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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 103 KB, 550x365, confess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6744176 No.6744176 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread is autosaging and being spammed
Confess your CGL sins

My first dress was this bodyline monstrosity. I used to tell all my friends how much I loved dressing in lolita despite only wearing a pastel jsk with no blouse, a hot topic petti, and doc martens. Sincerely, I still feel embarrassed. I would go in public like that and think I looked good.

>> No.6744206
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I went to school in L "cosplay" once which consisted of me wearing ripped jeans, flip flops, white shirt, ratty ass wig, and a ton of eyeliner. I wasn't alone, my friends went as Misa and Light. We looked fucking awful but at the time we felt so cool. Thank god we only did I once and no one has pictures that survived the years.

>> No.6744229

When I was like eleven, I used to sit like L and reading manga and think I was so cool. And then later, when Mello appeared, I fell in love with him and used to like act like him and eat huge bars of chocolate constantly and think I was so badass... It was embarrassing.

>> No.6744334

I don't have a single picture of myself in costume.

I only do characters that I've never seen cosplayed in North America to minimize getting stopped for photos, to me it's a hassle I'd rather avoid.

This has caused me to change plans when a series suddenly starts to get popular over here.

>> No.6744347

I bought my first lolita dress at Milanoo. I got a wig, petticoat, and a headpiece with it, too. But the dress came with Infanta tags on it and everything else was fine, and you could never tell it came from Milanoo.

>> No.6744350 [DELETED] 

Im going to Tokyo to study abroad for a year mostly becasue i know my ex roommate will be crazy jealous and im probably going to buy shit and do shit just to drive her crazy. I already know ill hit up liz lisa a ton even though im not into gyaru fashion.

>> No.6744354
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>mostly becasue i know my ex roommate will be crazy jealous
...you sound like a bucket of mental with a side of batshit.

>> No.6744357

we are all mad here

>> No.6744364

Why do you even bother dressing up?

>> No.6744375

I never cosplayed anything or wore lolita or j-fashion
i want too but i can't

>> No.6744380
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>spending upwards of $10000 to spite some weeb

liz lisa though! damn anon, i'm jelly too

>> No.6744381

Im really starting to forget whats an ita and what is nt due all my time spent in ita threads.

>> No.6744391

You sound like a person I would greatly dislike.

>> No.6744396

I like costumes and anime, but not attention.

>> No.6744432

I think that though there are many people who aren't necessarily ita but just slightly off or new gives a better more specific idea of what does and what doesn't fly in lolita aside from just the basic "no bad lace, avoid blackXwhite coords, no sneakers, etc."

>> No.6744464

i want to buy someone i hates dream dress, burn it and send her a video of it burning

>> No.6744478

I have a massive fetish for petite girls dressed as boys.
When I go to hotel cons, I like to wear a suit and pretend I'm there on business.

>> No.6744501

but...but... the burando ;_;

could you pull the ol' vodka-soaked money trick?

>> No.6744505


"Oh well, I will just wait for the next auction. Haha whoever paid for that."

>> No.6744504

i prefer the reaction of her dream dress being destroyed before her very eyes. she deserve that pain for what she did to me.

>> No.6744513

What did the original post say, dammit!

>> No.6744514
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>what she did to me

interesting, tell me more...

>> No.6744515

"Im going to Tokyo to study abroad for a year mostly becasue i know my ex roommate will be crazy jealous and im probably going to buy shit and do shit just to drive her crazy. I already know ill hit up liz lisa a ton even though im not into gyaru fashion."

>> No.6744520

ruined multiple relation ships for me, other personal stuff and then threatened me, gendo-anon

>> No.6744612

I swear to god if skirt-stealing anon doesn't come back for an update, I will not even know what to do with my life.

>> No.6744616

What, so everyone can lick her clit while bashing some random teenager?

>> No.6744627


You are just dying for some drama, aren't you?

>> No.6744667

Don't know if this counts as a confession BUT

Reading some of the shit in the past 3 confessions thread about bullying people and ruiining people cosplays and dresses makes me really wish I knew ways to get me out of legal issues and just beat the living fuck out of some of you autistic socially incompetent retards because obviously your parents didn't beat you enough and sugarcoat shit when ya were children.

>> No.6744686
File: 10 KB, 180x250, Gendo_Ikari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get back in the eva shinji.

>> No.6744719

I just don't understand why everyone was praising her.

>> No.6744722

Look anon. You better follow through on that...tease.

Also, she did. She mailed it back already (or packed and addressed it)

>> No.6744726

Doing the right thing should always be praised. Esp. When she could've kept it and burned the evidence (the skirt)

>> No.6744741

She shouldn't have stolen it in the first place! And she can't mail back that girl's boyfriend.

>> No.6744743

Well no, she shouldn't. She would've been just labeled a forever bitch. But she did, its worth something.
>can't mail back her boyfriend
Me thinks you protest too much. I have a few friends at UPS (the actual center where they ship your shit) and I'm sure we can work something out.

>> No.6744794

I really want to cosplay from a series I don't like because I know I could pull off a cosplay someone I hate can't do. But then that's investing time, money, and effort to dress up as something I have no interest in otherwise.

>> No.6744803

kind of know that feel, only it's from a series i like but a character i hate. i would pull her off perfectly though.

>> No.6745214

The skirt has been mailed. I sat on my porch and watched the mail man take it away and then vomited all over my driveway. I was going to get it tracked, but I had classes and it just didn't work out in time.

Apparently she did find out about the thread though. I was hoping it would auto-sage to death before that, but oh well. It's not like she didn't know. She sent me a message on FB late last night with her number asking me to call her. I don't know if I can, I feel terrible, I don't think I can even face hearing her voice, though I deserve all the bitching she can throw at me and then some. It's like all this shame I've been hiding away for so long for so many different reasons has finally caught up with me and I feel like I'm drowning. I don't know how I even got by this long.

Counseling appointment is tomorrow at 2:30. The lady on the phone sounded nice, hope she's prepared for the metric fuck ton of terrible that's about to walk in her door.

Sage for only semi-related.

>> No.6745216

Ha, and I put sage in the wrong place. Fuck me.

>> No.6745220


Call her. You guys should talk this through. YOu her, and yourself, that closure.

>> No.6745226

You should pretend to give it to her, and then just burn it in front of her.

>> No.6745230

So in the last thread someone who knew you said you had been abused. What happened, did your daddy fuck you in the ass?

>> No.6745269

holy shit anon what the fuck

>> No.6745282
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>> No.6745330

Because of Japanese fashion, I ended up with an eating disorder.

>> No.6745346
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>> No.6745355

I lost 5-7 pounds of muscle just so I could crossplay for 1 convention.

>> No.6745356

What, why should this bitch be handled with kid gloves? Because she puked in front of the mail man like a fucking freak. Boo hoo.

Surprise bitch, when you do terrible things you feel terrible, unless you have a personality disorder.

>> No.6745365
File: 220 KB, 900x582, 2012-01-09-Speaking-The-Shame-Language.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will admit I've used the word kawaii in front of people non-ironically before. It slips out occasionally before I realize I've said it instead of cute. It's pretty embarrassing.
"Wow that girl is really cute"
"Yeah she is, bitch is kawaii as fuck"
"What does that word mean?"

You guys are influencing me too much. Picture related.

>> No.6745370

If she's not lying, she took literally every piece of advice she got in the last thread to heart and is on the road to making serious changes in her life. The fact that it makes you so rustled probably speaks to shame over whatever changes you're not making in your own life.

>> No.6745372

I would bang pixyteri. One of those "so wrong it's right" things...

>> No.6745380
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I think "bitch is kawaii as fuck" counts as using it ironically. But yeah,
>tfw want to make ironic weeaboo jokes all the time but none of your friends would understand and you would just look like a regular weeaboo
>tfw no IRL chill weeaboo friends with a sense of humor

>> No.6745389


Me and this dude in my class at college make ironic weeaboo jokes to each other all the time, but I think everybody else has started to think we're srs weeaboos.

>> No.6745400
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See, that is simultaneously what I want and fear in one sentence.

>> No.6745401

I wish I could do this properly. I recently forced my friends to watch shitey shojo animu... they enjoyed it. I say sugoi and kawaii too fucking much doe.
>kiss kiss farr in ruv

>> No.6745410
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>> No.6745427


Woah, back up. I wasn't here for THIS drama.

Someone sum up what happened -- this girl bought a dress just to spite someone?

>> No.6745433

She stole a skirt from a friend of hers, anons yelled at her to send it back and she did, and now she's also going to therapy apparently.

>> No.6745436

Basically, a crazy bitch stole a skirt from a friend, had a melt down on /cgl/, apparently returned it, Redemption-chan style. The thread is here: >>6739945

I would link you to a specific post, but it was kind of an ongoing mess of drama, until some other tumblr girl started even more drama. Hell, it's still being updated in this thread.

>> No.6745437

No, she stole a skirt from a friend's room.

>> No.6745438

Really? I would think you hear kawaii at cos all the bloody tiem.

>> No.6745449

Nice to hear someone's being glorified because they got caught and shed some crocodile tears, and only then were compelled into doing the right thing.

>> No.6745456

> voluntarily posted in a confession thread, feels awful, took all advice, getting help
> got caught

> got called a horrible person etc, told to get help
> glorified

>> No.6745459

People were mean as shit to her before she agreed to return it. Maybe if you read the thread, but that would probably be too strenuous for you.

>> No.6745462

I like that you linked to my post specifically talking about glorifying her, when I straight up called her a crazy bitch. And from my armchair anonymous PhD in crazy bitches, she fits the bill. I'm glad she's getting help, she needs it obviously.

>> No.6745468


>What the hell, that's horrible! You should send her back that skirt.
>Give her back the skirt and stop fucking being "friends" with her, you cunt.
>Oh please, should I lick her vagina for being a terrible person? All she's doing by being friends with someone she hates is hurting the both of them. It is fully within her power to not be "a bad person." This ain't fuckin Wreck-It Ralph.
>Or fuck, even sell it and go see a therapist, you sound like a mess.
>Brand doesn't soothe the pain of a friend betraying you.
>Holy Christ girl, you can't give her back the boyfriend but at least send back the skirt! You truly sound like an awful, awful person.
>Psycho alert.

>> No.6745475
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>from my armchair anonymous PhD in crazy bitches

>> No.6745486

Oh jeeze I am so sorry.

>> No.6745491

My local comm is doing a shironuri meetup soon, and I know that it's going to be a disaster. Why can't anyone else see it? I look up to the two people that organized it SO much (one is totally my idoru, too), but this is just a horrible idea. If it were winter time, then maybe. But doing shironuri with wigs on? They're going to look like melted candles. They're going to end up on BtB. I'm not going, but those girls are like sisters to me, and I'm going to be dying of secondhand embarrassment for them. Please, please let it rain so that the event will be cancelled...

>> No.6745492

Are you the one that started the thread on shironuri, or just someone else in the same comm? Or a completely different comm?

>> No.6745493
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I think I am better than most famous cosplayers.

>> No.6745497

I'm from the same comm, but not the OP of that thread. That anon is apparently going to the meetup. I'm too horrified to go, though.

>> No.6745498

Post pics.

>> No.6745573
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>> No.6745597
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>> No.6745604


Confirmed for teenage Tumblr-chan.

>> No.6745613

lel troll. 3/10.

>> No.6745620

I don't even like anime.
My friend who is really into cosplay wanted me to cosplay with her, but like I stated before, I don't like or watch anime. She ended up having to leave to do a panel for like an hour so I was just walking around by myself and people kept coming up to me and being like "Omg! I love that anime!" and would start talking to me about it. Every conversation I had I would just throw out random generic plot points that I'm not sure even happened and people would just be like "I KNOW RIGHT!?"
This just goes to prove that pretty much all anime is the same which is why it sucks.

>> No.6745624

why didn't you just tell them to go away or something, or if you aren't mean just cough violently and pretend to be sick?

>> No.6745630

I met my boyfriend when I was cosplaying as his favourite character. I've never told him that at the time we met, I'd never watched the series before. I was doing a friend a favour because she'd been begging me to cosplay this character and complete their group. While we didn't start dating until years after I had watched the series, we became friends through it and I only watched and read it about a year after we'd met.

>> No.6745634

I liked the thrill to see if I could get away with it.
Either I did or those people were bullshitting me just as much as I was bullshitting them.

>> No.6745637

I confess that I'm dangerously in love with Noel Fielding.

>> No.6745696


I remember this from last time. Did you ever express to them that this might not be the time of year to do this? How hot are we talking anyway?

And who knows it might go better than you expect and if not you can say "hey I told you so".

>> No.6745721
File: 33 KB, 507x236, EELS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's like confessing the sky is blue, anon.

>> No.6745735

I would rather let people believe I am a weeb than go through explaining my largely Japanese family (all through marriage) had more influence on my cooking than my mother.

Also, I am too scared to wear color. Any color. All my coords and regular clothes are black or.white.

>> No.6745737
File: 287 KB, 500x559, 1336096718469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am too, anon. I am too. It's...it's getting to be a real problem. Especially when I find myself obsessively watching a grainy 10 second video of him making out with Chris Corner.

But there's no rehab for Noel.

>> No.6745746
File: 4 KB, 259x194, taste it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why no color anon?

>> No.6745796

It started with my teen years and a really bad goth phase. As I started to embrace my femininity, all my fabric was black. I colored my hair neon red and I've been stuck in a neverending spiral of crazy hair because boring wardrobe because crazy hair ever since.

>> No.6745841
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Let my downward spiral continue then.

>> No.6746085

I would do pretty much anything to get with Noel, my God.

>> No.6746125
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It's worse because Noel is probably easy to get with, if he's been drinking and you have a punky androgynous look.

I don't care if it's not true, let me believe.

>> No.6746149

I had been reading these threads and I just realized I know who you are. Damn girl, I had no idea you were that crazy.

>> No.6746185


Your underage is showing, or you're just talking out of your ass.

>> No.6746469
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I have a big crush on this guy I always hang out with at cons, and I plan to tell him how I feel at our next one.

>> No.6746535

I would, but I've already posted here. I don't want to tell anyone, or else they'd put two and two together, know I was here, and I'd get a bad reputation.
It's discouraged to post on /cgl/ in my comm. And I just have the most irrational fear of ending up on BtB anyways, so I'm not going.

>> No.6746576

It's okay, I already know.

>> No.6746588

I feel like I'm getting too old for lolita. Not because of my looks or even my actual age, but because so many of the girls in my comm are so absolutely useless and underage. Meets are starting to feel more like babysitting than a social treat.

It makes me want to retreat into a little hermit cave and ignore the local group meet ups.

>> No.6746632
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Not really a "sin" but definitely a rant that I could never say out loud or I'd hurt peoples' little feelings because I'm being a 'bitch':

Don't really like my lolita comm anymore. I'm working on my masters and doing a part time job. It's really weird being around a bunch of kids that can't talk about many things outside of fashion and tv shows like Dr. Who. And it kind of makes me irate that their parents spoil them and buy them everything despite the fact that they get into trouble and do crappy in school. Whenever someone points it out then they're just being jellyuggos. I hate their superiority complex when they didn't do a damn thing to earn it.

The older lolitas can be okay I guess. A few of them are pretty responsible and are in the same situation as me as far as school/work goes. But we all kind of have our own thing going on so it's been slow getting to know them, and I wouldn't put most over being mild acquaintances.
Plus there's still the occasional sugar daddy/bf/husbando user broads who do nothing but sit around and make cookies and take pictures all day, and then wonder why everyone else isn't sharing their ~*~supah kawaii~*~ lifestyle like they do. Just another few bitches getting everything handed to them in life. I'm disgusted, and at least if I wasn't involved it would be out of sight, out of mind.

Which brings me to the final point about meetups--which are usually slapstick, last minute meets put together by said girls who have all the time and resources in the world since they don't work, don't go to school, and get free money. They're never considerate about people with work/school schedules for the fact, and it really does alienate a lot of older lolitas or ones that go to school.

If I lived closer to the center of the comm I'd organize more meets, but at this point I'm just kidding myself into idealizing meetups when I know I'd never get around to organizing them. Nothing will change, And I'm losing interest in my own hobby.

>> No.6746650

Why don't you plan a meetup at a place where the kiddies won't go, like a 21 and up club, or a wine tasting? My comm does that a lot, and apparently the older members have a lot of fun.

>> No.6746657

Actually this isn't a half-bad idea. I didn't think of wine tasting, sounds like it would be awesome.

>> No.6746665


I want to talk to you even though you sound slightly shifting. That's cosplaying, in a way, too, though.

And mine;
I hoard costume supplies but never wear them out of the house. I very badly want to learn how to make prosthetics. I've only ever cosplayed twice, and the first one was terribly last minute and for a series I didn't know, I was doing it for a friend.
I very badly want to dress in drag. I'm not overweight, but I'm trying to loose weight so I can become skinny and more androgynous. Men's clothes already fit me better than women's clothes for the most part. I used to worry about appearing attractive as a young lady, but I honestly could not give a shit anymore. Either that, or I want to become more muscular.
I don't know why I want to be more masculine/boyish so badly, but I do. I just want to try it out at least.

>> No.6746668

my friends don't really watch much anime, just entry level dubs at best...

>> No.6746686

I don't like anime, manga, or cosplaying. I only go to A-kon because my friends go and because I like people watching. I only came to /cgl/ because I heard you had hilarious drama and I stayed because of the hilarious "bad cosplay" threads.

>> No.6746700

I agree with this. I'm already in my mid 20's and don't attend most meet ups anymore since everyone is 19 and under. It's pointless and i end up feeling out of place.

>> No.6746714

I went to a doll meet up almost a year ago. I used to go monthly, but after a while, it was the same too young girls that drove me crazy. Finally a girl around my age goes and brings a guy who obviously seems uncomfortable and uninterested in the BJD hobby. She sat by me and we talk. Then she goes on about how her husband basically shells out thousands of dollars for her doll hobby. I'm like "uh what.. You dont work?"

Stupid spoiled fat bitch went on about how many dolls she owns and even has a doll room. I have two BJDS; both i worked about 2 months for on a retail salary. I really felt annoyed at that point and basically excused myself from the conversation before I said something nasty. She is the type of women that seriously disgusts me.

Both my gf and i are into the hobby and between us have 5 dolls. My gf has a better paying office management job. But man, i could never be happy being a spoiled house wife. Ugh!

>> No.6746732

My best friend is a much better cosplayer than I am. She has a prettier face and a skinnier body, and she sews much better than I do. Every time we work on cosplay together I become extremely jealous and depressed. It isn't her fault and I still love her, I just wish that I could be as good as her.

>> No.6746739

I've never been to any of the local BJD meets because one of Den of Angels obnoxious fakebois lives near me and apparently goes to the meets. I don't even visit DoA anymore. I just wouldn't be able to tolerate the bullshit coming out of her (Her! It's not a boy.) dumb mouth.

>> No.6746754

DOA has become the Coscom of doll people. People barely posts anything relevant. Now they want new comers to post 200 times before they can even view the marketplace. It's crazy and not worth the trouble.

>> No.6746794

Somehow, the very WORST people are always the ones who have to interject their bullshit opinion (or meandering non-opinion) into every topic.

>> No.6746804

Since this is a confession page. I think i could be happy being spoiled. Trying to finish a degree now almost doesnt seem worth it.

>> No.6746807

Alot of doll girls scare the fuck out of me. I'm really only into dollfies for the most part, but these girls get the really huge ~super smexy elf guy~ dolls and name them and interact with them like they're real. I mean, I love them because they're cute, but some people get reaaaally excessive in a super creepy way.

>> No.6746814

Not that anon, but imho the housewife gig gets boring after a while. I can't work much anymore due to a disability, so I basically act like a housewifey to my boyfriend. Cleaning, making dinner, etc. It gets really repetitive and even though it's nice that I can help out it makes me miss when I could do more things. If I could I'd have a full time job.

>> No.6746816

This. I'm relatively smart and everyone always tells me how bored I would be if I wasn't in school/at a competitive job. I think spending all day grooming sounds absolutely lovely.

>> No.6746825

Now you would be happy sure. But 10 or 20 years down the road when you would have accomplished things (and probably have a suitable, self-sustaining career to boot) all the biddies that relied on others to provide for them are gonna be on thin ice, and a few dolls and dresses aren't going to matter then. Think of it like that.

>> No.6746828

If someone cant provide for themselves, they're pretty worthless. Being in disability is one thing, but being fully able to work and not wanting to it another.

>> No.6746830


>> No.6746872

To clarify I want to work meaning less pencil pushing jobs like filing papers, updating mailing lists and what not but be spoiled in the sense that i dont have to pay any bills or worry about them

>> No.6746885


Financial independence is important, too. Always plan for the worst case scenario. What if your husband cheats on you and you get a divorce, or he dies? You're fucked job wise, being middle aged with no work experience means you're gonna end up working at a pretty shitty job.

>> No.6746906

>Paint mask/trying to get smooth
>Bugs keep getting stuck in paint too and stain it

I want to quit, I really do. I am just going to half arse a bunch of stuff now and if people say anything my excuse is going to be it is "battle-worn".

>> No.6746950
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Charlie ;_;

>> No.6746967

>you sound slightly shifting
T-hanks. . .
We'll I do actually cosplay I just act dumb as soon as the costume comes off.

Cross playing isnt too difficult try it out, see how it goes.,

>> No.6747116
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>> No.6747426

My life is a huge pile of shit, at the moment. And i vent by being a bitch on cgl. I'm sorry.

>> No.6747472

Saged as it's not cosplay related.

Turns out the plug I've been turning off at night to save energy wasn't the TV virgin box thing... It was the freezer in the lounge. Only just realised my error after about 4-5 months after someone realised the freezer was being turned off and was probably done by mistake.

>> No.6747642

Well.. At least you were still saving energy

>> No.6747660
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I don't think I'm going to be able to afford to go to the con this year. I tried to save up, but between losing both of my grandparents, my mum declaring bankruptcy, and us being in two car accidents ( the second of which lost us the car) the past year and a half have been shitty. Every paycheck I make seems to get used up completely, and I'm super bummed, because the con is the one thing each year I look forward to, and this was supposed to be my last big hurrah before I enlisted.

>> No.6747919

Last update on this. My counseling session went well today, I think. She encouraged me to call the girl I stole from, and I did so. She was extremely kind about it, but I always knew she was very kind. She told me she was glad I was getting help and that she would like to see me in the future. I couldn't fucking believe that she'd ever want to see me again, but there you go. Also, I just purchased a new skirt and I'm having that sent to her as well.

So, /cgl/ for all the bitching and drama, you've actually made my life better. Bitch-slapped me into getting my life together. Thank you for that.

>> No.6747979
File: 56 KB, 720x275, vacation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/: occasionally we do good.
But seriously anon, keep it up. We are all rooting for you.

>> No.6747987


What skirt did you buy her, btw? Just curious. That's a really nice thing to do, especially since you already returned the one you stole.

>> No.6747996

Guys I desperately need advice. I don't know where to post this (Can't post in EGL because girl I'm talking about will see).

I had some bitch cancel a payment plan on me. It was for $300 and she sent me $100, then gave me some bullshit "My parents were in a car accident I can't afford it anymore sorry." I haven't messaged her since. I'm really fucking pissed, quite frankly because I've had a few buyers bail on me, but not after they've already paid me! She only paid me 1/3 of the money, and I don't know what to message. So are we putting the item on hold, or what? Or is she wanting a refund? I really want to get rid of this shit so I don't want to refund her, even if it'll take months for her to pay this off.

This is an unpopular print I don't believe I'd be able to sell (listed elsewhere).

My confession (in relation to this thread): When I first got into lolita, I bought everything from eBay. I'm not talking about the better brands like from resellers or RQ-BL, I'm talking about top-notch ita shit that was "handmade" (in China) with no tags. Shitty fabric, shitty lace, etc. It was awful.

>> No.6748002

Just message her and ask if that means it's on hold or if she needs refunded.
Why do you need to ask us that? If she put down a deposit, you keep it, but her payment installs need to be refunded.

>> No.6748032

Different anon, so are you suggesting it's ok to have a buyer just cancel a plan like that? Luckiyl I've never had any flaky assholes do that to me.

>> No.6748035

No, of course it's not, and the girl deserves negative feedback, or neutral if anon is being kind. Deposits don't get refunded, but payment installments do.

>> No.6748042
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Innocent World's Violets Inside Mansions.

I don't know if she even likes it, but it looks like something she would, from what I remember of her wardrobe. She doesn't know I bought it for her. If I could send it anonymous at this point I would, but let's be real, she'll know who it came from.

Sage for wasting this thread with my klepto shit.

>> No.6748092


Try not to be too harsh on yourself -- even though I know you're taking most of the statements against you in stride.

Stealing a dress & boyfriend is little damage compared to bigger aspects in life.

>> No.6748139

Ok so I missed this drama. Someone summarise it for me?

>> No.6748146

Are you fucking serious, there is a summary of the drama in this fucking thread goddamn.

>> No.6748179

Whoops my bad I didn't see it anon

>> No.6748310

My boyfriend gets jealous when I pose with guys that are cosplaying from the same series. It's just photoshoots with friends or quick hall shots, nothing more (it's never even been even taking photos with love interest characters), but he gets so upset about it! I tell him that if he cosplayed with me, we could pose together, but then he never wants to cosplay with me. And to make it better, my mom thinks I'm a terrible person for posing with guys that aren't my boyfriend. Ughhhhhhhh what the fuck.

>> No.6748638

from people*

>> No.6748636

I dont trust advice to people who only use anime/scenery photos on facebook. I also dont trust sellers EXPECIALLY shopping services.

>> No.6749236

I hot glued nearly a whole cosplay because I ran out of time. People constantly complimented me on it, even though I felt like an idiot knowing how much was hot glued.

>> No.6749279
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I'm really starting to dislike my "lolita bff" we started out as really good friends, but she's starting to move away from lolita and she's starting to act like those teens that are all, "Oh look at me, I can just half ass everything and it'll be fine hurrhurr" Like the last meet I saw her at (we hang out outside of meets, too) her petticoat was sticking out 3 inches past her skirt, and the skirt wasn't even full enough for a petticoat. We're friends, so I wasn't upset by this, but instead tried to help her out, and offered to let her wear my less full petti to wear, she declined, so I suggested that maybe she could roll/fold the waist band of her petticoat and she just said, "Nah, I'm too lazy." and walked around for hours like this. That's the part that upset me. That's not even the worst part, either.
I also feel like crap because she put together a group taobao order for the two of us, but that was months ago. I only had three things in it, but one was rather pricey. So now, a few months later after I'd forgotten about it, she says she's going to put the order in. I had to ask her to take out the expensive item I was getting, but I think she may be upset with me about it, she doesn't respond to my FB messages or skype, and when she does she says she can't talk because she's at some party getting wasted/high.
And the big confession? I guess just that I don't want to be around her anymore. But we already have plans for this summer, and I really hope she bails, because it will be reason enough to tell her the friendship isn't working out.
>Have friend
>Friend is now shit
>Want to end friendship
>I feel like shit for wanting to do this
>Why do I have to be a doormat when it comes to friendships.

>> No.6749298


You are a doormat if you don't speak up and cancel your plans with her. Just tell her something came up or some shit if you're too scared. Sometimes friends tend to drift apart slowly, just let it happen.

>> No.6749378

Which bothers you more, how she dresses or how she acts? Because you spent a lot of time bitching about how she dresses, and I get the feeling you're harping on that because you want to feel better about just not liking her as a friend anymore. Just ease off communicating with her and let that be that.

>> No.6749392

This girl considers me her best friend in the world but I really do not care for her at all. Last year when I didn't mind her I took her to a local convention with me and even paid for a cosplay for her to match mine. I was excited to have her come and for us to match because I'm very quiet and alone at conventions a lot. It was fun to have her there but I could tell all the attention was kind of getting to her head. It wasn't a huge problem until post-con, we were being tagged in photos and people were adding her on Facebook and chatting. She became so obnoxious after that and my other friends even confronted me about it saying all she talked about was people thinking she was cute and cool and all of her new friends. I'm glad she had fun but it's so annoying, and she already started coming up with ideas for new, more revealing costumes for this year. Not to mention she expects me to pay for it since her family isn't well off.

I feel bad but this year I've made a bunch of excuses for her not being able to go and there is no way I am going to take her again.

>> No.6749548

You sound mad jelly and fake nice to your friend. I'm p. sure she's prettier than you by the way you carry on like that.

>> No.6750612

Bail out yourself now, or come summer you're going to have a miserable time.

Trust me, I've been there.

>> No.6750624

Forgive me /cgl/ for I have sinned.

I'm the guy that cosplayed March Eridan at Sakuracon.

>> No.6750681
File: 17 KB, 308x365, 070402_jellyfish_vmed_9a.grid-4x2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with this anon.

Just tell her you're bothered if you're truly upset about the friendship and want to have any hope of saving it.
Or let it go.

>> No.6750761

I'm not very fake nice to her yet she still treats me like a very close friend. I think I act pretty indifferent. As for being jelly, not really but alright. I'm just sick of having to do and plan everything and the main reasons I don't like her are not cosplay related so I didn't include them.

>> No.6750775
File: 88 KB, 864x486, Forever Alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only come to /cgl/ once in a great while to see people talk about their personal drama and imagine how it must feel to have such an easy time making friends that it seems normal to abuse them or push them away.

>> No.6750812


I know this feel.
I have no friends and often cry at night because video game characters mean so much to me and yet they don't exist and can never be my friends and fill the yawning gap where real life friends should be.

>> No.6750822
File: 92 KB, 1024x768, triedsohard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worked so hard to make so many friends. But now I'm so busy with uni, I don't have time for any of them. Or even time for videogames.
I only see my flatmate and boyfriend, the latter not enough either.

>> No.6750823
File: 98 KB, 900x783, I don't want to live in this world any more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spend most of my time completely numb.
I haven't cried in several years. I don't think I remember how.
I don't remember what it feels like to be hugged, either.

>> No.6750827
File: 85 KB, 900x672, I don't want to live in this world any more 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry... this is harsh, but: You have no idea what we're talking about here.
I don't mean I'm busy and I rarely see my friends. I literally do not have one friend. I mooch minimal fringe social interaction from my sibling's circle of friends, because everyone I get close to begins to suddenly hate me without explanation or dies.
I think I may be cursed.

>> No.6750828

You seem really sad. I hate seeing people alone...want to talk to me c:

>> No.6750829


No like I genuinely have no friends. It's not a matter of not seeing them, it's genuinely not having friends. At all. I don't interact with anybody.


I would like to be your friend anon. I would like to hug you and do fun shit with you like make jam and play Mario Kart and go for coffee and judge passers-by.

>> No.6750831

Maybe nobody likes you because you're harsh? Everyone has hardships, even if yours are greater.
I've read as much of this thread as everyone else has here, so I like to think I have some idea.
But sorry for sharing my lesser pain. I hope you find some friends.

>> No.6750835
File: 286 KB, 570x2073, Life goes on. Happy Sad Keanu Day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to talk to... anyone, really.
I have no idea what I'm doing with my life.

There's a surprisingly nice coffee shop in an otherwise shitty mall near where I live. Every once in a while I'll go there for cocoa and people-watching. Maybe I'll do that today...

>> No.6750838

That sounds fun ; - ; give me your email! I'll chat with you online all day~

>> No.6750842
File: 147 KB, 313x578, 1329718503614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aworldwithoutfear on gmail is my special 4chan email.
I will await your message with great anticipation.

>> No.6751063

I know your pains except im here everyday in hopes that it will magically make me have friends
Im in college and literally have two friends if that... One of which is long distance the other we only eat dinner with.

>> No.6751066
File: 299 KB, 500x375, GriffithPls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ladies please don't cry :(
One friend is good enough.

Tough...A friend must be someone he considers his equal, who chases his own dream instead of following someone else's


>> No.6751105

I'm going to find your house, burn it down with all your lolita possessions inside. You need to learn humility, laughing at a girl who choose to pay for her schooling and not DDC has put you your behavior on my radar. I look forward to spilling something on it at some point.
Love the only gothic lolita in your comm

>> No.6751208

>like make jam and play Mario Kart and go for coffee and judge passers-by.

Holy shit, that's the things I like doing too! We should make our own No-Mate Comm.

>> No.6751215
File: 64 KB, 500x500, tumblr_inline_mk3uqyFCS71qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My confession: even seeing interactions like this on 4chan makes me jealous because I'm too shy to ever add anyone. Even if I did, I'm not sure what to say.

>> No.6751228

I know that feeling, too. I can't even have social interactions on the internet with my name attached. Sometimes I make an account somewhere, but the moment someone contacts me I freak out and abandon/delete it. The only place I can talk about my hobbies and the things I like is /cgl/.
I love you, /cgl/. And you, anon. You're not alone.

>> No.6751237

can someone post the full story i have no idea what's going on

>> No.6751241


But the real drama is here: http://behind-the-bows.livejournal.com/36766.html?thread=13716638#t13716638

>> No.6751243

Well, incoming confession.

I am a bad gamer, quite bad, really. I have one or two game cosplays that I am interested in and I have the skills to make it. But I am not sure if I should do the cosplay as I prefer the storyline than the gameplay (When I play games, I do it in a mixture of staring at full walkthroughs and tutorials for help, I'm that bad)

>> No.6751246 [DELETED] 
File: 274 KB, 1861x980, 1365335984311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This /cgl/.

This is why men don't respect you.

>> No.6751253

>Believing that you lose muscle
Stop being retarded. That shit doesn't happen unless you go to the extreme (<5% bf)

>> No.6751276

Me too. I am in exact the same situation.
I love some games' plots, but the gameplay with the camera controls and shootings? Nope. Whenever I talk about those stories everyone automatically assumes that I have played them. In order to keep the conversation up and pleasant I act like I really did. In all honesty, I just watch Let's Plays and read a lot background info on the games I like. I just don't see the point in setting up everything for gaming when I can only enjoy it for like 14 minutes a day.
Actually it has even come to a point where I am buying games just to own them in case someone visits me at home.

>> No.6751283

You two are the reason why /v/ doesn't take things like Tropes Vs. Women seriously.

>> No.6751291

Because you have to be perfect at Call of Duty or how dare you call yourself a gamer.

>> No.6751296

No, you have to play the actual fucking games to call yourself a gamer.

>> No.6751299

You know what, I play Skyrim. I wouldn't say I'm good at it. Most of the time I'm torching everything in my path and just barely getting by. I'm the same with a lot of first person shooters, I'm just not very good at them. Fuck me for having fun with it, though.

>> No.6751477

Tropes Vs. Women shouldn't be taken seriously because it's stupid.
Crazy extremist bitches should not represent you.

>> No.6751523


To Redemption-chan

It's fucking start in the right direction. But you need to continue to see the way through.

>> No.6751555

I've always wanted to get in to cosplay, but 1) I have no friends to do it with, 2) no one in my home town could ever find out, and 3) I think I'd be a bit older than most other people who cosplay and don't want to be that creepy older guy. So some times I lurk here and regret my choices in life.

>> No.6751658

I'm really curious who klepto-chan is. It seems we have enough clues to figure it out.

She stole from a girl named Alison. Even if that girl never said anything about the skirt being stolen, the boyfriend stealing would likely have been known by at least someone in the community. Then she moved, should have been over a year ago.

Alright, lolis, any of this sound familiar to your comm? I'm praying to the goddess of drama that this didn't happen in some tiny comm and someone can actually verify this shit.

>> No.6751666

You don't need to know who she is.
You'll just ruin her life more if you do, how can she ever get over these things and become a normal person if she's constantly reminded of them?

Don't even try, it's not right.

>> No.6751672

A few people have already responded to her implying they know who she is, but they obviously have the courtesy to not out her in front of everyone.

>> No.6751673

This, leave her alone. It's done and over with.

>> No.6751727



She did something incredibly shitty to someone. What do you think the long term effects were to the person she stole from? She trusted this person, and instead they turned round and stole something important. That has a horrendous effect on someone, having not only your trust violated but something belonging to you being taken away.

I'm all for naming her. She did a horrible thing and people should know about it. Would you do a sale with someone who is a thief? Would you share a room with them at a con? It's not about protecting her feelings, it's protecting everyone else in the community.

>> No.6751731

Damn, that's actually pretty classy.

>> No.6751739

But the person she stole from has already forgiven her, more or less.
They may not be on super great terms, but they're talking it over and working it out. There's forgiveness there.
Don't make things worse by gossiping. We know enough.

>> No.6751741

Now I'm more curious as to who this is that she is samefagging to hide herself.

>> No.6751749

I can't stand a very popular cosplayer in the UK scene.

There's no sense entering any cosplay contest she enters because she always wins. But it's not that her costumes are always the best, there's been plenty of better ones, so I starting to suspect she wins because she's friends with the judges.

The main thing is though is that she's all smiles and friendly, but she's secretly a bitch. I was once sitting doing a quick repair of my cosplay and she was sitting with a bunch of furfags actively bitching about other people's cosplays. Properly laughing at them. Later on she approached me and patronisingly said how nice it was.

Whenever I bring this up people just accuse me of being all jealous.

>> No.6751750

But the person she stole from has already forgiven her; the skirt was returned, too. She buried the hatchet and they made amends. Why is it necessary to interfere further? I had my doubts at first too, but I feel like she's redeemed herself and I'm happy for her.

>> No.6751751

Still, that doesn't mean you should go back to trusting her, she stole once, she's liable to do it again you know?

>> No.6751753

She's completely repentant, apologetic, and any issue is between her and the girl involved, not random strangers on the internet.

It is extremely pathetic to pretend this is about "protecting the community". You should just be honest and say that you're interested in internet drama, that's all this is.

>> No.6751758

How does it make her any more likely than anyone else to steal?

Since stealing obviously ruined her life and caused her a shitload of hassle (and even reading this must make her nervous she'll be outed, so this stuff is continuing to ruin her life even after it is all over) do you think she would ever steal again? In my opinion, she's probably even less likely to steal than the average person.

>> No.6751760

Not samefag, but when I take a screenie it tells me I have an embedded file attached.
Is right, the 'victim' pretty much forgave her already. There's no reason to make things worse than they are, the guilt will be enough.

>> No.6751762

And I'm sure you don't have a single friend that hasn't lied, stolen, cheated or otherwise.
Even criminals don't go around announcing their crimes to every person they meet. Don't expect to enforce it on someone who did something stupid once and then made it as right as they could.

>> No.6751774

The consensus on getoffegl is that she is an elaborate troll. If that's the case, well played, my jimmies were rustled.

>> No.6751777
File: 851 KB, 175x200, tumblr_inline_mkv8a5PbVq1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calm the fuck down Javert

>> No.6751779

Because she has demonstrated the capacity to do so. Would you apply this logic to murderers? I mean, obviously people can change, but it takes a long time and in the mean time building back trust may mean pushing someone away for a while.

>> No.6751789

Nobody's samefagging, you're just a cunt.
Leave it alone you gossipy psychotic. It has nothing to do with you.

>> No.6751794

She said she moved away from the girl she stole from. Just because the girl forgave her does not mean she trusts her. And, we don't know how far she moved, but having a huge meltdown on /cgl/ to weasel your way back into someones trust?
Actually, if thats the case, well played, troll-chan.

>> No.6751800

I laughed so hard. Thank you Anon!

>> No.6751803


Leopards don't change their spots.

>> No.6751812

Are you actually comparing stealing an item of clothing to murder? What is wrong with you? You're obviously fucking deranged and think you're entitled to your pathetic 10 minute enjoyment of internet drama at the expense of some girl who made a mistake and then did everything she could to fix it.

>> No.6751827

Men like me can never change
Men like you can never change

>> No.6751841

You need to calm down. Go get some fresh air, take a walk. Get drunk.

>> No.6751857

What happened to the post from the girl who claimed to know her?

>> No.6751872

I'm 200+lb with 40+ measurements and wanting to get into lolita, and /cgl/ is really scaring me out of it with everyone talking about how fat people can't get into lolita for the fact that they're fat.
>inb4 fatties can't be lolis, how does it feel knowing you'll never being this attractive, etc.

>> No.6751885

>> And to make it better, my mom thinks I'm a terrible person for posing with guys that aren't my boyfriend. Ughhhhhhhh what the fuck.

Hahaha. Yes. Because posing with male strangers in a photo clearly makes them your "spare" boyfriends that you keep as safety boyfriends in case your current one decides to ditch you.

Both your insecure boyfriend and your uptight mother need to get the sticks out of their asses.

>> No.6751886

You can wear the clothes if you want but you'll face a lot of obstacles. No one will think you're cute because fat people almost always end up looking like adult babies. None of the brands will cater to your size so you'll have to use chinese ebay to get clothes that fit. Lolitas get into it for the attention and you won't like the kind you get.

>> No.6751893

This whole post has an awful attitude.

>> No.6751898

Seconded. If you're already this defensive before you put on a petticoat this is probably not the fashion for you. Lolitas get shit on all the time, and hardly just by other lolitas. You have to have a thicker skin or you're gonna have a bad time.

>> No.6751945

Personally for me, losing weight for lolita was one of the best things I've ever decided to do. At my old weight, it was obvious I would never be able to fit the dresses I wanted (I'd tried handmaking a few dresses to fit, but they turned out really plain), so I started to diet and exercise. Initially my some friends and family were worried when I told them it was to fit into clothes (they probably thought I was just going anorexic) but they accepted it eventually, and I suspect they were just glad I'd decided to do something about my weight at all.

When I started slipping back into old habits, eating out too often and not doing even minimal exercise, what I did was buy myself some clothes that were too small- a size L Innocent world blouse and a new-ish Aatp JSK with only partial shirring which was, in retrospect, getting a bit far ahead of myself at the time. But then I had motivation to keep up my diet and exercise- whenever I was at home and knew I was just about to reach for snacks I didn't actually need, I would take the dress and blouse on a hanger out of the wardrobe and look at them. It also really helped when I moved away from my parents and had more control over what I ate, could manage my time better, and paid for bills instead of extra food. It was the best feeling ever when over a year later I was able to wear both items to my first lolita meetup!

I used to be 195lb (and 5'7) and now I'm 120, and it has taken a quite a few years, but it was totally worth it- let's face it, being plus-size is like being second-class citizen in fashion. It sucks. But now I've had time to think about what style I want to wear and build a wardrobe(I started of aiming for sweet, but now I'm into classic, suprise surprise) and I've learnt more about hair and makeup in that time.

Really it shouldn't be cgl scaring you out of lolita, it should be your own worries about looking good in lolita.

>> No.6752031

Klepto-chan replied again in behind the bows begging us to out her. We can't let her down /cgl/

>> No.6752064

> An anonymous person posted saying we should find out their identity

Not buying it. Give it a rest.

Damn girl, well done. I've been trying to drop maybe ten pounds for about a year now. I need to man up like you did, you make me look pretty lazy.

>> No.6752652


Gay. Know this feel anon. Happens with every woman I meet online or IRL. I'm getting to the point where I feel like someone finds out I asked them out and tells them lots of horrible things about me so they stop talking to me.

Herr's hoping the paranoia doesn't prevent me from making friends.....

>> No.6752983

I am insanely jealous of newbie cosplayers who own dressforms and put their ugly and badly-made costumes on there. I've won awards and sewn many costumes without ever being able to afford a commercial dressform.

>> No.6752995


You think people don't judge you when you walk outside? Ha. Lolita will just bring you more negative attention than usual.

>> No.6753005

This happens with me, too. A lot of my ex-friends have a ton of influence on tumblr because they are really good artists and friends with professional comics and those people who make the textposts that get 500,000 notes and if they see someone so much as reblog something from me, even if they don't know them, they will tell them bad things about me and say not to be friends because they hated me 5 years ago in high school.

>> No.6753017
File: 145 KB, 249x268, 1365052078356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let's run this shit to the ground.

>> No.6753033

Even more energy than she expected!

>> No.6754192
File: 1.87 MB, 500x281, Leave me alone!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feeling pretty well, man, and I feel for you.

At least you have ex-friends. I don't even have any people I'm still in contact with. My childhood friends are all long gone, and I'm alone now.

>> No.6754200

You could probably find the plans to make your own online. All it'd take is some basic woodworking skills, some patience, and some good firm fabric to use as a finisher... canvas or something.
I dunno, I think you could do it fairly cheap. It'd be a lot of work, but most things worth doing are.

>> No.6754232
File: 560 KB, 400x328, 1363257906095.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, a fellow 200 pound fattiechan! Just do what makes you happy. My waist isn't quite 40inches but my bust definitely is. It's nothing a tight sports bra and a corset can't fix--oh and I definitely fit into shirred brand.
This tumblr is super useful for finding plus size brand items.
And don't worry about what people will supposedly "say" about you. Honestly I've never gotten negative attention in my comm, and if I have then people are at least respectful about their opinions over my body and keep it to themselves. I've always kept myself clean, polite,and respectful of other peoples' looks as well. The majority of how people will treat you depends on your attitude and not your looks.

Also some people on cgl tend to exaggerate sometimes. When you say you're 200 pounds people on here picture a 300 pound person that's eating a block of cheese on their scooter. I've personally posted my coords (with face removed of course) for some advice and nobody thrashed me for being fat. They can't even tell I weigh that much underneath my cardigans and poofy skirts. So who cares?

>> No.6754990


Ex-friends implies that they aren't still in contact with them...

>> No.6755013

I know that cursed feeling...

>> No.6756104

Get rid of your boyfriend and don't listen to your mother, fucking sexist bullshit.

>in b4 people telling me 2gb2tumblr

>> No.6756113
File: 123 KB, 308x308, 1362927271974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to Romics on Sunday and while I felt a bit uncomfortable with how many people there were I was super mega happy to see so many cute cosplayers!
I took a few photos (of course I asked for permission) but I'm afraid that I sounded rude.
I wanted to talk to people but I didn't want to bother them.. also they all seemed to be happy with their friends so I felt awkward as heck.
and here's the confession:
I wanted to make a thread for Romics but I can already see that no one would be interested or went there.
I took a few photos and I think that there was a lolita in sweet, but I wasn't sure and I didn't want to sound rude by asking her but I probably did sound rude anyway..

>> No.6756118

But Griffith, the one time I found someone like that he left me without even looking back once and ever since then I've been unable to form significant human relationships with anyone.

There isn't a single person I consider my friend right now and not because I hate them or think I'm better than them, but we just don't click; social interaction feels like a farce and leaves me tired as if I've just run for miles. I wish I could be like them and have fun just by chatting about meaningless things, or doing what they do, but it's just not fun or interesting for me. I feel like an ungrateful snob but even though I tell myself to change trying to fit in always feels like a forced effort and I only end up feeling worse. I cry almost every night because I feel miserable that there isn't a single person I can talk to.

I've been trying to ignore the loneliness by pursuing my own dream but I realize it's not enough, that I need someone I can share things with, and I hate myself for it.

What do I do?

>> No.6756127
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Excluding the people who legitimately aren't fond of the print and don't smush their opinion in everyone's faces, I think the people that are comparing DDC to Bodyline and other tacky shit are jelly as fuck and trying to rationalize their not having it.
>bonus points if they keep talking about it on their Facebooks

>> No.6756133

You sound clinically depressed and should probably get that taken care of first.

>> No.6756147

I bought my first costume and had loads of fun in it, that first con I went in cosplay was probably the happiest time of my life, but not being able to take pride in making the costume was awful.

And now I have no idea what to go as for the next MCM, hopeless, clueless, I just want to feel that same joy tenfold.

>> No.6756156

Well, here goes.

I knew this one cosplayer who was the most egoistical asshole ever and seemed to be completely incapable of empathy or receiving criticism, and also popular as fuck even though the costumes weren't that good. So after this person did something really low and immature I made sure everyone knew it and made fun of those terrible costumes. It didn't take long for the news to spread and now everyone laughs at this poor sap, who never seemed seemed to learn the lesson.

Yes, I'm a catty, old-fashioned seagull bitch. I regret absolutely nothing because this asshole had it coming sooner or later. It was either me or someone else who'd out the truth.

>> No.6756204

My friend cosplayed as a video game character at a Con and she didn't get many people asking for photos.
I felt bad for her because she seemed sad but at the same time she needed her ego to calm down a notch.

>> No.6756212

Living Ichigo?

>> No.6756214
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I wish I had a friend I could work on cosplays with. With all of my friends I'm usually the one that ends up putting everything together. I mean from sewing to props.
I got together with a friend to sew together and she just worked on her homework while I made everything. I would like to make friends, REAL friends with people who are interested but I'm always so nervous about what I say and do.

Most cosplayers I've met are total weebs and I'm okay with that. I still fear that I wouldn't be ... I don't know... dorky enough? The type of friends I have throw rough jokes at each other all the time I fear thatll slip out. Example :
>friend is poking obvious chub on belly
>omg is sooo squishy
>that's because its fat, you dumb bitch
It's all in good fun though and my humor is pretty much like that.
I just want a friend I can make cosplays with. A friend I can confide in and hang out with.

>> No.6756216

I would say 'Are you me', but I think a lot of people on this board might be in the same boat.

I know that feel.

>> No.6756218

>Happens with every woman I meet online or IRL.
Take off the fedora that'll help.

>> No.6756235

Wait wut, when did they move Romics to April?

I haven't been there in years but I've always liked it a lot more than Lucca.

My confession: all the people I know who are into manga or cosplay have either terrible taste and post memes on FB or are really pretentious and unsufferable (the dudebros especially) or both. I've been out of the scene for a few years and want cosplay again but no friends to go to cons with. I wish I could just switch these people with my friends from abroad...

>> No.6756243

I've been seeing a psychologist for almost a year now and it's been helping with other issues. We're working on this right now and I'm doing my best but it's hard. I'm such a mess that even expressing how sad this situation makes me and how apathetic I feel at times is hard for me: I keep feeling as though as I should just try harder and I automatically hide or downplay these things when I'm talking with others. I don't lie to my therapist but it's hard not downplaying stuff and I told her I have this problem. I'm not giving up ever but sometimes it's just really hard and I wish I could be the one to rely a bit on someone else, you know.

>> No.6756259

But you do kind of have to understand that friends have to rely on each other, right? You need to be a kind of person that other people can rely on, too; friendship is a two-way street. If you need someone else to be your rock, but you can't offer them anything in return, it's hard to see an advantage to that friendship.

Overall this empty nihilistic pessimism just screams depression to me and I know it sucks, anon. But I don't know what you want from friendship if you don't feel connected to most people and social interaction drains you. You might be idealizing a specific kind of friendship that you want.

Work on your own strength and do your best.

>> No.6756271

The problem with me is actually that I just can't bring myself to be open about my feelings because it's just my nature to be more rational than emotional and this brings others to see me as someone who can rely on. I'm the person in a group who knows everyone's secrets not because I'm close friends with them all but because they think I'm the one they can confide in. The few times I've tried to explain that I was tired or unsure or scared for whatever reason, I even got people - back then close friends - literally laughing at me, because there was no way I of all people would feel like that.

>But I don't know what you want from friendship if you don't feel connected to most people and social interaction drains you. You might be idealizing a specific kind of friendship that you want.
I guess I just want to stop feeling that way and you're probably right, I have an idea of what friendship should be like and I idealize it to the point that nothing else feels like friendship to me. I wish I could be different, I really do.

Thank you and sorry for blogging on here.

>> No.6756280

You don't have to apologize. I just hope this can give you some perspective. I'm friends with a lot of people who have depression, and I dated someone with severe and untreated depression for over three years. I've kind of become that emotional sponge for people. While I would never laugh at them for feeling the way they do, I just wanted to explain how it can be difficult to take on other people's sadness, as an empathetic person. It does sound like you can be a good friend too, though, since you can be confided in and trusted by others.

Drop me a line sometime if you want to keep chatting. It's in the email field.

>> No.6756362
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>when did they move Romics to April?
for what I know Romics is in both (end of) September and April, I didn't know about this either at first

Is Lucca bad? I've never been there but I've always wanted to
I also went to Roma Comics towards March but it was kinda boring, the weather was nice, it was sunny but after a while there wasn't much to do.

>all the people I know who are into manga or cosplay have either terrible taste and post memes on FB
I know that feel, and people who go to a con with a meme mask claiming it's a "costume"
>I went to Romics on Saturday xDD I went as Troll Face :D trololololol u madbro?

Surprisingly there aren't many MLP or Homestuck cosplayers, but there still are many Naruto ones, it's like if the scene here has been left behind by the rest of the world and I'm ok with this, it's also kind of funny when I hear people on here complaining about homestucks when I've only seen a couple of hs cosplayers (in a group).

>but no friends to go to cons with. I wish I could just switch these people with my friends from abroad...
I know part of that feel as well, I become many shades of jelly when I see people organizing meet ups and stuff but then I remember that I'll never be able to meet any of them. Oh well

anyway pic related was the vending stalls ( or whatever they're called anyway it's pannello 9), they were so crowded with people but I've heard that it's much better on Fridays (obviously)
There were so many people in there that I wasn't feeling very well but the weather outside was beautiful! I'm so glad that the weather cleared up for this Con.

>> No.6756421

Lucca had definitely more and better merchandise but the atmosphere just wasn't very fun for me, but don't let that discourage you! I'm sure a lot has to do with the people you go with also >opinions.

>it's like if the scene here has been left behind by the rest of the world and I'm ok with this
I've always felt that way as well. Thought Naruto would have died down though.

I'm thinking of going to a local con at the end of the month on my own. It'd be the first time I go alone to a con and I just want to experience wandering around and taking pictures at my own pace.

>> No.6756429

I knew my other half didn't actually care about 3 months into our relationship and that they just desperately needed to feel loved and wanted.
So when we broke up, I just came off as a super awesome person who cared greatly for them.
When in truth I didn't want to cause them to have another mental break down if I had broken up with then ealier.

Second confession I wish I could just open up and talk to my friends. I fear I'm just going to dampen their day with my feelings or bore them greatly because I feel they are too good to be my friends. But that could easily be the depression talking.

>> No.6756437

I really wish I got more attention for my costumes. I try so hard and I think they don't come out half bad. I have friends who can barely take steps without getting stopped and I'm jealous even though I shouldn't be...

It's gotten to the point where I'll just photoshop the hell out of myself and then get a ton of notes on tumblr. That's how desperate I am for any attention.

>> No.6756438

I haven't done the photoshopping yet just so it's clear but it's so tempting.

>> No.6756453

Are you trip-dropping?

>> No.6756940


>> No.6757021

Stop harrassing that girl. She may not be what you consider classy or nice or whatever you find wrong with her, if you dislike her that much just ignore her for fuck's sake. you're a wonderful friend but that shit's getting off putting and creepy very fast. She's not even in the comm anymore. I think many of the girls in the comm are fucking stupid and act poorly, but you don't see me whining everywhere with passive aggressive shit. stop it.

>yes i mad

>> No.6757212

I feel like a hypocrite because I don't like RHS but I love "flatforms".

>> No.6757253

Consider seeing your normal check-up doctor rather than a psychotherapist/psychologist/psychiatrist.
They can prescribe you antidepressants and whatnot, and I find it a lot easier to open up to my doctor because he's very personable but extremely clinical about everything.

>> No.6757266

I've actually found the opposite to be true, so I think it depends on your GP. My doctor was great when I was a kid, but as I got older, he became ridiculously callous and uncaring. At one point, I went in with breathing issues and thought I might have a case of pneumonia (again; I've had it three separate times since I was a kid). After running bloodwork and x-rays, he decided it was "just in my head" and prescribed me klonopin. I hesitated (since that's a powerful anti-psychotic) and asked if I shouldn't see a psychiatrist if he thought it was anxiety-related. He told me not to worry about it (harhar) and two weeks later was surprised when I came back because it affected me aversely (vomiting, diarrhoea, random bouts of narcolepsy). Thank fuck I found another doctor not long after. I have no idea how he turned into such a quack.

>> No.6757277


Aww and ah thank you I need a good boy wig though :/

>> No.6757281

>depends on your gp
Certainly does.
>crazy doctor story
Klonopin for psychosomatic breathing issues sounds kind of excessive. Shit, even just telling you there's nothing wrong with you might have gotten you out of that loop.

>> No.6757482

I have a cosplay group, we've got a lot of good plans but I'm worried about the growing drama.

The leader of our group is a great girl and I like her well enough and so does the group but everyone else who use to be in the club hates her because she told off a girl about being a dick.

Now that girl is stealing members and not only that but exaggerates and lies and tries for attention.

But while I'm loyal to my group leader I'm nervous about her making some of the dresses...she's better at props and I've seen her sewed clothes and while I'm not great, or any better I will say that maybe we should get someone to help us.

>> No.6757491

And er** I want to try to sew things instead of always doing closet cosplay. I've been getting and seeing a lot of advice here but I want to stop closet cosplay.

>> No.6757511

I'm cosplaying with my older brother this summer and he refuses to wear a wig. I'm fine with it and understand since it's just for fun but it would look so much better if he wore a wig I wish I could convince him to get one.

>> No.6757649

Anyone who feels like they have to identify themselves solely as a gamer is a loser.
>Hi, I play video games, and I'm a normal human being.
>Hi, I'm a gamer. I'm part of this cool new nerdy revolution. S-Step aside, world...!!
See the difference?

>> No.6757728

My best friend decided to make me a cosplay for my birthday. It's really sweet of her and I'm definitely going to wear it for her sake, but she's horrible at making cosplays and I cringe at the thought of forcing myself to wear it at a con. I feel like a shit for secretly disliking it ugh.

Also slightly off-topic confession, I honestly prefer to go to the local Homestuck meet-ups and be publically embarassed by fandumb aspies than go to cons and deal with stuck-up Tumblr BNF cunts.

>> No.6757768

This oh my fuvkingfsdLORD

>> No.6757771

are you in brisbane this sounds too familiar

>> No.6757791

The meds did the trick, at any rate. But they also made me sick as shit and (I'm pretty sure) triggered my first major Crohn's flare. Which he also said "was just in my head".

When I found a reliable gastro specialist a few months later and had the scope done that confirmed my condition, she told me "never go back to him. Ever. Not even for a cold. He should have ordered ______" and rattled of a load of tests that would have circumvented the breathing issues and saved me six months of weight loss and anal bleeding.

>> No.6757795

Fellow IBDer? On my /cgl/?

>> No.6757798

Holy fuck, this. Anyone who can call themselves a "gamer" without cringing is not for me.

>> No.6757800

Indeed. I had a chat with a few others on a thread a few months back, sharing stories and comparing symptoms. There seem to be quite a few of us.

>> No.6757805
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Art thou feeling it now, Anon?

>> No.6757872

No, I'm feeling like a total barnacle head!

>> No.6758029

I'm feeling one count of falcone itt.

>> No.6758051
File: 143 KB, 200x113, letmehugyoumarcheridan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are my favorite.
come here, it's going to be okay.

>> No.6758059

Two women my age added me on Facebook. I wasn't sure who they were, but I thought they were friends of friends from some other comm, having never met them in person. Both had folders of themselves in Milanoo-grade ita outfits, so I saved the photos and posted them repeatedly in ita threads.

A few days ago when I was on the phone with my parents, I found out that they didn't find me through lolita comms at all. They work for my mother and are only just getting into lolita, so she suggested that they befriend me for advice without ever telling me about the idea. I kind of feel like shit, now. Neither one of them has said more than two words to me about anything, never mind lolita.

>> No.6758066
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Ok here is my confession...

Even though I am a lolita I never thought Misako Aoki was that attractive.
I think her nose looks like it got punched and her smile makes her cheeks look like a bullfrog.

I feel like a horrible person and I wish I could think different. It's just no matter how hard I try I never thought she was that beautiful of a girl. Lolita or not.

>> No.6758074

You... you don't HAVE to find people attractive or good-looking, anon. That's not a bad thought. That's just not liking the way they look.

>> No.6758086

Let me rephrase.

I'm the guy that went as March Eridan to Sakuracon, AND I posted those pics on /cgl/ because I knew you'd be disgusted with my amporacest with bootyshorts Cronus.

It was fuckloads of fun going as him though.

>> No.6758087

Yeah, that's really not something to freak out about. As long as you're not going into threads like "But don't you guys realize she's ugly!? You're all so dumb for thinking she's good looking."

Attraction is subjective. You can find whoever ugly. Just don't be a dick about it.

>> No.6758138
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I was really scared to ever say anything about it
but it's not like I sit there in mad jelly and make rager posts about it, I just don't believe that's a nice thing to do to anyone.
I am really happy she made a living for herself in such a unique community, and I am glad she's helped bring lolita to where it is today.

I just got different opinions so it's always hard to join in the conversation with girls about how they oogle her.

>> No.6758142

the fact that you know its awful makes it just a little better.
at least you... had fun... and i suppose we got a good laugh out of it as well.

>> No.6758148
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I have an awful lot to confess.

I've never sent anonhate, but I'm ever so tempted to let this one local cosplayer know everything she does is quantity over quality. It likely wouldn't even take her down a notch.

I cosplay characters that people often headcanon as chubby because i'm terrified to end up on Homestuckgeneral being called fat. I'm not obese by any means. I'm terribly short and chesty, and prefer to cosplay male characters, but I always bind and do my best to pose in ways that don't accentuate the fact that I'm simply not thin.

More often than not, i prefer to hang in the background or be the group photographer. I get stupidly frustrated when people ask other, less skilled people to take pictures when I'm fully willing to give them a quick shoot, but too scared to actually speak up and offer most days.
I never charge my homestucks for quick shoots because for the most part they're sweethearts to me. But recently I had someone send me messages telling me to not list myself as a photographer if I make no profit from the photos. It really made me doubt whether I wanted to continue taking and posting everyone's pictures. Do I start charging?

>> No.6758174
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>I cosplay characters that people often headcanon as chubby because i'm terrified to end up on Homestuckgeneral being called fat

anon plz, I bet your cosplays are great

and charging people for photos is completely your choice, it's up to you whether your comfortable with making profit from taking quality photos.

>> No.6758229


Thank you anon. My cosplays likely aren't what would be considered great, but I'm definitely not the worst out there and that's something I suppose.
I think I'll just keep it in mind at my next big con and see how I feel about charging after that. c:

>> No.6758290
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Ok here it goes...

Growing up I was always compared to my older sister on everything.
Inever minded much and it sort of inspired me to want to make myself better...
But then I noticed she never had to work for anything in her life and all her careless spending and habits effected me...
She couldn't pay rent, spent money on her bfs...I used my bday money for food cause the fam was broke..(I was in hs) and just, bs like that on top of trash talking dad behind his back.

She was always very selfish but everyone loved her...
I guess my confession is, I hate her. Honestly. And the moment mom and dad die I'm disowning myself from her.

I feel like a horrible person. But whatever...feels good to get it out.

>> No.6758293

Its annoying as fuck how people feel the need to argue how they define "I play video games". You know being called a gamer or calling yourself a gamer wasn't such a big bitching deal as of late.
"I play video games/I'm a gamer" there's no difference in how its said. Just how you go about your hobby.
Jesus fuck tits.

Cosplay related: I have friends who are lazy cosplayers. I'm tempted to sell off some wigs I know they like using so I can get some extra cash.
They don't take care of the wig when they're through.
They don't help sew/make the outfit.
Fuck em.

>> No.6758302

>doesn't know what deconditioning is.

>> No.6758448


What characters do you cosplay?

>> No.6758481

if they're your wigs, go ahead and sell em.

>> No.6758510

I did the same thing. You are not alone.

>> No.6758525

I have an enormous folder of bookmarks from Taobao of cute clothes to buy but before I even think about picking out a shopping service I get depressed and close out because I have nowhere to wear any of them and the temporary confidence just drains from me.

>> No.6758630
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I'm a drama bitch. I send anonhate, I talk smack about others and stuff like that. But I ONLY do this to those who actually deserve it, i.e. delusional self-centered bitches that do some terrible shit. I want them out of my community and everyone else to realize that they're not the sweet, kind person they pretend to be when inside they're just rotten and egoistical. I hate that cgl doesn't allow drama anymore because this was the only place people could vent about horrible people in their community anonymously and either drive them out or knock some sense into them, or just prevent people from getting sucked into their act.

And I've never regretted it.

>> No.6758657
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>I want them out of my community and everyone else to realize that they're not the sweet, kind person they pretend to be when inside they're just rotten and egoistical.

Funny, I was gonna say the same about you.

>> No.6758703

Same here. But to be fair I only ridicule the bad tripfags from /cgl/, not the good ones.

>> No.6759089

I really miss /fit/ fridays. They helped me learn how to proportion my meals better, reversing how I grew up (from to I'm full, to when I'm comfortable) and I lost over 20 pounds in about 6 months.

>> No.6759248

For homestuck I mainly stick with Karkat, Tavros, and John. I've done Aradia in the past, and I'm considering wearing Jane to an upcoming con.

Outside of homestuck, anything that just isn't tight around the middle. I've been part of South Park groups (Craig), an Alice in Wonderland group (Alice), Beyblade (Kevin), Durarara (Izaya)... I'm the Mario in an upcoming Nintendo genderbend group, and the Princess Bubblegum in a massive Adventure Time group. thats.. just to name a few.

oh gosh, now I'm hoping no one recognizes me just from listing those.

>> No.6759251

In high school (10th grade) when I discovered what lolita was, I obviously didn't understand it. I thought it was just looking like a doll in any way.
I'd wear hot topic shit, my makeup was always smeared and gross, and my hair was always a mess. I was so "kawaii" though.
God, I hated my weeaboo days.

>> No.6759318

When I first started going to cons I was a massive wannabe b-tard. I suggested to my friends that we do a memefaces cosplay group.

I've since grown out of the idea, but some of my friends (who don't go on 4chan and just have the page liked on Facebook etc) are still into the idea.

I'm so ashamed.

>> No.6759334

I had a crush on my former best friend for two years, and vice versa, but we could talk to each other about everything.
We drifted apart when I had to go to a different school, but it didn't start so suddenly. He stayed in regular contact the first half of that year, but as he got new friends and being more concerned about KPop and games than talking to some other friends, including me.
Attempting to contact him gets short sentences or one word responses.. I talked to a friend who still hangs out with him and his friends because of their Homestuck meetups, and she said she's sure he misses me too, but I cant believe her. He's been posting about how depressed he's been and ugh I still wanna be close to him but now it feels impossible..
Sorry for all that venting..

>> No.6759604
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Dude that's probably why they asked what you cosplay in the first place.

>> No.6760330
File: 2.42 MB, 480x270, cries.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charlieeeeee pls why you no like me

>> No.6760337

Okay. Hi there everyone.
I've been socially isolated due to severe social anxiety which stemmed from having Aspergers, and this went on for a few years and I came up with the courage to go to my first few lolita meets

I plan out every thing I may possibly say with my three therapists and two (they alternate) psychiatrists and my other two CBT skills group. They all are very supportive and don't think of me as a jerk like I feel like many people in the meets feel towards me.

Because of aspergers', I can't take a joke lightly or even understand whether or not it is a joke. Everyone in the comm are very laid back but very sarcastic. I can't tell if they welcome me or if I should just go away forever, because I am learning that their "tone" of voice and choice of words are harsh sounding and meant to insult me.

After I was written about in lolita secrets last month, obviously I knew it was regarding me and who the girls were in my comm, I approached them and explained to them my social problem, and they just ended up talking more shit about me.

All of my money goes to mental health and not lolita so I get called an ita for the few replicas I own.

No one understands me because I'm a retarded fuck with Asperger's and no one seems to know what that is - or just think I'm trolling.

The only people who are my friends are people I meet in group therapies.

I would so much rather move to USA than deal with the healthcare system we have in CAN.

>> No.6760338

Also, next meet up is on the 27th. Not sure if I'm welcomed or not, as I'm unsure of how to work Facebook (only created one for the meet ups), and it now says "Join Group" as if I'm not in the group... Does this mean they kicked me out?

>> No.6760340
File: 139 KB, 931x858, thatfeel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only people who are my friends are people I meet in group therapies.

>> No.6760347

Yeah it seems like you were kicked out, was it obvious that the account was you and for lolita?

>> No.6760356

Yeah, makes me feel awful now, damn.

When I isolated myself, I never had a Facebook or Myspace ever in my life to begin with. I had an anonymous Email I'd use to chat with people I "met" on the Internet on crazyboards.

I don't think it was obvious as I hid everything from my "timeline" and my "friends" (which were the only 6 girls in the group who accepted my friend request), so I don't think they could have known.

Since that was the only group I was in, any time I'd post or like something, it'd definitely show up there but hopefully no where else.

I don't know any other way people may have known my FB account was solely for that comm as I made pretty much everything private.

That... makes me so happy :)

>> No.6760364

I fucking hate kids cartoons and stupid "omg so random" Adult Swim shows and webcomics, and I'm disgusted with the fact that cons seem to have been taken over by those things. I'm fucking almost 30 years old, stop acting like its fucked up that I don't jizz over the newest batch of Pokemon or ponies.

>> No.6760365


That someone knows how you feel. Yeah it helps.

You did all you could for them to understand. And if they refuse well that just means they aren't worth the effort to be friends with. You could try making a secret in order for others to know where you're coming from.

In either case I wish you luck in recovery and health.

>> No.6760371

Things I don't understand the obsessions with:
-Sweet lolita (seriously, it looks like toddler/infant clothing... With all the pink and childish, it just screams little girl and ageplay)
-Homestrucks (the fuck is it? Every time I see the thread it's like emo/mallgoth cosplay?)
-My little ponies & care bears - GROW THE FUCK UP
-Kigurumi's? Those things where they're like one-sie pajamas and you dress up like a Pikachu or whatever? They look fucking retarded.
-Everything Adult Swim, Family Guy, American Dad, Futurama, etc.


>> No.6760375

God, you need a fucking Xanax.

>> No.6760379

Actually I just got off that benzo are I'm switching to the highest dosage of Valium. I grew a tolerance to Xanax.

>> No.6760387

i fucking love you

>> No.6760907

>I'm fucking almost 30 years old, stop acting like its fucked up that I don't jizz over the newest batch of Pokemon or ponies.

oh pls just lock yourself up in alexandria's library.

>> No.6760963

I need to grow a spine and tell people like this to FUCK OFF. I don't exist for your damn enjoyment and I dislike being treated as if that were the case.

Sage because I am really buttmad over this idiot.

>> No.6761052

I'm addicted to shopping and these passed 4 months and 11 days I've already spent over $3,000.
Plot twist: Nothing I buy is brand.

>> No.6761147

Let me preface by stating that I’ve been cosplaying for about 14 years now. “I’ve seen some shit man.”
This will probably be a multi post of most of my confessions over the years.
A couple of years ago there was a small but supremely uptight Lolita community that would attend conventions. Being a guy I generally don’t give two shits, but this group, this group was everything that’s bad with Lolita.

Not the fashion mind you, they were dressed impeccably, no no it was the attitude. These were the kind of people who felt they deserved to be complimented on their clothing and life choices. Who felt compelled to tell a random person their costume was utter shit, and talk behind each other’s backs calling their friends whores.
So apparently one of them believes that they can win the costume competition at the local con because they “are the only real semstress there.” I watch as she gets up on stage and has the smuggest look on her face as she fucking princess waves and curtsies to the audience. And while everyone is cheering the winners I’m watching to my side, at the lolitas, with their expression of pain and fury. I can’t help but crack a smile at their loss. 3 of the people outright quit going to the con claiming it was rigged, then stopped going to cons altogether when the same thing happened to them at another con.
My confession is that I only got into reading about bitter Lolita gossip because of those stupid cunts, and that I loved and cherished watching them fail so utterly in their desires to become con-famous that I almost came.

>> No.6761194

I don't get it, so did you win?

>> No.6761196

I spend all of my fucking time on /cgl/ literally and I just refresh the page every other minute or so for new posts in the threads I like... I don't have a life of any kind...

>> No.6761216

you should use the thread watcher

>> No.6762041

I had the chance to be with someone years ago and didn't take it, sometimes seeing them with their partner makes me bitter as fuck.

>> No.6762955
File: 494 KB, 511x670, 791382465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only had one relationship before. Its been two years and I think I'm ready to find someone again, I'm interested In lolita gals

>> No.6763521

SS Speadsheet anon, thank you for finally saving things as .png
Sorry, it's just that .jpg with text especially the size12 from 4chan I have bad eyes and can't see it too well as .jpg normally is very blurry!