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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 83 KB, 567x640, ferretlolitawhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6780263 No.6780263 [Reply] [Original]

The one in which we discuss the meet-up at the gay pride parade, white lolitas, asians that are too tall, "sugar dream baby" print vs ageplay part XII, and cats.

>> No.6780268
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I loved this one. It reminds me of that old secret about one step to IW modeling.

>> No.6780269
File: 981 KB, 232x232, latriiiiiiiiiiiiiice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are there so many anti gay secrets actually? I mean, making a meet-up at a gay pride parade is a little stupid because obviously not everyone is comfortable with that, so you could just invite your friends. but, these replies are making me feel sick to my stomach.

>> No.6780273
File: 72 KB, 500x267, white lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this facebook group has two members. One of which was the girl complained about, by that girl who posted to three different facebook comms asking for advice.

>> No.6780276

I thought the other white, blond girl was Model-san. Are we calling this chick model-san too?

>> No.6780284
File: 546 KB, 640x479, BBcabmU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smoke weed in lolita all the time. Is this a strange thing, or something?

>> No.6780292

ok, which com is trying to do a gay meetup?
who thought that was a good idea

>> No.6780293

most stoner lolitas do, i think that person is new.

>> No.6780295

Lolita comms have been doing pride marches for ages now.

>> No.6780298

So ~edgy~.

>> No.6780301
File: 39 KB, 366x314, 2ql71ph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stoner lolitas, I love that.

Come on, anon, I didn't mean it like that. I smoke weed and I wear lolita, and a lot of times, those overlap. I don't talk about it to other lolitas, slightly because of some drama, but mainly because it doesn't matter at all.

>> No.6780303

Ok, I like drama as much as the next lolita, but this is completely horrific. This goes way beyond any kind of sniping or bitchiness. I am so surprised that the mods would post this. am I over-reacting, or is making a secret about someone's recently deceased child going way too far?

>> No.6780305

Dropped your secret, anon.

>> No.6780308

>mainly because it doesn't matter at all.
The only people who care if you smoke weed anymore are high schoolers.

>> No.6780309
File: 109 KB, 590x480, ch9nMbp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This secret I can identify with. (except the sassy at the end of it)

Have big boobs and being tall SUCKS. I'm always having to find dresses with long bodices and I have to get the largest sizes possible even though the fabric around the waist bunches up and shit. Then trying on dresses gives me a mini panic attack because I'm like, "Please, go below the knee, please go below the knee..." Then my boobs pull the dress up and I'm always having to pull it down so that my knees don't show. Then there is brand socks and socks in general. My tibia is long and my knees are knobby and OTK socks never reach over my knees. If I try to pull them over my knees, the design gets stretched out vertically and looks like shit. I wish people were a little more forgiving with the above the knee rule, especially when you can't do anything about the height issue. Don't even get me started on boob loafing.

>> No.6780311
File: 412 KB, 607x567, usYj1Q3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, I noticed right after but I thought anyone who had read it would know what one I meant. Regardless, here it is.

>> No.6780312

I call them Model-san and Baby Model-san because somehow the idea that they're sisters stuck with me. I guess some people can't tell the difference and others just don't care.

>> No.6780316

This one's just taken over. Mai waifu.

The only thing I find truly horrific is that thing. It's freaky as fuck.

>> No.6780317
File: 47 KB, 439x354, jsf312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I skipped over the ones with the creepy faces. I'm not surprised the mods allowed it, though. It doesn't use personal information to specify an individual and it doesn't use their picture. Those are about the only things the mods enforce over there.

>Baby Model-san
Mind if I steal that?

>> No.6780320

Stop trying to wear clothes that weren't meant for you. This is just like fatties squeezing into brand. Either learn to sew and/or get yourself some custom-sized dresses, or find another fashion that suits your body type better.

>> No.6780321

>slightly because of some drama
Let me guess, you were running your mouth about how much weed you smoke at a meet and some girls didn't appreciate it. Fucking stoners are all the same and they act so goddamn PERSECUTED.

>> No.6780324
File: 173 KB, 322x478, 1362780757483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well somebody's upset, aren't they?

>> No.6780327

How about bringing cute weed cupcakes to the next tea party

>> No.6780329

Yeah, you're right. I was just kind of shocked, I didn't mean to sound preachy. It would be shitty for the mods to police people's morals like that. It's just sad. I guess the person who made it is somewhat mentally ill.

>> No.6780338

>you're my lolita idol
Ew this reminds me of last week's secrets with that one creepy chick complaining about her idol standing next to a black girl instead of her and other stalkery shit. I'm hoping this is the same person but that's probably not the case, so there must be several people like this out there in the lolita community.
I'm so glad I'm not a popular lolita. I wouldn't want these Annie Wilkes types to take note of me.

>> No.6780339

I wouldn't bring up the fact that I smoke weed with other Lolitas, even though I've never had drama about it. For me, it is a totally mundane thing, I mostly only smoke weed to help with nausea or to help me sleep. Basically the least edgy things ever. I don't see why people are making a big deal of it.

>> No.6780341

How even? That's just common sense. You're really reaching here.

>> No.6780344

Dude, I have dresses that fit me alright it's just my options are super limited. I know how to sew, but if will never be at brand quality and it seems like lately people are looking down upon handmade due to all the shitty handmade stuff that is all over the internet lately.

>> No.6780345

I smoke weed and don't really talk to other lolitas about it, it's just not really the sort of environment where you talk about drugs or drink. Smoked with one really good lolita friend at a party once, but that's about it.

>> No.6780348

It's very easy to be small and thin and screech frm your high horse about all these invaders in your fashion with their horrible womanly features, but if they're making a decent attempt to look good, it's really not down to you to tell them what they're not allowed to wear.

>> No.6780352

>you were running your mouth about how much weed you smoke at a meet
Not even close. I told one close friend who was also a lolita through texting that I was high. This wasn't at a meet-up or anything lolita related. She was surprised because she didn't think I was the type to smoke or drink, and she told another girl, who told another person in the community who can't keep her mouth shut about anything.

Most of the girls didn't give a fuck, because I don't show up at meets blazing or anything, but this one girl (who was in high school at the time, but she must have graduated by now) flipped her lid. Sent me a few messages on how my lifestyle was not lolita at all and she couldn't believe I would engage in illegal activities. Found my tumblr where I had reblogged some weed related posts. Started freaking out at one meet, saying that she couldn't stand to be near me because I smelled like weed. It was ridiculous. One of the admins of the community had to step in and tell her to calm the fuck down.

So I only talk about it anon, now! Happy 4/20, /cgl/.

>> No.6780353

Obviously when things fit you and you look good there's no problem. It does look like shit when girls try to wear clothes that don't fit them just because it's brand. I don't care if you're tall or short or fat or skinny, that ain't cute.

>> No.6780355

Do you live in the US? Americans make such a big deal about weed, it's embarrassing.

>> No.6780361

The Americans make a big deal about everything actually.

>> No.6780364

> I smoke weed and don't talk to lolitas about it
>posts such on cgl with a trip

>> No.6780367

I've been at meets where underage girls would brag about drinking and partying, but I find that unless you are in a small circle, that sort of stuff is not appropriate to talk about at meets.

Yeah. A lot of people don't care, but the ones that do are crazy obnoxious about it.

>> No.6780369

Eva Braun feeds off internet attention to fill the gaping hole in her soul, news at eleven.

>> No.6780371

Well everyone talks about whatever on 4chan, I meant at meets. Thought that was fairly obvious.

>> No.6780372

I'm so glad our community is on average 20 or older.
I can't feel 'too old for lolita' since I'm the same age as most of them, and none of them brag about sleeping with X or doing Y, so I don't embarrass myself by trying to match their claims.
It's just assumed some of us sleep around, some of us spend our time knitting alone but most of us enjoy a little drink.

>> No.6780410

Wtf is with all the cgl cap secrets? I mean, you're already on an ANONYMOUS board...

>> No.6780499

there's a difference between people choosing to go to pride in lolita with other girls who also wanted to go to pride in lolita and making it an official community meetup, which one are the secrets talking about?

>> No.6780520

Because not everyone in LJ reads cgl, and they want to share what we say with them oh-so-badly.

>> No.6780528

I don't care about the gayness, but I wouldn't go to a parade because they're usually sweaty and crowded, and it is not rare for people to squirt/throw water.
Not on mah burandos, thanks.

>> No.6780537

Why the hell are these people so ass pained about there being a meetup at a gay pride? Just don't go, you're not being forced to do it.

>> No.6780549
File: 202 KB, 617x575, CQpYp8z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone disturbed that brolitajenny finally admits to loving underage girls?

>> No.6780575


Gawd, that is beyond disturbing. I wonder just how deluded this is.

Is his tumblr back up?

>> No.6780583

My guess is that it's 1-2 haters in one comm

>> No.6780592

having an official meet up at gay pride is like having an official meetup at your church festival, you know not everyone is comfortable with it so you should just avoid it.

>> No.6780628


Bring eye bleach

>> No.6780639

>You're my lolita idol
>I'm glad you had a miscarriage.
Congratulations, some random idiot, for reaching obsessive celebrity stalker level cluelessness over some random person on the internet.

>> No.6780668

I've been to an "official" meet where we took photos at a church. Everyone was fine with it, and if they weren't no one made a fuss. Also, what the fuck is the difference between a meet and a official meet now?

>> No.6780683

it must be samefaged?

>> No.6780688
File: 330 KB, 569x605, vnsTpD6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my sides have entered another orbit

>> No.6780693

What's up with the spelling, grammar, and sentence structure of many secrets? You'd think the lolita community was borderline retarded.

>> No.6780695
File: 85 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semi related, but I just saw this on tumblr. This girl brought her fucking pet cockroach to a meet.
I foresee secrets on this next week.

>> No.6780700

Fuck, really? Like I know you can actually keep them as pets and shit but it's like bringing a tarantula to a meet.

>> No.6780701


What the actual fuck. Why would you want a cockroach on your kawaii dress? Just because they don't have a backbone doesn't mean they don't poop.

That's just fucking disgusting man.

>> No.6780702

why does anyone fucking think bringing pets of any kind to a meetup is an okay thing to do?

>> No.6780710

Who's stripping for brand? What did I miss? Links please?!

>> No.6780713

Because they want to show off, idfk.

>> No.6780721
File: 375 KB, 631x331, whiteloli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looked up the 'white lolita' tag on tumblr and got this

>> No.6780725

She's the-milk-eyed-mender on tumblr. I'm amused that she blinged the thing out.

I'm torn between thinking that it's cool and being completely grossed out. Imagine the fucking thing popping out and crawling into other girls' dresses though.

>> No.6780726
File: 102 KB, 456x640, L8OF3Y4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently this girl is a multiple time offender? Any info?

>> No.6780724

I don't know if this is the same girl but someone brought their cockroach to a meet up my community had a bakery. I really wouldn't care if it was at a park or whatever but I thought it was a little disrespectful to the business.

>> No.6780728
File: 121 KB, 425x300, alice-in-wonderland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stoner Lolitas
I'm in love. There are a lot of really classy pot recipes out there - can you imagine sweet little green cupcakes with strawberry icing? Little buttery cookies? Finger sandwiches? You could even make pot tea and sip it while giggling at each other. Ingesting it makes it take longer to kick in, but it's gradual and pleasant (as long as you don't pig out). Weed is also a great icebreaker and breaks down a lot of social barriers, you could stop being so self-conscious and relax, really feeling like you're among friends, dreamy and floaty in your lolita. It would make whatever you do, even if it's a little mundane in real life, so much better.

>> No.6780729

Sounds like the same one. Was it ok in the end though? She sounds a bit soft in the head if she thought that would be ok.

>> No.6780732

I think the secret might be about my comm. We are having a pride meet up but we have so many fucking meet ups it wouldn't be an issue to skip one. If we do happen to have a small meet where someone is wearing lolita and not everyone got an invite then we get people bitching anyways.

>> No.6780738

Wait, can someone link me to the comm? Google is failing me :\

>> No.6780740

Everything was fine in the end. I don't think business owners noticed at all and it didn't get loose or anything.

>> No.6780745

That's Casie/fishiesg0pook. Miss "No petticoats". She does a lot of shit to be edgy. I think OP's secret is also about her. She has a ferret she infamously brought to the zoo, that she likes to show off.
But I know for a fact she takes HORRIBLE care of it. It's probably only still alive because of her roommates and her girlfriend. She would just leave it in her room in the dark for days, in a poopy cage. Ferrets need love and attention. She even adopted a hedgehog once and just abandoned it with her old roomates.
And yea, she takes REALLY unflattering low angle shots of people. I don't get it at all. Like, why do you need to practically lay on the ground when taking an outfit shot?

>> No.6780746

...stoner-chan, is that you? You mentioned tumblr.

>> No.6780753

>not a Maquech beetle

>> No.6780760

So she's a furry hoarder trying to get lolita panty shots, yet people still go to the meetups she hosts? Ladies, why.

>> No.6780766

What's up with the black people image spam?

>> No.6780784

She just worms her way into everything. She quit lolita when she did rollerderby, then decided she didn't want to buy a new pair of skates and quit.

>> No.6780796

Has she had a steampunk phase yet?

>> No.6780800
File: 84 KB, 960x638, 380613_4261590823084_1113443749_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6780805

Looks like Melissa Joan Hart.

>> No.6780809

Oh, is that why? She just told me that she was just "taking a short break" when I saw her.

>> No.6780812

i eat mdma and acid and boy do i love dexies and have tried basically everything and friends with a few people who are also in a similar boat and i'm terrified about a friend making a casual reference about this on facebook and my lolita friends finding out.

>> No.6780846

>drawing on Victorian, Edwardian and Roccoco era ladies' clothing
>no animal fur

Unless I'm misinterpreting this and some crazy bitch is walking around with live ferrets in her bloomers, in which case disregard this post.

>> No.6780851
File: 63 KB, 150x150, 1355702990576.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw fuck i love bugs and insects and creepy crawlies, is it a madagascar hissing cockroach? i want one so bad!

weird to bring to a meet tho but i'd be so down...

>> No.6780853

someone actually brought a ferret to a meet, several times. Read through the thread!

>> No.6780858

Not in her bloomers (afaik) but yeah, live ferrets.

Fur is a whole other dead horse.

>> No.6780864

Gotta catch 'em all. How about Rockabilly, or was that fad too far back?

>> No.6780867

That's just stupid. The only lolita animals are kittens, certain breeds of puppy, bunnies, and certain breeds of horse. Maybe a little monkey in matching dress.

>> No.6780879

I've never seen an actual cockroach but I really freak out/go hysterical with spiders and I'd imagine I'd do the same with cockroaches.. If they didn't mention it beforehand I'd probably have left straight away and never go back to a meet.

>> No.6780895

What's with the bot/troll posting all those fucking porn ads? Seriously.

>> No.6780909
File: 95 KB, 755x821, 67932_4493994067693_321052593_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep. she had that too. I feel like we should make a game of bingo with her as the subjest

>> No.6780914

same here. Cockroaches are one of those things with 99% absolutely hate and would kill with fire, and it's obviously not suitable to bring one to a meet. I like snakes, but I wouldn't bring one to a public space if I had one, because I know people have phobias.

>> No.6780917

I dont know whats going on, but im working on cleaning it up.

>> No.6780919

no fucking idea, but goddamn it's a pain in the ass

>> No.6780923

Same I like snakes.. I remember watching 'Come Dine with Me' (UK tv programme with funny narrator) and at the dinner party the host brought out their pet snake on the table... Then it pooped and it was quite bad.

>> No.6780926

I think it's okay to take well-trained, properly socialized pets to appropriate meet-up locations. Like a dog to a park. We had a girl bring her chihuahua once and it was perfectly fine. As long as the owners are responsible and the animals are trained, I see no issue.

>> No.6780942

That's supposed to be steampunk? Wat?

>> No.6780946

How does one determine if a cockroach or a snake are "well-trained"?

>> No.6780952

I see bringing pets to a meet like bringing kids to a meet. You're essentially forcing everyone else to share in the responsibility for your animal, even if you say "oh no no they're my responsibility, no one worry~"

Because if the pet gets lost, upset, angry, whatever--it's an interruption to the time and energy of everyone else involved. And that's assuming no one ends up being allergic.

Unless it's a meet up where people are encouraged to bring pets, leave that shit at home.

>> No.6780953

so this is the girl who started all the petty dramu about a month ago on tumblr?

nothing wrong with wearing fur but, i really don't like it when people use animals as accessories. if she just has an exotic pet b/c she likes to show it off, that's sad. especially if she's not taking care of it.
also i'm allergic to rodents, specifically their feces and if that thing got near me i would break out in hives. would ruin my lolita meetups definitely. bringing animals is just irresponsible unless you clear it first.

>> No.6780956

>Sit, boy!
>Good, now leave a trail of disease-ridden feces across my lap

>> No.6780974

Not being a self hating tumblr cracker makes you a racist, guys.

>> No.6780980

You're wearing expensive, often rare/limited-edition, designer clothing... and you want animals as accessories? Animals that will shed hair and potentially pee/poo on your clothing?

I dislike when people obligate me to deal with their pet. Just because you love your big slobbery dog, your temperamental cat, or noisy bird doesn't mean I do. Nor am I a jerk for not wanting to be around them.

It's like when you're in a public space and people have their dogs unleashed. I don't care how nice your dog is, keep it away from me. I don't know what it's going to do and that scares me.

>> No.6781022

I hate cockroaches. My house is infested with them and they're disgusting. How and why would anyone be so disgusting?

>> No.6781042

Madagascar cockroaches are quite different from the house-infesting kind.

>> No.6781053

And pic very much related, of course. I'd love to get stoned with girls from my local comm after our annual Alice Day meetup, but like I said, it doesn't really seem appropriate.

>> No.6781091

That actually sounds lovely and delightful. Oh goodness.

>> No.6781136

Who is this girl?

>> No.6781158

I guess it's like mice. They're cute and adorable until you have to go head to head with the little bastards.

>> No.6781190

Kind of slutty, doesn't really fit with the image of lolita.

>> No.6781217

I know of AR having a gay pride meet which is half Democrats and half Republicans, but also I know California will definitely have a huge gay pride parade and there's for sure going to be a meet up. I don't know of any other super liberal places that would dare introduce such a meet...

>> No.6781221

Probably not from US...

>> No.6781223

Oh that's Yi Antoinette on Facebook. She's part of the Portland OR lolita comm. Fucking freak.

>> No.6781222


Smoking weed isn't slutty

>> No.6781227

There are multiple comms who have meet ups at the pride parade. Unless you live in San Franfaggot-isco, California in general, Washington, Oregon, or Florida, I don't think it's your comm.

>> No.6781238

disturbed, yes
surprised, no

i called this from the very beginning. his grooming behaviours were fucking blatant as hell.

>> No.6781239

A self loathing whore who samefags and self-posts herself to BtB

>> No.6781251

If you believe the secrets from LAST week? Cliques. But no, seriously. I figure "official" meet means a big gathering that is either a regular event or something that is done each year. For example, the St. Dolores Day meetup in Quebec. Or international lolita day meets anywhere else. Unofficial are just impromptu gatherings, I reckon.

>> No.6781267


Why don't we get the mods to post the IP of the secret submitters and figure out if it's her posting or not?

>> No.6781271

Ah, so are you the vendetta-chan who's been posting all these secrets about me then?
Please, tell me what I did to make you so angry, because I'd really like to know.

>> No.6781272


Mods don't see IPs

>> No.6781274

Maybe you shouldn't sleep around so much bitch.

>> No.6781278

Not really sure what you're talking about..? I've been in a committed, loving relationship for quite a while now.

>> No.6781285

Yeah well, we have the chat logs.

>> No.6781290

LOL there are definitely no "chat logs" to be had.

...I'm too sleepy to deal with this, I'm going to take a nap.

>> No.6781295

Different anon, but this sounds as truthful as me saying I've fucked your mum.

>> No.6781399

Well shit. I figured everyone had forgotten about that by now.

>> No.6781421

Okay Eri/phenphenny I am not the same person who is the person that's been replying to you. The post I'm quoting is the only one I've posted.
I'm not the same person who's responding to you. I'm the sick worshipper of your stick thin body.

>> No.6781427

I do live in one of those places.

>> No.6781520

Oh. I know her... Damnit, Yi.
I thought she lived in Cali, though? I can't keep up with the shit of people I've known for years.

>> No.6781526

No she lives in Newberg, Oregon from what I know. She hosted a meet just last weekend at some fair. She brought her cockroach to the last meet up (Candyland?) from what I saw of photos.

Also, not anon who you're replying to.

>> No.6781532

Huh. Guess she moved.

>> No.6781570

How have you never seen a cockroach before?

>> No.6781577

Could be the region anon is from? I didn't see a single roach until I was 12 years old and had moved to Texas. Prior to that, the biggest insect I had ever seen was a june bug.

>> No.6781583

I think you're right, I'm from Florida and my house growing up was constantly infested with them. Now that I lie in New York? Not so much.

>> No.6781652

Which USA lolita in the Angelic Pretty mook was wearing a replica?

>> No.6781705


Don't you guys worry about the smoke getting into your dress and making it smell like weed though? Or do you smoke it in a way that you don't worry about it?

I like weed and all, but that would worry me. I wouldn't drink in lolita either because I'd be too worried of spilling on myself or something, too.

>> No.6781712
File: 51 KB, 300x461, 1359809308079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>This has got to be the only community on the planet where having long legs and big boobs is considered a bad thing...

I know, I finally found a place where I'm not a flat midget ;_;

>> No.6781715

I've wondered this too. I've done hookah in my dress and didn't worry too much because that stuff smells nice anyway. And I wouldn't mind eating something with pot in it but I'd be scared to smoke it and have the smell seep into the dress.

>> No.6781720

This is the same girl who doesn't want to pay $4 admission to a joint lolita/bjd meetup because it costs too much. Somehow I'm not surprised.

>> No.6781738


Oh jesus christ if I went to a meet with that there I would faint. I do not handle bugs well at all holy shit I can't even open that image for long.

I find that really rude because it would definitely make some people uncomfortable to be around.

>> No.6781749

Thank you!

>> No.6781758

The smell will last a little while after you smoke, as it would with regular clothing. Cleaning will remove it, though. With brand, I dry clean, with Bodyline or taobao pieces, I mainly throw those in the wash. Remember that smoking weed isn't the same as cigarettes. Those tend to last a lot longer in clothes, mainly because of how people smoke them.

To prevent the smell from seeping into your clothes too much before you interact with people, I would suggest smoking outside. Blowing smoke upwards makes a huge difference that people seem to forget about or just don't bother with. I've done it to the point where it is a force of habit now.

If you are smoking indoors, blow the smoke out the window or have a fan on. You can also use what the youths now are calling a "sploof" which is just a toilet paper cardboard roll stuffed with dryer sheets, and then you blow smoke through it. It cuts the smoke smell down a lot.

Just me, but I like to use a little body spray/splash/perfume before hand and layer a bit on afterwards. Overdoing it will smell worse than if you just walked up smelling like weed, though, so be careful.

>> No.6781763


What community is this girl in?

>> No.6781769


Oh god why, I'm moving to Portland soon but oh god if I ever went to a meet and there were cockroaches and ferrets there I'd be pretty freaked out. Does she often attend them, and if so does she often bring animals with her?

>> No.6781771

Cockroach girl is different from ferret girl.

>> No.6781772

Cockroach girl is different from anti-petticoat girl, and is Portland comm. Dunno bout other girl

>> No.6781775


I vape so there isn't a lot of smoke made. But just to be safe if I was in lolita I think I'd prefer to consume it in food.

>> No.6781782


>> No.6781786


I hope it gets loose and someone steps on it. That'll be the best.

>> No.6781795

Was it Victoria Suzanne? That's what the secret was implying but I highly doubt that she would pull that.

>> No.6781830

I mean, do what you do, anon.

>> No.6781834


I don't mean to be rude, but I kind of hope so, too. I wanted to check out the Portland community, but I'm not joking when I say that if there was a cockroach there I'd probably start crying and freaking out pretty bad and have to leave. I really hope that the rest of the community doesn't approve of this, though.

>> No.6781853

I bet you smell awful.

>> No.6781876 [DELETED] 

pics or it didn't happen anon.

>> No.6781883

Kids are still alright. A few of the girls in my comm are mothers, so they sometimes bring their kids along to meets. They're pretty well behaved so it doesn't affect us much.

>> No.6781888

Pics or it didn't happen anon. I'm thinking it didn't so nice lie.

>> No.6781973

I'd say it's either the Wonder Party or Chess Chocolate. Oo Jia makes both of those. I own both of them as well, and wore both of them to meets and everyone was surprised when I told them they were replicas (must be because I own a lot of brand? Or that the quality wasn't bad at all!).

I was really surprised seeing as most of the girls in my comm wear brand.

However, the girl in the pink aqua princess, I have yet to buy that replica but it does look like one to me.

>> No.6781984

Dunno, Portland is full of a bunch of freaks and faggots. According to them, owning poisonous or rabies-prone animals/rodents are "normal."

>> No.6781994

because taking pictures using a church as a background and actually attending church for the meet up are the same things...

>> No.6782028

lol seriously... If there was a meet attending a church all of the liberal and democrats would be in outrage.

I'm glad I'm not Christian. HAIL THE POWERFUL ALLAH!

>> No.6782059 [DELETED] 


Shes from Charm City Lolitas. The Maryland comm.

>> No.6782064

If someone wanted to have a church meetup I simply wouldnt go. I wouldn't make 25 secrets bitching about how much I hated Christians/God/Church/whatever

Is that such a hard thing to do?

>> No.6782066

>Is that such a hard thing to do?
For some people, it really is.

>> No.6782093


And I don't know where you guys got the idea that there must be some separation between church and state or religion and lolita. You don't have a fundamental right at your official meets to throw a shit fit because of the location.

If it bothers you so much, plan a meet on the same day for the other girls who weren't comfortable going.

>> No.6782103

The girls wearing Wonder Party and Chess Chocolate are brandwhores. It's probably not them.

>> No.6782117

I thought it was the AP mermaid print as well. Even in that small photo, it seems clearly a replica to me..

>> No.6782122

What is wrong with a group of religious lolitas wanting to attend a service wearing their frills? I think it's an odd place for a meet-up, maybe not appropriate to show up in really OTT style, but I don't see why they shouldn't.

I'm very liberal and I have no problems with this at all. I personally would not attend, but I'm not going to begrudge them for it.

>> No.6782138

Democrats and liberals hate religion. Very few aren't against it.

>> No.6782168

As an Atheist, it makes me uncomfortable. I'm not the type to bitch at others about their religion, but why do you have to bring it into something none-religion related, like lolita? Do that on your own time, with your religious buddies. Come on.

>> No.6782174

I bet you live in England, huh sandnigger? Thanks for ruining human civilization with your retarded religion. I love how Muslims know Mohamed was a pedophile, but don't care. Go home.

>> No.6782176

Liberal, democratic, athiest here. I don't hate religion at all. I'm guessing you spend a lot of time on reddit.

>> No.6782189

what democrats liberals do you hang out with? Because I am guessing none. Out of all of my friends (mostly democrats and liberals) only me and one or two others are atheists and none of us hate religion. Stop spouting bullshit.

>> No.6782198

they're onto black dick ones and it's absolutely fucking terrifying

>> No.6782383

Ahahahahaha, wut.

>> No.6782391

Livejournal staff are the only one that can see IPs.

>> No.6782393

Go look at those gifs they're posting and tell me it's not fucking scary

>> No.6782400

I don't see them now. I guess twilightcircus or misterlolita got rid of them? That shit is nasty though

>> No.6782401

Mods got rid of them.

>> No.6782402

bless those fucking mods for having to witness that shit repeatedly

>> No.6782406

twilightcircus has been removing them as soon as she sees someone mention them popping up. It was her and hellodahlia earlier on. That shit is so fucking gross, I bet it's going to keep getting worse too.
Fuck that anon

>> No.6782407

I'm a bit sad I didn't see them. What were they of?

>> No.6782413

Big black dicks My eyes burned.

>> No.6782414 [DELETED] 

Ewww. Niggers are seriously the ugliest race alive. Why are they so arrogant? I wouldn't hate them so much if they would just acknowledge that they're ugly.

>> No.6782623

Petticoat girl is in charm city and started metro Lolita's as a fan page rather than a community. She doesn't have roaches. She also is notorious for talking shit about everyone in the comm as soon as their backs are turned. She just loves attention.

>> No.6782640

also, she's the girl who brought a ferret to a meetup at the zoo a year ago. and she takes over people's meet ups to act like she came up with them.
but since the older members of the comm don't like her, she ends up hanging around the new lolitas and the itas because they don't know any better, and they can defend her if people don't want to put up with her.

>> No.6782684

Yea, definitely use a spoof.
But definitely don't put perfume on/near your brand, it could stain.
I've always found that weed smell doesn't last long but it's really hard to tell when you're high lol

>> No.6782689

Even though I'm an atheist I would attend a church meet-up. Just because I don't believe in the religion doesn't mean it wouldn't be a nice place for pictures. I mean, as long as people didn't expect us to participate in any religious ceremonies etc.

>> No.6782717

I never thought I smelled like weed when high, but I can always tell when someone's been smoking if I haven't.

IMO a spoof is only useful when you're trying to keep neighborshousemates from smelling it.

>> No.6782721

Wait, wait, is this the same chick that tried to hijack the 2008 Otakon lolita dinner by writing "come to the meet up" in sharpie on a bunch of playing cards and handing them out to people? I remember that same year, she claimed that she would sleep in her car because she couldn't afford a hotel.

>> No.6782740

I just saw the tumblr post, I can't believe she was trying to justify this.

>> No.6782747

Most northern regions don't have those kind of disgusting things. Yay Scandinavia!

>> No.6782750


>> No.6782755


Actually may have been a whiteknight... Tumblrs commenting system really confuses the hell out of me.

>> No.6782759

Alphadrug is the ferret girl

the milk eyed mender is the cockroach girl

>> No.6782767

Ah ok, I dunno who either of them are anyway but I think the cockroach thing is really disgusting... The ferret thing I don't really have a decided opinion on.

>> No.6782771

I think it's annoying to bring any pets to a meet tbh. Unless it's something agreed upon by everyone going.

>> No.6782773

Unless someone's boyfriend is covered in shit or fur, it wouldn't be a problem you fucking idiot.

WHAT. I didn't know this, wtf? Does it look like the girl anon? there are pics of her throughout this thread.

>> No.6782776

This because people have allergies. I'm the one who's severely allergic to rodents, I break out in hives if I stay near them for more than a minute. My throat closes up and if prolonged exposure (more than 5 min), I have to go to the hospital. My eyes and throat burn for days after.

Yeah bringing shit covered animals to meet ups is fucking stupid.

>> No.6782787

And if that roach got loose at the food meet-up she brought it to and someone, person at the meet or otherwise, stomped it--how would that owner have reacted?

>> No.6782791

this picture has over 1000 notes on tumblr of people thinking this is awesome. seriously you'd get thrown out of a restaurant if you brought a fucking roach to it.

>> No.6782794

I never said anything about boyfriends??

Yea I guess if no one was told about the ferret it would be really inconsiderate. I don't know the story of the ferret thing but I'm guessing there's drama about it cause she obviously didn't.

I'm definitely against the cockroach thing because of food safety. I had a job as a counter assistant in a supermarket so had to do stuff about pests and such that can contaminate food. Most or all cafes/restaurants don't allow pets in at all unless it's a guide animal.

>> No.6782799

They're replying to the ferret girl's comment, which was that people shouldn't bring their boyfriends if people can't bring their animals.

>> No.6782798

ugh ugh ugh. f someone randomly brought their roach--especially a giant hissing cockroach--to a meet (and one at a CAFE, at that) I would have left. Growing up I lived with my aunt, a hoarder, and the house was fucking infested with roaches. Just. Fuck. Just looking at this picture made me start gagging. I remember someone bringing their pet roach to a theater group last year and I threw up.

fuck. fuck I hate roaches.

>> No.6782807

Oh ok thanks. Yea I thought it was a dumb argument. People don't cause allergies and don't require extra responsibilities (most of the time). Although again with boyfriends it's best to double check and they should dress nicely too.

>> No.6782817

Why the hell would you bring a pet to a zoo? Isn't that against the rules of like every zoo ever? Especially such a small pet notoriously good at escaping into tiny openings.

>> No.6782818

I was replying to ferret girl/alphadrug/petty drama/ casie's, dumb ass reply about how it's the same as asking someone not to bring their boyfriend, not you oh respectful anon. :)

her logic about the roach:
>>I think he is adorable. I was asked by someone not to bring my ferret to meet ups anymore, and it hurt. I think pets need just as much fresh air and socialization as anyone. Its stupid to be so close minded about an animal or pet.
>>If someone brought a tiger or a bear to a meet up I might have an issue. But a small animal, bird, rodent, lizard, snake, dog, or whatever, are all fine in the right place. Like I’d take Frizzle, my ferret, to a picnic, but not to a museum. I’d take him to an outdoor festival but not clubbing. As long as Tonton wasn’t skittering around on the table or around the cafe I think he’s just fine. <3
only a problem if you bring your TIGER or BEAR

>>Thank you for your opinion, I understand where your coming from. But then would it be considerate of me to kindly ask girls no longer bring they’re boyfriends in jeans and tshirts to meet ups? I’m not discriminating, it’s just not the right place to bring them in a fashion community.

God damn this girl is stupid. animals are not the same as people.

>> No.6782820

I wish loli secrets was still up, there were like 7 secrets of pictures of the ferret in the stroller (she brought it in a stroller to the meet up, which she hosted btw).
this girl needs a gtfo

>> No.6782824


Seriously! And if it's a "fashion only club" she should dress better then. Her new special snowflake style is hardly lolita.
And an animal is in no way the same thing as a human coming to a meetup.
That ferret never fucking saw the light of day or got any attention from her before she decided she could show him off at meets.

>> No.6782827

Ok wtf. I have a friend with ferrets and they are some wily fuckers. Unless that stroller is a completely enclosed mesh one like you can get for prissy lil dogs, that is not gonna hold em for like five seconds. Please tell me it was wearing a leash or something?!

>> No.6782832

>comparing an adult, sentient human being who is capable of making their own decisions and is in an intimate relationship with one of the people involved in the meetup
>to a fucking pet she has no control over because it's a fucking animal
Girl has problems. I'm assuming she doesn't have a partner herself.

>> No.6782850

She actually has a girlfriend who is like the complete opposite of her. Mature, chill/laidback, has her shit together, easy to be around. I guess she needs someone like that or she'd be even worse.

>> No.6782890

Funny that she specifies boyfriends then. I've seen girls drag girlfriends and even non-loli friends and siblings to meets. Though I admit I don't really get it, can't you spend a few hours out alone? Or make sure your friend//bf/gf/sister is at least made to feel like part of the group? I know someone brought their grandma to a meet before at a tea room, but that grandma was really into it and dressed in a fair approximation of aristocrat, and was very interested in all the conversation.

>> No.6782899

Not a weed smoker, but I always put perfume on my body (wrists, neck, behind ears) but I will use a body spray. Mainly spritz ahead then walk through. Never had this stain my brand before.

>> No.6782907


Well, Madagascar roaches aren't like the roaches you find in the US. So long as she:

> didn't make people hold it
> didn't let it crawl on other people/tables
> had a cage/small tank for it
> washed her hands after handling it
> fucking asked permission before bringing it

Personally, it seems like way too much trouble to bring a pet.

>> No.6782920

that was the scariest lolita related thing i've ever scrolled in my life........

>> No.6782983

i should note alphadrugs also is LGBTQ supposedly and inserts herself into that community in Baltimore/DC. She drags that drama into charm city, and is a gold star.
Basically in lesbian terms that means a lesbian who has never slept with a man so they think they're that much more special for it.

>> No.6782996

Except that she had a boyfriend in highschool lol

>> No.6783017
File: 279 KB, 504x376, strollerferret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think this is the ferret in the stroller, there used to be more pictures. it's in an old behind the bows i think.

>> No.6783022

She brought him in one of those mesh strollers but had him out walking around throughout the day.

And it was hot as ball that day too. that poor ferret must have been miserable.

>> No.6783027

walking? like, on a leash?

>> No.6783032

Why hasn't anyone in maryland stood up to casie yet? No one likes her but no one has the balls to form a group and try and set her straight or kick her out of the group and leave her to her shitty metro group. A friend of mine still in the group is so tired of her shit but can't get anyone else to stand up to her. Though I doubt if the entire community told her off she'd still think they were just mean and she's doing nothing wrong.

>> No.6783043

It's just such a large group I don't know if we could kick her out of every circle really. As someone else said, she'll just hang out with the new members who don't know her to get sympathy.

>> No.6783047

some of us are talking about it, anon, there's definitely a lot of people in on these secrets considering the lack of backlash.
she's a special snowflake who thinks she can do no wrong so standing up to her is pointless. also she gets the noobs on her side. she likes attention and causing a split in the community, hence why she's taken over the meets too.
also, she's been doing this since 2005. i have friends in the community too, and everyone is fucking tired of it.

>> No.6783050


Looking at the 3 admins of the group, they're some of the more ballsier girls. They need to get together and give her a warning to shape up and if she doesn't they should be able kick her out. If she's banned from charm city meets, yes she still can have metro meets but she won't be showing up to charm city meets anymore.

>> No.6783051
File: 127 KB, 960x720, 417329_10151062006127548_2138616782_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny because at this same infamous zoo meetup, this girl brought their kid and basically ditched him on everyone else to babysit for free the entire time.
Pets and little kids are...yea. Please no.

>> No.6783056

I mean, her kid was probably one of the sweetest kids ive met in ages. I didnt have a problem with him being at the meet and being around us since he was so well behaved.
And then you have casie ( who organized the meetup) getting kicked out for not being able to follow the fucking rules of the zoo and bringing a pet.

>> No.6783060

It's a good thing he was a sweetheart, but still. She just let him run off to be taken care of by other people. And some girls just don't want to be around little kids when hanging out with their friends.

>> No.6783063


I had a bit of a problem with her bringing her kid but she's a nice person. She also asked or said something about bringing her kid before the meet.

>> No.6783086

This sounds like the same situation going on in the Midwest.

>> No.6783106

posted the cockroach to gtfo because why.

>> No.6783233

What situation?

>> No.6783271

Seconding deets

>> No.6783444

Wait that's Yi Antoinette in Portland, Oregon right?
The last meet up we had wasn't at a cafe.
It was at Keana's Candyland (www.keanascandyland.net/)
Not at a cafe... Well, there is a cafe downstairs but she opened the cockroach up stairs in the playroom or whatever it's called.

>> No.6783448

PS it'd smell like shit too...

>> No.6783450 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 500x669, tumblr_mlh8wnOAJe1qgssdso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6783478
File: 2.28 MB, 1280x960, komeiji runs a motel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hissing cockroaches aren't the same as the run-of-the-mill pest cockroaches, but even so, bringing a pet of any sort to a meetup (unless it's somewhere like a park and the pet can be leashed) is just inconsiderate for both the animal and the other attendees.

>> No.6783493

Still, if someone brought a fucking cockroach to a meetup, I'd be super pissed. It's disgusting and I have a phobia of bugs.

>> No.6783508

>Hissing cockroaches aren't the same as the run-of-the-mill pest cockroaches

tell that to anyone who would have come across it if it had gotten loose

>> No.6783518

what dresses do you have? I'm tall and have a large bust and was convinced for a while there I'd never be able to wear anything like lolita.

>> No.6783532

If I saw a cockroach scuttling near me I'd probably kill it with fire.
Bringing your pet to a meetup sounds pointless to me

>> No.6783538

Newfag here, sorry, but what blog are these secrets hosted at?

>> No.6783555


>> No.6783563


>> No.6783581

Why do you guys make such a big deal out of "hiding" it as well?

The fact that there are shitty attention starved stoners shouldn't make you need to actively police what you say to never mention it.
It's like girls who game who start using male users, characters and even fucking voice changers because OMG I CAN'T BE ONE OF THE GAMER GURLL ATT WHORES, MUST HIDE THE FACT THAT I HAVE A VAGINA!

>> No.6783594

she used to live in california actually, moved up to live with her "fiancee"

>> No.6783682

She doesn't come to all the meets and she has only brought the cockroach to one that I've attended. She was kind of discreet about having it. I only saw it for a second towards the end of the meet.

>> No.6783701

I don't think I make a big deal out of "hiding" it. I would never bring it up at a meet, because I know a lot of people don't like it so I think it would be rude. I don't really bring it up casually because that would involve bringing up my own medical issues/why I smoke, which is too personal for talking about with people I don't know very well. However, if someone asked me if I smoked weed, I'd say yes! It isn't so much that I hide it. I just don't bring it up because it isn't relevant to most discussions, and most people aren't interested in talking about it unless they also smoke.

>> No.6783703

Never said I make a big deal of it, you're projecting. I just said it's not something I discuss at meets because it doesn't seem appropriate.

>> No.6783713

She pulled out her cockroach about 5 times actually, maybe you weren't in the room. The first time she brought the little fuck out was after the hosts downstairs came up to bring food. Everyone wanted to see it which is why she kept taking it out. And yeah, she doesn't go to all the meets because she lives in Newberg which is like an hour away drive from Portland.

>> No.6783724


Was there anyone there against her bringing the cockroach? I personally hate bugs so I would of died but if everyone was okay with her bringing the bug I don't see the problem.

>> No.6783739

Considering the person you replied to called it "the little fuck," i'm going to guess at least once person was against it

>> No.6783807

Yeah I wasn't sitting near her. I saw her with it outside afterwards.

I think if she had asked beforehand, many of us would have told her not to bring it.

>> No.6783827
File: 26 KB, 660x204, Screenshot (22).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I can confirm that in the ferret case, the community was not asked if it was okay to bring. Screenshot of what she said prior to the meet.

>> No.6783881

The thing about bringing a ferret that bothers me is the potential for allergic reactions. Not just the lack of permission, but the lack of consideration.

>> No.6783894 [DELETED] 

I feel like a lot of the replies and posters are the same person. Just because of the gender and age group that draws lolitas, and also because it's a pretty "weird" fashion, I find it unlikely that there are droves of anti-gay lolitas. Then again, maybe I just haven't met them, or they just keep their opinions quiet.

>> No.6783936

Ew her middle name is Cashew?

>> No.6783933

Lol yeah, I think it's just a stupid idea. Imagine if that thing did get loose or if it had wings (I know roaches don't have wings).

She definitely did not ask before hand, I would have known. I read the Facebook posts in our comm daily so I couldn't have missed it.

I know definitely some people already knew she had a cockroach, so she must have brought it before as well. The Candyland was my first meet so I didn't know her or anybody else. That damn thing really fucking stunk up the room. NASTY.

>> No.6783954


Aren't there species of roaches with wings?

>> No.6783953

its a stupid online nickname that she made for herself

>> No.6783964

>you're projecting

Is this the new buzzword? Can't point something out without hearing "NO, YOU'RE PROJECTING".

Anyway - I get it, then. It just came off as if you were going to too great lengths to prove you are not, but it was just an impression.

>> No.6783995

According to her on Tumblr, "she didn't get permission from everyone" isn't true. Or so she said to Cadney.

>> No.6784050
File: 101 KB, 201x216, 1332864592891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing bringing an animal to a meetup to bringing your boyfriend
Haha oh yeah, I keep my bf on a leash too and I've cage trained him at home.
Sometimes when I whistle he does a flip.

>> No.6784054

I think the point you ended up making was that bringing your pet is safer and more acceptable than bringing your bf.

>> No.6784056

The people who knew may have been people that she hangs with outside of meets. But anyways, I'm sorry that was your first meet up experience. I hope you'll come to some other ones. I was a bit anti-social at that one since it was so overwhelming and I didn't really chat with anyone new.

>> No.6784061

Yeah, he's absolutely rabid. I have to do all I can just to keep him from chasing nice cars and pissing on any nearby buildings. It's a hassle, but I have to be a responsible boyfriend owner.

>> No.6784077

Fuck. No joke.

>> No.6784095

If you think they're bad, try browsing the gyaru comms once and a while.

>> No.6784104

The difference between bringing a pet and a boyfriend or SO is that people generally don't have fears or allergies towards "people". If I hold meets at my place always tell people I have animals that way if they have allergies they don't, you know, fucking die.
There's also sanitary reasons. I know we'd like to believe our animals are clean and adorable but they aren't. Small animals live in cages where they have bedding they walk around in, flooring, or other things that may have waste on them. Larger animals use litter boxes or can get into who knows what. Bringing these animals to meets and having them be around food = unsanitary. "But I don't let them near food" you might be saying. Doesn't matter. Are you washing your hands everytime you touch your pet and then touch something else? Probably not. Just be polite and leave your furry friends at home.

>> No.6784116
File: 1.43 MB, 1386x2008, 1316903497196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH god pls. I'm not even that into weed and this sounds fun to me.

Can we make it a themed meetup? Like, if the theme is strawberries, we'd wear prints/accessories with strawberries, bake with recipes that use strawberries and infuse them with strawberry kush?

>> No.6784129

I like this idea!Lets be friends, anon ;_;

>> No.6784141

Fuck. I'm so in.

>> No.6784148

Not to mention that bringing an animal is basically throwing responsibility of that animal on other people at a meet. If the animal gets loose, lost, aggressive, upset, sick, has to pee/poop, whatever.... it's a disruption to the time of everyone around the owner.

>> No.6784153

What the fuck is rainedragon smoking on that gay pride meetup post?

>> No.6784162

well...yesterday WAS 420

>> No.6784202 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People keep reblogging that fucking picture of the roach and it's just really disgusting to see it over and over again.
Stupid tumblr hugbox mentality.

I'll spray that roach with Raid if I saw it irl. Won't regret a thing.

>> No.6784208
File: 142 KB, 635x909, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People keep reblogging that fucking picture of the roach and it's just really disgusting to see it over and over again.
Stupid tumblr hugbox mentality.

I'll spray that roach with Raid if I saw it irl. Won't regret a thing.

>> No.6784211

See, I can understand bringing a dog to an outdoor meetup like the park. There are likely already going to be people with dogs there, so bringing your own seems okay. As long as its friendly, well-trained, and you're not trying to make it the center of attention, I think it'd be okay.

>> No.6784217

>That girl in the background's face

>> No.6784225

wtf those people are crazy.
tumblr hugbox.

>> No.6784232

A 420 meet is the perfect opportunity to bring a roach.

>> No.6784233

Yea, it would have to be very behaved though. Because even though other dogs might be there, you're bringing it into your personal group. I love dogs but I really don't like them touching me because they have dog smell and oil in the fur so the dog smell sticks to you.

>> No.6784237
File: 204 KB, 325x280, Crawfish_Dancing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like to eat my favorite pet species and I don't say anything. I also don't drag mine along to social gatherings.

>> No.6784238

As much as they all whine about being "triggered" all the time, you would think that they would be more considerate about how other people feel. A phobia of bugs (especially certain types) isn't all that uncommon and while they may not have agreed to the way that she reacted to having that photo on her dash, they should have at least paused to consider that it may have been driven by a visceral feeling that would case her to react a certain way when she is suddenly and without warning confronted by something she is very afraid of.

>> No.6784246

Yeah, it's definitely her. In the end, the meet up host told her to fuck off and that chick just wasted $10 on some sharpie'd pink playing cards.

>> No.6784249

I'm sorry but if you can't even handle a photo of a bug on the internet (and a blurry one at that), you need to learn to fucking deal with it.
I understand many people are irrationally afraid of generally harmless insects, and don't want to be near them but... A photo. On the internet. Come on.

>> No.6784260

I'm not saying that she shouldn't be able to "handle" it.

My main point is that a lot of tumblr users will have even more over-blown reactions to even reading about something that upsets them, especially if someone forgets to tag their post with a trigger warning. I watched a post about a girl talking about having surgery done on her hand spiral into a three day long clusterfuck of drama because she "triggered" someone who was freaked out by hand injuries and forgot to put a warning. A lot of the Lolitas on tumblr (at least the ones I followed when I had one) fall into this category, so I was surprised that they didn't make the same realization that I did--wether or not I believe it--instead of dogpiling on the girl and being a bunch of cunts.

Then again, this is tumblr we're talking about

>> No.6784284


That last part was mszombi's reply to this girl (lolitaplusgeek) who said:
THAT’S A BUG , I’m sorry I’m not being nice that’s something you spray with raid not fucking feed it and let it cuddle up in your nasty boob loaf. If someone in my comm brought that shit to a party I’d straight up leave that’s disgusting. If you want to keep some creep animal like a bug that’s your business but you do not take it out that’s rude and it’s a bug they don’t need to socialize how dumb are you? And I think ferrets are adorable but once again the ferret is not appropriate for a social gathering were people wear clothes that are worth hundreds of dollars! Ferrets are pretty dirty animals and no matter how descented they still smell. And fucking shame on everyone who is all “buggy is kawaii desu ne!” NO DO NOT ENCOURAGE THIS SHIT

>> No.6784288

Seems like Lolitaplusgeek is the only rational one on tumblr. Because seriously? If you like bugs that's fine, but for fucks sake don't bring them to meets.

>> No.6784306

I now seriously want to do an overblown Tumblr style triggered reaction if I ever see this fucking bug in person.

On the one hand I understand its her pet, she loves it. I love my cats, and I'd be upset if someone threatened to poison them. But I also don't take my cats out in public with people who might not like them, and warn people that I have cats all over the farm when they come over. Hell my brother has a fucking boa and he always warns people about it even though its only a little baby one, because it is a very well known phobia JUST LIKE BUGS.

>> No.6784313

what are three most common infestations in restaurants/cafes? Rodents, flies and cockroaches. It is absolutely STUPID to bring one (even a pet!) to where people eat. What if it got loose? What if someone were to accidentally mistake it for one that wasn't a pet and then kill it? All bug phobias and shit aside, reeeeally stupid, kid. Now, that aside, it's really awful to say shit like spraying it with raid because when it comes down to it, the girl seems to love her pet, regardless of it is.

that being said, sage because why the fuck is this even a discussion?

>mfw captcha: handled antebug

>> No.6784332

Lol she bawleted her reply, but it's immortalized in everyone else's reblogs. Fantastic.

>> No.6784334

If there had been some other customers there who had spotted it and reported it, even if they knew it was her pet, that place would have been shut down by the health department. EVEN IF IT IS A PET THEY WILL SHUT IT DOWN BECAUSE THEY ARE A HEALTH HAZARD. And had she asked about bringing it beforehand someone would have told her so.

>> No.6784385

It's horribly sneaky of her to hide her roach in her titties, because it's pretty obvious the owners wouldn't have stood for it, so she didn't take it out until the servers left to get past them.

I don't have a phobia of insects, but if someone brought one to a meet that involved food, it would give me the heebies regardless.

Never smelled a ferret personally, but I'm aware that they're pretty odorous. And I just *know* that if it had somehow escaped, everyone at the meet would have been stuck hopelessly looking for it for at least half an hour, and then go home with ruined moods.
Fuck that shit.

Bet people would think it was weird as fuck if I took a goldfish in a plastic baggie with me to a meet - maybe cry about how much stress the fish was under later online. The roach and the ferret were probably freaked the fuck out the majority of the time. But who gives a shit, it's quirky and cute teehee~

>> No.6784418

She hid it in her titties? Wouldn't that itch horribly? Ew...just ew. What if it shat on her?

>> No.6784439

>hide her roach in her titties,
>hide her roach in her titties,
>hide her roach in her titties,

Fuck. Where's the gin? Oblivion, here I come! With any luck, I will remember none of this horror in the morning.

>> No.6784445

Just make sure no roach climbs onto your titties while you sleep ;)

>> No.6784459

This, there was a secret last week or before that, I dunno, about how a girl had brought a cat to a meet. I fucking love cats, they're probably literally my favourite thing in the world. But even then, it's a seriously bad idea. They're in an environment they are unfamiliar with, surrounded by tons of new people, and even if you had friendly cats that were okay with it, the people meeting them may not be. The only time it would be acceptable to have pets at a meet-up is if it's one you know would react well to lots of people in an appropriate environment (zoos and cafes are fucking stupid places to bring your pet) and everyone is okay with it being there, or if the meetup is in your own home (if everyone is warned beforehand).

>> No.6784464

Fuck man, I've done way more than just smoked weed in Lolita. I think I've tried basically every drug there is.

The easiest way to keep the smell away is just use a vaporiser and you're all sweet; none of this "oh your precious brand what about the smell" bullshit. Then again I don't get all dressed up to smoke either, it's only when it's what I have on that day.

You guys need to realise that they're just clothes, and you can do what you like in them. If someone wants to smoke in their brand then it's their choice, it's not like you own their dress.

I think my favourite thing is staring at myself in a mirror or looking down at my dress on acid wearing lolita. The print was dancing around my dress and it fully came to life. It has made me appreciate Angelic Pretty on a whole new fucking level.

>> No.6784469

Lololol I love you man

>> No.6784471

Anyone else amused by the butthurt gaiafag in secret 27?

>> No.6784472
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>>hide her roach in her titties

>> No.6784474

I was considering walking to a meet in my town with my mom and my dog because he's a dalmatian and two of the girls are dalmatian lovers and really wanted to meet him, but I don't know them well enough to invite them back to my place to see him.

I was thinking of walking to the meet with him and my mom, for the girls to see him if they wanted, and then for my mom to go home and take the dog with her so the dog wouldn't actually be at the meet, he'd just walk up with me so the girls could see him. I was going to warn everybody about him beforehand too.

Is this a bad idea?

>> No.6784479


The definition of a phobia is how fucking ridiculous and disconnected from reality your fear is. Most people are aware they sound completely stupid but can't get over it. There are ways to get over phobias but most cost lots of therapy money and a lot of time.

>> No.6784480

Nah that's a great idea! Even I, the loser who gets migraines from dogs would be down for something like this.

>> No.6784482

I wouldn't think so, unless your dog is overly-excitable/generally unsocialized and might damage someone's outfit by jumping. Since he can be walked on a leash that's a good sign, but if you think there might be the slightest chance that he would get over stimulated I wouldn't do it. Also brace for catty bitches who will stand 30 feet away and still blame you if they think they find even one stray dog hair on their precious burando.

>> No.6784483
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you're being a dick and being immature as all hell - it's cool to not like insects and be afraid of them but to just kill it for existing is unnecessary especially when the cockroaches you hate so much are extremely important to the environment (although not this one since it's a pet, you get what i mean). she shouldn't have brought it but i really hope you;re just exaggerating with the kill-on-site policy.

>> No.6784487

it wasn't her cat, she just picked it up and held it for the photo. believe it was a sociable stray or something like that

>> No.6784489

Aw, man. The way she types seriously rustles my jimmies. I can't stand when people respond to criticism like that, I get so much second-hand embarrassment.

>> No.6784493

I believe that someone commented that it was another girl who brought her two cats to the meet? I wasn't necessarily commenting about the girl in question, as I have no idea who she is.

Not that anon, but if I had no idea that it was someone's pet, I'd try to kill it. Obviously wouldn't if I did know, but it's just such a terrible time and place, and lots of accidents could have happened.

>> No.6784495

Definitely ask permission, but seeing as the dog won't be full-time at the meet it seems like a great idea.

>> No.6784498

This. I have a highly irrational phobia and it's ridiculously embarrassing, but it's one that people easily find out and then they tease me about it and use it to freak me out for a laugh. They don't understand the fight-or-flight response I experience when I'm exposed to the thing and they think it's all fun and games, but I get the same kind of split-second panic that you get when you think you're about to be in a really gruesome car accident and it's fucking miserable.
That being said, there's also a difference between having a phobia and being closed-minded about wildlife because the only experience you have with a certain creature is rumor and myth. I used to be repulsed by all rats because of their social stigma until I worked with them in a pet store and domestic rats are honestly one of the best small pets you could possibly own as long as it's socialized. Roaches make great pets too as long as you understand what they can and can't give you in your relationship with them, but that same rule goes for just about any pet. Like rats, a lot of the "disgust" stems from the environments people imagine then living in, but it's obviously possible to breed, raise, and keep roaches in a clean environment.
(Why on god's earth she thought it was good to take it into a restaurant though, I will never understand. That's a completely different issue though.)

>> No.6784501

Do roaches even have the capacity to like and appreciate you as an owner? I doubt that roach even knows that it's loved and cared for.

>> No.6784506

this can be said for a lot of animals kept as pets?

>> No.6784509

Did Akissy bawleet her account? Anyone know why?

>> No.6784511

I'd say mammals can, but I doubt insects and reptiles can.

>> No.6784527
File: 555 KB, 2048x1536, bearded_dragons02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahHAHAHAHAaaa oh my fucking god

looks like somebody's never been around a socialized bearded dragon, wow.
There are tons of reptiles that have the capacity to appreciate ownership, if given the right amount of care and gentle treatment.
Some insects too (like mantises) can also be socialized and can even behave "affectionately"; what you're looking for is a creature that has the capacity to recognize their human as a food dispenser and understand that the human is aiding in their survival (instead of being too unintelligent and consequently seeing their owner as a constant threat.)

>> No.6784556

same here. i'd run as fast as i could if i saw someone brining that shit into a public space.

>> No.6784561

No, I haven't. I was unaware that this was a common thing to have been around socialized bearded dragons, but I apologize for my ignorance in the manner as you are obviously more knowledgeable in the matter than I and will take your word for it.

>> No.6784622
File: 19 KB, 294x119, yRNTurk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking lost it.
My sides are in orbit.

>> No.6784707

I own those sheets.

>> No.6784716

That's not how the health department works...

>> No.6784776

I keep trying to tell her that her contrived stance of "LOLOLOL HATE SO FUNNY KEEP IT COMING" is a surefire way to expose your insecurity to the world, but she doesn't get it. Anyone know how old she is?

>> No.6784778

I worked in animal care in a museum and sometimes we'd bring the more mellow animals out for guests to touch. I don't know if you could call it "affection," but some animals would feel more comfortable with certain people and when given the choice would gravitate towards the one they felt safest with or more favorable towards. This extended to hissing cockroaches (who would seek me, a source of gentle care, after an hour of prodding from curious kids). Love? Honestly, probably not, but they can feel appreciation in the sense that they can connect you with safety and gentle handling.

>> No.6784789

Probably late teens..maybe early twenties?

>> No.6784808

I'm interested in this too.

>> No.6784894

Seriously? I was thinking more in the 13-16 range. Or someone with Aspergers parroting that insecure response.

>> No.6784901


I have an Ornate Wood turtle who's very affectionate. She'll follow me around when I take her out of her tank.

>> No.6785363

I work with someone with the same behavior so that's why I guessed late teens.

>> No.6785464

That's actually super interesting. I didn't even know they could recognize people. Thanks!

>> No.6786057

Oh, I know. I'm just saying that an insect that has lived in a little terrarium its whole life and an insect that's been crawling through garbage cans its whole life aren't exactly the same thing in terms of sanitation (granted, arthropods of any kind are pets to be observed, not handled, if only for their sake). I still think that bringing a pet of any sort to a meet is absolutely retarded, though, especially one that people may react adversely to like an arthropod or a reptile.

>> No.6786081

I've owned turtles and tortoises since I was a kid. I wouldn't say they're affectionate in that they want to cuddle and take long walks on the beach, but they will learn to recognize faces, and will gravitate towards people who are gentle with them and feed them (following you around in their tank and stuff).

>> No.6788761
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By that logic no meetups should ever occur because someone might be uncomfortable going outside or eating in their frills.
If you don't like a meetup;s theme, missing one isn't going to kill you.

>> No.6788767

this is the chick who thinks $4 is too expensive?
My guess is it popped out of her dirty-ass hair at a meet and she's trying to backpeddle "Oh no, guiz, he's totally my pet!"

>> No.6788780

Get your common sense the fuck out of here, you whore

>> No.6788787

>Aristocrat Grandma
I was born to see this. Anyone have pics?