 he's been banned from all their events due to conning his way into their FB group admins and spamming people about LAC.

>> No.6788223

Tempted to skip the actual Expo and dick around in London then roll up to the meet. There's a Bar over at Wake up docklands now. I might have a quick ride and then chill there on Friday.

Should be more than one party so just go with the group that she's not in or use it as a chance learn how to tolerate people. It's a magical skill that will get you far in life.

>> No.6788245

There's no way anyone can tolerate this cunt, she spends the entire day bitching about how every guy in the world is a misogynistic bastard and then bleeds all over the carpet with her feminist crap. She then has the audacity to complain that no one hits on her, gets drunk and starts being even more of a pain. I really hope someone pushes her into the river.

>> No.6788256

>BUT, apparently he was already banned from the physical MCM for something else he did years and years ago
I think AL had a table there to promote Alcon etc. and he was repeatedly harassing people/staff/guests/anyone who went near, trying to get them to sign up as well as leafleting outside his allowed area (i.e. in the middle of the show floor and not from behind his table)

>> No.6788268

I read a lot of feminist and counter-feminist theory. I'll shoot holes in everything she says if she goes off on one or at least keep her off your grill. I'm guessing you're just being a dik tho.

>> No.6788303

Is this a common thing at cons or is it just Londom MCM?

>> No.6788306


>> No.6788318
File: 255 KB, 1024x768, LF-158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the time anon!

>> No.6788331


Take a look around and enjoy your nightmares.

>> No.6788375

>Manga-inspired ebook
>"I raped the love of my life"

>> No.6788382
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>> No.6788389

The real nightmare is my fetlife inbox
>"Want to chat with a like-minded Rapist?"
>"Have you ever tried double penetration?"
>"we're very bad people in general, who like nothing more than to abduct and rape young girls"

>> No.6788406

Why would you have a fetlife account for anything other than fetlife stalking? I like to think all the really creepy shit like that is just the authorities fishing for rapists and pedos.

>> No.6788429

Well I have fetishes obviously - I only joined because I felt a bit lonely being kinky on my own but soon realised that it's far more fun watching train wrecks than actually trying to network with like minded folk

>> No.6788467

Well we've had the standard Brit thread Alcon bashing. Just for a change of pace are there any groups/people/cons who are not generally despised? Or am I hoping for too much here?

>> No.6788500

Kind of scary but pegging is something I've wanted to try out.

>> No.6788503

better bite the pillow then

>> No.6788505

Most of the "good" groups are small university anime clubs and stuff along those lines.

I'm so happy for you. Thanks for telling everyone.

>> No.6788537

From what I'm reading ITT, this happens when the guy is passed out?

>> No.6788542

better bite it when you go to sleep then
it'll stop you screaming so we won't have to hear you too

>> No.6788550

The best groups are the ones made up of local friends who don't have ties to anything. Up here in the north east we have 2-3 local communities (An over all Loli group which is shockingly friendly and accepting, the newcastle community which started suddenly last summer and basically consists of strange shit happening and scaring locals, and the boro lot who are cool but I'm fairly sure may be the great evil of the world)

I'm gonna be fair on the NE con scene, nema was never good but it was close and convenient and it did start something.

Unfortunately what it started was the new breed of NE cons which is being spiritually carried by Onecon (which I hope it good) and Sunnycon (Your mileage may vary, but the chaps who run it actually give more fucks about trying something new than raking in money and the local community are some of the more normal non-spaghetti I've met across the country, went to MCM last year and it was painful seeing how some people interacted.)

Then again, I would say that, being from up here I'd spose I'm biased as fuck.

>> No.6788635

It's a bunch of fat and ugly cunts dreaming about raping guys because no one pays attention to them.

>> No.6788650
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>> No.6788673
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>this thread

>> No.6788679

Well it makes a change from fat and ugly neckbeards dreaming about raping women because they can't get laid. Variety is the spice of life!

>> No.6788688

I'm coming, deal w/ it. Bring it up in person if you're such a big bad internet warrior.

>complains that no one hits on her
When has this ever happened in the history of ever? Let me guess, you're another sad, lonely little bitch who's too beta to come to the meet so she whines about people having more fun than her? How original! How refreshing! I like how you even admit you wouldn't even have the balls to do anything yourself. How very pathetic you are.

>> No.6788715

You are everything that is wrong with using a trip consistently. If you want recognition, go to redit. Also, why are you so obsessed with rape? It's like you think there's nothing wrong about it.

>> No.6788720

Thanks for your opinion, but there is literally nothing you can do about it so go fuck yourself.

Also, if you'd been around for more than five minutes, you'd have realised that my pegging comment was a response to a man's rape joke. But that's all fine and dandy, right?

>> No.6788743

Pretty sure you've brought it up prior to this in the other britfag thread. Also, "A man's rape joke"? How the fuck do you know it's a dude? Stop making assumptions, It seriously devalues your argument.

Another thing, when you're posting about off-topic shit like yourself, try sage-ing. It's polite.

I look forward to meeting you.

>> No.6788774

Wanna meet up with you guys but got some other people latched on that require my attention, maybe one day.

>> No.6788783
File: 95 KB, 441x705, Opinions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using a trip

>> No.6788795

i'm still new to the board, who the fuck is eva and why do people hate her/him/them?

>> No.6788805

She's the stereotypical tripfag.

Seriously Eva, I challenge you to give me one reason why you use a trip.

>> No.6788886

I've never heard of her but then again I have a tendency of not reading the name unless someone actually mentions it....
I always thought people trip for attention?

>> No.6788891

That's the only reason I can think of. To some people, any attention is good attention.

>> No.6789032

What if I don't bite it and scream instead?

>> No.6789479

Anyone here going to LuckyCon this Friday/Saturday in Lincoln or WAMCon in Winchester the Saturday afterwards?

They're both small uni society cons but they're both on their second years now.

Search them up on Spackbook or the like if you're interested.

>> No.6789574

Went to Lickycon last year. Mot aute if I'll go again this year - work is a bitch. It seemed pretty well organised last year. The only bad thing I could say about it was that a lot of the other attendees seemed to be more on the younger weebier side, burnt over all everyone was pretty chill and friendly. Also this year they seem to have lost about half their dealers.

>> No.6789617


A sure sign of the health of a con is the number and type of dealers that attend. If a con doesn't have the bigger dealers attending you should probably give it a miss.

>> No.6789619

On /r9k/, so that people realise anything I post should be taken with a pinch of salt due to my bias in gender issues.

On /cgl/, generally just for this kind of meet-up thing now, but sometimes I forget and leave it on in other threads.

>> No.6789648

Oh, and I also leave it on if I want to compliment someone most of the time, because getting SAMEFAG!!11!!! screamed at me by whining bitches jealous of the person in question is really, really irritating.

>> No.6789687

Yeah I'm really new, this is my first time cosplaying heh.

>> No.6789699

well, at least you came here instead of tumblr

>> No.6789705

Aha! That's very true. I know everyone says I should use a wig and I'm getting a wig cap and looking for a decent wig. But is sprayed and styled hair still not acceptable if I'm being rule 63 joker from the dark Knight?

>> No.6789710

Atleast you're aware you have a bias, which is more than can be said about some people.

Can everyone cut it out with the angry hurp durp U R a cunt n shit stuff now? If you dont like someone, dont bother wasting time spacking out at them. However much someone dislikes someone elses opinions they're entitled to have them.

>> No.6789720

sprayed, styled natural hair would probably look crappy enough to be spot on for Ledger-Joker.

>> No.6789723

I really think it's just the bitter arseholes who don't even come to the meets, because everyone at the meets has always been lovely and there's never been much in the way of drama in person.

>> No.6789727

I really hope you're coming, never hit a woman before but it sounds like it's going to be fun.

>> No.6789734

That's what I was thinking

>> No.6789735

Oh fuck off you little keyboard warrior.

I don't agree with some of Eva's views or appreciate how she comes across online sometimes but there's no need for this shit at all. If you have a problem, deal with it either on your own or by talking to her. Don't start shitting up threads like this just because your balls have dropped and you think shit talking online makes you a hard man/woman/tranny/scouser.

>> No.6789748


Are you in the Newcastle comm by any chance?

>> No.6789751

Do what you want, but be aware that my boyfriend has absolutely no qualms about putting you in hospital if you lay a finger on me, plus you'll forever be known as 'that guy' and shunned from meets if you're such a child you can't even share a meetup with someone you dislike. There you go, my skype's in the email field, it's perfectly useable if you have a problem with me. You won't because you have the balls of a dormouse and would rather shit up the thread for everybody than act remotely like an adult.

>> No.6789752

Hardly a keyboard warrior old boy, just letting her know up front that if I see her I will be punching her.

>> No.6789753

Also, documenting all of this so if anything happens you can expect to be banned from MCM, lel.

>> No.6789758

You're also letting everyone else know up front that you're a bit of a twat.

>> No.6789760


She is a tad annoying, but hitting her will merely strengthen her feminist thingie. Just ignore her completely if you don't like her. There are plenty of other people who are nice and easy to get on with.

>> No.6789764

I don't get why everyone thinks I'm a feminist. I'm a misandrist. That's not the same thing.

>> No.6789768

is misandrist one of those words that little girls use to be 'darknedgylel'?

>> No.6789769

No more than misogynist is.

>> No.6789772

>implying anyobne takes misogynists seriously either

>> No.6789776

That's probably wise, extremist views are probably best disregarded unless you feel similarly strongly about them.

>> No.6789777

exactly, vbeing a fucking sexist is stupid as dicks and only serves to show you're a cunt

but let's get back to thing at hand, anyone doing cons that aren't mcm expo sooin?

>> No.6789809

Eva, all this bullshit could be adverted if you just dropped your trip. Having a "bias" is not a good enough reason maintain a trip. Being a merchant or event organizer is.You are not a special snow flake. I'd reveal who I am but a lot of people I know like you and I'm not a fan of burning bridges.

>> No.6789816

It's useful to have it on for con threads though, especially when it comes to organizing room parties and stuff. Feel free to tell me who you are over facebook or whatever and we can just avoid each other without anybody else needing to know.

>> No.6789830

I don't want to avoid you because I haven't met you in real life yet and people tend to act differently over the internet. Bare in mind that I'm not the only anon posting in this thread.

>> No.6789954

Not me, but I give that 10/10 to the other anon that did for making me laugh. Maybe I will make a real one instead to piss everyone off now that I know how to.

I know the passwords, it's SPIKED, RUPHY and PEGGED.

So true and it's a case where the girls are just as desperate as the guys.

I am partly why this thing started, but for the most part no and it was a joke. However I may have motivated a few females into actually doing this so be aware. :D

The ones to avoid are Micnax, Eva and Annie. They are drama whores (or something like that) who apparently like to drag new people into their dramas and make the newcomers feel like shit pretty much. Personally I would rather meet these people and see for myself if any of the bullshit I've heard is true which I intend to do this May.

>> No.6790341

>Do what you want, I don't care! You can't hurt me!
>Also if you try anything I will hide behind my boyfriend
incredible example of a strong independent woman if I've ever seen one

>> No.6790411


Most probably because you act more like a feminist than a misandrist. For one thing a misandrist wouldn't have a boyfriend. If you're also who I think you are, you're just an attention seeking feminist. I don't mean that as an insult, just that you always do come off as if you're preaching your hatred of all things penis purely to get the attention.

>> No.6790491

Shes what we call a master ruseman.

>> No.6790566

>master ruseman
master rusewomyn surely?

>> No.6790574


Though sure, why the fuck not. I find it hilarious that some feminists are that insecure.

>> No.6790597

Third wave feminism is so fragmented.

>> No.6790627

I aint even a feminist. I don't want to be associated with a movement thats image has been highjacked by misandric extremists.

>> No.6790662

There's not just one type of feminism. The're three different waves.

Wave one: Hard to pin point but booms around 1900s.
Suffragettes and suffragists campaign for the vote.

Wave two: 1960-1980s
Campaigning for equality. More female figures seen in the professions, military, media and sport. Also reworking the law to be less discriminate against women, especially marriage laws.

Wave three:1990-ongoing
Cleaning up after second wave. Shit is complicated.

Why the fuck did I type this out. I hate my life.

>> No.6790691
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>this thread

>> No.6790706
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>> No.6790727

What a LEWDACROUS display this thread is eh?

>> No.6790749


But what you just typed is consistent with what anon wrote (albeit simplistically). Feminism has changed. And some of that shit is cray cray.

>> No.6790762
File: 433 KB, 790x797, enter mission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, Its been a long day. I think I was reading another post then got lost and went off on one.

>> No.6790797

I think that's generally true for most cons, but for smaller cons like Lucky I think it's a case of very few dealers will consider it worth their while to travel all the way there for a max capacity of about 200 people which is why the few dealers they have look like mostly local ones.

>> No.6790982

Eva and Annie are p. cool. I never really spoke to Micnax though. Dramu and gossip is fun and all, but don't people before you've met them.

>> No.6791005
File: 155 KB, 284x302, roy-without-his-lipstick-from-that-ludacris-display-last-night.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing about tripfags is that they always try and walk it in!

>> No.6791107

American here who just saw the whole series of this and having a good laugh. Thank you, anons.

>> No.6791137

I feel bad for you guys because you get shit like The Big Bang Theory and the American version of Top Gear.

>> No.6791147

Yeeeah. They are pretty bad. I've always been drawn more to British humor then what we get here.

>> No.6791148
File: 1.20 MB, 1200x900, za za za ZACHARIE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this still a thread about cosplay?

uh my expo plans are
Zacharie from OFF on friday (attached progress photos of the masks, so glad all the other cosplays i've seen have used shitty paper masks)
human Mordecai from Regular Show on saturday (wore it to midlands, comfy as shit even if my wig is half sprayed black eck)
Tom from Ruby Quest sunday (need to finish need to finish ugh)

>> No.6792325

You sentence is a little off, but I get it. That is why I intend to meet them and see for myself what they are like. Since there are other people there I should at least find one person who I would be good for enjoying the party with.

>> No.6792341

>not using shitty cardboard mask for Zacharie

>> No.6792453

haha god tell me about it
take a shot for every shitty paper mask in the tumblr tag

>> No.6792457

well, i know what i'm doing tonight
[spoiler]oh god i'm so alone

>> No.6792472
File: 2 KB, 121x135, 1324013668968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ruby Quest cosplays

>> No.6792845

Anyone travelling to MCM from Brighton station? I need to seriously get my shit together, I don't even know who I'm cosplaying yet.

>> No.6794299

Although I won't be getting on at Brighton, I'll be joining the train along the Brighton route on the Saturday. Not saying the station as that'd give away who I am more than I already have.

>> No.6794488
File: 87 KB, 594x241, MCM Expo Timetable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get this thread moving a bit with some questions, specifically about MCM.

- What do you like most about the event?
- What do you like least about the event?
- Got a funny/weird/creepy story from something that happened at MCM?

>> No.6794499

Take everything you hear about everyone on /cgl/ with a pinch of salt.

>What do you like most about the event?
I really like how busy it is and the unashamed weebery of the dealer's hall- probably pretty unpopular points! I just like seeing the huge throngs of weebs having fun I guess. And it's nice to buy weeby Naruto stuff for my little brother. The Fox is nice, too.
>What do you like least about the event?
Real lack of interesting panels and events. The Homestuck panel last time is the only one I've ever bothered to go to. It also seems impossible to find out about anything that's going on on the day, you have to know beforehand because like fuck are the staff ever going to be remotely helpful.
>Got a funny/weird/creepy story from something that happened at MCM?
I have a kind of funny one. The first time I went, I was wearing new lolita shoes that were two sizes too small. I walked around in them all day and then fainted from the pain in the middle of the main hall. Then I went home like 'well fuck this then'. Definitely learnt my lesson about comfy shoes for cons.

>> No.6794595

>little brother

God have mercy.

>> No.6794607

u wot m8

>> No.6794641

>And it's nice to buy weeby Naruto stuff for my little brother
As a misandrist shouldn't you be buying him pain, suffering and a comprehensive check of his privileges?

Unless he really hates Naruto...

>> No.6794668
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>> No.6794674


She fucks him with her trademark barbed strap on nightly while he apologizes endlessly.

>> No.6794686
File: 66 KB, 620x799, CwZ5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you like most
Gotta be hanging out with my friends, seeing them for the first time in goddamn ages. I've never quite had as much fun when I'm dicking around with mates at MCM.
>what do you like least
How little there is to do really. Unless you have a schedule to stick to, there isn't much to do but wander around and hope that something pops up.
>got a unny/weird/creepy story
I might have been a bit creeper accidentally this one time. I was cosplaying as The Kid from Bastion, and this girl asks if she can have a picture. Yeah, sure, pose, click, etc etc. Part of the costume required me to have this fuck-huge hammer with me, and after taking the picture she said 'Nice hammer'. I don't know what the fuck went through my head at this point because I referenced Captain Hammer, without hesitation and said; "Thanks, the hammer is my penis." I don't know why I said it, and I don't know why I thought she might have got the reference, but she gave me a dirty look and walked away.
My autism grew three sizes that day, and now I don't talk to people without a supervisor.

>> No.6794775


Is this what happens when Eva enters a thread? Is her sheer presence a thread derailer?

>> No.6794894



>> No.6794893


Yeah usually, she's a bit of a cunt and she also fucked Micnax in a bathtub once apparently



>> No.6794903


>> No.6794904


Fuckin hilarious - you seen her Facebook mate?

https://www facebook com/amber.janko

Her boyfriend looks a right pussy

>> No.6794908


spotty wanker called jake causier

>> No.6794918


Jesus fucking Christ. Now I know why my friend told me to avoid this place. Why are you all so god damn petty and vindictive?

>> No.6794922

Oh fuck I saw her at October MCM

>> No.6794928


http://www gothise com/profile/hexenharlot

lombrai @ hotmail co uk

myworld ebay co uk/hexen_harlot

hexenharlot livejournal com/profile

twitter com/Feldragonne

Hexen Feldragonne on Google+

She sucks dick like a champ - she's studying German with me in Oxford

>> No.6794940

I dont care for any of these. Whats the point in this hatred of her?

>> No.6794951


It's not that surprising, this is what you expect from a website like 4chan that allows you to hide behind anonymity. That being said, as long as you don't act like a cunt then you don't suffer the "wrath of 4chan".

Couldn't place her name to a face but if that's her then I remember her from October and I can't say I'm surprised by people's reaction to her. She causes drama left right and centre, harps on about being "date dere independent woman" but at the first sign of someone getting angry or disagreeing with her she invokes her boyfriend clause; who I may add spent the entire weekend trying to starts fights with people, typical small man syndrome.

That being said, it's best to laugh at the drama, not get involved with it and have a good time. The vast majority of people who turn up to cons from here are fine, the one's that bitch either hide it or just don't turn up.

I'm a massive SE fanboy so I love when they turn up, lets me buy a few items each time without having to wait or pay for there ridiculous shipping charges. The smaller booths are also rather great for picking up souvenirs and the missus loves getting her mangas from them as by Sunday they're all for sale and are usually dirt cheap.

That being said, I do hate how it's become more of a "freaks of nature" con than a place for people to cosplay their favorite characters from video games, comics and anime. If you weigh 24 stone, haven't washed in years and decide to wear a skin tight leotard please for the love of god do not go around hugging people and smearing them with sweat.

>> No.6795034

Oh shit. That was supposed to say "don't judge people before you've met them".

It was cool though. I'm not sure if I will go to the next meet, as I did feel a bit out of place at the last one, but it would be cool to see people around the Expo at some point and chat a bit.

>> No.6795051
File: 11 KB, 650x450, 06227.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lel, good job leejun
sure showed me
Thought I deleted the vampirefreaks but I'll get on that

>> No.6795060

I don't think I am who you think I am, I didn't have a boyfriend in October. And concerning the boyfriend thing, well... why use a knife when you have a chainsaw, you know? Efficiency!

>> No.6795061

I met Eva Braun once. She seemed cool and I didn't get any militant feminist vibes from her at all. Would socialise with again. Why is everyone so fucking mad.

>> No.6795069

To be fair, I am a complete cunt on the internet and I can see why people assume from that that I'm a complete cunt in real life as well. /r9k/ is all up in this thread and they have definite reason to detest me. Anyway, I won't post with trip in the next Britfag thread, doesn't seem right that the whole thing gets derailed just because of one person with a year-old vendetta (yes, I recognise you from last time, hello again!)

>> No.6795073

It's moslty people trying to stir up shit. I'll bet the majority of them don't really consider the facts and simply just want a show.

>> No.6795100

Repeat after me. Eva Braun is a master rusewomen.

>> No.6795107

amber stop talking to yourself

>> No.6795117

Having met Eva at a few meet ups and such she definitely comes across worse online than IRL. She's perfectly fine.

>> No.6795236
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>> No.6795254
File: 456 KB, 512x718, ILiekSanic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want an MCM ticket? Courtesy of Liam.

>Buys and prints out ticket a month early.
>Puts it on facebook for all.

>> No.6795292

Do they still do gift bags at MCM? That's the only reason I'd buy an early ticket.

>> No.6795299

Top lel

>> No.6795310
File: 549 KB, 1280x1707, please get this fucking horse off my head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any real reason to buy a ticket for MCM, because I am seriously considering saving my money, and just hanging outside but I'm not entirely sure
i never usually end up buying anything anyway, but idek

>> No.6795317 [DELETED] 

Doing Captain Boomerang on the Sunday. Stoked. Will be good to see people. Favourite cosplater isn't there due to exams but ho hum

>> No.6795320

I only ever get one late on the Sunday so I can get all the discounted shit. If you're not going to buy anything, I wouldn't bother especially if you're cosplaying since those wrist band tickets look like shit.

>> No.6795323

Doing Captain Boomerang on the Sunday. Stoked. Will be good to see peop9le. Favourite cosplayer (Speckles, does a killer Perona) isn't there due to exams but ho hum

Havent been in a year. Will be good to catch up

>> No.6795325

They'll approach you as a 'unclothed badge inspector' and threaten to throw you off the site unless you go and get one.

Has anyone actually been thrown out without a wristband? I might just get one to go in and look at the shit for one of the days, I like buying trash.

>> No.6795331

Not at all?

>> No.6795330


>> No.6795335

Not once.

>> No.6795347
File: 2.50 MB, 300x202, 1353428222276.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what I'm doing then

>> No.6795351

Ehh, there's never usually anything that I like buying anyway, I don't really like manga or figurines or anything that they usually sell, so I probably won't bother. I'll see how I am money-wise, closer to the actual thing.

that sounds shifty as fuck and i don't think at all true, least i hope not

>> No.6795444

Erm... which vendetta? I sort of lost count. :D

>> No.6795445

Not sure if this will work for you, but it's worth a try. Pop in to the office and tell them you're working for one of the stalls and didn't get your dealer wristband. They may give you one. I've had times where I've had to do this legitimately, but they've never actually checked whether I'm working or not.

That being said, if you can't afford to purchase the £16.50 ticket or even the £10 one, there's no point of even going.

>> No.6795936

I disagree. Since mcm has no limit on attendees, almost everyone in the cosplay community turns up so its a good chance to meet up and laugh at falcon folk without going to falcon.

>> No.6795945

Oh come on, that's really mean. He can't help being stupid.

I kinda wanna scope out the dealers' hall on Friday when it's not too busy, then go bargain hunting on Sunday, but I might just get a Sunday ticket. Depends if there's any good events (there won't be).

>> No.6796406
File: 67 KB, 675x566, 1357835292779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is the reason I prefer to fly solo at Expo.
I hate bullshit.

>> No.6796413
File: 38 KB, 424x552, tuvok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An illogical move captain, as you will have no assistance in case of an emergency, such as a hambeast attack.

>> No.6796418
File: 298 KB, 200x150, 1362633441603.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps so Mr. Tuvok, but I think that you'll find after my years of experience coupled with copious amounts of information/observation, I am capable of dealing with any convention-related issues.
Saves dealing with screaming homestuck weeaboos (whatever the fuck that means)

>> No.6796423
File: 15 KB, 247x300, Seven_of_nine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doctor, I must ask a personal opinion from you. Would you say my body physique would be suited for what you call, a 'sexy' cosplay?

>> No.6796426
File: 32 KB, 627x352, 627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering that I once seduced you with a Klingon aphrodisiac, I'd say definitely yes.
If I see you at the weekend, I will attempt to do the same.

>> No.6796446
File: 11 KB, 220x268, HarryKim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There he goes again...

>> No.6796460
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>> No.6796484
File: 99 KB, 587x650, Capt-Kirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god it's this guy again! Mr Spock! Take the helm! I'll... havetofightthisguymySelf.

>> No.6796503
File: 225 KB, 366x334, 1313519415996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Warned about /cgl/ being petty and vindictive.
>Goes to /cgl/
>Complains about /cgl/ being petty and vindictive.

What did you actually expect?

>> No.6796680

wait dose liam know its a bad idea to show your barcode off to anyone on the internet, I know how to make a ticket with the same barcode as his, know half tempted to so he cant get in.

>> No.6796763

Have you seen his choice of cosplays?

>> No.6796909
File: 392 KB, 471x699, Screen Shot 2013-04-27 at 18.55.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling them cosplay is a bit of a stretch. He literally wears his own clothes with carboard and tape stuck on his head. And yes it would be better for everyone if he wasn't shitting up the MCM hall and stalking unsuspecting girls.

>> No.6796911
File: 522 KB, 471x719, Screen Shot 2013-04-27 at 19.00.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His Shadow has a little bit more card, on the wrists. He also packs heat in the form of a toy gun.

>> No.6796937

Fuck it, going to stalk the stalker with my camera. Will upload and post it here if I catch anything cringe worthy/amusing.

>> No.6796979


Oh cool, what time? We probably won't be on the same train but is it okay if I tag along with you if we are?

>> No.6796998

someone did a video where they follow him at hyper japan and posted it on youtube it was super funny and scary at the same time, it show how fast he moved and just went up to people and started talking to them.
Sadly he found it and got it taken down, but would love for someone else to do a other video or photo just for the lols.

>> No.6797035
File: 735 KB, 849x698, Screen Shot 2013-04-27 at 19.53.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note the fear in her eyes.

>> No.6797084


>> No.6797094

Is it cheaper late on a Sunday? I'd like to see if I can pick up some bits but I don't really want to pay £16 for the privilege

>> No.6797102

I'm being serious here. Does he have autism.

>> No.6797206

They still do, but the gifts in the bag are generally shit. The only thing significant from the bag is the event catalogue which shows where all stalls are placed at and when and where events will take place at during certain days of the MCM Expo.

Not everyone is, but the few who try to control the party and lead it are petty and vindictive. You would probably be better off going to a different party or meet to avoid this sort of thing.

Sunday normally is cheaper because that is usually the only stuff left that the stall holder hasn't been able to sell.

If you want the best stuff you go in either on Friday (weekend tickets only) or Saturday.

I don't think it's that as I feel he has something much more worst than simple autism. For instance if he was super autistic he would either be in a wheel chair (and be cared for) or would be in a facility.

Instead it is an unusual condition where he is able to move around freely, dress up in a terrible cosplay outfit (which is barely just an actual outfit of any sort) and deeply expresses his Sonic The Hedgehog series obsession.

I hope this answers you question (even though his condition can't be given a precise diagnosis).

>> No.6797208

I've asked that same question before. Looking at these costumes, he has to be outright deluded to think these are even slightly passable let alone good renditions of the characters.

>> No.6797218

Man, all this negativity about MCM is making me slightly regret my ticket buying. My boyfriend always hung around outside, I guess I should have done that since I really only have a passing interest in the stalls and was hoping that I'd like some of the guests.

Is it that bad guys?

>> No.6797285

It's been better before, but it has been decaying. However with what you want there should still be at least some good stalls, guests and other things that you may like.

Put simply though the event as a whole isn't all that bad and it's just that if you want something and no dramas it's best to focus on what you want.

All that I hope is that the MCM starts improving again soon (and that the event coming up will be better this time).

>> No.6797307

Don't worry about it, I'm sure you'll have a great time.

>> No.6797346

>I don't think it's that as I feel he has something much more worst than simple autism.
Autism and a shitty up bringing.

I can think of better ways to spend money/time. I can also think of worse ways.

>> No.6797774
File: 338 KB, 2048x1366, shitphotography.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Doj Con photographer?
Mr Drew Photography or something...
So shit. There's serious fish eye warping at the top of some of his shots, I can't believe people paid to be made to look even worse.

>> No.6797775
File: 46 KB, 640x960, shitphotography3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not checking if your subject even has their eyes open?

>> No.6797776
File: 67 KB, 640x960, shitphotography2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More head warping.

>> No.6797781

>using a wide angle lens for closeup portraits
Wow I hope these people didn't actually give money to this guy. Was he an official photographer or something?

>> No.6797792

He was a session photographer on one of the floors, so people payed like £20 for a couple of photos from him.

>> No.6797802

That's actually disgusting. Poor lighting, poor composition, poor cropping/editing.

>dat big black mark in the corner of all the pictures.
>not cleaning your lens/sensor

Well at least I know one con photographer to avoid now.

>> No.6797803

Are all his shots at the Myspace angle?

Lighting isn't too bad. Everything else is pretty bad.

Girl on the right is actually a thumb.

>> No.6797814

Fully gallery. Some of them aren't too bad.

>> No.6797821

So, you're paying £20 in hope that you might end up as one of the 'not too bad' ones.

>> No.6797829

Good point. Fuck that. Fucker should be doing it for free/a free lunch.

>> No.6797865
File: 169 KB, 700x1014, BUYAFUCKINGIRON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never seen an item of clothing so in need of an ironing.

>> No.6798141


I didn't, I couldn't have paid more than £7 including the cost of a small print.

He took a bunch of photos and only sent me like three of them and one of them, I look fucking hellish in. I'm too beta to ask for the rest of my photos though.

>> No.6798143


Dude, that's last year's.

>> No.6798569

All the official con photographers are shit at MCM. If I want a half decent shot I just head to the cosplay area and wait for Nert to turn up.

>> No.6798932

pohots from 2013 on the Dojcon facebook page.

>> No.6799034

>paying 'on-showfloor' photographers

why not just get someone who roams round with a camera and business cards and find them online later (like Nert) or book a private shoot with someone? better than paying £20 for a 3 'not too bad' photos that have been rush-taken.

>> No.6799608

Nema dramu, stage right.

>> No.6799613


>> No.6799626


In summary, people have been getting phone calls telling them they're being refunded for tickets but there's been no official word from any Nema staff. Nothing but tumble weed on the forums too.

>> No.6800290

Might need to find another room for may expo. Anyone got a space they need filling?

>> No.6802194


>> No.6802311

Not surprised at all.

I really hope ONECon turns out good. It'd be nice to have a choice of cons in the NE rather than just Sunnycon, because that's nowhere near the great new hope people seem to be building it up as.

>> No.6804012
File: 64 KB, 493x925, Fuck the MCMfbpage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there so many self-righteous cunts on the MCM page? It's like they think people actually care about them and their opinion.

>> No.6804533
File: 38 KB, 419x353, wankers-club.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because MCM appeals to the lowest common denominator and has a large audience so all the retards/hipsters/social justice morons think it's an appropriate venue to spout shit and make themselves know so they'll get pussy/get vaguely famous at the con for being so tolerant maybe?

OR maybe it's just wankers getting all up in everyones grill because they're wankers and there's an "audience" if they post via the MCM page.

>> No.6804765

New thread

>> No.6804766

New thread.

>> No.6804769


>> No.6804769,1 [INTERNAL] 

Eva (Amber) your that chick that likes to have sex with trannies like that Amy Moore. If anyone wants a good mtf to fuck, add jambob244 on skype or add hexen_harlot. Both good fucks.