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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6754059 No.6754059 [Reply] [Original]

We always have 'con horror stories' threads but lack a good 'amazing con experiences' thread :3

>Animazement 2012
>im with a group of con-goers I meet up with every year
>it's late
>we're hungry
>someone said there was a sushi place nearby
>none of us know where it is
>one of us (let's call him Jim) sees a man in a banana costume holding a giant spoon
>"Hey dude, do you know where the sushi restaurant is?" says Jim
>"Yeah I know where it is, follow me i'll show you."
>we end up following a banana holding a giant spoon for around 2-3 blocks to a sushi restaurant while singing along the way
>we make it there and he bids us adieu with an extravagant bow
>we thank the glorious banana sage for his deed as he ran off into the sunset (actually it was the nearest alleyway but whatever it's my story)
>we order sushi but it takes a while
>in the meantime we sit by the entrance in a circle all dressed up and discussing random shit
>out of nowhere this dude comes up and sits next to us
>"Hey guys, what's up?"
>he's not wearing a costume but he's got a huge smile on his face
>good looking guy too, early 20s i'd say
>we all say hi and shake hands
>turns out he wanted to know what was with all the people in costumes and he just picked us to ask at random
>tell him it's an anime con
>he seems really interested and asks us what we're dressed as
>his voice and movements are filled with an energy that I can only describe as "childish glee"
>we end up talking for like an hour about comic books and video games
>since it was friday night and he was in town for the weekend we convinced him to buy a pass for saturday
>he thanked us for such a great talk and walked off

I don't remember his name but god damn he was one cool dude I'll never forget.

>> No.6754121
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>me my first anime convention one summer
>cosplaying Yui from K-on at the time
>pretty psyched until I find out my brat cousin is coming
>with my friends until my cousin decides to run off with them
>is now lost
>scared because of all the terrible con stories I'd heard before
>eventually gets stuck in a crowd and has a break down while everyone is just walking past me
>is crying
>goes to a corner to catch my breathe and continues sobbing for a good 5 minutes
>(I was so stressed and I just wanted to find my friends, and I had been bumped into countless times. I was just so tired.)
>a Vriska cosplayer comes up to me and asks what's wrong and talks with me/calms me down
>eventually ends up hanging out with her and I think a Terezi? (I don’t read homestuck) And she even let me play her Pokemon game!
>the Terezi hands me her phone and says I should try calling my friends to find them
>eventually I find them
>they didn't even really notice I was gone
Anyway I enjoyed spending a majority of my day with cool homestucks. I haven't read the comic but I know the fandom is not all bad because of those two! God bless those Homestucks.

>> No.6754202

>Prep forever for first con
>Weekend before, friend cancels
>End up going with obnoxious semifriend and girl he wants to bang (equally obnoxious)
>Go to vampire dance
>Character sheets on sign-in
>Not dance
>Can't find a good way to back out without being mean
>"We will try it for a bit but might have to leave early for a panel"
>4 hours later, laughing to tears with new friends

Two years ago that was my first con. Now I dropped the obnoxious friends and hang with the larpers.

>> No.6754211


>> No.6754280

The guy in the banana suit was a reference to this

>> No.6754295

What the actual fuck did I just watch

>> No.6754320

I love reading stories like these.
Never really had something like these stories happen.

I love it when people go wild because they're so happy to see the character I cosplay though!

>> No.6755592

and what character might that be?

>> No.6756394

Yeah, I found that out shortly after

>> No.6756415

omg.. you sound so pathetic. What are you, 10 years old? Grow up..crying..what a wuss. I don't understand people like you. Con's are for meeting new people, making new friends. I have a feeling your friends ditched you.

>> No.6756459

How old are you that you don't even own a cell phone? This has to have happened within the past year or two considering the Homestucks.

>> No.6756465

That's not how you make friends anon

>> No.6756479
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>Atomic Lollipop 2012
> Nighttime, waiting in line for the ferris wheel with Enver
>qt3.14 raver comes over and gives me glowsticks
>helps me put them in my dreads
>says bye and goes off to dance
>3am run into her in the hotel hallway
>discover that her and her friends are staying in the room across the hall from me
>go out and get high under an 18-wheeler with her and her friends

Atomic Lollipop was pretty grand all around though

>> No.6756608
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My experience with Animazement 2012:
I never got to to a single panel. I live really close to it but I don't think I'll even go this year. I'm pretty bummed.

>> No.6756631

You're the one who sounds pretty pathetic, Anon. Getting lost from your friends in a crowded area is pretty stressful. Chill, dude.
Some people can't afford cell phones? Also, cons are pretty loud, usually if I text a friend during a con they don't notice because theyre distracted/have it in their purse and can't hear it go off.

>> No.6756640

Whatever, some people are such wusses about stuff. Ohno.. I'm alone and scared of creeper weebous. Then do something about it, don't give up and cry. It never solves anything, What is wrong with people, if someone creeped on me touched me whatever, I would kick 'em in the balls/cunt. The whole cosplay doesn't equal consent thing is just so..gah.. sorry, but I relate that to this. People should just know what's right and do the right thing, on either side. The whole thing is full blown retarded.

>> No.6756657

>People should just know what's right and do the right thing

And everyone should just speak the same language too right?

>> No.6756666

it can be annoying, but stressful? only to a shut in. At least I can help myself and survive on my own.

>> No.6756673

Now your just being a prat. People should have morals, folks should know how to defend themselves. We all have inner strength some where inside us. But no. I do met these people who can barely help themselves and it annoys the hell out of me. Everyone should be annoyed by this, not coddle them.

>> No.6756675

How old are you? You talk like a thirteen year old trying to sound smart.

>> No.6756701

I'm 30 years old, I'm also a war vet. maybe it's the PDST or my autism, but I don't like weak women. I have seen things and done things. I think if she was young still, it would be acceptable to a point. But if she's over 21, time to put the ribbons away sweet heart. The world will eat you up and chew you out.

>> No.6756709

Regardless of your age you are still a huge dick.

>> No.6756719
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this is the edgiest post ive seen all week

>> No.6756722

We'll someone has to be, what happened to the old /cgl. This place used to be a lot tougher, not a site full of enablers. Thank you, I'm glad someone is being a huge dick around here.

>> No.6756730

>Post disorder stress traumatic

>> No.6756735

PTSD.....< Autistic
/cgl has become soft

>> No.6756740
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>> No.6756744

just sayin, all those Tumblr tweet feminists have destroyed this board.

>> No.6756748
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wut r u on abt m8 all she did was cry

Go be a 30 year old autistic war vet somewhere else. Like /b/, or /r9k/

>> No.6756752
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Anon, eat a snickers.

>> No.6756754

A few costumes actually. I dressed as Zelda once and somebody asked if they could hug me, just so they could tell their friends they hugged Zelda.

Another time I went to a pretty small con and dressed as Rosa/Nate with a nephew and quite a few people got reaaally excited to see us.

I really love it when people recognize your character and come up to you anyway!

>> No.6756755


Because you turn into a 30 year old autist raging about girls being girls on a primarily female board when you're hungry.

>> No.6756758

good idea...but I don't eat stuff like that. I'm gonna go eat some protein take my meds.

>> No.6756769

No...it's because she couldn't take care of her self, she couldn't stand a few hours being alone. She couldn't just look at her con schedule find something to do for a while, then meet up with her friends later. She gave up, broke down and cried like a baby. Everyone thinks that's personally okay. Look enablers, I've had friends who've done this. Then they blame me, for leaving them for whatever reason that are beyond my control. Then everyone gets pissed. No, what's so hard about being by your self and finding something to do at the con? Instead they rather cause room drama and pick a fight when they freak out. That's the massive problem here. People should be responsible for themselves, not others.

>> No.6756772

>implying anyone cares what you eat

just duck out AutismVet it is glaringly apparent you're not wanted here.

>> No.6756778

My poor thread...

It... it didn't deserve this....

>> No.6756781

Missing the point, Princess. If fat bronies are allowed on here, why can't I be on here to snap some sense into everyone.

>> No.6756786

This is why we can't have nice things, remember that. Marine out.

>> No.6756788

My condolences

>> No.6756794
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autismvet pls go

>> No.6756806


because at least fat bronies occasionally contribute on-topic to threads. you're just being a condescending prick to someone and not actually accomplishing anything besides garnering people's contempt.

i am so sorry gorl (assumedly). i'll contribute! (posted this story before but it still gets me)

>Anime Boston last year
>Dressed as the handmaid. First hamsteak costume, not everything went as planned, but not overall horrendous either.
>Wandering to the food court to meet up with some friends
>See a great Skyward Sword group, timidly ask a Zelda if I can get their picture.
>She gets really excited over my Handmaid costume and my heart goes doki doki
>Tells her friends that "this lovely Handmaid would like a picture of us" and I just about die.
>Get picture, say farewells, have a great rest of the Saturday.

It's the little things.

>> No.6756817
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>Animazement 2011
>By myself because the one person I could convince to go with me had to leave early
>Go to that pizza place across from the con and throw down PBR tallboys while I eat with the intention of getting smashed because I can't really handle being alone in large groups of people
>Suddenly an older black woman approaches me
>"Hi there, sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you could do me a big favor. My daughter over there, the one in the princess costume, is pretty sad because her brother has been getting attention all day, pictures and everything [he was batman], but no one's really noticed her. So I was wondering if you could take a picture of her, you know without her knowing I spoke to you!"
>Gladly agree
>Wait for the right time, finally call out to her as she walks past me, "Excuse me? Hi, I really like your costume, it's so pretty! Would it be okay if I took a picture of you?"
>Her face becomes pic related, I take 2 or 3 pictures, show them to her, she is so freaking happy

That just made my whole week, not to mention the rest of my day there, even though I was by myself

>> No.6756951

>Also, cons are pretty loud, usually if I text a friend during a con they don't notice because theyre distracted/have it in their purse and can't hear it go off.

>the Terezi hands me her phone and says I should try calling my friends to find them

Why would someone else hand her a phone if she already had a phone?

The only people in first-world countries who don't have cell phones are kids and people willfully avoiding technology to make a point. OP confirmed for underage.

>> No.6756976


You still have the pics? Curious to see what this ecstatic natural smile looks like.

>> No.6756984

pedo alert

>> No.6756992

Seriously? Don't normally rise to bait on this board, but just because your parents are willing to buy you expensive shit doesn't mean everyone else's are.

>> No.6757029

>just because your parents are willing to buy you expensive shit

Anyone who's old enough to be on this board doesn't need their parents to buy them shit, dimwit.

>> No.6757061

Some people live with dictator parents dickshit, expand your bubble.

>> No.6757075

> 18+ years old
> living with your parents
> allowing your parents to tell you what to do.
What a faggot

>> No.6757104

>dictator parents
>no job
>no phone

sorry about your life

>> No.6757110

>Megacon this year
>Live about 2 hours away and was just planning to drive there and back each day with a friend of mine
>Wind up talking to some guy at a panel and turns out they got a space in their room with him and his fiancee chick
>"I don't really have money to pay you guys though, thus why I'm driving."
>"Don't worry about it!"
>"I also got a friend with me."
>"As long as one of you doesn't mind crashing on a cot or the floor, no big deal."
>"...Alright I guess."
>End up having a great time and turns out they were wonderful people and saved me like 2 or 3 trips home and a place to put my stuff and change
>Everything turns out better than expected

>> No.6757124

I've never shared a story on any of these threads before but I have a really nice one about Katsucon. Apologies if I managed to mangle the formatting.

>Katsucon 2013
>First time at Katsucon, brought my Beatrice cosplay from Umineko
>Walking through the artist's alley on Saturday in cosplay and stopped to talk to some friends at a booth
>Feel a tug on my dress
>Turn around, it's a four year old girl and her mom
>Little girl hides behind her mom's legs
>The mom says hello to me, we have a polite conversation about craftsmanship
>Mom finally gets around to telling me why they came up to me
>"My daughter was so concerned that she wouldn't see any beautiful princesses this weekend that she was really upset until she saw you. I don't even know what you're from or if you're a princess or not but thank you for making my daughter smile."
>Mom explains that now her daughter wants to learn how to dress up like a princess too
>realize little girl wants to cosplay now
>that's....so cute....

I sure hope that little girl gets to dress up as a princess next Katsucon.

>> No.6757176

I've never had any issues with room sharing, I end up with pretty cool people everytime, when I'm the one with the room and when I'm the one looking for one

>> No.6757195

>18+ site
>needing parents to buy things
please tell me you are underage.

>> No.6757290

I've done it twice before this time and each time was terrible. Once I got my stuff stolen when I roomed with some people that I met off of here (and I think I know who it was I just can't prove it so I just sucked it up and took the loss) and the other time they came back from the party room and she'd brought this guy and they were having noisy sex in the bed next to me while I was trying to sleep at 4am but I couldn't complain because it wasn't my room and I was tacking on with a friend of mine.

This was the only time I've ever had a good experience. They'd even bought food earlier and the girl shared with me when she saw we didn't have food of our own.

>> No.6757311
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>Some people can't afford cell phones?
>Not being able to afford a cell phone
>Being able to afford to go to a convention and cosplay

I don't think this has as much to do with money as it does with this person likely having mental health issues to act like that

>> No.6757361



>> No.6757389


I feel like....like you're trying to be TF2's soldier, but without a good personality, or character traits, or a sense of humor, or anything good.

You're basically that guy in that vid that went viral the other week. You know, the Marine screaming at that guy in traffic? Yeah, that guy.

>> No.6757885

my parents wouldn't let me get a cell phone until i was 16...
and anyway she never said when this story took place

>> No.6757896

>and anyway she never said when this story took place
Homestuck only started having trolls in it around 3 years ago and didn't pick up steam until 2 years ago at most. In any case, if you're going to a convention completely unprepared and don't have/~aren't allowed to have a cell phone, chances are you're underageb& or just clueless.

>> No.6757924

Some con around 2008. Dressed as Sleeping Beauty.

>Hear a squealing child
>See 6 year old girl run up to me
>You're a princess! I though only anime allowed here.
>Me: That's not true. Anyone can be a princess here.
>Little Girl: Can I be a princess?
>Me: You already are!
>I am? Thank you! I like your beard!

>> No.6757971

Anime North 2 years ago

>go to the Saturday night outdoor rave because why not
> friend and hotel roommate is in his Domo suit still
> boy aprox. 9 years old in an Akatsuki cloak comes running up and asks for a hug
> half an hour later while we're taking a break and having icecream, the same kid returns
> says he can't find his younger brother who is apparently dressed as Sasuke
> his mothers cellphone that he's borrowed for the day is dead
> my buddy takes off his Domo top and sits down with this kid who is on the verge of tears
> gets the kid to give him his dad's cell number and hands the phone off to my girlfriend
> I get the kid icecream while my girlfriend gives directions over the phone
> both his parents show up half an hour later (about 11pm)
> they have the little brother who had latched onto some other Naruto cosplayers once he got separated
> We chitchat with the parents, apparently there was supposed to be a cousin watching the boys who dipped out.
> both parents thank us, and say they're glad the community takes such good care of the younger kids
> boys were both super excited to come back the next year, parents were pretty okay with them attending again.

Not sure I'd recognize the kid if I ever seen him again. Was just kind of nice knowing we helped him out.

>> No.6758206

god damn it /cgl/ i nearly fucking choked on my coffee

>> No.6758211



>> No.6758210

>cosplaying as N from pokemon
>little inuyasha cosplaer, no more than 8 years old comes up to us with his mum
>he has wool for a wig (SO CUTE AHHH)
>we get a photo with him
>we yell "sit!" he sits (ahhh he cosplayed without his mum just dressing him up!!)
>he tugs at my arm and asks "excuse me are you from team plasma?"
>Tell him yes! I am king of team plasma! Do you like pokemon lots?
>"I've played every pokemon game EVER"
>I bet you have son, nod in approval.

>> No.6758301


>> No.6758372

We'll this thread has evolved a bit. Obviously, some people have also made it clear that OP's story isn't what it seems. They're are holes, first of all she had a phone. Then it goes on to say she had to use some else's phone to get help. Which in turn, seemed to solve the problem the whole time with no issues. So if she had her own phone, why didn't she call someone in a privet place like a bathroom or outside? Why didn't she handle the issue on her own, like I said before? Either she was underage or still is, or has mental issues of her own aka attention whore with anxiety issues. Which was what I was saying all along, people need to learn how to take care of them selves. If they can manage to go to cons, they should be able too. I should have taken this to the RANT thread. Peoples contempt..gah..what a bunch of enablers. If she was like 16 years old, that's one thing but if that's so she should be more freaking careful at a con. If she isn't 18+ she shouldn't even be on this board.

>> No.6758592

anymore feel goods?

I had a crappy evening.

>> No.6758631

Okay, I haven't been following this thread closely, but where did she say she had her own phone? And even if she had one, maybe it was dead or she had a shitty provider that gave her no network there. For whatever reason, she could not use a phone of her own.

>> No.6758673

Just remembered something!

>buying tickets for the metro
>info desk is across from us
>employees looking at my group
>two of them come up two us
>asks us what we're doing/where we're going
>have a nice conversation with us
>the male employee suddenly goes "OOOOH WAIT!"
>confused stares between us two
>happy because he recognized me
>points to my pokeball
>"you might want to be careful with those.. weeeeird things come out of there"

Totally made day!

>> No.6758689

I dressed as Justin Timberlake as a Beyonce Single Ladies Back Up Dancer. Did not find a good place to put my cellphone in the leotard. Left it in the hotel room and had a full day of worry free texting from mom.

You win!

>> No.6758746
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>You're already a pricess

>> No.6758765



>> No.6758793

Hey, I think I know who you are and in case you are who I think you are, your friend left his beanie hat in our room and was wondering if you'd like us to mail that to you. Tried messaging you on Facebook but you apparently never check haha.

>> No.6758808

oh! Ok! nevermind!

>> No.6758821

>Anime Boston 2012, friday afternoon
>first AB, second con, still geeking out a bit
>find someone crying with her friend with her
>"oh shit, what happened?"
>walk over, ask what's wrong
>girl is insanely upset that she couldn't get tickets to the masquerade, and talks about how the only reason she goes to cons is for the masquerade
>say that the con is more than that and that even though she couldn't get in, she should still enjoy her time this weekend
>hope she feels better
>her friend and i shoot the shit for a bit, she mentions that so many people in the cosplaying community are nice and sweet
>i hug the girl, walk off
>saturday night
>already drunk, headed to party with some friends
>i turn around, it's that crying girl
>think, 'shit i'm drunk'
>she thanks me for helping her feel better, and another friend of hers (who was also drunk) says that she get the girl in with her press badge
>the girl thanks me again, we part ways

I still feel really happy about making someone's con really awesome.

>> No.6758878

>AWA 2012
>Be Freddie from Cromartie Highschool
>Arrive pretty early Friday
>People watching in hotel lobby while waiting for other friends
>”Excuse me?”
>First person to recognize me is a small japanese woman
> You are... Queen?”
Oh, uhh... Yeah. Freddie.
> She smiles real big
>”We take a picture?”
>She does her hands like she has a camera
>She gets next to me and we do our thing
>Realize now there's like four guys with her, all with cameras
>They're laughing and singing queen lyrics
>They go on their way, get back to friend
That was weird, why do you suppose she had that little entourage?
>”I dunno but she looks familiar”
>He fishes the program from his bag
>”Oh yeah, here she is.”
>Points to a photo under guests of honor
>You Kikkawa
>She was an aidoru on her first visit to america
>I had no idea who she was
>Didn't even get a picture of my own


>Catch the last half of an AMV tribute to, of all bands, Queen.
>One of the crew tells the MC I was there
>Makes me stand up, get all sorts of applause and photo requests

It was a good weekend.

>> No.6758923

This isn't soooo much cosplay or a convention but…

>Was in London with my mom, dragged to some place I really didn't want to go
>This was the last stop of a long trip with my mother filled with lots of drama, so I was in a pretty foul mood
>Go to buy tickets to get into the house or whatever we were visiting and I'm sort of just hanging back.
>As I grudgingly walk by the old man at the front desk to catch up with my mom, the man grabs me
>I start to freak out, but he just looks at my Gryffindor shirt and then up at me.
>"Are you a Gryffindor?"
>"Y… Yes?"
>"Well I'm a Gryffindor too. And us Gryffindors need to watch out for each other. You seem kind of down, is there anything I can do to make your day better?"
>"I think… Well, you know, I think you already have, sir. Thank-you."
>And suddenly everything was awesome.
It was probably the best moment of the entire trip.

Actual con story:
>In a terrible cosplay of Syaoran from Tsubasa RC, covered in guck and ugly fake blood at an AX ages ago
>Didn't even bind, oh man, it was so bad
>Lost my gloves and had been searching for them outside the convention center where no one else was
>A little girl and her grandma walk by
>"Grandma! Grandma! Look! She looks so FANCY!!!"
>My cosplay still sucked, but I sure felt like a million bucks. Never found my gloves though...

>> No.6758928
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Wait wait wait hold up a second.

I'm OP, does everybody think I'm also the girl who was crying?

No, the only story I posted was the banana one.

>> No.6758966
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Dude this reminds me of one of my favorite con coments

>At Fanime waiting to take the elevator down to the con center.
>Minding our own business when suddenly the elevator opens up in mid conversation.
>Elevator is full and front and center in the doorway is a guy cosplaying as Freddie
>We yell "It's Freddy!"
>Freddy gives us the thumbs up
>Door closes

It was as if I was in the series at that moment

>> No.6759237

Sorry OP, meant crying girl. It's over, I vented.

>> No.6759309

>first con, dressed as TF2 Scout
>walking out from con back to train station
>guy downtown dressed as Scout walking alone in direction of con
>jumping high five as we pass each other, then just keep walking
Good feeling. Super mundane experience, but stuff like that is what makes me want to cosplay.

>> No.6759324

That was epic, I wish I had been there

>> No.6759325

Nah I'm not so sure this isn't /jp/.

>> No.6759907
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>Local convention
>Friend of friend wears this fucking scary Kyuubi outfit with the Bleach Soul Reaper captain whatever uniform for no fucking reason
>Picture happens
>Myself and friend N are the only ones that go with her and her boyfriend, no one else wanted to go if they had to pay for their own meals
>N and I show up to buffet before they get there, I'm wearing my tiger kigurumi, N in casual clothes
>We go in, get a table, and wait, having no idea what she was going to be wearing
>They show up
>She's wearing the Kyuubi head, paws, and tail... in a Mad Hatter suit with a huge purple hat...
>It is awkward
>Very awkward
>Very quiet
>The whole fucking restaurant is dead fucking silent
>Kid starts crying specifically because the monster is scaring him
>Kid keeps crying and she complains that he's stupid and making a big deal over nothing
>We all stay silent and wait for our waitress
>She eventually gets flustered and takes the hat and head off, upset that the kid is freaking out for no reason
>Waitress comes up
>"Ohhh! Look at your tiger costume, it's so cute! Can I get a picture!? Where can I get one? That is adorable, you look so cute!"
>Takes picture with waitress and answers her questions and thanks her
>I was silently but furiously glared at for the rest of the meal...
>She jelly
>She so jelly
>Loved every second of it

>> No.6759957


I'm confused

>> No.6759975

Uh...Have you never been to a buffet? They have waitresses and tables.

>> No.6760001

Not to the buffets I go to. No waitresses just busboys. Get a table by way of host. Host give you a table. walk to buffet. fill plate with decoratively. bring plate to table. Eat. return to buffet for more.

>> No.6760005

Go to a nice buffet. A lot have wait staff bringing water and a lot of buffets have menus as well since they're restaurants after all.

>> No.6760016
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Reposting old ODST con story that pops up every now and then;

>I was cosplaying Hinata, and a friend of mine had come with me as Ino. We were walking around the con when she said she wanted to go to see one of the panels on a visiting speaker, and I wanted to keep looking around, so we agreed to meet up back at the hotel lobby later on.

>When I was going through the dealer room I saw this group of guys, and one girl. They were all kinda overweight, and cosplaying naruto characters too. We made eye contact and I waved to be nice.

>They wouldn't leave me alone after that. They followed me around the dealer's room and kept trying to talk to me and get me to join them. I answered the first few times to be nice, but I didn't want to go anywhere with them, they also smelled really bad, breath twice as much.

>I managed to lose them, but when I got to the doors of the convention hall/hotel where the panels and stuff were being held, they spotted me crossing the street.

>They acted like it was a game, and started hooting and hollaring as they chased me to the elevators. I was really freaked out now, and I really didn't want them touching me. They were still a bit away when the doors to the elevator going up opened, and there was this guy standing in there alone, cosplaying as one of those odst halo soldiers. As soon as the naruto hambeast leader came closest to the elevator, ODST guy steps up and punches him in the face. The guy hits the floor and the whole group is staring at us as the doors close.

>I feel bad cause I just stood there quietly, and he got out on the third floor without saying anything. Definitely one of the coolest things that happened that year!

>> No.6760025

It was a hotel Restaurant buffet.

>> No.6760033

>Sakuracon 2011? Maybe 2010?
>Sitting around on the 4th floor shooting the shit with EBK, Lionel, bunch of other photographers
>I'm cosplaying Ukitake from Bleach
>I feel a tug on my haori sleeve and look down
>"Excuse me" one says "I just wanted to say that you're our favorite Captain"
>Die of cute
>give them all of the candy I have in my pockets

Also, a more recent one:

>ALA 2013
>Saturday, dressed as Olivier Armstrong from FMA
>Have to go to costume judging and then skit rehearsal in an hour, not enough time to go get more than con ops food (which isn't enough to sustain me)
>Find a group of friends that I had made the previous day as Pitch from Rise of the Guardians
>Shooting the shit, I mention how I don't have enough time to go get food and how I'm starving
>One girl wordlessly pulls a Carl's Jr. bag out of her backpack and hands it to me, it has a bacon cheeseburger in it
>"Take it," she says, "be free"
>Thank her profusely, go sit under the gazebo by the pool to eat my newly-acquired burger
>Suddenly realize that I'm sitting in the middle of the FMA gathering, which I had forgotten was going on
>Join the gathering, end up spending the first half of it taking bites of my burger between poses and hiding it behind my back while people are taking pictures, much to everyone's amusement
>Everything went much better than expected

>> No.6761640
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>Wasabicon 2013
>Dressed as businessman Deadpool because I had to throw a cosplay together.
>See a podium where the hotel staff stand to answer questions or whatever.
>No one's there, nothing's keeping me out.
>Stand behind podium and act like I'm supposed to be there.
>Get a bunch of people to crack up, some people seemed to think I was actually a staff member.
>One guy tells me that was the funniest thing he'd seen all con.
Good times. Sorry about the angle, this is the only pic of it I've got.

>> No.6766525


>> No.6766622
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>Saw you.
>Laughed hard
>Took a pic.
>Best thing to see after dealing with all the hotel staff bullshit at that con.
It was the sweet smell of justice being served. Thank you.

>> No.6766800

>Sakura Con 2013
>be in cosplay with friend
>getting a bunch of frowns from the staff of the hotel
>ready to check out
>the lady doesn't even look up at us until about halfway through our transaction
>when she does her face lights up and she asks, "Are you dressed-up from Wreck-It Ralph?"
>we say yes (Vanellope and Taffyta)
>she continues to say how much she loved the movie and we swap stories about seeing it in the theater, how many times, etc. until we finish the business
>really enjoyable

>> No.6766901

>poor as fuck
>save up for con
>order ticket
>go to con
>walk around for a while
>notice something
>debit card not useable
>cousin bought me a sandwhich
>friend bought me a little figure

I love my homies.

>> No.6767033

No prob, anon. Got another story, not quite as good:
>NDK 2012
>Chilling out, maxing, relaxing, etc. with friends.
>Chick walks up offering a "love potion" to my friends that were cosplaying Kuro.
>Screw that brass.
>I drink it.
>I knew all but one of my friends were cosplaying men, wasn't sure about the last one.
>Looked feminine, figured it was safe.
>She was Luppi from Bleach.
It was awkward when I was told Luppi was a man.

>> No.6772453


>> No.6772480


as someone who suffer from severe social anxiety and will be going to my first con in 2 week

what you are saying is pretty hurtful,but well theres other peoples here who seems to think a differently.....

>> No.6772662

>Go to a con dressed up as Jade Harley from Homestuck
>At a panel, but goes outside to take a call from a friend
>Tug on my skirt
>I look down and see this cute little girl whose dressed up as Tinkerbell
>Gets off the phone to see what the little girl wants
>She asks to take a picture with me
>Her dad whose dressed up as Peter Pan takes the pictures
>Thee cutest moment of my whole entire weekend

>> No.6772758

which jade outfit?
and did she know who you were or did she just think you were cute?

>> No.6772927
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>Be at DragonCon dressed as Zoe Washburn from Firefly
>walking around
>See Adam Baldwin getting in a clear elevator
>He doesn't see
>His handler does and taps him to turn around
>He sees me and smiles super wide
>elevators are crazy slow so while he's waiting on the 3rd floor we have a whole pantomime conversation that ends with him making the hand sign for "call me"

>> No.6772969


I agree with >>6756415
Who is so socially stunted that they can't be away from familiar faces for a couple hours at a con. Only children under 8 yr olds are like that and for them it's a defense mechanism because they know they can't survive on their own.

You can feed, clothe, and shelter yourself enough to survive once you are past 14 so what is the excuse?
I don't want to go as far as to think your friends ditched you but if they didn't notice you were gone then they might not be your friends and you need new ones.

I know one thing though, you need to act your age.

>> No.6772987

Dick or GTFO

>> No.6773013

I told you already, fuck off to tumblr you wannabe funny femnazi.

>> No.6773020

No. Show us your penis.

>> No.6773074

Not my story, but a friend's. I just thought it was cute.

>friends are cosplaying Princess Serenity, Endymion and Princess Chibiusa at large con
>they go to take the elevator, but it's already filled with a small group of Japanese people
>Chibiusa manages to fit in, but Endymion and Serenity decide to wait for the next one
>Japanese man inside the elevator is frantically gesturing for them to squeeze in, but they don't notice and the doors close
>guy turns to Chibiusa, looking kind of sad
>"You are from Sailor Moon, yes?"
>"Yes, I am!"
>"I am Tuxedo Kamen's voice!"

>> No.6773079

>local convention in a small, religious area
>group is really hungry and don't have time to change, so we end up going to grab a quick bite to eat at a restaurant
>super blonde hostess with lots of make-up on comes to seat us
>sees friend as Loki
>gets down on one knee and bows
>did not expect that at all

>> No.6773082

>Live in Australia
>Smash 2011
>Went as Russia
>Some chic dressed as Belarus stalked me around the con for the whole day
>Eventually she buys me coffee and cakes at the end of the day for being so chill
I dunno, it's just so nice to see people in character sometimes.

>> No.6773099

I don't have one, you dumb cunt.

>> No.6773126


what con did Tōru Furuya go to?

>> No.6773178


>> No.6773193


Yep! Two years ago, I believe it was.

>> No.6773225

Fucking awesome.

>> No.6773232


>not consuming delicious Snickers hazelnuts for gains


>> No.6773238

>dad is lawyer working at dymott firm
>couple tickets to something called comic-con
>not really into comics, but I play MTG so why not
>get there, see g4 stand, mostly about video games, superhero movies
>cool shit
>left car and used my Ducati to get around congested san diego roadways

id go again if I got free tickets. but I don't want to pay money for it.

Maybe next time i'll just use my road bike and cycle around to various side events and find some hole in the wall thing that might be fun

>> No.6773241


Why are you still here.
You're not a cosplayer , not funny and your stories are shit-tier.

>> No.6773243

who cares about details

comic-con cons:
too many people
weird people in costumes desperate cry for attention

filled with those weird people in high school that don't have volume control and yell constantly or are super fucking excited for no reason (probably theater nerds)

thought there would be some cool shit to buy like in hole in the wall places in japan (bought a fami-com for 500yen in akiba and played the shit out of it for my duration there when stuck in vacation home with the fam)

but its mostly artwork or shitty little trinkets that you get from gatchagatcha machine type things

celebrities are hard to see with so many people

>> No.6773245
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>katsucon 2013
>sgt frog
>see child dressed as giroro
>take many photo and discuss briefly about the keroball and how I made it.
>giroro gives me (kururu) and my honey (keroro) a valentines day card
>keep it in my wallet forever

>> No.6773248

that's stupid you should feel stupid

and white people trying to speak Japanese pisses me off

>> No.6773253

Hooker I'm halfrican, I'm here, I'm desu, get used to it. Genki des pocky stick.

>> No.6773258 [DELETED] 

groceeeeee some nigger speaking Japanese

you're lucky I don't lynch your nigger ass right now

imagine some nigger ass hoodrat bitch trying to speak Japanese like yourself


>> No.6773260


>> No.6773262

embrace your shit tier race

stop trying to be Japanese
its pathetic

>> No.6773293
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>pic related yfw

now I know cgl is not overruled by tumblr shit brains wmmz. yes!

>> No.6774724

>sakuracon 2013
>staying at the Sheraton
>chocolate eggs all over the place on the 8th floor
Something amusing to wake up to.

>> No.6774771

>dressed as TLY Chrome Dokuro
>Stressed out, wig got ruined and had to be left home
>have naturally black hair so style it best I could, but still really depressed
>head to photoshoot
>group squeals as they see me coming
>saw my stressed expression apparently and gave me welcomed hugs
>photoshoot was really fun

>> No.6774788
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>> No.6775252

>Getting lost from your friends in a crowded area is pretty stressful.
No it's not.

>> No.6775260

oh no someone hurt your feelings

better search on wikipedia how to diagnose this as a sickness you can't help!

>> No.6775269

The only stress I can think of is having to wade through the crowd to find a quiet area to call their cellphones because it's fucking 2013 and all it takes is a quick "yo dawg wher u at" to find them

>> No.6775272

Phones are not expensive. There are extremely cheap and minimalist ones for less than 20 dollars a month.

>> No.6776094

I own a $10 tracfone.
After I use up 93.7 more minutes it will be in the trash.
Then I buy another $10 tracfone.

Anyone without a phone is fucking retarded.

>> No.6777430

>Sakuracon 2013
>walking to meet a friend at a photo shoot
>see a girl sitting off to the side, looking upset
>ask if she is alright
>she bursts into tears
>I sit with her for an hour, comforting her and listening to her rant about her life, lack of friends, and how Vic McNugget didn't notice her
>try to cheer her up, start talking about things we have in common
>we both like wa lolita, bleach, and some other shows
>crack a few jokes and get her to laugh
>we get our photos taken together a few times, the first photos she'd had taken of her all weekend
>invite her to be my pen pal, or to text me or to message me on Facebook sometime
>we eventually part ways, but she left with a smile and some hope that her con will improve

>> No.6777468 [DELETED] 

Dude. I have crippling social anxiety. So I feel for this guy.

I know what it's like. I sometimes have panic attacks in the middle of big groups of people. I keep a friend nearby whenever I'm at a con just in case I start having one.

Generally, I can be alone for an hour or two but I stay away from big crowds.

No need to be an ass. Some people are just different.

>> No.6777489

Alright, alright. This wasn't quite a con, but an esports event. (LoL Season 2 Championships.)
>Dressed as Pentakill Sona
>Put etwahl in cosplay storage room provided by Riot
>Walking back to seat
>Just awkward girl in corset/floor length dress
>Generic black girl
>Fucking yes.

>> No.6778092

If you can't be in big groups of people then why the fuck would you go to a crowded expo?
Are you stupid?

>> No.6778113

>Walking back to hotel about 5 blocks away at night
>Group all dressed as avatar characters
>Some of them want to stop at a convience store to get beer and shit on the way home
>I wait outside talking with my friend. He was dressed as Ozai and I was Iroh
>Hear some rowdiness up the road, around the corner come a bunch of loud obnoxious guys with no shirts on in clubbing gear
>ohgodherewego.jpeg as they come towards us
>Suddenly they notice us
>Suddenly they all bound up to us like excited children gushing over our avatar group, they know every single character and are total bros

That was actually the best reaction I got all day, including congoers' reactions. Sometimes normies are awesome

>> No.6778125

:D I was there too as Genderbent Ez~ I spotted ya from across the rows.

My story was also from LoL Season 2 Championships as Ezreal's creator, Ezreal, was no where to be seen as I had a Wriggle's Lantern to give him. Halfway through the play offs, during break, we spot his shirt a few rows below us! Myself and a fellow League cosplayer walk down to him and ends up asking US for pictures! I hand him my light up wriggles lantern and he rewards us with two free shirts! I fangasmed so hard.

>> No.6778126

That's just awesome

>> No.6778445
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>Vic McNugget
I love these so much

>> No.6779826

So I made an Iron man suit out of foam for nycc 2012. i thought it came out good for my first try at any kind of armor cosplay, anyway
>at the welovefine booth cause my friend wanted to get shirts
>lots of people asking for pictures
>see one fem captain america eyeballing me
>ran straight towards me and gave me a huge hug
kinda wish i actually got a chance to talk to her

>> No.6780070

>Anime Expo 2012
>Friend and I are exhausted after a full day of promo-ing, go back to our room
>No key, all our roommates are gone
>Pass out in front of the door in our kigus
>Dudes across the hall open their door
>"Whoa are you guys okay?"
>"We're locked out of our room"
>They invite us in and offer us drinks
>They're in a band and weren't there for the con/X-Games and were playing a show that night or something
>Asked us all about our costumes and what we do

Thinking back that could have ended up so badly but they were hella chill

>> No.6782754

hahahaaaa 0mg

>> No.6783096
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>Small local con
>Sisters drag me to the dealer's room
>It's hot and smells horrible;like armpits
>My makeup is running especially on my upper lip
>I become stressed and self-conscious ,have to hold my arm up to my mouth so no one sees the goddamn mustache that is forming
>I'm dying to get out of there,especially because the heat,obnoxious people and smell is getting to me
>Sisters get bitchy,they are still looking at things and don't want to leave yet
>Start sweating more,make-up is running like there's no tomorrow (water-based makeup- never again)
>I stand near some Pokemon prints ,emotions start acting up; on the verge of tears
>thinking I've never should've cosplayed in the first place and just wanted to go home and get all this grey make-up off
>when suddenly
>Karkat cosplayer approaches me and starts talking to me out of nowhere and complimenting my cosplay and prop.
>The Karkat is totally cool and a sweetie
>Sisters return and I take silly pics with them
>Claims they saw me and my younger sis during panel and thought we were total cuties

Probably the highlight of my weekend,the con itself was kinda boring but the experience was fun

>> No.6784902

>San Diego Comic Con 2010(?), in line for a costume design panel
>Wearing a fursuit-monster-ish costume.
>The costume is a goofy-looking monster head, pants are from a 2-person Entei costume, the rest was sewn together with scraps in about three hours. It's really not well-made or anything of the sort.
>Two ladies come up all excited and start complimenting me on my costume and asking me questions about this and that.
>"You're so creative! You're costume is so amazing!"
>They give me a ribbon that says something like, "Costume Design Guild: Hall Costume Award."
>Go into panel, turns out they're actually professional costume designers.
>Flail forever because pros liked my costume.

…But I feel a tiny bit… guilty? Because the costume REALLY isn't that good. I don't think I deserved a hall costume ribbon by any stretch. I saw HUNDREDS of costumes that blew my costume out of the water. Still, whenever I'm stuck on a piece of a costume, I see that ribbon on my wall I feel like I can work through it.

>> No.6790500


>> No.6790588

>First day of con, walking around out of cosplay with friend who's in cosplay
>Suddenly, great cosplayers
>Just about have a heartattack, friend doesn't get it as she doesn't watch the show or know these cosplayers
>This happens twice more
>The next time I see them I just go "fuckit yolo all that shit i have to talk to them"
>Awkwardly stammer out some compliments and get hugs
>Over the moon and can barely stand straight afterwards
>End up hanging out with them later that night
>Made my con

Still makes my heart go dokidoki thinking about it, because I was expecting this con to be shit since I didn't bring any cosplays or anything. My friend later got involved in the show and cursed her life for not knowing the cosplayers when she was there.

>> No.6790623

I strive to be a Homestuck like that Karkat. That's so sweet of them.

>> No.6790785

>it's late at night at the hotel, parties are going on.
>invited to a party at a really nice suite, complete with hot tub.
> get in the hot tub with some friends and some strangers.
>have some drinks.
>guy climbs into the hot tub.
>turns out he's in a band I enjoy
>blurt out that my boyfriend and I have sex to his music
>expect weird looks for my social ineptitude, instead get handshake
>we walk him back to his hotel room
>he hugs me unprovoked

>> No.6791015

What band ?

>> No.6791041

I always give shit for ACen, but I had a lot of luck with this one year; the only thing I hated was that I wore an AP set that I slaved over saving up for, but it was before they visited ACen.

>Super ass long line and no staff knew where my con buddy and I were supposed to stand in even though we pre-reg.
>After an hour or so of confusion (or less, it just felt like all day), they let us in the front of a line

>We discovered that morning that my friends, who we were rooming with, reserved at the Hyatt
>Had to call again about what room we were supposed to be in and ended up finding each other in the elevator
>Took a picture with H.Naoto.
>We got away with a whole weekend of free parking

I think that year was the year that I didn't go broke from that con.

>> No.6791066


>> No.6793149
File: 31 KB, 375x482, cagalli-athrun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a lot but my favourite
>Five years ago
>My best friend moved far away for college and is feeling so lonely
>I take the Amtrak out to visit her and we're going to the local convention
>She is dressed up as Cagalli from Gundam SEED in the pretty green dress
>Not too many people recognise it
>We find an Athrun but my friend is too shy to speak to him
>I go up to him and tell him I want his picture with Cagalli
>I get them posed together in a picture and they start talking
>They keep in touch after the convention
>The start dating, fall in love, and are engaged

And a five year timeskip

>We go to the con every year
>This year they redid their Gundam SEED outfits and went as a couple
>A fangirl came up and said they are her OTP, got all excited when she heard the story
>Getting married next month
>I'm their maid of honour

It doesn't get much better a con experience than that if you ask me. They'd be mad if I posted a picture of them on 4chan, but I wish them all the best and am so happy for them.

It's also cool they have a snapshot of the moment they first met, though it's hard to explain to family why there is a guy in a dress and a wall of posters of a naked man, Gackt, behind them.

>> No.6793177

That's sweet. Just make sure you guys keep Athrun away from anyone cosplaying the Hawke sisters.

>> No.6793194

>it's my first con ever
>it's also a really small con
>see only one cosplay
>compliment him in passing, but admire a few times throughout the con
>con ends, life continues
>met him again by dumb luck at a party nearly a year later
>he makes my first cosplay
>we hit it off
>find out that I actually interacted with him briefly at least once, probably twice before when I was a kid
>still dating him over a year later
>still cosplaying with him

>> No.6793272

This is so fucking awesome.

>> No.6793294

A-Kon 2012
>Cosplay as ness
>waking from the hotel to the main con that is across it.
>Get the other side
>A really bad cross-dresser calls out to me
>hey ness are you ready to be a real man!
>Everyone around use burst out in laughter
>trying to keep it together as humbly decline the offer

>> No.6793331

> Sat night at con
> Really looking forward to an event, got in line too late, it filled.
> No big deal, go to Plan B fan panel.
> Really early for it, so I sit and read
> People around the corner playing Cards Against Humanity
> They invite me in
> Play that until the panel
> Made a few new friends
> Next night stay up all night playing card games, drinking, laughing, etc.

It's really not difficult to make friends at conventions. I'm not the most outgoing person or the most talkative person, but I still can connect with people and find people to hang out with. Even just talking to people in line can be interesting. You meet all kinds of different people.

>> No.6793830

>FanExpo 2011
>Cosplaying Enzo Matrix
>Friend and I see a tour bus going around the corner in front of us.
>Mimic a tour guide saying "And to your right is Enzo Matrix, from Reboot"
>Laugh until we actually hear the tour guide say that exact sentence!
>Year made!

>> No.6798819

> first con, MegaCon 2013
> dressed as 1st gen Ash from Pokemon (pic related)
> in dealers room with friends waiting to get all together so we can go get tickets for the rave
> standing there by myself and a chick with a violin just randomly walks up and starts playing the Route 1 theme right as i'm about to start walking
> lost my shit

>> No.6798821
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forgot god damn pic

>> No.6799097

Earlier this year

>last day of con
>cosplay contest
>in a proper theatre with lights and sound and shit and capacity for ~3000 people
>a lot of great cosplays in general
>second last act
>a guy, a girl and a girl dressed as a guy skip onto stage
>do some skit where they drink milk
>guy grabs microphone
>girl dressed as guy gives him some small prop
>he faces the other girl and gets down on one knee to propose (not part of the act)
>girl runs backwards halfway across the stage in surprise/shock/happiness
>audience is going crazy at this point
>she says yes
>group hug
>audience is goes even more crazy
>I'm fucking bawling my eyes out because it's so sweet
>rest of the con they have people congratulating them, they look so happy

As much as I hate tacky proposals, this one was actually really well done and I didn't find it tacky at all, so good.
Most emotional cosplay contest I've ever been to.

>> No.6799130

>Friend dressed as Jack Frost as we're waiting to check out of the hotel
>"Look honey it's Jack Frost"
>Turn to see a 4 year old with the widest eyes ever
>Without missing a beat friend says "you can see me? That makes me so happy"
>Little girl giggles and hugs her, gets photo taken while the mom is thanking me for having such a in-character friend

>Same con, waiting for a friend to meet up with us
>Random 15 yr old girl in anime shirt and buttons comes up and hands each of us a piece of paper and just walks off
>"You look nice and I hope you have a good time :)"
>I still have the slip of paper since it was so cute.

>> No.6799136

>"You look nice and I hope you have a good time :)"

Oh my lord, that's so adorable.