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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6769216 No.6769216 [Reply] [Original]

How to wear lolita without shocking people so much?
I'd like to wear my frills more often but I guess I don't know how to tone it down.
Can you guys help me with inspirations for casual/ toned down coords?

>> No.6769218

>How to wear lolita without shocking people so much?
Don't wear lolita.

Consider otome.

>> No.6769242
File: 134 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mkhrphWEYQ1rzimz3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try classic/toned down sweet, gothic will just make you look like well, a goth

muted colours, A-line petticoats, natural hair, no headbows, heels instead of tea parties

pic related isn't the best example i could find, but just search the casual lolita tag on tumblr

>> No.6769264

That's what I do. I still wanted to put my petti to use more often, though.
I like the outfit you posted a lot. Though it makes me wonder: when is it ok not to wear any socks?

>> No.6769274

>when is it ok not to wear any socks?
When you're wearing casual.

>> No.6769282

>tfw i know this girl irl and she's adorable as fuck

>> No.6769294

I really like this outfit. It's cute. I'd have personally worn tights with it, but it looks good with bare legs still. Especially if the weather is too hot.

>> No.6770642

My gripe with this outfit is that there aren't socks. Bare legs are okay but the bare feet are a bit off since the rest of the outfit is rather conservative.

>> No.6770671
File: 568 KB, 2236x2003, casual loli and loli inspired casual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6770676
File: 197 KB, 1134x1009, work appropriate to varying degrees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for the repeats. made these for different threads originally

>> No.6770706

Hot damn, who is the chick with the short blonde hair? I like her style.

>> No.6770763

First girl's (top left) outfit looks really damn nice and fits what OP asked so well I can't even...

>> No.6772151

all these outfits still look weird as shit to normal people

>> No.6772157

I think >>6770676
the girl on the top left and the blonde girl's are good , but otherwise I agree. I live in Vancouver and these wouldn't look too out of place. (No one here asks you why you're dressed up if you aren't wearing t-shirt and jeans)

>> No.6772167

I've been thinking about this too lately, and I'm thinking just getting me into wearing plain, printless mute/black jsks or ops for it. Not too weird - they'll probably see you as rather mature compared to some garbage youth wear normally anyay.

>> No.6772170

Oh yeah, to add
In a close minded area, as soon as you add even the tinest petti you're gonna shock someone, no matter how toned down. That is the fine line.

>> No.6772197

You must live somewhere really, really boring.

>> No.6772207

I think it depends where you live.
I've worn super toned-down outfits, like simple long classic JSK with no petti, a cardigan, and a plain headband, and I still get people snapping photos of me and asking where I'm going and/or what church I go to.
I don't get any nasty comments or anything, but wearing a nice-ish dress at all is "abnormal" unless it's one of those fugly jersey maxi-dresses.

>> No.6772895

It doesn't help when everyone else around you is trashy as fuck.
Case in point: most people I see think that shoes are optional when going out.

>> No.6772903

Do you have a picutre of something that's the most "toned down" on you OP?

>> No.6772912

>mfw wear stuff like top row middle and people think its weird
i love that print but damn if i hear someone call me strawberry shortcake again im gonna have to slap a bitch

>> No.6772917
File: 799 KB, 799x600, youwillnevergoshoppingwithakawaiialpaca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I live in such a bumfuck area even wearing a skirt with tights gets people asking me why I'm dressing so fancy

You'd better hope you live in a city, OP, or people are going to think you're weird even if it's "toned down".

>> No.6773731

I wear tights and dresses most days of the week. People always ask why I'm dressed up, so I don't think you'll get away with wearing a petticoat. I think if you wear the accessories, bags, and maybe skirts, you can get away with casual lolita. Op/jsks will get you looks for sure.

No matter how casual you look, if you live in the US you will be asked why you're dressed up. Anything besides jeans and t-shirts get stares, I swear.

>> No.6773751

This is me exactly. It's the norm to go out in flip flops and sweats/PJs in the middle of winter. Two feet of snow? Let's go out with Juicy written on my ass and a pair of flip flops. It's rare to see a lady in business casual, and even they stand out like a sore thumb.

Usually I tone my stuff down with a cardigan, no petti, simple bag and simple shoes, but I still get stares especially from the trashy folk.

I think I'm to the point where I don't even care about toning it down and I'll go out in my petti if I feel like wearing Lolita out. If I'm going to get stares, I might as well give them something to really stare at.

>> No.6774238

>mfw I live in Toronto and no one so much as bats an eyelash when people wear.....well, anything really.

>> No.6774252

Iktf. Seriously y'all need to leave whatever hick cities you're in. If people would make fun of you for OP pic, I can't even imagine how eye-searing daily wear is.

>> No.6774253

i'm confused. are you tired of your style and want to try something new? or are you really worried about how people view and judge you, to the point that you're going to stop wearing what you love to wear to fit other people's comfort zones.

if it's the second i suggest you grow a backbone and stop letting other people decide how you're going to dress simply because you don't want to 'shock' them. i don't even get how people like this get into lolita if they are terrified of people making fun of them.

>> No.6774258

This, I've come home from cons in full cosplay on the TTC and no one gives a shit.

>> No.6774300

The best feel.

I take the TTC, and spend most of my out-and-about time downtown, and I've only gotten positive comments or polite questions.

Funny though, how once I'm at a meet, in a larger group, all the jerks start coming out of the woodwork with their sneaky or blatant photography and occasional rude shouts.