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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6752817 No.6752817 [Reply] [Original]

Disney debuted the new look for Aurora's face character at the American parks today. What do you think, /cgl/?

>> No.6752822
File: 254 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mkwsy5XhTu1qfk3s6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I'm torn. I like the cut but I wish the swirly fabric was more subtle? It's present on the new Cinderella & Belle face characters but it's not as in your face

>> No.6752832
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>> No.6752839
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Old design, for comparison

>> No.6752858

Overall the changes worked for Aurora, but I will forever miss that curl of hair in her bangs. IT WAS CUTE AND UNIQUE.

>> No.6752866

The dress is cute, but I like the old hairstyle better.

The girl's face is really... Herpy.

>> No.6752884
File: 67 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mkwa5isJD31r93pjbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why the dress is so... flat. the other re-designs made the dresses more ball-gown like, but this one made the dress super flat.

>> No.6753084

It's pretty awful. Looks like an amateur-intermediate level cosplay.

>> No.6753202

Seconding this. Also, Aurora is my favorite princess so to see her dress look this bad makes me want to cry.

>> No.6753250

Doesn't look like Aurora anymore without the curl, looks like some random bimbo pageant queen in a costume (not inaccurate). The new shoulder bits are strange, but the old ones look too large and stiff, also agree that the swirls are too obvs.

>> No.6753251

Anyone else notice the shit-tier glittery pantyhose sleeves?

>> No.6753254

What upsets me is that they get paid to wear these and be fake while half the people on /cgl/ act fake FOR FREE and tend to make much better outfits.

>> No.6753277
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I guess Disney can't be arsed with shapewear.

>> No.6753284

I think the new one is cute but it doesn't really stand out. Like, I can't really see that attracting kids in the middle of a crowded park.

The old one was just tacky though, so I'm kinda glad they're doing something different.

>> No.6753306

But how much of that half would be able to interact with hundreds of people a day, including children, without screwing it up?

>> No.6753331


My thoughts as well. These costumes need to last years, being worn every day by different models. They would be tugged at, be sweaty and overall abused.

>> No.6753367

ITT jealous whales

>> No.6753392

Not to mention the fact that those interactions mean you're not allowed to stop smiling, say "no" to park visitors, or ever step out of character. The party princesses I've read stories from have it rough, dealing with bratty kids and entitled parents for an hour or two at a time. Imagine dealing with that for eight hours straight with maybe a half hour to sit down and eat something.

>> No.6753413

>criticizing the costumes and not the faces
... What?

>> No.6753417

Her face is terrifying.

>> No.6753442

She looks too... ethnic. Like Mexican or something. Aurora is supposed to be very caucasian-looking. Facially this one fails really hard.

Dress is ok but the bangs are shit. The only thing that was ever really unique about Aurora's design was the bangs.

>> No.6753447
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>> No.6753478

Well, she's right. The point of face characters is that they should look like the original, no one would pick a white girl to be Mulan.

>> No.6753487


She looks like JonBenet in the first two pictures.
It honestly freaks me the fuck out.

>> No.6753523 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6753617

pff plenty of white girls have been Jasmine and Esmerelda

>> No.6753799
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For reference

>> No.6753831

This girl looks too ethnic for somebody? I don't think this girl would look too ethnic for Hitler.

>> No.6754312

Hahaha. Disney picks white girls to play Jasmine, Esmeralda, Pocahontas, and yes, even Mulan on occasion. This girl was likely chosen because she can be bronzed up to be Jasmine and Pocahontas in addition to the white princesses.

>> No.6754342

I'm going to a disneyland character audition this week. it doesn't really specify whether or not i can end up being a face character or a background thing but either way i would be thrilled. anyone have any advice for the audition?

>> No.6754352

Eh. S'okay. The shop on her face is terrifying, though. I'm sure she's quite a pretty gal, but that shoop is full-on pageant style creepy.

>> No.6754367


>> No.6754384

Ugliest face character ever

Seriously, wtf?

>> No.6754419

/cgl/ tradition

>> No.6754588
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It might not be shoop, tbh. A lot of recent face characters seem to really slap on the make-up.

>> No.6754610
File: 48 KB, 360x480, aurora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's the chola eyebrows that are making you think it looks Mexican.

Because seriously those brows are NOPE. Aurora has relatively thick, non-arched eyebrows compared to, say, Ariel or Belle, and they're also medium brown. This actress' brows are done too dark, too thin, too angled.

>> No.6754649

I feel like every disney princess costume could be vastly improved with a corset. Disney princesses have teeny tiny waists. I get that it wouldnt be the most comfortable thing ever, but it would look so much more professional.

>> No.6754653

This girl is such a cunt. She had a huge meltdown because somebody dared critisize her makeup. Like, gurl, it looks shit, get over it.

>> No.6754657

I think on a cosplay level I agree, but on the level that these are mostly seen and appreciated by little girls, I think it's nice they have more human figures than that.

Sage for off-topic and hopefully not derailing.

>> No.6754658

I can't even fathom how this feels on her face.

>> No.6754683

I see your point, and I do agree. It's good they pick women that look real for little girls to emulate. They're not super thin nor do they have really tiny waists like the characters, which makes the accuracy nitpicker in me cry, but more importantly, the part of me that wants to protect little kids from the ugliness in society smile a great big old derpy smile. I'm glad you pointed that out.

>> No.6754694

what's her tumblr?

>> No.6754741
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I really like that Disney is going back to their older face character roots, where what was important wasn't "is this girl classically beautiful and gorgeous?" but "does this girl know how to make guests days magical?"

I don't think she's a cunt but I think she is really, REALLY insecure with herself. It's not terribly surprising because I think a number of people who work in the entertainment industry are constantly criticizing themselves, so when they receive outside criticism (especially "this makeup looks freakish" "She looks like an alien") it's like a double-blow. She posts frequently about depression as well.

>> No.6754747

Remember that this also needs to be seen on a 'out in the sun all day, sweaty, uncomfortable' level. Corsets, although giving a nice authentic look, but just be plain hell for the actors.

>> No.6754750

The Pink is fucking atrocious. They should have gone with a more subtle pink rather than fucking fuchsia.

>> No.6754754

does anyone have any videos of this snow white? I see her all over Tumblr as snow white & cinderella but can never find videos of her in action

>> No.6754757

Look like Belle and Barbie had a baby.

>> No.6754777

I knew this girl who auditioned for a face character through Disney's student program thing. When she made the cut, she immediately turned into a mega bitch about it, constantly bragging about how she was being paid to be a princess, that she had everyone's dream job. When people would ask her advice on auditioning themselves, she would smile smugly and basically tell them that there was no way they could do it.

Welp, turns out she didn't get to be a princess. She got cast as one of the characters that wears a full body suit and huge head. She dropped that shit quick and went back home. Funny thing is, she still brags about it and tells people she got to play a princess, but left for "personal reasons". I didn't find out that she was lying until I talked to her cousin, who laughed about it and told me the real story. Last I heard she's trying to make it as a singer now, Lana Del Ray kind of stuff.

>> No.6754793

That's sad.

>> No.6754803

Sad that she didn't get to be a princess? I mean, even though she had a terrible attitude about it, I agree. It would suck to expect to be a princess and have it yanked out from under you.

Of course, I would love to be cast, even if it was something like Goofy. I might even prefer those types of characters. The suits are heavy and hot as hell, but you don't have to talk to anyone, or even smile.

>> No.6754813

Why would they tell her she was cast as a princess if she wasn't? That is so cruel.

>> No.6754814

I think that anon meant sad in the sense of "pathetic".

>> No.6754815

Yeah, god forbid you smile, anon.

>> No.6754822

Arent there multiple rounds? I think making the cut is like okay you can be mascot/face character... we just need to see if your face looks like the other princesses enough so its consistent if someone runs into Aurora two days in a row they can pass as the same person

>> No.6754829

They didn't tell her she was going to be a princess, just that she made the cut. She assumed because she was so gorgeous and talented that she would be playing a princess.

Ah, right. My bad.

I just think it would be exhausting keeping up that perfect princess persona all day with all those demanding tourists and bratty kids. At least in a Goofy mask you can roll your eyes.

>> No.6754833
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but she hardly ever posts anymore.

>> No.6754837

My friend worked for Disney in the college program. They have a course on how to smile. Managers will give you notes if you don't smile right. She got in trouble because she wasn't smiling when she was cleaning up a protein spill in public and by protein spill I mean vomit.

>> No.6754842

Why are all the Auroras so ugly? Jeez. I've never seen an ugly Jasmine or Belle, Snow White is usually cute, but Aurora is always fug.

>> No.6754848

I'm too tall to be a princess. Feels bad.
If I was a Disney princess I'd want to be Belle.

>> No.6754857
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>never seen an ugly Belle.

>> No.6754853
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>> No.6754859

I'm sure I've seen some pretty Auroras in past threads, though some of them might have been regular cosplayers.

>> No.6754866

Aw, I think they are both pretty!

>> No.6754867

I just think the new costume/hair and makeup is all super unflattering tbh.

>> No.6754864
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>protein spill

>> No.6754874

>I really like that Disney is going back to their older face character roots, where what was important wasn't "is this girl classically beautiful and gorgeous?" but "does this girl know how to make guests days magical?"
Indeed. The main market for these princesses isn't really going to care how hot they are. When you're 8, any woman in a princess gown looks beautiful.

>> No.6754879

Anyone in a long pretty dress and lovely hair is a beautiful princess to a little kid.

>> No.6754887

When I was six I thought my ice skating instructor was the most gorgeous person ever because she had long hair and glittery nails. Now I look back and realize she looks like a man. I think the perception of beauty isn't there when you are at the parks at a young age.

It's only the envious teens, or people who couldn't get casted as princesses, or those who are way to obsessed with princesses despite being an adult who will criticize. Kids? Probably won't care at all.

>> No.6754892

I agree. I feel like a dress that vivid and bright needs a strong lip color. For some reason disney has decided to make Aurora wear a super light pink, which completely washes the girls out. You know what would have been cool? A dress that changed color depending on the light. It could look pink at some angles, and blue at others and be super glittery and stuff.

>> No.6754897

>Lana Del Ray kind of stuff

>> No.6754900


this is true. I had super long blonde hair in middle school. I looked ridiculous. Super nerdy.

but the little girls on the bus told me I was pretty

>> No.6754899

I now. That's why I posted her.

>> No.6754902

Can I buy some crack from you?

>> No.6754906
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Something like this would be pretty. Of course that doesn't fit in with their marketing scheme, so.

>> No.6754912

I actually really like this. It looks less cheap and crappy than the new one, at least.

>> No.6754923
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Face it, Aurora is the worst princess and has the worst dress. There's literally nothing Disney could do because she's just so awful in every way and has been the past 50 or so years.

>> No.6754927
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Here is the winterwear. Im really not feeling it, which is a shame because Belle and cinderella updates were so amazing.

>> No.6754932

The problem I have is:

The swirly design is too dark. It needs to be more subtle, like the other updates.

The dress is just too flat and shapeless. Both Belle and Cinderella got updates that were more flattering to the body, meanwhile this one is...

>> No.6754937
File: 127 KB, 500x500, cindere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cinderellas is the best.

>> No.6754939

Dat shade of pink though :/

>> No.6754949
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>> No.6754960

That's not Aurora. That's Barbie.

>> No.6754967


In the OP picture her nose looks a little wide but looking at the other pictures that's just an optical illusion.

>> No.6754968

I think face characters play the people in suits, too (I don't know what the terminology is), so if you get in you'd likely play both.

>> No.6754969

My thoughts exactly. She looks more like a sparkle Barbie than anything else. That fabric... no, ma'am, I do not like it.

I hope Jasmine's update will be beautiful though.

>> No.6754976

Everyone who performs does character sets (mascot suits) from the Princesses to the dancers. Face characters also do multiple characters typically. For example, someone may be Tink one day, Alice the next and then be Mickey or Stitch. When I auditioned, they really drilled it in that EVERYONE does the mascot suits.

>> No.6755012
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>> No.6755043
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really sad we'll never see aurora in her blue dress. I asked her at WDW why she never wears the blue anymore and she said she didn't want to wear the same thing as her good friend Cindy. Then I realized that this was actually true- but could confuse aurora with cinderella if there dresses are the same I guess.

>> No.6755051

I like Aurora's blue dress best, but some child is just going to see a girl in a blue dress and assume it's Cinderella. I can understand why they don't use it, even though I'd prefer it.

Did she ever say what princess she got to play? My money is on Ariel. All the crazy bitches love Ariel for some reason.

>> No.6755084
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if you go to Paris you'll see her in blue.

The shift to pink is marketing, basically. Once Disney decided to market the "Princess Line," it became very much color coded. Cinderella is blue. Aurora is pink. Belle is gold/yellow. And so on.

Parents can be just as dumb, which makes it even sadder. I once overheard a parent during a parade who pointed at an Alice in Wonderland float and said "Look, it's Cinderella!" And don't get me started on parents who don't recognize Belle without her ballgown...

>> No.6755088
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>getting angry at adults for not having a robust enough knowledge of cartoon character's outfits

>> No.6755090

>I once overheard a parent during a parade who pointed at an Alice in Wonderland float and said "Look, it's Cinderella!" And don't get me started on parents who don't recognize Belle without her ballgown...
Ohhh the cringe...

>> No.6755105

It's not about the outfits. A parade float with a crazy tea party prop, a man with a crazy big top hat, a rabbit with a clock saying 'I'm late I'm late,' walking play cards... if you can't tell that that is Alice in Wonderland, you have some problems.

>> No.6755109

Bingo, anon. I was at a house party and heard her talking to people about it. She said she was the face character for Ariel and because of her hair (she dyes her hair that Tracy Hines/ Ariana Grande shade of red) she didn't have to wear a wig. The wig comment made me wtf, and that's when I decided to ask her cousin about it later.

>> No.6755111
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one of the friends of the family/ my sisters best friend in jr.high and high school became a Aurora.
She picked it up because they were auditioning and she lived across the street and needed the money for rent and school.

She said all the girls are bitchy primadonnas and the guys are worse than the women.

Little girls can become overwhelming, but sometimes it's cute.

But overall it's trying to stay in character.
She reported a lot of incidents when men would come up and say inappropriate things to her about her boobs or something when children were around and not being really sure how to handle it.
pic very much related. It was her.

That aside, growing up Aurora was my favorite princess and it destroys me to see her dress look so shitty, ever. But it's also no surprise.

I liked >>6753277 's idea. I think they should make it shapey.

>> No.6755114

Dropped my sage, whoops.

>> No.6755121

I was reading a Disney forum a few years back and there was a particular Snow White who had a stalker, who would (when she was working as Snow White) tell her he had a castle that he could take her to right now, he would fight her prince to death in a duel to win her, etc etc.

>> No.6755124

I really meant the "Belle without her ballgown" part, but even then, being unfamiliar with Alice in Wonderland isn't "having some problems," it's just being unfamiliar with Alice in Wonderland.

>> No.6755131

I think people who are unfamiliar with iconic stories--especially if they're spending a few hundred dollars, at least, to bring their children to the most popular company that brands iconic stories--have problems, yes.

And as for Belle?

>Belle in village outfit
>appears with Beast
>appears in shows called "Belle's Storytime"
>parents still don't know it's Belle

Yes I find them stupid as well.

>> No.6755138
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Then you're a bit ridiculous and immature. Most people take their kids to Disneyworld for their kids, not because they're so passionate about children's cartoons.

>> No.6755144

It's not about being passionate about children's cartoons. It's about not being an idiot. And if they're taking their children to Disneyworld--which would cost anywhere from at least $400 to thousands of dollars--it's reasonable to assume their children like Disney, isn't it? So are their parents idiots or just absent in their lives, since if a child likes Disney a parent would have watched a movie with them, or bought them a book, or a toy? I don't think it's acceptable for adults to be that ignorant.

>> No.6755147

assburgers detected

>> No.6755160

Pics of the other Princess updates?

>> No.6755165
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>I don't think it's acceptable for adults to be that ignorant.
>Of Disney movies
This shit is not actually that important. And yeah, most parents just turn on the TV and don't pay much attention, because they don't watch children's cartoons. Or, the horror, they only bought their kids a few Disney movies and only know those characters.

I guess that's practically child abuse.

>> No.6755169

I see what they're saying. I've somehow memorized songs from Wonder Pets, Dora the Explorer, and Blue Clues just hanging out with my cousins' kids. These are also horrible shows that no sane adult can watch, but I still end up watching them.

>> No.6755173
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I'm not even a fashion person, but it gives me a bit of a girlyboner when I think about what someone like Elie Saab could do for these characters.

Can you imagine? Unf.

>> No.6755179

As I said before, it's not even about Disney movies. Alice in Wonderland is an iconic story. If you think it's okay for people to be ignorant, that's fine. I don't think it is.

Are you super extra pressed because you can't tell the difference between Cinderella and Alice or what?

>> No.6755189
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do you know what ad hominem is?

>> No.6755198

>parents not recognizing Alice in Wonderland
>it's a movie almost from the 50's and literally every child since then has watched it

They have no excuse, they are terrible parents and pay no attention to that shit
My mom is a major normalfag (so no excuses) and she can still recognize every fucking classic princess (none of the new ones, though)

>> No.6755205


ALL the princesses wear wigs
it's part of making sure they all look as identical as possible
what a crazy bitch

>> No.6755203

>Terrible parents
>Taking there kids to Disney World
Alright, troll-chan. Everyone move along, nothing to see here.

>> No.6755210

>transparent dresses

>> No.6755224


>> No.6755226
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Yeah, I know, that's when I knew her story was bullshit. She talked about how the casting directors knew immediately that she was "naturally suited" for Ariel. I don't know if she was just mad delusional or felt like she had to keep up the lie after she let it roll that far along.

Leaning towards mad delusional.

>> No.6755228

>paying for shit and taking their kids to amusement parks makes anyone a good parent!

Let me guess, you're one of those kids who grew up in daycare and your mommy and daddy threw you some gifts every once in a while and you think that's good parenting

>> No.6755231
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Do you even colors?

>> No.6755232
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So they finally have Mulan in her superior Ping outfit out

of course it's limited as part of a "Forgotten Friends" thing but still

>> No.6755240


>> No.6755252
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Yeah, I think it's okay for people to be ignorant of books and films for children. Because I realize that knowing what Belle looks like outside of a ballgown doesn't fucking matter. At all.

My mom is a normalfag and she could probably only identify Pocahontas, because it was the only Disney movie I ever cared about. And yes, I went to Disneyland while I was in Florida visiting the gramps.

I'm surprised I didn't call CPS, it was practically torture.

>> No.6755262

>My mom is a normalfag and she could probably only identify Pocahontas

And there is the crux of your extensive butthurt. Just couldn't handle the implications against your mommy, could you?

>> No.6755259

I could see if it was just Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, both in blue, standing next to each other with no context whatsoever. But if it's Sleeping Beauty on a float with a spinning wheel or, in anon's case, Alice in Wonderland surrounded by characters/imagery which aren't exclusive to the Disney story... c'mon naw.

>> No.6755266
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What? No. Seriously, arguing with someone this stupid is going to give me an aneurism.

It has no implications, because knowing Disney princesses says literally nothing about someone's character. To think it does is mind-blowingly immature.

>> No.6755268

I've never ever met a princess at Disneyland. The one time I saw one (Mulan I think) she was surrounded by a huge crowd/line of kids and as I was high school age then I would've felt weird joining a mob of 5 year olds. I guess when I went as a kid my family was more focused on hitting all the rides so we didn't do the more laid back stuff like parades and things.

>> No.6755275

When I was little I never saw the princess movies, I was only familiar with disney movies like The Lion King and such. I remember starting Sleeping Beauty and finding it really boring, so I avoided princess things. I had a wonderful childhood, and amazing parents. But they wouldn't be able to tell the more casual designs apart (Belle, Cinderella casual wear, alice etc). If you think that makes a parent bad well shit, that's weird.

Some people didn't grow up interested in that stuff. It might be UNUSUAL to find it unrecognizable, but it doesn't make them bad or abusive.

I know a lot of people complain about this, but I still don't see why they get upset over her kimono wear. ALL the park princesses are shown in their ball gowns, whether they suit their personalities or not. They don't show Auora in her gathering outfit, or Belle in her casual wear, even though those probably represent the type of character they are more then sparkly ball gowns. They show them as princesses because that's what they are.

>> No.6755276
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I worked retail at around the same time Tangled came out in theaters. All of the Moms and Grandmas called Rapunzel "the Tangled Princess".

>> No.6755278
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>mfw be 18 year old male in line of 6 year olds hyped as fuck to met Snow White

normal fag please leave

>> No.6755277

It's been said more than once that it's not about knowing Disney princesses, it's about basic knowledge of very popular, iconic stories whose imagery go beyond Disney. There is a very big difference between the images associated with Alice in Wonderland (a mad hatter, a tea party, playing card guards, a rabbit with a watch) and images associated with Cinderella (a glass slipper, a carriage, a fairy godmother)--it's not about Disney, or knowing the ins and outs of Disney cartoons. It's about iconic stories and someone having zero grasp on them.

>> No.6755281

Hell there are little kids who don't even call her Rapunzel. I was at a thrift shop, and there were some dolls there. The little girl goes "Look Mommy, it's Tangled!"
But yet called the Ariel doll by her name.

>> No.6755288


Mulan didn't end up as a princess of China though. She ended up as a war hero. That's her as an icon. To completely ignore that trait of hers would be to ignore the whole movie.

>> No.6755290
File: 77 KB, 368x368, 1358697097892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's really weird- you'd figure most people know the lady with the long hair is named Rapunzel. It's not like it's a Disney exclusive or anything.

>> No.6755291

Usually where I worked they just called the Little Mermaid. Aurora/Briar was Sleeping Beauty, which doesn't bother me because like hell 4-year-old girls can say Aurora. Belle was usually Belle, and Tiana was referred to by name as well. The rest never really came up.

>> No.6755294

The person I was talking to was ragging on someone for not recognizing Belle outside of her ballgown, and I said that's what I was referring to. But even further, being unfamiliar with something iconic says nothing about someone's character other than being unfamiliar with that thing. Seriously. So someone doesn't know Alice in Wonderland. You might find that surprising, or difficult to imagine. But to act like it speaks to who they are is absolutely absurd.

>> No.6755296

They show them as princesses because that is what sells. Before the Disney Princess line it wasn't unheard of to see Belle in her village outfit, Cinderella in her 'home' outfit, Mulan as Ping, etc. People complain about it for Mulan in particular because the matchmaker outfit is the outfit that represented who she wasn't--a painted up, perfect, meek doll. I think people would complain less if she was in a fancier version of her other outfits (which aren't kimonos, as she's Chinese) like the one she wears in the beginning or the end.

>> No.6755309
File: 120 KB, 300x232, 1333982230336.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that bottom-line you just can't expect anyone to have worthwhile knowledge on things that they have absolutely zero interest in. That doesn't make them stupid in any way, it's just how the human mind works.

>> No.6755314

>ALL the park princesses are shown in their ball gowns

The parks' Merida isn't in her "princess" gown, she's in her archery clothes.

>> No.6755321

99% of the time (at least in the past 3 years) when Belle shows up in her village outfit it's part of an event clearly labeled "Belle's Story Time." So if someone sees belle in her village outfit and doesn't connect "Belle's Story Time" with Belle... yeah.

>> No.6755328 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 403x604, 1269544983337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6755332
File: 127 KB, 500x334, tumblr_mhux9vsaig1s3t6beo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite ariel

>> No.6755333

>face character

Get the fuck out.

>> No.6755335
File: 130 KB, 500x334, tumblr_mdhv5gWEn41rpl3bro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

traci isn't an official Disney employee

traci please leave- your hipster video was bullshit

>> No.6755336

Mulan isn't technically a princess though. I always thought it was kinda weird she was added to the princess line.

>> No.6755340

Sorry, I went in my Disney folder and picked the first picture. I'll go ahead and delete it since it can only cause more derailment.

>> No.6755339

it's all about marketing

>> No.6755341
File: 113 KB, 500x334, tumblr_me4k40BWSy1qifp8co1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6755342
File: 363 KB, 1024x683, 8522590231_4b5d6bf49e_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty! I always liked this Ariel even though physically she looks nothing like her. But in person she just had this really fun, bubbly, Ariel-like personality.

>> No.6755350
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>> No.6755346
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>> No.6755351
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>> No.6755355
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>> No.6755353

Wait, is this official or are we posting cosplay now?

>> No.6755356
File: 182 KB, 427x640, tumblr_mjhex33BaW1qb3lkfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any favorite face character videos?


>Family decides to surprise children with military reunion at Snow White's wishing well
>Snow White and the little girl wish for the girl's father to come home
>She gets her wish
>little girl introduces dad to Snow White
>my tears

>> No.6755358
File: 100 KB, 467x700, tumblr_kt3s05oKq91qa0i8to1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was taken at a park. It's official. Plenty of face characters will do silly or cute poses if you ask them to.

>> No.6755360
File: 661 KB, 552x818, tumblr_mhdariWKUC1rrm5g6o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6755362
File: 65 KB, 500x373, tumblr_mgyossXqu11qdmncco2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6755364

I just want to say, that Snow White's voice is spot fucking on.

Now excuse me. I've just got a lot of feels I have to deal with.

>> No.6755373
File: 367 KB, 960x640, 1359601225595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6755371

Oh, I just meant that the sleeves weren't like other Ariel face characters I've seen, so I wasn't sure. I guess they need that for those summer months!

>> No.6755377
File: 90 KB, 500x598, 1358202464532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6755380

Why...why would you do this to me? Why?!

>> No.6755381
File: 137 KB, 500x334, laughing bitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6755384
File: 197 KB, 427x640, tumblr_mfkl0f0b5j1qb3lkfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh ikr? I was watching another Snow White video and she was talking with her regular voice and it made me crazy. At least pitch it up a bit!

>> No.6755387
File: 86 KB, 500x334, tumblr_mhk4exVvSz1s001u0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6755389
File: 215 KB, 500x749, tumblr_mdp9izoM8e1qdaww5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6755393
File: 210 KB, 464x498, tumblr_m74t0mtxDG1rb8imdo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6755400
File: 108 KB, 720x703, 261681_1853673430852_7977046_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6755408

Any Esmereldas? Or is Disney trying to forget that Hunchback happened?

>> No.6755405


That's too much. Oh God, my heart.

>> No.6755406
File: 115 KB, 500x437, tumblr_mhg5mrLTNj1qmrqrso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6755407

...Best be trollin' nigga

>> No.6755417
File: 21 KB, 400x395, 1350999384853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I work at Disney World and know some of these girls
>pic related

>> No.6755423
File: 75 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mhk455I8BD1s001u0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6755427

Some caption this shit

>> No.6755432

I think this is my favorite original Ariel costume, the detailing is really nice.

Also my favorite prince face character, looks JUST like Eric in the movie (unlike a lot of the other princes who tend to be REALLY off...)

>> No.6755433

They bring her out for special events sometimes. I think she was in this year's Halloween show?

Also man they didn't even try to bronze this girl up

>> No.6755436

>she was talking with her regular voice
What. Why. That is one of the most distinctive features of Snow White.

>> No.6755441
File: 351 KB, 683x1024, 7254618606_d66c6f364b_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my pic

>> No.6755452

...Sigourney Weaver?

>> No.6755453

I don't knowwww.


The little girl is adorable though

>> No.6755459
File: 366 KB, 720x703, idiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6755462
File: 283 KB, 683x1024, 8363988398_76e5536470_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Little girl runs up to Snow White and just clings to her. So simple but... damn it.

>> No.6755463

fucking saved for future use

A+ anon

>> No.6755469
File: 116 KB, 640x632, 22050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was expecting something more like this but that's pretty cool too


>> No.6755478

Slightly relevant: I was a face character for two years at Disneyland, if anyone has any questions I'd be up for answering things!

>> No.6755481
File: 267 KB, 178x604, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting a small personal dump of Face Characters

>> No.6755485
File: 367 KB, 720x703, idiot2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I aim to please. Don't think it works as well though.

>> No.6755482
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>> No.6755486
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>> No.6755488
File: 312 KB, 683x1024, 6293206295_2614246728_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sharing my face character story:

>20 years old, first time at Disneyland
>disabled, use a cane, walking for a long time hurts and I need to take periodic breaks
>went on a trip with college dormmates who ended up being assholes about having to sit down for 10 minutes after every 90 minutes or so of straight walking
>roommates ditch me the next time we sit down on a bench (literally ran off saying WE'LL MEET HERE AT THE END OF THE DAY KAYBYE)
>in pain + embarrassed + upset = start tearing up
>hide my face while I cry
>suddenly someone sits down next to me
>"Hey there! Are you okay?"
>look up
>it's Peter Pan
>Peter Pan spends like ten cheering me up after I explain what happened
>sprinkles invisible pixie dust on me
>asks if he can use my cane as a sword
>suggests my roommates might be pirates
>says I can be the lookout while I rest my leg
>makes me an honorary lost girl

Bless you Peter Pan.

>> No.6755489
File: 195 KB, 260x306, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(love this girl)

>> No.6755492
File: 986 KB, 1280x1281, tumblr_mkyqbt2VIZ1ruwh7ao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bitchy are the princesses?

>> No.6755493
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>> No.6755491
File: 111 KB, 499x750, 1359621174861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who were you

post pics

>> No.6755496
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>> No.6755501
File: 47 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mkrg5740eg1racg3po4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, Peter Pans in general seem to attract awesome people.

A story from Tumblr:
I went to Disney World yesterday for the first time since I was eight. Immediately I went to buy a Peter Pan cap. Pan has been my favorite Disney movie since I was two. After I found my cap and went on a few rides I went around looking for Peter. Once I found him I waited in line to get my picture, which probably looked odd seeing as I am sixteen years old and 5”8, standing in line next to a bunch of six year olds. Once I got up there, he saw my cap and said “Defending the park from Hook while I’m off duty?” I replied “yes, I hope I’m doing a good job!”

That was around the time he noticed the scars on my wrists. He kinda gave me a look in my eyes and said “you okay?” I told him, “well Peter, you’d know better than anyone how tough it is to grow up.” And he looked at me and whispered, “Neither of us are grown up yet. We might have gotten older over the years, but we haven’t forgotten what it’s like.”
Then he told me, “since we’re both from Neverland, and you’re my partner in crime, stand back to back with me, and cross your arms. We’ve got to do the signature pose!”

I know the guy who dresses up as Peter Pan for Disney doesn’t realize this, but all that he did for me in the five minutes I met him made me feel happier than I’ve felt in months. I felt like a child again, and feeling like a child is pretty great sometimes.
I’m not ready to grow up yet.

>> No.6755498
File: 149 KB, 119x437, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6755503

my god her old dress was awful

>> No.6755510

That's the most generic "wah wah i'm a depressed moron" faggot story I have ever heard.

>> No.6755509
File: 237 KB, 186x556, 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6755512

she probably went back to cutting herself the day after she met peter pan.
It's never go enough for emo fags

>> No.6755514

You're so edgy and cool! You're the coolest person on /cgl/!

>> No.6755516

oh god her face is terrifying!

>> No.6755515

I bet to this day she still posts her sob stories of how bad her life is being a middle-upper class suburban white girl that goes to Disneyland.

>> No.6755517

>cutter detected

>> No.6755519

I was better at "blending in" then performing, so I switched around a lot. I was Cinderella, Belle, Aurora, and even Ariel a few times. Plus a handful of mascots and one time I got to be Jane, another time I stood in as one of the Ugly Stepsisters. Usually I ended up as Cindy, since I looked "too young" for Aurora and Belle.

It depends, generally I would say they were quite catty and very full of themselves. Disney tends to hire very young people (myself included) so you get a lot of people who are working there as their first job and they tend to talk a lot of crap and act rude. The girls who treat it as a job, tend to be pretty friendly and nice...but the girls who seem to quite literally think of themselves as a princess, acting out a childhood fantasy are never fun to be around.

>> No.6755524

When I was three years old I hugged Winnie the Pooh and somebody took a picture but I remember nothing.

>> No.6755527

Check your privilege!

>> No.6755533

samefag detected

>> No.6755535
File: 97 KB, 500x333, ex2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6755538

almost definitely.

>> No.6755539
File: 109 KB, 500x375, sdfsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Esmeralda, Clopin & Frollo are out for the "Long lost friends" event at Disneyland.

>> No.6755544
File: 93 KB, 500x419, tumblr_mbage1aYs61rod01wo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I overheard these little girls saying, “Let’s go on the haunted house, it would be SO GREAT in these dresses!” Like the dresses were some sort of ride-enhancing drug that would in some way improve the Haunted Mansion.

>> No.6755559

This thread makes me so sad that I've never been to Disney World.

>> No.6755614


>> No.6755627

Which one is better, Disneyland or Disney World? A friend and I are planning on doing a trip to America one day, but we'll probably only have the time and money for one Disney park.

>> No.6755654

Land is the original park and has some neat history. World is larger and has all of the high tech stuff like Epcot. Depends on what you want to do. Also depends on whether you want to see only Disney parks or other attractions in the area.

>> No.6755665

I went to Disneyland for a week recently and to be honest I got a bit bored between 'land and CA Adventure after a handful of days. Granted, I'm not a huge ride person, I'm more the type that goes for the atmosphere. So for me, World is better (though I haven't been there since I was quite young) because there's a lot more to explore and do that isn't rides.

>> No.6755953

it's a mix between >>6754610 and >>6754967

>> No.6755958

she doesn't look like Jane at all..

>> No.6755964

World is basically Land, plus three other parks. There's a ton more to do, also they have Animal Kingdom. World is best Disney.

Also, go between about Jan 8 - Early March. It's not busy, or blasting hot, and they do a ton of deals to bring people in. Don't go in summer.

>> No.6756320

A week is definitely too long for a Disneyland trip, the park just isn't that big.
Also I live in SoCal and I still haven't been to California Adventure. I resent their retarded decision to make it two parks with separate tickets. I know they've been gradually adding more attractions though, so maybe someday it'll be worth it, idk.

>> No.6756365

All of that win yet they couldn't cast an actual asian girl as her?

>> No.6756371

Oh anon, I did not want to begin my day with tears


>> No.6756377

So pretty! Does she have a tumblr?

>> No.6756391

I'm a fucking wimp I teared up

>> No.6756398

TOO MANY FEELS IN THIS THREAD excuse my while I collect my river of tears

>> No.6756428

Does anyone know which princesses/characters are in Disneyland Paris? I know they don't have newer characters like Merida, but what do they have? Is there a website or something (I googeld forever but didn't find anything)
I can never find any information about this so I'll just ask here, I guess...

>> No.6756660



>> No.6756742

They have all the Disney Princesses, plus most of the iconic suit characters (mickey etc) plus more "rare" characters like Esmeralda, Phoebus, Hercules, Meg, Gaston...

>> No.6756891
File: 1.81 MB, 176x144, remembering that one image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

assblasted emo who doesn't know how to check for samefag detected

keep cutting yourself loser

>> No.6756930

why can't they ever have a delicious brown Esmerelda

>> No.6756941


>> No.6756960

Thank you!

>> No.6757073

>samefag comes back a day later to samefag again

Shouldn't you be cleaning your room? I thought your mom told you to do it a week ago.

>> No.6757083
File: 125 KB, 640x640, 1352323662680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i too late for a dump?

>> No.6757081
File: 27 KB, 500x333, 1356317169585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>confirming my point you don't know how to check for samefag

>> No.6757087
File: 315 KB, 740x490, 82be457434491ba009612feeea39db4859733cab-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6757092
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>> No.6757094
File: 286 KB, 1000x609, 1357760617373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like these sea shell bras but it's not a bad attempt

>> No.6757107

This is cute but it irritates me when people wear a long petti under the skirt for this outfit when Ariel doesn't in the movie.

>> No.6757139

I actually think those are some of the better ones I've seen. The red ones look like they're actually painted onto real shells so they have depth? I like that.

>> No.6757142

This is a face character thread, not fan cosplay.

>> No.6757145

Maybe when the face characters get cuter than the fan cosplayers, they'll have more photos.

>> No.6757154

You realize that function thing to check for samefags doesn't actually work, right? Or did babby just find that infographic and think it works? Admins are the only ones who can actually tell, and even moot fucked it up in one thread (no offense, moot-san!).

>> No.6757163
File: 110 KB, 500x334, dsw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they'll have more photos
>implying there aren't thousands of face character photos shared online

Oh ok. Also the girls you posted might be cute if they didn't shop their faces to the point of creepiness.

>> No.6757188
File: 317 KB, 1280x1280, 1359598094546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime I see that pic, I think of catty bitches and they look like catty bitches in that pic.

>> No.6757242

Favorite Belle costume ever, I wish they used it more. Does anyone know if this is a holiday seasonal dress, or is it locational, or..?

>> No.6757359

They only use it, at least in the past few years, for the Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas parade.

>> No.6757370
File: 231 KB, 700x700, tumblr_mk9xa5PWai1r0900ao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6757413

how old is this image? Or did Ariel get her grotto back?

>> No.6757460

Looks a lot like Ariel from new Fantasyland.

>> No.6757479
File: 110 KB, 461x523, 1290995948684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6757514

These sweet face character stories are giving me lots of feels. It reminds me of when I met Spiderman in the Toys R Us in NYC.

>> No.6757544
File: 152 KB, 747x599, 44383-Right-in-the-feels-TJAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6757548

...and? Come on, anon, a Spiderman story is fine, too.

>> No.6757559
File: 262 KB, 821x1024, 3410012855_de051dcbdf_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6757562

I went to Disneyland Paris when I was about 11, didn't get any photos of me with any princesses (maybe Minnie/Mickey Mouse). The thing I was most upset about was being too short for Space Mountain (the enigmatic adverts for the VHS Disney videos really interested me when I was young, I was like 5-10cm too short dammit).

>> No.6757564
File: 142 KB, 640x426, 4166062568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6757567
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>> No.6757573
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>> No.6757577
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>> No.6757579

You realize Disney owns Marvel, right?

>> No.6757580
File: 124 KB, 640x522, 4275017593_12b23f32f9_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6757585
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>> No.6757588

This shot always cracks me up.

>> No.6757586
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>> No.6757589
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>> No.6757595
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>> No.6757592
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>> No.6757597

idk I'm Chinese and she looks pretty Asian from here.

Hey face character anon, are there any Asian face characters? Does every have to be able to sing? Apart from the odd Mulan and maybe some mascots I suppose I'll never be able to get a job there.

>mfw 5"2 asian

>> No.6757598
File: 460 KB, 1024x683, 6318931555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6757599
File: 141 KB, 357x500, 1321413580160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6757601


>that seashell bra


>> No.6757604
File: 366 KB, 1024x679, 3358132216_9b847aa0f0_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6757607
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>> No.6757611
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>> No.6757612

It looks like it's cutting into her...


>> No.6757615
File: 754 KB, 768x1024, pocahontas_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6757619
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>> No.6757629

Not that anon but the only female face character that it specifically asian is Mulan. Some asian actresses can also do other characters, depending on what they look like. (To be blunt, whether or not they can pass for Caucasian.) Other than that, asian actors can do parades, extras or side charactersin shows, etc.

>> No.6757634
File: 438 KB, 800x638, 8496399333_acd104dab6_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6757637

I haven't been to Disney World since I was ten. I've only ever been to the main park and Animal Adventure, but I've always wanted to go to the studio one, is it as great as I've heard?

I hope to one day go back to the park and get my picture taken with at least one princess or villain. The two times I went, the only characters I got pictures with where the Mickey, Goofy, Donald type characters.

>> No.6757643
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>> No.6757646
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Story from Tumblr:

So Wishes starts right, and I’m into it enjoying it like always. When randomly, Gaston comes out. Now, I dunno if this has become a usual thing, but I’ve never seen him out during the fireworks before, so in my head I was like, ” oh that’s different.” Then I went back to Wishes.

Well, a few minutes later, Gaston comes up beside me and starts up a conversation. This is how it went.

GASTON: “You like fireworks?”

ME: “Of course! Wishes is like my favorite thing to see here.”

GASTON: “Oh really? Do you find them…romantic?”

ME: “umm….Sure I guess?”

GASTON: “Good. I put these together for Belle. I’m sure to win her over with this time.”

ME: “Well, how can you be so sure she’ll see them?”

GASTON: “What do you mean?”

ME: “I’m pretty sure she’s getting ready for a really fancy evening with The Beast in that castle over there.”

GASTON: *flustered* “Wha……what do you mean? Are you sure?”
ME: “Pretty sure.”

GASTON: “Where’s an angry mob when you need them?”

>> No.6757651
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>> No.6757652
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>> No.6757659

Are there face characters for lost boys or Tiger Lily?

>> No.6757661

Only not-horribly-unflattering Aurora face costumes I have ever seen, damn. Why do they always make her costume so terribly bulky?

>> No.6757664
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>> No.6757667
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are there any active face character themed tumblrs? the only ones I can find are all inactive

>> No.6757682
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>> No.6757688

>>6755519 and >>6755478 here

The Aurora costumes are really weird, the bust and shoulders are padded and the waists are very stiff (at least the old costumes were) so they could keep the lines sitting right. The issue was they didn't conform to your body AT ALL and made everyone look pretty frumpy. Also if the shoulders didn't sit properly on you like >>6752839 then the entire bodice would pull.

They also put boning in the dresses, but since they didn't fit anyone properly and zipped closed, the boning pulled away from your body and made you look even larger. The wigs ranged from alright to really unflattering depending on who styled them the night before.

They way disney did them, it was a very difficult design to look good in. I'm not sure WHY they made them that way.

>> No.6757701

Man, that's too bad. Like I get that character shifts chabge and fitting one dress to EVERY actress that comes through the role would be expensive (although, c'mon, it's Disney), but I feel like it's not impossible to make them slightly more adjustable to each actress's body...

The one wig I really, truly hate is their Aladdin though. Seriously, I have never seen a face Aladdin that looked good.

This is freakin' great though. I don't even remember when they still had Meg and Herc, are they around for the Forgotten Friends promotion?

>> No.6757698

This is a friend of mine's ex. She's an absolute nutjob and boring in the sack. Ruins Aurora for me.

>> No.6757699
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>> No.6757705


>> No.6757708

The picture is from the 90s. They're also around during the Forgotten Friends thing this year, though.

>> No.6757710

Wear workout gear. I dressed nicely, not expecting to have to LITERALLY DANCE FOR 3 FUCKING HOURS STRAIGHT.

And bring your own drinks. They sold.out of water.

>> No.6757719
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>> No.6757732
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>> No.6757734

Don't wear anything too showy, but make sure they can get a good idea of your body type. Wear shoes you can dance in, or bring a pair along...High Heels won't get you any points! The dance portion doesn't always take place at auditions, but it does most of the time, so be prepared. Don't attempt to take on any disney-esque mannerisms, (such as talking in a "snow white" voice) but try to be peppy and keep a smile on your face.

Show up a few hours early, otherwise you'll end up at the end.

I really wish they put laces in the back of the garments, with a pretty modesty panel so you could change the dress shape a bit. But they want you to be able to dress yourself so I guess that's why they avoid anything but zippers.

They pick girls with similar measurements, but body shape changes a lot, and the dresses don't allow for it.

>> No.6757740
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Wow, I had forgotten. Okay, I'll try to keep this short. First, some context. My older brother loved Spider-Man. He was a huge fan. I started liking Spider-Man too, because whatever cool older brother likes, dorky younger sister likes. When he was 24, my brother was driving drunk and crashed into a tree. He died instantly. I was 14 at the time. (Please anons, never ever drink and drive.)

>Fast forward to 19-year-old me visiting NYC to see family
>Cousin had told me the Toys R Us had a Spider-Man to take pictures with
>Took my brother's copy of Amazing Spider-Man Volume 1 (a reprint)
>Wanted a signature. Sounds stupid, I know.
>Find Spider-Man, posing with kids for photos.
>Get in line
>Notice parents side-eyeing me, thought I was too old for Spider-Man, I guess
>Tell cousin we can come back later, start to leave when I hear
>"Hey, Mary Jane! Don't go!"
>(I'm a blonde who had dyed hair bright red at the time.)
>Fucking floored
>Finally get to Spider-Man.
>Told him I just wanted a signature for my brother's comic book.
>My voice cracked.
>Photographer brought a pen and he signed it.
>Thank him, go to leave, cousin insists I stay for a picture.
>Spider-Man agrees. You don't tell Spider-Man no.
>Go to make the web shot hand move towards the camera
>Out of no where, Spider-Man scoops me up in his arms, pic related
>Snap snap, Spider-Man gives me a hug and I go to the counter where they print pictures
>In a daze of FEELS
>Forget to read signature until in the taxi back home
>"Stay strong, Mary Jane. -Spider-Man"
>Only cried that hard once in my life.

I have two heroes now. I love you Spider-Man. RIP David.

>> No.6757753

Those feels.

I.won't cry..
I won't cry...

>> No.6757767
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That is so fucking beautiful.
Thank you for sharing.

>> No.6757853
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A photo of the proto-type new princess designs

>> No.6757860


>> No.6757867


>> No.6757871




>> No.6757875
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>> No.6757912

Don't worry anon, I capped it.

>> No.6758129

oh gosh, this is just precious

>> No.6758139

I needed this kind of magical story right now. Thanks ! Peter Pan is awesome.

>> No.6758220
File: 123 KB, 450x571, snowwhiteDisney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do they get Snow White's arms so puffy?Do they use steel or..?

>> No.6758227

Disney magic. Duh!

>> No.6758231

Of course!

>> No.6758490

They sew squishy foam into the sleeve lining.

>> No.6758518

This story sounds fake as hell. Spiderman wears a mask, and mascots aren't allowed to talk.

>> No.6758526

And, and, how would he know her brother was dead? She didn't say she told him. He could have thought her voice cracking meant she was excited to meet ~Spiderman~

>> No.6758587

Spiderman isn't a mascot character, mascot characters wear fullbody suits...

Have you never been around a cosplayer wearing a mask? They can speak through masks just fine if the person is right next to them...

>> No.6758618

Are you going to the one on Saturday? I was considering it too.

People who have auditioned before:
-Do you need to bring a headshot even if you're just auditioning for background characters? I don't think a shit photo with my shit camera would be of any value to them.

-What do you do at the audition, just dance and stuff? Do they interview you?

>> No.6758845

Spiderman isn't a mascot. I haven't been to Toys R Us, but I saw Spiderman at Universal Studios and he was allowed to speak.

He could have picked up on the fact that she specifically said it was her brother's comic when her voice cracked. He didn't have to necessarily know he was dead, maybe he assumed her brother was hospitalized and couldn't be there. Maybe the look on her face gave it away. Maybe her cousin was standing next to her in near tears over the interaction. Who knows. I don't think it's enough to completely rule out anons story.

Unrelated, but can we start a new face characters thread or at least Disney cosplay thread?

>> No.6759025
File: 101 KB, 477x600, tumblr_m0h2gtV4aF1rr8ryto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so adorable!

>> No.6759051


>> No.6759254

I'm sure anon can post her picture to prove us wrong if she wants, but I find it shocking that any mascot actor would dare pick a fully grown adult up without warning unless they enjoy playing fast and loose with their job stability.

>> No.6759704

It was an event at Toys-R-Us, not any sort of official actor. My uncle used to do work as a Power Ranger at parties and they had pretty free license.

>> No.6759761

Any actor in general shouldn't be picking people up without warning. This is just common sense, not a Disney thing.

>> No.6760894

Exactly. That man should have been fired.

>> No.6761015

Fired? It's probably a move he does with kids all the time, so it can look like Spiderman is "saving" them. Yeah, he should have given her warning, but firing him over it?

Damn anons, you are a mean spirited lot.