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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6753313 No.6753313[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This seemed like the best board to discuss this, and I'll apologize now if you guys have beaten this particular topic to death by now.

I recieved information about this movement within the cosplay community today on facebook. At first, I was thinking "this seems great!" because naturally, sexual harrassment isn't cool. Just because a person is dressed in a provocative manner, in a cosplay or in reality, it doesn't mean they're invting you to grope them.

Then I looked deeper into it. There's this odd idea that "photography is hartasment". Now, to me this sounds pretty silly. Cons are held in public places, you are around members of the public, con-goers are members of the public. You've spent time, effort and energy on your costume.

Surely the entire purpose is to be photgraphed? Yes, some people will photograph your sexier parts, both for males and females. But if the idea of these things being seen don't bother you, why should photography?

I come at this from a point of view in psychology whereby studies are allowed in public places. By being in a public place you effectively "consent" to be seen and/or photographed.

I guess in short,
No Groping = GOOD!
No Photos = Kinda Silly.

What's everyones take on this? Am I a horrible person for suggesting being photographed in public isn't to be expected...?

>> No.6753316

>suggesting being photographed in public isn't to be expected
Sorry, IS to be expected...

>> No.6753327
File: 83 KB, 372x457, giiiiiiiirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're not.
What is NOT to be expected is someone shoving their lens up your legs or ignoring your requests, which is always what I thought they meant? Not just photog in general. Getting your pantsu in a twist because your blurry arm was uploaded in the very edge of a photo somewhere isn't reasonable with the environment at hand.

But, you know.
Some people are more sensitive to things. The "omg ugly guy talked to me soooooo violating" people and such who weaken this actual issue.

Just don't degrade or bother a human being for your totemo pretty pictures or because they're your 3D waifu. Nerd out responsibly and let everyone have their good time. It's a damn shame this has to taught to people.

>> No.6753330

>Yes, some people will photograph your sexier parts, both for males and females. But if the idea of these things being seen don't bother you, why should photography?
>But if the idea of these things being seen don't bother you

See here, not everyone is the same kind of attentionwhorey person you have in mind. Some of us actually DO mind those things being seen. Not all of us are wearing Yaya-Han Titsplay. People like lolitas and those in non-revealing cosplay don't want photos of those parts being taken, and that's perfectly fine.

>Surely the entire purpose is to be photgraphed?
Believe it or not, it isn't for everyone. Some people just want to go to a con for fun. Having pictures of your sexier parts or perhaps a very unflattering picture being taken by some person who won't even do you the courtesy of asking before snapping a pic is a pretty bad experience.

Just ask before you snap a photo, or respect the person's wishes if they say "No thank you." Seriously, it's not that hard.

>> No.6753336

well, that seems like a reasonable response. An appeal to common sense. What concerns me with this movement is that common sense may not be applied, like the
> "omg ugly guy talked to me soooooo violating" people and such who weaken this actual issue.
you mentioned.


>> No.6753340

>See here, not everyone is the same kind of attentionwhorey person you have in mind.
I didn't have any type in mind. I'm not saying people are cosplaying for attention. All I'm saying is, they are in a public place. They should expect to have to deal with other people.
>Some of us actually DO mind those things being seen. Not all of us are wearing Yaya-Han Titsplay.
Fair point.
>People like lolitas and those in non-revealing cosplay don't want photos of those parts being taken, and that's perfectly fine.
Other than by shoving a lens up a skirt, I don't see how people could do that. And obviously, that's not something I'm saying is cool.
>Surely the entire purpose is to be photgraphed?
>Believe it or not, it isn't for everyone.
Ok, perhaps the "entire purpose is for your costume to be seen."
Not that you're asking for attention, but if your costume isn't meant to be gazed upon by mortal eyes, why wear it publically...?
>Some people just want to go to a con for fun. Having pictures of your sexier parts or perhaps a very unflattering picture being taken by some person who won't even do you the courtesy of asking before snapping a pic is a pretty bad experience.
But that's my point. As a man, as someone shy of having my photo taken, if I don't wish to be photographed I wouldn't dress up. Because people who dress up in public get photographed.
It seems an awful lot like having ones cake and eating it to look awesome, but also be offended if people acknowledge that.
>respect the person's wishes if they say "No thank you." Seriously, it's not that hard.
That I can appreciate, sure.
But the idea that all photography without permission in a public place seems, not only impossible to police, but a little silly to expect. Some of the wording around this idea seemed to imply all photography without consent is bad.
I submit it's sometimes unavoidable.

>> No.6753354

I wouldn't say taking photos of people without asking is harassment but it is REALLY FUCKING RUDE. So irritated by people taking pictures of me when I'm sat down, half my costume off and a face full of my lunch.

I think the main thing to decide whether something is acceptable at a con is to think "would this be acceptable outside of a con?". Hugging strangers without asking, for instance, would be really weird. And taking pictures of someone's boobs in the real world is totally not ok regardless of how revealing a girl's outfit is. So what makes it ok inside a con?

>> No.6753358

>So irritated by people taking pictures of me when I'm sat down, half my costume off and a face full of my lunch.

But silly candid shit is the best. I still regret not having my camera on me when I noticed a timeskip Nami eating a hotdog.

>> No.6753360

>"would this be acceptable outside of a con?"
That's a good point, and kinda where I'm coming from.

In public, we're being photographed all the time. Caught in someone else's picture, on CCTV, etc. etc. It's unavoidable.

A con is no less a public place, so we should be no less expecting this kind of photography, IMO.

>taking pictures of someone's boobs in the real world is totally not ok regardless of how revealing a girl's outfit is.
Agreed, in reality. But the con also has aspects of the hyper-real. I'm not saying a photograph should be a cleavage clock, but in reality I don't see women - or men for that matter - in revealing outfits that they've meticulously crafted.

By taking a photo, especially if you wish to photograph the whole costume, it's inevitable you'll photograph what's "revealed" if the costume is revealing.

No, I wouldn't photograph some random stranger on the street because they're hot. I would photography some else's art. Because at the end of the day, some costumes are precisely that - a work of art.

And if they artwork isn't meant for public consumption, why display it?

>> No.6753369

How hard is it to ask to take a picture? People act like its a god given right to snap any shot. Technically, yeah, you are in public and can't prevent photos, really. But I find it hard to believe that people are such neckbeards they can't just say "Hi, I like your cosplay/outfit. Can I take your picture?" Most people will respond favorably to that, and you'll get a better shot.

>> No.6753371

>How hard is it to ask to take a picture?
If someone is one stage, as happens at some cons with competions, very.

If you're taking a picture of the entire gathering, almost impossible.

If they just happen to be "in frame" when you're taking a photo of someone or something else - how can you ask permission?

> I find it hard to believe that people are insecure in social situations.
I don't see why.
Nor do I see the need to insult the socially awkward.

>> No.6753373

ON stage. Oops.

>> No.6753375

SJW's gonna SJW.
There should be nothing wrong with people taking photos of you when you show up to an event where "photoshoots" are a thing in a giant costume. And if you are dressed like a pinup, people are going to find you attractive and attempt to hit on you, and some of those people might be awkward or unattractive.

Common sense is just unchecked privilege, man.

>> No.6753377

What is this?

>> No.6753380

>no one has the right to photograph you without permission

um... lol? Yes they do. If you are in a public venue people can take your picture if they fucking want to.

In any case, certain female cosplayers need to grow the fuck up and realize that if you dress in revealing clothing in public then you MAY at one point get unwanted sexual attention. Rather than screaming about it on the internet in some lame attempt to get more attention try politely asking the person to stop and not feel the need to try to go to war against men.

>> No.6753382

All of this. I'm a woman and I give more women unwanted sexual attention than most of the men probably do.

>> No.6753381

Social Justice Warriors
the Paladins of Tumblr.

Anyway, there are legal rights defending taking photos in public places, and it is considered 'public' to be in a convention. It is really fucking rude to just blast snapshots at people and it normally doesn't entail quality photos anyway.

>> No.6753385

Ah, thanks.

>It is really fucking rude to just blast snapshots at people

I don't know if it's just me, but if I was in costume I'd consider myself part of the "experience". I don't see what's wrong with people wanting to commit their experience to photo...

>> No.6753386

>and it is considered 'public' to be in a convention.
Actually, no, that's not true. Almost every single con has a bunch of disclaimers about this sort of thing. Cons are private events and people participating at them usually don't have any legal standing when it comes to photos.

>> No.6753387

>People act like its a god given right to snap any shot.

It IS a right, dumbfuck.

>> No.6753390

>Cons are private events
I'm sure that shifts from con to con. I don't think for example you can classify "a hotel" to be a private place. Especially if other guests are still there.

>> No.6753391

No convention has any disclaimer that says you can't take a picture of another person at the con without permission. That's not something they have any sort of authority over.

>> No.6753393

If you read the sections on photography you would know.

>> No.6753394

OP here, I hate to burst your bubble, but that's exactly what my picture is. A con's disclaimer against photography without permission.

Whether or not they have any authority to declare that is of course another matter.

>> No.6753396

Fair enough, so it shifts from con to con and each has it's own sections of rules or codes of conduct on photography.

As others have pointed out, it's apparently a right protected by law to take photographs in a public place. Cons are open to the public, true? And held in places that are public, true?

>> No.6753401
File: 87 KB, 193x292, 1232242654606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just another case of dorky women not knowing how to handle being around men in public social situations and want to call every man they encounter a "creeper" to mask their awkwardness.

I've been to a lot of cons and I've never once seen any situation where a man was outwardly groping or trying to molest a female cosplayer. I won't deny that it might have happened in certain remote cases (a lot of things can happen in a public event with thousands of people) but it sure as fuck is not some kind of epidemic like certain drama queen women want people to believe. In fact, when it comes to huge public events, anime cons are pretty damn safe. You're probably more likely to see a woman getting molested at a shoe convention.


Yeah. Right. Come up with a name and verifiable scenario of ANY woman ever being raped or molested inside a convention. All you can come up with is shitty facebook anecdotes from girls who want to make drama and get attention. Stop being scared of men.

>> No.6753410

That picture isn't a disclaimer. It's some shitty graphic made by some dumbass thinking they're giving helpful advice. No one has the authority to tell you that you can't take someone's picture in a public setting.

>> No.6753412

to play devil's advocate.

>Come up with a name and verifiable scenario of ANY woman ever being raped or molested inside a convention.

Assume you are a genuine victim of rape.
Would you wish it publicised...?

>> No.6753414

>That picture isn't a disclaimer.
I'm afraid it is.
> No one has the authority to tell you that you can't take someone's picture in a public setting.
I can't disagree here though.

>> No.6753415

Rape cases are very often hidden by the con staff. Nobody but the staffers know about it and they make sure that the case is handeled underground.

>> No.6753418

>I'm afraid it is
You can keep saying that if you want, but no, it isn't. You don't even know what a disclaimer is.

>> No.6753421

>You don't even know what a disclaimer is.
Enlighten me then.

>> No.6753419

>It's a conspiracy to keep it secret.
I'm sorry, what?
At the very least rape is always a police matter.

>> No.6753423

Oh I didn''t explain clearly, my bad.
Police and hospitals are contacted without any visitors and then the con staff keeps their mouth shut because rape = bad publicity

>> No.6753425

If rape and molestation at conventions was the epidemic stupid women claim, you'd be able to pull up at least ONE circumstance. You can't claim something happens all the time with just a "Oh, I'm sure they're just not reporting it" excuse.

lol what? I hope you are joking. That's just retarded.

>> No.6753428

I think you're misepresenting reality.
Rape victims often have no desire to make their attack a matter of public record. Con staff respecting an individuals privacy doesn't constitute a conspiracy of silence to avoid bad publicity.

If anything, a con being seen to handle such a situation and working to prosecute the attacker to the highest extent of the law would show them to be trustworthy.

>> No.6753432

>You can't claim something happens all the time
I'm not claiming that.
>"Oh, I'm sure they're just not reporting it" excuse.
It's not an excuse, it's a reality that victims of sexual assault don't often report it. Even when they should.

>> No.6753434 [DELETED] 

I can imagine that scene playing out. Some guy in a suit comes down to a room full of teenagers in red volunteer shits and goes "Alright people, listen up. We have a situation on our heads. Some little bitch just got raped and is in the hospital. I don't want any of you writing about this on your facebook walls, you got that? If anybody asks, you say SHE FELL. GOT IT?"

>> No.6753437

I can imagine that scene playing out. Some guy in a suit comes down to a room full of teenagers in red volunteer shirts and goes "Alright people, listen up. We have a situation on our heads. Some little bitch just got raped and is in the hospital. I don't want any of you writing about this on your facebook walls, you got that? If anybody asks, you say SHE FELL. GOT IT?"

>> No.6753436

It's also a reality that you have absolutely no evidence whatsoever to support your claim.

>> No.6753439

What claim would that be?
The one I've just stated I'm not making...?

>> No.6753440

>tell a volunteer

I sense whiteknighting will commence.

A lot of it.

O ghod.

>> No.6753444


Keep spouting feminist propaganda. The burden of proof is overrated.

>> No.6753448

>What claim would that be?

The claim that rape or molestation is any sort of problem at anime conventions. Or even goes on.

>> No.6753449

That's a total misrepresentation of my stance.
A lot of rapes, cons or otherwise, are not reported. Out of fear of reprisal either from the rapist or your community. Men and Women are equally capable of heinous acts.
I was the one arguing against the alleged conspiracy of silence perpetuated by staff. Please read the posts you respond to.

>> No.6753451

>The claim that rape or molestation is any sort of problem at anime conventions.
Again, not a claim I'm making.
I'm claiming that rape, at cons or otherwise, often goes unreported.
Does it happen at cons? Possibly.

As for "molestation", that constitutes any unwanted physical contact. I'm certain that goes on constantly, both in the venue of cons and in reality. Both to men and women.

>> No.6753453

I'd just like to remind people that doesn't only happen to girls. More even, it seems to be more accepted when happening to guys. I'm a tall dude, relatively in shape too, but apparently when I'm cosplaying it's utterly normal for girls to jump on my back, grope me, take pictures from my butt, ...

I agree that girls could have a problem with creepy neckbeardy congoers being socially retarded and delusional about their own attractiveness, it happens and it's unacceptable. But if you really want to stop all this, react when it happens to guys (that obviously don't like and there's alot, the same way you girls don't like being touched by greasy creeps, we don't want to be touched by landwhale weaboo ita's). Or, for crying out loud, stop doing it yourself, because I know there's some that would, even when whining about COSPLAY =/= CONSENT.

Not all guys like to be touched, not even when they're goodlooking, now even you when you (think you) are cute. The whole "if they say they don't like, they're lying, because they're guys" argument is ridiculous.

>> No.6753455



>> No.6753457

well said.

I too often feel this issue is made one of men vs. women.

That is simply untrue.

>> No.6753458

Oh, I feel you bro. :(
And yaoi fangirls that assault gay couples and want pictures of them kissing shouldn't be forgotten.

>> No.6753461

Read what? A bad article that says nothing but references an old case where someone had consensual sex with a minor that didn't even take place at a con or had anything to do with it? Cool strawman.

>> No.6753462

>presented with evidence to support claims
>no, that doesn't count as supporting your claims because reasons
Cool Trolling bro.

>> No.6753466

Here's how you stop poor behavior from someone at a con, male or female: turn to them and politely ask them to stop.

I know, it's crazy. Responding to someone directly in an appropriate and respectful manner. But hay, going onto the internet and screaming "MEN ARE CREEPERS THIS IS A PROBLEM YOU PERVERTS ARE DISGUSTING I AM AN ENTITLED AND INTOLERANT BITCH WITH A PRINCESS COMPLEX" works too.

>> No.6753468


Some of the highlights in my congoing so far:

- A girl that probably weighed more than me while being alot shorter too jumping on my back from behind and holding my neck with both arms , effectively choking me. Apparently that was acceptable because "the character she was cosplaying does that too. I've girls randomly tug parts of my clothing for the same reason too.

- Inappropriate touching, including tugging my nipples, pinching and groping my butt and even one fat-as-fuck landwhale reaching for my junk. I haven't actually heard of a fat neckbeard overtly reaching for a girls' genitals so far, but it's possible that it has happened. It wouldn't happen in front of a security guard who just smirks, however.

So, honestly, stop making this a girls only thing. I've stopped attending cons for about 2 years because of this shit.

>> No.6753470

>I've stopped attending cons for about 2 years because of this shit.
Dude, that's horrible.

>> No.6753471

You didn't present evidence or support any claim. You just posted a link to an article that said nothing.

And now that you have ran out of things to say you go to the "troll" insults.

>> No.6753474


Even if you ask people to stop, there's a whole horde of crazy weaboos there. It keeps happening and it isn't fun at all. I used to be a fat kid and had way more fun on cons than I did then. I'm planning on going to a con again in a few months, but probably not cosplaying. Thing is, I can't justify pushing or otherwise physically getting a girl off me. I'm a tall dude, it's possibly that I'd hurt somebody. And then it would just be a tall dude having hit a girl, which would just suck for me.

>> No.6753475

Actually I didn't post the article at all, someone else did.

Though the fact you're trolling is now quite obvious.

I mean, you were asking for evidence of unreported crime.

The whole point of unreported crime is that it's unreported. Ergo we have no statistics to show it's prevalence. We can only make educated guesses based on avaliable data.

If you'd like to research the matter, I'd suggest starting here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_statistics And let me emphasise before you go "hurrr wikipedia durr" that I'm not suggesting it's the totality of truth. Merely a good start to begin to learn for yourself what we already know.

I direct you in particular to this section, and from there the sources it links to.


According to the American Medical Association (1995), sexual violence, and rape in particular, is considered the most under-reported violent crime.[4][5]

The most common reasons given by victims for not reporting rapes are the belief that it is a personal or private matter, and that they fear reprisal from the assailant. A 2007 government report in England says "Estimates from research suggest that between 75 and 95 percent of rape crimes are never reported to the police."[6]

>> No.6753476

Shit be brutal. Seriously.

Equality is so far off for men and women alike...

>> No.6753480

It's particularly bad for men in this case because no one cares, even your friends likely don't give a shit because it didn't happen to them so they have no idea what it's like.

>> No.6753482

Or worse they may respond with jealousy. "Hurrr, at least you're getting wimminz throw themselves at you, durrr..."

>> No.6753484


My freinds luckily aren't stupid, nor socially retarded enough for that. Yet the security, the staff, ... Nobody cares, since it's apparently normal. Or at least, "to be expected".

>> No.6753486


You don't even know what "trolling" means. And you also don't have an argument. Saying that something occurs because you don't know for sure that something might not be happening in secret is just stupid. If you want to claim that something DOES happen then YOU need to support your claim of it happening, not the other way around.

>> No.6753490

Or maybe you're just doing what stupid women like to do and making up stupid exaggerated anecdotes to try to seem dramatic on the internet.

>> No.6753491

I'd honestly suggest you share your experiences with the community determined to make "Costumes are not Consent" a big deal.

You really highlight the inherent gender-divide in the issue. The notion that it's only women who are victims is absurd, and you could highlight that.

Sadly, I fear your voice would be drowned out.

>> No.6753488

Oh yeah, that one is fun. It didn't happen at a Con but experiencing this sort of shit has made me very wary around women in almost all situations. Which is pretty awesome. its totally made my already shitty ability to deal with women (worded poorly, sounds more insulting than I actually mean) so much better.

That sort of shit makes me so mad.

>> No.6753495

>A Guide To Girl Geek Culture

Sounds like an unbiased source that would certainly not be filled with exaggerated anecdotes.

You might also be interested in the profound research and conclusions that were done on the site 'Stormfront'.

>> No.6753496

I take it then you didn't read the post or the link therein? And by extension, none of the links derived from that link?

All of them support me.

I really recommend you do some reading of the links I mentioned here >>6753475
before we continue this conversation.

>> No.6753499

Well they are open to the public, but a privately organized event, it's not like an amusement park or something. There are tons of photography clauses saying that most legal action taken against photographers is null on the event floor, else people would be able to have rights to photos taken in photoshoots and photos taken by the con staff themselves, which they don't.

>> No.6753502

No, all you're doing is saying "MY LINK SUPPORTS ME GO READ IT STUPID" over and over. Your link is an editorial that at one part references a case where two people met and had consexual sex months later at his apartment. It has absolutely nothing to do with rape or molestation at anime cons. That other crap is just some irrelevant copypasta about how sometimes rape victims don't report things. Like that is somehow evidence that people at anime conventions are raped.

But of course you know this, which is why you aren't bothering to argue at all or make a point.

>> No.6753501


Or maybe I'm not. I'm not going to argue with somebody on the internet that thinks i'm lying for some reaosn. You can believe me or you can't. I don't really care.


I'd honestly rather not. I'd just have to defend myself against alot of people not believing me and I don't feel like doing that. I'm just tryin to point out the hypocrisy of that "movement".

>> No.6753503

>Well they are open to the public, but a privately organized event
Precisely the point I was angling at.

The event may be private, but it's open to the public at a public venue.

>> No.6753506

>You can believe me or you can't. I don't really care.

Good, because I don't.

>> No.6753508

A disclaimer would be a written notice by an organization that shows in more detail, specific rights or obligations assumed by all parties involved. This is the same kind of thing as a sign that explains where first aid stations are.

>> No.6753507

>I'm just tryin to point out the hypocrisy of that "movement".
Well, you've succeeded as far as I'm concerned.

So, wait, you're asking for us to support our arguments, right?
Well, we provided a link that does that.
And now you're saying that you refuse to read it...?

>> No.6753509

>Your link is an editorial
Proof you didn't read this post.
Read it, you'll find some new links to check out.

Though, this requires you do actually, you know, read it.

>> No.6753511

>A disclaimer would be a written notice by an organization that shows in more detail, specific rights or obligations assumed by all parties involved.
Seems to be what this is...

>> No.6753513

I'm of the view that cosplay is not consent for anything, but that doesn't mean the standard rules for being out in public don't apply. You don't have to ask a person before you take their picture if they're in a public place, it's just considered a bit rude to do so without asking. Same deal for cons.

>> No.6753515

Your link doesn't support you, stupid. I've explained this to you and exactly why in plain terms twice now.

I seriously hope you are just trolling at this point.

>> No.6753522

That's the same as everywhere in the entire world. Also, the terms that define rape are changing, so a lot of rapes aren't actually legit rape, ie. if both parties are drunk and have sex on the premise that they consented while drunk. There is no way in fuck that is rape and people calling it such need to be shot.

>> No.6753526

>guys who really should avoid looking at teenagers
>can we at least admit that staring at women is gross?
This can't be serious. It's a public place where in this person's mind men can't look around because they are men. Even if they aren't doing anything wrong, the problem is that they are men and the girls might be underage.

>“There are definitely people who can wear skimpier costumes a little better.”
>Uccccccch, really? Hi, Pedobear!
This has to be a farce.

>There’s also something to be said for things that happen outside of conventions that are not the responsibility of the organizers (as was the situation with Alper)
This doesn't support your argument at all. Nothing happened at the Con. It wasn't a Con rape that went unreported.

>> No.6753527

Perhaps you just like to say "GO READ IT." over and over because you have absolutely no ability to argue any point, hoping blindly that pointing to some random url will somehow win an argument for you.

>> No.6753528

You haven't read the link in question. As pointed out here. >>6753509 where you claim the link in question is an editorial.

Wikipedia isn't an editorial.
The British Government and the American Medical Association are not editorials.

Read >>6753475

>> No.6753531

>random url
It isn't this though.
It's directly linked to the issue of unreported rape.

>> No.6753530

No, it doesn't explain anything in any kind of detail. That's an advertisement. It doesn't outline what constitutes as harassment, nor does it outline that there will be any type of punishment for said behaviour.

>> No.6753533
File: 165 KB, 500x289, surrondedbyidiots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about cons, but I know here in Aus there are laws about taking a photo and not asking permission. Unless someone is zooming in on your tits/ass/crotch/abs, or they are following you everywhere snapping pictures,or trying to take upskirt without asking I don't see people taking photos without ask as harassment; just really fucking rude.

>Has basically always said sexual harrassment at cons happens to men and women
>People on 4chan disreguard I mention men in these topics/"Just throwing 'male' in there too doesn't help your argument"
>mfw suddenly everyone pays attention just because a male is saying it happens to males

>> No.6753534

You've replied with nothing other than "LOL GO READ IT" 4 times now, despite each time people telling you how stupid and irrelevant your link is. Are you just trolling or do you really just not know what to say?

>> No.6753535

>That's an advertisement.
You what?
Advertisements are promoting a product.

How is "hey, if you're groped, report it!" an edorsement of a product...?

>> No.6753537

What issue is this, exactly? The issue that isn't being discussed and has absolutely nothing to do with this thread at all?

Maybe you should point to an url that shows how someone was raped at a con. Oh wait, you can't because they don't exist.

>> No.6753540

An advertisement is a form of communication for marketing and used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group) to continue or take some new action.

Plus, it's advertising a service, there's a such thing as that you know...

It's saying 'we have people who will help you if someone touches your butt!' the same kind of thing as saying 'we have a first aid station, we're advertising our service'.

It has nothing to do with what a disclaimer is, it's not legally binding at all.

>> No.6753542

Just because people say a link that is directly related to the issue of unreported rape is "irrelevant" that doesn't make it so.

Indeed, as I have pointed out - It is directly related to the topic of unreported rape. It is an overview, linking to sources directly related to unreported rape.

Please, show me how it isn't.
In specefic "under-reporting"
And from there, links from a UK government report and two from the American Medical Association.

All of them directly related to the topic of unreported rape. Which is what is being discussed.

>> No.6753541

>I know here in Aus there are laws about taking a photo and not asking permission

No there isn't. In Australia you can take pictures of people in public anytime you want.

>> No.6753545


... No. What is being discussed here is unwanted attention on cons. Underreported rape isn't irrelevant to this discussion, but far from being the main point. Rapists are people that are sick in their head. People that stare and sometimes inappropriately touch on cons are delusional, they think that it's acceptable. Rapists know they are doing something utterly wrong.

>> No.6753543

Fair point, well made.

You are correct.

>> No.6753544

No one was discussing that until you started it, we were discussion rape and cons, the likelyhood of rape at cons, and the actual number of reported rapes at cons.

>> No.6753549

>All of them directly related to the topic of unreported rape. Which is what is being discussed.

Who the fuck is discussing this? You're the only one.

>> No.6753550

Well now it's the issue. So deal.

The simple fact is that if you accept rape goes unreported - which is true - then it stands to reason that rapes - if any - at cons would likewise go unreported.

If we then accept that rapes - if any - at cons go unreported, as they do in reality;
How can anyone provide you with a link to something that hasn't been reported?

That's the issue.
You say "it's not really happening if it's not reported"
We're saying, "yes, we know it's not reported. That doesn't mean it's not happening."

>> No.6753551

>Underreported rape isn't irrelevant to this discussion
It has become relevant. Read the thread.
I'm discussing this to illustrate a point.

Rape doesn't get reported in society.
Therefore it is safe to assume that if there are rapes at cons, they too may go unreported.

>> No.6753553

Thank you! It has less to do with people being sex hungry perverts and more to do with people who have under developed social skills all being crammed together into one area with a mostly superficial interest. Girls and guys at cons both touch people inappropriately all the time. I'm a girl, and I've been groped and creeped at by both genders, heck, more girls get feely on me because they think it's more okay for girls to do to other girls since it's like that in anime. I'm sure most people don't actually think they're being inappropriate since most of the only social ques they're exposed to is from anime.

>> No.6753554

You raped my sister.

She didn't report it. Since many rape victims don't report rape, this means that it is true. Hence, you raped her.

The cops will be there shortly.

>> No.6753556

No one cares! Stop trying to make it about this, no one made it this about and we don't want to. No one is debating the number or lack there of, of unreported rapes in society. It has little or nothing to do with the issue at hand, which focuses at cons specifically. We're talking about things such as the lack of social ques in congoers which creates an atmosphere in which socially awkward people make eachother uncomfortable by being too forward, creepy or outright groping people.

>> No.6753559

If you're going to claim that rape at cons occurs then you need evidence. "HAY, YOU NEVER KNOW!" is not evidence.

>> No.6753560


No. Stop. We're not doing this. We are talking about unwanted attention at cons. We're not making this a clusterfucky discussion about rape. I can't imagine rape even actually happening at the con itself, since there's too many people around. Inappropriate touching, sure, but full-on rape? Please.


Exactly. They just think that the way some of the more delusional characters act in their favorite anime, is okay, since it's considered "cute". But it isn't. It's annoying as fuck. Both girls and guys do it and both girls and guys are the victim. And if it keeps happening, even if you ask people to stop every time, it will become incredibly frustrating.

There's a big difference in motivation, circumstance and way of thinkinbg between somebody who just sucks at social cues and somebody who full-on rapes. A world of difference. And that's why we're not discussing unreported rape here, becaues we are discussing the first kind of people.

>> No.6753562

The fact that it isn't reported also doesn't mean it does happen at Cons. You've failed to prove it does, if it happened at a rate relative to the rape statistic in 2010 (27.3 out of 100) and the average con has 50k attendees in the US means that statistically 18.31 people are raped at a Con, even at 95% not being reported to Cops (Again the estimated under reported statistic) 1 person would still have reported it. Ergo proof for your claim should exist due to rape convictions if it is happening at a rate relative to the rest of the US.

>> No.6753557

If your sister didn't report anything it's not a police matter.
As soon as it becomes a polic matter, it would be an example of reported rape.

>this means that it is true.
I did not say that it is true.
I was pointing out that simply because there isn't a link to a con-goer who was raped - that proves only one of two things;
1) it doesn't happen
2) it happens but isn't reported

Considering 2 is indicative of wider society, 2 seems the most likely of the possibilities.

>> No.6753564

The wider issue in macrocosm serves to illustrate the issue in microcosm.

We cannot examine a social event without the wider examination of the society in which it is held.

>> No.6753566

So in other words, you are saying absolutely nothing and making no points. Congratulations, you've earned your merit badge in filibustering.

>> No.6753567

>You've failed to prove it does
I'm not attempting to.
See here >>6753557

>> No.6753568

OP here.
This clusterfuck is over.

I'm sorry for bringing the rape trolls...