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6762533 No.6762533 [Reply] [Original]

complains about Oojia selling her tights as replicas.. Oojia is known for being a replica seller, girl also sells replica 6% DokiDoki bracelets.. post more drama about Oojia..

>> No.6762546

Someone is claiming that these designs are all over taobao.
So if that's true then this Maggie person sounds like a big fat liar.

>> No.6762551
File: 444 KB, 814x571, tumblr_mgsrz8pDUh1r1n1dwo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this on the girl's tumblr.
I think it's hilarious how taobao makes their product seem more legit than she does despite the fact that she claims to be the original creator. It would be interesting to compare a few of these taobao shops to her and see who started selling them first.

>> No.6762557

They look like a rehash of Holley Tea Time's tights Saturn's Wish and Bubbly Dreams.

>> No.6762558

ild like to see chokolates source on her tights

>> No.6762559

What's more likely is that she's getting these manufactured overseas, hence all her preorder slots, and for whatever reason they manufacturer released the design out to other sellers. Because really, there doesn't seem to be a difference in quality from the taobao ones.
Maybe that's why we see so many people claiming ~*~original wigs~*~ but a month later they're all on ebay. I'm not sure what kinds of policies these manufacturers have, but obviously if you're paranoid about design theft then you don't take it to China and you don't mass-produce them.
And while I can understand that girl's frustration if she is telling the truth, she shouldn't take it out on Oo Jia who just thought they were another free-game knockoff found on taobao.

>> No.6762564
File: 80 KB, 600x450, 1278522750638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that it would make a difference if you found my factory, because even if they would break contract and sell my designs to you, you would have to buy about 1000 pieces. Give or take

>> No.6762565

Welp, people have done it so that's perfectly doable apparently.

>> No.6762566

Is this seriously happening right now? I don't mean to white knight the girl but she definitely started selling them before Taobao knocked her off... There was even a thread here when Taobao started knocking her off

>> No.6762568

Well then it sucks that her designs got ripped off.

>> No.6762569

But those are nowhere near being "replicas' of 6% bracelets. the 6% bracelets look like hardboiled candy, not crushed.

>> No.6762573

>complains about supporting indie designers in the US
>still manufactures goods in China

>> No.6762574

I guess it depends per factory. Maybe she had set up an arrangement where she doesn't have to order a huge amount of tights (because let's face it is a LOT of money), but where she wouldn't have a say in how her designs would get used in the future? That, or she didn't demand a contract or she was just really unlucky and someone replicated the design themselves, it's not unheard of for that to happen.

>> No.6762580

China knocking off shit is not unheard of around these parts. There was one indie designer (I forget who but it was on EGL) who outsourced her design to China and they ended up selling it on Taobao for half of what she was charging.

>> No.6762582

Why didn't she look for a printing manufacturer for tights in america? Yeah they'd be more expensive but at least you wouldn't have to worry about muddled communication and having your designs resold because some detail got lost in translation. I have sympathy for her to an extent, but at the same time I can't. And no she shouldn't throw a fit at Oo Jia.

>> No.6762585

I love how everyone is ignoring the fact that they probably would have gotten knocked off anyway, even if she used an american supplier.

>> No.6762586

It happened to a Korean indie designer as well, the knockoff's still being sold on Rose Melody. It was posted on egl, and everyone's response? "lol who cares, I like the knockoff better".

>> No.6762589

Except that it would be difficult and super time consuming without having the original source.

>> No.6762591

This x 1000
oh and if you care about your designs and quality, then don't send them to china. This happens with more designers than just lolita ones.

>> No.6762595

But it wouldn't be the first time. She posted the original designs before so I don't think it would be super hard to knock shit off if you have the original image...

>> No.6762598

>I don't think it would be super hard
Try it sometime. Really.

>> No.6762599

Why are you being super bitchy right now? I mean really... We're on the same fucking team. She's posted the original designs before.., You really think it would be super difficult to knock them off? I don't think so. All they needed was the original design and she gave it to them......

>> No.6762601

>replicate rare brand items
No problem.
>suddenly touches an indie brand because they were picked up from a reseller on taobao

Just deserts.

>> No.6762602

I'm not? Sorry you feel like I'm attacking you when I'm just telling the truth. We obviously disagree on something.

>> No.6762603

You are though. When she was doing reserves, she posted the original image/design 28957238956328 places... That's seriously all you fucking need. To think you need any more than that is woefully ignorant.

>> No.6762604

Not really, I think you're taking this too personally when you shouldn't be.
I don't think posting low-res, tiny images of the designs would be good enough.
We'll agree to disagree.

>> No.6762606

But they weren't low res or tiny, though....

>> No.6762607

I saw them and I still disagree with you there.
And I don't know why you changed my point from my original post that said -without- the original design.

>> No.6762608

But your original point is invalid since the original design was around from the be-fucking-ginning

>> No.6762611

Having the original design around doesn't matter because if it's not good enough picture quality then it'll be a challenge to replicate, which would take time and money and probably would put off most replicators.

The reason they were knocked off with such each is because obviously the manufacturer resold them to someone else. There was no 'replication' insofar as redesign necessary here.

>> No.6762613

>I love how everyone is ignoring the fact that they probably would have gotten knocked off anyway
Pray tell how is this point valid then if the manufacturer is behind the reselling and doesn't have to do with an independent person knocking them off? You don't make sense. /diff anon

>> No.6762616

For an opaque print it pretty much just takes a pair of tights and a scanner to scan the image, then clean up in Photoshop. That's what happened to the Dangerous Nude tights that were knocked off, there's usually a bit of loss in vibrancy or details though.

>> No.6762617

Because China knocks off every fucking thing?

/diff anon (lol you're a cunt srsly, you don't need to say diff anon to argue with me)

>> No.6762619

But why bother with all that noise when the manufacturer is giving the originals out like candy? Lol.
And with that logic then it's only a matter of time before HTT tights get replicated as well.

>> No.6762620
File: 54 KB, 500x412, 3132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're seriously calling me a cunt right now because you think I'm someone else? Nobody has called you any names.
Maybe you should calm down, you're the only bitch itt.

>> No.6762625

Not all manufacturers do, unless you have both pairs to compare you can't say for sure if it was the manufacturer's fault or that it was knocked off

>> No.6762630


Oh, I just bought those tights from a store and didn't know they were replicas.

Oh well

>> No.6762631

Not your fault, don't worry.
Although I imagine people crucifying Oo Jia for this even though she made the same mistake.

>> No.6762635

But this is not the first time she has "made a mistake"

>> No.6762640

Why does it bother you so much that she legit didn't know about an indie designer in the usa, and instead bought the knock off on her country's version of ebay thinking that was the actual source?

>> No.6762643

Lol that's not even it but okay, I'll play along. Let's not forget the time she sold a girl a replica thinking it was the real deal when she handles replicas all the fuck time. Or how about the time she tried selling replicas using brand stock pics.... I hate how ooJia can do no wrong on cgl

>> No.6762644

You don't know what you're talking about.

That "replica" was actually a leaked dress straight from the manufacturer for AP. The person basically handed Oo Jia the dress and said "it's the same thing." She got confused because it actually wasn't a replica, so all of her replica-handling in the world wouldn't have been that helpful. She got confused, made a mistake, and obviously apologized to the girl and gave her a refund straight away.

I'm not saying she hasn't "done wrong" but they were mistakes. Don't you know what a mistake is? It's when you did something wrong but didn't necessarily intend to do so.

>> No.6762648

God could you whiteknight ANY HARDER? I know all about the "factory replicas." The dress that ooJia got was a REPLICA, regardless of the fact it was a replica or not. It doesn't matter if she was told "it's the same thing." She still sold a replica as the real thing and only refunded the girl because she got called out on it. If it doesn't come straight from the brand, it is still a replica, regardless of what you replica loving fucks want to call it. It didn't come from AP, it's a fucking replica. End of story.

Funny how ooJia is allowed to "make mistakes" but no other seller is, ever

>> No.6762649

Come on. She knew what she was doing, considering how many of the factory fakes she handled herself. She knew what she was doing. She wanted to see if she could get away with it. She didn't. The end.

>> No.6762651

>The person basically handed Oo Jia the dress and said "it's the same thing."
No, she said "it is just the same as the original" and saw no harm in giving it the original price. JUST THE SAME AS. AS IN NOT THE SAME THING. There was no "factory worker" giving anything to her, that's just an invention she made up - the knockoff dream sky JSKs were sold in a taobao listing.

Just how often are we going to do this for?

>She got confused, made a mistake, and obviously apologized to the girl and gave her a refund straight away.
>straight away
Had the girl not posted her review on egl, which was actually a good 2-3 weeks after she received the dress from Oo Jia, the girl would not have known. This was far from "straight away".

> Don't you know what a mistake is? It's when you did something wrong but didn't necessarily intend to do so.
She fully intended to do so, she knew it was not an AP original, but "just the same as", and she thought selling something just like the original at original prices would have been fine.

And the other anon brings up the other one: what are you going to say about how she used photographs of a genuine AP milky berry to advertise her order of knockoffs which would look nothing like the genuine AP milky berry? Is that a mistake too?

>> No.6762654

>REPLICA, regardless of the fact it was a replica or not

>only refunded the girl because she got called out
Because she got confused and thought she had sent her the real deal. The person from ap's factory told her it was. So duh she only realized what she did was wrong until people had pointed out the marginal errors on the dress in a review full of detailed photos.
>replica loving fucks
Holy shit calm down lady. Ever think I, as well as others, own brand but still don't mind Oo Jia?
>no seller is ever allowed to make mistakes!
Now you're exaggerating. You know that's bullshit.

>She knew what she was doing
You can prove intent huh? interesting. You should be a prosector because you have psychic powers.

>> No.6762656

>The person from ap's factory told her it was.
This is not a fact though. There was a taobao listing way before she started selling the "factory replicas" herself. She knew they were replicas from the jump. Why are you denying that?

How am I exaggerating? ooJia is the only seller I've seen on CGL that constantly gets a pass every single time they fuck up in some way.

>> No.6762657

Let's not forget the fact she sold this girl a "factory replica" after she had already been replicating them herself....

>> No.6762658

>This is not a fact though
I'm just going to point out that assumptions made about her lying about this factory worker and whether or not she 'intended' to do anything are not 'facts' either.

You're exaggerating because lots of sellers are criticized and praised in similar ways. Oo Jia has never gotten a 'free pass.' What do you think you're doing right now?

>> No.6762661

ooJia has always gotten a free pass on CGL, what are you talking about? It was proven that she knew what she was doing, since she sold a bunch of those "factory replicas" for a lot less than the price of the original. That is not an assumption, that is a fact. Regardless, Just the same as =/= the exact same, or even an original.

>> No.6762664

>free pass
Uh no. You're criticizing her right now which already doesn't count as a free pass.
Back when this Dream Sky thing was new she wasn't given a free pass either.
Back when the replica debate was still going on she was on everyone's target list, especially with all the 'art theft' accusations.
Anyone that said Oo Jia wasn't all bad was called a replica fattychan.

It drives me nuts that I cannot say that she's not a bad person for making mistakes without being accused of whiteknighting. I'm not saying everyone should buy from her, especially if some think she's shady. Use your own judgment idc, but I'm so sick of people acting like she's the only seller to ever make mistakes like this and that she must be publicly stoned for something that happened over a year ago now.

>> No.6762666

why do you care so much tho? most sellers don't try to pass of replicas as brand though...

>> No.6762667

>why do you care?
Because when I say something nice about her, because I've had a good experience with her, I'm accused of whiteknighting and having this Dream Sky thing slammed in my face as evidence as to why I should throw out my opinion based on one person's negative experience? Idk...wouldn't that annoy you if it happened every thread?

>most sellers don't try to pass off replicas as brand
You must not have been on the internet in 2009-2010.
Furthermore, if you think that one-time incident makes her dangerous enough not to buy from her then by all means don't.

>> No.6762668


>> No.6762670

There is no factory worker. She never alluded to a factory worker in her facebook baww post. You've made the factory worker up in your delusions while whightknighting her.

>whether or not she 'intended' to do anything are not 'facts' either
She did not immediately apologise, she let that situation stew for 2-3 weeks until the girl happened to make an egl post by chance.

Also the apology was followed by a bawww woe is me how could you do this when I am just feeding single mothers in the spirit of my dead mother bullshit, and it involved a photo of her "single mother seamstresses" which google reverse searched to a fashion college's photos.

>> No.6762672

>having this Dream Sky thing slammed in my face
How about the Milky Berry thing? You know, the thing she got banned on the comm sales for.... But no, it wouldn't. Because I don't deal with shady Chinese sellers like that. Nor do I deal in replicas.

I was on the internet way before that, sweetie. No sellers have so obviously tried to pass replicas off as brand before the way she has. She doesn't care about you. She cares about money. She will do whatever it takes to get your money. I bet if she was given another chance to pass replica off as brand, she would do it in a heartbeat.

>> No.6762674

>There is no factory worker. She never alluded to a factory worker in her facebook baww post.

Post it then. Because I'm pretty sure she was "told" by someone about the dress. Who would have "told" her about it other than the person giving her the dress, aka the person from the factory?

>she let that situation stew for 2-3 weeks until the girl happened to make an egl post by chance
>by chance
What? The girl made a review on her dress to you know, review the dress. That wasn't by chance at all. She thought she had the real thing until others commented to contact Oo Jia because it wasn't the real thing.

Like I said, if you think she's a liar then don't buy from her. But nobody else has to follow your suit if they feel there isn't enough evidence.

>> No.6762677

You are such a whiteknight it's not even funny anymore. She reviewed the dress because she thought it was the real thing and she wanted to compare it to her replica. Whoops, turned out it wasn't the real thing! She sold LOTS of those factory fakes on her facebook before it got deleted. That is a motherfucking fact. I do not buy that she didn't know what she had. You are so blind you really need to see an optometrist.

>> No.6762678

>No sellers have so obviously tried to pass replicas off as brand before the way she has.
Overseas sellers did this all the time in secondhand 'consignment' websites.
In 2011 I spotted one fake Milky Fawn and one fake Meta dress. It happens more than you think.

>she doesn't care about you
No business personally cares about us. None of them do.
And I buy my brand new and not from replica makers so I'm not really worried about getting ripped off anytime soon.

>> No.6762679

the rason why Oojia gets "a free pass" on cgl is because its full of fattychans who cant fit brand

>> No.6762680


>> No.6762681

>She reviewed the dress because she thought it was the real thing and she wanted to compare it to her replica. Whoops, turned out it wasn't the real thing!

That's not writing a review "by chance." She wrote the review comparing the two dresses because she wanted to, and people commented to point out that they were the same. The fact that people pointed out the difference is "by chance," but her writing the review is not "by chance" at all. I think that's what you meant to say.

Like I said, don't buy from her if you think she's a liar and will cheat you. Not saying you have to. And just because I have bought a couple replicas from her and don't see a reason to stop based on my experience doesn't make me a "whiteknight."

>> No.6762682

>No business personally cares about us. None of them do.

Yes. But the thing is... ooJia fangirls try to act as though she ~cares so much~ and that she is an angel for making them dresses that will fit them because zomg brand h8s fat people

>> No.6762684

>The fact that people pointed out the difference is "by chance," but her writing the review is not "by chance" at all. I think that's what you meant to say.

And if she never made that review, she'd never know her dress was a fake. And if/when she went to sell it, if she wanted, boy would she be in for a surprise...

It makes you a whiteknight because you are defending the fuck out of her when there's really no reason for you to do so.

>> No.6762685

>ooJia fangirls try to act as though she ~cares so much~
Well where did I say she gives a shit about me or anyone else?
I didn't even imply she does.

>> No.6762687

I didn't say you did, holy fucking shit. It's not about you, you fucking fat cunt. Just that it's a common thread amongst most ooJia fangirls.

>> No.6762688

>And if she never made that review, she'd never know her dress was a fake.
Well no, she could have made the review and still thought it was real. People could have commented on the review conceding that it was real. The -people- commenting on it are what convinced her it was fake.

>defending the fuck out of her for no reason
Well I stated my reasons earlier, if you cannot accept them then I don't know what else there is possibly to argue here.

>> No.6762689
File: 31 KB, 500x500, 1362182861541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you keep calling me a "whiteknight" which pretty much ropes me in with her fangirls. Thought it was applicable to me aw well. Sorry for rustling your frills sister.

>> No.6762693

Are you really trying to argue that people on EGL would not call a fake out when they see one? Cause I mean, that's pretty fucking hilarious if you are.

>> No.6762695

You're too cute.
I like how you stick to your guns without getting too catty. +1 for you my dear.

>> No.6762696

I am hitler in happy garden, so that's the one correct thing about this thread

>> No.6762697

>Are you really trying to argue that people on EGL would not call a fake out when they see one
Uh no...? I don't think you're getting what I'm saying. At all.

>> No.6762699

No, I get it. The fact of the matter is she didn't get a real dress. The people commenting on it weren't wrong.

>> No.6762700


>> No.6762746

Is this your first day on /cgl/
you mean you DONT know that people think OoJia did nothing wrong, totally believe she meant to be saintly honest during the dream sky saga, and people are mean for attacking oojia.

>> No.6762770

I love you.

>> No.6762801

I am so confused, one girl is screaming "No replicas!!!1111!!!!" despite no one telling her she has to like them or support them.

>> No.6762817

>you mean you DONT know that people think OoJia did nothing wrong
That's not what they said at all if I'm reading this thread correctly. And isn't that the case for almost every person in the freaking world? Have you ever met a person that did something wrong and 100% of people were against them and they never had believers or sympathizers? I think you just need a reality check. If people aren't personally wronged by someone then they tend to go on liking that person so long as they're getting what they want.

>> No.6762828

Pretty much. Crazy bitch logic.

>> No.6762836

Replica debates always get heated and insane.There are also extreme opinions on both sides.

>> No.6762846

So far my fave comment is

> replicas are great

This Maggie girl needs to relax though. Shit gets ripped off constantly. If she was smart shed switch over to we love colors like htt.

>> No.6762858


>> No.6762874

Speaking of milky Galaxy, I saw some of their leggings at an Off the Wall store (ghetto, thugalicious clothes) didn't think it was possible. But there it was

>> No.6762881

You know I've always wanted to get into the tights-making business, but I have no idea what the upfront cost would take or minimum orders (which I'm assuming is around 1000)

>> No.6762883

You think HTT had that much money? Or most sellers on etsy for that matter? Nah, I'm sure there's a way without having to spend $1000 up front.
>but I'm sure competing sellers would like you to believe this...

>> No.6762888

>reading comprehension
Minimum order of 1000 pieces does not mean $1000

>> No.6762889

>minimum order 1000 pieces
So you believe each piece costs less than $1? What is logic?

>> No.6762890

whatever business you dabble into, don't head straight to china for production. unless you're really shrewd and know how to protect yourself, you will get ripped off.

>> No.6762892

No? I don't understand where the hell you're getting this $1000 from?

>> No.6762893

If you MUST buy a minimum of 1000 pieces, and each piece has a price, how much money do you think this will cost you?

>> No.6762897

let's continue kissing oojia's ass. maybe if i do it more she will send me free burand- oh shit, it was a factory bootleg she sent me! she told me it's the real thing! but that's okay. not like people care whether it's authentic anymore, right?

>in b4 all burando are evil for making rori too expensive

>> No.6762902

>expecting free burrando for just buying replicas
>expecting people to just give you free brand
Your examples aren't real life.

>> No.6762903

Clearly neither of you have done business overseas, but the cost of what you pay goes down when you buy more. I highly doubt it would be $1 per item if you're buying in such a large bulk, but obviously if you buy less it would be more.

>> No.6762907

That's what
Was saying.
>I don't understand where the hell you're getting this $1000 from

It's not stated anywhere at all what the cost to buy 1000 is.

>> No.6762910

Okay then what would you say the price is more like then? I'm curious.

>> No.6763059

This is why I think Ophanim is doing all her tights for pre-order for a long time. Personally to have the tights finally here (samples + production cost + packaging cost + shipping cost + customs fee), one style, it was a couple thousand Euros, and that's not in a "a couple is two or three" way . But then again I'm not doing it to make a profit off the tights, I do it mainly because it's more creative and more fun to do that wigs.

It depends, you can get it for cheaper than I do, but you have to keep in mind that cheaper usually means worse work ethics too if you go to China for production. I believe there are factories in the US and Germany that do printing too on a smaller scale, but their prices aren't very good and they don't actually make their own fabric blends so the choices can be more limited.

>> No.6763082

>But then again I'm not doing it to make a profit off the tights, I do it mainly because it's more creative and more fun to do that wigs.

>> No.6763110

I break even on the tights

>> No.6763159

I'm ok with this because the Sweetie Cakes owner has horrible business practices. She doesn't ship for over a month when they are in stock.

>> No.6763172

HTT, Ophanim, and a few others get their tights locally in the US. No customs.

>> No.6763189

I made bracelets like that when I was 8 years old, DokiDoki stole my designs.

>> No.6763236

Digital Artwear. That's what I use and I think it's what Orphanim uses. Minimum is one (sample, which ends up with shipping being like $30, but cool if you want to make some own tights for yourself). Batches run about 12.50-11.00 each, and usually about $3 each per shipping, which puts the total cost at $15.50 or so, then add shipping and packaging costs on top of that. But it's not really too bad. I like the quality of them.

>> No.6763344
File: 77 KB, 960x640, 64472_436060763151620_1248575419_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows the source for the tights on the right? They are not from Sweetie Cake

>> No.6763360

>Digital Artwear.
how long does the shipping take? Including printing time of course

>> No.6763367



anon delivers

>> No.6763462


>> No.6763619

I thought those were one of her designs too? An earlier design.

>> No.6764120
