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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 165 KB, 620x350, 27414-Danganronpa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6772119 No.6772119 [Reply] [Original]

Bandwagoning pieces of shit. This is going to be the next cancer now that homosuck is over. I'm already tired of hearing about it.

>> No.6772127

>never heard of it
>have a purple wig and ask what to do with it, someone rec's the main girl
>woah this looks pretty cute and simple, sure why not
>suddenly its cancer
Goddammit, I just want to use my wig.

To hell with you OP.

>> No.6772130

Don't worry, there's other characters with purple hair.

>> No.6772131
File: 11 KB, 392x227, tumblr_m3zx5xCBA11qhyysp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking that Homestuck is actually over

>> No.6772133

Homestuck isn't over (sadly). And the DR fandom is relatively small and pretty well-behaved...? I don't know what you're going off about OP.

>> No.6772134

Just gonna get worse when the anime starts.

I should speed read the lp so i can't get spoiled further (HURR HOW DOES I SPOILER TAG ON TUMBLR)

>> No.6772136

I'm seeing homestuck fags saying that they're getting into DR everywhere. Prepare for shitty cosplay.

>> No.6772147

all of the DR fans I know are also Homestucks, but at the same time they hate when other homestucks get into it because "wah wah you're going to ruin it!!!"

I don't understand their logic

>> No.6772148

The only thing that drives me nuts about the Homestucks jumping to the fandom is that they're bringing their SJ wank into it. I'd like to check out the Chihiro tag without a million catfights.

>> No.6772150

what exactly is this

>> No.6772153

Dangan Ronpa is a visual novel about a bunch of really-talented teenagers that are trapped in a school and the only way to graduate is to kill someone and not get caught.

>> No.6772156

You're brave. I haven't even dared to look at any of the tags.

>> No.6772160

from what I've seen in the chihiro tag it's mostly people attacking the people with "SJ bullshit" though. I don't get why people can just leave each other alone but whatever

>> No.6772161

I love Dangan Ronpa. I hate homestuck.
Fuuu now I'm scared to touch this fandom thanks.

>> No.6772171 [DELETED] 
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Fuckin casuals

>> No.6772173

"i'm seriously considering doing a dangan ronpa/homestuck crossover!"

And the mere existence of the tag drstuck

you guys are fucked. My apologies.

>> No.6772174


Is that supposed to be an emoticon?

>> No.6772177

I think they mean because it's ending. Like the comic is ending.

>> No.6772180

If it makes you feel any better, a lot of the Homestucks absolutely despise those crossovers because of how bad the fandom is. Everyone immediately shut down someone that said that "Gundam is the DR Eridan".

>> No.6772181

not for a long time m' dear.

>> No.6772190

Damn, that actually sounds fun, but I don't want to be a fan of the next homestuck.

>> No.6772202

Blue-eyed, red jersey girl remind anyone else of all those futa chicks in the TinkerBell games?

>> No.6772214

I'd rec it even if you don't get into the fandom. It's an interesting twisty game, and the characters are all really interesting and neat.

>> No.6772407

Just wait until the anime comes out...

>> No.6772460

>Thing becomes popular and has many cosplayable designs
Get over yourself.

>> No.6772511

It's actually a bit worse in that people who call themselves homestuck fans are progressively becoming fans of dangan rompa. That's what people are worried about. Take some group that's hated, let's say KKK members, and insert them into a new group. Well, that new group just got a lot less fun to be part of.

>> No.6772518

People liking things? Perish the thought.

>> No.6772527

I have to agree with this.
I just don't want to see Dangan Ronpa getting huge and hated, like Homestuck, where you can't say you like it without being seen as a horrible, annoying person. You know? It'll just make me a little sad, I suppose.

>> No.6772535

It's the type of people who like it. Most other fans and no one would think bad of them. These are homestucks though. Homestucks, hetalia fans, pony fans, even kuroshitsuji fans... all of them have a reputation and it's not a very good one.

>> No.6772575

The problem is with the individual fans and not the show/fandom at whole.
It really taints the water though so to speak.

>> No.6772596

Indeed. The mere mention that you like Homestuck may make people look at you funny and want to keep their distance til you prove otherwise.

>> No.6772670
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Did you seriously just compare Homestuck fans to KKK members?
Honestly, who cares about belonging to a "group". If you like something, you like something. Being concerned with who else likes it and whether or not it's cool makes you seem like an awfully dull and possibly dishonest person.

>> No.6772682

Yes, yes I did. One might have done a lot worse but they're both things that don't have very good reputations.

>> No.6772699
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>saying that dangan roomba will be the next huge thing after homestuck
>assuming that most stuckaboos are intelligent enough to understand dangan roomba

it'll be a cold day in hell when that happens, thankfully.

>> No.6772707
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>assuming you have to understand something to enjoy it loudly and ruin it for everyone

>> No.6772716

Half of the fans of homesteak didn't even read the series so I doubt that will deter them.

>> No.6772717

This. I've seen a lot of people who surface-level enjoy Dangan Ronpa (see: 'oh my gosh the yaois!!') floating around Tumblr lately. One does not have to understand to enjoy.

>> No.6772724

>if they don't understand it, then they'll quickly lose interest and wander back to hetalia.
>if they do understand it, then they're part of that 0.5% of likeable, intelligent homestuck fans

everyone wins

>> No.6772733
File: 31 KB, 500x364, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if they don't understand it, then they'll quickly lose interest and wander back to hetalia.
I'm sorry, you seem to have missed the purpose of my picture.

>> No.6772736

I haven't actually encountered any obnoxious Eva fans in quite some time. Then again, I stay away from their home turf. Eva forums are fucking terrifying in terms of the fantheories and rage.

>> No.6772740

You act like dr is some game for intellectuals. Its a visual novel.

>> No.6772744

Basically. You ask a HS at random about something about the comic and chances are you'll just get "Well its too hard to explain!...... HUSSIEEEE!"

>> No.6772745
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Shit son, in my experience Rebuild's brought the worst of it back in full force.

I just hate waifufags so much, anon.

>> No.6772748

You poor, unfortunate soul. You have my sympathy. I prefer to just quietly enjoy things on the side and ignore fandoms. If I didn't, I'd probably want to rip my hair out from what little I've seen.

>> No.6772756

I've been into DR since it was first announced and back then most of the people (out of only a handful who knew of it) in the fandom take the series seriously and I had the greatest time enjoying DR
jfc but the people in the fandom now irritate and dissapoint me a lot tbh

>> No.6772814

Can I like...play this? I've heard that it's like Ace Attorney, my favorite game ever. I don't feel like reading translations.

>> No.6772847

it's a PSP game that was only released in japan so if you speak japanese then sure!

>> No.6772865

there is a translation hack being worked on.

but as anyone who has dealt with translation hacks before will tell you, SHIT TAKES FOREVER unless they dont need to reprogram the fucking game to translate it (unlikely)

its not just putting the new text in, there's a LOT of technical shit involved

>> No.6772879

The hack for the first game is almost done. I'm still trying to figure out why my PSP can't handle the translated demo, so not as excited about it as I should be.

>> No.6772899

The only thing about the fandom that bothers me are the god awful Facebook rps that are posted all over tumblr.

>> No.6773072

The whining on tumblr was hilarious while the LP was ongoing. SA sometimes puts a paywall up, which led to entitled bitches complaining that "the Dangan Ronpa forum" was being mean to them when this had been a normal thing for over a decade. Jesus christ tumblr ruins everything it touches.

>> No.6773073

I guess I've just been living under a rock because I've never hear of this.

>> No.6773075

>cosplaying something you haven't even played/read
>caring what people think about your fucking cosplay (including above comment)

you have other problems than a wig that you don't know what to do with

>> No.6773078

I know Chihiro is the little one, but I'm not really into the VN. What's wrong with her?

>> No.6773091

oh man I'm gonna be the biggest butt here and give out a spoiler but the game has been out for like 4 years already so I don't give a shit anymore

Some time in Chapter 2 you will find out that he's a crossdresser under social circumstances
the SJ tumblr people keep on insisting that he's a trans when actual game said he's a dude who's crossdressing because dressing up as a girl gives him an excuse for being so weak

most arguements go "since we're trans ourselves, saying Chihiro is a trans is the actual truth and anybody denying that is cissexist"

>> No.6773095

>Implying the Homestuck Fandom itself was the cancer
>implying it wasn't Hetalians jumping to Homestuck during Act 5 that is the true cancer

>> No.6773096

How dare you call us out on it? You misognyistic fuck neckbeard virgin!! >>>/r9k/

>> No.6773127

That shit pops up in the persona tag all the time.


That's a goddamn confirmation bias, they want trans characters so they see characters as trans regardless of what the game/movie/show/book actually says

>> No.6773139

I thought Naoto was originally supposed to be trans and the developed backed out at the last minute?

>> No.6773177

fuck i hate that so much
interpreting characters doesn't mean you can make up stuffs for them to fit your taste

funny thing is, a part of Chihiro was ASHAMED for having himself being known as a girl when in truth he wasn't and tries to fix it by telling Mondo the truth

HAA what did you think that got him killed in the first place

>> No.6773304

Have you seen how complex Homestuck is? Dangan Ronpa is just a game/VN about kids killing eachother inside of a building with a few twists.

>> No.6773327

Agreed. Holy fucking shit. It wasn't funny when Homestuck did it and spammed it everywhere, and it certainly isn't funny when Dangan Ronpa does it.

>> No.6773348

Naoto was supposed to be a guy but then the creator changed Teddie's gender to female so the Naoto became a girl to balance things out

>> No.6773353


Because these are the same people who jump on every bandwagon but can't stand when other people jump on because it turns into the popular, convention cancer everyone loves to hate. Then they'll self-righteously assert they were in the fandom before it got popular and everyone after them (no matter when they actually got into the fandom) is suddenly ruining it. It's the hipster mentality, except instead of leaving something once it becomes "mainstream," they stay and breed.

Though on the plus side, maybe we'll start seeing less grey paint. I'd take shitty DR cosplays over asshats who can't seal body paint. I'm not into Homestuck, but having DR be the next cancer will mean that fandom calms down.

I'm sorry to all the DR fans who don't want to get lumped into this shit, but I'm kinda happy there's something new.

>> No.6773378


...why would they wonder back to Hetalia? I love Hetalia, but it's not as active as it once was. They left Hetalia--which was the con cancer of the day--for Homestuck. They won't return to something they left, they're gonna move on to the next big thing. DR seems to have been picked, which sucks for those who like it and don't like what it will become, but you can either stay with it despite the fandom, or let it affect you and leave. I've been there and I know how it feels when your fandom gets rover

I think it's fairly obvious that the type of obnoxious Homestuck fans we're talking about are a type of fan who just hitches the nearest bandwagon and goes with it until something else new comes along. These are the SJW tumblrfag hipsters.

>> No.6773381

>then the creator changed Teddie's gender to female

>> No.6773386

It's notes from the artbook.

Originally the creator wanted Teddie to be a beautiful girl so that it would be a nice surprise for the player when the character's human form was shown however they changed him to be a "Beautiful sparkling young man"

>> No.6773848

Ugh this whole attitude on tumblr about Chihiro irks me so much. I wouldn't mind so much if I could have an actual debate and use evidence from the game, and eventually come to a "we disagree but we've both stated our claim and understand the other" agreement, but everytime ANYONE says, "well, actually, Chihiro probably identifies as male..." all the SJW in teh fandom scream at you for being cissexist and won't accept any of the completely valid points you might make.



>> No.6773857

The thing is that even though I've heard good things, I don't want to read a translation on the off chance that the game is released in English. It's too bad because I've heard it's quite good.

>> No.6773867

I really do want it released in English but it would be financial suicide for any companies that want to bring it here. The sad truth is that unless it's for the Vita, they don't want it because the original PSP isn't as popular in the states.

>> No.6773881

>Homestuck isn't over (sadly). And the DR fandom is relatively small and pretty well-behaved...?
Homestuck's fanbase started out fine and turned to absolute horrible once what was the Hetalia fandom moved in in waves and drowned out the original fans.

Then Hussie realized they were all idiots with ludicrous amounts of disposable income, and completely shifted gears to pander to them as much as possible (while simultaneously making fun of them).

That same group of idiot fans is going to flood out of Homestuck and into something else that's niche and looks promising, and DR may just be that thing.

>> No.6773888

>if they don't understand it, then they'll quickly lose interest and wander back to hetalia.
Hahaha wow, you're absolutely previous. They didn't understand Homestuck either, but they didn't abandon it to go back to Hetalia. They just turned it into 24/7 trollshipping and awkward teen romance.

>> No.6773894


For the record, not all Hetalia fandom moved to Homestuck. The part that moved was the part that invaded the Hetalia fandom and drowned out the original fans.

>> No.6773890

>Misspells precious
Brb, killing self.

>> No.6773893

vomited a little in my mouth

>> No.6773904

Oh, I imagined the same thing happened to Hetalia prior to Homestuck, considering from what I know they were all about awful yaoi countryshipping instead of whatever Hetalia is actually about.

Then they turned Homestuck into awful trollshipping, because they're crazy and were willing to give Hussie literal millions of dollars.

They'll probably turn the DR fandom to shit once they move on to that one, though be glad they probably won't be a big enough market for the people behind DR to radically retool it to appeal to those idiots.

Just be prepared to be absolutely ashamed to admit you ever liked DR.

>> No.6773925

And that's exactly the group you have to worry about. The migratory fangirl.

>> No.6773936


It did, trust me, as someone who saw what they did to the fandom. I mean, yes, Hetalia is very shippy, and there is a canon gay couple, but it's not all about yaoi. These are the fangirls who were ONLY in it for the yaoi, and not the actual history and geopolitics, because it's a freaking brilliant manga. But they also were there for the anime, not the manga.

I feel like we need a PSA campaign. Watch out for migratory fangirls. You never know when they will attack! Your fandom could be next!

I wonder where they came from pre-Hetalia. Death Note? Or did they just breed from Tumblr?

>> No.6773942

Death Note sounds plausible.

>> No.6773940

I'm actually curious of that myself. I didn't start going to anime cons til Hetalia was in full swing so I have no idea. Never saw much of that at SDCC which is where I went before anime cons.

>> No.6773948

Death Note and Host Club started taking off at the same time. If you thought all the body paint was bad, think of what it was like to see a sea of badly done blazers and closet cosplay tier outfits

>> No.6773959

Yeah, no. It wasn't nearly as bad as the Homestucks.

>> No.6773963

Kingdom Hearts.

>> No.6773970

YUP. That's the one.

And Naruto, of course.

>> No.6773981

Shity blazers don't rub off on people and ruin their clothes/costumes.

>> No.6773986
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So it's like god damn Grell syndrome all over again. Wonderful.
I'm not sure why DR is getting so popular all of a sudden, but this far I don't mind it. It's not obnoxiously popular.
I really hope it doesn't get obnoxious, cause I really like it.

>> No.6773989

That's how they all start. Small-scale. Unobtrusive. And then it happens. They hit critical mass. Your favorite convention is now infected en masse.

>> No.6774014


I started cons in early '06, so that way the height of Naruto, Bleach, and Kingdom Hearts. I first noticed Hetalia at cons first in early summer 2009, but had gotten into the manga late 2008. At that time, Hetalia was still a relatively unheard of series and was only really recognizable in en masse because the giant flags and military uniforms were en vogue in fandom at the time (I personally have noticed the giant flags seem to have been abandoned in favor of smaller ones, at least at the cons I attend).


Both of these seem plausible. Death Note because it is characteristic of the shitty closet cosplay and lack of effort seen with a lot of bad Homestuck cosplays. It's also incredibly shippable. Ouran is more shippable canonically, but certainly has the wider cast like Hetalia and Homestuck offered, though I'd default to Death Note because while Ouran was popular, Ouran stayed an anime movement. Death Note became a crossover hit that moved beyond the anime crowd and potentially brought these people into fandom.


KH and Naruto fans are annoying, and can be the crazy yaoi fangirl types, but I don't think these are the migratory fans. It's going back too far. We're looking at an age range of probably 13-18, and Naruto's heyday in the con world was still mid 2000s, pushing as late as '08 and '09 maybe, but by then we were solidly in Death Note overkill with the first waves of Hetalia fandom (more of the old fans on the '08 side of things, late '09 we start to see evidence of the migration, but that's not really until 2010 I'd argue).

tl;dr --> Gonna go with Death Note, but I think that's only probably fandom cause for the migratory, cancerous, currently-Homestuck fans who are currently 13-18. Death Note was popular, roughly, from 2007-2009, with the peak in 2008/2009. Which would put us right on the cusp of Hetalia exploding. So Death Note --> Hetalia --> Homestuck --> Dangan Ronpa

>> No.6774021


However, that's not to say some of them didn't perhaps come from Ouran. I'm just saying the largest migration seems to have come from Death Note. I think perhaps those migrating from Ouran might have turned to Black Butler? That's also not to say that some Kuroshit fans might not have latched onto Homestuck.

But if we're looking for the big migration, I think it's Death Note. Because if we compare how they acted, like yaoi obsessed people who didn't truly understand the series and reduced it to a gay romance, I think you'll find more of comparison there.

>> No.6774036
File: 23 KB, 295x303, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh. I can see the shitty closet cosplay now. Especially with the character designs.
Won't stop me from being excited over every Fukawa and Syo though.

>> No.6774047

A lot if not most Death Note cosplayers at the time were dudes, though.

The Death Note fandom at the time was really not much like the Hetalia or Homestuck fandoms. There was shipping but more in the category of TBro or Kuroshit than Hetalia and Homestuck.

>> No.6774077


But if you look at the cosplay and fandom "movement" side of things, Death Note certainly was a very large movement within the anime and general fandom communities, a truly cross-over BIG hit for fandom and the industry. A lot of Death Note cosplayers are dudes, but how many shitty female Ls or Misa Misas were there? I don't think Death Note was as dominated by males as you're remembering.

Yaoi shipping aside, if we look purely at what flared up seemingly out of left field and gained an audience even greater than the original fans, then Death Note is the logical fandom at the time immediately prior to Death Note. I'm considering things that had mass appeal, like Death Note, Hetalia, and now Homestuck. I feel like Kuroshit was a big movement within anime fandom, like Ouran, but lacks the crossover appeal of the other fandoms.

>> No.6774155


Also keep in mind that a lot of Death Note's existence as the "it" fandom was prior to Tumblr taking over fandom subculture. Perhaps Death Note would have fared differently in a world saturated with social media, instead of being caught in the middle of its rise (because yes, Tumblr was around during Death Note's popularity).

But we can blame Tumblr for a lot of the problems associated with migratory fangirls (officially calling them that from now on). It kind of creates them. Though it's my honest opinion that fandom fads have a lifespan of 2-3 years. We're on the downhill side of Homestuck it looks like and Hetalia has returned to being a regular old fandom (not without it's issues, but you know what I mean), and everyone has all but forgot about Naruto.

>> No.6774171

I actually find the study/conversation of the migratory fanbase pretty interesting, so here's my question to you guys: What was the migratory 'thing' pre-Naruto? Pre-saturation of social media? DID it even exist, back then?

This was the time I got into anime, and it probably must have been one of the Toonami series. Yu Yu Hakusho or RuroKen maybe? Before my time, it was probably Gundam Wing before that? And DBZ before that, even?

>> No.6774175

This is, of course, not taking into account vidya and manga fanbases it could have been; any suggestions on those?

>> No.6774199


Well, I think a good distinction to make is that Naruto and anything before that are a separate generation of migratory fandom. I'm not sure if it's a disease that's always existed, and is just more apparent because of social media, or something that has actually developed and expanded in recent years.

I personally cannot answer what came before Naruto, though certainly other popular fandoms at the time or just before, like FMA, Trigun, Sailor Moon, YuYu Hakusho, RuroKen, Inuyasha, Gundam, etc, had their heyday. I know when I first got into cons FMA was probably at Kuroshit level, so like a second-tier level of popularity (Kuroshit vs. Homestuck, FMA vs. Naruto/Bleach/KH).

I know that the further we go back, we run into the problem of cons being for an older audience. Nowadays conventions are dominated by tweens and teens (which I think is a major characteristic of the migratory fan) so perhaps these types of over-saturation and over-representation with cosplay didn't really happen until the anime and con boom. I can only postulate, though, as I only go as far back as 2006.

>> No.6774214

Yeah. I agree that there are two sort of.. strains, I guess, of fandoms: there's the FMA > Kuroshit strain, and the Naruto > DN > Hetalia > Homestuck strain. While about the same in terms of how 'bad' they are, I guess, the latter always seems to be more visible to me? I guess because of the 'crossover' element that's been mentioned.

I only started cons a year before you so I run into this problem too, so I can only postulate from what I saw online from the early 2000's before I started congoing.

>> No.6774228


No, I disagree. Naruto belongs with the older strain. I also think the older strain is less clear, as there was less of a codified "fandom" and a lot of things existed simultaneously. I don't think there's a linear progression from FMA to Kuroshit, just that there's a comparison with them being notable cosplay movements of the second-tier (not in terms of quality, but numbers). I'd put Ouran in there, too, though if I had to do a progression, I think FMA > Ouran > Kuroshit (though I think Kuroshi fandom is a bit too young for that to have been the case, perhaps it's true for the older Kuroshi fans). Definitely FMA > Ouran, there is a strong case there in terms of American fandom.

But I think in terms of timeline and the age of the current migratory fan, Naruto is too old and too "anime" for them.

Death Note is the what started the new strain, in my opinion/analysis, because it had more cross over appeal. I DO think Death Note plays a part in both strains, but perhaps only affected the older strain at first (as in the Naruto/old strain--and by old I mean mid-2000s) as the original DN fans who got pushed aside by the new rabid fanbase which came in slightly later. That's characteristic of the migratory fandom. They can only "nest" once the nest has been made. I.e. they jump on things WHEN it's the bandwagon, not before. So once it's gained a little popularity, then they notice it and take over. They're never there in the beginning, and as such they're always a little "late to the party" I guess.

>> No.6774247

I was pretty into the Death Note fandom and it was at least half guys.

Honestly I think you're way overreaching here. Things become popular and then grow older. Some things have cracky yaoi fandoms that are incredibly loud and annoying and have no awareness of the source material, to the point where they gain a rep for not even having played/watched/read it. This is our Kingdom Hearts, Homestuck, Hetalia, etc. Other things are just regular flavor popular anime. This is our Death Note, FMA, SAO, Meguca, etc.

>> No.6774280
File: 16 KB, 350x392, dwightface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see the big deal, since the only ~drama~ within the fandom is Chihiro's gender and people complaining about Homestuck fans leaving the fandom and/or shitting on DR.

It's definitely no where near shit tier some Homestuck fans have done, so why bother complaining about it.

>> No.6774287

>It's definitely no where near shit tier some Homestuck fans have done, so why bother complaining about it.
The OP is afraid of what will happen, not what has happened.

>> No.6774408

Every other fandom these guys have hit was normal and tolerable before it happened as well.

>> No.6774416


>> No.6774473

Much like slugs they leave a trail of gross behind.

>> No.6774482

Old timey hetafag (from before anyone had even created a compiled site for all the strips) here to say the fandom was always about writing shitty fanfics about the Axis powers sucking each other off. It was never about the "history," that was just a thing people said to make it look less awful that we made the genocide of Ottoman Greeks into porn.

>> No.6774561
File: 115 KB, 600x462, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This oh my god this.
Just because it wasn't as loud and obnoxious back then doesn't mean this wasn't what always happened.
Also this discussion of fandom strains is interesting. On a side note, Do you think there are possible separate strains that branch out of the mario and sonic fandoms as well?

>> No.6774577

what the, never heard of this before but for some weird reason I seen that bear somewhere before In my dream.

>> No.6774596

homestuck fans at my college have already changed their profile pics/middle names on facebook to dangan ronpa characters. It's Already Happening

>> No.6774661

Actually scratch that, migratory fangirls are like locusts.

They arrive, RUIN EVERYTHING then move on to the next thing and ruin that

>> No.6774694

>too broke to pay :10bux: for sa
>spends hours on tumblr blerhing, jerking, and squirting about said topic
yeah, that makes sense

>> No.6774701

As much as I dislike bad fans, all the stuff about 'wah now it's popular!' strikes me as so much hipster bullshit.

>> No.6774731

I'm going with Kingdom Hearts and Naruto. Back before DeviantArt turned into a total dumpster and I stopped visiting, the worst fans were always Kingdom Hearts and Naruto. Any way you could measure them, they were the worst. Before that, lot of them clustered around Inuyasha.

>> No.6774738

It's hilarious how majority of the new stream of DR fans in tumblr depend a lot on Oren's translation instead of actually playing the game and read the novels

Oren's translations aren't really that accurate either and there's always something that puts me off. I also notice he messed up some of the characters' dialogues and people misinterpret them because of it.

inb4 not everyone can read/speak japanese, then THAT'S TOO BAD

>> No.6774740

The Sonic fandom is the ur-horrible-fandom. It predates all this other bullshit.

>> No.6774742

It has nothing to do with it being popular. It has to do with what they enjoy about it, and the fact that these fans are horrible and embarassing. If they were normal people enjoying a thing that you don't have to cringe and distance yourself from, it wouldn't be an issue.

>> No.6774746

well aren't you just the most special snowflake?

it's like that for every fandom that isn't originally in english. DR is actually lucky in that the anime and the upcoming game patch offer multiple translations. There's some fandoms who get to deal with shitty translations for years with no alternatives.

>> No.6774747

>Before that, lot of them clustered around Inuyasha.
Oh god I remember the awful InuYasha fandom.

That's not our current crop, I don't think, as InuYasha was a while ago now.

>> No.6774753

I'm seriously going to quit tumblr forever and limit my internet surfing if homestucks fuck up dangan ronpa for me. I've been reading that shit since the first LP started. It's the first time in a long time I actually enjoyed a fandom and I'll be damned if these idiots ruin it.

JUST.....GO AWAY......... Draw green lantern yaoi or something. Just leave dangan ronpa alone. Why must you ruin everything good...

>> No.6774755

Hey since Devil Survivor 2 the animation already aired do you think it'll be the next cancer

>I kinda doubt it though

>> No.6774754

does anyone remember when he translated kuzuryuu's insult as 'retard' and all of tumblr threw a gigantic shitfit?

>> No.6774757

Nah. Even Persona never got the hype of the really big phenomenas.

>> No.6774760

ah no i was away from tumblr during that period
what happened?

>> No.6774783

and they jumped from KH to hetalia. They're gaining some serious steam now, though.

>> No.6774798

The only cancer I'm seeing is on tumblr, like this fat shitty Genocider cosplayer soaking up all the attention she can. I'm really worried about how people might act after the anime airs, but I don't think I'll stop liking it because of some annoying fans.

>> No.6774812

Anything that went into tumblr is ruined.

Farewell people, I must find a new place to engage in my fandoms.

>> No.6774826

Nah, I don't think so. I feel like less people have played/will play DeSu2 than even the ones that played Persona when that anime came out. (Plus, just from what I've seen in my local game stores, the Devil Survivor games are actually kind of hard to find) I don't think the bandwagoners really care for any other SMT game aside from Persona, which I am so okay with.

>> No.6774853

Kingdom Hearts>Hetalia>Homestuck
It's kind of disgusting when you see people who followed this line directly, and are well over 20, to boot.

>> No.6774855
File: 51 KB, 321x320, 1354780549147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people act like they can't enjoy more than one thing? It's like they're forcing some kind of clique war on the internet.

That being said, Dangan Ronpa sucks, it's badly written, the plot and characters are either bad, bland, or both. The whole thing is just so half baked and empty feeling.

The music and art are the only good things about it. I am absolutely amazed it has got this fanatical following so quickly. It's just so awful, and the air of superiority from the fans makes it that much more hilarious because they think they're so much better for liking something so juvenile and awful.

I just don't get it. Maybe I'm getting old.

>> No.6774861

It's fine to like more than one thing but certain people make liking things so much harder. For example, you could have Star Wars fans also like Star Trek. But having the insane portions of Homestuck/Hetalia liking something else? May God have mercy on that something else.

>> No.6774862

InuYasha>Naruto>Kingdom Hearts>Hetalia>Homestuck

I think this is a pretty complete timeline

>> No.6774868

Didn't we all think this was going to happen Gravity Falls too? And then it didn't and the series lost its initial popularity and people went back to being fucktards about Homestuck? I think because of the current hiatus that HS fans are trying to find something new, and once Homestuck comes back Dangan Ronpa will return to its normal state. That is, until the anime comes out. Then all bets are off.

My other thing is that DR has maybe one "pairing" that yaoi girls could latch onto, and even so they're portrayed as brothers... Oh wait, nevermind. I'm just gonna pray for the DR fandom and hope it doesn't explode too terribly for at least enough time that I can get Asahina done before it becomes the new Homestuck.

/I'm also hoping another paywall goes up soon to maybe deter people from reading DR2, which has even MORE awesome character designs that I'm sure people will want to latch onto.

>> No.6774875

I was about to say: I'm not feeling this series. Then again, I have a disdain for stuff that tries to copy better things (In this case: Battle Royale) and adds a twist to have all these extreme character archtypes and looks to them that are just blaident fangirl bait shit.

What's worst, i'm sure someone will correct me on all this and their argument will essentially just be "you don't get it" or "2deep4u?" and I will not respond because they are too delusional to realize what they are essentially being played like a fiddle by it's creators to do exactly what you want them to do. Become mindless "Yes men" that will eat shit because the shit kisses the other shit and the shit has punk hair

>> No.6774878

Yes! That's exactly what they are, extreme character archetypes. Just shallow, there's nothing to them but their designs. You said it perfectly.

I'm so glad someone else feels the same way and has a sense of taste.

>> No.6774877

And you're completely free of any kind of imagined superiority. Posting on cgl. With a Breaking Bad jpg.

Maybe go back to watching amc on the couch while sipping Bud Light with your pinky extended?

>> No.6774885

Tbh I liked SDR2 more than DR because the senario writing and some of the characters have proper development, the whole series is pretty amusing once you get a hang of the whole plot tbh

>> No.6774886
File: 131 KB, 1060x988, 1362051724638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one imagining some superiority in my post my friend

I'm just observing the series, and what I see about the fans isn't subjective. It's right there. It's right in this thread even, people worrying about their precious fandom being shit up.

>> No.6774888

there's nothing wrong with not liking something, but pretending you're sooooo much better for hating it is tumblr twat tier childishness. homestuck is so deep and the characters are not shallow at all, i know. keep your troll jizz in your pants please.

>> No.6774892

Did they? Jesus christ. He's supposed to be offensive.

I don't mind DR getting popular- I'd be really happy if it had a huge but respectful fandom. But seeing the migratory fan SJW leeches getting to it is making me so sad.

>> No.6774893

Really? I just found SDR2 tons more tedious and dense in a bad way... which is weird because both games aren't all that different... perspective is weird huh?

>> No.6774895

It's not like Homestuck though, they can't actually effect anything. Just disregard their nonsense.

>> No.6774899

I didn't say that? Quit projecting. You're doing the same thing by assuming I like Homestuck as if it's a bad thing. It's not bad to like Dangan Ronpa. I just don't like it. What is bad is acting like you're better for liking it, which is what I'm seeing everywhere. This isn't a difficult concept to understand.

>> No.6774901

Um, no. But that's okay. Clearly by observing your special snowflake syndrome and troll posting, I can tell you're a miserable asshole. Have a great night. I will not honor any more of your shit with a response.

>> No.6774905

Indeed! nobody is superior than anybody just because they have different opinions

>> No.6774906

it's like...

the same people that praise this for being a deep and psychological experience has never read anything by Joseph Campbell and know what it truly means to have a deep character and plot.

as I read it: DR is supposed to be a joke on all these animes and books like Battle Royale and Mirai Nikki and right down to having such shallow and uninteresting characters and plot is sort of a joke in onto itself of all these "all these kids play a game to kill themselves" stories.

BTW, I hate those kinds of animes. Mainly because I go by the mentality of "Batman can solve all this bullshit in an hour by beating them up senselessly"

>> No.6774913

because clearly to be a good person, everyone should eat the same shit as you, right?

>> No.6774918

>Mainly because I go by the mentality of "Batman can solve all this bullshit in an hour by beating them up senselessly"
I haven't played Dangan Ronpa, but you really do sound like you have shit taste.

>> No.6774931

it's shit because it's my shit
>haven't played

>> No.6774940

>Mainly because I go by the mentality of "Batman can solve all this bullshit in an hour by beating them up senselessly"

Yeaaah, I dunno how far you read into Dangan Ronpa before deciding you didn't like it, but that wouldn't work within the circumstances of the story.

>> No.6774944

It's unfortunate to hear about all this foreshadowed fandom bullshit, specifically the SJW's crawling all over it. I mean, it's a decidedly vulgar game about kids murdering each other and then being creatively executed because some wack job wanted to make a point. Why are these people even here if they're so offended by things.

More interestingly, I wonder how long it will take for Yamada or Hanamaru cosplayers to be creepers and defend that they're just doing it to be in character.

>> No.6774943

and this proves my theory I said earlier >>6774875

>> No.6774950

I didn't make a comment on the quality of the visual novel, I was just saying that's a really dumb metric for evaluation.

>> No.6774951

I didn't say 'you just don't get it' or '2deepforyou?', I said that the thing that you're proposing simply wouldn't work within the context of the story, because a character tries that and gets their shit completely fucked.

There's a difference between depending a series on a holier-than-thou sense of 'superiority' and just pointing out that your argument has a flaw. I didn't even say that the game wasn't shit for not having that plot hole, I just said that you were incorrect about that one part.

Relax, bro.

>> No.6774952

ok yeah but you're ignoring their original point of it not being very good or original and its fans are way too loud about it not how the story actually works

>> No.6774962

Do people actually do that? I see a lot of talk of people cosplaying "perverted" type characters and sexually harrassing others in the name of being in character but never any actual happenings.

>> No.6774960

They can't just kill in front of each other. They'll get shot by the bear on the spot. You can't kill the bear either you'll get stab with million of spears or explode.
So what to do

>> No.6774964

>can't wait for it to be added to lparchive.org


>> No.6774963

None of that is relevant to the point I was making. He implied that the story was partially shit because it could be solved by one competent character taking a physical approach, and I just said that he was incorrect in that point.

>> No.6774981

okay, in the context of this story, fine, but it's an even bigger piece of shit plot device regardless. My Batman comment was plots like these in general where a bunch of kids or a group of people are forced into playing a game where they have to kill eachother like in Higarashi.

>> No.6774982

Yup, the whole point of the game was for them to hold trials to discuss case stuffs anyways
it's the prove the culprit or everyone dies situation

>> No.6774986
File: 80 KB, 700x700, yeahmanlikewhoah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but it's an even bigger piece of shit plot device regardless

man i don't really care if you like dangan ronpa or not just admit that no one gives a shit what you think and get out the thread

>> No.6774992


the mastermind focused more on seeing the students' wrecking their shit by forcing them to hold trials though

getting the students to kill each other is another thing in the game

>> No.6774988

I'm saying that those specifics add more evidence to it being badly written

>> No.6774993

typical dangan ronpa fan

>> No.6775001

like you know better what supposedly good writing is for everyone's taste

>> No.6774997

(bangs head on table)

I give up! I fucking give up.

>> No.6775004


Get out.

>> No.6775007

No fucking way you're going to outright say you genuinely think Dangan Ronpa is well written with a good plot. Are you kidding me?

>> No.6775011


I think it's entertaining, and in the end, that's what matters to me.

If something needs to have ~masterful writing~ to get your dick hard, then that's your problem, bro.

>> No.6775012

This thread is off-siding a bit?
Can anyone post caps of the most embarrassing thing the DR fandom did because I'm just curious as how bad the direction this fandom's going.

>> No.6775013
File: 172 KB, 500x415, tumblr_mknntmomdu1rwo3rno1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Dangan Ronpa way more than I ever liked Homestuck, but I've always been a big fan of visual novels AND murder mysteries.

I stopped caring about Homestuck once there started being a million offshoot timelines to keep track of.

>> No.6775019

oh okay I'm sorry, I should refer to you all the time before liking something okay?

>> No.6775021


>> No.6775029


To be honest, it's not that bad yet. But if you want to read some cringe-worthy arguing that is foreboding the shitdive, look up 'the chihiro debate'.

>> No.6775033

Can't actually get over ow weird it is to see how popular Eva is again.
It was always one of the big animes, but normally most girls hadn't watched it because it didn't make any sense. Now they're all talking about it.
Bitch please.

> INB4 weh someone likes something I do

>> No.6775037

I'm sure this has already been said, but jeez. You're allowed to have your opinion, but stop the "PEOPLE LIKE SOMETHING I DON'T LIKE, SO I'LL TELL THEM HOW SHITTY I THINK SAID THING IS." People like Dangan Ronpa, stop posting in this thread.

>> No.6775039

No argument from me, Rebuild fans are one group of people I'm pretty comfortable feeling better than.

>> No.6775047

I suddenly want to burn the whole world.

>> No.6775233

>Hetalia Fans hear about homestuck
>Wow this shit is boring when does this get interesting
>Skips to ACT 5
>Omg so much yaois to ship XD

>> No.6775332


i'm just annoyed because all the annoying bnfs like nepetaquest and pj in the homestuck fandom now like dangan ronpa and its pissing me off to no end

>> No.6775367



>> No.6775437

>It's unfortunate to hear about all this foreshadowed fandom bullshit, specifically the SJW's crawling all over it. I mean, it's a decidedly vulgar game about kids murdering each other and then being creatively executed because some wack job wanted to make a point. Why are these people even here if they're so offended by things.
IMHO a lot of them are reactive, dumb people who don't think things through fully, who are also too insecure to just like something without having to justify it to the rest of the internet. And also probably embarrassed at the idea that they might like something "bad" because they attach too much of their personal identity to pop culture media. They also lack perspective because they live in basements and/or are teenagers.

>> No.6775469

just a reminder, because I don't want to quote every single person: The shit fans didn't start with Hetalia, nor are they Hetalia's fault. Hetalia had a fantastic fandom until it got popular and the shit fans moved in.
This will always happen. These fans will bounce fandom to fandom, ruining every single one forever.
(I miss Hetalia being good instead of the leftover ruins of horrible fandom past.)

>> No.6775493

damn sure is spoilers in this thread, ollie outie

>> No.6775497

whine at moot that we need dem tags

>> No.6775528

I don't understand how so many people are playing this game when it's Japanese only. Polite sage for being a newfag but how the fuck are people even playing this?

>> No.6775552

They aren't.

They are reading a Something Awful let's play thread.

>> No.6775556

It makes me kind of upset that a game like this has such a bigger fanbase than a game like Corpse Party when it has a) better art b) well thought out and developed characters and c) is at least 100x bloodier.

>> No.6775559

They're just pretending to. Then they'll spend over 1000 hours writing fanfics for it, reblogging photos, and sperging out about it.

>> No.6775562

It really is just like the Kingdom Heart's fandom!

>> No.6775592

Or Homestuck

>> No.6775637

except kingom hearts got an english release and a bunch of people actually played?

granted a lot of people didn't anyway though

>> No.6775663


I don't know how something with a plot as convoluted as Homestuck's attracted all those migratory fangirls in the first place. You'd think they'd be turned off by the programming jokes and slow story progression.

>> No.6775672

They were notorious for not knowing shit about the game, particularly the Org XII cosplayers (aka everyone).

>> No.6775860

That's why he has the alice cosplay in the game (other than it being an omage to previous SMT games)

>> No.6775975

I think Corpse Party's excess of gore is actually what turns a lot of people off. Dangan Ronpa's relatively low gore content with mostly implied horribleness is way more appealing to a wider audience.

>> No.6776020

They didn't read it, that's why. They're not real fans, just some dumb broads that found more characters to ship/ project things onto.

>> No.6776035

Even though it's not particularly cosplay-related one of my friends descended into terrible yaoi fanfic writing and role-playing garbage that started in childhood with Kingdom Hearts and Fruits Basket. After that it was Gravitation and Loveless, during high school TWEWY, Kuroshitsuji, Pandora Hearts, from uni on No.6 and most recently Persona 3/4 because she's a latefag and missed it when the games came out over 5 years ago. This is kind of depressing to think about...

Not really, it's pretty entry level story and gameplay-wise for Megaten games but Atlus didn't advertise the series that much. If anything the cancer will just be people from /v/ watching it.

Regardless of everything I'm glad Hetalia's fanbase has mostly gone back to being more grounded, as well as the Homestuck fanbase seemingly moving on from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

>> No.6776042

Oh my god, I don't understand the Loveless fanbase at all. I tried watching it because who doesn't like a bit of boysex but it's just.so.bad. And this is coming from someone who likes ponies of all things. What is the appeal?!

>> No.6776050

>what is the appeal
Catboy shotas with a 'fight' system that revolved around bondage.

I mean I fully admit it's shit but oh my god, all my fetishes.

>> No.6776053


I don't interpret the migratory fan as someone who isn't aware of the source material. I think one of their main traits is that they're only aware of it on a surface level. I still hold that I think Death Note is the originator of at least a large part of the migratory fan (or at least the beginnings of that mentality) because it was such a popular show and brought people into the anime community. It may not be Homestuck-level crossover, but general internet fandom was only just beginning at Death Note's height.

I guess to better understand things, here are what I personally believe to be the characteristics of the migratory fan, which spreads con cancer.

-Surface level interpretation of the series, generally focused on the "shippable" aspects, specifically yaoi

-Migrate towards a fandom that is on the rise to popularity, generally taking over and "shitting it up" for the fans who were there before; there seems to be a need to be part of whatever is most popular

-Enthusiasm stays with the surface level interpretation and other minimal effort interactions with the fandom, such as closet cosplay

-Lack of ability to take criticism for the fandom/series, lack of understanding WHY the general fandom/cosplay world dislikes them

-Tumblr and social media addictions

-Lack of reasonable social skills and tact that would otherwise prevent individuals from doing stunts like seig heil or the bucket; social skills misplaced as many migratory fans are also SJW.

>> No.6776060

>during high school TWEWY,

Thank God that's over, I'm guessing. TWEWY fandom is so good right now, and I'll be the first to admit I'm hella defensive of it. Even when DDD came out, the fandom stayed great. migratory fangirls pls stay away

>> No.6776061

I've heard the manga is actually pretty decent, but I haven't bothered much with it aside the first two volumes because it's been on an extremely long hiatus. But even then I wasn't very impressed with what I've read so far. I guess with this sort of thing people who can't read moon just take what they can get even if it's not that good.

>> No.6776063

Homosuck is over?

>> No.6776064


I am also an old hetafag, though I don't think ALL of fandom was always that way. I have encountered a notable contingent that is not into the shipping/innuendo/implications of characters actions if you read it all with yaoi in mind and IS into the history.

I got into Hetalia because it was so easily viewed with yaoi in mind, but I've stayed because it's a humorous--and sometimes suggestive--portrayal of history and current events, but I love history.

I think the difference between the old fans and the new fans is that old fans use the history to situate and construct the yaoi narratives. New fans really abandon the sophistication and nuances of the history in favor of pure porn. The characters have been reduced to one-dimensional sex objects and while maybe for the fans the history has NEVER been the focus, I feel the history aspects played a very large part in the original fandom.


I think it just happened at a different level and rate and was more visible once the migratory fan made Hetalia it's home. If the fandom had stayed under the radar, or perhaps became second-tier popular, I don't think there would have been such a problem (also presuming the AB incident never happened, which is what I think really kicked things off, old hetafags always seemed so much more concerned with respect than the new ones). The issue was that Hetalia became the "it" thing that took over conventions and in the eyes of non-Hetalia fans, we all got lumped in together. I think a large part of the reason these fandoms are so hated is because it becomes to huge it's hard to avoid it at cons. In this case, size matters. I'm sure there are fandoms where the people are immature and obnoxious perhaps even more than Homestuck or Hetalia in their heyday, but no one really cares or notices because they're not EVERYWHERE.

>> No.6776067

>I'm sure there are fandoms where the people are immature and obnoxious perhaps even more than Homestuck or Hetalia in their heyday
Oh absolutely. Didn't post it earlier but when crazy fanbases come to mind, Harry Potter was a particularly huge one back in the day. There's stuff from it that's pretty well-received now (like that one fanfic) but I can only imagine the things that have been erased from my mind when this series was the most popular on Deviantart and fanfiction.net...

>> No.6776070


Maybe for a fan who's been into anime for a long time, but I don't think this is the migratory fan. I firmly believe the migratory fan causing the current wave of con cancer is much too young for that direct timeline. Regardless of where they came from, Hetalia was the first noticeable occurrence.


Please, please, please note that it was not all of Hetalia fans. It was a conglomeration of fans that are the migratory fan we've been discussing. It is my experience in Hetalia fandom that we received an influx of new fans around 2010 who proceeded to shit up the fandom, and then they moved on to Homestuck. Not that perhaps some of the old Hetalia fans didn't go with them, but we are talking about a group of fans who emerged from somewhere (whether Death Note, tumblr, or what) who move from fandom to fandom. They may hold interest in two fandoms (like Hetalia and Homestuck, or Homestuck and MLP).

Homestuck fandom originally was not the cancer. Fandoms become the cancer once the migratory fan has invaded and made its nest. They roost for 1-3 years depending, then move on.

>> No.6776074


Exactly. Migratory fans move around. I consider true Hetalia fans to be people who either a) were there before the anime and/or b) have stuck around and were never part of any migration.

The winds of change blow and the migratory fan will shift once it looks fairly secure they have their next spot. Even by discussing DR as the next spot I think unfortunately we have sealed it. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy, and very much a catch 22.

Original DR fans, it will pass. Give it time. But everyone goes through it and I'm sorry your fandom has to take the bullet this time.

>> No.6776083


Yes, good analogy. No fandom is perfect either, but the key is when something gets popular and suddenly the spotlight is shown on them. Even horrid fandom incidents like the bucket or seig heil may have gone relatively unnoticed if the fandoms weren't so popular to the point of being obnoxious to non-fans. When you're in the spotlight and fuck up, it's 1000xs worse.

But with social media and how fandom is become so widespread, it's hard to remain insular and stop an explosive growth. It will happen if it happens, all you can do is hope for second-tier popularity which people may be tired of seeing your fandom, but they won't hate you like a cancer fandom. Though the good news is that these things only last a few years. Hetalia I think I can safely say has survived and passed it's cancer phase. We're in remission. Homestuck is still there, and DR is the next. And we're WAY past Naruto/KH phase.

>> No.6776109
File: 129 KB, 500x395, tumblr_md2zi9PKPV1qm8np9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw now considering looking this shit up just to see the mad on all sides

and homefuck's not over for a long time yet, sorry OP

>> No.6776115

stay here, we still love you, anon
[spoiler]ahaha no, we ruin everything too, but at least we're honest about it

>> No.6776121

they skip to act 5, from what i've seen
which just makes me mad, the intermission and the earlier acts had some of the best parts but no, the KAWAII YAOIS come first

>> No.6776170
File: 110 KB, 500x373, tumblr_inline_mjm2y95Cj31qz4rgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already know one bandwagon hopper; she hasn't played the game but posts DR things on Tumblr. Once an anon scowled her about it and told her to fuck off from their fandom. She only replied "You don't have to play the game to enjoy it :'D" and then mocked the anon.

>> No.6776185


And here we have the typical behavior of a migratory fan. They can't handle criticism, so they turn it around on you. But tumblr fuels this "passive fandom" (much like SJW are really just "passive activists" not doing anything other than raising so-callled awareness of an issue). By reblogging something or "liking" it, you can claim membership without ever having to have had much contact with the series at all. It ties into people who cosplay popular things for attention or because of the most recent incarnation of a series (think Loki cosplayers and the Avengers). Not to say you can't suddenly get into something and should be BLAMED for your recent discovery, but it's almost the fake nerd girl mentality of saying you like something and are a fan, but not actively engaging the media on more than a surface level.

The rapid migrations and fluctuations in popularity and series I think further cheapens and cements this surface level interaction. No one stays long enough, or they weren't there out of love of the series in the first place, but out of love of the series' popularity and shippable elements.

>> No.6776223

>Two DR posts on the front page.

I really, really hope this doesn't swell into an obnoxious fandom. I have yet to seen a really poorly done cosplay from this (I don't go lurking on tumblr) so here's to hoping!

>> No.6776232
File: 16 KB, 320x288, perfect.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my goodness I am almost done with the game and can I just say that I love it so much? Twists and turns galore! I won't read anything in this thread until I finish it but I am absolutely giddy!!

I have this thread to thank for me finding out about this game!

>> No.6776324
File: 22 KB, 153x173, tumblr_mdfk5tQmvr1r0q0yh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Same anon here. Oh dear, looks like more anons talked to her and she just ignored them all with "No matter how many of you don't want me in the fandom you can't stop me from loving the series. You don't own the fandom!". Yeah, babe, but you haven't even played the game and act rude towards those who have...

>> No.6776356

i thought the next new thing was OFF? with the baseball dude and stuff

>> No.6776383

I enjoyed playing it but I don't know if it's really something to cosplay about. It was a interesting story and all but that's all.

>> No.6776428

I really don't understand these people. I don't understand how people can say they like something, spend hours every day apparently obsessing over it, but not enjoy the actual media product itself. Especially not when it's TV shows. How can somebody be too lazy to watch TV?

>> No.6776430

It has tons of weird fangirls, yes. It's pretty cool to like.

>> No.6776466


Because it requires effort and the reality would probably mess with their headcanon. I think that's another important characteristic of the migratory fan, the over-obsession with their headcanon to the point of delusion. You can see this particular in the Hetalia migratory fans where there's a tendency to, despite the large cast and options that provides, create your own character or to make derivatives (2P, 3P, etc).

It also is the overall obsession with genderbent characters, or really the NEED for them to exist. I somewhat follow the Swimming anime tag on tumblr, and almost instantly there were genderbent versions. So out of a 30 second commercial, fandom has spawned. Not that swimming anime will become the next Homestuck, but I think it's a very small example of what migratory fandom does, though in this case they are CREATING the sensation. When a fandom exists, they move towards it, when something exists but has no fandom, they feel the need to create it (they need a nest). Swimming anime already has character names, ask-a-character tumblrs, genderbents... hell, I wouldn't be surprised if an AU comes along.

Which I don't get, particularly with Hetalia fandom. Migratory fans are content to NOT delve into the source material no matter how rich it is, and must actively engage and create original universes, characters, and pairings. This is beyond taking a series and shipping whoever you want, canon or non-canon. It's a complete fascination with nearly everything NON-CANONICAL. And I'm someone who's OTP is barely canonical, so I understand having your head-canon, but I like to think I never let it take over. These are the types of fans who take cosplay too far and stay in character all the time, the absolutely rabid yaoi fangirls, the SJW who flip out over perceived gender expressions, etc.

>> No.6776472



They make things out of thin air and defend them to the death, but won't actually read all of the series or watch all of a show. It's like they put the cart before the horse and do all the fanfiction, fanart, and cosplay before even reading the series. It's more important to be seen, noticed, reblogged, and photographed than it is to have interacted with the source material at even the most basic level.

It's like when cosplay used to be for love of a character, and now half of it is for attention. Not saying Homestuck cosplayers or such do it for attention, but the migratory fan migrates for attention and fame. It's the need to be popular, and even negative attention is attention in their eyes.

Like the girl you're talking about. She's getting ragged on, but someone is paying her attention. That's how lolcows evolve and fester.

>> No.6776478
File: 83 KB, 600x425, K.Project.600.1113119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before the Dangan Ronpa fandom started growing I was p. sure that the next big migratory fandom was going to be Project K. It has all thats really needed to be a migratory fandom, but now Dangan Ronpa has popped up. A couple months ago people were even complaining about "all the homestucks in my anime~ desu". And to be honest, it has everything needed to be a big fandom (catgirl, semi-gay relations, fanservice, quality animation, magic, friendship, music, etc).

To be honest I still think something else is going to pop up that'll steal all the migratory fans from Dangan Ronpa before the fandom really takes off.

In other comments I feel like people are forgetting how big the One Piece fandom was, and how it was part of the current migration wave.

>> No.6776508

Please no I LOVE [K] D:

>> No.6776513

Honestly I think in a lot of cases the source material is really weak or shallow compared to the fandom. For instance, I often really enjoy the shit the Supernatural fandom does on Tumblr, but any time I try to watch the show it bores me to tears. Also the stuff I saw the Hetalia fandom come up with in terms of art and stories far surpassed the goofy strips it was based on. I'm not surprised some people are more attracted to the fandom creations than the actual works.

>> No.6776539
File: 131 KB, 720x480, 28125084_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just feel that whenever something gets big on tumblr it gets ruined. I don't want to ever hear about swimming anime ever again thanks to tumblr.

>> No.6776556

I kind of see your point, but I'll never understand how you can fully enjoy the fanworks without even liking the original? Isn't fandom about showing your love?

>> No.6776561


But One Piece never really took off in American commercially. Certainly there are fans of it here, but if I anything, I feel there's a specific, older time of migratory fan who concentrates on shonen. Like the shift away from Naruto and Bleach to something like D.Gray-Man (though I'd call that second-tier) to Blue Exorcist or Kuroko no Basket. I think One Piece is part of the shonen migratory fandom, not part of the more recently migratory fan. Perhaps a more appropriate term for the new strain would be migratory tumblrfag? Or no?

I feel like we need a more specific term for this current incarnation.


I think migratory fans prey on series they can easily manipulate. Hetalia is based on 4-koma, though the migratory fans came in when the anime took off. With only 5 minute episodes, there's a LOT you can do with it, and the anime already simplified the characters into one-dimensional parodies of their manga selves. I don't read Homestuck, but perhaps it's sheer size allowed them the freedom to roam and do what they wanted with it. They attack fandoms with large casts that offer a lot of opportunities for shipping.


They've nested and ruined that fandom when it barely even EXISTS already, which is what's so sad. We can't just enjoy it as a commercial and hope one day it might become even an OAV or something (yes because it was sexy, but that was also some mighty fine animation) when there's already a made up canon for it. It's the need to go above and beyond the normal fan interactions of fanfiction/art of doing what you wanted with the characters and story that didn't happen, it's like they entirely re-write the story and universe. It's like, what's the point of even taking a series and perverting it that much? Why no just make up your own series?

>> No.6776565

K is huge fujo bait so I'm amazed it didn't get "chosen"

>> No.6776571


Traditionally yes, and it should be about how much you love the series. Fanworks and fandom are your way of interaction and processing and cataloging your experience with the medium. I think the migratory fan misses a bit part of that by not engaging with the source material in the first place. They skip right to the fanworks stage and so you have two different planes almost, of the series. There's the actual series, and then the headcanon fan series based upon cursory knowledge of the actual series. It's like they read the Cliff Notes but then wrote a thesis.

Perhaps that is part of the unacknowledged motivation for the constant migrations. Beyond the attention-whoring and need to be part of something popular/needing to feel like they belong to something (these fans get their self-worth out of their inclusion in the group, they are validated by that inclusion). Maybe these fans migrate because they never engaged and are not fulfilled by a series, so they must constantly move on in search of that fulfillment. I know everyone reacts differently, but I'm the type who, once I've found a series I love, I kinda 'nest' in it for a while. A long while. I never leave. I adopt more fandoms, but I never fully leave any of the old ones behind. I increase my flock of fandoms, and don't move from one to the other. It's a settled fandom lifestyle vs. migratory, at least for me. I find what I like and stay because I like the series itself, NOT the fandom. If I validated my views or let my enjoyment of a series be based on fandom, I'd be unhappy. But in focusing on the series and interacting with it and producing fanworks as a part of fandom, but not letting that fandom define me, I can stay happy with that series even if other people shit up the fandom.

>> No.6776572

Same. I thought for sure it was gonna get all blown up. It has everything one could need, ambiguously gay bishies, vaguely interesting story, minimal female presence, bishies. I thought this was gonna be some huge bullshit money maker but I was w r o n g.

I think it's because, in reality, most of the big "fandom" people aren't that into anime and if they are very few of them probably actually keep up with currently airing/recent anime.

Though I have seen quite a bit of Attack on Titan on my dash...

>> No.6776573

Ugh, I'm absolutely terrified that this is going to happen to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. It used to have a small-but-dedicated and overall really mellow fandom, but the anime has made it a magnet for "HURR MANIME DOWN WITH MOESHIT" /v/-kiddies and "what if Jotaro buttfucked Kakyoin" Tumblrites. At least Araki's artstyle makes it harder to cosplay, but I'm anticipating a flood of shitty child Dios this year.

>> No.6776578


It's too anime. Migratory fans prey on cross-over series with mass appeal. They will pick something Japanese if it fits their criteria, but something like DR has a game, a novel, an anime, and perhaps more franchise pieces. There's a lot of room for them to move around. K was a short series (even if we are getting a second season) and is way too niche, even it is yaoi bait. They need something they can do a lot with, so something that has multiple mediums (like Hetalia) or has mass cross over appeal (MLP) or is expansive (Hetalia, Homestuck).

As it is, migratory fans are part of the "general internet fandom" mentality. Anime is a part of that, yes, but anime is (thankfully) still too insular. Project K might become second-tier popular, which is what a lot of anime have become. They register as movements within social media, cosplay, fanworks, but never become the explosive over-representations like Hetalia and Homestuck.

Migratory fans don't pay attention to labels, but they bring non-anime stuff and fandoms to anime cons. I don't think it works the other way, they're less likely to engage with an anime and export that to a sci-fi or comic con. It's more of a one-way fandom street.

>> No.6776582

Oh, I see. That would explain the fandom hopping...

I like you.

>> No.6776583

Yes, shonen migration certainly for One Piece.
Perhaps I was basing more on what I see in my area.

Maybe we can call the current stain Post-Death Note Migratory Fans?

At least to follow the Death Note migration.

>> No.6776584

>Not Kawoshin fangirls who haven't watched any part of the series that wan't a gif in the tag.

>> No.6776587


JoJo is safe. It's way too out there for it to become the next big thing. Current fans may lack the appreciation of its history, but it will become second-tier at best.

If SAO had been more yaoi, that potentially could have been more of a hit beyond the anime crowd, but migratory fans aren't looking at anime as closely as we think they are. Or at the very least, given how they operate, it's too early to tell on some anime. They only migrate and nest once things get semi-popular, then they take over. So unless JoJo or Project K get to be the "it" thing in the anime crowd, the migratory fan won't take notice.

This is no offense to those series, but given that apparently some Homestucks are already changing to DR, I am almost positive DR's fate as the next cancer is sealed (and when the anime starts...). So at the very least, other fandoms won't get the brunt of it.

>> No.6776597


I support that name. I stand by my belief that Death Note was the originator for the current strand, if not in part, but for the older members of the current strand (since fans who are 13-14 now would have been too young when DN was around to get into fandom as a whole).

I don't believe there is a single strand prior to Death Note since general internet fandom didn't exist. It was simply anime fandom, as separate from sci-fi, comic, etc. Within anime fandom I think there is a notable contingency who are part of the shonen migratory fanbase, but I don't believe those are connected at all as part of the post-Death Note migration. Certainly they are yaoi fans, but I think it's the Naruto crowd that moved on to things like One Piece, Bleach, D. Gray-Man, Blue Exorcist, Kuroko. I also think these fans migrate less often and hold membership in multiple fandoms. I don't know if I'd call them migratory even, just more of a general shonen fanbase that follows the trends/tides of the genre. No more than any average anime fan who follows what's popular, be it Bebop, Eva, FMA, SAO, etc.

>> No.6776611


The post-Death Note migratory fan is a product of the social media revolution and convergence of fandoms into the general internet fandom conglomeration/clusterfuck we have today.

I also think it's important to point out that general anime fans and individuals who may have been part of migrations in the 2000s may still feel a connection to the anime fanbase as a insular community. Post-DN migratory fans feel no larger connection to any particular group, even if they came out of the anime community with DN (but DN was a cross over series that had mass appeal). They came out of anime fandom, but didn't stay, is what I'm saying, and they don't feel tied to that community. I imagine the same feelings might be had by older sci-fi or comic fans who have perhaps been with the Avengers, Dr. Who, Star Trek for a longer period of time (even if only 10 years or so) and suddenly see these new, enthusiastic fans who don't seem to have any concern for the history and background of these series.

Post-DN migratory fans who may have seen DN or Hetalia or DR don't really care to continue to visit anime, and certainly won't go back in our past. They're not going to feel connected to anime or want to explore the community. They nest and plunder and move on and don't really care how much of the existing social order and structure they may mess up for whatever fandom is their current victim.

Just think of how much anime fandom and convention culture have CHANGED since Death Note and Hetalia.

>> No.6776615

I'm honestly surprised that Tiger & Bunny didn't become a cancer-magnet. I mean, it was a fun show, accessible even to non-anime fans (fuck, I watched it with my dad and he loved it), and had plenty of room for homoerotic interpretations and ship-fodder. But at the first big con I went to after it aired, I only saw three or four cosplays from it, and only one of them was a shitty closet-cosplay (hell, someone made a full Origami Cyclone suit that was downright amazing).

>> No.6776620

Now that I'm thinking of it Death Note sort of branches into 3 different strains.

The current strain we're discussing thats latching onto satirical/easy-yoai-application series like Homestuck Hetalia and Dangan Ronpa, the current shonen strain (Naruto Bleach, etc), and perhaps a third unidentified strain.

>> No.6776621


I know! Tiger & Bunny HAD crossover appeal and could have really tapped into the superhero craze. Honestly, I blame that on the terrible TERRIBLE job Viz did with that title. It should have been on Cartoon Network within a year of simulcast, not nearly two years later on Neon Alley. They let it sit and rot and pretty much ruined any hope that series had of making it like Death Note. Migratory fans don't pay attention to simulcasts and anime stuff like that, so in order for them to catch on, it needs to be a more mass-market release/promotion, like a dub on a major cable network (even if people would just pirate it).

But things have to make it OUT of the anime community, and now Tiger & Bunny is too old to really have made an outside impact, unfortunately. That show had potential, some of the best potential in recent years, and Viz killed it.

>> No.6776622

Touhou's been dealing with this shit for years.

>> No.6776624


General otaku strand. The "it's popular I'll watch it" whether to a) stay current b) stay with the popular crowd.

Death Note may not have been the best series ever, but I think it was VERY influential in terms of fandom. I agree it holds places in many strands.

>> No.6776625

Fanime last year had T&B all over the place. I don't remember what AX had. I had assumed it was going to be a huge target too but it seems like it was a flash in the pan, no staying power.

>> No.6776633

So general otaku strand would probably be;

Death note -> Naruto/Bleach/One Piece -> [enter fandom here] -> Panty And Stocking -> Madoka

Something long those lines.

But now we have 3 post-DN strains that are definitely big annoying zits on the face of anime fan culture. The biggest one right now is the Satirical line (as I'm calling it) that follows Hetalia, Homestuck, and Dangan Ronpa.

>> No.6776635

>That show had potential, some of the best potential in recent years, and Viz killed it.
You say that like it's a bad thing. If Viz HAD been competent and it reached Death Note or Cowboy Bebop levels of mainstream popularity, cons would be flooded with shitty closet-cosplay Kotetsus and Barnabys and Ivans, and the show's online fandom would become absolutely insufferable. Fate/Zero and Madoka are the same way - they probably could've become massive idiot-sponges if it weren't for Aniplex bungling their international releases. Personally, I'm hoping Viz or Funi or Aniplex or whoever the fuck is handling Sword Art Online pulls their thumbs out and markets that effectively, so that the idiots flock to it - at least that way, we'd have a bad show with an awful fandom, rather than having those fools bog down some show that actually doesn't suck.

>> No.6776643


The distinction between the shonen strand and general otaku strand is that the general strand is just what's popular. The shonen strand is always shonen, even if it isn't a huge hit commercially (like One Piece or Kuroko stateside). Those two strands cross more frequently and are strictly anime strands, though I think you can make the appeal that certain members of the general anime strand have crossed over to the post-DN migratory strand in an effort to get more attention/be where the people are.

I think there's the case for a fourth strand that is very similar to the shonen-strand, but is specifically a yaoi/shippable strand. These are the FMA/KH/Ouran/Kuroshit/DRRR fans who flock to series that are highly shippable. I'd argue the yaoi and shonen strands are two sides of the same coin, as they are both based heavily upon one genre/aspect of a series even if those aspects are completely different. So here's what I'd say:

-Post-Death Note migratory fan (seen fully in Death Note, Hetalia, Homestuck and DR. Partially seen in Avengers, Dr. Who, Sherlock, swimming anime, etc).

-Genre specific migratory fans
*Shonen (seen in Naruto, Bleach, DGM, Blue Exorcist, One Piece, Kuroko no Basket, KHR, etc)
*Yaoi (seen in Naruto, FMA, KH, Death Note, Kuroshit, Ouran, DRRR, obviously BL series like Gravitation/Loveless, etc)

-General migratory fan (goes with whatever is popular at the time either within a insular community--anime, sci-fi, comics--OR within the general internet fandom, i.e. Homestuck, Avengers, Dr. Who, etc)

>> No.6776655


I think it's a bad thing because I honestly loved Tiger & Bunny and was hoping the anime industry could have had that cross-over hit, though I see your plea that we don't exactly want idiots shitting on something good. I was hoping Tiger & Bunny got more of the "cool" crossover appeal like I feel Bebop has (had). I guess more of a mature audience? But it just hurts seeing a company sit on such a prospective title and not really doing it justice.

SAO is Aniplex and they have a dub coming in just a few months (they're damn quick, but not cheap) and if they were smart, they'd put in Cartoon Network though that's not really as good a platform for new releases (I don't think CN has the money for SAO or anything that's not freaking old, even if Soul Eater WAS a smart choice, it's about 4 years too late of a smart choice). SAO thus far has been a big hit among otaku, but we'll have to wait and see if it makes waves beyond this crowd. I still don't hold much hope of it replacing DR for the cancer, because once the Homestuck/post-DN migratory crowd has chosen something--as reports on this thread say they have--it's all over.

>> No.6776662

It will be. I'm already sensing that it will, and many tumblrs that I follow that adore Homestuck are now posting a lot of Dangan Roppa. Especially with the big Homestuck hiatus that Hussie's taking right now for a few months to work on the game and more of the comic.

(I'll probably watch the anime that comes out this summer, the premise is cool but I'm too lazy to read the translations.)

>> No.6776672


I don't think the latter strains are zits as you say. Perhaps annoying, but not at the critical levels as the post-DN migratory fan. Because the other two strains have ALWAYS existed, like weeaboos, and while they are a pain, I don't think they pose as much of a threat. Annoying, but something I can live with. I think a lot of people start out in a strain to, and then maybe move out of it or mature. It's not BAD to always watch what's popular, it's when you move from thing to thing BECAUSE it's popular and you want the attention (I think people who watch things that are popular a lot of times just want to be in the loop/stay informed).

>> No.6776680


What concerns me is that the migration may be happening at an earlier pace than other fandoms. For Hetalia, it was after the anime and around the time of the dub announcement/leading up to that release. I know Homestuck was already established before they invaded and nested there.

So if the migration is already slowly happening... I really shudder to think how it will look by the time the anime comes out. It's good news for the anime industry certainly, but not for fandom. I can't decide if I think that will encourage them to leave DR fandom earlier, or if it will just prolong the nesting period. It may be too soon to tell. I don't think the total migration has happened, just the first few "leaders" perhaps.

>> No.6776698

dr might get pretty big but there's no way in hell it'll get as big as homestuck just think of it as the new cool anime (madoka, geass, gurren lagann)

calm the fuck down remember the homestuck fanbase is large enough to start its own small country and half of them live breathe homestuck so they wouldn't even dare touch a different fandom

at the very least at least there's no fucking reason for them to touch body paint

>> No.6776707


You're missing the point. A very large, substantial portion of the current Homestuck fanbase migrated there from Hetalia. There is strong evidence to support their migration to another fandom, as of now, DR.

DR may become a popular anime in the same vein as Death Note, but may also, like DN, crossover into more mass popularity.

At this point it's all seagull speculation, so chill, nothing is definite. If anything, us labeling DR as the next thing is probably not helping us from preventing it from being the next cancer.

>> No.6776720


Something else that may signal DR as being the next cancer... Death Note had a very twisted sense of morality and certainly was attractive to teenagers who are eager to explore that dark mentality or who want to stand out and be different than the norm. Consider all the reports of kids who took DN too far and actually wrote Death Note hit lists and such (if that was ever a sign of the delusional migratory fan, I don't know what else is).

I do not read DR and only know about it from this thread, but if it's the life-or-death premise similar to Death Note, perhaps there will be that attraction to that twisted type of story. SAO had a similar "last man standing" premise, but that's kind of a theme popular today thanks to Hunger Games (NOT that SAO copied Hunger Games--definitely NO, but I'm saying that idea is very popular and present in the minds of youth due to the popularity of the Hunger Games).

So I wonder if the dark themes in DR might call to mind the dark themes in DN, for those post-DN migratory fans who may have come into fandom-at-large through DN.


>> No.6776906

I'm so sick of this "Fandom" culture that tumblr cultivates. Your entire personality is not the media you consume.

I really wish I could avoid it.

>> No.6776921

tumblr is obsessed with labels, what else is new.
That's why it's also obsessed with identity-politics SJ shit.

>> No.6776961

personally I stopped reading during act 5 because it basically threw everything i liked about it out the fucking window.


>> No.6776966

>cosplayer drama

>> No.6777054

I'm pretty glad that Bravest Warriors isn't the next roosting location for migratory cancer, aside from Catbug.

So, so very glad.

But DR definitely piqued my interest because of the Zero Escape series and so far, I'm liking it enough. Hopefully something else catches on before it explodes into a disgusting tumor.

>> No.6777069

I know it's not the exact same thing, but the same type ruined Den of Angels (BJD forum) years ago. The place was always loopy, but at least focused. Then the fandom-hopping LOOK AT MEE LOOOOK AT MEEEE LOOOOOOK AT MEEEEE people started latching onto it as a status symbol and way to further pimp their fandom bullshit. Somewhere along the line, actual quality dolls and doll discussion fell by the wayside in favor of idiots posting pictures of their fugly cheapest-possible dolls that they bought just to tote around Walmart and spam Deviantart.

>> No.6777141


here's an example of shit that needs to go

>> No.6777351

I meant more so the migratory strain members. To be honest, we all drabble in these strains, since it's only human nature for people to introduce their friends to their fandoms (etc, it goes on and on). Even though we don't acknowledge it we're all part of the strains in some way.

What I mean to say is that people who follow the strains to a T are usually bangwagon hoppers (the annoying weeaboos that ruin series), and that the current "Satrie Strain" has a large concentration because of the tropes of the series involved.

>> No.6778392


Yes, I agree. The problem perhaps is individuals who live entirely in the stream instead of using it as a gateway to fan culture. We were mostly all weeaboo ish at some point and in the early to mid 2000s, it wasn't a bad thing to be in the general otaku/whatever's popular strain due to the (compared to now) difficulty of quickly obtaining anime (yes, there was the boom, but the advent of youtube and streaming in the late 2000s really revolutionized how we consume anime). So I think for a time when anime was less of a niche during the boom days, it wasn't bad to be on the popular bandwagon because that WAS the bandwagon of those days and many of the weeaboos of that time have matured and grown up. Just like I don't believe it's bad to be a shonen or yaoi fan as identified in the genre specific strain. I think this goes back to the otaku vs. weeaboo differences, where it's all about power levels, social adeptness, overall maturity, and a firm foot in reality.

Perhaps the weeaboos of that time period were the con cancer of the day, though I still see a fundamental difference between the migratory weeaboos of years past and the cancerous migratory fan today. I do agree that perhaps unknowingly we CREATE these migratory strain members. Not anime related, but I remember reading Twilight way back when it was first getting some attention (quickly dropped it after the last book) and got a friend into it. Now she's the biggest, most obsessive fan and all I did was encourage her to read the books. So sometimes it's a genuine accident.

Speaking of weeaboos, I wonder if as we have less of a defined separation between fan cultures, if weeaboos will assimilate and become less of Japan-obsessed individuals and more of the general cancerous migratory fan? Are weeaboos also post-DN migratory fans? Or is the weeaboo a specific species of anime fandom?

>> No.6778646

I don't really have any other big comments toward our discussion at this point, but I wanted to let you know that I really appreciate your contribution and how good you are at analyzing this.

We certainly do create the migratory strands, even if it's just by word of mouth. At the moment we get into something new, we tell our friends who are in the same fandom as us, pulling them in. When we look at this on a large scale, it's easy to see how a few "tumblr famous" people might've caused a lot of Homestucks to pick up DR.

And oh god, Twilight. If there was any trend that was outside of the anime/otaku culture, Twilight was the most weebby American-made book series (other than shitty American manga, but thats something different).

To be honest, I do think that a lot of weeaboos become the cancerous migratory fans, though once they experience enough different series with different plots and tropes they might gain a taste for what is outside of their strain they subscribe to. Its the same thing that made them lean away from weeaboo tendencies (the sight of new things with different views on anime/general nerd culture).

A lot of weeaboos that are in their teens/early 20's are certainly post-DN migratory fans. What they grew up with is what they get, in a way. I am in that age demographic, and I remember watching DN as a tween and being utterly obsessed. And after that I followed the Satire Strain (dabbling a little in the "Magical Girl Strain"). As I began revisiting series and manga that I liked when I was younger I realized how much of a weeaboo I had been, though I accepted the fact that I had become a post-DN migratory fan.

Though the generic weeaboo might latch onto a certain strain, I think weeaboo is a stage for many anime fans. Some people (Pixyteri and that neko girl) never fall out of weeabooism because they don't test out different waters in an honest way. Those that branch out are more likely to lose their weeabooism.

>> No.6778667

Yeah, Homestuck basically became a completely different story during Act 5.

A story that made Hussie literal millions of dollars.

The Homestuck we enjoyed is dead, and it's not coming back.

>> No.6778668


You're welcome, I'm happy to have a serious discussion about what I honestly believe is a social phenomenon WORTH discussing and looking into (this would make a killer sociology thesis, for any research anons, which admittedly, I am very much into fandom studies/academic analysis--my undergrad research was on yaoi--so I tend to kinda go overboard when it comes to discussion). I think in understand part of where the migratory fan may have emerged and knowing that sometimes we ourselves play a part at least lends a sense of empathy for the situation. I still dislike those fans, but really, they are a product of our culture and social media and none of that is going away anytime soon.

I am very interested to see how fandom continues to shift now that it's almost entirely merged and conglomerated into a single entity, even if the "limbs" operate separately (anime fandom vs. sci fi, etc), we are no longer a separate animal.

My own weeaboo phase was a bit earlier than Death Note, and I believe DN is what nipped it in the bud (all it takes is seeing people younger than you acting like idiots and you shape up real quick to not be lumped in with them). I haven't left my weeaboo fandoms, I'm just not weeby about them (though, FMA for LIFE!) and keep my feet grounded in reality. I'm on the early 20s side of things, vs. some of my younger acquaintances who are still in high school and came into fandom via Death Note.

>> No.6778674


Continued. Sorry, I'm too verbose.

And I definitely agree that weeaboo is an anime fan stage, though only if you are more of a hardcore fan, e.g "otaku" instead of a casual fan who may dabble in anime here and there. And weeaboos are annoying and can go too far, but I always remind myself that's almost always how it is when you discover something and fall in love. It's an infatuation phase with the medium and all social rules seem to fly out of the window. Some people never move beyond that, others do. I think social media hinders people from moving beyond it because either they are unable to erase their very public weeaboo self (once you're a lolcow, you're always a lolcow) OR because they get attention at that stage and I think it's fairly safe to say that migratory fans thrive off ANY attention, whether it be good or bad. It's stagnation.

The migratory fan moves and evolves horizontally instead of vertically. It's a reincarnation, but not as anything better. Each new fandom doesn't satisfy completely (because of their lack of total engagement with the series). Whereas those of us who successfully survived and matured out of our weeaboo stages, look back and see that to some extent with these new fans that is going to be a much harder process that may or may not happen. There's so many of them and they are much more easily able to connect (fandom was small when we didn't have Facebook, Twitter, or rapid blogging platforms like Tumblr and subsided on communities and forums) to know that they aren't alone, so they sit and fester in that weeaboo stage. The migratory fan IS a weeaboo, just not in the traditional sense of being "omg kawaii Japan." Migratory fans are perhaps a subcategory of weeaboo, idk, that's a different discussion entirely and presumably rewrites the whole identification of weeaboo.

>> No.6778679


And again, continued.
Simply put, there is no motivation for these people to evolve and mature. They have friends who like them as they are now and unfortunately may very well be the majority of fandom as we know it. Certainly they are the majority at conventions. But it's a vicious cycle. If we let these fans take over, they WILL take over. If you don't show to a con because you don't like how they are now, we will NEVER regain or at least retain what anime cons were. Fandom as we want it to be cannot be preserved if all we do is complain and whine about the state of things. Understanding the migratory fan is just a part of the puzzle.

ALWAYS my advice to people in fandoms that look like a target or who are or have been a target is to NEVER let the migratory fans ruin your enjoyment of a series. Maybe in the eyes of the world you'll look like a douche like them, but if I let them control my views on a series, they've won. They HAVE taken over. But if you don't let their antics and weeby behavior affect your own thoughts and actions, you can be safe. Otherwise I feel the division in fandom will only get worse.

So don't let the thread of "cancer" ruin your love of Hetalia, Homestuck, or DR. No need to be hipster, but if you were there first, just keep calm and carry on. Give it time and it'll blow over.

>> No.6778680

this is actually the most interesting thread I've read in a while; the migrating fan is actually a subject that's quite fascinating to me and to see a thread that's basically dedicated to it is awesome actually. bravo cgl.

While we're on the topic, what have the fandom shifts for you all been? by that i mean the general path of different fandoms that you've all been in, if that makes any sense. I'm honestly really curious.

>> No.6778691

>my undergrad research was on yaoi
Have you ever hosted panels at conventions or written articles/essays on related topics?

>> No.6778720

>I think that's another important characteristic of the migratory fan, the over-obsession with their headcanon to the point of delusion. You can see this particular in the Hetalia migratory fans where there's a tendency to, despite the large cast and options that provides, create your own character or to make derivatives (2P, 3P, etc).

This, and this was a HUGE part of some very, very early fandom cancers, such as Gundam Wing, which is why I think the migratory fan has its roots in- even though it's not the same crowd as- some of the very early 'insane yaoi fangirl' fans. (Can't be the same people of course, because those fans are now much too old to be the HS/Hetalia crowd).

There might not be a DIRECT relation, but I think their behavior may have at least been influenced by.

I almost considered switching my major to study fandom sociology, it's my absolute favorite liberal arts/social sciences subject. I totally agree that this is a really interesting subject and worthy of more study than it gets.

I'm one of those fans that started getting into fandom in the early 2000's (when I was fairly young) and I would say I 'matured' out of it by... a little before the Death Note boom. That said, my observances in regards to behavior and growing out of being a weeaboo 'back in the day' with early to mid 2000's weeaboos is that while there were the few lolcows that never grow out of it, so far it appears that not as many of the new strain do. BUT, I think it might actually be too early yet to tell whether the new strain is really as prevalently non-transitioning as early weebs. I think to know for sure really, we would have to wait another couple of years.

>> No.6778753

Look at me, I am a trans-gender, Pansexual and I don't have a thigh gap

>> No.6778771


I had a paper published by the NCUR journal and presented at both NCUR and PCA/ACA (two different papers). As of yet, have not hosted a yaoi panel at cons. I'm attempting to get my panel for A-fest approved: Stop, My Brain Hurts!

It's really more of looking at the history of yaoi (briefly, since I know that's overdone), what I consider the 4 major tropes of the genre to be (not labeling as "gay," bishonen aesthetics, hyper youthful characters, and rape/non-con) and WHERE these tropes come from and lie within the Japanese cultural landscape. So why they're there and where they come from. Just a more in-depth and, for me, meaningful, yaoi panel beyond "let's look a cute boys and give you the same history spiel you've heard every year."


Fandom studies is a fascinating sector of academia that is rapidly growing. Some schools have departments dedicated to it now, I believe Bowling Green was mentioned to me when I went to the ACA/PCA conference last year. I would encourage you to look at that conference and "fandom studies" in general as a field that really encompasses a lot of other fields. It's an interesting and growing part of academia. PCA/ACA had everything from Dr. Who, yaoi, Tezuka, Sherlock, Big Bang, etc. Really a FANTASTIC conference since it's just... nerds who love their fandoms enough to want to study them and make it their life's work. The passion in all these people was very powerful.

>> No.6778781
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My least favorite ones are those who call themselves "Pangender".

Polite sage 'cause this is off topic.

>> No.6778783


I agree with the yaoi fangirl tendencies/influences. Presuming that the yaoi strain has older roots, say, early to mid 2000s with the anime boom (and yaoi boom a few years later), those individuals would be in their early 20s now. I think it's safe to say both strains (if not ALL strains) converged with Death Note. The migratory fan's FIRST encounter with fandom included this yaoi strain. They may have been older siblings, older friends, or just people online they found and looked up to. I think parts of the current yaoi strand may hold dual membership in the migratory fandoms but not be migratory fans (for instance, a weeaboo yaoi fan from the mid 2000s may have been an original Hetalia fandom member, who witnessed and felt the migration. So for a time they were in Hetalia with the migration, but are NOT a migratory fan. If that makes sense). Similarly, migratory fans may also interact in yaoi strand fandoms, like Kuroshit, but only on a very trivial level (I still think Kuroshit is too much of second-tier popular and is too anime for the true migratory fan; it's also a fandom that is on the decline post-anime).

I definitely think they may have been introduced to cons, con culture, and fandom by yaoi strand fans.

>> No.6778787

It's all about the heteroromantic demisexuals. It's so hard to be straight and only want to have sex with people you like. ;_;

>> No.6778799



Going back to this question, I'll use my own story as an example. I got into manga in early 2003, and anime in late 2004 with InuYasha, then very quickly FMA. FMA is what brought me into anime fandom proper (fanfic, fanart, though I had exposure to fan culture through LOTR as well), and FMA is what brought me into con culture in 2006. I would describe myself as a very typical mid-2000s semi-weeaboo (I was weeby, but not delusional about Japan) who followed FMA, Naruto, and then Death Note. By the time I was into Death Note, I was starting to move out of my weeaboo phase (I went to college) and become more of a hardcore otaku. I got into Hetalia and Kuroshit my freshman year. I generally stick with fandoms and don't leave, but I don't read Naruto anymore. I'm still heavily active in FMA and Hetalia and somewhat in Kuroshit (I really only participate actively in FMA and Hetalia fandom though, the rest I still cosplay and follow/read/watch but don't do so much of the fandom stuff), and DN is passe, so I'm kinda done with that one. Any "trends" I used to follow I feel stopped once I got to college and accepted my identity as an otaku and got heavily involved in that community. I watch and read what I want, though I do like to stay current, so I will watch what's popular, but only if I like it. By now I have my own otaku identity and don't let the trends set what I'm going to watch or interact with. As of late, I've become very much a fujoshi (thanks to my research and active membership in a local yaoi club) so I'm less in tune with shonen trends than I was when I was more heavily reading shonen manga a few years ago (Naruto dragged on, though I WILL finish it one day, DGM stalled, etc).

>> No.6778807

I think that's great. I was thinking about doing a manga history panel myself but like you said, this sort of thing's done a lot so I'm not sure how I'd be able to make an original and engaging presentation of it.

>> No.6778809



The biggest shift I've witnessed was the Hetalia ordeal. I remember when we got the influx of migratory fans, I remember the AB incident, I remember the Homestuck fight, everything. I'm a pre-anime Hetalia fan, so I saw most of what happened, though I was a second-wave of fan. I did not get into Hetalia before the Japanese tankobans, but I got in when it was still, to use a hipster term, "underground" but on the slight rise to fame because of the anime. I got in around Oct/Nov 2008 and the anime came out in winter 2009. So I fully admit I was not a true original Hetalia fan pre-underground fame. But in terms of the larger picture, I beat the migration which would still make me an old Hetafag vs. the migratory new Hetafags, which I would consider as having started with the anime in a small trickle (if even that, I think the bump we got IMMEDIATELY post-anime was friends of friends coming in, not migratory fans), but really took off once FUNimation licensed the show and was in FULL swing by the release.

I think Hetalia was a noticeable second-tier presence at cons starting in 2009, but boomed in mid 2010 and was in full on cancerous takeover in 2011.

>> No.6778813

People will go through great lengths to feel special. It's a shame they have to use their made-up sexualities and try to squeeze in with the LGBT community because they want to be a part of something. Just like genderqueers think they are a big part of the trans community, when the majority of real trans people just want them out for God's sake.

>> No.6778818


Well, I think looking at it maybe from a "trends" and movements point of view, and also recognizing that manga history is not linear. A lot happened at the same time. From my experience, a lot of history panels are very dry and linear, just kind of "here's what happened this year." If you talk about trends and how manga of the past relates to manga of today (either a comparison or a contrast) that would be interesting. Because for all the history and changes, manga has both become something completely different than that of years past, but also is very much the same. We see the same tropes. So maybe... going by genre and saying, here's what characterized this genre in X year, here's what's changed, but also, here's what fundamentally has stayed the same.

It's also interesting to look at what stayed the same and WHY. Or WHY things have changed. Where do these tropes come from in Japan. What part of the Japanese people gives rise to these things?

THAT'S what I'm interested in. Why these things exist and where they come from. What about Japan makes X trope so popular.

Things to think about.

>> No.6778833


This is very similar to the migratory fan's need to take something already so plentiful and constantly add to it. They take a series with a huge cast and make up characters and AUs. If we consider human sexuality and it's types as characters, they just want to add more characters. We already have alphabet soup, but these individuals feel the need to stand out. And as being gay is gradually more accepted, these SJW need something to fight for. Instead of fighting against real injustices, they fight for the acceptance of a character's incorrectly perceived gender differences (for example, Grell).

It's passive activism combined with special snowflake syndrome. They think that by being special and different in the sexuality and gender department they are doing something good for the community. It's the obsession with labels (bisexuality vs. pansexuality) and the need to have these labels be CLEAR, DISTINCT DIFFERENCES and not synonyms. No longer with LGBT describe the general community, there's the obsession with adding and creating the alphabet soup. It's very divisive and does more harm than good.

I think they just want attention. They've lost sight--or never experienced--the real struggles of LGBT individuals because they've grown up in a world that is starting to accept that community. They don't understand how years ago you wouldn't just slap on a label because you would be scared of being labeled that and having people know. But they slap around those labels and challenge people to attack them, just so they can attack back. It's an excuse to force their "oh-so accepting" beliefs on other people. Having gay friends doesn't make you accepting. Being genderqueer doesn't either. None of that benefits or helps our community unless you DO something, and reblogging a picture isn't DOING anything.

>> No.6778858


>> No.6778859

A "history of manga" that doesn't go "In the Edo period they had Ukiyo-e, then in the 1850's they had Ponchi-e, then in 1947 Osamu Tezuka...". There was a whole realm of gag cartoons, early adventure strips and serialised text stories between the 1850's and mid 1940's (before the government banned entertainment publications to save paper). Strangely in Japan the best early comic strip work was in girl's comics (or shojo), whereas in Britain, America or Franco-Belgia (and probably the Spanish diaspora and Italy too) the best art was in the boy's comics (or at least boyish adventure stories, like Superman).

>> No.6778865

assorted pre fandom stuff > hetalia > homestuck > slowly sliding into one piece
Pokemon has always been a constant. and I admit I do like DR on the side, but its not my favorite thing EVER. but one piece, man, shit is awesome.

>> No.6778875

This is pretty interesting. I guess I can only contribute a bit of my history by saying that, first, I'm a but older and I got into manga and Sailor Moon in middle school.

It was rare to find someone who liked it in middle school, and the manga shelf was incredibly tiny. I bough SM Mixx comics from a comc book store before they were found in the bookstore, and Rayearth was one of my first tankobon mantas I had. I remember bad websites and the start of Toonami with DBZ, GW and Cowyboy Bebop in high school.

Cons were small back then, and I think the only support was the Internet or, if you were lucky, you'd find someone who liked anime too. But usually said person was laid back and we'd talk about theories and interests but wouldn't lord it over anyone.

I think around high school '99-'03 and college was when the obsessive fan emerged, like you've been discussing.

But it didn't seem as annoying to me because I was never actively involved in fandoms. I went to a few small cons but because I didn't cosplay or draw anime, I wasn't too obsessed with it. I enjoyed it but not to the nth degree that was starting to emerge.

I believe the strains are correct but I think there's also an older, casual strain too. Or maybe someone who doesn't be too involved in fandom (maybe partially because of all the stories) and they could be part of the first younger wave of anime/manga coming to the States.

>> No.6778878

Sorry for the spelling errors, I'm on my phone.

>> No.6778937


Yeah, there is most definitely an "old guard" fandom strain (if we want to call it that, since we've been using strains to describe fandom migrations and trends) prior to the anime boom. However, I think we're only considering strains in the sense that these individuals would consider themselves part of fandom, so any casual fan that does not consider themselves to be a member of the general fan community would lie outside our definition. The more anime specific strains like the genre-specific and watch-what's-popular/general otaku are probably people identify as "otaku." Of course, migratory fans have thrown all categorization out the window, somewhat unknowingly completely messing with the established order.

Maybe some of our reticence to accept the migratory fan is that they've messed with the status quo. Whereas before most of us existed in one or two fan communities and were very insular and didn't cross-pollinate unless necessary (or when a series encouraged cross-pollination, like how Bebop was a generally accessible series, or FMA was a big hit, or most notably for this discussion, Death Note), the migratory fan has turned everything upside down and merged ALL fandoms into one big general internet fandom clusterfuck. I think in a way we're all still reeling from, to me, the harsh reality of not being able to have our cons be just about anime. We are being forced to be a melting pot by people who also happen to be the unsavory weeby type, which doesn't make this transition any easier.

But I don't think we really saw it coming. No one in the mid-2000s could have predicted that after the first signs of the end of the boom, social media would revolutionize fan culture. This is a pre-Myspace, pre-Facebook culture that developed and it's main change was in SIZE, not structure. We're seeing legitimate structural and ideological shifts in conventions and con culture because of social media allowing the quick, global dissemination of interests.

>> No.6778945

Can we please get married?

As I said before I am a Post-DN Satire migratory fan. I do follow that strain a lot of the time, though I've been reaching out a lot more as I get older.

I'd say my fandom fanatics began with watching 90's anime as a kid (including but not limited to Sailor Moon, Pokemon, Inu Yasha, Ranma 1/2, Evangelion, etc etc). I had a very strange obsession with anime from then on and was a weeaboo from ages 10-15 when I watched series like DN, Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, and so on so forth. My family friends introduced me to old Doctor Who, but that was my only non-anime series. This is when I began to pick up horror anime and manga as a favorite, picking up classics like Junji Itou and obsessing over Higurashi. This broadened my tastes, but I was an average horror weeaboo with a taste for magical girls and steampunk shonen (D. GrayMan will always be my favorite manga) who happened to watch too much Disney. I played games like Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and Zelda because I had 2 older friends who I would actually call "Onii" and "Onee" -chan. Of course Hetalia came along in 2009-or-so for me and I got sucked in because of my interests in satire. I'd say that was my first real fandom that I contributed in and gave me my first few cosplays (though my first was your generic L). Then Homestuck sucked up my life, and I have a pretty good foot in with the fandom. And now that Dangan Ronpa is beginning to seep into my life I'm gaining a new insight on my social trends as a nerd.

So I'm basically a horror, satire, and magical girl loving something-year old with a long time love for Japanese anime and games as well as Disney.

>> No.6778959

It's kind of annoying, Dangan Ronpa is the first "fandom" I felt a part of. I got invited to a cosplay group for it in August and decided to check out the LP, and then I sat and read it for three days without stopping.
It's like... on one hand, I want people to enjoy something that I enjoy so much. But I feel like it's "mine", which is weird because I can't claim something like that.

I've cosplayed Fukawa at two cons now, ALA and Sakuracon. At ALA I got recognized twice, maybe? And at Sakuracon I think I got recognized around 5 times.
But then photos from those cons have gotten up on tumblr, posted by me or my friends or by people who took my photo, and they get over 100 notes. A stupid pic of my friend as Togami and I, with us wearing dollar sign sunglasses, has over 1k notes and is still getting reblogged.

I'm not sure about the popularity of the series at cons. It's all online stuff, and I do see a lot of cosplay plans, but considering how few people AT con recognize Dangan Ronpa, I'm not sure what the numbers are going to be.
My DR group is going to Fanime and I know of at least 2 other groups, so maybe there we'll see how much of a turnout there is.

>> No.6778960


Alas, I have been claimed romantically, though I welcome friendships.

>> No.6778964

I started out with Sailor Moon and Pokemon. Moved on to whatever I could find at my local video store and general CLAMP, and then Fullmetal Alchemist. From there, I had a stint in Howl's Moving Castle (what of it there was), and then I went to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. I actually started reading Hetalia before even the Japanese compilation publication but never got massively into the fandom, read Death Note but wasn't really a part of that, and same for Kingdom Hearts (played, not in the fandom). I've lurked on the edges of plenty of small things that aren't large enough to really have a modern "fandom", and gotten minorly into the Homestuck fandom back in 2010. So really, I don't even know what strains I'd belong to. I've enjoyed a lot of various fandom strains but the only time I've ever been primarily a fan of something that was currently a large fandom was Fullmetal Alchemist, and after that any large fandoms I've been in have been as secondary fandoms.

I'm still in the JoJo fandom more than 7 years after I joined and I doubt it'll change in the near future. Or probably ever.

>> No.6778971

Aahah, alas I am as well.
I don't think my girlfriends would like it if I married an anon anyway.

I'm sorry that you feel uncomfortable with all of the migratory fans, since I admit that I've migrated to Dangan Ronpa with a lot of the bad Homestucks. Though I do think that separating those who are just migrating for the popularity and those that actually like the series for what it is will be pretty easy.

Half assed fans were bound to happen when the anime was announced, so I think that focusing on the migratory fans is maybe ignoring the inevitability?

Dangan Ronpa is one of those attractive satirical pieces that because of it's large and crazy cast was bound to become one of the new big things this year.

>> No.6778969
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I love your Fukawa for the record. Prolly my favourite. You're adorable.

>> No.6778977


I think a deciding factor for DR will be how summer con season goes in terms of cosplay. I'd be interested to hear reports on how it compares in size, if it's second-tier like Black Butler or Hetalia now, or if it's migratory-tier like Homestuck and MLP. Though with the anime coming out this summer and we're this concerned and it's still the spring season... I fear the worst.

I think the feeling of the fandom being your is perfectly normal, so long as it doesn't turn into the hipster "I'm going to look down on you" mentality. Your feelings will probably grow more intense and perhaps angry if DR indeed becomes the target of the migration. I know when Hetalia got the bad rep, I was so angry, and to this day, I have an absolute loathing for Homestuck and the migratory fans because they ruined the image and we ALL got lumped in and had to deal with the backlash. It's not easy being the hated fandom, even if you're not one of the bad kids. My advice would be to not let it go too far and turn nasty. I don't believe mine every outwardly was that nasty, but certainly I'll admit my thoughts were VERY harsh about the Hetalia/Homestuck ordeal. Don't let any drama or ordeal DR goes through ruin the fandom, or you'll hate that which you love most and self-loathing is never good.

Just be content and (inside, just to yourself, smug) that you were there before they were. You were an original, and weren't jumping on the bandwagon, you were piloting it and they are hitchhikers.

>> No.6778978

Well I never make silly mistakes like that

>> No.6778989

Like I said- I think Dangan Ronpa is really really good, so I'm glad more people like it! That makes things like an English release of the game more of a possibility. But I think the thing I don't like is getting lumped in with the stupid underage kids who migrated. That's the main thing, so I understand how oldschool Homestucks feel now haha.

Oh, as to why I think it's so popular-
Dangan Ronpa, the LP, takes literally no effort to read. You don't have to buy a game, you don't need to torrent anything, you don't need to even try to find a site to stream it on. It's all just right there for you, similar to Homestuck. It's easy to get into.
On top of that, there's a big variety of characters who are all very different so it's easy for everyone to find a character they "connect" with, and the designs are very anime and recognizable.

eeeeeee thank you so much!! I'm still not happy with a lot of the costume, I'm going to try to fix it up some more before Fanime.

>> No.6778992


Nor would my lady.

>> No.6778999


It's the way oldschool Homestucks, old Hetafags, hell, even the Death Note fans who read the manga when it was coming out and there was no anime. In a small way, we're all hipsters. We like being the first, we like that it feels cool to know something awesome before the rest of the world jumps on it (it's like how memes are cool until everyone is doing them, and suddenly you want to punch the next kid who says "girugamesh" or plays Gangnam style). Just hang in there anon and enjoy the way DR feels now, then in a year or two, something else will come along and your fandom will be in remission.

>> No.6779009

I think the say all, end all to this is to just be civil and let those who actually like the series like it. Educating all fans (new and old) to respect one another is very important when it comes to a healthy and fun fandom. There will always be migrations, and sometimes fandoms (Hetalia, Homestuck, and now Dangan Ronpa) get the worst of it. I think that so long as wel accept our role in our fandom and try to help others not be complete twats, then we'll all get along just fine... for the most part.

If theres one thing I've learned from being a complete nerd for so long... it's that Hetalia always had the worst shipping wars.

>> No.6779017

I agree so much. Nowadays it's cool to label yourself as trans or pansexual just like it was cool to label yourself as scene or emo several years back. It's almost as if they'll do it just so they can get fans on tumblr, I highly doubt most of them are actually LGBT or have experienced gender dysphoria in any way.

It also seems like a new trend to be an "ally". Like, the people who completely ruined my life as a teenager for being a lesbian are changing their profile pictures to the equality sign now.

And I hate OC's and AU's. It doesn't matter how low your characters scored on the Sue test, it's a terrible idea to write a whole fan fiction about them.

>> No.6779026

Agreed. I noticed things that get popular with weeaboos always have at least one yangire/yandere.

(Flandre and Yuno are two examples I can think of.)

>> No.6779067

Oh yeah, it's a weird feeling. Whenever I find out someone likes something I like, be they a bad fan or not, I get angry too...? It's weird.

>> No.6779080

There is a group of DR fans sending hate messaging to random people to "spread despair" ...

>> No.6779223

I hope this is fake at least give me a source

>> No.6779230
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>Simply put, there is no motivation for these people to evolve and mature. They have friends who like them as they are now and unfortunately may very well be the majority of fandom as we know it.
At least for me, this is the worst part of modern fan culture. I'm 29, and it makes me want to puke when I see women about my same age who still act like 14 year old girls or have really awkward teenage girl mannerisms because they never interact with other adults. Especially the people who retard themselves to stay in touch with teenagers.

>While we're on the topic, what have the fandom shifts for you all been?
My internet fan interaction started with Star Wars and Sailor Moon back in 1998. The SW people were mostly lucid, but there were cancer fans in SM even back then. However, even the worst SM cancer fans* still had a better grasp of decorum and literacy than the worst modern cancer fans. I fell out of active internet interaction with fans after I stopped following SW in 1999 and stopped having any desire to interact with SM community because it was so rotten. Not just because of cancer fans, but also the delusional snobby people who thought they were hot shit for being BFFs on AIM chat with somebody who owned a SM domain name, and other similar thin validations.

I've only felt welcome chatting online in the past few years, as I found that communities aimed at things generally followed by baby boomers have an entirely different culture. Jackasses are in the minority, and people are generally thoughtful and self-aware. Even if I run up against generational schisms, it's a helluva lot better than dealing with somebody who posts endless words words words words without ever apparently really thinking about things.

*I mean, you wouldn't see people doing dumb shit like posting graphic hentai out in public and being oblivious to why anybody would object.

>> No.6779251

I recently got back into the SM fandom and I can assure you that attitude is still there.

It seems a bit worse with SM toy collectors. Not to hate but I just don't understand how someone can justify having shelves upon shelves of kiddie toys. They're cheap plastic things that are worth over $200.

They're pretty clique-y too and are immature at times, which is sad because they're in their mid-late 20's.

>> No.6779299

>It seems a bit worse with SM toy collectors. Not to hate but I just don't understand how someone can justify having shelves upon shelves of kiddie toys. They're cheap plastic things that are worth over $200.
That's a legit complaint. Even as a toy collector, the scads of really-cheaply-made-but-insanely-expensive SM toys give me the heebie jeebies. They look like baby toys you wouldn't give a second thought to at Dollar General. I would never look down on somebody just for not having tossed down huge amounts of money on toys.

>> No.6779305

Yeah, they usually give off that air. Which is sad because I want to talk about old school anime and the like, but if you're not in the know 24/7 you're not a true fan. So it's rather hard to talk to older anime fans when they have an attitude like that. It's funny because they insist that they're open to new and old fans. Mm yeah.

However I am looking forward to the new Bandai figure, which looks pretty nice.

>> No.6779536

rocketrissa . tumblr . com/post/48022459386/somebody-sent-me-this-this-honestly-sounds-like

"despairkomaeda" is the leader

>> No.6779556

Ohhhhh... I know there's some weird shit going on between this person and despairkomaeda and I don't really know if these messages are legit or not.
Fandom drama is the most confusing thing to me. I just don't get it.

ALSO, I realized today, I think rather than Dangan Ronpa I think OFF is more likely to be the next Homestuck? At least in terms of hoards of fans. I've already seen closet cosplay from it (since the outfits are easy) and those "askthischaracter" blogs run by cosplayers.

>> No.6779577

OFF is a prime candidate because there are no female characters. I can see it

>> No.6779764

why? it's shit

>> No.6779949

Random anon here. Just read the wiki for the game and the plot is retarded. This is coming from someone that regularly plays eroge.

I don't understand why people want to latch on to this so aggressively, let alone want to cosplay from it since the game sounds so shallow, even for a VN. Are kids that desperate to jump on anything that looks the slightest bit edgy?

>> No.6780374

oh my god hahahahah this bitch. there's been so much drama between her and others over like, the past year and i'm not even surprised that it's her.

>> No.6780874

There's a world of difference between not being able to summarize a plot well, and the actual content of the story being badly written. It's a fun game once you, you know, move past the 15 year old girl stage and actually play it instead of acting like you're a serious gamer goi don't hit on me girls so many eroge tee hee

>> No.6783628

What is it a?