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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 98 KB, 480x640, tumblr_ml8e4wFkbb1s6ox3fo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6767277 No.6767277 [Reply] [Original]

. . . What

(Jfashion things that make you go "what")

>> No.6767282

Unrelated but I think the photoshopped in sparkles/hearts/kawaiishit fad going on is super tacky and stupid. Don't get why people do that.

It's worse than Blingee.

>> No.6767287
File: 481 KB, 315x400, kawaii.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6767285

Not sure if this is 'what' worthy. Looks like an overall good outfit.

>> No.6767289
File: 32 KB, 977x274, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6767334

That facial expression is terrifying & looks like shes got downs

>> No.6767508

Thought that was Yukapon for a moment.

>> No.6771242


Why do people contort their faces in those ungodly ways? It makes me cringe with secondhand embarrassment.

>> No.6771513

her smile is like that because (it seems like) she's got braces, of course add the heavy make-up and lenses and you'll have monsters like OP

>> No.6771520
File: 1.07 MB, 610x822, gsdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The photo seems wrong in some way but I don't know what's throwing me off - makeup's... alright and at least it doesn't have the white eyeliner thing in the corner a lot of western gyaru do

>> No.6771524

That's what I thought! Then I looked at her teeth and now I'm just unsure.
But I have bright pink braces at age 18 and I always wear a huge grin, fuck my ridiculous braces, you shouldn't be embarassed

>> No.6771527

the makeup is pretty horrible. That lipgloss shade is pretty disgusting and the way she lined around the entire eye really closes it in, which kind of defeats the point of gyaru makeup...

>> No.6771528

The entire gaijin gyaru tag on tumblr is a gem.

>> No.6771533
File: 1.18 MB, 1000x729, 13645040647791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saved this from a shironuri thread

>> No.6771546

That's fucking terrifying, but it would be really cool for Halloween.

>> No.6771547

Looks odd, but it's really well made, she got a nice effect of plastic doll skin

>> No.6771550

It's not well made though, the white is really dry and not applied evenly.

>> No.6771559
File: 65 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mkhsr6J4vr1rguwdco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl keeps posting in the cult party tag...

>> No.6771560
File: 59 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mkqj3oEeQh1rguwdco2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6771563

I just had my braces taken off, and sometimes I wish I didn't. My smile is slightly less derpy but my teeth are still weird looking and I'm sure that if someone didn't know that I've had braces for 6 years they'd tell me to get them.
Braces look adorable on people with bigger teeth but unfortunately for people like me and the girl in OP it doesn't look so great for who has smaller teeth
>sage for waaambulance

>> No.6771565
File: 42 KB, 500x666, tumblr_mkoxs80cuu1rguwdco2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She apparently dresses in 'dark cult party kei'

>> No.6771570
File: 43 KB, 500x666, tumblr_mkec4ihoSG1rguwdco2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just so much bad that I'm not even going to bother posting all.

>> No.6771578

this ugly grandma coat has got to go. don't people know how to thrift properly?

>> No.6771580


fuck it i like this

>> No.6771602
File: 25 KB, 242x257, 1323963425799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6771603

To me this IS the good part, because my grandmother used to collect dolls and some of them were so old the paint slowly peeled off, especially around the lips, and it looked exxactly like in the pic. It's probably an accident, but it makes it just more real for me

>> No.6771605

I am not even trying to be mean, but is that skirt a bedsheet? I am genuinely wondering. It looks exactly like a bedsheet.

>> No.6771608

Give it a couple years, My teeth were still kinda derpy just after i had my braces off but they kinda settle in the next year or so and look more natural.

>> No.6771609

I did the same eye make up today

>tfw I'm in a play and are playing the role of a starving man...

>> No.6771669

I don't think she looks too awful. There's certainly a lot of people far worse. Of course, I don't really know cult party, so I'm not sure if she's horribly far off or something.

>> No.6771678

I think the problem comes from her lips... it looks like a blue-based pink like st germain or something with a clear gloss over (which she's altogether too pale for), and her highlights are a faded hot bink. it's contrasting really badly and it makes her skin look washed out and old.

>> No.6771692

absolutely pig disgusting 0/10

awful 0/10

ugly, trying way too hard

>> No.6771704

I love her, I follow her, It's dark cult party, I seen it in kera and japanese street fashion blogs. Trying to hard? maybe yes, but I like her style. You are all mad cause she have a lot of notes on tumblr. Fashion is about experimentation too so this looks ok, looks modern, I'm ok with this.

>> No.6771708

Cult party is based around wearing stuff from a store called Cult Party, so she's failing at that by default. But the "look" is more...layered pastel grandma nighties and weird pink eye makeup. I haven't seen anyone do it with dark colors, usually it's white-based.

>> No.6771747

dat cracked, cheap halloween paint.
However it's ok. I like the lashes/ eyes, even if they suffer from her usual droopy eye gajin gal syndrome. Eyeliner tree thing could have been a bit smoother.

>> No.6771752
File: 63 KB, 525x700, tumblr_mj037yneu81rguwdco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mad because she is looking like shit and calling it dark cult party.

>pic related

>> No.6771759

Lots of notes? Is 10 a lot? Wouldn't really surprise me if you are her, because I know she's online right now. Who else would defend this shit.

>> No.6771770
File: 74 KB, 960x640, 417214_10152010375525176_1179456694_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6771772

girlfriend is super ugly. She needs to shoop ou her nasty skin.

Also she needs to stop dressing like an assburger.

>> No.6771787


>those weird half-shaved eyebrows
>that fried hair
>is that one of those japanese erasers on her hairbow? (yes)

this is so gross holy shit

>> No.6771790

I do something similar with my eyebrows, but you're supposed to pull them into the middle not just chop half of them off.

>> No.6771805

There isn't really such a thing as "dark cult party kei". Cult party style worn with darker colours is still considered cult party. She just seems like a special snowflake who wants to create her own ~*~*harajookoo inspired fashion~*~*~ Her more recent outfits look more like cult party than these which is understandable since it takes some time to perfect a new style. She just needs to focus the pinkish hue a little bit higher on her cheekbones rather than directly under her eye.

>> No.6771806

left has a really cute face ngl

>> No.6771810

Yeah, most of her outfits are pretty bad and not really dark cult party, but it's mostly her face that is really unfortunate. She kinda looks like an even uglier Violet LeBaux. The makeup definitely does not help her either.

>> No.6771814


Sure, if that "cute" consists of her face looking like a makeup caked 30 year old who needs to trim the fat.

>> No.6771817
File: 92 KB, 426x640, tumblr_m5er3jyclT1qdkvcgo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She have this style, I don't see it wrong; it's just another side of the fashion.

>> No.6771821

Honey, no. this isn't even close to what she's wearing.

You're also the same anon from earlier.

>> No.6771824

Holy shit, contain your jelly.

>> No.6771826

How does those two look alike? I know what style she is trying to do, but hers looks really bad. It's kinda like a dark cult party ita.

>> No.6771831

yes, I am the same anon.
But I'm not her, I think that some of her outfit look like that pic and others don't. What I do not see is the source of all this rage/hate.

>> No.6771833

Same person?

>> No.6771836

with a few tweaks, this would be really cool for halloween/a photo

what the fuck did she use for lashes though, I've never seen ones like that

>> No.6771840

>bad j-fashion thread
>i don't understand why you post a person in awful j-fashion outfit.

>> No.6771839

Wow, you're new.

>> No.6771848

maybe cause I do not consider this awful. Just that. Don't get angry.

>> No.6771860

Not really bad

Looks like a tranny

I actually like this

Hate those piercings, but I have seen worse

Just disgusting.

>> No.6771978
File: 626 KB, 1092x1920, tumblr_ml3jyr7Cnr1qcgk3oo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just sick of this guy's horrid haircut.

some one send his ass back to 2006.

>> No.6771988

It looks like the kind of lashes you can buy in long strips. I've seen them on TaoBao. They're just one length or alternating lengths repeated for a good 10-20cm. You cut the amount you need, then trim the actual lashes into the shape you want.

Mostly, I see them sold in shorter varieties in doll shops, but I've seen a few uber long ones like that in cosmetics stores.

>> No.6771996
File: 81 KB, 500x375, tumblr_misibkayWp1rgcsd7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"dark cult party kei"? Doesn't she just mean dollykei?

who the fuck even calls it dark party kei.

>> No.6772014

Holy overbite batman

>> No.6772022

I am seriously loving the way his hair curls though. The flatness on top, not so much.

>> No.6772098

The cult party store is called the virgin mary now. The style is pretty broad, have you looked through the virgin mary blog? It's about wearing thrifted, vintage stuff and very 90's inspired.
It's not just about wearing tons of white nightgowns and peignoirs.
I'm doing dark cult party because I like black and most of my clothing is black or dark colored. And I know there are other people out there that like the idea of and have done dark colored cult party kei as well. Also, There are other more recent outfits that I've done that are "more" cult party.
Anyway, if you don't like my stuff why don't you just ignore me on tumblr?

By the way, Dolly kei is completely different from cult party kei.

>> No.6772116

As I already said, I know what dark cult party is and I don't think you are a good example of it at all. Don't come here with that "oh this is a real j-fashion anon, you don't understand~". I'm pretty sure dark cpk isn't abut looking like shit.

>> No.6772123


Lol, well done essentially proving you were the one defending yourself up thread.

>> No.6772140

Please, don't act so condisending as if you know everything about this style. Yes, you can try to be a special individual because "cult party kei is only with white clothing and I wear black" but obviously haven't done your research because their is no set color palette for cult party. You can wear from beige to green to he darkest of black and it's the still the same style. But go ahead and be a unique tumblr fashion icon.

>> No.6772240

Dolly kei is not completely different. You are talking out your ass.

>> No.6772547
File: 109 KB, 960x450, 27141_10200385266587384_470436686_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6772567

i think what looks so bad is the fact that her eyeliner is super dark and her lips are super purple/light, not to mention her foundation is really light too. the lenses don't help either.

i love her. i think she said that she was testing out the style though and she just used cheap white paint (obviously)

>> No.6772949

Same, and pretty much all his horrid outfits.

(I'm assuming it's a he by the tumblr name, or is it a fakeboi...?)

>> No.6772984


>> No.6773022


>> No.6773146
File: 116 KB, 720x629, 27980_386285202643_1186117_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harajuku?? I think you mean ewwypoopoo :D

>> No.6773169
File: 163 KB, 742x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit makeup tutorial

>> No.6773171

what's their tumblr? i actually like a couple of these honestly.

>> No.6773855
File: 177 KB, 530x352, 01fashion_tsuno-192-thumb-530x352-637 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason, the girl with pink hair reminds me of her.

>> No.6776079
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>> No.6776088
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>> No.6776093

wasn't there some youtube channel of some guy that did jfash and was all "Im better than anyone" about it and looked like shit ?

>> No.6776158

I remember this guy. He took this video of him at a convention. He acted like he was hot shit and pretended to be friends with two yamanbas only to make fun of them and shit talk them later.

>> No.6776166

Not enough Snoopy doggy dog dog snoop.

>> No.6776187
File: 178 KB, 465x465, galwat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did I. I was like damn, Yuka has fallen on some hard times.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.6777262
File: 202 KB, 480x640, err.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bringing this board back from the dead but...

i don't know what to make of this girl. sometimes she is kinda cute. other times, a creepy try-hard... hm...

>> No.6777265

Lol, that face makes me laugh.
She's excused...for now.

>> No.6777269
File: 43 KB, 640x480, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol maybe

>> No.6777284


Holy downy potato face Batman.

>> No.6777331


Her faceshape is SO unfortunate...

>> No.6777369
File: 28 KB, 404x600, 73428_538662119499648_1945871072_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6777389

I think she's had enough baon.

>> No.6777394
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>> No.6777412
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>> No.6777426

jesus christ what in the name of anime jesus' holy nipples is that

>> No.6777458

Mother of God, the lashes look like fucking spider legs.

>> No.6777487
File: 146 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m7kvt9rgfp1qc1i0so1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's her blog, for those of you who are interested.
Also this is about the most toned-down photo I could find of her; her style is really over-the-top and some of it I like a lot, but most of it I don't know what to think, lol.

>> No.6777510

Really? I actually kind of like the outfit in a weird guy/girl mori inspired kind of way.

>tfw I probably just have awful taste.

>> No.6777516

Lol she's just fun to watch. Sure she goes over the top but it's cool because her looks are totally entertaining, and she clearly has jfashion influences which is cool too. I hope she gets recognized by some whimsical musical producers because she's theatrical and what not.

>> No.6777631

wow fail. She looks bad.

>> No.6778629

Wow, she actually looks interesting if very extreme in her pictures. I like it! Does she still ruin that by wearing baggy pants with everything?

>> No.6778659

I was thinking the same exact thing.
>bitch luckyuro is adorable

>> No.6778665

seeing both this thread and the Yukapon one on the front page made me notice that this girl looks like Yukapon with braces

>> No.6778704
File: 211 KB, 900x675, tumblr_mhnxgpCNvt1s56v5bo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yuka-chan cho kawaii desu ne

>> No.6778712


>> No.6778752


she's a qt wud fug

>> No.6779024
File: 650 KB, 3456x2304, lolita fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone is referring to this as Lolita

>> No.6779652
File: 488 KB, 667x1000, tumblr_mlj3lobBKO1ritj6wo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she thinks she look kawaii, but she actually looks mentally retarded

>> No.6779655

yeah she still does cuz she's hindu or something

which completely misses the point of gyaru...looking slutty

>> No.6783349


>> No.6783456

I smell vendetta

>> No.6784206
File: 403 KB, 225x118, 1363641777649.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6785148

ugh I saw this pic on my dash along with some cutesy weeb pose that looked like she was poopin

>> No.6785648

she looks dead

>> No.6785691

What company looks at that pic and says: "Yep! this is the one we are going with, stamp our name on this girl who looks slightly green with huge pores! nah don't shoop it!" vite obviously but ughh.

>> No.6785868

guess they wanted her to personify the bacon necklace

>> No.6785937

Could be cute with some improvements.

Girl on the right could use hair serum and the girl on the left needs to take a page from her friend. Posing that way draws attention to larger arms.

I don't enjoy facial piercings with sweeter looks, but ehh. Sometimes that's unavoidable. Like if it was a new piercing.

>> No.6789317
File: 73 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mkuhgbgJsF1s6ox3fo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if any of this girl's friends will one day tell her that her faces look fucking stupid and that she looks like PT's little sister

>> No.6789336


>> No.6789367
File: 363 KB, 1236x1600, fairykeimakeup copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always get the impression that she has her chin up high, but it's simply the fact that she has a pear-shaped face....
She does have an unfortunate face shape.

>> No.6789426

Nothing goes with bacon quite like fatties!

>> No.6789436
File: 25 KB, 480x340, yumachiainatop[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Gal. It's nothing but a retarded OTT spoiled Calicunt attempt done by Asian women who've only ever seen music videos from the mid-2000s. It just looks awful.

>> No.6789451

This one doesn't look too bad.

She needs circle lens, though.

>> No.6790005

Well, she is not the prettiest I've ever seen. But the graphics was quite nicely done, and I kinda like the make up.

>> No.6790008

...Oh my god, she does.
Shoop and all.

I guess it's a mildly passable normal outfit but it sure as hell isn't CPK.

>> No.6790013

hahahhahahhahaha. gtfo.

>> No.6790052

>two faggots and a ginger
and stuart
I lold