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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 119 KB, 960x720, 58879_10200899544636140_956684760_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6738336 No.6738336 [Reply] [Original]

This is the problem with Sakura-Con, and many other cons...

>> No.6738337

Fat white people bringing their offspring?

>> No.6738349

...Nerds having fun?

If that's the problem, what's the goal?

>> No.6738356

That chibi chibi is adorable.

>> No.6739489

Hey Sailor Moon? You goona eat that baby?

>> No.6739492

Um, that is adorable

>> No.6739521

sailor moon's shoes

>> No.6739525

Holy shit, how did I miss that?!

>> No.6739673

I love the chibi chibi

>> No.6739710

Not everybody looks at cosplay as an intense hobby, you know. This probably isn't the place to say it but there's nothing wrong with people wearing 'bad' cosplay if they're having fun and are respectful, and their costumes aren't overtly offensive. These ones aren't even that bad (the boot covers made me lol, but it's not worth making a thread about,get over yourself). That Chibi Chibi is super cute, though.

>> No.6740676

>Not everybody looks at cosplay as an intense hobby, you know.

seconding this
When I see a less than stellar version of something I remember this is not serious broadway costuming. It's just people who wanted to make something they like and have fun.

Some people want to work out 3 hours a day so they can have Korra's arms or spend 60 hours beading Satine's indian sari. Other people want to spend 2 hours at the con and wanted something to wear so they made something a week ago.

>> No.6740919
File: 1.00 MB, 349x373, ebS7C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see:
-Badges showing.
-Poor choice of yellow color on the far right.
-Unsecured boot covers.
-Tennis shoes.
-A choice of yellow skirt fabric that probably should have been doubled up to keep from being seen through.
-Domo-kun's head is cut off in the photo! Center your subjects!

Yeah, we see this shit a lot at cons.

>> No.6740931

You also forgot they left the little date stamp on the photo.

Really looks like a photo that somebody had on their facebook.

>> No.6740944


Amazingly, some people cosplay because they enjoy the source and not for attention like most female cosplayers

>> No.6740955

Wow, you started to say something reasonable and intelligent there for a second, what the fuck happened?

Also note the gender of cosplayers in OP pic

>> No.6741028

Oh, right.. right. What is this? 1997? Everyone has DSLR's these days! Whippersnappers.

>> No.6741041

Well, that escalated quickly.

>> No.6741267
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It's people like OP that make me never want to cosplay
even for fun

Yeah I want to make the costume look nice
but god damn
are people seriously THAT judgey ?

I mean I was attending cons back in early 2000's with my mom and sister and aunt
And the costumes weren't the greatest but what mattered is that fans were showing their support and enthusiasm

Now it's just like, a convention that only elite costume-makers should be a part of.

Really unwelcoming...

>> No.6741274

I thought it was because they were fat

>> No.6741279

nah there's some comments about fabric and shoes or whatever in here too

>> No.6741280

Cosplay what you want and don't give a fuck about what other people think. Just have fun. The cosplay community as a whole avoids 4chan as a whole for its (deservedly so) bad rep. I wouldn't sweat it.

>> No.6741670
File: 73 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mk8a1hMzkn1r2pmtzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truth. You're at an anime convention. Have fun and let others do the same. :P

>> No.6741724

Your untrained eyes have missed more glaring flaws. Allow me to show you my keen eye of subtle details

Glasses - You're telling me you can afford a costume but not perscription contacts? At the very least take them off when a photo is taken

Other people in the background - Everyone knows that the only photos worth seeing of cosplayers are through photoshoots with no outside interferance. If you can't get a photographer to take a good picture of you then you should not even bother showing off your costume

Buying toys as props - This is the same as getting costumes from ebay. Toys are something you play with to have fun. Cosplay is not meant to be fun but instead to be marveled by others for its beauty.

>> No.6742630

Glad to see I'm not the only one who doesn't give a damn if someone's costume is bad or they're fatter than some animated anatomical anomaly or generally overweight or not pretty enough or whatever. The biggest impression I got from the photo is that it looks like they're having so much fun dressing up as characters they love and geeking out with fellow fans. Taking time out of your day to ridicule someone for being a "fatty chan," or a "neckbeard," or too thin, or not tall enough, anything you can come up with, is something I really can't fathom. So you don't like the way they look, it's not like it affects you in some way. You don't have to do them, you don't have to hang around them, so why?

We're a bunch of nerds dressing up as cartoons, we get made fun of enough -- do we really have to go and start doing it to each other?

>> No.6742686

Well said.

>> No.6742700

Exactly. Most of the people who attend cons are dorks, myself included, you go there to have fun and hang out with fellow dorks. I don't care if they're wearing glasses or have weird boot covers, they look like they're having a good time.

The only time poor cosplay bothers me is when people brag or whine insistently and try to get involved in the cosplay community without making improvement. But you just want to dress up for this one con? You don't care about spending hundreds of dollars on your costume? You shouldn't have to. It's cool. Dress up like a cartoon character and have the time of your life.

>> No.6742723

Kill it with fire

>> No.6742722

It makes me happy to know that not everyone on this board is a crazy "NO FUN ALLOWED" Negative Nancy. Cosplay has always been a for fun thing like every other hobby out there.

>> No.6742729

Sometimes /cgl/ genuinely surprised me. There are so many people on here that pick people to pieces that I forget that there are 'good' people in here too. Thanks for restoring my faith.

>> No.6742762

>Cosplay for love of source
>Cosplay for love of costuming

Cosplay started as the former, and as it became a bigger thing it caused some people take an interest in the latter. Nearly all issues/problems/controversies in cosplaying today stem from the delicate relationship between "nerding-up" and "suiting-up".

This sort of dichotomy is common in society: whether the "inside" or "outside" matters more.

>> No.6742989

We're just hard to find. There's so much shit here that it's kind of hard to get a word in edgewise between all the "lel fatty chan lose weight or kill yourself" and "haha butterface" type posts.

>> No.6743270

Fat white people bringing their potential future fat white offspring, who may be just as doomed as their parent.

>> No.6743273

We don't want you in our prestigious, elite con anyway pleb.

>> No.6743331

You disappoint me /cgl/. This is 4chan.
Find out who these fatties are, find their facebook pages or twitters or whatever online life they have and make fun of them incessantly.

>> No.6743390

>>TFW Pluto looks like what you think your sister will look like when she finishes her Neptune costume
>>if she even finishes it

>> No.6743398

Get her some make-up for that rosacea and some weights for dat tub. Nobody has to look like that.

>> No.6743488

Your heart is the ugliest out of this whole thread.

>> No.6743506
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>> No.6743580

this line is literally the dumbest shit I have ever seen on this site

and I have seen a lot of shit

>> No.6743597
File: 36 KB, 500x389, 500px-HA_HA_HA,_OH_WOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just went full retard

>> No.6743619
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>> No.6743624

the worse part is she wanted to join me and m friends in our power ranger group
I told her she could be the alien in the mascot suit

>> No.6743661


They honestly look like weeby soccer moms to me. I can't hate on them. Life's gotta be hard enough with those faces.

>> No.6743716

>caring what other people think

You're already a faggot, anyway.

Also, welcome to /cgl/. Where you get to hear what people REALLY think but are too butthurt/chickenshit to say in real life.

Therefore, who cares what anyone on this shitty site thinks anyway?

>> No.6743725

Don't be so jaded.

This is true everywhere in life, not just /cgl/. It's retarded to generalize.

>> No.6743734

This isn't 2011 anymore, I doubt any of these tumblr bitches that have taken over this board even know how to popular doxx someone anyway.


>> No.6743730
File: 40 KB, 640x467, tinman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least he has a heart... lucky bastard

>> No.6743745


Meant "properly"

>> No.6743767

yeah no, I think the main thing keeping people is the whole rule #2 thing

>> No.6743776

It doesn't bother me unless they are attentionwhores who wear skimpy outfits even though they are morbidly obese.

If they are properly covered up and and just want to have fun, I couldn't give less of a fuck.

As someone said, other people don't take it as seriously, and probably just see it as a costume party like for Halloween or something.

>> No.6743799

That's partly true. Bitches these days would probably run and tell the person 4chan is the culprit in 2 seconds flat.

I'm not saying I miss the bullying, but these days, /cgl/ couldn't get something done even if they wanted to. People either wouldn't even know what to do, or someone would try and fuck it up.

>> No.6744109

Unfortunately, this is actually above average for Sailor Moon cosplay.

>> No.6744892

truth be told criticism like this makes me want to push myself to make an even better cosplay. I've avoiding cheap options and gone for better looking options when putting cosplays together.

However, at the same time I feel like I'll never be satisfied with my cosplays since I'll always find something wrong with it that I'll just be embarrassed by.

>> No.6744975

I don't think it's a mater of "finding the good people" here. Most everyone here enjoys making their cosplays the very best they can possibly be, so obviously we nitpick eachother and other cosplayers because we, personally, have high standards.

I don't know about everyone, but I'm capable of harshly critiquing a cosplay and watching other people do the same because it makes me want to do better for myself. But, I'm also capable of not hating everyone who makes a mediocre cosplay, because I get that everyone has different reasons and stanards.

It's not a matter of some people on this board being "good" and some being "bad", it's just a matter of knowing when to and how to act in certain threads.

>> No.6745439

Did anyone see Ally & Sally whoring themselves out at Sak-con?

>> No.6749094

You bring up a good point, in that people do think these things in their heads.

But people that just say whatever they think, with no filter, tact or careful thought beforehand probably wouldn't be cool if others judged them the same way. I always get a kick out of seeing people irl like this react to the same unpleasant treatment that they usually give out.

People can dish it, and reassert themselves a bit. But they can't take it.

>> No.6749317

They're actually all okay EXCEPT the middle Sailor Moons shoes and the complete outfit of the right Sailor Moon. I can't forgive those. That looks retarded as fuck.

>> No.6749432

Oh no, people I don't find aesthetically pleasing are having fun, this has ruined my entire convention experience.

>> No.6749465

>their costumes aren't good enough they aren't REAAAAAAAAAL cosplayers

It's hilarious considering cosplayers are the same people who get rectum-ravaged when they're accused of not actually caring enough about the things they cosplay about. Same ones who complain about being called gamur gurlz, too.

>> No.6749481
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This, but unironically. Why do it if you're ugly?

>> No.6749495

>not for attention like most female cosplayers
My fucking sides.

>> No.6749500

Wait, how does this thing keep it's balance?

>> No.6753430
File: 45 KB, 492x539, jesus stutter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your a cunt.

>> No.6753598

Yeah, you're right. Ugly people shouldn't be allowed to cosplay, wear nice clothes or leave their houses.

We better start handing out Beauty Certificates. If one person out of ten thinks you're not kawaii you must immediately quit your hobbies and isolate yourself.

>> No.6753612

Sometimes cosplay isn't about being the best and it's about having fun, i know it's hard to understand.
When we take cosplay so seriously some people just don't.

>> No.6753620

Wrong. Cosplay is about showing your cosplay to others. The "fun" you have is proportionate to how good you look and the positive reactions you get from people. Looking like shit and being a laughing stock is not fun.

>> No.6753626

This is your personal opinion and i said, sometimes it's about having fun for other people. Not for you. Please learn not everyone is the same, you should have learned this in preschool.

>> No.6753627
File: 99 KB, 602x453, cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand the nitpicking. Looks just like a group of friends posing together, having a good time at the con. If they aren't in a contest or posting themselves online saying that they're the best cosplayers, why consider them a problem? It's not like a con is a fashion show.

Pic related, the first cosplay I ever made myself (chubby teen in the kimono). My first sewing project, was supposed to be a Seaking, and the patches were shoddy and falling off the entire time. But did I care, really? No. I was wearing something I made, a costume made just to have fun for one day.

>> No.6753629

Keep making up lame excuses for being a bad cosplayer. Maybe your preschool should have taught you to strive rather than be content with failure.

>> No.6753630

You would have this attitude, fatty.

>> No.6753632

Oh my you really can't read, i said clearly "we take cosplay so seriously" so clearly i do as well.
But there are always people who just love whatever game or anime so much and don't really care about doing it the best.

I'm sure you don't understand.

>> No.6753633

So, in your retarded logic, nobody should point out a bad cosplay as being bad if you believe the people in question may possibly be having fun.

Makes perfect sense.

>> No.6753641
File: 184 KB, 600x600, 1340479559763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of us are real cosplayers and actually take pride in our craft. If you're going to call yourself a "cosplayer" and come to cosplay boards to post your cosplays then you should do the same. Otherwise you're not really a cosplayer but rather just another random retard who thinks conventions are halloween. Terrible motherfuckers like you are what give cosplay in the west a bad name. Please get out of my hobby.

>> No.6753642

No my logic is don't take things so seriously, clearly these girls aren't pros and aren't even in the running.

>> No.6753643

That was 5 years ago, and I've since dropped the weight. I don't see why my appearance matters, anyways. Sounds like you know that I have a point and all you can think of is insulting my appearance.

I'm saying that it's too extreme to say that people with sub-par cosplays are the problem with conventions, especially if they aren't trying to be professionals. Unless a person is placing themselves against that standard, it's unreasonable to hold their casual cosplay to such harsh scrutiny for no reason.

That's just my opinion on it, though.

>> No.6753649

>clearly these girls aren't pros and aren't even in the running.

I don't think these pigs have ever ran in their lives.

>> No.6753651

People are always going to be subject to criticism and judgement, it's a fact of life. Especially in the cosplay community because you're putting yourself out there specifically to be looked at by someone, whether it's you or strangers. You're dressing up as a character, and for the most part wanting to enough to be recognized. If people judge you it's not your or their fault. No one cares about you becoming an expert cosplayer, but we're still going to say something.

>> No.6753658

Cosplay is a big part of cons. If the cosplays fucking suck and are filled with a bunch of fat fucks that don't even try then the convention becomes worse. Have some fucking shame.

>> No.6753673

Unless you cosplay professionally, it is a hobby. Hobbies are meant to be enjoyed.There isn't anything wrong with wanting to make something accurate or good, but so long as you enjoy your hobby you're doing it right. For some the enjoyment comes from getting it perfect, but you are not everybody so don't expect everybody to be like you. I cross stitch and you don't see me freaking out over every person who misses a stitch.

>> No.6753713

Pluto looks like a plump Katy Perry

I have no problem with these types of people. I've seen WAY worse.

>> No.6753748

It's people with terrible, elitiest personalities that are giving cosplay a bad name.

Reality check, we're dressing up as fictional characters no need to act like a snob.

>> No.6753764

They were joking.

>> No.6753780
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>The "fun" you have is proportionate to how good you look and the positive reactions you get from people.
>Otherwise you're not really a cosplayer but rather just another random retard who thinks conventions are halloween.

You guys make me ashamed to be a cosplayer.

>> No.6753787

I don't like terribad and or fat costumes either but their presence is not a bad thing. It's easily ignored. Showing appreciation is what cosplay is all about.

Being a huge sandy cunt about accuracy over appreciation/enjoyment makes cosplayers look like shit though.

>> No.6753847

Being shitty isn't enjoyable. Try striving for greatness instead of falling into the lazy person philosophy of "IT DOESN'T EVEN MATTER MAAAAAN." It DOES matter, you fuck. You're not learning anything, bettering yourself or accomplishing anything just allowing yourself to always be shitty at something. You don't even KNOW what it means to have "fun" in cosplay because the GOOD cosplayers (ie the people that DO put in the time and effort) are the ones experiencing the true joy and satisfaction of success and praise, where as you are just content in attaining nothing.

>> No.6753850

>> It's all about the praise and attention.

>> No.6753853

Why is that every time a cosplayer fucking sucks people use the excuse of "THEY'RE HAVING FUN." How the fuck do you know their emotional state? Is being terrible at something somehow mean they are enjoying themselves more? If anything it's the opposite. If you fucking suck then you're enjoying yourself LESS since more people think you're shit.

Stop using "fun" as an excuse. Bad cosplayers aren't the ones having fun. The awesome cosplayers are the ones enjoying themselves the most.

>> No.6753863

Uh, because we can see the people in the OP and they're clearly having a good time, while great cosplayers such as yourself throw tantrums on 4chan because people are enjoying your hobby wrong.

Also I'm sure almost everyone here started out as a bad cosplayer and is able to remember that we still had quite a deal of fun back then.

>> No.6753869

cosplaying is a very, very minor hobby for some people. Not everyone is going to spend a huge amount of money and time on a costume they will wear once or twice a year, then scour the internet for photos and discussion. These type of people cosplay for the fun of it, not praise and attention.

>> No.6753893

>Let me define what's fun and tell everyone else that they're wrong

>> No.6753900

Visiting from /ic/. I don't normally post but fuck, it seems like you guys have these threads daily.

You're right, it does matter. Learning and observing, trying out new things is extremely important if you care about your hobby. However, that's the only thing you're right about.

The joy comes from your passion - sewing that shit together out of love for the character you're cosplaying and then sharing it with other people who understand your feelings. If you aim for praise and attention you're nothing but a whore dancing around in an attempt to please strangers.

It's in art, at least, the best way to keep from learning and becoming better. You see, when people give you attention for running around in a short dress, and this attention and praise is your reward, you'll just make shorter skirts for more attention. You're not getting any better. If your crossplay is a huge success, you'll crossplay again. This means that your "fun" comes from pleasing others, not yourself.

The fatlords in OP pic were probably having more fun than you've had in your entire attention-depraved life.

>> No.6753913

Either you are a troll or a moron. I pray to god you're just a troll but let's humor you for a bit.

I'm gonna use Halloween as an example. Ever see people in Halloween costumes be it kids or adults? Notice how people wear bad looking wigs, no makeup, wear basic suits and closet clothes as costumes, don't pick specific characters and take really blurry bathroom shots of themselves? Yet despite not being "oh so perfect" or getting all the praise, these very same people are having FUN at parties and just having a good time.

With that said, you're gonna tell me that all those crazy Halloween parties no one is having a good time all because they're wearing bad costumes.

>> No.6753935

Fun is a buzzword and using it as the focal point of your argument is pathetic on your part when you are trying to defend what youre projecting. Learn how to say "I'm ugly and don't care that I look like shit" in a better way.

>> No.6753945

>fun is a buzzword

I want /v/ to leave.

>> No.6753949

Actually I personally do strive for accuracy. I just don't have my period every time somebody else isn't great.

>> No.6753962

I want you to leave. You are an awful person with awful cognitive skills. People who are as disturbingly mundane and dumb as you shouldn't breed.

>> No.6753965

God, what the fuck is wrong with everyone suddenly becoming all nice and friendly?

>> No.6753969

>being this autistic

>> No.6753971

>implying this hard

>> No.6753972

how can you be so elitist about something like this? It's not like these people are entering contests with these shit costumes, they're just wearing them while attending an event. Not everybody goes to these things to cosplay and attention whore

>> No.6753981

When you look at the sun it hurts your eyes. When you look at ugly cosplayers it doesn't burn your retina but it feels damn close. I share space with these people having "fun." They should be fucking respectful and stop being so disgusting. I feel like I'm taking fucking crazy pills.

>> No.6753984


Don't reply to smoker. He'll leave once he's done.

>> No.6753993

Too true~

>> No.6753997

>buying toys as props

First time I hear this one. If the toy is accurate and looks good, why is that a problem?

>> No.6754208

aren't you ugly and fat too though?

>> No.6754213


Please see >>6753984

>> No.6754490


How the fuck is this even an argument? Stop using "fun" as an excuse for being bad. Being bad isn't "fun". And how would having "fun" mean anything anyway? You don't stop being shitty and pathetic just because you might have had "fun".

It's like dumbasses think that if you claim someone is having "fun" then they somehow transcend the obligation for shame or critcism. Because being a terrible, ugly cosplayer somehow translates into an increased level of enjoyment for which you can psychically tell they're having and can contrast with good cosplayers, who must not be having fun.

Ironically, the reality is that these idiots probably DIDN'T have that much fun because their horrible cosplays meant they didn't get very much pictures, praise, attract people to want to meet or talk with them, and just basically didn't get to enjoy any of the normal spoils of a successful cosplay that warrants attention. All they did was dick around in their pathetic "costumes", get a few pitty pictures, then went home. Their pathetic, failed attempt at cosplay limited their positive experience as a cosplayer.

>> No.6754497

or maybe they didn't care and had fun regardless? you have a stick far up your butt.

>> No.6754495

Calm the fuck down, anon. Nobody says they don't need critic. But op started saying that bad cosplayers are the problem with a con, and that's just fucking stupid.

>> No.6754501

>And how would having "fun" mean anything anyway?
You are either trolling or the saddest human being in the world.

Unless you are getting paid to do it, the point of a hobby is to have fun, not to be "good."

>> No.6754510
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>Ironically, the reality is that these idiots probably DIDN'T have that much fun because their horrible cosplays meant they didn't get very much pictures, praise, attract people to want to meet or talk with them, and just basically didn't get to enjoy any of the normal spoils of a successful cosplay that warrants attention
But these aren't the only ways most healthy people have fun at a con?

Seriously either you're a troll waiting for us to say "You're right, that IS the only reason to cosplay!" or you have psychological issues. Either way, pls go.

>> No.6754516


Try being good at your hobby. You'll have 1,000% more fun. Too bad you'll never know because you have no idea what it means to have discipline or strive for greatness.

>> No.6754531

Respond to my halloween example here >>6753913

>> No.6754537

>Try being good at your hobby. You'll have 1,000% more fun. Too bad you'll never know because you have no idea what it means to have discipline or strive for greatness.
I am good at my hobby. Like nearly everyone else who is good at something, I started out being bad at it. And you know what? I had just as much fun back then, when I was a doofus doing whatever I wanted for the joy of it, not worried how I stacked up or what people thought of me.

I love karaoke, and I suck at it. I hate annotated bibliographies and I'm good at them. Skill is not the same as joy.

>> No.6754572

>accuse someone of being a troll
>begging for replies

How ironic.

Anyways, your halloween comparison is stupid. People who dress up for halloween don't give a shit about it as a hobby, they're just partying. If the halloweenfag in question had a GOOD costume they'd be having MORE fun since it gets more attention and all of the positive benefits that go with it. So even then, using the dumb "fun" excuse doesn't mean anything.

>> No.6754608

Come write my annotated bibliographies for me.