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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 148 KB, 640x960, 225558_10151325892151592_682207955_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6746675 No.6746675 [Reply] [Original]

Let's go.

>> No.6746683

oh god why

>> No.6746688
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>> No.6746687
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>> No.6746690


she looks uncomfortable :(

>> No.6746693
File: 147 KB, 1024x702, knight_of_blood_by_caseroo12-d5vr3nf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does everyone do this stupid pose

>> No.6746694
File: 314 KB, 640x960, 1363569251031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the better version

>> No.6746697

...Are those pearls on the hood and symbol?

>> No.6746699

it's fancy tier so yes

>> No.6746707


Wow, that armor has really nice weight and shine to it.

>> No.6746709

Fancy tier or not, it still looks fucking awful. The armor is cool but the ornamentation wrecks it.

>> No.6746718
File: 741 KB, 1280x1707, 1363803344598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good fancy tier time?

>> No.6746751
File: 443 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_m8cgjt4Ex01rothkko8_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good fancy tier time.

>> No.6746748
File: 403 KB, 1100x733, vriska.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no they're salmon roe

>> No.6746752
File: 170 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mkrn0ooYAn1qmlrwho4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not crazy about her eye makeup but she makes a pretty kanaya

>> No.6746755
File: 192 KB, 498x750, witch_of_life_by_rannapants-d54zae5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6746756


>looking like a woman

try again

>> No.6746762

yea they do look a little feminine, but the construction of their costume is really neat.

>> No.6746768

Their costume is probably faithful to an artist's design, which was likely feminine in the first place since this fandom loves girly men. It's clean and looks good though, and that Nepeta is adorable.

>> No.6746777

Love the construction, wish she woupd bind

>> No.6746781

Actually, I know her in real life and she actually has a pretty large chest. I'm pretty sure she binded, or tried to at least.

>> No.6746783

Am I the only one who thinks we should all be looking at those huge ass glasses an not the construction.

>> No.6746793
File: 547 KB, 500x747, 1359439279563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit I posted that photo and I didn't even notice the glasses.

>> No.6746831
File: 1.05 MB, 712x1071, mushroomcatnumberplate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post what I have, but it's still a pretty sparsely cosplayed outfit.

As for help,
A good tutorial:
And for misc info, you can always use interfacing to help keep the strips more 'solid' and an anon once suggested looking up cosplay cage skirts for another approach

>> No.6746860
File: 959 KB, 592x910, seasideghost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6746866
File: 28 KB, 400x442, gg__alchemize_dead_shuffle_by_xtsunnyx-d46sr0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6746889
File: 134 KB, 480x640, irish-lass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6746905
File: 711 KB, 1024x586, jade_harley__2__by_lagil-d5gokk7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6747020
File: 45 KB, 240x320, tumblr_mdca5mfabq1r677yzo9_r1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm scared

>> No.6747058

its like a Dumbo AU Feferi

>> No.6747072
File: 11 KB, 216x324, aaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im almost to the point of sobbing on the feferi ans sollux cosplay tags. so far there has been 1 good one on the fef one but there were about 40 pictures of her selfies that got old very fast

i understand if youre beginners but its people in the tags sometimes that just give us such a bad rep because they go out in PUBLIC dressed like they do

>> No.6747077

i think im blinded

>> No.6747208

I'm going to puke

>> No.6747300 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6747301
File: 556 KB, 1156x1920, tumblr_mkrqqg8NjD1qbghlao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6747320

horns stick out at too wide of an angle. It's really distracting.

>> No.6747342
File: 52 KB, 500x464, tumblr_melfztpHIq1rtcfaqo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm always amazed how nitpicky this thread gets over little details in relatively good cosplays when there's so much terrible to make fun of.

>> No.6747353
File: 150 KB, 500x733, tumblr_lzt7sftmcD1qde2yzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me/ give me some tips on how to properly style a Karkat wig

>> No.6747355
File: 57 KB, 1024x682, 1359671965310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing that bothers me are her horns, other than that she is pretty adorable

>> No.6747368

i only nit pick people that have potential because nothing's more irritating than seeing something that could be perfect ruined by something small and silly.

The train wrecks are beyond help and only good for ridicule

>> No.6747372
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>> No.6747376
File: 450 KB, 2592x1944, 2zGjwOR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even like Homestuck much anymore, but Kanaya (and sometimes genderbent Karkat) cosplayers always seem to be the best-looking ones. What's up with that.

>> No.6747386

Different from first anon, but I can honestly appreciate that. But a lot of what people post on here isn't constructive criticism and advice, it's more just 'lol this is shit because x is wrong', on very well-done cosplays.

>> No.6747389

Wow that Kanaya is adorable. Prefer gradient horns, but she still looks super cute!

>> No.6747397
File: 1.13 MB, 320x240, whatnopleasestop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just for Dave Strider ask blogs

>> No.6747407
File: 433 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mkjkcmQVSO1qaury6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mom and Dad are married this is the cutest thing in the world

>> No.6747435
File: 150 KB, 305x370, rawr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuken homosucks ruinin my anime convention

>> No.6747558

Okay, that is actually really cute. I think the guy has a good face for Dad too, kind of dorky and personable. Well done.

>> No.6747652
File: 608 KB, 800x600, disgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6747656

Bless you.

>> No.6747738
File: 745 KB, 320x240, no dont do that.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TT: Why not a smexy pink kitten?
>TT: Who wants to stroke my tail? *wink wink*

SO IN CHARACTER how do they do it

>> No.6747743

Borris aint having none of your shit

>> No.6747754

Okay so the way I attached the two separate parts of my Meenah braids has gone incredibly wrong and I don't really have time to fix them :I Would putting some sort of circle clip over the section look okay? Like a gold bead or something

>> No.6747766

If what you're talking about is what I'm thinking of, I bet that will be perfectly fine. Just don't have them be huge and you're golden.

>> No.6747773

Hah. Golden.

>> No.6747780

oh shit now dave is cosplaying boris

>> No.6747828

who's boris?

>> No.6747831
File: 199 KB, 500x530, boris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boris from alice in the country of hearts

>> No.6747836

oh wow that looks like a bad deviantart oc

>> No.6747841

yeah and the designs are the best part of the whole series, shockingly enough

>> No.6747844
File: 1.22 MB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that March Eridan in the background

>> No.6747865

Ugh, booty shoots cronus.

>> No.6747867
File: 379 KB, 956x1280, tumblr_mkhsbtUerl1qzvg5fo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Family cosplays!!!

>> No.6747874


That's Mom's hair is so thick and well-styled, my god.

>> No.6747882

Whoa, I wish I had natural hair I could style like that. I wish her scarf weren't so shiny but she looks great.

>> No.6747893

>facial expression
>dem sleeves
>dat body language
>dat hair
>fucking perfect mom

>> No.6747902

So I'm just wondering, but has Homestuck made much of a dent in Japan? There's got to be some kind obscure HS cosplayers over there by now.

On the flipside, I wonder what they think of the convention scene over here, with the endless amount of horns in the crowds.

>> No.6747911

I know there's some in singapore.

Honestly, from what I've heard the convention scene is Japan is much different than America. Especially with comiket.

Last I heard they still have to change after they get there, or has that changed?

>> No.6747925

What a fantastic Mom, holy shit. Can we post some more family cosplayers/ little kid cosplayers? There was a tiny Meenah a few threads ago and I think it's adorable when kids cosplay.

>> No.6747943
File: 34 KB, 400x300, tumblr_mkstxpoOmN1qc17wgo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6747945

Someone kept bringing their kid as Nakodile to ECCC and Sakuracon. Lemme try to find the pic.

>> No.6747961

ugh i havent been able to find his photo but at a con last summer there was an 8 year old dave and he was talking about how he didnt want to have a birthday otherwise vriska wouldnt like him anymore. total cutie (and im still searching for his photo)

>> No.6747980
File: 849 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mhunhqSw6S1rozsvoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I hate the Homestuck fandom and their obsession with crossdressing with characters it doesn't make any sense for. This is even worse than Dave and John, the two main offenders.

>> No.6747982

thats a cute outfit though not gonna lie

>> No.6747988
File: 990 KB, 234x351, tumblr_mjjo2c0Hpv1qhpkk0o1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6747999

nice pissing your pants pose

>> No.6747998

Uhrg, that Eridan drives me up the wall. Every time I see them post on WAstuck, I want to beat them over the head.

>> No.6748004
File: 36 KB, 640x480, TPhoto_00025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, apology in advance for a kind of self post. This is my friend, and I'm thinking that she needs a new wig for her terezi. Am I wrong? Could she style it better? Is is that just a bad wig for it?

>> No.6748008

Issat tumblr-user solluxcaptor?

>> No.6748011
File: 6 KB, 402x450, Terezieyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i recommend getting a better wig
one that isn't too layered on the top
see how her hair is? you can tell that your friend needs one that is thicker and either at or above shoulder length.
i hope i was of some assistance.

>> No.6748010

that is just a kind of bad wig.

>> No.6748012

She could use one. It looks sort of like a boy's cut that got some extra wefts tacked on because there isn't nearly enough hair below her ears.

>> No.6748013
File: 9 KB, 650x450, 02995.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suddenly my Facebook wall and tumblr dash is filled with people holding their arms into camera frames.

I'm pretty sure it was taken when she was getting up...

>> No.6748016

Alright, thanks guys. It just looked kinda off to me and such. An cheap suggestions i can give to her?

>> No.6748021

I see girls making that pose all the time, especially when they're trying to be "kawaii uguu", it really just does just look like you're pissing yourself and the photo looks posed to me in that scene kid "looking away from the camera making an awkward pose" way.

>> No.6748023

The one I use is this; http://matchwigs.com/home/67-toncore-short-black-wig-cosplay.html
It does need a bit of cutting, though.

>> No.6748024

Idea for a cosplay: An all-black zentai suit with the right arm cut off. At the shoulder, some kind of flat prop that emanates a blue glow. The right arm itself is either painted white or uses a white sleeve.

You are now John's Right Arm.

>> No.6748028

I'm pretty sure they are talking about just their arms.

>> No.6748030

I know a bunch of cosplayers that do that pose is to show off the skirt for a dress though/

>> No.6748031

Fucking beautiful.

>> No.6748034

The legs?

>> No.6748040

oh no, i didnt notice the legs

>> No.6748050

Anyone else kinda think that if it was cut right, that could be a less shitty Sollux wig?

>> No.6748064

eh ive seen better

>> No.6748071

Isnt that the one rapping Daves' bro?

>> No.6748100

Yep. I think they're both pretty cute though.

>> No.6748110

man it just bothers me that hes basically not doing anything in most of their videos together hes mostly just in the background as a little accessory

>> No.6748142

im just glad they arent making out and shit like other striders out there

>> No.6748155
File: 36 KB, 640x480, TPhoto_00025 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I floofed the wig into a shitty gamzee wig.

>> No.6748156

You got that right

>> No.6748157

Im just dicking around with it now. kinda makes me happy

>> No.6748160

It shouldn't, it looks really bad

>> No.6748165
File: 420 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mkszacH0iY1rglxzao1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting to go through the homestuck cosplay tag.

>> No.6748168
File: 138 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mkp3aevvX11qegi5no1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6748171
File: 139 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mksmjzYGwx1rmo7fdo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of it isnt good, sorry. im just trying to get new stuff on here.

>> No.6748173
File: 168 KB, 447x750, tumblr_mksii9NiAu1qloj4do1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6748175

the dave in the back with the body pillow tho

>> No.6748177

Actually, Sollux called himself a saucy maid once in a convo w/ Aradia so it kind of makes sense?

>> No.6748178
File: 216 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mkry6vCJ6M1rgcur5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll start posting some wips now as well!

>> No.6748174

It doesn't matter, anon. Thanks for posting stuff.

>> No.6748185

lets be fair here, it makes more sense than dave or dirk in a maid costume. at least sollux made the joke about it canonly.

>> No.6748182

no, no it doesn't.

>> No.6748183
File: 87 KB, 764x1024, tumblr_mkrn0ooYAn1qmlrwho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6748184

ah i love curly haired aradia

>> No.6748188
File: 26 KB, 250x333, tumblr_mkrfd1LGA21qc4rgfo2_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6748195
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>> No.6748199
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>> No.6748206
File: 51 KB, 800x600, tumblr_mkt23lD3KB1r3amu6o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found some wip roxys too.

>> No.6748208
File: 93 KB, 456x750, tumblr_mkt2r74iC71qluqhho2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6748211

god his pants give me tyrophobic fears

>> No.6748217
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>> No.6748220
File: 156 KB, 293x265, jesus fucking christ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon why

>> No.6748222


aaaaaaaand adblocked

>> No.6748227

lets not

>> No.6748228
File: 33 KB, 500x667, 1364161782383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry I just felt like being a dick. I couldn't even look at it when I saved it. Gives me stomach aches.
Here have this awful mistake. Tattoos count as cosplay too, right

>> No.6748287


>> No.6748288

Homestuck is for fags

>> No.6748293

i think the mom and dad were really cute. the karkat and terezi were also decent

>> No.6748294
File: 18 KB, 379x214, 1259895134731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat rack though

>> No.6748341
File: 331 KB, 500x700, tumblr_mkt5d7pqJo1qkjxrmo4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6748348

Oh my god that Porrim is so cute

>> No.6748357

Since I'm assuming white face paint is more common than grey, is there any I could get in-store of relatively good quality?

>> No.6748359

look for theatre supply stores

>> No.6748361

that camera work is shit though

>> No.6748362
File: 449 KB, 500x667, we made it in entertainment weekly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we did it guys

we've climbed this whole mountain

>> No.6748376


>> No.6748385

it makes me sad that more people don't use stabilizers. if this photog used one (or a better one, for that matter) then this would be a great cmv.

>> No.6748388

Problem is most of the cmv making homestucks don't have any cash left over, seeing as some of them can't even afford sealer.
They are a worthy investment however, but mainly for the interested in photog/videography crowd. But some homestucks could at least get a damn tripod

>> No.6748390

basic stabilizers arent even that expensive, hell i got a pretty decent one for 25 bucks.

>> No.6748395

basic stabilizers arent even that expensive, hell i got a pretty decent one for 25 bucks. The thing with the video is theyre trying to attempt the angles that professional videographers do, like swaying away.

>> No.6748403

also she should've changed the number of frames recording per second before editing some parts to slow motion
also every person who plans to film a cmv should read this: http://ignotae.wordpress.com/2012/10/11/cosplay-music-videos-tutorial-part-one-formats/

>> No.6748419

Where did you get one for 25?

>> No.6748451
File: 158 KB, 1053x1626, mspa__kitty_by_missarisugawa-d605k5r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6748454
File: 176 KB, 960x720, tavros_nitram_by_gorillazstuck-d603p5u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6748457
File: 171 KB, 900x1372, birthday_girl_by_cubie_panda-d5mt6ih.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6748458
File: 422 KB, 1024x1820, lesson_in_showmanship_by_bellamortecosplay-d607ftm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6748459
File: 50 KB, 400x600, _r_a_d_i_o_a_c_t_i_v_e__by_love_joker-d60gtud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6748462
File: 179 KB, 700x1050, tumblr_mkt9wohlwG1rtg1u9o1_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6748464
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>> No.6748474
File: 94 KB, 680x1024, tumblr_mh5x3maokr1qaompjo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6748487

Cowboy Studios

>> No.6748489
File: 446 KB, 500x747, tumblr_mkspj0QP4W1s6qw29o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6748549


We get it, you're critical.

>> No.6748557

I own that same dress.

>> No.6748648

lol, there were a couple of Homestucks at Comiket this winter.

>> No.6748659

I'd like to see pictures.

>> No.6748660
File: 94 KB, 600x400, 2da34f0d692b7edd9167875409346b49204d4fc1-700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here are some Taiwanese cosplayers as John and Dave.

>> No.6748663
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x1920, 1363543831743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6748666
File: 905 KB, 1280x1714, tumblr_mdlx03305P1qf3l1eo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6748669
File: 37 KB, 337x640, 3137939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6748670
File: 131 KB, 900x1344, air_conditioner_by_usaginess-d3fvvpv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6748673
File: 173 KB, 900x675, motherfucking_miracles_by_bucket_master-d4f0d2r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6748676
File: 14 KB, 301x372, 89312783012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty new to cosplay, looking to get a dave wig. Where could I get one, and what's a good/cheap wig styling kit? Are there any good guides out there to wig styling, or is it not too different from styling regular hair?

>> No.6748694

Looking for a liptstick for Aranea, anyone know any good lipstick stores that sell bright colours?

>> No.6748697

FierceMagenta on etsy

>> No.6748704

Arda wigs, got 2 b hairspray & gel, cut upwards not horizontally. Dave wigs are pretty easy as long as you get the part right and the spikes on the side. A good way to do spikes is to gradually build them up with hairspray and (if your wig is heat resistant and you have a high quality blow dryer) lightly blow dry them on the lowest setting.

>> No.6748738
File: 258 KB, 700x1050, tumblr_mkth7aQqkA1rtg1u9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm that Dirk, and I'd just like to say, thank you for the compliments and criticism on my outfit! I know I looked really girly, though I promise I did bind, albeit I didn't have a great binder at the time. (As the one anon who apparently knows me mentioned, I do have a large chest.)

There are things I would certainly do differently (better binding and those glasses holy shit), but I am glad that you guys at least liked my outfit! It was my baby construction-wise, haha.


My sparkling fairy wings and thousands of pearls distracted you from my shitty glasses? Excellent.

On another note, I really like this Fef's trident, plus she's cute!

>> No.6748759

Short Arda wigs are weird, a lot of my friends have then for Dave and they are in my opinion too yellow, ebay has good cheap ones if anything.

>> No.6748789

I think their ash blonde looks pretty natural. It's more cool than yellow toned.

>> No.6748826
File: 23 KB, 250x202, 1335408408920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>home alone, refresh this thread while singing along to Queen

How's your Friday night going fellow Homestucks?

>> No.6748831

Stressful. Working on a Robo Arm for CPAC this Sunday.
It's coming along well though, I think.

>> No.6748842

Boring. My bullshitting meter is off the charts as I just closed my Persona 4 game and PS2 emulator because I got too bored. I'm planning on spending the next hour or so of my life either staring at space or fapping.
sage because off-topic

>> No.6748862
File: 329 KB, 918x1224, IMG_2727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6748871

what is happening with her face im so confused

>> No.6748878

looks like bad lighting, like a reflection or something.
i dont think it's a face-flap thing

>> No.6748880

What terrible lighting

>> No.6748887


Her makeup is so boring and flat ugggghhhh. Every time I see this costume I feel upset because the horns are so great but the makeup is so amateur. She got the grey on even, but there's just no dimension to it at all, wrong shade of lipstick, no idea what she's doing with the eye makeup, washed out eyebrows... whyyyyy.

>> No.6748900

Hey /cgl/, I wear ben nye makeup and I use both the setting powder and the final seal on it, but I still have my grey rubbing off. Mostly it's on clothes, which is sort of shitty since that means I can't adjust my outfits and it stands out really badly against the black shirt.

Any tips for sealing? My sealing isn't HORRIBLE, I'd just like to have it sealed 100% instead of 90%

>> No.6748937

Have you tried using baby powder to seal it instead of the translucent powder? It dulls the color a bit more, but it seals it a lot better I find. Also, you can never use too much final seal, lay it on thick.

>> No.6748941

>you can never use too much final seal, lay it on thick.
This isn't true.

>> No.6748946

Spray the final seal on both before and after you put on your make up. Tuck napkins into your shirt collar as you apply the make-up. If you think you have powdered enough, powder some more.

>> No.6748950

Well, don't like pour the bottle all over your face. Most people only spray it once or twice when they should be putting a lot more on.

>> No.6748954
File: 74 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mktlc2gNt91rqfsz8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, wow. I don't think they could have gotten a more unflattering angle if they tried.

>> No.6748956
File: 61 KB, 640x960, 541292_10151448641579989_773487223_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NZfag here, iirc that's the backdrop they use at the competition every year and god some (or all) of their lighting, photography and editing is so shit. It's embarassing. Some front-ons look okay but the lighting angling for portrait shots is so god-awful people usually only want the stage shots.

You can see the weird glowing outline around her horns, and a weird chunk of grey biting into the top of the right one, lighting from this underside/back angle lighting up going into the side and it looks like someone's tried to airbrush her top lip and a -triangle- of her cheek.

Not saying some contouring and more red would go a long way, but I just think whoever edits these needs to be taken out back and shot.

>> No.6748990
File: 372 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mcc8g3XDph1qi6oijo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, they're not consistently bad at every year or geddon, but most cosplayers do seem to favour the outside, hall and stage photos in comparison. That lower light looks too harshly bright and angled, but grey skin on a grey backdrop being edited was never going to turn out well.

I've made the mistake of spraying so much it liquified paint away before, but if you're patient and wait for it to dry in layers it's worth it.

On the subject of setting sprays, does anyone have alternatives to ben nye's that they would recommend? I have pretty sensitive skin and think I'm starting to develop an allergy to it. Also, is it true that water-based paints don't require powdering?

>> No.6749009

I hear Kryolan's setting spray is really good - and my friend with sensitive skin uses it just fine along with mehron's barrier spray. Also Urban Decay's all nighter spray is what we both use!

A question of my own: does Grimdark Rose's sleeves and sash seriously turn purple or would it be fine to have the pink sleeves/sash while grimdark?

>> No.6749059
File: 87 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mkkae6DQde1rdm9pso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good cosplay
great cosplay

>> No.6749142

What a cutie. Source?

>> No.6749145

holy shit, source?

>> No.6749185

>that wig
I hate when people try to imitate lacefronts like that. Looks so fake.

Take your fucking piercing out too

>> No.6749195

There's a girl in my school that wears homestuck cosplay to school every single fucking day. Usually just the clothes but sometimes the wig and horns too. Luckily no paint. It's kind of strange, and she isn't a very good cosplayer either. I wonder if she ever washes the clothes..
She's cosplaying this character, >>6748462
I'm not that familiar with homestuck so I don't know the name, sorry.

>> No.6749210

>Take your fucking piercing out too
Hell, they don't even need to take it out, just flip it up out of sight jfc.

>> No.6749212

ignore her. she's beyond saving. Stay far away coz that smell will probably make you gag.
Even other Homestucks are embarassed by shit like that.

>> No.6749324


Holy shit, are her initials TL?

>> No.6749418
File: 230 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mku84xEUEC1qm6p8xo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping from the tag.

>> No.6749422
File: 84 KB, 500x713, tumblr_mktmtzQlNQ1rqfsz8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6749431
File: 68 KB, 328x580, tumblr_mktk26csS71r9jq27o3_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6749475


Look what youtube suggested to me today, more proof Toronto is a complete shit hole.

>> No.6749478
File: 1.25 MB, 1280x956, tumblr_mgw94pMLnV1r5wda6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6749486

what are they even trying to spell? dicks?

>> No.6749489


>> No.6749499

Anyone here going to the London 4/13 meet and cosplaying?

>> No.6749502

Geez now I almost don't want to go to Anime North if there's a chance I'll run into these people.

>> No.6749503

that's not even twerking.

>> No.6749506

Oh expect to see a lot of them at AnimeNorth, honestly go to the shoot, find the good ones and just.... run away with them.

>> No.6749510

Good in Toronto? All of them are shittier, mainly in personality. They generally make horrible cosplays, act like immature snots, and/or are completely elitist for no good reason.

>> No.6749512

Cute girls - Sources?

>> No.6749524

True true, I'm from toronto and I'm not going to deny that I can feel elitist compared to some of the people in the area but I wouldn't say that not all of the cosplayers here are shittier worthy.

>> No.6749550

Maybe there are a few people in TorontoStuck with some alright cosplays... They look good from a distance, or with particular camera angles...but to actually get up close and look into the workmanship? Loose threads, poorly sealed makeup, poor fabric choice, lack of ironing, small details that can make or break you. I think, for me, its the attitude of the leaders and members that ticks me off the most...If you have a poor attitude or put on a high-and-mighty act it honestly just steals from the cosplay, and that was all I saw when I went to their meetups.

>> No.6749561

Obviously your from the area so you know there is more than one group. But since you seem dislike what your seeing why don't you post on of your own so we can compare, yours to theirs.

>> No.6749570

Luckily I'm about to graduate. She's a freshman I think.
I don't know, I don't actually know her. She and her friend wore their homestuck cosplays on halloween though, and won like second place in some silly costume competition our school had. I don't think anyone even knew what they were dressed as.

>> No.6749624

i think she looks fantastic


>> No.6749631

Seriously, are there any pictures of Homestuck cosplays at Comiket?

>> No.6749639
File: 118 KB, 1024x577, A_SHPqwCUAA1qd_.jpg-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6749651
File: 786 KB, 1200x1600, tumblr_mh11yqvIz61rh5m2uo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6749662

Ah, thanks.
I'm surprised nobody told Andrew, though. It seems like the perfect opportunity for a "big in Japan" joke.

>> No.6749750
File: 47 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mibmvxlXxO1raqbl6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6749751


You don't happen to go to a women's college...? We have a pretty cancerous group here that wears their stuff everywhere, and whenever anyone asks them about it (because there are people here that know about cosplay other than Homestucks, shocker!), they get mad and refuse to even tell people what their fandom is.

>"Hey ___, I love your costume! I can tell you put a lot of work into it. What's your fandom?"
>"I uh, it's none of your business!"
>"Go away bye!"

>> No.6749801

Nope. I go to school in this small town in Finland.

>> No.6749976

i hope no one minds me asking, but anyone know anything about homestucks attending castlepoint anime convention?

>> No.6750012

oh no, where are YOU talking about, then? now i'm curious.

>> No.6750031

Wait what? Are you serious? My old school had a bunch of Homestucks, but they never wore anything else than those aspect hoodies... I also need to know who the person in question is, if you really are fellow finfag.

>> No.6750047

There's going to be a lot and I cant go.

>> No.6750073

Lol, pretty sure the one nit-picking about cosplayers in Toronto is the one person who is completely alienated from the group because of her shitty attitude and just plain old dumb mistakes. Hence why she probably hates all the homestucks in Toronto: because nobody likes her lol

>> No.6750086
File: 150 KB, 401x750, tumblr_mkufdvP35E1qbghlao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still dont know whats going on here but i think this symbol is made out of tiny pieces of duct tape

>> No.6750106
File: 564 KB, 712x1068, tumblr_mkuq73nvLO1s4ovfwo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going.
There's going to be a photoshoot at 1:10 pm. I don't know how to described the location (I'm not familiar with the campus too well), but it's where the benches, grass, and picnic tables are.
There's also going to be a panel at 3:30 pm.

>> No.6750108
File: 126 KB, 500x669, tumblr_mktkh7WfqY1r79np8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6750148

theres actually only around 20 confirmed to be going to the photoshoot on facebook

>> No.6750152
File: 402 KB, 500x670, tumblr_mkm5e9oZWb1r1puy6o1_500 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look alright?(ignore the not white skateboard and the wonky glasses)

>> No.6750159

roxy 1: drunkroxy.tumblr.com
kanaya: nuck-n-futs.tumblr.com
roxy 2: claranormalactivity.tumblr.com

>> No.6750168

Yes oh man you look so cute

>> No.6750171

Wow, that's cute. And it's a catsuit (I think).
I dig it.

>> No.6750172

Lol I hate this girl

>> No.6750178

oh thank you!
Its actually not a catsuit(I wish) but thats what i was going for!

>> No.6750188

Ah. Well, it looks close enough to be one. I can't wait to see the final outfit.

>> No.6750202
File: 388 KB, 500x581, dear sweet jesus mookie what is that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going through Mookie's art tag and saw this.

Place your bets on people who aren't experienced enough try to cosplay this

>> No.6750204

im not even in this toronto dicussion but


>> No.6750205

You're adorable, wow. I honestly don't see anything wrong here.
Didn't Sea Urchin-tier do that Kanaya?

>> No.6750209
File: 98 KB, 500x422, 1361131155658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, she did her own fancy tier design

>> No.6750266
File: 71 KB, 250x250, 1306383340557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a fashion student lol check out all this unnecessary crap

>> No.6750281

is mookie seriously a fashion student because that's horrifying

>> No.6750282

didn't she draw those specifically for MF?

>> No.6750285

MF commissioned her, however there was no note on the description saying they were only for her to cosplay, like with the bunny suits

>> No.6750287

No idea, it just looks like the kind of over-encumbered stuff fashion students sometimes make.

>> No.6750313


Is your school in Western MA, anon?

>> No.6750332


I hope somebody really awful does them. MF commissioned them special for herself so it'd be extra drama on the trainreck

>> No.6750338
File: 273 KB, 1280x765, tumblr_m0pnnh59Bk1r2cdoeo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to be a bother, but are there any non-weeby homestucks going to anime-conji in the San Diego area? I hear sdstuck has alot of weeby members and they will be attending, i want to know what I'm dealing with here
>pic related from an sdstuck meetup

>> No.6750353

ex-SDstuck member here.
It is very, very unlikely. Especially if you're going on Saturday (4/13). I may or may not go, but at this point I kind of doubt it.
Goodluck to you, though.

>> No.6750357
File: 216 KB, 500x664, tumblr_ly8vj3dAJ71r2wvxoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6750361
File: 38 KB, 181x297, homestuck6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodness,anon why'd you leave, was it really that bad?

>> No.6750365

Anime Conji is hands down the worst California con I've ever been to, the majority of people going are underage SoCal highschoolers and poor college anime clubs who couldn't afford SDCC or AX, with a handful of older folks who seem to only go to see girls in cosplay. The hosting area is garbage and there's nothing to do, even with friends we decided fuck it and went downtown instead.
Massive waste of time imho. I haven't had a good experience attending since it started, and I'm not going to give it a chance this year. It's overpriced and you WILL regret spending the money.

It really is that bad. I looked into the SDstuck community and it's terrible. Not a shred of maturity to be found and there's nothing but petty drama and wank.

>> No.6750366

The admins were asshats. Constant asspatting of other shitty admins. They would favor certain people and completely shit on other people. A lot of the members there are super immature as well. It was impossible to find people at an actual SDstuck meetup that I could actually manage to interact with, so I just stuck with my tiny group of friends. Everything is super group-y. You're either in with the group or not. I've had some good experiences at cons, though, since it's not 100% SDstuck garbage (comic-con two years ago wasn't too bad), but they tend to infiltrate the Homestuck convention meetups so you just have to sort through them to find some actually decent people.
Also Man-John is a total creep-o and apparently they fucked up someone's wedding rehearsal at Balboa.

>> No.6750371

I've been to the two SDCC meetups. They aren't that bad at all. Probably because of ticket prices and how they sell out almost immediately.

>> No.6750377

SDstuck admin detected

>> No.6750381

But they're saying san diego comic con meetups aren't bad

not sdstuck itself

>> No.6750382

Hardly. I live in the Midwest.
I'm talking about Comic-Con, not the other conventions out there. Hell, the first Homestuck meetup at SDCC wasn't even arranged by SDstuck; Lexxy set that one up.

>> No.6750385

The people who actually had passes seemed half decent except for the few kids that were obviously using daddy's money, but I hated the whiny kids that couldn't afford it, who wanted to drag everyone out of the con for hours to hang out on the steps because they couldn't get in. And then were passive aggressive for weeks about the people who actually had passes and too advantage of them and went to panels and in the dealer's hall instead of spending the entire con hanging out.

Speaking about the SDstuck meetup there by the way, not the general Homestuck meet.

>> No.6750387

SDstuck has their own meetups?
That scares me.

>> No.6750388

Whoops totally read that wrong, I thought you were saying the sdstuck meetups weren't bad.
The SDCC meetups were pretty good. I preferred the first one over the second one, though.

>> No.6750389
File: 393 KB, 493x231, tumblr_lsof0b7KRm1qb0xff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lord how awful, I was looking forward to the homestuck panel and the drawstuck to hopefully make some decent friends.
Fuck,man I've already bought tickets to the damn thing. I'm going as Karkat for 4/13 I pray I don't get harassed or hit with a bucket.

>> No.6750396

If I heard correctly, there's also going to be some sort of Hentaistuck thing? Some sort of in-character panel about troll sex or something.

>> No.6750398
File: 40 KB, 400x300, 1362032401252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6750399

Ah. All is forgiven, then.
The first SDCC meetup was probably the best because it was back before Homestuck meetups at conventions were inevitable. In 2011, a Homestuck meetup was just something you could do for fun to see how many other people liked Homestuck. In 2012, you had to stick to a tight schedule in order to take as many pictures as possible in as little time as possible so that you could crowd the Topatoco booth in the hopes that you could buy a Homestuck book.

Okay, maybe not. I do recall a nice big line during SDCC last year when Andrew visited.

>> No.6750400

I'm sorry anon, but I can almost guarantee it.
From personal experience I was hit with a yaoi paddle several times in crossplay, I was tossed a bucket, I was glomped and my prop was broken last year.
Maybe this one will be better but I'm HIGHLY dubious seeing as how the SDstuck community expanded and welcomes this behavior as SO FUNNAY.
You will also be pestered for ship pictures and they tend to get a little too grabby, no concept for personal space whatsoever.

Yep. God I hate Homestuck fans.

>> No.6750409
File: 468 KB, 320x176, tumblr_lwscxmoaT31qk6qm9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh lawdy yes,Its a Homesmut panel for people to go and discuss ships tentabulges and porn

>> No.6750413

...I think I'll just stay up here in the North County and buy a cake for myself. Everything else sounds scary.

>> No.6750415
File: 381 KB, 641x968, tumblr_mknqps2IZ61qcltrio4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this on Tumblr earlier.
She's adorable, but everything is so white in her images it's hard to see.

>> No.6750417

Honestly, the only way I think you can enjoy yourself is if you get a small group of friends to go with you and stray away from the huge clusterfuck group.
That was what I had to do when I tried going to the SDstuck meetups but after a while it just got to the point of "why did I even drive all the way over here just to hang out with my friends and interact a bunch of immature retards?"

>> No.6750422
File: 43 KB, 500x749, tumblr_m7s7jmDS9u1qfjg9oo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bostonstuck drunkroxy strikes again

>> No.6750428
File: 987 KB, 500x346, homestuckkkk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh my god, is this for real,that really sucks man
What were you dressed as? I thought I was safe because i'm not cosplaying animu characters, guess I was wrong.

>> No.6750434
File: 416 KB, 641x968, 1365306036879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this look?

>> No.6750435


>> No.6750437

I was Dave.
Homestuck cosplayers are just as bad as Hetalia ones used to be, and FMA before that. Most of the young crowd migrated from those fandoms since HS became more popular.
And Dave and Karkat are the fandom woobies, so expect extra attention.

Cute! I think it's a nice improvement since it isn't as eyeblinding now, though it does highlght a few of the wrinkles.

>> No.6750439
File: 26 KB, 250x179, tumblr_m00mv24oQg1ql8jpu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodness I cannot stand immature teenagers for the life of me, I will be attending the con with both my younger and older scary sis that will hopefully keep the weebs away

>> No.6750445

Haha oh man are we talking about SDstuck? (( Ex-Admin here. ))

Don't join them, just don't. The people there have no manners and for some reason find it appropriate to walk up to Dave cosplayers to check their makeup in their sunglasses. Without even asking. Half of them don't even wear makeup even. When some of them do it's a splotchy smeared mess.

I had a fucking wig go missing there. I had taken it off my head because it was way too small. I check my bag later that day and it's gone.

>> No.6750448

I thought they all seemed nice

>> No.6750452

oh god that landwhale jade with the tail

>> No.6750453

Were you at the meet where THAT John pushed the sweet Jade down the stairs without asking permission/giving warning first?

>> No.6750458

god, her skin looks so gross

>> No.6750463

oh my shit, sorry that happened to you anon,
>checking their make-up in sunglasses

ok that is incredibly rude i mean who the fuck even does that? and they steal too, something must be done

>> No.6750464

Hahaha I'm in the video. I never go up to spin the bottle but I'm in there. Oh the days of when I was too poor to afford a wig. (( My hair was really fucking similar to the character though. So it worked until I stepped up my game and stopped being a shit cosplayer.))

Whoa what? I don't think I was. But holy shit was she okay?

>> No.6750471

She was fine (with a few scrapes) but the admins didn't do shit about it, they never had a talk with those involved, and idk if it was either willful ignorance or trying to crowd control what happened but it just got passed off as a joke and we were "taking it too seriously". An apology was issued but that was literally it. Disappointing to see how bad the community is and it just gets handwaved off, all the time. What you mentioned in >>6750445
never got checked either last time I was around.

>> No.6750474
File: 423 KB, 259x169, tumblr_lmw1ihPJrv1qiifh7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>John pushed the sweet Jade down the stairs without asking permission/giving warning first

why would anyone think it is okay to push someone down some stairs

>> No.6750481
File: 135 KB, 788x1024, 0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk man. stupid tweenies trying to imitate sbahj?

>> No.6750482

I would like to think I was one of the more caring admins, though it was difficult. I had hosted one of the earlier meetups and one of my 'friends' shoved me around because I was being too 'soft spoken'.

The majority of admins are pretty careless, and some are very fucking rude. Very elitist behavior.

Honestly the first few meets were okay in my opinion, but as it got bigger and more newbies joined in the quality just took a nosedive.

>> No.6750486

Going to the NYCStuck meet on 4/13, what should I expect? I haven't been to any of their meetups, just Bostonstuck, sadly.

>> No.6750487
File: 241 KB, 199x182, tumblr_lzvb7aJYEf1qctrto.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately ,I will be going as Karkat with the crabmunicator(with ridiculously fragile claws and legs.) And I will also be going as Marshal Lee with the axe bass prop but I guess thats a bad idea too

>> No.6750491


I just died on the inside.

>> No.6750495

Marshall Lee isn't a bad idea at all. You can claim that you do not know what a Homestuck is, and that you'd rather play bass.

>> No.6750501

Here's some info on the subject


>> No.6750535
File: 67 KB, 498x750, Manjohn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of SDstuck, what about this fucker?
Has anyone had a bad/creepy encounter with Man John?

>> No.6750540

There's a screencap floating around somewhere of the creepy JohnxDave fic he wrote but I don't have it saved.

>> No.6750541

I didn't go to last NYCstuck 4/13, but I have been part of the NYCstuck crowd since the first few meetups back in 2011.
My guess is if you don't know someone, you're gonna feel pretty alone. A lot of older people in the community know each other, both older in age and older in the group, so they like to group themselves up together with their friends, and there's undoubtedly gonna be some 15-year-old screeching at the top if their lungs. Hopefully cancerously's gonna keep them down, who I do have high hopes for because I'm her friend and I trust that she won't pull a SDstuck and become useless.
Other than that, there's gonna be photoshoots there so theres gonna be a lot of people screeching about that for a bit, and a lot of normals are gonna side-eye the group since it's at Washington Square Park this year, near the NYU campus. Oh, and 99% sure there's gonna be at least one person in full-on grey, and another with (probably) unsealed paint. So be aware of where you are and who you're associating yourself to.
All in all, a lot less drama than Bostonstuck, but probably denser. I've never been to Bostonstuck, so I'm not too sure of their usual headcount, but there's gonna be a pretty big group there I'd say.

>> No.6750559

I feel any state/area 'stuck' that has enough of a group is mostly over run with immature twats.

A new fad that hit my group was everyone doing deer/faun make up in cosplays.

Spoilers, none of them look like fucking deer and one looked more like a cheetah. I had a good laugh though.

>> No.6750570

I've seen him at a few gatherings, my gut instinct just tells me this guy is creeper status.

>> No.6750572

I am, let's chill B) I'd be down for a /cgl/ hsg meetup just to kinda filter the company down to older folks. (or less screamy, I suppose)
Agreed. I don't want to go overboard on this, like the group was cliquey and the admin circle seemed more content to congratulate each other and shit on outsiders rather than be real with people, but it's their group and if that's how they want to run it, it's not my place to tell them.
The SDCC meetups were the realest.

>> No.6750585

Ugh god sdstuck. I only go there to hang out with my small group of friends and cosplay, that's pretty much it. Some people are pretty friendly, but the rest are so weebish it's ridiculous. There is like one or two mods that I'm actually okay with, but most of them have a superiority complex just because they are a mod, which can get irritating.

>> No.6750598

that sounds like a good idea anon

>> No.6750611

Ah, thank you, that's me, haha. I was trying out painting with fabric paint. Using it for grey is great, but not for white. So I think I'll just make armsocks next time.

>> No.6750613

Did you ask some time ago about using eyeliner?
Because the whole outfit looks great.

>> No.6750616

that's a weird looking guy

>> No.6750617

My anxiety is rising by just reading this. Ship pictures? good lord no. I pray this con goes smoothly and hopefully get pics of the beasts in action from a distance.

>> No.6750621

Yes! That anon was me, haha. Thank you, I try to take what I see from /cgl/ and learn from it. Except for my arms, that was a really stupid idea. Also, I'm still looking for ways on how to improve my face's make up, if you guys have any tips I would really appreciate it.

>> No.6750622

Wow, I just wanna go to the convention to protect the sane Homestuck fans in cosplay.

Wow, I really like the idea of a cgl/hsg meet adn greet.

>> No.6750623


Man, I post here fairly frequently, but I would never want to meet any of you cunts. You nitpicky bitches should stay anonymous.

>> No.6750627
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>> No.6750629
File: 78 KB, 300x200, homestuck5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree sounds like a good idea

I feel that maybe the drawstuck and panel won't be so bad , but we'll see. As far as sane-homestucks go, as a heads up me and my sis will be dressed as Karkat and Crock-tier Jane, we'd like to get to know the tolerable people.

>> No.6750631
File: 19 KB, 185x212, tumblr_m1jt6mLgaK1ql0375o2_500 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can u not

>> No.6750635

"Drawstuck" is actually "pre IC-panel," if I understood correctly. I'm probably going to go to all the HS stuff, for better or worse anyways.
Nitpicky bitches is a viable alternative in homestuck fandom.

>> No.6750636

Are there any sane cosplayers in Central Florida? I'm pretty new to the fandom, and all I've seen of the people here were how ridiculous they acted at Mega. I stayed pretty far away from them, but they were so rowdy and annoying it was hard not to notice them.

>> No.6750640


>> No.6750644
File: 317 KB, 540x2907, 1364713591980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.6750646

Holy shiiiiiiiiiiit

>> No.6750656
File: 460 KB, 454x700, 1359309811594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Similar question to >>6750338
Anyone have any past experience with Phillystuck? I've heard it's pretty okay, but I want to hear your input. I might go to the 4/13 meetup, but I'm afraid of their being a cluster of weebs. Is anyone else going to the 4/13 meetup? They're calling it a "Prom" meetup, but it seems poorly planned for a prom meet...
Pic unrelated, just trying to contribute a little.

>> No.6750677

Would cotton be the best fabric for witch god tier?

>> No.6750691
File: 102 KB, 241x228, 1323239861218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your first big HS-related meet is 4/13

>> No.6750693

As far as I'm concerned, the meetups have gotten significantly worse since around October. There was a sudden and very large spike in the amount of attendees under the age of sixteen and it makes it really hard to be enthusiastic about going again.
If you're willing to put up with that, though, the older groups of fans are all very nice people. There are a few BNFs too, so that's something for you to consider as a pro/con yourself.

Personally, I'm not bothering with 4/13.

>> No.6750705
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 091je83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6750813

/r/ing sprite cosplays

>> No.6750834

Thanks anon! I've never really attended the meetups before. Who are the BNFs of this group? Anyone I should avoid?

>> No.6750954

hey guys, i would really like some advice!

i want to make the witch outfit, but since i'm kind of new to this, i'm not sure how to make it flattering on my body type. i'm basically straight (32", 28", 33").

which would look better with these measurements, the tunic cutting off on the waist or hips? thanks in advance!

>> No.6750963

The strictly BNF cosplayers would probably boil down to vintage-aerith, ceriene, and thevvioletprince. There are a few other slightly popular tumblr-users, but most of them are pretty alright.
I think the lack of drama is really the reason that Phillystuck doesn't get mentioned a lot on here, so there's nothing to really worry about. The groups of friends tend to just want to hang out with each other, so there's not much natural mingling, but it's miles better than a convention gathering.

>> No.6751204

hahahahahaha ei vittu tästä haluisin kuulla lisää

oh my god

>> No.6751229
File: 111 KB, 506x800, tumblr_ltneh3ZFCa1qd80v3o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well here's a image of the witch design for you to reference
jade is actually drawn with similar measurements in this to the ones you mentioned, you can see that there's a divot where her waist would be and then the bottom of her tunic extends to probably just around your crotch
i'd also advise making the skirt knee length rather than calf length as seen in the design, as it is more flattering for most body types

>> No.6751378

I used a polyester cotton stretch mix for the top and kona cotton for the skirt.

The tunic fabric drapes well but for the skirt you'll need to iron it each time before you wear it.

>> No.6751401

oh boy its time for the popcorn

>> No.6751410


on one hand it's pretty stupid that the 15 yr weebs get their panties in a bunch because all the older less crazy bnfs hang together

on the other tl;dr ranting for twelve pages just makes you look defensive

>> No.6751413
File: 25 KB, 646x449, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did I think reading that was a good idea?

>> No.6751419


She has a good point in that quality attracts quality--I don't blame very talented, well-known cosplayers for seeking each other out because they can discuss their hobby on a level that newbie teenagers cannot.

But: "I say the fandom calls because I don’t know a single person who looks at themselves and goes, “yeah, i’m totally a BNF” it’s sort of a title thrust upon you." That's bullshit. First off, I REMEMBER Cancerously calling herself tumblr famous during her prom queen campaign. But beyond that...this is BS. I was a BNF in a different fandom back in the fays of LJ and hell yeah I knew I was one. I had a bajillion LJ friends, my posts and fic got tons of comments, lots of people wanted my attention, etc etc. It's fucking obvious when you're a BNF and when you're not. And I don't think that's a bad thing--it's just a thing that hard NOT to notice at a certain point. If you don't notice at a certain point, you're just blind (willfully or otherwise). It just comes off as kind of irritatingly faux-humble.

I'm really sick, in general, of people doing the whole "tumblr fame is so ridiculous it doesn't even matter!!" sort of thing. It doesn't sound modest, it sounds obnoxious--like the beauty queen saying looks don't matter, or the valedictorian saying grades aren't important. Yeah, you deal with shit people and nastiness sometimes (or often) and knowing that you have all these people watching you is nerve wracking. But it's not like this attention suddenly doesn't matter or count because it's over the internet--it's still people interested in you. And you know what? That can lead to serious opportunities, especially if you're in a creative field--more people notice your art, your writing, whatever. I have a popular artist friend who found a JOB through her tumblr fame, and I myself have found really awesome cosplay opportunities because my shit got reblogged a million times. IT MATTERS. STOP ACTING LIKE IT DOESN'T MATTER. (cont.)

>> No.6751420
File: 72 KB, 500x500, this is a dirk strider wip why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6751424



I just find that INFURIATING. If you're a tumblr famous artist, you'll make a LOT more money in the Artist's Alley. If you're a tumblr famous cosplayer, it's way easier for you to get money from commissions/selling your old stuff/ending up with more exposure in general. And you know what? I don't think these are bad things! Often, these artists and writers and cosplayers are tumblr famous because THEY'RE REALLY TALENTED. I don't think they're not deserving of these opportunities or the attention they get--just stop pretending like it doesn't exist or doesn't matter.

Also, I'm sorry, but I'm somewhat involved in HS fandom's bnf cosplay scene (I'm not really a BNF but I have a lot of friends who are) and there absolutely IS jockeying for attention and friend-grubbing going on. Not from every single person, but there totally are BNFs who make sure to get in good with other famous cosplayers and they make sure that they're seen tweeting them and that there are pictures of them together up on tumblr and it's all just very fake sometimes.

>> No.6751435


agreed anon I could see the point that BNFs don't come out and declare themselves bnfs and sometimes don't even mean to become one but it's pretty fucking obvious when you've hit that mark. fandom's been a popularity contest since it started and if they were that worried about not looking fame hungry make your twitter private, stop the avalanche of adoring anon asks all that

>> No.6751456

So I know its pretty far away, but how does cgl feel about ndk in denver?

>> No.6751458

Didn't mean to reply to you. sorry.

>> No.6751530

Requesting the master gif of gross Daves if anyone has it.

>> No.6751562

Can you guys elaborate why you don't like tumblr user janecrocker or solluxcaptor? I remember them being brought up in these threads from time to time.

I know someone made a list on why we don't like heaven.

>> No.6751581

Their URLs, most likely. Because they have URLs that are the names of characters, people will flock to them.

That said, I didn't know people didn't like them, so I'm curious too.

>> No.6751590

on my dash, someone is talking about her right now. they say she is "just stuck really far up her own ass and she’s unnecessarily rude to other people and she’s really fucking bigheaded"

>> No.6751601

forgot to mention it's janecrocker.

>> No.6751622

i'm sorry i didn't get to this earlier. this actually makes me feel a lot better about making it, so thank you!

>> No.6751635

original gif maker here, i can't upload any version of it because it keeps telling me that it contains an embedded file sorry

>> No.6751641

no problem, good luck!

okay apparently everything i try to upload contains an embedded file who fucked up this time

>> No.6751678
File: 1.84 MB, 320x240, 1365121331518.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think this is the second to last version but it's the only one i got

>> No.6751684

So to get past all this stuff..

/r/ing some Slick or Ms Paint cosplays, in lue of recent updates.

>> No.6751686
File: 2.84 MB, 320x240, stridersgalore_3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6751687

Would cosplaying dynastystuck Jade be a bad idea?

Design wise I like it, but I don't want to feel like I'm appropriating anyone's culture.
I know that word doesn't really fly on 4chan but I just really don't want anyone to get upset with me.

It's not letting me upload the file though what the hell

>> No.6751694

honestly, it is appropriating. Just because the original artist is "asian" doesn't me she has a free pass to mix other people's cultures.

that said, i think the real problem cgl has with dysnastystuck is that the outfits are pretty much impossible to make well, even if you have the right fabrics the tailoring is off etc because the designs are pretty much impossible.

>> No.6751700

>It's not letting me upload the file though what the hell
I thought I was the only one having this problem.

>> No.6751709

Damn. I won't do it then.

But I wonder, would cosplaying things like pic related be appropriation too?

are you shitting me I went into paint to try and upload this but it's still not letting

here's a link

>> No.6751711

Isn't it only frowned upon because of the Asian spin though? Like how is it any different than slopping together a bunch of century/millennium old styles that were popular in various European countries or across various time periods for someone's uber fantasy AU or whatever.

Not that it excuses any shitty designs but this keeps coming up and I'm still not getting the SJWing over fantasy clothing.

>> No.6751721

because no one's ever conquered europe and and fetishized their cultures into something "oriental".

I'm not going to explain cultural appropriation here or get into an argument about it. I answered an anon's question from the point of view of one chinese person, me. That's all

>> No.6751730

that looks like what MF is/was making. something mookie designed. kimonostuck i think? can't upload, but it is on her instagram

>> No.6751734

anyone know what the hell is up with the embedded file thing? goddamnit 4chan I wanted to post stuff from the tag

>> No.6751735

I should have probably mentioned what I posted wasn't homestuck.

>> No.6751737

Apparently moot messed up when trying to do something.
I can't figure it out either. Apparently GIFs were blocked earlier, but now they're back. I think it may have something to do with EXIF data? I dunno.

>> No.6751747
File: 2.93 MB, 400x300, homestuck_cronus__gif_1_by_yonejiro-d5l1svw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the strider mashups got up fine but normal jpgs don't work for me anymore

>> No.6751759

Janecrocker's fine. Sassy, but fine. Solluxcaptor on the other hand is an annoying attention monger lol she posted 4 or 5 photos of herself one after the other going "Hmm idk if I like how I look as Aradia????" Should I cosplay Aradia??" "Wow I'm too ugly should I cosplay her or not???" "I still dont know how to feel about this" ETC. After that, she posted a collage of her filtered instagram Aradia pics with yet another post asking for asspats and attention. She's so annoying the way she always asks for asspats and fakes her "hating herself so much booohooooooooooo :'("
I don't even have a vendetta, people like that just rub me the wrong way for sure.

>> No.6751763

I've heard that janecrocker is racist and stuff and a huge bitch but I don't follow her so I don't really know. I guess today she had some drama today with dangan ronpa fans but that's not homestuck related so

>> No.6751782

I think janecrocker is obnoxious. They're both obnoxious, frankly. But I think janecrocker is worse.

>> No.6751786

i'd rather have somebody who's sassy and constantly bitching than somebody who's fake/sorry for self and constantly asking for asspats

>> No.6751796

IA but I rather have neither. I followed them both for a while and they're both annoying as fuck but solluxcaptor is way worse

>> No.6751850

If you're doing a trickster version of a troll, do you still include some type of food object on your head, or not because of the horns?

4chan doesn't seem to be allowing pictures, so here's a link to some tricksters cosplayed by ceriene and I believe mohawkdaddy.

>> No.6751852

I agree that solluxcaptor is worse. She's so goddamn whiny and immature. Can somebody make a new thread?

>> No.6751896

ugh I really hate mohawkdandys trickster horns, they look like poop and why the hell are the tips chopped off like that

>> No.6751900

That's the way the design was.
I think that was the design they used.

>> No.6751995
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>> No.6752000
File: 98 KB, 1024x685, slickpaint_3_by_cakes_and_carpets-d5q9r88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6752028

oh my god i think my eyeballs are bleeding. that shit is hideous!

>> No.6752046

jesus christ is anyone else's local communities doing "fawnstuck" or whatever inspired by strideer? it is annoying and completely missing the point of why it was only funny when strideer did it.

>> No.6752047

Are we auto saging yet?

>> No.6752051

What the fuck is fawnstuck? I understand it's Homestuck cosplayers putting on "deer inspired makeup", but why would someone do that for a HS cosplay in the first place?

>> No.6752069
File: 109 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mktfyrFZaJ1r5ge8lo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pulled a random pic from the 'deerstuck' tag as an example. I know it was originally done because of strideer's tumblr handle... but this resulting trend is annoying and no one else has the makeup skill to pull it off half as well.

>> No.6752076

I think it really only worked nicely for Strideer, considering their url. People figure, hey, here's another -stuck trend we could do.

>> No.6752080

auto sagging yet?no?

>> No.6752090


i believe so

>> No.6752134

New thread