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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 21 KB, 700x700, Large_NR-2327-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6787823 No.6787823 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Things you saw that were wrong in every cosplay of a certain character that you made sure you got right

There's a cosplay I'm working on, and the character doesn't have any bra that I can see, but when I googled other cosplayers they ALL had bras on that you could see clearly in the photos. I don't care if I have to sew cups into my costume or use tape or something, I'm not making that mistake. It looked terrible.

>> No.6787909

which cosplay?

>> No.6788254
File: 659 KB, 468x877, Ofclboxart_cfm_Kagamine_RinLen-illu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People cosplaying Rin Kagamine and making her shorts/arm warmers etc black instead of grey. All of my rage.

>> No.6788258

>what is lighting and shading

>> No.6788274

I know this has been said before, but PEOPLE WHO DONT USE WIGS FOR COSPLAY.
I mean, i'm sure we all have that friend who says 'my hair color and length are so good for this character' and cosplay without and wig and just have gross, unstyled hair and look like shit. I've seen a few people look decent without a wig, but it's pretty rare.

>> No.6788275

i thought her leg warmers were black to match Len's..?

>> No.6788284 [DELETED] 

So...wait. You're not going to wear a bra why? She's most likely wearing one. Rin's flat chested anyways, and mostlikely all the cosplayers you saw had really cheap white material for her shirt, you should use uhm, good material. Also, I am baffled, but I just looked up 'rin cosplay' on google and deviantart and found plenty of girls most likely wearing a bra that doesn't show through. You seem like a real idiot.

>> No.6788288

They are black...

>> No.6788296

Unless it's a character from a live-action TV show, no wig NEVER looks good IMO.

>> No.6788302

Pretty sure they're black. Maybe charcoal?
I can kind of see where you're coming from though, as the append art shows the leg/arm warmers to be translucent so they look grey.

>> No.6788305

Some people with thicker hair who know how to style it well can pull it of, but they are few and far between.

>> No.6788457

It has to be right for the character AND the person's hair has to be good, and nerds usually take shit care of their hair.

Me, I'm obsessed with using interfacing. It's like no one cares if their cosplay sags down to the floor.

>> No.6788466

There are two things that get you kicked straight out of one of my cosplay groups
1) Use of the phrase "close enough"
2) Refusal to wear a wig

>> No.6788840

"Yeah, but I figured my hair looked close enough to the real character, so it would be fine"

>> No.6788867
File: 97 KB, 300x236, 15321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I was going to dye my hair that color anyway!"
Especially if the character's hair is some form of blue.
Turquoise and blue do not show up well on normal hair without a lot of dyeing. One wash and it almost always fades to green..

>> No.6788908

with not wearing a wig is debatable depending on what character and what kind of hair you have. If your hair is perfect, then go ahead, but I agree that most of the time one's hair won't work at all and really should just wear a wig.

My hair is black and thick so for some of my cosplays I use my own hair, but I always wear a wig if it totally won't work (I've probably used my hair for 5-7 cosplays and never got any riff because it works fine)

>> No.6788915

Red fades a lot more in my hair than blue does.
Point still stands though. As intense as you can get your hair color, it won't look as good as a wig.

>> No.6788922

In my book close enough tends to only apply to things like plaids (which are nearly fucking impossible to match just right,) and like, very rarely shoes.

Otherwise, that shit is never close enough.

>> No.6788927
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Your stupid is showing.

>> No.6788931
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...and duct tape flames

>> No.6789066

Ugh, they don't stick properly AND there's tape residue all over the place

>> No.6789115

I had to beg my boyfriend today to make him not dye his hair blue for Mordecai when we do Mordecai and Margaret from Regular Show.
I had to win by saying "I just really want to style a wig for Mordecai"

>> No.6789128

What cosplays do you use your real hair for?
(Another Loki cosplayer?)

>> No.6789130


>> No.6789141

What is this a picture of? It looks like skin and it's freaking me out

>> No.6789144

I think it's someone holding a snake...

>> No.6789148

For Sunday cosplays, I usually opt for cosplays where I can use my own hair (because wearing a wig isn't 100% comfy).

I usually prefer wigs though because you don't have to constantly maintain it and it's easier to prep morning of a con.

>> No.6789158

Using real belts for Lulu's skirt.

Yeah it seems like a good idea in theory, and probably someone out there has done it well, but 99% of Lulu cosplays have saggy terrible skirts because they use a fuckton of heavy thrift store leather belts with no internal structure to hold them up.

That and all the chicks wearing loose vinyl bodices with no boning. Its a goddamn corset, at least stick some zip tie bones in there or something ffs.

>> No.6789210


The belts don't appear to be attached to the skirt though?

>> No.6789212
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>> No.6789211
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>> No.6789220

You're really trying to prove a point here, aren't you?

>> No.6789228

People who make Game of Thrones cosplays and don't weather them to hell and back, especially Night's Watch, Robb, Arya, etc, etc.

Also anything else (read: almost everything) that's meant to look a bit worn but looks brand new instead.

>> No.6789234
File: 132 KB, 1000x680, CI_73350_1358349079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a big borderlands 2 fan and I plan to dress as Gaige at Fanime. My biggest fucking gripe is the pigtails on her default skin. I've seen people use auburn, pumpkin, and bright red wigs but it doesn't bother me as much. Every cosplay has either used their real hair (which looks like shit) or makes a wig with floppy, limp pigtails. It just reminds me ageplayers.

>> No.6789237


It's like that retarded troll who was raging about how all the derpy cosplayers got the main color wrong.

>> No.6789249

Are you fucking retarded? Even if you think grey is the right color a majority of people think it's black. You'll just end up on a shitty cosplay thread for getting one of the main colors wrong. That and grey doesn't really match with the rest of the vocaloid outfits.

>> No.6789263

Rin's costume is supposed to be lighter than Len's but the difference is so subtle it's not worth arguing about.

>> No.6789268
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I didn't start yet but too many god tier Jades have short triangular cat ears. I'm definitely going to have Bec-shaped ears on mine.

>> No.6789270

They're like an internal skirt of sorts, and every cosplay I have seen of her has them sewn to the outer skirt rather than made on a sort of hoop understructure, placing all of the weight on the sides of the skirt and making it sag. That and they don't attach the belts together, making them sag even more. Ideally they would be made of thin lightweight pleather/vinyl in varying colors and textures, interwoven and tacked down to some kind of hoop or framework.

Its also annoying that everyone makes her outfit out of black pleather or vinyl and have funny colors for the lace trim, but thats a whole 'nother art vs game debate.

>> No.6789273
File: 66 KB, 217x337, chara_sayaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I cosplayed Sayaka I made sure to hurt my butt before I put the costume on. This is a really important detail to her character that many people miss.

>> No.6789285

people don't realize that becs ears point out and thats why they look that way omfg

>> No.6789290
File: 373 KB, 969x1186, 535325235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wedding Yuna has some kind of weird brocade design on her train that matches Seymour's hat and the feathers don't go all of the way around the hemline.

>> No.6789300

I cosplayed a character that had thigh-highs and heels and everyone that cosplayed that character made boots. I get that it might be easier to wear, but they just cut part of the costume out entirely. It was easy to buy thigh-highs and paint the shoes the right color, so I'm not sure why they completely changed the design...
Also, there's a lot of Elizabeths missing thimbles out there, I think.

>> No.6789314

Russias from Hetalia who have grey/silver hair. No. It's platinum blonde, not spraypaint silver.
And the anime ruined him with a pink scarf. All cosplayers seem to go for a really shitty satiny pink scarf. Why. /Why/.

I haven't made sure that I've got it right yet, but Dave Strider's hair looks like a bird, not like a bird's nest. Get it right, cosplayers.

>> No.6789315

it's a snake's face from the front.

>> No.6789318
File: 53 KB, 500x750, 10157726a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Madoka petticoat was made to have the correct shape. I've seen so many Taobao Madokas with limp skirts, and many of the self-made ones are just oddly shaped with skirts that end up more round than a wide bell shape.

>> No.6789320

fuck you all this was the best joke I've seen tonight

>> No.6789329
File: 177 KB, 900x1275, blackbat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far im pretty sure im the only blackbat who used gold instead of bright yellow. I dont understand where everyone gets the idea that her symbol and belt are yellow when theyre pretty clearly reflective and metallic? I understand its easy to buy one of those cheap batman utility belts to use but it drives me crazy.

>> No.6789333

I also really fucking hate it when people dont have the correct number of petals on her dress, I think there are eight points, and people normally only do six or four or something it's retarded

>> No.6789335

it was pretty lul-worthy

>> No.6789350
File: 673 KB, 2234x1643, eight petal skirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah! There's even an overhead reference for that. I've even seen someone do a massive zigzag for a hem instead of individual petals.

Mostly I just get sad seeing the exact same Taobao costume over and over again. I can always spot it because the little details on the petals are done in the same white vinyl applique. The only way these costumes vary are in the wigs and shoes. I saw three of the same costume at the Madoka movie screening.

>> No.6789353

Wait, source on this. I thought there were 6 petals (in the official art and figurines) but the figurine in >>6789318 seems to have more...? Or am I too tired and don't know how to count.

Back on topic: A small part of me dies whenever someone wears a kimono right over left. When they're character isn't remotely dead.

>> No.6789355

Nevermind, just saw >>6789350's post. Throwing my self-made costume out the window for never noticing the petal count.

>> No.6789360

>fuck this, I'm going to bed

>> No.6789372

if it makes you feel better at least it's a common mistake

>> No.6789409
File: 64 KB, 570x800, FIG-MOE-3886_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually have this figure and the Figma. This figure has eight, but the Figma is inconsistent and has six. Don't worry about it too much. If anyone bothers you just say you referenced the Figma.

>> No.6789447
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>> No.6789686
File: 332 KB, 665x743, chiimaid_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chi's hair, the poofy side bits specifically. Why does no one make them? I did for my wig, and it wasn't even hard.

>> No.6789759

I made 6 on mine too. I'd measured it, cut it out and added the red before realising I didn't have the right number. I didn't want to start over and buy more fabric..

>> No.6789766
File: 9 KB, 253x199, 1336937991776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vulcan Raven
>NOT being a hambeast
I dun good.

>> No.6789775

>Vulcan Raven
You could just stop there, you've already won my approval. I mean, provided your gun doesn't look like shit.

>> No.6789832
File: 314 KB, 634x347, e37850928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

England cosplayers who do that fucking stacked eyebrow thing.
Or they just do the eyebrows extremely comically (ex. electrical tape)
Or they forego adding to their eyebrows whatsoever.

I know that's how his eyebrows look in the anime, but the whole point of cosplay is to make 2D into 3D. Eyebrows don't naturally grow in little rows.

I just fill them in with brown eyeliner and make the shape bigger, but still shaped like an eyebrow and not a rectangle. It's not that hard...

>> No.6789869

Ugh this. Doing a Sugar Rush kids group and our black friend is gonna be Snowanna for her first cosplay and wants to use spray color on her own fro. But her fro is too small and color spray is gonna be too riddick and drying. But I'm not gonna tell a black girl what she can or can't do so Im making the wig anyway cause I kinda want to and it will look 1 mil times better.

>> No.6789874

Madoka's who wear their wigs right out of the bag. They usually have long smooth pigtails where Madoka's are pretty short and spiky. At first I thought they might changed in magical mode but nope. They're short and spiky in every version except Godoka.

>> No.6789877

If anything wouldn't it make more sense for Lulu cosplayers to use a cage skirt or something and add belts on the front so they have something to hold onto? That kind of hoop structure might work. Plus the cage skirt makes it easier to walk around.

>> No.6790000

Similar to this- Klan Klang cosplayers that wear their wigs right out of the bag without spiking the top layer pigtail. Seriously guys, it's not hard.

>> No.6790053
File: 832 KB, 526x672, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about characters with really short hair and buzzed sides?

>> No.6790195

Just tell her, I'm black as well and I know I don't speak for every black cosplayer, but trust me she'll thank you in the long run.

>> No.6790236
File: 174 KB, 720x865, Chris_Makise[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What 90% of Kurisu cosplayers get wrong:

- no wig
- improperly styled wig
- wrong belt buckle
- any random lace up shoes (her boots have a zipper. seriously guys)

It's such a simply cosplay. There's no excuse for being lazy and getting that stuff wrong. I'm trying to avoid those things when I make my costume.

My first attempt was at Halloween, so I half-assed it with the boots and kind of ended up ruining the big by styling in a way that made the bangs look completely retarded. I ordered a new wig and shoes now that I'm going to wear it to a convention.

>> No.6790242

*ruining the wig. herp derp.

>> No.6790257
File: 183 KB, 900x1355, what are you even doing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have yet to see a Mami cosplayer with a properly styled wig.

On a related note, why are most Mami cosplayers fat girls? It's like they automatically assume she's fat because she has bigger boobs...no

>> No.6790262

Big boobs + thinking the corset will hide their fat.

>> No.6790268

Okay, this is the first time I have set foot in /cgl/, what's with all the no-wig hate?
Is it actually the lack of wig you hate or is it that the person usually doesn't make the effort to make their natural hair look like the person they're cosplaying as?

>> No.6790284

Even if they make the effort, it still usually looks like shit. Natural hair generally doesn't stand up to a day at a con like a wig does. It gets sweaty and greasy.

>> No.6790288

I see, I'll bear that in mind.

>> No.6790296

Oh god. That wig and costume look like they gave up on life.

>> No.6790300

Because wigs are much easier to style, manage and they add to the costume effect in regards to hair thickness. Like >>6790284 said, real hair is really hard to deal with on it's own and plus, if you're good at styling your own hair you can usually style amazing wigs.

>> No.6790311

Every time I don't wear a wig my hair goes flat on the convention floor in five minutes and I look horrible in pictures.

>> No.6790327

I saw a cosplayer with just really curly pigtails once, a BIT like that one.
I cringed.

>> No.6790346
File: 152 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_lzo6l2XC771qf9qrno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen soft curls used for a more natural look than the structured drills. The most praised Mami (centre) never did structured drills.

I personally like both if done well. Artistic license and all that. The only Mami wigs I can't stand are the ones with tiny little limp corkscrews that you see sold by say, cosplaywig.

>> No.6790376
File: 129 KB, 540x807, 2011-09-12-438157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. If you can't make the structured drills well, buy a pigtail wig with good thickness. It will look so much better than those sad pre-made curls from cosplay websites

>> No.6790387

Add to this that wigs are very helpful if you plan to cosplay multiple characters at a con. What do you do if you want to be blond one moment then switch to a character with long black hair?

>> No.6790389

There's a really easy way to create natural looking drills. If this one finger combed the curls a bit they'd fall nicely. >>6790376

>> No.6790414
File: 32 KB, 255x504, bustlecage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would make more sense but I've never seen anyone do it, they always just sew shitty leather belts to their skirt.

Pic related, late 19th century bustle cage. Simplify this and it would work perfectly.

>> No.6790439

Black Canary cosplayers with thong-back leotards are the bane of my existence.

She's not Cammy, for goodness' sake. The costume is already pretty revealing and sexy, given it's all leg and cleavage depending on which version of her outfit you're doing. Adding in having your ass hanging out too usually just makes a girl look desperate.

>> No.6790460

aegh, agreed so much. I'd much rather see sexy legs on a Black canary, than everything hanging it. that shit aint cute.

>> No.6790461

i don't get it

>> No.6790482

Watch Madoka Magica.

>> No.6790497

Haruhara Haruko cosplayers NEVER get that cuff bracelet right and it makes me crazy

>> No.6790573

You. I like you.
Even the Batfamily's utility belts look more like leather or canvas they're always more gold than yellow.

>> No.6790583

I used real belts for Morrigan's skirt from Dragon Age, and it was fucking awful. A real goddamn mess, and sewing the belts on actually broke my fucking sewing machine.

Always make your own belts.

>> No.6791441


Same goes for Zatannas who wear a plain corset with no blouse. I admire Adam Hughes as an artist but I also fucking hate him for popularizing her as having her tits out with her stage outfit. IMO, sexy legs > everything exposed and looking mediocre. I'd rather Dinah and Zee look powerful and classy.

>> No.6792427

Wha...? Who... Who are you cosplaying, Anko from Naruto?

>> No.6792429

I know snakes actually look like that, but the little holes are freaking me out..

>> No.6792831

The town dress is the most common Ariel cosplay, and yet so few people get it right. The corset is navy and the hairbow is a different shade to the shirt AND the skirt.
Also people who wear long white petticoats under this cosplay. She doesn't wear one.

>> No.6793255

On the Nendoroid figures of the two, Len's are black while Rin's are dark grey.

>> No.6793258

But are you bitchy enough?

>> No.6793265
File: 115 KB, 273x300, 1521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, Anon..

>> No.6793275

Pucci's the sort of character who'd be astronomically difficult to cosplay as far as hair goes, though. In theory, you'd have to use your real hair buzzed and dyed, but the bit connecting his hair to his eyebrows would have to be emulated artificially, which would look fake as hell.

>> No.6793836
File: 23 KB, 357x480, 092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a Madoka cry because she wasn't solving all of the problems that I created for myself.

>> No.6793875

>the whole point of cosplay is to make 2d into 3d

That's true to a point, but something like his eyebrows is really something you should kind of do halfway.

If you can make them look naturally stacked like that, instead of just drawing one big brow like you did, I say go for it.

>> No.6794313
File: 72 KB, 599x899, 394813_465653276830373_465080663_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6794884

Agreed. Sometimes there's a happy medium so you don't look too goofy. Like I prefer to see Sailor Moon with golden blond wigs rather than a pale blonde or banana yellow.

>> No.6795290
File: 132 KB, 640x480, 1296550715167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her drills are nicely styled but they're covering her ears and look sewed into the wig instead of bring pigtails.

>> No.6799622
File: 74 KB, 720x960, 540775_10101529340321563_270564099_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6799627


I'm a total beginner with wig styling, but I'd like to cosplay Mami soon. Are there tutorials I could follow for the styling, or would I be better off commissioning somebody else to style it.

>> No.6799684


Commission it. Try to get drills as much like the canon image as possible and don't make them more "real life" otherwise they'll look bad.

>> No.6799878

> well I don't really know the character but construction wise this doesn't look that bad-
open the picture
> mismatched fabric textures
> duct tape on bikini top
> clusterfuck of matte/shine fabric

>> No.6799927


It's kind of annoying how the majority Mami cosplayers seem to think that natural curls or limp curls from ebay are passable for her.

It just seems really lazy to me.

>> No.6799933

those curls :O

>> No.6799945


Thanks guys! I'll definitely commission it. I want big drills with wide spacing, as in, I want them to look pretty much identical to hers. I hate how the "toned down" or smaller versions look. I imagine it'd be easy enough to do if the person I commissioned from built them around a wire and set them well enough.

>> No.6799977

Ace binding on an open shirt character
I had to babysit this one bitch who insisted on using them because the 'nippon cosplayers in cosmode do it desu~'
It's never 'discrete', and it always looks like shit. (and that's not even getting into the idiots who anansi themselves into it and break something) Just get some fucking sports tape and stfu

>> No.6800066

This, not only because it looks bad but because sports tape is way comfier, even if it doesn't sound like it. I have breathing problems and am very aware of an ace binding, but sports tape gives you that space in front of your chest to expand and breathe.

>> No.6800105

>Not using boning

Yeah, nah, there's a reason your outfit is flat.

>> No.6800466
File: 2.10 MB, 1198x682, faillage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of Genesis cosplayers have absolute shit-teir wigs.
I know its difficult to find to find a good natural looking red wig, but really? Really people?
I ended up buying four different wigs for mine just to be certain that it would be terrible.

-Picture fucking related, it a collage of fail wigs... or what-have-you.
Some offenders are worse than others.

>> No.6800480


Actually, not all of those are terrible. A small handful are actually pretty good.

>> No.6800720

>I have yet to see a Mami cosplayer with a properly styled wig.

That's a couple of things at work there. Some people are lazy and think just a pigtailed wig will do.
Others are trying either for exact curls and it looks like hair that has been gelled within an inch of its life -OR- they are going for a more natural appearance of ringlets.

So it all depends on what camp you belong to. Exact as the anime or what it would look like IRL.

>> No.6800733
File: 70 KB, 620x463, 1-1907-19456-TomoeMami10jpg-620x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dude, this is why I buck up and kick ass on any costume I attempt. When I don't want to spend the extra 3 bucks a yd on fabric, when I contemplate using this buckle or that one and when I think maaaaybe I won't line it...

Then I remember pictures like this when you can clearly see who put in the superior effort. I really don't want to be the worst looking in a bunch.

>> No.6800749
File: 175 KB, 738x553, barf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ripped shoulder on little sister from bioshock
Its one of the most obvious things how can people actually forget this

>> No.6800779

Yeah, unfortunately all of those little "close enough, nobody will care" details will add up fast in a costume with that many different elements.

I think any Mami's biggest advantage is having that noticeably smaller waist to emphasize the boobs. Her silhouette is pretty iconic and is what makes her design so appealing, IF done well.

>> No.6800808


I'm the person up thread planning on cosplaying Mami. Do you think I should wear one of those little corsets just for your waist under the corset of the outfit? I was gonna layer bras to make myself look chestier too.

>> No.6800822

I would say to try to structure your corset similar to a real one, with boning and lacing at the back. A lot of people just make this brown vinyl rectangle that sags and does nothing for their waistlines.

>> No.6800831


I was planning on making the corset out of leather and layering it over a corset. Do you think a boned one would work better?

Also inb4 "YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO WORK WITH LEATHER", I have a friend who's very skilled with leatherwork.

>> No.6800842


*Layering it over a waist cincher rather. Oops.

>> No.6800868
File: 2.00 MB, 1839x2560, Ririchiyo-x-Soushi-inu-x-boku-ss-28767556-1839-2560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost everyone mistakes her bottoms for a pleated skirt. They're pleated hakama shorts

>> No.6800873

They also tend to wear any old sandals

>> No.6800894

Boned corset will always work better, because it will give you a shape. If you can get steel boning instead of plastic then you can actually attempt to get the mami shape there.

>> No.6800912


Okay, I shall try to make a steel-boned corset. Thank you for the tips!

>> No.6800934
File: 94 KB, 700x700, Imupsetwifubra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bra is the first picture on a costume board?

>> No.6807485

grey fabrics are too gray. use a softer black that looks dark grey.

>> No.6807502

those are store bought lulu cosplays.

>> No.6807522

did you made the weird pointy cut at the back of your wig? because I have not seen any chii with that cut done.

>> No.6809128

That excuses it in no way, because why spend money on shit cosplay?

>> No.6809143

i wouldnt call that brocade pattern.

>> No.6809145

how can anyone think his hair isn't blonde?? It's canonically blonde (light blonde)
dont get people.

>> No.6809147

agreed about not using bright yellow. It's def more of a brassy gold
and all my love for Batman cosplayers.

>> No.6809149

read OPs post you dillweed.

>> No.6809153

THANK YOU. I actually just shaded my eyebrows in thicker with eyeshadow, but i didnt draw them onto my forehead skin like a weirdo. It looks bad irl, i dont get why people do it.

>> No.6809155

The girl in the middle really is the best Mami. Her corset actually has boning. I dont get whats going on with the on on the far right.

>> No.6809160


No tenleid, you're not. Do you even LOOK for other Blackbats or just like talking out your ass? A simple google search yielded me four other Blackbats other than you using gold.

>> No.6809161

Agreed. But this is what we get when male artists dominate the comic book industry. Women heroes fight in ridiuclously half naked outfits. It makes no sense. I cant stand cat woman cosplayers who do Jim Lee's Hush version and have her cat suit zipped down to their pubic hair practically.

>> No.6809164

who the fuck cares if they're dark gray or black. oh my gods.

>> No.6809163

gah, so cute

>> No.6809165

Oh man, banana yellow wigs for Sailormoon makes me rage so hard

I think pale blonde okay for Queen Serenity tho

>> No.6809171

I see some pretty good wigs actually.

A-Are these all Genesis cosplayers tho?

>> No.6809173

haha this photo is so awesome

>> No.6809174

little sister has been having too many midnight snacks

>> No.6809190
File: 113 KB, 930x656, 4785952668_ee76712598_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do so many people cosplay black rock shooter with just plain unstyled black miku wig? one pigtail is really noticeably shorter than the other.

>> No.6809197

Ugh, im so happy someone noticed this. In general, people who just seem to think Black Rock is default 'dark Miku' or something is annoying. I genuienly like that anime and character.

>> No.6813591
File: 141 KB, 640x960, 599568_437304376344025_2094617594_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marvel Black Cat cosplayers with stripper boots and corsets...

>> No.6813649

People who cosplay as Sakura (street fighter) and make the outfit like its a two piece bikini. ie, tons of midriff. Tons of Jimmie rustling here.

>> No.6813651

dat wig. Frizzy as fuck.

>> No.6813658

THIS. so much this. Every time I see a black rock shooter cosplay, it all feels so wrong. I've been working on my cosplay for her, and I've realized there's a lot of inconsistencies between artist interpretation, so I chose to go with the anime BRS to keep with a consistent outfit.. One thing always remains though. She always has one pigtail that's shorter than the other.

>> No.6813660

why would they do that?? It's just a simple high school uniform from Japan. Ugggh

>> No.6815530

Yes, and even the wigs that are alright are STILL unsuited to the character. Either because they are styled wrong or an awkward ass shade.

All of my rage.

>> No.6815540

if you compare their armwarners, they are the same colour....jeez

>> No.6815546

In the figmas, Rin's colours aren't even right! Here they look blue grey

>> No.6815555
File: 278 KB, 462x710, Ofclboxart_cfm_Hatsune_Miku-illu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon than the Rin/Len one, but when people wear socks and flats for Miku's boots instead of buying long boots or making boot covers! Jeez!

>> No.6815564
File: 98 KB, 640x480, 1295031416656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could even see a Chii or a Homura that has her hair separated in the back like they should be!

>> No.6815571

Anon, I love you <3 I feel the exact same way. Whenever I see a Mami cosplay, she looks like she just took it right out of the packaging and stuck it on her head

>> No.6815598

The pigtails aren't even evenly centered on her head. One seems to be higher up too

>> No.6815603

I kind of feel like it would be a creative idea for someone to use foam or wire to flay out the ponytails a bit too, instead of just have clips that hang there.
But I know that degree of styling can get pretty demanding if one isn't experienced.

>> No.6815611

To be honest guys, I think it's just supposed to represent the hair being floaty/magical seeming.

>> No.6815619

It looks as if there's a high ponytail in the back with a pigtail on the side.

>> No.6815615

you can't really buy boots that long though. so you'd probably have to make a boot cover with some sort of spandex

>> No.6815621

It would look so much better if cosplayers tried to do it though. Or not even fluff it, but just seperate the hair with pins or hidden clips or something

>> No.6815622

Actually they make weird socks that look like mikus boots that I've used as bootcovers in my costume before.

>> No.6815623

yeah, it's not really something big since a lot of characters have this floaty part going on. it's mostly just to show off more of the back of the outfit I feel. Chi from chobits has it too

>> No.6815625

See, I agree with this totally.

>> No.6815637

Her outfits don't usually have a lot to show off in the back, that's mostly in official art when she's in various lolita outfits

>> No.6815652
File: 215 KB, 1024x768, chii1012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chii's har seems actually legit shorter in the middle if you look at some official art. It kind of reminds me of angel wings the way it flairs out from short to long.

>> No.6815672

it is shorter near the middle. You aren't wrong

>> No.6815676

You are correct. Her hair separates down the back to always stay in 2 bunny ear type hanks. The cascading length in the center supports that.