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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6742137 No.6742137 [Reply] [Original]

Still nursing the con crud here. Post your shit.

Anyone else see this cute Samus? She was dressed in full armor on Saturday, but she had this awesome dress on Friday night. Still have no idea how I figured it out as a Samus dress, but it's great nonetheless.

>> No.6742497

Panels were meh, rave was meh, drugs were great.

>> No.6742529

Only went to one panel. Hung aground the con til night came and busted out the booze. Great time

>> No.6742628

Did y'all see that one female Pokemon white cosplayer on Saturday? She had great tits and ass. Her hat was an obvious sharpie job. I wanted a picture but I lost her in all the HOMESTUCKLS.

But she was a hottie.

Panels were...not great. Some where kind of >WTF

The "how to pick up a slant eye" im looking at you. Did anyone actually go to that one? I am regretting not going.

>> No.6742636

The only Pokemon cosplayers I saw were a Nidoqueen and Charizard on Saturday.

>> No.6742830
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There were actually a lot less than I am used to. We had a photoshoot on Saturday with a small turnout.

I brought my Charmander outfit just because fuck is it comfy. I'll be recreating it next time though cause right now its pretty boring.

>> No.6742910

That's not the chick I saw.

Nice group though

>> No.6743526

Went to a few panels, most were pretty blah... Bought my seagull waifu a lot of stuff, went to the lolita fashion show with her, then kept checking the dealers room at the Frill booth to see if they brought in the clothes from the fashion show...

But they didn't bring in the dresses and stuff for like 3 hours cause >loli dramu

Had a good time for the most part... First con I ever went to, she made it loads better though.

>> No.6744851


>> No.6745166
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Anyone else see this beauty?

I had the most fun in the exhibition hall. All those artists are pretty damn cool.

>> No.6745215

Is that some S.T.A.L.K.E.R on the right? And every ass creed cosplayer all blended into a pile of "blah" for me, so none of them really stood out, sorry.

>> No.6745221
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Also, I took quite a few pictures on my phone cause I killed my waifu's camera the first day by leaving it on.

So have a few of the pictures I took.

>> No.6745228
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>> No.6745239

Glad someone recognized my costume.
She was the only one that stood out to me, mainly because of the big-ass flag.

>> No.6745254
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I like S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

I used to be a tripfag on /k/ for a bit, we'd have threads about it everyday and stuff.

>> No.6745296
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My costume could still use some work. I need some good boots that won't kill my feet. Someone recommended a detector and knee pads, as well. I actually did make an artifact this time, though.

>> No.6745303

That's awesome.

>> No.6745347
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Yeah, Abigail Dunehew's her name. She was super nice, too.

>> No.6745413

Anyone see the Akai-con chick that was behind the booth at mtac? She was eating fries and being cute. She was doing para para and like the Gee Gee BBy dance.

Total waifu material. Even if a homestuck which was her costume.

Speaking of, Mtac was invaded by Homestucks this year. But I wasn't annoyed by them like normal. Anyone have any issues with Homestuck drama?

>> No.6745463

I went on Saturday. It was fun, I was in the lolita fashion show but not in cosplay afterwards since I didn't have time to finish it (I wasn't actually planning on going). I would have brought my Miku cosplay I wore last year but my hair was all done up and I was too lazy. It was great though, lots of nice people there, though I was too shy to really socialize much.

>> No.6745793

Sort of depressed by the overabundance of homosuck and pnyshit

>> No.6746361
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So this happened

>> No.6746485

Did you die?

>> No.6746495

Was that the escalator in the hotel lobby?

Every time I rode one of those I was afraid I'd get my coat stuck in it.

>> No.6747278

Wasn't me, but that was the reason the escalator in the lobby got turned off. God, if that was me I would be too traumatized to do anything, that's my worst nightmare.

Yep. The one that turned into stairs for Saturday and Sunday, hah.

>> No.6747818

So much selfpost ITT.

>> No.6747886

Shut up.

>> No.6748497
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I saw her a few times. P cute.

We didn't end up going to the slant eye thing. I think the Slants have something to do with it, but I don't know. I doubt they'd allow a full-on racist panel like that.

They were alright, mainly because they stuck to their own thing. They were promoting a lot of the cliquey attitude, though; at least a few of my friends tried to talk some of them up, just to have them completely fucking ignore them. It's got to do with how they're treated and shit though, so I guess I understand it.

Also, anyone else take issue with the Pony theme at the ball? Not because it's ponies, but because ponies =! anime. For how much shit they've given us in the past for trying to run non-Anime/Manga panels at MTAC, somehow I wonder how homestuck and pony panels are exempt.

For content: Deadpools touching tips

>> No.6748506 [DELETED] 

When I was a kid, my shoelaces got stuck in the escalator. You don't understand, it's a vicious cycle.

>The more you panic, the more you waste time. >The more you waste time, the more your shoelaces get eaten.
>The more your shoelaces get eaten, the tighter your shoe gets, preventing escape.
>The tighter your shoe gets, the more you panic.

Sage for offtopic.

>> No.6748508

When I was a kid, my shoelaces got stuck in the escalator. You don't understand, it's a vicious cycle.

>The more you panic, the more you waste time.
>The more you waste time, the more your shoelaces get eaten.
>The more your shoelaces get eaten, the tighter your shoe gets, preventing escape.
>The tighter your shoe gets, the more you panic.

Sage for offtopic.

>> No.6748523

that deadpool on the far right looks like he is packing some heat if you know what I mean

>> No.6748537

While I was waiting outside the hotel for my waifu and her friends to get the car, a group of homestucks needed the number for a cab. I politely gave it to them but while I was waiting around they tried to chat me up with the usual "let me tell you about Homestuck"


Other than that I didn't really mind them, I did really start to hate gray body paint after that weekend though...

And the reason that there's homestuck and pony panels and stuff is the same reason there's a pony board on 4chan, userbase/fandom demand. Whatever brings a lot of people to your event/website is good for business, money is money no matter where it comes from.

>> No.6748540

I don't really care about the popular opinion. There are a lot of people into minecraft and internet culture, but that's relegated to GMX.

Plus, why don't we have those panels at the smaller con? Drum up some more attendance.

>> No.6748550

That, I don't know. I'm relatively new to the whole con scene and stuff. This was the first one I ever attended, I'm not even from Tennessee >.>

>> No.6748554

Already posted my photos of the manly touhou guy and the fili and kili cosplays in the other MTAC thread. I REALLY didn't care for the disorganization. The moving of panels to later in the day is understandable, but moving it to earlier in the day or to a completely different day is really annoying. Also, it shouldnt take an hour to get into the rave. I was ready to leave the line and go to other panels, but just as I made up my mind to do so, the line began to move. I did like the shibari panel though. It was my first time going to one, so it was both awkward and funny.

>> No.6748556
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>tfw you meet people at cons, suggest you play vidya, and they don't friend request you.

I'm still in the stage of willing disbelief that she'll send it some time soon.

>> No.6748614
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The disorganization is a fact of life at cons, but it seems to happen a lot at MTAC. To their credit, they're doing a good job of keeping panels from running over (they actually have volunteers hold up a sign telling the organizer to get his shit together), and not a lot of the concerts ran over, so that's a good thing. You should have been at 2009, when every concert ran late and panels were starting about 1hr-1:30 late. It's gotten WAY better over the years. As far as moving panels to earlier, what panel did that? That seems odd.

Don't ever line up for the Rave. There's no point. It goes on literally all night, and you can be doing other fun shit while you wait for the line to disperse and them to make it open. I don't know why we have to line up for the damned thing, but we do. Go figure.

I actually have more of a problem with them scheduling good panels during main events. That Con Horror Story was during Opening Ceremonies, and they usually schedule 1-2 decent panels during Cosplay. That shit sucks.

content: DEMACIUH

>> No.6748716

Nigga, I danced with her. She was cool as fuck.

>> No.6749070
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Best scout I saw there. I called her the "Girl Scout"

>> No.6749075

Wut a bane that isnt fat? My goodness.

>> No.6749076

Son you need to work out, seriously STALKER? you do not look like you've ever missed a meal let alone starved in an irradiated shithole.

>> No.6749083
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Diet Sausage isn't so "diet"...

>> No.6749112

>Waaah someone called me out on posting my mediocre costume

>> No.6749655

Lol, I didn't even cosplay at all, but whatever kid, go shit all over another thread you don't like.

>> No.6749679
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I'm pretty sure her name was Lilly. She was really nice, we had a nice conversation about some things.

This is my dad and Jesus on the last day. Also known as the only day I got to go.

>> No.6749850
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anyone see this girl? apperantly she was supposed to be the tooth fairy.

I... ok.

as for next year, I was thinking that maybe I could look at the schedule, and sometime on saturday when all the panels at the time look like shit we could all meet up in the tabletop gaming room and play a good game of Quelf. because I really regret not spending more time with you seagulls.

>> No.6749886

No, but I got my dick sucked at the bottom of those stairs Saturday night. ^_~

>> No.6749908

What was his name?

>> No.6749919

was it raver Nidoqueen?
because she was with Nidoking.
I remember it being really awkward seeing Nidoqueen because I met Nidoking last year and he's just known for making out with my underage asian friend. and like
the bottom of those stairs is a great place apparently...

>> No.6749924

Oh shit. Sorry, hun. I forgot to ask you what your name was, didn't I?

>> No.6750418
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omg cutest thing ever?!

>> No.6750421


>> No.6750442
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where did you get that

also, thank god this girl was the con kitty. I had a feeling she was cosplaying and I was going to cry seagull tears if she wasn't.

>> No.6750446

No idea, I've been trawling through facebook albums. Snagged that Jack from Mage Teevee Sho's album.

>> No.6750470

soon... argh, link me to who you got it from?

>> No.6750477

facebook dot com slash magetv

I want the flickr updated too :C

>> No.6750658

Yeah, they chose well for the new girl. I was worried they'd pick that bitchy one but they did a good job. She's adorable and apparently kind of a weeb, so she apparently does well.

>> No.6750660

which bitchy one?

>> No.6750669

I don't remember who, but I recall hearing rumors that one of the Conkitty candidates was kind of a jerk. She was also more into the cosplay than the fandom shit, so some people got the vibe that she was more there for the attention than the con itself.

>> No.6750964
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Did anyone else hang out with the artists in the exhibition hall? Izzy Kat (pictured) and Kristilyn were pretty damn cool.

>> No.6750971

Didn't hang out with them but chatted for a good while with anyone that sold rori goods.

a lot of them gave me their cards and asked me to send photos.

They were all super nice.

>> No.6750981
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Kristilyn did this awesome commission for me, then sold me two prints for the price of one.

>> No.6751546
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Hah, I went to high school with the girl on the right. She's really nice.

Some SotC.

>> No.6751553

good face for Wander.

>> No.6751693

The molding and casting panel had been moved from its time to earlier in the day, and the cosplay from start to finish had just disappeared, because it was supposed to be in that room after the molding and casting panel, but instead the guy who was one of the volunteers said it was going to be cosplay photography instead. I understand that things got a little out of hand because they were doing the blood drive in that room (which imo is kind of a silly thing to do when there's a bunch of dehydrated, hyper weebs running around who probably haven't gotten much food or sleep), but it just kind of sucked to be interested in a panel, and then not get to go to it. Also, while I was in line for the rave, I was talking to the people in front of me, and one of the guys said there was a panel on Friday that he wanted to go to that had been moved to Saturday. I can't remember which one it was, he just said that he had a friend who could only go on Friday and they missed out on the panel.

>> No.6751787

I would tell you to follow MTAC's Twitter, but I don't recall that one ever getting called to begin with. I know the guy who runs their social media stuff; if I see him at GMX I'll call him out on it. Those kind of schedule changes are supposed to be posted and advertised in advance.

>> No.6752704

She's alright. We dated for a few months last year. Didn't end very well.

>> No.6752710

So where can I find some pictures of the lolita fashion show? I've looked everywhere!

>> No.6756399

Sadly, I haven't seen very many pictures posted except for here and on people's personal facebooks, and a few on tumblr...

>> No.6756493

That girl has a benis.

>> No.6756699

Anon pls
This is a blue board

>> No.6756773

Were any of them a Red FemScout from TF2?

>> No.6757750

Yeah, the best resource for catching the last second change ups was the guidebook app for your phone. It updated a couple times throughout the con and kept me up to date. But it does suck that there was no promoted "command central" to easily see changes.