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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 296 KB, 1200x1390, ra4f916fb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6775808 No.6775808[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>That feel when Korean oppas are the ugliest out of all the composite faces


>> No.6775811

Is that sarcastic or something? Easily one of the top ten.

Also damn Ethiopia, what happened.

>> No.6775815

1st : American
2nd : Hungary
3rd : France

> Asian girl who loves her white boys

>> No.6775820

And this isn't board related. Go elsewhere

>> No.6775822
File: 560 KB, 400x210, 1363670584669.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Ireland significantly more attractive than England

>> No.6775821

Jesus. White American is hot as fuck.

>> No.6775825

White American is godly

>> No.6775826

not even close

>> No.6775828


Legitimately looks like a movie star.

>> No.6775829

My harem:
White American

>> No.6775830

Would have expected the Japanese composite to have bigger eyes, as they tend to have a lower rate of double eyelid.

>> No.6775831

Really? I think he's ugly. Everything's flat.
Different strokes for different folks, I think Serbia's okay but none are godly to me.

>> No.6775836

Whites confirmed for most attractive natural facial aesthetics.

>> No.6775838

> Asian girl who loves her white boys

I hate girls like you, any decent white guy with nerdy interests you steal almost immediately.

>> No.6775839
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If you did a lineart of Isreal it would basically look like merchant.jpg

>> No.6775842

So... am I the only one that's weirdly attracted to Samoa?

>> No.6775846

Yes. Samoa is ugly and black.

>> No.6775848
File: 36 KB, 400x428, 1355304248233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you stare at the African American head long enough, it pops out and becomes 3d.

>> No.6775853

Is there a female version of this?

>> No.6775855

Would fuck:


Puerto Rico
White America




>> No.6775857
File: 201 KB, 1370x1240, averageface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6775870


Why are Russian women so beautiful when Russian men aren't?

Also, French and Swedish women. Damn.

>> No.6775867

Samoan is the only one I find unattractive

>> No.6775871

Don't see what's hot about white American guy, or most of these white guys, they're super average (which i suppose they are... haha). This confirms that middle eastern, South American and East Asian men are super attractive to me. I like dark features and good facial structure.

>> No.6775872

W-well then, more Samoa for me.

>> No.6775875


Look at what your daughter is going to look like if you ever have kids with a Samoan man. lel.

>> No.6775876

I agree, Samoa is attractive. A lot of Polynesian men are hot as hell so long as they don't go the obese route.

>> No.6775879

Serbian man and Uzbekistan woman hgnnn.

>> No.6775878

>this weeb actually believes she'd standa chance with the White American guy, were he a real person

Weebs pls. Go and listen to your K-Poop and pretend Koreans actually look like that in reality.

>> No.6775881

>implying I'd give birth to girls
What kind of shit-tier uterus do you think I have

>> No.6775883

Why does Peru look thirty years older than everybody else

>> No.6775886


You shouldn't really bash your own men because it comes across as self loathing and weeby, just sayin' (not even white)

>> No.6775892

Sorry anon, but I don't find him specifically to be attractive to me. Also, I don't find Korean guy that attractive, so null point.

>> No.6775894

I'm not American though. Guess I don't find typical American features hot, I find the other European men more attractive.

>> No.6775893

/g/ here.

Keep in mind a lot of the people saying they love Korean men, are in fact, Korean men.

Koreans are a nation of shills, pretty much every tech forum has a resident Korean shill who does nothing but copy and paste stuff about how great Samsung is. I imagine the same principle applies to K-Pop / "Korean men are hot!"

Koreans have small egos.

>> No.6775897

Whether or not he's attractive to you specifically, you're coming across as the female version of the "she has a gap between her teeth, ugly bitch" /r9k/ type of guy. The truth is that a guy who looked like that is not going to spend even a second thinking about a girl like you, and I'm not even trying to insult you, I'm just laying out how it is, becuase sooner or later if you spout that kind of shit irl someone is going to tell you just how objectively average/below average you are and it's going to make you cry.

>> No.6775899

Sorry /g/. We really do love Korean men here.

>> No.6775902

Damn that's a lot of projection. The American guy is cute but he's not like 10/10 holy shit my eyes are bleeding I dare not touch.

>> No.6775903

>Koreaboos speaking for all of us again

How many times are you freaks going to do this? Just go and listen to your shitty pop, hang out on your LJ comms/tumblr and leave the rest of us alone.

>> No.6775906

Yikes girl, I wasn't saying everybody, just that it's not paid Korean shills or some shit.

>> No.6775907

He's 8/10, but anyway, both of us probably wouldn't manage to get a guy like that. The difference between us is I'm realistic and don't hold guys to retardedly high standards when I'm not super hot myself.

>> No.6775911


But it is, K-Pop is one giant search engine optimization that you idiots all fell for. Not the person you're replying to by the way.

>> No.6775912

I'm not even the same girl, I put Amerifag in my harem, I just found your oddly specific and overly reverent of attractive people rant to be slightly terrifying.

>> No.6775914
File: 1.85 MB, 3360x3299, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, we are all programmed into our opinions by society, thanks, I get it. I just meant people aren't literally being paid to call Koreans hot.

>> No.6775915

Knowing my own limits is not being overly reverential. We criticize guys for stupid standards like a gap between the teeth, and we should do the same to girls who call guys way better than they could ever do ugly.

>> No.6775917

>We criticize guys for stupid standards like a gap between the teeth
Uh, no "we" don't. Most of /cgl/ is just as if not more retarded in their standards for women than they are for men.

>> No.6775918

Acting like it is IMPOSSIBLE to find someone unattractive because he is too hot is a bit overly referential, yeah. People are allowed to have fantasy opinions.

>> No.6775921


The success of K-Pop on video sharing sites was driven largely by black-hat SEO tricks. Large parts of the Japanese internet have already documented this at length. This isn't up for debate.

I've no doubt that some girls think Korean men are hot, but most girls prefer White men, especially White women. A lot of Korean men are angered and enraged by the fact Korean women like White men too, so they're trying to create some kind of equivalent, but they've just ended up with underage spergs with no sense of identity who flit from subculture to subculture.

>> No.6775925

Anti-Korean anon, I love you dude, whoever you are.

I'm sick of the shilling on places like tech and music sites too. The average Korean man is a disgusting balloon headed dog-eating wife beater with no manners.

>> No.6775924

Who cares, at all? Oh no, people were tricked into listening to shitty pop music in a different language than usual.

>> No.6775923

I'm girl you think has crazy high standards.
Sorry for not sharing the general consensus round here, but I wasn't trying to be insulting. I'm just stating from a completely shallow point of view what features are attractive to me and that is all. My standards are going to be different to other people as are yours, I don't see why this bothers you.

Im also not worried about whether men are thinking of me so not sure what your point is with that. You're projecting.

>> No.6775928


Koreans are hated wherever they go. In LA recently the LAPD had to launch an investigation because dogs were going missing near Koreatown and they found out it was part of some illegal dog trade.

Korean men desperately want White women, but the vast majority just aren't interested unfortunately.

>> No.6775927

Huh, I would only consider die English, African American and Japanese guy hot. Guess my taste is all over the place.
Doesn't help that the composite hairlines makes them all look like they're hiding their receding hairlines with the last frizzy remnants.

>> No.6775929

.... Why are you capitalizing white?
Not trying to start an argument, just curious.

>> No.6775930

And I'll add Argentina to the list.

>> No.6775931

Koreans are hated in Southeast Asia too now, becuase they're known as arrogant. It's good whites can put them in their place. They are scared of you guys, but to those they think are weaker than them, they bully. That's a typical Korean way of thinking.

>> No.6775932

African American looks cute but gay.

No idea why he's the only one that reads as gay to me.

>> No.6775934

don't know about that dude in particular but it's a pretty common white supremacist thing

>> No.6775933


Why not?

>> No.6775935

Cause it's not a proper noun? It's an adjective.

>> No.6775936
File: 971 KB, 500x274, men.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like both groups of composites would look 1000x better with individual haircuts suited to their faces.
But they're composites unfortunately. I'm still pretty impressed.

Why is the Japanese composite at a different distance though? Makes it look hilariously out of place with a tiny grapefruit head.

>> No.6775937

It's not a country or an ethnicity or anything. It's just... white, I guess. Idrk why I'm even asking it, it just looks weird.

>> No.6775939
File: 10 KB, 375x286, deputydogooder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could never have children with a guy of another race to me. Sounds awful but meh.

>> No.6775940


That's rather conspiratorial. I don't think I was privy to that particular memo.


I just do it out of force of habit, but usually when people say "white" they basically mean "European/European descent", it's a vernacular synonym.

>> No.6775941

>Also damn Ethiopia, what happened

Every time I look at it I can't stop laughing
I don't understand why

like some kind of rejected Fresh Prince cast member or something

>> No.6775943

Dude, everyone knows the average Asian man is ugly and it's mostly losers who like them, it's an unspoken truth amongst saner cosplayers. Why do you have to bring this sort of shit to /cgl/ though? K-Pop is admittedly awful, but make a thread on /mu/ about it. Not here. Leave us alone please.

>> No.6775942

>That's rather conspiratorial. I don't think I was privy to that particular memo.
eh, considering 4chan I figured it wouldn't be too unlikely, and it is indeed a thing white supremacists do. I think they think not capitalizing it makes white look inferior to Asian and African or something? idk really.

>> No.6775944

I don't ever want kids, but I don't think I could ever date a guy who's not also white. Nordic/Euro men are my thing, and I just feel no attraction to other races. Some asian guys are nice to look at, but I've never been interested in dating one. Call me racist but I can't change what attracts me and what doesn't.

>> No.6775946

Dog tastes pretty good though... it's like super beef.

>is a white girl

>> No.6775947

I've mentioned it before I think but it's two things that scare me (asides from finding whitey hotter), firstly, non-white and specifically asian in laws would be awful, cold shouldering the fuck out of you every time, secondly, kids would grow up with a sense of split identity, kids tend to identify with what their dad is, and oftentimes they can develop a hatred towards one side of their ancestry. It's shitty, but that's how it is.

>> No.6775949

>korean culture is amazing oppa ^____^

Korean "Culture" is:

- Plagiarized shit from Japan.
- Carbon-copy of Chinese Confucian culture with ZERO originality.
- Western stuff.

Hendrik Hamel on Korea, 17th century:

>With regard to the moral standards, it has to be said that the Koreans are not very strict when it comes to mine and thine, they lie and cheat and that's why they can't be trusted. They are proud if they have cheated somebody and they don't think that's a disgrace. That's why they can undo the buy of a horse or a cow even after four months if it becomes clear that the buyer has been cheated. But the sale of a parcel ground or other immovable goods can only be undone if the conveyance has not taken place yet.

>> No.6775950

Th-those don't look anything like 2D brown boys.

I feel bamboozled.

>> No.6775951
File: 60 KB, 311x458, 1366257163312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls stop your Korea tourette's

>> No.6775952

is this like the weeaboo version of anti-semitism

>> No.6775953


Sorry hangook, nobody respects your inferior culture, most white peole have no interest in Korea and the White girls who like Korean guys are considered weird losers, as has already been said by others.

What we need is for the Koreaboos to go back to LJ and Tumblr where they belong.

>> No.6775954

I think it's fair to say Korean culture is largely derivative to a degree that Japanese and Chinese aren't, I mean coming from somehow who has studied the region's History. Korea was a part of the Chinese Tributary system for almost all of its History, so it basically copied all Chinese culture and never really added its own elements.

>> No.6775957

The guy who hates Korea is a Japanese-American or Japanese by the way.

>> No.6775955

What we actually need is for people to stop responding with an initiation of long tl;dr posting sequences, spurring arguing back and forth about stupid shit nobody cares about like Korea

>> No.6775958

the specific arguments and the way they're framed ('koreans are hated everywhere they go,' 'koreans aren't trustworthy and don't have their own culture,') are pretty much carbon copies of standard anti-semitism though

>> No.6775959

I don't think they're hated, but the Zainichi have a justifiably bad reputation in Japan in my opinion. Korea historically never really afforded women the same degree of (relative) liberality Japan did, so one thing you'll notice as a difference between Japanese and Korean men is that Korean men are a lot more misogynistic.

Koreans do have their own culture, but it's not really very unique and a lot of it is fabricated.

Are Koreans untrustworthy? I'm not sure, but every Korean I've met says they trust other Koreans the least out of all people.

>> No.6775962

This chart always makes me OCD rage because it's not in alphabetical order.

>> No.6775963

Would fuck Russia and Korea. Mmm.

>> No.6775966

Do Koreans get rid of the big puffed out face and cheeks with plastic surgery or something?

Because they look more like Mongolians.

>> No.6775967

...Am I missing something, or is there no White American?

>> No.6775971

Because it does the 'fabrication of the History', a Korean is disliked all over the world.

>> No.6775972

> Puerto Rico
> Ireland
> Iran

> Greek
> French
> Taiwanese
Though they're all kind of pretty.

>> No.6775973

beautiful people have way more girls
it's a statistical fact

>> No.6775974

This happens a lot.

>Cousin marries a Chinese guy
>He seems really nice and quiet
>My suspicion was first triggered when he told me he didn't like white guys dating asian girls after they got married
>Prone to massive outbursts
>Used to beat her a lot
>They have one kid together, a son, and he's brought her up to hate white people
>They're divorced now

Maybe /pol/ have a point in some cases.

>> No.6775976

*him up to hate white people

>> No.6775979 [DELETED] 

Third row, second from the right.

>> No.6775980

Of course not, OP. Pollacks are the ugliest. Kurwa mac.

>> No.6775982

Never seen the appeal in Asian men. At the very least I want someone taller than me.

>> No.6775985

>South African men are black
>South African women are black
Confirmed librul race-mixing propaganda.

>> No.6775986

*women are white.