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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 69 KB, 637x479, pigeonbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6738683 No.6738683 [Reply] [Original]

How I've dreaded the day I return to /cgl/, but here I am, I offer myself as sacrifice to you.

I've been out of the cosplay scene for a while. Going to college again for something, again, thought I'd do a final convention. But I can't find a god damn wig for this guy. You'd think a long wavy brown wig would be easy, but no. It's a really light, dull colour, everything I'm finding is either too fucking dark or too red and I've been scrolling eBay for a couple hours now.

I was considering this one but it's another shade of brown entirely and I'm too anal to live. Anyone seen one similar around? Checked through all the shops in the sticky. Alternatively, I probably shouldn't even be cosplaying as I'm poor as shit right now but want to pull a final set out of my ass so I'm on a bit of a budget. Help?

>> No.6738698

ho ho ho ho ~

I love you, OP.

>> No.6738706

If you love me you'd find me the wig.


>> No.6738716

I'm looking, actually
Fat bird's hair colour is more of a milk tea colour imo

>> No.6738724

All the milk tea wigs I'm finding are either really expensive or in bob format, but I might also just not be savvy on where to/what to look for anymore. If you come across one I'll promise to kill you last (except no, I'd actually really appreciate it since apparently I'm incapable of finding wigs anymore).

>> No.6738761

I'm in the middle of a lecture but I'll keep looking after it's done. Also, bump!

>> No.6738769

What about something like this and styling it up a bit?

>> No.6738770

Yeah, it's actually really late here, I'm gonna to hit the sack for a few but keep the tab open so I can check it when I get up, thanks again dude.

>> No.6738772
File: 220 KB, 850x1167, shuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His hair is actually quite long (or so fanon would dictate, mostly he's a fat bird), it's tied up with a bow in the back.

I'll be back later.

>> No.6738776

Also from the same store, milktea in long:

Btw their wig head fit runs a bit small for the record.

>> No.6738802
File: 220 KB, 497x390, Shuu ponytail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey I was just doing the same thing for Shuu a couple of months ago. His wig is stupid.
I ended up buying this wig here and I loved it. If you're okay with cutting and styling it yourself that is. This way though you have a lot of hair left to make wefts just in case you mess up.
It's the same wig as pictured. The only problem was they added some hair at the top for that ponytail. I've been meaning to take it out but for the moment i've just been using some hairspray and then while on a wig head put a heavy book on it the night prior to use.
I'll get some pictures of it in the morning. The light in my room is a gross yellow and wouldn't flatter it.
Also if you go by the Hatoful manga then his hair is roughly this length.

>> No.6738827
File: 205 KB, 400x370, criesevrytiem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg you, please do him justice. I'm tired of seeing terrible cosplays of Shuu. I've only seen one decent cosplay. Also, check out the sticky. There's a list of links in one of the links listed.


>> No.6738845

Woops. I missed the part that said you read the sticky.

>> No.6739411

That ones a little past my styling capabilities.

Hey, thanks, this one actually looks really good! Except I'm actually kind of not that experienced at styling as I mentioned so I'd be terrified at fucking it up, but it even has the bangs/length in the front so it's probably good as I'm going to get for pre-styling. I'll just have to do some friend/internet consulting. Photos would be appreciated.

That's why I'm being so anal with the wig, every I've seen except one had theirs really off colour or unstyled or not a wig at all. I have brown hair about the length it is in the manga and I'm still buying a wig. People take too much leniency with thrift-store type cosplays, you've got to concentrate on the details.

I think I may/may not make an awful bird head stick on the human body for the laughs, but wouldn't want to wear it all day. I'm going to order a plastic meat cleaver off amazon when I order my wig, but I'm wondering if I should blood stain the costume or not?

>> No.6739607

Bumpin' for this dude.

>> No.6739795

Bump II: Electric Boogaloo.

>> No.6739805 [DELETED] 

And if anyone has tips for making an bird head, that'd be cool too. I don't want a beautifully rendered fursuit type head, it'd probably be half-intentionally awful (not awfully structured but-- you know, still awful).

>> No.6739984

Bumping another time in hopes anon delivers.

>> No.6740034


How about this in Spanish Brown?

>> No.6740258
File: 2.79 MB, 1500x1523, Shuu wig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off sorry the wig itself is messy. I just took it to a con a few weeks back and have been procrastinating on brushing it out. It and my Hiyoko head prop both took quite a beating.
Anyhow, it's color changes drastically depending on the lighting but out of the bag it's a bit lighter than the picture labeled 1. Number 2 is natural lighting indoor, and 3-5 are outdoor lighting.

>> No.6740267

Also for bloodstaining the costume I suppose that's up to you? I want a version with bullet holes and blood, to go with my Kazuaki. So i'm just making a second labcoat and possibly sweatervest to do that with.
If you find anybirdie to take a picture with. it might be a little out of place that you're all bloodstained?
If it's just for a con though I'd say go with whatever feels the most fun.

>> No.6740337

I don't mind, but dang that's a lot different than the eBay picture. Still, I'd say it's probably the closest I'm going to get, eh? I may order it tonight if so, what do you guys think?

Thanks for taking all those pictures, man.

Oh yeah, the bullet holes would be cool too. I was thinking just from experiments; blood staining the sleeves and my hands or something so it's not that out of place and carrying around a meat cleaver prop, but a BB route version would be neat too. I just thought it'd be a nice touch because details are important in simple costumes, and I'm guessing it'd be pretty easy to alter most of the costume from thrift store clothing if I decide to be so lazy (that said, the con is in 7 weeks and I have 2 more costumes to do from scratch so it probably wouldn't be a huge sin if I like, bought a sweater vest).

>> No.6741254

This seems to have the cooler undertones that you're looking for.

>> No.6741258

Fuck I'm excited for this,.

I was actually looking to cosplay Wallenstein and was just mulling over all of this this morning because I have nothing planned for AX. Possibly Sakuya.

>> No.6741299


Are you guys in that picture that keeps popping up with Shuu and Hiyoko? If so, I was wondering how you guys did Hiyoko's head. Your cosplays were realyl cool and it made me want to try Hiyoko as well, since I fucked up on the wings and Absolute Zero Anghel will have to wait.

>> No.6741303


Just curious OP, what con are you looking to do this cosplay at? And are you from another board?It's time?

>> No.6741439

ahhh, that is not us I don't think??? at least I havn't seen any of us so I doubt it.
Aaa I made a hiyoko prop out of just crudely painting a wig head, bulking out the back and then gluing fake eyelashes. Though I'm planning on sculpting/molding a more realistic one out of latex now that I don't have any cons to worry about for the next 6 months or so.
I hope you can find the actual people in the picture to ask them!
sage for no real contribution

>> No.6742230

Hmm- that one looks a bit darker than the one anon linked, though in the pictures they took it come out a bit darker anyhow. I don't think I'm going to find a purely accurate wig but I have to decide soon, so it's a hard decision.

I haven't seen that picture, can you link it?

I was thinking about making a Hiyoko prop too (is that the wig head you used in the pictures?) but was afraid just using a wig head would look silly, though I guess if you keep it faced away it's alright? What kind of reception did it get?

Though I was thinking about just getting/making a fake meat cleaver. I guess you could use both.

Anime North. And depends on- what you mean by board, but if you think I'm someone specific I'm probably not.

Oh, I actually hadn't seen the Wallenstein outfit! I'd seen Edel Blau. That'd be really fun, for me though I feel it'd just make me harder to recognize without a group (though it'd be awesome with other cast members); I'd love to see it if you do it, though.

>> No.6742264 [DELETED] 
File: 1.47 MB, 817x945, wigsss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I guess these are the frontrunners. What do you guys think?

I'm kind of leaning towards the Taiga wig because the bangs are already cut correctly and I'd just have to style them, but according to
>>6740258 the colour is a bit different (thanks again for the pictures, though). It's also cheaper, which is good.

This one is closer to the colour though (maybe?), and I've bought from this store and like the quality. I'd have to cut it myself but I'd need to cut the length off of either one, though I can't be sure how it looks in person.

I need to be really anal with the wig because the cosplay is so simple. Thoughts?

>> No.6742288
File: 1.47 MB, 817x945, wigsss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So I think I'm going to go with the one anon used too (the Taiga one). Thoughts? Y/N?

>> No.6742299

Or. The other one I posted is a nice colour, and I won't have to take as much off the back but if I fuck up at cutting the fringe I'm doomed where as the other one is already cut correctly and 10 dollars cheaper.

I don't know, I'm too poor to make mistakes. hu hu hu

>> No.6742427

Monitoring this thread.

>> No.6742813

I was thinking about doing him too! I have a question; is it worth it to shell out extra on another wig for a severed head prop? What do you guys think? I'd basically be a painted wig head, I'm assuming.

>> No.6743317
File: 81 KB, 500x583, tumblr_mdaost8guF1r0cl1fo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think if you could do the blood spatter and what not properly then it'd be great. Like you said details are important on simple costumes. And nah go ahead and buy one. I had to, couldn't find the right material in time. It's not like you're going to be entering competitions with it.
Aaa yeah it was the wig head in the picture. It was my first time painting styrofoam so it turned out pretty shitty. If you're just going to paint a wig head like that it'd probably be best to coat it first in spackle or mod podge or something before painting.
As for reception it got a lot of people freaked out, and a lot of bird fans to wail. It was pretty great. For the most part the wig I had put on her covered my shoddy paint job.
Ahhhh if you're worried about cutting it that much I'd go with the taiga one. Less to cut and more room for error. The bangs themselves didn't need much fixing for my shuu wig. I added more hair from the back to the tails and layered it. Other than cutting it to the right length i didn't have to do anything more.
well since Hiyoko doesn't have a canon design you can go with just about any wig you like? If you have a spare wig I'd just use that and spare yourself the money. Otherwise you could go with her popular fanon design of short hair? It'd be like $15 bucks to get a wig like the popular fanon design. She normally always is drawn like the picture i'm posting. Either brown or blonde.
If you're asking if you should use a wig for the prop at all oh definitely! Ahhh Just make sure you either pin the wig onto the wig head, or bulk out the wig head so it fits properly. Even then i'd suggest pinning it.