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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6724141 No.6724141 [Reply] [Original]

Britfag thread Mark V

Continue with Sunnycon drama

>> No.6724155
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>> No.6724173 [DELETED] 

With the fall of Nemacon in 2012 due to them stealing money from the charity funds and their reputation forever tarnished, Sunnycon is the only hope for the North East for Anime conventions. It wasn't the best this year but raise a glass for them trying. Even if Sunderland is pmuch the worst city to live in the whole of the UK. Sept London.

>> No.6724175
File: 109 KB, 1870x366, sunnyconinternetdefenceforce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sunnycon was [allegedly] shit and poorly organised
>£2000 cosplay prize awarded to someone who was ineligible
>Guests apparently not looked after well
>Sunnycon staff says FUCK OFF LIARS
>Sunnycon staff deletes posts

>> No.6724180

>With the fall of Nemacon in 2012 due to them stealing money from the charity funds
Was this ever confirmed? I still don't get the whole Nema/ONEcon split. ONEcon is the new Nema isn't it? But they haven't confirmed anything other than venue and a few guests while some rump of old Nema still lives on with the original venue and a website that is just a massive .jpg image.

>> No.6724182

The contest and the prizes are allegedly being sorted.
The guests were sorted despite some mishaps and some dramas. Not much is being said by any of them on this.

End of the day they're the only North East con left that's got the potential to be something since Nemacon folded (They stole money from charity funds to break even and lied).

Even if Sunderland is the biggest shithole in the UK, Sunny COULD turn out to be something big in a few years.

>> No.6724192

It was mainly the head organiser and his gf that were behind using the charity money.

It's the reason most of the staff left and that some of them started ONECon

>> No.6724195

Deleted my post by accident but yeah, it was confirmed.
Basically OneCON IS Nema bar the guy in charge who did the "stealing".

The Nema guys came out clean about it and resurrected Nema for a day with a new team which is apparently for one day.

>> No.6724196

Nema's a one day reboot, the new staff selection they got is fairly piss poor allegedly and the organiser's a dick.

>> No.6724201


and they have a serial rapist on their team. HOORAY FOR NEMA! Oh wait that's a bad thing right?

>> No.6724207

>Sunnycon dramu
>Successfully deflected into Nema fraud discussion

>> No.6724214

Serial rapist you say? That be Chung then?

>> No.6724223


Sunnycon did have drama but at the end of the day they have potential, they're the only con flying the flag for the North East.

>> No.6724231

Sunnycon's got potential, wasn't brilliantly organised (particularly for sound) but I'm hopeful for next year

>> No.6724236

I'd say it's teething problems more than anything that'll go away soon enough.

I enjoyed Sunny despite the technical difficulties and the Mangina egowank panel.

Animu League events have been running for years now and are still consistently terrible.

>> No.6724239

>flying the flag for the North East
>be something big in a few years
>only North East con left that's got the potential
I'm being fairly cynical but are you the "Fuck off" staff member and you're just changing tack?

Seagulls aren't supposed to be this positive! It's scaring me...

>> No.6724243


I'm not the staff member, I went to the con and I THINK I know who the staff member who replied was.

>> No.6724246


I live in South Shields where we are maimed every day by seagulls for our pasties!

>> No.6724248

I swear seagulls in the Sunderland area grow up to like 10ft wingspans, the giant mutant bastards.

>> No.6724250

for AnimeLeague cons it's a mandatory qualification

>> No.6724254


10ft wingspan seagulls are only the babies.

>> No.6724261

Please, AL just have ordinary garden variety rapists. Noone working for them would be competent enough to be a serial anything.

>> No.6724684


Sunnycon won't amount to anything while it's a glaringly obvious extension of some anime fans shoddy import business. Tucky is even more of a blatant cash grabber than Towers.

>> No.6724699
File: 249 KB, 1024x768, American Flag Wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the point of being a britfag anyway? Don't you ever get tired of living on that tiny island with your tea and crumpets?

Come live in 'Murrica, Land of the free. You know you want to.

>> No.6724722


We'd love too, trouble is it's full of awful colonials.

>> No.6724724

>What is the point
>tea and crumpets

You just answered your own question

>> No.6724782

As an actual member of the sunnycon staff, I'm loling at someone pretending to be staff earlier. Friend linked me but I missed most of the old thread, i know you're the Andrew :P

So like. Loldrama. There was problems, we got massively screwed by volunteers/gophers no-showing and ended up with a botched sound guy. I can't comment on the cosplay contest stuff, but suffice to say the staff is aware of it and it's being handled appropriately, await further news. Also I'd hardly call tucky a cashgrabber when the cons not for profit, everything left over from last year went into this year, and will continue to do such.

>> No.6725089

At the end of the day, this thread is full of samefags.

>> No.6725111

I happen to love tea and crumpets.

Teething problems are inevitable with any event. The thing is to learn from them and make sure that they don't happen again. I wasn't at Sunnycon but I did hear plenty about it. Its all things that can be easily fixed. Especially with the right research and organisation. I think with all the in mind Sunnycon can grow into a really good event.

>> No.6725907

So the earlier staff member was a faker? Funny that aside from a bit of an attitude they were probably the most informed person here about what happened. But if they weren't staff I guess we can take it that they lied and guests weren't looked after etc.

Also the comment about the con and its association with Tucky is probably fair. Sunnycon and Tuckys anime ads have been exactly the same thing. Theres almost certainly an effort going on to make sure whatever success Sunnyvon has is reflected back onto Tuckys or to present the con as being an extension of a successful business (ironically Sunnycon is probably the more successful of the two). It's also a huge advantage and possibly a conflict of interest to be running a con you can also trade at.

Also, Hi Tucky!

>> No.6725917

How come you Britfags get drama threads but delicious PT/JNig/Assley is off limits?
Fuck you guys.

>> No.6725963

Probably because our drama isn't some kind of creepy obsession over a single horrible person. Aside from this Sunnycon drama our threads have been mostly dramafree recently.

>> No.6726069

So on another note, did any of you go to the after party? I did, i got rather drunk and met some great people.

>> No.6726091

Because the janitor deletes what she personally doesn't like. Has nothing to do with rules.

>> No.6726107

Twat. Go whine about it on /q/. I'm terribly sorry that on-topic discussion of British conventions and cosplayers rustles your jimmies, but nobody here gives a fuck about your vendetta, so if you'd like to show yourself the door?

>> No.6726115

What the fuck are you talking about.

Are you the terrible janitor in question whose destroying the board?

>> No.6726174

I went, Miku concert sucked but the party itself was great.

>> No.6726246

Who was the awful sound guy at Sunnycon?

>> No.6726248


Jesus Christ, if Sunnycon is the more successful of his business ventures his tat store must be fucking appaling. Does he actually trade at any of the decent conventions as I don't think I've ever seen him in the south.

>> No.6726256

any photos or video of the miku gig

>> No.6726300

Who were you, did you see one guy in a ridiculous multi colored shirt, and another guy who looked like jesus? I'm glad i'm not the guy who was in the shirt.

>> No.6726353
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He went to Hyper and Ame once. Surprised he hasn't been suckered into trading at an AL event.

His website is pretty bad. The stock range is piss poor and new stock seems to come in a couple of times a year rather than once every few weeks like most other anime merch sites/stores. There's also no stock control so you don't know if what you're ordering is in stock - it let me take an order of several thousand pounds worth of a single plush to Paypal.

Also pic related - that price drop lasted about 5 months until they had to increase prices. The increase was justified, if I remember correctly, as a mix of not making money by matching competitor prices and some VAT bollocks that implied they were doing over 70 grand turnover (how to you not make money with that kind of turnover - and I cant see their restock/new product pattern implying anywhere near as heavy a turnover as 70g).

Oh and about 600 or so of their FB page likes came over a couple of weeks period last year and abruptly stopped once they reached over 1000. Must've spunked a shit load of cash on ads there.

>inb4 stalker/vendetta: I toyed with the idea of setting up a similar anime/cosplay shop while unemployed last summer and researched as much about existing dealers as I could. The margins on selling anime stuff is fucking terrible.

>> No.6728249

So GemuCon next week. Still feeling hyped or do you (like me) feel it'll be a disaster fest?

>> No.6728279

It's probably going to suck.

>> No.6728289

I'm so glad I'm not going. Meeting up with friends instead to do photoshoots and eat stupid amounts of pizza. It's gunna be awesome.

>> No.6728304

While I'm sure that the con is going to suck balls, I'm still pretty hyped to see my friends again.
I'll probably spend about 50% of the weekend playing tourist, and the other 50% drinking, so it should be good fun hopefully.

>> No.6728332

This. I'm sure it'll be good in it's own right, but it's no competition to Kitacon.

>> No.6728803


I know I went to Kitacon, but I can't remember a damn thing. The photos seem to indicate I had a good time.

>> No.6729041

huuuge disaster
There's a bit of a panic station suddenly occurring on cosplayisland as people have only just realized the size of the hotel, it's quite funny.
I wonder just how many times we're going to break the lifts..

>> No.6730607

Sounds it, this is why I don't go to the first convention when its new!

>> No.6730780

Has anyone heard back from Sunnycon about the costume contest? The new # 3 really needs to be told what's going on and there's nothing on their facebook even MENTIONING the fuckup with the prizes

>> No.6731033

From my limited (but semi-informed) knowledge, it's going to be announced ASAP, think it was just a case of notifying every party involved and waiting for a response. The old "winner" has been notified or so I'm told.

>> No.6732142

So did anyone else go to the sunday 18+ afterparty at the hotel for sunnycon?

>> No.6732278

Me and a few people I know, why?

>> No.6732299

How was it?

>> No.6732761

It was pretty fun, the hotel kicked them out earlier than I think they were expecting them to be kicked out and the guy organizing it seemed to be a bit annoyed, but it was a fun few hours socializing and a few drinks, ended up going into town with a few people I met and it was pretty cool.

>> No.6732762

But it's full of Americans

>> No.6733537

so two of the main gemu guests have pulled out today, this con is beyond un-appealing now

>> No.6733558

Been there, done that.

>> No.6733567

wonders why they pulled out?

>> No.6733582

They say clash of schedule... but Jesse and Dodger are already over here - suggesting to me that they might have known about this for a while (I mean really, who wouldn't check their schedule / keep it clear if they were travelling half way across the world?)

Perhaps break down in communications or something...

>> No.6733588
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>Don't you ever get tired of living on that tiny island with your tea and crumpets?
yes, but that's why we sometimes travel over and steal your girls at american cons

>> No.6733611

gemucon gets worst and worst think I be getting out the popcorn for the post con drama.

>> No.6733674

this shit is way more delicious than the last lot of drama.

Like seriously, first time con and all, but jeez has anything went right so far? How can you NOT know schedules THIS close.

>> No.6734544

Glad I'm only going to meet up with friends, seagulls and whatnot.

Guess we should start organizing the meet up soon.

>> No.6734547

Anyone going to the precon drinking sesh at that cocktail bar on Thursday?

>> No.6734550

I'll be preconning at Warhammer World bitches


>> No.6734553

I heard about it, what is it?

>> No.6734556

Your tea is too salty. Stop putting seawater in it.
>not having free healthcare
>no gun control
>no eurovision
fuck america

>> No.6734828


Tempted. Not sure I can be arsed after all the travel though.

>> No.6735180

It's pretty far from the hotel the con is on at, isn't it? Not sure I'll want to trek very far after travelling on Thursday either.

>> No.6736680

Completely forgot Gemu was this weekend, fuck.

>> No.6736839

It's next weekend.

>> No.6736846

Wait, today's Monday... Ignore me, I'm being a dumbass.

>> No.6737235

I am in serious need of motivation to finish my Gemu cosplays... How's everyone else's progress coming along?

>> No.6737588

Doing re-wares so I'm all ready. Behind on actual work so I'll probably spend all weekend stressing out over that.

Anyone know about parking for Gemu?

>> No.6741407
File: 531 KB, 1576x806, Meet up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good place for the seagull meet since the hotel will be rammed? I don't think we have to worry much about schedules colliding since well yeah.

>> No.6741413

5am so we can get pre drinks in before the party?

>> No.6741449


>> No.6741584

Why so far away?

>> No.6741596

It's only round the corner and I'm worried about crowds. It's the most open place in the area.

>> No.6741711

>worried about crowds
In Nottingham that's a good thing. More people, means more witnesses which means less chance of getting shot.

>> No.6741714

lol have you ever been to nottingham?

>> No.6741747

Not that anon, but I've heard some... unsavoury things about Nottingham. Then again, I come from a self-imnportant fairly rich town on the South Coast that has max. four black people at any one time. Sage for not being /cgl/.

>> No.6741874


>deleting posts

Why do they do this? MCM has been guilty of this too.

I mean, we all know WHY they do it, but do they not realize that allowing negative criticism > hiding negative criticism ?

The moment word gets out that you're deleting posts, paranoia hits and you will never be trusted again. Getting negative criticism is bad, deleting negative criticism is shady. It's way worse to be shady than bad. Bad can improve, but it takes a long time to shake off the 'shady' label.

>> No.6741944

We're talking about Nottingham, not Hull.
You're not exactly getting to Detroit-levels of scary here.

>> No.6742022

Huh, I remember once seeing a forum for JET programme people which had a reputation for having great trolls and flamewars, but the mods were deleting troll posts, and leaving others, meaning you'd just have meaningless threads with nonsensical one-sided arguments.

Heh, I remember being in an LGB group at university, and the bloke running it designed this hideously stereotyped, shitty logo. He asked people what they thought of it, then deleted posts that said they didn't like it. When I called him out on it, he left up my post and the preceding one for all of 2 days, then deleted the whole thread. Democracy in action!

>> No.6742050

Isn't Nottingham still the gun crime capital of England?

>> No.6742060

Because some people are idiots. They go off the handle and post responses, then suddenly realize they have an image to protect and remove the responses. Thus doing more damage overall than if they'd just thought about what to do and posted a measured well thought out response.

"Some stuff wasn't great, will be better next year" would have been a damn sight better and more professional than "Fuck Off", *delete*, "lol some1 was pretending to be staff"

>> No.6742175

To be fair, the amount of trolls on /cgl/ you can never know quite how serious to take this kind of shit. Half the time it's people being immature pricks when you hurt the feelings, the other half it's people trying to manufacture drama. This one seems pretty down the middle for me, because sounding informed (the main case for it being a pissy staff member) also helps the dramawhores.

Fuck, if it was staff, you're reading this still and you're a cunt and your con deserves the drama around it. If you're a troll, you're fucking loving this but fuck you twice as much because now this is what every idiot'll be talking about, and you won, GG. Feel proud making the community look like bitchy teens.

>> No.6742330

Anyone going to Japanorama in Leicester? It's at the start of next month and it seems to have been announced at real short notice (like last week or something). :/

>> No.6742893

Sounds like a copy of Hyperjapan

>> No.6744547

Beckii Cruel, Her idol group and a guy wearing a fedora covered in badges. Nice guests.

>> No.6744590

Beckii Cruel makes me want to kill.

I can't believe cons are stil dragging out MassokoX - abridged VAs as guests just scream "we can't afford actual voice actors or guests".

>> No.6744607
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>J:Pop group Oishii!Ichigo

>> No.6744724
File: 161 KB, 551x980, DSC_0166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my badge bitches

>> No.6744759

Get hyped for disappointment!

>> No.6744843

To be fair, he is a very nice dude....Not really guest material by itself but it's always nice catching up with him.

>> No.6745042

I just want one Con badge that isn't of some animu girl doing animu shit. Is that too much to ask for?

Too hyped.

>> No.6745120

Yeah I spoke to him at Sunny, didn't even realise who he was until later

>> No.6745363
File: 34 KB, 600x451, Wut_is_this_by_lucian9-d2y0f64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to Animu con.
>Bitch badge has Animu on.

>> No.6745476

Gemu is a gaming convention. For games.

>> No.6745544

It's also an animu girl doing animu shit with extra underboob action. That kind of shit's clichéd. Why boobs? Why not bishies?

>> No.6745568

What kind of gaming icon could you use that doesn't breach copyright?

>> No.6745588


>> No.6745592
File: 66 KB, 570x800, flat,800x800,070,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an animu girl with her tits hanging out. What's wrong with something really simple?

>> No.6745687

Implying there's such a thing as an animu chick without her tits or arse hanging out

>> No.6745702
File: 152 KB, 1200x776, Animuchick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6747379

bump for non-Gemu people who are avoiding it like the plague

>> No.6747393


I'm looking forward to what the peeps of 4chan have to say, because If I talk to anyone I know going they're going to be biased

>> No.6749057

It's bad.

>> No.6749085

2 lifts for 700 people and the only way to the games floor is via the lift.

>> No.6749171


So it's con of the year right?

>> No.6749180

Technically, yes - it's something to do with the way the city is defined, as it includes all the crap areas and excludes the decent ones. Honestly, it's fine. You're more likely to get stabbed anyway.

Was the cocktail bar Coco Tang, by any chance? If so, I hope you all enjoyed it! I love Coco Tang (although it is expensive outside of happy hour).

>> No.6749233


You fuckers too fat to use the stairs then?

>> No.6749239

Wouldn't that pose a fire hazard?

>> No.6749282

Well, they did just say the only way to the games floor is by the lift. As in, no stairs going there.

>> No.6749299
File: 77 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mi30qrSlXJ1rnez1eo2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 lifts for 700 people
Oh god that sounds like a fucking disaster waiting to happen

>> No.6749474

A notoriously shittily-designed building at my university (it had pillars in the middle of lecture rooms, because whoever had designed it just drew a load of fancy shapes and didn't think about how the roof would be held up) had a tiny fourth floor only accessible by one lift. And that wasn't even an old building, it was thrown up (a pretty accurate description, actually) post-2000

>> No.6749483

Has there been any updates on the new Sunnycon cosplay results yet? Been almost 2 weeks now hasn't it?

>> No.6749507

Wtf was that winning skit all about?

>> No.6749828

Oh it was. One lift got stuck between floors with 3 people inside earlier so it's down to one.

>> No.6749997

Yes. Last I heard from a friend who is one of the winners, there's a bit of a fuss getting in contact with the judges to pick the new 3rd place, Ginny has only just got back in the past day or two and probably has been quite hard to reach. Guess they have an idea on who is the new 3rd, but would suppose it's all down to waiting for things to line up.

I know for a fact the previous winner was DQ'd (as my friend's moved up to be the main winner ithink)

>> No.6750005

I haven't heard ANYTHING good and this is from some of my weird friends who'd pay standard con prices to be within a few dozen feet from someone who shares their interests

>> No.6750930

what was up with that weird chick drawing outside the party? i mean wtf? how antisocial can you get?

>> No.6750985

Someone was recording the party last night. I only joined towards the end and it was almost empty. Gotta be drunk as hell to enjoy Gemu.

>> No.6751046




sage for not being drama but just I have to get it out to someone who understands

>> No.6751068

>Not checking online
>Not calling Parcelforce to pay as soon as the online status says the letter has been sent
>Not getting the parcel delivered before you ever receive the customs letter

>> No.6751131

>Gotta be drunk as hell to enjoy Gemu.
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

I'm guessing bad thing.

>> No.6751133

I did call them to try and get this done. They told me I had to wait for the letter. Gathering my energy before trying again on probably Tuesday.

The pissing thing is that it's being delivered to my university which I'm not able to get back to for a couple of weeks and I'm honestly so frightened of their incompetence that I think it might not get put into the mail room but they'll try and deliver it to my room directly or something.

Don't let people send you parcels as a surprise yo

>> No.6751163

That's stupid. As long as you have the tracking number they can process the payment. Did you try their central call centre or the local depot? The depot people are usually a lot more helpful.

>> No.6751172

Tried central. Will have a go with the depot next, thanks.

>> No.6751177

What's wrong with drawing man?

>> No.6751321

That was tom from teamneko

>> No.6751452

Nothing wrong with drawing, but sitting outside a party drawing... I knew someone like that. Used to being a book when we went to the pub and read and ignore us all.

>> No.6751459

some people aren't really the social type, but get dragged down by friends anyway. Have a friend who always gets dragged to con after parties who hates being around people drinking so usually sits in the corner with some manga, it's really sad but people wont just let them sit in the hotel room because ironically they feel bad leaving them alone.

>> No.6751463

Oh man, so glad I didn't go to Gemu... Getting live updates on my Twitter feed and it just sounds like complete buttfuckery.

>> No.6751771

What are they saying?

>> No.6751775

A lot are saying it not good

>> No.6751820

An example of what people are saying?

>> No.6751836

"Gemucon, the little con that couldn't."

Pretty much my favorite thing said so far. Sums up my feelings on the entire event so much. Also fuck the guys running it, who the fuck moves your closing ceremony forward by an hour and DOESNT announce it. It may not be the biggest thing to some people but I always like to go to.

>> No.6751892

one staff member has started bitching at anyone who post bad stuff about the con, even at one who had took theirs down.

>> No.6751925

Which staff member?

>> No.6751960

Ohgod, someone get caps. Shit nigga this is getting amazing already.

>> No.6752082

Sweet sweet dramu. I wish I could quit you.

>> No.6752217
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>> No.6752437

Gemu party: stand on the DJ stage like cunts edition. Seriously, the fuck is with that?

>> No.6753181

Parties were shite again, dj's too involved in playing thier own floor clearing rubbish to deign to take requests.

Lord Assram managed to have his Gopher status taken away and reinstated in the same weekend. Something of an achievement in itself.

>> No.6753231

Why did he get it taken away?

>> No.6753237
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>> No.6753247

He quit after he was told off for blowing up at con goers.

>> No.6753285

Specifically he blew up at someone over them popping a balloon.

Also on Sunday night an underage had their pass taken for drinking, at the party with their 16 badge in plain view, like a spastic

>> No.6753411

Gemu was so bad, it killed Thatcher.

>> No.6753435

is that an ocarina

>> No.6753460

Next con, Zombie Thatcher cosplay!

On a scale of first time con mistakes to AL-style incompetence, how bad was Gemu? Haven't heard anything specific from friends that went other than chuntering about general crappiness.

>> No.6753497

It wasn't quite on the AL level of shittery
The main issues were with the organisation, nothing ran on time, stuff got changed and moved with little to no announcements, they held one of the biggest fucking panels in a tiny room, the parties were utter shite, no lifts so you had to walk 10 floors between events
Piss poor dealers room, sufficient lack of gaming for a so called gaming con
Do i go on?

>> No.6753512

How is he not banned from everything? >>6753435
Yes. Some prick was playing one in the bar and outside for the whole con

>> No.6753539

>Yes. Some prick was playing one in the bar and outside for the whole con
I hate this shit. Especially when its someone fannying around doing something "quirky" to get noticed because their too spergy to actually just talk to people.

Please continue.

>> No.6753569

are you fucking serious omfg
inside the bar how embarrassing

>> No.6753600


Pics I found from Gemu.

>> No.6753610


All you need to know about Gemu summed up in a handy four minute Vlog

Basically the event itself sucked balls and it was only fun if you treated it like a meet up with mates.

>> No.6753621

Well said. My main issue was with the hotel and not with the con itself (even though I do admit it was pretty badly organized). The rooms were bad and the lifts were just ridiculous. However, I just treated it as a meet up for old friends and an opportunity to meet new people. Take the good with the bad :)

>> No.6753625

>Basically the event itself sucked balls and it was only fun if you treated it like a meet up with mates.
This sums up almost every con ever.

>> No.6754001

How bad were the normal rooms?
The room I was in was fucking huge and had a fridge.

>> No.6754008

Oh so you can maintain a conversation on 4chan eh?

>> No.6754271
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Did anyone stay to watch the Eroge panel? I sat there for 30 minutes, waiting for them to sort stuff out, then gave up.

The people were the only thing reddening about it. I'd be surprised if they decide to run it again next year. The whole rewards thing fell to shit with people paying £10 extra for some 10p haribo and other shit no one wanted since they didn't/couldn't deliver on any of the promised stuff. I didn't know who Jessy Cox was but he seemed to be everywhere at once. Footage I took of the party after sobering up a bit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqSg7WO4tT4 Not even 8+ Jagerbombs helped.

Anyway, Gemucon conspiracy thread? Picture related.

>> No.6754279
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As you can see the party nights were a huge success.

>> No.6754282

Any con that put Asramm on the committee is doomed to failiure.

>> No.6754287

He was on the committee? I thought he was only a goffer.

>> No.6754300

awww this reminds me of Year 7 disco's

>> No.6754299

He got put onto the committee on the Tuesday as they realised they had no one to look after dealers. What a clusterfuck. He is a massive suck up to anyone on any event committee, as he knows it's only way he can get any job working for them. Wonder what he does in real life. Shelf stacking?

>> No.6754317

It got to one point where everyone in the room was stood around in a circle waiting for someone to dance or pull some crazy shit in the middle in the middle. It was the definition of School disco.

>> No.6754319

oh my god
did anyone do any shitty break dance in the middle? this is making me feel very nostalgic

>> No.6754331

Yes. I'd call it nostalgic but that would have to mean I was enjoying my self.

>> No.6754336

it got moved to 10 in the end as they couldn't get the tech sorted.
was actually pretty funny. didn't drag on for too long either once they actually got it going

>> No.6754344

Good lord. That looks terrible.

From all the shit that's been said about Gemu I don't think they'd dare try to run it again. Atleast not for £40.

>> No.6754347

it's already been announced it's running again next year

>> No.6754374

After all this backlash they might have to cancel it due to lack of interest unless they can get the Alcon crowd.

It was an experience I'm glad I had. Kinda.

>> No.6754414

Haha, good luck with that then. I guess they'll just end up suckering in people new to cons or those who don't have a clue/give a fuck.

>> No.6754424

Anyone else notice any person remotely affiliated with the committee was walking around acting like they were some kind of hot shit. Considering the turd that was Gemucon maybe it wasn't ironic after all.

>> No.6754540

Yeah. They had some seriously swanky badges as well.

Best part of the weekend was watching some non-con guy flip his shit after getting a parking ticket while I was getting some fresh air. Wish I would have recorded it now. It was magic.

>> No.6754791

The hillarious part was that a group of drunken fuckups had also ordered mirror effect badges with something like "Crunk Ain't Dead" on them and the gophers thought they were committee as they'd not been told who was actually committee.

Herp a derp a doo.

>> No.6754831

I feel like the only person who didn't think Gemu was complete shite. I genuinely enjoyed it, though I did go to the one panel that actually ran on time. Shame the masq was so rushed. With so few entries, they could have allowed them a little bit more time on stage. Moving the closing ceremony was a bit dumb though, loads of people were walking in halfway through.
That goddamn Ocarina kid. Wasn't he the 16 year old who got banned for underage drinking? I wouldn;t be suprised if he was

>> No.6755167

There's a girl who comes to all the northern cons who doesn't stop playing the fucking ocarina and does shitty cosplays of Link. Pretty sure not the same person, but god she's a shitty person with a creepy rapist boyfriend. She harasses every con in like 100 miles asking them to let her teach ocarina and sells shitty plastic ones you get online for like 4 quid for close to 10+ and really pressures you to buy them if you use one during her lessons. And they sound like shit.

>> No.6755844

I always thought the ocarina was made for school kids as a gateway instrument since it's so damn easy to play and so damn cheap to buy.

He was acting kinda wasted at the school disco from what I can remember.

Bring on toko and Ame.

>> No.6755854


>> No.6755856

*Aya. Fuck thus flu

>> No.6755902

So goddamn hyped for toko aaaargh. I have unfortunately written off Trev the Beer Taxi (whoops), but I am going to acquire his successor as soon as possible, Toko just wouldn't be the same without the 10am beer and mcdonalds trips.

>> No.6755929

I should still have my car by the time Toko come around unless I initial-D into a tree. Kingston Mackies is also a magical place with Interactive tables, order terminals and tables with ipads.

>> No.6756019

Video of the Opening ceremony is up if anyone is interested.

>> No.6756053
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The people needed to be informed that Crunk was still alive and kicking. All rumours about it's death were indeed false.

>> No.6756055

pls share where to acquire, i wish to spread the word

>> No.6756067

Holy fuck yes, I remember that mcdonalds! We were playing plants vs zombies, shit was so cash.

>> No.6756070


The con was shit yes, but those drunken fuckups were literally having the best weekend lol! XD

>> No.6756076


One of our group got them done, I'm not sure where how or when but I love him for it


Indeed we did, the alcohol flowed freely as we decided that if the co wasn't going to be good on it's own, we'd make it good.

>> No.6756252

It's by Moley. He owns a little laser cutter and does custom shit on commission. Prices can be a little steep but he does nice work from time to time.

Email commissions@molehilldesigns.co.uk and he'll get back to you, eventually, but I heard at Gemu that his laser is out of action for yearly maintanence for the next 2 weeks so there'll be a delay on orders.

>> No.6756293

did anyone see the drunk girl run into a mirror by the bar and crack her head open?

>> No.6756300

No but I heard about it. They posted something about it on the FB page saying she's OK now.

I'm surprised and glad that I didn't hear Harlem shake play at any point over the weekend.

>> No.6756306

Be glad you didn't.
It played on Saturday night. I didn't see the partys reaction to it as I was outside it being 'antisocial' apparently.
Right after it was gangam style.

>> No.6756312
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Mein sides

>> No.6756319


This is what puts me off going back to conventions and the such.

I can't stand modern internet 'meme' culture, I think it's fucking awful. Nyan cat, Gangnam Style and Harlem Shake...it all pisses me off way too much.

I went to MCM in october and it wasn't as bad as I expected but ugh..

>> No.6756323

maybe you'd enjoy yourself more if you stopped being such a tightass

>> No.6756324

You kidding me? It was on fucking repeat in the main bar at one point....

>> No.6756332

If Gemu would just be moved to a better venue, then I could be tempted to give it another chance as I was too busy being an antisocial dramawhore this weekend to do anything else.
Feels bad man, need to enjoy the con more next time.

Although, Kitacon comes first for me if I've still got time to attend cons next year. So long as it's not held at the Hilton, I'm there.

>> No.6756333


This Orcirina DICK HEAD!!!!

>> No.6756334

Nothing is worse than being around a bunch of meme sprouting fuck buckets. It takes a certain person to not realise how unfunny something gets when you keep repeating, even more so when it's out of context.

It's at the NEC Hilton. It's an awesome venue.

>> No.6756335


I enjoyed Caramelldansen, just saying

>> No.6756336

So they haven't moved it to a new venue?
No Kita for me then, damn.

>> No.6756337

>thinking the Hilton is bad
it's the best place for it, why don't you like it?

>> No.6756344

oh no i hate that too, but if hearing gangnam style in public sends you into a fit of rage then it's time to reassess yourself

the internet is not separate from the real world anymore, either deal with that fact or continue being a miserable shit who thinks they're too good for everyone else, the choice is yours

>> No.6756348

I will admit that it is a gorgeous venue, but I just really don't like it. I'm a derp with finding my way around things and got lost several times because mostly everything looked the same. The price for the drinks at the bar and the food was absolutely outrageous as well.
It's just my personal opinion here since I know a lot of people disagree with me, but goddamn.

>> No.6756349


Hearing Gangnam Style anywhere sends me into a fit of rage

>> No.6756364

Well Gangnam Style will be played at cons and expos for the next 10 years so you better get used to enjoying and dancing to it.

>> No.6756370

Oh Gad, dat girl.

>> No.6756372


I very much doubt it.

It's a shitty song with a shitty dance, get used to it. Flavor of the month memes don't last.

>> No.6756375

I hear Sonic will be coming to the May MCM Expo and that he will be turning up at the meet.

>> No.6756383

Who is Sonic?

>> No.6756386

You will know soon enough, but the obvious is that he cosplays as Sonic the hedgehog.

>> No.6756388

Aha! I saw that guy! He was excusing himself with the fact the lifts were out - and the woman at the desk was just like "what hast hat got to do with you parking out the front?"

>> No.6756387

do you mean Liam?

>> No.6756392

So you do know then. I guess there's not much more to say then.

>> No.6756402

not same anon as >>6756383

unfortunately i know Liam all too well

>> No.6756406

I feel blessed that I have never come across this girl or her boyfriend.

>> No.6756407

I guess you might know more than me. When I saw him I initially thought people didn't like him because he was a nigger (which is true), but also because he is awkward as fuck to be near to (and I don't need to say more on that in the case of other scenarios).

>> No.6756409
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Me to, :( heard this time he going to be sliver this time.

>> No.6756413

My source said he's apparently doing normal Sonic, but it can be wrong though.

>> No.6756418

Also u going to the cosplay cruise, oh shit Iam going to be on a small boat with him... HELP

>> No.6756420

shit I ment he going to the cosplay cruise Iam to sleepy right now

>> No.6756424

I'm actually giving that a miss and will stick with the event and the meet so I guess you are unfortunate; and that I'm lucky. :D

>> No.6756425

Ladies, prepare to be s̶w̶e̶e̶p̶e̶d̶ creeped off your feet.

>> No.6756426

like this (The Creep - Lonely Island) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLPZmPaHme0

>> No.6756431

Just watched the video of Genus opening ceremony. Why must every starter con have a shit MC, surely it should be one of the easiest things to sort out.

>> No.6756434

It's the economy they can't afford to do it properly.

>> No.6756436
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Yeah she's a retard. She finds any excuse to get drunk and party hard. She's good friends with DAT LINK now.

>> No.6756444

oh god the girl that smacked into the mirror was that fucking lightning cosplayer?

really wished i hadn't missed it now

>> No.6756445

Oh god, not that guy. I know him.

Please tell me you don't mean the seagull meet. Why would he do that? He knows what the people here think of him.

I don't know why everyone was bitching about how the Gemu cupcakes tasted, they were alright.

>> No.6756446

Any new dramu?

>> No.6756447

He says he's bringing his bros or so he told my source. I just hope my source isn't fucking me around as I might skip the meet this time around.

>> No.6756451

Some I can't think of, but if you keep asking a new one may form involving you and everyone in this thread. :D On a serious note what you're hearing now on the thread is the only active dramas going on or so I believe it to be.

I'm sure some old ones might come alive again soon.

>> No.6756457

Where is he saying this?

I hope you're fucking with us.

>> No.6756466

why is everyone so distraught over the possibility of this guy showing up? so what if he does? just let him do his thing, it'll be a laugh and it doesn't even affect the rest of us.

>> No.6756467

Well I my source told me he emailed them as they are "close" (pretending to be his best friend so my source can inform me and my mate of this idiot), but I have my doubts about it as all I think Sonic/Liam is just a retarded nigger and nothing more. Besides if he did turn up with his "bros" it isn't like anything will happen other than mass dribbling and crying like a bitch.

>> No.6756474

>it doesn't even affect the rest of us
PTSD can have very serious effects. Don't joke about it.

>> No.6756478

PTSD don't mean shit to us as I've all heard about these "serious effects" if you can consider it as being that, but I've never seen it at all. As for the Ocarina girl and her gf I think that is the only thing we should be slightly concerned of if anything.

>> No.6756480

What are you talking about? He's socially awkward as fuck. Nothing is worse than a socially awkward person at a meet/party.

Him being black has nothing to do with anything.

>> No.6756484

as long as he's not a dick who gives a fuck just stay away from him be a damn grown up

>> No.6756485

Well it is for me (hence being a nigger), but fortunately for me no one knows that part about me. :D

But I agree the socially awkward part (like you said to the other anon) plus more socially awkward bros could theoretically be a problem if these idiots really will be a problem.

>> No.6756494

If he's going to be at the meet, how can I avoid him without not going to the meet?

You being black has nothing to do with anything.

>> No.6756498

Well I'm racist and it has pretty much been passed down in my family and it really can't be helped, but no worries as I've done well already by not calling that arab/ceiling panel destroyer a sand-nigger (let's not go further with my personal problems as I've done well not to show them at the meet).

Also taking into account of what you are saying to the other anon why not make it clear that he (and maye his bros) aren't welcomed to the meet? Any excuse surely should be easy to come up with, right?

>> No.6756499

In the closing one he was chewing gum the whole way through, I wanted to slap him

>> No.6756502

It's what we're doing now.

>> No.6756507

True, but even if he's looking at this thread it's not like he knows who's posting which is what matters, but let's end the discussion about this nigger as I'm sure we can talk about other awkward anons while we at it. Do you have anyone else in mind we can discuss instead? It's just my choices would be too obvious (hence ban the sand-nigger for damaging the ceiling tile from the Seagull meets for a while in case you can't work it out).

>> No.6756511

Stop trying to stir shit.

>> No.6756518

It's hard to stir shit from just over a month away and besides if anyone got pissed about my posts a storm would have brewed up by now. Can't you work that out already? Long story short I believe it is the last opportunity to discuss these sort of things before everyone comes to /cgl.

>> No.6756519

they made the stage smaller after Friday to stop people dancing on the stage, i think they broke it or something.

>> No.6756527

I guess people are retards like that (and to the point DJs have to make the stage smaller).

>> No.6756533

The relentless self promotion of Team Neko is starting to piss me off. Before it was a casual annoyance. Now they are really intrusive and in your face about it.

>> No.6756539

Just like Micnax, but not discuss him as the last time sort of resulted in a shit storm which really got to me (just for the fact I really couldn't reply to it).

>> No.6756537

Still have no idea who they or most of the other guests were.

>> No.6756542


^this guy right here

>> No.6756549


Well because they were asked to record the whole con they suddenly feel like hotshit.

>> No.6756558

I dont understand how they're together, he looks so much more interesting than she does

>> No.6756562

I thought about this long enough now and this confirms how bad the UK's economy is the fact that a convention would ask a odd group to cover a whole con

>> No.6756566

Should subside soon when they realise that no one gives a shit.

I don't think it has anything to do with the UK's economy, it's more to do with first time con organisers. No one wants to risk dedicating time and work to a con that has no real portfolio.

>> No.6756576

Sorry if I'm mistaken on this one, but this is what I think on the matter. If these people are really first timers I guess they shouldn't make the same mistake twice with some hope (given there is any hope left at all).

>> No.6756577

just don't talk to him? it's not that hard?

though if you're this sandy irl then it's probably best you stayed away anyway

>> No.6756578


If by 'more interesting' you mean 'lol, look how random I am while I creep on all the ladies with my camera'

>> No.6756586

The meet split off into several groups last MCM anyway and I don't see why that wouldn't happen again this time, there are several feuds within the group and it's really too large for one room party to support. Just go with whichever group he doesn't go with.

>> No.6756599

I think "he" might actually go with all groups just to bitch about his own personal problems. Unfortunately people are like that.

>> No.6756602

Well given that I'm rooming with a bunch of seagulls, there's likely to be a group of us coming back to my room, and I'll tell him to get fucked, even if nobody else will. So there's that.

Are we even still talking about the Sonic guy? I'm getting confused.

>> No.6756607

Unless someone wants him in there party, some WORLDSTARHIPHOP shit is going to go down.

If the group splits, he'd have to pick one or the other since he has no way of getting into the rooms without knowing the people inside.

>> No.6756633


>> No.6756644
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Yup it was her. She's like that most of the time.

>> No.6756646

he self promotes? what?

>> No.6756649 [DELETED] 

In the honour of Talos (given anyone here still plays Skryim, lol) lets hope he doesn't turn up at all or that any other awkward bros turn too for that matter. I will still insist no storm fags are here as if there was there would be a storm already. Fuck all those fags to keep to their own parties or dying from being beta faggot insecurities.

>> No.6756665

The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.6756680
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Well judging by this bitchfest I think you all can safely assume Liam won't be gracing you with his divine presence.

Unless he's desperate to be ignored and shunned because even that's better than no human interaction.

>> No.6756685


Feels like any dick with a camcorder or camera thinks they're hot shit these days. Seems like every con I go to somone is shoving a cheap business card down my throat with their "team" name on it.

>> No.6756688

Was she really that bad? When I spoke to her briefly she seemed fairly nice.

>> No.6756734

I suppose that is true, but is there anyone we can mention where there will be no storm or shitstirring? I've seen the newer posts so far, but they are no better. The simple point is I want to discuss someone without a storm as there is no one to better discuss for the next event and I like to discuss stuff as always.

>> No.6756746

Sounds like my kinda girl.

A lot of people say it's so people can find their pictures after the event. I don't know why a little paper tag with a devantart/flicker account on it isn't enough but hey.

What really pisses me off is when people use huge watermarks that ruin the picture. What happened to taking pictures at cons just for fun ?

>> No.6756747

I don't even know the guy, I'm just fairly wary about who hangs out in my room because one of the qts I'm rooming with can get really anxious in social situations with people she doesn't know and I don't want her to be subjected to the affections of some creepy. Everyone else in the room is big enough and ugly enough to look after themselves, but I'm very protective of her.

>> No.6756759

People just like to troll, no fun for enjoyment no longer exists.

If you insist Eva, but thanks for the worry, really I mean it.

>> No.6756888

Pouncy has watermarks so large they block out the sun. That said i've yet to find a Pouncy pic of me that is actually usable. Nice chap though.

>> No.6756939

I don't like Pouncys work but I'll say this in his defense, he may still be using that same old god ugly water mark but its now about a 3rd of the size it use to be.

>> No.6756948

If by sand nigger who damaged the ceiling tile you're referring to the guy who climbed into the roof and broke a ceiling tile at the MCM meet in October; I'd like to inform you it was his own room, he paid for the damage and he is not Arabian in the slightest.

>> No.6756987

That was totally Toaster's fault anyway

>> No.6757000

Ever tried asking for a non-watermarked copy? Some photographers I know watermark the shit out of stuff so it doesn't get stolen but will happily give the people in the photo watermark free ones when asked.

>> No.6757014

I have as it happens and they have always been happy to. I know some who have even sent me there RAW files to work on my self

>> No.6757222

Who the ever loving fuck are Team Neko and why was the fat one acting like some hot shot cause she had a press pass?

>> No.6757263

They have been about for years, at first they were pretty cool getting random video at events when very few people were doing so. The problem is in the last two years they have started to get full of them self's. I don't think it helped they got involved with kitacon who are so far up there own arse there head is pocking out there mouths.

I think they have started to believe there own hype and its gone to there heads.

>> No.6757927

So it literally is some woman, a greasy looking guy and a video camera? Way they were going on I thought they were at least semi-professional.

>> No.6757942

> Team in their name
Implying any type of professionalism occurs when this is the case.

>> No.6757967
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Especially shit like this

>> No.6757975

Saw he uploaded con pics last night, went to take a nosey to see if I'm in any. Literally about 12 photos of some fat couple kissing at different angles.

>> No.6758073

>Fat people kissing
I take it they're branching out into niche fetish photography.

>> No.6758166
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This is his "con photography".

I had the pair on Facebook and swiftly removed them after the con. For two morons with a camera, they certainly think they're something special.
Zelly just whines and moans all day and Tom plays the racism card at every opportunity. Meeting them in person confirmed that I really cannot be bothered with them

>> No.6758230

On the plus side, at least they managed to capture the vibe of the con.

>> No.6758234

If you show a modicum of skill or talent in something you have everyright to pretend to be a professional! /sarcasm If you hold up the pretence long enough other people will fall for it and your professionalism becomes a fact, and people might then start paying for your services.

This happens far too often. Someone cottons onto something they reckon they can monetise then self promotes like a mofo to try get credibilty by making themself "a name" rather than because they're good. Then hopefully they eventually get caught out because "it is my right that I be famous/make cash through doing something badly because I believe in myself so other people should, despite lacking talent, professionalism and the will to improve myself" is not a solid life plan. /endrant

>> No.6758241

This goes for the "con dj's" a group of talentless individuals who would be lucky to get a job dj'ing a 12 years olds birthday party at the local scout hut. It now seems if you play the same shitty sets often enough, at as many events as possible, they no longer become shit.

>> No.6758249

It wouldn't be hard to do better than most do if you just stuck an Initial-D soundtrack on loop for two hours.

>> No.6758256
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I seriously reccomend you guys start putting idiots in their place whilst you're at cosns, it's like preventing a forest fire. Had a few nuts at MCM specifically, it's come to expect when you gather so many people from such a diverse subculture that you quickly spot out the sexually repressed and socially awkward and they don't react to things like civilized people would. If you notice one of them getting a bit over excited then feel free to slam down on them hard, because if you don't, it'll be 2am and they've drank their own body weight in alchohol and tried to rape the 16 year old chick who dressed herself with half a meter of fabric and took acid.

The amount of people I've met at cons who think it's acceptable to assault people and pester the fuck out of you when you clearly want nothing to do with the is unreal. You get these incredibly cocky autists who as soon as they feel their pride has been injured go on a war path and start shove punching in a blind rage resulting in a tiny drop of piss presenting itself on their white satin gown.

>> No.6758257
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>> No.6758258

I failed to understand why no one took the drunk lightening to one side and told her to calm it down, instead everyone she interacted with seemed to be encouraging it.

>> No.6758262

It's a drunk average-looking girl among a horde of nerds, what the hell do you think

>> No.6758270

There's already two >1 hour mega mixes on youtub. They don't even have to try. I'd 100% drop and attend if someone announced a eurobeat party.

I think some of the DJs were down with man-flus and what not at gemu so they weren't up to scratch. But yeah, most of them are totally shit, flu or no flu. The DJ who did the End of the world party at Kita 04 had a nice set

My brother got a portable mixer a while back and never used it so I've nabbed it and plan on playing around with it soon. Maybe I'll be up to speed by the time some small con in need of a DJ rolls around.

>> No.6758373

Well you'd atleast expect one numpty to try being a white knight or there be someone on hotel/con/bar staff atleast who'd be checking and chucking out people getting too rowdy/drunk/omg sooo crazee lolz

>> No.6758456
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>> No.6758483

So someone getting a confidence boost is bad? God, everyone should just hate themselves cause we should all believe we're worthless fuckers. Anything else would just be big headed.

>> No.6758485

The people on this site will never stop the idiots because half are shut-ins that never even go to cons and the other half are too beta to do anything except whine on an anonymous image board.

>> No.6758835

Team Nekofag detected

>> No.6759008

This to the extreme.
My cute friends were dancing and having a nice time on the Friday night and this gaggle of tragedies were loping about behind us. So we moved away, only to be followed and specifically closely by a particularly tragic long-haired dork. I pointed him out and another of our friends walked up to him and said "please can you just go away, you're bothering us. Thanks". It was like music.

>> No.6759114

Hi Tom

>> No.6759122

I felt so mean after doing that but I'm really glad he left you all alone. He just said 'Ok' and walked away with no fuss thankfully.

>> No.6759143

More the "OMG autograph!!!!".
Some drunk fanny asked you to sign something at a nobody con. They probably asked the receptionist for it too

>> No.6759303

Can i actually ask, what kind of guests get people here actually excited? y'all seem like some bitter fucks sometimes but I'm sure you've got some great tastes.

>> No.6759330

Not Vic Mangina

>> No.6759340

Gabe Newell.

>> No.6759341

Anyone who can be interesting and has done something professionally and notable that they can talk about and discuss to talk about. Basically no Youtube "stars", amateur dub wannabes, or random dude giving a talk on a subject he's googled.

Nice people are a bonus too, so no Mangina plz.

>> No.6759353

I would possibly sacrifice a limb to get videogame music composers as guests.

>> No.6759354

I suppose any popular famous person would do like Gabe Newell (only a noob with a Steam account wouldn't know him), Jason Statham (I do like most of his), Christian Bale (I think everyone on 4chan may want to meet him, especially >>>/b) and the list can go on to be infinite, but the idea here is obvious.

Also most of us are bitter and are deeply insecure (hence how most here got onto 4chan in the first place), but the usual bitter ending to a party is more of a ritual rather than that most of us are just genuinely being bitter bastards.

>> No.6759364

I'd like to meet Chris Patton again. He's a really nice bloke, and rather weird.

>> No.6759370
File: 39 KB, 344x500, fuckucomicon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not really interested in con guests but if they got Hagio Moto or Takemiya Keiko to attend then I would cry

>> No.6759375

At a gaming convention I would prefer to see more actual video games designers, producers and people in the industry. Youtube guests are fine as long as they actually DO something rather than just make vlogs or "news". Someone with an actual show, like Mega64 or Continue or someone from the NormalBoots set would be great because they actually have something they can discuss and are somewhat involved in the industry. It's not just that I'm a fucking faggot for Mega64, honest.

Perrin and Terry were great guests and actually had something decent to contribute in terms of actual industry knowledge, experience and passion. It's a shame that they were put on the backburner just because they got some youtube faces.

What if they fucking got Grant Kirkhope oh my god, he'd be amazing and just spend the whole time taking the piss out of everyone.

He's a bit of a prick really.

>> No.6759394 [DELETED] 

It would be interesting to see Ricky Gervais there. Maybe he will come up with an insensitive joke that would make everyone laugh and rage at the same time.

>> No.6759547

But Perrin is a cockend though, i'd put him on the backburner but he'd probably eat it.

>> No.6759793

I now want to go to a British con, it's my new goal in life.

>> No.6760316

Are you a sadist or something?

Though with Sunyy being poor and Gemu being just plain bad we're probably due an amazeballs con soon.

>> No.6760362


>> No.6760452



>> No.6760588

Hasn't that ended permanently already or did I get the wrong one?

>> No.6760597

One more then they're done. I don't blame them, running a con is insanely stressful.

>> No.6760600

It's the last one this year. I'm looking forward to it personally, I have a feeling it will be epic.

>> No.6761240

They said the last one was the final one so I'm still hopeful they will run again. Though I'm still trying to get the money together to afford accomodation for this time ;_;

>> No.6761246


But unlike last time they've put it on the website that this will be the last one.

>> No.6761719

On reading about Ayacon I suddenly thought "shit shit" I haven't booked ticket/room yet. Dashed over to website. To found out already had like 2 months ago. FML.

>> No.6763133

Saving the thread.

>> No.6763135

Limit reached, new thread.