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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 33 KB, 600x450, australia-map-flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6740937 No.6740937 [Reply] [Original]

new thread, go

>> No.6740959

why was the last one deleted?

>> No.6740991

Inorite. It looked really boring, so I didn't even follow it.

>> No.6741334
File: 16 KB, 259x306, flush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>This thread

>> No.6741337
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>People bagging out other people
>Pissing contest over cosplayers FBs and DA statistics

The usual

>> No.6741346

I have never seen a toilet flush like that.

>> No.6741349

American toilets have significantly more water in them than Aus toilets.

>> No.6741351

because they have to take more shit

>> No.6741394

... pissing into them sounds really weird.

>> No.6741444

So, supanova melbourne next week.

>> No.6741450


I will be there 8)

>> No.6741459

I live an hour away from CBD. It's always awkward as fuck having to board the train in cosplay. I always get weird looks since it's pretty rural and cosplay isn't common at all.

Unsure if irrelevant, but does anyone have any issues with public transport in cosplay? Assuming people actually use public transport for cons.

>> No.6741469

Is that toilet even flushing the right direction?

Grow a thick skin or stay with a friend who lives closer.

>> No.6742593

That's why there are so many people who take big bags and get dressed there.

Most of them have friends with stalls though, so can dump the bags afterwards somewhere safe.

>> No.6742661

I've taken trains and buses in cosplay before, but I always feel much more comfortable if I have a friend with me. Nothing has ever happened though, other than curious people looking and sometimes asking questions. Make sure you sit in a carriage with lots of people in it. People are less likely to start something if there are lots of witnesses about who might interfere.

>> No.6742670

I'm so excited! I haven't actually started my cosplays yet. But I'm very excited :)

>> No.6742758
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Staying out of drama, huh?

>> No.6742822

How is that drama you dumb fuck?

>> No.6742827

I always assumed she was just another dumb bitch people only paid attention to because tits. This made me think differently. Thanks, anon.

>> No.6742832

Krises pls go

>> No.6742842

>>making assumptions based on the fact that they're pointing out what's obvious to everyone.

Way to make yourself look retarded.

>> No.6742856
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>> No.6742956

It's common knowledge that Kris is always in these threads.

>> No.6742969

I don't know anything about this chick, but I don't see how a rant about feminism is drama.

>> No.6742991

My cosplay group is hopefully getting together to finish our costumes, but shit, I'm the only one who's got all the stuff together and just needs to sew the fucking thing.

Ask around and see if you have any cosplayers living near you, anon! I live an hour away from Melbourne and I found that there are actually a fair few cosplayers who'd be going on the same trainlines as me if I actually travelled there via train.

>> No.6743031

It's common knowledge that no one curr. Even if it was Kris, what the fuck does it matter?

Me either, but I love that she claims she's not a feminist and them comes out with shit like this.

>> No.6743091

This is about those female super heroes that are fully clothed you fucks. Jesus Christ. You guys will make dramu out of someone sneezing if you could.


>> No.6743237

Picture an Arab chick with a hero logo her. Covered top to toe. Sounds like a shit comic

>> No.6743253

God those designs are so frumpy. Furthermore male superheroes don't even wear that much clothes, they're all wearing super-tight spandex with their bulges and muscles right in your face.

>> No.6743305

>>Female empowerment
>> Female character designs mostly created by men.

Same crap spouted by those who justify themselves dressing up like a sex object. Own it! You do it because it's "sexy" and it gets the attention of guys who see you in it. Don't get me wrong, I cosplay skimpy DC/marvel characters myself, but I don't hide the real reason I like to do it. I like the character, I like the attention (any who say otherwise are buttfaced liars) And hey, I understand I might not get all the "right" attention, and you ignore it. This is what happens when you cosplay those sorts of characters. I don't know much of Ardella personally, but if you believe the sugar coated crap she's serving up to you. Well go on with that girl power, *Sparkle Sparkle* way of looking at life. I'm a female and I am sick and tired of this kind of rant. We are never going to have equality because we are different sexes. Get over it, use what you have to your own advantage, work hard and live your life the way you want. Don't hide behind feminine rights. You do what you do because you want to do it, don't make excuses, own it! Who cares what others think.

>> No.6743415

Did you even read what Ardella wrote? Because she basically said exactly what you just said, only far more eloquently. She said that women in comics demonstrate powerful and also sexy women, and women who use their sex appeal for their own gain, not just to please men. She never even mentioned cosplay, just that showing skin shouldn’t be considered a bad thing and that women should feel free to wear whatever the fuck makes them feel the best.

>>Assuming female characters designed by men are automatically sexist.

>> No.6743459
File: 79 KB, 640x360, 8483854041_5796fe874f_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Begging for a man to cosplay this superhero.

>> No.6743465


You really didn't read what she wrote, you just wanted guys on here to praise you.

>> No.6743512

There already was a guy that did, and he had the body for it, too.

I masturbated to it. I regret nothing.

>> No.6743540

You say you read it, but your post clearly say otherwise. GG failfag.

And this is the attention you ignore, the lowbrow idiot.

>> No.6743559

i was going to go as a psycho but i have hardly started and i don't have enough money to buy materials or even get in and have $5 to spend. so instead i'm saving up my money and hopefully going to comiket when i go to japan this august.
captcha: funkogr but

>> No.6743573

Oh dear sweetheart, you're making a fool of yourself. Please stop. You need to work on your comprehension, go back and read Ardella's post again. You're entirely wrong in your assumptions. I actually disagree with her post, but even I can understand what she's saying when obviously you can't. Everyone here is seeing what a complete idiot you are and that's got nothing to do with the way you choose to dress.

>> No.6743572

>Same crap spouted by those who justify themselves dressing up like a sex object. Own it! You do it because it's "sexy" and it gets the attention of guys who see you in it. Don't get me wrong, I cosplay skimpy DC/marvel characters myself, but I don't hide the real reason I like to do it. I like the character, I like the attention (any who say otherwise are buttfaced liars) And hey, I understand I might not get all the "right" attention, and you ignore it. This is what happens when you cosplay those sorts of characters. I don't know much of Ardella personally, but if you believe the sugar coated crap she's serving up to you. Well go on with that girl power, *Sparkle Sparkle* way of looking at life. I'm a female and I am sick and tired of this kind of rant. We are never going to have equality because we are different sexes. Get over it, use what you have to your own advantage, work hard and live your life the way you want. Don't hide behind feminine rights. You do what you do because you want to do it, don't make excuses, own it! Who cares what others think.


>> No.6743584

>>samefag supporting their own comments

>> No.6743590

BTW did anyone screencap Jason Lui (Panda Photography)'s facebook screenshot where he tried to keep the dead drama between KrisEz and Beethy going?

>> No.6743593

You wish buddy. THis is my first time seeing this thread.
So sick of Ardella. She's not all that.

>> No.6743601

Jelly levels off the charts!

>> No.6743605

If you're sick of her why do you keep talking about her? Just ignore her.
No one ever said she was "all that" by the way. Sounds like jealousy issues right there.

>> No.6743607

Or it never happened

>> No.6743620
File: 82 KB, 600x750, Red_Forman_you_dumb_ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah dumbass, Like I'd be that obvious.
Fail at white knighting,

>> No.6743640

>>Hunny bun
>>Sweetie pie

Go home old timer, it kids playtime.

>> No.6743648

I'm not even the person you're replying to and I can tell she was using it to talk down to the other person, not cos she was old. Did that burn hurt so much you had to resort to petty insults?

>> No.6743720
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Actually I was talking about her motivations behind cosplaying the characters people seem to have an issue with and the fact she's using this bubblegum statement to hide from the real reason. The ratio speaks for it'self. Don't be that stupid, she's spouting crap that is can only be concluded as a cover-up for the truth. I've never seen Wonderwoman, Supergirl or Miss Marvel pose in the same manner she has. Read my post, understand my post then get over yourself.

pic related. If she objected to it being assumed otherwise, the comments relating to this pic on her facebook page would have been removed.

>> No.6743738
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And you are an Idiot. Sarcasm. Moron.

>> No.6743755

You know what's really sad? That Ardella is only talked about in massive amounts of praise on /cgl/ Australia threads.
Nobody anywhere else has heard of her. Even most of the cosplay veterans here in Australia have no idea who she is.

It's so obvious it's her in these threads for the last year or so. Trying to make it seems like she's super popular when she really is not.
I cringe so hard when I see these threads. The samefag and selfposting is through the roof.

>> No.6743876

This is obviously a candid photograph and not purposefully posed that way. Nonetheless, she doesn't delete comments about her body because, as her status says, she's PROUD of it and doesn't mind using her sexuality. That's what her whole status was about, you ignorant fuck.

>> No.6743909

I can honestly say I have never seen Ardella pose in an overly sexual/provocative way in her hero costumes...Also what this anon said:>>6743876

I'm going to go ahead and reaffirm you are just all kinds of jelly of her.
>"WAHH! I'm not getting attention! Better try to discredit someone on fucking 4chan!"

>> No.6744110

Pot meet kettle.....
The example was one of many.
Proud of it? good for her, thats not my issue, covering up the reason for her choice in cosplays
and saying it's all for feminism that's blatant lie and you are the ignorant fool for thinking otherwise.

>> doesn't have a valid point. Calls Jelly!

Samefag try harder.

>> No.6744180 [DELETED] 

what the fuck is going this thread, none of even make sense and half these posts are tl;dr

>> No.6744187

what the fuck is even going on this thread? You are all talking shit and not even making sense and half these posts are tl;dr

>> No.6744188

Show us more examples then. Haven't you realised yet that you're the only one here with a stick up their backside? Her whole point is that you don't need to justify your fashion choices to other people, so I'm pretty sure she doesn't care what you think.

>> No.6744230

I have facepalmed so many times reading what I think are all your posts. If you need examples, cross reference the cosplays to the characters that are being portrayed. They not in character to which she says she is embodying, Then look at the comments (I'm talking about her facebook mainly) and responses to said comments, it all there. I understand you're a fan, keep being so. She's a very cute looking person and looks like she's having fun. It's not all as she says in her post claiming she cosplays in the spirit of feminism. My point has been made, I called her post out on the fact that it isn't how she says it, for obvious reasons. I believe this is what you do to others on here from what I've seen.

>> No.6744241

>I can honestly say I have never seen Ardella pose in an overly sexual/provocative way in her hero costumes...

At Animania I saw her bounce her boobs around like crazy in her supergirl costume in the lounge area. She was doing it on and off for a while. Just standing there doing it next to Black Cat.

>> No.6744251

So people aren't allowed to do certain things now?? Really? Fml..... Too many fat, insecure bitches in this thread haha

>> No.6744255

Wrong. It's the fact that she spouts bullshit like "I wear costumes because I'm feel proud and empowered". When she really just shakes her ass and her tits all day.

>> No.6744262

Dude, it's already been pointed out that the post is about the link to the "full clothed" female superheroes. Ardella may have had undertones of it also being a way to defend her costumes choices, but so what? She's saying it's fine to wear what you want and use your sexuality how you want. I don't see why you have a problem with this.

>Standing next to Black Cat

Well there's your reasons. But I said photos. She isn't bent over anything to display her arse or tits more. All her photos look in character.

>> No.6744265

meant* photos

>> No.6744284

Ignoring the fact that your point is entirely different to anything she has said, which is simply "wear what you want and don't let anyone tell you you can't/shouldn't", Ardella has never cosplayed Supergirl. You're a massive fail troll.

>> No.6744291

I don't think in her post she was restricting her cosplay choices to just photos. I was using it as an example as I have never met her and it is my only reference. Others it seems have been in view of her when she doesn't act in the character she claims to want to embody. Thus my original point she doesn't cosplay for the pure reasons she claims but because she likes the attention on a different level. /point My previous relevant posts are:

Please understand the context behind them.

>> No.6744299

I think you're all forgetting that you are arguing about who is the nerdiest and geekyest nerd of them all who goes to their anime and sci-fi conventions.

>> No.6744302

Your previous posts are all completely missing the point of her status, which was not as you seem to think "justifying her cosplay choices with feminism".
She says she's allowed to wear whatever the fuck she wants and so is every other woman out there.

Also, acting out of character at a con is a terrible crime now? FFS, the people who act in character all the time at conventions are the creepy weirdos.

>> No.6744315

I feel you are not understanding the motivation behind this post she made and why. People have been sending her links to the site why? and for what reason? Also why she felt the need to generalise as if this posting of hers wasn't premeditated by this fact. Keep up.

>> No.6744322

This. Both on what Ardella meant and not acting in character all the time.
It's near impossible to be "in character" all the fucking time. You have to eat/drink/have breaks, if you're there with friends you will talk to them as yourself. If someone was in character the whole day I don't see how they could relax or have fun, especially if with friends. You'd look like a massive fucking retard.

>> No.6744345

Most people act that way is cosplay. Most people act that way not for just self amusement but for the attracted attention of others, Am I right? Ardella does not obviously cosplay for the pure reasons as female empowerment, theres more to it which she conveniently leaves out of her artfully worded, pat on the back, you go girl post.

>> No.6744356

And once again, missing the point that her post was not about cosplay. Hers or anyone else's. Also, ever thought that gaining attention may be part of the "empowerment"?

>> No.6744367
File: 240 KB, 500x332, ponyhorror.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind Ardella - she seems okay, but I don't really give two hoots and don't think it warrants the shit posting nor the debate.

So PonyConAU is tomorrow...
Which character is Lily desecrating this time?

>> No.6744374

what's better?
Australia threads or British threads?

>> No.6744384

Unless it word for word, will it not be clearer? This post wasn't clear enough for you? >>6744315 I'll reword that last part to what you should have read it as. *Ardella does not cosplay for the reasons of pure female empowerment* She does it not solely, but it's a big reason, because it's "sexy" and it gets the attention of guys who see her in it. She loves the attention, and obviously isn't shy about using her assets to gain attention. Like I said before this I don't think it is a bad thing. she can do what she likes it's her body. covering up the reason for doing so and stating it's a feminist right is a cowardly cop out, own it. Again people seem to not get my point. It's obviously the post is a cover up for the real reason it was posted. People don't like her skimpy cosplays, sexual actions and keep sending her links as a taunt provoking her into posting some feminist crap to hide behind her reasoning for choosing her cosplays. /Going to go do something worthwhile now, as this seems like it's going to go on and on. Read my posts try to be objective and understand my point.

>> No.6744398

Glad you're finally deciding to leave, seeing as all you ever do is reiterate your old, tired opinions which have already been shot down a dozen times over.
Nobody has said they dislike her "skimpy costumes" and I have no idea what you mean by "sexual actions" - is that really what you call laughing and jiggling your tits around as a joke? The times she's been sent it on her page were accompanied by "this is kind of cool" etc. She was responding to the comments on the pages they linked to.
Take your vendetta elsewhere. No one supports you.

>> No.6744400


>> No.6744402
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>> No.6744404

Hi Tim!

>> No.6744408

Ardella is a skank everybody says it. She doesn't have 6000+ likes of facebook because of her talent.

>> No.6744414

Hello friend

>> No.6744411

True dat

>> No.6744416

So having had one boyfriend and no other sexual partners for years - ever since she first started cosplaying - makes her a skank? Or is it the fact that none of her photos are blatantly sexual - even the Jessica Rabbit ones? Sense, you make none of it.

>> No.6744418

So true

>> No.6744423

Jealousy. You stink of it

>> No.6744424

Hi Ardellafag.
Yoda, you are not.

>> No.6744426

GTFO Ardellafag
I'd like to take a moment to thank the above poster for the new name

>> No.6744427

Not even a woman. But thanks for the compliment.

>> No.6744430

>So having had one boyfriend and no other sexual partners for years - ever since she first started cosplaying - makes her a skank?

Looks like you slipped up there, Bec.
Who else would know these intimate details about your personal life other than you? Whoopsies.

>> No.6744433

are you implying they're ardella or a supporter...

>> No.6744437

Finally this!
Bec should learn from this. act like a tramp, you get called a tramp. Inb4 You jelly, cause who'd wanna be like someone who'd get called a skank. think about that

>> No.6744438

Um, everyone knows she's been with Kris since she started cosplaying.
WHOOPSIES! Looks like you're out of the Sydney gossip loop.

>> No.6744439

For fucks sake Tim. You never learn.

>> No.6744443

i already knew that and i don't even hang out with her or krisez...

>> No.6744444

nice samefag

>> No.6744446

ITT: Whoopsies, whoopsies everywhere

>> No.6744452
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It's on their facebook pages?

>> No.6744453
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Thread is now about animal transformations

>> No.6744455
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>> No.6744459
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>> No.6744460
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>> No.6744461
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i feel like i've walked into a bit of a circlejerk, but hell.
brisfag here working on my larp gear. wondering how to secure pauldrons. i get how to secure it to my biceps, just not my back and chest

>> No.6744468

...can you take a decent picture? May I suggest turning the light on?

>> No.6744465

Fuck off Ardella

>> No.6744467

you very much are out of your depth child

>> No.6744469


>> No.6744470

Typical Australia cosplay thread

>> No.6744472

Suddenly Ardella, THOUSANDS OF THEM

>> No.6744474
File: 54 KB, 580x431, train_derail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>this thread

>> No.6744476

i'm not concerned with the aesthetics and fine details of the pauldrons yet, just how i'm going to secure them.

>> No.6744479


>> No.6744481

calm down china town

>> No.6744480
File: 102 KB, 540x720, HNI_0005_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, who the fuck is adella.

>> No.6744482

>i'm not concerned with the aesthetics and fine details of the pauldrons yet, just how i'm going to secure them.

>> No.6744486
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>> No.6744489

This is why we cannot have nice things.

Could Tim, Ardella and their supporters please fuck off so we can have an actual thread

>> No.6744491


>> No.6744494

note to self; never come to ausfag thread in /clg/ for advice.

no wonder mods deleted these threads.

>> No.6744495


Cash reward. $500 to the first person who harpoons the lily whale at PonyCon

I wonder what cosplay she is gonna destroy this time round

>> No.6744496

larping isn't cosplay and if you had any sense about you it's clear that there is nothing constructive happening in this thread and now you're being butthurt for your own mistake.

>> No.6744500

How are we supposed to give advice if we can't see what we're supposed to be fixing? I think a clear picture of the item in question is a pretty reasonable request when someone asks you how to construct something.

>> No.6744503


>> No.6744506

So like, is Bec and Ardella the same person?

>> No.6744509

Her full name is Rebecca Ezergailis

>> No.6744508


>> No.6744510

it's definitely not

>> No.6744511

And I thought it couldn't be worse than her actual name.

>> No.6744518

I totally didn't know, thank you kind anon

>> No.6744521

When will cgl-senpai notice me?~

>> No.6744526

Seriously, why does Ardella get mentioned in every Aus thread? I just checked out her DA and she seems like a perfectly average cosplayer. Nothing terrible, and nothing stand out. I'd never even heard of her before she popped up on /cgl/.

>> No.6744530
File: 1.43 MB, 640x360, batfly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is just so ... talented!

>> No.6744537

Ouch, why would you mash your melons like that?

>> No.6744542

Full of class.

>> No.6744544

I've got big boobs, and I can attest that once you get past a DD cup they lose a bit of feeling. Probably doesn't hurt her at all.

>> No.6744545

C here. Are other girls' breasts really that sensitive to being squeezed? The only time I ever have any sensitivity is the week before my period and even that's pretty minimal.

>> No.6744551

Mine are pretty sensitive. It sucks if you accidentally hit them with something, but they're sensitive to nice feelings too so I don't mind so much. I'm only a B, so maybe it is a size thing.

>> No.6744570

This is now a tits thread

>> No.6744571
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>> No.6744580
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>> No.6744594

One Day In paradise just announced that they're going to be the first Western Lolita Brand.

>> No.6744608

b cup and i have super sensitive nipples

>> No.6744619

itt ugly asians and landwhales talk about their peperoni nipps

>> No.6744620

lf gf melbourne pls respond

>> No.6744628

Holy shit, you guys are all full of fuck. Every single one of you. This is why Australian cosplay scene is fucking disgusting.

>> No.6744630

Beethy is a nice guy o.O I met him at last years Brisnova and he seemed like a pretty chill dude

>> No.6744631

Where did it say "first"?

I'm going to lay real low when I get back into cosplay, can't help but agree.

>> No.6744652

Who's entering Madman/WCS this year?

>> No.6744660

I heard beethy and tim are

>> No.6744695

So classy

>> No.6744721

Wow i didnt know there were so many whiny ardella haters out there. Trying to blow out other peoples candles doesnt make yours shine any brighter.
I saw her at my first con last yr and she was the most friendly and graceful cosplayer.

>> No.6744739

mfw this whole thread was ardella franticly typing with her hands, feet and tounge on 7 pc's.

srsly, she is a 2/10 butterface.
sage 4 emphasis.

>> No.6744747

Everyone in this thread is Ardella. Everyone.

>> No.6744772

Lots of posts are. She dun goofed like other anon said RE relationship deets

>> No.6745435

ITT: people bitch about ardella because she spoke her mind and try to scrounge up drama from nothing before deciding anyone who calls them out on it MUST be ardella.

Sage for your idiocy. Australians on cgl are what give decent human beings out there like Ardella a bad name. You wonder why there's no more decent and friendly cosplayers in Australia? Maybe you need to take a good hard look at yourselves.

>> No.6745717

Everyone in this thread is now TVY.

And were all more attractive then each other.

>> No.6746045

Everyone in this thread is now Lily.

Because we are all bad mouth someone more attractive than us and are jealous of the attention they are getting and we are not.

>> No.6746189

Why is this woman so imporant? She has a butterface and her cosplay is so so. Why are people talking about her?

>> No.6746195


>> No.6746284

I agree that her cosplays are nothing particularly special, but I think she's an important cosplayer because of the way she, shall we say, markets herself. If you watch interviews with her she's very well spoken and diplomatic. I'd rather have her represent Australian cosplay than someone like lily whose costumes may look impressive but may as well be vomiting shit when she talks.

>> No.6746307

What's with the sage?

>> No.6746313

Sage because this thread makes me ashamed to be an Australian cosplayer.

>> No.6746315
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>> No.6746355

...and where was Lily mentioned?

>> No.6746395

I'm pretty sure that was just an example. I think ardellas costumes are less than special, but I have to admit she's not bad in front of a camera.

>> No.6746430

>someone like lily whose costumes may look impressive but...
>someone like lily

>> No.6746865

Lily and Ardella are both bad. The better ones are the ones that don't even join comps.

>> No.6746887

Ardella entered one comp just recently. She then said she'd never do it again or some shit.
The best part was when no one clapped at all for lily and Nicole.

>> No.6746924

That's because the only people clapping was the Ardellafag fanclub run by none other than KrisEz
They intentionally clapped and howled hard and then went completely silent when Lily came on

>> No.6746928

Would cheer if hadn't seen the costume previously and cheered at Madman Nationals Prelim round.

>> No.6746998

Can no one else get on to Katyuska's facebook page? Is it gone?

>> No.6747076

She gave it up, no one cares.

>> No.6747087

'Gave up'? Gave up what exactly? She's still on DeviantArt.
Facebook is a worse platform for cosplay by far.

>> No.6747097

And it was hilarious. What's your point?

>> No.6747118

there were more people there than the 'Ardellafag fanclub' Krisez didn't stop everyone in the auditorium cheering

>> No.6747121

I would love to be kneeling behind any of these 3 hotties with my face buried deep in their luscious asses!

>> No.6747126

Oh hey Nicole, didn't see you squeeze in here.

>> No.6747168

I'll get those howler monkeys banned if they do it again.
This is my last warning.

>> No.6747171

You'd rather silence and zero encouragement for your work Nicole?

>> No.6747172

They were going to boo initially

>> No.6747173

Those howler monkeys were encouraged to howl by animania staff, so good luck with that.

>> No.6747176

Aaaand who the fuck are you to ban anyone?

>> No.6747182

And you get banned without any warns

>> No.6747179

I am Kenny Travouillon, leader of Animania and Cosplay Australia.

This is a written warning to all that attended. Break rule and you

>> No.6747180
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>> No.6747185
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>> No.6747189
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>> No.6747187
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>> No.6747191
File: 602 KB, 269x202, raspberry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6747192
File: 100 KB, 380x342, fucku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6747193

Hey Animania dude, can you ban bootleg merch and get the decent vendors back? Animania Brisbane is a joke, everyone I know stopped going a couple years back.

>> No.6747195
File: 477 KB, 500x280, tumblr_mk4rjfQyhz1r34qiso1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6747197


>> No.6747196

I am head of cosplay not vendors.

>> No.6747198
File: 1.88 MB, 152x184, 1221012785881.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6747199

Kenny is our king, he always lets the bootleg in!

But honestly, I don't think Kenny can do anything about that since he's just the cosplay dude.

>> No.6747201
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>> No.6747202
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>> No.6747203
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>> No.6747204
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>> No.6747205
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>> No.6747206
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>> No.6747207
File: 556 KB, 1135x816, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6747209

..why does Kenny suddenly remind me of Pete Wentz?

>> No.6747212

Correct, he's just the cosplay dude. He'd have a hard time banning anyone without approval from his higher ups, too.

>> No.6747211

why does kenny suddenly remind me of ron weasely?

>> No.6747215

He banned Beethy. That was pleasant.

>> No.6747213

I will release 1 naked/tease photo of Kenny's fiance stolen from her laptop for every post he makes from this point onwards.

>> No.6747214

Learn to 4chans.

>> No.6747216

Hi Tim, going to cap you facebook again for us to prove you're not scared of posting on 4chan?

>> No.6747217

Beethy was obviously an asswipe who was breaking Animania rules and stealing their profits. Of course he got banned.

The howler monkeys were asked to howl by animania. "Ban them because they did what we told them to do!!!!" Herp derp.

>> No.6747218

Tim you are now officially banned from all Animanias

>> No.6747220


>> No.6747223
File: 812 KB, 1679x748, 1362576809410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6747224

I doubt this is the real Kenny. Very funny.

>> No.6747225

Tim posting to Tim

>> No.6747360

this thread is still up? wow

>> No.6748366

Tim plays Candycrush?

what a faggot

>> No.6749002

Tim do it anyway...extra points if it features Kenny bondage leather work

>> No.6749046
File: 38 KB, 841x593, queen lily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it appears that Lily deleted her Queen Regina Facebook. Gee what a shame

Was anyone at PonyCon?

>> No.6749111

Who is working on cosplay atm?

>> No.6749120

I wish. I never realised how badly timed our cons were until I started uni. Right in the middle of exams, every time. Why do they choose such horrible dates?

>> No.6749123

I don't know. Maybe people at uni should make a point about it? Unfortunately not all unis have the same time off though.

>> No.6749125

I am, although it's stuff for PAX/AVCon. Gives me some leeway for fixing mistakes at least.

>> No.6749162

I'm really hoping to make it to PAX on a media pass. It feels like the sort of con that'd be really worth it.

>> No.6749169

Why should you get a media pass?

>> No.6749191

An old friend of mine asked if I wanted to go help out if he gets a couple of them. I'm not entirely sure what I'll be helping with though - either filming or presenting. He probably asked because I've done journalism and con report work before.

>> No.6749192

Also, the tickets for Saturday (and thus the entire weekend passes) sold out very quickly.

>> No.6749201

Anyone in Melbourne going to PAX on Friday? (it's not til June, or July, but still)

>> No.6749255

going all three days

>> No.6749261

what is this about panda keeping dramu going betewwn beethy and kris wouldhe really nother being involved in dramu?

>> No.6749264

Maybe so he can be top photographer?

>> No.6749295
File: 118 KB, 900x900, Seethrough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know when you sometimes see costume choices, and just think, "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU CHOOSE TO DO THAT?" This is one of those times for me. I really hope this is not the corset she plans to use for her Elizabeth (Bioshock Infinite) cosplay...

>Fucking see-through
>Fucking see-through panels on her Elizabeth cosplay

>> No.6749330
File: 549 KB, 900x598, DSC_0715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6749366
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>> No.6750006

What in the actual fuck?

>> No.6750253

It's because Kenny is a cosplay snob so getting his seal of approval is considered by elitist cosplayers to be paragon of cosplay awards.

>> No.6750335

i.e. badges

>> No.6750634

His badges are awesome don't be mean to Kenny

>> No.6750663

but panda is never involved in drama isnt this someone just clutching at strawas?

>> No.6750671
File: 28 KB, 311x311, tumblr_li11r3KQX11qca72n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6750841

I've never seen Panda involved in drama either. Please share all the details, anon? I'm actually curious.

>> No.6750908

Where have you been? Previous Aus thread, screenshot of facebook where Beethy and Kris had commented pretty much the same thing in reply to one of Panda's posts, the screenshot had a love heart around the two of them. Neither of them can see each others posts.
Someone then responded pointing out the screenshot showed who took the screenshot (panda) then the thread mysteriously disappeared meaning panda was the OP.

Final Summation: Panda OP of previous AUS thread, Panda trying to bring beethy/kris drama back up, panda caught out

>> No.6750923

This is too good

>> No.6751044 [DELETED] 

This is too tasty

>> No.6751045

Panda panda panda, where are you?
No wonder the thread has been so quiet. He was samefagging the hell out of it. What a sick little bastard.

>> No.6751049
File: 40 KB, 400x652, 558215_10151106781647037_466778295_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His full name is Jason Liu
You can find his fan page by typing in Panda Photography

Here's a photo of the smug bastard

>> No.6751053

>Where have you been?

Obviously I wasn't here, or I wouldn't have asked.
Thanks for filling me in though.

>> No.6751054

Do both KrisEz and Beethy know that Jason did this?
I don't think they would be too happy about it

>> No.6751056
File: 2.71 MB, 2029x2544, 1365202183721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... people were wondering about how Ponycon went?

Well, it definitely got a bit of attention.

>> No.6751065

"...who until now kept their fandom secret"

ahahaha, oh man.

>> No.6751074

id fuck the shit out of that

>> No.6751087

He's not into guys

>> No.6751090

Who the fuck is this guy and why should I care?

>> No.6751093

Some shitty photographer. Who cares

>> No.6751102

thats good cus im a chick

>> No.6751107

You should try hitting it then. Go on.

>> No.6751109

I don't think they would give a fuck. What he posted in the last thread wasn't a huge deal.

>> No.6751118 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 527x513, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this little baby crying on Facebook
I'm not surprised

>> No.6751122

Um... what's with that picture in the comment section???

>> No.6751126

what picture?

>> No.6751128

alas i do not live near him and i am taken and very happy with my partner. if i was single though i'd totally bang that

>> No.6751129
File: 169 KB, 900x513, JasonLiu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. This one. I hope Jason sees this post. I don't know the guy, but he should be aware of what his "friends" really think.

>> No.6751134

Jesus fucking christ.... Some people, some people....

>> No.6751135

Would bang.

>> No.6751137

you and me both

>> No.6751140
File: 44 KB, 400x400, IMG_4088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People commenting as though /cgl/ is a baaaaaad place or something.

>> No.6751141

Lets 3some this shit

>> No.6751144

Good one ardella

>> No.6751146

yea i saw this. since that fb post has only friends allowed to view it, im glad i know what kind of friends i have in this 'community'


>> No.6751147

Panda I would take another look at the screengrab. You can see who posted it.

>> No.6751149
File: 24 KB, 232x703, 1364899863674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is that Brisbane is full of shitty photographers with shitty photoshop skills?

And even if they do take decent photos they have shitty shoops that they try and make look good?

The quality has really gone down but the egos of these photographers keep going up and cosplayers are starting to think this is what's good because some well known person with a camera took it and shooped it.

>> No.6751150

i'd fuck you

>> No.6751151


>tfw no qtp2t seagulls wanting to sex you.

>> No.6751152

You mean Christoph Ryo Niesel, correct?
His photos are the fucking worst.

>> No.6751153

I love you pandaaaa :)

>> No.6751155

You shouldn't be in this thread, bro. Better off not knowing some of the shit that goes on in here.
People are two faced as hell. :(

>> No.6751156

Bad place? No. But posting private/friends-locked things to a drama thread mocking said "friend", then being stupid enough to leave a footprint behind? You deserve to get called out for being disloyal.

>> No.6751157

But he's hot so it's ok.

>> No.6751158

This is the second time someone has done this today. It's delightful how many massive retards there are out there.

Panda your typing is atrocious.

>> No.6751159
File: 168 KB, 500x667, tumblr_md99cgMYHo1rkzfbgo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this gon be good

>> No.6751160

Yes, making the comment twice as hilarious. Delicious.

>> No.6751161

There are some way worse photographer in Brisbane than Christoph.

>> No.6751162

True dat.

>> No.6751165

hi christoph

>> No.6751166
File: 46 KB, 720x405, 167547_1541082526265_1210995382_31185865_7872402_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Him among others.

There are so many practically making themselves out to be so good but they're boring. Their shots are bad and their shoops are even worse.

I get mad when they do the same thing to every fucking photo too.

>> No.6751167

Christoph is here!

>> No.6751168

>implying Christoph goes on 4chan.
Try again.

>> No.6751169

Thing is, neither Panda or Ardella are anywhere near dumb enough to make that mistake.

>> No.6751170

How else did Panda know he was being talked about in this thread so fast?
Why would that screengrab get deleted so quick?

Even smart people make mistakes sometimes.

>> No.6751173

Where did I say that? Someone did it on behind the bows too, stupidity like this is enjoyable.

>> No.6751174

Yay, I'm Christoph! I now have beautiful halfu features and fabulous hair!

>> No.6751176
File: 72 KB, 960x639, 5803_508022229255847_1520522991_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omfg BronyCon staff, learn2runAcon

Seriously it costs like <$10 for a 1 meter square of fabric which you can use as a cover place mat for your table.

Pic related.

>> No.6751178

What was the cap of?

>> No.6751181

And impeccable fashion sense. Hnnnng.

>> No.6751182

I could have any guy I want!

>> No.6751186
File: 17 KB, 247x231, 1298484004968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6751188

Ponycon aus thread is here sugarcube

>> No.6751189

Why does Krisez have a ED page?

Why Beethy, why?


>> No.6751191

I don't want ponycon in my city.


>> No.6751193
File: 125 KB, 600x405, 1361535175616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ease up on the ponyspeak

>> No.6751199

That page is over 2 years old and has been re-edited many times by many different people

>> No.6751221

Why bother with a cgl thread?

Brisbane Animania is gone. Australian cosplay is dead forever.

>> No.6751222

>implying animania is some sort of benchmark

>> No.6751225

Because Brisbane Animania was the ONLY con that produced good cosplay amirite?

>> No.6751226

You'll never again know the feeling of paying $30 for seven stalls and playing Mario Kart for 10 minutes.


>> No.6751231


It was the creme of the fucking crop

>> No.6751233


because we all know all cosplay is from Kuro and Hetardlia

>> No.6751235

And Homestuck and Ponies.

Because, you know, anime.

>> No.6751245

Hey man don't be knocking roadstuck its the only good stuff out there at the moment plus making OC is the best

>> No.6751251

don't get me started about homesuck - that series seems to bring out the absolute worst in people

>> No.6751265

Shit, I forgot my tripcode after I went Anon to talk shit about people.

>> No.6751269

ok sorry that was pretty hilarious
rip roadstuck, brisburb and all affiliates

>> No.6751331
File: 60 KB, 700x600, Fire_vagoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is so hot right now.

>> No.6751336

Jesus. Why are all Australia threads such trainwrecks?

>> No.6751343

New thread here


>> No.6751372 [DELETED] 
File: 262 KB, 590x333, 1329845434788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol is dat sum Lily hatin' on a cosphotog?

>> No.6751377 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 230x199, 1306698006907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah man. It's probably beethy playa' hatin' n gettin' all jealous n shit.

>> No.6751381
File: 47 KB, 320x240, 1352123768668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah I am highly curious of this phenomenon too...

>> No.6751421
File: 29 KB, 230x199, 1306698006907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your mother was pretty atrocious. But I should've known better. It was five bucks an hour after all.