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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6769883 No.6769883 [Reply] [Original]

>go to Kyary concert
>meet a bazillion cool people in line and spend the whole day having a blast (and show was great)
>next 2 days at anime Conji, laughing entire time basically
>Monday, at work
>exhausted, lonely, coworkers don't get why any of this is exciting or interesting

How do you deal with post con and such sads?

>> No.6769904

I talk to friends, preferably ones who were at the con, not coworkers who won't be interested.

>> No.6769909
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That sound amazing, Anon.

I guess I never get post-con depression because Sundays always wind everything down for me.

>> No.6769945

Drink or study or fuck.

I only do two of those these days.

>> No.6770072

I did Kyary/Conji too and it was great and yeah I'm demolished today.

also there was this really cool purple-haired lolita I was talking to in the Kyary pit and I'm peeved I didn't like, talk more.

>> No.6770114
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Awww. Did she dump you?

>> No.6770815

I set aside a day some time during the week following the con, but not the day right after, to hang out with friends. It doesn't necessarily need to be friends that were there but just the interaction helps me slowly get back into hermit mode without the intense loneliness.

>> No.6770949
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>> No.6771042
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It makes me wonder if like the current "nerd hang out model" is really all that great. We're all going from "3 or 4 days of constant social exposure" to wham, "3 months of close friends and Internet only" and personally I'm kinda frustrated with it.

I wonder if something in-between in size is possible. I know there's meetups, but those are usually just fandom-specific. I'm talking something that would bring out a general convention crowd without needing a hotel to take over for 72 hours.

>> No.6771074


Some events in SoCal include various picnics, Nisei Week parade in LT, etc. Just keep your eyes peeled each month!

>> No.6771394

Huh. Any idea what's a good source to watch for stuff like that?

>> No.6771413

I either hop on Skype when I get home and discuss post-con stuff or I write a review about it on my Deviantart. It's not much to get over the con, but boy, to leave it is devastating...

>> No.6771420

A couple of my coworkers are also congoers, so I talk to them about their weekends. I also show off my Lolita coords to the older ladies at work (they love it). Other than that, I don't have a strong urge to worry about it. I guess I don't really get post-con depression because I have so much other stuff that needs to get done (especially after bring gone for a couple days). Plus, there's always planning for next con/meetup to keep you busy and looking forward to the next event.

>> No.6771421


Hahaha, this site actually. I get invites on Facebook for small events and picnics as well, sometimes cosplay.com or a con website will post something. Just keep a look out on different communities and talk to friends. My friend is trying to put together a con in June in Little Tokyo for example:


>> No.6771751

>I wonder if something in-between
Not really? Most are a few hours long, with some of them having cosplay contests although it seems they're geared toward the younger, less experienced crowd.

There's the annual cherry blossoms at Van Nuy's Balboa Park which happens whenever the cherry blossoms bloom.

Sometimes PMX sponsors picnics. They also sponsor the aforementioned cosplay contests during some of the events in southern California like during MPK's cherry blossom festival and during Nisei Week, among others.

Various cherry blossom festivals happening one after another. Last weekend's was Long Beach's, this coming weekend is Monterey Park's. I think

626 Night Market which is happening during the first weekend of June, July and August, although that's FOOD! FOOD! FOOD!

Nisei Week is during August although the first two days are when the majority of events occur including the parade on Sunday.

As for the small events organized over FB, it really depends on who you know and if you want to know them.

I just know that's going to be a weebfest but I can't help being curious about it.

>> No.6771802

Why are your lives so uneventful? What would you be doing if cons weren't a thing?

>> No.6771849

>How do you deal with post con and such sads?
I have hobbies and a life that doesnt revolve around cons. So when they are over I can just go back to my life

>> No.6771916

>Went to NYC Kyary concert
>Met so many awesome people who even let me stand at the front to witness Kyary in her full glory
>All the cool people and me are dancing and singing to all the songs
>Two days after, I'm still listening to every song Kyary has ever done and crying over the feels with everyone else

Sometimes you just need to cry and have all the feelings with friends for a few days.

>> No.6772062

Well aren't you two special. I have friends of course, we hang out do stuff, but you have to admit "hanging out a few evenings a week" is nothing like a con.

>> No.6772070

I sleep and drink lots of tea and look at pictures from the con.
Hugs for you OP, I know dat feel - after my last con I woke up two mornings in a row disorientated and wondering where my friends had gone before I realized I was at home and not in a hotel room.

>> No.6772094


>> No.6772121

I plan my cosplay for the next con and start the countdown on the train home.

It's never "the con is over", but always "the next con is in x months"

>> No.6772162

Did you go on your own? If so what was it like?

Y'see I'm probably going to go to the next con on my own because my friends are a bunch of dropping out scumbags.

>> No.6772165

I find that planning my next cosplay keeps me busy and away from post-con depression.

>> No.6772182

Going by yourself means you can do whatever the fuck you want without people whining about wanting to do something else, keeping your own hours, and being able to meet new people.