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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6737153 No.6737153 [Reply] [Original]

/cgl/ ever dress up their pets?

>> No.6737157

that poor thing

>> No.6737158

"I thought you loved me"

>> No.6737159

seriously, that's awful. keep your pets out of your fandoms.

>> No.6737171
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It's awesome when people dress their dogs up as Okami or Naga from LOK or have an appropriate dog breed, but that... not cool.

>> No.6737181

For some reason I don't really have a problem with putting a naruto headband on a pug and calling it pakkun or giving it a blazer and calling it Frank.

But fuck, painting your dog like that I can't deal with. I don't care what that shit is made of and I don't care if it's labelled as "environmentally friendly". Something about it terrifies me, I don't know why. My feels for this dog in OP.

>> No.6737201
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"Why master... why?"

>> No.6737212
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oh god why
there's a limit, seriously
like, if your pet is quite happy with it and it won't harm the animal in any way then ok, why not, but there is a limit

>> No.6737242

Sorry, but that's hilarious. People shave their dogs weird ways and dye their fur all the time. It's just pissing people off because it's (admittedly) overkill and has to do with pony.

>> No.6737263

Oh lawd!

>> No.6737272

I hate when people go on and on about how this stuff counts as abuse. Just tell that to the animals that live in shelters or third world countries.

>> No.6737397
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I would at home, but never at a con. Cons just seem like a miserable place for pets. And of course I'd make sure the costume was comfortable on the animal or preferably just as minimal as possible.

>> No.6737484

I knit my hairless cat a Cyborg 009 sweater before. But it kept him warm and didn't seem to bother him.

Wish I still had a pic.

>> No.6737496

Hahahahaha, that's like saying "God, you think punching a baby is bad? There are babies out there being raped!"

>> No.6737507


Why didn't she dress it up as AJ's dog?

>> No.6737512

Some dogs like to wear clothing because they have short hair and live in colder climates

>> No.6737526

"Yes, I want that pink jacket over there, that'll do nicely." :P
No, I don't mean that, and that wasn't quite the focus of this thread, it's just dress up in general. I don't agree with spray painting your dog blue for the sake of your own self-gratification. You shouldn't defend it by saying that other dogs/people/whatever have it worse off, it's a shitty comparison. Just because something looks better relative to something else doesn't mean it's actually better.

>> No.6737704

It is abuse, you twat.

>> No.6737706

It's one thing to put a hat on your dog, but to dye it's entire fur and shave it? that poor thing looked unhappy as fuck

>> No.6737712

I dress up my male Chihuahua as a girl. Is it bad?

>> No.6737723


You do know they have special doggy safe dyes that you can get at specific pet grooming places. Poodle owners are mad strange bro.

>> No.6737732

Uh no... I doubt the dog cares about gender specific clothing.

>> No.6737747

Get your gender specific privilege off of my 4chan, cis scum! Clearly your dog is trans!

>> No.6737760
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I'll do this someday

>> No.6737770

I pretty much agree with this. Some pets are okay with clothes, some are not. It's individual. As long as you aren't harming the poor thing then sure, why not.

>> No.6737771

People look weird at me when they see his penis.

>> No.6737809
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Pet cosplay thread?

>> No.6737810
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As long as it isn't harmed or anxious, Idgaf. From the pic, OP's dog seems more anxious about the attention than anything else.

>> No.6737852

That was my first thought when I saw this dog.
Outside of that he was very friendly, so I guess the dog was alright with it? Idk, still seems weird to me.

>> No.6737870

Best. Cosplay. Ever.

>> No.6737874


>> No.6737875

Thought that was the grudge for a sec.

>> No.6737886


>> No.6738046

You people do realize that buying basically any breed of dog supports significantly more abuse than dyed fur right. They've been inbred for thousands of years to the point where they can hardly walk/ breathe/ stand without assistance and most have developmental disabilities. I hardly doubt that a little food color in their fur is their first complaint.

>> No.6738058

This is true, and at least dying fur isn't like putting on those awful little shoes.

>> No.6738071

I mean I also agree that dying fur and shaving/grooming are hardly abuse, but that's a pretty shit line of reasoning.

Also I have no idea why everyone's assuming OP is shaved, looks to me like a Chinese Crested mix.

>> No.6738072

But doggie galoshes look adorable

>> No.6738096


Some breeds are better than others. Your German Shepards, Pugs, Bulldogs, Basset Hounds, all very inbred and generally suffering for it.

Your less common breeds, such as the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Thai Ridgeback, some of the less common spaniels (Picardy etc.) and so on, will be distinctly "better" blooded because there isn't the same frantic clamour for select bloodlines as there is in particularly popular breeds.

>> No.6738116

I think that's tacky as fuck but I don't feel sorry for the dog. If someone's willing to spend that much money on their dog over a tacky dye and trim then I'm sure they're just as pampered at home. A dog like this probably gets 2-3 square meals a day, a warm place to sleep at night, and lots of attention. Why pretend to be a bleeding heart when it's for a fact that there are abused and abandoned dogs everywhere that need a new home and a loving owner as we speak? A dyed dog is hardly anything to sneeze at.

>> No.6738122

Huh, I've always heard "nothing to sneeze at" used the exact opposite way.

>> No.6738233

That dog probably gives no fucks about it. It's owner loves it, it's not shitting itself with stress, it's not malnourished and it's obviously in a dog-friendly place. They're fucking colourblind as if it can tell the difference between dye and shampoo when it has a bath. So what exactly is the issue?!

>> No.6738236

...m'kay. Cool.

>> No.6738251
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My cat was a shark for Halloween. Does that count?

>> No.6738260
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>> No.6738269

Your cat is a slut.

>> No.6738271
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>> No.6738277
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>> No.6738284
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They have dog cosplay magazines in Japan.

>> No.6738292
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>> No.6738293

The poor dog.
His body language is obviously showing that he is miserable and the owner is just exploiting him.

I swear, people like this shouldn't own pets.

>> No.6738322
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>Show one instance of a dog that looks otherwise taken care of except for puppy fur dye
>Probably just scared of all the attention it's getting
>Should never own a pet
I just think this isn't a good picture I'll repeat the other anon's statement that if the owner took that much care and work to dye the dog it is probably a well taken care of dog. Doesn't look underweight or anything like that and is obviously groomed.

>> No.6738354
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I'm actually okay when pets are taken to cons, just as long as they are okay in those types of situations. You know, not anxious and not scared. These dogs, for example, look quite comfortable and happy >>6738292

I just don't like it when owners drag their dogs to cons when the dog is obviously not used to the attention or the surrounding as the dog in OP's picture. I should have probably never added "People like this should never own a pet" because it was an exaggeration.

My bad, but I do see your point. The dog does look well taken cared of. I guess the dog was just scared of all the attention.

>> No.6738907

I wanted to dress up my dog Dante, as Dante. He was a border collie (black and white) and had one blue eye and one brown...I named him that because the Devil May Cry series was basically my favourite when I played the first at 12...Unfortunately he died on the 4th of Feb this year I saw this tread and suddenly remember how cute he would have looked and I feel pretty sad right now.
Dressing your pet up isn't abusive unless it actually causes them distress. Dante never really wore anything except a pair of antlers for pets, and when we shaved him and it was cold we put an old jumper on him to keep him warm and he didn't mind. The antlers he just knocked off. He loved attention and being touched so I don't think he would have hated a costume.

>> No.6741281
File: 264 KB, 494x479, Carface_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone seriously needs to dress their dog up like Carface, I don't have a dog yet, so I cant.

>> No.6741679



>> No.6741682

hi d.green.dispatch@gmail.com

>> No.6741700
File: 965 KB, 498x266, 1364990690963.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All Dogs go to Heaven

>> No.6741704

I'm sorry about your loss. But I can't help but ask, why would you ever shave a Border Collie?

>> No.6741715

Not the same anon but border collies get fluffy as fuck and they can easily get fur locks, I did the same with mine.