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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6789400 No.6789400 [Reply] [Original]

The cosplay=consent debate is one in a long line of community issues faced along with the priority of FB likes and racism. Where is the line drawn between fixing the community and personal accountability?


One of the many videos and articles on the subject. Essentially this person is saying that cosplayers should stop caring and be more preemptive in defending themselves as opposed to having the community come in and fix themselves.

How do you feel about the current community?

>> No.6789424

It doesn't matter since the janitor deletes all of these threads. I guess she believes it's somehow breaking some kind of rule.

>> No.6789433

please tell me that's not a patch
please tell me someone didn't waste fabric and thread making those

>> No.6789443

I think unfortunately the issue is there but the way people handle it by making these videos and tumblr hugbox posts dilutes the issue itself. It becomes more about them acting so righteously to make themselves look better.

I think common sense is you look and but don't touch.

>> No.6789445 [DELETED] 
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Stop dressing like Skanks

And you wont get raped

Belive it or not but most men get a hard on when they see young girls dressed like this.

Im only afraid of going to jail. I have no sympathy for women who get raped when they dress like this.


>> No.6789449

So being sexually provocative gives other people license to molest and rape you?

What school of logic did you graduate from?

>> No.6789453


>> No.6789454

Hang on I thought cos play had nothing to do with sex? So you are admitting that girls dress like this because they want attention and are too socially retarded to do like normal females?

>> No.6789457

>I'm going to park my car in a seedy neighborhood at midnight with the door open and the keys in the ignition. OMG IT GOT STOLEN. THIS IS TOTALLY NOT MY FAULT.

>> No.6789459
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>> No.6789460

Does not equate.

Door is not open, keys are not in the ignition. Car is just nice. There is no invitation. Also, perhaps we shouldn't have seedy neighbourhoods and could do something about that?

>> No.6789461
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>Saying "don't get raped" instead of "don't rape."
>Believing that women should be dressed covered up because men are so out of control they can't control their urges
>Thinks that only "skanks" get raped, as if women fully covered wearing a niqab or chādor don't get raped as well.

I hope you're a troll and not this incredibly stupid.

>> No.6789464

Guys, really
Stop feeding the obvious troll
Jesus Christ

>> No.6789466

Don't get your hopes up. This is /CGL/, where stupid comes to beat itself with the dumbening stick.

This is great though. I say we find every woman with a low-cut shirt and hotpants out there and just start jabbing our dicks into them. 'cause that's what hotpants and cleavage are meant to invoke, right? Sudden hot dickings from strangers?


>> No.6789467
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No, they just shouldn't walk around dress like this.

Like I said, common sense.

>> No.6789471

>Just because I go into public with my boobs hanging out and half naked clearly wanting male attention doesn't mean I'm inviting you!

How does it feel being utterly stupid and having zero accountability for your own choices?

>> No.6789472

Why not? Can't you keep your hands to yourself? Look, don't touch, or did no one ever teach you manners?

>> No.6789473

Really though, let's stop equating people's bodies to bad neighborhoods and blaming people for being attacked and violated. Skanky costumes aren't anywhere near as offensive as someone being a violent fuckwad.

In terms of "personal accountability", I think people are targets for harassments are responsible for being honest about details and not exaggerating the facts. What comes to mind is girls wearing cosplay that consist of bikinis and crying rape when neckbeards ask for photos or at worst make awkward flirty comments

>> No.6789474

And women are responsible for a guy getting a boner how?

Also if a man gets hard for little girls wearing dora the explora costumes and rapes a little girl is the child at fault?

>> No.6789476

>Why not?

Because you'll get raped. At the very least most men will gawk at you.

You cant have you cake and eat it too
>Implying you dont dress this way to attract attention. You arent fooling anyone

>Can't you keep your hands to yourself?
Can you keep your boobs in your shirt?

>> No.6789478

Accountability starts with the offender, no one else. Can't keep your meathooks off a pair of nice tits? You're the fucking idiot who has no self-control. Don't be surprised.

Just because cake is out on a table does not make it YOUR cake. You may have to ask someone if you can have some cake. If they say no, then you CAN'T HAVE IT. They do not need to stop displaying it.

>> No.6789480

>Gets your butt touched one time at a con when you were dressed like a slut
>Equates it to being raped

Feminist business as usual.

>> No.6789481

>And women are responsible for a guy getting a boner how?

By seeking out the boners. You don't dress like that unless you want men to be aroused.

>> No.6789482

>Implying I have boobs
>Implying I'm female
>Implying wanting attention is a punishable offence and should be rewarded with shaming and molestation

>> No.6789484

What if they want women to be aroused?

>> No.6789485

I have got to admit, I have rarely ever met a cosplayer who makes skimpy cosplays for the "art" or because the "costume was a fun experience to make".

It's an attention thing. Society tells us that it's wrong to touch anyone, boy touching girl, girl touching boy, in any circumstance. Last time I checked, cons were still held on planet Earth.

>> No.6789486

>Accountability starts with the offender, no one else

Prove it?

You know how men feel about boobs and female curves. If you know you have em and dont want attention then do your best to avoid it.

>> No.6789487

Seeking to give people boners and seeking to relieve their boners are two different things. Just because someone has a fantastic ass and shows it off doesn't mean they have to wrap their anus around your dick because you got hard. Go whack it like the lonely little man you are.

>> No.6789488


>> No.6789492

it;s wrong to touch strangers who don't want to be touched. how is this complex?

>> No.6789493

>someone has a fantastic ass and shows it off
>doesn't mean they have to wrap their anus around your dick

Well then they shouldn't show it.

>> No.6789494

Think of it like driving. You are taught to drive defensively. Drive safely. Don't do things that might put you in danger. Your parents or instructor also probably told you from time to time to watch out for certain people who were driving erratically or who might be setting up to pull a dangerous maneuver like cut through three lanes of traffic to get to the offramp. Now apply that to cosplay. Don't dress overly provocatively. Watch out for creepers. You hope that other people were also taught to not do bad things but you also have a responsibility to keep your eyes open to "avoid accidents."

>> No.6789495

"Men" is an awfully flat way of stating it. What about gay or asexual men? What about men who don't think that way about body parts? What about men who value the safety and security of a person over their sexual arousal?

No no, see, you're not talking about "men". You're talking about YOU. This is a very personal statement about sexuality you're making, while attempting to pin it on a more general group.

You know what you are, anon? You're a douchebag.

>> No.6789496


> assuming that complete strangers care whats going on in your undies.

Im not a cosplayer but thats kinda arrogant.

>> No.6789498

Sorry, but the world doesn't work that way. As a free-thinking adult you need to be knowledgeable of the situations YOU put yourself in and understand the possible consequences. Otherwise you're just being an ignoramus. The universe does not bow to your will.

You are dressing up as a slut intentionally to provoke men to give you attention and then acting surprised and outraged that they gave you the attention, just not entirely the way you wanted. It's retarded and you need to stop acting like a victim for your own dumb choices.

>> No.6789500

Not the person you're replying to, but look, I love tits and ass as much as the next red-blooded male, but I don't suddenly regress to a chest-beating monkey whenever a woman dresses skant.

On the other hand, I do get pissed when said skant cosplayer gets pissy for so much as looking. Not commenting or groping, fucking LOOKING.

>> No.6789501

can we delete this troll magnet of a thread? ignorant anon trolls will try to push buttons

>> No.6789503

It's not ignorant if you know what you're doing.

>> No.6789502

best analogy ever for explaining this. It also seems like something that you should have to tell a little kid and that makes it even better.

>> No.6789504

At least Im not a cunt slut who dresses up like a whore to get an ego boost from low life males.

None the less You dont have to worry about me, Im not the one whos gona rape you. Im more likely the one who would kill the guy who tried to rape you. However I don't respect you or nor any women who follows your lead. I have principles and an intense fear of going to prison. Count your blessing and above all, check your privilege. There is no reason you cant come dressed conservatively yet realistically.

Kara Croft doesnt look like a whore in her latest game yet most cos sluts will still dress like the old one with enormous tits.

>> No.6789506

Since when does the world work a certain way? I believe social values are defined by the people living in the society, not by some default.

You're arguing an indefensible case. Just because something attractive or alluring is on display does not give you the right to touch it or handle it in any way, much less abuse it. Conventions are also supposed to be a safe zone for showing off, and people who harass, molest, and rape are undermining that ideal.

>> No.6789508

>Remember, little Timmy, if a woman ever provokes or manipulates you into doing something, it's never her fault. Because she's a lady and ladies don't need to account for their actions.

>> No.6789509

>Not commenting or groping, fucking LOOKING

I think this is the real problem cos cunts have. This whole consent thing is a front, the real problem is 'I dont want YOU to look'. Funny thing is 99% of guys who go to conventions arent the type of man cos sluts are looking for. They go there because they know those guys are harmless and can use them as a ego boost to inflate their low ass self esteem. Most cos-playing females were ugly loner nerd girls in high school. Then they lost a bit of weight after school and realized they had huge tits and curves. They had the looks but no way to flaunt it.

>> No.6789510

That's an incredibly good point -- There's a lot of talk about "don't bring a nice car to a bad neighbourhood" and other similar comparisons, but a convention IS supposed to be that safe zone, that ideal neighbourhood where you should be able to trust the people around you.

Scumbags just shouldn't be part of that, period.

>> No.6789512

It's a responsibility going both ways. You wouldn't walk through a bad neighborhood with your expensive items out in plain view and risk getting mugged. Yeah, the guy stealing your stuff is largely at fault just as you are for having it out for them to see. Conventions are apparently that bad neighborhood for your buttocks and the people who are very grabby the muggers.

>> No.6789511

>Conventions are also supposed to be a safe zone for showing off

No NO NO NOOOO. They are not a place for whores to go and parade around. Strip clubs are for that. People go to conventions for the games and comics. Until you cunts showed up and ruined it.

>> No.6789515

>implying rape has fuck all to do with cosplay or not
>implying rape doesn't happen whenever, wherever, and however it wants
>implying these women aren't idiots for playing it safe, being smart, and being prepared to defend themselves/hanging out and traveling with friends/etc

>> No.6789513

And just because someone did something rude to you at a con doesn't give you the right to belittle all men and an entire community trying to garner attention out of being a serial victim.

When you learn how to respect men, maybe they'll respect you. Get off the cross.

>> No.6789514

and by that logic the world will be a terrible place:

The world where women never go outside or wear burqa everywhere to keep themselves as cloistered as possible. You will have nothing to look at, the streets will be full of people in bed sheets and men...
Suddenly all you have to look at is men.

I hope you like wacking it to thoughts of men cause that future is looking pretty bleak for straight boys on that logic.

>> No.6789517

I do not think you understand how harassment, assault or rape even work.

Logical question here: why would a woman seriously want to deliberately "provoke" or "manipulate" someone she had no interest in having sex with? It's literally a waste of time and most people who have the means to cosplay and go to cons probably aren't that psychologically depraved.

>> No.6789518

For not playing it safe, etc etc*

>> No.6789519

>, but a convention IS supposed to be that safe zone

lolwut? A convention is nothing more than a public gathering. Nobody attending a con has the obligation to make you feel safe in your slut uniform.

Your entitlement issues are ridiculous.

>> No.6789520

'cause we men have A LOAD OF RESPECT ISSUES.

>> No.6789523
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No they just have to have some common sense. There is no reason to dress like this unless you want sexual attention.

I say it time and time again. No one buys your bullshit, we all know why do it.

>> No.6789527

Not gonna lie, he has a point.

I think there's two kinds of rape victims - those who you hear about around the world, regardless of age or how they are dressed, it fucking happens. You hear about how old ladies are victims of serial rape from some sick fuck.

And then there are the people who put themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong fucking outfit or wrong group of people. You're either in drugs, you're scantily clad, or you are well known for being a local whore. Hell yeah, your chances of getting raped are going to be likely higher than some other people, not accounting for the first type of rape victims mentioned above.

>> No.6789528

No, Little timmy should have been taught not to try to take things he doesn't own.
When its stuff in a store we call it shop lifting
When its money in a bank we call it bank robbery
when its a wallet stolen from someone taking a walk we call it a mugging

And when someone steals sex from someone regardless of gender we call it rape.

>> No.6789529

I love how feminists are now bringing rape into the argument. As though being raped has ever at any point been some kind of problem when attending anime conventions.

You're trying to dramatize your agenda by portraying something in an exaggerated light. Typical feminist behavior.

>> No.6789531

>Conventions are also supposed to be a safe zone for showing off

So your admitting that cos-play is all about attention seeking?

>> No.6789532

>And when someone steals sex from someone regardless of gender we call it rape.

Actually no, women call it "rape" when they regret it afterwards.

And now being heckled at a con when you're dressed half naked is also appearently an issue of "rape".

The modern female motto: "When it doubt, claim it's rape!"

>> No.6789533

>>6789445 was the first one to bring up rape, and I highly doubt they're a feminist in any way.

>> No.6789534

If you didn't want to get mugged you should have stayed in you rhouse!

If you didn't want your shit stolen, you shouldn't have bought it in the first place!

>> No.6789536

I don't dress like that. I already said i wasn't a cosplayer. Im also not male but damn it im ok with looking at a fine woman who decides to show off a little, I don't complain when some beautiful thing walks in and brightens my day.

>> No.6789539
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People dont mug you because you leave the house. They mug you because you have expensive shit.

Jusrt like slutty cis players get raped, gawked, put down, shamed for walking to a heavily populated gathering that is male dominated.


>> No.6789541
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>walk into the mugger's alley
>whip out my money and wiggle it in their faces
>muggers look at the woman funny
>one guy eventually takes the money

>> No.6789542

Then Im not addressing you, Im addressing all the dumb sluts on here who do dress that way.

>> No.6789544

>implying that women wearing a short skirt or showing cleavage is the equivalent of saying "RAPE ME RAPE ME TEEHEE~"

Does your mommy know you're online this late at night? Or did she finally kick you out of the house for eating all the Cheetos?

>> No.6789545
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same girl

>> No.6789546

I... I think you mean not a public gathering. As in, it's held on private property, usually convened by a private entity, and held for specific reasons indoors with a bunch of rules that come along with purchasing a membership.

The PAX East book being the one I can think of in closest memory actually spells it out rather plainly:

"When you attend PAX, you hereby agree to the rules above and the stuff below. If any of the rules are broken, you will be asked to leave the center and we get to keep your money."

Basically by buying a badge, you agree to play by the rules of the convention.

I'm pretty sure harassment is a pretty big no-no in a public space, and it's especially a no-no at many conventions.

Oh here... PAX's rule #5:

"Don't harass anyone!"

I'm pretty sure nearly every convention I've worked for or attended has similar statements in their books and other printed material.

You lose.

>> No.6789549

>implying it doesnt

Why else is she wearing it?

>> No.6789551

But i am addressing you:

Stop telling attractive women who want to get their tits out to stop doing it.
Some of us want to look at some tits without threatening to rape.

>> No.6789552
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Just as a tip, to all the ladies out there seeking respect...

You'd have an easier time getting respect from men if you don't go on internet campaigns essentially calling all men in public animals.

We deserve respect too and you attempting to herd men is both patronizing and misandristic. If one guy touched your butt then ask him to stop or get security. Just as you don't want to be treated as an object, stop treating us like we're a bunch of cattle.

>> No.6789553

But harassment is has a broad term. Harassment could be a girl wanting someone to burry their face in her cleavage whilst not letting another guy do it. It may be a girl dressed like this>>6789445gets upset when someone looks at her boobs.

>> No.6789554

It's a public gathering. "private property" means nothing. nor does whether its indoors or outdoors or what the purpose is.

You're dealing with the public, not a group of friends. Deal with it and stop being stupid.

>> No.6789555

Can you women please read and head this? These comments fall on dead ears here. No surprise.

>> No.6789557

>Stop telling attractive women who want to get their tits out to stop doing it.

>> No.6789558

Ever heard of erring on the side of caution? Sure, the looking thing is indefensible: You can't wear something and not expect people to look. But 99.9% of the arguments against harassment have nothing to do with looking. It's about touching. Ask before you touch, and if the answer is no, don't touch.

>> No.6789561

It most certainly does. Private property means that when you're breaking the rules, you can be ejected from the gathering. Private property means the person controlling the property makes the rules (provided they aren't in conflict with those of the state). It means that you CAN enforce safezone regulations if it comes down to that. It shouldn't have to. Everyone should play nice and not give people reasons to have such deep grievances.

But guess what? It starts with the people invading the private space of others.

>> No.6789559

Rules against harassment at cons have been there since the start. It didn't become such a big ass issue when everyone started using cons as an excuse to wear more revealing shit and worse now when half of the skimpy ass cosplayers are jailbait whorettes-in-training.

>> No.6789562
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>> No.6789565
File: 270 KB, 780x1326, Comic+Con+Catwoman.+The+age-old+question+of+slutty+cosplay+girls_dd51eb_4017005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is basically it

Very attractive, big boobed, innocent, oftern under age females wanting to dress like utter whores and hang around nerdy desperate men. Yet some how think they can decide who gets to look and still be taken seriously
>OMG i chose this outfit because I love the character.

>> No.6789566
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>mfw this whole fucking thread

Dear God, don't fucking touch anyone and don't get mad because someone looked at you. What are we in, kindergarten?

>> No.6789568

As someone who's been to swinger clubs I'd like to contribute.

At a swinger's club there's generally an air of permissiveness, but everyone always asks first. We have an understanding: If you don't hear a yes, it's a no, and you don't get to push your luck. When you push your luck you're asked to leave and that's that.

It doesn't matter who has their tits or dicks out, and it doesn't matter if they're giving you bedroom eyes, wanking off near you, or frosting their nipples with whipped cream. You *always* ask unless you're directly invited.

Explicit consent is Rule #1. Never break it or you don't get to play at all.

>> No.6789570
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>> No.6789571

I have yet to see a convincing argument that whatever female cosplayers go through at anime conventions somehow a dire problem to the point where we need to have political discussions about it.


Oh no. Someone was rude to you. Time to call forth the internet as your army to enslave all men. You are truly a victim and your problems are real and substantial.

This really has nothing to do with male harrassment. This has to do with female entitlement. You sure as hell don't see male cosplayers staging campaigns to get girls to stop being inappropriate, despite them getting A LOT more unwanted attention from girls who are taught whatever they want to do to a man is okay.

>> No.6789572

Actually you do. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXaQpMkyfRo

>> No.6789575

lol you are a fucking retard. Anime cons are public gatherings. Public gatherings can be held in private property.

But of course, you have no real argument which is why you can only try to argue semantics.

>> No.6789576

I read this and i actually feel sorry for men who don't look at women and think "rape". I feel sorry that both sides generalize regarding men using lines like "All men are rapists" and "All men get hard around girls dressed like this and have to rape them"

The men who actually are humans just like the rest of us and are sick of getting lumped together with poorly socialized proto humans are real people.

Don't generalize about how women feel, you hate it when we do it to you and if someone realistically threatened to rape you i would personally still stand up for you because thats whats right.

>> No.6789578

>completely wrong topic

>> No.6789579

ok, then i propose going gay because you seem to hate women and their bodies so much it might be better for you to just not look at them.

>> No.6789580

Interesting how people lose their shit at bronies for sexualizing a children's cartoon, and yet when some girls do the exact same thing with shitty generic sexy cosplay in place of fanfic, the same people move the goalpost and start to complain about "censoring wimminz bodies ablubluboo"

>> No.6789581

Gay guys have it good. They get to share in each other's free enjoyment of sex amd not have to deal with female entitlement.

>> No.6789583

>you shouldn't stand up for something you believe is wrong because somebody else has it just as bad and they are not complaining
>if you stand up for yourself, you have to stand up for others as well!

Why won't males stop whining about women not fighting for their rights and start fighting for their rights themselves? If it bothers you, complain, stand up, remind girls that women also act inappropriately.
If it does not bother you, stop being a little bitch and complaining about who cares about these things and FEEL bothered by them.

>> No.6789585
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except everyone hates bronies because they suck

>> No.6789591

One time I was at Starbucks and I had a hard time placing my order because this girl in back of me kept talking loud on her phone. Should I "Stand up" and try to raise awareness against women because they're animals who can't stop yapping on their iphones?


>> No.6789597
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If it happens all the time and they are talking about you, therefore harassing you, and touching you and invading your personal space and body, and you can gather enough people who suffer the same, then yes, by all means, go ahead.

Your shitty analogies only show how ignorant and uneducated you are. You can't even grasp what the issue is.

>> No.6789598

You just dramatized your own agenda in turn by turning to the "GOD, YOU FEMINISTS" rhetoric though.

it's not even like the poster jumped straight to rape for drama or something. he/she says "harassment, assault, OR rape" straight up.

and actually it has been a problem at conventions. Youmacon had a guy who was factually a rapist on security at one point and he used his status to intimidate his victims and keep them from speaking up. The former chair of Dragon*Con has been locked up for ages for diddling kids. And those are just two examples. Do your research.

>> No.6789601

then go for it: no one is stopping you.

>> No.6789603

You're not fighting for your rights. You're fighting for entitlements. You want to be able to go to conventions with your tits hanging out to get sexual attention from men and have no consequences. You want the world to bend to your will and obsolve you of any accountability or minor inconvenience.

All this crap has done is make me more motivated to pinch and slap girls' asses at cons who dress like whores at cons, since you're clearly a bunch of entitled cunts with no respect for men and think the convention owes you something.

>> No.6789606

Don't worry, it may have been a remote situation, but I can make up a whole bunch of exaggerated stories about how WOMEN EVERYWHERE are destroying the fabric of coffee house communities and if anyone tells me to stuff it I'll claim they're trying to blame the victim of REAL PROBLEMS.

>> No.6789607

yeah but like

the worst of these girls in weird costumes is being annoying and entitled

whereas you're committing sexual harassment and assault which is a felony

can u not

>> No.6789609
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Have fun getting banned

>>women won't give me things on the internet

>> No.6789608
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>All this crap has done is make me more motivated to pinch and slap girls' asses at cons who dress like whores at cons, since you're clearly a bunch of entitled cunts with no respect for men and think the convention owes you something.
>mfw you get arrested and raped in jail because you're a little bitch

>> No.6789610

>sexual attention
>pinch and slap girls' asses

Looking is one thing. Even saying "gurl, I'd motorboat you all day long" is one thing. Yes, girls who dress like that ARE looking for some sort of sexual attention, but not harassment.

Slapping, pinching, pressing your cock against her ass is another. And it can - and will - get you thrown out, because guess what, this is not like vegan/vegetarianism where you can try to piss people off by disagreeing with them and saying "the more you complain, the more I'll do it!".

This is wrong, oftentimes against the law, not a personal choice.

Also, top lel
>feels like you are entitled to touch somebody's body because of how they are dressed
>they are the entitled ones

Do you even read the shit you write?

>> No.6789612

considering they're currently jerking it with their mom's hand lotion and chortling to themselves as they murmur about they're "totally trolling these bitches," no, I don't think they're really reading what they write.

>> No.6789614

Go ahead, then. I bet the coffee shops will be happy that you are fighting to keep peace there, and they will get much more customers now that there are no women yapping on their phones.

>> No.6789616

>girls aren't looking for harrassment

Why would I care what she's looking for? I'm in it for MY interest, not hers. She's just a dumb entitled cunt who thinks men are animals so why should I care about her feelings?

>And it can - and will - get you thrown out

Nah, you can't prove shit. And most of the volunteers aren't gunna take you seriously after one look at your ridiculous slut costume. I doubt you can name even one verifiable incidence of anyone getting thrown out of a con for touching a girls' butt. Those are entitlements you DREAM about having, but don't exist.

>> No.6789621
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Why do guys in this thread seem to think that its okay to sexually harass someone? Just because someone is in a 'provocative' cosplay doesn't give you permission to grope or molest them. You wouldn't do it to someone walking down the street (at least I hope not), so what makes a con setting so different?


>> No.6789623

Uh, that happens all the time, actually. Cons are pretty strict about unwanted touching because they know they have a lot of retarded weebs attending who need to be kept in line.

>> No.6789625


you're not even making sense anymore.

>> No.6789627
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Female who dresses in scant costumes here.

Cosplayed 4 times in sexy outfits. Got lots of comments, mixed levels of respect, all positive. No groping, rape or sexual harrassment ever happened. One time a guy accidentally rubbed up against my butt. We both laughed.

Am I missing something here? Where is this volatile wasteland of nightmarish men harassing and raping everyone? I don't see it.

I think other women who want attention are just trying to look like victims by using popular slutwalk mottos. I never have to fear for my safety at cons, no matter what costume I wear.

When you girls cry wolf over non-issues you make it worse for women with real problems.

>> No.6789628

>we men are not sharks

Tell that to these mysoginistic autistic neckbeards

>> No.6789629

>they know they have a lot of retarded weebs attending who need to be kept in line.

Nope. That's just another feminist sentiment. Your dream aint reality.

>> No.6789630

I think they are using this big ol' "addressing the situation" thing as a means to justify that they will now do it more to spite girls at cons.

I honestly doubt that some of these people will really deliberately sexually harass someone at a con considering they'd probably lose more than gain by trying to squeeze some chick's ass, especially with the girls now "banding together" to "speak up".

>> No.6789631

THANK YOU. This, so much.

>> No.6789634

how many of you guys ITT have actually groped/harassed/raped someone?

>> No.6789635

Never. But I'm starting to consider it now.

Some of these bitches have serious princess complexes.

>> No.6789636

You are factually incorrect.
I'm not even gonna bother being sassy about it.
You are literally saying something that is wrong and inaccurate and not even based in real life.

>> No.6789638

You can't name a single person who has ever been thrown out of a con because some girl told a volunteer he touched her butt. It doesn't happen. You're a stupid cunt who dreams about feminist vindication.

>> No.6789639

Not wanting random men to grab your ass/tits is having a serious princess complex?

Holy fuck.

>> No.6789640
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>the men in this thread think that women dress/cosplay only to impress men

>> No.6789641

When you demand that the earth move and realign itself to suit your desires of how you wish to always be treated by everyone when you go to anime conventions, no matter what you wear, then yes you have a princess complex.

>> No.6789645

It depends on the convention and the area it's in. I sometimes do scant costumes too and there's some cons I feel totally safe doing it, and some where I deliberately pack more cutesy or covered-up stuff. Depends on the kind of crowd and environment the con has.

>> No.6789642



Fucking ignore him. Don't reason with him, don't talk to him, don't even think about him.

Soon he'll go back to licking his mother's panties.

God damn, what the Hell is with you people not being able to recognize blatant trolling?

>> No.6789643

Well, flashing hundreds of dollars around or loudly telling people you have x-thousands dollars of jewelry in your portable safe does make you a more visible target.

>> No.6789644

Yeah, how dare someone not want to be beaten up, murdered, harassed et cetera for how they dress? Such entitled cunts.

>> No.6789646

Is this where you pretend to be a real fan of the scantily clad character you cosplay and are doing it out of "genuine fandom" and not at all because dressing that way gets you sexual attention?

Yeah, you're not fooling anyone with that.

>> No.6789650

I love how girls at cons are now being RAPED, BEATEN UP, and MURDERED at anime cons.


>> No.6789653

Volunteers generally can't do shit about it. You have to take it to con ops or security. Your facts are make-believe.

I've gotten weebs thrown out of cons for harassing my boyfriend and whacking him with yaoi paddles. Just saying.

>> No.6789654

Janitor, for the love of God, please.

Kill this. Please.

>> No.6789655

I'm a femanon and I'm laughing at how ridiculous it is as well.

>> No.6789656
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>mommy doesn't make them stop

Suuuuuuure, just because someone has got boobs and a vagina it automatically means that they can't like a (female) fictional character. You're totally right, women exist on this planet only to be pretty and please men's dicks.

>> No.6789659


How many of you girls have ACTUALLY been harassed at a con and what were you wearing?

>> No.6789661

>You have to take it to con ops or security
con ops doesn't give a fuck about your petty social quips. They have better things to do. Security doesn't care either, they're essentially there to make sure nobody steals or vandalizes the place.

>I've gotten weebs thrown out of cons
lol no you haven't. But hey, dumb cunts love to make up stories so lets throw this one into the bucket too.

>> No.6789664

I like fapping to skimpy cosplay

please men control your behaviour and do not dissuade women from dressing sexy

I need my fap

>> No.6789665


A lot of cartoonists, vidya game designers, etc are still neckbeards at heart and design female characters as such 9 times out of 10.

so let's say you're a gal who wants to watch, read, play comics/animu/games or whatever - maybe even dress up as characters from this stuff. You kind of just have to put up with what designers give you to find characters with personalities you like or relate to.

like, shit, I'm not gonna say ignorant attention whores of either gender never happen. They're common, but assuming that everyone everywhere is one makes you sound paranoid/kinda uneducated.

then again, if they're justifying themselves by humouring trolls on 4chan...

>> No.6789666

Cut the bullshit. Female cosplayers very rarely, if ever, are fans of the things they cosplay from. Especially when it comes to comics and video games. Your motivations are solely to gain attention.

>> No.6789667

NZ fag here, we had one regular creeper who got banned from the convention by the event organiser.

>> No.6789668


dude you're not even trying anymore. go the fuck to sleep.

>> No.6789669

Yeah, it's kind of annoying how the obsessive misogynists whine on about MUH FEMINIST OPPRESSION, when actually cons are one of the few places where sexual harassment is treated equally for both genders. Fujoshi hambeasts get the boot if they harass men, too.

>> No.6789672


> Sonic 2 was the first game I ever played
> fan for over 12 years
> planning Dr. Robotnik cosplay

Troll harder, nig.

>> No.6789673

Most characters in anime, video games and cartoons do not wear sexy or scant outfits. Trying to use the excuse that you somehow had NO CHOICE but to dress that way is laughably stupid.

And yes, most women who cosplay from video games and comics are not fans of the source material. Of course, that won't stop them from claiming they are kindred spirits with the character for more attention.

>> No.6789675

Times I've seen women get harassed at cons, it's been by other women just as often as it's been by guys.

I'm honestly pretty sure that the typical scantily-clad cosplaying "doing it for the attentionz" is actively more interested in attention from other females. Getting the D is easy - it's common but you're forgotten about once the dudes find someone newer to ogle. You really wanna be the centre of attention, get other girls to notice you and talk about you for either better or worse.

>> No.6789679

>Most characters in anime, video games and cartoons do not wear sexy or scant outfits.

...seriously, what planet are you even from?

>> No.6789677

Let's see a picture of the costume in progress, miss anecdote.

>> No.6789681

Planet earth. But since you don't actually play video games or read comics like you probably tell every guy on the internet that you do I wouldn't expect you to really know anything about what you're talking about.

>> No.6789680


Well, better post a pic because some troll nigger demands it!

Fuck no, dirtbag, you think I'm stupid?

>> No.6789682

Oh yeah, can't post proof. That would be supporting your argument too much. Easier just to make up an excuse about how you can't post a picture of a costume to 4chan because it puts you in danger.

>> No.6789683

I'm just surprised that the cosplay =/= consent shit hasn't really addressed situations where hambeasts and other weeby shits glomp and attack you without any fair warning. I've honestly seen more issues throughout the years of people having issues, men and women alike, in hevaing to deal with weebs who simply run and hug people without even asking or even introducing themselves.

The whole issue regarding females to be quite honestly is now more addressed because of the fact that there is a wider range of skimpy cosplays. I don't remember as many years back, in fact, Jnig, Yaya, and a few sexy no jutsu uggos are all I can really think of when I look back.

>> No.6789684

Stop feeding the troll. God damn, do you people ever sleep?

>> No.6789688


It's not about danger, it's about the fact that I don't have to do anything you say.

Like continuing this conversation.

Have a nice summer, kiddo.

>> No.6789685
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Okay, now this is obviously a troll. Not going to respond anymore.

Sorry, love, but being female does not automatically prevent you from liking fictional characters. If you really think girls only cosplay to get your precious cock wet, what about girls who cosplay as dudes? With your logic it must mean that they're dressing up as male characters because that'll get them sexual attention from men who like to watch girls dressed up as fictional dudes.

Yeahhhhh, right.

>> No.6789690


I know. Male or female, you don't fucking touch anyone. I don't care how 'hawt' that guy is or how he's the perfect 'see-may,' don't fucking touch him until you ask and get a clear 'yes' back.

And glompers should be shot on site. You don't full-body tackle anyone.

>> No.6789691

Agreed. Glomping isn't a problem where I live but some of the horror stories I read here just ugh.

Basically, don't touch someone, /especially/ a stranger, if you don't know if they're okay with it or not??
Apparently people's sense of acceptable behaviour goes out the window once you're in a con.

>> No.6789692

> being female does not automatically prevent you from liking fictional characters.
When it comes to fictional characters from video games and comic books, the chances are that any female cosplayer you see is not only not a fan but is not even familiar with the source.

>girls only cosplay to get your precious cock wet
They don't do it to get cocks wet. They do it for general attention whoring.

>what about girls who cosplay as dudes?
Most women who crossplay still try to look like pretty girls. Though it's more common for them to make up rule 63 versions of the male characters and try to be sexy.

>> No.6789693

Oh yeah, prove your bullshit anecdote? Yeah, why would you want to do that? Continue making up fake stories.

>> No.6789696
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>> No.6789700

why has no one noticed the fucking badge in OP is comic sans?

you all get an F.

>> No.6789701
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>the women in this thread pretend they dont

>> No.6789707

actually, they probably don't.

Guys have short attention spans. Legit attention whore girls care less about who jizzes over their cosplay and more about getting other girls to talk about them.

so basically dude, don't flatter yourself. The last thing they're looking for is some dudebro's permission.

>> No.6789712

Your theories are stupid. If women didn't dress up for male attention they wouldn't dress scantily. The only girls who dress for other girls are lolitas.

>> No.6789715
File: 48 KB, 720x400, Good-Burger-10-31-10-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a dude
He's a dude
She's a dude

>> No.6789717
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>> No.6789718


This nigger.

>> No.6789722

If all men dissapeared from the world, I'd still wear high heels. That's my own insecurities about being short, because I feel judged by people in general, not to impress men.

>> No.6789737

Its easier to not dress like a skank than changing the entire society. Deal with it.

>> No.6789738

How to troll:
1. Say something ridiculous.
2. Repeat it.

>> No.6789742

Yeah these irrational sluts are the worst.

>> No.6789743

Untrue. A hundred years ago a woman was a scandalous slattern if her ankles were visible or she bared too much of her shoulders, and nowadays that's almost expected if you don't want people to call you a prude. Society has changed. "Not dressing like a skank" (but still being attractive) isn't a reachable goal when there are so many different interpretations of what a "skank" dresses like.

>> No.6789744

>waste time
>having anything to do with men
>also plastic surgery

If all men disappeared, I'd still want to be my own definition of pretty. Which includes plastic surgery, make-up and very short shorts that make my already long legs look longer.

>> No.6789746


Its easier to not leave the house than changing the entire society. Deal with it.

>> No.6789749

How would this no groping policy would be enforced anyways?
Somebody gets kicked out of a con after a harassment report? similar to the current rape accusation system that is totally not exploited at all whatsoever?
Cops every 3 meters surveying everything?

>> No.6789750

I'm sure in 10 years you will be allowed to go out naked, don't worry.

>> No.6789754

Who says they want male attention?
When I cosplay, I do it for other cosplayer's attentions and the attention of the fans of the series. I don't care if they're male, female, young, old, straight, gay, and all colors of the rainbow.
I just want to log on to CGL or tumblr, or facebook and see MY picture and MY costume posted with comments like "Omg! How well made!" "Wow she really pulled that off!!" I put in a lot of effort into my costumes and I just want recognition for it. I want people to notice the finer details I put so much time into.. But the one thing I don't want people to pay attention to are my tits. I put in so much effort for what? People to tell me I have big cans? No thanks. There is more to cosplay than how someone's body is.

>> No.6789761

Are Cons really so bad?
Sexual harassment happens everywhere.
Cons are probably one of the safest places for women to be.

>> No.6789767


That might be true for you, but not all cosplayers. And certainly not the most popular ones. Is it a coincidence all J-Nigs and Yaya's costumes show cleavage?

Sexy costumes = more fans.
And I suppose more money if you want to sell your prints to your fanboys (almost all popular cosplayers sell prints now)

I guess maybe its because the most popular and famous cosplayers do this it makes people think ALL cosplayers are like this. When actually its because cosplayers like yourself are largely ignored.

>> No.6789770

I really dislike how people treat the human body as something shameful and nakedness as something necessarily sexual.

So I do hope we'll all be allowed to go out naked someday. It's not something I -WANT- to do but it's definitely something that would be positive to be allowed to do.

Sage because offtopic rant

>> No.6789771

What if I don't want to see cellulite and ass everywhere I go?

>hurr don't go then you're to blame you could have stayed home

>> No.6789773

Ah, sweet. Now that we have that clear I'm off to swing in the children's playground naked.

>> No.6789778

That sounds chafing. Not to mention you'd probably exceed the engineered weight limit.

>> No.6789779

The myth that males can't be raped is ridiculous. I totally agree that it is a statistically lower risk. But that has a lot to do with males physical power. Groping someone does not. Almost everyone has the ability to slap someone on the ass or feel up various body parts without the others consent. Regardless of gender.

>> No.6789780

What about females manipulating men? is that a myth? all females have the ability to manipulate men as well

>> No.6789782

You're not allowed to tell me what to do! Fucking fat discrimination! Check your privilege while I go rub my ass over the carousel.

>> No.6789783

Sorry, English isn't my native language. Could you elaborate upon "manipulating"?

>> No.6789787
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>> No.6789786
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we need girlwriteswhat to do a video on this

she is the hero /cgl/ deserves

>> No.6789788

She is the hero modern civilization deserves.

>> No.6789789
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... Why the fuck wouldn't they be able to? Who said that was a myth?

>> No.6789790

> You can rape men
> I totally agree that it is a statistically lower risk

You only accounted for physical strength as a rape factor.

>> No.6789791

>this thread
>americans arguing about sexism
hahahahhahahah fucking neanderthals

>> No.6789792


>But that has a lot to do with males physical power

>> No.6789793

So men are raped less than women, cool source bro.

>> No.6789795

>and nakedness as something necessarily sexual

If we ever get to the point where people understand this, feel free to rub your ass on the carousel.

>> No.6789797

Your ignorance of elementary biology astound me. Go back to your sociology plebs.

>> No.6789800

we used to run around naked before clothes were invented

tribes in africa still walk around naked or near naked

we should return to that simpler time

>> No.6789801

And monkeys still do. You're point is?

>> No.6789804

I think their point is that those tribes can walk around and live together naked with out it constantly being, "OMG a naked person! Cover that body because it's gross and unnatural to be naked!"

>> No.6789812

I wish there were more females in cosplay like the one in OP's costume.

Becoming her = female empowerment.

Agreeing with the "just because you're niggers doesn't mean you can steal my bike!" movement mentioned in OP = female victimization.

You're pretty much picking your side between real human bean and tumblr femnazi caricature cancer.

>> No.6789813

Fertility Rate.
Niger: 7.52
Uganda: 6.65

>> No.6789815

>That's my own Stockholm syndrome.

>> No.6789824


It's always the same.

Femnazi/Kanji Tatsumi says some "anti-women" strawman bullshit and then argues against it her/himself.

>> No.6789825

That's due to the massive amount of rape from internal conflict and disorder.

Don't agree on the whole "going back to simpler times," since I don't want to be in a thatch hut inhaling smoke fumes. But I think what people are bothered about is the stigma of the naked body as constantly being associated with shame and grossness. Isolated non-Christian tribes in certain parts of Africa are nomadic and can live together being naked, even if the traditational roles of women in those said tribes is child bearing.

>> No.6789829

Except most rape stems from power or control urges. And also many "serial" rapists (I use this word loosely, because I'm not sure what else to say; most rape is done with intent by someone you know rather than by a stranger in a back alley anyway) look for clothing that's loose and easy to remove. Generally speaking, while young women are the ones out at night or out alone, a serial rapist would be more likely to target an older lady in sweats in a movie bathroom than a lady in a slinky dress out on the town. We have it all reversed. Whether that's ignorance or to "shame women" or whatever is anyone's guess, but we need to realize that we're arguing our own personal opinions and prejudices rather than research and evidence.

>> No.6789831

See >>6789800

By "elementary biology" you mean 4chan's broscience about men being physically unable to see women naked without going straight to sex?

>> No.6789837

Actually, while rape might be a contributing factor, it is far from the major reason. It is rather due to their working culture and lack of contraceptives. Religions like Islam and Roman-Catholicism where a big family is tradition doesn't help either. Now, African countries are still far from humanitarian superpowers of course.

>> No.6789841

>saying "check your privilege"

Does not compute

>> No.6789843

You type suspiciously like brolitajenny.

God I hope he's not actually in this thread.

>> No.6789847

the misogyny is strong in this board.

>> No.6789851

He's probably wearing a fedora.
>Im more likely the one who would kill the guy who tried to rape you

Nonetheless, "Check your privilege" is retarded for one thing. Secondly, it's not exclusive to any camp.

>> No.6789853

OT but I don't get the whole fedora - douchebag manchild thing. I like fedoras. Not on douchebags, obviously, but just as a hat. It makes me sad that they're getting this awful rep because douches like them.

>> No.6789857

Obviously, I'm not of the opinion that fedoras are something inherently submissive and evil. There does seem to be an interesting correlation though between the typical user.

>> No.6789860

It's athens. He's a britbong shitposter who's been making the same "girls r stupid" threads for 3 years now.

>> No.6789863

Also, mortality rate.

>> No.6789872

Fedoras were first worn and made popular (among women!) by the wonderful bisexual one-legged Jewish actress Sarah Bernhardt. Basically, fedoras are the most progressive and feminist hats.

>> No.6789875
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>> No.6789878 [DELETED] 
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This is what I fantasize about when I see those skinny nerd types.

>> No.6789881 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6789885 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 420x270, tumblr_static_pegging_men3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Males should be held accountable when they turn me on like this. They think it's okay to go out shirtless in the summer.

>> No.6789889


>> No.6789896

Except you have seem to be the one that has a sense of entitlement to their bodies. If you're out in public acting like the douche you are on 4chan and it bothers me/draws my attention to you, I guess that means I can punch you in the face? No. It may bother me, but that doesn't give me the fucking right to touch you in any way. Fuck off, misogynistic piece of shit. You think you'll ever get a woman the way you think? Just go after men from now on.

>> No.6789905

He probably wore his pants sagging too low. That little flash of hip bone really turns on femdom ladies.

>> No.6789908 [DELETED] 

This. I fucking hate the janitor, this place has turned into coscom in terms of us being able to have controversial convos.

>> No.6789914


I'm surprised this thread is still up.

>> No.6789912

That was ironic. Stop jumping to conclusions.

>> No.6789913

Let's draw some basic ideas;

We can cosplay whomever we want -> the revealing nature of some costumes attracts unwanted attention -> we don't want said attention -> please don't give us unwanted attention.

Yes, ok. So we all know wanting to basically rape someone based on how they dress is unacceptable. Sexual harassment, cat calling, and others in the same ballpark are bad and are things we don't want to do. Ok. Understandable.

But this thread puts up 2 major assumptions; 1) females cosplay for men's attention and 2) men can never keep it in their pants. These two assumptions fuck up the entire logical chain I made up there. Why can't we just do this;

1) people cosplay because its fun.
2) not all men want to systematically want to have sex with every female cosplayer regardless of the amount of clothing she is wearing.

The absolute erasure of creepers (for lack of a better term) is just unrealistic regardless of their gender and who they forward their attention to. But the fear of said negative attention shouldn't stop people from doing what they want to do, and that very same fear shouldn't make a lot of the population as the group that only wants to have sex with you and be done with it.

>> No.6789917
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Attempting to logic with misandrists and misogynists.

>> No.6789919

well not everyone is like that, I'm sure. I want to believe that this is the case of social hot potato that shifts the fault onto someone else when we can actually understand how silly the assumptions we make everyday, very much less at a con. I want to believe that there are people in the community who really want some clarity on the issue and I don't want them to be grouped up with one extreme or the other like you pointed out. I believe because its true; we are all just people who want to be nerds and have fun. Expecting logic or logical though from that vast population isn't fruitless.

Or at least it shouldn't be

>> No.6789934

This isn't cosplay. It's a shitty troll thread.
It's basically a few people pretending to have no knowledge of a civil society and acting outraged when people them that they're dumb.

>> No.6789936

Complaining about 4chan does not belong on /cgl/. Constructive criticism and feedback should be posted to >>>/q/.

>> No.6789938

No, there is no athens anymore. Only you, arguing with yourself. You're not convincing anyone anymore Kanji Fatsumi.

>> No.6789942


moot ignores /cgl/ threads in /q/

>> No.6789960

He doesn't. Moot loves /cgl/, he gave us janitors and mods and he banned all obnoxious tripfags.

I mean, just compare to how horrible this board was a year ago.

Every other day we had:
>drama threads
>trifpag appreciation threads
>crush threads
>tripfags talking to tripfags - the general
and just as worse, all those 'fun' threads:
>hey /cgl/ what's your favorite video game
>hey /cgl/ what hobbies do you have >>other than cosplay<< (unacceptable)
>hey /cgl/ what are you listening to right now? (god I hated that so much since you have no taste)
>hey /cgl/ what other boards do you browse?
>hey /cgl/ how handsome I am?
and the worst:
>everyone post pics [sometimes with everyone rate them]
and the variations thereof.

Now /cgl/ is nothing but cosplay and lolita and occasional /r9k/ that is swiftly death with.

>> No.6789961

I love how no one is talking about the OPs video.

>> No.6789969

Do not forget the major /r9k/ we had, "do you disgusting females really do this?", "h-hi I heard there were females here..." etc.

>> No.6789987

Say what now? When have I ever done that?
The last time I checked, and the last time I even posted here (which was a good few months ago) I used my trip.
Plus strawman arguments suck shit.
The fuck, anon.

>> No.6790027

Nice try/10. Just stop posting altogether, both w. trip and w. your alter ego.

>> No.6790119

No different from the clothing = consent thing really. This doesn't really have anything to do with cosplay.

Nobody has the right to rape you, it's not your fault if a crime happens to you.

However, if you want to go out late at night in a cocktail dress thinking that your opinions on rape culture are going to protect you then you are dumb as hell.

I think this idea of 'Men are taught rape is okay' is crap.

We're not, any guy who feigns ignorance is just lying. 'Men' don't rape, douchebags rape and they rape with no remorse. I've never met a single guy from any walk of life who has thought rape is okay. I've met some who would fuck a passed-out chick without consent, but they don't care. They know it's wrong, but they will still hit it and pretend otherwise later.

I know it's fashionable to hate 'nice guys' and I think that term is way overused now but there is a reason why some guys think they deserve special treatment for being 'nice guys' and the reason is that a lot of guys out there can be douchebags.

>> No.6790142

>I've never met a single guy from any walk of life who has thought rape is okay
Of course not. Everyone knows rape is terrible, but the deal with rape culture is that people don't use the word rape. They say someone "got lucky with a drunk girl" or think that a woman owes a man sex because they did/said/bought them xyz.
A lot of people turn into rape apologists when the rapist is someone they like, and go to great lengths to tell themselves how "it wasn't really rape anyway". I assume you follow the news? Football is notorious for this shit. Poor baby's career was ruined because of "one mistake". Notice how nobody defending the rapist uses the word rape, ever.

>> No.6790145
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Don't worry it's just athens having a hissy fit.

>> No.6790153

It's kind of difficult to "defend yourself" when conventions have a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY on fighting, especially if the person pushing themselves on you is being extra persistent.

I was kicked out of sakura-con for 2 years in a row for punching one guy who groped me (and knocking out the other).

If you think my clothes are an open invitation to sexually assault me, then I'll take your sexual assault as an open invitation to physically assault you.
>To the man from Sakura-con last year- enjoy your broken jaw pervert

>> No.6790164

In my opinion, there is no way someone could make a skimpy or sexy Cosplay and NOT want to receive some praise and attention for it.

I mean, frankly, I do think that bunny suits are just flat out cute outfit as
But when I wear one, I gotta admit it isn't just because it is cute, but because I feel sexy wearing it.
I could do without walking to the convention and having random drunk guys put their arms around me as they try to talk to me, but...
I mean, shit, I was wearing a /bunny suit/ so I can't say it wasnt in some way expected.

Skimpy outfits don't mean "hey please rape me", but they also don't mean "I don't want to be thought of as attractive or sexy in any way as I wear this."

If you wear a skimpy outfit, you want the attention.
You're able to find the outfit cute, yes, but it should be obvious someone will find it sexy and make comments.

People who try to deny such are ridiculous, and that's why the Cosplat =/= Consent thing bothers me.
/I/ am able to admit I will wear skimpy outfits half for the attention. Why can't they just do the same?

>> No.6790170

>ut they also don't mean "I don't want to be thought of as attractive or sexy in any way as I wear this."
No one said that but you. Are you being stupid on purpose perhaps?

>> No.6790168


I don't know what the fuck 'poor baby' is so I'll just have to ignore that.

>the deal with rape culture is that people don't use the word rape. They say someone "got lucky with a drunk girl"

People in all crimes never admit to what they've done directly. Thieves call it 'helping themselves' or a 'Five finger discount' and try justifying it with other words.

Everyone knows they're doing something wrong, they just phrase it delicately. It's not really 'RAPE CULTURE' it's just people lying.

>> No.6790169

You seem confused. Attention doesn't mean groping or harassment.

>> No.6790172

I still love moot for how he handled Spoony.

>> No.6790177

Should've waited a bit longer fatty.

>> No.6790178


he's done nothing about the feminazi janitor/mods wrongly deleting/banning

>> No.6790182

I don't mean groping, no. That is something to report definitely.
But I hear too many people from the thing complaining not about the groping and physical stuff, but about people telling them they're sexy or whatever or just making comments.

That is the part I'm getting at, sorry lol

They should expect comments and stuff. I probably should have clarified that a little better, my bad!

>> No.6790184

>Why can't shit post the same stupid troll thread over and over again?

>> No.6790199

i cant even imagine the people here are being serious.

Women are allowed to dress in whatever costume they want. Looking is one thing. But no one wants your snarky costumes or fucking groping. I cant believe how this is so hard to grasp.

WOMEN DONT WANT TO BE TOUCHED BY YOUR GREASY FINGERS. I'd complain we can start off by telling comic book and video game artists to stop drawing women in barely nothing, because people are just cosplaying what the art image looks like..

Gods, why are some men such morons who cant understand a basic concept or people not wanting be harassed in costume?

>> No.6790200

Shes an anti-feminist she wont stand up for you.

>> No.6790204

Maybe they actually like the character? they cant help if the character is wearing a skirt or school girl outfit. The outfit they worked hard to sew isnt for men, it's for themselves.

Women dont wear clothing at cons to get male attention. Not all of them.

Check your fucking privilege.

>> No.6790202


I'm looking this woman up, she sounds marvelous.

>> No.6790207

Because more often than not, that line of "harassment" gets blurred whenever people are engaged in this conversation. No touching is easy enough to understand, but when it gets to the point of "I don't even want your comments about my costume" things start to get stretched.

>> No.6790212

read any DC or Marvel comic.
I'm a huge DC fan, but aside from being Oracle in a wheelchair, all of the girls are ridiculously naked.

>> No.6790218
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Ok, so no touching is fine.
What about creepy/offensive comments? What about stealth cleavage/butt/crotch photos?

>> No.6790219

I think you're mistaking "all the girls" with "important girls." There are plenty of over weight, ugly, and outright nasty characters in both those franchises, but people don't want to cosplay those ever. When was the last time you saw an Amanda Waller cosplay?

>> No.6790225
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So wait wait wait; let me follow yalls logic here...

>dress up provocatively in a sexy as fuck outfit
>go to a anime convention, a place where 70-80% of the con goers are neckbearded autist who only step outside for this event once a year
>complain when your outfit gains "unwanted" attention

ishiggy mah niggy. don't go to fucking nerdfest if you don't want fucking nerds behaving like fucking nerds. Most of these guys barely even see a girl their entire lives, and you come out shoving uncovered breasts in their faces and expect them to suddenly act like normalfags.

>> No.6790227

>The cosplay=consent debate is one in a long line of community issues faced along with the priority of FB likes and racism.


>> No.6790229
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>cosplay =/= consent

This...This is a troll right? You people don't actually think this is a real issue, right? Right?

>> No.6790231

I think vague ones like "You're hot" are acceptable, but ones like "Yeah I want those tits around my cock" are a bit much.

Creep shots: keep them for your private collection, don't post them online.

>> No.6790234

Sadly it's real. It's by the same group of gals who think any guy who so much as glances at her wants to rape her.

>> No.6790247

huh, I thought you fatties are notorious for assaulting male cosplayers too, or so I hear. We don't bitch about it though because.. well, we aren't bitches

>> No.6790250

No it's just some tedious person being stupid on purpose.

>> No.6790255


The only real horror stories I know of, have always been overly excited bitches who decide to try and tackle some guy. I've actually never heard of single thing happen to a girl at a convention.

>> No.6790256

/cgl/ plz, I love you but you have to stop falling for this shit
I'll just assume this whole thread is one massive samefag and none of you are actually this dumb

>> No.6790258

>that man face
Whoever yelled that has shit taste.

>> No.6790261

What about Oracle before she was in a wheelchair, you know as Batgirl.
When she had everything covered but her mouth, like Batman.

>> No.6790259

Men shouldn't even be allowed at cons. Pets aren't allowed, why should they be?

>> No.6790265
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If that happened then conventions would go broke. Face it, the neckbeards are the ones that pay for most of everything.

And you'd have a fucking hard time convincing me that the majority of girls go there for the "craft" of cosplay, and not just for the instant attention received. Not saying they should get raped or anything, but they no EXACTLY what they are getting into when they go to one of these. >>6790225 spelled it out pretty well.

>> No.6790269

Well fine, men can be let into the areas where they can buy $80 sketches, but nowhere else. There, everyone's happy.

>> No.6790270

Why not just ban all girls and be done with it then? Or issuing a dress code?

>> No.6790274
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skintight outfits are almost as bad

>> No.6790277

>ban all girls
I think you're missing the point here

>> No.6790278

This. Girls really have no place at conventions anyway. Most of them have a ridiculously low power level, if any. I'd much rather go to a convention with guys who are actual fans instead of where girls go just to cater to their own attention craved needs.

>> No.6790285

so don't cosplay them I guess. You don't want creepers? Cosplay some normal person and not an oversexualized heroine then. You can't have a cake and eat it

>> No.6790286

>Men are impulsive morons who have no self control
>Ban girls!


>> No.6790289
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>ban all girls
>suddenly no drama anywhere
>never having to make room for some girl who has some ridiculously elaborate costume
>talent show actually becomes interesting, instead of 50+ girls trying to sing
>noise level is at a reasonable level as there is no longer any screaming or glomping

...I think we're on to something here.

>> No.6790290


Seriously though everyone needs to come off it. There are creeps in the world, always. We can't fucking assimilate everyone into not being creeps, why the fuck is it so hard to try to learn things like how to spot creeps, how to properly say no and how to help these socially backwards idiots learn a thing or two.

Anime cons are a recipe for disaster. You get a bunch of shy timid girls or loud weeb girls with little social graces and a bunch of neckbeards with no social graces all in one place with the common theme of anime, you're gonna have a bad time. Most of these people think that anime is a reflection of how japan actually works as a country, and with everyone else around them 'supposedly' thinking that too, they're going to act as if that's the norm.

This whole fucking issue is just as much about social ineptitude as it is sexual urges.

And men and women both need to try to work at this. It's not about men being OMG PERVS and needing to control themselves, women need to learn that they shouldn't expect the world to coddle and protect them, because when all is said and done, even if 99% of men are respectful of feminist policies and 99% of men are amazing towards women, there's always going to be that 1%, always, even if it means one man, and when it comes down to it, if you meet him you're going to be you all alone by yourself with the world doing nothing, and you'll be helpless because you were taught it was okay.

Humans are animals, and throughout all of existence we've tried to rise above that, but we're not unique, we're not special. In the end we'll just be violent, primal, raping, murdering, powerhungry animals. No one is ever going to change that.

>> No.6790291

This would probably work actually. Conventions were admittedly more fun when they were less mainstream and the grand majority of con goers were men.

>> No.6790297

a realist if I ever met one

>> No.6790299

There is so much wrong in this post, i dont even know where to begin.

Janitor, please kill this fucking thread already.

>> No.6790303

I didn't see anything wrong with it. Girls should learn to fucking say no. It's pretty pathetic you have all these 18-22 year old "women" who act like it's the first time they've ever been outside without their mommy holding their hand. Women need to grow the fuck up and quit always placing the blame on men.

>> No.6790301

>Ban all girls
>Drama still there with men acting like autist going into shouting matches about trivial BS
>Men still making elaborate costumes blocking hallways
>No masqurade as men don't enter
>Noise levels down but BO goes up as men won't properly groom themselves as they won't be impressing ladies

>> No.6790306

Make it a bit looser then.
It doesn't have to be spandex.

>> No.6790310
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>Noise levels down but BO goes up as men won't properly groom themselves as they won't be impressing ladies

Believe it or not, we don't do this to impress you cunts. We do this because we don't like smelling like shit. Men are actually way cleaner than women on average. Don't believe me? Go to an apartment with all female roommates, and go to one with all men roommates. Only one will actually have clean dishes.

>> No.6790315

And yet guys think we put on makeup to impress THEM.
Hypocrisy general? Hypocrisy general.

>> No.6790317

You probably just have no idea how the world works outside of America or tumblr. Honestly, America makes it's own problems by simply listening to whatever group yells the loudest without giving any thought. You probably believe in rape culture and think that society is out to get you. Well guess what, you are society and you're just part of a society of animals.

The kinds of people claiming that the patriarchy demands innocence who are trying to overly sexualize themselves are creating their own problems. Women are trying to 'move society forward' by destroying the very things that kept them safe. Their movement is stupid, disgusting and has no merit other than self-serving sacrificeless banter. You're just diluted because there is a group of people telling you that you're smart and right.

>> No.6790320

>Gets harassed by a man
>It's not the man's fault

Shut the fuck up
Someone kill this thread

>> No.6790325

People put make up on to impress people in general. Because feeling pretty is a nice feeling. Who determines pretty? People. Are men part of people? I think so.

>> No.6790326
File: 93 KB, 576x384, whathaveyoudone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This x1000

>share apartment with 3 bros
>rotating chore chart
>place is always clean as fuck; always clean up after dinner
>go to gf's house that she rents with four of her friends
>place smells like smoke and cat shit
>clothes everywhere
>tower of piled on dishes with fucking food still on them just sitting on and laying around the sink
>none of them can ever find anything
>mfw they don't even bother to keep track of whose clothes is who now because it's "too much of a hassle"

I will never go there again.

>> No.6790330

haha because all men ar ethe same
and all girls are the same

you're hilarious, troll anon

>> No.6790329

I'm the OP from that post, and clearly you didn't read what I said. I never said it wasn't the man's fault, just that it's the woman's fault for assuming that no one ever is going to ever harm them and that it's safe for her to be anywhere at any time. That's never ever going to happen and we're teaching that it is. We're also teaching that it's victim blaming if you tell people to be careful, and it's not.

>> No.6790331

Only idiots stereotype entire groups of people based on a few who fuck it up for the rest of us.

>> No.6790334

He's right though. The modern girl his fucking helpless now. They're basically infants. I can't even remember the last girl I knew that could actually cook and clean up for herself.

>> No.6790337
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>> No.6790345

What happened to girls just being able to say "no" and walk away? It's not like these guys at cons are holding them down and gang raping them. Seriously, what the fuck do they expect? The problem is that women somehow gotten into this "everyone must like me, even I don't like them" mentality, and can't fucking stand doing anything that might possibly make a little confrontation with someone. Girls should just fucking grow a back bone and deal with their own self-esteem issues.

>> No.6790350
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>You're just diluted
> diluted
Maybe they should just concentrate harder.

>> No.6790359
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>> No.6790406

Feminist = for female victimization.
Anti-feminist = for female empowerment.

>in b4 but empowerment is showing tits and booty and others dehumanizing themselves when they think it makes me a sexual object!
Way to ruin your chances of ever influencing the muslim / 3rd world.

Then again, it's not like tumblr SJWs ever cared about women's right (=someone other than them) in general, it's all just one huge cancerous, self-jerking ego blob where you pretend your futile narcissistic life has meaning and think that makes you clever.

>> No.6790422
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Czech your privilagae!

>> No.6790434

Still confused here. The only post in this entire thread I've made was >>6789987, and this is the first time in a couple months I've actively posted here.
ANyway, this thing's off-topic, back to the discussion

>> No.6790435

It's kind of funny considering it's /cgl/. But, on topic, it's not hard to use common courtesy and common sense.

If I see a guy walking around shirtless, does that mean it's okay for a girl to grope him? No. That's kinds of creepy and weird. No one liked that whole thing where girls would run around and slap guys asses with yaoi paddles either. I'm glad those are banned.

>> No.6790438

Exactly. It's common decency. The person continuing this thread is pretending that he doesn't know about it because he's trolling for replies.

>> No.6790443

I am a girl of Roma ethnicity who lives in Russia. How high is my privilege again?

>> No.6790454

I think we have two problems:

1. Half of the discussion (in favour of this movement) has a cheering section which is too sensitive and takes too much issue with things like looking and leering.

2. The other half (against this movement) has a cheering section with deep misconceptions about entitlement and how women are treated in general when it comes to sexuality and their bodies.

Bros, can we not have peace? Can we not agree that tits are awesome but you don't have to be a creeper to appreciate them? Can we not agree that personal space shouldn't be invaded no matter what's on display, but that yes, cleavage is going to attract the hungry eyes of the horny (and oh-so lonely)? Can we not, my broskis, agree that this is ALL good?

Can't we? Give the ladies their respect and personal space, don't assume the bros are all meaty-pawed rapists in waiting, and then we can all shut the fuck up?

Oh and: To the people who are saying shit like "if you leave a nice car in a shitty neighbourhood expect it to be broken into".

Well yeah. We can expect it, but that's not what matters. The people breaking into the car are FUCKING CRIMINALS. Maybe we should remember that and, if someone's stealing a car, go over and stop them.

>> No.6790455


Holy shit this.

I had some girl fucking stalk the shit out of me for the whole con and try to get me to 'Yaoi' with another guy and proceeded to smash my thigh with a Yaoi paddle and TRY TO HANDCUFF ME to this poor Vampire Knight cosplayer who looked scared and bemused.

How is this shit alright but vice versa isn't? You say we live in a rape culture because it's 'Okay to grope' (apparently) in some males' minds yet if males bitch about that:

'MAN up'
'Be a MAN'

Oh look, complaining about this stuff as a male = you must be some kind of WOMAN or GAY to do such a thing. If I punched her in her fucking face I'd be the one who gets the shit for HITTING A WOMAN

>> No.6790459

Basically, we need to agree with the girl in OP. She /threaded this 'discussion' before it even started.

>> No.6790462

And if a woman "bitches" about being groped:

look at what you're wearing! you were asking for it
you deserved it
c'mon, you were totally leading him on
you liked it, didn't you?

>> No.6790464

>How is this shit alright but vice-versa isn't?
No one said that kind of behavior is all right. In fact, the idea is to bring awareness so that people of all genders know that someone dressing like their waifu/husbando does not make it okay to go full creeper on them.

>But muh friends
You have shit friends.

>> No.6790465


I've never ever heard this to be honest. Sounds like some crazy nutball westboro right-wing American shit.

>> No.6790474

I guess to back it up, there were a series on instances where people in my circle were being sexually harassed by a tranny. No one said any of that shit and everyone felt bad for the guys involved. On top of that, the tranny was not invited to gatherings for a really long time.

So yeah, get better friends.

>> No.6790572

Bringing "awareness" to petty non-issues trivializes people with real issues since you're crying wolf over nonsense. Someone touching your butt one time when you were at a con is not a real political issue, no matter how important you want to make yourself seem.

>> No.6790590

I've been sexually assaulted (not raped, thankfully) at cons before. It ain't fun, and I'm sure it's not just the ladies who have to deal with drunken idiots. I imagine some male cosplayers deal with crazy weeb women.

I think it's a pretty easy thing to not touch people you don't know without their permission. It's pretty damn easy not to follow them around and harrass them from afar. Doesn't matter if they're in speedos or a heavy winter coat. Just ask before you touch.

You all act like it's a huge deal for you to not be shitheads. It really isn't hard.

>> No.6790611


Fucking this.

>> No.6790612


See? Even at a fucking freaky-ass sex club people ask permission. This shit ain't tough.

>> No.6790663

Let's be honest here, if it was all muscle bound good looking dudes touching and harassing, this wouldn't even be an issue. You guys would lap that shit up. It's the fact that you're receiving the attention from basement dwelling virgins that has you all in a tizzy.

>> No.6790666

>implying anon didn't just make that shit up

This board is easily the dumbest out of all of them.

>> No.6790675

I used to frequent sex events, though they were BDSM and not swinger. And yes, it is a rule at most places to not touch anyone without asking. People who touch others without asking, regardless of what the other was wearing or doing, are often kicked out, or at least warned. Repeat offenders are often blacklisted via internet communications so that other events don't allow them in.

I had heard swinger clubs were more lenient, but I kind of hoped not.

So if a bunch of people who are out for the main purpose of sexual fulfillment are held to this standard, why is this hard for you all?

>> No.6790677

Why would anyone make that up? That even makes REGULAR sense, anecdotal or otherwise.

>> No.6790692

>makes a dumb assumption
>accuses others of being dumb

>> No.6790699


> never been to a swinger's club

You sad, strange little man.

>> No.6790722

I like you.

>> No.6791162


It's not.

I've been at cons literally since the mid 90s and I've yet to see any 'bad touching'. I've heard some girls yelling at guys to stop following them around/talking to them and I've seen guys caught taking upskirt photos but when I read the con horror stories I can't help but think the majority of the 'ALL GUYS ARE CREEPY RAPISTS' shit are either way overblown or just outright lies.

>> No.6791195

Weird, maybe the cons I go to are just sleazy, or I just have bad luck. Because I've certainly been both grabbed inappropriately (more than once) and harassed from afar, and I've heard similar complaints from other women at the same cons. Not to mention all the "glomping" bullshit.

Don't get me wrong, there were far more good and respectful people than douchenozzles. But people seem to be too quick to dismiss douchenozzle behavior.

>> No.6791806
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I think it's far more likely that your perspective of what is actually going on is exaggerated or just out right wrong. The problem is that a lot of girls have this "special snowflake" mentality and hyper analyze every little fucking thing to the point of absurdity. Honestly, if you guys actually felt threatened, you would't even go to conventions. I've also noticed a surprising change in tone based on the looks of an individual, based on my own observations of my own friends. It's pretty funny how quickly they dismiss some fat slob as a creeper, even though they guy obviously couldn't care less about them, but suddenly they make a friend in the tall, good looking guy walking around as a shirtless Goku, despite all the actual D-Bag alarms he's setting off.

When comes right down to it, you girls just have a problem with all the nerdy looking guys there, the same way us guys have a problem with all the female ham-beasts that show up. The only difference is that we're not trying to victimize ourselves in order to cover up our own shallow like instincts.

>> No.6791924

Sweetheart...there's so much stupid in what you just said. I've been touched sexually without permission by both unattractive and moderately attractive males. I asked them not to touch me, regardless.

I would expect the same of men if women were making them uncomfortable in the same way. If a strange woman grabs your ass, nipple, or dick, I'd hope you'd agree that that's wrong of them.

It's really cute how some people like to pretend that they're entitled to touch others, and if the other person throws a fit, it's because they're shallow and you're just not pretty enough. Way to place the blame on the victims of sexual assault/harassment for the wrong actions of pushy dicks.

Your line of thinking is part of the reason this is even an issue to begin with.

>> No.6791960
File: 86 KB, 700x462, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and gentlemen, just don't fucking touch strangers without asking. This would fix this entire fucking problem. This shouldn't even be debated. End of fucking story.

>mfw there's actually a debate about respecting personal space

>> No.6792017


Sure you have fatty.

>> No.6792030

Only fat people can be condescending.

It has been made into law. By this law, you are a fatty, as well.

>> No.6792033
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>Way to place the blame on the victims of sexual assault

Alright, hold the phone. Now I'm not condoning touching or taken photos without asking by any means. But come the fuck on, you are not being Sexual Assaulted. You personal space is being violated, yes, but that's a far cry from actually being Assaulted.

>> No.6792043

Unwanted sexual contact is sexual assault. Look it up.

Were we just talking about taps on the shoulder here? Maybe I misunderstood.

>> No.6792049

>Unwanted sexual contact is sexual assault.

This rarely, if ever actually happens at cons. From my experience, most of the "harassment" comes from the female side of the gender pool anyway. Can't even count the number of times I've had my ass grabbed at these things.

>> No.6792056

Did you tell these women off? Cuz that isn't okay from either gender.

It has happened to me at cons. To be fair, though, it didn't happen during the day. It happened at night, when pretty much everyone who wasn't back in their room was drunk. I imagine just staying out during the day is safer.

>> No.6792063

No I didn't. Because over all it doesn't really hurt me, and makes her feel better about herself. If they want to grab my ass that's cool; I take the compliment and go back to doing my own thing. I'd much rather save energy on shit that actually matters.

>> No.6792073

Well, then I believe that's not assault, since it's not really unwanted. I wouldn't let that slide, though. People should know better than to just rub their hands all over strangers.

But hey, your ass, your rules.

>> No.6792170
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Posting this because it seemed appropriate. Basically video game cons and the like are now starting to discourage women attendees because of all the fake drama they bring. Will be interesting to see if the anime scene will follow suit.

>> No.6792173

/v/ here, i know most of you look like shit but just a reminder that if you dress like a whore, you're going to be treated like one

>> No.6792178
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But they know they are gonna get it. If you really don't want male attention, dress like it.

>> No.6792179

>Saying "don't get raped" instead of "don't rape."
I genuinely cannot comprehend how retard the people who actually believe anyone uses this argument are.

>> No.6792182

No. Just because something is annoying, doesn't make it assault. I know at girl at work with a lisp, and when she talks it's pretty much the most irritating fucking thing ever. I don't however go out of my way to start a campaign about how she's "assaulting" my ears.

>> No.6792185

95% of rape is consensual until the girl feels guilty about it in the morning.

>> No.6792187

Not that guy but, public indecency isnt a crime in America?

>> No.6792188

hey /v/
bye /v/

>> No.6792189

What the fuck is this thread about? I don't leave the house so I don't know what goes in cons, but all I see is "consent". Are people being raped at cons or some shit? Consent to what?

>> No.6792191

OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE! Having a picture taken of you, or getting your fucking ass grabbed is NOT rape. Quit fucking bringing rape down to such a stupid level; you only hurt ACTUAL rape victims when you make petty bitch comments like that.

>> No.6792193

No. This is just another attention whore campaign so /cgl/ girls can once again gobble up attention they get from their own victimization.

>> No.6792196

>What the fuck is this thread about?
Racist femnazis from tumblr complaining about an actually empowered, independent woman telling them to stop victimizing themselves. (see video in OP)

Literally not a single one of you adressed or even tried to refute her points. Probably because she's a bit above your level (=comparing an adult arguing ability to that of a 13 year old special snowflake transfat tortoisekin teenager).

Tumbl = Cancer.

>> No.6792200

Oh, I didn't know that /cgl/ did victimization bullshit, I thought they were pretty much open and cool with the fact that they are basically prostitutes.

>> No.6792201

In case you are too retarded to comprehend simple posts, that post was insulting towards people who claim society tells women not to get raped and doesn't tell men not to rape. I have no idea why are you responding with what you're responding right now.

>> No.6792202

In the end this would all be solved if women just didn't go. I mean seriously, when was the fucking last time you met a girl at a convention that had watched anything other than the most plebeian tier of anime? They don't go because they are fans; they go for the attention, and that is NOT what this event is supposed to be about. They should just ban all women, and leave it to the real fans.

>> No.6792203

>the offender should be accountable for everything, the victim should not
Do people really believe this? Is there actually a group of people who believe this?

There will ALWAYS be offenders. There is not a perfect world in which rape, murder, theft etc. will not happen. Even if we somehow achieve world peace, even if we create a society in which resources are plentiful for all, these crimes will still exist. Someone will always be hungry, violent and/or mentally disturbed. These people will not stop existing. Rape will always be a thing.

Nothing you do, nothing I do, nothing any of us do can change that. But what we can change is we can change how we act; certain behaviours make you a target. Sexy costumes WILL BRING MALE ATTENTION. If you are not comfortable with this attention, DO NOT WEAR A REVEALING COSTUME. If you plan on staying alone, with friends, in a skimpy outfit you are much more likely to be raped. There is nothing that will change this. You are accountable for the decisions you make and any rational human being will tell you that walking around alone, at night, dressed like a prostitute is a bad fucking idea. If you aren't capable of handling yourself in a bad situation, if you don't have friends, if you don't plan to leave before dark, do not go to somewhere in a revealing outfit. This is true no matter where you go.

People will not stop offending. Offenders will always exist. The only thing that we can control is the potential victims--we can make sure they don't actually become victims by making sure they avoid doing stupid shit. If you're not willing to take that risk, DON'T. If you don't take that risk, you won't encounter serious problems.

>> No.6792206
File: 319 KB, 535x422, men vs women.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, you just dress for yourself

top lel

>> No.6792208
File: 65 KB, 400x489, 1363814819143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dress up like a whore for attention
>Bitch and moan when you get it

>> No.6792209
File: 42 KB, 400x414, 128326039816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a stupid comment
>defend it by saying the comment was about something other than what the thread was about

Yeah, I'm the retarded one.

>> No.6792211

That was old /cgl/. New /cgl/ is all feminazi and white-knight bullshit. No one even talks about costumes anymore.

>> No.6792213

Why is there so much tumblr shit everywhere now? Fucking /co/.

>> No.6792214

You misread the post and responded dumb shit to it. I then explained to you that you misunderstood it since you're obviously too dumb to understand a simple post on your own. So yeah, you're the retarded one.

But then again, I'm still wasting my time talking to you, so I guess I'm not the sharpest pencil in the drawer either.

>> No.6792215

Fucking this.

Fucking people now a days want fucking everything, but they don't stop to think that THAT is not going to happen, because you can't have one without the other.

>> No.6792216

It's not that the rest of 4chan, internet and world in general turned into feminazis, it's just that you /v/tards got infected by /r9k/ and /pol/ shit so now you see everyone else as the weird ones.

>> No.6792217

extremely high

>> No.6792219
File: 49 KB, 470x570, obamam-lol-y-u-mad-tho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so mad. At least attempt to hide it.

>> No.6792220

You know, I used to think a simple "you can look, but not touch" was enough, but one extreme of the argument wants to be able to touch (because wanting attention=wants the dick), and the other doesn't want you to look (I won't pretend to understand females, being a neckbeard and all).

>> No.6792221

>lol u mad
epic win XD

>> No.6792222

Are you being deliberately obtuse? That's the way it has always been. Years ago /b/ and by extension the rest of 4chan used to be people who were shunned by normalfags and now they're here so you think you're in the right when you say "Oh 4chan was always just like the rest of the internet"


>> No.6792223

>but one extreme of the argument wants to be able to touch (because wanting attention=wants the dick

Except for the fact that that extreme is completely fictitious and doesn't exist at all. Exactly why people are saying this movement is stupid.

>> No.6792227

The main problem is that all these girls lead guys on by pretending to be nice and always flirtatious because they can't fucking stand the idea of someone not liking them, even if that person is someone they despise.

This is really just a self-esteem issue these girls have that they are just trying to shove onto the rest of us.

>> No.6792229

>Except for the fact that that extreme is completely fictitious and doesn't exist at all.

Don't be so naive. It's not nearly as common as the feminazis pretend it is, but there are people who totally go around molesting. It's not an invention.

>> No.6792231

I have never once, ever, heard of this actually happening outside of a greentext story in my ten years of going to anime events. Basement dwellers are too fucking beta to ever, and I mean EVER, attempt that shit.

>> No.6792232

/b/ was always a board for underage kids. moot started this fucking site when he was an underage faggot. It wasn't until a couple of years ago that this site started being proud of being neckbeards, and that's only because a fucking cancerous tripfag literally everyone hated back then forced the term "normalfags". That's right, it was one of those animu girl avatarfagging tripfags you guys seemingly hate so much who coined this term. I think it was around 2007, maybe 2008? Really bad when it comes to dates, sorry.

And no, not even /b/ used to be misogynistic. It used to respond with tits or gtfo and that sort of thing, but never bitched and moan about women being bitches and whores. That only came with later stages of old /r9k/, when it turned from /b/ without memes to bawwww board. 4chan in past used to be leftist as fuck, always bitching about religion and religious people, Fox News, raiding that one conservative radio host, Ted something, forgot his name, etc. Ironically enough, underage shitheads who circlejerk on r/atheism have more in common with old /b/ than you guys.

>> No.6792233

>Oh, I didn't know that /cgl/ did victimization bullshit

The old generation of good & fun cosplayers doesn't (just like the girl in OP has been cosplaying for a long time) but the new generation of entitled barely 18 year old self-centered little shits who think that the world should change instead of them.

>> No.6792235

...there is so much wrong in this posts.

>> No.6792236
File: 140 KB, 600x572, Basic human contact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is accentuated because while the women who go to cons have no real interest in whatever they're there to represent and have healthy social lives, the men who go to cons are shutins who never have social contact which leads them to believe that any woman who is nice to them wants the dick.

The problem is that the kind of women who complain about this sort of thing will never, EVER understand what it is to be dedicated to anime or videogames.

>> No.6792240

>And no, not even /b/ used to be misogynistic.
toppest lel

if anything, /b/ is nowhere near as misogynisic now than as it used to be

fucking newfag rebbitor, fuck off

>> No.6792241

Can you point out the things I'm wrong about? Or do you just feel like getting the last word in this discussion without actually saying anything?

>> No.6792243

I don't get it. He's dressing in muscles, while the girl is dressing in clothes? One of these is not like the other.

Zyzz is dead.

>> No.6792245

Another thing is, you'd have a hard time fucking convincing me that this an issue, at of all places, and anime con.

Most of the dudes there are so deluded and observed with their waifus, that they really honestly don't give a single fuck what any of the "3dpiggus" around them are doing.

>> No.6792246

This thread is giving me cancer. Anyway, Mommy and Daddy, The Police and your boyfriend aren't going to be able to protect you all the time. If you go into a dangerous area, you should be expecting trouble, no matter what the "law" says. Women don't get a special shield against unwanted attention and/or criminal acts, grow up and protect yourself first, don't rely on others. If dressing down improves your safety, then do it.

>> No.6792247
File: 53 KB, 640x350, 1284713277537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please shut the fuck up you tremendous newfag

Dont even care if this is a troll, 10/10 would rage again.

>> No.6792248

>/cgl/ is one person

>> No.6792249

Extent of /b/'s misogyny was "tits or gtfo". That comes no where close towards modern anti-female vitriol by /pol/ and /r9k/ shitters taking over /v/ and rest of the site.

Just because /b/ used to raid attention whores alongside everyone else they used to raid doesn't make them misogynistic.

>> No.6792250

>/b/ never used to be misogynistic
That's not really true.
>never used to be
What are you even talking about? /b/ now is the reason /soc/ was created. It's not misogynistic at ALL now and is filled with normalfags.

>> No.6792251

I could make a lists, or I could just save time and say everything you posted was wrong.

I choose the latter.

>inb4 strawman you don't have a real argument because you're not actually taking the time to refute all the bullshit I just posted! hue hue hue!

>> No.6792252

>/pol/ shitters taking over 4chan
SRS pls

>> No.6792254


>> No.6792255

source or leave

>> No.6792256

>/pol/ taking over anything

Do you people on /cgl/ even bother going to the other boards, or do you guys just make stuff up as you go?

>> No.6792259

>I could point out why you're wrong, but I wont!
>You're also not allowed to point out I did what I just did because I said you're going to say it!

Seriously? That's your argument?

>> No.6792263

Source? Like what? Peer reviewed articles about the changes in 4chan's demographics? Seriously?

If you've visited this site before 2008 you'd know all this shit on your own. Do you want me to dig out 4chan archive shit to you or what?

>> No.6792266

Are you really that new to 4chan that you don't even remember the days before /v/ had ten anti-feminist threads up at all time?

>> No.6792267

>Do you want me to dig out 4chan archive shit to you or what?

Yep. Refresh my memory.

>> No.6792268

where are there pre-2008 archives of /b/...?

>> No.6792269
File: 49 KB, 375x363, tumblr_lgy8wb1lSZ1qb3gqwo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accusing others of being new

>> No.6792270

>being THIS indignant about having to back up your arguments

>> No.6792273

The term samefagging refers to when one replies to himself or tries to give off the impression that there's more than him arguing for a specific point. Responding to multiple posts in the same thread on its own is not samefagging. Please learn the difference, at least before you accuse others of being new.

>> No.6792275

I don't think I could find any sources of old 4chan being a bunch of shithead edgy internet atheists. I don't think anyone back in 2006 expected that this site is going to be overrun by literal neo-nazis so there was really no need to preserve that sort of thing. But there's always Encyclopedia Dramatica and its articles about, for example, /b/'s raid on Hal Turner, a person most of you newbies would probably praise, and I guess there's other stuff which would easily show that old 4chan was far more "leftist" than it is today.

>> No.6792278
File: 55 KB, 693x477, hyenas38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No faggot, you can link to multiple post in one post you flying retard. The fact you didn't do that tells me

>you are a fucking newfag who's too retarded to know how shit works on here

>you are a fucking newfag who attempted to samefag to make it seem like she had more support in her argument than she did, and then immediately acted like she knew exactly what she was doing the entire time when someone called her out on her shit

Either choice proves to me you are a moron.

>> No.6792279

The proper term you're looking for is sexual assault. "Rape" is a generalized term which was used to describe any event or action that was synonymous with plundering.

In short, people raped the word rape.

>> No.6792284

Responding to a single post with a single post makes it easier for the other person to respond to me, as I can see what point is he arguing about without him having to greentext a part of my previous post. But hey, who cares about common sense and logic and all that nerd stuff, when you can just shitpost and call people names and pretend you're an epic debater like you do?

>> No.6792285

even if I wanted "male attention", spending hundreds of dollars to make something and wear it in a public place is a pretty dumb way to do it.

>> No.6792286
File: 798 KB, 600x505, baneful visions.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread
>and every single man, woman, child and fiend in it

>> No.6792288
File: 25 KB, 400x301, 266869-37994-harley-quinn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Responding to a single post with a single post makes it easier for the other person to respond to me, as I can see what point is he arguing about without him having to greentext a part of my previous post.

Ooooh, good point. Except for the part it doesn't, and no one posts like that, and responses are linked at the top right hand corner of a person's post.

Just admit it; you fucked up hun.

>> No.6792290

...Except girls do that every fucking weekend when they go out?

>> No.6792292

This. Males are so egocentric that they honestly believe that it's all an elaborate scheme to win their precious neckbeard affection. So they yell and argue because they desperately want to cling to the idea that their desires are the center of the universe. It's cute, really.

>> No.6792293

well you'd have to ask those girls then, because cons are basically the only "social" thing i do.

>> No.6792296
File: 7 KB, 249x203, 1307712570167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well you'd have to ask those girls then, because cons are basically the only "social" thing i do

And were we have it ladies in gentlemen. Proof positive that the girls in this thread are so socially isolated that they honestly believe any form of attention must mean a guy wants to rape her. Let me guess; you still live with your parents don't you?

>> No.6792298

but I'm not "the girls in this thread". I'm me. one person.
are you feeling alright?

>> No.6792300

I'm willing to bet all the girls in this thread are exactly the same as you.

>> No.6792302

guess we'll never know
this was a fun hypothetical

>> No.6792306

Dress like a slut, get treated like a slut.
Dress like a cop, get treated like a cop.

I don't see the problem.

>> No.6792310

>brb, going to a con dressed as a cop

>> No.6792314
File: 25 KB, 411x440, Stefan_is_so_edgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Careful you don't run into Stefan.

>> No.6792320

Actually, Stefan would be a pretty good example of why this movement is needed.

>> No.6792346

I don't see the problem here.
I mean it's wrong that people do whatever they're doing that's started this whole thing, but at the same time if you can't handle the extra attention and if you don't know how to deal with overzealous nutjobs maybe you shouldn't be trying to attract attention to yourself by dressing up.
Cosplay isn't mandatory, you don't have to do it. If you feel threatened by people it's as easy as taking the costume off. Or just not wearing it in the first place.

>> No.6792347

Of course only Men rape and only Women gets raped. You have found your Enemy stick to it.

>> No.6792353

I agree it's disgusting.
Just the other day I was telling these magnets to stop sticking together but would you believe it? Every single time I put them even remotely near other they just snapped straight on each other.
It's just so insulting that basic laws of physics don't bend to my will. Science NEEDS to change so I can put my magnets wherever I want.

>> No.6792383
File: 55 KB, 526x404, honk honk br.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/irgin here, ima stare at your tits whether you like it or not

>> No.6792662

Oh? Does her talking violate your bodily autonomy?

And yes, unwanted sexual contact is sexual assault. Sorry to hear you're too lazy to look up legal definition, and I'm especially sorry to hear that you're stupid enough to keep presenting false facts in a debate.

>> No.6792672

No, I just don't like to listen to more than three minutes of someone whining about others whining about others violating their personal space, which is actually a fairly valid thing to whine about.

>> No.6792676

If I dress like Batman, will I get treated like Batman?