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6748605 No.6748605 [Reply] [Original]

Frill Con is coming up soon. Anyone else planning to go?

Have you picked out your coords yet?

>> No.6748617

I was planning on going, as I had a decent time last year but I've changed my mind after speaking to a few indie designers who had some really shitty experiences with some of the board members (at the con and at other frill 'events'). Not going to name names so don't ask me to do so, but until certain people are no longer a part of the con staff I don't think I want to have much to do with it. Pretty sad they can't keep their highschool back stabby bitchiness out of their 'business'.

>> No.6748619

I'll be going with a few other girls from PA and NJ. We promise not to bring any of the embarrassing ones.

>> No.6748658

I haven't decided on what to wear yet. People normally tell me they like my coords but I want to really kick it up a notch for the convention. Problem is that I normally wear classic or old school stuff and I'm terrible at accessorizing.

Also, does anyone else feel weird about the pool party? What would you even wear to that besides a regular swimsuit?

>> No.6748689

No need to name names, but what did the organizers do to the indie designers?

>> No.6748733

Was shit last year and will probably be shit this year

>> No.6748834

you probably weren't there

>> No.6748850

I don't want to say too much as what was told to me was said in confidence and such, and I really don't think the designers in question want to make it a publicly known deal, but I think you may find it odd that certain brands that were there last year, aren't returning this year, especially the ones that were local, as they would have to deal with the con staff on a more personal day to day level.

>> No.6748857

It wasn't great, but the venue has improved vastly.

>> No.6749099

Which indie designers aren't returning? I'm not following

>> No.6749102


>> No.6749104

As a designer considering sending items there, I want to know what I am getting myself into

>> No.6749370

Anon above seemed to imply that the designers who had problems were local and actually going to the convention. If you just send things, it will probably be fine.

I thought Snowfield was local to US while Haenuli was not? How are they connected?

>> No.6749434

Yes it is as >>6749370 said, it is more of a locals issue, like highschool type bitchy girl stuff that has made a few people feel very hurt. I think if you are sending stuff in and aren't in the local comm you will be just fine, but it sucks that the girls running this thing can't keep their drama out of this con.

>> No.6749459

Snowfield and Haenuli are buddies.

>> No.6749462

Wasn't the Snowfield girl one of the directors?

>> No.6749467

>but it sucks that the girls running this thing can't keep their drama out of this con.
It's Atlanta, though. They are pretty renowned for their drama and shit stirring.

>> No.6749468

Snowfield isn't going to be there? I fucking loved her library dress line. What a bummer.

>> No.6749485

Can we talk about how disappointing the panels were last year? I was more put off by how poorly organized those were than anything else at Frill. Especially the sewing panel. The girl just stood there with some scraps of fabric and talked about pretty much nothing helpful the whole time, which I was really unhappy about because she is supposed to be a great seamstress. She also promised to have patterns on the Frill site later, that attendees could print out and use, and that never happened. Very disappointing.

The website doesn't even list any panels for this year. Hmm.

>> No.6749539


Well it sounds like there was a history with whoever were involved, I don't see why this would affect anyone's judgement on whether to attend or not. There's probably more to the story so I can't make a fair decision without knowing.

And if you think we'll be fine as long as we aren't part of the local drama then I guess it wouldn't affect other designers or lolitas anyways...

>> No.6749545

I'm curious, what would you look for in a sewing panel? I think I'd be interested on different ways to finish a seam and learning how to add the finishing touches to a piece so that it looks polished. And maybe tips on things most girls run into trouble with when they make their own clothing. I have a hard time with invisible zippers.

>> No.6749569

I was mainly disappointed because the panel was billed as being somewhat hands on. I thought there would at least be a sewing machine in the room and the head of the panel would show different things like that. It seemed like she just grabbed some old pattern pieces and decided to wing it.

I think there should be a different panel for beginner and advanced sewing as well, or at least the panel should be sectioned off to tailor (lol) to those with different amounts of experience.

>> No.6749574

>Also, does anyone else feel weird about the pool party? What would you even wear to that besides a regular swimsuit?
I feel so strange about this. Are people going to swim or is it going to be one of those parties where you just stand in the pool and drink? I definitely don't have a loli swimsuit.

>> No.6749577

>the venue has improved vastly.
>Courtyard Marriott
Come on now.

>> No.6749583

I wonder if it has to do with the fight between organizers that I've seen people talking about in Frill threads.

>> No.6749601

Am I the only person excited about this? I had a great time last year, and I think it will be even better this year!

Not sure how I feel about the consignment shop getting dropped. It makes me feel like there isn't going to be as much in the boutique, even though there is going to be an artist's alley and a dealer's room.

>> No.6749638

Is the owner of this con posting in anyone else's local com groups? I get she wants to promote, but she posted once and pretty much everyone in our com said there was no way we could go but she keeps posting shit...

>> No.6749646

How many times has she posted?

>> No.6749648

I'm excited! But I didn't know they dropped the consignment shop. Are you sure they did that? Where did they post that they weren't having one this year?

>> No.6749678

It's just not listed on the website at all, when it was last year. They mention having a consignment fee for indie designers who are bringing things to the boutique, but that's it.

>> No.6749781

3 or so? It's not insanely often, but it just seems pointless since no one in my comm is going.

>> No.6750025

Yeah, get the admin of your group to tell her to knock that shit off. That must be annoying as fuck.

>> No.6750055
File: 208 KB, 553x377, 1348008802128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to go to frill
>tell boyfriend/travelbuddy about it
>his job requires him to ask for days off 3 months in advance (which they just now enforced, before, it was only one month)
>its in two months
god fucking damn it. you can't even comprehend how pissy I am about it. I would go on my own but I'd need to share a hotel room with someone, and I don't feel comfortable wandering around places on my own and I don't know anyone and gahhhhh
man fuck this shit. fuck this.

>> No.6750062

ballocks. I wanted to go, but:
ILD on a fancy boat trumps Frill Con.
Especially now that FC seems pretty lacking.

>> No.6750072

Shut up Nia

>> No.6750077

tell your boss to stop overworking all the brown people and I'll consider it.

>> No.6750080

She's sittig right next to me, want me to?

>> No.6750114

I wanna go. But. I don't have any of my cords. Ironically, I sold them so I could move to ATL and haven't been able to afford anything since.

Maybe I'll go in some form of Mori girl or Kei if I can.

>> No.6750327

it's probably not for outsiders, no offense, I'm sure that outsiders are welcome, but if you're not apart of the atl comm you probably wouldn't feel comfortable wearing a bathing suit around strangers.

>> No.6750328

Do you think people will call me an ita if I wore themed lolita? Like a Captain America themed lolita outfit?

>> No.6750331

wait so like... you mean I shouldn't just go to the pool down the street and swim/lounge just because I don't know anyone there? That's a weird mentality...

>> No.6750348

>captain america themed outfit
those colors aren't very rori. I've rarely seen superhero coords look very good.

>> No.6750351

What are you talking about? Red, white and royal blue are not unheard of in lolita fashion. Didn't they have a totoro themed outfit in the fashion show last year? It's kind of the same thing.

>> No.6750362

sorry anon, just sick and tired of all the avengers coords being shoved down my throat by tumblrtards.

probably that and I personally find the color combo to be quite tacky.

>> No.6750374

Are you fucking serious?! sewing panels?! How gay is that?? Don't get me wrong, my lolita clothes are handmade and I love sewing, but honestly, I find the idea of a Lolita convention with a sewing panel totally ridiculous.

>> No.6750380

then you must be tired of sailor lolita, since they ten to use those colours as well.

>> No.6750384

uh, why? Lots of girls either want to learn or are beginners who need some tips?

Sewing and lolita have a long standing connection, how is it ridiculous? I mean obviously they didn't pull it off well, but I don't think it's a bad idea?

>> No.6750394

I actually like sailor lolita, as long as they have more muted colors. but don't mind me, its just a personal preference.

>> No.6750402
File: 46 KB, 240x427, tumblr_lisb8oj3jK1qa20ryo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if by tacky you mean best color combo then yes i agree

>> No.6750408

well then, I guess that leaves more for you.

>> No.6750420

i am 100 percent ok with that

>> No.6750431

well then, I'm glad we reached an agreement.

usually when someone calls something I like fuggo it doesn't really bother me. because that's just one less person I have to fight against to get my dream dress or whatever I love. kind of like going out shopping and finding extremely loliable clothes in the sale section because no one wanted them.

"more for me"

>> No.6750518

As long as you look nice I don't think people would mind too much.

>> No.6750523

Oh! I just found this listed under what was included with regristration:

"Access to Frill Boutique and Consignment Shop on Saturday"

It's listed in multiple places so I don't think they can go back on what they promised to attendees.

>> No.6750560

How strange. Last year the website had very detailed instructions on how the consignment shop would work, and now it just gets a mention. Oh well, I'm glad it'll be there anyways!

>> No.6750564

I'm sorry, but there is no way I'm putting on a swim suit around a bunch of other lolita.

>> No.6750566

Me either. Especially because some of those girls are so thin. I'm not even overweight, technically underweight for my height, but I still feel self conscious around those girls with their 22" waists...

>> No.6750568

I paid for a VIP ticket and early access to the consignment shop was one of the perks, so if they remove it, I'm kinda going to be a liiitle irritated.

>> No.6750574

Exactly. Though, I'm definitely heavier than you... (I'm not overweight, but I'm just average for my height.) and I already feel huge around a lot of my loli friends. I'm planning on dropping a few lbs between now and then, but still, I'm not going to look like a model or anything even then.

>> No.6750577

yeah, well the website was better all around last year. I wonder if they have someone else doing it this year?

>> No.6750670

pretty sure they do as I know some of the board members from last year left.

>> No.6750696

if it was such a good big deal why did people leave?

>> No.6750718

Because as >>6749434 said, certain people can't keep their drama out of the way they run shit.

>> No.6750746

Need to know, are you talking about the one who manages the designers? Or someone else.

>> No.6751211

I think it's worth noting that last year they had the names of all organizers on the website, but now that's been taken down.

>> No.6751441

They posted a big list of panels on EGL a couple weeks ago. http://egl.livejournal.com/19158594.html

>> No.6751464

Thanks for the link! Some of the panels look...iffy.
>Advanced Skin Care for a Doll-Like Complexion
>Lolifying Your Web Presence
>Sociology of Lolita

I wonder why the list isn't on the website. Seems like the most logical place to put it. Instead they just have a picture of bored looking lolitas.

>> No.6751855

How is that ridiculous? Especially if you wear handmade lolita clothes. I'd certainly like to go to an advanced sewing panel at Frill, I go to prop panels all the time at regular cons.

>> No.6751860

Yeah, those all sound awful.

>> No.6751895

>How gay is that??
You're not supposed to be on 4chan if you're under 18.

>> No.6751954

Themed lolita is a costume when themed after a character.

Why go to a lolita convention in costume??? That makes sense if you want to wear lolita to a comic convention but not here. Seriously.

>> No.6751965

I still feel like they are not planning this very well. There are no times listed or locations. There doesn't seem to be a major tea party? Other than the one you have to pay for on Sunday.

>> No.6751972

With Megan Maude at the helm how is being completely flaky and disorganized any surprise. I remember several AWA lolita fashion shows running very late, models in tears, and designers in a huff b/c she was running it. More of the same if you ask me.

>> No.6753657

I'm willing to give Frill a chance but if it sucks I'll be sure to let you guys know. Like I'm all for smaller cons that are trying to do better but if I see there is no hope because of her being flaky and disorganized then I'll be honest.

>> No.6753743

Youtube, do you know it?
Easy as that.

>> No.6753829

Have you looked up tutorials for sewing lolita specific items on youtube? Very few of it is useful past the basic knowledge of sewing.

>> No.6753902

One tea party is enough imo. Don't most conventions take a while to finalize a schedule? I don't see why it would be different for this one. Hopefully they post some more specific info soon though.

>> No.6754188

Megan Maude isn't "at the helm". She's an organizer, but I'm pretty sure the head organizer is another lady.

But yeah, I remember one year at AWA, I went in the Frill Boutique before the fashion show, and she was there, furiously sewing away trying to finish her pieces for the show. Ridiculous.

>> No.6754460

LoL classic. One year I went by the boutique, it was closed but you could still see in and she was dressing up one model for the show who was literally sobbing. I have no idea what the drama was, but jesus... these girls are volunteers not your bitches.

>> No.6754686

Well, you don't know that Megan Maude caused that girl to cry. It could have been for other reasons. She probably should have let that girl sit the show out if she was so upset for whatever reason, but maybe the girl wanted to do it?

>> No.6754890

She looked miserable. Not saying Megan made her cry, just that there was no reason to force her to continue on if she was that unhappy.

>> No.6754925

How do you know she was forcing her? I'm not trying to be a bitch, just wondering how you could tell. Was she forcing her into the dress, because that would be a huge bitch move.

>> No.6755020

No I get what you're saying. All I know man was every time she looked at herself in the mirror the girl burst into tears. I dunno if she just didn't like the outfit, or her make up or hair or something else, but she didn't look very happy about her appearance so I doubt she wanted to be seen on the runway. And I did end up seeing her in the show. So no she wasn't 'forced into a dress' but I think you get what I was seeing. This was 2011 btw. I dunno if anyone else out there remembers this besides me.

>> No.6755667

Shit, that sounds awful. She obviously wasn't comfortable in the outfit. Poor girl

>> No.6755668

Would it be okay to wear a style that is not lolita? I'm going to wear lolita on one day, obviously, but I was considering mori girl for another day. Would that be too weird?

>> No.6755761

Why the fuck would you go to a lolita convention and not wear lolita? Are you a complete idiot?

>> No.6755770

I can easily see the answer being either they love looking at lolita but maybe don't have a wardrobe yet and hope to pick up pieces at the shops, or they either are building up confidence or have no clothing at all.

No need to be upset about it.

>> No.6755773

>don't have a Big wardrobe yet
Stupid phone

>> No.6755803

I do have a wardrobe. Not an extensive one like many girls I know, but it's enough for me.

I still intend on wearing lolita to the convention. I guess wearing another still would be frowned upon then.

>> No.6755805

Fuck me, sorry.

>> No.6755823

You are going to look like a dumbass and severely out of place.

>> No.6755830

Unless you were wearing a completely different style the entire con, I don't see why it should be a problem. As long as you throw some lolita in there you should be fine.

>> No.6755840

why so hostile anon? Are you even going to Frill? Last year there were plenty of people not in lolita both days. Sounds like you're trolling.

2/10 for getting me to reply in a serious manner.

>> No.6756037

...Why would she volunteer to model if she wasn't going to be comfortable wearing whatever she was asked to wear? That's what modeling is.
Was she being asked to wear something indecent or something? Otherwise, she needs to get over herself.

I'm a model, and if I ever acted like that, I'd expect to be told to go home

>> No.6756094

People keep making comments that The Snow Field isn't going back to Frill... but I don't see any other indie brands backing out. It doesn't make me look at Frill in a negative light, it makes me wonder what The Snow Field's problem was. Especially because I have to deal with her last year and to be honest she wasn't very professional with my order.

>> No.6756105

I'm wondering what the demographics of this thing are - more sweet, more classic, etc. Planning to have stuff there to sell and wondering which kinds of items.

>> No.6756250

I would like to see some classic stuff but if it's high quality sweet it would interest me too.

>> No.6756288

the girl behind snow field is very active in the atl comm. anon above mentioned that designers werent coming back because of poor treatment from organizers. im thinking some serious shit went down if shes not going to be there. wasnt she also a volunteer at frill last year? that and the reports of organizers misconduct makes me think it whatever happened, she didnt initiate it. also, im pretty sure she was the one who got haenuli garments to the boutique, so if they screwed her over, they really shot themselves in the foot.

>> No.6756340

Looks like they've updated the website. Now instructions are listed for the consignment shop.

>> No.6756373


What are you talking about? The snowfield girl hasn't been to any meetups or even posted on the group in a long time.

When I saw her at Momocon, I noticed she was pregnant, so I just assumed she was busy getting ready for the baby.

And Haenuli sold some dresses in the AWA consignment shop.

>> No.6756381


confirmed for being a troll...

>> No.6756489

shes pregnant? i must be thinking about a different person. who runs snowfield?

my bad, anons, no intention of trolling, mistaken identity is all

>> No.6756510

uhhhhh she's not preggo? She's always been a little chubby. What kind of assumption is that?

>> No.6756521

She WAS very active in the group before frill last year

>> No.6756524

i just have no idea whats going on anymore

>> No.6756534

I had such a bad experience last year that I decided not to go this year but hopefully they get their shit together this year

>> No.6756546

What makes this commet a troll? I see nothing unreasonable with her conclussions.

>> No.6756548

What aspect was so bad? Location, events, or personal drama? If it's the last one, feel free to not share details. Would you recommend it to someone who hasn't been?

>> No.6756580

Well it was kind of a mixture of a lot of things. There really wasn't much of anything going on, yes there was panels but none of them interested me and seemed really basic. Honestly I just sat around all day talking to some girls I met.

The location was simply awful and I'm so happy they changed it, it was in the middle of nowhere and just seemed very cheap.
But what really got me was that they kicked everyone out halfway to change the venue around for the fashion show. I don't know if anyone else knew that was happening but I sure didn't. I didn't know the neighborhood so I ended up getting lost and coming back.
Them changing the location was nice but with how much it would cost for the ticket and hotel (at least 100$) I wouldn't recommend

sorry about typos i'm on my phone

>> No.6756621

...wow. The kicking everyone out is especially shitty. I am definitely reconsidering now.

>> No.6756679

Are you reconsidering because of the possibility of it happening again or on principle? If they changed the venue to the hotel they don't have to move people out do they?

>> No.6756684

So now to confirm that Frill directors are lurking this thread, they MAGICALLY updated the website the next day (april 7th) to include info on consigment. So feel free to give more legit complaints. Looks like they are listening.

>> No.6756689

oh and here are my few complaints just regarding the website. The slide show on the home page is timed poorly. I literally can't even read half of the posts b/c they are wordy and it is set for like 2 seconds. Also I hate how there is no link back to the main site on the storeenvy page. Pls fix.

>> No.6756712

I asked them specifically about the consignment shop and more info about events. That could have played into why they updated as well.

>> No.6756724

Meh, at least 2 of the directors are known seagulls. So I wouldn't be surprised at all to know that they are reading this.

>> No.6756771

Well, they can't kick people out of a hotel,but the fact that they did and gave no warning to attendees shows some really shitty planning and a lack of awareness of the needs of paying con-goers. Doesn't really bode well for me.

>> No.6756783

Let's be real, they stalk these threads.

>> No.6756971

I'm going now that it's in a hotel. If it's panels are boring and the events suck, I can just invite some girls back to my room and we can drink and party. All seagulls attending are welcome!

>> No.6756983

you should go if you feel like it, but if you don't like meeting new people in a non lolita setting it may not be fun for you

>> No.6756989

I am going to the con, and if I saw you,I'd be nice but I'd probably judge you a little. I like Captain America, I just hate this mixing geek shit with lolita bullshit trend.

>> No.6757004

Don't listen to the last idiot who replied. Show up in whatever fashion you like, it's a fashion convention, and while lolita is the theme, people will understand that you don't have a bunch of outfits to wear. One girl went last year and bought her outfit at the convention, tried it on, paid for it and walked out wearing it.

>> No.6757010

Except that's not what I was replying to. I was told if I'm an outsider I shouldn't expect to have fun or talk to the atl lolis at the pool party. Which is a retarded mentality and makes me think if the anon I replied to is an Atl loli I really hope the rest of them don't have a 'no outsiders allowed' mentality to match theirs...

I basically felt 'don't bother to come try and have fun at the pool party unless you're part of our club!'

>> No.6757016

You don't know what was going on. Her cat could have died for all we know and that's what she was crying about. Stop

>> No.6757042

I'm the person you were replying to buddy, and I'm not from atlanta, I'm from tennessee so i've been to some of the meets. You can take what you want from my reply, but i was only stating that it'd be awkward to go to an out of state con and expect to have fun at a party where most of the people already know each other, i'm not going for this reason.

>> No.6757052

And I'm saying that's as stupid as not going to a pool down the street because strangers are there (and I want to swim). The way you worded it seemed silly and if you just want to say ' don't go to things because of strangers! ' then I don't even see why you would go to the con at all.. Since you know, it's run by Atl lolis and you feel uncomfortable being a stranger around them.

Telling people 'don't go if you're not in the atl comm' is really stupid lol

>> No.6757086

The one on Sunday is at a different location and separate from the cost of tickets. Almost every major lolita event has been held around a main tea party so it just seems odd.

>> No.6757098

........ Its a lolita convention for girls who are into the fashion. Just look at the panles.. there aren't any Lolita 101 panels or panels about other fashion.


so please don't make yourself look like an idiot.

>> No.6757105

Yes please. I'm coming from out of state and if the actual event sucks I'll be bored to dust.

>> No.6757115

>must wear lolita to enjoy lolita!!!!


>> No.6757121

Ya I dress up just to read egl and my comm page

>> No.6757130

So, at say, Anime Weekend Atlanta, you should not wear anything other than an anime cosplay. Gotcha.

I don't think the panels are good evidence either. They pretty much all look awful.

>> No.6757146

Obviously there will be dandy bouncers at the door and if you aren't wearing lolita, you will not be allowed in.

But anon, if you have enough lolita to wear for the entire convention, why do you want to wear a different style? I don't have a problem with it, but I guess it's something I would expect girls to do if they didn't have enough clothes to wear

>> No.6757158

>http://affrilliation . tumblr . com /ask
So, who wants to ask the organizers if lolita and only lolita is allowed?

>> No.6757161

I don't think she'll look like an idiot, but she'll probably be the only one there in a different style. If you're cool with that anon, go for it.

>> No.6757164

No one because it's a stupid question. I've never been to a meet where lolita has been mandatory. People even do other fashions at ap tea parties...

>> No.6757166

That's stupid, of course they wouldn't turn down people not in lolita.

>> No.6757169

I was joking...

>> No.6757172

... I missed it. I wouldn't have been surprised if you were being serous... Considering the kind of idiotic questions that crop up on the comm pages, tumblr, and egl

>> No.6757182

I honestly didn't realize this would be such a big deal. Now if I do wear it, everyone will know I'm the girl from this thread. Dammit.

>> No.6757194

Doubtful you'll be the only one wearing something different... And I wouldn't be surprised if the people giving you a hard time won't be going anyway.

>> No.6757204

If people in plain clothes are welcome, then other styles should be as well.

>> No.6757407

They didn't do it without warning. Everyone I was with knew. I didn't, but I wasn't driving. I thought it was pretty weird, though.

>> No.6757420

I'm pretty sure that person was making a joke about how last year someone (either an organizer or volunteer) told someone that the con wasn't really for outsiders when someone who flew in had trouble getting to the venue.
I'm probably going to the pool party and I'm not local. But people talking about how they wouldn't wear swimsuits around lolitas are making me nervous!

>> No.6757440

I'm really looking forward to it, even though most of the people on this thread seem to think it's going to suck. I don't have an outfit yet. I kind of feel like I should have amazing coords since I've been into lolita for quite a long time. But I have mostly stuff that, while really cute, is suitable for everyday stuff. I know that's allowed and all. Just everyone wants to show off there, me included!

>> No.6757444

I'm pretty sure they weren't joking if you read their other reply. Looks like they think people from out of state would not be comfortable at the pool party with Atl lolis. Still baffled at the mentality that you shouldn't go to parties if you don't know people there. Really strange.

>> No.6757449

It was one of the organizers, iirc. They said something like "well we're really not worried about people frmo out of state because we have enough girls in the local community interested, maybe if it's a success next year we can think about them"

>> No.6757473

No it was one of the atl lolis: Bunnyhuns she was not a director or anything

>> No.6757478

>But people talking about how they wouldn't wear swimsuits around lolitas are making me nervous!
I don't think anyone would tease anyone about their bodies, but I'm too insecure to wear a bathing suit in front of those tiny girls. I'll probably go and keep a cover-up on.

>> No.6757486


>> No.6757508

they told you already... bunnyhuns

>> No.6757517

? Lol tiny girls? The atl comm is just as diverse in body type and weight as any big comm. There are only a couple that are even super tiny I would say. Most of them are average to big. Don't worry

>> No.6757522

Yeah and...who is she? Some random? Should I care?

>> No.6757524

Yes, some random. Not a director or anyone important.

>> No.6757836

Lol seriously? Thats actually a very common meetup rule.

>> No.6757846

Of course, Frill isn't a meet up, it's a convention. If she was wearing mori every day, that would be strange, but for one day? I think it would be fine.

>> No.6757852

o.O I'm not saying its not allowed. I'm saying its strange to go to a Lolita event and not wear lolita. Its like a giant meetup so its a pretty clear expectation that the majority are wearing lolita.

Anon should try to wear lolita if she owns it

>> No.6757862

You. Read this. >>6757130

>> No.6757869

Nah, it's not.Every meet I've been to when someone asks about dress code they have never been turned away or told lolita was mandatory. I mean if your comm turns down people who ask or show up in different styles, then I would put them as the exception, not the standard.

These con directors aren't going to turn down money and you can enjoy lolita and lolita panels and activities without being dressed. Are they going to stick out? Well of course, no one said they wouldn't.

>> No.6757877

Maybe if mori-anon includes a lolita piece somehow...

>> No.6757881

She said she'd dress lolita one day... I'm not sure why people are trying to tell her not to dress how she wants. Lol, it's kind of funny. I mean should a new lolita not go if they don't have enough clothes for more then one coord/one day and they wanted to learn more and buy more clothes from the shop on the second day?

>> No.6757887

But anime conventions are not all about cosplay. Lolita is a fashion, first and foremost. A better analogy would be going to a convention for "goth fashion" and not wearing goth fashion.

>> No.6757889

Yeah and they are throwing a pool party. It's going to be so awesome being dressed in lolita for that! Because it's a lolita party at a lolita convention!

Or do you think because some brands released swimsuits that those count as part of the fashion too? Rofl

>> No.6757893

Alright, this is more than enough derailment because of me. I'll wear lolita both days.

Sorry, I just wanted to wear a more extravagant version of mori than I can wear on a day to day basis, and I thought being in a convention with girls who are aware of Japanese street fashions and wear them would be a good place to do so. Please stop arguing over this.

>> No.6757905

Wear whatever you want to wear. Don't let people (who probably won't even be going) change your mind if that's what you want to do... I'm sure there were people last year in different styles anon.

Though now every mori girl who pops up in pictures is going to get side eyed by some people though lol

>> No.6757919

Come on now, no one will wear mori to Frill now. Because of this thread.

>> No.6757950

Assuming they all come on cgl though... Lol

>> No.6757964

Who wore mori to Frill last year?

>> No.6758214

Now I want to go to Frill just to wear mori.
Though it's not worth not dressing lolita to something obviously lolita, because most ostracize you for it
Normally wear lolita but own tons of naoto and more. Decided to do a mix of both for comfort and warmth sake and I endes up regretting going because it was so awkward.

>> No.6758216

*mori not more

>> No.6758244

You said that if someone says people are expected to wear lolita at a lolita convention, they must also expect people to wear cosplay at anime conventions. But anime and anime conventions are not about cosplay. Cosplay is a part of it, and depending on the scene a very big part, but anime conventions are primarily about anime--voice actors, video panels, artist alleys, etc. Frill last year and Frill this year are conventions for people in a particular niche fashion. Lolita is a fashion. Frill is a fashion-related convention. I'm sorry that I called you out for a shitty analogy and your only retort is to go 'OH OH THEY'RE GONNA WEAR LOLITA IN THE POOL HUH HUH!!' but you have no one to blame but yourself.

I don't care WHAT anyone wears at Frill. Wear jeans and a t-shirt if you want to. But don't make crap analogies in your attempt to defend someone's fashion choices.

>> No.6758273 [DELETED] 

? I didn't say anything about cosplay at all. I'm sorry you think people who are disagreeing with you are all the same person.

What I said was, you don't have to wear lolita to enjoy a lolita convention. Simple as that. I don't sit dressed up in front of my computer when I egl or my FB comm or the lolita tumblr tags.

Once again I say this... if a fresh little nooblet came around for Frill and only, literally, had one outfit to wear for one day... should they not be expected to come back for the second day they paid for? They probably hoped to buy more lolita at the shop, or learn more at the panels.

I'm not defending anyone's fashion choices, you're reading a bit too far into this. I was exgerrating to the point that some other people have basically stated that you couldn't enjoy or even relate to the convention unless you dressed lolita, which is as silly as saying I can't enjoy lolita in any setting unless I'm dressed up.

And once again I say, are they going to stick out? Of course.

>> No.6758334

Hey, if I was running a convention and wanted input from possible attendees or attendees in general... I would 'stalk' it too.

I like reading the snippy remarks you people have. I mean how DARE they act upon the comments and such posted in this thread.

Going on 4chan for a mere hour makes me remember why I never want to be 'internet famous'. People will bitch and moan no matter what you do. Especially if you are a woman.

I'm not even a part of this convention or 'Lolita Fashion' and I'm feeling defensive for these organizers. If you people claim you are part of the Lolita fashion why don't you try to be more understanding? From what I gather this is a new convention. Give them a break. Of course it wont be perfect

>> No.6758344


Buncha catty bitches will never be happy with anything. I'm friends with one of the organizers on facebook and they just had a organizer meeting yesterday evening; it had nothing to do with this thread. You all need to get over yourselves.

>> No.6758376

And even when someone is excited and supportive of Frill they get accused of being an organizer. Seriously though, why is there so much hate against Frill?

Give them a chance instead of nitpicking the same problems over and over again.

>> No.6758377

Can we talk more about THIS? I would definitely be interested in scheduling a room party to hang out in on the off chance the convention is snores-vill. I can't tell you how many lolita meetups I have attended in my state that just consist of awkwardly sitting with other women in my community who are all too shy and have nothing in common with one another. I swear our meetups consist of us all sitting in various areas. The women are too shy to break off and do their own thing but also too shy to talk. So we are a crowd of begrudged bored women in frilly dresses. So help me god....I hope Frill isn't like this. I hope my state's lolitas are an exception and other lolitas aren't so damn self conscious

But I can't blame them either. A lot of the girls claim they visit /cgl/ and read behind the bows. So they are scared of these notorious 'brand whores' who probably don't exist. The worst that'll happen is the skinny girls will have fodder to laugh at the fat uncomfortable girls during the pool party. I'm fat and I don't give a fuck. If I can make it to the pool party I'm going to rock my kawaii swimsuit that has pastries on it. You girls can comment on my cellulite if you want to. No fucks will be given that day.

>> No.6758384

Lets be honest, the angry anons who are posting hate are most likely not going to attend the convention. So why worry about their input? It's at times like these I want to give those people the reins to let them set up an event. I've had to set up events before and had to deal with snarky remarks from the girls who attended. I want to see you do better.

>> No.6758389
File: 481 KB, 500x208, tumblr_lrsm74Alvn1qafrh6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Of course they're not going to go.
Everybody knows that people like that don't budge from their parents' basement very often.

>> No.6758474

I'm like 99% sure the tea party this year is included in weekend or Sunday passes and is at the same location.

>> No.6758493

Guess they are reading this thread they just updated the FB page:

"We've heard there are some questions about what is acceptable to wear to Frill and we're happy to answer!

Obviously, Frill is first and foremost a Lolita convention, so you can expect that most Affrilliates will be wearing lolita. However, Frill has no official dress code. We realize that many attendees are interested in many varieties of street fashion, and of course, all are welcome and encouraged to show off their unique style!

The Friday night fashion walk is a perfect opportunity to get a little experimental, and if you're interested in non-lolita street fashion, feel free check out our panel on Japanese street fashion trends.

Frill is all about bringing lolitas of all interests together, so be yourself!"

>> No.6758494

how tasty is that foot in your mouth? lol

>> No.6758509


Allow me to ask about the one lodged in your ass, my friend.

>> No.6758513

Were you even reading the thread? People might have sent in questions and Frill answered on the facebook page.

>> No.6758535

lol did You even read?

>we've heard there are some questions


>we received some questions


>> No.6758541

There have been these exact questions posted on the Frill page as well....

>> No.6758545

/cgl isn't the only place that discusses Frill.

Let's talk about tumblr and the ATL lolitas facebook page for a minute.

>> No.6758546

But they waited til now to say something

>> No.6758547

on the fb page there isn't anything posted like that at all

>> No.6758549

nothing on tumblr or on the website

i guess you got me by making me go check, lol i'll give you that

>> No.6758552

>in dis thread

>Hey guiz they are totes obviously stalkin dis thread lololololo

>no they aren't!

>yes they rrrrrrrr i'm right ur wrong stfu yolo

>> No.6758556

You misunderstand me. Some of the organizers of Frill are/were(?) admins of the Atlanta lolita community, and that community has a rule that if you talk about it on /cgl/, you get banhammered. There was some drama a few years ago because someone posted about a meet up or something similar, the admin of the community figured out who it was and banned her. Of course, everyone knows Atl lolitas still post on /cgl/, they just don't talk about it anymore.

Personally, I think it's great that they addressed this.

This is good. If the tea party was in another location I would not be very happy about that, especially since they have a much larger venue this time.

I really doubt people actually sent in questions. I don't think Frill's tumblr allows anonymous asks.

>We realize that many attendees are interested in many varieties of street fashion, and of course, all are welcome and encouraged to show off their unique style!
>The Friday night fashion walk is a perfect opportunity to get a little experimental
AWWWW YESSSSS. Bring your mori, bring your fairy kei, bring your shironuri, EVERYBODY'S getting kawaii up in this bitch!

On another note, I wish they had some sort of loose schedule for this. I'd like to get there on Friday, but I have work as well. Maybe I can get off early, but I might be really pushing my limits here, and I really want to attend the fashion walk. But driving down and getting ready in time for a fashion walk which will apparently be a day time thing? That's going to be rough.

>> No.6758561

Yes there is It was posted 4hrs ago according to Fb

>> No.6758564

>Friday night
Goddamn I am a dumbass that can't read.

>> No.6758567

Anon means questions about wearing different styles, not the organizers addressing the questions.

>> No.6758568

why are you upset that you got your words shoved back in your face? they obviously follow the threads.

>it's on the frill page
>gets pointed out there's nothing related on the page
>green text huuurrrr u mad urrr wrong, internet fightz lol

>> No.6758570

I honestly couldn't care less. But go ahead and asspat yourself if you want.

>> No.6758571

The rule is you can't talk about another member on cgl or post pictures of meets. They can completely come out and say they were here to answers questions and such

>> No.6758572

certainly took the time to try and argue about it though. obviously means you care enough to type furiously about it lol

>> No.6758577


You are reading into my words. Don't self project anon.

I just find it interesting that you feel the need to beat the horse to death. I MUST be RIGHT. I am also RIGHT that you are angry about this. But please, continue to assure me of my apparent 'butthurt' about the matter.

>> No.6758580

Oh sorry. I'm not a member of the comm, just remember when that drama happened.

>> No.6758586
File: 6 KB, 300x200, 889995567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really need to assure anyone of anything, You said people had asked on the page. I pointed out there had been no such questions. Then you degrade to 'internet fight lulz' instead of admitting your mistake. It's quite simple to follow. And I still see you're avoiding that. No worries, continue on anon, not caring and what not. It's easy to be truthful to your words if you just stop rofl. I never said I didn't care remember, that was you in an attempt to backpedal.

>> No.6758593

No problem. I just really don't know why they just don't just come out and say they're here. It doesn't bother me and seems like an easy to get in contact with them

>> No.6758595

Maybe they don't consider it professional? Idk, just a guess.

I'm just excited the addressed it at all! Now to decide between decora or shironuri for the fashion walk...hmmmm.....

>> No.6758599

Sweet Jesus, anon way to waste the energy on your powertrip on typing out that post. Did that make you feel better? I always see threads break out into arguments and now I understand why. Just two hard headed people like you who apparently get off bickering. Give it a rest already.

It frightens me to think a person like you might be attending Frill. Chill the fuck out

>> No.6758600

On that note I'm going to stop derailing this thread considering you wont drop the subject.

Sidenote: I probably wont be attending Frill if psychopaths like the anon is going to be there

>> No.6758601

omg, your buttmad is hilarious. please continue replying with the same amount of energy you're accusing me of wasting. it delights me to no end. you do realize, in your little story, that YOU are the other hard headed person, right? i'm fucking dying oh shit, is this your first time on the internet?!

>> No.6758603

>considering you won't drop the subject
>keeps replying

Really? Sage for the shit posting (from both of you aspie fucks), Jesus.

>> No.6758606

How many outfits are you all going to bring? I'm thinking I'll wear one for the fashion walk, bring a swimsuit for the pool party, one for Saturday morning, another for Frill after Dark and then one for the tea party on Sunday.

>> No.6758615


How severe is your autism?

>> No.6758623

Same. Might bring some extra coordinate pieces in case I find a piece in the boutique that I have to put on my body IMMEDIATELY.

>> No.6758638

You can catch me on /cgl/ posting
Girl I'm derping hard. I'm derping hard.
And I be talking about some shit that I don't know
Trying to seem smart. I'm derping hard.
I can post some stupid shit on /cgl/ if I want to.
Matter fact, anons that's what I always do.
I know they hearing me.
They roll their eyes at me.
So I apologize and they tell that I take /cgl/ to serious.

>> No.6758639

That's a good idea, but I think I'll try to limit myself. I tend to over pack and I don't want to be lugging around too much stuff to the car. I think I'll wear sweet for the fashion walk, gothic or punk for frill after dark and classic for the tea party.

>> No.6758669

So glad they're having the consignment shop! There might be a few pieces I'll buy from Atelier Pierrot and Innocent World but I'll likely get some second hand stuff to get more bang for my buck.

To that one anon wanting to know what stuff to sell, did you check out the boutique list and artist alley list? I always do that when I have my own table, that way you can scope out the competition and pick out inventory that'll stand out. I think most of the shops have a link to their etsy.

>> No.6758802

Make sure to check your secondhand items thoroughly before purchasing. I didn't have a problem, but I remember threads last year where girls were complaining that items were stained or smelled and they didn't notice in their haste to snatch up burando.

>> No.6759351

Thanks for the tip, knowing me I would have been caught up in the excitement.

>> No.6760638

They were selling second hand dresses? How cheap were they?
Did they have a plus sized section?

>> No.6760947 [DELETED] 

...Do you not know what a consignment shop is?

>> No.6761186

I wasn't there the first year but prices were whatever the seller made them.

>> No.6766044 [DELETED] 

people have already said it's fine, as an atl lolita I can tell you that we don't give a shit, you can even show up to a meet wearing jeans and we wouldn't care. Why listen to cgl when you could just ask someone who has been to Frill and they'd tell you that at Frill there were people who weren't in lolita.

>> No.6767930

Is there anyone else that went to this last year? I remember seeing some pictures does anyone have a link?

>> No.6768800


That is their Flickr gallery from last year, which has all the photos from their photographers.

I'm glad they moved into such a nice hotel this year, because last year's venue wasn't much to write home about.

>> No.6768969

What a strange mix of total itas and gorgeous lolitas.

>> No.6769135

I've started a crazy diet until Frill. No sodas, no fast food. One hour on the treadmill four times a week. Trying for one small meal a day until the last week or so in advance, then I'm going to ~100 calories a day. That is unless I reach my goal weight before then, then I'll just work on maintaining it.

I'm already a little underweight for my height, but some of those bitches at Frill are THIN. Like, tumblr thin. Almost Paris thin. I want to be small and ~*~kawaii~*~ too.

>> No.6769139

>already underweight
>wants to lose more weight


>> No.6769147

Anon, no, please don't. I know how easy it is to get sucked in to wanting to be as thin as some other girl, but I'm sure you look beautiful just the way you are.

Also, you'll be swimming in all of your dresses! That's not a cute look.

>> No.6769149

Attention seeking skinny bitch who's anorexic but wants to be KAWII thin but will look horrible and skeleton.

>> No.6769153

Yeah, don't do it. Especially if you're already underweight, just work on toning up your muscle definition, not actually losing weight. You'll probably just look haggard if you make weight loss your main goal.

>> No.6769160

Like the other anons said, don't do it. This'll affect other aspects of your health as well. We're not just talking looking thin, we're talking you're gonna stop menstruating and your hair could start falling out/thinning because of this. Not to mention the organ strain. But yeah, just focus on health, bro.

>> No.6769161

Scratch the diet completely and just work on the treadmill. You'll lose a bit of weight and you'll feel so much better than if you try to be like those tiny tumblr girls.

>> No.6769179

>Also, you'll be swimming in all of your dresses! That's not a cute look.

If kawaii is your aim, pay attention to that anon. You'll just look too sad and thin in your oversized dresses.

I'm going to take a guess and assume that you are not asian but want to be asian thin. You can lose the weight, but it will make you look haggard instead of like a doll. The weight you are at right now is probably just fine.

Also, going by those pictures posted from last year's Frill, not all of those girls are thin. Frankly, a lot of them are not. If you're already a little underweight, just pose with fatty chans and look tiny in comparison.

>> No.6769207
File: 127 KB, 494x785, 1292448811696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I hear you all. I still plan on losing weight, but I'll be careful to make sure I don't go overboard with it. I really just want thin legs. I want my legs to be very thin, pic related. Losing weight overall seems to be the only way to achieve that look.

>> No.6769231

>the only way

bitch, haven't you heard of this thing called photoshop?

>> No.6769239

...You mean you want photoshop?

>> No.6769246

I realize that picture isn't entirely accurate to real life, but I have seen lolitas with legs that thin, IRL (at Frill, too). I want to shake them and shout "REVEAL YOUR SECRETS".

>> No.6769247

It's fine if you still want to lose weight, but please be healthy about it! Running is great, but don't go below 1200 cal a day. Also, as scary as it sounds, lifting weights is great for weight loss and shape! Though I guess if you want a stick look you might want to just stick with diet/cardio. If you eat 1400-1500 cal of lean protein and veggies plus running, you will definitely lose weight in time for the con. Just don't go so far that you look like a scarecrow--clothes hanging off is not a good look.

>> No.6769250

>(at Frill, too)
Are you talking about that one girl with the 18" waist? That girl is like, under 5 feet tall, if you're taller than that, there's no way you can achieve that look without looking anorexic in your frills.

>> No.6769252


>> No.6769251

My legs are so thin I sometimes creep myself out looking at pictures later. It's like, is that really my body? I actually kind of dislike it. I like being thin, but I want some shape, too.

>> No.6769259

Anon, my eating habits are totally suppressed by a medicine I've been taking so I've been eating around 800 calories a day for 3 months. I get really dizzy, nauseus, and sick and cold feeling every. single. day.

it's not kawaii iff you feel so sick you cant even go to the con
as i type this im lying in bed trying to get the energy to go to my class in an hour. it really sucks.

>> No.6769256

Apple shape/secret

>> No.6769262

Haha! I am 5' 8" and waffle between 115-120 lbs. I think most of it is my height, but I also run, swim, and do yoga as well as maintaining a diet of around 1700 cal a day (maintenance for my BMR and typical activity). I want to start heavy lifting soon, to get a rockin' body for cosplay, so I don't know how much longer my stick legs are going to be around...

>> No.6769267

Not necessarily true for everyone, I'm a pear but my legs are thin. I just have a wide pelvis/shapely butt. Though of course body shape and bone structure do play a big part in it

>> No.6769271

>18" waist
You have to be fucking with me. There is no way.

>> No.6769275

not that anon but 5'11" models have waists around 24" ...
it's not that hard to imagine a very short thin girl having a <20" waist imo

>> No.6769297

you people they're trolling.

>> No.6769306

I'm really short and I could see myself having an 18" waist if I actually bothered to exercise and tone up my body, with hardwork, diet, exercise and a lot of ab workouts, it's completely possible to have such a small waist without anorexia/corsets.

However, I'd never do that personally, because exercise is fucking awful. I'll cake it up and enjoy my 24" waist, it fits into a lot of brand either way.

>> No.6769312

My best friend is 90 lbs and hates her body. she wears lolita and everyone at meet ups says how cute she is and small, and poke her, and it makes her really uncomfortable. People think her "look" was her choice when actually 1) she has a long torso and small frame, which makes her body just small to begin with, and 2) gets really hyper, replaces actual food with sugar and caffeine, burns out, then passes out. It's a terrible cycle to watch, she tries to gain weight but b/c she has a weird work schedule right now, she really doesn't have a chance to get proper meals.

it's about body type people. My friend has been at 130 lbs and her legs were still tiny, but now when she goes out in public and eats, people fucking stare at her. people have snapped photos of the small girl eating.

and OT but: it's really aggravating when people comment on her weight. It's like, just because she's thin people think they have a right to comment on how small she is. I think it's extremely rude to comment on anyone's body type. Oh and because she's small, people think they can just come up and touch her and poke her, pick her up and exclaim she looks like a doll. it's fucking rude.

sorry I got all mad I just hate how people idolize small frames to the point of rude.

>> No.6770408

I wanna go to your party! Please have one! I'd throw one, but I'll be staying with a bunch of people from my area. So if you have one, I'll bring like booze and a game or something.

>> No.6771014

It depends on some innate body proportions too. Some really small people have thick legs for example.

I am underweight for my height (98lbs at 5'2") but my waist is 25 and has never been less than that. See, I have a short torso and so cannot physically have a smaller waist because there's only a 1 inch space between my hips and the bottom of my ribcage.

People who have very thin waists tend to have very long torsos. If you're born with a short torso you're SOL no matter how much exercise you do.

>> No.6771094

I would be totally down for this, and definitely willing to bring alcohol or whatever else would be needed. Make this happen, anon! You will be the Aaron Carter of Frill. Party of the year!

>> No.6771149

Whats this talk of a room party? I could bring Twister. Or Cards Against Humanity.

Or maybe an Ouija Board? For ghoooosts? Haha! It would certainly be fun.

Maybe we can designate an area at a certain part of the hotel for all seagulls to meetup at and bring games with us to play and mingle?

>> No.6771716

Rooms sold out before I was able to get one ;_; I guess that's what I get for waiting till the last minute, but I'm kinda surprised they managed to sell 30+ rooms with over a month to go. I figured they'd still have a few left if I checked in when I got there...

Which of you bitches got the last one?

>> No.6771908
File: 24 KB, 467x351, 1309746005340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might have been me...sorry, anon. Much love.

>> No.6771913

Read that as "Oo Jia board"
I don't even

>> No.6771922

stay golden anon

>> No.6771976

Someone bring an ipod with speakers.

>> No.6773875


>> No.6774237

What kind of music would you guys like?

>> No.6774556

Please not j-pop or j-rock.

I mean, maybe some of that, if you seagulls are into it, but radio stuff is okay, too. I'm not a fan of hanging out with girls who think lolitas can only listen to Kyary or Mana.

>> No.6776100
File: 167 KB, 300x399, 1311644667593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you love Kyary

>> No.6776118

Classical music, maybe?

>> No.6776120

I'm not going, but who plays classical music at a room party at a con? Room parties are for drinking and having fun.

>> No.6776130

Oh, we are having a room party? I didn't see anyone offer their room open. I figured we would be in the public area near the service desk or something.

>> No.6776137

My bad, I saw earlier in the thread someone talking about a room party and just assumed that was the case.

>> No.6777436

Does anyone know how they are going to have the boutique, a separate dealer's room, and an artist's alley? Last year they could fit everything sold in one small room. Maybe they aren't all going to be in different rooms, but that's just the impression the website gave me.

>> No.6777752

It's in a larger venue this year - a hotel instead of a banquet hall.

>> No.6778307

Yes, I understand that, but I just don't think they'll have enough to sell to fill out separate rooms. My guess is the artist's alley will be a handful of girls sitting behind tables. The dealer's room? Not so sure what will be there.

>> No.6778728

Have you looked at the list of boutique and artist alley vendors? It's pretty big. I'm assuming that dealers artist alley and boutique are in there own rooms since Frill moved to a convention space this year.