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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6773163 No.6773163[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /cgl/.

Thoughts on establishing a panel to discuss intersection between white beauty standards and how they intersect with cosplay at a con?

>> No.6773170

Perfect for Tumblrcon.

>> No.6773173

Why would you even do that? Conventions shouldn't be an extension of tumblr. Is it too much to ask that people just like... talk about anime? Or videogames? Or anything that's actually relevant at all?

>> No.6773179


Die cis scum.

>> No.6773182


Please keep this shit out of cons. They're not places you should try to 'inform' anyone of anything. They're fun places to relax, and if you do that shit to relax then great, but keep it to yourself and don't take up panel slots.

>> No.6773184

Get back to /lgbt/, you.

I don't think anyone does that shit to relax. You know, I don't think SJWs like being happy at all.

>> No.6773185

I was using the term loosely, want to have all my bases covered.

>> No.6773188

If white beauty standards are so predominant, why do so many white women risk their health to tan?

>> No.6773235

That might be a troll, but I honestly believe they have a point.
White people may be more prevalent in the media and held up as a beauty standard but normal white skin (as in pasty) is seen as ugly by most people and if you don't tan even a little bit you are told your skin isn't good enough and darker is better.
It's all very confusing.

>> No.6773237

> intersection between white beauty standards and how they intersect with cosplay
Haha just shutup.

>> No.6773240

Make a fun panel instead. Like make up tips and at the end a game here you blindfold each other, do make up and the winner gets a punch in the kisser. Or something.