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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 31 KB, 330x472, Rodney-Dangerfield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6747891 No.6747891 [Reply] [Original]

Oh /cgl/ I tell you, the cosplay world has made some serious changes but I'm still getting the same bum rap as I did before. Why do I even bother cosplaying anyway? I'm so old and gray that the only series I'm good for is Homestuck.

You'd think that I could make it up in construction but you're sorely wrong. We're so broke that our most popular fabric is "Potato Sack"

Then again it's not like /cgl/ is any help with my self esteem. I post my picture in a cosplay suggestion thread and my number one answer was "stop." I my photo again and I got banned for shitposting.

>> No.6747892


>> No.6747899

Mister Dangerfield, can you somehow summon Uncle Ultros back, please? I'd love to see you guys do an Abbott and Costello-type duo act!

Also, what's your view on furries?

>> No.6747908

>I'd love to see you guys do an Abbott and Costello

That might be better for Groucho Marx

>> No.6747924

What?! This is not happening!

>> No.6747969


How long will this be deleted

>> No.6747975

If this is deleted the janitor is literally Hitler. You hear me janitor!? LITERALLY HITLER.

>> No.6748888

Never really liked the movie but cosplaying from it would be really easy. My wife does a great job making sure everything below my belt stays blue so I'd only need to paint the top half.

My sex life is so bad that I can't even get laid at conventions. I thought I was gonna get lucky with a Doctor Who fan when she took me to a gathering but she just used me for Weeping Angel practice.

Who am I kidding, I can't get famous through cosplay.It was my fan page that finally got Facebook to include an "unlike" button on their site.

>> No.6748953

My mouth hurts from smiling so hard.

>> No.6748963
File: 74 KB, 209x246, hurrr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am seconding both of these as HARD AS I CAN.

>> No.6748977
File: 69 KB, 695x460, audrey-hepburn tiffanys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So glad to see you back Rodney.

>> No.6748983
File: 126 KB, 720x917, 1359527025501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are such a beautiful person

>> No.6749033 [DELETED] 

Great to see you too Audrey. It's been a while since I've seen your lovely face but that's mainly due to the fact that your photo album pages have been stuck together.

I'll tell you that you treat me way better than my ex wife. One time I saw a picture of a cool looking gundam cosplay and told her to make me something that looks like that. She responds by stapling the thing to my face. My wife is just as bad in the kitchen as she is with a needle. Her meatloaf is so thick and hard to cut that I think they used it as stuffing for Yaya's breasts.

It's not like I can look any better if I tried. One time I even hired a professional photographer to edit my pictures though judging by my cosplay.com gallery it seems my most popular costume choice is "lens flair. I think that's mainly due to how ugly I am in real life. Once I accidentally posted my head shot in an ass thread and no one seemed to notice. In fact I'm so ugly that it's no convention policy to peace bond my face. It's gotten so bad that whenever I cosplay from Jojo, it doesn't matter who I choose, all my outfits end up with me wearing the stone mask.

I'd like to tell you about one time I was invited to go planking with a group of people. I show up and I spent the rest of the day getting hit by 2x4s.

They later said they were trying to get me ready to cosplay Mr Popo

See that's the problem no respect, I get no respect at all!

One time I was invited to go planking with a group of people. I show up and I spent the rest of the day getting hit by 2x4s

>> No.6749043

Great to see you too Audrey. It's been a while since I've seen your lovely face but that's mainly due to the fact that your photo album pages have been stuck together.

I'll tell you that you treat me way better than my ex wife. One time I saw a picture of a cool looking gundam cosplay and told her to make me something that looks like that. She responds by stapling the thing to my face. My wife is just as bad in the kitchen as she is with a needle. Her meatloaf is so thick and hard to cut that I think they used it as stuffing for Yaya's breasts.

It's not like I can look any better if I tried. One time I even hired a professional photographer to edit my pictures though judging by my cosplay.com gallery it seems my most popular costume choice is "lens flair. I think that's mainly due to how ugly I am in real life. Once I accidentally posted my head shot in an ass thread and no one seemed to notice. In fact I'm so ugly that it's no convention policy to peace bond my face. It's gotten so bad that whenever I cosplay from Jojo, it doesn't matter who I choose, all my outfits end up with me wearing the stone mask.

I'd like to tell you about one time I was invited to go planking with a group of people. I show up and I spent the rest of the day getting hit by 2x4s.

They later said they were trying to get me ready to cosplay Mr Popo

See that's the problem no respect, I get no respect at all!

>> No.6749047
File: 288 KB, 794x1129, 1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally hitler.

>> No.6749213 [DELETED] 

ITT: Cancer copypasting shit and pretending it's amusing.

#fun fact
more than 50% of the posts ITT were made by the same person

>> No.6749350

>Says Rodney's posts are copypasting
>Google turns up no results for his jokes

>> No.6749367
File: 151 KB, 1024x768, 1363624655752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt know who rodney is

>> No.6749374

Are you fucking serious?

>> No.6749456

You magnificent son of a bitch! I read this as Dangerfield. Now i want to see what he'd look like as a magical girl...

>> No.6749482

More Rodney. Give us more. Tell us about your worst day at a con.

>> No.6749578

Well I certainly know who he is now.

>> No.6749604

Good for you. Hopefully you've learned your lesson to shut up and sit down when you're out of your league, Donnie.

>> No.6749799

So I go to a con and already people judging me the way I look. Rumors about me being a creeper spread so fast that the Minecraft Guy was trying to take a swing at me. I don't know why this happened as I was carrying around my wife with me and that woman is way to round to belong in that game. The only time she sees a right angle is when she cuts corners on her diet.

So here I am trying to enjoy myself but its like the entire convention is out to make me miserable. I couldn't take pictures of the Amnesia gathering as all the Daniel's hid themselves in the closet. My wife was really popular at the Indiana Jones meetup as she served as both a happy and and bolder standin.

The worst part of this cosplay stuff as now my wife has taken a liking to it at home. Just last night she wanted to try out cosplay sex saying I should be The Thing and she would be the Invisible Girl. Our night of passion rolls in and he's a no show saying she rather try to retcon our marriage. Oh boy I was so horny too but I couldn't even masturbate in costume as I was afraid I'd start a fire.

>> No.6749866

You're the best, Rodney.
I'm curious, what kind of guests would you like to see more of at cons?
Any good or bad experiences you've had with con guests?

>> No.6749931

No, you're not getting it. Do you think I deleted my post?

>> No.6749986

Stop this fucking shit

>> No.6749996

>Tell Rodney to stop when more people are egging him on

Don't think so buddy

>> No.6750019


Fuck off, asshole.

>> No.6750021


>> No.6750024

I'm Jennifer, not Donnie...

>> No.6750027

Donnie, you're out of your element.

>> No.6753872
File: 81 KB, 768x375, ggmain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, can you please stop being a killjoy! You folks are more out of your element than a little girl at a My Little Pony Convention. If you love getting off on killing our buzz, I can recommend you a few famous cosplay groups you should join up with.

Now that I'm on the subject, cosplay famous has gotta be the WORST term I've ever heard! Oh wow, you're well known for the fact that you think Halloween happens more than once a year. Tom Cruis, he's famous. The cast of Jersey Shore, they're famous. Being cosplay famous just means that there are ten people laughing at your instead of five.

It's double insulting to see that these people have the balls to try to beg me for money. An ironic statement as we all known that anyone with a penis is forever shuned from the spot light. Remember kids, in the world of elite cosplay, you can be a dick, you just can't have one but I digress. There should be no reason, no fucking god damn reason in all of Heaven and Jessicia Nigir fanboy blue ball hell that I should give a dime to anyone cosplay famous. Maybe if the outfits were classier I could give an inch of a damn but its not. All I see up on my broswer are big titty women in wigs shoving their plastic filled woman bags to my face and asking me to fill their titty gap with my next paycheck. Listen her ladies, I apprichiate the awkward boner you give me but you're talking to a guy who doesn't even pay for porn! At the very best you are just low grade strippers and I pay them to take their clothes off and not the other way around!

>> No.6753903
File: 51 KB, 250x150, 1354397166373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed this so much!

>> No.6755617

Do we want more Gilbert or Rodney? I can't decide!